Join the Race: The Clifton Chronicles Library Promotion

Pan Macmillan Publishers and The Reading Agency are excited to be able to offer libraries across the UK the chance to be part of the Join the Race library promotion to celebrate the grand finale of Jeffrey's Archer's bestselling family drama series The Clifton Chronicles which concludes in November. His books are consistently in the most borrowed charts from libraries.

Most readers are aware of . Having written 34 books, sold 275 million copies worldwide and achieved 24 Sunday Times No. 1 bestsellers, Jeffrey Archer is a global publishing phenomenon. Thirty-nine years since he first burst onto the literary scene, he is the only UK author ever to have been a number one bestseller in fiction (21 times), short stories (four times) and non- fiction (The Prison Diaries).

Jeffrey Archer is a global publishing phenomenon, and his books are consistently in the most borrowed charts from libraries. His hugely popular and bestselling family drama series, The Clifton Chronicles, brings to life the key historical and political events of the 20th century over the course of one family’s story, with their triumphs and their tragedies. The ambition of its scale and its memorable cast of characters have captured the imaginations of readers across the globe, with all six books in the series so far reaching No.1 in the Sunday Times chart, including the penultimate book in the series which was released in hardback in February. Later this year, on 3 November Pan Macmillan will be publishing the final book in the series, This Was a Man.

Even with this success, we know that some readers are yet to discover Archer. We want to reach all readers, both new and lapsed to remind them exactly why he is still a bestselling author and to introduce them to The Clifton’s – the family we follow throughout seven books, across a century and introduce them to this epic family drama. As so many library customers enjoy Jeffrey Archer, where better to launch such a promotion!

Before this exciting finale, we would like to introduce more readers to The Clifton Chronicles and challenge them to catch-up on the series before the final book is published. JOIN THE RACE!

What Pan Macmillan wish to achieve with this challenge:

 We want to equip libraries with materials that will allow them to run a promotion that engages their customers  We would like this to appeal to a broad range of readers:  Saga /family drama reading groups  General reading groups who may not have engaged with Archer recently or indeed ever  We want to see reader perceptions of Jeffrey Archer challenged or re-affirmed with increased engagement  We want more people to be actively reading and engaging with The Clifton Chronicles and following the series to the finale.

What Pan Macmillan will provide:

We have paperbacks and promotional materials to offer all libraries participating.

The titles to be read in order are:

1. Only Time Will Tell 2. The Sins of the Father 3. 4. Be Careful What You Wish For 5. 6. Cometh the Hour

Promotional packs containing the below are available to order:

 5 x A3 posters – 3 general designs / 2 reader endorsements  30 x general review cards  5 x shelftalkers (with reader endorsements)  50 x bookmarks  1 x Ideas pack  Social media pack and toolkit (electronic)

What Libraries Need to Commit to In Return:

Each library must commit to the following:

 At least two reading groups to read Only Time Will Tell throughout the course of the promotion and complete review cards to be added to library display and encourage them to continue with the Clifton Chronicles series  Each library must commit to creating a prominent display and keeping it refreshed as new materials arrive from the publisher  Libraries to actively encourage readers to take part in the promotion by completing review cards and adding them to the display  Share the photos taken of the displays, reading group activity in libraries, in particular key snaps of reviews left by readers – please email your photos to [email protected] and share to #Jointherace online  Where possible we would like libraries and their readers to leave reviews and feedback on the physical library display  Each participating library must fill in an evaluation form at the end of the promotion  Where possible would reveal their lending figures at the beginning and end of the promotion  There will be a competition prize awarded to the most innovative and creative library taking part - the prize will be 10 hardback copies of the final book in The Clifton Chronicles This Was a Man and a case of wine and chocolates for the library staff


May 9 – 27th: invitation open to libraries to sign up to take part in the promotion

July: promotional packs and first instalment of books delivered to libraries (set one)

August: Campaign launch

Set one titles:

 Only Time Will Tell reading group set (10 books per address)  The Sins of the Father


Libraries to receive second instalment of books

Set two titles:

 Best Kept Secret  Be Careful What You Wish For


Libraries to receive point of sale to promote the final book in the series This Was a Man and third instalment of books

 5 x A3 posters  50 x bookmarks

Set three titles:

 Mightier Than The Sword  Cometh the Hour


Promotion closes 30 November


Libraries return feedback form and issue data to [email protected] by Friday 9 December.

Winning library display announced

**Please note: the publisher will provide a reading group set of Only Time Will Tell to each delivery point. Quantities of other titles will vary.**