S ummary of Sites in the Northern

Territory Natural Resource

Management Region

2011- 2017

Storm clouds gathering, Owen Springs Reserve


AusPlots gratefully acknowledges the staff from NT Government past and present who have assisted in a myriad of ways with the project. Particular thanks are due to Peter Conradi, Angus Duigiud, Peter Latz, Peter Jobson, Nick Cuff, Ian Cowie, Mark Trower, Debbie Randel, Dave Albreacht, Sheriden Martin, Gary Weir, Phil Cowan and Peter MacDonald. Thanks, are also due to the numerous landholders who have assisted in the project and allowed access to their properties and the many volunteers who have help collect, curate and process the data and samples.


Introduction...... 1 Accessing the Data ...... 3 Point intercept data ...... 3 collections ...... 3 tissue samples...... 3 Site description information ...... 3 Structural summary ...... 3 Leaf Area Index ...... 3 Basal area ...... 3 Soil classification ...... 4 Soil meta barcoding samples ...... 4 Soil bulk density ...... 4 3D photo panorama ...... 4 Regional Context...... 7 Potential Uses for AusPlots Data from the NT Natural Resource Management Region ...... 11 For more information ...... 11 Appendices ...... 12 Appendix 1. Summary of AusPlots data and samples from within NT Natural Resource Management region ...... 12 Appendix 2. Co-location with existing plots ...... 13 Appendix 3. Revisits ...... 15 Appendix 4. Plot locations ...... 16 Appendix 5. Point intercept data ...... 22 Appendix 6. Substrate and growth form ...... 24 Appendix 7. Structural summary...... 26 Appendix 8. Soil classification ...... 27 Appendix 9. Bulk density ...... 28 Appendix 10. Plant collection ...... 29

Introduction Beginning in 2011, AusPlots, part of the Terrestrial Ecosystems Research Network (TERN), undertook surveys in the Natural Resource Management Region. The surveys involved vegetation and soils work following the AusPlots Rangelands methodology, with 127 plots completed. The plots are part of over 580 plots completed nationally. Figure 1 shows the national AusPlots plot network, and Figure 2 shows the locations of the plots in NT Natural Resource Management region.

This report provides a snapshot of some of the data which was collected during the survey work. A more detailed description of the methods used can be found online in our AusPlots Rangelands Survey Protocols Manual (White et al. 2012), available from our website www.ausplots.org.

Figure 1. AusPlots plot network LandSat Image used courtesy of the Commonwealth Department of the Environment


Figure 2. AusPlots Rangelands plot locations in NT Natural Resource Management region Topographic data copyright Geoscience


Accessing the Data All of the data the AusPlots collects is freely available online through the AEKOS data portal at www.aekos.org.au. It can also be viewed on the Soils to Satellites website which contains a range of useful visualisations sourced from the Atlas of Living Australia. At http://www.soils2satellites.org.au/.

Point intercept data The point intercept method is a straightforward method that is readily repeatable and requires little instruction to produce reliable plot information. It provides accurate benchmark data at each plot including substrate type and cover; as well as species structural information such as growth form, height, cover and abundance and population vertical structure. The demographic information produced at each plot can be compared spatially to indicate plot differences, and temporally to indicate change over time. Additionally, the cover data collected at each plot can be used to validate cover data extrapolated through remote sensing techniques.

Plant collections Each species that is found within the plot has a herbarium grade sample taken. These have all been formally identified by the NT herbarium. Much of the material is then lodged at the NT Herbarium or at the AusPlots facility in .

Leaf tissue samples All of the above samples also have leaf tissue samples taken. This involves placing leaf samples from each species into a cloth bag and drying them on silica desiccant. All of the dominant species have an extra 4 samples collected. These samples are available for use on application to Ausplots facility in Adelaide. They are able to be used for genetic analysis, isotopic composition and range of other uses.

Site description information Contextual information is also collected at each plot. This includes measures of slope an aspect, surface strew and lithology, and information on the grazing and fire history of the site. The plots location is also recorded with a differential GPS and the plot corners and centres (with landholder permission) marked with a star picket.

Structural summary Detailed structural summary information is also collected at each plot. When combined with the height and cover information from the point intercept data it enables the creation of structural description compatible with and NVIS level 5 description.

Leaf Area Index In plots where a mid and/or upper canopy is present a measure of Leaf Area is recorded. The tool used is an LAI- 2200 and it captures LAI measurements in a range of canopies using one or two sensors attached to a single data logger (LI-COR 1990). The LAI data has a range of potential application such as studies of canopy growth, canopy productivity, woodland vigour, canopy fuel load, air pollution deposition, modelling insect defoliation, remote sensing, and the global carbon cycle.

Basal area Basal area measurements are collected across plots where woody biomass is taller than 2 m. Basal area measurements provide information useful for calculating biomass and carbon levels and for structural studies. The wedge aperture, the length of string – 50 cm (and hence the distance from the eye and subsequent angle from the eye to the edges of the wedge aperture) and species count are all important in calculations. Algorithms developed for use with the basal wedge include the above data to calculate plant basal area on a per hectare basis even

3 though species are counted outside the one hectare plot area. The method is plotless but used because it is based on the concept of circles (trunks/basal area) within circles (circular plots) – the area of one varies proportionally to the change in the area of the other. Use of the basal wedge may be superseded by further improvement of the 3D photo point method and development of algorithms to provide information on vegetation community structure.

Soil classification Description of soils, including basic information on the information that has been recorded, the number of recordings and the coverage of locations, are generally poor across the rangelands region of Australia. The plot descriptions and soil characterisations collected by AusPlots will substantially alleviate this paucity of information. The data collected can also be used to increase the reliability of the rangelands component of the Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia, produced by the TERN facility consistent with the Global Soil Map specifications. Analyses of the collected samples will greatly enhance the level of knowledge (e.g. nutrient and carbon levels) and hence understanding of rangelands soils and how they will respond to climate change and management options. It is hoped to eventually be able to analyse all nine of the soil pits from within the plot using a number of different methods e.g. wet chemistry, MIR or NIR (mid infrared spectrometry or near infrared spectroscopy) either individually to provide a measure of variation of the parameter being measured across a plot or bulked together and a sub-sample extracted and analysed to provide a mean value for that parameter across a plot.

Soil meta barcoding samples Metagenomics is the study of genetic material recovered directly from environmental samples. Soil metagenomics provides the opportunity to understand what organisms are present at survey plots and provides an indication on their abundance. The collection techniques result in a bias towards higher order organisms. All of the AusPlots within NT Natural Resource Management region have soil meta barcoding samples collected.

Soil bulk density The soil bulk density (BD), also known as dry bulk density, is the weight of dry soil divided by the total soil volume. The total soil volume is the combined volume of solids and pores which may contain air or water, or both. The average values of air, water and solid in soil are easily measured and are a useful indication of a soils physical condition. Soil test results are most often presented either as a percentage of soil (e.g. % organic carbon) or as a weight per unit of soil (e.g. nitrogen, mg/kg). As bulk density is a measure of soil weight in a given volume, it provides a useful conversion from these units to an area basis unit (e.g. t/ha). The resulting number gives an easily understandable idea of the carbon storage or nutritional status of the soil on an area basis.

3D photo panorama AusPlots uses a three-dimensional method for photographing the site. This involves taking three 360 degree panoramas in a triangular pattern. This allows the creation of a 3D model of the vegetation within the site which can be used to monitor change over time, track plot condition as well as providing a unique, fast measurement of basal area and biomass. Photo panoramas for some of the plots are shown below.


NTABRT0001- 1st visit 2012

NTAFIN0007 1st Visit 2011

NTAFIN0007 1st Revisit March 2016

NTAFIN0008 1st Visit 2011

NTAFIN0008 1st Revisit March 2016


NTAGFU0005- 1st visit 2012

NTAMGD0001- 1st visit 2014

NTASSD0001- 1st visit 2012


Regional Context

Figure 3. Modelled 9s elevation Data from: Xu and Hutchinson, 2011. ANUCLIM Version 6.1. Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University, Australia.


Figure 4. Conservation and pastoral land use CAPAD 2014 © Commonwealth of Australia


Figure 5. Mean annual temperature Data from: Xu and Hutchinson, 2011. ANUCLIM Version 6.1. Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University, Australia.


Figure 6. Mean annual precipitation


Climate Data from: Xu and Hutchinson, 2011. ANUCLIM Version 6.1. Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University, Australia. Potential Uses for AusPlots Data from the NT Natural Resource Management Region The AusPlots survey method was developed out of a dire need for consistent, national scale ecological data and surveillance monitoring. As such, the data can be used in a range of ways both in the NT Natural Resource Management region but also to allow comparisons across the continent. Currently, a range of researchers and land managers make use of the data and samples. Some example applications that may be applicable within the region are listed below.

• Assessing vegetation change using the AusPlots methodology as both a baseline and a continued surveillance monitoring tool. • Detecting the impact of invasive species based on soil and vegetation data. • Ground-truthing satellite derived vegetation and soil data • Soil carbon analysis using the soil bulk density samples • Mapping soil phosphorus, nitrogen and other nutrients using soil pit and subsite samples • Assessing fuel loading using the basal area and leaf area data. • Use of the leaf tissue samples for genetic and isotopic analysis. For more information More information on the AusPlots facility can be found on our website www.AusPlots.org

For more information regarding the survey work in NT Natural Resource Management Region and assistance downloading and utilising the data from AEKOS and Soils2Satellites contact Emrys Leitch, AusPlots Field Survey Officer, [email protected]

For more information regarding the AusPlots facility, contact Ben Sparrow, AusPlots Director, [email protected]



Appendix 1. Summary of AusPlots data and samples from within NT Natural Resource Management region

AusPlots Data and Samples Count

Total plant collections 6253

Total leaf tissue samples 9552

Total number of soil samples 3034

Total weight of soil (kg) 3034

Number of plots with bulk density data 101

Number of plots with LAI data 75

Number of plots with basal wedge data 71

Total metagenomic samples 1143

Total metagenomic weight (kg) 572


Appendix 2. Co-location with existing plots AusPlots works on a mix of both new plots (where this is little existing monitoring infrastructure) and co-location with existing plots. Many of the plots in NT Natural Resource Management region, are co-located with existing monitoring sites. The table below provides the name of the AusPlots plot and the corresponding site.

AusPlots name Site name Organisation Contact

NTABRT0001 Flux Tower 1 footprint TERN- Oz Flux Derek Eamus

NTABRT0002 Flux Tower 1 footprint TERN- Oz Flux Derek Eamus

NTABRT0003 Flux Tower 1 footprint TERN- Oz Flux Derek Eamus

NTABRT0004 Flux Tower 2 footprint TERN- Oz Flux Derek Eamus

NTABRT0005 Flux Tower 2 footprint TERN- Oz Flux Derek Eamus

NTABRT0006 Flux Tower 2 footprint TERN- Oz Flux Derek Eamus

NTADAC0001 Litchfield Supersite TERN Supersites- Charles Darwin University Lindsay Hutley

NTAFIN0004 STH024 Owen Springs Vegetation Mapping Project Ben Sparrow

NTAFIN0005 STH022 Owen Springs Vegetation Mapping Project Ben Sparrow

NTAFIN0006 STH025 Owen Springs Vegetation Mapping Project Ben Sparrow

NTAFIN0007 NTH049 Owen Springs Vegetation Mapping Project Ben Sparrow

NTAFIN0008 NTH040 Owen Springs Vegetation Mapping Project Ben Sparrow

NTAFIN0009 STH042 Owen Springs Vegetation Mapping Project Ben Sparrow

NTAFIN0010 STH028 Owen Springs Vegetation Mapping Project Ben Sparrow

NTAFIN0011 STH010 Owen Springs Vegetation Mapping Project Ben Sparrow

NTAFIN0017 Adjacent Wetlands monitoring site Dept. of Land Resource Management Angus Duguid

NTASSD0011 AS10 Dept. of Land Resource Management Peter McDonald

NTASSD0012 AS12 Dept. of Land Resource Management Peter McDonald

NTASSD0013 AS14 Dept. of Land Resource Management Peter McDonald

NTASSD0014 AS08 Dept. of Land Resource Management Peter McDonald

NTASSD0016 AS04 Dept. of Land Resource Management Peter McDonald

NTASSD0017 AS16 Dept. of Land Resource Management Peter McDonald

NTASSD0018 AS06 Dept. of Land Resource Management Peter McDonald

NTTDAC0001 Litchfield Supersite TERN Supersites Lindsay Hutley

NTAARP0001 KS1 TERN Australian Transect Network Alan Anderson

NTAARP0002 KS2 TERN Australian Transect Network Alan Anderson

NTAARP0003 KS3 TERN Australian Transect Network Alan Anderson

NTADAC0002 KN1 TERN Australian Transect Network Alan Anderson

NTAGFU0041 MA1 TERN Australian Transect Network Alan Anderson

NTAMGD0003 NW1 TERN Australian Transect Network Alan Anderson

NTAMGD0004 NW3 TERN Australian Transect Network Alan Anderson

NTAMGD0005 NW2 TERN Australian Transect Network Alan Anderson

NTAPCK0001 KN2 TERN Australian Transect Network Alan Anderson

NTAPCK0002 KN3 TERN Australian Transect Network Alan Anderson

NTASTU0001 MD3 TERN Australian Transect Network Alan Anderson

NTASTU0002 MD2 TERN Australian Transect Network Alan Anderson

NTASTU0003 MD1 TERN Australian Transect Network Alan Anderson


NTASTU0004 MA2 TERN Australian Transect Network Alan Anderson

NTASTU0005 MA3 TERN Australian Transect Network Alan Anderson


Appendix 3. Revisits Many of the plots located in the NT NRM region now have multiple visits over time adding temporal depth to the data. The table below provides names of the plots that have more than one visit.

Plot Name Visit Date

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16

NTAFIN0002 23-Sep-11

NTAFIN0002 05-Mar-16

NTAFIN0003 24-Sep-11

NTAFIN0003 04-Mar-16

NTAFIN0004 06-Oct-11

NTAFIN0004 02-Mar-16

NTAFIN0005 05-Oct-11

NTAFIN0005 06-Mar-16

NTAFIN0006 07-Oct-11

NTAFIN0006 06-Mar-16

NTAFIN0007 12-Oct-11

NTAFIN0007 02-Mar-16

NTAFIN0008 13-Oct-11

NTAFIN0008 03-Mar-16

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16

NTAFIN0010 18-Oct-11

NTAFIN0010 07-Mar-16

NTAFIN0011 20-Oct-11

NTAFIN0011 06-Mar-16


Appendix 4. Plot locations

Plot Name Date Location Latitude Longitude

NTAARP0001 02-Jun-16 Kakadu National Park, 37 km west of Gimbit homestead. 56.5 km north east 132.270081 -13.557280 of Pine Creek

NTAARP0002 02-Jun-16 Kakadu National Park, 34.5 km west of Gimbat homestead. 58.5 km north east 132.294340 -13.545610 of Pine Creek

NTAARP0003 03-Jun-16 Kakadu National Park. 18 km west north west of Gimbat homestead. 75 km 132.457060 -13.516980 north east of Pine Creek.

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Pine Hill Station. 25 km south west of Ti-Tree. Site is 130 m from supersite flux 133.247328 -22.283600 tower.

NTABRT0002 19-Mar-12 Pine Hill Station. 25 km south west of Ti-Tree. 100 m west of flux tower. 133.250631 -22.283668

NTABRT0003 22-Mar-12 Pine Hill Station. 22 km South West of Ti-Tree. Approximately 3 km east of 133.269857 -22.283579 flux tower.

NTABRT0004 03-Mar-12 Pine Hill Station. 25 km south east of Ti-Tree. 20 km east of . 133.616421 -22.289809 South west corner of the site is 200 m north west of proposed supersite flux tower.

NTABRT0005 24-Mar-12 Pine Hill Station. 25 km south east of Ti-Tree. Approximately 200 m south of 133.612075 -22.291079 proposed flux tower.

NTABRT0006 24-Mar-12 Pine Hill Station. 25 km south east of Ti-Tree. 200 m north west of proposed 133.613257 -22.289081 flux tower.

NTADAC0001 28-May-13 Litchfield National Park. 30 km south west of Bachelor. 77.5 km south south 130.777911 -13.158351 west of Darwin. Along track to Lost City from Litchfield Road.

NTADAC0002 06-May-16 Kakadu National Park, 20 km south of Kapalga homestead. 53.8 km west 132.340335 -12.739224 south west of Jabiru.

NTAFIN0001 22-Oct-13 Owen Springs Reserve. 63 km south west of . 133.467921 -24.124302

NTAFIN0002 23-Sep-11 Central Waterhouse Range, Owen Springs Reserve. 50 km west of Alice 133.434310 -24.009422 Springs.

NTAFIN0003 24-Sep-11 Owen Springs Reserve. Main Channel of Hugh River 1 km north of Redbank 133.477009 -24.132202 Waterhole. 60 km south west of Alice Springs.

NTAFIN0004 06-Oct-11 Top of James Range, Owen Springs Reserve. 73 km south west of Alice 133.376368 -24.187241 Springs.

NTAFIN0005 05-Oct-11 James Range, Owen Springs Reserve. 75 km south west of Alice Springs. 133.373935 -24.196501

NTAFIN0006 07-Oct-11 North of James Range. Owen Springs Reserve. 73 km south west of Alice 133.379402 -24.177592 Springs.

NTAFIN0007 12-Oct-11 Calcareous rise north of Waterhouse Range, Owen Springs Reserve. 52 km 133.436038 -23.941186 south west of Alice Springs

NTAFIN0008 13-Oct-11 Western edge of Hugh River floodplain, north of Waterhouse Range, Owen 133.415494 -23.930626 Springs Reserve. 53 km west south west of Alice Springs.

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 North of James Range. Owen Springs Reserve. 68 km south west of Alice 133.390895 -24.128019 Springs.

NTAFIN0010 18-Oct-11 North of James Range. Owen Springs reserve. 70 km south west of Alice 133.373296 -24.133292 Springs.

NTAFIN0011 20-Oct-11 North of James Range. Owen Springs Reserve. 75 km south west of Alice 133.327181 -24.161882 Springs.

NTAFIN0012 04-Nov-11 North of Bacon Range, northern edge of Henbury Meteorite Crater Reserve, 133.142096 -24.569228 Henbury Station. 120 km south west of Alice Springs.

NTAFIN0013 05-Nov-11 5 km north of Henbury Meteorite Crater Reserve. 115 km south of Alice 133.184573 -24.541537


Plot Name Date Location Latitude Longitude Springs.

NTAFIN0014 07-Nov-11 5.2 km north east of Henbury Meteorite Crater Reserve. 116 km south west of 133.169543 -24.530911 Alice Springs.

NTAFIN0015 08-Nov-11 Northern edge of , 4.5 km north west of Henbury Homestead. 110 133.222826 -24.515697 km south west of Alice Springs.

NTAFIN0016 09-Nov-11 Chandler Range. On Northern slope, close to Cotton Bush Bore, 9.5 km north 133.302965 -24.484365 east of Henbury Station. 103 km south west of Alice Springs.

NTAFIN0017 29-Nov-11 Alalgara Waterhole, Finke River, 7km SE of Running Waters, Henbury Station. 132.960286 -24.377487 120 km south west of Alice Springs.

NTAFIN0018 30-Nov-11 Hill slope, northern edge of Finke River floodplain. 5 km SE of Running Waters, 132.949442 -24.364663 Henbury Station. 119 km south west of Alice Springs.

NTAFIN0019 01-Dec-11 Henbury Station. Northern edge of Finke River floodplain 4 km south east of 132.935748 -24.358178 Running Waters. 119 km south west of Alice Springs.

NTAFIN0020 07-Dec-11 Dunefield between bends of Finke River 20 km south east of Henbury 133.401685 -24.668568 Homestead, Henbury Station. 116 km south south west of Alice Springs.

NTAFIN0021 08-Dec-11 4km east of Finke river. 25 km south east of Henbury Homestead, Henbury 133.463871 -24.672016 Station. 115 km south south west of Alice Springs.

NTAFIN0022 09-Dec-11 16 km south of Chandler Range on track to Rockhole Bore, Henbury Station. 133.452184 -24.631188 111 km south south west of Alice Springs.

NTAFIN0023 10-Dec-11 4 Km South of Chandler Range on track to Rockhole bore, Henbury Station. 133.437364 -24.559772 105 km south south west of Alice Springs.

NTAFIN0024 13-Feb-12 North edge of Finke River floodplain. 18 km north north west of Idracowra 133.659203 -24.917571 Homestead, Idracowra Station. 136 km south of Alice Springs.

NTAFIN0025 14-Feb-12 100m from Ghan Railway line. North of main Charlotte Range. 28 km north 133.676456 -24.818364 north west of Idracowra Homestead, Idracowra Station. 125 km south of Alice Springs.

NTAFIN0026 14-Mar-12 Old Man Plain Research Station 26.5 km south south west of Alice Springs. 133.750581 -23.836730 Track into Mulga dam.

NTAFIN0027 26-Mar-12 Old Man Plain Research Station 29 km south west of Alice Springs. 1.5 km 133.633300 -23.835730 south east of Mt Ertwa.

NTAFIN0028 22-Sep-12 Umbeara Station 12.5 km north east of Kulgera Roadhouse. 133.393081 -25.769930

NTAFIN0029 23-Sep-12 Umbeara Station 18 km north east of Kulgera Roadhouse. 133.438483 -25.737474

NTAFIN0030 24-Oct-12 Umbeara Station 22 km south south east of Umbeara Homestead. 5.5 km 133.781243 -25.948109 north of SA/NT border.

NTAFIN0031 25-Oct-12 Umbeara Station 26.5 km south east of Umbeara Homestead. 11 km north of 133.896594 -25.899891 SA/NT border.

NTAFIN0032 01-Nov-12 Old South Road 28 km south south east of Alice Springs. 133.922550 -23.953766

NTAFIN0033 06-Nov-12 Old South Road 38 km south south east of Alice Springs. 133.971755 -24.033658

NTAGFU0001 12-Apr-12 Alexandria Station. 11 km south of Mittiebah Homestead. 150 km north east 137.069265 -18.905507 of Barkley Roadhouse.

NTAGFU0002 13-Apr-12 Alexandria Station. 12 km south south west of Mittiebah homestead. 148 km 137.052240 -18.918119 north east of Barkley Roadhouse.

NTAGFU0003 14-Apr-12 Mittiebah Station. 20 km north north east of homestead. 177 km north east 137.124439 -18.634370 of Barkley Roadhouse.

NTAGFU0004 15-Apr-12 Mittiebah Station. 21 km north north east of homestead 178 km north east of 137.123449 -18.624056 Barkley Roadhouse.

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Mittiebah Station. 17 km north north east of homestead. 173 km north east 137.121141 -18.653191 of Barkley Roadhouse.


Plot Name Date Location Latitude Longitude

NTAGFU0006 18-Apr-12 Mittiebah Station. 25 km west of Mittiebah Homestead. Floodout of Burton 136.847072 -18.778691 Creek. 128 km north east of Barkley Roadhouse.

NTAGFU0007 19-Apr-12 Mittiebah Station. 27 km west of Mittiebah Homestead. 130 km north east of 136.826203 -18.776915 Barkley Roadhouse.

NTAGFU0008 20-Apr-12 Mittiebah Station. 23 km west of Mittiebah Homestead. 130 km north east of 136.865340 -18.786074 Barkley Roadhouse.

NTAGFU0009 21-Apr-12 Mittiebah Station. 10 km west of Mittiebah Homestead. 130 km north east of 136.983424 -18.800974 Barkley Roadhouse.

NTAGFU0010 09-May-12 Benmara Station. 2.5 km west of Nicolson River. 21 km east north east of 137.100604 -17.896278 Benmara Homestead. 236 km north east of Barkley Roadhouse.

NTAGFU0011 10-May-12 Benmara Station .2.5km West of Nicolson River. 21km east north east of 137.072365 -17.895706 Benmara Homestead. 236 km north east of Barkley Roadhouse.

NTAGFU0012 11-May-12 Benmara Station. 12 km West of Nicolson River. 12km east north east of 137.018995 -17.895643 Benmara Homestead. 236 km north east of Barkley Roadhouse.

NTAGFU0013 12-May-12 Benmara Station. 13 km west of Nicolson River. 11 km east north east of 137.011624 -17.895909 Benmara Homestead. 236 km north east of Barkley Roadhouse.

NTAGFU0014 14-May-12 Benmara Station. 19km north north east of Benmara homestead. 2km South 136.938900 -17.751789 West of Coanjula creek. 248km north east of Barkley Roadhouse.

NTAGFU0015 14-May-12 Benmara Station. 19.5km north north east of Benmara homestead. 1.5km 136.943049 -17.744460 South West of Coanjula creek. 248km north east of Barkley Roadhouse.

NTAGFU0016 16-Jun-12 Calvert Hills Station. 7.5 km west north west of Calvert Hills Homestead. 162 137.260260 -17.220886 km south east of Borroloola.

NTAGFU0017 17-May-12 Calvert Hills Station. 10 km west north west of Calvert hills homestead. 167 137.157960 -17.354898 km south east of Borroloola.

NTAGFU0018 18-May-12 Calvert Hills Station. 23 km South west of Calvert hills homestead. 161 km 137.183413 -17.272486 south east of Borroloola.

NTAGFU0019 18-May-12 Calvert Hills Station. 16 km West South West of Calvert hills homestead. 160 137.236293 -17.217742 km south east of Borroloola.

NTAGFU0020 05-Jun-12 Macarthur River Station. 14km south east of Macarthur River Homestead 5km 135.963350 -16.724870 West of Kilgour river. 80km South West of Borroloola.

NTAGFU0021 06-Jun-12 Macarthur River Station. 14.5 km south east of Macarthur river homestead 135.942920 -16.715400 5km West of Kilgour river. 80km South West of Borroloola.

NTAGFU0022 07-Jun-12 Macarthur River Station. 14 km south east of Macarthur River Homestead 135.963400 -16.731020 5km West of Kilgour River. 80km South West of Borroloola.

NTAGFU0023 09-Jun-12 MacArthur River Station. 18 km south south west of Macarthur River 135.830040 -16.823890 Homestead. Top of Abner Range. 95 km south west of Borroloola.

NTAGFU0024 10-Jun-12 Macarthur River Station. 18 km south south west of Macarthur River 135.893210 -16.826000 Homestead. Top of Abner Range. 95 km South West of Borroloola.

NTAGFU0025 10-Jun-12 Macarthur River Station. 18 km south of Macarthur River Homestead. Top of 135.855180 -16.825250 Abner Range. 95 km south west of Borroloola.

NTAGFU0026 12-Jun-12 Limmen national park. 25 km south south west of Ranger Station. Western 135.406070 -15.809120 edge of eastern creek, north of Dulurru Waterhole. 100 km west north west of Borroloola.

NTAGFU0027 13-Jun-12 Limmen National Park. 12 km south south east of Ranger Station. 99 km north 135.460610 -15.679280 west of Borroloola.

NTAGFU0028 14-Jun-12 Limmen National Park. 6km South east of Ranger Station. 700 m west of 135.459750 -15.629240 Butterfly Spring. 102 km north west of Borroloola.

NTAGFU0029 15-Jun-12 Limmen National Park 6km north west of Ranger Station. Edge of Catfish 135.409020 -15.538100


Plot Name Date Location Latitude Longitude Waterhole. 112 km north west of Borroloola.

NTAGFU0030 05-Jul-12 Wongalara Reserve. 10 km west north West of Wongalara Homestead. 166 134.377832 -14.134896 km north east of Mataranka.

NTAGFU0031 06-Jul-12 Wongalara Reserve. 9.5 km west north west of Wongalara Homestead. 166 134.386679 -14.125855 km north east of Mataranka.

NTAGFU0032 07-Jul-12 Wongalara Reserve. 10 km West of Wongalara Homestead. 165 km north east 134.373603 -14.150625 of Mataranka.

NTAGFU0033 08-Jul-12 Wongalara Reserve. 13.5 km south west of Wongalara Homestead. 165 km 134.355481 -14.176962 north east of Mataranka.

NTAGFU0034 09-Jul-12 Wongalara Reserve. 10.5 km north north west of Wongalara Homestead. 174 134.421583 -14.062226 km north east of Mataranka.

NTAGFU0035 10-Jul-12 Wongalara Reserve. 12 km north north West of Wongalara Homestead 176km 134.420676 -14.047863 north east of Mataranka.

NTAGFU0036 11-Jul-12 Moroak Station. 24 km north west of Moroak Homestead. 90 km north east of 133.862982 -14.674576 Mataranka.

NTAGFU0037 12-Jul-12 Moroak Station. 26 km north west of Moroak Homestead. 92 km north east of 133.892357 -14.673675 Mataranka.

NTAGFU0038 12-Jul-12 Moroak Station. 25.5 km north west of Moroak Homestead. 86 km north east 133.893746 -14.689975 of Mataranka.

NTAGFU0039 14-Jul-12 Moroak Station. 25 km north west of Moroak Homestead. 84 km north east of 133.882254 -14.676800 Mataranka.

NTAGFU0040 15-Jul-12 Moroak Station. 22 km north west of Moroak Homestead. 82 km north east of 133.844775 -14.673705 Mataranka.

NTAGFU0041 02-May-16 Mataranka Station, 10.3 km north west of homestead. 24.5 km north west of 132.891462 -14.779995 Mataranka.

NTAMAC0001 06-Oct-14 Owen Springs Reserve.60 km south west of Alice Springs. 133.372264 -23.965956

NTAMAC0002 08-Oct-14 Owen Springs Reserve. 55 km south west of Alice Springs. 133.403506 -23.961729

NTAMAC0003 07-Oct-14 Owen Springs Reserve. 11 km south west of ranger station. 54km south west 133.408613 -23.959111 of Alice Springs.

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Soudan Station. 83km West south west of Camooweal. 137.327139 -20.023046

NTAMGD0002 12-Mar-14 Soudan Station about 84 km west of Camooweal. Close to Six Mile Creek on 137.326733 -20.024677 western side, north of .

NTAMGD0003 28-Apr-16 Station, 3.8 km north east of homestead. 24.5km north 133.438933 -17.358210 west of Elliot.

NTAMGD0004 29-Apr-16 Newcastle WatersStation, 20km south east of homestead. 4.3km north west 133.523490 -17.521322 of Elliott.

NTAMGD0005 29-Apr-16 , 11.7 km south east of homestead. 12.6 km north 133.483566 -17.455846 west of Elliott.

NTAPCK0001 04-May-16 Kakadu National Park, 338 m south east of Bowali visitors centre. 1.4 km west 132.818103 -12.675780 of Jabiru.

NTAPCK0002 05-May-16 Kakadu National Park, 2.9 km west of Baroalba homestead. 16.5 km south 132.793454 -12.820425 south east of Jabiru.

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Sand dune on eastern side of , 88km west of Old Andado 136.306700 -25.308900 homestead. .

NTASSD0002 19-Aug-12 Colson Track. 10 2km east north east of Andado homestead. 175km east 136.293989 -25.287400 north east of Finke community.

NTASSD0003 20-Aug-12 Colson Track, 88 km west of Old Andado homestead. Simpson Desert. 136.298500 -25.298550


Plot Name Date Location Latitude Longitude

NTASSD0004 21-Aug-12 Colson Track, 86 km west of Old Andado homestead, Simpson Desert. 136.274669 -25.252480

NTASSD0005 18-Sep-12 Western side of Colson Track, 27 km north of SA/NT border. Simpson Desert. 136.545461 -25.754780

NTASSD0006 18-Sep-12 Swale on left of Colson Track, 27 km north of SA/NT border. Simpson Desert. 136.546589 -25.753950

NTASSD0007 19-Sep-12 Western side of Colson Track, 24km north of SA/NT border. Simpson Desert. 136.563061 -25.784270

NTASSD0008 19-Sep-12 Crown land, Colson Track. 134 km south east of Andado homestead. 200 km 136.561681 -25.779440 east south east of Finke community.

NTASSD0009 22-Sep-12 Eastern side of Colson Track, 63km north west of Mac Clark conservation 136.009961 -24.782501 park, 34 km south east of Allitra tableland.

NTASSD0010 23-Sep-12 Colson Track, 63km north west of Mac Clark Conservation Park, 37 km SE of 136.019770 -24.793520 Allitra Tableland. Second sand dune east of Colson Track.

NTASSD0011 19-Mar-13 Andado Station, 19km west south west of Station homestead. 55km east 135.115610 -25.480102 north east of Finke community.

NTASSD0012 20-Mar-13 20 km south west of Andado Homestead. 55 km east north east of Finke 135.116206 -25.502765 community.

NTASSD0013 20-Mar-13 About 20 km south west of Andado Homestead. 56 km east of Finke 135.140004 -25.523598 community.

NTASSD0014 23-Mar-13 About 15 km south west of Mac Clarke Conservation Reserve. 93 km north 135.371195 -25.137417 east of Finke community

NTASSD0015 24-Mar-13 2km north of east bore. 10 km east of Mac Clark Conservation Reserve. 115 135.617287 -25.123483 km north east of Finke Community.

NTASSD0016 22-Mar-13 Mac Clark Conservation Reserve. 107 km north east of Finke Community. 135.508487 -25.109662

NTASSD0017 21-Mar-13 5km south west of Andado Homestead. 67 km east north east of Finke 135.258917 -25.476139 Community.

NTASSD0018 01-Jan-13 Mac Clark Conservation Reserve, Andado station. 107km north east of Finke 135.523134 -25.127479 Community.

NTASSD0019 25-Mar-13 20 km west of Mac Clarke Conservation Reserve on Andado Station. 118 km 135.641282 -25.093959 north east of Finke community.

NTASTU0001 30-Apr-16 Maryfield Station, 5km south south east of homestead. 39.5 km south east of 133.411919 -15.876859 Larimah.

NTASTU0002 30-Apr-16 Maryfield Station, 7.6 km north north west of homestead. 27.5km south east 133.378233 -15.767840 of Larimah.

NTASTU0003 01-May-16 Maryfield Station 16 km north west of homstead. 18. km souuth east of 133.327523 -15.706650 Larimah

NTASTU0004 03-May-16 Mataranka Station 3.9 km south east of homstead. 10.2 km north west of 132.991402 -14.863840 Mataranka.

NTASTU0005 03-May-16 Mataranka Station 11.7km south east of homstead. 2.3km north west of 133.047790 -14.908644 Mataranka.

NTTDAB0001 17-Mar-14 Umbrawarra Conservation Park. 9 km north east of Jindare homestead, 23 km 131.674029 -13.962965 south west of Pine Creek.

NTTDAC0001 18-Mar-14 Litchfield National Park. 27 km south west of Bachelor. 130.795707 -13.139896

NTTDMR0001 13-Mar-14 Powel Creek Station. 800 m south west of Homestead. east of Lake Woods. 133.684578 -18.080041

NTTDMR0002 14-Mar-14 Powell Creek Station. 4.5 km west of Homestead. east of Lake Woods. 133.635004 -18.072513

NTTDMR0003 14-Mar-14 Powel Creek Station. 2.2 km west of homestead. South east of Lake Woods. 133.666847 -18.072085

NTTMGD0001 15-Mar-14 Newcastle Waters Station. 10.6 km north north west of homestead, 67 km 133.423842 -17.283044 south of Dunmarra roadhouse.

NTTPCK0001 19-Mar-14 Manton Dam Conservation Reserve. 22 km north east of Bachelor, 56 km 131.126968 -12.872023 south east of Darwin.


Plot Name Date Location Latitude Longitude

NTTSTU0001 15-Mar-14 Hayfield Station. 27 km north west of homestead, 15 km north west of 133.271140 -16.630299 Dunmarra roadhouse.


Appendix 5. Point intercept data

Approx. % Plot name Date Herbarium ID Common Name cover

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 aneura Mulga 22.57

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Acacia aptaneura Slender Mulga 15.15

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Thyridolepis mitchelliana Mulga Grass 9.01

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Eremophila latrobei subsp. glabra 2.97

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Eragrostis eriopoda subsp. Red earth (D.J.Nelson 1651) 2.97

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Psydrax latifolia 1.09

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 *Cenchrus ciliaris A Buffel Grass 5.25

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Rhodanthe tietkensii (dead) 4.65

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 *Cenchrus ciliaris A Buffel Grass 3.86

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Polycalymma stuartii (dead) Poached-eggs Daisy 1.98

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Fimbristylis dichotoma (dead) Common Fringe-rush 1.68

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Fimbristylis dichotoma Common Fringe-rush 1.68

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Calotis hispidula (dead) Bindy eye 1.39

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Calocephalus platycephalus (dead) Western Beauty-heads 1.09

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Dactyloctenium radulans Button Grass 1.09

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Acacia kempeana Granite Wattle 8.91

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Acacia kempeana Granite Wattle 7.52

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Triodia basedowii Buck Spinifex 5.64

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Dead Tree/Shrub (dead) 3.07

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Acacia aptaneura Slender Mulga 2.38

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Eragrostis eriopoda subsp. red earth 2.28

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Acacia estrophiolata Ironwood 1.68

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Acacia aneura Mulga 1.68

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Chrysocephalum eremaeum 1.49

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Triodia basedowii Buck Spinifex 1.39

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Triodia bitextura 32.57

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Acacia thomsonii Thomson's wattle 14.55

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Corymbia drysdalensis 6.53

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Schizachyrium fragile Firegrass 4.85

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Corymbia polycarpa Long-fruited bloodwood 3.86

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 camaldulensis subsp. obtusa Red River Gum 2.28

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Melaleuca viridiflora Broad Leaved Tea Tree 2.28

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Corymbia aspera Rough leaf range gum 1.39

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Acacia alleniana 1.19

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Acacia georginae Georgina Gidgee 27.23

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Dactyloctenium radulans Button Grass 9.50

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Portulaca sp. smooth seed (C.R.Michell 2286) 5.94

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Portulaca oligosperma 2.08

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Cleome viscosa Mustard Bush 1.49

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Portulaca sp. clay soil (S.T.Blake 17854) 1.19


Approx. % Plot name Date Herbarium ID Common Name cover

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Triodia basedowii Buck Spinifex 10.56

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Dicrastylis costelloi 9.96

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Aristida holathera Erect Kerosene Grass 4.78

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Aristida holathera (dead) Erect Kerosene Grass 4.58

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Triodia basedowii (dead) Buck Spinifex 4.48

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Eragrostis eriopoda subsp. Sandy fireweed (P.K.Latz 12908) 4.28

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Scaevola depauperata Skeleton Fan-flower 4.08

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 stenobotrya Rattle-Pod Grevillea 2.09

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Goodenia cycloptera Cut-leaf Goodenia 1.29

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Eremophila macdonnellii No Generally Accepted Common 1.20 Name.


Appendix 6. Substrate and growth form

Approx. % Approx. % Plot name Date Substrate Plot name Date Growth form cover by substrate growth form NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Leaf litter 52.57 NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Shrub 43.07 NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Bare ground 27.33 NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Tussock grass 16.44 NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Cryptogam 19.80 NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Not collected 4.95 NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Coarse woody debris 0.30 NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Forb 0.99 NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Hummock grass 0.99 NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Vine 0.99 NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Chenopod 0.30 NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Fern 0.10

Approx. % Approx. % Plot name Date Substrate Plot name Date Growth form cover by substrate growth form NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Leaf Litter 58.12 NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Forb 25.35 NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Bare ground 40.69 NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Tussock grass 13.07 NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Cryptogam 1.19 NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Sedge 3.37 NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Leaf Litter 51.19 NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Shrub 2.18 NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Bare ground 46.34 NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Chenopod 0.59 NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Cryptogam 2.38 NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Tree/Palm 0.59 NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Tussock grass 16.24 NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Sedge 3.37 NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Shrub 2.18 NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Vine 1.98 NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Forb 1.78 NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Tree 0.40 NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Chenopod 0.20 NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Hummock grass 0.20

Approx. % Approx. % Plot name Date Substrate Plot name Date Growth form cover by substrate growth form NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Bare ground 52.28 NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Not collected 25.74 NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Leaf Litter 47.52 NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Shrub 20.40 NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Cryptogam 0.20 NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Tussock grass 4.55 NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Bare ground 58.51 NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Hummock grass 2.77 NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Leaf Litter 41.39 NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Tree 1.98 NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Cryptogam 0.10 NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Forb 1.78 NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Chenopod 0.40 NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Shrub 31.29 NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Hummock grass 11.29 NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Tussock grass 6.93 NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Forb 6.53 NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Tree 4.95 NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Chenopod 0.79 NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Shrub Mallee 0.79 NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Vine 0.79


Approx. % Approx. % Plot name Date Substrate Plot name Date Growth form cover by substrate growth form NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Leaf litter 75.54 NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Hummock grass 32.57 NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Bare ground 11.19 NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Shrub 18.71 NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Outcrop 8.42 NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Tree 14.06 NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Cryptogam 2.48 NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Tussock grass 8.81 NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Rock 2.28 NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Forb 0.99 NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Coarse woody debris 0.10 NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Sedge 0.50 NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Vine 0.10

Approx. % Approx. % Plot name Date Substrate Plot name Date Growth form cover by substrate growth form NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Leaf litter 36.53 NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Tree 14.75 NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Gravel 31.88 NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Shrub 12.97 NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Bare ground 25.94 NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Forb 12.77 NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Rock 3.27 NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Tussock grass 11.78

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Coarse woody debris 2.38 NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Sedge 0.20 NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Vine 0.10

Approx. % Approx. % Plot name Date Substrate Plot name Date Growth form cover by substrate growth form NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Leaf litter 63.05 NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Hummock grass 15.04 NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Bare ground 36.95 NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Tussock grass 14.34 NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Shrub 13.84 NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Not collected 9.86 NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Forb 6.37


Appendix 7. Structural summary

Plot name Date Structural description

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Acacia aneura/ Acacia aptaneura tall shrubland with a ground stratum dominated by tussock grasses Thyridolepis mitchelliana, Eragrostis eriopoda subsp. red earth. Isolated Eremophila latrobei subsp. glabra and other shrubs in the mid-stratum.

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Diverse tussock grassland / ephemeral forbland on floodplain

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Cenchrus ciliaris low sparse tussock grassland with Fimbristylis dichotoma and Dactyloctenium radulans. Isolated diviaricata trees and isolated Acacia murrayana

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Acacia kempeana tall sparse shrubland on side slope of irregularly shaped dune. Recently burnt.

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Acacia kempeana tall open shrubland with isolated Acacia estrophiolata, Acacia aneura and trees. Ground stratum dominated by Triodia basedowii with Eragrostis eriopoda subsp. red earth and Chrysocephalum eremaeum.

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Corymbia drysdalensis / Corymbia Polycarpaea low woodland with an understratum dominated Triodia bitextura. Mid stratum of Acacia thomsonii and scattered Melaleuca viridiflora . Somewhat similar to previous site (NTAGFU0004) though very long unburnt.

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Acacia cambagei low woodland to tall open shrubland. Some scattered shrubs through the mid stratum. Ground stratum is dominated Dactyloctenium radulans with other annual forbs including Portulaca sp. smooth seed, Portulaca oligosperma and Cleome viscosa

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Triodia basedowii low open hummock grassland with Aristida holathera and Eragrostis eriopoda to a Dicrastylis costelloi and Scaevola depauperata mixed low shrubland.


Appendix 8. Soil classification

Upper Lower Colour when Plot name Horizon Texture pH EC Effervescence depth depth moist

NTABRT0001 0 0.1 A1 Clayey sand 10R34 5 Non-calcareous

NTABRT0001 0.1 0.2 B1 Clayey sand 10R34 6 Non-calcareous

NTABRT0001 0.2 0.4 B21 Clayey sand 2.5YR36 6 Non-calcareous

NTABRT0001 0.4 1 B22 Clayey sand 2.5YR36 6 Non-calcareous

NTAFIN0001 0 0.1 A1 Loamy sand 2.5YR46 7 0.2 Non-calcareous

NTAFIN0001 0.1 1 A3 Loamy sand 2.5YR36 7 0.1 Non-calcareous

NTAFIN0009 0 0.1 A1 Sand 10R46 6 0 Non-calcareous

NTAFIN0009 0.1 0.9 A3 Loamy sand 10R46 6 0 Non-calcareous

NTAFIN0009 0.9 1 B1 Clayey sand 10R46 7 0 Non-calcareous

NTAGFU0005 0 0.05 A11 Loamy sand 7.5YR33 6 Non-calcareous

NTAGFU0005 0.05 0.15 A12 Loamy sand 7.5YR44 6 Non-calcareous

NTAGFU0005 0.15 0.3 A13 Loamy sand 7.5YR43 6 Non-calcareous

NTAMGD0001 0 0.1 A1 Medium clay 10YR42 7 0.4 Non-calcareous

NTAMGD0001 0.1 1 B2 Medium heavy clay 10YR42 8 1 Non-calcareous

NTASSD0001 0 1 A1 Sand 10R48 6 Non-calcareous


Appendix 9. Bulk density

Plot name Sample depth Fine earth weight Fine earth bulk density

NTABRT0001 0.00 - 0.10 cm 361.05 1.72

NTABRT0001 0.00 - 0.20 cm 358.51 1.71

NTABRT0001 0.20 - 0.30 cm 352.2 1.68

NTABRT0001 0.50 - 0.60 cm 362.34 1.73

NTAFIN0001 0.00 - 0.10 cm 354.34 1.69

NTAFIN0001 0.00 - 0.20 cm 367.34 1.75

NTAFIN0001 0.20 - 0.30 cm 362.63 1.73

NTAFIN0009 0.00 - 0.10 cm 368.73 1.76

NTAFIN0009 0.10 - 0.20 cm 380.84 1.82

NTAFIN0009 0.20 - 0.30 cm 371.83 1.78

NTAGFU0005 0.00 - 0.10 cm 354.85 1.69

NTAGFU0005 0.00 - 0.20 cm 383.29 1.83

NTAGFU0005 0.20 - 0.30 cm 392.24 1.87

NTASSD0001 0.00 - 0.10 cm 355.72 1.7

NTASSD0001 0.10 - 0.20 cm 362.02 1.73

NTASSD0001 0.20 - 0.30 cm 360.27 1.72


Appendix 10. Plant collection * Denotes introduced species

Plot name Date Herbarium determination Common name

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Acacia aneura Mulga

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Acacia aptaneura Slender Mulga

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Aristida obscura Rough-seed Wire-grass

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Aristida pruinosa Gulf Feathertop Wiregrass

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Cheilanthes sieberi Mulga Fern

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Cymbopogon ambiguus Lemon Grass

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Digitaria brownii Cotton Grass

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Digitaria divaricatissima Spider Grass

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Enchylaena tomentosa Barrier Saltbush

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Eragrostis eriopoda subsp. Red earth (D.J.Nelson 1651)

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Eremophila gilesii subsp. gilesii Charleville turkey bush (Qld)

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Eremophila latrobei subsp. glabra

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Eriachne helmsii Buck Wanderrie Grass

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Evolvulus alsinoides Tropical Speedwell

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Bootlace Oak

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Hakea macrocarpa Dogwood Hakea

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Hibiscus burtonii

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Hibiscus sturtii var. grandiflorus

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Maireana villosa Silky Bluebush

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Monachather paradoxus Bandicoot Grass

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Psydrax latifolia

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Sarcostemma viminale Caustic Vine

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Senna artemisioides subsp. x artemisioides Silver Cassia

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Sida filiformis

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Sida platycalyx Hemp Mallow

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Sida sp. Wakaya Desert (P.K.Latz 11894)

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Solanum ferocissimum

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Solanum quadriloculatum Tomato Bush

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Thyridolepis mitchelliana Mulga Grass

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Tribulus macrocarpus

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Triodia schinzii

NTABRT0001 19-Mar-12 Tripogon loliiformis Five Minute Grass

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Abutilon otocarpum Desert Chinese Lantern

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Acacia estrophiolata Ironwood

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Acacia murrayana Colony Wattle

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Acacia victoriae Bramble Wattle

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Aristida contorta Bunched Kerosene Grass

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Aristida holathera Erect Kerosene Grass

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Atriplex elachophylla Saltbush

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Blennodia canescens Heliotrope


Plot name Date Herbarium determination Common name

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Brachyscome ciliaris Variable Daisy

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Brunonia australis Blue Pincushion

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Calocephalus platycephalus Western Beauty-heads

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Calotis hispidula Bindy eye

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 *Cenchrus ciliaris A Buffel Grass

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Cenchrus ciliaris ( WA Cultivar)

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Chrysocephalum apiculatum Common Everlasting

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Chrysopogon fallax Golden Beardgrass

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Citrullus colocynthis Colocynth

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Dodonaea viscosa subsp. angustissima Narrow-leaf Hop-bush

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Dysphania truncatum

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Einadia nutans subsp. eremaea

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Enchylaena tomentosa Barrier Saltbush

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Enneapogon avenaceus Bottle Washers

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Enneapogon polyphyllus Leafy Nineawn

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Eragrostis eriopoda subsp. Sandy fireweed (P.K.Latz 12908)

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Eragrostis lacunaria A love grass

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Eremophila macdonnellii No Generally Accepted Common Name.

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Eriachne helmsii Buck Wanderrie Grass

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Euphorbia ferdinandi

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Evolvulus alsinoides Tropical Speedwell

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Fimbristylis dichotoma Common Fringe-rush

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Hakea divaricata Corkwood

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Kuloa

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Indigofera linnaei Indigo

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Lechenaultia divaricata Tangled Leschenaultia

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Lepidium muelleriferdinandi

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Leucochrysum stipitatum

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Maireana scleroptera

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Panicum decompositum Australian Millet

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Polycalymma stuartii Poached-eggs Daisy

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Ptilotus polystachyus Prince of Wales Feather

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Rhodanthe floribunda Common White Sunray

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Rhodanthe tietkensii

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Salsola tragus subsp. tragus Slender Saltwort

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Schoenia cassiniana

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Sclerolaena convexula Tall Copperburr

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Senecio magnificus Camel Weed

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Senna artemisioides subsp. filifolia

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Sida ammophila Sand Sida

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Sida platycalyx Hemp Mallow

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Solanum ellipticum Hillside Flannel Bush


Plot name Date Herbarium determination Common name

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Tephrosia sphaerospora Mulga Trefoil

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Triodia basedowii Buck Spinifex

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Triraphis mollis Feather Top

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Vachellia farnesiana Mimosa Bush

NTAFIN0001 20-Oct-11 Wahlenbergia tumidifructa Mallee Annual-bluebell

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Abutilon otocarpum Desert Chinese Lantern

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Acacia estrophiolata Ironwood

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Scented Wax Wattle

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Acacia murrayana Colony Wattle

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Acacia victoriae Bramble Wattle

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Aristida contorta Bunched Kerosene Grass

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Aristida holathera Erect Kerosene Grass

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Boerhavia coccinea Tarvine

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 *Cenchrus ciliaris A Buffel Grass

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Chrysopogon fallax Golden Beardgrass

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Crotalaria novae-hollandiae New Holland Rattlepod

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Cynodon dactylon Bermuda grass

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Dactyloctenium radulans Button Grass

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Dysphania truncata

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Enchylaena tomentosa Barrier Saltbush

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Enneapogon avenaceus Bottle Washers

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Enneapogon polyphyllus Leafy Nineawn

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Enteropogon acicularis Curly Windmill Grass

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Eragrostis lacunaria A love grass

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Eragrostis laniflora A love grass

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Eremophila macdonnellii No Generally Accepted Common Name.

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Eriachne aristidea Broad-leaf Wanderrie Grass

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Eriachne helmsii Buck Wanderrie Grass

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Fimbristylis dichotoma Common Fringe-rush

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Hakea divaricata Corkwood

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Indigofera linnaei Birdsville Indigo

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Lechenaultia divaricata Tangled Leschenaultia

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Mollugo cerviana Wire-stem Chickweed

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Ptilotus polystachyus Prince of Wales Feather

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Salsola tragus

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Sclerolaena convexula Tall Copperburr

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Senna artemisioides subsp. filifolia

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Sida ammophila Sand Sida

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Sida filiformis

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Sida platycalyx Hemp Mallow

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Solanum quadriloculatum Tomato Bush

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Tephrosia sphaerospora Mulga Trefoil


Plot name Date Herbarium determination Common name

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Tragus australianus Burr Grass

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Tribulus eichlerianus Bullhead

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Triodia basedowii Buck Spinifex

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Tripogon loliiformis Five Minute Grass

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Triraphis mollis Feather Top

NTAFIN0001 04-Mar-16 Urochloa piligera Hairy Armgrass

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Abutilon otocarpum Desert Chinese Lantern

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Acacia aptaneura Slender Mulga

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Acacia estrophiolata Ironwood

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Acacia kempeana Granite Wattle

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Acacia ligulata Dune Wattle

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Acacia maitlandii Maitland's Wattle (preferred common name)

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Acacia murrayana Colony Wattle

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Aristida holathera Erect Kerosene Grass

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Brachyscome ciliaris Variable Daisy

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Calotis latiuscula Leafy Burr-daisy

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 *Cenchrus ciliaris A Buffel Grass

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Chrysocephalum apiculatum Common Everlasting

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Dicrastylis lewellinii Purple Sand-sage

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Digitaria divaricatissima Spider Grass

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Enchylaena tomentosa Barrier Saltbush

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Eragrostis eriopoda subsp. Red earth (D.J.Nelson 1651)

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Eremophila glabra Black Fuchsia

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Eremophila willsii

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Eriachne aristidea Broad-leaf Wanderrie Grass

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Eriachne helmsii Buck Wanderrie Grass

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Eucalyptus gamophylla Blue Mallee

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Euphorbia tannensis

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Goodenia glabra Smooth Goodenia

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Goodenia mueckeana

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Halgania erecta

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Ptilotus polystachyus Prince of Wales Feather

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Rhagodia eremaea Tall Saltbush

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Sclerolaena johnsonii

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Senna artemisioides subsp. filifolia

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Sida filiformis

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Sida sp. Rabbit Flat (B.J.Carter 626)

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Solanum chenopodinum Goosefoot Potato-bush

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Triodia basedowii Buck Spinifex

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Wahlenbergia tumidifructa Mallee Annual-bluebell

NTAFIN0009 17-Oct-11 Xerochrysum bracteatum Golden Everlasting

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Abutilon otocarpum Desert Chinese Lantern


Plot name Date Herbarium determination Common name

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Acacia aneura Mulga

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Acacia estrophiolata Ironwood

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Acacia kempeana Granite Wattle

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Acacia ligulata Dune Wattle

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Acacia maitlandii Maitland's Wattle (preferred common name)

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Aristida contorta Bunched Kerosene Grass

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Aristida holathera Erect Kerosene Grass

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Brachyscome ciliaris Variable Daisy

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Calandrinia balonensis Balonne Parakeelya

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Calotis latiuscula Leafy Burr-daisy

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 *Cenchrus ciliaris A Buffel Grass

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Chrysocephalum eremaeum

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Dicrastylis lewellinii Purple Sand-sage

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Digitaria brownii Cotton Grass

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Einadia nutans Climbing Saltbush

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Enchylaena tomentosa Barrier Saltbush

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Eragrostis eriopoda subsp. red earth

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Eremophila glabra Black Fuchsia

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Eremophila willsii

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Eriachne helmsii Buck Wanderrie Grass

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Eucalyptus gamophylla Blue Mallee

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Euphorbia tannensis subsp. Finlaysonii

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Goodenia hirsuta Hoary Goodenia

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Goodenia mueckeana

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Halgania erecta

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Indigofera psammophila

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Jasminum didymum

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Jasminum didymum subsp. lineare Desert Jasmine

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Monachather paradoxus Bandicoot Grass

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Paspalidium reflexum

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Ptilotus polystachyus Prince of Wales Feather

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Rhagodia eremaea Tall Saltbush

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Rhyncharrhena linearis Purple Pentatrope

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Sclerolaena johnsonii

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Senna artemisioides subsp. filifolia

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Senna pleurocarpa Firebush

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Sida ammophila Sand Sida

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Sida sp. Rainbow Valley

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Solanum ferocissimum

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Solanum lithophilum

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Triodia basedowii Buck Spinifex

NTAFIN0009 06-Mar-16 Vittadinia eremaea


Plot name Date Herbarium determination Common name

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Acacia alleniana

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Acacia asperulacea

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Acacia hemsleyi

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Acacia thomsonii Thomson's wattle

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Aeschynomene indica Budda Pea

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Aristida capillifolia

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Aristida holathera Erect Kerosene Grass

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Blumea saxatilis

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Boerhavia coccinea Tarvine

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Byblis liniflora

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Calytrix exstipulata Kimberley Heath

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Cassytha capillaris Dodder Laurel

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Cassytha filiformis Dodder Laurel

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Cheilanthes brownii Woolly Cloak Fern

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Cheilanthes pumilio Dwarf Fern

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Chlorophytum laxum

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Corchorus sericeus

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Corymbia aspera Rough leaf range gum

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Corymbia drysdalensis

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Corymbia polycarpa Long-fruited bloodwood

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Cucumis melo Smooth Cucumber

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Cymbopogon bombycinus Citronella grass

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Cyperus betchei

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Cyperus castaneus

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Cyperus cunninghamii

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Cyperus holoschoenus

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Cyperus pulchellus

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Desmodium muelleri

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Digitaria longiflora

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Digitaria papposa

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Dodonaea barklyana

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Drosera burmanni Tropical Sundew

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Drosera indica Flycatcher

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Ectrosia agrostoides

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Eragrostis cumingii Cuming's Lovegrass

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Eragrostis setifolia Bristly Love-grass

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Eragrostis speciosa Handsome Lovegrass

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Eriachne ciliata Slender Wanderrie Grass

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Eriachne obtusa Northern Wanderrie Grass

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. obtusa Red River Gum

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Eulalia aurea Silky Browntop

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Evolvulus alsinoides Tropical Speedwell


Plot name Date Herbarium determination Common name

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Fimbristylis bisumbellata

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Fimbristylis littoralis

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Fuirena incrassata

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Gomphrena lanata

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Silver Oak

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Arajukaljukua

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Hibiscus leptocladus

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Iphigenia indica

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Ipomoea coptica

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Ipomoea polymorpha Silky Cow-vine

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Lindernia clausa

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Lipocarpha microcephala Button Rush

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Ludwigia perennis

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Marsdenia viridiflora Native Pear

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Melaleuca viridiflora Broad Leaved Tea Tree

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Murdannia graminea Grass Lily

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Oldenlandia mitrasacmoides

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Panicum mindanaense

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Peplidium muelleri

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Phyllanthus virgatus

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Polycarpaea involucrata

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Polygala sp. Linear (I.D.Cowie 8206)

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Polymeria pusilla

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Poranthera microphylla Small Poranthera

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Portulaca pilosa Akulikuli

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Pterocaulon serrulatum Apple Bush

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Rothia indica subsp. australis

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Santalum lanceolatum Blue Bush

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Sauropus rigidulus

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Schizachyrium fragile Firegrass

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Scleria rugosa

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Senna venusta

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Stemodia lythrifolia Bunu Bunu

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Stylidium schizanthum

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Templetonia hookeri

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Tephrosia leptoclada

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Tephrosia oblongata

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Tephrosia remotiflora

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Tephrosia sp. O.T. Station (S.T.Blake 17659)

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Tephrosia sphaerospora Mulga Trefoil

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Thaumastochloa brassii

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Triodia bitextura


Plot name Date Herbarium determination Common name

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Tripogon loliiformis Five Minute Grass

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Triumfetta plumigera

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Waltheria indica

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Xyris complanata Hatpins

NTAGFU0005 16-Apr-12 Zornia prostrata

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Acacia georginae Georgina Gidgee

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Aeschynomene indica Budda Pea

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Aristida latifolia Feathertop Wiregrass

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Astrebla elymoides Hoop Mitchell Grass

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Astrebla squarrosa Bull Mitchell grass

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Brachyachne convergens Common Native Couch

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Cleome viscosa Mustard Bush

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Commelina ensifolia Scurvy Grass

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Corchorus olitorius Jute

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Crotalaria dissitiflora subsp. rugosa

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Cucumis melo Smooth Cucumber

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Cyperus iria

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Dactyloctenium radulans Button Grass

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Digitaria ctenantha Comb Finger grass

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Enneapogon oblongus

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Enneapogon polyphyllus Leafy Nineawn

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Enteropogon acicularis Curly Windmill Grass

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Euphorbia biconvexa

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Fimbristylis dichotoma Common Fringe-rush

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Fungus

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Gomphrena breviflora

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Indigofera linifolia

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Ipomoea coptica

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Ipomoea lonchophylla Common Cow-vine

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Iseilema convexum

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Mushroom

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Neptunia dimorphantha Sensitive Plant

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Paspalidium retiglume

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Phyllanthus maderaspatensis Phyllanthus Maderaspatensis

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Portulaca finely echinate

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Portulaca oligosperma

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Portulaca sp. clay soil (S.T.Blake 17854)

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Portulaca sp. smooth seed (C.R.Michell 2286)

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Ptilotus spicatus

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Sida fibulifera Pin Sida

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Sida spinosa Paddy's Lucerne

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Sporobolus actinocladus Fairy Grass


Plot name Date Herbarium determination Common name

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Tragus australianus Burr Grass

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Trianthema triquetra Red Spinach

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Tribulopis pentandra

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Tripogon loliiformis Five Minute Grass

NTAMGD0001 13-Mar-14 Uranthoecium truncatum Flat-stem Grass

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Abutilon otocarpum Desert Chinese Lantern

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Acacia dictyophleba Wattle

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Acacia ligulata Dune Wattle

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Acacia murrayana Colony Wattle

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Aluta maisonneuvei

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Aristida holathera Erect Kerosene Grass

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Brunonia australis Blue Pincushion

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Crotalaria eremaea subsp. eremaea Bluebush Pea

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Dicrastylis costelloi

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Eragrostis eriopoda subsp. Sandy fireweed (P.K.Latz 12908)

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Eremophila longifolia Berrigan

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Eremophila macdonnellii No Generally Accepted Common Name.

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Eremophila willsii subsp. integrifolia

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Euphorbia sp. Simpson desert

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Goodenia cycloptera Cut-leaf Goodenia

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Rattle-Pod Grevillea

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Hibiscus krichauffianus Velvet Leaf Hibiscus

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Indigofera psammophila

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Newcastelia spodiotricha

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Ptilotus obovatus Cotton Bush

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Scaevola depauperata Skeleton Fan-flower

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Sida ammophila Sand Sida

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Sida fibulifera Pin Sida

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Trachymene glaucifolia Blue (or Wild) Parsnip

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Trichodesma zeylanicum var. zeylanicum

NTASSD0001 18-Aug-12 Triodia basedowii Buck Spinifex

