Drama Club Chooses Parts for 'Savage' Cv~iosity · may have killed the by Linda Bennos as M iss Wilhem· cat, .out wait until you see what ina, and Nick lang as Dr. Emmert. the results are in Drama Gl.ub's Affiliation with International first production of thi·s year THE Thespians is being sought by CURIOUS SAVAGE. Dr~ma Club. This is an honorary "This is a warm play lthat con­ dramatic organization for high trasts the gentle gues'ts of a rest school students. Membership is home or sanitarivm with the mt-'n­ earned on a point system. New ey-hungry family of Mrs. Savage" members will be announced at a • Mrs. Dot Sibley, cllJb advisor, banquet in the spri•ng of their said. junior year. At this time awards ElmPlliSI Mrs. Savag_e is committed to for outstanding performances !the res-t home by her children and service will be presented. • who hope to prove her incompe· Other club plans for the yeM tent because she wants to set in<:lude a one act play to be cast Volume V Shreveport, , October 21, 1971 Number 2 up· a trust' fund to help people in November and outside speak­ who are without funds. ers on related subjects such as lighting, sJtage craft, make-up,eltc. The Savage family is played by Mrs. Sibley stated that the pur­ Becky Sa·xon as Mrs. Savage; Da­ pose of the organization was to Gator Brains Show Their A's vid Eagan as Titus; Robert Deibac­ further drama~ics and educatiol1 ker as Samuel; and Laure Kelley as concerned with theater in the Junior raced athead on the hon­ Allen Jones and Be1h Roiby because I enjoy my classes." Lily Bilrb . The "gues1s;' in the school and community. or roll for the first six weeh were the. only sophomore'S to re­ Mary's formula is t o try hard and home are Rena Nash as Filorence, Membersh ~p is sti•ll open to with eight members lerading the ceive straig•ht A's, and no fresh­ always do her homework. Kemper Smith as Hannrbal; Terri anyone wi.th "a h-igh interest in class academical'ly. Seniors were man e•amed them. Becky Hu·rley, an'Other senior, Tarleton as Fairy May, Bill Davis all areas of dramatics and a de­ next with six, while t ,diffe: n~ nt rep I i es aged to do so well in school, Bec­ Gay Bowden, Linda Fannon, ... resulted. ky said, "I do my homework and Carolyn Galloway, Laura Jayne, keep up in class. It's eaw-anyone berrt Pool and Suzy Priddy with "I like my cla•sses," s•aid D·imi­ can do i.t." Lir.da Jordon, Sam McDaniel, Ro­ ty Derrick, senior. "It's easy to Lavra Jayne, a junior, said she the smartest. jurriors. make good grades because I en­ simply does her assignmen1$, Seniors who maintained a 4.0 joy them." while Suzy Priddy said, "I 'leam pverage througihout .the six weeks a lot by listening, and besides in a·ll thei·r classes were Mary Col­ Mary Co'lqu.itt and Lucy McWil­ that I get $1 0 whenever I receive quitt, Dimity Derrick, David Dod­ liams both have made the honor a!l A's." son, Becky Hurley, Lucy M-.Wil­ roll many times before. Lucy said, liams ·and Joe Sonnier. "I guess I have made ·so many A's Key Clubbers Inducted President Marc Rosenzweig Red Cross to Trick-or- Treat says, "This year's Key Club mem· bers are a really close group of Have you ever felt like trick or g~nized service club who manned kids w.ho are very anxious to hellp treating but didn't because your the first aid stations as one of the out in school and communi~y." friends thought it was not me- · club's first activities. New members Wefe introduc­ ture? Now you may have the op­ ed at a bvsiness meetir19 and par­ portunity to do rthi•s, and give Mrs. F. A. Sogga, member ot ty on October 6. They are seniors some.thing to someone less fortun­ the Shreveport Red Cross Chap­ Steve Cole, Chuck Horne, Bobby ate than yourself. ter, will be the gues1 speaker at Pe.ttit, Randy Wainright, Jim Wil· the n.ext mee'ting when planlS for liamson and Gary Woolverton, Red Cross Youth Organization fut ure activities will he discussed. Junior members are Robert Rosen· has made tentative pli31ns to col­ If you are interested in joining zweig and Jim Smolenski and lect candy on Halloween to be the 10 other members of this or­ sophomores are Larry BirdwelL distribu.ted at Shriner's Hospite¥1 ganization, you may do so hy pay­ Marshall Crenshaw, Robert John­ for •Crippled Children. If you ing the 25 cen~ dues to Mrs. In~ son, Allen Jones and Tommy Mu; stopped to get a band-aid while grid Benson, sponsor; Margaret rov. Walking For Fund, you may have Boyett, president; or Debbie seen members of t'his newly-or· Moosey, ·secretary-treasurer. Members of the clvb held a spirit breakfast for the· Fair Pari< game on October 15. They also Qualifying Tests Combined had a hamburger party wi~h mem· bers of the Kiwanis Club on Oc· The Preliminary Scholastic Ap­ plans for college and help juniors tober 20. titude and Nationa-l Merit Schol­ choose senior courses. It gives a arship Qualifying Test WSAT/ good idea of what the SAT, which ~uture plans incll!de a Hall~ NMSQn was given October 19, many colleges require, wi'll be. ween party for retarded children for the first time, to approximate­ This is the first s1ep necessary for at Holy Angel's ·School and the ly 125 students. Combined test­ juniors who platn to enter scho­ con1inued sale of tickets for the ing served the purpose of the pre­ larsh~p programs administered ''Travelog". The "Travelog", srp(Jn· "GET THOSE LINES!" Mrs. Sibley explains to Terri Tarlton, viously separate PSAT and by the National Merit Scholarship sored by the Kiwanis Club, is a Rena Nash, Anna Aslin, David Egan, and Becky Saxon the impor· NMSQT. Corporatioro. group of films on different coun­ tance of their lines in the Drama Club's first production of the A two-hour version of the SAT, tries. The next show is on the year, THE CURIOUS SAVAGE. the test measures verbal and Beginning in December answer 'Great Trans-Canad ian Train Ride' mathematical abilities. Scores can sheets will be returned to the November 9, with the ticke·ts at American Dream Comes True help the student eval·uate his school. $5 for five of these shows. A football game, a queen, a Culp, Kayle Grann, Karen Hughes, dance, and maroy more things are Mary Ji31net Koerner and Ant')e part of Homecoming at any high Wedgeworth. Juniors are Brenda school, ar]d •Captain Shreve is no Holmes, Jennifer Kerr, Grace exception. Youngblood and sophomores are The Homecoming festivities Cassandra Gant, Laura Preston will begin tomorrow night at 7:30 and Ernie Marie Clark. when .the Gators take on the Following the game the semr· Southwood Cowb,oys in a footba ~ l formal Homecomcng dance will game ~ be in the CS gymnasium from At half time the band, twir'lers, 9:30 - 12 where Fleece, Eddie G. ROTC and Gatorelltes will per­ and Jive 5 will be playing. form. Then the Homecoming The Student Coundl is sponsor­ queen and court will parade in ing the Homecoming activities. - tars to the center platform where Seniors Crawford Crenshaw and Kathy Mitchell will be crowned Mi·ni Murov were in charge of the the 1971 Homecoming queen. elections. Five chairmen were· ap­ Her court wil1 be seniors IV\elaney pointed to head .the following commitees: decorations, Rickey Buy Your Murov; coke, Richard Hiller: tic­ kets, Sandra Borders; and clean­ HOMECOMING up, Nick Lang and Fred Harrell. Tickets Today Mimi Murov laughed, "Every­ one in the first rperiod Student only $3.50 Council class utilized all of their Oaptain Shreve strength and intelligence to make vs. this year's Homecoming a zowie, 1971 HOMECOMING QUEEN KATHY MITCHELL and senior maid Melaney Culp find time Southwood wowie, super, dLYper, fabulous in all the excitement of homecoming to plan for their college future in the guidance college refer­ Friday 7:30 p .m. success-unfor.tunately paying for ence room. These two girls and 10 other maids will participate in the halftime ceremonies tomorrow the tickets is not tax deductible.'' night. Page Two CAPTAIN SHREVE ENTERPRISE October 21, 1971 Spir1~- Can We Hear It? Parents Relive Many people at our school have expr1essed opinions about spirit, or more exactly, the .lack of spirit. This idea Old School Days has been drummed into the heads of students, in class as well as out. Most of us are getting awfully sick of hearing What has a mind and body, is seen in pairs, t ires easily, and was the word "spirit". The command "y'all yell!" is driving many at CS on October 4? Answe•r is of us up a wall. Why? Because many feet that they're putting parents who celebrated Back to ·all they've got into pep rallies. School Night at the fi rst PTA meet­ ing of •fhe year. Let's not kid ourselves- our spirit is below average. We Bullletin boards sprung up over­ night, adding decor to the bare have a band, a pep squad, cheerleader:s and a stud~nt body. What we've done with them so far this year i:s nothing to be wal'ls of each quadran.g_le while many doors were given name­ proud of. In fact what we've done with them is nothing tags. much at all. Student Council members and FT A guides passed out programs One of the reasons that we have so little spirit is that and maps, guided confused par­ many students refuse to stand up and yell. If 20 people don't ents w ith explicit instructions - show spirit at a pep rally and all 20 are sitting in the same "The gym? It's the quarter cirde section, more than likely the students around them won't with all ·the windows." yell. They would feel strange - out of place. But if this same Du~ing the night, stu dents an­ group yelled until their throats were sore, the people around swered "parent" questions -"Are them would too. Everyone makes a difference in the level they serving the coffee yet?'' of spirit we achieve. . "What period is this?" "Will Mrs. Bridqer make us write papers?" "Will Mr. Griffith give us T's if Captain Shreve is having its fourth Homecoming, tomor­ we're late?" "When will th

Southfield LaDama life Insurance Service Center Fashions Have Eye"Appeal Half Hitch Health Insurance 868-3130 Misses 6-18 in your Annuities -Group Insurance Petites and Juniors 5-l 3 Group Pen~ions Dre sses, Pants, Blouses, 'Action Line' Newspaper Cameron Jackets and lingerie Barber Shop OLD RIVER CENTER Your Business AppreciCYted ~ll,rrt~tptlrl ~.o~~ttLtd Southfield at E. Kings Hwy. - New location - Today's News Today - and More of It! 523 Lou isiana Avenue near Capt. Shreve High School Page Four CAPTAIN SHREVE ENTERPRISE Odober 21, 1971 Lake Charles, Strake-Jesuit Take Top Honors Up, Up and Away- At Third Annual Gator Debate Invitational Aviation Course flies On . • • Lake Charles High School has Webster's Dictionary defines ment. There are also ~ield trips won the third annual Gator Invi­ an airplane as "an aircraft that is being planned to the weather sta-. tational Debate Tournament, neld kept aloft by the aerodynamics­ tion, radar station and the con­ at Capta in Shreve High School on forces of air upon its wings and trol tower at Shreveport's Down­ October 8 and 9. Lake Charles is driven forward by a screw pro­ town Airport. Studen~s have al­ took overall SweepstakeiS with a peller or by other means, as by ready gone to the downtown air­ total of 196 sweepstakes points. jet propulsion." port to get a close look at actual airplanes. While. they were there, Strake Jesuit High School, of Most people know this, but Mr. Wagner took them for a free Hous.ton, Texas came in second that's about all they know about with a total of 150 points. Jesuit airplanes. Captain Shreve is ride in his own private plane. The course has two parts, High School of Da'llas took 3rd, changing that. ~he first of wliich is classroom study, with 138 points. Assistant Principal Mr. Jewel1l learning hitstory ins.truments, In Cross Examination debate, Wagner organized an aeronautics meteorology and navigation. The Charles Denby, Matt Goldsmith, course last year and wi'th the help optional second part indludes Jay Hurst and Alan Loewinsohn, of ·Mr. Donald Bingham, retired cross-couf')try navigation. Students all of Lake Charles High closed Air Force Lieutenant Colone:J who will acrtually take th'e controls and out the Semifinal Round. A team is now an algebra teacher, it is navigate cross-country to differ­ from Jesuit High School in Dallas being offered again this year. ent airports. won Senior Delba'te, and Beau­ The eight s1udents par.ricipant­ Throughout the course, with "ANYONE WANT A COKE!" Refreshment for debators set mont High School of Beaumont, ing in tflis course are studying rne schedules permi'ttihg, Mr. Wag­ by the Captain Shreve DebatP. Club at the Third Annual Gator Texas took top honors in Junior fundamentals of aviation, his'tory, ner and Mr. Bingham will take Invitational Debate Tournament that was here, October 8-9. Division. meteorology and navigation. Shown serving the drinks are Kathy Poole, Susan McCary and According to Mr. Frank Brocato the s.tudef')ts f)ying, charging o~ly They use the textbook "Aviatior:~ the price of renting the plane. Phy11is Allison. Lake Charles high School coach, Fundamentals," a history pam­ "It's always a pleasure to come to Shrevepont Aviation has give.n phlet, a i'light computer, an. own­ Captalin Shreve - it's particularly the school a discount C?n prices be·· ers' m~muel for a Cessna 150, mo­ nice to participate in a tourname,..,t cause of their interest in the de ls and other audiovisual equip- course. Gator News that runs on time." • Choir game, which is the mos.t popular Outs ~anding speakers were Christmas is traditiooa11y a game played in· Germany. The named for each division were al­ time for singing, and to live up team on which Mrs. Ru~h Page so named by Mr. Jack Bogan, Pep Squad Cheers Gators to its tradition ~he choir is work· played won the game 2-1. tournament sponsor. lihey were ing towards a Christmas program. e Science Club · in Cross Examin-ation debate: 1. Choir director Charles E. Rich­ Science Club held its first meet· Alan Loewinsohn, Lake Charles, On to Mighty Victories ing on Sep.tember 20 with 75 stu­ ey said, 'There is a\ posibility of :;2. Matt Goldsmith, Lake Charles, Cheering for the Gators' foot­ faculty and in •some ways they dents present. Newly-e'lected of­ our singing for some teachers 3. Erin Dwyer, Jesuit of Dallas. ball team for the '71-'72 session act as cheerleaders. Gatorertes, ficers are Jim Wi,Jiiamson, presi­ during tne state convention, but Senior Division: 1. J.ay Hilsher, will be the Gatore.ttes, better under the direction of Miss Joyce dent; Becky Hurley, vice-presi­ it isn'rt definite yet." Strake-Jesuit of Houston, 2. Keith known as the Pep Squad. Jordan ·and Mrs. Alma Moore are dent; Lucy McWilliams, secretary; Newly-elected office-rs are Borne, Cathedral Carmel of La­ Main purpose of Pep Squad is in Miss Jordan's word'S, "Great!" Don Savory, treasurer; and Pat Sherman Sm ith, president; Mar­ .fayette, 3. Phil Snow of Strake­ promoting spirit of students and Anyone wishing to join must Cicerone, ICC representative. garet Brooks, vice-presid~nt; Jesuit. Junior DiVIision: 1. Thomas have the following qua1ificaj1ions: Open discussion was held for Brenda Holmes, secretary; Elaine .Hunt.er of St. Louis High, 2. Steve Be a junior or senior; meet the the purpose of int.eres.ting stu­ FTA Makes Plans Davis, assistant secretary; Daniell Ontego, ·strake-Jes.uit 3. John faculty and sponsor recommend­ dents in participation and interest " Membership is always open, Smith, treasurer; Signora Thomas, Spillane of Strake -Jesuit. a'tions, and maintain a 2.0 aver~ in the field of science. I ibrarian ;Audry Reynolds, robe "We need your help!" implor­ so we want ·to see many new age throughout the school year. A ll s1udents are cordially invit­ chairman; and seaskethall authorities in a basket­ der the ~phenomenal coaching me­ have returned two starters, Tom­ ball program for the 1954-55 sea­ thods of Wiggins, the Golden Ga­ my Grvbb and Johnny White son as the Little All-American tors have posted 103 wins while from last year's state quarterfin­ closed Ol>t his college career. losing a mere 22 games. alists. Sixteen years later here at Cap­ • Grubb Returns Tommy, who represented tain Shreve, Wiggins still hasn't This year Wiggins may give Shreve on both AII..City and All­ made the ball talk, but he has ta- Shreve basketball fans another District teams while .posting an 18 point per game average, will be a defin.ite scoring threat through­ Hiller Elected FCA Captain out the season while White will "To confront young men with who pa rticipates in track is eligi­ contribut~ his ·all-around talents, the challenge and adventure of ble to join the organization. especially defensively. cann following Chris.t" is the goal of No activities 'have been plan­ e Off to Alexandria the members of the Fellowship ned so far, but each yea r, accord­ This year's addition to the Wig­ of Christian Athletes, according ing to Coach Powell, "the athletes gins' dre~m teams will hit the to Coach Tommy B. Powell, co­ have the opportunity to attend a hard court for their f irst game, ordinator. F:_ellowship of Christian Athletes November 15 in Haugf-.ton where 1 About 40 athletes attended the <:onference. These meetings have fhey w ill try to take their first vier. first meeting which was held been held in Colorado and in the .tory on their march to the state last Thursday and elected their mountains of Ark•a.nsas." This playoffs in Alexandria. captain; Richard Hiller.. Captain­ year the meetings wil.l be held in elect is David Hamm; secretary is Colorado during the s'ummer Grandfather Serves Tommy Grubb; and treasurer is months. Terry Eberhardt. Anyone interested in joinil']g As Gator Super-Fan Any varsity athlete who plays the Fellowship of Christian Ath­ football, baseball, basketball or letes should contaot Coach Powel L "I am Captain Shreve's. first string quarterback," says Mr. Tom Bo1 ick, the greatest fan that the Gators have. Mr. Tom, as he- is best known by the people who know hi~, is a 74-year-old super-fan who never misses a practice, varsity game, junior-varsity game or 'Georgia. Fif.ty state ticipated in national tournaments. SHifVfPOIT, LA . 71105 Pam was the firs.t girl ever to be ptf()Hf, 165-1 744 champions and 48 co-champions EYEING THE GATORS on to­ were among the field of entrants. allowed to compete against boys wards vidory, Mr. Tom Bol ick Out of 200 golfers, only 36 girls in the state of Louisiana as she Frees, Inc. serves as Captain Shreve's great· with , the lowest scores qualified played on the golf team at Byrd est fan. He never misses a prac· Rona ld P. Free, President to go on through match play. Deb- High School. tice or game during football sea­ Phone 424-2651 son; rain, sleet or shine, he's 2531 Samford Avenue Aiken Heads Tennis Team there. Call Forest Hills, ~~ew York, may see advanced math teacher, coaches some competition in the future if the te~m which meets at River­ the tennis team keeps up the side Swim Club after school for' good work, Last spring our team practice. Plans for future tourna- won the state championship and . ments are not complete, but they it's the real thing Ill is looking forward to the same Will be announced alta later date. success this year. .... ·· Janice A iken heads the girls' team, with others being Kathy Chapman's Bullock, Pat Cicerone, Melanie Nursery Harrell, Vicki Harrison, Judy Ken­ 1214 Captain Shreve nedy, Lucy McWilliams, Barbara Oldsmobile Keeps You a Step Ahead! Palmer, Susi Sandifer, Ann 868-6035 Wedgeworth and Rebecca York. Reese Baker leads on the boys' For Insurance Needs team, which also includes· Scott Be A Leader - PRUDENTIAL Crane, David Deufel, Robert John 4·4·2 Hardtop Coupe son, A llen Jones, Walter Moore, J. PAUL ANDERSON, JR. Chris Prothro, Steve Sholar and Special Agent Greg Tooley. 425-5263 For the best buy - see Leo Vanderkuy Mr. Mac Griffith, physics ·and

129 Kings Highway (31 8) 868-3972 Phone 865-841'1 IMP-RINTED SPORTS WEAR 3215 Southern Avenue Shreveport. La. 71104 taOa CIINT&HAIIIY &YD. Shreveport, Louisiana ttHOH& •aa.oa•a Page Six CAPTAIN SHREVE ENTERPRISE October 21, 1971 Gators Gain Sixth as Hedges Hits 100 Pat Mason proved the Ga'tors' but Jeff Coburn intercepted the only undefeated team in the di'S· rush ing game is ncit dead, when ball on the 15 to finalize the game trict, and gave Coach Lee Hedge& he spearheaded a 21-14 Captain at 21 -14. his hundredth win as a head Shreve victory over the Indians This made Captain Shreve the coach. of Fair Par k at Captain Shreve sta­ dil)m. In the first quarter, Terry Eber­ Galors Smash Airline 16-11 hardt threw ·Pat Mason a 31-yard bomb to the two yard line. Glenn Tears of joy and sorrowwere when Airline's Roberts ran it in a­ Brian ran in for the score, the next seen in Airl ine stadium as the Ga­ gain, but threw the ball in tne ai'r, play. David Adams' PAT was tors beat the Airline Vikings 26- causing a 15-yard penailty. The good and the Shrevemen led 7-0. 21 in a 22 second spectacular fin­ score hung at 21-19 and 1:39left. 3:52 later, Vic Boudreau hit ish. Four passes later, no time-outs KenConleyon a 38-yard pass. Ken The Gators first score was a 33 left, Terry Eberhardt hit Pat Ma­ Conley k1cked the PAT and the yard option from Pat Mason to son on a 42-yard bomb to ta'ke score was 7-7. David Adams .. Adams kicked the the game 26-21 after a good PAT Running 58 yards, Pat Mason PAT. by David Adams. scored in the last 42 seconds of Then in the second quarter Ed­ Airiine, too, was out of time­ the half. David Adams PAT ·was win Scott received a twenty yard outs and the Gator.s took their se­ good, making it 14-7. pass from Terry Eberhardt.Adam's cond victory. Pat Mason ran in the next score kick failed, giving the Gators a for 10 yards with no time left in comfortable 13 - 0 1!ead at half­ the third quarter. The PAT was time. Good Luck, Gators! good, and the score was 21-7. Airline woke up in the second Southwood's Cowboys will Ken Conley ran in Fair Park's half, as Captain Shreve went te -come to Captain Shreve Stadium IS IT SUPERMAN? You're almost correct. Doug Yoder is the last score trom the one. Conley's sleep. for their second game with Cap­ man in number 83 and he is showing BTW ' defenders how to PAT was good and it was 211-14. PM Roberts scored from the 1, tain Shreve tomorrow night at · make flying catches and score touchdowns. Fair Park threatened in t>he end, capping off a 73-yard drive. The 7:30. The· Cowboys a.re looking kick was good. Then Roberts for a w in to avenge their loss last scored again from t.he one, to cap year. Shrevemen Walk over Walker 27-21 a 87-yard drive. The kick was the Gators, however, have the good, giving the Vikings a 14-13 momentum to win. because it is Walker's Raiders proved to the half to Gator zero. The defense held, giving the Gators a close lead. their Homecoming and at present, Captain Shreve Gators that a then got down to business and 27-21 f inish. But the Gators returned and they are the only undefeated team can play a better game in Eberhardt hH Yoder for an 11- team in District 1•AAAA. the second half than the firs·t half. yard pass. The kick fai~ed and the The game may be determined The Gators held on, ·though, and Shrevers Bust BTW 24-0 score was 19-14. by spirit, so all Gators should won the game 27-21. It looked like it was all over plan to be there. Glenn Brian ran in 10 yards fot With Leon Thompson oll't for second. David Adams missed the the first score and David Adams the season, all eyes turned toward first PAT but passed the second kick was good. his re'P'Iacement, Doug Yoder. into Steve Crowder, giving the Eberhardt threw in the next 3 Spectators' eyes stayed focused Gators a 14-0 lead. scores; a 13-yard pass to Edwin on him all night as he led the Ga­ Scott and two of the thfee PAT's tors to a 24-0 victory over the Eberhardt then threw a pas.s giving the Shrevemen a 27-6 half­ Booker T. Washington Lions. hitting Doug Yoder on the 1 and rime lead. Glen Brian ran in the first big then ran in the score himself. La­ Then Walker raided our lines score in the first quarter. Terry ter in the 3rd, David Adams hit a and scored twice in lthe second Eberhardt hit Doug Yoder for the 31 yard field goal. Boogaerts, Abney Hiller Lead Defense It's rather obvious that in or­ blitz or red dog, in which the granite blocks are the key to the der to win a football game you I inebacker rushes the passer, has defense. They haye the prime re­ havefo score.more points that the got to be one of the most excit­ sponsib~l ity for shut1t'ing off run­ oposition. But have you ever look­ ing plays of the game. It is one pers' paths. In the full, or linebac­ ed at it from •this angle: To win of the few times that a defensive kers' blitz, the guards comple­ you have to keep them from scor­ player gets to back in the glory ment the linebackers by a lineup ing more than you do. This task of the spotlight. somewhere bertween the offens­ belongs to the defense and it is Shreve's linebackers, David Ab­ ive guard and center, and while for this reason that the defense nev and Rodger Boogaerts, •have blasting themselves imo the line THE CAPTAIN SHREVE DEFENS­ is the key to winning football! been most effective when facing of scrimmage, they are supposed IVE LINE puts the stop on a Wal­ GO GATORS! The linebacker is to the defense the run, as most holes that open to attract attention of the guard ker Raider back to prove that they what the quarterback is to the are plugged rather quickly. 225 so that there is a clear-shot lane are the best. They are led by Russ WIN offense. The linebacker runs the pounds does tend to smart. for the linebacke rs to the quarter· Bryant (62), Albert Barro (64) and WIN squad. He must be responsible for If there is such a thing as a back. The guards, too, have a Barry Kimble (75). guarding against the run and pro­ glorious defensive player, then lane in which they are to pursue WIN tecting against the pass. The he would have ro be a defensive the bell-carrier in an attempt to at­ back. Spectacular interceptions leas.t distract him from finding an and wild, touchdown-saving dives open receiver down flield. Their Walter Lavelle, Jr. First Methodist JV Plays, Tool are all in a night's work for these pressure, or lack of it, on oppos­ C.L.U. Church gridiron acrobats. ing quarterbacks will determine Life Insurance Captain Shreve has a junior As far as Captain Shreve is con• the accuracy of their aeria~~;. Head of Texas Street cerned, when discussing defens­ varsfty in a


Four Weeks Delivery THE FAMILY TREE Now Taking Orders for 1972 GIVENS Contact Jewelers, Inc. Jody Dosher- 868~8876 SEA AND SIRLOIN RESTAUANT 401 Texas No.8 Heart 0' or John Dosj1er - 865-2557 Shreveport Bossier City 1900 Market 424-1544 October 21, 1971 CAPTAIN SHREVE ENTERPRISE Page Seven Ga or Briefs Holdi•ng their first meeting of dent; Gloria Clinton, secretary; the year on Wednesday, October Linda Burt, atSsistam secretary; De­ 13, the Safety Counci l, under the lores Robinson, treasurer; Velda direction of •Mr. Raymond Yopp, Cash, parliamentarian; Carolyn elected their new officers for the H111, reporter; and Sandra Grady, 1971-72 school year. The officers song-leader. They are sponsored are: President, Jody Dosher; Vice.· by Mrs. Lela Bil l ·Mitchell of the President, Mike Strong; Secretary Home Economics depar~ment. Treasurer, Ellen Belohic; School Leo Club Safety Chairman, Mike Parks; e With fhe Leo Club in its second Home Safety Chairman, Caro1 Les­ year, i-t is still going strong ac­ lie; Traffic Safety Chainman, Bill Moseley. cording to facu lty sponsor Mr. Dona!ld Horton. The Council has taken a long This year's Leo president is time getting started, due to Mr. Steve Crowder. Club members Yopp's illness at the first of the are now accepting applications RIGHT ON MR. WHITE! Mr. Ru­ year, but the members appear to that can be picked up in room 214. dolph White conducts his class in be eager to work and make up Leo clvb plans to place a banner a manner that students like. for lost time. like ·last year's in front of the Issuing parking stickers and school. They hope to have it made planning to go to the state Con­ bytheSovthwood game.Other ac­ vention .are the two main issues Washington Graduate Heads CEA being confronted by the Safety tivities will be visiting illl1 old folks home at Thanksgiving, Council at th is time. my days of high school. I was he said, " I think that teens are Christmas and Easter and having Mr. Rudolph White, American gradu-ated from Booker T. Wash­ great, though a little rebellious e Z Club a contest to find the best docor­ History teacher and graduate of ington here in Shreveport in at times. I feel that they have Visiting local nursing homes, Med car before the Byrd game. Grambling College, is one of the 1961. I participarted in the T•hes• something to offer. I don't think repairing old worn out toys for most interesting men I've met. pian Troupe, Honor Society, ROTC I would Ht too well as a teen., be~ needy chrldren, and helping to Mr. White is presently Presi­ and the yea~book and newspaper cause I don't think as fast as they." sell poppies are just a few of the Brabham Heads JCl dent of the CEA (Caddo Educa· staffs. I tried to do everyt'hing I also asked him how he felt activities the "Z" club ·has plan­ Shreve's chapter of the Juonior tion Association), Associate Youth poss1ble to make BTW .the great~ about his sideburns and hairstyle. ned for the coming year accord­ Classical League met for the first Director of the Avenue Baptist est high school in ·shreveport and the women of today a.nd fashions. ing to President Becky Bennett. time on September 16, in Rooni Church, Dean of Pledges of the the nation." , He said, "I like ~he Afro style, but T~is service organizil'tion is 106 to elect officers for the new Omega Psi P-hi Fratennity, Inc., "I was very fond of girls. I I am pleased with my hair the open to any sophomore girl with year. Shreveport Chapter, and a mem­ tried to t-alk to all that I saw. way it is. I feel tha.t my sideburns good teacher recommendations , laura Brabham was chosen to ber of the United Democratic Cam­ Sometimes that presented .a pro­ add to my appearanc~. I think wo­ and a 2.5 grade average. Girls in­ be president .of the dub, which paign Committee. blem for the girls because of jeal­ men are great. They tend to help terested had an opportunity to has about 40 members. New vice­ He attended National Educa­ ousy." me make my day complete, one pick up an application at the end ·president is Grace Youngblood, tion Association in Detroit in June "I enjoy teaching," said Mr. in partiOJiar. Th€ fashions and of the first six weeks from Miss while corresponding secretary is and will attend The Louisiana Ed­ White. "I feel that definitelY it is hair styles these days are just Georgia Lee, sponsor, in Room Janet Anderson and recording se• uca6n. sale in Room 106, or were a little more coordinated I being tired! But it all paid off in. wi ll mark the earliest distribution Delores Robinson, Marie Gant, fram Latin Clvb members. wouldn't hear it all. But it "ain't" the end, for that play we worked of the directories in Captain Linda Mitchell, Mickey Townsend as easy as you may thintk to get our heads off and woQ great Shreve history. and Johnny Davis. lines, positions, movements, ex· newspaper reviews, standing ova For the football game against 4-H Club began its ac-tivities in pressions - you name it - right. tions, a full house every night, Byrd, November 6, Interact plans July when four members attend­ GoGators And coordination could help a best local musical of the year and to have Spirit Breakfast of Cham­ ed Short Course, a three-day ser­ lot! best local supporting actress of pions to promote school spirit. ies of contests in Baton. Rouge. As have other students here at the year, given by the SHREVE­ Newly-elected Interact mem, Among the honors received by George Jambor Captain Shreve, I have been in PORT TIMES . But the most im­ bers are: sophomores Ronnie Du­ students in this 4-H chapter was a few local theater productions. portant honor it won, as far as vall, Dale Lyons, Harold Rosibot· Alice Carroll's election to the of­ After my first play, · I realized the cast and I are concerned, was tom, Joel Thomas, Chris Wood; fice of state vice-~rl ... Best pnce, Complete wi_th 14 inch $1ftA9§. lrnm bar and cham. ~Y __ ZALEs· S29.95 too: jrWt•HH Gilson's You don' t h.tvt.• to bf' rich Tough enough lo slay a winner. to be happy. 1628 Fairfield See the Poulan XXV at: 2839 Summer Grove ~~Shrewe-port. lou!S!I!na Beaird-Poulan 5320 Greenwood Road #J,,dl!t,$J:AL . J..j,'ft!' H#J''Awllo~~nt Hw·ll f:I uj w 111 II .J w II V f: f: .1 ~ On Halloween ~ beware, for this is the time Saman, lord of death, calls together certain wicked souls. This is the ancient Druidic belief of On this one night, Da and " are most likely to wander .abroad. These creatures can now he seen on Halloween ~ although they are

...... ~ pint-sized and more often are Cinderellas or -= ~ ~ or gypsies rather than .-.. or86· When I think of Halloween, I think of little ~ sitting expectantly in the Jlit~:· / , waiting patiently for the "Great Pumpkin" to rise out of them Wc'l rcJ) and leaves. He believes so strongly in the UGreat Pumpkin" that he is willing to foregofutrick-or-treat"time-the custom now being to dress incognito in a favorite f1..,.fj~ , gather up a fe"'( ~~ and carrying a super big rfJ ,go from v A_ to ~ ~~ ~scaring the people when you know that they know -111---!Yif ~9~0 . -\ {~ who it is hiding behind that ~ M~. The main -.Q-- is to get more than anyone else and to ring the most [jJ 0 , especially if you can go in the next neighborhood.

0-c;) Gai 0 r s 0 Q (;) Fro rn -th~ Stqf