O2 Broadband the top choice for Broadbandgenie.co.uk visitors in 2009 Submitted by: Genie Ventures Monday, 18 January 2010

The latest data from leading broadband help and comparison website Broadbandgenie.co.uk (http://www.broadbandgenie.co.uk) shows 2009 was a strong year for in online broadband sales, with BT, and also making big impressions. Home broadband products from O2 were chosen by almost twice as many Broadband Genie visitors than any other . After BT, PlusNet and Virgin Media, both Post Office Broadband and BE Broadband started the year strongly, but faded. Felix Geyr, head of home and broadband at O2, said: "The fact O2 Broadband is the top choice for BroadbandGenie.co.uk visitors shows we are committed to providing the best home broadband. We’re very proud our customers are pleased with O2 Broadband and we will continue to focus on this in 2010." O2's 'Standard' and 'Premium' packages were very popular, with the former ranking in the top five product choices in every month of 2009. BT's 'Option 1' followed, with PlusNet's 'Value' deal and Virgin Media's 'Large' broadband (with medium TV and phone) hot on their heels. BT's 'Get Connected' package showed strongly later in the year. Broadband Genie managing director Ciaron Dunne commented: "Our data may not correspond directly to national sales trends, but is an interesting indicator of how sales filter through an independent national comparison website: providers need a strong blend of brand and offers, plus a good website, to succeed." "O2, BT and Virgin Media all have very strong , while PlusNet hit the mark with a strong price message. O2 also had strong speeds and great offers, like Virgin Media, but it had the customer service reputation to set it apart - increasingly important in a switchers market." The Post Office and BE Broadband also did well, showing they can compete in pure comparison via a strong price and quality messages respectively. However, the failure of TalkTalk, and Orange Broadband to make the list - three of the UK's biggest broadband players - may surprise some. Dunne continued: "It is no fault of their broadband deals per se. All concentrate a large chunk of their resources into converting their current customers onto their broadband products, while factors such as customer service records and complex websites don't help. This can lead to a loss of online sales via comparison websites, due to poor customer reviews and people opting to phone or visit a store to find the right deal." ENDS NOTES TO EDITORS 1. Broadband Genie is the UK's leading independent broadband and mobile broadband comparison website, providing consumers with an unbiased source of information on broadband prices and contracts and allowing

Page 1 them to compare broadband providers in an independent environment. Broadband Genie was launched in March 2004 as the first dedicated consumer comparison site for broadband, while Mobile Broadband Genie was the first independent mobile broadband comparison site, launched in October 2007. Both sites are among the most popular sites in their respective fields, and regularly feature in the national press. http://www.broadbandgenie.co.uk / http://mobile.broadbandgenie.co.uk 2. All queries and interview requests should be directed to Chris Marling at Broadband Genie:t 0844 415 5531 / f 0871 6618553 / m 07908 327303 / [email protected]

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