
THE (ROUGHLY) (CLCV 3800: Classical Mythology)

Greek/ Roman Sphere Iconic Attributes Image / sky, weather, king of gods , eagle

Hera/ clouds & air, marriage, , throne, peacock, patera (that childbirth, queen of gods round flat dish in her left hand)

Poseidon/ sea, earthquakes , fish, horses and chariot

Hestia/ hearth, fire hearth or altar flames; old woman; hair covered by veil or cloak

Hades/ Underworld, wealth, the dead scepter, dog , wife , other underworld figures / vegetation, grain, fertility sheaf of grain, sickle, poppy, torch, crown, daughter Persephone/Kore

Apollo/ music, poetry, prophecy, reason, bow & arrows, , laurel , medicine/disease beardless, tripod, mouse, raven

Artemis/ hunting, bears and virgins; bow & arrows, quiver, stag later on: the Moon

Ares/ war; , spear & shield, wolf, in Rome: fertility, also

Athena/ wisdom & craft, war, patron of owl, olive tree, helmet, spear, shield or (goat-skin shawl, fringed with ) with -head Hephaistos/ smith of the gods, fire, craft hammer, anvil, tongs, working, lame (i.e. leaning on a stick, riding, leaning on someone’s shoulders, etc.)

Aphrodite/ sexual love, fertility dove, nudity, son /Cupid

Hermes/ messenger of gods; tricksters, wings (esp. on sandals or feet), thieves, business, travellers; travelling hat, (the staff in Psychopompos; his right hand) later on: magic

Dionysus/ wine, vegetation, unreason, (that big “pine-cone-on-a- Bacchus poetry, prophecy, theater stick” thing in his right hand), wine cup, vine, grapes, ivy, animal skins, women’s clothing, leopards, , , Silenoi,