Oct. 4 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1994

And so I ask all my fellow Americans to raise NOTE: The President spoke at 8:50 p.m. in the their glasses to you and to all those who have East Room at the White House. led into the bright light of freedom.

Remarks at a Congressional Black Caucus Luncheon for President of South Africa October 5, 1994

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Mr. gress to override a veto. But you persevered, President, Members of Congress, ladies and you prevailed. And today we can say, South Afri- gentlemen, welcome to the White House. Wel- ca’s triumph is your triumph, too. And we thank come to this occasion marking what Martin Lu- you. ther King once called ‘‘a joyous daybreak to Now that freedom and democracy have won, end the long night of captivity.’’ they must be nurtured. And that is the ultimate Most of you in this room, through your pray- purpose of President Mandela’s visit to us in ers and your actions, helped to keep freedom’s the United States. Working with Congress and flame lit during the dark night of in the private sector, our administration is helping South Africa. Now here we are: South Africa to promote trade with and investment in South is free; Nelson Mandela is President. Some Africa, not only for the good of South Africans dreams really do come true. but in our own interests as well. The private We are also here because of our own ongoing sector, which made its weight felt in the fight struggle against racism and intolerance and divi- against apartheid, must now lead the effort to sion. Over the years South Africans and Ameri- build a prosperous South Africa. This is not, cans have shared ideas and drawn strength from I say again, about charity. It’s about opportunity, one another. The NAACP was founded just a opportunity for South Africans, opportunity for few months before the African National Con- Americans. gress, and close bonds were forged between two We must also help South Africa to create of the greatest leaders our two countries have produced, winners jobs, housing, and schools; to improve health and Dr. King. care; to fight illiteracy and poverty. These are Over the years Americans raised a powerful, challenges with which the new South Africa unified voice for justice and change in South must contend, now and vigorously. And rising Africa that would not go unheard. A diverse to meet them, South Africa will become a model coalition spread the word: churches, universities, for all of Africa. human rights organizations; ultimately, banks, Let me add that our concern must not end businesses, cities, and State . The with South Africa. For all its problems, Africa tools they wielded, cultural and economic sanc- is a continent of tremendous promise and tions, divestment, international isolation, ulti- progress. I reject the Afro-pessimism, as it’s mately helped to force the apartheid regime to been called, that is often expressed around this end more than four decades of repression. city. That’s why we’ll provide some $3 billion At the center of this movement stood the to Africa this year, directly and through inter- Congressional Black Caucus. The caucus helped national organizations, for economic assistance to raise the consciousness of all Americans to and humanitarian relief; why we’ve had the first- the terrible injustice of apartheid, and it consist- ever conference on Africa recently that many ently acted upon a deep-rooted commitment to of you have participated in; why we’re working South Africa’s freedom. Representative Ron through sustainable development and debt relief, Dellums introduced the first antiapartheid legis- through and , lation in 1972, the year the CBC was founded. through diplomacy and military conversion, to It took 14 more years, the unbending will of take advantage of the opportunities for democ- the CBC, and ultimately the willingness of Con- racy and development on the African Continent.


VerDate 11-MAY-2000 14:15 Nov 07, 2000 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00296 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 C:\94PAP2\PAP_TEXT txed01 PsN: txed01 Administration of William J. Clinton, 1994 / Oct. 5

We owe our new partnership with South Afri- might become and what we might do here at ca to the man I have been privileged to host home. in Washington this week. President Mandela, Let me close with the words of the poet Jen- by the simple justice of your cause and the nifer Davis, which she wrote in tribute to Albert powerful force of your example, you have in- Luthuli. They apply equally well to you: spired millions of Americans and millions more ‘‘Bounded, you gave us knowledge of freedom; throughout the world. We are in your debt, not silenced, you taught us how to speak.’’ only for what you have done for South Africa President Mandela. but for what you have done for us, for what you have made us believe again about what we NOTE: The President spoke at 12:46 p.m. in the State Dining Room at the White House.

Remarks Prior to Discussions With President Nelson Mandela of South Africa October 5, 1994

Hello, everybody. Let me say very briefly— ning for the future, and seeing what we can as you know, President Mandela and I will have do to be of help. statements and answer questions after we have And I’m looking to this meeting. And our meeting. But I do want to say again how as I said, we’ll be glad to answer your questions pleased we are to have him here. This has been after it occurs. both a summit meeting and a celebration for so many Americans who have so strongly sup- NOTE: The President spoke at 2:30 p.m. in the ported South African democracy. And now we’re at the White House. A tape was not in the process of working on the future, plan- available for verification of the content of these remarks.

The President’s News Conference With President Nelson Mandela of South Africa October 5, 1994

President Clinton. Ladies and gentlemen, for vested, and will invest more, in private capital the last 2 days, President Mandela and I, joined in South Africa to help that country’s economy by the American people, have celebrated free- grow. dom and democracy in South Africa. We also We have moved forward on a range of issues, have begun to assume our historic opportunity and let me just mention a few of the new initia- to join with the people of South Africa to ensure tives within our aid program. First, we will form that their new democracy grows stronger. a joint binational commission to promote co- Since before President Mandela’s election, the operation between our nations. Vice President United States has played an aggressive role in Gore will lead this commission, along with Dep- helping South Africa to shape its democratic uty President Mbeki. This is important to Amer- future. We supported that historic balloting with ica. Russia is the only other country with which $35 million in aid. Following the elections we we have such a commission. The commission reaffirmed our commitment with a $600 million will give a high-level boost to projects involving trade and investment package. In the 5 months energy, education, and development. since then, we have already delivered $220 mil- Second, to help heal the legacies of apartheid, lion of that package. Americans have always in- American loans will be used to guarantee nearly


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