The Court Today, February 2010
ICC Courtroom ©ICC-CPI/Marco Okhuizen ICC-PIDS-TCT-01- 001/10_Eng ICC-PIDS-TCT-01- Quick Facts Established: By the Rome Statute that entered been conducting investigations in four situations: into force on 1 July, 2002. Uganda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic and Darfur, Sudan. The Court Today States Parties: 110 countries. In addition, on 26 November, 2009, the Prosecutor sought authorisation from Pre-Trial Crimes within the Court's jurisdiction: The Chamber II to open an investigation in the most serious crimes of concern to the situation in Kenya. The judges' decision is international community, namely genocide, pending. crimes against humanity and war crimes committed after 1 July, 2002. Preliminary analysis: The Office of the Prosecutor is conducting examinations in Judges: 18 judges elected for nine years by the Afghanistan, Colombia, Cote d'Ivoire, Georgia, Assembly of States Parties. Palestine and Guinea. President: Judge Sang-Hyun Song. Arrest warrants: 13 have been issued with one having been withdrawn following the death of Prosecutor: Mr Luis Moreno-Ocampo. one suspect. In addition, one summons to appear was issued for Bahar Idriss Abu Garda. Registrar: Ms Silvana Arbia. In custody: Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, Germain Staff: Over 800 from approximately 90 States. Katanga and Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui in the context of the situation in the DRC; Jean-Pierre Official languages: English, French, Arabic, Bemba Gombo in the context of the situation in Chinese, Russian and Spanish. the CAR. Working languages: English and French. At large: Eight suspects. Headquarters: The Hague, the Netherlands. Cases: Eight cases. Field offices: Kinshasa and Bunia (DRC); Trials: Two trials pertaining to the situation in Kampala (Uganda); Bangui (CAR); N'Djamena the Democratic Republic of the Congo: The and Abeche (Chad).
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