Ep #126: The 2 Million Dollars Belief Plan

Full Episode Transcript

With Your Host

Simone Grace Seol

Joyful Marketing with Simone Grace Seol Ep #126: The 2 Million Dollars Belief Plan

Welcome to Joyful Marketing! I’m Simone Seol, and I teach you how to get your life coaching practice fully booked without having to pay for ads, buy Instagram followers, or complicated sales funnels. It’s not rocket science and you can do it too. Listen on to find out how.

Hey friends. Two years ago, literally almost exactly two years ago, which was spring of 2019, I was selling tarot readings for $38 a pop. So that was one of my offers that I had. And I was also selling coaching and my coaching you could buy for $450 packages and actually, I had actually bumped that up to $750.

And I remember feeling very nervous about it, like nobody’s ever going to buy, this is so expensive. And I just wanted to let you know that’s where I was, almost exactly two years ago. And since then, I invested aggressively in my business.

When I say invested aggressively, I don’t just mean in terms of money, even though yes, that’s when I started aggressively investing in terms of money. I paid for high ticket business coaching, I paid to learn sales and started to take it really seriously. I also mean emotional investment and energetic investment.

I committed to trying things that I’ve never tried before. I committed to getting out of my own comfort zone as I never had before. I committed to taking massive action and failing in ways that I was always used to shying away from before because I thought I couldn’t take it.

I thought if I fail, if I fail even a little bit, I’ll die of shame. That’s the kind of mode I was in before, and guess what? I got so sick and tired of living that way, kind of living with my wings folded in because I was scared of what my brain will tell me if I “fail” at something. I was like, you know what, time to go all out, time to experience it all, time to learn it all, time to let myself fail and learn and get somewhere new. Because I’m sick of hiding.

That’s what happened. It was like a precipice two years ago. And in that time, in the first few months of that point of my up-leveling of my

Joyful Marketing with Simone Grace Seol Ep #126: The 2 Million Dollars Belief Plan

commitment to myself and my dreams for my coaching business, I compiled a list of beliefs that I wanted for myself. And I created a belief plan with it.

A belief plan is a concept that I learned from my coach Stacey Boehman and she actually has an entire podcast episode explaining the concept. It’s called - if you Google her name Stacey Boehman. I mean, not Google. Whatever. If you search on whatever podcast platform you have, you Google her - do you say like, restart using the word Google instead of search, even when actual Google is not involved?

Anyway, you search her name and belief plan and you’ll be able to find the episode. I highly recommend it. But anyway, short explanation of it is that it’s kind of like if you want to get in shape or if you want to bulk up and you want to go on a high protein diet, if you’re trying to do something with your body with your food, you make a meal plan, right?

Or maybe you make a macro plan. You don’t go out and randomly eat whatever’s in front of you. You decide, okay, this is how many times a day I’m going to eat, this is what I’m going to eat each meal because of my goals.

And you’re intentional about what you put in your body so that you can meet your goals. I mean, I guess that could be true whether you’re trying to lose weight or even put on weight, whether you’re trying to put on muscle, whatever.

So for your body goals, you’re intentional about what food you put in your mouth, and for your mind and brain goals, for your life goals, you’ve got to be intentional about what thoughts you put in your brain. So a belief plan is like a meal plan, except for your own mind where you’re feeding yourself, you’re reminding yourself of the beliefs that you want to have in order to support your becoming the kind of person you want to be, to support achieving the goals that you want to achieve.

Joyful Marketing with Simone Grace Seol Ep #126: The 2 Million Dollars Belief Plan

So I want to read to you - so I was literally for a while, I was on a scavenger hunt for new beliefs because I knew that my old beliefs, like I don’t want to fail, investing is scary, I’m not confident in myself, I knew my old beliefs weren’t serving me. But then when I thought, “Okay, so what do I believe in order to become this new version of me?” I was like, I don’t know.

I had some ideas but then I realized that I could also borrow ideas from other people, other coaches, other leaders who have gone before me. And whenever I saw them share their learnings and their beliefs, I was like, oh, every time I admired their belief and every time I found myself thinking, oh, I want that belief too, guess what? I wrote it down.

I didn’t just let it pass by. I didn’t think oh, that’s nice, and forget about it. I literally had a notebook. Actually, being really honest, it wasn’t a notebook. It was a Google Document. I opened up my Google Document and I copied and pasted that shit down.

So these are my personal notes where I was collecting, like a scavenger hunting for new beliefs that I wanted that supported my new goals in my business. And what I want you to know about these beliefs, I’m going to read them all out loud to you, what I want you to know is that at the time of writing, at the time of compiling these into one place, the reason that I put them in this document, into this belief plan in the first place is because they all felt really farfetched and out of reach.

If it’s something that’s already believable, then I wouldn’t need to put it in a plan because it’s already in my brain. So anything that I wanted but didn’t feel like I could realistically believe that, what I might even call aspirational belief I put in here.

And what’s so fascinating is two year later, now, from the vantage point of now, I look back at these beliefs and they feel like oh, well, of course. They’re my new normal. They have become incorporated into my brain, my mind. They are now a part of who I am. I take them for granted now. That’s so cool.

Joyful Marketing with Simone Grace Seol Ep #126: The 2 Million Dollars Belief Plan

So I know that I have so much belief in this process. Every time I write down beliefs that feel out of reach but ones that I want, I know that with enough time and commitment, they will become my new normal. And I’m sharing these beliefs with you. I don’t know - I already confessed I didn’t come up with all of these beliefs.

Some of them I think I came up with but others I borrowed from people who are around me, from the coaches who I was seeing around me who are succeeding in the way that I wanted to. And each one, I don’t know exactly who to attribute it to because I didn’t write that down but I just want it to be clear that a lot of them came from somebody else’s brain and I borrowed them for my personal purposes.

And I encourage you to do the same. I’m sharing these beliefs with the hope that if they resonate with you, you will write them down, you will put it in your belief plan, and you will decide that they too will become part of your new normal, they’ll become part of your existing beliefs, existing neural pathways in your brain. And in that process, your goals will become what will be achieved. You will become who you have dreamt of being. It’s a magical freaking process.

Okay, so here is the belief plan that I wrote in 2019 that have supported my becoming the two-million-dollar CEO that I am today. And like I said, I divided them into categories. And the first category that I’m going to read from is sort of like, general beliefs about coaching and who I am and all that, so here they are.

“I have six and 12-month clients who feel like this is the best investment of their goddamn lives.” And by the way, at the time I really wanted to believe this because it was really hard for me to believe that anyone would work with me for more than a month or two at a time.

So when I heard that other coaches have clients who work with them for like, six months or even 12 months, I was like, oh my god, who wants to commit to something like that? And I definitely did not feel like I was

Joyful Marketing with Simone Grace Seol Ep #126: The 2 Million Dollars Belief Plan

deserving of clients with level of commitment in coaching with me, so that’s why I put that in there.

“My clients refer me all the time. Many of my clients come through word of mouth. My clients are thrilled to pay me and to keep signing with me. I am a million-dollar coach.” I remember writing that down. Remember, I was charging $38 for tarot readings. I wrote down I’m a million-dollar coach and my mind was like, “Hah, that’s hilarious.” But I wrote it down anyway.

You guys, you have to write it down anyway, okay? I also wrote down, “I’m in the world top 1% of coaches. I am too busy getting better and serving powerfully to ever worry or get into mind drama. I am a pioneering thought leader in the mind field. I am a groundbreaking boundary-breaking innovator. I’m a fucking magician. All my clients end up blowing their minds over and over again. I am the coach that makes the impossible possible so often it gets boring.”

I love that one. I think it’s funny. And now I look at this statement and I’m like, yeah, that actually is true. That’s something that I think about myself, I think that’s something that other people think about me. But at the time I wrote it down it felt like this fantastical goal.

Like I said, if it feels fantastical and you want it, write it down in your belief plan. “I help my clients make crazy amounts of money and be powerful agents of social change. I am a bewitchingly powerful communicator. I have wild visions and make them come true for a living. I shine like I’m running out of time.”

Here’s the next category of beliefs about general mindset. I titled it here’s the beliefs I want about general mindset. “Nothing is wrong! I am so blessed to be alive at this incredible time and have all the gifts I already have and know that god loves me so much and everything else is just fucking bonus.”

“The vibration in my body isn’t a reflection of anything gone wrong and I can just get to know the feeling more and sit in it. These moments remind

Joyful Marketing with Simone Grace Seol Ep #126: The 2 Million Dollars Belief Plan

me of weight training. I don’t always know why my body hurts but I don’t always have to know why to keep building strength. I know I tend to notice it more in my body first.”

“I can create my clients results by holding the possibility so strongly in my mind. I am so full of serving I need nothing from you. I am just giving. Think about the goal. It’s done. It’s not about me. It’s about helping people to suffer less. I can methodically teach my brain how to think.”

These are so good y’all. Alright, next comes the really fun section about money. Here are my money beliefs. Y’all wanted to know my money beliefs. Here they are. “ because it is the root of all awesome.” I wish I could remember who told this sentence to me. I saw it somewhere and I was like, that’s genius. And I wish I could credit you so please reach out and let me know if you said this because I want to give you credit.

“I love money because it is the root of all awesome. Money loves me. I see evidence every day. Money flows through me and fills me up. I love receiving money. I am ready to receive money. I am excellent with money. It is safe to charge for my services.”

“Society teaches us to check prices as the primary decision filter and our job as coaches is to teach people to question conventional wisdom and up- level their decision making. Any consult where I handle objections allows me to teach these concepts and chip away at societal norms.”

These thoughts are so powerful. They were the beginning of me really turning around my money belies because listen, my money beliefs before were a total hot mess. I was in so much scarcity, I was scared of money, I believed so, so, so deeply that I was bad with money and that I was confused by it.

I was so scared to charge people, I was scared to pay people. All of it. When I started finding other possibilities for how to think about money, of course these beliefs - remember, at the time when I was writing these down, they all felt super out of reach, fantastical thoughts. I couldn’t believe

Joyful Marketing with Simone Grace Seol Ep #126: The 2 Million Dollars Belief Plan

I love money, money is the root of all awesome, money loves me, money flows through me.

I was like no, none of this feels true. None of this feels true. But I wrote it down anyway to open the possibility of me becoming slightly more friends with these thoughts and like I said again, now I read it two years later, two million dollars later, I’m like, oh yeah, that sounds about right.

Alright, here are my beliefs about debt from two years ago. “Debt saves lives and creates amazing opportunities. Debt allows people to create wealth. Debt helps people. Debt is a neutral tool you can do whatever you want with. I use it to create prosperity for myself and others. Debt is an opportunity to master finances. You can save or create more wealth in your life. Debt is a gift available to us. I can use debt as a tool to reach my goals. Taking on debt is cause for celebration because it means huge growth is ahead.”

“Men’s businesses grow faster than women’s because they are willing to take on more debt.” Love that one. Don’t you? It’s factually true. Look it up. “Debt is an amazing teacher.” Now, you might be wondering why I had an entire section on debt and it’s because I realized I had so many negative, unquestioned beliefs about debt that I never questioned that debt is a bad thing.

I was like, debt is horrible, you never want to have debt, you want to pay it down as fast as possible, and every time I had debt, which was a lot of my life because I had huge student loans like most people, I felt so ashamed about it, I felt ignorant in what to do with it, I felt very powerless against it.

And the first time I encountered the idea that debt is not bad, without debt - students’ loans is debt and without student loans, only the extremely rich could afford to go get a higher education because higher education costs a lot of money. And the only people who don’t have to go into debt to pay that are the people with like, just super-duper amounts of cash lying around.

Joyful Marketing with Simone Grace Seol Ep #126: The 2 Million Dollars Belief Plan

And debt makes higher education affordable to so many more people. And most brick-and-mortar businesses, they take on debt in order to get started. Without debt and credit, so much of the basic structure of our modern economy would collapse.

So I was like, oh my gosh, it’s possible to see debt as something other than totally evil and horrible. And I knew I really wanted to clean up my thoughts about debt because debt is such a big part of where people get stuck in terms of their money beliefs. And I knew that unless I felt totally clean and empowered about all aspects of money, it was going to be very hard for me to significantly grow my business.

So if this is - not alarm bells, but bells of I need to work on this, I encourage you to borrow these beliefs. I encourage you to try on new ways of thinking about debt. Now I see things so much more differently and I feel so much more empowered to kind of manage the incoming and outgoing flow of money in my business.

I feel so much more at peace with it. I feel like such a more effective manager of it because I no longer live in fear of having less or going into debt. Now, that doesn’t mean it makes me more likely to go into debt. It means I’m less likely to make decisions from fear. I’m more likely to make long-term wise, strategic decisions that serve the health of my company and my personal finances.

Okay, so enough about that. Here are some beliefs, intentional beliefs I had about coaching because I had to cultivate intentional beliefs about coaching as well. Here they go.

“Coaching is life-changing. I am living the life my future clients want and I can help them get it too. People love to pay for coaching and transformation. I love to pay for coaching. Every day, I shift into another version of myself. This work is powerful. Nobody else thinks and coaches like I do.”

Joyful Marketing with Simone Grace Seol Ep #126: The 2 Million Dollars Belief Plan

“I am uniquely shaped to attract and serve my clients. There are 100 people out there who are waiting for me. My next clients are already in my space and waiting for me. I deliver so much value to my clients. I am a 25K per month coach.”

I remember writing that one down, like 25K per month, and I was like, that’s an impossible number. I’m like, that’s a crazy, crazy number because at the time, my mind would have been blown to make even a tenth of that. To make $2000 or $3000 a month would have been like, a dream come true. So to write down 25K a month, it just sounded like a freaking fairytale.

And now I have like, 250K months and it’s no big deal. And it’s just amazing how much can change in just a couple of years because you decided to allow for outrageous possibilities.

Okay, the next belief is, “I am the coach that kickass achievers come to to get to the next level. My perfect clients want what I have to offer and they are waiting for me to offer it. Everyone is my client, whether they pay me or not.” That’s something that I repeat a lot in my teachings now still too. “I model to others how much is possible. I’m here to help my clients blow their own minds.”

And here’s a category of thoughts that I wrote down about consults. “This person wants to say yes. No is boring. No is reflexive because our brains hate change.” I think that one actually comes directly from my mentor, Stacey Boehman.

“I love people and consults are just conversations with people. Overcoming objections is just coaching and I’m a really good coach. This offer could truly change their life. Consults are my job. They are the way I introduce people to my product, which is a vision of the transformation they can have by working with me.”

Some thoughts about leadership. “I have so much to add to the conversation. I am a thought leader. I have something of value to offer.

Joyful Marketing with Simone Grace Seol Ep #126: The 2 Million Dollars Belief Plan

People want what I have to offer. And people are waiting for me to offer it. Today I’m somebody’s dream come true.”

And here are a few thoughts I wrote down about business. “I can absolutely manage my business and take care of myself. I love stepping into my business with power. I am the bridge. It’s fun and natural for me to connect others to their destiny.”

“Working on my business looks like thinking about my clients, current and future, and what they need, and then trying a thousand different ways to connect with them and serve them. We have a responsibility,” I know that I copied and pasted this from somebody else so please let me know if you said this. I’d love to give you credit.

“We have a responsibility to ourselves and our industry to show people through coaching how to make powerful life-changing decisions with their time and money in a way that is radically different from how they currently spend those assets. This is not a carwash or nail salon where we are simply treating services for money.” Love that.

“I am starting a revolution and this is not the time to hem and haw and people please. People can get on board or not. My co-revolutionary client, whom I don’t even know yet are out there and they are waiting to hear from me. I have a powerful message to spread and it cannot wait.”

“I am a powerful leader and people are looking to me for permission to be their full selves. I am modeling courage and showing up-ness. I am willing to get this wrong. I am willing to do it scared and anxious. I am willing to lose people and feel like a failure short-term to become who I truly want to be in three years.”

“I am committed to creating value every day, regardless of when I can cash it in. If you’re deep in the river of misery, it’s okay. You’re not alone and the invitation from the other river of possibility and power is always there waiting for you.”

Joyful Marketing with Simone Grace Seol Ep #126: The 2 Million Dollars Belief Plan

Now, I guess that’s not so much a belief as much as something I wanted to remind myself. I remind you, a lot of these quotes, they’re not from my brain but they’re from others, but they don’t have attribution because I was collecting them solely for my own brain’s purposes two years ago.

And this is the belief plan that I compiled almost exactly two years ago that set me on the journey to create over two million dollars in the next two years. So you know, feel free to borrow them, steal them, put them in your brain, put them in your belief plan.

And most importantly, get your own belief plan started. My best advice, don’t put in beliefs that feel believable. Put in beliefs that you’re like, oh man, I wish I could believe that. Ones that feel a little out of reach. Ones that feel fantastical. Ones that feel like they belong to a different version of you that you can’t access now.

Those are the beliefs that have power. I mean, if you really love a belief and it feels really juicy and you feel like you’re almost there, you can almost believe it, put that in too. There’s no rules. I’m just saying don’t be afraid to be ballsy and audacious with it. Dream big and make your belief plan also really big.

Actually, I also have an important second piece of advice, which is when you have this belief plan, the belief plan does not exist so that you can beat yourself up about the gap between where you are and where these beliefs are. That’s not the point at all.

You don’t write them down with the expectation that you’re going to be able to immediately believe in them. You write them down kind of almost like a magic spell. Like a prayer, like an incantation. You write them down and you kind of release it into the universe and say okay, I don’t know how, I don’t know on what timeline, I don’t have to force it, I don’t have to effort it, I don’t have to contrive it, I don’t have to do anything.

My only purpose of putting these beliefs down on this document, on this piece of paper is to crack open the window of possibility that this belief, this

Joyful Marketing with Simone Grace Seol Ep #126: The 2 Million Dollars Belief Plan

way of being is going to become available to me at some point. And hold your belief plan with - hold it loosely, hold it lightly.

Don’t try to hug it really tight and cling to it and become attached to it. It’s like, you almost want to treat this as a sacred process, without attachment. Like this is who I want to become. It’s like a declaration.

So you might wonder what I did with these beliefs once I wrote them down. Did I read them every day? Actually, a lot of people me like, what did you do with your belief plan?

And I will tell you, I’m really bad with rituals because I just can’t remember to do anything consistently. I do everything very kind of spontaneously. So I will say I often did pull them out to read and to kind of pump myself up. Like there were days when it felt really good for me to read them out loud. There were days when it felt stressful to look at them because I was in so much self-doubt.

That’s totally okay and normal too. But I used them to pump myself up when I wanted, and the rest of the time, I have to tell you, I kind of forgot about them. I just kind of - they were in a file somewhere in my Google Drive and I kind of pulled them out when I remembered to.

I didn’t make a big thing of it, I didn’t have - I didn’t do anything special with it. I knew it was there, I adding to it, and I revisited it when I wanted to read it and I just kind of left it alone. And guess what? That was enough to activate the magic.

So don’t get all perfectionistic about your belief plan, okay? So today, if your dream is to become a 100K earner, if your dream is to reach 5000 people, if your dream is to make millions of dollars like me, get your belief plan started and there to put outrageous, amazing, possibility-opening, heart-opening, universe-expanding beliefs in it and feel free to borrow from my stash. I’ll talk to you next time.

Joyful Marketing with Simone Grace Seol Ep #126: The 2 Million Dollars Belief Plan

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Joyful Marketing with Simone Grace Seol