PLANNING REF : 193392 PROPERTY ADDRESS : 6 Wellington Cottages : Warren Row, : RG10 8QX SUBMITTED BY : Mr Will Varrall DATE SUBMITTED : 05/02/2020

COMMENTS: Dear Sirs Application Ref: 193392 I write to strongly object to this latest planning application at the Star Works Landfill Site, Star Lane, . This latest application seeks a variation to extend the current timeline for completion of the Landfil l works and the reinstatement of the site, previously approved under application ref 153172. The retention, restoration and preservation of the Green Belt and the surrounding Ancient Woodland which this site is located within is enshrined in local and gov ernment planning policy. Timescales were set under the 2015 permission that provided ample time for the implementation of the final landfill works and the reinstatement of the site under the terms and obligations of that permission. There are no valid pla nning policy reasons for allowing this further extension and any continued delays will only prolong the ongoing negative impacts, disruption and pollution on residents, neighbouring properties and land and the wider local environment. Grundon&65533;s own past newsletters (2018) have confirmed that the Landfill has been completed but they now state in this latest application that there is a shortage of inert waste to use for the restoration engineering material and therefore the reinstatement cannot b e completed within the approved time period. I would question the validity of this argument considering the significant number of development sites across both Wokingham Borough Council and Royal Borough of Windsor and Districts, let alone furt her afield including the work to the M4. Surely in the past 18 months, the required quantity of inert material could and should have been stockpiled on site to be utilised at the necessary stage to complete the works under the current planning consent wi thin the approved timescale. As well as suggesting a lack of available inert materials, Grundon now also suggest that increased costs of inert material are a reason for the delay, however increased costs are not a valid planning consideration and should n ot be used as a reason to grant a further time extension. Granting a time extension based on potentially increased costs in order to implement specific obligations under a previous planning consent would set a dangerous precedent for any future applicatio ns either on this site or across the borough. As set out in the Berkshire Minerals Plan (Policy 18) Grundon have a responsibility and obligation to ensure appropriate and timely restoration, and this should be undertaken without undue delay. The restored landscape must harmonise with its surroundings and uphold the character of the area. The Star Works site lies within the Green Belt and the setting of the Ancient Woodland with the various public footpaths around and through it and it must be reinstated under the obligations of the 2015 approval within the approved timescales and no extensions should be considered. Policy 18 of the Berkshire Minerals Plan also clearly states that Wokingham Borough Council have the necessary powers available to enforce th e completion of the restoration of the site within the already agreed timescales should Grundon fail to meet the current timescales. Wokingham Borough Council should refuse this latest application and its officers should be robustly enforcing the obligat ions under the current approval along with monitoring progress on the site to ensure the completion of the restoration of the site by 2021. Please confirm that the application will not be determined by way of delegated powers and that should officers by m inded to recommend approving another time extension, that this application will be presented at Planning Committee to ensure that residents, neighbouring landowners and other interested parties all have a further opportunity to make repre sentations.