RCA 1802 BASIC level 3 ver. 1.1 User Manual Last revised: March 18, 2018. Comments? Corrections? Questions? Contact Lee Hart <
[email protected]> or Chuck Yakym <T he--E
[email protected]> BASIC3 was written for the RCA 1802 by Ron Cenker in 1981. It was RCA's most powerful BASIC interpreter for the COSMAC 1802 family of microcomputers. It is a fast, full-featured floating-point BASIC, much like the Microsoft BASICs of the time. It was documented in RCA's “BASIC3 High-Level Language Interpreter User Manual”, MPM-841A. There were versions to run from RAM or ROM; for disk-based or cassette-based storage systems; versions with the complete interpreter, or that simply ran a compiled BASIC program from ROM for stand-alone applications. It was originally intended for RCA's 1802 products; their various development systems, the VIP, and RCA's line of Microboards. Ron graciously provided the source code, so it could be modified for other 1802 computers. These include the Netronics Elf-II, Quest Super Elf, COMX, Spare Time Gizmos Elf2k, and now the 1802 Membership Card <http://www.sunrise-ev.com/membershipcard.htm>. Thanks to the combined efforts of Lee Hart, Herb Johnson, Ed Keefe, and Chuck Yakym, we are proud to bring BASIC3 back to life on modern 1802 hardware! Please let us know how you like it, or if you find any bugs or have ideas for improvements. REQUIREMENTS The BASIC3 interpreter needs 12k of memory, plus room for the I/O drivers. It also needs at least 1k of RAM, but will use all it finds up to 32k.