In Her 1983 Book, Heavy Horses of the World, Valerie Russell Lists 22
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by Virginia Kouyoumdjian n her 1983 book, Heavy Horses but, according to the French Society and some breeds ended up being Iof the World, Valerie Russell for Working Equines, there are “merged” with similar breeds when lists 22 breeds of draft horses world- actually nine breeds of draft horse stud books were originally set up. wide. Some of them, such as the four in France. There used to be more Still, it is quite a feat, in this day and Russian breeds, the two Hungarian until the mid- to late-19th centu- age for France to have managed to breeds and the Italian draft are not ry, but mechanization took its toll, preserve its nine breeds which are, widely known outside their in alphabetical order: the Ardennais, own countries or regions. Auxois, Boulonnais, Breton, Cob Trait du Others, such as the Percheron Normand, Comtois, Mulassier Percheron, the Shire Nord Poitevin, Percheron and Trait du and the Clydesdale Boulonnais Nord. Each year, all nine breeds, are extensively known, Cob featuring the best stallions and either because they Normand young mares, are proudly have been widely shown at France’s larg- exported, or because Ardennais est agricultural fair, the they have benefit- Salon de l’Agriculture, ed from cultural held in Paris from late or mass com- February to early March. munications It is interesting to note connections. that almost all of For example, France’s heavy the Clydesdales horse breeds used in Anheuser- originate in Busch’s Comtois the northern Budweiser half of the Hitch are Breton country. almost legend- The fact ary. The Shires that some of these are an integral breeds have made part of England’s their way overseas socio-cultural Auxois and while oth- Mulassier landscape. The ers haven't is more Percheron has Poitevin than geographical been exported convenience. When more pervasively Americans started to than almost any other import draft horses from breed of horse. France in great quantities Russell's book lists four during the 19th century, breeds of draft horse in France: they would have found the Ardennais, the Boulonnais, the Boulonnais and Breton the Breton and the Percheron ... continued on next page Comtois Breton Boulonnais Heavy Horse Breeds in France continued There are no statistics available fore conclude that there are between much closer to the big transatlantic on the exact number of draft horses 1.2 and 1.5 million draft horses in ports. They went inland instead and in France, or Europe in general, but Europe. focused on the Percheron. Clearly, they are estimated to account for 22% In structural terms, France has there was something about the of all horses in the world, accord- probably been the most active coun- horse’s morphology and serviceabil- ing to a 2010 thesis on "Global Horse try in managing its draft horse pop- ity that appealed greatly. Still, each Population with respect to Breeds ulation. For many years, the Haras breed within France had its own uses and Risk Status," by Rupal Khadka Nationaux (National Stud) purchased and some were quite famous for the (Swedish University of Agricultural the best stallions of each breed and jobs they did. The Boulonnais pro- Sciences). The Food and Agriculture provided breeders with these top vided the fast relay service that car- Organization of the United Nations stallions to use on their mares at low ried fresh fish from Normandy's coast (FAOSTAT) estimates that the num- cost. Certain locations specialized to Paris. The Breton, in its “postier” ber of horses in Europe in 2012 at in specific breeds. For example, the incarnation, was an indefatigable car- 5.8 million, although it is suggested Haras du Pin in Normandy, wide- riage horse that was also widely used that the actual figure could be higher, ly regarded as the “Versailles of the by the army. reaching seven million head or more. Horse,” was pivotal in the breeding In terms of appearance, one of the Via simple calculation, one can there- of Percherons and Cob Normands most significant events of recent for many years. The Haras de decades was the banning of tail Lamballe was the mecca of the docking in France in 1996. Since Breton Horse; as was the Haras then, no horse with a docked tail de Compiègne for Boulonnais; the born in France has been eligible for Haras de Saintes for the Mulassier registration in a stud book, or able Poitevin; the Haras de Montier-en- to compete in shows. As an aside, Der for the Ardennes. no accidents involving undocked Though this system has been tails have been registered. scrapped in the past decade, it played a major role in ensuring the Losing Jobs & Numbers survival of draft breeds in particu- The world of heavy horses in lar during the most difficult years. France has undergone a major It is interesting to take a look at upheaval over the past century. each of the nine breeds of French Once the “engine” of almost all draft horse, starting with the best work and transportation, these known in North America. horses gradually lost their jobs as mechanization brought easier and The Percheron faster solutions to everything they There is no doubt that France's had done. Over a number of years, draft breed best known around the demand for heavy horses all but globe is the Percheron. Exported disappeared, and it is only through in the thousands all over the the dedication of some passion- world from the middle of the ate horse lovers that these animals 19th century until the 1930s, the continue to be seen all over France, Percheron is the giant of the French draft horse world. Interestingly, and are even beginning to reclaim Ardennais some of the livelihood they lost. though, it does not rank first in Boulonnais Cob Normand terms of numbers. There are current- which puts on shows using Comtois, Caesar himself. The Ardennais is a ly between 700 and 800 births per and the Cannelle family. medium-sized, very powerful horse, year. There has been a strong shift with generous feathering. It has been towards finding uses for the horse in The Breton described as “neither handsome, everything from leisure (riding and The second most populous breed nor refined,” but it is very placid in driving) to work in municipalities of draft horse in France, the Breton temperament, making it an excellent and vineyards, leading to less reli- sees around 2,300 births a year. The workhorse. Ardennais fan Hubert ance on the meat market as an outlet. Breton horse is very closely tied, cul- Vin takes part in sports driving com- The Percheron comes in two basic turally, to its region. It is a smaller petitions with his team of four horses. types: the light (Diligencier) model horse, averaging 15 to 16 hh, but “These are easy to handle horses who that is better suited to leisure and powerful, long in the body, and rela- should be more widely used in clubs, show, and the heavy (Trait) which tively short-legged. Internationally, both for driving and riding," he says. is better suited to agricultural and the only country where the Breton "They work equally well indoors municipal work. It also offers a wide has had an impact outside of France and out. They are both powerful and range in sizes, from 16 to 18.2 hh, pro- is Japan. Along with the Percheron, hardy, and can do everything, includ- viding the buyer many choices. Color, the Breton is used to produce Japan’s ing logging, vineyard work and however, is limited to grey and black famed large heavy-pull “Ban’Ei” municipal tasks.” Recent years have for registration in the stud book. horses. Historically, the Breton has seen quite a lot of emphasis on breed- long been known for its endurance in ing lighter, more supple horses. The The Comtois pulling carriages over long distanc- Ardennais is closely related to the This is France’s easternmost es. It is said that the famed Breton Trait du Nord and the Auxois. About breed, originating in the Franche “postier,” which was used to deliver 450 to 500 foals are born a year on Comté region, near the border with mail, was created by crossing local average. Switzerland, and with about 3,000 mares at the Haras de Lamballe with births a year. At first sight, the a Norfolk Trotter stallion named Sir The Boulonnais Comtois looks like a smaller version Henry Disndale. The resulting foals Over time, the Boulonnais has of the American Belgian horse, with were finer in morphology and better been known as “the Thoroughbred a preponderance of chestnut coats suited to jobs that required move- of draft horses” and “the white mar- with flaxen manes. The Comtois is ment and endurance. ble horse,” but history has not been the smallest of France’s draft breeds, kind and in recent years, its fortunes averaging around 15 to 16 hh. Its The Ardennais have been mixed. The Boulonnais is smaller size makes it very popu- The Ardennais Horse is a some- usually grey, but the stud book also lar for sports carriage driving. The what international creature, being allows other colors such as black Haras de Besançon has been a major very closely related to the Belgian and chestnut. Like the Percheron, center for its breeding. Historically Ardennais, the two breeds occupying it is said to have some Arab blood, the Comtois was widely used as a the two sides of the border between which is attributed to its elegance war horse. Nowadays, it is sadly Belgium and France.