Catterick Village Parish Council Minutes – 2016/17

9 May 2016 – Annual Parish Meeting

9 May 2016 – AGM

6 June 2016

4 July 2016

5 September 2016

3 October 2016

7 November 2016

5 December 2016

9 January 2017

6 February 2017

6 March 2017

6 April 2017 Catterick Parish Council

Clerk: Diane Kirkham, Limekiln Farm, East Appleton, Richmond, DL10 7QE Tel: 01748 811367 email: [email protected] Annual Parish Meeting Monday 9th May 2016

Present: Cllrs Campbell, Young, Oselton, Rafferty

In Attendance: County Cllr C Les, Maj. D Tickner, District Councillor Young, PC Treweek

1. Apologies: PCSO Diane Smith,

2. Minutes of last meeting (11th May 2015)

These were agreed and approved. Proposed –Cllr Young Seconded- Cllr Rafferty 3. Matters arising There were no matters arising.

4. Annual Report The Chairman gave a report on activities and events during the past 12 months.

a) Over the last year, two valued members of the Parish Council, Cllrs Sankey and Haslam, past away. Condolences were sent to their families. b) A new member, Bob Rafferty, has been welcomed onto the Parish Council. c) The Parish Council erected a Christmas Tree this year, the first time for many years. d) The Parish have helped to pay for the resurfacing of the car park at the Sports field by giving £4000 (half the total cost). e) £4000 was given to the Booth Hall Development Fund. This money, along with much fund raising by the Booth Hall and additional grants, has seen the roof replaced and the stone work re-pointed. f) A seat to replace the one stolen on the High St has been bought and positioned closer to the bus stop. This was partly paid for by the Northern Gas Network. g) The salary for the Youth Club worker has been funded over the year by the Parish Council. Vicky Noble has done a great job in getting the club started and Cllr Campbell thanked her for her work and expressed regret that, due to family commitments. she is having to give the role up. A new leader is to be looked for. h) An anti-dog fouling initiative by Cllr Young (spraying dog mess with paint) has been a great success and other councils are now thinking of starting similar schemes. i) The Beck has been cleared throughout the year with a major cleaning out of the Himalayan Balsam in Autumn. This has helped to prevent flooding during winter. j) In the coming year it is hoped to get the Bishop's Way entrance to the cemetery sorted out. k) The Parish Council, along with other groups in the village, are organising a family street party in June to celebrate the Queen's 90th Birthday. l) The Chairman expressed her thanks to everyone who has helped over the last year.

5. Issues raised by the public None were raised.

The meeting closed at 7.15 pm



Catterick Parish Council

Clerk: Diane Kirkham, Limekiln Farm, East Appleton, Richmond, DL10 7QE Tel: 01748 811367 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council Monday 9th May 2016

Present: Cllr Campbell Cllr Oselton Cllr Rafferty Cllr Young

Clerk In attendance; Cllrs Les, Maj Tickner, PC Treweek

1. Apologises for absence; Apologies were received from PCSO Smith.

2 Reports 2. 1 Report from the police. PCSO Smith could not attend the meeting but PC Treweek attended on her behalf and read out the report. There have been 12 incidents reported over the last month which include; Theft - 3(Brick wall, property missing from Marne Barracks and dog missing from garden but later returned), violence - 2 (1 male arrested & under investigation, 1 male assaulted but no complaint), criminal damage- 1(scratches on vehicle).Anti- social behaviour -6(family argument, rowdy male outside the Bay Horse, report of poachers but had permission, 2 altercations in the Bay Horse, abandoned shopping trolley on the High St,)Other incidents include 2 suspicious reports, 2 domestic incidents and 3 concerns for safety.

Future dates at the village café are; 17th May 21st June 19th July all at 11-12 am 23rd August 20th September

Contact for PCSO Smith is [email protected] or Tel. 101 and ask for PCSO3521 DI Smith

2.2 Report from Cllr Les: The work on the Catterick flood prevention scheme is to be started very soon. This will slow down the water entering Catterick Beck from Brough Beck. The Post Office is interested in going into the Coop. They are just waiting to hear from the Coop management to see if this is feasible. 2.3 Report from Major Tickner. The sports field at the Barracks are in a very poor state and Maj. Tickner has been in touch with the Sports Association to see if it would be possible to use their sports fields for major football and cricket matches. They would still continue to use their own fields for practise.

3. Mr Bryan Bonser – update on the Social Club. Since the tenants left in January the club has once again been run by the Club Committee. The club, lounge and hall, have under gone a major clean and has been checked by police for drugs. They want to make the Club the centre hub of the village but without clashing with either the Sports Association, Booth Hall or the other pubs. They have a very large dance floor with a stage and any member of the Social Club can rent the room for free. They aim to get other clubs running within the club – such as model railway club and photography club. There is already an ex- forces club held on Saturday morning. At the moment the flat above the club cannot be used as the stair well has collapsed and there is no legal fire escape. It will cost around £50,000 to repair it. Mr Bonser asked if in the future they would be able to ask the Parish Council for financial help as was given to the Booth Hall and the CVSA. Cllr Campbell did not think this would be possible as the other groups that have been helped by the Parish Council have been charities but this is a business. Mr Bonser then asked Mr Peter Fowler to give an update on drugs and the club. When the committee took over the running of the club anyone known to be using drugs was banned. The police checked the premises and only a few packets were found. They did not think this was significant. Yesterday the police brought in their dogs but found nothing. A zero tolerance to drugs policy is run by the club and this seems to be working, although he said that it may just have displaced the problem to other parts of the village. To conclude Mr Bonser said that the Club is now thriving – after 12 years it is now debt free, having started with a £60,000 debt.

4.Minutes of the last meeting held on 4th April 2016 were approved

Proposed: Cllr Young Seconded: Cllr. Rafferty

5. Matters arising. Cllr Rafferty met up with Richie Bastow from North Youth. Mr Bastow has managed to find someone to take over the running of the club from Vicky Noble. Del Stevens works for NYCC as a Family Outreach Worker and has 18 years experience in Youth Work. Like Vicky Noble he will be self employed. He will take over in June. They are applying for a start up grant of £500.

6.Election of Officers – Chairman and Vice Chairman

The Clerk requested nominations for Chairman. Cllr Campbell was nominated and asked if she would continue as Chairman. She agreed to this.

Proposed – Cllr Young Second – Cllr Rafferty

A vote was taken and this was unanimous in her favour.

The Clerk asked for nominations for vice-chairman. Cllr Young was proposed and asked if he would continue as vice -chairman. He agreed

Proposed- Cllr Oselton Second - Cllr Rafferty

A vote was taken and this was unanimous in his favour.

7. Current Issues. 7.1 Proposed development of 10 houses on land adjacent to Manor Farm at Pallett Hill Farm off High Green. The Clerk had received a letter from a planning Developer about this proposed development by Mr Simpson. The Parish Councillors have discussed the proposals and were not happy with them. The entrance would have poor visibility, there are no footpaths along the road, both from High Green and Low Green and outline planning permission has already been given to Mr Simpson for 21 houses between Bishop's Way and Pallett Hill Farm and they are worried that he might try and join the two up in the future. The Settlement Development Assessment that RDC carried out for the Core Strategy concludes that this area of land is not suitable for any large scale development. The Clerk has written a letter to the Developer with the views of the Parish Council. Residents have told Cllrs Campbell and Young that they would object and get a petition together to try and stop the development.

8. The periodic accounts circulated prior to the meeting were approved and accepted by the members.

Proposed: Cllr Rafferty Seconded: Cllr Young

9. Correspondence. There is a liaison meeting about the A1 improvement scheme on Wednesday 18th May. Cllr Rafferty said he could attend. Mr Aisbett has been in touch with the Clerk about the fair dates in May. It will be open from 26th -28th May. The Clerk has received an email from a resident of Low Green about the amount of litter that was left on the green after the weekend. She wondered if the Parish Council could do anything about it before it became a regular occurrence. The Councillors did not know what else could be done – someone from Street Scene at the District Council comes early every morning to pick up the litter already and litter bins are available.

10. Planning Applications. Two applications have been received. Ref 165/00221/FULL Extension to the rear at 5 The Paddock. No objection were raised.

Ref 16/00249/LBC and 16/00248/FULL – Single storey extension at 52 Low Green. No objections were raised.

11. Minor Matters. Cllr Young said that the seat of one of the original picnic benches that the Council put in on Beck side is rotten. The Parish Council will decide about replacing it. Cllr Young also mentioned the motor cross track that has been built by the fish ponds at the end of Swale Lane. He has spoken to Ann Pilkington from Planning Enforcement at RDC about this and she is going to look into it to see if planning has been granted for this. The Councillors are worried that the correct insurance and safety measures may not be in place. Cllr Rafferty mentioned that some of the young saplings that have been planted around the village are being damaged by the strimmer when the grass is being cut. Cllr Campbell will have a word with Colin Browne about it. Major Tickner said that there may be some spare tree protectors at Marne Barracks that are no longer needed. He will find out. Graham Bannister had been asked at the last meeting whether he would consider becoming a Parish Councillor and be co-opted onto the Parish Council. This month he came along and agreed to this and was welcomed by Cllr Campbell.

Date of next meeting – Monday 6th June 2016 at 7pm in the Booth Hall

The meeting closed at 20.30



Catterick Village Parish Council

Clerk: Diane Kirkham, Limekiln Farm, East Appleton, Richmond, DL10 7QE Tel: 01748 811367 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Monday 6th June 2016

Present: Cllr Campbell Cllr Young Cllr Bannister Cllr Rafferty Cllr Oselton

Clerk In attendance; Major Tickner

1. Apologises for absence; Cllr Les.

2.Mr Walter Head- Operations Manager for the Little White Bus Co.(LWB) Mr Head attended the meeting to give an update about the LWB. This Community run bus service was introduced on 11th April 2016 and is the 7th such Community Service. It runs six days a week between Catterick, Richmond, Leyburn and Bedale and twice a week to Northallerton for a market day special. The use of this service has been monitored and there is some concern at the low numbers of people actually using it. The service is operated by volunteers and supplemented by paid drivers but at the moment it is costing 6 drivers a week to run it as there are so few volunteers. Mr Head said that this is unsustainable. Grants, including one from the County Council, have been received for the initial running of the service but once this has run out the service cannot be maintained without volunteer drivers. These drivers would be given full training. If anyone is interested they should contact the Upper Wensleydale Community Office on 01969 667400. Mr Head asked the Parish Council if they were able to help advertise the service and the need for volunteer drivers. The Councilors agreed to do this. Mr Head left posters about the need for volunteers and a timetables for the bus. The Parish Council will put them around the village. Cllr Rafferty will again mention it in the monthly Herald and Mr Bonser, the local news reporter for the Stockton and Darlington paper, said that he would put an article in about it.

3.Mr Richie Bastow – Youth. Mr Bastow came to give an update on the Youth Club. He has been running the Club since Vicky Noble left in April but from the next meeting the new Youth Club leader, Del Stevens, will be taking over with the help of 4 volunteers. They have decided to go back to the original day of Friday and to hold it once a fortnight. Mr Bastow is a little concerned about the low numbers turning up to the sessions – he is hoping it is just due to the change over of days and leader. They are going to send out invites to the year 6 pupils at Micheal Syddall School to try and encourage a few more to attend and are to ask the youngsters if they would be interested in attending a Life Style Project run by the police over the summer holidays. They intend to relaunch the club properly after the summer holidays and will apply for a £500 start up grant from North Yorkshire County Council. After concerns raised by the Clerk about how the Youth Club worker was being funded by the Parish Council Mr Bastow and Mr Stevens have decided to open up a Youth Club bank account with Mr Stevens as one of the signatories and possible a volunteer as the second one. All grants given to the Youth Club can then be paid into this and the Youth Club worker can be paid directly from it. Mr Bastow will attend another meeting in a few months time with another update.

4. Open Forum. One member of the public expressed her disappointment that there had been no mention about the death of District Councillor Tony Pelton in the papers. She felt that he had served the community with great dedication over a great number of years. Cllr Young said that the District Council had put a testimonial about Cllr Pelton on their website.

About 8 residents attended the meeting to express their concern about the Outline Planning Permission that has been submitted for 10 houses on the field belonging to Pallett Hill Farm. The residents were concerned about about the access to any such development from the Low Green and High Green corner. The Parish Councillors agreed that this would be very dangerous due to the narrow road and lack of footpath. Cllr Young also said that the Local Core Plan that had been adopted earlier this year and set the scale and distribution of development in the village from 2012-2028 concluded that this area was not suitable for the strategic scale of development expected. The Councillors wondered why Mr Simpson was wanting planning permission for this site when he had already obtained planning permission for 21 new houses off Bishop's Way but had done nothing about starting the development. The residents brought along with them about 80 letters that residents had written objecting to the Planning Application. District Councillor Young will take them into Mercury House. The Clerk will write to Planning and express the Parish Councils concerns.

5.1 Report from the police. There was no report from the Police this month. Contact for PCSO Smith is [email protected] or Tel. 101 and ask for PCSO3521 DI Smith 5.2. Report from District Councillor Simon Young. He started by expressing his condolences at the death of District Councillor Pelton. The Planning Department at District Council offer training courses for District Councillors. Cllr Young said that he is to attend one of these and hopes it will be useful for planning in the future. 5.3 Report from Marne Barracks. Major Tickner reported that the contractors for the re-build at Marne Barracks has still not been decided. They are trying to co-ordinate this work with additional work to be carried out on Catterick Garrison. Another Operation Nightingale is to be carried out later this summer.

6. Minutes of the last meeting held on 9th May 2016 Proposed: Cllr Young Seconded:Cllr Rafferty

7.Matters arising. There were no matters arising from last month's meeting.

8.Current Issues 8.1 Proposed development of 10 houses on land adjacent to Manor Farm off High Green. This has been dealt with in the open forum.

9. Parish Finances 9.1 Periodic Accounts Proposed: Cllr Young Seconded: Cllr Rafferty Annual return 9.2Annual Governance Statement. This was circulated by the Clerk and checked by the Parish Councillors and past as correct. It was signed by the Chairman and by the Clerk. 9.3. Accounting Statement. This was circulated for the Parish Councillors to check. It was accepted and signed by the Chairman and the Clerk. The Clerk will now send off the Annual Return to the External Auditor, PKF Littlejohn LLP.

10. Correspondence. The clerk has received a request from Mr Bob Thornton asking for a donation towards the flower baskets and pots that the CVSA organise each year. The Parish Councillors again agreed to donate £250.

11.Planning. 1 Planning applications has been received. Ref No:16/00291/FULL. Erection of a boundary fence(part retrospective) at 1 Rowan Court. The Parish Councillors thought the fence that had already been erected when the over grown conifers had been removed looked very tidy and could understand why the resident had done it to keep their young son safe in their garden. They did not have a problem with the fence especially as it is a corner site and does not restrict the view or light for other residents. The only worry they had was that other residents might want to follow this if past and it is an open estate. The Clerk will pass on their comments to the Planning Department.

12. Minor Matters. Cllr Bannister mentioned that the path to King's Close Play Park from Mowbray Rd is very over grown and wondered who was responsible for it. The Parish Councillors were not really sure now. Cllr Campbell said that she would have a word with Colin Browne and see if he would cut down the nettles etc. A section of fence in the Play Park is leaning. Again Cllr Campbell will have a word with Colin Browne.

Date of next meeting – Monday 4th July 2016 at 7pm

The meeting closed at 20.40



Catterick Village Parish Council

Clerk: Diane Kirkham, Limekiln Farm, East Appleton, Richmond, DL10 7QE Tel: 01748 811367 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Monday 4th July 2016

Present: Cllr Campbell Cllr Young Cllr Bannister Cllr Rafferty Cllr Oselton

Clerk In attendance; Major Tickner

1. Apologises for absence; Cllr Les, PCSO Diane Smith

2. Open Forum. One member of the public wanted to bring to the attention of the Parish Council the flooding that occurs at the corner of Pallett Hill and the High Street during periods of heavy rain. The clerk will contact Area 1 to see if anything can be done.

Mrs Irwin attended the meeting to discuss her parent's graves in the cemetery. Her parents, Mr and Mrs Norris, have separate but adjacent graves in the cemetery with one head stone between them both. Mrs Irwin would like to put edging stone around the two graves to make it look more like one grave as she feel that at the moment they look too far apart and that the memorial stone is too small to bring them together. Cllr Campbell and the Clerk had previously met up with Mrs Irwin at the cemetery to see what she would like. No other grave in the new section of the cemetery have edging stones and they felt that this would cause a precedent and possibly cause others to want to put up an edging. The foot of this grave is close to the head stone of the next burial site. Cllr Campbell has had a word with the relatives of this grave and they felt that the stones would encroach on their grave space too much. Cllr Campbell is worried that the introduction of edging stones may cause problems with grass cutting. However Mrs Irwin has had a word with Colin Browne and he has said that this would not be a problem. Major Tickner suggested that the position of the edging stones should be marked out and all parties could then see where they would be positioned. The Rev. Lindsay Southern said that although she didn't know what the policy was in Catterick Cemetery, in church yards it was a policy not to 'ring fence' graves because of possible problems in the future. Mrs Irwin pointed out that edging stones had been allowed in the old part of the cemetery and wanted to know if there were any written rules saying that edging stones were not allowed in the new extension. The Clerk said that the rules and regulations for the cemetery are in the archives at the County Record Office in Northallerton. She will go and have a look and see if there is any regulation about this. The Parish Council decided that they would wait for the outcome of this before organising a visit to the cemetery. Mrs Irwin also wondered if the bench on the main path of the cemetery belonged to anyone. It is starting to get into a bad state of repair and she was wondering if they could buy another bench and replace it. Cllr Campbell was not sure who put the bench there. Mrs Irwin had spoken to Mrs Tickner and she thought that the late Mr Rob Johnson had purchased the bench anonymously but Cllr Oselton thought that Keith Swainston had bought the bench. Cllr Campbell will check with him. It was suggested that if she wanted to buy a bench for the cemetery then it could be put in a different place. This would be decided on later.

Rev. Lindsay Southern came along to the meeting to thank the Parish Council for organising the Queen's Birthday Celebrations. She said it was great to see all the different groups working together and everyone enjoying the day.

3.1 Report from the police. PCSO Smith could not attend the meeting but sent a report. Cllr Campbell read this out. The report covered 50 days from 10th May to 30 June 2016. Over this period 7 crimes were reported. This included 2 thefts(1 from the shop and one hub cap), 3 violence (2 males arrested – under investigation, 1 female assault and 1 domestic), 1 burglary from commercial property, and 1 criminal damage to a garden bench. 5 incidents of anti- social behaviour included 4 personal(Verbal abuse in public, intimidating behaviour, misuse of face book, report of feeling harassed) and 1 nuisance(neighbour dispute). Other incidents reported include 3 suspicious reports, 2 domestic incidents, 1 concern for safety, 2 abandoned 999 calls, 2 sudden deaths and 1 environment.

Tea with NYP at the village café 19/07/16 23/08/16 all at 11-12.00 hrs 20/09/16

Contact for PCSO Smith is [email protected] or Tel. 101 and ask for PCSO3521 DI Smith. North Yorkshire Police are appealing for witnesses and information about a fire that occurred in a dwelling at Friars Wynd, Richmond on Monday 27th June. A 34 year old man has been arrested and released on bail. The police are requesting the public's assistance in determining the full circumstances surrounding the incident. Anyone with information should contact the police on 101, select option 2 and ask for Karen Barugh. You can also email [email protected] If you want to remain anonymous ring Crimstoppers on 0800 555111 Quote the police reference number 12160112900

3.2. Report from District Councillor Simon Young. He has attended the planning course organised by Richmondshire District Council and found it very useful especially for understanding the Core Plan and how this will be implemented. He has met up with the County Council to organise the electric for future Christmas tree lights. They are putting solar panels on the small post with the one way sign on by the pelican crossing and the wiring from this will also be used to make a junction and branch for the lights. The Council will be sending the Parish a quote for the cost of the wiring. The cables for this wiring runs directly under the damaged barriers and so once all this has been completed the barriers will be repaired.

3.3 Report from Marne Barracks. Major Tickner reported that someone has been using an air rifle on the training ground at the back of Marne Barracks. There are holes in the signs and also shots have been fired at Orran House. They are now watching out for any future incidents. The large hedge that backs onto private property has become over grown. It has been reported and their contractor, who should have cut it, will do this now.

4. Minutes of the last meeting held on 6th June 2016 Proposed: Cllr Young Seconded: Cllr Oselton

5.Matters arising. Since the last meeting when Richie Bastow came along and said that Del Stevens would take over the running of the Youth Club Mr Stevens has decided that he cannot commit himself to do this due to other commitments. Richie has asked one of the volunteers, Gemma Elgie, if she would consider taking over the running of the club as she has been so committed to the club and has a good relationship with both the young people and the other volunteers. She has thought about this and agreed to do so. They will finish off the sessions before the summer holidays and then re -start the club in September.

6.Current Issues 6.1 Edging stones around graves in the cemetery This has been dealt with in the open forum.

7. Parish Finances 7.1 Periodic Accounts Proposed: Cllr Young Seconded: Cllr Bannister

8. Correspondence. The clerk has received an email from Mr Bob Thornton thanking the Parish Councillors for organising the Queen's Birthday Celebrations. He said that everyone had a good day. The Clerk has received an email from Mr Roger Pink requesting that they could erect a bench in memory of their son Chris Pink. The Parish Councillors decided that they need to meet up themselves first to decide if and where there are any free and appropriate sites for a bench. The Clerk will get in touch with Mr Pink. Cllr Young has received a letter from Catterick Village Pre-School thanking the Parish Council for their support over the previous years and asking if they would be willing to give some more financial support for their latest projects which include repair and painting of the whole building, complete new heating system and a roller blind system around the decking so that this can be used in all weathers, effectively giving the pre-school an extra room. The Parish Councillors discussed this and decided that it was a very important resource for the village and should be supported. They agreed to give £500. The Clerk will send a cheque and request that they inform the Parish Council what they have spent the money on.

9.Planning. 1 Planning applications has been received. Ref No:16/00364/FULL. Two storey and single storey extension to 27 Oran Lane. The Councillors had no comments or objections to this. The Clerk will get in touch with the Planning department.

12. Minor Matters. Cllr Oselton mentioned that the pot hole by the Town Bridge, that had been repaired, is now in need of repair again. The Clerk will contact Area 1 about this. The Bay Horse have been in touch with Cllr Young about holding a Beach Party in front of the Pub. It will be mainly on their land and include inflatables and ice cream stalls. They also want to hold an event in August to raise money for Help the Heroes. He thinks this will include a display by the Gurkhas. Cllr Young will find out more information from the landlord at the Bay Horse.

Date of next meeting – Monday 5th September 2016 at 7pm There is no meeting in August.

The meeting closed at 20.45



Catterick Village Parish Council

Clerk: Diane Kirkham, Limekiln Farm, East Appleton, Richmond, DL10 7QE Tel.: 01748 811367 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Monday 5th September 2016

Present: Cllr F Campbell Cllr S Young Cllr G Bannister Cllr R Rafferty

Clerk In attendance; District Cllrs S. Young and S Wyrill, County Cllr C Les

Cllr Campbell congratulated Mr Steven Wyrill on being elected as the new District Councillor and welcomed him to the |Parish Council meeting.

1. Apologises for absence; PCSO Diane Smith

2. Open Forum. Mr & Mrs Irwin again attended the meeting to discuss the possibility of putting kerb stones around her parent's graves in the cemetery. The Clerk has checked the rules and regulations of the cemetery that are stored in the archives and sent a copy to Mrs Irwin. In these rules it is stipulated that no new kerb stones will be permitted in any part of the cemetery. Cllr Young told her that the Parish Council intend to use these rules as a basis for updating the rules and once this has been completed will give her a copy along with anyone purchasing a new grave space. At the last meeting Mr & Mrs Irwin also mentioned that they would like to put a bench in the cemetery and suggested replacing the one near her parent's grave. Cllr Campbell has been told that this bench was provide when Catterick won the Village in Bloom competition and so would like to keep it. It only needs a little renovation. They suggested putting an additional bench in. The Parish Council agreed to them looking for a new bench and bringing details along to another meeting.

3.1 Report from the police. PCSO Smith could not attend the meeting but sent a report. Cllr Campbell read this out. The report covered 59 days from 5th July to 2nd September 2016. Over this period 6 crimes were reported. This included 2 auto thefts, 3 violence (1 domestic, 1 male punched in face, 1 female assaulted), 1 theft(bicycle stolen) 18 incidents of anti- social behaviour included 9 personal.6 reports from the same person – on going domestic and 3 neighbour disputes. 6 ASB Nuisance and 3 ASB Environment. Other incidents reported include 10 suspicious reports, This included: -A male in his 30s driving a red convertible, possibly a peugeot, approaching a 10 year old boy and asking if he wanted a lift. The boy ran away. Officers searched the area with no further sightings. - Report of a fire in a domestic property, no fire located. -fish sellers reported, no further sightings, -report of 2 people selling tarmac drives, no further sightings -report of 2 males in vehicle for 40 minutes -suspicious vehicle stopped to ask lady directions – no trace on vehicle -drug use reported at party, no drugs found -drunken couple having a disagreement -resident reported for running a business from home which was unfounded.

It seems that local youths are again drinking at the Sports Pavilion grounds. Empty bottles and drug paraphernalia have been found. If you see any youths misusing the Pavilion please call 101. Patrols will be made and under age drinkers will be taken home to be spoken to in front of their parents.

Tea with NYP at the village café 20/09/16 11-12 am

Contact for PCSO Smith is [email protected] or Tel. 101 and ask for PCSO3521 DI Smith.

3.2. Report from District Cllr Simon Young. Cllr Young congratulated Mr Steven Wyrill on being elected as the new District Councillor. Cllr Young has been asked by a number of people about the possibility of putting a bench along the beck side in memorial to relatives. He feels that there are already enough benches along here, a view held by the rest of the Parish Councillors, and has been thinking about other ways that people could commemorate loved ones. One idea that he suggested was for the Parish Council to erect a wishing well and people could then buy a brass plaque, engrave with their message and then have it attached to the wishing well. The Parish Council would stipulate the size and shape of the plaques. The rest of the Parish Council thought this a good idea and agreed to Cllr Young researching types and cost of a wishing well. The Parish Council also agreed that if a bench was no longer being maintained by anyone and was in a bad state of repair then this could be replaced. The seats on one of the picnic benches that the Parish Council installed has become rotten and Cllr Young has removed it for safety. Mr & Mrs Pink have previously asked if they could erect a bench in memory of their son and so it was suggested that they are asked if they would like to replace this bench and put a plaque on in his memory. The Clerk will contact them. Cllr Young reported that there has been a problem with dog fouling in the village. A resident has been letting his dog out on it's own and not cleaning up after it. He has spoken to Street Scene at Richmondshire District Council about this. They have said that anyone continually causing a mess will be sent a letter about 'responsible Ownership' and if they persist in doing it will be fined. This resident has been sent a letter. A resident on Low Green has asked if 'No Parking' signs can be erected on the grass near Chapman's Court as a lot of vehicles are parking here. The Parish Council will look into this. 3.3 Report from District Cllr Wyrill. Whilst he was walking round the village on his campaign for election he noticed that the white bridge across the beck was in need of a paint. Cllr Wyrill has offered to paint the bridge. Cllr Les said that the bridge is the responsibility of NYCC and so would try and get them to provide the paint for it. (They did this last time it was painted.). Any volunteers would be welcome. 3.4 Report from Cllr Les. He reported that the A1 is moving onto the new carriageway over night. There will be a temporary slip road onto and off the A1 for the village. He also mentioned that the new Bedale relief road is now open. There is a new non emergency number -105- for reporting power cuts. Cllr Les is hopeful that a new Post Office will be opening in the Co op shortly. Measurements have been taken and it seems feasible to fit it in.

4. Minutes of the last meeting held on 4th July 2016 Proposed: Cllr Young Seconded: Cllr Rafferty

5.Matters arising. The nettles on the path to Kings Close Play Area have now been cut down.

6.Current Issues 6.1 Open Spaces in the village – local core plan. The Clerk has been sent a survey from Richmondshire District Council about the amount and variety of open spaces in the village and how happy the Parish Council was with it. This includes areas such as children's play areas, woodlands, open land, sports facilities etc. This would then be incorporated into the local plan. Cllr Rafferty said that he would complete the survey on behalf of the Parish Council 6.2 Cemetery rules and regulations – as discussed in the open forum the Parish Council will be updating the rules and regulations for the cemetery and handing these out with any new grave purchased. 6.3 Police Commissioner. Cllr Campbell brought up the issue about the Police Commissioner wanting to employ a deputy Commissioner. She wanted to know how this post and salary, of £50,000 would be funded and what their role would be. Cllr Les said that funding would be from the Police Grant and that it was up to her how the grant was used. Cllr Campbell thinks that the money could be better spent in other ways such as providing more police on the beat. The Parish Council have asked the Clerk to write to the Police Commissioner asking for a break down of spending and the reasons for needing a deputy. Concern was also expressed at the closure of the custody suite at Northallerton. Cllr Les said that it is for a trial period of 6 months and if it is found not to work then it will be re-opened. 6.4 Little White Bus. The Clerk has had a phone call from Mr Head, the head of Operations for the LWB Co. He said that since his last visit to the Parish Council meeting no new volunteer drivers have come forward and the number of people actually using the service is still very low. He is worried that this is not sustainable and alterations to the service may have to be made.. The Parish Council discussed the problem but did not know what else could be done to try and get volunteers and increase usage – adverts are already posted around the village and articles have been put in the monthly magazine. The Councilors expressed concern for the few people that need to use the service if it does have to stop or is reduced. Cllr Les suggested that the Parish Council invite the organizers of the Community Car Scheme to attend a meeting to discuss the scheme and to see how this can become more widely known in case the bus can no longer run. The Clerk will contact them.

7.1 Periodic Accounts Proposed: Cllr Young Seconded: Cllr Bannister

8. Correspondence. The Clerk has received an email from a resident about the possibility of putting a weight limit on vehicles going through the village once the A1 has been upgraded as he is worried that heavy vehicles will still use the road through the village. The Parish Councillors thought that most of the heavy lorries would stay on the service road once this has been completed as it would be a lot quicker and easier for them. They decided to wait to see what happened to the number of heavy vehicles passing through the village once the A1 upgrade is complete. The Clerk has received an email from a resident on Beckside requesting that the branch of one of the trees is cut back as when it is windy it is brushing against his house. The Parish Councillors decided that they would meet up and walk around the village to check this tree and also to see if any other trees need trimming back. A date will be arranged for this.

9.Planning. No new applications have been received. The Clerk will contact Caroline Walton at planning to see when the site visit for the proposed 10 new houses on Pallett Hill Farm is to be arranged.

10. Minor Matters. Cllr Rafferty has been asked by the residents of Orran Lane to mention whether the entrance to Marne Barracks from Orran Lane can be tidied up. The grass here is very overgrown. The residents say that if it is cut well back they are willing to keep it tidy. They already do this for the grass verge on the opposite side of the road. The Parish Councillors think this is the responsibility of the MOD. The Clerk will contact Major Tickner about this. The over hang of the trees on MOD property along Leeming Lane is getting very large and Cllr Campbell was wondering if these trees could be cut back. The Clerk will contact Area1 to see what can be done.

Date of next meeting – Monday 3rd October 2016 at 7pm

The meeting closed at 21.00



Catterick Village Parish Council

Clerk: Diane Kirkham, Limekiln Farm, East Appleton, Richmond, DL10 7QE Tel.: 01748 811367 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Monday 3rd October 2016

Present: Cllr F Campbell Cllr S Young Cllr G Bannister Cllr R Rafferty

Clerk In attendance; District Cllrs S. Young and S Wyrill, PCSO K Whitehead

1. Apologises for absence; Cllr C Les, PCSO Diane Smith

2. Open Forum. 6 residents from Pallett Hill attended the meeting to raise the matter about the Horse Chestnut Tree in Pallett Hill that had been damaged by a storm. A large branch had come down in a storm at the beginning of September and the District Council decided that the tree was now unsafe and needed felling. This has since been carried out. The residents were upset about this as they wanted the tree saving and thought that a band around the tree would be sufficient to make it safe. They thought the tree was healthy. Major Tickner said that he has just had to have 10 large trees felled at Marne Barracks. They also looked healthy but when checked by the tree surgeons using their sound equipment they were found to be rotten and so this was probably the case here. Prior to the meeting the residents had sent an email to the Clerk with some questions that they wanted answering. She sent this to Distinct Councillor Young who has been in touch with Mr Hudson at the District Council and he received the following answers: a) The large stump left from the tree will be removed either this week or next week. The equipment used for this had broken down. b) The replacement trees will be planted in the planting season between November and March. c)The replacement trees will be between 2-3 m tall- these would cost about£60 - £80. Anything larger would be a lot more expensive. At the meeting the residents insisted that the trees should be planted before Christmas and said that they would like at least one tree to be a larger variety so that it would be more comparable with the one that had just been felled. Cllr Young said that in another Parish that had lost a large tree the residents had contributed towards the cost of the bigger tree and so were able to have a larger one planted. He wondered if the residents of Pallett Hill would be happy to do this. They thought this was a possibility. Cllr Young will get in touch with Mr Hudson about this and also about the residents wanting the trees planting as soon as possible. The residents also mentioned the ‘Dead End’ sign that has been replaced at the start of their road. The sign had come down and has now been replaced by a much smaller sign on top of a tall pole. This is frequently been ignored. They were wondering if it the original large sign could be put back up. The Clerk will contact Area 1 about this. Another matter they brought up was the parking of cars on the pavement at the corner of Pallett Hill and the High Street. It makes the visibility poor and also makes it hard for people with pushchairs or in a wheel chair to t pass. It has been mentioned before and PCSO Smith had seen the people responsible. PCSO Whitehead said that she would mention it to PCSO Smith and see if it can be resolved.

Rev. Lindsay Southern attended the meeting to invite the Parish Council to attend the Remembrance Service on the 13th November. The Parish Council thanked her for the invite.

3.1 Report from the police. PCSO Smith could not attend the meeting but PCSO Kate Whitehead attended in her place and read out the report. The report covered 26 days from 3rd September to 29th September 2016. Over this period 1 crime was reported. This was as report of fraud which is under investigation. Other incidents reported include: 2 incidents of anti- social behaviour -(1 a bullying issue which as been resolved and the other a parking issue in which words of advise were given to both parties.) 3 suspicious reports, This included: -A male in his 30s driving a red convertible, possibly been sighted again. Officers searched the area with no further sightings. - 10 year old female spoken to by a male driving a small green car- no further sightings. -Person on social media making threats to their own life. No possibility of identification. She also asked that people park responsibly on the evening of the Village Bonfire Display at the Sports Field. Only park on one side of the carriageway and walk into the Sports Field.

Tea with NYP at the village café To be confirmed.

Contact for PCSO Smith is [email protected] or Tel. 101 and ask for PCSO3521 DI Smith.

3.2. Report from District Cllr Simon Young. Nothing new has come up about the proposed building of 10 houses on Pallett Hill Farm. It is not on this month’s planning meeting at Richmondshire District Council.

33.3 Report from District Cllr Wyrill. He wondered if the parking situation along Beck Side and Low Green could be eased if parking bays were cut in to the Green and were specific for each house. The Parish Councillors said that similar proposals had been discussed in previous years but were rejected. They would not be considering any further such proposals in the future. Yorkshire Water are investing £2million to improve the Catterick Water Treatment Works at Brompton on Swale. They have asked if there are any local initiatives that they could volunteer at to support the local Community whilst the work is being carried out. Cllr Wyrill said he has asked if they could help with the painting of the white bridge over the beck. 4 Report from Cllr Les. He was unable to attend but sent a report to the Clerk. The only thing Cllr Les wanted to mention was the A1(M) road works and the access/exit to the village. He knows it is causing difficulties but Carillon and The Highways Executive have assured him that they can’t do any better scheme at the moment but are pushing to get it finished as soon as possible. This includes Fort Bridge which has been delayed because of the discovery of Roman remains. Cllr Les has also delivered the second batch of 300 books to the Community Library. 3.5 Report from Major Tickner. He has checked who is responsible for the gateway to the Barracks from Orran Lane and found that this land was handed over to the County Council in 1973. The hedges on the perimeter of the Barracks are to be cut back. Residents backing onto the Barracks will be asked if their gardens can be used for access to the hedges. Starting this week English Heritage will be looking at the Motte and Bailey castle on Marne Barracks to see how many times it has been used over the centuries. Poachers have been coming onto the Barracks including the training area– this could be dangerous if training is being carried out. Orran House has also been damaged by gun fire. Both these are being investigated.

4. Minutes of the last meeting held on 3rd September 2016 Proposed: Cllr Young Seconded: Cllr Rafferty

5.Matters arising. The Clerk has been in touch with Area 1 about the entrance to Marne Barracks from Orran Lane. She has not had any response yet.

6.Current Issues 6.1 Poppy Wreathes. The Clerk asked if the Parish Council wanted her to order two poppy wreathes for Remembrance Sunday. They agreed to this. 6.2Youth Club. Richie Bastow has been in touch with the Clerk about the Youth Club wanting to set up its own bank account. They need two signatories for this. Vicky Noble has agreed to be one but they need someone other than the new leader to be the second signatory. The Clerk suggested that either a Parish Councilor or the Clerk could do it. They agreed that the Clerk could do this. 6.3 Precept Meeting. Richmondshire District Council are holding a meeting on 27th October to discuss the precept arrangements for 2017/18. The Clerk asked if any Parish Councilors wanted to attend along with herself. Cllr Rafferty said that he would go along.

7.1 Periodic Accounts Proposed: Cllr Young Seconded: Cllr Rafferty 7.2 External Audit report. The Clerk has received the report from the External Auditor PKF Littlejohn on the 20115/16 accounts that she submitted in June. Everything is in order and she has put the Conclusion of Audit notice on the Parish Notice Board.

8. Correspondence. The Clerk has received a letter from Mr Aisbett requesting permission for the fair to be set up in May and September 2017. The Parish Councillors agreed to this but were a little concerned at the length of time the fair stays on the Green after the fair has finished. The Clerk will mention this to Mr Aisbett when she confirms the dates of next year’s fairs. The Clerk has received a letter from the CVSA about the Bonfire and firework display that they are organising jointly with the Church. The estimated cost is £1600 and they were wondering if the Parish Council could give a donation. Cllrs Rafferty and Banister declared that they are both involved in the organising of the event. The Parish Council discussed the request and thought that Community events like this were very important in the village and so Cllr Campbell proposed that the Parish Council should donate £1000 towards the event. This was seconded by Cllr Young and the Parish Council agreed to it.

9.Planning. No new applications have been received.

10. Minor Matters. No matters were raised

Date of next meeting – Monday 7th |November 2016 at 7pm

The meeting closed at 21.15



Catterick Village Parish Council

Clerk: Diane Kirkham, Limekiln Farm, East Appleton, Richmond, DL10 7QE Tel.: 01748 811367 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Monday 7th November 2016

Present: Cllr F Campbell Cllr S Young Cllr G Bannister Cllr R Rafferty Cllr Oselton

Clerk In attendance; District Cllrs S. Young and S Wyrill, County Cllr C Les, Maj. D Tickner

Before the meeting started Cllr Campbell thanked everyone involved in the organisation and running of the Bonfire and Firework display on Saturday and said what a good evening it had been. Cllrs Banister and Rafferty thanked the Parish Council for the donation they made towards the cost of the fireworks.

1. Apologises for absence; PCSO Diane Smith

2. Open Forum. 1 member of the public was present but had no issues to raise.

3.1 Report from the police. PCSO Smith could not attend the meeting but sent a report that Cllr Campbell read out. The report covered 35 days from 30th September to 3rd November 2016. Over this period 5 crimes were reported. These included 1 house burglary (1 male arrested and charged), 2 thefts from shop (both offenders arrested and charged), 1 violence, 1 criminal damage. 3 incidents of anti- social behaviour -(possible poachers on military property, children messing around the school gate- all moved on, neighbour complaint of ongoing party) Other incidents include 3 suspicious reports, ( 1 civil dispute, 1 Asian cold caller – found to be illegitimate working for Red Cross, 1 suspect vehicle – found to belong to a local resident), 4 domestic incidents and 1 administration report.

Tea with NYP at the village café 22nd November 2016 27th December 2016 all 11-12 noon 24th January 2017 Contact for PCSO Smith is [email protected] or Tel. 101 and ask for PCSO3521 DI Smith.

Cllr Bannister raised the problem of poachers and trespassers just trashing fields. He wondered if any extra patrols could be put on. Cllr Les and Campbell both mentioned the Rural Task force which has one sergeant and 10 constables to patrol the countryside and Border Watch which is manned by volunteers and one police officer. Cllr Les suggested that the Parish Council got in touch with Inspector Gee and express their concerns. Cllr Rafferty wondered if it would be possible for a Parish Councillor to go out on one of the Border Watch patrols to see how it operated. The Clerk will get in touch with the Inspector. 3.2 Report from County Cllr Les. Fort Bridge is now in place but Carillon are still not able to make up any of the time lost due to the extra archaeological work that had to be carried out. The 3 way traffic lights will be in use for a while longer, possibly until the end of the road works in Spring, as this section of the service road had always been planned to be the last part to be finished. The draft Mineral and Waste Joint Plan between York and North Yorkshire is to be published shortly. Land south of Marne Barracks is to be quarried and it is thought that this would last for up to 20 years. 3.3. Report from District Cllr Simon Young. He attended the Reserved Matters for the 21 houses at Bishop’s Way Planning meeting last Tuesday 1st November. One of the issues to be discussed was the provision of some form of play area for the children. The Parish Council had previously said that it was not prepared to take on the maintenance of any new play park. The developer has to provide some form of play provision – they could provide £21,949 from a S106 agreement to be used for the improvement of existing play facilities. King’s Close Play Park had been suggested. Cllr Young told the Planning Meeting that if this was the agreed then some form of crossing would be needed to allow the children to cross the busy road safely. Mr Featherstone from the Planning Department said that this had been raised and dismissed at the outline planning stage and could not now be brought up again. He would not concede that as the plans had now been altered from a play park on the development to improving original play parks that provision of a crossing was necessary. Others members of the Planning Committee agreed that a crossing was now needed. Despite this Mr Featherstone said that if the £21,949 was not agreed then the Parish Council would end up with no help for play provision at all. The reserved matter was passed. The Parish Councillors were not happy about the lack of a safe crossing. Cllr Les told them to go back to Highways and himself and ask again. A new area manager has just started at Highways and Cllr Les is taking him around the area. He will show him the problem in the village. Cllr Young is to go back to Mr Featherstone and see if there is any restrictions on how the money can be spent – i.e. on just the one play park or over the all of the parks in the Parish and for what purpose. 3.4 Report from District Cllr Wyrill. Yorkshire Water have agreed to help with the renovation of the white bridge by providing labour for rubbing down and painting. He said that Cllr Les has managed to get £300 from the locality Budget scheme to help towards costs. Cllr Oselton wondered if it was worth sand blasting the bridge to get to the bottom of the rust. Cllr Wyrill will look into this. 3.5 Report from Major Tickner. He had nothing to report this month. Cllr Rafferty thanked Major Tickner for all the help that Marne Barracks provided for the Bonfire and firework display.

4. Minutes of the last meeting held on 3rd October 2016 Proposed: Cllr Rafferty Seconded: Cllr Oselton

5.Matters arising. Cllr Rafferty said that the grassed area around the entrance to Marne Barracks from Orran Lane has been cut but very badly and it was a disgrace. He has sent an email to Area1 about this but as yet has not received a reply. Area 1 have been in touch with the Clerk about the ’No Through Road’sign at the entrance to Pallett Hill. They will replace it with a more appropriate sized one.

6.Current Issues 6.1 Pay Phone Consultation. British Telecom. Are running a 90 day consultation on the removal of public pay phones. The use of public phones has dropped by 90% over the last 10years and B.T are wanting to remove the phones. This includes the one in the village. They want to know if the Parish Council wants to adopt the phone box and put it to some use. The Councillors did not think this would be of any use and would not want the additional cost of its upkeep. The Clerk will inform the B.T. Authorization Team of the decision. 6.2 Community Infrastructure levy. This was introduced as part of the Core Plan from 2012-2028 and is a charge on developers that will provide funding for the infrastructure elements that are needed for the growth set out in this Core Plan. Some of the money raised will be given to Parish and Town Councils as a ‘Neighbourhood Fund’. The Clerk had previously sent the Councillors the Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule Consultation. Two main questions were asked in the schedule. The first being are the rates for each area and development type reasonable. Catterick is placed in the medium priced property area with a proposition of a charge of £50/m2. As a guide they have said that the floor space of a new house is approximately 100m2 giving a contribution of £5,000 for each house built in a medium priced area. Of this 15% would go to the Parish Council for infra structure improvements. The Parish Councillors thought that the charge could be increased to £75 for moderate valued properties and from £120 to £150 for higher value houses. They also thought that the percentage to be given to Pariah /Town Councils should be increased to 35%. The second question asked was whether the infrastructure list contained all relevant types of infrastructure. The list set out in the draft proposals includes, education, transport and highways, sports and recreation, open spaces, community and cultural facilities, historic and environment, health facilities and emergency services. The Councillors thought that everything had been covered. The Clerk will respond to the proposals. 6.3 Precept Meeting. The Clerk and Cllr Rafferty attended the meeting at Mercury House about the next year’s precept. Over the last few years Richmondshire District Council have given a grant to help with the precept but this year there is no grant available. Last year the Parish Council received a grant of £922 and asked for a net precept of £33,150. If the Councillors wants to keep the Parish Council portion of the Council tax the same they will not be able to raise the precept asked for from District and will have to take the reduction of £922. The Clerk asked the Councillors to think about this. She will bring a budget along to the next meeting to see how much money is needed for the next year. 6.4 Christmas Tree lights. The electric to the sockets for the Christmas tree lights has now been sorted out and Cllr Young was wanting to buy new electric lights for the tree. He said that he would put the battery powered ones that were used last year in the trees around the Christmas Tree. He also suggested putting up a Christmas display around the small green area next to where the tree went last year. He thought a small white picket fence with reindeer etc. Some concern was raised as to whether the display would be safe but the same concern was raised last year but the tree and baubles were untouched. The Councillors agreed to Cllr Young going ahead with the project. Cllr Banister proposed a budget of £300. This was seconded by Cllr Rafferty. 6.5 Replacement Dog Bin. Street Scene have been in touch with the Clerk about the state of the dog bin by the white bridge. It is now very rusty and is not fit for use. They wanted to know if the Parish Council wanted this replacing. They agreed to this. Cllr Young also mentioned about the request for an extra dog bin down Swale Pasteur Lane. This is a private road but the refuse collection lorries do go down. It was agreed to ask if one could be placed near the last house in the lane as it could then be accessed by the Council. The Councillors agreed to this. Cllr Rafferty said that he would meet up with someone from Street Scene to show them where the best place would be. The Clerk will get in touch with them. 6.6 The Clerks salary. This was discussed at the end of the meeting.

7.1 Periodic Accounts Proposed: Cllr Young Seconded: Cllr Rafferty

8. Correspondence. The Clerk has received an email from Carillion about a liaison meeting on 15th December. Cllr Young has received a letter of thanks from the Pre-School for the donation of £500 that the Parish Council gave in July. Mr Thornton sent his thanks via the Clerk for the donation given by the Parish Council towards the firework display organised by the church and the CVSA. The Clerk has received a request from the Great North Air Ambulance for a donation. The Councillors agreed to consider this request in the next financial year. The Clerk will write and let them know and ask them to contact the Council again in April. The Parish Council have received a request from Michael Syddall School for help to set up a before and after school club for the pupils. It would start at 7.30 in the morning and provide a breakfast for the pupils and run until school starts. In the afternoon it would run from 3pm to 6pm and provide a snack. The club started in September but further equipment and money to set up a small kitchen is needed. Once the club is up and running it is hoped to be self sufficient. The Parish Councillors thought that such a club was greatly needed in the village and agreed to give it support. Cllr Rafferty proposed a donation of £2000 should be given. Cllr Banister seconded this. The rest of the Council agreed.

9.Planning. Ref No 16/00737/FULL Demolition of Existing Bungalow and Construction of a new Dormer Bungalow at 13 Swale Lane. No objections or comments were raised.

Ref No 16/00671/FULL Demolition of Existing Cottage and farm buildings, conversion of existing barn in to 2 dwellings and erection of 5 new builds at 1 High Green. Because the comments had to be returned to the planning department by the 31st October the Councillors held a separate meeting to discuss the application. The Councillors did not have any objections with the development of the site but were worried about the number of houses to be built. They thought that 7 new properties could cause problems with parking and as parking is very limited on the main High Green road they did not feel any extra cars could park here. They thought the number of houses should be reduced to 5 or 6. They also asked if the contactors could access the site from the drop kerb outside the old barn. Concern was also expressed about the green outside the old house that is to be demolished and asked for reassurance that any damage to this would be rectified by the contractors once the development was finished.

10. Minor Matters. No matters were raised

Clerks Salary The Clerk left the room whilst the Councillors discussed her salary. At the moment she receives £9/hr. for 8 hours work. The Councillors agreed to increase this to £9.50 /hr.

Date of next meeting – Monday 5th December 2016 at 7pm

The meeting closed at 21.15



Catterick Village Parish Council

Clerk: Diane Kirkham, Limekiln Farm, East Appleton, Richmond, DL10 7QE Tel.: 01748 811367 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Monday 5th December 2016

Present: Cllr F Campbell Cllr S Young Cllr G Bannister Cllr R Rafferty Cllr Oselton

Clerk In attendance; District Cllrs S. Young and S Wyrill, County Cllr C Les 1. Apologises for absence; PCSO Diane Smith

2. Open Forum. 3 members of the public were present. Mr Noel-Johnson had previously sent a letter to the Parish Council about the speed of traffic through the village and the number of HGVs travelling through the village. At an earlier meeting the Parish Councillors had said that they thought that the amount of heavy traffic would decrease once the service road was in use but Mr Noel- Johnson was not convinced about this. He thinks that the village will be used as a short cut to the Garrison once the A1 is completed. He wondered if the speed of the traffic could be reduced by the use of priority traffic sections on Leeming Lane as used at the entrance to Tunstall. This would serve to slow the cars down without the use of speed bumps. Cllr Les said that after the A1 is completed there will be a traffic survey in the village to see how the dynamics of the traffic through the village has changed. (This happens after any major road development). If it is found that the traffic is not using the A1or service road then it will have to be looked into. 3.1 Report from the police. PCSO Smith could not attend the meeting but PCSO Whitehead came to read out the report. The report covered 31 days from 4th November to 4th December 2016. No crimes were reported. There were 2 incidents of anti- social behaviour -(Suspicious noise found to be coming from the A1,advice on domestic CCTV) Other incidents include 1 suspicious reports, (Possible poachers)), 1 concern for safety-Male asleep on pavement but no sightings. Road related offences include;1 manner of driving, 2 still under investigation. RTC damage only – 1 vehicle damage – no lines of enquiry, 1 vehicle collision – no injuries & drivers swapped details. 2 administration reports and 2 abandoned 999 calls. Christmas is coming – to protect the contents of your property please lock all doors and windows, leave the light on if going out in the evening and close your curtains in the evening to prevent potential burglars seeing in. Turn off your Christmas light before going out or going to bed.

Tea with NYP at the village café 27th December 2016 all 11-12 noon 24th January 2017 Contact for PCSO Smith is [email protected] or Tel. 101 and ask for PCSO3521 DI Smith. Di Smith was approached by a resident enquiring about the possibility of making Swale Lane a one way system because of the problems caused by the cars parking here. She told him that it would be complicated procedure to get this carried out but would ask the Parish Council for their views. The Councillors did not think that this would be appropriate.

3.2 Report from County Cllr Les. The road works on the A6136 have been delayed further because another electricity cable has been found there. The utility Company was unaware of this cable. It now needs moving before work can continue on the junction. The County Council are thinking about suing the company for all the delays that this and other cables have caused. Cllr Les has brought the new Highways manager to the village and shown him where the Parish Council would like a crossing at the Bishop’s Way end of the High St. He said that he would work out some costings for this. 3.3. Report from District Cllr Simon Young. He attended a site visit at the new flood defence system at the Catterick Central roundabouts. The banks around the reservoir are now in place as are the hydro-breaks. The next stage is the diverting of Brough Beck into it. During periods of flooding only 6m3 of water will be released from the reservoir but the Beck can take up to 10m3. The environment agency say that the defence system has been built to make flooding a 1 in 10,000 year event. A survey will be carried out after the completion to see what effect it has had on the water levels. Richmondshire District Council are trying to reduce the cost of waste collection. They hope to get rid of 2 collection lorries which will make a saving of about £80,000. Collection times and days are to change. Letters will be sent out to the residents.

3.4 Report from District Cllr Wyrill. He is getting a quote from a sandblasting company for the white bridge. It will include removal of all the rust and a primer coat before painting it white again.

4. Minutes of the last meeting held on 7th November 2016 Proposed: Cllr Bannister Seconded: Cllr Young

5.Matters arising. The Clerk has been in touch with Street Scene about a dog bin in Swale Pasture Lane. They have said that at the moment they are carrying out a revue of their ability to empty dog bins and litter bins and no new bins will be authorised until this has been completed. Replacement of bins, such as that by the white bridge will still be carried out.

6.Current Issues 6.1 Traffic through the village. This has been covered in the open forum. 6.2 Play park arrangements for Bishop’s Way Development. The Clerk has written to Mr Featherstone at Planning asking how the £21,949 that would be allocated for children’s play park improvements could be used. In his reply he said that it has to be spent on play areas that could be accessed by residents of the new development. He said that the only reasonable one is King’s Close. He did appreciate the concerns of the Parish Council about the busy road that had to be crossed. He wants to know if the Parish Council could suggest any alternate sites. The Councillors decided that as they are awaiting the outcome of the visit from Highways about a possible crossing at this end of the village that they would discuss it further at a later meeting. This is to be put back on the agenda for the next meeting.

7.1 Periodic Accounts Proposed: Cllr Young Seconded: Cllr Rafferty 7.2 Budget for 2017/18 This had been previously circulated by the Clerk. Proposed: Cllr Young Seconded: Cllr Bannister From the budget it seems that the Parish Council will be able to maintain their portion of the Council Tax at the same level as the last 5 years., This will be confirmed next month once the Clerk has received the Council Tax Base from RDC later this month.

8. Correspondence. The Clerk has received a letter of thanks from Michael Syddall School for the donation of £2000 that the Parish Council gave to help the Before and After School Clubs that the school has started running. They said that they are putting the money towards a small kitchen area to enable them to offer hot and cold breakfasts, snacks and drinks to the children. The Operations manager from the LWB company has been in touch with the Clerk about 2 new services they are putting on. One to Barnard Castle on Monday and Friday and the other to Ripon on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. There will also be one to Northallerton on Wednesday.

9.Planning. No new applications were received. Most of the Parish Councillors attended the site visit for the proposed erection of 9 dwellings on land by Chapman’s Court. 50 + residents also attended the site visit. A majority of the Parish Councillors do not agree with this development because of the site entrance which they think is very dangerous as well as the narrow roads leading to it and from it in both directions. The Parish Council voted to formally object to the outline planning application – one Parish Councillor abstained. The Planning Committee from RDC is holding a planning meeting on 6th December at which a letter from the Parish Council and their formal objections will be read out. Cllrs Campbell and Rafferty will attend the meeting and Cllrs Young and Wyrill as the District Councillors.

10. Minor Matters. Cllr Campbell asked Cllr Les what the situation was in regards to the Post Office. He said that it had been agreed with the Post Office and Co-op here but was now waiting for the senior management to decide whether to approve it. Cllr Campbell said that it would have been useful to have something in place for the Christmas period. Cllr Les will try and arrange for the mobile Post Office to visit the Village. Cllr Young has been arranging the Christmas decorations for the village. The ‘switch on’ has been arranged for Sunday 11th December at 5pm. The Church choir will lead the carol singing and the co-op are providing mince pies and mulled wine. Date of next meeting – Monday 9th January 2017 at 7pm in the Booth Hall



Catterick Village Parish Council

Clerk: Diane Kirkham, Limekiln Farm, East Appleton, Richmond, DL10 7QE Tel.: 01748 811367 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Monday 9th January 2017

Present: Cllr F Campbell Cllr S Young Cllr G Bannister Cllr R Rafferty Clerk In attendance; District Cllrs S. Young and S Wyrill, County Cllr C Les

1. Apologises for absence; PCSO Diane Smith

2. Open Forum. No members of the public were present.

3.1 Report from the police. PCSO Smith could not attend the meeting but sent the report which Cllr Campbell read out. The report covered 33 days from 4th December 2016 to 6th January 2017. 5 crimes were reported – 1 theft from shop with on going investigation, 1 male arrested as tested positive for drugs whilst driving, 1 criminal damage(car window broken but no further action as offender found to be a family friend), 2 criminal damage(damage to vehicle, offender arrested and cautioned and broken house window but nothing stolen) There were 3 incidents of anti- social behaviour -Military fighting at Bay Horse – landlord happy for damage caused to be paid for, parents have concern regarding child – advise given, and reports of males shining a laser pen. Other incidents include 1 animal/wildlife (RSPCA required assistance in the seizure of horses), 2 suspicious – report of fish sellers on High Green, officer checked all occupants of vehicle and gave suitable advice regarding cold calling, and report of abandoned vehicle but when checked all was in order. Road related – 1 report of a possible drink driver but area searched and vehicle not seen and I report of manner of driving, officer checked the registered keeper and everything was in order. Update; In November there was a road traffic accident on the High Street, the driver of the vehicle overturned it but was not seriously injured. The male has been reported for several offences, a file has been submitted to the Crown Prosecution Service and is awaiting a Court date Tea with NYP at the village café 24th January 2017 at 11-12 noon

Contact for PCSO Smith is [email protected] or Tel. 101 and ask for PCSO3521 DI Smith.

3.2 Report from County Cllr Les. The Post Office is not now coming to the Co op. The Co-Op high management have now decided that there is not enough room for a separate counter just for this service. Cllr Les is to ask Rishi Sunak if any more can be done to try and persuade the Coop to take on the running of the Post Office. He will also start to organise visits by the Mobile Post Office. Highways have come back with a quote of £20,000 for a zebra crossing near Bishop’s Way. They are not convinced that one will be needed once the A1 upgrade is complete and will check again later. Highways may pout some money towards it but the rest would need to come from the Parish. He suggested that some of the money from the 106 agreement could be used for it. 3.3. Report from District Cllr Simon Young. He attended a site visit at the new flood defence system at the Catterick Central roundabouts. The banks around the reservoir are now in place as are the hydro-breaks. The next stage is the diverting of Brough Beck into it. During periods of flooding only 6m3 of water will be released from the reservoir but the Beck can take up to 10m3. The environment agency say that the defence system has been built to make flooding a 1 in 10,000 year event. A survey will be carried out after the completion to see what effect it has had on the water levels. Richmondshire District Council are trying to reduce the cost of waste collection. They hope to get rid of 2 collection lorries which will make a saving of about £80,000. Collection times and days are to change. Letters will be sent out to the residents.

3.4 Report from District Cllr Wyrill. He is getting a quote from a sandblasting company for the white bridge. It will include removal of all the rust and a primer coat before painting it white again.

4. Minutes of the last meeting held on 7th November 2016 Proposed: Cllr Bannister Seconded: Cllr Young

5.Matters arising. The Clerk has been in touch with Street Scene about a dog bin in Swale Pasture Lane. They have said that at the moment they are carrying out a revue of their ability to empty dog bins and litter bins and no new bins will be authorised until this has been completed. Replacement of bins, such as that by the white bridge will still be carried out.

6.Current Issues 6.1 Traffic through the village. This has been covered in the open forum. 6.2 Play park arrangements for Bishop’s Way Development. The Clerk has written to Mr Featherstone at Planning asking how the £21,949 that would be allocated for children’s play park improvements could be used. In his reply he said that it has to be spent on play areas that could be accessed by residents of the new development. He said that the only reasonable one is King’s Close. He did appreciate the concerns of the Parish Council about the busy road that had to be crossed. He wants to know if the Parish Council could suggest any alternate sites. The Councillors decided that as they are awaiting the outcome of the visit from Highways about a possible crossing at this end of the village that they would discuss it further at a later meeting. This is to be put back on the agenda for the next meeting.

7.1 Periodic Accounts Proposed: Cllr Young Seconded: Cllr Rafferty 7.2 Budget for 2017/18 This had been previously circulated by the Clerk. Proposed: Cllr Young Seconded: Cllr Bannister From the budget it seems that the Parish Council will be able to maintain their portion of the Council Tax at the same level as the last 5 years., This will be confirmed next month once the Clerk has received the Council Tax Base from RDC later this month.

8. Correspondence. The Clerk has received a letter of thanks from Michael Syddall School for the donation of £2000 that the Parish Council gave to help the Before and After School Clubs that the school has started running. They said that they are putting the money towards a small kitchen area to enable them to offer hot and cold breakfasts, snacks and drinks to the children. The Operations manager from the LWB company has been in touch with the Clerk about 2 new services they are putting on. One to Barnard Castle on Monday and Friday and the other to Ripon on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. There will also be one to Northallerton on Wednesday.

9.Planning. No new applications were received. Most of the Parish Councillors attended the site visit for the proposed erection of 9 dwellings on land by Chapman’s Court. 50 + residents also attended the site visit. A majority of the Parish Councillors do not agree with this development because of the site entrance which they think is very dangerous as well as the narrow roads leading to it and from it in both directions. The Parish Council voted to formally object to the outline planning application – one Parish Councillor abstained. The Planning Committee from RDC is holding a planning meeting on 6th December at which a letter from the Parish Council and their formal objections will be read out. Cllrs Campbell and Rafferty will attend the meeting and Cllrs Young and Wyrill as the District Councillors. 10. Minor Matters. Cllr Campbell asked Cllr Les what the situation was in regards to the Post Office. He said that it had been agreed with the Post Office and Co-op here but was now waiting for the senior management to decide whether to approve it. Cllr Campbell said that it would have been useful to have something in place for the Christmas period. Cllr Les will try and arrange for the mobile Post Office to visit the Village. Cllr Young has been arranging the Christmas decorations for the village. The ‘switch on’ has been arranged for Sunday 11th December at 5pm. The Church choir will lead the carol singing and the co-op are providing mince pies and mulled wine. Date of next meeting – Monday 9th January 2017 at 7pm in the Booth Hall



Catterick Village Parish Council

Clerk: Diane Kirkham, Limekiln Farm, East Appleton, Richmond, DL10 7QE Tel.: 01748 811367 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Monday 9th January 2017

Present: Cllr F Campbell Cllr S Young Cllr G Bannister Cllr R Rafferty Clerk In attendance; District Cllrs S. Young and S Wyrill, County Cllr C Les

1. Apologises for absence; PCSO Diane Smith

2. Open Forum. No members of the public were present.

3.1 Report from the police. PCSO Smith could not attend the meeting but sent the report which Cllr Campbell read out. The report covered 33 days from 4th December 2016 to 6th January 2017. 5 crimes were reported – 1 theft from shop with on going investigation, 1 male arrested as tested positive for drugs whilst driving, 1 criminal damage(car window broken but no further action as offender found to be a family friend), 2 criminal damage(damage to vehicle, offender arrested and cautioned and broken house window but nothing stolen) There were 3 incidents of anti- social behaviour -Military fighting at Bay Horse – landlord happy for damage caused to be paid for, parents have concern regarding child – advise given, and reports of males shining a laser pen. Other incidents include 1 animal/wildlife (RSPCA required assistance in the seizure of horses), 2 suspicious – report of fish sellers on High Green, officer checked all occupants of vehicle and gave suitable advice regarding cold calling, and report of abandoned vehicle but when checked all was in order. Road related – 1 report of a possible drink driver but area searched and vehicle not seen and I report of manner of driving, officer checked the registered keeper and everything was in order. Update; In November there was a road traffic accident on the High Street, the driver of the vehicle overturned it but was not seriously injured. The male has been reported for several offences, a file has been submitted to the Crown Prosecution Service and is awaiting a Court date Tea with NYP at the village café 24th January 2017 at 11-12 noon

Contact for PCSO Smith is [email protected] or Tel. 101 and ask for PCSO3521 DI Smith.

3.2 Report from County Cllr Les. The Post Office is not now coming to the Co op. The Co-Op high management have now decided that there is not enough room for a separate counter just for this service. Cllr Les is to ask Rishi Sunak if any more can be done to try and persuade the Coop to take on the running of the Post Office. He will also start to organise visits to the village by the mobile Post Office. Highways have come back with a quote of £20,000 for a zebra crossing near Bishop’s Way. They are not convinced that one will be needed once the A1 upgrade is complete and will check again later. Highways may put some money towards it but the rest would need to come from the Parish. He suggested that some of the money from the 106 agreement could be used for it. Cllr Les attended the planning meeting where the outline planning application for the 9 houses at Pallett Hill Farm was granted. He suggested setting up a neighbourhood plan for the village. This would enable the village to take control of any future development in the village and would avoid similar problems to this. Cllr Bannister said he would be very interested in helping to do this. 3.3. Report from District Cllr Simon Young. He thanked Cllr Wyrill and Colin Browne and his team for the help they gave for putting up the Christmas lights. He said that he had had many good comments from people about them, including an email from a lady that travels through the village every day. Earlier last year Cllr Young mentioned that some residents had approached him about the possibility of putting up signs warning motorists about the ducks around Beck Side. He asked Cllr Les if any permission was needed from Highways before this was done. Cllr Les suggested that the Clerk send an email to him about this and he would see what could be done. Another resident has asked Cllr Young about the possibility of a 20mph speed limit through the village and wondered why it was not enforceable by the police. Cllr Les said that the police speed guns were not accurate down to this speed and so it could not be enforced.

3.4 Report from District Cllr Wyrill. He has received a quote from a company of £350 to sand blast the white footbridge over the beck. They only use sand to blast at the bridge and remove the rust. Cllr Wyrill will suspend a large plastic silage sheet under the bridge to catch all the sand and rust etc. that is removed so that the beck is not contaminated. The company will also prime the bridge. Cllr Wyrill will then paint the bridge with white, bitumatic paint.

4. Minutes of the last meeting held on 5th December 2016 Proposed: Cllr Rafferty Seconded: Cllr Young

5.Matters arising. There were no matters arising.

6.Current Issues 6.1 Urban grass cutting. The Clerk has received an email from Highways about the payment for the Urban Grass cutting that the Parish Council undertake for the County Council. For 2017/18 the amount received is to be increased by 1p/m2 of grass cut. This means that the amount the Parish Council receives will increase from £401.86 to £468.84. 6.2 Play park arrangements for Bishop’s Way Development. Mr Featherstone has been in touch with the Clerk to see if the Parish Council have decided which play park they want the money from the s106 Agreement allocating. The Clerk has told him that the Councillors were still concerned about the use of King’s Close as the main play area because of the busy road the children would have to cross. Mr Featherstone has replied that they would proceed with a draft of the s106 agreement with the recreation contribution to be used at the King’s Close play area unless another option emerges before the Agreement is completed and signed. 6.3 Payphone Consultation response. Following on from this consultation in which the Parish Councillors agreed that the payphone could be in the village could be removed the clerk has received an email from Mr Featherstone in which he states that the district Council has lodged strong objections to the removal of all of the payphones included in this proposal apart from those at Bolton on Swale, Dalton on Tees and Catterick Village where the Parish Councils were not opposed to the removal of the phones. 6.4 Ward Boundary review. The Clerk has received an email about a review of the ward boundaries that the District Council have asked the Local Government Boundary Commission for to carry out. In advance of the formal review a set of briefings is being held, including one for Parish Councillors. Cllr Young explained that the District Councils are wanting to reduce the number of District Councillors from 34 to 24 and are undertaking the review to see where alterations can take place to allow for this. For example at the moment one district Councillor represents 1473 electorates – there are 1795 electorates in the village so there should be more than one District Councillor but not 2 as at the moment. The Boundary Commission would be looking to see if ward boundaries can be altered to amend this anomaly by increasing some ward sizes and decreasing others.

7.1 Periodic Accounts Proposed: Cllr Young Seconded: Cllr Bannister

7.2 Precept for 2017/18. The Clerk has received the Council Tax Base for 2017/18. This has increased to £942.31. To keep the Parish Council portion of the Council tax the same as last year, i.e. £36.36 for a band D property, the Parish Council can ask for a precept of £34,545.08. The Parish Councillors all agreed to this. The Clerk will get in touch with the District Council

8. Correspondence. Cllr Rafferty has received a letter from the Friends of Garget Walker House. This organisation supports Day Services for people suffering from dementia. The most important service they offer is free transport to these services. The cost per year for this is £15,000. They were wondering if the Parish Council would give a donation to help with the cost of this. The Parish Councillors all agreed that it was very worth while charity. Cllr Campbell proposed that a donation of £500 was given to them. This was agreed by the rest of the Parish Council. Cllr Young suggested that they are asked to send some information about the charity as he did not know about it and probably not many in the village do either. Information about it could then be put up in the village and in the magazine. The Clerk will include a letter when she sends the cheque. The Clerk has received an email about an initiative that the Hambleton and Richmond Carers Centre are hoping to start in June. They are compiling a directory of businesses and services that are willing to give some level of discount to informal carers. Once they have recruited a sufficient number of businesses they will issue carers that are known to them with photo ID. The list would be reviewed annually. They have started this in Northallerton and are now looking for help in recruiting businesses further afield. The Clerk had previously circulated this email to the Parish Councillors. Cllr Bannister said he thought it was a very good idea and was willing to try and recruit some businesses and services in the Village. The rest of the Councillors agreed to this.

9.Planning. No new applications were received.

10. Minor Matters. Cllr Bannister attended the open morning at the new flood defence scheme for Catterick in November and was wondering if the village could be involved in any opening ceremony – possibly in Spring. One suggestion was that the school children could help to plant trees. The Parish Council thought it was a good idea. He said he would look into it. Cllr Bannister also mentioned that the litter bin at the King’s Close end of the King’s Close Play area was not being emptied although the one near the centre path was. The Clerk will get in touch with Street Scene at Richmondshire District Council. In November Cllr Rafferty mentioned that he had sent an email to Highways about the state of the area that they had just cut at the entrance to Marne Barracks from Orran Lane. He is still waiting for a reply. He has not even had an acknowledgement from them. He thought this was very bad. Cllr Les said that the complaint is now with him. In contrast he sent a complaint to the Public Rights of Way maintenance department via their website about the state of the footpath from Swale Lane to Orran Lane and he got a reply within days. Cllr Les said that this is the best way to get in touch about issues and suggested that in future any problems with Highways should be reported using their website.

Meeting closed at 20.35

Date of next meeting – Monday 6th February 2017 at 7pm in the Booth Hall



Catterick Village Parish Council

Clerk: Diane Kirkham, Limekiln Farm, East Appleton, Richmond, DL10 7QE Tel.: 01748 811367 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Monday 6th February 2017

Present: Cllr F Campbell Cllr S Young Cllr E Oselton Cllr R Rafferty Clerk In attendance; District Cllrs S. Young and S Wyrill, County Cllr C Les, Major D Tickner

1. Apologises for absence; PCSO Diane Smith and Cllr Bannister

2. Open Forum. No members of the public were present.

3.1 Report from the police. PCSO Smith could not attend the meeting but PCSO Whitehead attended in her place. Cllr Campbell read out the report. The report covered 30 days from 7th January 2017 to 6th February 2017. 3 crimes were reported – 2 thefts from shop with on going investigation, 1 theft of pedal cycle- no lines of enquiry. 3 incidents of anti-social behaviour -2 nuisance(Youth reported to have been kicking street furniture and doors, area searched but no sightings. Report of someone banging on doors and running away area searched but no sightings), 1 personal(report of harassment from ex- partner). Other incidents include 1 animal/wildlife (Complaint of chickens in road, owner made aware), 3 domestic incidents, concern for lady at surgery. Ambulance called. Road related – 1 report of a possible drink driver, male arrested and dealt with accordingly. 1 report of male drinking, thought to have gone to Middlesbrough, observations passed to Cleveland Police. RTC damage only – 1 report of vehicle damaged in surgery car park – no lines of enquiry. 1 report of HGV hitting military barrier, passed to RMP. Administration reports – report of lost drone, report of pushy salesman on telephone – advice given.

Tea with NYP at the village café To be confirmed Contact for PCSO Smith is [email protected] or Tel. 101 and ask for PCSO3521 DI Smith.

3.2 Report from County Cllr Les. He has been in touch with the Post Office about the possibility of having a mobile Post Office visit the village but because there are a number of post offices within 6 miles the village is not entitled to have one. Cllr Young has been told by the manager of the village Co-op that a final decision has not been made about whether the post office will be coming to them. Cllr Les has been in touch with Rishi Sunak and he is going to contact the top management of the Post Office to see what is going on. Cllr Les attended a meeting about the junction alterations at the white shops. This work should have been completed in 12 weeks additional utilities have been found there which has delayed the work. The control of the project has now been passed to the area manager at the Brompton on Swale Highways Office. It is now thought that it should be finished by July. Highways will install 2 ‘beware of the ducks’ signs for a cost of £150. The Council agreed to this. NYCC is to increase Council Tax by 1.9% (£4.54 extra on a band D property) and also by 2% for social care. This will help to provide additional care for the elderly both at home and in care homes. He also said that the police are increasing their precept by 1.9%. This will maintain the same number of warranted officers,1400, and increase the number of PCSOs by 7.

3.3. Report from District Cllr Simon Young. Cllr Young asked PCSO Whitehead if anything could be done about the Highways lorry that routinely parks on Swale Lane outside the Booth Hall but as this is taxed and has a MOT and is not causing an obstruction or parked on yellow lines nothing can be done. Cllr Young has also been asked if the disabled bays outside the cafe could only be used as such before 6pm. The Parish Councillors thought that it wouldn’t be right to have only temporary restriction on these as disabled people are still likely to come out in the evening and need the bays.

3.4 Report from District Cllr Wyrill. He has been told that he can’t paint the bridge at the moment because the weather conditions are not suitable. If done now the humid atmosphere would cause the bridge to rust immediately. He will wait until the drier weather arrives. Mr Steve Brownridge has offered his services.

3.5 Marne Barracks. The new Commanding Officer has arrived at Marne but is very busy at the moment but Major Tickner hopes to introduce her at a future date. The Army 2020 plans have been changed and means that the 5th Regiment will be leaving Marne Barracks in 2021. Another engineering regiment will come into the Barracks but after 2021.

4. Minutes of the last meeting held on 9th January 2017 Proposed: Cllr Young Seconded: Cllr Rafferty

5.Matters arising. Cllr Rafferty reported to the meeting on behalf of Cllr Bannister that he has contacted Fiona Kaley about the Carers Discount Card. Also Cllr Bannister has had a meeting with the team in charge of the development of the Catterick flood defence system and they have said that it will be completed by June. They want to lay on buses to take residents to its opening and hopefully involve some of the school children. The Clerk has reported the litter bin in King’s Close that is not being emptied. Street Scene are to inform the supervisor.

6.1 Review of Public Rights of Way -management and maintenance consultation. NYCC’s Access Service is reviewing how it manages and maintains the county’s public rights of way network in an attempt to save money as the budget for this has been cut. They are consulting the public on a new proposed approach to prioritising management and maintenance of the public rights of way and includes a suggestion that Parish Councils should play a formal role in the prioritisation of the paths. The set of proposals are on the NYCC website and will be available until 19th March 2017. They can be accessed by using the following link The paths are to be assigned a route category by having a score for key characteristics of the path, such as a safe routes to schools, and also by a score based on an assessment of the value placed on the path by the local community. Once the routes have been categorised the category banding will be published on the NYCC website. The Clerk had previously sent the Parish Councillors the details and asked them their views. There are not many public paths through the village but they include down Orran Lane, along the Swale to Swale Lane and Swale Pasture Lane, behind the health centre towards Pallett Hill and the mound and along the racecourse towards Catterick Bridge. The Parish Councillors wondered how often these paths were checked now and what maintenance was carried out on them at the moment. The consultation will be discussed again at the next meeting once all the Councillors have read the documents. 6.2 Parking of HGVs on the pavement by the health centre. Cllr Rafferty attended the NYCC Richmondshire Area Committee Meeting in January at which the problem of vehicles parking on pavements was brought to the attention of Mr Marr of Highways and Inspector Gee from the police. They were asked why traffic wardens employed by Scarborough Council who enforce parking restrictions and police officers who have a duty to ensure that there is no obstruction of the highway continually refuse to take any action. After a long discussion no solution was proposed. When the public were asked if they had any questions Cllr Rafferty asked why no decision had been made about this as there was also a problem with HGV vehicles in Catterick Village parking on the pavement outside the Health Centre, opposite the Co-op, frequently completely blocking the pavement so that pedestrians had to walk in the road. Mr Marr stated it was not the traffic warden’s responsibility and Inspector Gee indicated it was a low priority for the police. After another long discussion Mr Marr conceded that the problem at Catterick Village could be solved by placing an obstruction, fixed bollards in the footpath kerbs, opposite the Co -op. On 30th January Cllr Rafferty met up with Mr Beighton from Highways at the footpath outside the health centre. Mr Beighton noted that damage was occurring and tyre tracks were evident because of the problem. He said that he would prepare a plan with costings to be submitted to Highways with a view to carrying out the installation of some parking obstruction at the edge of the pavement. He explained that money for such work was tight and that it may resolve itself once the upgraded A1 was open but he would carry on with the plan. Cllr Rafferty will continue to monitor the situation. Cllr Young suggested that photographs of offending vehicles could be taken and Cllr Les said that these could be sent to Operation Spartan, the programme set up by North Yorkshire Police for the public to report dangerous or anti-social driving. Cllr Rafferty asked the Clerk if she could write to the Scarborough Parking Enforcement Office and Inspector Gee on behalf of the Parish Council to ask if they could monitor the situation. 6.3 Ward Boundary review. The Clerk has received an email with the presentation that was given about the review of ward boundaries – she will email a copy to the Parish Councillors. A number of public consultations will take place through 2017

7.1 Periodic Accounts Proposed: Cllr Young Seconded: Cllr Rafferty

8. Correspondence. a)The Friends of Garget Walker House have sent a thank you letter for the donation that the Parish Councils agreed on last month. b)Mrs Tickner has sent a letter asking the Parish Council if they could offer more financial help with the renovations of the Booth Hall. Unfortunately the letter was not brought to the meeting and so will be discussed next month. c)Cllr Young has been asked about all the heavy vehicles and machinery that is going into the area by the fish ponds at the bottom of Swale Lane. A lot of earth works seem to be going on. The owner of the land is making a motor cross course here but planning permission has not been applied for. Permission is not needed as long as the course is only used a few days in the year but this seems to be used regularly with people coming some distance to use it. Cllr Young will contact the Planning Department to see what is happening. d)The Clerk has received a letter from Mr Ward, a recent captain of the now disbanded Catterick Quoits team, about the state of the quoit pitches and suggests the removal of the 4 metal covers by the Parish Council for safety reasons. These covers are now in an unsafe condition and could cause an injury. Once these have been removed the metal spikes would then need to be removed. The Parish Councillors were not quite sure why it was the responsibility of the Parish Council to do this but also felt it would be a shame to remove the pitches from the green. They wondered if new covers could be installed. The Clerk will write to Mr Ward and see what remaining funds they have for helping to restore the pitches. e)The clerk has received a letter from Mr and Mrs Key about the application for the 9 house on the Pallett Hill Farm and requested that when this application is presented for full planning that the Parish Council insist that it is considered at a meeting of the Full Planning Committee of RDC. District Councillors Young and Wyrill said that they were determined that this would be done. Certain conditions, such as the delivery of materials for the development, would have to be set. f)Cllr Rafferty has received a letter from Mrs Murfitt of the Catterick History Group to attend a meeting which will be attended by two members of the A1 upgrade team. They have some resources available for the development of Outreach and Information relating to the archaeological excavation and the finds from Roman Catterick. The History group have been approached to help with interpretation boards in and around Catterick which would provide information on a range of things, not just Roman Catterick but also St Paulinus and the early post Roman period, the medieval village and the development of horse racing. Permission would have to be sort for the location of the panels and Cllr Rafferty has been asked as a Parish Councillor. g)The Clerk has received an email from Julie Mulligan about her next advise surgery at Colburn on Thursday March 2nd at Colburn Library, 2-4 pm.

9.Planning. No new applications were received.

10. Minor Matters. No matters were raised.

Meeting closed at 20.45

Date of next meeting – Monday 6th March 2017 at 7pm in the Booth Hall



Catterick Village Parish Council

Clerk: Diane Kirkham, Limekiln Farm, East Appleton, Richmond, DL10 7QE Tel.: 01748 811367 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Monday 6th March 2017

Present: Cllr F Campbell Cllr E Oselton Cllr R Rafferty Cllr G Bannister Clerk In attendance; District Cllr S Wyrill, County Cllr C Les, Major D Tickner, PCSO K Whitehead

The new Commanding Officer, Lt Col Samantha Shepherd MBE RA, attended the meeting to introduce herself to the Parish Councillors.

1. Apologises for absence; PCSO Diane Smith and Cllr Young.

2. Open Forum. Rev. Lindsay attended the meeting but had no issues to raise.

3.1 Report from the police. PCSO Smith could not attend the meeting but PCSO Whitehead attended in her place. Cllr Campbell read out the report. The report covered 26 days from 7th February 2017 to 5th March 2017. 3 crimes were reported – Auto crime- items stolen from vehicle overnight- ongoing investigation, theft of alloy wheels – items were insecure, there are no lines of enquiry, damage to a pub window- on going investigation. 6 incidence of ASB-5 nuisance(Youth reported to have been knocking on doors and running away, area searched but no sightings. 1 personal(neighbourhood dispute- ongoing). Other incidents include 1 animal/wildlife (Concern for dog barking), 2 domestic incidents, 1 concern for elderly gentleman – ambulance called, 4 suspicious-possible fly tipping, area searched but no sightings, suitcase found on bench but found to be empty, report of someone knocking on doors, area searched but no sightings, drone found on military property, Road related – 1 report of a drink driving, the vehicle details were logged onto ANPR for sightings. RTC damage only – 1 report of damage caused to a parked vehicle, nothing further reported to NYP. Administration reports –courtesy call regarding canvasses detailed to area. Highway disruption- Temporary traffic lights out at Marne Barracks.

Tea with NYP at the village café 28/03/17 02/05/17 All at 110-12.00hrs 06/06/17 04/07/17 Contact for PCSO Smith is [email protected] or Tel. 101 and ask for PCSO3521 DI Smith. 3.2 Report from County Cllr Les. Since the meeting in February Cllr Les has spoken to both Carillon and Highways England to say that the 2 week diversion that was going to take place whilst the Tunstall Bridge was demolished was not acceptable. The plans have now been revised so that the bridge is to be take down over 2 weekends – work will be carried out 24hours a day to get the demotion finished. The diversions will be in place over the weekends but hopefully will cause fewer problems than during the week. Michael Syddall school is looking for more Governors. Cllr Les asked the Parish Councillors if they new of anyone who would be interested and if so to contact the head teacher at the school. 3.3 Report from District Cllr Wyrill. He had nothing to report.

3.4 Report from Marne Barracks. Major Tickner reported that the contractors for the new building on Marne Barracks will not be known until May but by this time most of the A1 upgrade will be complete and so little disruption will be caused to the village by the works traffic. They have completed a litter sweep on the training area, including the perimeter fence along the side of the A1.

4. Minutes of the last meeting held on 6th February 2017 Proposed: Cllr Rafferty Seconded: Cllr Oselton

5.Matters arising. Cllr Rafferty reported that Highways will not be doing anything outside the Health Centre to stop vehicles parking on the pavement until after the A1 has been completed. Inspector Gee has said that it is low priority and the Parking Enforcement have said that the drivers can have 5 minutes grace to go to the Co- Op. The Clerk has been in touch with Highways about replacing the damaged barriers outside the Pharmacy. They have told her that the work was cancelled because of the Christmas decorations but no-one informed area 1 of this. Since they have been made aware of this a new order has now been issued and will be carried out as soon as possible. The Clerk has been in touch with Mr Ward about the Quoits covers that he requested to be replaced. Any money that the Catterick Quoits club had was taken across to the newly formed Richmond Club. He has given the Clerk a phone number of one of the former members to see if they can help out with the costs involved with renovation of the covers.

6.1 NYCC consultation on the Public Rights of Way. This was mentioned at the last meeting and at this meeting the Parish Councillors discussed the questions on the questionnaire on the NYCC website. In summary the Parish Councillors agreed that those paths used more or were more important to the community should get higher funding and that the proposed categorisation should be agreed based on a combination of both path characteristics and community value. They also agreed that the community value should be defined by working with the Parish Council and other groups who use the networks and agreed that they would be interested in helping to develop the proposals to incorporate the community value into the prioritising framework. The Clerk will complete the consultation on behalf of the Parish Council.

6.2 Electronic Consultation on for planning applications. The Clerk has received an email from the Richmondshire District Council Planning Department about a series of efficiency improvements in the consultation process. They will soon be moving to a fully electronic consultation with Parish and Town Councils on all new applications. No paper copies will be sent out. This will initially be an email to the Clerk with a letter attached that will provide a link to the documents for that proposal in the Planning Public Access system. Here the various associated documents link can be clicked and all the application details can be viewed. The council’s observations would then be sent back by email. This will start on the 1 April. In the future they want to launch a ‘Consultee Access’ system to increase efficiency further. The Parish Council would be set up as a user of the system so that they can be notified of any new application with links in the system to an electronic copy of every document. Comments can then be put directly into the system without having to send a separate email.

7.1 Periodic Accounts Proposed: Cllr Bannister Seconded: Cllr Rafferty

8. Correspondence. The Clerk has received a letter from Mrs Tickner, the Chairman of the Booth Memorial Institute requesting help to pay for the renovation of the World War 1 memorial Board. Cllr Rafferty declared an interest in this as he is the Treasurer of the Booth Memorial Committee. He also said that he is looking into other means of funding for the repair. He has contacted a television company that were wanting to make a series on renovation of old property and they seemed quite interested. The Parish Council said that they would wait to see the outcome of this and discuss it later but that if needed they would be willing to help. Mrs Tickner also mentioned that they were looking into the viability of installing a defibrillator on the outside of the Booth Hall and asked if the Parish Council would be interested in contributing to this. The Parish Council have discussed this before when it was mentioned that there was a defibrillator in the Health Centre. This would only be accessible during the day so they thought it may be worth looking into. Cllr Les said that some help with the costs may be available. The Clerk will start to look into the costs involved.

9. Planning. 1 new application was received. Ref; 17/00080/FULL. New vehicle Access off Leeming Lane, New Ticket Entrance and Toilet Reconfiguration and Refurbishment at Catterick Race course. The Councillors looked at the plans and thought that it would greatly improve the appearance of the Race Course. The Clerk will get in touch with planning.

10. Minor Matters. Cllr Rafferty attended a meeting of the Local History Group at which they were discussing the development of permanent exhibition panels around Catterick Village and Brompton on Swale. Areas discussed that would directly involve the Village included, High Green, Catterick Village: (the Great North Rd 18th/19th century), Low Green:(prehistoric Catterick, Early Medieval Catterick, St Paulinus). It is only at a discussion stage and permission would have to be obtained. Cllr Bannister asked the rest of the Parish Council for permission to hold the Church fair on the Green again this year. It would be on 1 July. Permission was given for this. He also said what a good job Colin Browne did last year getting the Green ready for the fair. The grass was cut just before the fair was held and the cuttings removed. Cllr Bannister also reported that Phil Boyes from the Environment Agency said that the Flood defences would be opened in June and was very keen to involve the local population and the school. They would be putting up an exhibition in the Booth Hall and then busing people to the site. There would also be a long term tree planting programme – hopefully the village would be also involved in this.

Meeting closed at 20.25

Date of next meeting – Monday 3rd April 2017 at 7pm in the Booth Hall



Catterick Village Parish Council

Clerk: Diane Kirkham, Limekiln Farm, East Appleton, Richmond, DL10 7QE Tel.: 01748 811367 email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Thursday 6th April 2017

Present: Cllr F Campbell Cllr Young Cllr R Rafferty Cllr G Bannister Clerk

In attendance; District Cllr S. Young and S.Wyrill, County Cllr C Les,

1. Apologises for absence; None received

2. Open Forum. No members of the public were present.

3. Youth Club Update. Richie Bastow from North Yorkshire Youth and Gemma Elgie the Youth Club Leader attended the meeting to give a report on the Youth Club. 7-10 Children regularly attend the sessions which are held once a fortnight. They would like to increase the numbers but are quite happy to continue because many of those attending are quite vulnerable. There have been a few problems with bullying but they hope that this has now been sorted out and with the longer evenings hope to be able to make use of the sports fields which will help. Gemma has 2 regular volunteers but more would be welcome. She cannot run a session on her own but has only had to cancel one evening because of this. A committee is to be formed with Gemma Elgie, Vicki Moore(one of the volunteers) and Diane Kirkham. They are to set up a bank account with HSBC so that they can apply for grants such as the locality budget grant from NYCC. Richie Bastow asked if the Parish Council were able to give a donation to help pay for Gemma’s salary and also the insurance. A sum of £1200 was suggested to cover these items with about £140 extra . This was proposed by Cllr Bannister and seconded by Cllr Rafferty. The proposal was accepted.

4.1 Report from the police. No police officer attended the meeting and no report was received Tea with NYP at the village café 02/05/17 All at 11.00-12.00hrs 06/06/17 04/07/17 Contact for PCSO Smith is [email protected] or Tel. 101 and ask for PCSO3521 DI Smith.

4.2 Report from County Cllr Les. He reported that Risedale College, that had joined in a federation with Northallerton College to help get it out of special measures, was now doing very well. At the last Ofsted inspection it was reported as good and has the potential to become outstanding. It is now separated from Northallerton College and has formed its own Governing Body. There is a capacity for growth- it was built for 1000 pupils but has only ever had 600/700 attending. With the increase in the army numbers it is hoped that the numbers will rise. Cllr Les has now formally written to the Post Office asking for a mobile Post Office to visit the village. The barriers in front of the pharmacy will hopefully be repaired either today(which they weren’t) or tomorrow. Cllr Les explained the delay in the repair to Brough Bridge. This is listed and can only be repaired after planning permission. This was obtained the previous time that it had been damaged but unfortunately 2 weeks after repair it was damaged again and so a new planning application was needed. NYCC have decided to take a risk and start repair to the bridge before this has been obtained as this should not have changed in the few weeks. They plan to put up concrete barriers before the bridge to try and protect it a bit. NYCC are to carry out a survey on the condition of the road surface through the village to see what damage has been caused by the A1 upgrade. Unfortunately any damage will not be paid for by Carillion. Cllr Young asked if damage to footpaths could also be assessed. Cllr Les said that this could be done. A review of speed limits in the area is to be carried out around the area to see if any can be altered to make them a little more manageable so that small sections of road do not have different speed limits. Cllr Les reported that it is to be announced that there will be a delay in the completion date of the A1 upgrade. It had hoped to be finished in Spring but now looks like it will not be completed until the end of the year. This is partly due to the amount of archaeology that has been carried out, especially at Fort Bridge. A total of 5 tonnes of artefacts have been collected, some of international importance. There are also some engineering problems with the Fort Bridge. Cllr Les has asked if they can try and complete certain sections more quickly. Hopefully this will include the service road around Catterick Village, between Leeming and Scotch Corner.

4.3 Report from District Cllr Wyrill. He has been in contact with the contractor that is to sand blast the white bridge – hopefully it will not be too much longer before the work begins. Cllr Wyrill reported that Age UK have been in touch with the Post Office about the lack of any Post Office services in the Village. He suggested that a drop in session should be organised to see how the villagers are coping without a Post Office and to see what services they require. He was willing to organise this. It was suggested that this should be organised on a Tuesday at the same time that the Nearly New Shop was open. Cllr Rafferty will put a notice in the magazine.

4.4 Report Report from District Cllr Young. He has taken the Parish notice board down in the bus shelter opposite Mowbray Rd as someone had tried to set light to it. It has only been there about 18months. The Councillors discussed whether it was worth replacing. They decided not to. He has just replaced one of the wooden picnic bench with a recycled bench This was bought by a family as a memorial bench.

5. Minutes of the last meeting held on 6th March 2017 Proposed: Cllr Young Seconded: Cllr Rafferty

6.Matters arising. There were no matters arising.

7.1 Entrance to cemetery from Bishop’s Way. The planning application for the drop kerb and entrance to this extension of the cemetery has now run out and the Parish Council have to reapply for it. The Clerk has been in touch with Mr Christopher Hodges who did the application for the Council before to see if his plans could still be used and how much he would charge for reapplying for us. He said that the plans could be reused and that he would charge about £200 unless any alterations had to be carried out on the plans. The Councillors discussed whether they could apply without using Mr Hodges but both the Clerk and Cllr Young thought it would be better if Mr Hodges was used as he knows the system better than the Councillors and would be able to sort out any problems. Cllr Young also suggested that the change of use from cemetery to allotments should be applied for at the same time. The rest of the Councillors agreed to this.

7.2 Defibrillator. The possibility of the Parish Council buying a defibrillator was discussed briefly at the last meeting. Sgt. Stephen Young, is a first aider and works for the MOD, has written to the Clerk about the need for the village to have one or two defibrillators. He attended the meeting. He said that the first 3 minutes after a collapse is critical and that CPR alone does not always save lives but is used as a stop gap before a defibrillator is obtained. The nearer this is the more likely that a life can be saved. All defibrillators are semi or fully automated and give verbal instructions on their use. All defibrillators are registered with the ambulance service and if a 999 call is received the ambulance service would be able to tell the caller if there is one in the vicinity. For ease of use the defibrillators should be freely accessible but for safety reasons they are usually stored in a locked cabinet. The ambulance service would have the number for this. The Councillors asked Sgt. Young about any on going costs such as batteries and pads. He said that the batteries in internally stored one would last up to 5 years and outside, due to lower temperatures, 3 years. This could be increased if it was attached to an electric source which would maintain an optimum temperature. Once the machine had been used it would have to be reconditioned and re-set. A defibrillator would cost just over £1000 plus the cost of a cabinet. When defibrillator had been discussed in previous years there had been 3 first responders in the village but now there are none. The Parish Councillors agreed that there was now a need and thought that 2 would be most beneficial. One at the Sports Pavilion and one on the Booth Hall. This would cover one end of the village and the middle. They asked the Clerk to get in touch with Major Tickner from Marne Barracks to see if they had one in the Guard room that could be use for the other end of the village. The Councillors asked Cllr Les if the County Council had any preferred model. He said he would look into this. Previously grants were available for the purchase of defibrillators. Cllr Les said that the NYCC locality budget grant could be put towards this. Sgt. Young said that he was willing to give free training in the use of a defibrillator. Cllr Campbell thanked Sgt. Young for attending and giving his advise.

8. Periodic Accounts Proposed: Cllr Young Seconded: Cllr Bannister

The Clerk mentioned that Colin Browne is now having to charge VAT and so the invoices are more. The Parish Council can claim back this VAT so it does not cost the Parish Council any more.

9. Correspondence. The Clerk has received some photographs from Mrs Mackintosh of the village in the 1960s. Her husband’s parents owned the Post Office in the 1950s,60s and 70s. The Clerk wondered if the History Society might like to keep them. Cllr Rafferty will ask them. Cllr Young has received a letter from Sgt. Ben Moody requesting help to raise money for SSAFA. (The forces charity) SSAFFA helped him and his family through a very hard time in their lives when their little boy died in his sleep. He now wants to try and repay some of this help. He and his brother are to cycle the Coast to Coast route there and back over 7 days. He has pledged to raise £5000 and would like any donation to help him do this. The Parish Councillors discussed this and said that they had not supported any army charities in the past and thought it well worth doing. Cllr Campbell proposed a donation of £500. Cllr Rafferty seconded this. The proposal was past. Cllr Young has also received a letter from the Pre-School asking for help to purchase a shed to store the committee and fund raising equipment. The Councillors said that it did not seem long since they had given a donation to the pre-school. The Clerk will check when the last donation was given before ant decision is made. The Bay Horse have asked for permission to put a bouncy castle on the green over the Easter weekend. The Councillors agreed to this but said that if any trouble was caused or a lot of mess left then the use of the Green in this way would have to be reassed.

9. Planning. 1 new application was received. Ref;17/00197/FULL. Demolish existing entrance and saddling boxes, replace with new entrance and saddling boxes and reconfigure the parade ring at Catterick Racecourse. The Councillors had no objection to this.

10. Minor Matters. Cllr Rafferty has now asked Andrew Parks for a quote to repair the bus shelter on Low Green. Cllr Bannister said that RDC had inspected King’s Close Play Area and changed the spring on the gate so that it shut but unfortunately it still does nor work . They forgot to re-connect the spring. The Clerk will contact Open Spaces at RDC about this.

Meeting closed at 20.30

Date of next meeting – Monday 8th May 2017 at 7pm in the Booth Hall (This will be the AGM and the Annual Parish Meeting)

