CONSERVATION CASES PROCESSED BY THE GARDENS TRUST 10.09.2020 This is a list of all the conservation consultations that The Gardens Trust has logged as receiving over the past week, consisting mainly, but not entirely, of planning applications. Cases in England are prefixed by ‘E’ and cases in Wales with ‘W’. When assessing this list to see which cases CGTs may wish to engage with, it should be remembered that the GT will only be looking at a very small minority. SITE COUNTY SENT BY REFERENCE TGT REF DATE GR PROPOSAL RESPONSE RECEIVED AD BY E ENGLAND Hughenden Manor Buckinghams Aylesbury 20/07168/FUL E20/0768 09/09/2020 II PLANNING APPLICATION Erection of 2m 30/09/2020 hire Vale DC https://publicaccess.ayle high height restriction barrier at church car park entrance (retrospective). Car e- Park, St Michael And All Angels Church, applications/ Manor Road, Hughenden Valley. ction=simple&searchTyp ACCESS/GATES e=Application Hartwell House Buckinghams Aylesbury 20/03049/APP E20/0777 10/09/2020 II* PLANNING APPLICATION Proposed 01/10/2020 hire Vale DC https://publicaccess.ayle single storey rear extension. 7 Grosvenor Way, Coldharbour, Fairford e- Leys, Buckinghamshire HP19 7BF. applications/ BUILDING ALTERATION ction=simple&searchTyp
[email protected] e=Application k Dullingham House Cambridgeshi East 20/01139/FUL E20/0758 07/09/2020 II PLANNING APPLICATION and Listed 28/09/2020 re Cambridgeshi 20/01140/LBC Building Consent Garden Room re DC extension to the West of the existing uk/online- main house.