If you seek a deUghtful Some politicians, like easy peninsula, look about you. virtue, would rather be pop­ —Motto of Michigan. ular, than nglil. \ -

Seventy'fifth year, No. 30. INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 193f 12 Pages

Primary Crop Short, Governor's Office Center iPPER DENIES TAKINIG State Probe ToBe Halted, 21 Fewer Candidates SOLDIER RELIEF Of Stiff Primary Battle Like other crops in this year of IE SUPPLY Jury To Speed Coriclusioh drouth, the 1934 political crop is EXHIBITS SIGNED RECEIPTS FOR OWNBRS ADVISED' T'»'O" CULL *• MANY LARGE ITEMS. light. There are but 79 candidates DAIRY HERDS. FITZGERALD CAMP ENTERS SMITH TO SPLIT DETROIT to appear on republican and demo­ TUDGE CARR CLAIMS ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD ACTION cratic primary ballots for places on VOTE, GROESBECK SUPPORTERS CLAIM. Stmtea Total Amount Still UnacoounC- Midilgian Livestock Will Go Hungry UNFAIR TO INGHAM COUNTY. ed For Le«s Than fZOQ Wtili Litrg- state, district and county tickets Next Winter Unless Numbers est Item Loss Than $

Farmers Not Alone in our state. Very little of thia money • Farmers are not the only claas In­ ia left in thia locality—Juat the gaa Banking As You Like It! INGHAM terested In the fact that northern and oil and occaaional meals—but the TY NEWS farmers have paid northern part of the state, the real over twelve dollara In vacation land and their destination, la Member of PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AFTERNOON IN THE Entered as second processing;, taxea for getting a far greater money crop than class matter at every dollar received they ever had In the pine forests.— CITY OF-MASON, MICHIGAN postofflce, MoflOB, back aa rental and S. L. Marshall in Clinton County Re Michigan, u n d er -crop beneflta, while publican-News. (Tlie ltind of banl

Miss Maxine Eckart of Delhi town­ were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Uarion Edwards was elected aecre* Southeast Ingham ship, LaVere Bouts of Dewitt, and Sanders Community Arthur Frost. tary to finish out tbe year. Margaret By Mn. tmmm <)uliui Dawn Morton and Wlllard Foote spent By JoaepblM Ooriiln There will be an ice cream social Dorn and Phyllis Woodworth did the Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. John Bouts at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence cooking. The next meeting ,will, be of southwest of Holt. Rumbaugh, Tuesday evenhig, July 31. held at the home of Doris Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lienbart Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Collins attended Miss Phyllis Byrum of Onondaga, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Biggs spent August 1. were Sunday evening visitors of the Ingham County Pomona picnic James Quinn and family. spent a few days of last week with last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Okemos Chapter No. 267, O. E. S., Hands Up r which was held Saturday at the M. S. Miss May Robinson. Claude Biggs at Lansing. will hold an ice cream social at the Leo, houli and Joe Ewers were C.-picnic grounds. guests of their parents, Sunday. The Busy Bee 4-H canning club met Masonic hall in Okemos Friday eve­ The county men have begun gravel­ Lee Hulett and Mrs. Florence Skin­ with their leader. Miss Thelma Wll- ning, July 27. Home made ice cream or whatever they say ing the road In this section that was ner were guests of Mr.~ and Mrs.son,^Wednesda y afternoon. The after­ Northeast Alaiedon and cake will be served. Everyone is recently built by Briggs & Cheney. Clayton Porter of Leroy township and noon was spent In canning string By Mrs. Sadie Roback urged to attend. Mrs. Will Monroe of Webberville, Mrs, Skinner will spend a few days beans. The next meeting will be The Button school reunion will be was a dinner guest of Mrs. James with Clayton and Robert Porter and August 1 and will meet with Made held at the home of Mrs. Sadio Ro­ You need not be alarmed—that is, if your wallet contains Quinn, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Rischf and Nelcie Corbin. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Sullivan of back, Saturday, August 11. All for­ Gordon Qulnn has been seriously 111 Mrs. Lydla Cromwell and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kilburn, Mr. Jacksonville, Florida, spent last week mer teachers and pupils are asked to Travelers Cheques instead of cash. A wise hold-up man is for several days but is some better at Emerson, Kenneth and Billy of Flint, and Mrs. Gerald Kilburn and Fred with his sister, Mrs. Nan Evans. attend and requested to bring table present. spent a few days last week with the Little spent Sunday in Coldwater. James Woodworth and family spent service, sandwiches and a filled bas­ not interested in your Cheques because your signature ket. Lemonade and iced tea will be former's sister, Mrs. Maggie Box, and The North Leslie Future Farmers Sunday with relatives at Grass Lake. family. ^ Mrs. Anna Smith of Owosso, Mrs. furnished. maltes them your individual "money" and' only you can 4-H club met at the home of Loren Douglas Territory Mr. and Mrs. Richard Andrews and Shoesmith Friday evening. H. H. Warren Stoddard and son, Warner, of By Helen Glynn Arizona, and Mrs. Hazel McCurdy legally spend them. Junior and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Rupp Barnum of Mason, visited the meeting of Bath, spent Saturday in Saginaw. and the next meeting will be held and daughter, Anria, of Lansing, were They called on Mr. Rupp's brother, guests of Mrs. Emily Marzen, Friday. Mr, and Mrs, E, G, Watklns attend­ with George Covert. John Rupp, who is quite ill. Little Barbara Ann Davenport of A.B.BALL If he is not wise and insists upon taking them, you are not ed the funeral services of Mrs, John Dolores Vlane is at Ann Arbor hos­ Howell, spent last week with her Wheeler at the Ball funeral home grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Mil­ iHOMEFORFUNERALSi pital where she will undergo a mas­ Millville the loser. The American Express, who issue these Travelers Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock. ler. toid operation. By Mrs. Maggie Burden ^PHONE^ Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Rowland call­ Chester Cook and family spent Sun­ Cheques, returns to you the amount involved if you have not ed on Miss Myrtle Brenner, Sunday Miss Clara Bell Helmker of Holt, day with his mother near Dewitt. iDAYl40NIGHT72i afternoon. called on Mrs. Emma Biebeshimer, Floyd Baldwin and family of Mn­ yet countersigned them. Carmen Shrumm is home this week Monday, Preaching next Sunday morning at son, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John = . ^ L from her work In Mason. Lee Burgers and Mrs. William An­ 10 a, m, Sunday school at 11, Evans, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Glynn, Helen nnd derson from Packard Station and Mr. 'The last quarterly meeting of the Eleanor Woodworth spent pnrt of Arlcne, called on Fred Hall at Holt, Thousands of dollars have been saved to travelers who carry and Mrs. Alonzo Smith of Holt, were conference year' will be held at the last week with her cousin, Edna, of Sunday. callers Sunday night of Mr. and Mrs, Vantown church Sunday night, July Okemos, ^ TuneraL = Mr. and Mrs. Percy Foler spent these Cheques. A. E. Hartig. 29, with the sermon by Rev, Bene­ Mr, and Mrs, Marton Fair spent the r Tuesday at Grand Rapids, = Seroice E Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Wells enter­ dict, president of tho conference. The week end at Chippewa Lake, Mrs, Nora Otis and son. Nerval, of business meeting will be held Monday Mr, and Mrs, Hiram Butters of Wil­ tained for Sunday dinner the follow­ ^ fotALL " Mason, and daughter, Mrs, Couchman evening, liamston, and Mrs, Jennie Harrington We suggest that when you are planning a trip, you let us of Chicago, spent Sunday with Mr, ing guests; Mr. and Mrs, William Layton, Mr. and Mrs, John Layton Mr, ana Mrs, Fred Hoffmeyor of of Detroit, were dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs, Wirt Warner, and Mrs, Ben Wade, Sunday, thus safeguard your travel funds. American Express Trav­ and son Jack of Livingston county, Stockbridgo, wore dinner guests of Mrs, Matie Wells and son Lawrence, Mrs, Maggie Burden, Thursday, In Bobbie Osborne of Lansing, is elers Cheques come in handy denominations of $10, $20, $50 Miss Gertrude Layton, Miss Willabell the afternoon Mrs, Hoffmeyor, Mrs, spending some time with his father Town Line Road Layton of Lansing; and Miss Frances Will Clark and Mrs, Burden visited and grandfather, i and $100 at the small cost of 75c for each $100 purchased. By Mrs. N. E. Sherman Fleming of Holt, Mrs, Ida Cooper and Mrs, Nora Kelly, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Glosser, Mr,' and Mrs, Carl Glossor, Mrs, Hattie Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence Smith and Mrs, Adah Brown and children left Friday to spend a few days with Mooro and Juno Phelps all of Lansing, THE COST IS Richard Valleau was taken to the family of Wheatfield township spent were Sunday evening callers at the DECIDED hospital Saturday for a few weeks' Saturday night with the Wells family. friends in Lansing and Charlotte, Supt, Ray Bravender has rented Mr, Marzen home. BY YOU treatment. K. B. Clark has sold his farm to The First State & Savings Bank Miss Tholma Wildern is spending a Hoffmeyor's house for a few weeks during vacation. He will again teach Lansing parties and is moving back MEMBEH,THE ORDER OFTHE GOLDEN RULE Member of The Federal Kcserve System few days in Chicago. South Aurelius and North to their home in Lansing. Mr. and Mrs, L. I, Halsey and Mr, in Holly next year for the 10th year. RtPRtStNTt D IN EIGHT COUNTRIES Onondaga Class No, 1, Jolly Friends, will moot The 4-H club met at the home of Federal Deposit Insurance "Corporation and Mrs, Charles Everett started By Mrs. B. U. Field Margaret Dorn, Wednesday, July 3 8. • Wednesday on £} trip to Empire and Friday night with Mr, Eggleston and Mason, Michigan Traverse City, Mrs, Quartes, The attendance at Maple Grove Mis­ Mrs, Mary Perry ot East Lansing, Mr, and Mrs, George Lyon, mis­ sion Sunday was 86, is visiting Mrs. Alvah Hudson and at­ sionaries, will speak at the Aurelius The annual reunion of tho Maple tended church here Sunday, Mrs, Albert Nelson, who has been Baptist church Sunday morning, Mrs, Mr, and Mrs, William Pickett, who t South Leroy sick the past few weeks is on ttie gain. Grove school was held Saturday in Potter Park with 20 present, Lyon will bo remombored as Irene have been north picking cherries, re­ \ By Mrs. W. L. Bice Born to Mr, and Mrs, Harry Davison, They soon go to a foreign turned home Sunday. Pringlo, a daughter last Friday, Dr, Howard Dingier and Mrs, Ding­ ier with their two daughters spent last country to work, Kernie Jones spent from Friday un­ Harris and Rodney Oesterle of E, L^ Davis, Mrs, Maggie Evelin, til Sunday at Clare: John Lay and family wore at Jack­ Webberville, are spending some time week end with his mother, Mrs, A, son, Sunday evening to see Ihe cas­ Dingier, Mrs, Fern Harkness and Betty and wi.th their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Mrs, Maud Dolbee and Marjorie were cades. D. F, Harris; Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Monroe and fam­ at Pleasant Lake ono afternoon last Wheatfield Center Mrs. E, atroblc entertained the two week and Mr, Harkness and two boys ily wore at Ann Arbor Sunday and t Northeast Lansing Township By Mn. George* Pratt children of her sister, Mrs, Vorn were there for the evening and sup­ called on his brother, Dr, CJharles Hol- Stoble, who have been on their vaca­ ) By W. E. West per, lani, Elleenc remained for a visit, tion this week, Mr, and Mrs, Morton Rico and Reba Mr, Morgan and Mrs. Emma Rice Mrs. Angus Hood and son Ted of Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Frost and attended the DeWater's reunion held of Howell, called on her son, Merton Mrs, -Bertha Smith of St, Johns, is Norwalk, Ohio, visited her cousin, children were Sunday guests of Mr, at Duck Lake, Sunday, Rice, Thursday morning. visiting Mr, and Mrs, Frank Smedley, Mrs. B. H. Field, and family last and Mrs, Homer Crowford at Milford, Uy, and Mrs, Fred Monroe spent Mr. and Mrs. Maynaid Brcese wore this week, week. Max and Don Ellwanger returned part of last week camping near Hart, at Jackson, Sunday. Robert West is substituting on Mrs. Dora Thayer of Mason, visited Monday evening from a week's visit with relatives. Vorn Stowe and son Lawrence were Route 1, Lansing, west of the city for her niece, Mrs. B. H. Field, and fam­ with their father at Dewitt, Wayne Lay of Toledo, spent the at the University hospital at Ann Ar­ Leroy Elliott, who is attending the ily, Friday. Mr, and Mrs, Charles Webster wore week end with his father, John Lay, bor'one day last week. state convention of rural letter car­ Mrs. Cora Russell and Mrs. Maggie Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs, riers at Jackson, Evelin visited friends at Ionia, Friday. Prank Blanchard, Jerome Maurer is building a bung­ The Orr reunion was held at Bar­ Mr, and Mrs, Walter Gibson spent alow near the home of his father on ber's Base Line Lake, Allegan county, Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Wilbur tho Pine Lake road. with 22 attending. The reunion will Gibson, They all wont to Jackson in The Rural Missionary Gleaners be held at the same place next year tho evening to see the cascades. have beon invited to the farm home the second Sunday in July. Mrs. Ab- At the services at tho church Sun­ of Mrs, Flossie Reuchert near Grand bio Stuck was re-elected president day evening Prof, Hill from M, Sf C, MONDAY, AUfiUSr L'i Ledge, for a picnic supper, Thursday, and Mrs, Ina Orr was elected secre­ will be the speaker. CIlIMlltHN'S DAY Members aro asked to bring sand­ tary and treasurer for another yoai-, The Community Aid society will fffffi TilHii.l, DAY CtlNCiitUaS 01'' wiches and one dish of food, also table moot with Mr, and Mrs, Judd Hill, Mr, and Mrs, Glen Scutt have mov­ llAIiliinKViLS service. ed into one of tho Bert Webb houses Thursday, August 2, for supper. fif'fffftlsEfffftI Klc at North Aurelius, Those who attend aro asked to taring Sitows, iiifltfs. Ho Mr, and Mrs, Frank VanHorn and own table service. Everyone is urged Chfiflroh ffll to i'.i Ychra Felt Plains daughter and Mr, and Mrs, Clayton to bo present, jffill-j;!; HiAB'OH «aTO CRASH AUC.IS Itii IJy Mrs. Norris Hurt Snow and family were at Pleasant Mr, and Mrs, Walter Frost and Tlli-: SHOW OP TIIE Lake, Sunday, guest, Mrs, Lena Snyder, ot Fostoria, Ml C HIG AN S CKtNTUKY S|fct;lf[cff)fti- Acts, 1'hrfll- Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Aldrich and Ohio, were Sunday guests ot Mr, and iffK Sccho.s, Uofffftiftfl Miss Marjorie Joan Mclntoe is the son, Harold, of Farmington, visited Mrs, Cai-1 Anway and Carlton, Costfffffos guest of Miss Mn!-y Catherine Cav­ his cousin, B, H, Field, and family the Mr, and Mr/, Archie Walter nnd DUfDOQR SHOW Evof-y Nitflit Ilefof-c tifff Cirffffflstfffffl anaugh in Lansing, this week. Core part ot the week. daughters and Ralph Moore of Ithaca, Elder Lamport of Ft, Wayne, a for­ mer minister here, called at the church Sunday. Coe Emmons called on Mr, and Mrs. *7 George Higdon, Sunday. Dr, E, V, Segley and Mrs, Segloy of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, are visit­ ing Mr, and Mrs, James Kelley and family. They, together with Mr, and Mrs, Foster Rice and family, held a family gathering at Pleasant Lake, Mr, and Mrs, Segley expect to return FOR THE FINEST home Wednesday and Miss Alice Nor­ THE immediate and ton will return with them, Mrs. Hattie Higdon and Mrs, Hen­ onlhuBiastic ncccptnncc of REDUCED derson visited in Stockbridge a few the new Firestone Century days last week, Progress Tire started n, PRICES Mrs, Irene Erb nnd children of Irenicndoiis wave of Iiiiying FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY Benton Harbor, are spending a few days with her sisters. Miss Catherine llint is keeping llie Firestone •1 10-21 Clickner, Mrs, Mildred Ford and Mrs. MOTOR OIL factories running Norris Hart, Iwcuty-foiir hours a day lo meet this huge demand. t"0"0"f.-0"«"i"§"0»0"0"0"«"t««"#"i<*»"«<'t»«"»-o-«"««^ Fitchburg • i Wc knew that car owiers You S... On on the market Sii. Old Pru. N.-Piic. Yo. So.. On By Mrs, I. S. Batdorff f would replace their On. Til. A S.I Ol 4 •...•.•.....•^.-.-•-••.•..••••-•-•.••..•~i"t..i~»-,>-«-t PER QUART thin-worn, dangerous tires .I..t0,21 ^(.,r.t S 90 S 3.(,0 •5.75 About 100,attended the Fitchburg if they could get what tlicy 4.50-20 6.10 96 3,84 school reunion held in Lawrence's wanted in a tire at the price VT grove, Friday, Members were pres­ 4,SO-21 III 6.30 1.01 4,04 they wanted to pay. Wc ent from Jackson, Munith, Stock- found the answer through 4,75,19 iJ!a 6.7» 1.08 4,32 bridge, Rives Junction, Leslie, Housel 5.00,19 7M 4,56 and Lansing. Myrtle Cook was elect­ ten million visitors to the 1,14 ed president, Gertrude Myers, vice Firestone Factory at the 5,25.18 A" 8.00 1,27 5,08 president; and Mary Grow, secretary ISO^VIS D STOPS COSTLY SLUDGE FORMATION World's Fair last year. We 5,25-21 S.SO 1,40 5,60 and treasurer. The reunion will be ' hsiked them—"What do you hold on the third Friday of July, 1935, 5,50,17 8.75 1,40 5,60 at the same place. value most in a tire?"—anil 5,50-18 10.41 9.05 1,40 5,60 The L. A, S, will serve their annual their answer was — "Give If you pay more than 26c a quart today for motor oil you picnic supper in Lawrence's grove us Blowout Protection, Oihfr Siifs fro|i(ir(iimo(fJy /.nu' Friday afternoon. There will be a are Bimply throwing good money away. For that's the price Non-Skid Safety, and Long small admission, Wear, at a moderate price." Mary and Lyle Grow, Lawrence and of IsoaVis "D"—Standard's premium motor oil. THE OUTSTANDING VALUE Mildred Sporkia, Margaret and Don­ ald Chase, Esther Hawley visited Drive in lo the Firestone IN THE LOW-PRICED FIELD Service Dealer or Service Maurice McCreery at U. of M, hospi­ It ie the most advanced development In motor lubrication. •. tal, Friday afternoon. Store today! Equip your car Mrs. Astalos entertained the Merry- for the patented Propane Dewadng and Chlorex Extraction with these new Firestone Go-Round club at a one o'clock lun­ Process have given It this unique quality!

with Mr. Huffmeyer of Lansing, and day morning service for worship Mrs. Cora Heal was a guest Thurs­ Pollok Corners a cousin, Edd Kershaw of Yoco, Rockefeller Scion and His Fiancee which will be held at 11:30. There day and Friday of her daughter. Miss By Erma PoUok Washington, called on her. Mr. Ker­ LESLIE WlU be special music under the direc­ Rachel Heal, of Lansing, shaw had brought a cardoad of lambs tion of Arnold Koch. The church Mrs. Mary Wheeler has been con­ to Chicago. He then took a plane to By Mrs. Ernest Shemian school will hold its session at 10:30, fined to her home by Illness the past A, C, Lake is the superintendent. The Mrs. Edna Bater and children of Detroit where he purchased a new week. school will have its annual picnic at Marquette, are visiting her parents, car. Enroute home he stayed in Lan­ About 65 people attended the Con­ Grunge tHeetilng Pleasant Lake on Thursday, August 2, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Showerman. sing to visit Mrs. Kershaw's relatives. gregational school picnic held at They also called on Mrs. B. Scripter. Following the business routine of Erma Pollok and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leslie Community Grange No. 1736, Pleasant Lake, Friday. Mrs, Catherine Cable was an honor Hobart spent Sunday in Mt. Pleasant Mrs. Freda Wilcox and Mrs. Mary at a meeting held Saturday evening in Mrs. Dallas Cox and children, Jac­ guest at a post nuptial shower held at and Midland, Kendrlck called on Mrs. Augusta Pat­ the G, A. R, hall, Mrs. Bortine Pulver queline and Cecil, and Mr, and Mrs, the homo of Miss Matilda Ingalls Fri­ Mrs. Rlila Pollok visited hor daugh­ rick of Webberville, Monday after­ presented a program opened with quo­ Norman Reason of Pinckney, were day afternoon. Games were played, ter, Mrs, Floyd Fisher, last week. noon. tations at roll call. Musical numbers callers Thursday at the Boyle home. and refreshments served, Mrs, Cable, Mrs. Nora Miller and Mrs. Alice Mr, and Mrs. Hugo Voss and sons, were cornet solo, Maynard Browniee Mrs. Reason I'emained as a guest un­ who before her marriage was Miss Cole and children spent Sunday night Richard and Howard, of Holt, spent accompanied by Miss Frances More­ til Sunday, Catherine Underwood, was presented with Mrs. Elmer Frost. last week Wednesday with his mother house; harmonica solo. Miss Helen with many gifts, Mr. nnd Mrs, Paul Thurston and Mrs. Roy Gragg and children are and sister, Mrs. Laura Voss and Mrs. Marshall; piano solo. Miss Morehouse; Mrs, Emma Annls, a life-long resi­ sons ot Jackson, were dinner guests visiting her sister. Miss Leah Squires. Nathan Eldred. the Misses Hazel Gordon, Rachel dent of Leslie and its vicinity, cele­ Sunday ot Mr, and Mrs, O, B. Thur­ Several in this vicinity are planning Mrs. Mary Collier's little grand­ Good, Lillian Batterson and Welling­ brated her 89th birtliday anniversary ston. to attend Farmers Day Friday at the daughter of Parma, is visiting her. ton Batterson entertained with a mis- at tho home of her daughter, Mrs, Mr, and Mrs, Albert Norton and college. The choir from Wheatfield Hugo Voss and sons and Mrs. Cora cellanous skit of music, songs and Lena Sherman, Sunday, with several sons', Edwin and Donald, ot Michigan Center will enter in the singing con- Eldred and sons called on Mr, and jokes. The Misses Doris and Helen relatives present for the occasion, Center, were among relatives present 'test. Mrs. P, C. Kendrlck, last Wednesday. Marshall were presented in a dia­ Mrs, Annls is unusually active. She is Sunday at tho home of Mrs. Emma Mr, and Mrs. Jess .Bachman and logue, "A Toast to the Horse" and able to care for hor own home, Perry to celebrate tho I'lth birthday family spent Sunday in Morrice with "My Auto 'Tis of Thee", and the Mrs. Anna Armstrong entertained anniversary of her son, Arthur, District No. 7, Wliite Oak friends. men's chorus sang several songs, Mr, By Mrs. F. C. Kendrlck Dale Guild, who has been helping and Mrs, Brancho Fischer, Mr. and a group of 25 relatives and friends at Mr. and Mrs, E, T, Blackmore and Jess Bachman with his farm work, Mrs, Henry Barnes and Mr, and Mrs, dinner Sunday in honor of her sister, daughter Maxine wore week end returned to his homo in Morrice, Sun­ Jjoonard Crowl served refreshments. Mrs, Blanche Ripley Knechtgos, of guests ot Mr, and Mrs, Vere Wilcox Vancouver, Washington, who will nt their summer homo at Pleasant Mr. and Mrs, H, Hartsuff of Stock- day. The next meeting will be held the eve­ ning of August 4, spend several weeks in Michigan, Lake. bridge, called on Mr. and Mrs. Ezra The Number Nino Aid society was A Mankato father says the young Mrs, Carrie Evans of Sturgis Bay, Wilcox, Sunday night. entertained Thursday at the' home of man who goes with his daughter must Wisconsin, Mrs, Elizabeth McArthur Mr. and Mrs, F. C. Kendrlck were Girl Scouts Uetiirii and daughter, Mrs, Minnie Allen, were Mr, and Mrs, Bert Brown, surprised Sunday evening when Mrs. be an awful coward. Ho never gets The first and second class local Girl home until it is almost daylight.— Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Watson Hallot and Kondrick's two sisters, Mrs, Catherine Scouts together with their captain, Mrs, Helen Lacy, daughter. Donna Joan, of Lansing, Clough and Mrs. Rudolph Huffmeyer Mankato Advocate. ;Mi-. nnd iMi's. .lolin Kreiicll ol -Now I'ork nnd (.ii'ceiiwlch. Conn,, have made Mrs, Ethelyn Clay, first lieutenant, Miss Agnes Peacock left Saturday nnd Rose Mary Britz of Marine City formal nniloiincoinont of lllo oiiKagoinont of tholr dliii^'litor, Mary If'rench, to Mrs, Estolla Ranney, and house moth­ to spend two weeks with friends in visited at the Joseph Chevrie home, l.miraiico .Spolilinn ItocUol'clloi-, ,soii of tMr. and tMr.s, .Tohii D. itookefollor, Jr. er, Mrs, Margaret Rackliffo returned Chicago, Sunday, 'J'llo weddin}; will tiiUo plnco in .\ugiist. Voung Kockofollor, a graduate of Saturday from a week's outing at TALK ABOUT i'rliiceloil liiilver.sily, Im.s Jn.st coiiiiileted Ills Ili'St .volir nt Mlirvard Inn' ,school. the Louis Scheffel cottage at Pleasant Miss l-'l-oiicll Is a grliililllto of Itosoliini-y linll, and lias attended Vnssiir collogo. Lake, Those participating in thb camp schedule were Marceline Chev- T )| TiTOTT^Ti^ FOUR DAYS-Starting. rie, Jane Robinson, Utillia Friedman, SAVINGS! Fern and Fay Taylor, Arlene Der- Insists on Making His Own Corks sham, Emmagene Parsons, Esther Latter, Violet Neu, Alice Gorman, LANSIJMt Monday, July 30 "We save on today's bargain price— Donna McLain and Francelia Parker, Scout regulations were observed. UNION DEPOT we save because there's no charge Camping expenses wi?re paid by money previously earned by the Eqst Michigan Avenue for installation—vv^e have an easy Scouts, Upon entering camp the pa­ trols were divided into throe groups, monthly plan to buy it on—and we consisting of the spick and span, enjoy the economy of modern auto­ whose duties were to keep tho cottage Pacific Whaling Company clean, the cooks, who helped prepare matic gas cooking." and serve food, and tlie market group PRESENTS which purchased supplies. The Girl Scouts under the supervision of Mrs, (MAKE THESE SAVINGS YOURS DURING Clay have become an outstanding or­ ganization hero. THIS

.'Vnrclius BiiptLst Church Edward J, Cross, Minister Mr, and Mrs, George Lyon, recent students at the fVIoody Bible institute, and soon to sail for Africa, will have charge of the Sui^dtiy morning service which commences at 9:30, Mrs, Lyon, was formerly Miss Irene Davison and spent a part of her youth in Aurelius, The church school moots at 10:30. The young people will hav(» their meeting at Eden at eight o'clock.

THE BEAUTIFUL NEW ononllitgii Cl>numinity Church' Edward J, Cross, Minister Tho Sunday morning service for worship will be held at 10:30 with Mr, Cross speaking on the subject, "When LARGEST SEA Aro We To Tell tho Truth?" Tho church school will hold its session at 11:30, MAMMAL EVER / A-B Despite llio i\'K.\ code of the cork ninniiraclurors, A. Eddie, lioad hortl- Loslle liiiptist Church ..^^ CAPTURED ciiltiirlst nl' tllo Ool .Moiiio liffltM, nt Del Monte, Calil'., boiiij,' a Scol.sniiln, insists Edward J, Cross, Minister oli innUil)!! Ills own corlt.s. lie is shown hero fashioning a coi-1: for Ill.s own "When Are Wc To Tell the Truth?" bottle frolil llio IlLst sllrvlvlii',' il-oe brought to California from Spain In the will be the sermon subject at the Sun- elirly yolirs by tho .le.siiit filtllors. A lot of fellows would be better off GAS now if they had spent more time ii\ FOR SHERIFF church back in tho boom days and' t wliite Dog District t By Mrs. M. V. Butler less time at a night club or in'a board Many Other Oddities of the Sea room watching tho Wall Street ticker.

Mississippi votes dry by moro than General Admission, Adults 15c, Children 10c RANGE Mr, and Mrs, Burton Shrumm and two to ono, indicating that John Bar­ Mr, and Mrs, Louis Siegle were Fri­ leycorn's drive has been stopped on Open 9 a. m. to 11 p. m. day evening visitors of Mr, and Mrs, the southern front. WITH NEW Glen Merriiield, Mr, and Mrs, M, L, Merrifleld were AUTOMATIC FEATURES Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, John Fink of Lnnsing, 'Mr, and Mrs, John Rathburn ot Lansing, spent Tuesday at the George Linn home, Mrs, Mary Smith and Joe Linn were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, George Linn, George Linn, who was hurt by a mad dog recently, is i-eported gain­ ing, Mrs, Anna Shields of Lansing, M. J. UTTER spent from Monday night until Tues­ Republican Primaries day night with Mr, and Mrs, Glenn Tuesday, Sept. 11, 1934 Merrifleld, Political adv.—26w6p ' Mrs, Thep Simons, who was oper­ ated on at a Lansing hospital last July 27 to August 3 H9i week, is reported gaining nicely and DURING OUR MID-SUMMER Rolfe Community is expected home the last of the week. By Miss Eima Fetters CLEARING SALE DOWN t Lott District OF INSTALLS IT IN YOUR KITCHEN Mr, and Mrs, Irvin Smith and Vin­ t By Mrs. WlUlam Bbikley cent Cummlngs spent Sunday with SUITS AND FURNISHINGS Mr, and Mrs, V. S. Cummings and family of Goodrich. Mrs. Mary Lamoreaux, after spend­ Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Reynolds ing a week at her home here, return­ ed to Dewitt last Sunday, where she 1 spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Glen Oesterle. Is helping to care for her cousin, Mrs. MEN'S SUITS Minnie Hicks, who Is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Coe Emmons of Dear­ The birthday club was entertained Good Worsteds and the Bi- born spent the week end with Mr. and by Mrs. Carl Warner at her home SHIRTS Mrs. Lee Smalley and family. near Aurelius Center last Thursday. Swing Model, all $16 and $18 •;'>:'>:o::'>::'>:o;'>^o:;'>;;if^'>:;o Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fields of Lan­ Mrs. Carl Eighing of near Detroit, suits, now $13-5« • One lot of dress sing spent the week end with Mr. and visited her cousin, Mrs. Hattie Lott, shirts in all late colors, Mrs. E. H. Field. a few days last week. Mrs. Lott re­ sizes 14 to 16. 78c Frank Burgin from Groom, Texas, turned home with her for a week. All $20 and $22 suits, a re­ I Little Bruce Lott was kicked by a $1&50 and Mrs. Paul Sanford of Kalamazoo, markably fine line for choice now called on Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rey­ horse In the face a short time ago and One lot of very fine nolds and family Wednesday. • it required several stitches to close dress shirts, fast col­ the wound. He is doing nicely now it Choice of any suit in store. Mr. and Mris. Ford Aseltine and ors, good materials. 87c Lyle of Mason spent Sunday evening is reported. Nearly all of these high priced suits are Hart Schaffner & Marx with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Reynolds. I Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Clements, Some broken sizes of higher The Food Preparation Group of the Ruth and Ralph Suprine and Mr. and suits that sold up to $42.50. Here $22^ priced shirts at greatly reduced "Jolly Farmers" 4-H club met with Mrs. H. J. Binkley and daughters is a chance to get a highclass Suit Otis Cady last Friday afternoon. spent last Saturday evening in Jack­ at a low price. sale prices. rr Tbe Jolly Farmers 4-H club met son. I this Wednesday evening at the D. L. I Ray Everett is confined to his bed Cady home. with inflammatory rheumatism.. Dincount on all M. L. Clements Is ill. Work Shirts Q Dress Straw Hats 25% Northwest Inglliam Full-cut work shirts in light weights and former price uia. low ByMnk Aral Tentll Bateman Neighborhood for hot weather. By Edna Oafl|>er Blue Bell Chambray. Very large cut

Iva Davidson completed her school and first class make. 58c work at Ypsilanti last week and on Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith visited OVERALLS Thursday her parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Price Sunday. Finest work shirts, long wearing, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. MacReckard J. A. Davidson, spent the day there Good weight, full- with Mrs. Geer and Hazel and she re­ and Beatrice spent Tuesday and Wed­ roomy, comfortable. 68c This "Un-1" Model Only $79.50 Cash turned home with them. nesday In Bay City visiting Mr. and cut Bib Overalls, sale Mrs. Jerry Hagle. ALL-WOOL SWIM ATHLETIC SHIRTS A party of 18 people including John price 87c Barnes and family of Onondaga, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. MacReckard ENJOY THESE FEATURES SUITS and Mrs. Frank Osborne and Mrs. and Henry Uber visited friends at. AND SHORTS 1, Automalio Oven Ileal Control- 5, larce oven and broiler with Bath Sunday. Heavy weight "Cow­ Mary Bashford enjoyed a picnic din­ $1.25 and $1.50 24c-34c-49c gives even temperature, correct "pull-out" broiler, POrcelnIn Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Smith and for each cookhig procesi, Savei enamel lining—easily cleaned. ner at Duck Lake Sunday. Mrs. boy" Overall, regular Mary Bashford ^was the hon'or guest, son, and Mrs. Alvin Smith spent Sun­ Spaulding $4, $5 and $6 gas. No watchhig, no guesswork.' Oven racks chromium plated. price $1.07. 87c it being her birthday anniversary. day near Bath, attending a family re­ 2. AulomiUicXightcrs—no matches. suits now on sale at half SLEEVELESS ,'!, Iii.siilBtcd Oven — keeps kitchen 6, Roomy ulcnsii compartmeilt Mrs. Mary Aseltine of Mason spent union. These are not cheap overalls cool, 7. Glisli!ii!ng white cnltmel rinish— a few days last week with her cousins, Mrs. Walter Dillon and son Edward price. SWEATERS I, lliBli-spced cooking unit,", with easy to clean as a china dl,sh. Roy Rae and J. A. Davidson and their of Providence, R. I. and Mrs, R, G. but good ones at bargain prices. tho famous new Harper heat- Choice of 3 other colors at^no families. On Thursday she called on Leslie and children are spending a KNIT UNIONS • extra cost. In white and colors. Reg­ sprending burners. Clean heat. Mrs. Frank Osborne. few day/3 with Mr. and Mrs, Alvin New Sanl-trny makes washing Short sleeves and long Boys' Bib Overalls...... 63c-73c 8. Iilf;iic.st tilinllty construction— Iva Davidson spent last Wednesday Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith. ularly sold at $1.25 tQ easy. fti''y R'..'nl'.ffntoed. A shower was given last Wednes­ with friends at Algonac. legs $1.75. Now on sale at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rae and Robert day night at the home of Mr. and Boys' Cowboy Overalls. .73c-87c SPECIAL TERMS ON OTHER NEW MODELS, TOO spent Sunday at Lansing. Ethelyn Mrs. J. L. Runyon in honor of Mr. and 68c and 87c tlie low price of 87c. COME IN OUR STORE THIS WEEK Rao" who spent the past week there Mrs. William Uber. About 60 guests with her grandmother, returned homo were present.. The young couple re- with them. .ceived many gifts, SPECIAL BARGAINS ALL THROUGH THE STOCK Several from this vicinity attended tho play, "Henry's Wedding," at Ma­ Three people were killed at a school c SV M E R S son last week, ' election near Redbird, Ky„ the otlier Fred Brown,. LaVern Soule, Alice day. That seems to be one place Gillette and Jean TerrlU spent Satur­ where they take their education ser­ HARRY E. NEELY POWER COMPANY day night at Pleasant Lake. iously. , ' . , INGHAM COUNTY >iEWS, MASON, M ICHIGAN; THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1934 Page Five

, WEBBERVILLE TO PLAV of-^a gang of negro vagrants who had Mizer And Otis Lead 150 Funmakers ' Webberville will bring a fast base­ Ancient History been inhabiting It for several days. Aurelius In Work With Stick ball team to the county park Sunday With Big Circus Most of tho population of the town By Mrs. Mary Drosoiu to meet the winning Mason combina­ Gleaned from News Flies ot became Involved before the melee was tion which has won its last starts. Years Past over. OTIS ALSO HAS PEHFEOT ^REC­ RINOUNG BROS. AND BARNUM ST. JOHNS—Clinton county has There was a good attendance at the ORD IN FIELD, Merton Mizer will probably do the & BAILEY COMING ^O LANSING burling for Mason. The game will be­ -4- five practicing attorneys. Each one CHARLOTTE—E. H. Chapelle, sup­ Aid last Thursday aftornoon. The gin at three o'clock In the afternoon. Ten Years Ago Is a candidate for office. There are erintendent of sQhools at Clvirlotte for next meeting will be held August 2. Merton Mizer and Earl Otis COUT Rlngllng Bros, and Barnum & Bailey two other lawyers in the county but D. P. Whitmore Is taking traffic the past 10 years, has resigned to be- Mr. ^ and Mrs. Forest Clark of tinue to show the way to Mason ­ Combined Circus, The Greatest Show one is already a circuit judge and the come superintendent of the Ypsllanti Houghton Lake, visited Mr. and Mrs. ters. Both are hitting beyond a .400 on Earth, making its 1934 tour of the census on state trunk line highways other is judge of probate. Mizer Whiffs Seven and last Saturday counted 1399 motor school system. John Parker and Merle recently. clip, Mizer Is in front with .475 while continent and scheduled to exhibit in — _ Miss Oummins of Detroit, spent last Lansing, Thursday,, July 26, has as cars traversing M-14 over the hogs- Otis is on his heels with .421. Otis To Defeat Cleaners ALMA—The Gratiot county airport •Rio- WkniA n« G'vk:k:i. week with Mrs. Lulu Bell Wortman. also has the distinction of making sembled from the four corners of the back section. Of these 192 were from other states. Not a horse drawn ve provided from work relief money is Dig W naie \jn ILXniDlt Mrs. Louise Dawson and Mrs. Mary 103 put-outs and two assists without earth—and points In between—the In Lariftina N^vf WOAL- Droscha are attending Woman's week MASOS HAS TWO BIO hide passed his station during the 12- now ready to receive planes. The field an error. greatest aggregation of clowns In all is located between Alma and St. All L.an»mg i-^exi weeK M. S. C. this week. Over 400 farm - WITH STICK. amusement history. hour count, Mr. Whitmore reports. The following averages include last Louis and Is said to be one of the best ..TTrr. . . ». . women registered for this short One hundred and fifty internation­ Sunday's game; Merton Mizer fanned seven men Dansville closed a most successful county ports in the state. IVLAHtHOrtl tMAMftMAL TO BE course ally-famous funmakers cavort and SHO\VN IN SPECIAL CAR. AB R H TB % Sunday at the county park to enable Chautauqua. t The Rev. and Mrs. George Lyon will Mizer 40 . 11 19 25 .475 caper about the seven rings and Mrs. Lewis Cass Webb was hostess JACKSON—M. L, Noon, president Mason to defeat Ferren's Dry Clean stages and the huge hippodrome track ot t u. u- Tu „ speak at the Baptist church next Suh- Otis 38 8 16 23 .421 ers of Jackson by the count of 7 to 6. at Lewis Arbor to a group of women of the Michigan Farm Bureau and for Stretchlng his vast bulk more than day morning, July 29, at 9:30 o'clock. R. Lang _„ 11 0 4 4 .364 this year in the most stupendous cir­ wlio met in honor of Mrs. C. M. Rath­ years prominent in farm circles ot ,Some timely hitting in the fifth and cus presentation ever offered. 55 feet trom head to tail and weigh- They'are soon to go as missionaries, Rickley 11 ' 3 4 8 .364 bun of Atchison, Kansas. Michigan, died suddenly Wednesday ing more than 68 tons, the gigantic Mrs. Lyon previous to her marriage seventh innings gave Mason the win­ Clowns have always been an impor. J. Harkness 38 10 12 15 .316 Wayne Utter, small lad of Dans­ at his home near this city. whale captured recently off the Call- was Miss Irene Davison ning margin. The game was evenly tant part of the circus and the amuse^ Edgar _._18 2 5 6 .278 ville, suffered the loss of two fingers fornia coast will arrive in Lansing Merle and Barbara Cornwell spent played. Each team garnered nine ment world was amazed and delighted Barto '26 4 7 10 .269 and a thumb and had his face and WATERVLIET — The Watervllet next Monday, July 30, and will bo on Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. Clif- hits and each was charged with four when an even hundred of them were Doolittle 19 1 5 5 .263 hands lacerated when a dynamite cap paper mills are closed pending the exhibition in a special-built railroad ford Smith and family. On Tuesday misplays. brought together for the flrst time by Lang, Orlc 23 6 6 8 .261 exploded in his hands. settlement of a strike called by union car on the siding near the union depot afternoon the children entertained Mizer went the route for Mason and Ringling Bros, and Barnum & Bailey. Walker 32 5 8 13 .250 papermakers. on East Michigan avenue for four their Sunday school class at a story- issued but one free ticket to first. But when 150 of the funniest clowns Twenty Years Ago Burt . 45 3 11 14 .244 ^^y^' book party. Each child came repre- Mandreger and VeVolder of the Clean­ Imaginable were placed on the same Sheriff J. A. Barnes has returned Harkness, L. 52 12 12 19 .231 IONIA—Charles Butler, 16, was in The huge mammal, which came seating some character from story- ers gave four walks. Mandreger also program in a simultaneous display from Texas With Ray Lapham, want­ Barker 5 1 1 1 .200 stantiy killed in a traffic accident on near taking the lives of his captors book land. Stories and games were tossed a wild pitch. this spring, the enthusiasm of circus- ed for the theft of a horse and buggy Colby 21 3 4 .190 from a Lansing liveryman. U. S. 16 near here Wednesday night. before he was conquered, lies under enjoyed after which ice cream and 2 .182 The Cleaners started off with a lead. goers knew no bounds. Ginther 11 1 3 In the flrst Sawyer, the load- Mary Elizabeth Parkhurst enter­ He was riding in a light truck headed a glass case. Tho whale has been cookies wore served, Whipple 11 0 2 5 .182 The big show, however, has a jeal­ fpr the cherry fields near Traverse perfectly preserved by embalming, a Robert Droscha returned to his 2 .143 off man, cracked out a double. He ously guarded reputation for doing tained 65 of her young friends at a Clipper 14 4 3 scored on Hutchison's single. The City when the truck driven by Wirt proeess which required more than 3,- home Sunday evening after spending 0 0 .000 the new and unheard-of and there is birthday party at he'r home Tuesday, Beaumont _ 1 0 Cleaners made four tallies in the fifth July 21. McClain was run down by a heavier 000 gallons of fluid. When the whale a week at Royal Oak with Mr. and Lang, D. __ 4 0 0 0 .000 evidence of this throughout its gigan­ on two doubles, a single, a fielder's 'The rate of tuition at Eaton Rapids truck which failed to see the vehicle was raised from the water, by means Mrs. James Jennings and Agnes, Strickland, • 4 0 0 0 .000 tic new performances this season. in front. of a SO-ton crane it was found to be Agnes also came lo spend a few weeks choice and three Mason errors. Mason schools for next year has been set at tMason 427 76 119 174 .279 Besides the clowns, there are 800 such a flne specimen of the fin back bore with relatives, got four of the runs back the same .?15 for the grades and .?30 for the Opponents .438 85 119 155 .271 men and women arenic stars of inter­ variety that the present trnnsconti- Miss Bertha Hays called on Mr. and inning on singles by Mizer, Otis and high school. ST. JOHNS—Loon E.' Walton, 16, Fielding Avcnigcs Barto, doubles by Lynn Harkness and national eminence, many of them died as the result of injuries received nental tour was decided upon. Mrs. J. A. Barnes, Monday. • PO A E touring the American continent for Mr, and Mrs. H. B. Longyoar hav? According to Captain Lew Nichols, Mrs. Morrison and cliiklron of Ma- ' % Colby, a wild pitch, a walk and an returned from a visit to Niagara when he foil from a truck as it turned Lang, Dart 11 1 0 1.000 error. the first time. from the highway into the- home of a picturesque mariner who is ac- son, visited Mr. and Mrs. Murn Grif- Otis -103 2 0 Several of the producing clowns Falls. companying the exhibit, tho tour has fin, Sunday. 1.000 In the seventh frame singles by Two U. of M. freshmen, on vaca­ Lawrence Crosby on US 27 north of Whipple 3 0 0 1.000 have introduced splendid ideas into this city. been marked thus far by the keenest Lewis Ahrens of Hoft, spent Friday Otis and Walker, a pass and an error this year's all new and greatly en­ tion in the north, wero bent on mak­ Lang, Ran 22 5 1 .964 gave Mason three more runs and the interest at every point visited. The evening with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford larged opening spectacle. The Durbar ing love to two attraotive sisters at mystery that surrounds the whale's Smith and family, Ginther 2 9 1 .917 lead. A single and a double in the DURAND—The federal govornmont of Delhi in which more than 2,000 Petoskey. Tho Petoskey belles re­ origin and habits, together with tho Mr. and Mrs. Luther Greene and Clipper 5 4 1 .900 eighth gave the Jackson team another will assume the burden of expense people and animals take part. The sented the advances and finally after thrilling part tho creatures have play- Edward and Miss Fioronco Montague Mizer 11 33 5 .898 run but still the Cleaners were a which otherwise would fall upon the Durbar heads a list of features newly being pestered for a time knocked one cd in many tales of the sea, is declar- of Ovid, spent Sunday with Mr. and Barto 30 7 6 .860 count behind. The statistics of the railroads in providing an overhead assembled that will compel the vast down and publicly spanked the other. ed by Captain Nichols to have been Mrs. Elmer Smiley and family. Gladys Colby 6 0 1 .857 encounter follow; crossing with M-78 • at this point. Harkness, Lynn 16 21 9 .839 1934 program to be recalled with deep Flft>' Years Ago refioctod everywhere in an eager do- returned with them lo spend the week. t>Iii>ion pleasure for a lifetime. A. A. Howard is putting down a Since M-78 has been opon to traffic Doolittle 26 3 6 .829 AB R H tho delay at Durand in handling tho sire to actually view one of the great .796 Among them is a great new con­ concrete walk. These walks are cer­ creatures. Harkness, J. — 30 9 10 Barto, c 5 1 1 extremely heavy traffic has convinced Burt 13 S' 6 .778 gress of the world's foremost acro­ tain to .replace the board walks in This particular whale is credited • L. Harkness, ss 5 2 2 batic champion leapers and sonier- time. the state and federal highway author­ Soutli Delld Walker 5 10 5 .750 2 0 ities that this highway will be among with having given its captors ono of t By Fred Ro\vland .667 J. Harkness, cf 4 saulters presented together in the Rickley _—— 1 1 1 0 1 The Leslie Congregational church tho heaviest traveled in the state. I; the hardest and most dangerous bat- 4,, .625 Mizer, p 4 most amazing athletic contest over Lang, Orlo 5 0 3 1 2 is advertising an excursion to Grand connects Flint with Lansing and ties in the history of whaling on the .615 Otis, lb 3 witnessed and a series of thrilling in­ Edgar 5 11 10 0 0 Ledge for next Wednesday. Round shortens the route between Port Pacific coast. The first shot fired when •Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Boelio and .500 Burt, 2b 3 novations including a startling new Barker 10 1 Walker, 3b 4 0 1 trip fare, .?1. Huron and Chicago by sevffrnl miles. he was sighted near San Clomento Is- Mr. and .Mrs. Uhl of Rochester, New .000 sensation presented by the Groat land, in southern California, struck its York, spent Thursday night with Mr. Beaumont 0 0 0 Colby, If —.:. 4 1 1 A grass fire ran over a large part .000 Hugo. mark but the bomb devices in the head and Mrs. G. L. Nice, Strickland, M. . 0 0 0 Whipple, rf 3 0 1 of the cemetery last Saturday, Only Mason 306 115 62 .872 The great combined circus will ar by the heroic efforts of the people of CASSOPOLIS—A gruesome bit of of the harpoon tailed to explode. The Mrs. Homer Potter of Mason, spent .897 rive on four long trains of 100 double evidence to bo presented in court Opponents 301 102 46 35 7 9 4 the town warned ijy the ringing of the whale thereupon started a battle of Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. G. L. length steel railroad cars, bringing soon is a carefully preserved piece of several hours, diving repeatedly to Nice. Dry Cleaners court house bell was the remaindei- over 1,600 people, 50 elephants, 1,009 saved. ' a thumb which officers claim origi­ groat depths and several times nearly Mrs. John Wheolor, who has been ill AB R H E menagerie aniriials and 700 horses. nally belonged to the person ot O. K. Sawyer, If 5 2 10 A fire which grew out of control on causing the stout harpoon rope to for the past few weeks, passed away ^ Compton of Elkhart, Indiana, It is part. Finally he was brought into at the farm home, Sunday, FILM NEWS i Holdridge, cf 4 1 0 1 the Sol VanEtten farm Monday soon threatened"'the"cro7s and'"buildings charged that in jacking up box cars range again and a second shot was Clifford Rowland was home from Hutchinson, 2b 5 13 0 Lowell Showboat Due east of town. Considerable fence was, journal bearings, Compton's fired which proved fatal to the whale. Luzerne over the week ond. MASON THEATRE \ Hartman, c 4 0 10 burned on the VanEtten and Temple-1 thumb was caught when the jack The Pink community club will meet Uarby, 3b 4 0 0 0 On Grand Next Week ton farms and a field of wheat be- s'iPPed. To avoid apprehension, it is DeVolder, ss-p 4 110 SPEAKING OF PESTS -at tho home of Mrs. Clara Evans with A .wonderful cast, in a gripping longing to John Harmon was destroy- charged, that Compton's companion It would appear that tho Kansas Mrs. Wallace Ahren and Mrs. George Bean, lb 3 0 0 0 drama of adventure is "The Lost ANNUAL EVENT TO BE HELD IN ed. . ^ ; cut the glove and part of the thumb counties arc having some "difficulty Pryor as joint hostesses. Durbrow, rf-ss 3 12 0 Patrol", coming to tlie Mason Theatre IX>WELL. The ladies of the town have organ- away. Railroad detectives have carc- with various pests. Some are cam- Mandreger, p-rf ...i 0 12 Friday and Saturday. Victor Mc- ized to raise money with which to er- fuHy preserved the bit of flesh in al- paigning against chinch bugs, some Good intentions sometimes turn out Laalen, Boris Karloff, Reginald The village of Lowell, which is lo­ ect a band stand on the court house eohol awaiting the trial. against bindweed, some against jack- badly. A Kansas man, desiring not to Denny, Billy Bevan, Alan Hale, Wal­ 36 6 9 4 cated on M-21, midway between Mason _ 000 040 30*—7 square. i rabbits and our own against grass- disturb his wife at a late hour left his lace Ford and other outstanding play­ Grand Rapids and Ionia and at the hoppers. Thus far we have heard of shoes on the front porch and the pup Dry Cleaners 100 040 010—6 SOUTH HAVEN—Several battered ers arc seen in this stirring story of a point where the beautiful Flat and Balancing a budget seems • to be heads followed a general free-for-all no uprisings against mad dogs and carried them across tho street and little band of soldiers surrounded by Doubles: L. Harkness, Colby, Saw­ Grand Rivers meet, offers to the world candidates.—Lincoln County, Kansas, left them on the porch of a pretty yer, Hutchinson, Durbrow and Man­ more difficult than walking a tight- fight which followed the attempt of hostile tribesmen in a desert oasis, each year what is probably tho most rope over Niagara Falls. sheriff's officers to rid the city park News. widow.—Exchange. and making there a last stand against dreger; triples: Whipple; sacrifice unique production to be found any­ swift and terrible death. McLaglen hits: Holdridge, Hartman, Durbrow; where in Michigan. It is the "Show­ has tho finest role of his career as tho hits; off Mizer 9, Mandreger 6, De­ boat"—an actual, living, throbbing steel nerved sergeant, while Karloff Volder 3; bases on balls; off Mizer 1, boat propelled by its own power and has a tremendously dramatic part ns Mandreger 3, DeVolder 1; double carrying 150 performers who dupli­ a religious zealot., plays: Darby to Durbrow to Bean in cate the famed showboats of the Old John tVtack Brown, Tully Marshall Uth; left on bases: Mason 8, Dry South in gay colored minstrelsy and and a host of other well known play­ Cleaners 7; : by Mizer 7, many added attractions. Tho Show­ ers aro also coming Friday and Sat­ Mandreger 1, DeVolder 3; wild pitch­ boat itself is a two-decker with stern urday in tho absorbing story of the es: Mandreger. paddle wheels, twin smoke stacks, old West, "Fighting with Kit Car­ pilot house, etc., gayly trimmed and son." As an added attraction is promised brilliantly lighted. The Showboat en­ The complete official pictures of the the tareozy oomedy drama, "Stolen tertainment has beeomo an institution Baor-Cfirnora battle for the world's Sweets", with Sally Blane and a at Lowell in which the best talent of heavyweight championship head the strong supporting cast, in a story of tho village takes part in offering to pi'og'rara for Sunday nnd Monday. The a wealthy young damsel who had so the world a most entrancing evening's contest is depicted round by round, much money that she never had any entertainment. Lowell Showboat this and blow by blow, with all the knock­ real fun, until she finally broke away year will be presented on the evenings downs in slow motion. from ht-'r family's leading strings and of Thursday, Friday and Saturday, dared to follow the dictates of her August 2, 3 and 4, and it is confident­ heart. ly expected that everyone of the 4000 Edna May Oliver and Edward Ev­ comfortable seats will be occupied each evening. A nominal aflmission MasonTheatre erett Horton head a great coinedy cast in "The Poor Rich", coming next feo of 25c is charged and the entire Tuesday and Wednesday. It's a lively proceeds aro used for charity and other worthy projects. Friday and Saturday bit of mirth and nonsense about two impoverished families, etioh trying to The Lowell Board of Trade, W. V.. impress tho other, and with Andy Burns, president, and the Lowell Dovine, Thelma Todd, Sid Bracey, American Legion Post, Wm. Delaney, Henry Armotta and other comedy commander, jointly sponsor tho an­ players at their very best, the laughs nual Showboat production. Rudolph come fast and furious. VanDyks assists as co-cliairnian. Chapter seven of "The Lost Jungle" and a "Strange As It Seems" novelty reel are also on the program. t Columbia Road \ An especially good bill is promised for next week, including Kent Taylor I By Mrs. W. 0. Norrls t in Zane Grey's-"The Mysterious Rid­ Gripping drama ot' (lie pitiless er", Dorothy \yiison in "Eight Girls Miss Irene Huntington was taken desert! in a Boat", and Lanny Ross in "Mel­ ody in Spring." to the Orr hospital Friday morning and was operated on for appendicitis. Sunday and Monday She is reported doing nicely. Eddie Eifert has the frame up for East Alaiedon a new house. \ Baer-Carnera Fight Picture By t>lr«, John Speer Mrs. Hart of Lansing, spent tho week end with Mr. and Mrs. George Round by round—blow by blo>y Brown. —all tlic high spots in slow mo­ Vern Cooper and mother visited at Will Klont and family and Walter Carson Everetts at Shaftsburg last Ganaway and family spent- Sunday at tion ! Sunday. the Irish Hills. Mr. and Mrs. James Manning .were B, E. Webb and son Lawrence were Also SALLY BLANE in in Lansing,' Friday. in Detroit with a load of cattle, Mon­ Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Lockwood and day. "STOLEN SWEETS" boys spent the week end fishing at A drama of romance and laugli- Lairabee Lake near Hastings; Mr. and Mrs. John Speer and Dart District tcr! Charles Kaimon spent Sunday witli By Mrs. Hattie Godley Mr. and Mrs. Charles McClung near Tuesday and Wednesday Leslie. • Junior Kaimon, who has been with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bowen and family his grandparents since school let out visited at Ralph Hayner's, Sunday. "THE POOR RICH" is spending a-few days with his par­ Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pringle ents in Williamston. on July 20, a baby daughter. Edna May Oliver and a great Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Wallene are Arlo Warfle, and a company of comedy cast in a riot of mirtli entertaining Mrs. Wallen's brother, young people spent the week end at Oscar Gullens, and Mrs. Gullens of Patterson Lake at the Osborne cot­ and merriment! Chicago. tage. Waldo Fellows and daughter Vir­ ginia of Birmingham, were at the Godley home Saturday afternoon. Dannie Patrick, who lives near Ann Arbor, visited at the William Malcho home, Sunday. J Desirable Investment Mary Wigle visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holland of Webberville, Monday night. Is that which offers to the Investor, FIRST of ALL, rea­ sonable assurance of the SAFETY of his principal. Meadsville biggat treat in 1934 motoring. By Miss Bah Whitney HEVROLET'S famous KNEE- be missing the Building .and loan shares In Michigan are backed by flrst ACTION ^de —what a difference it mortgages on homes—and the HOME Is recognized as among C Already hundreds of thousands of makes in the whole "feel" of driving! the most valued forms of security. Ted Kusha went to Detroit over the owners are enjoying Knee^Action in week end. He was the best man at Nothing else in the low-price field comes even Let us tell you about "NATIONAL" shares. his., brother's wedding which took their ,daily driving. A billion miles has place Simday riiomlng. close to the sensation of it! The soft, gentle Charles Nlethammer is still con­ proved its unquestioned dependability. wayit8moothBoutthebun>p8.Theoomfortand fined to his bed at this writing. Could you ask for any better reoommenda< Dannie Patrick of Ann A^^bor, call­ ease it gives to back-eeat as well as frontnaeat ed on several families In this neigh­ ti


BusihesB Man Snatched, ELECTED BY MEXICO CliASSIFIED MGWILECT Forced On Night Ride ADVERTISING MA%'OR' RESISTS AND ESCAPES FROM NIoHT RIDERS. LIVESTOCK—TOOLS • • VEVAY SUPERVISQR HEADS COUNTY CONTROL GROUP. HORSES—4 head of good farm hor Joy O,^ Davis was the victim of the ses, from $50.00 up; grey mare .to snatch racket Tuesday morning and Acreagi) Control Plan To Be Oontln. trade for fat cattle or good milkers; was forced to ride many miles through, uoil Despite Drouth Condltlan!i, good Guernsey cow. C. H, VVatt, on the countryside. Mayor Arthur W, E\i»eet Siiiuller Cut. the state game farm road, 30wlp^ Jewett, marked as another victim, put up such resistance that he escaped W, R. Carvon, Vevay farmer and FOR SALE—Cheap work horse. One although he lost part of his night­ supervisor of that township, was re­ that will do a lot of work for the elected president of theflngham Coun­ shirt in the moloe, money. Also two year old colt, ty Wheat Production^ Control associa­ Mr, Davis gave an account of the .broke, Ralph A, Edwards, 5% miles tion at the second annual meeting of snatch and the ride late Tuesday mor­ south of Mason, Lesliephone, 30w2 the board of directors held Wednesday ning after he had partially recuperat­ afternoon at the court house, David FOR SALE—Full-blood Guernsey cow ed from the shock of the gruesome Beatty, Wheatfield director and also and two heifers, R, F. Baldwin, oxperiencos of the night. He said a member of tho board of supervisors, Route 1, Onondaga, 4'/i miles west that he heard someone rapping at his and Harold Spink of Delhi were again of Leslie, 30wlp ; door about 2:30 Tuesday morning. selected to serve with Mr. Carven as Against the advice of his wife, .he members of the allotment committee. FOR SALE—9 coarse wool ewes, answered the door,' Mr, Davis said, It Taught Us the Value of ,f3,50 each or will trade for Guern "When I opened the door I was grab­ Wednesday's meeting followed sey or ,Jersey cow, fresh or coming bed by two men whom I recognized closely after township or community fresh, Minnie Ciiapman, 3 miles as Eno Bradman ot Lansing, and meetings which wore held all over the m south of Mason and • '/i mile oast, George Dutt oi Texas, I attended county on Monday evening. Attend­ 1st house over high bridge, wlp sohool with' both of them. They in­ ance at local meetings exceeded ex­ Oon, Lnzaro Ciirdonns, who was Friendly Co-operation sisted that I accompany them on a^ pectations revealing a continued inter­ cloctod pi-esldoiit ol' the roiuihllc of FOR SALE—Soven-wecks-old pigs, trip to the home ot other old friends est in the idea of balancing production .Mexico hy nn ovorwholniliig plurality. Ed Walker farm, 3 miles southeast in the vicinity. At first I demurred with demand. Other officers of the of Dansville, 30wl and then I flatly refused. Upon my county association chosen are: Noi> Remember the old Singing School. Remember how we refusal tho two mon tightened their man Wever, Meridian, vice president; FOR SALE—Fresh Guernsey cow, grasp and carried me bodily to a car H. H, Barnum, county agricultural used to sing those old choruses over and over to get Charles Martini, 30wlp parked nearby. What happened af­ agent, secretary; and Frank-Thomas, NHGRliND JURORS ter thai is not vei'y clear, I do re­ FOR SALE—Farm equipment; Tools, Alaiedon, treasurer, Mr, Thomas suc­ member arriving back in Mason close harmony. It took co-operation from everybody to cattle, horses, hay or grain. Will ceeds Silas Bement who was no long­ shortly after daylight and. I have a tako mortgago, (irst land contracts, er eligible to serve having sold his HWRiMSSES taint recollection of visiting , Dans­ or small free • property by owner. farm, make those songs sound well, and it is going to take co­ ville," ODtuplliiiico Checked PARADE OF WITNESSES IN AND Write Ingham County News, Box OUT OF COURT KOOtM, i*iayor.Jewett had a hard tussle to Field supervisors finished the job No. 19. 30-tf operation from all interests to bring back this country escape the ruffians. He was awak­ of checking compliance with contracts Gambling, Ucuuty Culture, Attorney FOR SALE—Holstein calves, three or ened about three o'clock by a pound­ early this month. This action paves General ReporLs And Other four days old. Paris H. Witt, two ing at his door. He believed someone the way for the second benefit pay to a prosperity basis. This bank knows the value of co­ Issues Probed. miles north of Dansville. 30wl was in need of his services as mortic­ ment which will come through upon ian so ho went to the door. When he filing ot the proper certificates by the Tho Big Parade has been re-enact­ operation—our splendid, efficient banking service is an stepped outside he was grabbed' by allotment committee. Checks to grow I-ARiMS—REAL ESTATE ed in and out ot tho circuit court room two men whom he identified as Mr, or? will be slightly higher than was used by the Inghnm county grand jury FOR SALE—A fine summer home on Bradman and Mr, Dutt, But the anticipated as the county budget example of teamwork vvitliin our organization and mayor then put up a hard fight and probing state graft chai'ges the past west side of Higgins lake. Cottage which amounted to about two cents week. Alleged open gambling in Mc- completely furnished; concrete foun­ finally eluded the grasp ot his attack­ per bushel, was only about two-thirds you'll always find us ready to co-operate with sound, ers although a goodly part ot bis Comb county, tho state cosmetology dation and basement; screened expended. The 1934-35 budget as department and the feud between At­ porch 10x40, Good shade trees, 110 nightshirt was torn from his back nnd adopted Wednesday Calls for less than left in the grasp of his attackers. torney General O'Brien and .Judge Ar­ conservative business interests. fool lake frontlige or can have 300 one cent per bushel. thur Lacy ot Detroit have been among feet frontage, riparian rights, flnest Mayor Jewett and Mr. Davis stated Those connected with the county the issues before the jury, it is boliov­ bathing beach. Owner unable to Wednesday that they would prefer no association slate that tho control plan od. care for property. For price and charges against their attackers as will continue during the coming year Last Friday Attorney General Pat- terms inquire ot D, H, Matheson, they considered the attacks were but even though the drouth has drastically rick'[-l. O'Brien, one ot tho prosecut­ Roscommon, 28w3p the continuation of a series of prac­ cut into tlie surplus that was back o ing aides, took the stand himself. It tical .okes played by Bradman and tho movement. They point out that is believed that ho was questioned re­ The Farmers Bank Uult when they attended school here. with normal seasons and normal pro tVlISCELLANEOUS garding whether or not political mal­ duction the country would again ex ice was behind the submission of a ceed its domestic requirements by FOR SALE—Windmill derrick and report which sot forth that excessive Member of Federal Reserve ^System 200,000,000 bushels, which, in the ab wheel, A-1 condition and priced to and illegal fees were collected by thi> sence ot export demand, would soon soli; Piuil B, Cheney, 1 Vi miles west law firm ot which Arthur Lacy is a uestorc the old price-wrecking carry of Mason on Columbia I'oad, 30vvl member, Mr. Lacy, a candidate for over. The porconlage ot reduction State trappers, took 194 predatory crop was also large. In tho Woostor the democratic nomination as gover­ FOR SALE—Range shelter, designed however, is expected to be slightly Mexican Beet Worker animals of four different species in nor, is receiver tor tho Detroit Trust and Salem section there has been by Michigan State college, ?10.00. less than the 15 per cent called for I'nde.cling Ihe Siicoiiil Senses company. ArKPftfpd Rv OfFl'cf»r«; "PP°'' Peninsula during'the past ample rainfall nnd Mr, Palmer reports Iiiquirfj Father Duffy, Bunkerhill. ill ChlldhDoil last season. .^rresiea oy V^iriccr* ^wnth. included in this number were 114 coyotes, including four young; 29 that crops there aro excellent. 29w2p Parents who are interested in siz­ Cummins On Stltiiil HELD FOR IJKEAK-IN OF WHEAT- bobcats, including five young; 41 foxes ing up their children's physical condi­ While Judge O'Brien was testifying FIELD GLEANER HALL. and. 10 wolves, FOR SALE—Heavy building timbers. tions during the sulnmer months in Feeder Loans Offered his* two former assistants, Charles F, Yellow pine, in excellent condition preparation for school might, to ad­ Cummins, heading the state's legal Charley Gusman, 27, Detroit resi­ suitable for sawing, l^onsonnble, vantage, consider the following list of By Credit Association force during the flrst weeks of the V, E, Minnis, 1020 May street, Lan­ dent but a native of Mexico, was ar­ TALL CORN IN OHIO common detects of school children in jury probe, and Waiter A, Kirkby, FEDERAL FARM LOANS sing, Michigan, 29w2p rested Monday on a charge of break­ Vern Palmer ot Aurelius lugged a the United States, LOANS S E O U H K D BY FIRST were waiting in the corridor outside MORTGAGE ON STOCK. until they were called to testify. ing .and entering. The information huge cornstalk into the office of tho Tho host statistics available show charges him with breaking into the Ingham County News Monday morn­ SEE H. M. ELIOT Mr, Cummins and Mr, Kirkby were For Rent that about 75 per cent ot all school Wheatfield Gleaner hall near Van- ing, The stalk measured 11 'feet and 1 Michigan farmers may avail them­ discharged as Judge O'Brien's ­ children have physical defects whlcli town on July 12 and stealing dishes, seven inches, Mr, Palmer and son 207 Hollister Building selves of a new type of feeder loans ants last week. Mr. Cummins insist­ FOR RENT—House at 324 West Elm are actually detrimental to the health. silver and folding chairs. Officers Cleo spent Saturday and Sunday in This would include about 16 million just announced by the Production ed prior to his discharge that Judson street. Vacant about August 1, also believe the Mexican guilty of Woostor and Salem, Ohio, The stalk Lansing, Michigan, or Earl Whipple, 29w2 school children. Between 50 and 75 Credit Corporation of St. Paul, which E, Richardson, another assistant at­ makes it possible under certain cir­ torney general, submitted a report ex­ breaking into a farmer's home near was one of thousands on the farm of per cent hlxve defective teeth, which Vantown and stealing a shotgun, Fenton Palmer, a cousin of Vern Pal- FOR RENT—Modern brick home, 8 cumstances for the farmers or stock­ onerating Jul^lge Lacy's law firm but contribute greatly to the impairment Gusman was taken before Justice mer. The Ohio cousin has 60 acres of W. A. Wirin, Mason rooms, well located, garage, C, W, of health as time goes on and prob­ man to obtain thii full purchase price that tho attorney general, because ot of feeder cattle and feeder lambs, In polifical animosity toward Judge William S, Seelye Tuesday afternoon, the tall corn. His oats threshed 60 Browne, opposite postofflce, 27-tf, ably constitutes the most important Charles Woods, Dansville Barry, Eaton and Ingham counties Lacy, ordered the report revised. Examination was waived and Gusman bushels to the aero and his wheat minor health hazard in these children. was bound over lo the September went 45 bushels to the acre. His hay FOR RENT—Four-room apartment The problem has been attacked in applications for feeder loans may be The jury questioned Mr, Cummins term of the circuit court, ! for light housekeeping, C, W, many, ways, particularly in regard to made to the Charlotte Production Browne, opposite postofflce, 27wl-tf Credit association, a branch of the St. Friday afternoon. On Monday Mr. The Mexican is one of a crew of diet. The most recent evidence seems Kirkby was given a hearing. Anoth to point to the older idea tbat by Paul Production Credit Corporation. sugar beet worlcers employed in the FOR RENT—Pasture, D, G, Barr, Offices of the Charlotte Production er witness Monday was Byron Geller, Vantown area. keeping tho teeth clean a great deal an assistant attorney ' general. Mr. 25wtf, of decay can be prevented and that Credit association are maintained at FARMERS!! Hastings, Charlotte and Mason. Cummins alleged that it was Mr. Gel SEEKS KENT OFFICE FOR RENT—Bean ground, D. G. dietary factors are relatively unim­ ler who changed the Lacy report un­ Ralph Strope, formerly ot Mason, is Barr, Mason, 18-tf portant. Loans secured by a first mortgage der the instructions of the attorney reported to bo a candidate for tho Why Pay More For Your Auto Insurance? About 10 to 20 per cent, or between on the livestock "bought and on a suf­ general. democratic nomination as sheriff of two and four million school children, ficient amount of feed to finish the That the utilities commission angle Kent county, Mr, Strope is the son Wanted have weak foot arches, weak spine, or stock for market may now bo obtain­ I Can Now Offer You Special Low Rates In is not yet completed was made ap­ ot Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Strope of Ma­ joint detects. We have recently point ed by tire farmer who furnishes parent Monday when Elder T. Lar- son. He served with the 119th Field WANTED—Young cattle to pasture. ed out in this column the causes for sound financial statement, has exper­ A Good Reliable Stock Company! sen, a former bus inspector for the Artillery during the war. For sev­ Lots of good water. Jerome Tanghe, these defects so that parents will ience in feeding, and is in a good lo­ commission, testified. It was the ar­ eral years following he was a railway I'/o miles east of Etchell's Corners. have some idea about the methods of cation and equipped with adequate rest of Al Tobin, lobbyist, and Rep. mail clork. He then became an oper­ R. C. TITUS AGENCY , 30wlp preventing them. facilities. He must be known to be a good moral risk also tad it is neces­ Tracy Soulhworth of Monroe on char ative of the department of justice, 714 S. Lansing Street Between three and five million WANTED—All kinds of calves and sary that the price to be paid for the ges of bribery growing out of the al­ school children have adenoids, dis­ Mason, Micliigan Teleplione 116 beef cattle. Write D, P. Ball, Oke­ stock shall not be out of line with leged acceptance of marked money eased tonsils, or enlarged glands in MASON MARKETS mos, 30w2p reasonable expectations as to the price for securing a utilities permit that the neck. These, of course, are among Wheat . $ ,90 ? ,90 at'the time the stock is marketed. caused the grand jury to be summon­ WANTED—Fordson tractor in good the most important hazards to the Beans, cwt. ' 2.50 2,45 Borrowers who are not experienced ed. condition. Will trade a dozen head li'ealth. .. In considering the potential Red kidney beans, light.. 4,25 4.50 will not be granted more than 75% of Gambling Prot»ed of purebred -Hampshire and grade danger of enlarged and diseased ton­ Red kidney beans, light.. 3,75 3.00 the purchase price, provided the ap­ Prosecutor Roy M. McKinstroy of Shropshire sheep^ Also need plow. sils, the climatic condition is the most Oats ,43 .48 plication is approved, and in cases McComb county was one of the wit­ Possibly part sheep and part cash, important factor, for colds, sore Rye .60 .58 where feeder prices are relatively high nesses Tuesday afternoon. It is be­ Ross Boutwell, 3 mllos west on Col­ throat and upper respiratory infec­ Feeding barley 1.10 ' 1.30 some margin in the shape of cash or a lieved that the prosecutor was ques­ umbia road, 30w2p tions are common through a long win­ Malting barley 1,25 1,30 ter climate. The population suffers chattel mortgage will be required. tioned regarding the alleged opera­ Cream 24c New Beauty WANTED—Alfalfa hay to put up on greatly from rheumatism in all forms, tion of gambling houses in McComb Eggs . 13c and the germs producing this disabil­ county. shares or will buy your share out of ANNUAL WOMEN'S CLUB PICNIC Rocks 11c ity gain entrance through the mouth the field or will buy field standing, The annual picnic of the Ingham Another witness Tuesday was Lynn Leghorns 7c and nose. The barriers of this infec­ for Your Kitchen Cloverleaf Dairy Farm, Box 61, County Federation of Women's clubs D. Allen, clerk of Oakland county, tion are broken early In life and the Williamston, telephone 71F11. 28-3 will be held at the Woman's Home, who brought records of the Moe prevention of rheumatism, therefore, Legal Notice 510 West Willow street, Lansing, Smith case in Oakland. Smith was properly begins in childhood. Mouth Wednesday, August 8. A picnic din­ Indicted by an Oakland county grand ANNUAL,SCHOOL MEETING Lost and Found breathing is present in about 25 per and Better I ner will be served at noon. All club jury on a perjury charge arising OhoiiUfiKh, MIeh,, July 1). 19!il. cent of the children as an indication women are asked to bring one dish .from the Investigation of the con Onondttgn School District No. 1 mcctlnor wfta of some trouble in the nose and LOST—A 1917 Mason high school of food, sandwiches and table service. stiructlon of a school in Hazel Park in called to order by G. O. Doxtndcr. president, class pin. Reward, Mrs. Ruth Otis, throat. Minutes of loiit unnuftl meeting were fciid «ifd Mrs. Morgan, matron at the home and 1931. Smith was convicted and sent itpproved. Cooked Foods 30wl At the most recent White House the board of directors and the officers to prison. In 1932 the supreme court Pinfinclnl leport for year \VI\H reiifl find conference on child health it was of the county federation urge all mem­ granted a new trial. The trial was apiU'Ovcd. never held and In 1933 the case was Ballots wci'C cant for ti'fistce lo succeed Mue Businoss Locab found that about 3 million children, or bers of the Federated Women's clubs Spring. 17 votes were cfuit of which Mae for YoMr Tablel about 15 per cent, have Impaired tp attend. A program and games are dismissed. Sifrinff fecelved 16. hearing. The most common cause for scheduled for the afternoon. Motion wfts maile and supported we ntljourn. FARMERS ATTENTION—Dried beet Phillip H. R:obison, former assistant Carried. pulp moistened with water makes a this is repeated colds, or some more attorney general, who represented the SiKnctIf EDNA MOORE. Secf'ctary. serious infection, such as scarlet fev­ good substitute for hay. Better use FORMER RESIDENT MARRIED state in the first trial of Smith and WITH. THE some through the hot weather and er or measles. Because of deafness who secured a conviction, testified Financial Report—Receipt. these children frequently receive an Announcement is made of the mar­ Tuesday afternoon. Maxwell Brown, Amt. in clo.scd bunks June 30. 1033..$ 494.36 save the hay for winter feeding. riage of • Burr DuBois of Tuscon, District taxes 967.S7 NEW 940 SERIES undeserved reputation in their school present assistant attorney general, We have it in stock. Also once Arizona, former resident of Mason Delintiucnt taxes 335.98 used and second hand grain bags work of being mentally defective. was also summoned to the jury room Primary money : . 245.42 Visual defects are,, of course, ex­ and son^of Mrs. L. M. DuBois, to Miss Thatcher Slan Aid 99.00 for sale cheap. Bement Feed and to testify. Library — 4.04 tremely common and some form of iCornella Katherlne Arzinus Van Har- Supply Service. 30wl deveid,.,which occurred July 9, at Sheriff George Smith of Macomb TulHon i 792.50 I defective eyes Is found in about 25 county, Carl Gllck and Fred C. Fos­ Shoi't loans 1.000.00, Yuma, Arizona. Release ft'tim banks 58.13 GUARAN'fBED RADIO SERVICB— per cent of all children. Except in an ter, former members of the cosmetol­ extremely small percentage these de­ Standard accessories and supplies. ogy board. Miss Marie Arnst, secre­ Total including 1933 balanpc, 4.997.0D ACTOR DEAD Exact duplicate replacement parts. fects can be readily corrected and by tary of the board, Bert M. Grimm, Expenditure. doing so a major handicap to educa­ General control '. ? 183.00 Free set analysis. Reasonable rates. Earl Parrish for several years a secretary of a hairdressers' associa­ tion is removed. Teacher salaries —— 2,264.14 W. V. Barkway, 32i5 Center street. member cf the Henderson Stock com­ tion, and Rudolph E. Relchert, state Tuition 195.00 Mason. Phone 32. 28w4p These defects seem of minor impor­ pany, died Suddenly in Mancelona last banking commissioner, were before Supplies 207.67 Libi'ary 4.04 tance when a child appears healthy week. the jury Wednesday. Rangfis LIVESTOCK HAULING to Detroit. and active, but why allow minor Operation of school plant 555.22 Insurance . •.• 10.00 MOOIL N*.««t Careful handlhig, prompt service. handicaps to create a disadvantage Pi'incipal on short loan 1,000.00 Rates SOc cwt. Your business ap­ NAVAL HISTORY for a child in relation to other chil­ Mason Firm Awarded Intereat 50.00 Mali* and Burn Th«lr Own Oat... Ugkl InttafiMyl preciated. C. Balmer, Dansville, Alterations .....i.- D7.00 dren? It is not so much a matter, of July 15, 1779: U. S. Ships Ranger, Zn thsw n«w, inodtm ranftt yoa wlU find huidMnM d*> phone 21-P13. 11-tf Cash balance June SO. 19.34 ; ' 34.70 better school work in the absence of Providence ;and Queen of France cap­ Garden Drain Project Amount in clo.ied bonks 436.23 ilgoi and flnishM that will add naw briglitnMi iiid tMautjr to deafness, defective vision or Infection, tured 11 English merchant ships. jroHTldtehaal Naw Improvamaata malia It aaay to hava btttac Total $4,997.00 but that a child will make more nor­ July <16, 1863:: U. S.: S. Wyoming, KENFIELD DRAIN LET TO WOL­ eoekad fooda for your tablal Tha Naw Colaman Inataat-Qaa MisceHueouB mal progress and be better able to Slsned: EDNA MOORE, Seci'othry, Captain McDouglan, attacks and sil­ VERINE AT LOW PRICE. Rangaa ara tlu ..finest liquid fual atovea evar compete in the adult world. In all ences Japanese ships and batteries at State ot MIchlKan, County ot Ingham, ss. madal And tnajr provida modam gas servica for CARD OF THANKS—We wish to ex- surveys concerning sickness made Shimnonosekl, forcing the straits of Edna Moore, being duly sworn, deposes nnd cooldng ... no matter whara you live. press our thanks to each and every during the past 20 years upper res­ the-same name. : ->. ' George Graham, county drain com­ says that she is secretary ot the Onondaga one for the help and kindness shown piratory Infections among adults were missioner, awarded the construction School Distf'lct No. li that the foregoing f'C- July 17, 1846: Lieut. G; O. Fremont of the Kenfleld drain in the garden port ot tho annual school meeting held July Amaiing Naw BAND.A-BL|J Burnar during the sickness and death of our the most common causes of loss of 9, 1934, and the tot'egoing report ot receipts beloved husband and father. Mrs. time from employment. with naval detachment .hoisted flag secRon of Aurelius to the Wolverine and disbursements Is true and tiorf'ect to the Cuta fual costs ona-flfth. Provides a widar Carrie Burroughs, Mr. and Mrs. over the mission of St. Johns. Engineering company of ..Mason on best ot her knowledge and liellet, ranga of coolting haat. Olves even h«at distrib­ Now is the best time for a check up Fred Burroughs, Mr. and Mrs., July 18, 1898: U,. S. Gunboats Monday. The letting was held at the EDNA MOORE,'Seci'etniy, ution; 20 par cent greatar heating efficiency. A of a child's physical condition and the Sworn and subscribed to befoi'e me this 25th Frank Otis, ,/ 30wl Helena and W'lnilngton attack Span­ residence of Earl Wright on section time, money and labor-aaving improvementsentl! institution of remedial measures which dhy of July, A. D, 1034, / ish gunboats at Manzanilo, Cuba. 10. • M. JAY BALDWIN. Notary Public. CARD OF THANKS—Words cannot may be suggested by the family phy­ My commission cxplf'cs August 1, 1037, Dial Typa Safaty Carburator Valva sician, July 19, 1918: U. S; S.'San Diego, The contract price for the three-foot express what our hearts feel toward formerly the California, is blown up bottom open drain. Is 95c a rod. The The naw Dial Typa Carburator Valve givea you, j the many kind friends and neigh­ at your finger tips, poaitlve, visiblo fuel control. It If all the seedlings and transplants and Slink off Fire Island, by German draiin is about 337 rods in length. bors, for the love and sympathy in submarine mine..: .... Compared to drain construction Induces gas inatantiy. Makes thasa Instant-Oas word and deed to us shown ih' this distributed from Higgins Lake nur- Kanges easier to operate than ever before. sery last spring were planted in one July 20, 1846: Commodore Riddle prices five years ago the cost of the CATTLE WANTED! hour of sorrow in' our great loss. Kenfleld, drain is exceptionally' low, Mr. John Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs, A, plot and matured they would form a with the U. S^ S, Columbus and the SeeThete Remarkdblo Rangoi at Our Store! pine forest covering 2,500 acres of U. S, S, Vlncennes. anchored at Yo- Back in 1029 contractors were piiid R,,Watklns, Mr, E, B, Watklns, Mr, All classes of cattle wanted. land. kohoma, Japan, between $3.00 and $5,00. per rod on and Mrs, M. E, Bateman and fam­ open drains. ily. • • • 30wl July 21, 1804: Preble -appeared off Call or leave word at Smith's The coilnty road commission was CARD OF THANKS — I wish to Tripoli with his entire squadron. Fleet assessed 17 per cent of the cost of the Market. $59.40 and up The first week in June, 1B34, 336i- thank the Dansville O, E, S., Bap- manned, by a thou8arid",men, carried project and the township .of Aurelius 929 persons visited 40 Michigan state, tlst Aid, relatives and friends for 124 guns, ^ V ' was ass.e'ssed five per cent.' The re­ parks. Of that number 96,300, or near-: 'the'plants, flowers, fruit and cards July •21,;.1905|^ boiie.r explo maining 78 per cent: of the cost will A. B. HOWARD ly one-third, freqiaented the Bay City be borne by property owners in the Mason Plumbing and Heating Co. playground. ' ••A)-iA'-'^^iX^':^':'''-:^^^^^^^ drainage district,-. .. . : INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1934 Paft Sevco

Sycamore Creek Dusty, sharper than: any two-edged sword, Scenes and Persons in the Current News piercing even to the dividing asunder Swimming Dam Out of soul and spirit, and of the joints Personal Mention and marrow, and Is a dlscernor of the Help make Mason more neighborly by telephoning or sending interestingNOT A DROP IN CREEK AS thoughts and Intents of the heart." personal items to the Nexvs. Phone 55. r DROUTH CONTINUES. Correlative passages to be read from the Christian Science textbook, Dust arose from the bed of Syca­ "Science and Health with Key to the Mr, and Mrs, Lee Ware and family The little daughter of William Jen­ more creek In Mason Tuesday and Scriptures", by Mary Baker Eddy, In­ are staying at Pleasant Lake. nings is ill with scarlet fever. Wednesday. There was not a drop of clude the following (p. 420): "The fact water above ground from Oak to State tbat Truth overcomes both disease Mrs. J. S. Knapp of Eaton Rapids) Lylje Osterberg was ill and absent streets except a shallow pool near and sin reassures depressed hope. It spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. from his work at the NEWS office Maple street. It was the flrst time In imparts a healthy stimulus to the H. Snyder. Friday. tlte history of the city that the.creek body, and regulates the system. It In­ Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Bartlett spent Recent callers of Mrs. Elizabeth has been without water. creases or dit^inishes the action, as the week end at Argentine, Michigan, Collar Potter were Herbert Taylor and Wednesday afternoon city workmen the case may require,-better than any with relatives. Hyatte Barrett, wrecked the dam above Elm street to drug, alterative, or tonic." Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bullen spent release water for the creek. Behind Mr. and Mrs.'Willis Every called the dam, which was erected several the week end with Mr. and Mrs. on Mrs. Elizabeth Collar Potter one weeks ago by boys, there was a head George King at Clarkston. evening last week. First Presbyterian Ciiurclt Alice Grace and Edwin Aldrich of of two and one-half feet of impounded ' John Adams, Minister Farmington, wore visitors at John Mrs. H. H. Snyder spent a few days waters. Kelly's Tuesday. fast week in Flint with Mr. and Mrs. Tons of dead suckers and shiners Robert White and Betty Ellen. have died in the creek within the past Miss Ruth Myers spent the week Sunday, July 29, 1934, 10:00 a. m. two weeks. The stench has troubled end at the Waldenwoods girls' eamp The Mason Rebekah lodge No. 324 Morning worship under the leadership west side residents who complained to near Howell. will hold a regular meeting at I. O. O. of the minister. The subject of his F. hall Wednesday night, August 1. city officials. sermon will be "As a Man Thinketh." Mr. and Mrs. Don King and daugh­ Clyde Hahn of Alliance, Ohio, is The music will be under the direction ter of Jackson, visited Mr. and Mrs. spending a few days with his cousin, tHItS. LAMONT IMPIIOVED of Ralph Adams, choir master and Harold King, Saturday night. David Bennett, and family. It is reported that Mrs. John La­ Mrs. Nathan Davis, organist. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Barr and Mr. mont, who has been in a serious con­ ll:30 a. m. Church school, James Miss Lorraine Smith was a dinner dition at the Shipman hospital in Du­ and Mrs. Alvin Linn spent the week Dart, superintendent. guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur luth, Minnesota, is improved. A child end at the fair in Chicago. Hedglin of Dansville. 5:30 p. m. Young People's society. born to Mrs. Lamont died. Mrs. Mary Mary Ella Benjamin, president. Mrs. M. A. Bement spent last week Mrs. Margaret Corsaut has gone to Hill, mother of Mrs. Lamont, was call­ Monday, July 30, 7:30 p. m. Junior in Ionia visiting a niece, Mrs. John Port Hiiron, {0 spend the summer at ed to her daughter's home, Ely, Min­ Dramatic club will meet at the home Hodgkins. tho beach. nesota, late last week. of Dermont Hanes, Okemos Road. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Browne, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cassldy of In­ Juno Blrkott, president. dianapolis, Indiana, were guests Sun­ Wilbur Trumbull was in Bath re- Wednesday, August 1, 7:30 p. m.. of Detroit, spent the week end with pairing the elevator Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Browne. day of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Willett. Choir rehearsal. Ralph Adams, choir Miss Ellen Grace is visiting at the master. Mrs. Marguerite Chandler spent the Mrs. Leon Young/and Mrs. W. H. Taylor spent Tuesday in Lansing with home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly. 1—CnnKi'ossiuiin E. W. Jliirliind, who Is the Democrlilic nominee for «ovornor ot Okliilininn.- 2—Police iltlnoUlns The minister takes this opportunity past week at Webberville with W. H. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Spink. George McArthur spent Monday in rlotiiiK ionyshoi'onion'witli Klis boinbs-iii tile sti'lko tlslirulK' In Sliii i^'i'ilnolsoo. 3—Tlonr.v I'. Flotdloi-, ohnirmnn of the to thank Mrs. Nathan Davis for hav­ Acker and family. Kopubllcfin n.'itlonnl coniiDittco, .spojikliiff nt tho colohi'iitlon of tlie piii'l.v'.s olKlitietli liirtlidiiy in ,7(icl;sf)ii, JIlcli. Mrs. Elvira Morrison of Port Huron Bay City on business. ing so acceptably substituted at the Mr. and Mrs. Claude Post and Mr. organ during the absence of Mrs. has boon visiting Dr. J. C. Corsaut Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Thorburn return­ and Mrs. O. D. Campbell motored to Seelye. and Mrs. Corsaut. ed Sunday from spending the past have tho utmost confldenco in the Canada and Detroit, Sunday. THEODORE ROOSEVELT The session has made arrangements Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whipple spent week at Lake St. Helen. ability and integrity of this jury and Mrs, Donald Vanderveen and daugh­ Calendar of Events with Rev. Walter V. Waltman to sup­ last week at the Steinhoff cottage at Mr. and Mrs. ,Tohn J. Pureell of each and every member of it. It is a ter of Grand Rapids, have moved into matter of disappointment to me that ply the pulpit during the month of Manistee Lake. Finlay, Ohio, are visiting Mr. and August while the minister is on vaca­ tho Harding house on East Elm street Mrs. C. E. Pierce. For Coming Week circumstances have taken the shape Mr. and MrS. Carl Stevens have re­ they are now in, and that I am forced tion. , Mr. Waltman will be glad to fVIiss May Lamb returned Monday Miss Addie Keosler of Ypsllanti, turned from a trip through tho upper l<))Jt. J U LV 193^ to take this aotion." ^ answer any call for ministerial ser­ from a visit with her nephew, Charles spent the week ond with her parents, Lamb, and family at South Haven. peninsula. vices. Calls should be made through Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Hall were din­ Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Keosler. I 13 4 5 6 7 James Dart, clerk of session, phone t\Ir. and Mrs. Bert Squires enjoyed Margaret Munger, who has been ill HOUSEL U. «. CHURCH 309 or 307. a camping trip along Lalce Michigan ner guests Sundiiy of Mr. and Mrs, 8 9 10 II 12 13 l4 M. H. Dawson, Pastor W. A. Hall, tho past two weeks, is reported im­ The junior department of tho church over the week end. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Bible sohool 11 a. m. school is conducting Bible drill and The Pink community club will proved. Mr. nnd Mrs. David Bennett and 21 13 24 25 26 17 28 Preaching 12:00. Bible gaiTies in placo of the regular meet with Mrs, Clara Evans Thurs­ Howard Bennett is spending a few U. B. C. E. 7 p. m. family attended the Maccabee picnic 29 30 31 classes during the sunimer. They day afternoon, August 2. days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Preaching 8 p. m. Subject, "The at Clarks Lake Sunday. D. Bennett. meet at 11:00 a. m. instead of 11:30. Miss Lulu B. Robertson of Lansing Mrs. Dora Thayer visited hor niece, New Heaven and the New Earth." Those scholars who attend morning Richard Oudorkirk of Chicago, is Friday, July 28, Alaiedon Farmers This will be our last service. spent the week end with Mrs, Cora Mrs. B. I-I. Field, at Onondaga, Fri­ worship will be permitted to with­ day. spending a few weeks with his grand­ club at John Ferguson park in Oke­ Baptismal service at Willots gravel Robertson. draw immediately after the address parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kinsey. mos for picnic dinner. pit, Sunday afternoon at 3:30. to the children. Paul Sanford of Kalamanoo, spent A son, Raymond Roy, was born lo Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wyman re- Saturday, August 4, Howard school the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Mr. and Mi'S. Roy G. Karn of Rogers street Friday. lornod Sunday from Big Rapids. They reunion at county park. Sanford. Sunday, July 30, Baseball at county Joan Rakowsky has been taken to will be in Mason for the remainder of i Cliristian Science Society j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Halsey of De­ the summer. park, Webberville vs. Mason. troit, and Charlos Palmer of Yale hor homo following hor operation fo'r R. R. ROBBINS, D. C. ,Mrs. Grant Putnam of Los Angeles, Wednesday, August 1, Band concert spent the week, end with Mr. and Mrs appendicitis at the Orr hospital. California, spont_ tho week end with in front of the court.liouse at 8:15. Christian Science services aro held VV, i^. Richards. David Norris suffered a stroke of her cousin, John Kolly, and Mrs. Wednesday, August i. Mason Re­ over Aseitine's jewelry store every Chiropractic Health pai'nlysis Tuesday night. His condi­ Sunday morning at 10:30. Mi-s. James Stid entertained Mr. Kelly. bekah lodge nt I. O. O. F. hall. and Mi-s. John Kolly at a six o'clock tion is reported serious. Thursday, August 2, Pink co.mmunity Primary sciiooi school is held dur­ Service dinner Thursday night, honoring Mr. Murray Peek of Paw Paw spent Dale Harrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. club with Mrs. Clara Evans. ing the service. Stid on his birthday annivorsai'y. Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Harrison, had his tonsils remov­ Friday, August 3, Mason and Dans­ Wednesday evening testimony meet­ DART NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Harry Peek. ed at the city hospital Monday mor­ ville Masonic and O. E. S. picnic at ing at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ostorborg and ning. Hours; 9 to 12 a. m. son, Ronald, spent the wtfok end in Miss Maybello Bennett of Musca­ county park. "Truth" will be the subject ot the Clai'o McCollum, Miss-Rena Emer­ lesson sermon in all Christian Science 2 to 5 p. m. Grand Rapids, with Mr, and Mrs. tine, lown, is visiting hor parents, Mr. Tuesday, August 7, Housel school re­ son and Vernon Emerson of Detroit, union at 10:30 in the morntng at the churches throughout the world on 7 to 8 p. m. ' Rtchard Raven. and Mrs. D. D. Milloi'. spent Sunday" with Mr. and Mrs. school. Sunday, July 29. Mrs. Bert Doan, Mao Dean and Miss House calls promptly attended to. Charles Murray, young son of Mr. George Deuel. Wednesday, August 8, K. of P. picnic Col.'.l.)ioodoi'e Itoosevolt Is tllcncwl.v , Among the Bible citations is' this and Mrs. Donald. A. Murray, was op­ Pliyllis .lewott spent Sunday in IDe- Barbara Wallace, daughter of Mr. at Pleasant Lake. elected pi'oskloiit of tllo iNiitlonnl Ite- passage (Hebr. 4:12): "For the word Phone 250 Mason, Michigan erated upon last week. Ho is making trott. and Mrs. R. B. Wallace, is spending a Thursday, August 9, Catholic picnic [lubllcnn club. In aeooiitlliK the ollice of God is quick, and powerful, ani a rapid recovery. Ward BuUon was taken suddenly ill few days with her grandparents, Mr. at Bunkerhill. lie snid: '"Tllo Itepillillciiu oi'Knnb.ntion Saturday night. However, he is re­ Dr. C: V. Lundberg and Mrs. Lund­ and Mrs. T, H, Wallace, in.Lansing- must be re-iiindo into n now party—n ported much better sit present. berg of Detroit, spent the week end virile, flf,'Iitln,itunit , lilioi'nl In tlie real Miss Helen Mazako of Detroit, who Urges Jury Continue 1934 with Mr, and Mrs. Forest Smith and Mrs. Elizabeth Collar Potter entor- has been spending the past week with nloiinliif,' of tllo woi'tl-—ill) opposition 1869 family. tainod Mrs. Louise Whitcombe and Paul Lundy and family, has returned Without State Backing party tiliit will oifposo wlioro the roiil Mrs, Louise VanDyke of Detroit, Sun­ Mi'S. Angus Hood and son of Nor- to her home. interests of tlio ilnlloii call for op­ walk, Ohio, visited Mrs. Dora Thayer day. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Allen and son, (Continued from Page 1) position and tllnt will support tlio and Miss Martha Thayer a few days rank Keliy, who has been visiting Nathan, of Clawson, spent Saturday that the jury should have had more President wilnlolloiirtodly in nil con­ last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Keily,"returned to night with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Smith seriuos indictments than the threo structive modsul'os." ' his home at Wardsville, Ontario, Can­ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cavo and and family. voted, Mr. McCullough said, "The nioco, LaVaughn Kepler, of Ashland, ada, Friday. Catholic Picnic! Miss Maxino Chamberlain, nurse at number of indictments voted can not Ohio, are spending several days at tlie Miss Dorothy Blow of Los Angeles, V St. Joseph's hospital in Ann Arbor, is be used to measure the work done by home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cave. California, and sister, Mrs. Fay Ben­ spending a vacation with her parents, the jury." Rain nett, spent Thursday in Detroit with Miss Irene Huntington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Chamberlain. The prosecutor explained that the Signs that the long drouth is Mr. and Mrs. Collins Huntington, un­ friends. lifting came early Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Art E. Cave of Ash­ Ingham grand jury can not return in­ BUNKERHILL, MICH. derwent an operation for appendicitis Mrs. Clifford Smith underwent an morning. While the rain missed land, Ohio, and Miss LaVonne Kepler dictments for crimes committed in at tho Orr hospital early Friday mor­ operation at the St. Lawrence hospital Mason other sections of the coun­ of Wellington, Ohio, have been spend­ other counties but that reports can l>e ning. Monday morning. She is reported ty had nice showers. Several ing the past week with Mr. and Mrs. made to prosecutors of counties where gaining nicely. light stjowers came to the Mason Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith spent Mark Cave. crimes have been committed. This several days last week at the cherry Mr. and Mrs. William Card and two WUl ../e done after the grand jury com­ area during the forenoon ;and Tho 22nd annual reunion of the festival at Traverse City. They visit­ children of Detroit, spent Monday pletes its work, he said. shortly after noon the rain began Bennett-Wagner-Hahn families will Thursday, August 9 ed Mrs. Smith's brother, E. B. Isaac- night and Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hayden, speeial prose­ to fall more steadily. Mason be held Sunday, August 5, at the city sen, and family. C. J. Keosler. cutor whom Patrick H. O'Brien, at­ thermometers in the business sec­ park at Ionia. A basket lunch will tion registered as high as 115 de­ ,Miss Ramona Foster of Gibsonburg, torney general, has sought to bar Mrs. Susan Sear returned Sunday bo served at one o'clock. grees Wednesday afternoon. Ohio, Miss Neva Slepchner of Fre­ from the jury room, said, "The gover­ from Flint where she has been visit­ Tho Junior Chefs 4-H food prepara­ mont, Ohio, and Harold Foster of De­ ing her son, V. E. Scar, and family, nor has no way of knowing what the troit, spent the week end with Mr. tion clnb met at the home^of Cleora jury is doing." Mr, Sear brought her back, Jury Probe To Halt and Mrs. C. F. Schultz. Abbott on "Tuesday. A potluck din­ Chicken Pie Dinner Mr, and Mrs. C. A. Diehl and Mr. ner was served at one o'clock. The Dr. G. C. Moody and Mrs. Moody and Mrs. A. 0. Greenough and fam­ afternoon was spent in taking up tho Knights To Celebrate As State Aid Denied have returned from spending the past ily of Dansville, were visitors Sunday study of frozen desserts. week at Chippewa Lake. Dr. Moody of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stid. Purchase Of Building Adults 50 cents Cliildren 25 cents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spenny and (Continued from Page 1) was not feeling well, necessitating Mrs. C. H. Redman of Chicago, proceed and stand the expense of the their return. Mrs. A. G. Spenny went to the Straits mother of Leon Young, returned to of Mackinac Sunday and met Wayne PICNIC PLANNED FOR MASON continuance of this inquiry and then Mrs. Bessie Candler and son Henry, her home last Thursday after spend­ Spenny on his return from visiting ask the ^legislature at the next session Mrs. Emilie Couch and daughter Vlr PYTHIAN LODGE. ing 10 days with her son here. Mrs. Wayne Spenny and Richard at to pass an act reimbursing the county ginia, and Mrs.-John H. Healey and Irene Huntington was removed to Sault Sto. Marie, Canada. for the money so expended. If we fol­ Jacqueline are spending ten days at Payment for the postoffiee bloek, lowed that ccrarse It Is of course un­ SPEAKING BAND mSlC her home from the Orr hospital Tues­ Mrs. N. S. Davis entertained friends Pleasant Lake. whieh houses . the Consumers Power certain what action the' legislature day morning, following an appendicit­ of her daughter, Joan, Monday from Mrs. R. C. Dart, Miss Dorothy Dart company and the Mason lodge of might take. No one can possibly say is operation. three until seven o'clock, the occasion and Miss Myrtle VanHorn will leave Knlghtl? of Pythias as well, has been with any measure of assurance at this BASEBALL Mrs. R. F. Droscha and sons, Wil­ being Joan's 10th birthday anniver­ Friday for a 10-day outing at Miss completed by the lodge and a cele­ time that our plea to the legislature lard and Wilson, motored to Shelby sary. Games were played and a sup VanHorn's cabin on the St. Mary's bration of the event Is planned on would meet with favorable response, Sunday and brought back a load of per was served. Joan received many river in Ontario, Canada. August 8 at Pleasant Lake. and furthermore it does not occur to cherries. gifts. Mrs. Hattie Freeland and M. D. Members of the lodge ahd their me that under the circumstances Ing­ Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Jones and two Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Murdock of Lan­ families are to have a pLcnlc at Han­ ham county should be forced to de­ We Deliver Graham and son, Nell, of Flint, spent children and Mrs. Ruth Carter and Plione 36 Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Shep­ sing, and Mrs. J. C. Corsaut spent the kerd's resort at the lake on August 8. pend on the bounty of the legislature son of Grand Ledge, spent Sunday week end in Marlon, Ohio, with Mrs. ard. Mrs. Freeland is staying in Flint Indoor baseball and other sports will of the state, in order to be reimbursed with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Torrance. Murdock's mother, Mrs. Ada HUbreth, while Mrs. Graham Is seriously 111 In be on tBe program In the afternoon. for naopey expended In this kind of an and In Belle Fountain, Ohio, with Mr. the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde.. Burt, Winifred Prizes are to be awarded winners. A Inquiry Instituted for the purpose for and Junior, and Miss "Elizabeth MIch­ Murdock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. An potluck dinner Is to be served at seven G. S. THORBURN John Dart left Saturday morning which this was Instituted. itsch returned Tuesday from a 10-day drew Murdock. o'clock. Ice cream and lemonade will for Marshall, North Carolina, where vacation at Mlflecoquin's Lake. be furnished by the committee. Speak­ "Under the circumstunces I am forc­ he win be the guest of Rev. J. T. M. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Maynard of ed to the oonoluslon, I i»ay with re­ Cleveland, Ohio, and H. A. Harris and ers from the Mason lodge and the Knox and Mrs. Knox anS family. Rev. The 12th annual reunion of the gret, that this Inquiry must oefase at Allan of Burton, Ohio, were week end grand lodge will have a part In the Groeeries Knox was formerly pastor of Mason Howard school will be held at the leuat for the present. I am gfolng to guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ray. program. A dance will begin at nine Presbyterian church. county park at Mason Saturday, Aug­ excuse you frofm further dellberattons, ust 4. A potluck dinner will be served Mrs. Harris and Miss Alberta Rose, o'clock. Jtfiss Edith Nichols spent the past but In doing so I wish to afay this: Fresh and Smoked at noon. ..>- who have been spending"" the past week with relatives at Michigan Cen­ three weeks in Mason, returned to Under the statutes of the state I have Mrs. Orrln Hall returned'her moth- HOUSEL SCHOOL REUNION ter. She enjoyed a trip to the fair at Burton with them. the power to r'eoaM you at afny time Chicago over the week end. Miss er^ Mrs. Beulah Faulkner, to her hontie Plans are nearlng completion, for during the canttnuanoe of the presefnt Florence Darrow substituted for her In Ionia Saturday night. ,Mrs. Faulk­ The second unit of the Laugh-a-Lot the Housel school reunion, to be held term ot court. It circumstances so 3r.«i- Meats at the school Tuesday; August 7. at the Vogue Beauty Saion during her ner has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. club met with Mrs. Leo Shattuck, shape themselves that it seems desir­ Promptly at 10:30 In the morning the absence. Hall. Wednesday afternoon. Cards were able or expedient to do- that I ot Our prices do not include the'3% Saks Tax bell will ring and roll call will be re­ John Chapin, who recently under­ played with high ' honors going to course exercise that ipower. V. J. Brown left Saturday to spend sponded to by reminiscences of school went an operation at the Ford hos­ Paula Lundy and low to Mrs. Dale the fore part of the week with Mrs. days. At noon, the lunch, as In old "I realize also you may have now pital In Detroit, has been returned to Rels. The next meeting will be held Brown and daughter, Dorothy Brown days, will be from dinner pails. Mrs. pending before you matters that ought his home In Eden and Is reported gain­ at the home of Mrs, Dale Rels on and grandson, Richard Brown, at Edith Barr and Mrs. Nora Harkness not to be terminated Instantly. You SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK OF JULY 27 TO AUGUST 3 ing steadily. ' Barnes street. Higglns Lake. On Thursday, Friday have prepared a program for the aft­ are at liberty to close up any matters Several from Mason attended the and Saturday he will attend the con­ Lloyd R. Doane is enjoying a vaca­ ernoon which win* be followed by that you have now, before you to the sbcth district meeting of the American ference of governors at Mackinac Is­ tion from his work at the Mason post- sports under the direction of Albert end that work done^ up to this point Powdered Sugar, "Jaclt Frost" _____-l-lb. pkg. 8c Legion and Auxiliary held In Lansing land. office. He with Mrs. Doane and the Howery. Cards are being mailed to may not be entirely wasted. I do not Saturday afternoon and evening. Mrs. expect of course that you-will proceed Argo Gloss Starcli -3-lb. pltg. 17c The Alaiedon Farmer's club will children are spending the,week at all former pupils and teachers, whose .^gnes Sweeney of Howell was elected Into any new line of Inquiry at all, but hold Its July meeting at John Fergu­ Laird Lake near Hale. addresses can be obtained. Mrs. Gus- Cherries, "New Era", No. 2 can -—-—12c committee woman and Mrs. Alice Bell that you merely reach .your conclu-: son park In Okemos,; July 28. Mrs. tlna Juderjohn of Mason, is general The annual Miller reunion, will be of Mason was elected alternate com­ slohs as to matters that are'now Im-' Robert StlUman wlU be hostess. A chairman. Tomatoes, "Defiance", No. 2 can _ —-9c held at the farm home of Mr. and mittee woman for the coming year. mediately pending. As soon as your picnic dinner wlU be served and a Mrs. Segar Childs, Thursday, August The Live Wire class of the North foreman has advised me, In your be-- Iodized Salt, "Defiance" .„„-.:2 boxes 15c program will be given to which every 2.^ Those attending are -asked to HONORED AT SHOWER Aurelius Sunday school met at the half, that you have closed those mat­ one Is expected to contribute or pay bring table service and potluck din­ Wednesday evening about 60 guests Early June Peas, "Superfine", No. 2 can „...___12c homo of Virginia Rusch, Thursday ters, tb your satisfaction then the or­ a fine. ner. gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. evening, July 21. When the guests der wlU be made and entered In the John Runyon at a shower given In Woodbury's Facial Soap _— - -.^-3 bars for 27c Members of the Maaon O. Ei S. and Miss Jessie Wager, employed by the arrived each one was presented with journal excusing the grand jury from honor of Mr, and Mrs. Wllllam Uber. Masonic lodges, their families and special education department of the a cap of pink or blue crepe paper. further service, unless you are recall­ Victor Flour, half patent sack —— —^-87c The reception was held on the lawn friends are to join with the Dansville Detroit schools and teaching at the After games and stunts had been en­ ed In the manner as Indicated. { which was decorated In green, pink O. E. S; and Masonic lodges at the Detroit Tubercular sanitarium. Is joyed a lunch of cup cakes, wafers Lizzie Laundry Bleach, 32-oz. bottle 25c and white. Games were played and •^'So you are at liberty to proceed.. county park Friday evening, August spending her vacation with Mrs. Ber­ and ice cream were served. The next later In the evening, refreshments of I assume today or at least tomorrow (1 bottle bluing free) 3 at six-thirty for a picnic, .A potluck tha Shafer. meeting will be a picnic at the river Ice cream and cake were served. The you will have completed these mat­ supper Is to be served. Those who at­ Mr. and Mrs. T. H, Wallace of lian- in August, honor guests received many gifts, Mr. ters, and that your foreman will then tend are asked to bring their own sing and Miss Ruth Tenney of Port As there will be no church nor and Mrs. Uber were married last De­ SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY table service, sandwiches and one Huron were dinner guests of Mr. and advise me you have done so and that Sunday school service at the Metho­ cember but wishing to surprise their other article of food, Mrs. R. B. Wallace Sunday. The oc­ you are ready for the formal order dist church Sundaly, August 5, it is neighbors and friends kept their mar­ Mrs. Leo Shernnan, the Misses Lu­ casion was the birthday 'anniversary that I have Indicated I feel must be urged that t)ie local members attend riage a secret until a, few weeks ago. VEAL LOAF I cille and Ruth Disenroth and Norma of R. B,. Wallace. made. the camp meeting at • Eaton Rapids The bride was formerly Miss Neva "I wish to say this further. I realize Barr and Mrs. O. B. Disenroth at­ Mrs. C. J. Keosler entertained 14 CORNED BEEF [f, that day. Those having cars, to drive, Sanders. you people have- worked very hard tended a miscellaneous shower given women-at her cottage at Pleasant aite.asked to plan for someone who has here and that you have labored under In honor of Mrs. Harold Bell by Mrs. Lake Prlda:y' honoring Mrs. T. E. CHICKEN LOAF \ no way to go. A committee has been Good merchandise has really become somewhat trying circumstances. I Wayne Campbell at her home in Ad­ Dayton. A potluck dinner was serv­ appointed to see about tables at the one of the,fine arts. There Is not only know something about investigations rian Saturday night. Miss Lucille ed. In the afternoon bridge was camp grounds, so that those going the element ot store decorations and of this.kind aifd character,.! realize Franks or Bologna;_. I^-t:^^;w<^r21^^^ Disenroth remained for the week.end played, Mrs. Mary Hill winning high from the local church and Sunday the attractive display of goods, but that many confusing things have hap­ and Mrs. Campbell returned with her score and Mrs, Fred Parker, second. Sunday to spend the week with friends school may eat together. Those at­ the mustering of a stock In,proper pened,, That Is-necessarily so, Ital- Mrs. Dayton 'was presented with a tending are requested to bring own Creamed Cottoge Cheese i. :i i'J lb. 9c In Mason,.: jroportlon to the wants Tand needs, of ways Is so in proceedings of -this table, service and baskets of food. INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1934 Page Eight

one-act playlet, with the following week with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cav­ Otis Bisel is in thU'week. tors of their grandparents, Mr. and cast of players: Blanche Haynes, Dorn ender. • Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bateman and Mrs. Alfred Aseltine. Diehl, David Diehl and David Tilford. Mr. and Mrs. Worden' Bourn of family of Lansing, were visitors oL Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Powers and Lansing, were Sunday visitors of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde.Allen, Sunday. family and Helen Apple of Detroit, BlrtlidBy Party and Mrs. Leland Bourn. Mrs. Lulu Rittenhaus of Arizona, were guests Sunday of Mrs. Powers' Milk Borne Epidemic DiseaMs Several friends , of Junior and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wolcott and visited friends in Dansville, Sunday. parents, Mr. and -Mrs. George' Hay­ Madlyn Anderson enjoyed a pleasant Vine's state farmers, went on the trip family of Williamston were Sunday Mrs. Bert Dean of Pleasant Lake, hoe. Mary Ella Powers' and Helen At a recent meeting of the North Future Fanners Take eveningi Monday, July 23, in honor of American Conference o£ Health Auth­ and gave many valuable suggestions, guests of the former's mother, Mrs. spent Saturday with her daughter, Apple remained for a few days' visit. Clare has nine acres of early pota­ their birthday anniversaries. Many Addle SmUh. Mrs. Clifford Bates spent Tuesday orities, 45 epidemics of milk borne Annual Project Tour Mrs. Carl Jewett. toes this year. V games were played,-an ice cream and with her niece, Mrs. Roy West. disease were reported for the year Mrs. Roy Updyke visited her child­ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hobart, Mrs. gake were served. Madlyn and Jun­ Mrs. Nina Otis, who recently re­ 1933, of which 51 per cent were ty­ ren In Baton Rapids Friday. Lottie Kent and Miss Irma Pollok en­ PROJECT CROPS BADLY DAMAQ ior were the recipients of many gifts. turned from St. Lawrence hospital, is phoid fever, 16 per cent were septic Food Study Club • Mrs. Clyde Allen attended a lunch­ joyed Sunday at the oil fields near Mt. ED BY EXTREME DRY WEATHER. recovering nicely at this writing. sore throat, 9 per cent were scarlet The girls of- the Food Study club eon for the wives of the agricultural Pleasant and Midland. W. O. T. U. Meeting Miss Mildred King of HoweU, was fever, and 7 per cent were food pois­ held a meeting last Tuesday at the teachers at the home of Mrs. Forest Mrs. Mary Thompson, who spent On Friday, July 20, 17 of tho boys Mrs. Clarence Freer entertained the a week end guest at the home of Mr. oning. During that year, 1434 caaes home of Doris Wemple, the lesson Smith in East Lansing Thursday. In last week along Lake Michigan as far carrying Vocational Agriculture, to­ members of the W. C. T. U. at her and Mrs. B. B. Backus. of sickness and 38 deaths were re­ being a demonstration of cereal cook­ the afternoon a trip was made north as the straits, returned by way ported from this source in the United gether with their Instructor, Clyde ing', with 9 girls present. Next Tues- home Friday afternoon. The meeting through the Mary Mayo Hall, the was called to order by the vice presL of Richmond, Saturday, remaining States. Allen, met at the school for a project aay, July 31, the club will meet with girrs dormitory at M. S. C, and the Although it is an inland state Mich- dent, Mrs. Margaret Caswell. Mrs. G. until Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry tour. The trip was sponsored by the Betty Ann and Irene Greenough. Home Economics Building. igan with its islands In the Great All of these epidemics were caused B. Kelley and Mrs. Leland Burn gave Schirmer, who returned homo with Future Farmer organization and most Mr. and Mrs. James Warfleld of Lakes has more coastline than any by the uso of raw milk. Durhig the "Temperance Information" for the her Sunday. of the boys going on the tour were Highland Park were week end guests other state in the Union, possessing months of June; July, August and Sep­ Ploa»ant Sunday Evening main part of tho program. The next Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Brott of Char­ Future Farmers. The boys left their of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. over 3,000 miles of frontage on Lakes tember, the four warmest months, 51 The large crowds in attendance at meeting will be held with Mrs. Clara lotte, were dinner guests Sunday of lunches at the school and took the No. R. N. Laughlln. Michigan, Superior, Huron, St. Clair per cent of the epidemics occurred. the Pleasant Sunday evening services Vogt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lee. 10 bus out .southwest of Dansville, Mrs. J. B. Daiton and Jane and and Erie. Exclusive of the Island The rural communities and small cit­ swinging around to the northwest be­ speak plainly the success of tho meet­ Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Smith and fam­ ies of less than 10,000 population suf- ings. Dr. E. L. Austin, dean of the Mrs. Stanley Proctor and Jack spent ily and Lester Ward of Stockbridge, coastline, the lower peninsula has 1,- fore noon and back to the school for Free Methodist Church feretl 77 per cent of the epidemics. department of education at M. S. C. Friday with relatives in Ann Arbor.- and Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Arnold and 127 miles of frontage and tho upper lunch and lemonade. In the after­ Wesley R. Caswell, Pastor delivered a stereoptlcon lecture on six Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Diehl and fam­ family were entertained at Sunday peninsula has 1,115. These outbreaks of disease caused noon, after a rest in the shade of the Sunday school 10:30 a. m. by the use of raw milk occur annual­ countries of Europe, through which he ily and Mr. and Mrs. A. O, Greenough dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. maple trees'.on the school lawn, they Morning worship 11:30. and family were Sunday visitors of ly, and they .Include also a largo num­ journeyed northeast of town viewing traveled two years ago. .His talk was Ted Fay. Illustrated by colored pictures. The Evening service 7:45 in charge of Mr, and Mrs, Louis Stid in Mason, ber of cases of undulant fever and bo­ most of the projects in the eastern the young people's missionary society. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Proctor and vine tuberculosis. Tho conference fourth episode of the "Spreading Mr. and Mrs, Nathan Lantj§ and Jack and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crakes DR. C. W. CLEAVER portion of the district in the after­ prayer meeting Thursday evening stressed the need for all milk which Flame," "The Fire Stirred Up," was Fern spent the ^week end in Evart and family were Sunday visitors of noon. A swim in the gravel pit north at the church, followed by tbe society with Mrs, Sarah Pier and Lish York. Mason—Phone 151 is intended for human consumption to of Vantown finished tho day shortly presented, the cast including Will Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Howe and Dor­ meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hopusch and be effectively pasteurized, since this after five o'clock. The day was am­ Sharland, Frank Grimes, Will Potter, othy Crakes of Clinton. Woman's Missionary society meets son, Edgar, of Detroit, were week end method alone will prevent a great ong the hottest of the season, how­ Elmer Foster, Frank Dakln, Clyde Al­ Mr. and Mrs. Roy West were Fri­ Plates $10.00 Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. guests of Rev. Wesley Caswell and deal of sickness. ever, the boys enjoyed having had the len,^ Robert Pollok, James Parks and day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Elsie Freer. Mrs, Caswell. Epidemics, such as scarlet fever and opportunity to see what each one was Everett Pettys. The Wheatfleld choir Grant Dunsmore of Mason. Cleaning $1.00 diarrhea, are easily recognized and doing and to learn .where their pro­ sang two numbers previous to the lec­ Vernice Lee, who is employed in Mrs. Margaret Scripter, Dr. Nora ture by Dr. Austin. Next Sunday eve­ Lansing for the summer, spent the traced to their source, but tbis is not ject was strong or weak. .tiethodist Epii^copal Church Walker, Mrs. Clara Vogt and Mrs. El- Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. so easily done in tuberculosis. The ning Prof. Hill, dean of the farm man­ Emerald B. Dixon, Pastor week end with her parents, Mr. and zina Warfle are attending Farm Wo­ There are 32 boys with projects University of Toronto reported the re­ agement department at M. S. C, will Class meeting 10:30 a. m. Mrs. Henry Lee. men's Week at M. S. C. Over Neely's Clothing Store this year, carrying 43 projects in all. sults of a study of 300 tuberculous speak "On Farming in Russia", at the Morning worsljip 11:00. Mrs, Lucy Sharland entertained Ir­ Miss Lorraine Smith of Mason and Beans and potatoes make up tho larg­ children under the age of 14 years, of Wheatfield Methodist Episcopal Sunday school 12:00. ene and Betty Ann Greenough Friday Mr, and Mrs, Lawton Hedglen and Plate repairs 4 hour service est number of tho crop projects. There which 15 per cent were of tho. non- church. Mr. Hill, a short time ago, Epworth League 6:30 p. m. afternoon in honor of Wilma and Mer­ family were Sunday dinner guests of aro 10 boys carrying late potatoes as pulmonary type of tuberculosis, us­ toured Russia, and is therefore well Prof. Hill, dean of farm manage­ na Patrick who were visiting here. Af­ Mr, and Mrs, Artliur Hedglen, • a project this year, totaling 11% ually bono, tuberculosis, which is the able to speak on the subject. The fifth ment department at M. S. C, at 8:00 ter games were played ice cream and acres. Two of ' the boys, Clarence Mrs, Robert Thompson and son, type usually contracted from tuber­ episode of the "Spreading Flame", p. m. at Wheatfield. cake were served, Locke and Russell Garrison, put their Bobby, of Gaylord, are spending the culous cattle. Not one of these chil­ "Wild Fire and Sacred Fire," will also Prayer meeting Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Wirt Dakin returned potatoes in the very first part of June week with Mr, and Mrs, Eber Thomp­ For Seventy Years, this office dren came from the City of,Toronto be given. Special music is being pre­ at the church. Friday from Lansing where they vis­ while the others put them in about son, has kept an accurate record of where pasteurization of milk has been pared for tbe service. ited at the home of their>daughter, the middle of June. There is not Miss Emily Thompson is enjoying compulsory since 1915, Furthermore, Will Keene, who has been ill theMrs . Harold Tidswell. Their two- INGHAM COUNTY TITLES much choice, as to stand and these the week in Detroit with her sister, in all of those cases there was a his­ O. £. S. and ftbisonic Picnic past week, is progressing favorably, year-old daughter, Johonne, who has projects show the poorest stand of po­ Gertrude Thompson. tory of raw milk having been used. The members of the O. E. S., the Wilma and Merna Patrick of Ann been seriously ill is slowly improving. We furnish Abstracts on short tatoes that there has been in many Avaron Ackley, who joined the With regard to undulant fever only Masons and their families will hold Arbor, were Thursday and Friday vis­ Rev. B. B. Dixon and Mrs. Dixon notice, accurate, courteous, years, Hot dry weather at planting navy a year ago, has a leave of ab­ 1500 cases and 71 deaths were report­ their annual picnic next Wednesday, itors of Mr, and Mrs. Will Sharland. attended the Wheatfield Ladies Aid at time accounts for most of it as the sence for 18 days and is visiting Mr. service. ed by the U, S, Public Health Service August 1, at the county park in Ma­ the home of Mrs. Alice Cole Thursday boys paid close attention to get de­ Roy HuUiberger and son, Rex, at­ and Mrs. Ed Braman. for 1933, but an extremely large num­ son. Supper will be served at six- afternoon. sirable spacing and used good seed of tended the Detroit-Philadelphia ball Mrs. Minnie Frary of Lapeer, spent ber of cases go unrecognized. This thirty. Each person is asked to bring Mr. and Mrs. John Corbin of Lan­ INGHAM ABSTRACT & known origin. The boys plan on game in Detroit, Sunday, a few days last week with her moth­ disease is widespread among the cat­ own sandwiches, drink and one other sing spent Sunday night with the lat­ sp;-aying to keep vines green as long Mrs. Beatrice Heifield and family er, Mrs. Laura Randall, TITLE COMPANY tle in the United States and Canada, dish. ter's parents,- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred as possible and run chances on rains and Eugene Raymond of DoKalb, Illi­ Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Corbin and Pasteurization of milk abolishes this Aseltine. Mr. and Mrs. Corbin were Lansing Mason making a crop late in the season. The nois, arrived the flrst of the week for family of Lansing, were Sunday visi­ menace to" the human. on fheir return trip from a two weeks boys in tho group other than tlie two Future Farmer Meeting a visit with relatives here. vacation in northern Michigan, which In tracing the source of the epi­ named above are Lloyd Sharland, Next Tuesday evening, July 31, the Lyle Wolcott of Flint, is making an Included the cherry festival at Tra­ demic, oftentimes a helper at a dairy Ralph Greenough, Harold Kelly, Dean F. F. A. will meet at the school to extended visit with his grandmother, verse City. is found to be a carrier of the disease Simons, Ronald Worden, Max Ellwan­ complete plans for their annual camp­ Mrs. Addle Smith. germ, and this study showed that a ger, Fred Galley and Alfred Hayhoe. ing trip. ATI the F. F. A. boys are Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Scherzer were Carl Getz accompanied by his bro­ Arthur W. Jewett carrier infected tbe milk in 36 per urged to be present as the boys leave Sunday visitors of Mrs. Will Updyke ther and family spent a few da:ys last cent of the epidemics. Cows were the Among the early potato projects Thursday, August 2, for their outing. of Lansing, who is in a Lansing hos­ week at their former home In Cincin­ source of the infection in 23 per cent everyone has perfect stands with a pital, recovering from an operation. nati, Ohio. FUNERAL DIRECTOR of the cases, A typical example of fair growth of vines but the crop is .'Igrlcultiintl Banquet • Donald Simons and Lawton Click­ The Misses Barbara Leidy, Louise Uie carrier type of infection is that going back every day for lack of rain, Thursday evening the annual ban­ ner spent the week end in Howell with Mars and Edwin Katzenmeyer of Ann reported from the State of Washing­ Projects that would have run well quet of state agricultural teachers Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Gauss. Arbor were Sunday guests at the ton in which an aunt, a carrier of ty­over a hundred bushels to the aero and their wives was held In the ball Joe Keene and his sister, Francis, home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cline. 356—Phones—132 phoid fever, visited a farm family. In will go from 25 to 40 bushels with a room of the Union building at M. S. returned Tuesday from spending a Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lee were en­ 20 days, 20 cases of typhoid fever oc­ much larger percent of smsall pota­ C. Mr, Allen, who has been presi­ day days at Traverse City. tertained Wednesday and Thursday at curred in the community of only 275 toes than usual, Wayne Walker has dent of the state organization, pre­ Clyde Allen is attending a summer the Osborne cottage at Patterson Funeral Home 605 South Jefferson Ave. inhabitants. All of the families in the outstanding project in this group. sided over the meeting. Students conference for agricultural teachers Lake. The vinos of his crop fill the rows, which typhoid fever occurred were from several high schools presented at M. S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cohan and Ambulance Service supplied by raw milk from the same Wayne has cared for them well which most of the program, Dansville's do­ Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Clingenslnith of family of Ypsilanti, were Friday visi­ dairy. The old aunt had had typhoid is one of the reasons. He planted on nation being "Josiah's Courting," a Detroit, spent the latter part of the tors in Dansville. fever fifty years before, which had an alfalfa sod, manured, used com- been diagnosed as malaria, and themerciii l fertilizer, used good seed ot lyphoid organisms were still present known origin and has kept leaf hop­ in the excreta. All of the cases re­ per in control by spraying with Bor­ covered but one remained a carrier of deaux mixtui'e. Only one of the boys lyphoid thus pcrpctuatiiig tho source in the group was criticized by the of infection. group for not having given enough caro in the matter of spraying and Milk borne epidemics of disease weed control, Rollin Rice has a groat very rarely occur in cities. It is when deal of black log in his patch but the ciiy people go to the country ajid there is nothing ho can do about it use niw milk liberally Lhat the dis­ this year. He will use now seed next ease is contracted and brought back year and plant on clean ground. There 10 the city. The carrier of typhoid aro seven boys in this group with fever can do little liarm in a city if seven nnd one-half acres of potatoes. tho regulations governing sanitni'y RCHANTS The nalnes of those other than the measures and the inspection of food mentioned above are Frank handlers aro carried out. ones Scripter, AltiorL Tanghe, Jearl Mc- «»•..#..#«•..««•..•«•..•..#"•"#•••"•'•#"# "•.•#"•"#••0 Cabe, Phillip Moran, and Norman Smalley. There aro nine boys with bean pro­ The Chain of Selling Is Complete 1 SLAT'S DIARY 1 jects having a total' of 33 acres. Ron­ \ By UOSS li-AllQUIIAIl \ •,,.,,.,,.-«,,«,,t.,«,,t,,«-f.*»«-*..«»«-f«.'»..*-t.'t. ald West would have a great show for beans in ordinary years as his beans Friday—They is a now; man wirking mi the rows now, However, without down at tho noose paper office witch rains his will be no better than the pa wirks at nnd he rest, In most of these projects the is a offle big lire lower leaves are turning yellow and about evry thing as one boy said, "getting poorer every and ciames to no a day," The names of the boys in this lot a b 0 ut evry group are Walter Kruse, Floyd Rec­ thing and today he tor, Ronald West, Max Warfle, Carl was telling about Berger, Donald Crakes, Georgo Ruff, wirking down in David Woods and Norman Smalley, (.he Filipecns nnd Six boys have dairy animals as fol­ sed evry body likes lows: Clarence Locko, two Guernsey drinks so mutch & cows; Albert Dorn, two cows, one pa sed what do Jersey and one Holstein; Donald Hag­ they drink and ho gerty, three Purebred Holstein ani­ replyed and sod he mals, a cow producing 30 pounds of thot it was Cotton milk a day at tills time, testing 4,5, a Gin, Mostly, yearling heifer and a heifer calf; Al­ Saterday — well bert Tanghe, three Guernsey animals, we herd today that two Purebred, consisting of cow, two H a p p y McBride years old, and a heifer calf; Jearl Mc- was ingaged to get Cabe, four Guernseys, consisting of marryed to Evvy two cows and two yearling heifers; Piper so pa called and Norman Smalley with a very Happy up and con good grade Holstein and a grade Jer­ grachulated him and Happy sod it wns sey, Four out of this group will make not true, so then pa was a going to exhibits at the County Fair, call Evvy up and congrachulate her R, C, Stowe has one and one-quar­ but ma sod for him to keep his nose ter acres of sugar beets and Glen Cur­ out of uther fokes a fairs, tis also has one and one-half acres. Sunday—well I and Pa over herd Both boys blocked and thinned them a neat quarl among Fred Gusten and nnd plan on doing all their work, his Wife as we cum home frum Tliese projects show the greatest pos­ ohirch, she sed to him. Why you sibility of financial returns'of all pro­ People Want never now whut kind of a girl you jects of,the crop nature. They were rilly wanted till you got marryed to planted early, blocked and thinned in me you big'.Dunce, and ho replyed season and are standing the drought and sed. No and then it was to Late, well, Munday—Ed Cope Is a very happy Ronald Walker's yearling Gilt pro­ Tell Them What You SeU! man today. Ever sence last Ockto- duced 11 pigs the first litter and they ber he has ben trying to make his are growing nicely. They are pure­ fernaco wirk and today he .told pa bred Duroc Jerseys, Donald Hoover, People in this community want to buy needed things for their homes, he had finely got the darn thing to has a purebred Duroc Gilt, which he their farms and their automobiles. They will buy them of you if your wirking al rito agen. purchased from Harold Shatley of St, , Teusday—Tonite Jane called me in­ Johns, that will farrow in August, goods and prices are right—and if you let them know that you are in busi­ to the're yd. and sed for me to set David Wood's Black Top sheep look ness. That part is up to you and to the Ingham County News. down in the swing and then sed. Have very good and Wayne Walker's you got a bed ake and I sed no I did­ Shropshires look unusually good. This business of producing profitable sales is difficult. A single weak dent have no bed ake and she sed. 0 Both of these boys are getting well up I am so sorry and I sed why are you towfird 20 animals and have all regis­ link in the chain of methods ruins the entire plan. sorry and she sed why I just red in a tered stock. Ronald Walker has a book how to cure a hed ake with out supplementary project of three acres Your product, your sales-help, your price may be right. But if that takeing medicine. of corn for his hogs. Fred Galley has vital element, good advertising, is missing, the chain is weak. \ Wensday—They was a man ast Mr. corn for his project also. Both pieces are tassellng out. GUlem for a quarter for his wife to­ We can help you strengthen your selling chain—adding that all-impor­ day and Mr. Gillem sed.. My good Had the year been a normal one it man I am sorry but I all reddy got 1 is stated that these projects' would tant link that makes for sturdy,' steady profits. and she cost a lot more a quarter to. have shown financial returns far above Thirsday—weU I am afrade pa will the average. However, in a year of We have added a new advertising service designed to help you and not have a job tomorra. He. had a this kind, tbie boy who keeps his cost other Mason business men and their customers. It means the final link in story In the paper about Ileen SUver- down by ushig poorer practices will ses weddhig and he got the hed line probably be ahead. Clare Baker, a the chain of good selling—a link you won't dare ignore if you want profits over it witch shud ought to ben over former project boy and one of Dass- —a link that's vital tp modern business. , the story about tearing down the Os- bern Livry Stable. It red like thia This new service is yours foi: the asking.. We'd like to tell you more Old Landmark Gone, ' nold, spent Sunday at Gladwin and Bay City, visiting relatives. . about it and show you the latest copy._Its extreme practicability will Asa Benham, whose eyesight has been gradually falling, is now entire­ please you. Its soundness and strength will show you that here is intelli­ South Akiedon ly blind, from cataracts. gent advertising. Ask us to bring a copy to your store or drop in here. By Un. a.. J. l«yoook Mrs. CiWtord Smith underwent an operation at Sparrow hospital last Friday. . Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Robinson Miss Ethel Arend and cousin, Flor­ and nephew, Leonard Karber, spent ence Skinner, returned frona the Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Lew- world's fair last Saturday night' iaton, where bis slater and children are Miss Marjorie Kirby visited her ahi- cunpiog. ^ ter, Mrs. Robinson, last week. Lucile Laycock la spending a few ' Roy Laycock worked at the Alaie­ daya with ber cousin, Bfarian Bland- don Center service station while Mr. . lBg.,'in.:ar«eBvUla.':;:? i:..-fv:,:• >-.'^ and :Mn. - Roblsion: wen o^rfttatlr Mr. aatf Mn. Ratpb Sagel.aad Ar- mm. INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON^MTCHIGANrT PaceNiM

Whale On Exhibit In Lansing SCENE PLANNED FOR PUBLIC WEDDING AT FAIR Legion Post Planning HOLT Three-Day Race Meet By Mn. Saam P. Klnc HARNESS RACING AND JUMPERS AT EAST LANSING. Presbytorlitn Church Chas, P, Andrews, Pastor Morning worship and Junior church Some of the best harness races In services will be conducted in Holt Michigan, with thejpngest entry list, Presbyterian church next Sunday will be staged at the old fair grounds, morning at 10:30, The pastor will tdll on US16 east of East Lansing on a story to the juniors and preach a August 3, 4 and 5. The racing card sermon on "How Jesus Spent a Vaca­ is sponsored by Haurice Harvey Dbcon tion," The choir will furnish special post of the Ame'rlcan Legion and the music. This will be the last of these Lansing Driving club. services ijntll the flrst Sunday in Sep­ Bob Worthy, Jean Hal and Dale tember, Tho Sunday school will meet Worthy will represent the Ray Dah- next Sunday at-11:45, and will con­ lingor stables of Detroit, and the Kull tinue to meet during the summer. The stable is sending Figara, Justified and time will probably be changed to an two more colts. Eber Lewis is driver earlier hour. The young people will anfl trainer for the Kull stable. The moot next Sunday at 6:30, Bullen stable, also of Detroit, is send­ ing Frisco Juno, 2:07'/l, with David Harvey as trainer and driver, and the Bible Scliool grand circuit stable of Neil Edmund, The Holt Community Vacation Bible of Davison, is shipping Harry Brook, •school will close its three weeks' ses­ Just Six and four other colts. Flying sion, on Friday of this week with a Signal, owned by the Estabrook special demonstration program begin­ stables of Flint, will bo one of llie en­ ning at 9 o'clock in the school house, tries. This horse recently set a new Tho hand work of the boys and girls track record of 2:09V1.. will be on exhibition. All parents and friends of the school are invited to Lansing horses will include • Dia­ attend. mond Dewey and Peter MflT.o, owned by A. M. Roche; Carter Dewey, Edith Casper Lott with his Sunday school Dewey and Easter Dewey, owned liy class of boys of the Presbyterian Here is a scene planned for the big wedding at tho Ingham County Pair August 22, 23, 2.| and 25. Several ap­ A. R. Schiller; Richard Hai'vester and church enjoyed a picnic at Kingman's plications • from young couples have already been received. A committee is busily engaged in selecting the princi­ M. D. B., owned by Fred Mott; Mar­ grove last Friday evening. pals. • - jory S., owned by Jolin Winters; Czar Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Coryell, Mary W. and Elizabeth the Groat, owned by Coryell and Mrs. Carrie Hawkins at­ "Auk" Driver; Captain Harvester, tended a reunion at the DuBols school Nearly 10,000 Now j" corning the preparation of vegetables owned by Mel Reynolds, and John White Oak recently. There was a good attend­ was demonstrated by the hostess, as­ Diamond and Genevieve Armstrong, By Mrs. Fred Hayhoe ance. . In Highway Employ [ sisted by Delilah Rons. Lunch, which owned by Charlos Winters. included the vegetables prepared, was Wilkins and Johnson sold 6275 In addition to tho regular harness served, and games wore played under pounds of ice on Saturday at the Cash events, the. military department at EVERY OoUNTV IN i>UCHIOAN Mr. and.Mrs. Harry Roinhart and tho direction of Delilah Rons. and Carry ice station. North Cedar. RECEIVING BENEFIT. **r. anrf Mrs. Clyde Abbott spent Michigan State college will send a Mrs. Joe Bassler is taking the placo Sunday at Lowe Lake. Glon Miller of Now York City is team of jumpers and Rod Cedar visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs of Mrs. H. L. Chapman, in caring for Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kinnison and stables and members of tho Lansing Sir. and Mrs. C. E. Bennett, in Lan­ Hugh Angell. Riding and Hunt club will enter hor­ sing, while Mrs. Chapman takes a Mr. and Mrs. Richard Briggs spent ses in saddle events to be hold between two weeks' vacation. Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs, heats. The band froiu the State Vo­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Connor en­ Hugh Angell. cational school will furnish music. tertained at a lawn party Tuesday projects under contract or completed, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hayhoe, and Mrs. Rose Cole ot Lansing spent .i evening. , involving a total cost of ,?12,335,- family from Friday until Monday. On few days this week with relatives in Owen Mason of the Holt All-Car 209.93, It was aimounced recent y Ijy Sunday they visited tho Irish Hills this neighborhood. II garage, roturnod last week from a At tho Union depot on East Michigan avenue in Lanshig on July 30, 31 Commissioner Murray D Van VVag- and Wampler's Lake. They also stop- Mr. and Mrs. Will Leseney called on visit with relatives near Maokinac. and August 1 nnd 2, will bo exhibited a'huge OS-ton whnlo. oner. The rcmalnuig .>400,000 of the in Jackson Sunday evening to sec Mr. and Mrs. Charley Leonard, Mon­ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chapman have grant, ' said Mr. Van Wagoner, "is to cascades day evening. V)^^ MICHIGAN just returned from an auto trip in the Carloton Gill has returned from De­ be advertised or placed under contract ^iss Irene'Williams spent the week Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rinkle of Di­ oast, visiting Pittsbui'g, Fort Lowden, troit, whoro he attended the national Van Wagoner Set To not later than August 1. ^nd with Miss Therma Hayhoe. mondale spent Sunday evening with Gettysburg, Baltimore, Washington, "Contractors have received payment Eiloon Williams is spending this Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Leonard. I CENTRAL convention of tho Rainbow division of Go On Road Projects Newport News nnd Wheeling, West Co. M, IGOth infantry. of ,'i;5,6'lG,573.07 earned under PWA week with her grandparents. Harriette Franklin is staying with Vii'ginin. Mrs. T. M. Thoi-burn and son, Mor- program, and additional estimates are hor sister, Mrs. Alia Leseney, in Di­ Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ellis have gone IJE.VDY To SI'END ;\IILLIoNS OF wyn Biisliaw, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dixon, being paid at tho rate of about $500,- f..«..«...»t.....t..*..t.....*.....t..«..'t.4...... HtK...«.4MtH#. mondale. CHICAGO'S for a two weeks' vacation trip to Claytoii England, Hugh Ross, Addison FKDKIJAL .MONEV. 000 weekly. The majority of the pro­ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams' of Beaver City, Nebraska, to visit his Nichols District McDowell and If'rod Burchflold have jects on the entire program will have By Mrs. F. Golsenhavcr Pennville, Indiana, visited Mr. and I WORLD'S FAIR brother ^pd also will visit her sister recently returned fi'om visits to the Within twenty-four hours of the been completed and opened to traffic i.....t.....«»«..«...... «..t.....t..«..*..t...... 4»»»*-#-i Mrs. Charles Franklin one night last on the way. Century of Progress nt Chicago. rooeipts of federal regulations gov- by August 15. • i week.. They wore called here by the • Carlton Austin of Jonesville, is vis­ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Langham, Ml'. "^^^ •'"'^'''^ T "The employment report of June Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bashoro and death of tlieir grand-niece, Myrna Le­ iting in Holt, and accompanying the and Ml-s. Dallas Langhaiu and W. •>M52,56S for highways m 30, revealed that 9,'lG'l men and 1,350 H^'e" of St. Johns, visited Mr. and seney. Jones family to Morrison Lake for tho nnd Mrs. L. D. Jeffries left Saturday M't^'i'&^n. State H'ghway Commis- trucks wore being used on tho PWA Mrs. Charles Edington, Sunday, Mrs. Helen Starner, Mrs. Emma woolc end. for a motor trip to the Soo and points ^^^'''''^^ ^'/an Wagoner yes- road work. Those figures have been Mr. and Mrs. Loon Preadmoro and Thompson and tMrs. Lillie Van Martor Mrs. Will Parker and threo daugh­ ' ' lei-dalei-dny forwardeforwarded to the federal increased somewhat since that time, f^mi'y of Lansing„.spent a few days are attending tho Farm Women's ters, Eva, Myrtle and Vivian, have Rov. Mai'k McKoo with Mrs. MoKeo bureau of publio roads, preliminary Week at M. S. C. just returned from a sevornl days' "One or more projects are under l^'Jjf' ^^'"^ ^"^^ ^'''^"'^ and family of North Cedar street have survey and detailed program covering Mr. and Mrs. Bei-t Holly of Lansing trip across the straits to tho Soo and way in all S3 comities " Geisenhaver. boon spending a weelc's vacation at a the expenditure of that allotment, it Mr. and Mrs. Charlos Edington and visltiHl tVIr. and Mrs. Gene Ripley Sun­ to her brother's homo at Thessalon, lake near Port Huron. was announced by tho departm'ent to­ Eula and Robert called on Mr. and day evening. Canadii. She hnd not seen him for 25 day. Under the regulations, the de­ Mrs. CLeo Valentino of Holt Fariiis, Mrs. Fred Marquardt, Sunday eve­ Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Higolmire of yeai-s and all onjoyod the trip and re­ partment is not pormitted to - iiiake Okemos and Vicinity j ning. Eaton Rapids, t\trs. Minnie I-ligelmii".? union as well as seeing tho oxcoUent has returned from a several weeks' public the spncific projects recom­ By t>Irs, Walter Heathman f Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marquardt on- Miss Edith Noi-th and John North call­ condition of the farms and crops in vacation with friends and relatives in mended to tlio bureau until approvals tertainod friends from St. Johns, Sun­ ed at tho homo of I-Ioward North Fi-i- northern Michigan and Canada, where Ohio and Tennessee. have boon obtained. day. day evening. John North stayed til they have had sufficient rain. Hay was The department stated that prelim­ The Ladles Aid of the. Community Saturday evening. just being cut and was a big crop inary survey covers work in sixty-ono church will hold their regular busi­ (herb. Webberville f..«...... t..fH...«..#..«..t..«M«..«...... «..f..t..«..««...... «.. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson and counties. The new regulations require ness meeting and supper will be serv­ Harvey visited Mrs. Susan Frink and D. P. Barnard was in Ann Arbor on By Fred Holland t f Meridian ,i..«.t-«..t..a...-t»«..»-i«t...»«-»...H«-t..i-.-».....t.4««-i work in at least half of the oounties ed August 2, at the homo of Mr. and t By Miss Blanche Aseltlne Mrs. EiTima Wilson in Holt, Sunday business, Tuesday. of tlie state, as distinguished from 75 Mrs. Leslie Buxton. Ice cream will afternoon. For Speed, Comfort and Safety Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank I-Iilldorf arc Rex Nichols has moved his family per cent in last year's regulations. The also be served in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Brown of Lan­ Travel By Train! enjoying a vacation trip in northern to the J. E. Crandall farm in White distribution recommended by the do- Dr. Webb and Mrs. Webb and chii- Mrs. Lyle Coryell of Delhi, spent a sing arc visiting E. C. Jarvis. Avoid congeited highway! and Michigan. Oak, partment calls for 50 per cent on fed- dron have nioved into the house va- few days last week with hor parents, Mrs. Mary Strobel is visiting hur parking problem!. You arrive re- Mr. and Mr?, R. W. Johnson, with Lewis Wolverton moved his family oral aid highways outside of cities, cated by Prof. DeCamp. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Field. sons, George and Martin in Lans'ing. Frethed —not worn out — and their two children, Bobby and Betty, to the Mark Rubert house on East and 25 per cent each on municipal Mr. and Mr«. Clare Bidwell and stm . Qienn Gleason and family spent the Mr. and Mrs. Roy Winslow and have extra time for fun at the Fair. and Lucille Richards left Sunday for Grand River street. . projects aiid secondary roads. Under have returned after a 10-day motor week end with relatives in Kalama- daughter of Ionia and Mr. and Mrs. a two weeks' vacation at a cottage at L. E. Ling and family and Reeves the new regulations, no work can be trip through the northern part of the zoo. Basil Coburn of Lansing spent Sunday Gooil Jn mottern, iteet Houghton Lake. Douglas and family of Bath attended let until the preliminary survey and with Mr, and Mrs, Jay Coburn, coachen. On tale daily. Kathryn Jones, daughter ot Mr. and state. I Milton Honsowetz spent Sunday $6-65 UmitlSday*. the Pardee family reunion north of detailed program have been given fed- Mr.- and Mrs. Howard Hammond with friends in Lansing, 'Mr, and Mrs, Harold Wilson and Mrs. Earl Jones, has been spending a Fowlcrville, Saturday. oral approval, and until plans for in- Harvey went on the Eaton County visited the latter's parents. Rev.' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Povey spent Good in coaches or witli few days with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Rev. Camburn, Mrs. Camburn and dividual projects, to be submitted 4-H elub Judging Tour one day last Austin, Jonesville. Hague and Mrs. Hague, at Ousted, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.- Milo rc

Legal Notice Legal Notice Vantown REAL ESTATE State of MIchiR.n. The Circuit Court for By Mrs. L. P. WUIIuu MORTGAGE SALE the County ot InKham. in Chancery. TRANSFERS Benjamin A. Marahall, and Annit Mar- So. R->07-D nhall. PlainUITB, Born to Mr, and Mrs. Harry Default havinR been made in tho condiUona - Ingham County Legal News vn. of a certain mortRago made by Winfleld M. John J. Marxhall. Hariett Marshall, Charlcn Pringle, a daughter, Friday, July 20. Fincout (unmarried) to tho Capitol SnvinRs A SUMMARY OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS IN INGHAM COUNTY ( By Ingham Abstract & Title Co.) A. Davis, Atlminiittrator of the Estate of Mrs. E. E. Granger received word tt Loan Comtfuny, u Corporation, dated the Louis S. Marshall, deccaxctl. Inci Mar- Monday of the serious illness of a 18th day of December, 1929. and recof'detl in July 16 nhall, Mne L. Markham, U>UIH Paul Mai- tho office of the Rcfcister of Deeds for tho Abraham Hasbany and wife to Ed' shall. Iienc Marfthall. Don S. Mitrifhall friend, Mrs. Sprinkle, at Morrice. County of Initham i^nd Stato of MichlRan, on and Mildred Maiahall. Ocfcntlnntn.' ward J. Gibson apd wife, the WV^ of Mrs. Harlow Sly Is entertaining her tho 2I»t day of December. 1929, in Llbcr 329 In pursuance of H decretal oiiJer mftdo in sister. Miss Lois Shaw, of near Jack­ of MortRnKea. on PBRO 571. on which mort- ROSTER OF COUNTY OFFICERS the EVi of Lot 3 of 2 of Morri tho above entitled cause on the Uth day of KaRo there ia claimed to bo iluo at tho date of son's Subdivision of Block 16 of July, 1034, by the HHUI court. I, tho -iintlcr- son.' this notice, for principnl and Interest, tho aum sJKnctl, a Circuit Court Camniissi'oncr for the The Willing Workers Sunday school of 12,555,57. and the aum of W3,36 for tiocea CIRCUIT COURT COUNTY CLERK Townsend's Subdivision of the N part said County of InKhftm. State of MichlKhn. paid by tho mortRaRcc. nnd an attorney's fee of Sec. 20, T4N, R2W. $1.00 etc. will sell at iffibllc auction nnil vendue to the class met at the home of Donald and Tblrtteth Judicial Circuit Main office at Mason, branch ih Lansing city halt of $35.00 as provided for by Inw. and no auit Joseph W. Gleason to Nicholas Bel- highest bidder at the west front entrance of Harvey Swalm Friday evening, Re­ or prooeedinK at law havlnn been Inatltutcd to Clerk: C, Ross HUliard, Mason. tho Cpui't Hofiffo in the City of Mnson. InKham freshments of sandwiches, cake and recover tho moneys secured by said mortRaKC, Terms: January, 2nd Monday in January at Mason; en and wife, the BV4 of Lot 15, Block County, MichlKitn. for cash, oh the lUth dffy lemonade were served. or any part thereof. Marcli, 2nd Monday in Marcii at Lansing; May, Lansing Chief Deputy: Flora G. Dewey, Lansing. 22, City of Lansing. $1.00 etc. of .Sciftcmbci'. Ifl.lJ, nt ten o'clock in the fof'c­ Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of tho Standard Chevrolet Sales, a' Michi­ noon of sfdd day, the premises ilescribed ffs power of sale contained in ania mortRaRO. antl 2nd Monday in May at Mason; Septeniber, 2nd OTHER COUNTY OFFICERS the Kofithcftjjt tiuarter of the nof'thcast fiuarter gan qorporation, to the Central Trust nnd the south half of the southwest fiuarter of Legal Notice tho atattito in auch ciufo mado and provided, on Monday in September at Lansing, Treasurer: Clarence W. Lock, Mason. Company,. a Michigan Corporation. the nofthcimt titmitci', all in section twenty- tho 6th day of October, 1934, at 10:00 o'clock MORTGACK SALK. in tho forenoon, the iinderaiRncd will, at the Register of Deeds; Ethel L, Phillips, Mason. Commencing 11 feet B. of SE corner two, Aiireliufs Township, InKham Cotinty, north front door of tho City Hall, In tho City Judges: Hon, Charles B. Collingwood and Hon, MiehlKftn. Default haviifi? been made in the conditions Drain Commissioner: George Graham, Mason. of Lot 7, Block 245, N 131 feet, W ot a ccrlitin niof'tudKe made by Ilerbcft J. A. of LnnaluR. InRhimi County. MichlRan. that Leland W, Carr. 142 feet to l5cpdt Street, S on E line Dntcd July 'iSth, Iflli't, Lott nntl Hattie .Lott. huabftnd and wife, to beluR a plaee whero the Circuit Court for the School Commissioner:. Fred E. Searl, Mason. CARL H. McLEAN. Cifcuit Court Comnils- Mnf'y Laniof'chu.N, datcii the l&lh ilay of Mffy, County of Inshftm ia held, sell at public auc­ of said street 131 feet, E to W line of slohcr. A, D, lli'iO. and lecof'deil in the'olflce of the tion, to tho hlRhcat bidder, tho pfemiaea de­ Prosecuting Attorney: Dan D. McCullough, Lanshig; Road Commission: A. H. Phillips, chairman, Lan­ Cedar Street to the place of begin­ W. S. SEELYE. Mason, Mich,, AUorhcy fnr UcKistcf' of Deeda for tlie Cofinty of Ihuhitm scribed In snifl mortRfiRC, or ao much thereof the I'lftintlira, 30w7 Assistant, Benjamin F, Watson, Lansing. Main sing, L. T., Lasenby, Mason, C. H. Murray, ning, subject to an alley 20 feet wide and State of Michigftn. on tho 19th day of aa may bo ncceaaffry to pny tho amount ao aa • May. A. D. l!i;;0. in Lilier 'in of MortKftKca, afofesald duo on aftid mortRaRc, with seven per office. Capital Bank Tower, Lansing. Bunkerhill. along the S border thereof, jicity of State of MichlKhn. The Circuit Court for on PuRC 376, pn which moi'tBfiKC. there Is cent Intereat, antl ftll loRftl coats, toRcthor wiUi Lansing. $1.00 etc. the County of Intilmni. In Chnhcci'y. clftirned to he due at the date of this noUcc, aaid attorney's fee, which aaid premlsea arc County Relief Commission: C. R. Hoffer, East Lan-. deacribod In aaid mortRftRO aa follows: Sheriff: Thomas H. Hanna, Mason. Gertrude Long to Herbert Bywater Trcsftia If'Ish. Plftintlir. for nf'inclpitl find Intcfeat, the ahm of $1610,12, sing; A. B. Ball, Mason; Joseph Dunnebacke, vs. ahd for fii'c insui'ftnce, the aum of $0,00, ftnfl Lot Number Forty-al.x (16) ot Uivercreat'Sub­ and wife, that part of the EVi of the ah attorney's fee of $35,00 as ifrovidcd for In Court Officer: George H. Shaw, Holt. Lansing. Administrator: Miss Ruth Bowen, Lan­ Clftutic If'ish, Dtjfentlhnt, division of ft part ot North ono-half (Vi) of W'^ of the NEi4 of Sec. 14, lying S It itifpeftrinK by dfily vefilicil petition ahfl sftifi mortKifge, ftnd no sfilt or proceetlint; at Northweat onc-tiuaf'ter (f/,) of Section Twenty sing. of the Mason and Dansville highway, ftlTiditvft, thftt it cftifnnt Ifo ttscertitincd In whftt Iftw hftviifK been inatitfftcti to fecover Ute (20). Town Four ('0 North. KftuRo Two (2) Probation Officer and Friend of the Court, Laird stitto or countfy the ftbovc nninctl ilefemlftnt moneys scctffeil by aftid nfof'tgrftgc, or ftny pftrt West, City of LaiisinR. InRham County, Mich­ Soldiers and Sailors Relief Commission: Robert so-called, containing 22 acres of land thcfeof. Troyer, Lansing. fealdcs. It ia hereby ordefed ftnfl ftdjfulKed that lRan. J. Inghram, Lansing; C. J. Whiting, Mason; B. more or less aU in T2N, RIW. $1.00 the sftid tlcfcntlifnl enter or effuse hia appefff- Notice ia licrelfy Riven, thftt by virtue of the Dated July 12, 1931. etc. ftnce to be enterctl in sitltl effuse within three powef' of sftle contftiifetl in aftid nfort^ffgc, fthfl CAPITOL SAVINGS & LOAN COMPANY. Circuit Court Commissioners: Carl H, McLean and W. Bushnell, Leslie. MortRiiRce. Herbert A. Bywater and wife to months from tlte ilitte of this of'tlcr, ftnd thfft the stftttiic in such chso mfftle ahd pf'ovifleil, oh Alvin A, Neller, Lansing, If service ia not otherwise mfttic, thftt the plitlii- tlfc ',!Oth fifty of October, A, D, Ifl3'(, ftt eleven CUMMINS & CUMMINS, Attof'hcya for Gertrude Long, that part of the EVi tiir cituse II copy of this oriler to be puWIsheil o'clock In tile fofenoon. life uhderafKhcd will, MortRaRce. 60.| Cftpltol SavihRs & Loan llulld- State Conservation Officer, Glen Murphy, Mason. of tho W'/a of the NEVl of Sec. 14, within forty dftya of the tiftte hereof. In the at tho north ffonl door of tho City Hftll, In the IhK, LanalnR, MichiRftn. 2Swl3 PROBATE COURT Inichftm Couhty News, such publicftUon to con­ City of Lahsihk', Inithhm County, Michiiiffh, Residence opposite county park entrance. lying S of the Mason and Dansville tinue once cffch week for ai.\ weoka in sffc- thfft bcfifif: ft lflftce where the Circuit Coffrt ftfr Main office in Mason, branch at Lansing in Bauch highway, sw-called, and containing 22 County Welfare Agent: Claude Post, Mason. ccsaion. the county of IhKhhm la hold, sell ftt ifuhlic MORTGAGE SALE Bldg,, open Mondays and Thursdays, acres of land more or less in T2N, Dated. July 2l)f'd. 11131. ffuction, to llio hiKhest bidtior, the iff'emises Default havinR been mftdo la the condltiona Old Age Pension Board: Claude Post, chairman. 30w7 LELAND W. CAUli, Cifcuit JffdKC. flescf'ibcti iff afffti inortRitije, or so intfch tltcreof of a certain morlRitRe, wlioreby tho power of RIW. $1.00 etc. fts ihify Ifc hetfcasaf'y (o pffy the nniofiiit so ffa Judge: Hon, L, B, McArthur, Mason, sale thef'cin contftined hfts become operative. Mason; Judge L. B. McArthur, Mason; Mrs. Janetts Severance to Andrew J, ffforcaffifl tltfe oh aifid nfof'tRffgc, with aix iter Riven by Charles C. Allen and Effie E. Allen, Terry Corliss, Lansing. Hale and wife, the NE'/t of tho NE',4 Bailey lieal Estate Inc., a Michigan cent ifflGf'cat, ftntl all IcRffl cosis, toROtlfcf' with hia wife, to Wolverine Insfifahce Company of Probate'Register; Charles A, Clinton, Mason, Corporation, to Guy B, Halsey, W 33 sffid ffUornoy's fee, which shifi lfreiiiiacs ftre LanalnR, a MichiRan corifof'aUon, oh Doccmbor Superintendents of Poor: S. S. Main, Lansing; C. C. of Sec, 22;.and tho NWVi of the NW (IcHef'ibcfl iff H/fltl mof'tRffRO fta foilowa: feet of Lot 6 Block 1 of Gansloy's Ad­ inth, 192.1, af^d f'ccof'ded in the olrice ot the Juvenile Probation Officer: J, M, Hewitt, Mason. •4 of Sec. 23; T4N, RIE, Williamston The hof'tlfeffst fitfffrtef* of the sofftlieffst fitifff'- RcRlflter of l>ceds for InRhftm Cofinty, Michi­ Foster, Haslett; William S. Rhodes, Mason, township, $1.00 etc. dition to said City of Lansing. $1.00 tcr o[ section twelve, lotvnshlp. thf'co north, Rftn. on December 10th, 192.1, In Lihor 229 of Supervisor of Mother's Pensions: Mrs. Karen Ly­ Dog Wardens: Clay Braden, Mason; John* Myers, etc. f'hngc two weat, in the Townahip ot Delhi, IhK- MortRfiRcs oh phRo 398, which shitl mortRaRo- July 17 hhfn Cnffnty, Michiifhff. was flirty itssiRhctl by the aaid Wolverine Instfr- man, Lansing, Lansing. Egbert T. Grossman and wife to Capitol Savings and Loan Company, Dhted: July 20, 103.1, ahco Company, ot LhnsihR, MichlRan, a cof'- Elizabeth E. Bemis, Beginning at the a Michigan Corporation to Rudolph L, MAIIY LAMOUEAU.V. MoriKhKoo. Iforhtion, to The Wolverine Insffrahco Com- Parisian and wife, Lots 5 and 7 of CARL H. McLEAN, Attorfioy for MortRattce, phny, h Corpof'ation of LahslnR, MichiRftn, SW corner of Lot 52, AngeU's Sub., Hfialhcss Adfli'oss: •li,') Hollister ilhlR,, Lfffi- afftlforlied July fif'st, 1927, uhdor Chapter III N 95,5 ft,, E 66 ft,, S 95,5 ft, W 66 ft, Supervisors Plat of Hillcrest Farms, sinu, MIchliian, 30wl3 ot Part IV ot the Pfdflic Acts ot 1917 as Lansing Township, $1,00 etc, amohded, oh Juho 30th, in2T-, which said as- to point of beginning, now known as siirhmcht waa recorilcd in the olrice ot the Lot 1 of Assessor's Plat of AngeU's I'-INAL ACCOUNT, CI.AKK—AUfi. 21 Phillip Warren to Arthur G, Schraft Slhlo of MichfKhh, The Piolfffte Court for RcRiater of Deeds tor IhRhffm County on Aug­ MORTGAGE SALE SUMMARY NEW CASES BEGUN Sub, $1,00 etc, and wife, commencing at a point 28 the Coffffty of IhRlfffffi, ust .(th, 1927, in Lihcr 30.t of MortRffRca on IN CIRCUIT COURT At ft seaaioft of sffifl Cotff't, Ifelfl fft the Pf't>- PfiRO 2;!, upon which sftiti mortRftRo there ia Listed below are dates, places of sale, condensed descriptions of Jennie H. Hitchcock to Joe Nellis rods S of the W '/, post of Sec, 7, claffncfi to bo due nt the dale hereof, for prih- , Chancery and Law cases begun in iffftc Ofi'icu ill life Cily of Mhsffff, iff affiti coffff­ and wife, S 10 ft, of Lot 5 and the N T4N, R2W, thence E 30 rods, S 8 rods, ty, off the 23f'fl fiffy of ,luly. A, 1), iil3.L ciphl, intereat hnd Iffxca, 510,822..12; hnd no property, approximate amounts of mortgages, the mortgagors and f Ingham county circuit aourt dur­ 21 ft, of Lot 6 of Jenison's Subdivis­ W 30 rods, N 8 rods to beginning, action ht law linvihR Ifcon Iff'ofiRht to f'ccovcf' Pf'cseift; HON, L, II, McAliTilUR, Jffdue sftid inortRago debt, or any part thef'cof: mortgagees, and the attorneys in foreclosures occurring within the hig week ending Monday before ion on Block 237, City of Lansing, $1,00 etc, ot Pf'oifffte, Now, thcf'eforc, hy virtue of the powef' of next thirty days. While great care has been taken in the compiling date <»f pubUcatlon. $1,00 etc, Ih tho Mfftter ot tho Estftio of NETTIE E. July 20 CLARIC, Det'off.scfl. sale containeil in anid mof-tRaRO anfl purafiaht of this summary, the publishers of the Ingham County News do not Capitol Savings and Loan Company, Rebecca Herrick Williams to the lo the statute of tho Stifle of MichiRan in such Chhrlcs W, Bf'owhc hffviiiK Iflcfl in sffifl coffrt cftsc mftdo hnd providod, notice is hereby Riven guarantee its accuracy and will accept no responsibility therefor. This a Michigan Corporation, to Bert Cole Union Building and Loan Association, his ifnifffhl ffceofiift as If'ffsteo hffd hia lfetitloff that on Friday, AiiRust 10th, 193.1, at 11:00 and. wife. Lot 475 Maple Hill, Lansing Lot 9 of Harry J, Person's Subdivis­ prffylnR for the allowftifco thef'cof. Chancer}' It ia Ortlof'cfl, Thftt the 21at fifty of AtfRiist, o'clock iff tho forenoon (Eftsterif Stftntlftrtl summary is compiled and published for the protection and conven­ Township, $1,00 etc, ion of part of Block 146 in City of Tinfo) anid morlRifRO will he fof'cclosed by ff Emma Halladay vs, Clinton Halla- A. D, i03.|, ftt ten o'clock in the fofohoon, ht ience of both mortgagors and mortgagees and other interested parties. Lansing, $1,00 etc, aaifl Pf'obffle OITice, be fffffi ia hereby ifififoinled sale at ptfblie auction to the liiRifoat bidder, at day, divorce. Brown & Gregg, Attys, Jason E, Hammond and wife to tho north ontf-ance to the City Hall. In tifo City Matthew Sosnokski et al. Lot 3 of for cNhniinihR ffnd ffliotvihR sftid ffccouht fthfl Pearl D, Kusse vs, Stephen P, Kus- Mary L, Foster to Earl Lovejoy and heffriifK sftifi lfetitloff; of LffnainR, Ingham County, Michigftn, that Glenn Street Subdivision in City of bclhR one ot the places whore the Cifcfiit (Jotirt se, divorce, Fred L, Warner, Atty, wife. Lot 104 Foster Farm Addition, It is Fuf'ther Ordered, That public notice July 26, at Lansing, Wolverino In­ $6339.52. Hugh Francis and Margaret Lansing, $1,00 etc, for tho aftid County Is held, ot the Iftnds antl Margaret A, Brundage vs, Glenn H, City of Lansing, $1,00 etc. thereof 1)0 Kiven by publiciftlon ot ft copy ot pf'omiaes described in said mortRagc, or so surance Co, vs. Fisher. Lots 14 and Simmons, Attys. Ardson Heights Development Com­ this order tor three stfcccaaive weeks previous much therdot fts mfty ho necessary to pay the Bnindage, divorce, Fred L, Warner, Brice Swlck and wife to Calvin W. to aaid day ot hcitrlnifr in tlfc InRhftm Cofinty 12 of Neller's Subd. No. 1 of a part of August 13, at Lansing. Michigan pany, a Michigan Corporation, to nmount dfie as aforesaid on aaid mortgaRC, with Atty, MerriU and wife, the EVi of a parcel News, n hewapffper prinlcd ftihl cff'cfflhtcil in interest thcf'oon at the rate of aevcn per cent, E Vi of NE '4 of Sec. 9, T4N, R2W, Life Ins. Co. vs. The South Lansing Frederick W, Fabian and wife, the E aftid ,coffnty, L, H, McAUTHUU, Geneva Mitchell vs, Forrest Mit­ described as: commencing 100 rods N and all loRftl coats, chftrges ftnd oxpcnaea, in­ City of Lansing, $2,087.46, Kelley, Vi of Lot No. 65 of Ardson Heights (A trfio copy,) JUIIRO of Pfobatc, cluding the attorney feo ot $35.00 allowed Ify Land Co. Lot 67 Excelsior Land chell, divorce, Benjamin F, Watson, Sessions, Warner & Eger, Attys. Addition to the City of East Lansing. and 32 rods E of the S Vi post of Sec, MAllTIIA THAYER, law, aaid pf'cmises beinR tlescribcd as follows: Co.'s Subd. of a part of the W Vi of Atty, neputy RcRister of Pfolffito, Sfltvl July 27, at Mason. The Prudential the NE Vl of Sec. 22, T4N, R2W, City $1,00 etc, 17, T4N, R2W, Township of Lansing, Situated in tho City of fwansini;, InRham Clarence R, Coidan, et al vs, Clara N 7 rods, E 4 rods, S to a point due E Ckfunty, MichlRan, to-wit: Lot nine (9) ot Insurance Co. of America vs. Thor­ of Lansing, excepting E 36' ft., $2,- Bertha T, Young to Howard R, Ca- MOKTfiAflE SALK Illook one htindfcd and thiity-aix (136) of anid M, Quick, et al, ITijunction, Davidow of beginning and W to beginning. Al­ burn. NW V^ of Sec. 34 and SE %214.03 . Hugh Francis and Margaret ton and wife. Lot 1 of Block 6 of Mc­ Defatilt hitvinR been made Iji the condltiona City ot LansiffR, accof'tlinR to tho recorded plat & Davidow, Detroit, Attys, so known as Lot 26 of Assessor's Plat of a ccrtnin niortRffRO mfttic by Cftf'f'ie A, llftw- of said City, toRcther with life hef'editftments of the NE Vl of Sec, 33, Delhi Twp., Simmons, Attys. Pherson's Michigan Avenue Addition Winifred Haddock vs. Harry Had­ No. 9. $1.00 etc. kina to flcorRO W, Smith, diftcil' the 26th dffy and appuf-tcnancca thoreof. $7001.70. A. A. Bergman, Atty. August 18, at Lansing. American to said City of Lansing, $1,00 etc, of Maf-ch, 1932, ftffd icconled in the office of nfttcti: Mfty 1st. 1931. dock, divorce. Charles P. VanOte, Bessie Reasoner et al to Fred Slater the Register of Dccda tor the Coffnty of InR- July 28, at Lansing. Sheets vs, State Savings Bank vs. Shaw. N 22 Tho Capitol Mortgago and Loan WOLVERINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Atty. et al, Lot 26, Block 3, Assessor's PlaL hhhf ahd Slate of Michiifan, on tho 2,Sth dffy AsslRhco ot MortRhRce. Garver. Lot 13, block 4 of Stebbins- ft. of lot 50 and S 11 ft. of lot 51, Marthena Burns vs. Benjamin Company, a Michigan Corporation, to of Mfff'ch, 1932, in Liber 318 of inof'tRhRcs oh KELLEY, SESSIONS. WARNER & EtiER, Hugh Baker and wife. Lot No, 2 of No, 16, City of Lansing, $1.00 etc. IfhRC LU. on which mof'tphKe tlief'O Is claimcfl Attorneys for AsffiRhce of MortRftRce, nusincas Moore replat on lots 1 and 2, block 13 Harrah's Add. to City of Lansing, $2,- Burns, divorce, E. A. Densmore, Atty, to he flfin at the ditto of thia notice, tor priff- the Plat of Southfleld, Township of Angomime Layton to Anna E. Lay- Addf'ess; 32-1 Mutual CuildinR, LansfhR, Michi­ and lot 2, block 20 of Townsend's Sub. 663.67. Charles W. Foster, Atty. • Anna May Knack vs, Russell W, ciphl and intef'Cst .?777.i9, for taxes hnd intcf'­ Ran. 19wl3 of N part of Soc, 20, reserving W 2 Delhi, $1,00 etc, ton, commencing at the intersection of cat !|I12S,.10 anfl insurance $ifl,7l mffkihR a to­ August 18, at Lansing. American Knack, divorce. William C. Brown, tnl ftmoiffit ilifo ot IJOIINSO and no sffIt or ft, to bo used with E 6 ft, of next lot State Savings Bank vs. VerPlanck, Atty. Capitol Savings and Loan Company, the E tfe W lino of Sec, 28, TIN, RIW, proccctlifiRS at Iftw hitvo beon hroffRht to fc- for driveway, $2,607,08, C, F, & E, MORTGAGE SALE Lot 8, block 4, Turner & Smith's Sub. Mary M. Hein vs. Alexander Hein, a Michigan Corporation to Harry L, in the center of the Meeker road, W, cof'cf' sftiti delft of- ftfiy pfff't thef'cof, sftid mort- T. Hammond, Attys. RaKco IfftviffR dociaf'od his election lo consider Default linvinR been mndo in Uio condftioffs of part of Sec. 9, City of Lansing, $1,- divorce. John McClellan, Atty, Diamond and wife, Lot No, 24 Wood- no said '/t line to the NW corner ot ot a ecrtifin mortRftRO mftdo hy Williftm H. lawn Subdivision of a part of tho NW the whole ffmofint finpaid on affiti mortRaRc July 28, at Lansing. Hoyt vs. Rice. 420.95. Chai'los W. Foster, Atty. State of Michigan vs, the Capitol the NE'/i of the SWVi of Soc, 28, S debt to 1)0 now duo ftfffi pfiyftlflo hy rcftsofi of Swartofit ffnd ElUnhetli A. Swhrtofit, Ifuslmnd '/, of the NW'/, of Sec, 3, T4N, R2W, anfl wife, to Walter S, Root anfl Lffurft E, N G6 feet of E 410,8 feet of lot 2 of National Bank of Lansing. Bill for on tho W line of the NE'/t of the SW tho non-payment ot intorost, ihafff'hhcc hhd August 18, at Lansing, American Township of Lansing. $1.00 etc, taxes hs pf'oviflod tor by aftlfl inortRitRO. Root, hfiHlmml hnfl wife, diftefl tho SOth day Scott's Subd, of Sees, 4 and 5 of T4N, Stato Savings Bank vs, Kenney, Lots accounting. Ira Z. Acoff, Asst. Atty. Vl ot 28 to a point 55 rods, 3i/j feet N ot June, 1933, ahd recorded ih the office of John A, Donby and wife to Gott­ Notice ia hef-olfy Riven, thfft hy virtffe ot the tho RcRislcr ot Deeds for tho Coffffty ot IhR- R2W, and containing 62-100 ot an 19, 20, 21 and 22 of Otto's Add, to Gen, of tho SW corner ot NE'/, of SW'/,, fried Bopp, commencing 363 feet S ot power ot sfflo contffiifcd in sffifl inorlRffRO hhfl Iffffn hhfl State ot MichfRah off the 20l.lf dfty acre also the S 66 fcot of N 132 ft, of City ot Lansing, $3620,58, Charles W, American State Savings Bank vs, E to the center ot MooUor road, NE'ly the sifftfile In sffch cftsc made fthd pf'oviflefl, of July, i!)33, in Liber 307 ot MortgaRCs oh E 410,8 ft, of lot 2, Scott's Subd, of Harry E, Bopp, et al. Bill for ac­ the N •/,. post of Sec, 9, Township of to beginning, $1,00 etc, oh the Olif dffy of Odoifcr, Ifl3'l, fft iOfOO phRO 139, on which iiiortRhRO thoro la clfufned Foster, Atty, o'clock ih tho fof'onooh, tho uhfief'slRhofl will, Soc. 4 and 5 of T4N, R2W, Twp. of counting. Brown & Gregg, Attys, Delhi, thenco S 803,7 feel, thence E July 21 lo bo duo ht the dhto ot this notfco for priiv August 24, at Lansing, Taylor vs, 21 rods and 15 links, thence N 863,7 ht tho West ff'oht door ot the coffrt hoffso, cipftl and intcf'eat, tho sufn ot S.|,252,0S hnfl Lansing, containing 02-100 of an acre, Audrey M, Bell, by next friend vs, Bert Truu to Floyd H, Foglc and lu Iho Cily of Mhsoff, IhRlfhfn Cotfhty, Michl­ ffh iffsffrfthco pf'einfum ot 50..1.1 mhkihR a tothi Russell, Com, at SW corner of lot 7, feet, thonce W 21 rods and 15 links to $1531.44, Clyde V, King, Atty. Clarence H, Boll, divorce, William H, wife, tho S 100 acres of the SW Vt of Rhn, thht IfefhR offe ot tifo plncca whef-e tho debt ot ?.|,20i,62, hiul no shit ut Ihw or pf'o- block G, tiionco E 25 ft,, thenco N 80 place of beginsiing, .fl.OO etc, Circffit Coffrt tof' tho shifi Cofinly of IffRlfffm ceotrfffRS hftve ifeeh i)rouRht to f'ocover sffifl debt July 2S, at Lansing, Capital Sav­ Wise, Atty, Sec, 9, T3N, RIW, Twp, ot Alaiedon; fa Ifolfl, sell fft ptfiflic fftfctiffff, to tho IfiRhost or ffhy lfffrt thcf-eof, shitl ihortRffRCos hhvihg ings &, Loan Co, vs, Lapoulos, S ft,, thence W 25 ft,, thonco S SO ft, Wendell W, Fonner and wife to to bog,. City of Lansing, ,$9611,41, Tressia .Irish vs, Claude Irish, di­ $1,00 etc, ififltlcr, the pf'ofnfses doscf'ibofi Iff sffifl iifortRffRO floelhf'cd their election to cohslilcr the whole ot lot 2, block li54. City of Lansing, vorce, W, S. Seelye, Atty, William M, Palen and wifo. Lot No, Everet J, Scarlett and wife to Herb­ or so fnffclf thoreof ffs mfty Ifc nocossftf'y lo ftfhouht ffhpfud on aititl morlRftRO debt to Ifo $071,57, Cummins & Cummins, Attys, Shields, Silsbee, Ballard tt Jennings, 266 of Highland Park addition ot E. sfftisfy the fffffoffftt flfio thorctfff, with ifflorest how fitfo fffffi Ifffyffblo by f'cffsoff ot tho noh- Attys, • Marian Bratz Steadman vs, Claude ert H, Remalio and wife, lot No, 38 of fft 7 lfor ccfft pof' ffffffffff) ffnfl ffll loRffi costs Ifffyihcht or certffih fnsthiliffehta ot ifftcf'osl hhfl July 28, at Lansing, .Jacobs vs. Almond Steadman, divorce, Plummer X, LeSouro to City of Lansing, $1,00 thereby hfhflo, fnclffflffiR ft slhlfftof'y htlof'hcy iffsurfffico ffs providcfl tor by shifi mof-lRffRC, August 25, at Lansing, The Central etc. Holt Farms No, 1, Delhi Twp,; $1 etc, feo, sffid Ihffiis IfciffR descriifeil ffs: Lot 37 hfffi Stanlicld. Lot 125 in Alaluo Heights Snyder, Atty, Notico is Ifef'eify givch, that hy virtffo ot the Trust Co, vs, Coctigan, r..ot S of J, Jessie M, DoLong to Frank W, Hcy- tho South '/j "f Lot 30 fffffi the ohtlf'e ot Lol Subd. of pari of the W Vi of the NE Law Bert Hoffman and wife to Floyd A. 3S except a ificco olV life Sotflhwcst ohit of sffifl Ifower of sale cohtifinetl ih sftid nfortRhge afffi B, Rayner's Add, to City of Lansing, denburk and wife, lot No, S ot Alamo llfo stfftffle in sffch chso mfulo ffhfl providcfl VI. of Sec. 14, T4N, R2W, also lot 0 in Alexander Milbourne, et al vs, Oc- Beadle and wife, commencing in tho lot 38 f'unnihR back 36% toot, hll bciuR iff Heights Subd,, Twp, ot Lansing; $1, KihRs Phft ot tho VillffRo ot Delhi, sittffttcfl off tho r.tlf flffy of Octolfcr, i93.|, ht 10:00 East View Subd. of part ot the W ',$1146,95, Fred L, Warner, Atty, tavious M, Randall, et al. Trespass SW corner of Sec.'No. 22, TIN, RIW, o'clock ih tho tof-ehooh, tlfc uhficft'sfRffefl will, of the NE Vi Qf Sec, 14, T4N, R2W", I August 25, at Lansing. The Con- on the case, John McClellan, Atty, Meridian of Michigan, running thenco Clyde M, Titus et al to John H, ih the Sofflhohst (|ffhrter*r Section M, Towh fft tho West tf'olft door of the court house ih N 10 rods, thence E 12 rods, tiience S tho Cily ot Mff.Hoh, IffRhftfh Cmfffty, MfehlRah, Twp, of Lansing, $520,44, D, G. P,; Iral Trust Co, vs. Goodrich, Beg, nt Junior A, Hartig vs, Nathan Davis, Healey and wife, the SVi of Lots SI3 Norih of RffhRo 2 west, -Also commcncihR 10 rods, W 12 rods to beginning, $1,00 72,ti f'otls North of the Sofflhohst corner of thht helng one of tho plhcos whcf'O tho Cif'- Warner, Atty, | a point 6 70 degrees and 5 minutes, replevin, Seymour H, Person, Atty, and 9 in Block 34 in City of Mason, Section M, thonco North off tlfc Effst liho of cffit Court tor the shifi Coffffty ot Ihghfttn ia August 1, Cily of Lansing, Hiller.W 185,5 ft, from SE corner of lot 51, etc, $1,00 etc, sffifl Section i.| to ft point duo Ehst ot the Ifelfl, sell at phblic ffuction, to tho hiRhost bid­ vs, Hlrschman, Lot 40 of Adams Ad- of AngeU's Sub, of lot SO and portions I Harry J. Watson and^wife to Reg­ Sfnfllfehst corner of Lot 2.S of KfhR'a Plat, der, tho lff'cfnises doscf'lbcd fh shid inortRaRO Vinton E, Covert and wife to Nel­ lifonco AVest to sffifl Soffthchst cof'hcr ot Lot or ao mffch theroot as mffy ife neceaaftf'y to ditlon. City of Lansing, $2112,20, of lots 7S and 79 of College Gi'ove on inald C, West and wife, the W 61 ft., lie M, Styles et al. Lot 9 except tho S 2S, thenco Soffllicrly hlohR the East line of aatiaty tho ftmouht ilffo Ihef'con with inlof'ost Hayden, Hubbard & Rathbun, attys, N line of Anna St, nnd running thenco PROCEEDINGS OP 10Vi inches of Lot No, 8 of Block Ii 4 feet thereof in Block 12, Village of sffifl .PIfft to tho Soffthchst corner ot I^ot 'iO, Itt 0 per cent per ifhnuni ffnd all loRftl costs of Grossman & Williams' Subdivision thenco West hlohR life ,Soffth lino of ,safil Lot tlforclfy mfulo, IhcludihR ah attof'noy feo ot August 3 at Lansing, Metropolitan N 132 tt., thence N 70 dog, and 5 min,, CIRCUIT COURT Leslie, $1,00 etc, $35,00, Shid Iffhds beihR deacribod na tho of tho Church Farm in said Village, •10 of snifl Plht lo the hlRhwhy, thenco Smfth- Life Ins, Co, vs, F, B, McKibbin Co, W 37,1 ft,, thonce S on line parallel Taken from Journal Entries of Benjamin T, Fry and wife to Lu­ ehatorly hloffR the IfiRhwffy lo a point duo West Eftst VJ of the West 2-3 ot Lot -I anil the Lot 86 of Ziba A, Downer Subdivision with Division St, 132 ft, to N lino of $1,00 etc, ot tho plhco of hoRinhihR, thenco Eftst lo tho North 75 feet of the Enat 22 teot ot afvffi Lol tho Circuit Court cille Buckley, the W 34,6 teet of Lot Iflffco of IfeRihnihR, Said latter parcel heinR .1 ahd the North 75 foot of the Weat 22 feet ot a part of tho southwest quarter of Anna St,, thence SE'ly along N lino Elmer C, Brown to Frank E. Wat­ 6 Kingsley's Addition, City of Lan­ othorwi.ao descrilfcfi ffs: All thfft Phrt ot the of Lot 5, all ih Block 17 in tho City ot Mhsoff, Section 11, T4N, R2W, City of Lan- of Anna St, to placo of bog,. City of son, tlio S 33 1-3 ft, of Lot 49 of Tor­ sing, $1,00 etc, Sofftlfehst fiffffrtor of Section M lyfhB Effst of Ihglfafh (jounty, Michignn, accoi'ding lo tho sing, $2315,55, Shields, Silsbee, Bal- East Lansing, $2304,75, Fred L, rance Farm, except the E 45,71 feet the MiclfiRhn Cohtrftl R, K, hnd conveyed by rccof'ded pint llforcot. July l« Frank W, McKim and wife to Thom­ tho hclf-s at law of Matha KinR, dccohsed, lo lard it Jennings, attys. Warner, Atty, thereof, $1,00 etc, John H, KiifR by deed rccof'flod in Llbor 100 Dated at Mnson, Michigan, Jfily 12, 193.1, People vs. Robert Harper, Arraign­ as M, Watson arid wife, Lot No, 113 WALTER S, ROOT ffnti LAURA E, ROOT, August 4 at Lansing, American August 25, at Lansing, Prudential July 18 of deeds ofi pftRO 362 in IiiRliffm Co, Mich,, ex­ State Savings Bank ys. Perry, E 1-3 ins, Co, vs, Meyers, Lot 109 of plat ed, pleaded guilty, plea accepted. Re­ Luverno W, Stanfield and wifo to Highland . Park Addition to the City cept a narf'ow strip ot land ftdjoinlhR a cer­ MortR/tRCOS, manded to await sentence. of Lnnsing, $1,00 etc, tain lol owned by Harvey Uihhy and now in­ B, A, DENSMORE; Attorney tor Mort- of sou h 8 rotas of lot 1 and west 1-3 of Knollwood Park, City of Lansing, Frank H, Hause, et al, commencing at closed with shid lot of Harvey Uihhy by a wire RffRCcs, Bu,sine.ss Adflress, Mnaon, Mich, 28wl3 of south S rods of lot 2, block 1, Jer- $2,736,58, John A, Brooks, Atty, People vs, Theodore Peterson, Ar­ the intersection of the W line of South George W, Amsden and wife to fence, conlainlnR !> ncres more or less and ftll ome's Addition, C ty of Lansing, sub-i ., t. nr ^ r • V, , , raigned, pleaded guilty, plea accepted. Main St, and the S line of the N % William T, Frayer and wife, lot No, 1 of sfud promises bciuR in Town 3 NorUi of MORTGAGE SALE Remanded to await sentence, RifiiRO 2 West, ill InRhftm Coffnty, MIchiRon, ject to prior mortgage $5000,00 Also' „;^"f"S^25 at Lansing, Prudential of the SVi of tiie SEV,. of the NW'/i of block 5 of the Plat of Glondale Dftted ftt Mff.soh, MichiRftn, July 12, 193.L Defitiill haviiiR been maflo ih tho toi'ms of N 30 ft, of S 98 ft, of W 44 ft, of lot J"^'

Legal Notice Legal Notice BCSnraSB OAUM LegalNotioe Legal Notion' Legal Notice Legal Notice

MOXTGA0B8ALB : MOBTQAOB SALE ^ . ^ MOBTOAOB SAiLB MOBTGAQE SALE flRBBinr'S «AI.E MOBTGAaR SALE : Default having been made in the condition, Default bavins been mad. in tb. condition, ^ Default having been made In th. condition, Default having beeii made in the conditions By virtu, of a Writ of Fi.ri Faeli., iuu.d Dsfault bavins be.B mada In lb. eondiUona of a certain real eatato mortsage. wh.r.by the of a certain real eatate mortgage, whereby the O. I. HOOD and OBOBOR H. McABmOai ot a certain r.al eetate mortgage whereby tb. of a certain ro.l eatato mortgage, whereby tb. of a certain r.aT ..tate.morttaie wlureby th. Attoraay. at Uw. McArthur Butldlnt. out of and und.r tb. ...1 of th. Circuit Court power ot aale therein contained became opera­ power of sale therein contained became opera- power of aale.therein contained became opera­ for the County of Oakland, and State of Mich­ pow.r of aal. therein contained became opera, power of aale th.r.in contained became opera- tive. made by William Q. Kenney and Netta M..ai). Uieh. Phone, olltc. 802. IwStp tive. made by Jamea W. 8. Clark and Grace tive. m.de by Harry L.'Knickerbocker and tive, made by Arthur T. VerPlanck and Fern iRan, to me directed and delivered, fn favor Uve. made by Marian S. Thorburn ot tbe CItjr 3. Kenney. bU wife, by Willi.m G. Kenney M. VerPlanck. his wife, and wllhelmina Vor- M. Clark, husband and wife, to the Union Mary E. Knickerbocker, husband and wife, to of Lanaing. Ingham County. Michigan, to The D. G. P. WARNBB * DWIGHT L. WILMN of Arthur I. Benedict and Ida Hay Benedict, The American Savinga Bank, a Michigan her attorney in tact, to the Lanaing State PUnck. widow and survivor of Holly M. Ver­ againat the good, and ch.ttela, land, and tene­ Building and Loan Asaociatlon, 'Limited, a PiWiential Inaurance Company ot America of Savings Bank, a Michigan banking corporation, Attorney, at Uw. 1002-3-4 Bauch Bulldin* Michigan corporation, of Lansing.' Michigan, banking corporation, dated April 16, 1916. Planck, deceased, to the American State Sav­ ment, of Mountain View Orchard., a Mlehl- Niwark, New Jersey, dated lb. 12th day pf dated Auguat 20, 1919, and recorded in tha of­ ings Bank, a Michigan banking corporation, Unaing. Mloblgm. 51 dated May 19, 1980, and recorded in the Ing­ and recorded In tbe Register of Deed, November, A. D. 1930, and reci>rded in. the gan Corporation, I did. on the 14th day of ollice of Ingham (kiunty. Michigan, on fice ot Registor of Deeds for Ingham County. %^ ^"^'•""ry ». 1928. and recorded in the .Juno A. D. 1034, levy upon and take all tb. ham County, Michigan, Regiater of Deed', of- office of the Regiater of Deed, of Ingh.m MichiRan. on August 26. 1919. in Uber 191 of FARMERS' MimJAL floe on Hay 28, 1930. in liber 324 of mortgagei April 17, 1915, in liber 176 of office ot Register of Deeds ot Ingham County. right, title and Interest of .aid Mountain View County. Michigan, on the 22nd day of No­ Mortgages on page 202. the name ot which Michigan, on February 10. 1928.,in liber 286 of FIBE INSURANCE COMPANY OF INGRAI on page 696, upon which mortgage there is mortgages on pago 26 which said mort­ vember, A. D. 1930, in Liber 297 of Mortgages, fOrcharda, a Michigan Corporation. In and to gage on February 11. 19211 wa. duly assigned bank on February 4'. 1921. waa duly changed S .„W°f? reorgnniintion County. Safeat. cheapest, beat. For infor. -tho following deacrlbed piece, or parcel, of now claimed to be due and payable for prin­ at page 619. upon which mortgage there la to the American Stato Savings Bank, which cipal and intereat the aum of 11717.62. and in­ to the American Stato Savinga Bank, a Michi­ ?fi,f 1 Y'*^ """^ '"•••n'n.tlon of receivership. matlon write to Louis Stid, secretary. Ma- :land, situated in Leslie Township, Ingham now .laimed to be due and payable for prin­ mortgage was extended by an extension agree­ Bin^? i"*^/.*"," ^uly naslgned on November surance premiums thoreon of $3.00. making a gan banking corporation, by assignment re­ cipal and intereat the aum ot 16702.56. and 5SD; A l^ennmoro. president. Maaoa. fCounty. Michigan, to-wlt; , corded in said Register of Deeds oltice on Feb­ ment dated Auguat 8. 1929. and recorded-in A' ^°''»' Receiver of snid Oflfice on flrst floor court house. tw62D , PARCEL I total debt ot tl720.62. and no suit at law hav­ for delinquent taxea paid on aaid mortgaged said Register ot Deeds olllce on Auguat 31. ing been brought to recover said debt, or any ruary 17. 1921. in llbor 172 of mortgages on premises by aaid mortgagee In purauance ot Ainerican State Snylngs Bnnk. to the Amerlcnn The North half of tbe East half of the page 696. and on rcorganiiation of said bank 1929. In llbcr 323 ot Mortgages on page 34, State Savings Bnnk. » Mbhignn bankInK cor­ CHARLES FIELD. Agent, Citizens Mutual part thoreof, said mortgagee, having by reso­ aaid mortgage the aum of 1369.16, making a and on reorganization of said bank anil ter­ Southwest Quarter of section 16, except a lution duly adopted at a regular meeting of ita and termination of receivership, aaid mortgage total debt of $7061.70, and no auit at law hav­ poration, puifiuant to an jrdcr of the Circuit Autoipoblle Insuranco Company. Phone M»> piece of land described aa commencing at a was duly assigned on November 6. 1933. by mination ot receivership, aaid mortgage was Court for aaid County of Inghom in Chancery. son 164. 47-tt Boacd of Directors, declared its election to con­ ing been brought to recover aaid,debt, or any duly asaigncd on November 6. 1933. by Carl A. ,polnt 2 roda South ot th. Northweet corner of sider the whole amount unpaid on said mort­ Carl A. Fors; Receiver of said American State part th.reof. aaid mortgagee having availed sail] description; thence South 68 rods; thence Savinga Bank, to tho American Stato Savings Fors. Receiver ot aaid American State Savings IJecda office on November 20. 1933. in llbcr 306 VETERINARIAN gago debt to bo now due anil payable by reason itaelf of ite option In aaid mortgage, and here­ Bank, to tho Amerlcon State Savings Bank, n 'East 2 22-29 rods; thence North 68 rods; of the non-payment of certain instnllmonta of Bank, a Michigan banking corporation, pur­ by declarea its election to conaider the whole of mortgaRca on pago 201. upon which m.rt- OR. H. C. GRAHAM, associated with Dr. Geo. fthcnce West 2 22-29 rods to beginning. Also, auant to an order of tho Circuit Court for the Michigan banking corporation, purauant to an gago there is now duo for principal nnd intor­ Moody. Phone '457. principal nnd interest, aa provldetl for by said amount unpaid on aaid mortgage debt to be order of the Circuit Court for tne County of tho North 2 rods of tho West half of the mortgage.' notice is hereby given that on Fri­ County of Ingham in Chancery, by assignment now duo and payable by reaaon ot the non­ cat tho aum of $1337.65. tho aum of $22.80 for Southwest Quarter of Section 16. recorded in said Regiater of Deeds office on Ingham in Chancery, by aaalgnment recorded Insuranco paid by aaid aaalgnee and the further AUCnONEER day, Auguat 31, 1934, at ten o'clock in tho payment of certain Inatallmente of interest, In said Regiater of Decda ollice on Novembor PARCBL II forenoon of anid day at north entrance to City Novembor 20. 1933. in liber 306 ot mortgngea and taxes, as provided for in aaid mortgage. sum of $70.60-for tfuica pnld by said oaslgnce, C. p. Dolbee. Mason. The best of service a[),|- on pnge 291. upon which mortgago there is now 20. 1933. in llbor 306 ot MortRagcs on page nnd no suit at law having been commenced to satisfaction guaranteed, Lot mo help gcfj; your Also commencing 32 rods East of tho North- Hall Building, Lansing, Ingham County. Mich­ Notice is hereby given that on Fridny. July 291. upon which mortgago there ia now due yicRt corner of Section 16; thonco East 28igan , (that being ono of tho places whore tho due for principal and interest tho sum of 27th. A. D. 1934. at ten o'clock In the tore- recover said debt or any part thereof, notico ia sale ready. My experience will prove valuabl. $1173,67, and tho further sum of $141.00 tor for principal nnd Interest tho sum of $3551.45 hereby givon that on Saturday. Auguat IS. to you. See me at 148 East Ash street. Gel rods; thenco South 40 rods; thenco East 40 Ingham County Circuit Court ia held), said noon ot said day. at the west front door of nnd tho sum of $69.13 for tnxea paid hy aaid rods; thonce South 40 roda; thonco West 44 mortgagee wDI. hy virtue of the power of anle taxes paid by said assignee, and no suit at law the Court Houso In tho City of Maaon. Ingham 1934. at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of aaid day. my low price. 44w9' havinR been commenced to recover said debt or' assignee, and no auit at law having boon com­ at tho north front entrance t.i'tho City Hall. rods; thonco South 20 rods; thonco West 40 In sold mortgage, and In pui-auiinco of tho (Jounty. Michigan, that being one of the placea menced to recover said debt or any part thore­ rods; thonco Ntrth 20 roda; thonce West 16 atatute. aoll at public auction tho lands deacril^ nny part thereof, notice ia hereby given that on where the' Circuit Court tor said County of LanalnR. Michigan, (that being ono of the Saturday, Auguat 11, 1934. at ten o'clock In the of. notico is hereby given that on Saturday, places whefe the Ingham County Circfiit Court Legal Notice , I'"'''' conditions HEARING CLAIMS. JUDSON—NOV. 7 aigncd by said Ealy Pardee & Ck)mpnny on the RUTH BARR, , , „„ , 1934, nt ton o'clock in tho forenoon, tho undor­ ot ft certain real eatate mortgage, whereby scribed ffs: Lot forty-tlfrco of Woatlnwn Stib- lington A. Bergman, dated March 8th, 1929, 16th dny of July. A. D. 1925. to tho First Na­ Deputy Regiater of Probnlo, 29w4 divlsion. City ot Lanaing, Inghnm County, State of Michigan. Tho Probato Court for and rccof'ded In the office ot the Regiater of aigned will, at tho north front door ot the City the power of aalo therein conUIned llecame op^ tional Bank of Bny City, which aaid assign­ Hull in tho City of Lansing, that helng one of 01 alive, made by Charlea R. Show and Margery Michignn. the County of Ingham. Dccda ot Inghftm County, Michignn, on March MORTGAGE SALE ment wns recorded In tho office ot the Register the pincea whero the circuit court for tho Savln'„» n'ni;'' ""^-T'-'"' American State At a aeasion ot said Court, held nt tho Pro­ 8th. 1929. in Llbor 295 of Mortgngea on Pago of Deeds In Ingham County. Michigan, on the Default having been mado in tho condltiona bnto Offico In the City of Mnaon. in said coun­ 402, on which mortgnge thoro Is now due and County ot Ingham is held, aell at public auc­ Sayings Bank, a Michigan bank ng corporation Dated May 6. 1934. 27th day of. October, A. D. 1926, in Liber 266 of a certain real eatate mortgage whereby tho tion to the highest bidtler ilio premises deacrlb­ UNION BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIA­ ty, on tho 7th dny of July. A. D, 1984. payable tor principal nnd intct'cat and delin­ power of aalo therein contained becnmo opef'ii- ilatefl September 17. 1926, and recorded on ot mortgages on page 431 and which mortgago ed in aaid mortgage, or ao much thereof aa September 18. 1925. in the office of Regiate? TION, I.,IMtTED, Mortgagee. Present, IION. L. B, McARTHUR, Judge tiucnt tnxea paid by mortgagee purauant to was later assigned by said First National Bank tive, made by 0. Friend Howo nnd CInrn L. of Probate, aaid mortgngo the sum of $1730.93 nnd no suit Howe, hia wife, to William S, Roberta and may bo neceaaary to pay tho amount, so ns Sro"°5''County. Mlchlgnn. in liber 0, F. & E. T. HAMMOND. Attorneys for at Inw having been brought to recover anid ot Bay City to tho National Bank of Bay City nforesnid duo on aaid mortgago with 7% in­ 262 of Mortgnges on pngo 378. and on rcor- MortgaKce, Business Address: 601 American In the Mntter ot tho Estate ot EDWARD G, by assignment dated October 24th, A. D. 1932. Mnrgaret A. Roberts, dated September 21. 1923. JUDSON, Decensed. debt or nny part thereof, notice ia hereby giv­ and recorded in tho offico of Registor of Deeds torcat and all legal coats including said attor­ ganizatlpn of fiafd bnnk and termination ot re- State SftvihRS Bank Building, Lftnaing, Michi­ and recorded In tho ortlce of the RoRlator of ney fees. Said mortgaged premlsea being do­ coivorshlp. aaid mortgage was duly nssigned on gan, 23wl3 It nppenring to tho court thnt tho timo for en that on Friday, September 21at. 1934. at Deeds of Inghnm County, Michignn, in Libor ot Inghnm County. Michigan, on November 3. presentation ot claims ngnlnst said ostnte ton o'clock in tho foronoon of said day at the 1923. In liber 226 ot mortRages on pago 466. acrlbed aa followa: November 6. .1933. by Carl A. Fors. Sver should ho limited, nnd thnt n time and plnce west front door ot tho Court House in Mnaon. 306 ot mortgnges on page 244. There is now upon which mortgago there is now duo for Tho South ono hundred ten (110) acrea ot ot said American Stnto Snvlnga Bnnk. to the MORTGAGE SALE bo appointed to recoivo, examine and ndjust Inghani County, Michigan, (that being one of claimed to be duo on said mortgage for prin­ principal and interest tho sum of $2659.19. and tho north eaat quartor (Vi) of aectlon twenty- American State Savinga Bank, a Michigan Default having been made in the conditions all claims ftnd demands, against anid decenaed tho placea where tho Circuit Court for aaid cipal $1,800.00; for taxes pnld by anid last no suit at law have been commenced to recover three (23) ; and also tho cast forty (40) ncres banking coi^ioratlon. purauant to an order of of a certain real estate mortgage whereby the by nnd botoro aaid court: mentioned assignee $34.55 ; for intereat nccrued said debt or any part thereof, notice Is hereby of the north sixty (60) ncres of tho south eaat Iho Circuit Court for tho County ot Ingham. In County ia held) aaid mortgagee will, by virtuo Chanoef'y. by aaalgnment recorded In anid RoR­ power of aalo therein contuiiied becamo opera­ • It la Ordef'ed, That creditors of said dccona- of tho power ot sale containod in said mort­ $569.94 ; making_a total of $2,404.49. to which givon that on Saturday, September 1. 1934. at quarter (Vl) ot snid section twenty-three (23) tive, made by Charlea E. Slfftvor (single) to od aro rctifilrod to present their claims to snid la to ho added n statutory attorney fee nnd ns ton o'clock in tho foronoon ot said day. at the fdl in Town three (3) north, Rnngo one (1) ister of Deeda office on Novembor 20. 1933. in gage nnd pursuant to tho statute in such caao Uber 306 of mortRiigcs on pnge 291. upon which tho Union Building and Xjonn Asaociatlon. Limcourt­ , nt"anld Probato Office on or before tho mado and provided, sell nt public auction on no suit or proceeding has been instituted at Inw north front entrance to the City Hall, Lan­ West, Alaiedon Townahip, Inghnm County. ited, a Micliigan corporation, of Lanaing, Mich­ 7th day of November. A. D. 1934, at ten o'clock for tho recovery of snid debt or nny part thorn- sing, Micliigan, (that being ono of the places Michigan, mortgnge thoro ia now due for principal and tho foreclosure of said mortgage tho land de­ interest tho aum of $2586.99 and the further igan, dated September 25, 1030. and recorded in tho foronoon, aaid time and plnce being scribed therein to satisfy tho amount due ot said mortgage will bo foreclosed by virtuo where tho Ingham County Circuit Court is Dated nt Lansing. Michigan, thia 26th day In the Ingham County. Michignn. Register of horoby nppolntcd for tho oxnmination nnd ad­ ot tho power of snlo contnlncd therein by n hold) said mortgagee, by virtue of the power ot June. A. D. 1934. sum of $76.68 for taxes paid by said assignee, thoreon at tho timo ot sale, with intorolit at and no suit at law having been commenccti to Deed's offico on Soptomhor 30. 1930, in lllwr justment of all claims and demands againat 6% and all legal costs. Including an attorney's snlo ot tho premises therein described nt public of aalo In aaid mortgage nnd pursuant to the FIRST STATE & SAVINGS BANK, n bnnking 330 ot mortgages on pngo 193, upon which aaitl deceased. vendue at tho front door of the Court Houae statute In auch case provided, will sell at pub­ recover said debt or any part thereof, notico is fee of $35,00, provided for-in said mortgage, corporfttlon of Mason. Michigan. Mortgagee. hereby given that on Snturdny. Auguat 18. 1934. mortgago there is now claimed to bo duo nnd It If; Further Ordered. That public notice lands described 'as: In tho City ot Mason. Ingham County. Michi­ lic auction tho land described In said mortgage, MARSHALL. SEARL & DEAN, Attorneys payftblo foi- principnl and intereat tho sum of gan, (that being the place whore the Circuit or so much thereof as shall be necosanry to at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon of said day nt thereof bo given by publication ot a copy of Tho northeast quarter ot tho northeast quar­ for mortgagee. Business Addreaa: 800 Bauch the north front entrance to the City Hall. Lan­ $3006,16, and inauranco premiums paid nnd this order for throe successive weeks previous Court tor tho County ot Inghnm Is held) on the antiafy the nmount duo thereon, with interest Building, Lanaing. Michigan. 26wl3 intorcat thereon of $15,45, mftking a total debt tor of aectlon thirty-fivo, and alao tho north­ nt 7 por cent por nnnum nnd nil legnl costs, sing, Michigan, (that being ono ot the places to said day ot hearing. In the Ingham County Uth dny of August. A. D. 1934, at 10:00 whero tho Ingham County Circuit Court la of $3111,60, and no auit at law hnving been west quarter of the northwest quarter of sec­ o'clock in tho forenoon. Eastern Standard including an attorney feo ot $26.00. said land MORTGAGE SALE , News, a newspaper printed and circulated in tion thirty-six: all in Town two north. Range held). said assignee, by virtuo of the power of lirought tojecovor aaid debt, or any part thore­ said county. L, B. McARTHUR. time. The said premises, are deacrlbed as the heine described as the south % of the aouth Default, having been mndo In the terms and of, anid mortgagee, hnving by resolution duly ono west. Vevay Townahip, Ingham County. J/j of tho weat Vl of Lot 6, block 16. City of sale. In said mortgage and pursuant to tho (A true copy) Judge ot Probate. East ono-hnlf ot tho Southwest ono-qunrtor ot conditions of n certain, mortgage made by statute in such caao provided, will sell at public adopted nt a regular mooting of ita Board ot Michigan, and containing 80 acres of land, the Southeast quarter of Section twenty alao Lansing. Michigan. Smith G. and Harriet B. Young, husbnnd nnt] Directors, declared its election to consider tho RUTH BARR, more or less. Ituctipii the ^c«rihed ip aal^ «J|ortgag« or Deputy Register, of Probnto. 28w4 tho Northeaat one-quarter of the Northwest wife, of Lansing.. Mlchlgnn. Mortgagors, to 80 much thereof as ahall bo ncceasary to aatlaf j' whole amount unpaid on anid mortgngo debt Dated at Maaon. Michigan. Juno 27. 1984. one-quarter ot Section twonty-nlne. Tovra four. Dated May E, 1934. Grange Life Insurance Company, n Michigan to bo now due nnd payable by reason of tho ARLINGTON A. BERGMAN, Mortgagee. .the amount due thereon, with interest at 7 per North Range two East in tho Township of MARGARET A. ROBERTS as survivor of corporation, of tho aamo plnco. Mortgagee, cent per annum and all legal coste Including non-payment of cortnln inatnllmonts of prin­ MORTGAGE SALE A. A. BERGMAN. Atty. for Mortgagee. In Locke, County of Ingham, State of Michignn. horaolf nnd Wlllinm S. Roberts, Deceased. dated tho 26th day of July. A. D. 1920, nnd cipal nnd Interest, ns provided for by snid pro por. Bualness Address. Mnson. Michigan. an attorney fee of $36,00. sold land being de­ Defnult having beon .made In the conditions Dated April SOth. 1934. Mortgagee, recorded in the office of tho Rcglator ot Deeda, scribed as the north 22 feet of lot 60 and the mortgage, notice'la hereby given that on Fri­ of a certain mortgage, whereby tho power of 26wl3 CHARLES W. FOSTER. Attorney for Mort­ for the County of Inghnm and State ot Mich­ day. Auguat 31. 1934, at ten o'clock in the THE NATIONAL BANK OP BAY CITY. south 11 feet of lot 61. Harrah's Addition. City sale therein contained has become operative, Assignee. By John Hoffman, Vice President gagee, Business Address 708 American State igan, on tho Slat day of July. A. D. 1929, In of Lanaing. Michigan, according to the record­ forenoon of said day at north entrance to City given by Dale J. Munk and Arda F. Munk. MORTGAIGE SALE Savings Bank Building. Lansing. Michignn. liber 257 of Mortgages, on pago 166, which Hall Building, Lansing, Ingham County. Mich­ nnd Cashier. ed plat thereof. husband nnd wife, to Michigan Employers Cas­ Default having been made in tho conditions RAPHAEL G. PHILLIPS, Attorney for Aa­ 23wl3 said mortgage waa thorenfter on to-wit the Dated May 17. 1934. igan, (that being one of tho places where the ualty Company ot Lansing. Michigan, a Mich­ of a certain real cstnto mortgngo whereby the 29th day of May. A. D. 1930, osnigned to Inghnm County Circuit Couxt Is hold), said algnee, City Hnll. Bay City. Michigan. 18wl3 AMERICAN STATE SAVINGS BANK. igan corporation, on July 15th. 1926. and re­ power of .ale therein contained becamo opera­ MORTGAGE SALE Michigan Life Insurance Company, a Michi­ Aaalgnee. mortgagee will by virtuo of tho power of aalo corded In tho ollico of tho Regiater of Deoda tive, made by John J. Burke and Julia Burke, Default having been made in tho conditions gan corporation and recorded in tho offico of in said moctgago and in pursuance of the CHARLES w. FOSTER. Attorney for As­ for Ingham County. Michigan, on July 20th, ^aband and wife, of Lansing. Michigan, to MORTGAGE SALE of a certain real estate mortgage, whereby tho the Register ot Deeds tor Ingham County, on signee. Businesa Addreaa, 708 American State sEatuto sell nt public auction tho lands de­ 1926. In Liber 229 of Mortgages on page 448, William M. Dobio and Louisa C. Doble. hus­ power of sale therein contained becnmo opera­ tho 19th day of September, A. D. 1939, in scribed therein or so much as shall be neces­ Default having been made In tho conditions Savinga Bank Building, Lansing, Michigan. which said mortgago was duly assigned by the band and wife of the same place, dated July tive, mado by Milton H. Perry and Gladys B. Volume 336 of Mortgages on Page 108. on 21wl3 sary to satisfy the amount duo thereon nt the said Michigan Employers Cnaunlty Company of 16th. 1916. and recorded in tho office of the of a certain real estate mortgage'whereby tife which mortgago thoro la claimed to be due, at time of snlo together with all legal costs, in­ power ot sale therein contained became opera­ Perry, husband and wife, to the American Lansing, a Michigan corporation, to wolverine Register of Deeds for Ingham (^unty. Michi­ Stato Savings Bank, a Michigan banking cor­ the date of this notice, for principal and in­ terest and attorney fee ot Thirty-five Dollara. Insurance Company! a corporation of Lanaing. gan, on July 17th. 1916, in Liber 176 of Mort- tive, mode by Olan ary to .atlafy the amount due of, 'together with a right of way three and time of .Ale. together with all legal coato. In­ Lot Forty-five (45) of Redwood Subdivlaion It Is Ordered. That the Slat day of July A. Situated in tbe City of Lanaing. Ingham one-half feet In width oR of the west end of an attorney fee of $85i .aid land, being de.r b- thereon at time of .al.. Including intore.t at D. 1934, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at said tereat and attorney fee of Thirty-flve Dollar., a.v.n percent from dato. all legal eo.t. and an County, Michigan, to-wlt: Lot one hundred the landa next adjoining aaid above deacrlbed a. therein provided, land. d..erlbed a.: Lot ed aa the eaat 1-3 of the .outh 8 rod. of ot probate olTice. be and I. hereby appointed for aixty..ix (166) of Breiten Park Subdivlaion, of lands on the east to be uaed jointly with the 1 and the west 1-8 of th. .outh 8 rod. of lot of a part of the North one-half (H) of Sec­ attorn.y fee of Thirty-flve Dollar., a parcel de- hearing aaid petition; four hundred eleven of North Highland Subdi­ •crlbed a.i iLot .Ixtyn (16) ot Sycamore Park Out Lota "A" and "B" of Clear'. Addition. In eaat three and one.half feet In width ot .aid vision, City of Lanaing. Ingham County. Mich­ 2. block 1. Jerome'. Addition to the City .of tion Eight (8). Town tour (4) north, Range It IB Further Ordered, That public notice the City of Lanaing, Hleblgan. together witb above described land., lald 7 feet to be uaed Lanaing. Michigan, according to the lrecorded Subdlvlilon No. I Addition. Olty of Lanilng. igan. two (2) weat. City of Lan.lng. Insham County. Mtehlgan. thereof b. given by publication of a copy of the hereditunento and appurtenance. th.reof. a. a driveway In common between, and for the plat thereof. Together with the hereditamenti and appur­ thia order, for three aueceaalve week, prcvtoaa Dated Hay IStb, 1*84. uae of .aid proptrtiii. Datea May S, 1984. tenance, thereof. . ^ to .aid day of bearing, In tb. Ingham County WOLVERINB INSURANCE OOUPANY, Dated at H..on. Hichtgan. June 27th, 1984. Dated June 26. 1984. ' UNION BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIA­ '''i^EK'& SAVINGS BANK, Dated at Detroit. MIchlsan. June 1. 19$4. jjtt ^^ARTIN, QBRTEUDB B. MAKTIN. • News, a newspaper printed and circulated In LULU A. BERGHAN, Aaalgnee of Mort­ . MICHIGAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, ..Id county. — h. B. McAR'Tgint, TION. UMrrED, Mortgagee. A..isn.e. KBtLEY. SB33IONS^'w^RNl«*5k''lSSR; gage. ' ' 0. F. « B. T. HAMMOND. Attorney, for CHARLES W. F03TBB. Attorney tor Af- a MIchlsan eoritoration, - Assignee of Mort. A true copy. Judge ot FFobato. AttorB.y. for^..lBn.e of Mortsai... Btt.tn... sagee. , 0. F. 4i 8._T. HAMMOND. Atttrawa tor A. A; BBRQMAM, Attorney for Aaalgnee'of Mortgagee, Businea. Addrtui 601 Am.rlean .Ignee, Bualnei. Addru. 708 AmericMi State MortsaieM. Burinti. Addr...: (OM^^ MARTHA THAYGR, Deputy Regiater of Pro- Addreaa: 824 Mutual Building. >Un.lBg, Mlohl- Mortgage, Buaine.. . Addreaa, Ua.on> Michl- Stato Savinga Bank Bulldlnc. Lanaing. Miobi- Saviiig. Bank Building. UnainK, MIeblsMf. HUGH FRAN0I3 and U. SIMMONS. At. bat*. ' • • 27w4 tOwi$ tornay. tor A..lgn.« ot MortgasMi 25wl8 State Savins. Bank Bids., LMtilnsr MiS. V • . • • --' • • UwX« • ««• '•'.': 8$irll INGHAM GOUNWIJBWSrMASOI^mGHIGAl^

GIVEN PROBATION Governor'S Office Is -Fred Comrow of Dansville was Cah|idkte8 in September Primaries Center Of Interest placed on one year's probation when he appeared before Justice D. P. Republiciin . Office Democratic Whitmore Wednesday on a drunk (Continued from Page 1) charge. Mr. Comrow drove through Warm Weather / Governor department under Brucker, Is also an the barrier at Barnes street Tuesday entrant. He is active in veterans' and onto the new asphalt pavement. LANSING CITY, SOttOOL ^OFFI­ Alex J.'Grbesbeclt William A. Comstocit circles. John Reld,. Lansing labor However, he did no damage to tbe CIALS MAKE PROTEST. Frank D. Fitzgerald John K. Stack, Jr. leader, is another contestant. The pavement, It Is said. JohnW.Smitli Artliiir J. Lacy fourth Lansing man is George E. Carr. Specials! Aurelius "Township Rate Lowest In Orla F. Bailey Frank J, Golembeski It is reported that the latter is a for­ County, White Oak, Alaiedon mer high dragon or kleagle in the Conference Of States And Vevay Also Low. Lieutenant Governor Michigan Ku Klux Klan. Ladies Lastex Girdles $1.00 Fred R. Ming > Allen E. Stebbins Peter B. Lennon of Lennon, a for­ At Mackinac This Week Tax rates for the state, county and mer state senator; Wllllam W. Black­ Special! Genuine two-way stretch Lastex Girdles of un> townships under the 15-mlll constitu­ Tliomas Read Patrick H. Kane ney, Flint attorney; Charles Eugene LOCAL EDITOR WILL BE AMONG usually good fitting quality. Light weight. Sizes small, tional limitation were determined at a Ernest.Conlon Jack T. Bailey Smith of Fenton, and Henry Cook of THOSE PRESENT. final hearing of the Ingham county United States Senator Flint are the other republican candi­ medium and large. tax allocation board In Mason Mon­ dates. Ray French and John M. Bar­ Owing to the many perplexing day, Lansing sohool officials appear­ Arthur H. Vandenberg Frank A. Picard ringer, both of Flint, withdrew from problems which confront state gov-., Seamprufe Silk Slips $1.50 ed before the board Monday to protest Alva M. Cummins the race at the eleventh hour. ernments, the conference of governors tbat the allocation will leave Lansing Claude S. Carney Claude E. Cady, Lansing, present to be held at Mackinac Island on Finer quality washable slips with seams that do not pull "jfchools between $40,000 and $50,00.0 congressman, has three opponents In 'hur8day, Friday and Saturday ol short. Jay W, Sexton, school super­ Ray D. Schnieider the democratic primaries. They are ?he present week is of unusual signi­ apart! With shadow-proof panels. Whites only. Sizes 32 intendent, and Herbert Chamberlain, Representative in Congress Carl B. Flynn, Mt. Morris; James K. ficance. State control of crime and to 44. business manager, were the Lansing Sutherland, Flint; and Louis A. Zet­ the apprebienslon of criminals; taxa­ school/officials who appeared. Seynbur H. Person Claude E. Cady Carl B. Flynn tel, Flint. tion and revenues; welfare expense; • The cities of Lansing, East Lansing Henry Cook Distrust Spilt state aid for public education; and Sale! Wash Dresses $1.00 and Mason do not come within the William W. Blackney James K. Sutherland The. so-called gentlemen's agree­ other important subjects are to be limitation clause of the constitution Louis A. Zettel ment between Livingston and Ingham discussed during the three day con­ Dozens and dozens of smart little cotton frocks. Pick an because their charters contain higher Peter B. Lennon John Reid counties whereunder each county Is ference. Some of the most prominent extra one for your vacation. Sizes 14 to 52. limitations and the court has ruled supposed to furnish tbe candidate for of state governors are expected to be that charter limitations take preced­ Charles Eugene Smith state senator from th« 14th district, present. ence over the constitutional provision. George E. Carr made up of the counties of Liv­ Two groups of governors and dele­ Men's $1.50 and $1.95 Pajamas $1.19 However, school districts of Lansing, William S. Carpenter ingston and Ingham, for two terms gates will approach the island, one by Mason and East Lansing are prevent­ and then withdraw has again been way of Chicago and the other by way Coats and slip-over styles in plain colors and a few prints. ed from levying a school • tax rate State Senator cast aside. The Livingston can­ Of Detroit. Committees representing higher than the highest levy of ad­ Regular sizes. Lynn C, Gardner Howard Eliot didates are Lynn C. Gardner, the governor of Michigan have been joining fractional districts. In Lan­ wl/se postofflce address Is Stock- appointed to officially welcome each. sing township the highest school tax Jay P. Sweeney bridge, and Jay P. Sweeney of How­ Governors attending conference at 81-inch Unbleached Sheeting 29c yard rate is $7.60 on $1000 of valuation. Harry F. Hittle ell'. Mr. Gardner Is a forhier mem­ The preliminary allocation for Lan­ Mackinac Island will be from Con­ John S. Brisbin ber of the lower house. Mr. Sweeney necticut, Massachusetts, New Hamp­ Extra fine quality unbleached sheeting. Full 81 inches wide. sing township school districts was Is a graduate of the Mason high school $7.50 but at the final hearing the al­ Representative in Legislature shire, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and spent his early years here. Vermont, Michigan, Florida, Illinois, location was advanced to $7.60 for First District Ladies' Rayon Undies 50c districts numbered 2, 3 and 8. Another Ingham county also has two candi­ Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisana, Mis­ A. D. Jones Elizabeth L. Bejen souri, Minnesota, South' Carolina and change was a tilt from $3.12 to $3.50 dates in Harry F. Hittle, former pros­ A choice selection of fine quality rayon panties, step-ins and for fractional district No. 3 of Vevay. Frank L. Finch Andrew N. Canberg ecutor, and John F. Brisbin. West Virginia. The Lansing township rate was re­ Francis H. Taft Carl J. Weale Howard Eliot of, Delhi township Four cruisers of the Great l,akes combination suits. In flesh and tea rose. A very good value. duced from $3.60 to $3.50. Charles F. Haiglit filed fc»- the democratic nomination. Naval Academy will be in the vicinity He has no opposition from either of the island and will form an honor­ County lUle of $.1.(10 Second District county. ary escort to the two parties as they The county rate was set at three Vernon J. Brown Earl. E.Young Haight Seeks Return arrive. Features of the conference mills which will yield $3.00 on each will be the governor's banquet on Fri­ PARKHURST'S STORE Charles F. Haight, veteran legisla-' $1000 assessed. The rate last year L. M. Wood tor, who withdrew from the race two day evening and a trip of inspection was $2.46 with an additional $1.00 Prosecuting Attorney years ago to run for judge of probate, by way of St. Mary's river to the Soo for county debt service. has again filed for the legislative post to inspect the ship canal and locks. tions similar to those encountered by Eight-tenths of a mill was allocated Dan D. McCullough Charles P. .Van Note frojn the first district of the county. V. J. Brown of the News will attend The home economics division at the dairymen. Early selection of surplus to the state. The balance of state The first district is the city of Lan­ the conference. It is expected that a college now is showing at many places Sheriff stock will permit their owner to revenues will come from the sales tax sing. Others seeking the republican number of members of the legislature how meats can be canned and held Thomas H. Hanna choose the time of marketing better and special license fees. It is said Allan A. McDonald nomination are A. D. Jones, an attor­ will take advantage of the occasion to through Indefinite periods. Either tin than if the decision to sell Is postponed the sales tax the past year yielded Hugh W. Silsby Clarence W. Redmond ney, Frank L. Finch and Francis H. hear discussed problems of the states. or glass cans can be used and one or until winter. ' Beef cattle usually lose more than double the nmount of for­ Taft, a druggist. more women can work together to Milton J. Utter weight in periods of dry pasture and care for large amounts ot meat. Bul­ mer property levies. Elizabeth ^L. Belen, a social worker Fred E. Searl, county school com­ County Clerk Herds Are Too Big when flies disturb the animals tho letins describing this method of can­ and high in the councils of Ingham most. This often occurs in August ning will be sent to anyone who re­ missioner, is chairman of the county C. Ross HiUiard John B. Fay democrats, is a democratic candidate. For Forage Supply in Michigan. quests, "Successful Home Canning", allocation board. The other four Jacob Schepers Erwin F. Beaderstadt She is opposed by Andrew N. Can­ members are Clarence W. Locke, Advise Canning Meat Extension bulletin No. 132, from the. County Treasurer berg and Carl J. Weale. ' bulletin clerk at East Lansing. county J;reasurer; Walter R. Carven, V. J. Brown of Mason has no op­ (Continued from Page 1) Many Michigan farmers, themselves chairman of the ways and mfeans com­ Clarence W. Lock - - Robert B. Southworth position in the republican primaries certain tbat bis feed supplies will or In cooperation with neighbors, can Livestock owners, of course, will re­ mittee of the board of supervisors; carry the number of cows retatned. Register of Deeds in the second district which is made realize more profit from butchering member that no person now can fore­ Carl H.' McLean, member of the Lan­ up of the county outside the city of Dairymen who do not belong to asso­ surplus stock and preserving the meat tell exactly what will happen In the sing school board; and W. J. Dancer, Ethel L. Phillips 0. L. Hart Lansing. Earl E. Young, East Lan­ ciations can not be as certain In their for home use than by selling the ani­ future. Members of the college de­ Stockbridge banker and business man. Earl Whaley sing hardware dealer, and L. M. Wood culling work, but they should have mals alive on the open market. The partments are performing their duty C. Ross Hiiliard, county clerk, is clerk of Meridian, are the democratic as­ tests made at cream or milk buying animal husbandry department at the in pointing out present conditions. of the board but has no vote in the Circuit Court Commissioner pirants. stations lo determine as nearly as college has tested many ways of cur­ Favorable weather between now and determination of tax rates. (Two Commissioners elected) possible which are their cull cows. ing meat and will furnish salting and winter can not change the situation of Aurelius is Low Carl A. McLean Walter Estes The poor producers should be moved pickling receipts to those who re­ too little forage for the numbers of The Aurelius township tax rate is out as rapidly as market conditions quest them. livestock now on farms In Michigan. the lowest In the county. Aurelius Alvin A. Neller Charlotte C. Dunnebacke Nortliwest Vantown By Mrs, Clara Merindort permit and it should be remembered was in such good financial condition Drain Commissioner that it is at human tendency to wait that a rate of but 46c per $1000 was as long as possible. If that happens fixed. Other low township allocations George Graham Edward B. Gaffney Mrs. Alice Chick, who spent a few in Michigan, all the stock will go on were Alaiedon, $1.42; Vevay, $1.40; Francis N. Bateman days with her daughter, Mrs. Harm the market at the same time and the and White Oak, $1.90. Jesse B. Curtis Millor, and family of Lansing, has re­ prices will reflect the effort to sell COOL OFF Rates in mills for townships and Coroners turned io her home. more stock than the market will ab­ school districts follow: Mrs. E. Mierndorf spent a few days sorb.. Alaiedon — Township rate, $1.42; (Two coroners elected) last week with her mother, Mrs. E. On the basis of present prices for at Longyear's Fountain school district rate, $4.02. (Alaiedon Spencer D. Guy B^ijsch, on Jefferson street, Mason. feed and of 25 cents per pound for township has a township unit school Newton W. Lurkum butterfat, no cow producing less than district so the rate is the same Russell Himmelberger William C. Behen 300 pounds of fat per year can make Saturday, July 28, Specials throughout the township.) FIND RATTLESNAKE Harry E. Leadley a profit for the owner. . With feed Aurelius—Township rate, .46; school A rattlesnake was discovered on W. Ray Gorsline prices increasing, no chance for profit districts: No. 1, 5.31; No. 2, 6.13; No. the C. W. Couch farm, six and one- Harrie D. Nelson with low producing cows is in sight. Raspberry Sundae 3 fr., C.,50; No. 4, 5.84; Nof 5, 8.97; half miles southwest of Mason Friday, Low producing cows are apt to be in No. 6 fr., 2.87; No. 7 fr., 5.11; No. 9 County Surveyor when Mrs. W. J. Bailey and daughter, Fresh Fruit 10c fr., 4.64; No. 10, 7.90; and No. 11, Edith, were attracted 'ijy confusion bettor flesh than good dairy cows and Walter E. Zimmer Almon M. Chapin will make better beef. 5,21. •• among the chickens in the back yard. Peach Sundae It was a young cnake with only one Sheop Face Hunger Bunkei-hill — Township rate, 3.12; Owners of beef cattle and sheep scliool district r.ates. No. 1 fi-., 5.93; rattle, Mrs. BaUey and Edith killed Fresh Fruit 10c 7.20; No. 5, 1.98; No. 6, 4.73; No. 7 No. 5, 9.30; No. 6, 2.77; No. 7, 5.S1 will have the same problems that con­ No. 2, 7.74; No. 3, 4.56; No. 4, 3.00; it. \ White Oak—Township rate, 1.00; front the dairymen, according to the No. 5 fr., 4.23; No. 6, 2.16; No. 7 fr., fr., 6.76; No.' 9, 7.70. Big Dip Orange school district rates. No. 1 fr., 5.74; animal husbandry department at 3.27. Locke—Township rate, 2.45; school BITTEN BY DOG district rates. No. 1, 7.07; No. 2, 3.02; No. 2,'2.89; No. 3, 6.43; No. 6, 3.66; Michigan State college. Beef herds Ice Cones 5c Delhi—Township rate, 2.56; school Harold Shattuck was bitten by a No. 3, 6.11; No. 4 fr,, 4.93; No. 5 fr., No. 7, 6.66; No. 9 fr., 4.16; No. 10 fr., and flocks of sheep should bo reduced district rates. No. 1, 5.24; No. 1 fr., dog Tuesday, receiving lacerations of 2.05; No. 2, 8.64; No. 3, 3.08; No. 4, 4.94; No. 6, 7.11; No. 7 fr., 3.43; No. 6.46; No. 11, 5.89. to meet the forage available in the Florida Lemon Ice the left arm. His condition is not ser­ community in which the animals aro 1.61; No. 5 fr., 8.04; No. 6, 4.49; No. 8 fr., 6.64. Williamston — Township rate, 3.20; ious, but he is being treated. The dog 7, 4.25; No. 8 fr., 4.01; No. 12 fr., Meridian — Township rate, 3.S0; school district rates. No. 1 fr., 7.90; to be wintered. ^ Cream, Pint iCc apparently was not mad, but he is Disposing of surplus beef stock and Ice Cream 4.77. scliool district rates, No. 1 fr., 7.70; No. 3, 5.80; No. 4, 5.83; No. 5, 6.10; being watched for any trace of rabi'os. Ingham — Township rate, 2.10; No. 2 fr., 7.70; No. 7, 5.55; No. 8,,7.70. No, 6, 3.88; No. 8 fr., 3.69; No. 9, 6.08; sheep will involve market complica- school district rate, 9.00. (Ingham Onondaga — Township rate, 3.80; No. 10 fi;,, 7.70. " township school districts are consol­ school district rates. No. 1, 7.22; No. idated). 2, 4.84; No. 3, 4.89; No. 4, 7.40; No. 6, Lansing — Township rate, 3.60; 7.00; No. 10 fr., 2.72; No. 12, 7.40; Death Takes Woman school district rates, Horsebrook No. No. 13 fr., 1.66. 1 fr., 6,90; Pleasant Grove No, 1 fr., Stockbridge — Township rate, 2.00; After Long Sickness 7.42; No. 2, 7.60; No. 3, 7.60; No. 4 school district rates. No. 1, 9.10; No. Cone see wliy fr., 7.28; No. 5 fr., 6.90; No. 7, 7.08; 2, 4,73; No. 2 fr., 6.70; No. 3, 3.18; Mas. JOHN WHEELER BVIilED IN No. 8, 7.60. No. 5 fr., 7.66; No. 6, 5.74. , Leroy—Township rate, 2.68; school Vevay—Township rate, 1.40; scliool fMASON TUESDAY. district rates. No. 1, 3.97; No. 2 fr., district rates. No. 1 fr., 5.11; N(f. 2 3.44; No. 3, 2.77; No. 4 fr., 8.91; No. fr., 4.32; No. 3 fr.,'3.50; No. 4 fr., 7.70; Funeral services were held at the 5, 4.54; No. 6, 7.04; No. 7, 6.00; No. No. 5 fr., 3.33; No. 6, 4.87; No. 7, 6.19; Ball funeral home Tuesday afternoon 12 fr., 2.83; No. 13 fr., 5.46. No. 9 fr., 4.95; No. 10 fr., 3.71. Our Best Salesmen are the Users for Mrs. John Wheeler, 66, of Delhi Leslie—Township rate, ?.50; school Wheatfield — Township rate, 1.90; The Rev. H. H. Hoyt of the Baptist district rates. No. 1, 7.60; No. 2, 4.98; school district rates. No. 1, 5.97; No. church officiated. Burial was made in No. 2 fr., 4.04; No. 3, 4.84; No. 4 fr.. 2, 4.83; No. 3 fr., 2.45; No. 4, 6.31; Maple Grove. Mrs. Wheeler had been in poor health for two years. Her of the NE eondition became serious about three weeks ago. She died Sunday at the home in Delhi. FRIDAY and SATURDAY Yes sir—people who got the Emma Watkins, daughter of Lor­ enzo and Ann Jeanette Watkins and new G-3 All-Weather before the-youngest of a family of eight chil it was advertised and have SPECIALS dren was born in Aurelius township December 1, 1867. On December 25, driven this marvelous tire 1889, she was.united in marriage to many thousands of miles, are In Quality Meats Wl DO OUR PART John Wheeler of Mason. She spent singing its praises louder than her entire life in and near Mason. For the past 22 years she lived on the our advertising does! Par­ Round or Choice farm in Delhi. For many years she ticularly do they insist that Sirloins OlCaK Steer /»18c was a member of the Mason Metho­ dist church. the new G-3 gives better than Survlvmg are the husband, John the;'43%morenon-skidmi]e- Round Bone Choice Wheeler; three brothers, W. B. Wat' age" we advertise! All we ask or Blade Cut OlCaili Steer Mc kins of Eden, and A. R. Watkins and E. B/Watkins of Columbia Road; a is, before you buy tires give sister, Mrs. Almeda Bateman of Eden; us a chance to show you why and several nieces and nephews. G-3 users boost it even «orn^ f'°f Beef Roast »10c stronger^than we do! tat 10 Funeral Rites Held Home J^^^^^ 10 to 12lb. average For Mason Resident ASTONISHING Big Value—Low Pricel Smoked na ins Whole or Half lb. V W Over 22.000 mlles-stlU ii plenty of tractlon.^^^^ GOODYEAR DEATH CLAIMS CHARLES H. Home DS^M4 to 6 lb. average %Ji^ BURROUGHS, 75. NEW SPEEDWAY Smoked jTlCniOS Shanklesa lb. l"tG G-3" Built with Super­ twist Cord... Cen­ Charles H. Burroughs, 75, died Frl GOODYEAR Approiimately 32,000 ter traction; tough day night at his home in Mason. thick tread; full Funeral services were held at 10 miles-still 8ometractloi7 ft 116 I oversize. /•^orv Sausage ^^-'^^ o'clock Monday morning at the Ball ALL-WEATHER left^ -W. Va. funeral home, the Reverend H. H. 30 X 3M 4.40-21 Tire and Battery Hoyt officiating with burial in Maple Look!—at No Extra Cost... 43% Grove. Surviving are the widow, a More Miles of real non-skid safety .95 Service daughter, Mrs. Frank Otis, and a son, Usually wear out tires In $4.40 $4 RolledVeal Roast 15c . .Flatter Wider Tread ... More Fred, all of Mason. 15,0100'miles. No appreci­ Center Traction (16% more non- Don't let poor tires Mr. Burroughs was born in Bos­ able wear on front G-l's. Other sixes In pro* skid blocks) . .. Heavier Tougher and run-down batter­ ton, Massachusetts, the son of Abra­ little on rear, after 12,879 portion espertly Home If STEAK, Round lb. 22c Tread (average of 2 lbs. more . mounted on wheels ham and Harriett Burroughs, March mile.. -Georgia ies spoil your vacation 20, 1850. . He. was united In marriage rubber)... Supertwist Cord Body \ Pricw iMbjecl 10 ehanne wilhoul nolict. Dressed ^^^i CHOPS lb. 18c Srair iolM lax, it any, aiJdilional. trip. Drive here and to Carrie Norrls in 1880. They cele­ (supports heavier tread safely)! brated their 50th wedding anniversary we will inspect them. in 1930. Three children were born, the eldest son, Claude, having died In Mich. Full Gream Cheese '*15c Worn tires may not infancy, Mr. Burroughs was a vet­ spoil your trip; they eran member of I. O. O, F. Lodge.No. A. A. HOWLETT & CO. may cause an accident. 93 of Vevay.. He was an employee of the Reo Motor Car company in Lan­ Several recent \yrecks sing for 27 years. He had been un­ in this section of the Phone 172 employed the past year. state have been caused Phone 30^^^^^- 3^^^ Before coming to Mason Mr. and by blowrouts.. Don't' Mrs. Burroughs resided in North ^ MASON, MICHIGAN , take a chance; Aurelius. -