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[email protected] 2 Current Organic Synthesis, 2013, 10, 2-42 Enantioselective Synthesis of Natural Epoxyquinoids Enrique Pandolfi,* Valeria Schapiro,* Viviana Heguaburu and Maitia Labora Departamento de Química Orgánica, Facultad de Química, Universidad de la República, General Flores 2124, C. P. 11800, Monte- video, Uruguay Abstract: Natural products play an important role as a source not only of potential therapeutic drugs but also of starting materials for semisynthetic new medicines. The epoxyquinoid family, composed by cyclohexane epoxides and related structures, exhibit these charac- teristics without doubt. Since 2004, significant efforts have been devoted to the stereocontrolled synthesis of these molecules with different and interesting strategies. More than 50 works on this field have been published during this period of time. In addition, many of these polyoxygenated cyclohexenoids exhibit diverse and impressive bioactive shapes. This review aims to analyze the recent advances in the enantioselective processes that have been performed for the total syntheses of these target molecules. It includes a wide range of methodologies for the in- troduction of chirality either enzymatic or chemical ones. This summarizes microbial preparation of starting materials, lipase kinetic reso- lutions, use of compounds from the chiral pool, use of chiral auxiliaries and asymmetric catalysis. In a special section, syntheses of scy- phostatin are also included. Keywords: Chemocatalyst, enantioselective, enzymatic methods, epoxyquinoids, scyphostatin, synthesis. INTRODUCTION lium claviforme [7] and exhibited antibiotic and cytotoxic activity. Epoxycyclohexenones are widely distributed in nature. Biolo- (+)-Epiepoformin (2) inhibited the germination of lettuce seeds [8]. gists and pharmacologists are very interested in them due to their This phytotoxin was separated from the culture of an unidentified many and varied biological properties.