Drama Club Chooses Parts for 'Savage' Cv~iosity · may have killed the by Linda Bennos as M iss Wilhem· cat, .out wait until you see what ina, and Nick lang as Dr. Emmert. the results are in Drama Gl.ub's Affiliation with International first production of thi·s year THE Thespians is being sought by CURIOUS SAVAGE. Dr~ma Club. This is an honorary "This is a warm play lthat con­ dramatic organization for high trasts the gentle gues'ts of a rest school students. Membership is home or sanitarivm with the mt-'n­ earned on a point system. New ey-hungry family of Mrs. Savage" members will be announced at a • Mrs. Dot Sibley, cllJb advisor, banquet in the spri•ng of their said. junior year. At this time awards ElmPlliSI Mrs. Savag_e is committed to for outstanding performances !the res-t home by her children and service will be presented. • who hope to prove her incompe· Other club plans for the yeM tent because she wants to set in<:lude a one act play to be cast Volume V Shreveport, Louisiana, October 21, 1971 Number 2 up· a trust' fund to help people in November and outside speak­ who are without funds. ers on related subjects such as lighting, sJtage craft, make-up,eltc. The Savage family is played by Mrs. Sibley stated that the pur­ Becky Sa·xon as Mrs. Savage; Da­ pose of the organization was to Gator Brains Show Their A's vid Eagan as Titus; Robert Deibac­ further drama~ics and educatiol1 ker as Samuel; and Laure Kelley as concerned with theater in the Junior raced athead on the hon­ Allen Jones and Be1h Roiby because I enjoy my classes." Lily Bilrb . The "gues1s;' in the school and community. or roll for the first six weeh were the. only sophomore'S to re­ Mary's formula is t o try hard and home are Rena Nash as Filorence, Membersh ~p is sti•ll open to with eight members lerading the ceive straig•ht A's, and no fresh­ always do her homework. Kemper Smith as Hannrbal; Terri anyone wi.th "a h-igh interest in class academical'ly. Seniors were man e•amed them. Becky Hu·rley, an'Other senior, Tarleton as Fairy May, Bill Davis all areas of dramatics and a de­ next with six, while t<he sopho­ has made straight A's all through as Jeffrey, and Joanne Spi<tzer as sire to work and learn, plus the more class finished third Wilth When several of these students her sophomore and junior years. - Mrs. Paddy. The staff is portrayed $2 dues," said Mrs. Sibley. two in the honor spot. were asked th·eir formulas for aca­ When asked how she has man­ demic SU'(.'cml> ,diffe: n~ nt rep I i es aged to do so well in school, Bec­ Gay Bowden, Linda Fannon, ... resulted. ky said, "I do my homework and Carolyn Galloway, Laura Jayne, keep up in class. It's eaw-anyone berrt Pool and Suzy Priddy with "I like my cla•sses," s•aid D·imi­ can do i.t." Lir.da Jordon, Sam McDaniel, Ro­ ty Derrick, senior. "It's easy to Lavra Jayne, a junior, said she the smartest. jurriors. make good grades because I en­ simply does her assignmen1$, Seniors who maintained a 4.0 joy them." while Suzy Priddy said, "I 'leam pverage througihout .the six weeks a lot by listening, and besides in a·ll thei·r classes were Mary Col­ Mary Co'lqu.itt and Lucy McWil­ that I get $1 0 whenever I receive quitt, Dimity Derrick, David Dod­ liams both have made the honor a!l A's." son, Becky Hurley, Lucy M-.Wil­ roll many times before. Lucy said, liams ·and Joe Sonnier. "I guess I have made ·so many A's Key Clubbers Inducted President Marc Rosenzweig Red Cross to Trick-or- Treat says, "This year's Key Club mem· bers are a really close group of Have you ever felt like trick or g~nized service club who manned kids w.ho are very anxious to hellp treating but didn't because your the first aid stations as one of the out in school and communi~y." friends thought it was not me- · club's first activities. New members Wefe introduc­ ture? Now you may have the op­ ed at a bvsiness meetir19 and par­ portunity to do rthi•s, and give Mrs. F. A. Sogga, member ot ty on October 6. They are seniors some.thing to someone less fortun­ the Shreveport Red Cross Chap­ Steve Cole, Chuck Horne, Bobby ate than yourself. ter, will be the gues1 speaker at Pe.ttit, Randy Wainright, Jim Wil· the n.ext mee'ting when planlS for liamson and Gary Woolverton, Red Cross Youth Organization fut ure activities will he discussed. Junior members are Robert Rosen· has made tentative pli31ns to col­ If you are interested in joining zweig and Jim Smolenski and lect candy on Halloween to be the 10 other members of this or­ sophomores are Larry BirdwelL distribu.ted at Shriner's Hospite¥1 ganization, you may do so hy pay­ Marshall Crenshaw, Robert John­ for •Crippled Children. If you ing the 25 cen~ dues to Mrs. In~ son, Allen Jones and Tommy Mu; stopped to get a band-aid while grid Benson, sponsor; Margaret rov. Walking For Fund, you may have Boyett, president; or Debbie seen members of t'his newly-or· Moosey, ·secretary-treasurer. Members of the clvb held a spirit breakfast for the· Fair Pari< game on October 15. They also Qualifying Tests Combined had a hamburger party wi~h mem· bers of the Kiwanis Club on Oc· The Preliminary Scholastic Ap­ plans for college and help juniors tober 20. titude and Nationa-l Merit Schol­ choose senior courses. It gives a arship Qualifying Test WSAT/ good idea of what the SAT, which ~uture plans incll!de a Hall~ NMSQn was given October 19, many colleges require, wi'll be. ween party for retarded children for the first time, to approximate­ This is the first s1ep necessary for at Holy Angel's ·School and the ly 125 students. Combined test­ juniors who platn to enter scho­ con1inued sale of tickets for the ing served the purpose of the pre­ larsh~p programs administered ''Travelog". The "Travelog", srp(Jn· "GET THOSE LINES!" Mrs. Sibley explains to Terri Tarlton, viously separate PSAT and by the National Merit Scholarship sored by the Kiwanis Club, is a Rena Nash, Anna Aslin, David Egan, and Becky Saxon the impor· NMSQT. Corporatioro. group of films on different coun­ tance of their lines in the Drama Club's first production of the A two-hour version of the SAT, tries. The next show is on the year, THE CURIOUS SAVAGE. the test measures verbal and Beginning in December answer 'Great Trans-Canad ian Train Ride' mathematical abilities. Scores can sheets will be returned to the November 9, with the ticke·ts at American Dream Comes True help the student eval·uate his school. $5 for five of these shows. A football game, a queen, a Culp, Kayle Grann, Karen Hughes, dance, and maroy more things are Mary Ji31net Koerner and Ant')e part of Homecoming at any high Wedgeworth. Juniors are Brenda school, ar]d •Captain Shreve is no Holmes, Jennifer Kerr, Grace exception. Youngblood and sophomores are The Homecoming festivities Cassandra Gant, Laura Preston will begin tomorrow night at 7:30 and Ernie Marie Clark. when .the Gators take on the Following the game the semr· Southwood Cowb,oys in a footba ~ l formal Homecomcng dance will game ~ be in the CS gymnasium from At half time the band, twir'lers, 9:30 - 12 where Fleece, Eddie G. ROTC and Gatorelltes will per­ and Jive 5 will be playing. form. Then the Homecoming The Student Coundl is sponsor­ queen and court will parade in ing the Homecoming activities. - tars to the center platform where Seniors Crawford Crenshaw and Kathy Mitchell will be crowned Mi·ni Murov were in charge of the the 1971 Homecoming queen. elections. Five chairmen were· ap­ Her court wil1 be seniors IV\elaney pointed to head .the following commitees: decorations, Rickey Buy Your Murov; coke, Richard Hiller: tic­ kets, Sandra Borders; and clean­ HOMECOMING up, Nick Lang and Fred Harrell. Tickets Today Mimi Murov laughed, "Every­ one in the first rperiod Student only $3.50 Council class utilized all of their Oaptain Shreve strength and intelligence to make vs. this year's Homecoming a zowie, 1971 HOMECOMING QUEEN KATHY MITCHELL and senior maid Melaney Culp find time Southwood wowie, super, dLYper, fabulous in all the excitement of homecoming to plan for their college future in the guidance college refer­ Friday 7:30 p .m. success-unfor.tunately paying for ence room. These two girls and 10 other maids will participate in the halftime ceremonies tomorrow the tickets is not tax deductible.'' night. Page Two CAPTAIN SHREVE ENTERPRISE October 21, 1971 Spir1~- Can We Hear It? Parents Relive Many people at our school have expr1essed opinions about spirit, or more exactly, the .lack of spirit. This idea Old School Days has been drummed into the heads of students, in class as well as out. Most of us are getting awfully sick of hearing What has a mind and body, is seen in pairs, t ires easily, and was the word "spirit". The command "y'all yell!" is driving many at CS on October 4? Answe•r is of us up a wall. Why? Because many feet that they're putting parents who celebrated Back to ·all they've got into pep rallies.
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