Matthew P. Lungren Michael R.B. Evans Editors Artificial IntelligenceClinical Medicine in MedicalCovert emplatImaging e

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123123 Artificial in Medical Imaging Erik R. Ranschaert • Sergey Morozov • Paul R. Algra Editors

Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging Opportunities, Applications and Risks

123 Editors Erik R. Ranschaert Sergey Morozov ETZ Hospital Radiology Research and Practical Centre Tilburg, The Netherlands Moscow, Russia

Paul R. Algra Department of Radiology Northwest Hospital Group Alkmaar, The Netherlands

ISBN 978-3-319-94877-5 ISBN 978-3-319-94878-2 (eBook)

Library of Congress Control Number: 2018966513

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland I’ve Seen the Future ...

Scientists are people who know more and more about less and less, until they know everything about nothing. —(Konrad Lorenz? Web sources vary, so I gave up looking).

More than 50 years ago, in the turbulent spring of the revolutionary year 1968, film director Stanley Kubrick released his radically innovative science- fiction epos 2001: A Space Odyssey, based on Arthur C. Clarke’s novels. Together with a few classmates from school, I saw 2001: A Space Odyssey at the wide-screen Rubens cinema theater in Antwerp, Belgium, in glorious 70 mm high-resolution projection. In addition to the movie being a visually breathtaking and dazzling cinematic experience, it was also my very first introduction to the concept of artificial intelligence, and I think that this may hold true for many, if not most, people of my generation. The movie features a spaceship, the Discovery One, controlled by a computer called HAL (Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer), a kind of artificial intelligence (AI) system avant la lettre, which controls the systems of the spacecraft and interacts with the astronauts on board. Throughout the movie, the presence of HAL is mostly inferred with close-ups of a red camera lens, with a central yellow dot. HAL is smart and scary and rapidly becomes the quintessential film villain, intelligent and treacherous, interacting conversationally with the crewmen in a deceptively soft, calm, and sometimes threatening voice. In this 1968 movie, the computer HAL was able to speak, recognize voices and faces, process natural language, lip-read, interpret human emotions, understand art, have discussions with the astronauts, and even play chess with the humans on board the spaceship. When I first saw 2001: A Space Odyssey, I was happily unaware that the term “artificial intelligence” had already been coined during the summer of 1956, when a group of researchers convened at a seminar in Dartmouth College, USA. The adjective “artificial” was meant to designate the cognitive process of “thinking machines,” in contradistinction to the reasoning pro- cesses of humans. At that time, it was believed that human reasoning was “real,” whereas machine thinking was “artificial.” The 1960s were a period of optimism and confidence in the increasing computational speed of man- made machines, and many scientists in the field of AI were confident that computers would be capable of doing any work a man can do. Progress was, however, not meant to be linear. The heady decade of the 1960s was followed

v vi I’ve Seen the Future ... by what is now sometimes referred to as the “AI winter,” a period of disenchantment, stalled progress, and rapidly dwindling research funding. But, like a cat with nine lives, AI came back with a vengeance in the 1980s, 1990s, and especially in the twenty-first century. In 1997, for the first time, a computer chess-playing system called Deep Blue successfully defeated Garry Kasparov, the reigning world chess champion. In 2011, , a question-answering system developed by IBM, beat human champions of the television quiz game Jeopardy! in an exhibition match. And in 2016, a computer Go-playing system called AlphaGo became the first nonhuman system to triumph over Lee Sedol, a 9-dan professional master at the game of Go. This proves that machines can be instructed to think like humans, and even exceed their creators, especially since Go is an extremely complex game, more so than chess. But, of course, chess and Go are merely board games, and they are very, very different from real-life situations. Today, more than 60 years after the “birth” of AI, we have indeed come a long way. The field of AI has continued to grow and to evolve in many different directions. Significant breakthroughs in artificial intelligence have occurred as the result of ongoing advances in data collection and aggrega- tion, processing power, algorithms, and convolutional neural networks. Some of the most promising applications of AI have been in image processing and image analysis, which brings us to radiology. In just a few short years, AI applications in radiology have “exploded” and AI has become “big business.” This is largely due to progress in artificial neural networks, the availability of cloud computing infrastructure, and the increased interest of medical professionals to pursue research in this field. It is not so long ago that image-recognition algorithms could only be used to tackle simple tasks such as differentiating cats from dogs. However, when the potential of systems is fully exploited, much more complex problems can be tackled, and this has opened up new avenues for radiology. Identifying and characterizing lung nodules on CT scans, computer-aided diagnosis of breast cancer on mammographic films, and automatic calculation of bone age by computer software on plain X-ray films of the hand are among the first such applications. Advanced segmentation techniques have opened up new avenues. Today, in diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s de- mentia, and traumatic brain injuries, AI is transforming patient care through accurate volume measurements of lesions and brain structures. Deep learning algorithms have been successfully implemented to diagnose different types of brain tumors, on the basis of multiparametric MRI data sets; in one such example, an AI system had an accuracy of 87% in predicting brain tumor neuropathology, outperforming human (neuro-) radiologists who scored only 66% accuracy. We are now pretty confident that AI software can be used to diagnose common neurological diseases with an accuracy rate of close to 90%, comparable to that of an experienced senior doctor. AI systems are proving to be faster, more reliable, and more accurate than human radiologists ... and, obviously, they are available 24/7, they are never tired or sick, and they continue to “learn” as they analyze more cases. I’ve Seen the Future ... vii

So, while it would appear that AI and radiology are a match made in heaven, there actually is a lot of hysteria and apprehension around AI and its impact on the future of radiology. It is sad to see that the advent of AI systems has created so much anxiety and self-doubt among radiologists. The AI genie is out of the bottle; we cannot turn the clock back, but we do have the power to determine the future: tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. It seems likely that radiologists who use AI will replace those who don’t, since there are many signs indicating that AI will have a profound impact on the world of radiology. As George Bernard Shaw said: “we are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.” Nevertheless, I am not afraid, since I am convinced that radiologists will embrace AI to help us manage “routine” tasks quickly and efficiently, thus giving us more time to focus on things that really matter. For that is exactly what AI software solutions will do: take over repetitive and simple tasks. I do not share the bleak and defeatist vision of the future for radiologists. History teaches us that the arrival of new technology tends to increase, rather than reduce, the need for human personnel. More than a hundred years ago, when automobiles started to replace horses as the preferred means of transportation of goods and people, some professions such as horseshoe smiths and saddlemakers became virtually extinct, but the car industry more than made up for this loss by creating new means of employment and career opportunities. Personally, I believe that the integration of AI into existing medical workflow is a very promising trend and we should embrace this exciting new prospect, rather than fight it or run away from it. In my opinion, AI will help a radiologist like a GPS guides the driver of a car. AI will offer proposals to the radiologists and help the doctor to make a better and more accurate diagnosis. But it will be the doctor who ultimately decides, as there are a number of factors that a machine which interprets imaging data sets cannot take into consideration, such as a patient’s general state of health and family situation. AI systems offer our profession a unique opportunity to make a new beginning, to re-invent what we do, to boost productivity and accuracy. I am convinced that AI can take over time-consuming routine tasks, freeing up time and resources to focus our attention on individual patients, and thereby moving from volume-based radiology toward value-based radiology. So, regarding the implementation of AI software into radiological practice, my closing message to all radiologists is: take charge of your own future, and embrace it with confidence, courage, and determination.

Prof. Dr. Paul M. Parizel, MD, PhD Past President, European Society of Radiology (ESR) Institutional Representative, European Board of Radiology (EBR) Honorary President, African Society of Radiology (ASR) Member, Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium (RAMB) Honorary Fellow, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) viii I’ve Seen the Future ...

Honorary and Founding Member, Russian Society of Neuroradiology (RSNR) Honorary Member, Serbian Society of Neuroradiology (SSNR) Member of Honour, Romanian Society of Radiology and Medical Imaging (SRIM) Miembro de Honor, Sociedad Española de Radiología Médica (SERAM) Honorary Member, European Society of Neuroradiology (ESNR) Membre d’Honneur, Société Française de Radiologie (SFR) Honorary Member, Israel Radiological Association (ISRA) Membre d’Honneur, Société Algérienne de Radiologie et d’Imagerie Médicale (SARIM) Honorary Member, American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR) Schinz Medal, Swiss Society of Radiology (SSR)

Department of Radiology Antwerp University Hospital (UZA) University of Antwerp (UA) Edegem, Belgium Preface

An increasing number of unanswered questions made us unsettled about the evolution of radiology and its current ability to keep up with the pace of healthcare transformation. The answers to these questions hopefully can be found in this book, which we have started in 2017 from the inside of the Euro- pean Society of Medical Imaging (EuSoMII). The first EuSoMII Academy on AI in Rotterdam in November 2017 (actually the 35th annual meeting of EuroPACS-EuSOMII) attracted a plethora of bright minds and speakers who inspired us to publish a book about artificial intelligence (AI) in medical imaging. The preparation of this book originates from a brainstorm launched by Erik Ranschaert and Paul Algra immediately after the annual meeting. The idea was to provide a bright picture of existing ideas, concepts, and practical examples of AI applications in radiology and to connect pro- fessional worlds and communities of health care and data science. The work on the book progressed very well, and the harmonious whole of the authors’ insightful and practical chapters has really pleased and inspired the editors. The main activities of the EuSoMII society are centered around medical imaging informatics (MII), a.k.a. radiology informatics or imaging infor- matics, which is a subspecialty of biomedical informatics. Its purpose is to improve the efficiency, accuracy, usability, and reliability of medical imaging services within the healthcare enterprise. Imaging informatics covers processes for the acquisition, manipulation, analysis, storage, distribution, re- trieval, and use of imaging data. Its area of interest is therefore very wide and includes topics ranging from radiology information systems (RIS), picture archiving and communication system (PACS), shared workflow, advanced visualization, and computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) to biobanks, , augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR), and 3D modeling. MII exists at the intersection of several broad fields: biological science, clinical services, information science, medical physics, biomedical engineering, cognitive science, and computer science. The IT solutions used in other industries are also relevant for application in the medical field, with the main intention of achieving a higher level of efficiency and safety in health care. The role of a professional society is indisputable, as it is a driving force to bring the ideas forward and to share the early results of research for the common good. Another important role of such society is to become a guide in changes in a specialty that at the same time preserves the core of the specialism and follows ethical principles. All this precisely describes

ix x Preface

EuSoMII’s role in supporting the acceptance of advanced imaging informat- ics and the optimal integration in the radiological community. The European Society of Medical Imaging Informatics (EuSoMII) is a professional healthcare organization that provides its members and the radio- logical community with up-to-date information on the latest innovations and achievements in medical IT by supporting education, research, development of standards, and networking related to a top tier of IT solutions in radiology, pathology, cardiology, neurology, and other imaging-based subspecialties. The guiding principles of EuSoMII are multidisciplinary and international collaboration, joining forces and efforts to make radiology stronger and increase our specialty’s value. A multidisciplinary group consisting of radi- ologists, physicists, radiology technicians, IT experts, and other biomedical informatics professionals represents its target audience. EuSoMII’s vision is to reach an optimal integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) with medical imaging professions for increasing the quality and safety of diagnostics and therapeutics. EuSoMII aims to become a leading think tank for new developments in ICT re- lated to medical imaging, enabling distribution of best practices within the professional community. In its current role and format EuSoMII is a driving force behind Imaging Informatics Subcommittee of the European Society of Radiology (ESR), a leading provider of training and teaching on imaging informatics in Europe, a partner of the Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM), Computer Applications in Radiology and Surgery (CARS), Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), the Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interven- tion Society (MICCAI), European Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (EFOMP), and many medical subspecialty societies. The structure of the AIMI book multi-directionally develops all aspects of artificial intelligence applications in radiology and allied specialties. It starts from the role of medical imaging computing, informatics, and machine learning in health care, proceeds into the principles of deep learning (DL) and neural networks (NN) in imaging, provides guidance on how to develop AI applications, and presents a medical imaging data readiness (MIDaR) scale for machine learning tasks in radiology. Further on the book emphasizes several significant medical imaging AI domains for developers, such as the value of structured reporting, validation of AI applications, enterprise imaging, imaging biomarkers, and image biobanks. Practical use cases of AI in radiology are outlined in detail for the areas of chest pathology, cardiovascular diseases, breast cancer, neurological diseases, and clinical trials support and for applications beyond imaging. Economic and legal aspects of AI are elaborated by presenting a regulatory infrastructure, a perspective on the market and economics, and the importance of an AI ecosystem for radiology. Finally, the book addresses advantages and risks of AI for radiologists, balancing them by presenting a “rethinking” of radiology as a medical specialty. The AIMI book is a journey along a highway of healthcare innovations where radiologists and data scientists travel in one direction guided by the principles of medical quality and safety for the patients. Preface xi

Our outstanding team of authors and editors is honored and happy to welcome you to join the shaping of the future of diagnostic imaging. We deeply appreciate and value the contributions of the authors and coauthors. We would like to thank the whole AIMI book team for their ingenuity, creativity, originality, professionalism, openness for discussion, and con- structive critique. Thank you, dear coauthors and coeditors, for sharing your knowledge, experience, vision, and values.

Tilburg, The Netherlands Erik R. Ranschaert Moscow, Russia Sergey Morozov Contents

Part I Introduction

1 Introduction: Game Changers in Radiology ...... 3 Sergey Morozov, Erik Ranschaert, and Paul Algra

Part II Technology: Getting Started

2 The Role of Medical Image Computing and Machine Learning in Healthcare ...... 9 Frederik Maes, David Robben, Dirk Vandermeulen, and Paul Suetens 3 A Deeper Understanding of Deep Learning ...... 25 Bart M. ter Haar Romeny 4 Deep Learning and Machine Learning in Imaging: Basic Principles ...... 39 Bradley J. Erickson

Part III Technology: Developing A.I. Applications

5 How to Develop Artificial Intelligence Applications ...... 49 Angel Alberich-Bayarri, Ana Jiménez Pastor, Rafael López González, and Fabio García Castro 6 A Standardised Approach for Preparing Imaging Data for Machine Learning Tasks in Radiology ...... 61 Hugh Harvey and Ben Glocker 7 The Value of Structured Reporting for AI ...... 73 Daniel Pinto dos Santos 8 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Validation and Study Design ...... 83 Luke Oakden-Rayner and Lyle John Palmer

xiii xiv Contents

Part IV Big Data in Medicine

9 Enterprise Imaging ...... 107 Peter Mildenberger 10 Imaging Biomarkers and Imaging Biobanks...... 119 Angel Alberich-Bayarri, Emanuele Neri, and Luis Martí-Bonmatí

Part V Practical Use Cases of A.I. in Radiology

11 Applications of AI Beyond Image Interpretation ...... 129 José M. Morey, Nora M. Haney, and Woojin Kim 12 Artificial Intelligence and Computer-Assisted Evaluation of Chest Pathology ...... 145 Edwin J. R. van Beek and John T. Murchison 13 Cardiovascular Diseases ...... 167 Johan Verjans, Wouter B. Veldhuis, Gustavo Carneiro, Jelmer M. Wolterink, Ivana Išgum, and Tim Leiner 14 Deep Learning in Breast Cancer Screening ...... 187 Hugh Harvey, Andreas Heindl, Galvin Khara, Dimitrios Korkinof, Michael O’Neill, Joseph Yearsley, Edith Karpati, Tobias Rijken, Peter Kecskemethy, and Gabor Forrai 15 Neurological Diseases ...... 217 Nathaniel Swinburne and Andrei Holodny 16 The Role of AI in Clinical Trials ...... 231 Irene Mayorga-Ruiz, Ana Jiménez-Pastor, Belén Fos-Guarinos, Rafael López-González, Fabio García-Castro, and Ángel Alberich-Bayarri

Part VI Quality, Regulatory and Ethical Issues

17 Quality and Curation of Medical Images and Data ...... 247 Peter M. A. van Ooijen 18 Does Future Society Need Legal Personhood for Robots and AI? ...... 257 Robert van den Hoven van Genderen 19 The Role of an Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem in Radiology ...... 291 Bibb Allen, Robert Gish, and Keith Dreyer Contents xv

20 Advantages, Challenges, and Risks of Artificial Intelligence for Radiologists ...... 329 Erik R. Ranschaert, André J. Duerinckx, Paul Algra, Elmar Kotter, Hans Kortman, and Sergey Morozov

AI: A Glossary of Terms ...... 347

Glossary ...... 349

Index ...... 365 Part I Introduction Introduction: Game Changers in Radiology 1

Sergey Morozov, Erik Ranschaert, and Paul Algra

of behavioral economics and coauthor of Nobel 1.1 Era of Changes laureate Daniel Kahneman, said, in response to a question on a contribution of his studies of Medicine in general and radiology as a spe- human bias and irrationality of choice to the cialty are experiencing significant changes, asso- development of artificial intelligence (AI): “My ciated with extensive introduction of informatics, colleagues, they study artificial intelligence; me, machine learning, biobanks, and personalized I study natural stupidity” [1]. His words are no medicine. It is important that radiologists develop less significant today when the healthcare mar- an understanding not only of computer technolo- ket is already observing collapses of businesses gies but also of a wider field of information aiming to “substitute a medical doctor by an technologies and informatics in order to keep algorithm.” up with the ongoing digital transformation of The media pressure creates an obvious hype our society, including healthcare. However, the around AI, which has not only negative but also current situation seems to be rather characterized a positive effect on the healthcare. Computer sci- by a general radiologists’ reluctance to changes. entists and entrepreneurs start asking radiologists The media is full with publications and cautions uncomfortable questions. What is a value of your on an approaching disappearance of radiology specialty? What actually do you do on a routine as a specialty, its merge or acquisition by other basis? Which tasks do you perform as a radiolo- specialties, and even a decreasing number of radi- gist? How do you analyze and interpret images? ology residency applications. Indeed, the power How do you report them? Which standards do of media and irrational emotions is strong. As far you follow? They also start measuring a time for back as in the 1960s, Amos Tversky, cofounder performing various tasks in a diagnostic work- flow. And a bottleneck of radiology productivity S. Morozov () becomes unearthed, being often attributable to a Research and Practical Center of Medical Radiology, shortage of qualified radiologists or ineffective Moscow, Russia e-mail: [email protected] use of a radiologist’s time. But let us consider a difference between radi- E. Ranschaert ETZ Hospital, Tilburg, The Netherlands ologists and cardiologists: the latter are much less concerned about a threat of AI. They really use it P. Algra Department of Radiology, Northwest Hospital Group, intensively to improve their efficiency and value. Alkmaar, The Netherlands Why are radiologists so hesitating? What are we

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 3 E. R. Ranschaert et al. (eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging, 4 S. Morozov et al. waiting for? What are the incentives to go for AI, and patient satisfaction but also for minimizing and why do we think differently about it? Why the costs and making healthcare more accessible do we see it as a threat instead of a very valuable to a wider range of patients or even on a larger and useful tool to improve our services both from scale and in areas or in populations that are an economic/financial/management point of view deprived of medical care. and a patient-oriented perspective?

1.3 Opportunities for the Future 1.2 Perspectives The key healthcare development opportunities In the recent years, deep learning (DL) can be assigned to three factors: a further in- algorithms based on neural networks have tegration of information technologies (IT) and become widely available and have significantly systems in healthcare, the connection of separate contributed to the (still ongoing) hype on the healthcare providers into networks able to share role of DL in radiology. However, an AI on itself digital information, and the standardization of is a very broad concept which includes lots of medical procedures and their digital formats. All conventional technologies and algorithms. Even of these will incentivize and facilitate the further working with formula in Excel tables might be development and deployment of AI-based tools classified as such. One essential principle of for optimization of workflow and value in health- programming and development remains however care. In addition applications for telemedicine the same for all technologies under the umbrella and teleradiology, by which low-cost primary of AI: “garbage in is garbage out.” Therefore care and diagnostics can be provided in remote it’s essential for any new software tool to be areas, will be a stimulus for developing such developed as a product with a clearly defined tools. In the coming years, we will probably also target or clinical use case. see the further deployment of analytical and pre- On the other hand, the preparedness of health- dictive medical tools that are provided in a B2C care providers to change their routine methods model to the average consumer. The generation also depends on their openness to solutions com- Y became inured to searching the Internet, taking ing from other industries, such as retail, aviation tests via social media, and receiving services on services, and hospitality industry. Technologies the spot. Therefore medical care is not excluded from computer games and investment business from this trend. The further development of such automation are and can be applied in healthcare. new technologies is however limited by several The recent advances that have been made in the factors such as the lack of structured data, the development of DL algorithms for medical imag- existing legislations and regulations on privacy ing, for example, are partly due to the availability and security, the skepticism of many medical spe- of highly advanced GPUs (graphics processing cialists, and the reluctance of medical community units), which were developed in the computer to change, as well as the patients’ resistance games industry. We are confronted with a pro- to “extreme standardization and IT penetration gressive but accelerating transition of healthcare instead of a human talk to a doctor.” from art and craft to a more industrial concept of working, based upon scientific and technolog- ical progress. This doesn’t necessarily imply the 1.4 Conclusion replacement of human doctors by machines but a reinforcement of healthcare by scaling its pro- Artificial intelligence is capable of revolutioniz- cesses and introducing quality control systems. ing healthcare industry by the expedited develop- Solutions from other industries mentioned can ment of personalized and automated diagnostics, bring new ideas and business processes not only new diagnostic data-based methods, imaging- for increasing the value of healthcare services guided robot-assisted surgery, tele-monitoring of 1 Introduction: Game Changers in Radiology 5 chronic conditions, support of correct medical quality and safety of new diagnostic algorithms. decisions, as well as systematic monitoring of Let artificial intelligence help us. potential diagnostic errors. Expertise, wisdom, human attitude, care, empathy, mutual under- Reference standing, and support lie at the very base of the medical profession and cannot be automated. 1. Lewis M. The undoing project: a friendship that Professional medical societies should lead this changed our minds. New York: W. W. Norton & transformation while preserving and ensuring the Company; 2017. 368p. Part II Technology: Getting Started The Role of Medical Image Computing and Machine Learning in Healthcare 2

Frederik Maes, David Robben, Dirk Vandermeulen, and Paul Suetens

properly dealt with. The availability of well- 2.1 Introduction documented medical imaging “big data” offers new opportunities for groupwise analyses within Due to continuing technological advances in specific subject groups, such as characterization medical image acquisition, novel imaging modal- of normal and abnormal variation between ities are being introduced in medical practices, subjects and detection of individual patient such as multi-slice (volumetric) and multi- anomalies (computer-aided diagnosis), discovery energy CT, multi-parametric and multi-frame of early markers of disease onset and progression (dynamic) MRI, multi-dimensional (3D+time) (imaging biomarkers), optimal therapy selection US, multi-planar interventional imaging, or and prediction of therapy outcome (radiomics in multi-modal (hybrid) PET/CT and PET/MRI radiotherapy), and correlation of genotype and imaging technologies [1]. The analysis of the phenotype related findings (imaging genetics). In large amounts of imaging data created by these order to optimally exploit all available imaging modalities has become a tremendous challenge data and to support the effective use of “big and a real bottleneck for diagnosis, therapy data” involving medical images in the context of planning and follow-up, and biomedical research. personalized medicine, reliable computer-aided At the same time, the general adoption of digital image analysis becomes indispensable to extract picture archiving and communication systems and quantify the relevant information from the (PACS) in radiology, and their integration imaging data, to fuse complementary information within the overall hospital information system, and to support the interpretation thereof. makes that large of medical images and associated relevant medical information of patients (including demographics, clinical 2.2 Medical Image Analysis findings, blood tests, pathology, genomics, proteomics) are being built up. It is to be expected Medical image analysis involves measurements that such databases will become more and more in medical images, i.e., the extraction of rele- accessible for research purposes, provided that vant quantitative information from the images. technical challenges and privacy issues can be Manual measurements by human experts in large 3D medical imaging datasets (in particular by F. Maes () · D. Robben · D. Vandermeulen · P. Suetens KU Leuven, Department of ESAT/PSI, Leuven, Belgium radiologists in clinical practice) are not only e-mail: [email protected] tedious and time-consuming and thus impractical

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 9 E. R. Ranschaert et al. (eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging, 10 F. Maes et al. in clinical routine, but also subject to significant of the geometric properties of the object, in par- intra- and inter-observer variability, which un- ticular its volume or shape. Image segmentation dermines the significance of the clinical findings can be performed in different ways: boundary- derived from them. There is, therefore, great need wise by delineating the contour or surface of for more efficient, reliable, and well-validated au- the object in one (2D) or multiple (3D) image tomated or semi-automated methods for medical slices; region-wise by grouping voxels that are image analysis to enable computer-aided image likely to belong to the same object into one or interpretation in routine clinical practice in a multiple regions; or voxel-wise by assigning each large number of applications. Which information voxel in the image as belonging to a particular needs to be quantified from the images is of object, tissue class, or background. Class labels course highly application specific. While many assigned to a voxel can be probabilistic, resulting applications in computer vision involve the de- in a soft or fuzzy segmentation of the image. tection or recognition of an object in an image, Accurate 3D segmentation of complex shaped whereby the precise geometry of the objects is objects in medical images is usually complicated often not relevant (e.g., image classification, ob- by the limited resolution of the images (leading to ject recognition) or may be known a priori (e.g., loss of detail and contrast due to partial volume machine vision), medical image analysis often artifacts) and by the fact that the resolution is concerns the quantification of specific geometric often not isotropic (mostly multi-slice 2D instead features of the objects of interest (e.g., their posi- of truly 3D acquisitions). Hence, interpolation is tion, extent, size, volume, shape, symmetry, etc.), usually needed to fill in the missing information the assessment of anatomical changes over time in the data. In clinical practice, precise 3D mea- (e.g., organ motion, tissue deformation, growth, surements (e.g., volumetry) may be too tedious lesion evolution, atrophy, aging, etc.), or the and time-consuming, such that often a simplified, detection and characterization of morphological approximate 2D or 1D analysis is used instead variation between subjects (e.g., normal versus (e.g., for estimation of lesion size). abnormal development, genotype related vari- ability, pathology, etc.). The analysis of 3D shape and shape variability of anatomical objects in 2.2.2 Image Registration images is thus a fundamental problem in medical image analysis. Apart from morphometry, quan- Image registration involves determining the spa- tification of local or regional contrast or contrast tial relationship between different images, i.e., differences is of interest in many applications, in establishing spatial correspondences between im- particular in functional imaging, such as fMRI, ages or image matching, in particular based on PET, or MR diffusion and perfusion imaging. the image content itself [3]. Different images Within the wide variety of medical imaging acquired at different time points (e.g., before applications, most image analysis problems in- and after treatment), or with different modalities volve a combination of the following basic tasks (e.g., CT, MRI, PET brain images), or even from [2]. different subjects (e.g., diseased versus healthy) often contain complementary information that has to be fused and analyzed jointly, preferably 2.2.1 Image Segmentation at the voxel level to make use of the full resolu- tion of the images. Image registration is needed Image segmentation involves the detection of the to compensate for a priori unknown differences objects of interest in the image and defining in patient positioning in the scanner, for organ their boundaries, i.e., discriminating between the or tissue deformations between different time image voxels that belong to a particular object points, or for anatomical variation between sub- and those that do not belong to the object. Image jects. After proper registration, the images can segmentation is a prerequisite for quantification be resampled onto a common geometric space 2 Medical Image Computing and Machine Learning 11 and fused, i.e., spatially corresponding voxels can to be provided to manipulate the objects in the be precisely overlaid, which drastically facilitates 3D scene (e.g., cutting), to add virtual objects to the joint analysis of the images. In some cases, the scene (e.g., implants), or to fuse the virtual when deformations are ignorable, the registration reality scene with real-world images (e.g., intra- solution can be represented as an affine transfor- operative images). While such augmented reality mation matrix with a small number of parame- techniques can improve the integrated presen- ters, but in general a more complex transforma- tation of all available information during an in- tion in the form of a locally flexible deformation tervention (e.g., using a head-mounted display), field is needed to accommodate for non-rigid their introduction in clinical practice is far from distortions between the images. trivial. Image segmentation, registration, and visualization should not be seen as separate 2.2.3 Image Visualization subproblems in medical image analysis that can be addressed independently, each using a The information that is extracted from the images specific set of strategies. On the contrary, they ideally needs to be presented in the most optimal are usually intertwined and an optimal solution way to support diagnosis and therapy planning, for a particular image analysis problem can i.e., such that the correct interpretation by the only be achieved by considering segmentation, user of all relevant image data is maximally facil- registration, and visualization jointly. For itated for a specific application. For 3D medical instance, image registration can be used as a images, 2D multi-planar visualization is not well computational strategy for image segmentation suited to assess structural relationships within by matching the image to be segmented to a and between objects in 3D, for which true 3D similar image (e.g., from a different patient, visualization approaches are to be preferred. To or an atlas template) that has been previously this end, either surface rendering or volume ren- segmented (i.e., atlas-based segmentation). Vice dering can be applied. Surface rendering assumes versa, image registration can benefit from the fact that a 3D segmentation of the objects of interest that a prior segmentation of similar structures is available and renders these within a 3D scene in each image is already available, as these under specified lighting conditions (e.g., ambient provide strong clues to guide the registration light, point light sources) by assigning material process. Joint visualization of multiple different properties to each surface or surface element that images, acquired, for instance, pre-operatively specify its specular and diffuse light reflection, and intra-operatively, requires that registration transmission, scattering, etc. Volume rendering issues between all images residing in different instead renders the image voxels directly by coordinate systems have been resolved. This in specifying suitable transfer functions that assign turn is facilitated when suitable visualization each voxel a color and opacity depending on their and manipulation tools are available to verify intensity. While in principle volume rendering and adjust the registration interactively by visual does not require a prior segmentation of the ob- feedback (i.e., visual matching). Moreover, in jects of interest, in practice a prior segmentation applications involving image-guided treatment, of the image is often applied such that the transfer the pre-operative treatment plan needs to functions can be made spatially dependent and be transferred onto the patient during the object specific, which allows to discriminate be- intervention and the intra-operative position tween voxels with similar intensity belonging to of the instruments needs to be tracked in the different objects. In clinical applications such as images. This registration problem typically image-based surgery planning or image-guided requires additional hardware to be installed in the intra-operative navigation, additional tools need treatment room (e.g., an optical tracking system). 12 F. Maes et al.

2.3 Challenges Such complex shapes cannot easily be described by a mathematical model. Moreover, anatomi- Medical image analysis is complicated by differ- cal structures can show large intra-subject shape ent factors, in particular the complexity of the variability, due to internal soft tissue deforma- data, the complexity of the objects of interest, and tions (e.g., breathing-related motion, bowel ac- the complex validation. tivity), as well as inter-subject variability, due to normal biological variation and pathological changes. In general, the appearance of similar 2.3.1 Complexity of the Data structures in different images (of the same subject at different time points or from different subjects) Medical images are typically 3D tomographic can show significant variability, both in shape and images. The 3D nature of the images provides in intensity. Computational strategies for medical additional information, but also an additional image analysis need to take this variability into dimension of complexity. Instead of processing account and be sufficiently robust to perform well the data in 2D slice by slice, 3D processing is under a variety of conditions. usually more effective as it allows to take spatial relationships in all three dimensions into account, provided that the resolution of the data in-plane 2.3.3 Complexity of the Validation and out-plane is comparable. Medical images are based on different physical principles and the Medical image analysis involves the quantifica- quantification of the images is complicated by tion of internal structures of interest in real-world the ambiguity that is induced by the intrinsic clinical images that are not readily accessible limitations of the image acquisition process, in from the outside. Hence, assessment of absolute particular limited resolution, lack of contrast, accuracy is often impossible in most applications, noise, and the presence of artifacts. Moreover, due to lack of ground truth. As an alternative, a many applications involve the analysis of com- known hardware phantom that mimics the rele- plementary information provided by multiple im- vant objects of interest could be imaged, but the ages, for instance, to correlate anatomical and realism of such a phantom compared to the actual functional information, to assess changes over in vivo situation is often questionable. Moreover, time or differences between subjects. It is clear a hardware phantom usually constitutes a fairly that the variable, multi-X nature of the images rigid design that is not well apt to be adapted to to be analyzed (multi-dimensional, multi-modal, different variable anatomical instances. Instead, multi-temporal, multi-parametric, multi-subject, the use of a software phantom in combination multi-center) poses specific challenges. with a computational tool that generates simu- lated images based on a model of the imaging process provides more flexibility, with respect 2.3.2 Complexity of the Objects to both the imaged scene and the image ac- of Interest quisition setup itself. But again, such simulated images often fail to capture the full complexity The objects of interest in medical images are of real data. In clinical practice, ground truth typically anatomical structures (sometimes also is typically provided by manual analysis by a other structures, e.g., implants), either normal clinical expert, for instance, manual delineation or pathological (e.g., lesions), that can be rigid in case of image segmentation or manual anno- (e.g., bony structures) or flexible to some extent tation of corresponding anatomical landmarks in (e.g., soft tissue organs). Anatomical structures case of image registration. As already mentioned, may exhibit complex shape, such as the corti- such manual analysis is subject to intra- and cal surface of the brain, the cerebral and coro- inter-observer variability, which should be taken nary vessels, or the bronchial tree in the lung. into account when validating (semi-)automated 2 Medical Image Computing and Machine Learning 13 methods. Apart from accuracy, precision, consis- in CT). Instead, more sophisticated approaches tency, and robustness of the method are to be are needed that incorporate application-specific considered as well when evaluating its clinical information about the images to be analyzed. A usability. natural and powerful strategy is to construct suit- able models from the data itself by analysis of a representative set of previously analyzed images. 2.4 Medical Image Computing Such statistical models could in principle ensure that the degrees of freedom of the model are Medical image computing, which is a branch of optimally tuned to the relevant variation within scientific computing at the intersection of medi- the data of each specific application, provided cal imaging, computer vision, and machine learn- that the training set of previously analyzed im- ing, aims at developing computational strategies ages from which the model is constructed is large for medical image analysis that can cope with enough and representative for the population of the complexity of medical imaging data to en- subjects being considered. Instead of making able (semi-)automated analysis with sufficient use of a generic parameterization of the model accuracy and robustness. Such strategies rely that is applicable to many different applications, on mathematical models that incorporate prior the construction of application-specific statistical knowledge about the typical appearance of the models allows to decrease the number of relevant objects of interest in the images, including pho- parameters of the model by exploiting correla- tometric properties (e.g., intensity, contrast, tex- tions in the data, for instance, by adopting a ture), geometric properties (e.g., position, shape, multi-variate Gaussian model for the underlying motion), and context (e.g., relations to other ob- distribution of the data or by using dimensional- jects) [4]. Model-based image analysis involves ity reduction techniques such as principal com- the construction of an appropriate parameterized ponent analysis. Instead of postulating a specific representation for the model, the derivation of an analytical form for the statistical model, more objective function for assessing the goodness of general supervised data-driven approaches can fit of the model to the data, and the selection also be used to infer the relationship between of a suitable optimization strategy for finding a vector of specific features extracted from the the optimal parameters of the model instance data and the desired quantification outcome. To that best fits the image data. The models need this end, various machine learning strategies for to be sufficiently flexible to account for image feature-based classification, such as support vec- appearance variations, due to, e.g., variability in tor machines or random decision forests, can be the image acquisition itself, normal biological used [5]. shape variability, motion and deformation, and Recent advances in supervised learning of pathology. The flexibility of the model is de- models from training data, especially deep learn- termined by the specific representation that is ing based on convolutional neural networks, have chosen for the model, its parameterization and shown great promise for many problems in com- number of degrees of freedom, and by the con- puter vision, including image classification, ob- straints imposed on its parameters. ject recognition, and segmentation. Deep learn- Simplistic models based on generic, heuristic ing also shows great promise for medical imag- assumptions about the appearance of the objects ing applications [6]. The analysis problem is in the images, for instance, about their intensity formulated as a classification task based on a homogeneity and (dis)similarity or their bound- large set of non-specified local features that are ary continuity and smoothness, are in general not assumed to be homogeneous within and between suited for medical image analysis applications, as all images separately and that are to be learned they are not powerful enough to capture the full by the neural network itself. Neural networks complexity of the problem (apart from few ex- define highly complex function classes and large ceptions, such as segmentation of bony structures amounts of data are typically necessary for them 14 F. Maes et al. to converge to a stable solution with good gen- model instance M(θ∗) with parameters θ ∗ for eralization ability. This requirement is usually which the a posteriori probability Prob(M(θ)|I) not met in medical image analysis, where the is maximized: availability of training data is limited, which θ ∗ = arg max Prob(M(θ)|I) (2.1) poses additional challenges that are not addressed θ in the majority of the machine learning literature. Moreover, the analysis of shape and shape vari- Using Bayes’ rule, the a posteriori probability ability, which is a fundamental problem in medi- can be written as cal image analysis, typically includes dispersed Prob(I|M(θ)) · Prob(M(θ)) Prob(M(θ)|I) = non-local patterns derived from dense spatial Prob(I) correspondences between heterogeneous images (2.2) analyzed jointly, for which it is not evident how this problem could be formulated as a classi- with Prob(I|M(θ)) the likelihood of observing fication problem using current neural network the data I given the model, Prob(M(θ)) the prior architectures. In addition, model-based analysis probability of the model instance with parameters aims at avoiding heuristics and implicit assump- θ, and Prob(I) the probability of observing the tions about the data as much as possible by mak- data I. Because the latter is independent of M(θ), ing such assumptions explicit using a parametric it follows that the optimal model parameters model. While deep learning seems to comply should satisfy with this paradigm by avoiding heuristic feature θ ∗ = arg max(Prob(I|M(θ)) · Prob(M(θ))) construction and selection, plenty of heuristics θ are embedded in the actual implementation of (2.3) the chosen neural network architecture, in the optimization strategy and in the sampling of the 2.5.1 Energy Minimization training data presented to the network, which complicates the interpretation of the model and Instead of estimating and maximizing the optimization of its performance. Prob(M(θ)|I) directly, the model fitting can as well be performed by estimating the prior probability Prob(M(θ)) and the data likelihood 2.5 Model-Based Image Analysis Prob(I|M(θ)) and maximizing their product. The maximum is preserved by taking the Model-based image analysis makes use of a logarithm of the right-hand side (as the logarithm model of the image appearance of the objects of is monotonically increasing): interest in the images. The model represents prior knowledge about the geometric, photometric, and θ ∗ = arg max log(Prob(I|M(θ)) · Prob(M(θ))) contextual properties of the objects of interest in θ (2.4) the images. The model should be sufficiently specific to deal with ambiguity in the imaging = arg max log(Prob(I|M(θ))) θ data and at the same time sufficiently flexible to accommodate for normal biological shape + log(Prob(M(θ))) (2.5) variability, pathological changes, or non-rigid deformations of the objects of interest. The By adopting a Gibbs distribution for model is fitted to the image data using a suitable both the prior and the data likelihood, this measure for the goodness of fit. This can be optimization problem can be formulated as generally formulated as follows. Let I be the energy minimization: M(θ) image data and the representation of the exp(−E (θ)) θ (M(θ)) = int model with parameters . Fitting the model Prob Z (2.6) M(θ) to the image data I involves finding the int 2 Medical Image Computing and Machine Learning 15

with Z and Zext(I) normalization con- exp(−E (θ|I)) int (I|M(θ)) = ext stants (independent of θ)andE and Eext the Prob Z (I) (2.7) int ext internal and external energy, respectively, such that

    (−E (θ)) (−E (θ|I)) ∗ exp exp ext θ = arg max log int + log (2.8) θ Z Z int ext   = arg min E (θ) + E (θ|I) (2.9) θ int ext

E The internal energy int of the model instance this can be done using variational calculus and θ is a measure for its a priori likelihood, while iterative gradient descent on E w.r.t. the model the external energy Eext represents the goodness parameters θ, starting from a suitable initializa- of fit of the model instance θ to the data. Note tion θ0 that is sufficiently close to the actual ∗ that Eext depends on the image data I, while optimal value θ . In practice, such local search E I θ + int is independent of . The actual formulation procedure yields a local optimum that is of the energy terms in the objective function E not guaranteed to be globally optimal and that depends on the choice of the representation for depends on the initialization and on parameters of the model M(θ) and its parameterization and on the optimization procedure itself (e.g., step size, the specific prior knowledge about the appear- stop criterion). Alternatively, by discretizing the ance of the objects of interest in the images that solution space θ, the problem can be formulated is to be captured by the model. In practice, the as a discrete optimization problem on a graph, for energy minimization formalism is very versatile which efficient global optimization strategies are and makes it easy to implement various different available, such as dynamic programming or min deterministic or statistical, purely mathematical cut/max flow algorithms. or biomechanically inspired, heuristic or learned constraints (or penalties) on the model [7]. 2.5.2 Classification/Regression In practice, both energy terms are not absolute but relative and need to be weighted with respect For the energy function E(θ|I,γ) to be relevant to each other, which can be made explicit by and sufficiently informative for a specific image introducing a weight γ in the energy function: analysis problem, realistic and sufficiently E(θ|I,γ) = E (θ|I)+ γE (θ) sophisticated formulations of the data likelihood ext int (2.10) Prob(I|M(θ)) and the prior Prob(M(θ)) are θ ∗ = arg min E(θ|I,γ) (2.11) θ needed. These can in principle be derived by statistical analysis of a set of similar, previously γ By tuning the value of , the optimal model in- analyzed images T ={(Ii,θi), i = 1 ...n}.In stance can be driven towards favoring more data that case, a direct estimate P(θ|I,T ) of the γ congruency ( small) or towards more model posterior probability Prob(M(θ)|I) may then as γ fidelity ( large). Additional parameters may be well be derived from the training data T ,such E E ∗ embedded in the definition of int and ext that the optimal model instance M(θ ) may be itself. Tuning of such hyperparameters for op- obtained by maximization of P: timal performance for the given application is an intrinsic difficulty of any model-based image θ ∗ = arg max P(θ|I,T ) = Φ(I|T ) (2.12) θ analysis approach. The solution of this optimization problem re- The function Φ maps every input I onto the quires a suitable optimization strategy. Typically, most likely output θ ∗ based on the given training 16 F. Maes et al. data T . The output θ can be defined as a single a simpler, less flexible, and more regularized value for the entire image (e.g., in case of image mapping would be more appropriate. classification), or voxel-wise (e.g., in case of Feature vector-based classification/regression segmentation). In case θ takes on discrete values is a very flexible approach for image analysis, (e.g., object class labels), the function Φ acts in the sense that multiple, separately computed as a classifier, while if θ takes on continuous sets of features fk, related to different object values (e.g., coordinates), Φ acts as a regression properties (e.g., contrast, texture, geometry, con- function. In practice, the dimensionality of the text, etc.) or computed from different subparts image I (i.e., the number of voxels) is high, of the data (e.g., multi-parametric MRI), can while the number of training samples n is usually be simply combined by concatenating them into much smaller, such that the estimation of Φ an aggregated feature vector f = (f1,f2, ...). is ill-conditioned. Hence, the problem is often Moreover, additional, non-image related features simplified by estimating a function Φf based on (e.g., clinical parameters, genetic information, a limited number of pre-defined features f = etc.) can be easily incorporated in the same way. F(I) that are computed from the image I: However, extending the feature vector also in- creases the dimensionality of the problem and ∗ θf = arg max P(θ|F(I), T ) = Φf (f |T ) θ may necessitate proper prior scaling of the differ- (2.13) ent feature ranges, which makes a robust estima- tion of Φf more complex and increases the risk of Different machine learning strategies, such as overfitting. Hence, in practice, a mechanism for k-nearest neighbors, support vector machines, or optimal feature selection will be typically applied random forest decision trees, can be applied to to reduce the dimensionality of the feature space construct the mapping Φf for a given training set by only maintaining the most relevant features T and a given set of features F. During train- (or combinations thereof) yielding optimal vali- ing, the parameters w that define the mapping dation performance. Φf (f |w), whose representation depends on the A drawback of conventional feature vector chosen learning strategy, are iteratively refined classification/regression is that the initial set of such that estimation performance is maximized features F(I) is pre-defined by the user, which is on the training set itself, using a measure L (a typically done heuristically and therefore likely cost or loss function) that evaluates the difference suboptimal. Current state-of-the-art machine between the given ground truth θi for each image learning approaches, in particular deep learning  Ii in the training set and the estimated θi (w) = using convolutional neural networks with several Φf (F(Ii )|w): consecutive hidden layers, alleviate this problem  by performing optimal feature computation  L (w|T ) = L(θi ,θi (w)) (2.14) and selection during training, thus effectively i∈T estimating the mapping Φ directly from the data I itself. Due to the large number of w∗ = arg min L (w|T ) (2.15) w parameters in such networks, different aspects related to network architecture, optimization, By cross-validation against a separate validation regularization, data sampling, and augmentation V {(I ,θ ), j = set of additional instances j j have to be carefully considered. 1 ...m} that are not used for training, the generalization potential of the learned mapping ∗ Φf (f |w ) to new, previously unseen cases 2.6 Computational Strategies can be assessed. Large differences in perfor- mance between training and validation sets Model-based computational strategies for medi- (L (w∗|T )<

2.6.1 Flexible Shape Fitting the geometry of the model can be represented implicitly, i.e., image-based, by representing the Flexible shape fitting makes use of a more or model as a picture, e.g., a gray value image, less global parametric model of the image ap- label image, probability map, or distance map, pearance of the object, including photometric, whereby the geometry of the model is intrinsi- geometric, and contextual properties, that is fit- cally related to the regular spatial grid on which ted to the actual image data by optimization of the image is defined. In case of a landmark-based an objective function that evaluates the good- shape model, the shape is altered by modifying ness of fit of the model instance. This objective the coordinates of the landmarks, either individu- function is often formulated as an energy func- ally or jointly. In case of an image-based shape tion and finding the optimal model instance is model, the shape is altered by modifying the solved as an energy minimization process. The intensities of the image, either directly or indi- energy function consists of both external, data- rectly, namely by a transformation (affine or non- dependent energy terms, which aim at driving rigid) of the underlying image grid. Examples of the geometry of the model instance to deform to- flexible shape fitting strategies using an explicit wards relevant photometric features of interest in shape representation include, for instance, active the image, and internal, data-independent energy contours (“snakes”) [8], active shape models [9], terms, which serve to constrain the flexibility and active appearance models [10]. Examples of the model and account for prior knowledge of flexible shape fitting strategies using an im- about the shape of the object. The external energy plicit shape representation include level sets [11], of the model can be based on local boundary graph cuts [12], eigenfaces [13], and intensity- features or more global regional features, and based non-rigid registration. can be defined heuristically, be derived from a While deterministic constraints imposed on statistical modeling of these features, or rely on the flexibility of the model are necessarily a specific model of the image acquisition. The largely heuristic in nature, statistical models internal energy can be based on deterministic aim at avoiding heuristics by learning suitable penalties imposed on the shape of the model model constraints from the data itself, based on a instance (e.g., spatial smoothness), on a (partial representative training set of examples, typically or pseudo-realistic) biomechanical modeling of derived from a of similar images ac- the object (e.g., elastic deformation behavior), or quired from different subjects (see Fig. 2.1 for an on statistical constraints (e.g., the expected shape example). A popular strategy for landmark-based of the object and its shape variability). Contextual statistical shape modeling are point distribution information, for instance, the relative position of models (PDM) [14]. A PDM is constructed by different objects, can also be accounted for by statistical analysis of the observed variations in incorporating cross-terms in the internal energy the locations of corresponding landmark points functions of these objects. Typically, the balance defined on all object shapes in a representative between both energy contributions, i.e., between training set of shape instances, after appropriate fidelity to the model and congruency to the data, spatial normalization of all shapes to a common is controlled by user-specified weights that need coordinate space to eliminate irrelevant, pose- to be tuned for each specific application. related variability. In practice, the construction The geometry of the model can be represented of PDMs is complicated by the fact that a explicitly, i.e., landmark-based, by representing sufficiently large training set of previously the model as a set of discrete points defined by segmented shape instances needs to be available, their 3D coordinates in some suitable space, typ- which usually involves manual delineation in 3D ically arranged in a graph (a 1D curve, a 2D sur- images, which is tedious and time-consuming face, a 3D mesh, etc.), with or without underlying for a large collection of images, error-prone continuous analytical parameterization (e.g., a and subject to intra- and inter-rater variability piece-wise polynomial function). Alternatively, and uncertainty. Moreover, a sufficiently large 18 F. Maes et al.

Fig. 2.1 Flexible shape fitting: example of a statistical ent subjects, after which principal component analysis is shape model of the left lung in a 2D thorax radiography. applied on the landmark coordinates to yield the mean The model is constructed from a set of example shapes shape and the main modes of variation around the mean. that were manually delineated in images of different This shape model can be used for automated segmentation subjects. All shapes are represented by the same number of the lung in new images by augmenting it with a of corresponding landmarks. The shapes are first aligned photometric model of the local intensity patterns around to eliminate irrelevant differences in pose between differ- each landmark set of point correspondences needs to have been affine image registration can usually be achieved established between all shape instances, which by automatically and robustly in a variety of appli- itself is a non-trivial problem for which different cations using maximization of mutual informa- strategies have been proposed [15]. tion [16, 17], non-rigid image registration is ill- In case of image-based models, fitting of the posed due to the large number of degrees of free- model to new data can be formulated as an dom and ambiguity in the images, for instance, image registration problem. Image registration in homogeneous regions. Regularization of the establishes dense spatial correspondences (i.e., a registration problem is therefore required to con- coordinate transformation) between two images strain the solution space to include only defor- based on a suitable local or global similarity mation fields that are physically acceptable and measure, such that prior information from one to smoothly propagate or extrapolate the registra- can be propagated onto the other or vice versa tion solution from sites with salient registration (if the transformation is invertible). While regis- features towards regions where registration clues tration using an affine transformation only com- are absent or ambiguous. One popular approach pensates for global differences in pose and scal- is the use of analytical basis functions to repre- ing between both images, most applications re- sent the deformation field, especially B-splines quire a more flexible, non-rigid transformation to with local support [18]. The flexibility of the de- accommodate for local shape differences. While formation and the number of degrees of freedom 2 Medical Image Computing and Machine Learning 19 is controlled by the spacing between spline con- information alone. The classification can be su- trol points, for which a multi-resolution strategy pervised or unsupervised. is typically adopted. Smoothness of the defor- Model-based unsupervised classification mation field is intrinsic to the parameterization adopts a parametric model for the expected at scales smaller than the control point spacing intensities of the objects of interest, typically and may be imposed at larger scales by penal- a Gaussian mixture model, and estimates the izing high spline curvature or excessive local optimal parameters of the model and the volume changes. Alternatively, the deformation classification simultaneously by maximizing field can be represented as a 3D, discrete vector the posterior probability of the labels given field that is typically regularized by adopting a the data and the model, for instance, using the physics-based elastic or viscous fluid model or expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm [20]. a diffeomorphic deformation framework [19]. Local spatial constraints can be imposed on In theory, a statistical deformation model could the classification by formulating them as a be derived in a similar way as for landmark- Markov random field. In addition, more global based models, but this is complicated in practice a priori spatial information about the objects by the large number of degrees of freedom in of interest can be included as prior probability non-rigid registration, requiring a large number maps, typically derived from an atlas that is of examples to capture fine-scaled statistically first registered to the images and that also meaningful correlations. serve to initiate the EM algorithm, such that Image registration is frequently used in the procedure becomes completely automated. medical image analysis for inter-subject spatial Atlas-based classification and classification- normalization, for the construction of mean shape based atlas registration can be unified in a single templates (atlases), for atlas-based segmentation, algorithm, such that both are iteratively refined. for quantification of local shape differences and By extending this approach to the simultaneous characterization of shape variability between segmentation, atlas construction and clustering of groups, and for spatio-temporal analysis of a population of multiple, possibly heterogeneous motion or disease evolution. Atlas-based image images, automated data-driven detection of mor- segmentation makes use of a prior model in phological differences between subpopulations the form of an atlas, typically consisting of a becomes feasible using this framework. gray value template and associated binary or Intensity-based classification of pixels can be probabilistic label images, either derived from a extended to more general feature-based classifi- single subject or from a mean-shape average of cation of individual pixels (e.g., for segmenta- multiple subjects. To avoid bias in the analysis tion) or entire images (e.g., for disease staging) introduced by the atlas, the atlas may be stratified whereby a vector of image-derived features, pos- or specifically constructed for the specific pop- sibly augmented with non-imaging features (e.g., ulation of subjects of interest (e.g., age, disease patient age, gender, clinical findings, genetic in- status). Alternatively, multiple suitable atlases formation, etc.) is computed for each pixel or may be selected from a collection of images, each per image. As the dimensionality of the fea- applied separately to generate a segmentation and ture vector increases and the features themselves the resulting segmentations fused, for instance, are more diverse, the adoption of an underlying using a majority voting scheme. model for the feature distribution (e.g., multi- variate Gaussian) is less justified. Hence, instead of assuming a specific feature model, supervised 2.6.2 Pixel Classification classification methods estimate decision bound- aries between different object classes in the high- Pixel classification aims at assigning an object dimensional feature space based on a training label or its probability to each voxel in the im- set of positive and negative samples of each age individually, mainly based on local intensity class. Different generic classifiers can be used for 20 F. Maes et al.

Fig. 2.2 Pixel classification: example of a CNN trained diction (yellow) to the manual ground truth (red) using for organ at risk delineation in a head and neck CT cross-entropy as loss function. The classifier generates scan used for treatment planning in radiotherapy. The delineations of multiple organs simultaneously: parotid neural network predicts the object labels in a small patch glands, oral cavity, mandible, brainstem (left), glottic around each voxel based on local intensity information larynx, esophagus, spinal cord (right) at different scales and is trained by comparing its pre- this purpose, such as support vector machines, eralization to unseen data. Deep neural networks, random forests, or neural networks. A drawback and especially convolutional neural networks, are is that suitable features need to have been defined an active topic of research in medical image anal- in advance, such that the performance of these ysis (see Fig. 2.2 for an example), as these ap- methods is impacted by feature selection and proaches currently achieve the best performance by the need for dimensionality reduction of the for object detection and segmentation in many feature vectors to avoid overfitting in case of applications [22]. limited training data. Deep learning deals with the issue of optimal feature selection by using a neural network with 2.7 Fundamental Issues multiple hidden layers to learn the optimal fea- tures simultaneously while training the classifier When selecting or designing an appropriate com- such that overall classification performance is putational strategy for model-based image analy- optimized [21]. Due to the very large number sis in a particular application, some fundamental of parameters in such networks, regularization is choices or issues related to the model representa- required to avoid overfitting and to ensure gen- tion and fitting have to be considered. 2 Medical Image Computing and Machine Learning 21

2.7.1 Explicit Versus Implicit 2.7.2 Global Versus Local Representation of Geometry Representations of Appearance Object shape can be described using points, con- tours or meshes with explicitly specified coor- A global model representation is based dinates, or as a picture with implicit geometry on parameters that each affect the overall implied by the image grid. Flexible model-to- (photometric and/or geometric) appearance of image fitting using an explicit geometric model the object. This is advantageous for imposing representation is typically driven by local photo- global shape constraints and for propagating metric features along or inside the object bound- evidence about a suitable model fit from image ary, while fitting an implicit iconic model (e.g., regions with salient clues towards regions where an atlas) involves deformable image registration. such clues are absent. Local representations on While statistical models could be built for each the other hand have parameters that each describe representation independently, unified hybrid ex- the object appearance only locally, thus providing plicit/implicit models have also been conceived additional flexibility to adapt to local deviations. in which variability in object boundary shape A unified hybrid local/global model can provide and iconic deformations are considered jointly, control at small scale, while at the same time for instance, by combining explicit landmark- imposing constraints over larger scales. Ideally, based and implicit picture-based shape models in such multi-scale representation would be learned a single strategy for model-based segmentation automatically from training data in order to and registration. The implicit model provides describe the observed variability locally at the dense correspondences between a pictorial shape most optimal scales. template and the image to be segmented by non- To tackle this problem, hybrid models that can rigid registration constrained by statistical de- represent shape variability at multiple scales are formation modes. The explicit model provides needed. For instance, in case of landmark-based point correspondences at landmark points (de- shape modeling, shape constraints can be im- fined in the space of the implicit model) by posed between any two landmarks in a graph-like flexible shape fitting constrained by a statisti- structure, both locally between adjacent land- cal model of shape variability (e.g., a PDM). marks and globally between more distal land- While the explicit model is driven by intensity marks. The concatenation of multiple such partial information at the object boundary specifically, statistical constraints in a single objective func- the implicit model would bring the overall in- tion may be advantageous over a single global tensity appearance of the object into account. A PDM, as it requires less training samples and matching strategy incorporating both models is provides more flexibility to deal with local shape thus expected to be more robust than each of the distortions. While such dependencies can be sim- models separately. Moreover, by imposing that ply assumed and imposed deterministically based both models must be consistent at the boundary on application-specific heuristics, such heuristics points, matching information can be propagated can be avoided by learning local and global from one model onto the other and vice versa. spatial correlations from the data itself. During Also, training of the landmark-based and picture- model fitting, such dependencies need not be based shape models can best be performed simul- treated equivalently, but could be weighted to put taneously to exploit likely correlations between more emphasis on shape constraints between the both. most correlated landmark points. 22 F. Maes et al.

When assessing groupwise morphological tial training of such models typically relies on variation between populations of subjects based a deterministic approach for extracting suitable on dense spatial correspondences established photometric features and for establishing spa- by non-rigid registration between all images, tial correspondences between different exemplars regional shape-related imaging biomarkers can in the training set. The bias introduced in the be discovered based on features of interest that model by these implicit assumptions adopted are derived from the deformation fields (e.g., the during model construction may not be ignored local Jacobian determinant of the deformation, in case the available training data is limited. A possibly at multiple scales) obtained by a unified hybrid deterministic/statistical modeling previously applied deterministic, groupwise and model fitting approach would be able to image registration process. However, these de- initiate itself from small data ensembles based formation fields are likely biased by the implicit on generic ad-hoc assumptions that could be assumptions (e.g., degrees of freedom, similarity gradually re-assessed as the model is built up measure, regularization) made during this pre- and traded for more specific knowledge about processing stage. Such bias could be avoided probable variability in the data as more exemplars by establishing dense spatial correspondences become available. directly from the image data without having to adopt a specific deformation model. 2.7.4 Data Congruency Versus Model Fidelity 2.7.3 Deterministic Versus Statistical Models Objective functions to be optimized during model fitting typically show a trade-off between Shape models in medical image analysis are often assuring fidelity of the model instance to the deterministic, i.e., mainly heuristic, for instance, expected object properties versus maximizing an object represented as a 2-D flexible curve the goodness-of-fit of the model instance to with intrinsic smoothness properties, a 3-D elas- the data. Typically, with deterministic modeling tic mesh, or a deformable template with physi- approaches, this trade-off becomes apparent in cally based deformation properties. The objective the form of weight parameters that have to be set function used for fitting the model to an image heuristically to balance the influence of different is usually formulated as an energy function or terms in the objective function in order to obtain similarity measure, which typically consists of suitable behavior of the model in a specific a weighted combination of an external energy application. Such heuristics would not be needed term, assessing the agreement of the fitted model if the photometric and geometric variability instance with relevant photometric features de- of the object and their interdependence would rived from the image data, and one or more be fully modeled statistically based on joint internal energy terms or penalty functions, im- probability models derived from actual data, posing geometric constraints on the model. Such instead of relying on simplifying deterministic deterministic models are often too generic in na- assumptions. Model fitting is then formulated ture and their proper behavior overly depends on as maximizing the posterior probability of the the tuning of ad hoc parameters and on suitable model parameters given the observed data and initialization. The behavior of the model can be their a-priori distribution. This model fitting made more robust by constraining its flexibility should be robust to deviations from the expected by incorporating application-specific knowledge photometric and geometric variability, due to about the expected variability in image appear- imaging artifacts and/or pathological conditions. ance of the object of interest as deduced from In practice, however, the construction of suitable a representative ensemble of exemplars, i.e., a priors is complicated by the limited amount of statistical appearance model. However, the ini- training data. 2 Medical Image Computing and Machine Learning 23

2.8 Conclusion 7. Zhao F, Xie X. Energy minimization in medical image analysis: methodologies & applications. Int J Numer Methods Biomed Eng. 2015;32:1–63. The evolution towards a more personalized 8. Kass M, Witkin A, Terzopoulos D. Snakes: active medicine requires the analysis of a large amount contour models. Int J Comput Vis. 1988;1(4):321–31. of imaging (and non-imaging) data. Robust 9. Cootes TF, Taylor CJ, Cooper DH, Graham J. Active automated methods are essential for a more shape models: their training and application. Comput Vis Image Underst. 1995;61(1):38–59. efficient and more accurate analysis of multi- 10. Cootes TF, Edwards GJ, Taylor CJ. Active modality images in clinical practice in the appearance models. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. context of early diagnosis, optimal treatment 2001;23(6):681–5. planning, and treatment follow-up. Medical 11. Osher S, Paragios N. Geometric level set methods in imaging, vision, and graphics. Berlin: Springer; image computing benefits from advances 2003. in machine learning to develop data-driven 12. Boykov Y, Veksler O, Zabih R. Fast approximate model-based image analysis strategies that are energy minimization via graph cuts. IEEE Trans less biased by heuristic assumptions about Pattern Anal Mach Intell. 2001;23(11):1222–39. 13. Turk M, Pentland AP. Eigenfaces for recognition. J the appearance of the objects in the images. Cogn Neurosci. 1991;3(1):71–96. Supervised learning using deep convolutional 14. Heimann T, Meinzer H-P. Statistical shape models neural networks appears promising for various for 3D medical image segmentation: a review. Med applications in medical image analysis, although Image Anal. 2009;13:543–63. 15. Davies R, Twining C, Taylor C. Statistical models of the large number of parameters in these networks shape: optimisation and evaluation. Berlin: Springer; and the limited amount of training data available 2008. in most applications pose specific challenges. 16. Maes F, Collignon A, Vandermeulen D, Marchal G, Suetens P. Multimodality image registration by max- imization of mutual information. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 1997;16:187–98. 17. Pluim JPW, Maintz JBA, Viergever MA. Mutual- References information-based registration of medical images: a survey. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2003;22(8):986– 1. Suetens P. Fundamentals of medical imaging. 3rd ed. 1004. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2017. 18. Rueckert D, Sonoda LI, Hayes C, Hill DL, Leach 2. Bankman IN. Handbook of medical imaging: pro- MO, Hawkes DJ. Nonrigid registration using free- cessing and analysis. San Diego: Academic; 2000. form deformations: application to breast MR images. 3. Hajnal JV, Hill DLG, Hawkes DJ. Medical image IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 1996;18(8):712–21. registration. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 2001. 19. Ashburner J. A fast diffeomorphic image registration 4. Suetens P, Fua P, Hanson AJ. Computational strate- algorithm. Neuroimage. 2007;38(1):95–113. gies for object recognition. ACM Comput Surv. 20. Van Leemput K, Maes F, Vandermeulen D, Suetens 1992;24(1):5–61. P. Automated model-based tissue classification of 5. Prince SJD. Computer vision: models, learning, and MR images of the brain. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. inference. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1999;18(10):897–908. 2012. 21. LeCun Y, Bengio Y, Hinton GE. Deep learning. 6. Greenspan H, van Ginneken B, Summers RM. Deep Nature. 2015;521:436–44. learning in medical imaging: overview and future 22. Litjens G, Kooi T, Bejnordi BE, Setio AAA, Ciompi promise of an exciting new technique. IEEE Trans F, Ghafoorian M, van der Laak JAWM, van Ginneken Med Imaging. 2016;35(5):1153–9. B, Sánchez CI. A survey on deep learning in medical image analysis. Med Image Anal. 2017;42:60–88. A Deeper Understanding of Deep Learning 3

Bart M. ter Haar Romeny

A solid mathematical theory or model of the 3.1 Introduction internal functioning of the neural networks is still lacking, or at least only partly understood. The It was a struggle for decades, but finally performance is in some areas so impressive, that computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) begins to the field is taken by storm: not only radiologists work. Today we are confronted with more and but also long-time computer vision scientists take more examples where the performance of deep turns in their career. learning systems comes close to human perfor- In this chapter I will especially focus on the mance. At RSNA 2017 more than 100 companies intuitive mechanisms behind an important class showcased AI products, but it has not penetrated of networks for images, i.e., convolutional neural yet on the working floor. One reason may be the networks, how they work, how they are related unfamiliarity with the concepts, fear of giving a to human visual perception, and discuss some in- lot of responsibility to a seemingly “black box,” sightful models and terminology. Terms in italics and not having time yet to get familiar with it by are explained in the glossary. testing it. In this chapter we discuss the engineer- The paper is organized as follows: After a dis- ing technicalities of AI in some depth, as well as cussion of a classical CAD processing pipeline, the relation to biological perception and some of we look at the concept of contextual processing. the highly dynamic AI development world. Then we study the deep layers of our human There are numerous high-quality reviews visual system, and the layers of a general con- covering the current state of the art of deep volutional neural network (CNN), as this is the learning in radiological application areas type of network most effective in imaging. We and its impact, see, e.g., [12, 20, 30]. The give examples of current network architectures, field now covers virtually all fields where pointers on the web for further study, and a med- human recognition plays a role, like language ical application in large-scale retinal screening translation, genetic analysis, social media for diabetic retinopathy. We then dive somewhat analysis, but in this chapter the focus is on visual deeper in the mechanism of self-organization analysis: image recognition and classification. of the filters, both in physiology and artificial networks. The brain is still far outperforming B. M. ter Haar Romeny () Department of Biomedical Engineering, Eindhoven our computers in terms of energy efficiency and University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands speed, so we discuss some roadmaps where the e-mail: [email protected] field might go.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 25 E. R. Ranschaert et al. (eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging, 26 B. M. ter Haar Romeny

The paper is concluded with a discussion and systems, with rule-based reasoning, like the “if- some recommendations especially for radiology. else” statements in programming. An illustrative example from 1984 is the case of US Campbell Soup Company: Aldo Camino, an expert with 3.2 Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 46 years of experience, knew everything about the Classical Approaches the complex 22 m high sterilizers, which heated 68,000 cans of soup to 120 ◦C. If it went wrong, The classical way to do pattern recognition for a lot of soup was lost. Aldo knew everything: CAD is by designing hand-crafted detectors of “if this valve ticks, and the temperature there is low-level image features, like edges, lines, cor- too low, that valve must be opened further,” etc. ners, etc. This is done with banks of special He flew from factory to factory, but was about to filters (also called kernels or templates). The retire. It was decided to record his full knowledge filters are designed to look like the tiny pieces in a large set of AI rules. Later this form of of structure they are supposed to detect. The AI got stuck; it turned out to be impossible shifting of a small filter over an image, row by to keep discovering more rules and add them row, is called convolution. With the many filters to the system. These relatively simple networks many properties are measured at each position actually disappointed, and at the end of the 1990s or in small image patches, giving rise to a high- this field was virtually given up. dimensional feature space. Clusters in this feature space are separated by the so-called classifiers in the desired classes, e.g., healthy or disease. A 3.4 Neural Networks typical pipeline of processing stages is shown in Fig. 3.1. An important new family of ideas mimicked synaptic connections by weights in an artificial neural network (ANN). The neuron sums the 3.3 Artificial Intelligence weighted inputs and the output needs to pass a threshold, see Fig. 3.2. Learning is accomplished Already decades ago people have tried to im- by iteratively adapting the weights in such a plement the intelligence of our human brain. way that the error at the output is minimized. First attempts focused on the so-called expert Typically the networks were shallow, not deep,

Fig. 3.1 A typical Testing Set classical processing Preprocessing Segmentation pipeline for Training Set computer-aided diagnosis. Many features are detected Feature Extraction with hand-crafted filters Feature selection Gabor, Tamura, through Entropy Local Binary Pattern, Zernike Moments, and Regional Properties

Stored Extraction of Features Selected Features Ground Truth SVM

Tumorous Non-Tumorous 3 A Deeper Understanding of Deep Learning 27

Fig. 3.2 Left: synapses connect between neurons. A network, summing weighted inputs and passing the output larger synapse is a larger weight. Repetitions let synapses through a nonlinear threshold grow, the basis of learning. Right: a simple artificial neural

Fig. 3.3 The role of context is clear in this example of zoomed-out section, nothing can be discriminated, but detection of a catheter in fluoroscopy. With only local when the same small area is enriched with context, the detection, i.e., with a key-hole view, like in the middle catheter becomes clear only a few (typically three) layers: input layer, is known as Gestalt since the 1930s [28, 29], hidden layer, and output layer (for layer locations but a mathematical theory for it was never fully see also Fig. 3.4). The weights were not known, established. The second insight is that it should but had to be learned. After each offered be done by incremental expansion of the contex- example, the error deviation at the end was tual region, in small steps, i.e., layer by layer. used to adjust an initial random assignment of See Fig. 3.4.Weweretoogreedytodoitall weights to more optimal values. After many, in only a few layers. Our human visual system many learning cycles the error could be made also works with multiple layers, see Fig. 3.5.It lower and lower. However, also these ANNs only is the most extensively studied brain area and gave about 75% success rate. functionality. It is estimated that one quarter of The key idea turned out to make a deep neural our brain, located in the back of our head, is for network, i.e., with many more (10–100) internal vision. So we are very much visual machines, layers [18, 19]. The functional mechanism is which is abundantly clear by our use of images in essentially to exploit the use of context.Human everything we do. It is estimated that our visual vision is known to make extensive use of the con- system has at least 11 deep layers, in two major text around a given structure for recognition, see, pathways, the dorsal parietal pathway for “what” e.g., the example in Fig. 3.3. The phenomenon and the ventral temporal pathway for “where.” 28 B. M. ter Haar Romeny

Fig. 3.4 A deep neural network to be trained for face The next layer looks larger again, and has learned faces, recognition. In the first layer simple features are detected, etc. The last layer of the network is the classifier, giving like edges and lines. In the next layer the context is larger, the probability to belong to a pre-destined number of and they are combined to parts, e.g., noses and mouths. classes as output

and are shifted over the input image in steps 3.5 Convolutional Neural (stride) of 4 pixels. The filtered output image of Networks layer 1 has thus a size of 55 × 55 pixels. These first filters find edges and lines, and come in many In 2012 the famous annual ImageNet Large Scale orientations and scales (in this case 48). The 48 Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC, [14]) filtered output images of layer 1 form a data cube was won by the convolutional neural network of 55 × 55 × 48, which is mathematically called “AlexNet,” by Krizhevski et al. [18], with an error a tensor1 (a high-dimensional matrix). Because rate of 15.3%, which was a stunning 10.8% better such a tensor is a serious data explosion, it is than the runner-up. See Fig. 3.6. The numbers decimated with a so-called max-pooling layer: next to the layers specify the structure of the only the maximum of a 5 × 5 template is kept network, described below. as input for layer 3. In the third layer 128 filters It is instructive to study this particular network in more detail: the input image is 224 × 224 pixels, 3 bytes per pixel (RGB color). The convo- 1This explains the name of ’s deep learning soft- lution filters in the first layer are 11 × 11 pixels, ware TensorFlow [11]. 3 A Deeper Understanding of Deep Learning 29

Fig. 3.5 Stages of the human visual system. From the ulate nucleus (LGN) in the thalamus, then to the primary retina (lower right) the signal travels to the lateral genic- visual cortex (V1) in the occipital brain, to V2, V3, V4, etc. From [16]

Fig. 3.6 AlexNet, a famous deep convolutional neural the error is from right to left, where the network. The numbers indicate the size and number of many internal network weights are adjusted one by one by the applied filters. The forward flow is from left to right, minimizing the resulting output error (or loss function)by where the complexity of the filters increases per stage, and endless training cycles. From [18] of size 3 × 3 are applied, max pooling again, etc. The training (i.e., the actual learning) of the Layers can be stacked as Lego. The last layers network is the labor- and time-consuming part. are fully connected layers, which form the final The (for a large network typically millions of) classifier. Those can also be classical classifiers, weights of the connections need to be adjusted such as a support vector machine (SVM)ora using the training data, such that the classification random forest. In our figure the three fully con- error is minimized. This process is called nected layers have as output 1000 categories [18]. error backpropagation. Powerful optimization 30 B. M. ter Haar Romeny techniques exist to do this optimally fast, using Virtually all these big companies are develop- techniques as gradient descent. Training a large ing new health care applications, starting from network can take hours, sometimes even weeks, where the most data is available, e.g., internet even on very powerful computers. of things (wearables, apps, medical devices, and When the full training data are exploited, the sensors), electronic health records, and fundus network is validated with the test data, i.e., to photos to detect diabetic retinopathy [13], see establish how well it actually works, specified in, also Sect. 3.7. e.g., sensitivity and specificity. It is clear that in radiology the huge local The trained network can be deployed as the PACS data repositories contain the big data for electronic expert: image in, classification out. efficient training of our profession’s AI networks, This process, the production stage, is fast. Most but much organizational and legislative work still deep learning neural networks are written in the has to be gone through. programming language Python, see also [8]. (II) Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) Computer games need screen updates some 3.6 Why Now? 60 times per second, and the regular computer processors were not fast enough. A GPU is Three main reasons may explain the explosion of a single additional computing chip, located AI: on the game card in a PC or laptop with typically hundreds (today up to 3800) of parallel (I) Big Data Today big data are everywhere. processors. It is ideal hardware for deep learning Really big data. It is the primary key for the suc- training and deployment. The by far largest cessful deep learning applications we see today. supplier is the US-based NVIDIA company. The more data the better, e.g., for CAD, GPUs can be stacked in servers (see Fig. 3.7). general language translation, for image classi- They are typically programmed in the language fication, for self-driving cars, face recognition, CUDA. etc. There is a clear trend on the internet of “the winner takes all.” The big companies of (III) Smart Network Architectures A multi- today (Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, tude of deep neural network architectures have Uber, Baidu, Apple, TenCent, etc.) offer many been developed for specific purposes: convolu- services for free, such as , tional neural networks for images, residual neu- Google Photos, Facebook face tagging, Google ral networks for faster training, recurrent neural Streetview, to name a few. They pay to get your networks for temporal and sequential data, data. U-nets for biomedical image segmentation, Some examples: Over 1.2 billion photos are generative adversarial networks (GANs) to uploaded to Google Photos every day, which generate new images from a learned specific now stores 13.7 petabytes (1015)ofimageinfor- style, etc. mation. In comparison, 350 million photos are uploaded every day to Facebook. Every time one of its 1.65 billion users up- 3.7 Example: Screening loads a photo to Facebook and tags someone,2 for Diabetic Retinopathy that person is helping the facial recognition al- gorithm. The company claims to be able to accu- A high-volume screening application, where rately identify a person 98% of the time. brain-inspired quantitative geometric methods [26] are combined with deep neural networks have proven to be effective, is the Sino- 2The Facebook “like” button has been pressed 1.13 trillion Dutch RetinaCheck project [27]. In today’s times. China 11.6% of the population is affected with 3 A Deeper Understanding of Deep Learning 31

Fig. 3.7 Affordable mini for AI: 19 rack server with 8 NVIDIA’s Titan Xp GPUs, with 8 × 3840 = 30,720 parallel cores. Price around 35 Ke

Fig. 3.8 Fully automatic exudate detection in color retinal fundus images with a residual deep neural network. Training is on image level, classification is on pixel level, surpassing the time-consuming annotation step. From [1]

diabetes, and 4% will develop total blindness. To detect early signs of microvascular dysfunction, 3.8 Pointers on the Web fundus images are made at high resolution (12 Information on deep learning on the web is over- megapixels) and low cost. By means of residual nets exudates could be automatically detected whelming. Some useful resources are: [1], see Fig. 3.8. In this application pathology in the training images was specified at the image – Grand challenges in biomedical image anal- level (“there is something somewhere”), while ysis: a challenge is a public contest on a the network’s output classified on the pixel level large database. This is now the norm on high- (“there is pathology in those specific pixels”), end medical image analysis conferences, e.g., saving substantial annotation time. MICCAI: 32 B. M. ter Haar Romeny

URL: http/ difference between our brain and modern com- ges/ puting and datacenters is that the brain is much – Tutorial papers, like [6, 9] more efficient: it uses 25 W only, while com- – blog: every day updated with puting server centers typically use megawatts. new application areas of its GPUs: Brain’s neurons fire action potentials in the 1– URL: http/ 6 kHz range, while every computer today works – scientific writing is more on processor clock speeds of 2–3 GHz. There is and more accompanied by blogs, written still huge room for efficiency improvement for in magazine-style exploiting interactive our AI implementations! multimedia, rated by readers: What are the differences? We are still at URL: the beginning of this long journey, but a – scientific publishing is too slow for few directions are becoming clear. Most AI modern computer science. All deep learning methods exploit supervised learning,butthe research papers are first claimed on this huge brain seems to learn much with unsupervised pre-publications server and resource. As such, learning. it is a non-peer-reviewed publication platform, which means that it is useful for “insiders” but not as a reference, e.g., the evaluation of 3.9.2 Visual Learning software for clinical purposes: URL: It is instructive to study what happens in the – ConvNetJS: Karpathy’s interactive demos of very first stages of vision, the visual front-end deep learning teaching examples, running on [26]. Hubel and Wiesel, Nobel Prize winners any browser, with visualizations of what the 1981, found that the receptive fields (the neuronal layers do: correlates of filters) of the retinal ganglion cells URL: http/ have a center-surround structure. This is always convnetjs/ explained as “lateral inhibition” or “surround suppression,” but it must be the physiological implementation of local background subtraction batch normalization 3.9 A Comparison with Brain ( ) which is so essential for Research proper AI network functioning [15]. Hubel and Wiesel also found cells, higher up in the visual primary cortex V1, with receptive The visual system, retina and visual cortex, is fields acting as simple edge and line detectors, one of the most extensively studied areas of the the so-called simple cells. They can be modeled brain [16,17,21]. Modern techniques like voltage as mathematical operators: they take derivatives sensitive dyes, optogenetics, diffusion-weighted of the images: the first derivative extracts edges MRI brain connectivity studies, and nano-scale (differences between nextdoor pixels), the second crowd-segmentation of neurons [5] show neural order extracts lines, etc. It is no coincidence that anatomy ánd function from subcellular scale to the resulting filters in the first layer of any trained functional regions. deep neural net resemble these V1 filters, see It is a bit amazing that the worlds of AI and Fig. 3.9. biology are still strikingly separate. Biological To introduce a bit of mathematics: the theory papers use few mathematics, AI papers often lack called principal component analysis (PCA) can modern biological insights. express any variable data as a weighted sum of just a few basis components (the “principal 3.9.1 Brain Efficiency components”). If we run the PCA algorithm on multiple small patches from a radiological image, Despite the fact that AI seems powerful, there is e.g., a HRCT of lung with extensive fibrosis, we still a lot to be learned from the brain. A huge get the filters depicted in Fig. 3.9. These filters 3 A Deeper Understanding of Deep Learning 33

Fig. 3.9 Principal component analysis on image patches. filter: vertical edge detection). Bottom row: if only ver- Top left: original HRCT (source: Wikipedia HRCT) with tical structures are learned by PCA, as from this image the patches marked. Top right: resulting filters. Filters with vertical trees, primarily filters result that detect the that show a black-white division measure the difference structure of vertical edges. Lesson: the filters are created between two neighboring pixels, i.e., edges (first row, by the data. From [26] first filter: horizontal edge detection; first row, second are the same as when learned by error backprop- normal daily visual experience. See Fig. 3.11: agation, but now acquired much faster. Finding faces, even in an artistic drawing, is Blakemore experimented with the develop- relatively easy for us,3 can be much assisted by ment of receptive fields in a kitten from birth [3]. CAD algorithms, but recognition fails when the After being raised with only exposure to hori- same image is turned upside down. zontal lines for 3 months, it had not developed The lesson of the above is that our brain, and receptive fields (filters) for vertical lines, and it deep neural networks, learn the filters from the could not discriminate a vertical stick. Lesson: data. They do not need to be designed, or pre- also in brains: the filters are created by the data. wired. In this way just the right filter banks are See Fig. 3.10 and the movie [4]. We have the same deficiency for recognizing 3The search term “faces everywhere” in Google Images faces upside down, as they do not appear in our gives many common objects in which faces are perceived. 34 B. M. ter Haar Romeny

Fig. 3.10 Blakemore’s cat. After 3 months seeing only horizontal lines from birth, it could not see a vertical stick. From [3, 4]

Fig. 3.11 Face detection. Left: A famous illusion, showing a young and old lady. Right: when the image is turned upside down, face recognition is much more difficult. We have never learned faces upside down. Art from [7] found, with just the right filters: not too many, that it is a waste to process all pixels equivalently, not too few. it is only needed in the attention areas. We have an excellent internal representation of our envi- ronment in memory in our higher visual centers, 3.9.3 Foveated Vision and only a few updates with our scanning mov- able eye is enough. This phenomenon is exploited It is sure that our brain exploits many energy in the 3D SLAM experiment on Fig. 3.13,where saving strategies. One example is foveated vision. an environment is scanned with a so-called LI- The resolution on our retina is not isotropic DAR, a laser-scanning distance measuring device (the same everywhere), i.e., in the middle, at on the head of the researcher (see the YouTube our fovea, we see sharper than at the periphery. movie [22]). This sequential scan and the storage There is a radial linear decrease of acuity with in memory turns out to be hugely effective in eccentricity, see Fig. 3.12. What might be the terms of processing and storage. This process reason for this? can even run on a smartphone (it also fits into a It is interesting how much we can learn from mosquito brain, etc.). other fields, such as autonomous robot explo- Maybe this is the reason why we have only 1 ration. Here energy saving is also a key issue. We million fibers in our optic nerve, but 150 million take an argument from Erik Nelson’s 3D Simul- receptors (rods and cones)? taneous Localization and Mapping (3D SLAM) The non-isotropic retina was introduced into experiment [23]. The energy saving argument is deep CNNs by Ghafoorian et al. [10], see 3 A Deeper Understanding of Deep Learning 35

Fig. 3.12 The diameter of retinal receptive fields in- as function of eccentricity; top cluster: parasol cells (for creases linearly with eccentricity (macaque). Left: den- motion), bottom cluster: midget cells (for shape). Adapted dritic field size mapped on the retina. Right: diameter from [25]

Fig. 3.13 3D Simultaneous Localization and Mapping This is a very efficient operation, saving processing power (3D-SLAM), with a portable LIDAR distance scanner, and memory storage. From the YouTube movie [22], see mimicking our scanning fovea in a low-resolution retina. also [23]

Fig. 3.14. The convolution filters have decreasing other words: there is still much to come in AI, we resolution from the center of the filters. The are still at the beginning of this revolution. proposed method outperformed identical CNNs with uniform patches of the same size (Dice coefficient 0.780 ↔ 0.736), and got very close to 3.10 Conclusions and the performance of an independent human expert Recommendations (Dice coefficient 0.796). In short, these examples point to an important The key to a well-performing CNN is a deep lesson that much still can be learned, especially network topology, with incrementally increasing from cross-disciplinary fields, to optimize our contextual analysis. Up to millions of network current low-efficiency deep neural networks. In weights can be properly adjusted, using error 36 B. M. ter Haar Romeny

of the national societies to develop a national strategy how to deal with the golden data. Many new applications will be developed in close har- mony between radiology departments, research institutes, and companies, starting with data from population imaging and screening studies. It is interesting to note that deep CNNs also work in 3D, i.e., with 3D voxel filters, convolving with the 3D data. Here AI has a notch. Actually, convolutions can be implemented for any number of dimensions. The fast introduction of AI in radiology is evident. The main societies (RSNA, ESR, EU- SOMII, SIIM, MICCAI, ACR (which founded the Data Science Institute—DSI [2]), etc.) all abound on attention for application reports, tu- Fig. 3.14 Foveated convolution kernel. The resolution of torials, challenges, legislative studies, and have the filter decreases with distance from the center, making workshops to discuss where and why AI appli- it more efficient over a larger region. From [10] cations clearly fail. The computer vision world is now fully dedicated to developing new deep backpropagation, by training the network with learning paradigms and algorithms, new network huge amounts of data. The trained network is topologies, validation data sets, challenges, and stored: it is the expert now. For images the win- open source shared software. Hospitals and com- ning networks are convolutional neural networks. panies started having joined hands-on sessions, When do CNNs work, when not? CNNs can where multiple vendors can be compared in clin- learn faster from much more data: they finally ical practice and workflow [24]. will beat the experts; however, up till now only in A good advice for high-end radiology depart- specific cases: where context learning is evident, ment is to hire local AI specialists, who can teach, and when enough training data are available. develop, and critically judge. Modern biomedical Important new application areas include fields engineers today are fully equipped with state- where people find difficulties, e.g., in judging the of-the-art knowledge of the AI field. In the huge images of histology and pathology. Meta- Netherlands we are very well equipped with data from the electronic patient record (EPR) do knowledgeable medical image analysis groups help by combining them in the training, in the in virtually all University Medical Centers: way that they assist humans. If a CNN needs to Nijmegen, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Eindhoven, Delft, be designed, it is always good to compare a CNN Leiden, Amsterdam, etc. to a human expert. E.g. estimating the necessary And radiologists themselves should consider number of training samples is about equal to how making imaging informatics become a part of many case studies human experts need to see their training. They should have basic knowledge during their professional training. of machine learning and deep learning, to cope Big data is what it is all about. Actually, big with new products from industry, and demand data is more important than the specific network a prominent coordinating role in the providing architecture. The networks come in a few classes, and validation of the precious large-scale (ground big data in radiology is still mostly hidden in truth) data. protected PACS environments. Realizing the immense efficiency that the hu- The big companies active in AI today will man brain is exhibiting, it is sure that we will wit- surely enter the healthcare market aggressively, ness many new brain-inspired discoveries. And knowing that the winner takes it all. It is a role it works both ways: also modern brain research 3 A Deeper Understanding of Deep Learning 37 is much helped with breakthroughs in AI. It is 4. Blakemore C, Cooper GF. Development of the brain appropriate to end with a famous aphorism by depends on the visual environment; 1970. Movie: Steve Jobs:

3.11 Take Home Messages 5. Briggman KL, Helmstaedter M, Denk W. Wiring specificity in the direction-selectivity circuit of the – In Radiology, AI is here to stay. The successes retina. Nature. 2011;471:183–8. 6. Chartrand G, Cheng PM, Vorontsov E, Drozdzal M, are already impressive in many application Turcotte S, Pal CJ, Kadoury S, Tang A. Deep areas, and a rapid expansion is seen. It finally learning: a primer for radiologists. RadioGraphics. works. 2017;37(7):2113–31. – Hire AI specialists in the larger academic Ra- 7. Doolittle B, MacLay E. The forest has eyes. Sey- mour: Greenwich Workshop Press; 1998. diology departments, and incorporate imaging 8. Eremenko K, de Ponteves H. Deep learning A- informatics in the radiologist’s training pro- Z: hands-on artificial neural networks in Python, gram. Udemy Inc. – New paradigms are needed in AI research. As Most popular course 2018. 9. Erickson BJ, Korfiatis P, Akkus Z, Kline TL. Ma- the brain is very energy efficient, and works chine learning for medical imaging. RadioGraphics. with low-frequency neurons, much inspiration 2017;37(2):505–15. is still to come from biology. 10. Ghafoorian M, Karssemeijer N, Heskes T, van Uder – However, the worlds of computer vision and IWM, de Leeuw FE, Marchiori E, van Ginneken B, Platel B. Non-uniform patch sampling with biological vision are quite separated, and the deep convolutional neural networks for white matter cross-fertilization can mutually benefit. hyperintensity segmentation. In: 13th international symposium on biomedical imaging (ISBI), April 2016. New York: IEEE; 2016. p. 1414–7. 11. Google Inc. TensorFlow; 2018. An open source References machine learning framework. 12. Greenspan H, van Ginneken B, Summers RM. Guest 1. Abbasi-Sureshjani S, Dashtbozorg B, ter editorial: deep learning in medical imaging: overview Haar Romeny BM, Fleuret F. Boosted exudate and future promise of an exciting new technique. segmentation in retinal images using residual nets. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2016;35(5):1153–9. In: Proceedings of ophthalmic medical image 13. Gulshan V, Peng L, Coram M, et al. Development and analysis OMIA 2017, at MICCAI 2017, Québec validation of a deep learning algorithm for detection City. Cham: Springer; 2017. p. 210–8 of diabetic retinopathy in retinal fundus photographs. 2. American College of Radiology. Data Science Insti- J Am Med Assoc. 2016;316(22):2402–10. tute; 2018. The ACR DSI is collaborating with ra- 14. ImageNet. Large scale visual recognition challenge diology professionals, industry leaders, government (ILSVRC), 2010–2017. ILSVRC evaluates algo- agencies, patients, and other stakeholders to facilitate rithms for object detection and image classification at the development and implementation of artificial in- large scale: 150000 photographs, 1000 classes. http:// telligence (AI) applications that will help radiology professionals provide improved medical care. www. 15. Ioffe S, Szegedy C. Batch normalization: accel- erating deep network training by reducing internal 3. Blakemore C, Cooper GF. Development of the covariate shift. In: Proceedings of the 32nd interna- brain depends on the visual environment. Nature. tional conference on machine learning, Lille. Vol 37; 1970;228:477–8. 2015. 38 B. M. ter Haar Romeny

16. Kandel ER, Schwartz JH, Jessell TM. Principles of 24. Radboud UMC, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Di- neural science. 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; agnostic Image Analysis Group: EuSoMII work- 2013. shop hands-on with AI in radiology, April 21, 17. Kolb H, Fernandez E, Nelson R, editors. Webvi- 2018. http/ sion: the organization of the retina and visual sys- AI, tem. University of Utah Health Sciences Center, workshop-nijmegen-great-success-erik-r-/. Salt Lake City (UT); 1995. https://www.ncbi.nlm. 25. Rodieck RW. The first steps in seeing. Sunderland: Sinauer Associates, Inc.; 1998. 18. Krizhevsky A, Sutskever I, Hinton GE. Imagenet 26. ter Haar Romeny BM. Front-end vision and multi- classification with deep convolutional neural net- scale image analysis. Computational imaging and works. In: Pereira F, Burges CJC, Bottou L, Wein- vision series. Vol. 27. Berlin: Springer; 2003. berger KQ, editors. Advances in neural information 27. ter Haar Romeny BM, Bekkers EJ, Zhang J, Abbasi- processing systems 25. Red Hook: Curran Asso- Sureshjani S, Huang F, Duits R, Dashtbozorg B, et al. ciates, Inc.; 2012. p. 1097–105. Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image analysis. 19. LeCun Y, Bengio Y, Hinton G. Deep learning. Mach Vis Appl. 2016;27(8):1117–35. Nature. 2015;521:436–44. 28. Wagemans J, Elder JH, Kubovy M, Palmer SE, Pe- 20. Litjens G, Kooi T, Bejnordi BE, Setio AAA, Ciompi terson MA, Singh M, von der Heydt R. A century of F, Ghafoorian M, van der Laak JAWM, van Ginneken gestalt psychology in visual perception: I. Perceptual B, Sánchez CI. A survey on deep learning in medical grouping and figure-ground organization. Psychol image analysis. Med Image Anal. 2017;42:60–88. Bull. 2012;138(6):1172–2012. 21. Masland RH. The fundamental plan of the retina. Nat 29. Wertheimer M. Laws of organization in perceptual Neurosci. 2001;4:877–86. forms (partial translation). In: Ellis WB, editor. A 22. Nelson E. Wide-are indoor and outdoor real-time sourcebook of gestalt psychology. San Diego: Har- 3D SLAM; 2016. Movie: court, Brace; 1938. p. 71–88. watch?v=08GTGfNneCI. UC Berkeley, Department 30. Zhou SK, Greenspan H, Shen D, editors. Deep of EECS/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. learning for medical image analysis. Cambridge: 23. Nelson E, Corah M, Michael N. Environment model Academic; 2017. adaptation for mobile robot exploration. Auton Robot. 2018;42(2):257–72. Deep Learning and Machine Learning in Imaging: Basic Principles 4

Bradley J. Erickson

are used to train an algorithm to properly classify 4.1 Introduction future/unseen examples into the correct classes. For example, one might have a collection of Machine learning is a component of artificial chest X-rays, some of which are known to harbor intelligence that primarily focuses on finding malignant nodules and others that are known patterns. In most medical imaging applications, to have no malignant nodules. A goal might this is further narrowed to finding patterns in be to develop a machine learning algorithm imaging using a number of examples from which that will correctly identify the chest X-rays that the algorithm figures out the pattern. While this is have malignant nodules with high sensitivity and simple in concept, and there are some great tools specificity. that can make it simple to implement, assuring Given a collection of labeled images (e.g., that the result is a robust and accurate system labeled as to whether they have malignant nod- can be very difficult, with many subtle challenges ules or not), a first task is to compute “features” along the way. By the end of this chapter, you that are strong indicators of malignancy or lack should be familiar with some of the common thereof. Usually, more than one such feature is machine learning algorithms, some of the ways calculated, and the set of features computed for in which these algorithms can be “fooled,” and one example is referred to as a feature vector. ways to make them more robust and then finish It is critical to note here that there must be with a discussion of traditional machine learning appropriate preprocessing of images to make the and deep learning. features as reproducible as possible. This typ- ically means applying intensity and other nor- malization steps to the images. Exactly which 4.2 Features and Classes features are calculated depends on the intuition and experience of the investigator. Often many As noted above, this chapter will focus on features are calculated, and then a “feature re- supervised machine learning, which is the type duction” or “feature selection” step is performed of machine learning in which known examples in which duplicative or non-informative features are removed from the feature vectors. It is im- B. J. Erickson () Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, portant to have as few features as possible but USA keep as many as are needed to get the best e-mail: [email protected] performance.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 39 E. R. Ranschaert et al. (eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging, 40 B. J. Erickson

Input Hidden Layer Output Layer Layer

Input #1

Input #2


Input #3

Input #4

Fig. 4.1 Architectural diagram of a neural network. The output value for this node. This continues for each layer input layer has as many nodes as the number of features. until the final layer, which is called the output layer, The values are then multiplied by weights (represented where the final decision is made. The layers between the by lines connecting the input nodes to the next “layer” input and output layers are referred to as “hidden” layers. of nodes). These nodes receive the products of the prior Traditional neural networks had 1–2 hidden layers, while layer nodes/weights, sum them up, and then apply an current “deep” neural networks often have 10s to 100s of “activation function” to that sum, which determines the layers

A “class” refers to the type of finding present: work. When applied to imaging, one common in the chest X-ray example described above, there approach is to have each feature that is provided are two classes, malignant nodule(s) present and to the network multiplied by a “weight” which no malignant nodules present. Classes could also is a floating-point number typically ranging from be used for segmentation: class 1 is the object of −1.0 to +1.0 (see Fig. 4.1). The product of each interest (like the pixels that constitute the liver), input feature value times the weight is passed to and class 2 is everything else. The most common each node in the next layer. Each node in this classifier separates two classes, but it is possible next layer will sum these products and then apply to build classifiers that can directly classify more an “activation function” that converts the input than two classes at a time. value to an output value. This output value is Once the features have been selected, they are then multiplied by weights and passed to the next used as input to a machine learning algorithm. layer, and this continues until the final output There are many different types of algorithms layer is reached, where the decision/class is de- available, including neural nets, decision trees, termined for the feature vector example provided. support vector machines, Bayes networks, and In the early days, the activation function used was many more, some of which are variants or com- often the hyperbolic tangent function (Fig. 4.2), binations of these. because that approximated what was observed in biological neurons. A critical element of the neural network was to 4.3 Neural Networks “learn,” and that was accomplished by adjusting the weights that connected the nodes. Backprop- Neural networks were perhaps the earliest form agation is the general term used for taking the of machine learning and were based on our un- error observed at the output and adjusting the derstanding of how the brain and its neurons weights to reduce the error for the next set of 4 Deep Learning and Machine Learning in Imaging: Basic Principles 41

linear separator, the SVM algorithm constructs a hyperplane or set of hyperplanes in a high- dimensional space. If the data are linearly sep- arable, it is possible to compute two hyperplanes that separate the two classes of data, so that the distance between them is maximized. Many, if not most, cases of classification tasks are not linearly separable. For this reason, it was proposed that the original finite-dimensional Fig. 4.2 Hyperbolic tangent function. This function ap- space be mapped into a much higher-dimensional proximates the activation function seen in live neurons space, presumably making the separation easier and was heavily used in early neural networks. Nonlin- in that space. To keep the computational load earity of activation functions is an important component of effective learning reasonable, the mappings used by SVM schemes are designed to ensure that dot products may be computed easily in terms of the variables in examples provided to the network. While this is the original space, by defining them in terms simple in theory, it becomes very difficult when of a kernel function that suits the problem. The the network is anything beyond just a few nodes. hyperplanes in the higher-dimensional space are One reason is the “vanishing gradients” problem. defined as the set of points whose dot product When an output is in error, one typically uses with a vector in that space is constant. the amount of error or “gradient” to determine The solution to the challenge of mapping how much to change the weights. But which of points in a way that would allow them to be the many weights that contributed to the output separated by a plane was developed almost 30 should be changed? If one shares the gradient years later, when Vapnik and others identified a across all nodes, the amount of change to any one way to create nonlinear classifiers by applying node becomes quite small—so small it doesn’t the kernel trick to maximum-margin hyperplanes really have an impact, and thus the system is [2]. Even with this remapping of points, it is rare not really learning. This led to rather poor per- to have a plane that will separate all points, and formance of neural networks and caused them so it is necessary to allow for some points to be to be largely abandoned in the 1970s, and tech- on the “wrong side” of the plane. The current niques other than neural networks gained more standard incarnation to address this challenge attention. (known as a soft margin) was proposed by Cortes and Vapnik in 1993 and published in 1995 [3]. SVMs have a parameter that specifies the amount 4.4 Support Vector Machines of penalty for a point being misclassified and how much the penalty increases as a function of the The SVM algorithm was invented by Vladimir distance from the plane. These parameters are Vapnik and Alexey Chervonenkis in 1963 [1]. also referred to as “hyperparameters” because the Two key concepts of the SVM are the plane that weights are more typically referred to as parame- separates two classes (which is known as the ters. Selecting and adjusting hyperparameters are “support vector”) and the challenge of mapping still very much an art that requires experience points from their original space to a space that with both machine learning algorithms and im- allows them to be separated by a plane. The name ages. It is also important to note here that while SVM indicates that the concept of the separating the above is largely focused on classification, plane is central to the SVM method. Since most SVMs can also be used for regression and outlier problems cannot be solved with a simple 2D identification. 42 B. J. Erickson

4.5 Decision Trees 4.6 Bayes Network

While SVMs can be difficult to understand, de- Bayesian networks arguably are not really ma- cision trees are very straightforward, and that chine learning but rather focus on using proba- is their great appeal—it is very easy to under- bilities learned from the training data to predict stand how a decision tree is making its deci- the classes/outcome. “Bayes law” states that the sions. As the name implies, a decision consists probability of A given B (where A is the desired of a series of decisions. For instance, one might prediction and B is the set of input features) is begin with a decision like “Is the pixel value equal to the probability of B given A, times the greater than 100?” All pixels greater than 100 probability of A, divided by the probability of B. go to one branch of the decision tree, and the p (A |B ) p(B) others go to the other branch. By organizing p (B |A) = a series of such binary decisions, one may ac- p(A) complish very complex tasks. Of course, this simplicity also limits the power of the decision This basic formulation can be expanded to tree. address more complex situations, such as when A decision tree typically is constructed to there are multiple known probabilities (elements make the most “important” decisions first, and of the feature vector), and more complex relation- that should result in the fewest decisions having ships between those features than a simple linear to be made. If one has a collection of examples, connection. A represents a set each with several features, the first step is to of variables and their conditional dependencies calculate the entropy of each feature across the as a directed acyclic graph which is a structure samples, allowing us to calculate each feature’s in which once a node has been traversed, one can information gain. Information gain calculates the never go back to it (Fig. 4.3). For instance, given expected reduction in entropy due to sorting on a set of features for some group of images, and the attribute. The feature with the greatest in- the probabilities that each feature is present when formation gain is selected and the threshold that disease is or is not present. Once those proba- results in the best separation. The Gini Index [4] bilities and connections are computed (learned), is another option for selecting features and is a one can then compute the probability of disease measure of how often a randomly chosen element in some new feature vector by passing it through would be incorrectly identified: an attribute with the network. lower Gini index would be the one selected. In theory, the features (probabilities) should An important weakness of the decision tree be independent, but often they are not. In addi- is that it will fit the data set provided, and par- tion, nonlinearities in the relationships are usu- ticularly the later decisions will depend highly ally difficult to represent, and highly nonlinear on the exact data given, which means it will situations don’t perform as well. Despite these overfit the training data. One way that people limitations, and even when these assumptions are have attempted to reduce the chance of overfit- violated, Bayesian networks can perform very ting is to create “random forests.” As the name well and thus are a tool that people should be implies, this involves combining many decision aware of. trees, and the way those many trees are made is by randomly pulling sets of examples out of the full data set. By doing this, the dominant 4.7 Deep Learning features/decisions are still found in nearly all of the trees, but the last decisions, which are based Deep learning has received much attention re- on just a few examples and thus likely to be noisy cently because several factors came together that and overfit, will be more variable and effectively have enabled substantial leaps in performance. A cancel out in the forest. popular contest for measuring machine learning 4 Deep Learning and Machine Learning in Imaging: Basic Principles 43

Fig. 4.3 Directed acyclic graph. This describes a 4 series of computations that 1 2 can only progress from the input to an output without any loops. For instance, in 5 7 this diagram, one can only go to nodes that have higher numbers, starting 3 with node #1 and ending with node #7 6 performance is the ImageNet challenge (https:// and are often employed near the end of the deep learning network. challenge), in which machine learning algorithms are given a large collection of images and Convolutional Layers For image-based tasks, it labels indicating what is present in the image is quite common to use several layers of convolu- (e.g., “frog” or “airplane”). Traditional machine tions at the input. The elements of the kernels are learning methods like SVMs and random forests also a part of the learning process, and thus, these could achieve 70–75% performance in this systems learn the features critical to successful challenge—it was typical to see an improvement training. of around 1% year over year. Then in 2012, the team of Geoffrey Hinton, Ilya Sutskever, and Pooling Layers Many of the modern architec- Alex Krizhevsky from the University of Toronto tures have convolutions followed by a “pooling submitted a deep learning algorithm called layer,” in which the outputs of adjacent convo- AlexNet which beat the field by more than 10%, lutions are combined into a single output. The with an error rate that was 41% better than the most common pooling function is the “max pool” second-place finisher [5]. In 2013, another deep which simply finds the maximum value for its learning method resulted in another 10% gain “window” and passes that on to the next layer, over that. Deep learning methods now dominate which is often another convolution. this challenge, and performance is above 98% (which is better than human performance on the Activation Layers A key component of learn- test set). While ImageNet has received the most ing is to have nonlinearity in the system, and that attention, there are other challenges for text and is the primary function of activation layers. Early , and deep learning methods neural networks used sigmoidal-shaped functions have similarly resulted in dramatic performance such as hyperbolic tangent function because that improvements. is similar to what biological neurons used. How- ever, it appears now that much simpler functions perform better for most deep learning systems. 4.7.1 Deep Learning Layers A popular activation function is the rectified linear unit or ReLU, which outputs a “0” for any Fully Connected Layers Deep learning gets its negative input and outputs the input if the input is name because it uses neural networks with many positive, thus acting like a rectifier, and hence its layers. The traditional neural network consists of name. Modifications of this layer include leaky nodes and connectors that simply multiply and ReLU, Gaussian ReLUs, and exponential ReLUs apply an activation function. These layers are in which some nonzero output is used for a usually referred to as “fully connected” layers negative input. 44 B. J. Erickson

Output Layer The final output layer is a special particularly for image classification tasks. The se- case of an activation function, and for that, more ries of convolutions and max pooling layers at the sophisticated layer types are often used. If the start effectively find low-level (high-resolution) task is regression (e.g., estimating the age of the features in the images. As the max pools reduce patient based on a hand X-ray), a linear output the resolution, lower-level features are combined (e.g., a floating-point value rather than a binary into higher-level features that represent more “yes” vs. “no”) is appropriate. If the task is clas- complex objects. Thus, the first layer(s) may find sification (e.g., the lesion is a cancer rather than things like points, lines, and edges. These are benign), the softmax function often performs combined by later layers to identify boats or cars well. The softmax function will take a vector of or faces. It is common to employ fully connected values (from the prior layer) and convert them to networks just before the final, so that the high- an arbitrarily sized output vector (the number of level features are weighted to determine which possible classes), and the sum of all the output type of object is present in an image. The original values is one. If the output allows for multiple AlexNet [5], VGGNet [6], and GoogLeNet [7] binaries (e.g., multiple objects present), then a are all examples of CNNs. More recent variants simple sigmoid can work. The cost function used of CNNs with specialized layers include ResNet is also an important factor in choosing the output [8], ResNeXt [9], and region-based CNN [10]. layer. U-Nets [11] are a special form of CNN that get its name from the appearance of the architecture Residual Layer There are some additional layer diagram (Fig. 4.4). The key element of U-Net types that are being developed and applied to is that at the bottom of the “U,” the image is great advantage. One recent example is the reduced to the key component that one is looking “residual layer” which gets its name because for. Once that key component is recognized, the it uses a “bypass” layer that is essentially the refinement to original resolution is achieved with identity function, and then the output of a layer “bypass layers” in which the upscaling uses pixel or group of layers is compared with that identity data from the higher-resolution versions to refine function. This effectively forces the non-bypass the key component until the original resolution is layers to do better than an identity function and achieved. SegNet [12] is one specific example of can therefore learn more effectively with fewer a U-Net. layers. This is important because the reduction Fully connected networks (FCNs) using tradi- in layers both reduces the number of potential tional backpropagation can not only be used as a parameters to adjust when learning and also part of a more complex architecture but may also reduces the chance of overfitting to the training be used as the only type of layer for an entire data. network [13]. Essentially, these are the original neural network architectures; though in the deep learning space, these typically have many more 4.7.2 Deep Learning Architectures layers and nodes. The advantage of FCNs are that they are very general—they can be applied Deep learning systems can include many differ- to images, 1D signals, text, and in fact, pretty ent types of layers, in various sequences, each much any type of input. The challenge is that layer has a number of parameters, such as how the generality usually requires more training data many nodes or other layer-specific configurations for the system to get good results. FCNs also such as size of a convolution kernel or size of the naturally enable mixed data types—e.g., where pooling window. The selection and arrangement you want to perform classification on images but of these layers are referred to as the architecture want to include other data like age or gender of the deep learning system. or blood tests as additional input. This can be Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are a done with other network architectures but is com- common deep learning architecture for images, pletely natural to an FCN. 4 Deep Learning and Machine Learning in Imaging: Basic Principles 45

a picture of a panda, and the addition of this noise caused the image classifier to change from a correct classification (“panda”) to an incorrect classification (“gibbon”). This caused quite a stir in the imaging community and did raise aware- ness of the potential for these systems to fail. Such networks have also proven useful for im- proving the robustness of deep learning systems. Because GANs can identify the weakest points (i.e., the ways that the system can be most easily mistaken), they can help developers to make the network more robust. The specific aspects that make the system can be “fortified” to make them more resistant to real-world examples that may be similar to the GAN examples and thus make the system perform better in the real world.

Fig. 4.4 Architectural diagram of U-Net. At the upper 4.8 Conclusion left, the full resolution is provided to the network. The next layer is reduced spatial resolution (the next box down While machine learning has been applied to med- and to the right). This reduction in resolution continues, ical images for decades, recent success in the while the larger features of the object being segmented be- come more apparent. At the bottom, the lowest-resolution application of deep learning methods to medical image is found, and then this is fed to networks that then images has resulted in great enthusiasm about its refine that low-resolution version (boxes up and to the potential. Furthermore, our understanding of how right). The lines connecting the boxes to the left represent these systems work is still undergoing rapid de- the component where the higher-resolution images are used until one is back to the original full resolution velopment, and it is likely that this will continue. Today, it is expected that radiologists understand how CT and MR scanners work, even though Generalized adversarial networks (GANs) are almost none will ever design or build one. It a very different type of network that are designed is considered an important knowledge because to create images rather than classify or segment it provides insight into how disease might be them [14]. This may seem like a useless function manifest and also may help to discern disease in radiology, as image devices like CT or MR from artifact. In that same way, deep learning scanners are usually the only source of images. methods almost certainly will become a required However, GANs have gained attention in the part of training for those that utilize medical radiology world (and throughout the machine imaging, because it is critical that physicians learning field) because they can create images understand how to best apply these methods in that look very real. This can be useful in medicine current clinical practice in order to avoid errant for a few purposes, including the creation of use. additional training and testing images, and they may be useful for providing insight into both how deep learning works and also how disease References pathology might be better detected with imag- ing devices. Early work on GANs focused on 1. Vapnik V. Pattern recognition using generalized por- creating images that would fool deep learning trait method. Autom Remote Control. 1963;24:774– 80. systems. One famous example was where the 2. Boser BE, Guyon IM, Vapnik VN. A training al- addition of carefully crafted noise was added to gorithm for optimal margin classifiers. In: Proceed- 46 B. J. Erickson

ings of the fifth annual workshop on Computational 10.RenS,HeK,GirshickR,SunJ.FasterR-CNN:to- learning theory – COLT ’92. 1992. wards real-time object detection with region proposal 1145/130385.130401. networks. 2015. arXiv [cs.CV]. 3. Cortes C, Vapnik V. Support-vector networks. Mach 11. Ronneberger O, Fischer P, Brox T. U-Net: con- Learn. 1995;20:273–97. volutional networks for biomedical image segmen- 4. Gini C. Variabilita e Mutabilita. J R Stat Soc. tation. In: Navab N, Hornegger J, Wells WM, 1913;76:326. Frangi AF, editors. Medical image computing and 5. Krizhevsky A, Sutskever I, Hinton GE. ImageNet computer-assisted intervention – MICCAI 2015. classification with deep convolutional neural net- Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2015. p. works. In: Pereira F, CJC B, Bottou L, Weinberger 234–41. KQ, editors. Advances in neural information process- 12. Badrinarayanan V, Kendall A, Cipolla R. SegNet: a ing systems 25. Red Hook, NY: Curran Associates; deep convolutional encoder-decoder architecture for 2012. p. 1097–105. image segmentation. 2015. arXiv [cs.CV]. 6. Simonyan K, Zisserman A. Very deep convolutional 13. LeCun Y, Boser BE, Denker JS, Henderson D, networks for large-scale image recognition. 2014. Howard RE, Hubbard WE, Jackel LD. Handwritten arXiv [cs.CV]. digit recognition with a back-propagation network. 7. Szegedy C, Liu W, Jia Y, Sermanet P, Reed S, In: Touretzky DS, editor. Advances in neural in- Anguelov D, Erhan D, Vanhoucke V, Rabinovich formation processing systems 2. San Mateo, CA: A. Going deeper with convolutions. In: Computer Morgan-Kaufmann; 1990. p. 396–404. vision and pattern recognition (CVPR). 2015. http:/ 14. Goodfellow I, Pouget-Abadie J, Mirza M, Xu B, / Warde-Farley D, Ozair S, Courville A, Bengio 8. He K, Zhang X, Ren S, Sun J. Deep residual learning Y. Generative adversarial nets. In: Ghahramani Z, for image recognition. In: Bajcsy, editor. Proceedings Welling M, Cortes C, Lawrence ND, Weinberger KQ, of the IEEE conference on computer visions and editors. Advances in neural information processing pattern recognition. Los Alamitos, CA: Conference systems 27. Red Hook, NY: Curran Associates; 2014. Publishing Services; 2016. p. 770–8. p. 2672–80. 9. Xie S, Girshick R, Dollár P, Tu Z, He K. Aggregated residual transformations for deep neural networks. 2016. arXiv [cs.CV]. Part III Technology: Developing A.I. Applications How to Develop Artificial Intelligence Applications 5

Angel Alberich-Bayarri, Ana Jiménez Pastor, Rafael López González, and Fabio García Castro

for the management of huge amounts of data with 5.1 Introduction an efficiency that was not possible a decade ago. In the field of radiology, the main inflex- Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most ion point in the success of AI was the grow- flourishing topics in many aspects of industry, ing success of a specific type of ANN called science and technology, being pointed as the convolutional neural networks (CNN) that are main driver of the fourth . specifically suitable to analyse unstructured bi- Among the multiple progress that data science dimensional information like images. The main and AI have introduced in daily-life applications, difference in comparison with conventional ANN speech and face recognition, self-driving cars and is that the hidden layers of these architectures natural language processing must be highlighted. are formed by convolutional layers that apply a Beyond these applications, if there is a field filter (convolution) to the input data. The advan- where AI is introducing disruptive innovations, tage over using traditional network architectures it is healthcare, where doctors have to handle a is that the convolution allows for a significant large set of information in every clinical episode. reduction of the number of free parameters of The increased computational capabilities, thanks the network and does not require for the pre- to the progressive growth in the performance vious extraction of hand-crafted features. These of graphics processing units (GPU), combined networks that in the field of radiology are named with the potential for pattern recognition of deep as deep learning (DL) (although deep learning artificial neural networks (ANN), have allowed is also used in non-convolutional architectures) were mainly proposed for real applications by A. Alberich-Bayarri () Biomedical Imaging Research Group (GIBI2ˆ30), La Fe Yann Lecun in 1998, with the introduction of Health Research Institute, Valencia, Spain the network architecture LeNet-5 [1]thatwas Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers in Medicine (QUIBIM used to recognize handwritten digits in bank S.L.), Valencia, Spain cheques. However, the lack of computational e-mail: [email protected] capabilities limited the application of CNN to A. J. Pastor · R. L. González · F. G. Castro images with a few number of pixels (i.e. 32×32), Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers in Medicine (QUIBIM far from the high spatial resolutions and ma- S.L.), Valencia, Spain trix dimensions used in radiology and in digital e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] photography. It was not until 2012 when in the annual ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 49 E. R. Ranschaert et al. (eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging, 50 A. Alberich-Bayarri et al.

Challenge (ILSVRC), a novel CNN architecture consuming tasks, which will therefore improve outperformed other image processing algorithms the workflow efficiency. Although it remains a by decreasing classification error rate from 25% matter of discussion due to the lack of current (2011) to 15%. Although the concepts and the legal coverage, a shared responsibility scheme building blocks were not new by themselves, between radiologists and AI software vendors, their combination resulted in a highly effective regarding potential mistakes in image interpreta- network called AlexNet named after the first of tions due to improper performance of the algo- the three authors of the work: Alex Krizhevsky, rithm, is envisaged. Ilya Sutskever and Geoffrey Hinton [2]; more- In this chapter, the main applications of AI in over this network showed the benefits of training radiology together with a methodology on how a CNN by using GPUs. Their work has had a to implement them in clinical routine will be very important impact in the computer vision introduced, demystifying all the hype surround- community, with more than 4000 sites per year ing the technology and showing how we can get in the 5 years following the publication, and the highest value from it to improve radiologists’ opened the door to the application of CNN for the daily workflows. analysis and classification of radiological images. Deep learning is currently in the top of the hype cycle for emerging technologies [3]. Even more, 5.2 Applications of AI it has been the source of concern about the future in Radiology of the profession, and AI and specifically the domain of machine learning (ML) in radiology The applications of AI in radiology go quite far became one of the main trends of the two most beyond the intuitive use for automating image important annual conferences: the annual meet- interpretation [6], with functions in image ac- ing of the Radiological Society of North America quisition, management and population imaging (RSNA) and the European Society of Radiology that will probably be more prolific in the coming (ESR). These algorithms, however, go beyond years due to the value that would be provided in CNN architectures [4], since ML is a complete optimizing daily practice workflows. knowledge domain with different techniques de- signed to learn patterns from data. All of them • Image acquisition: have demonstrated to be highly specific, being – Creation of study protocols: the creation of useful to solve repetitive and rule-driven prob- some patient-specific acquisition protocols lems without clinical context with human-like largely depends on the clinical indications performance, and must be understood more as a for the imaging procedure. A significant complement than a substitute of the radiologist. amount of data from the patient is taken The quantity and heterogeneity of information into consideration at the same time, in- to be evaluated by radiologists’ mind during the cluding results of other diagnostics, such image interpretation process are high. Radiol- as blood tests and previous examinations ogy is not only about image recognition but a performed. Even more, the examination du- high amount of contextual information (patient ration may be different due to specific im- characteristics and habits, clinical status, previ- age series to be acquired. AI will allow ous clinical episodes, lab test results, previous for creation of ad hoc protocols in spe- examinations, imaging findings, among others) cial situations by taking into account cur- [5]. A future value-driven integration of AI in rent disease guidelines, differential diag- radiology is expected where technology, really nosis and the required data such as previ- solving unmet clinical needs, will reach clinical ous image acquisitions and lab test results. practice implementation to reduce the interpreta- Furthermore, this new protocol develop- tion times needed for complex imaging studies ment task could be synchronized with the and to diminish the number of repetitive time- scheduling in the agenda of the machine to 5 How to Develop Artificial Intelligence Applications 51

allocate the appropriate image acquisition extraction of imaging biomarkers from time. tissues and organs, with applications in – Optimized MR and CT image quality:MR diffuse diseases [i.e. Alzheimer, steatosis, machines include methods to shorten times chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and improve signal homogeneity; likewise, (COPD)] and in the characterization of CT machines include image filters and focal lesions (i.e. lesions in cancer). These radiation dose reduction functionalities advances suppose the most important like dose modulation. However, these breakthrough in image analysis. Neverthe- algorithms and models have been mainly less, quantification is still not integrated in hand-crafted, not evaluating the optimum clinical routine with well-known normality parameter configuration in every patient ranges, disease values as we do in blood to guarantee a maximum image quality test biomarkers. AI will significantly help by the continuous monitoring of spatial the field of imaging biomarkers in two resolution, contrast and signal-to-noise different steps: segmentation and data ratio (SNR). AI will help to automatically mining. extract image quality indicators as they are One of the main steps of the analysis re- generated and store relationships between quiring human interaction is segmentation protocol parameters and quality to train of organs, lesions or selection of specific new algorithms of optimization. areas as regions of interest (ROI) like the – Assessment of image quality: the contin- arterial input function (AIF) in perfusion uous assessment of image quality within studies. ROI selection is one of the steps a radiology department would allow for hindering a complete integration of quanti- the detection of potential anomalies in the tative analysis tools within clinical routine. scanners even if they are occasional. AI AI is allowing for highly accurate segmen- will help both in the automated quality tations compared to human performance. assurance tests performed phantom-less us- The use of CNN and more specifically net- ing patients data and in the application of work architectures based on compression- algorithms for the detection of ‘abnormal expansion and designed for segmentation, behaviours’ of image quality in a specific like U-Net or V-Net (U and V letters are machine using methods similar to those given by the shape of the architecture of being used in the banking sector to detect the network in the first case, U-shape, and suspicious or fraudulent operations. by the use of 3D volumes in the second, re- • Image interpretation: spectively), is providing DICE scores (indi- – Automated hanging protocols: radiologists cator that ranges from 0 to 1 and measures dedicate an enormous amount of time to the degree of overlap and accuracy between organize the images in the interpretation ground truth delineated by the expert and process. Although most picture archiving the computed segmentation) near to 1. and communication system (PACS) solu- In the field of radiomics, there is a need tions include the option to configure dif- to introduce ML techniques to process ferent profiles, certain intelligence would all the quantitative information generated help to arrange series and images according beyond basic descriptive statistics and to the indications for the examination. AI to extract the relationship of biomarkers will help to not only load the most relevant with clinical endpoints. For that purpose, series but also going to the slices in the methods for automated clustering of specific organ or region anatomy relevant patient ‘radiomics signatures’ or ‘imaging from the clinical data. fingerprints’ are applied, allowing for the – Radiomics and imaging biomarkers detection of image-based phenotypes that analysis: in the last decades, several models might be related to diagnosis, prognosis and techniques have been proposed for the or treatment response. This process allows 52 A. Alberich-Bayarri et al.

for the translation from population-derived of radiology reports assisted by speech knowledge to the application in a single recognition, special thanks to the better patient. For example, in patients with rectal performance of RNN for outlier speech cancer, it would be possible to detect with signals, where DTW fails. In any case, the ML that a combination of specific texture field of speech recognition in radiology features of the cancer is prone to a higher will dramatically change with the adoption chance of recurrence. These conclusions of structured reporting on a routine can be translated to a new patient and basis, since all the information will be evaluate the prognosis to relapse depending structured, diminishing the probability on the radiomics features. of error in matching the speech with the – Automated image interpretation:ifthereis multiple-choice questions about findings. an application that has raised the concern ‘Ergonomic’ software, with structured among the radiological community, this reporting forms that can be filled in an is image interpretation and the detection agile way by typing and using keyboard of findings. The excellent performance of shortcuts, would also be the end of the field CNN allows for training new algorithms of speech recognition in radiology. able to classify studies according to a – Text translation: reports translation to dif- huge amount of image features that the ferent languages or to different types of network is able to extract. The main reports would be a major step benefiting limitation for the generation of such patients that may want to share the reports classifiers is the lack of annotated studies. with doctors from any country. AI will In fact, this application requires huge allow to have an ontology-based electron- amounts of labelled data to achieve good ics health record (EHR) with the items performance. Also, the networks can translated to several languages. A specific be trained to solve specific problems functionality of AI will be the synthesis of but lack in management of contextual natural text to resemble human reports. information. Image interpretation is more – Automated annotation through keywords: than reading images but putting together one of the main limitations of the all the information of the patient to achieve development of AI solutions for image a proper diagnosis or clinical decision. interpretation and classification is the Figure 5.1 shows an example of an output lack of properly labelled or annotated of a chest X-ray classifier developed studies. The automated conversion of with deep learning as a first read to clinical data and radiology reports into prioritize relevant examinations and keywords from MeSH (Medical Subject improve radiologist workflow. Headings) to RadLex (Radiology Lexicon) • Reporting: dictionaries will allow to seamlessly label – Speech recognition: although the field of the examinations and make them useful speech recognition has evolved signifi- for training new AI algorithms for image cantly with the application of deep learning interpretation. technology for daily-life vocabulary and • Knowledge extraction through data exploita- applications, speech recognition systems in tion: radiology are mostly based on traditional – Processing radiology reports: although hidden Markov models and dynamic time there is a willingness of the radiological warping (DTW) that consist of hand- community to implement structured crafted algorithms and are outperformed reporting solutions in daily routine, most by AI data-driven algorithms like recurrent of the centres still report the studies on neural networks (RNN) [7]. AI will help prose text. For this reason, techniques like to minimize the error rate in transcription natural language processing (NLP) can 5 How to Develop Artificial Intelligence Applications 53

Fig. 5.1 Example of a report at the output of a chest X- Precision® platform (QUIBIM SL, Valencia, Spain), ac- ray classifier algorithm based on deep learning through cessible through cloud, and allows for the classification the use of CNN. It can be seen that an abnormality score is within 14 different types of findings and was trained with provided, together with the probability of having different 112,120 annotated chest X-rays typical findings. The algorithm is embedded in QUIBIM 54 A. Alberich-Bayarri et al.

be applied for the automated extraction activities driven by specific rules that are a of semantic information from free- perfect problem to be solved by AI capability text radiology reports already stored in of pattern extraction. radiology information systems (RIS), PACS and EHR. This method allows for automated annotation of cases by keywords extracted after the NLP application. One of 5.3 Development of AI the main challenges in the application of Applications in Radiology these algorithms is the proper detection of negations that have reported a sensitivity Clinical Problem Definition As in any field of of 77.8% and a specificity of 94.5%, biomedical engineering, the golden rule for the respectively [8]. development of successful and useful techno- – Image-based search engines: although this logical solutions is to clearly detect a clinical has become quite effective for daily life im- need and allocate time to achieve a requirements ages in search engines such as Google, the definition as detailed and specific as possible. possibility of searching similar reference For example, in the chest X-ray classifier shown cases with radiological images is also a before, the radiologist’s immediate need is not field of development and new start-up com- an algorithm performing X-ray diagnosis but a panies are appearing that offer this kind of method to rule out abnormal studies and priori- product. This could be used to train young tize them in the worklist, minimizing the number radiologists and to assess radiologists in the of unreported exams, which is a worldwide issue. diagnosis process. – Population health: initiatives like the Engineering the AI Technology Once the clinical Euro-BioImaging project (http://www. need is clear enough, the AI technological solu- and the publication tion must be engineered, since some decisions of the position paper on imaging biobanks will determine the type of ML technology or by the European Society of Radiology implementation to be used. In this step we have to (ESR) [9] have fostered the creation of choose between creating a classifier and a regres- software platforms that allow the storage, sor. The output of the classifier will be a group analysis and annotation of images with of categories (i.e. normal vs. abnormal chest X- associated clinical and context data. ray), while the output of the regressor will consist These biorepositories will allow for the of continuous values (i.e. X, Y, Z positions of application of AI algorithms in order to a ROI). The classifier or regressor technique to extract information about the relationship be evaluated among all the available models in between image features and clinical ML will be specified [10]. At this point, it is endpoints (i.e. overall survival, time to also critical to evaluate the data collection and progression, disease free survival, among annotation procedures (i.e. the number of sam- others). ples required or the labels needed to achieve an • Management: optimal performance) as well as the hardware One of the most straightforward applica- requirements. tions of AI is in the improvement of cur- rent business intelligence platforms for the Dataset Collection After the proper design of management of hospital departments such as the AI technology, the dataset of imaging studies radiology. In the field of management in ra- should be collected; in this step it is essential to diology, AI will allow for the optimization of preserve the data format across all the files of the imaging equipment utilization and appropriate dataset in order to have consistency through the scheduling of staff and examinations, tedious different image files. 5 How to Develop Artificial Intelligence Applications 55

Fig. 5.2 Strategies to overcome the lack of data annotation in radiology

Data Annotation The next step is the data anno- easily modified and stored as a ROI validated by tation, and it is one of the most relevant parts the expert. As an example, approximate ROI for of the whole ML development process. Anno- focal lesions in the liver could be precomputed tated data has been considered with analogies (as soon as the images are received in the PACS such as the new gold or the new oil. As in after the generation in the corresponding modal- other fields, data annotation in radiology is a ity), and the radiologist would modify them to big problem, since PACS systems are mainly an better adjust to lesion contours. After editing it, archive of the images and have not been designed this ROI could be stored as an expert annotation to properly manage case annotations [5]. Due that might be used later for training new AI to these reasons, different strategies have been algorithms. proposed to overcome the annotation deficit (see However, in order to take advantage of all Fig. 5.2). the information that already exists in imaging The best approach to facilitate the annotation repositories and PACS, there is a need to perform of cases would be the creation of more AI- retrospective annotations. For this, a significant friendly PACS environments, which would allow number of start-ups and AI companies are hiring radiologists to seamlessly label the cases. This, radiologists for annotating images. Imaging cen- however, has a main drawback as it will only tres and radiology departments have also started work for prospective imaging studies. In the case to offer the service of annotating cases in a of image annotation with semantic information, similar way to the Mechanical Turk services in it can be achieved by the integration of structured Amazon for labelling daily life images (Amazon, reporting in daily routine, where the case will WA, USA). This expert annotation is considered automatically be linked to a set of predefined as a technique of ‘strong supervision’. fields in the database containing the findings. Annotation can be also performed by ‘weak With regard to graphical annotations, such as supervision’ strategies, which allow the labelling regions of interest (ROI) definitions, a seamless of large databases in a cost-effective manner but annotation would be achieved if the radiologist decreasing the annotation accuracy. An example gets precomputed editable ROI, which can be of these strategies is the use of NLP techniques 56 A. Alberich-Bayarri et al. to automatically extract labels from chest X-ray algorithm most frequently used in the training reports. process is gradient descent, which is used to When the labelled data available is scarce, calculate the minimum of the cost function, that techniques like data augmentation can be used is, the difference between the obtained output to artificially generate new images that can be and the expected one. The iteration in which the combined with the original ones to enrich the full dataset is passed forwards and backwards variability of the dataset. The main strategies through an ANN is called an ‘epoch’. Since the for data augmentation are noise addition and whole training dataset cannot be passed all at geometry transformation of the images (rotation, once to the network, it is divided in batches. translation, zoom, etc.). In the case of ANNs, a Therefore, in each epoch, all the different batches technique that has shown excellent performance in which the training data is divided are evaluated creating new data is generative adversarial net- sequentially by the network. Since in each epoch, works (GAN) [10], which consist of a decon- the network must evaluate the entire dataset di- volutional network acting as a generator (i.e. vided in batches, the training step can take a lot artificially generating new images) and a CNN of computing time. However, this task is very that evaluates the degree of similarity between suitable to be parallelized; it is advisable to run the generated and the real data. Backpropagation it over one or multiple GPUs, which carry out is an ANN training method that can be applied parallelization task orders of magnitude faster in both networks making the generator produce than regular microprocessors. better images, while the discriminator becomes more skilled at labelling synthetic images [11]. Testing Once the training is performed, new un- A common technique used to minimize the seen images are used to evaluate the robustness lack of annotated cases in radiology is transfer and generalization of the final model. This step learning, which consists of using pretrained ANN is much faster and requires less computing power models in other domains (i.e. daily-life images) since the test images are just evaluated once by that must be retrained for the desired application means of a forward pass through the network. in radiology. Transfer learning allows to reduce This is because the model weights are just up- the training time to achieve good performance, dated and fixed during the training; therefore, since the weights of the network have not to be there is no need of an iterative process afterwards. tuned from the beginning. The model evaluation is carried out in different ways depending on the domain of the problem, Training The training phase is one of the most for example, when dealing with a classification relevant steps in AI. Even a statistical analysis problem, the area under the curve (AUC) is should be performed to split the dataset into broadly used in bibliography, or when facing a training and testing; typically, 80% of the cases segmentation task, the Dice coefficient (DC) is a in the whole dataset are used for training the AI common approach. models. Both input data and the corresponding In Fig. 5.3, a schematic summary of the train- labels or annotations will be used to update ing and testing processes for a CNN can be appre- iteratively the weights of the model. In the case ciated, where it can be observed that the training of CNN, not only the network weights but also process requires high-performance computing re- the filter parameters will be tuned in order to quirements and training times in the order of increase the performance on the training data. hours, days or even months, while after the CNN Once the training is finished, all these weights has been properly tuned, the testing process can and parameters are fixed and will remain unmod- be executed even in consumer devices, and it ified along the next steps of the AI pipeline. The takes seconds to give a result. 5 How to Develop Artificial Intelligence Applications 57

Fig. 5.3 Summary of training test process in a CNN

When trying to solve an AI problem in the 5.4 Resources Framework clinical domain, it is very important to reach a synergy between medical experts and data sci- For the development of AI applications within entist in order to develop solutions that satisfy radiology departments or medical imaging re- clinical needs in the most efficient way. search groups, there is a need for a paradigm shift in the processes and in the profession- Computing Resources In most cases, medical als involved in the data workflows. From the images are large files (i.e. a whole-body CT authors’ perspective, the future of radiology is scan is common to find volume sizes of linked to the inclusion of data scientists within 512×512×1024); therefore, processing these radiology departments. These specialists must images is a challenging task which requires support their work with the appropriate hardware powerful hardware. In addition, AI techniques resources for high-performance computing and are high computing demandant itself. Hence, software libraries to develop new algorithms. when using AI algorithms on medical images, However, these three components (data scien- the computing requirements increase. To deal tists, hardware and software) have to be fed with with this need, it is recommended the use of the appropriate labelled data. An example of GPUs to accelerate the calculations performed the four key pieces to be incorporated to cur- by the DL algorithms. rent radiology departments for the development of innovative AI applications can be seen in Software Resources In the last years, many ad- Fig. 5.4. vances in deep learning libraries have been ac- complished. This progress has brought two im- Expertise Dealing with AI computing in- portant changes. On one hand, the new libraries frastructure and processing algorithms is a ease significantly the development of DL ar- challenging task that requires very specific chitectures, allowing data scientists to develop profiles with knowledge in fields such as models much faster, permitting the broadening of computer science, statistics, mathematics, image AI borders. On the other hand, these frameworks processing, machine learning, etc. This figure is make seamless the shift from research to produc- currently known as data scientist. tion environments. The programming language 58 A. Alberich-Bayarri et al.

Fig. 5.4 Components required for the development of AI applications within radiology departments most commonly used by the AI community is of the data collection and annotation processes Python (Python Software Foundation) because was also reviewed. It has also been introduced the best DL libraries have been developed for the two main steps in the model development this language (i.e. Theano, Tensorflow, Keras, which are training and testing. During training, Pytorch, MXNet, etc.). the model parameters are learned from labelled data by means of an iterative process where lots Data Resources To develop AI algorithms, an- of operations are performed; therefore, a high notated datasets are required. The quality of the computing infrastructure is required. Finally, the datasets has a great impact in the performance resources needed to implement a successful so- of the AI models. To ensure the quality of the lution were detailed, which are engineering and dataset, it is important to keep a consistent struc- radiological expertise, computing and software ture between the collected samples. It is also fun- infrastructures and large high-quality datasets. damental that the inner variability of the dataset All this AI knowledge must be embraced by represents faithfully the whole population. the radiological community in order to obtain efficient applications that allow to improve their work, not considering the technology as a threat 5.5 Conclusion but as the main driver of opportunities for the future specialists. In this chapter, the main areas related with med- ical imaging where AI tools can have a large impact in the future have been presented. These 5.6 Summary/Take-Home Points tools can be used along the whole radiological workflow, going from the acquisition of the im- • AI is permeating all aspects of medical imag- age to the reporting. A stepwise approach for the ing, from image quality in acquisition, auto- development of an AI model was also introduced, mated image classification, quantitative image in which the first step has a high relevance, with analysis, reporting and management. the careful evaluation of the clinical and technical • AI developments have demonstrated to be needs. The influence of these needs in the design highly specific, being useful to solve repetitive 5 How to Develop Artificial Intelligence Applications 59

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Hugh Harvey and Ben Glocker

research. Globally, it is estimated that 2.5 quintil- 6.1 Data, Data Everywhere? lion bytes of digital data is produced every day, 90% of which are unstructured [1]. In radiology The traditional paradigm of hypothesis-driven alone, exobytes of data are produced each year, medical research largely rests on clinical studies with an ever increasing production velocity. It is involving cohorts of a few hundred or thou- clear that we are now surrounded by healthcare sand patients. However, modern machine learn- related data; however, the barriers to accessing it ing techniques benefit from exponentially larger and harnessing it prevent us from utilising ‘big volumes of data. It is often asked ‘how much data’ to its maximum potential. In a world over- data is required to build an algorithm?’; a ques- flowing with radiological data, medical imaging tion which has no straight answer. Indeed, when researchers are paradoxically data starved. dealing with neural networks and systems that It has been shown that algorithmic perfor- are required to function accurately across nu- mance on computer vision tasks increases log- merous possible clinical scenarios, including rare arithmically based on volume of training data conditions, it is difficult to calculate a suitably size [2, 3]. However, publicly available medical statistically powered number on which to rely. imaging data for algorithmic training has not This is due to the need for thousands of examples significantly increased in size over the past few per ‘class’ or entity being solved by algorithms years, instead largely being held privately by that estimate complex, non-linear relationships hospitals, research units and industry in silos. between input and desired output. In short, the While there are some publicly available imaging greater the number of classes (or conditions) to datasets available, these are not increasing in predicted, the more data is required. the orders-of-magnitude required for the machine The term ‘big data’ has been used since the learning sector to exploit them beyond narrow, 1990s to describe volumes of digital data in and very specific tasks. Additionally, if everyone excess of those required for traditional scientific is training and validating on the same data, there is a danger of overfitting to what is available, and H. Harvey () Kheiron Medical Technologies, London, UK risking dangerous suboptimal performance when e-mail: [email protected] algorithms are introduced into the clinical wild. B. Glocker This relative plateauing of available training data Imperial College, London, UK is in stark contrast to the explosive increase in the volume of medical imaging data globally.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 61 E. R. Ranschaert et al. (eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging, 62 H. Harvey and B. Glocker

Fig. 6.1 Changes in dataset size, model size and GPU power over time. Reproduced from [2]

In the meantime, both GPU processing power DICOM standards for the storage and transfer of and complexity of machine learning models have medical imaging data, there remain significant advanced rapidly (Fig. 6.1). barriers to large-scale big data sharing. Not all It is clear that larger conversations around clinical providers have built or purchased infras- the sharing of medical imaging data at scale are tructure that allows for true interoperability with needed. These conversations require input from other systems. In addition, DICOM standards are all parties, namely the data originators (patients), only loosely adhered to, with large variation in data controllers (healthcare providers) and data the quality of DICOM metatags and other data processors (machine learning researchers), and points. will be aided by setting out a common language For instance, at a very high level, even the in which to understand the underlying problems nomenclature of imaging studies is not stan- in medical imaging data sharing and data quality. dardised, one clinical site may refer to a CT study as ‘Chest, Abdomen and Pelvis’ as a DI- COM header, and another as ‘Thorax to Pelvis’. 6.2 Not All Data Is Created Equal Even more problematically, these headers may be different for each vendor hardware at the Despite large strides in the introduction of dig- same clinical site. In some circumstances imag- ital PACS globally over the past few decades, ing studies are labelled completely incorrectly and the existence and acceptance of international as technologists manually change the DICOM 6 A Standardised Approach for Preparing Imaging Data for Machine Learning Tasks in Radiology 63 header inadvertently while attempting to opti- incentivised to support good data stewardship in mise certain acquisition parameters (e.g. using an terms of interoperability, as it can be perceived as anatomically different acquisition protocol). This damaging the competitive edge provided by be- mismatch in simple image labelling affects the ing a proprietary solution. It is also worth consid- overall data quality, especially when researchers ering that many clinicians and technical staff are attempt to train and validate on multi-site and completely untrained in the principles of effec- multi-vendor data. For example, Gueld et al. [4] tive data management, and therefore one should found that it was impossible to automatically not underestimate the human factors involved in categorise medical images based solely on their creating variability, errors and omissions in data. DICOM metatags, as around 15% of all studies were labelled incorrectly due to human factors. Understanding this type of underlying discrep- 6.3 The MIDaR Scale ancy in the data (amongst many) is vital to ensur- ing that both researchers and clinical sharing sites There is no standard definition of what encom- can plan machine learning projects accordingly. passes a baseline medical imaging dataset for Often, the amount of time dedicated to ‘data machine learning. Kohli et al. [6] have previously cleaning’ is disproportionate to the goal of the well described an outline of the minimum re- machine learning project being conducted. In- quirements of imaging metadata (Table 6.1), with deed, many of today’s algorithms can be trained the understanding that these may significantly in a matter of hours, whereas large-scale data change depending on the clinical use-case and cleaning can take months. In projects that are data type. This list, due to its semantic nature commonly constrained by funding periods and and variability dependent on clinical scenario, limited resources, a non-anticipated high burden is not a useful one for introducing a common of data curation at the start of the project can reference standard which non-data engineers can severely affect the entire project and lead to high understand. More useful, but high level, is their risk of failure. statement that ‘the ideal medical image dataset The FAIR Guiding Principles [5] state for an ML application has adequate data volume, that ‘good data management is not a goal in annotation, truth, and reusability’. It is these itself, but rather is the key conduit leading factors, plus accessibility and interoperability, to knowledge discovery and innovation, and as highlighted by the FAIR principles, that are to subsequent data and knowledge integration generally considered the key factors of medical and reuse by the community after the data image data quality. However, there is no stan- publication process.’ FAIR stands for findability, dardised method to describe all of these factors, accessibility, interoperability and reusability, nor a recognised structure in which to group med- which are perceived as the four key factors ical image data at a high level into objectively affecting data quality. It is important to note defined categories of ‘readiness’ for machine that in the age of machine learning, ‘reusability’ learning. not only refers to reuse by humans, but also In a position paper on data readiness [7], by machines. To that effect, it is important to Neil Lawrence proposed a three point scale to consider how to make data machine readable in better allow inter-disciplinary conversations on order to make best use of modern technologies. the inherent readiness of data. Inspired by this Good quality data management should enable schema, but taking into the account additional both human and machine interrogators to estab- and specific requirements relating to research lish data’s identity, usefulness and accessibility on medical imaging data, as well as reflecting quickly and easily. The reality however is far the inverse relationship between volume of data from this at present, especially at clinical sites not and its readiness, we therefore propose a four- used to large-scale research. Additionally, hard- point medical imaging data readiness (MIDaR) ware vendors in medical imaging have not been scale. 64 H. Harvey and B. Glocker

Table 6.1 Baseline Baseline metadata to catalogue medical image data medical image metadata for machine learning tasks 1. Image types (a) Modality (b) Resolution (c) Number of images total and by series 2. Number of imaging examinations 3. Image examination source(s) 4. Image acquisition parameters 5. Image storage parameters (e.g. compression amount and type) 6. Annotation (a) Type (b) What is annotated, and how 7. Context 8. How is ground truth defined and labelled 9. Associated data (a) Demographic (b) Clinical (c) Lab (d) Genomic (e) Timeline (f) Social media 10. Date range of image exam acquisition 11. Log of dataset use 12. Who owns the data 13. Who is responsible for the data 14. Allowable usage 15. Access parameters (a) Accessibility (b) Costs and business agreements 16. Case distribution (a) % Normals vs abnormals (b) Summary of abnormal examinations (i) Number of examinations with each pathology Many of these are semantic, with further subcategories not listed here Reproduced from [6]

The MIDaR scale (Fig. 6.2) is designed to ob- of preparing data for AI method development can jectively clarify ‘data readiness’ for all interested be made more bite-sized and approachable. parties, including researchers seeking imaging data and clinical providers and patients aiming to share their imaging data. It is hoped that the 6.3.1 MIDaR Level D MIDaR scale will be used globally during col- laborative academic and business conversations, In order to begin the data refinement process it so that everyone can more easily understand is prudent to start early discussions with the data and quickly appraise the relevant stages of data controllers. The key points to consider are defin- readiness for machine learning in relation to their ing data quantity, quality, anonymisation and ac- AI development projects. Data refinement is a cess. The first level of the MIDaR scale describes task that all AI researchers must acknowledge, medical imaging data in its ‘natural habitat’: the and its ‘cost’ in terms of resources and time must clinical PACS system. Level D data is that which be taken into account from the beginning of any represents only its initial intended purpose of AI project. By clarifying the stages of data refine- acting as a record of clinical activity, with no fur- ment it is hoped that the often monumental task ther consideration for research of any kind. While 6 A Standardised Approach for Preparing Imaging Data for Machine Learning Tasks in Radiology 65

Fig. 6.2 Four-point medical imaging data readiness scale (MIDaR) this type of data is the most abundant globally, Archive also maintains a list of metadata which with exobytes laying dormant in clinical systems, should be hashed, removed or fuzzed [9]. it is the least valuable per unit of all the data readiness levels, and unsuitable for supervised or Unverified in Quantity The amount of medical semi-supervised machine learning tasks. data in any given PACS system at any given Level D data is defined by the following at- time is usually an unknown. Additionally, sub- tributes: categorisation of data (e.g. by DICOM headers, modality or body location) is not possible with Contains Patient Identifiable Information For any accuracy. Estimates of data quantity may machine learning development, medical data be available, with large error margins to be ex- must be fully anonymised according to most pected. Quantity of available data is often based laws governing data standards. That means any on crude ‘guesstimates’ or even ‘hearsay’. Deter- personally identifying information (PII) needs to mining how much data of a particular type (e.g. be removed prior to any further use for research trauma head CT scans) is actually available can and method development. Level D data, however, require significant effort. For project planning, is explicitly linked to patient identifiers for however, it is crucial to obtain reliable informa- clinical purposes, and is therefore unsuitable tion which will influence, for example, the type for general release for algorithmic training and of machine learning that can be considered. development by third parties. Therefore, data controllers need to implement mechanisms that Unverified in Quality The quality of the under- can remove any sensitive information. Such lying data is not known, nor is it easily possible mechanisms can often be entirely automated, to perform checks on quality. It may be present in typically using batch processing with scripts that multiple formats, with varying degrees of com- define which data fields are to be removed from patibility, and will contain multiple errors, both the DICOM header. In some situations, PII is in veracity of data present and omission of data. hard coded or burnt into the image information as overlays (e.g. in ultrasound images). For these Inaccessible to Researchers LevelDdatais cases, more advanced image processing routines only accessible to clinicians granted access by need to be employed to remove such information the representative healthcare provider, and to directly from the imaging data. Various levels of the individual patient or carer. Inaccessibility to de-identification are covered within DICOM researchers may be due to any combination of Supplement 142 concerning Clinical Trials ethical, social, monetary and privacy concerns. de-identification [8], and the Cancer Imaging Making data accessible for research involves a 66 H. Harvey and B. Glocker number of steps, and most importantly concerns ethical approvals and access to data at scale. Each patient consent and ethical approval. geographic territory has its own local laws Gaining access to level D data is in itself often and regulations surrounding ethical approval a large challenge for medical image analysis for scientific research. European countries researchers. Some large-scale institutions have abide by the European ethics review procedure started creating ‘databanks’—mirror images of for research funded by the EU (2013) which live clinical PACS systems with basic PII re- indicates the main points of attention for the moved. This acts as a sandbox environment in ethics review procedure as a part of the 7th which approved researchers may play-test early Framework Programme (FP7) [10]. In the in the image data acquisition phase. Indeed, if UK, the most commonly used system is the these institutions were to take the extra steps integrated research application system (IRAS) needed to convert these image banks into level [11] which is used to describe research aims C data, then the barriers to entry for researchers and methodologies prior to submission to the would be significantly reduced, leading to faster Research Ethics Service (RES) [12]. In the USA, development of machine learning applications. researchers must apply to Institutional Review In an ideal setting, entire nations worth of data Boards (IRBs) with research proposals designed, would be converted to this format, allowing for reviewed, approved, and implemented in accord an entirely new industry of generalisable algo- with accepted ethical principles and the US rithms to be built on its foundation. Department of Health and Human Services (45 CFR 46) and US Food and Drug Administration (21 CFR 50 and 56) regulations for the protection 6.3.2 MIDaR Level C of human subjects [13].

Level C data represents ‘wild’ data that has Data Extraction In order to extract significant been anonymised and made accessible via ethi- quantities of clean data from a working PACS cal approval, data extraction and access control. environment, a thorough knowledge of the un- However, the data itself is still subject to errors, derlying vendor files formats and media storage omissions, noise and artefacts affecting both im- methods is required. Most PACS vendors do not age and metadata quality. store DICOM files within their data centers, with The steps required to refine level D data to many using binary large objects (BLOB’s) to level C are as follows: encode instances at the study level, or in many cases even using proprietary methods for com- Ethical Approval Typically local ethics pressing image and metadata. This data must also committee approval will be required, which be cleansed against patient demographics up- may be a lengthy process depending on dates received by HL7 messages. Not only must the set up of the local organisation. Ethics data be converted from vendor storage into DI- committees may require evidence that data COM 3.0 Part 10 format, but updated information access is only being granted for the minimum concerning PatientID, PatientName, PatientSex, required dataset for research, which can PatientBirthDate, BodyPartExamined and Study- conflict with the tenet that machine learning Description must be extracted from the working systems rely heavily on vast amounts of data. PACS database and applied to the ‘stale’ data When handling large amounts of retrospective stored on spinning disk or tape as it is extracted. data it is neither feasible nor practical to This direct access to stored data is required given expect researchers to gain individual consent the size of PACS environments, where it is not for every case. For this reason, many larger uncommon to find 1 petabyte archives storing 10 institutions with a track-record of big data million studies in up to 2 billion instances total. research have implemented ‘opt-out’ consent As PACS Query/Retrieve interfaces are often models for all their clinical data, enabling faster limited to retrieval speeds of less than 5–10,000 6 A Standardised Approach for Preparing Imaging Data for Machine Learning Tasks in Radiology 67 studies/day, using Query/Retrieve at this scale a dataset ready for labelling. It is interesting to would lead to multi-year migrations. In addition note, that machine learning itself may be used to to standard metatags, OEM vendors also exten- help with these tasks. For example, a relatively sively utilise DICOM Private Tags which contain simple image classifier that recognises the type highly clinically relevant data which often should of scan and imaged body part could be employed not be stripped out. There are often equal num- in the context of image retrieval and automated bers of DICOM tags and vendor private tags in categorisation of scans. Santosh et al. published a file system, and only by combing through the work on automated categorisation of frontal and data can particular private tags be identified and lateral chest films [14], for example. a decision made as to include them or not. Quality Control Structuring data in ho- Access Control ML researchers typically reside mogenised and machine readable formats will outside of the clinical PACS environment, and further refine it towards the end goal. It is no sur- are more often than not in a geographically dif- prise that automated quality control of imaging ferent location. For this reason access control to data is an active field of research. Again, machine ethically approved and de-personalised data is learning methods can be employed for this task required, particularly when live or non-explicitly to automatically determine image quality, for consented patient data is in use. There are numer- example, to check for motion artefacts or whether ous variations of access control systems, many an organ of interest is fully visible. of which rely on at least 256bit SSH encryption Image noise is detrimental to knowledge ex- as a backbone for data security during transfer. traction from the data and can spoil models Detailed description of the various methodolo- obtained using noisy data, compared to models gies for access control is beyond the scope of this trained on clean data for the same problem. chapter. Figure 6.3 demonstrates common artefacts found in CT brain imaging, including those attained at 6.3.3 MIDaR Level B the image acquisition phase. Figure 6.4 demon- strates the preferred quality of image data given At Level B, the quantity and quality of relevant the same clinical task. Common artefacts such datasets are fully accounted for, and large-scale as beam hardening, partial voluming, metallic errors in data structure and format have been star signal and under-sampling are desirable to resolved. Task-specific data is separated from remove from any training dataset. In many cases, unwanted or poor quality data. manual review of the images is necessary to To get to Level B, the processes of data se- ensure adequate quality control, which requires lection, visualisation, and quality control are per- both expert readers and time, and may be finan- formed on Level C data. cially costly.

Data Selection For example, when developing Data Visualisation Once the selected data an algorithm to spot lines and tubes on inpa- has been formatted and structured, it becomes tient ICU studies, a proprietary set of chest X- ‘visualisable’; that is, researchers are able to run rays from a hospital will include PA and AP statistical and quality tests over the data. This films, as well as those from both inpatient and has many useful functions, such as quantitative outpatient settings. Such an algorithm will not assessment of data quality, volume per variable, benefit from outpatient films as they are very checking for underlying distributions (e.g. unlikely to contain relevant information pertinent uniformity or skew) and bias. It is only at to the task, and they can be discarded. During this stage will researchers begin to be able to visualisation and quality control processes the understand any underlying patterns or biases in relevant films for the task can be tagged as such, the data that may or may not affect the models and then selected out for the purposes of creating they are to train. 68 H. Harvey and B. Glocker

Fig. 6.3 MIDaR level C imaging data contains artefacts, data corruptions and noise

Fig. 6.4 MIDaR level B imaging data is structured and clean, but unlabelled 6 A Standardised Approach for Preparing Imaging Data for Machine Learning Tasks in Radiology 69

6.3.4 MIDaR Level A Data Labelling Work towards Level A may be the most costly to achieve, depending on Level A data is that which is as close to perfect the need for an expertly labelled ground truth. for algorithmic development as possible. It is Often medical imaging data comes with free structured, fully annotated, has minimal noise text reports only, without annotations. In order and, most importantly, is contextually appropri- to create both strong and weak labels for the ate and ready for a specific machine learning images, various data labelling processes must be task. An example would be a completely de- undertaken. Common techniques include NLP personalised, accessible and ethically approved for information extraction [15], expert radiolo- dataset of non-contrast CT head studies, free gist manual contouring (Fig. 6.5), derivation of from image artefact, noise or data corruptions, consensus opinions or linkage to existing external with patient age, gender, biopsy results (if rel- clinical gold standard results. Whichever tech- evant), blood tests, and diagnosis all structured nique, or combination of techniques, is used to under the same metatags, combined with expert annotate and label imaging data, care must be level hand-drawn segmentations around tumours taken that the labelling is performed consistently or other areas of interest. It is vital to note across the entire dataset, and without bias. This that the volume of Level A data is significantly is a significant challenge, and one that remains smaller than the previous levels on the MIDaR largely unsolved for medical imaging data at scale due to the exacting need for labelled data, large scales. often contrary to the need for adequate statistical powering. Researchers may struggle to obtain Powering It is also important to consider the enough Level A data to provide robust statistical statistical powering required for validation of analysis of their models. machine learning algorithms. Smith and Nichols

Fig. 6.5 MIDaR level A imaging data is annotated, powered and task ready. Green ticks signify normal scans 70 H. Harvey and B. Glocker

Fig. 6.6 Relationship between sample size and number of variables tested, holding statistical power constant. Reproduced from [16]

[16] nicely demonstrated that, roughly, by that the ‘value’ of the data also increases as the squaring the number of variables tested (K), the scale is climbed; that is to say that Level A data is sample size (N) needed to attain 80% power to considered far more useful for machine learning detect one true association is doubled. The size of than Level D data, and therefore is considerably this effect is shown in Fig. 6.6 at the percentage more financially valuable. of variance at three small values, 1%, 0.1% and When considering grant proposals for 0.01%. In essence they demonstrated that while research, or commercial collaborations, the performing one test requires a large sample size, MIDaR scale will be useful for the design as sample size increases, the number of tests and planning of work packages and activities, you can perform increases exponentially. Putting especially in Gantt chart format. For instance, this into practice, machine learning researchers by categorising stages of data readiness and should consider at Level B how many variables assigning their sub-tasks to individuals, the costs they plan on testing in order to ensure adequate and time course for each readiness stage can be volumes of data reach the Level A stage of accounted for in an accurate and understandable refinement. manner. A researcher may approach a hospital and discuss access to their Level D data, then plan for ethics approval, data extraction and 6.4 Summary access control as part of the refinement to Level C in one single costed work package. They would The MIDaR scale has been explicitly designed then be able to further plan their data cleaning to enable conversations between data providers processes through to Level B, and finally be able and researchers regarding the volume and level to discuss with domain experts the costs and of data readiness required for machine learning timings of data labelling for ground truthing to projects. The key features of the MIDaR scale are reach level A. the four high level categories of data readiness, Hospitals and data controllers will also be able and the associated decreasing volume of data as to use the MIDaR scale to plan ahead for large- each category is reached. It is also worth noting scale research activities, by identifying which 6 A Standardised Approach for Preparing Imaging Data for Machine Learning Tasks in Radiology 71

Level D data they wish to refine, and considering – Level A data is labelled, statistically how best to convert it to Level A. They may of powered and contextually relevant for ML course also wish to outsource or offer research tasks. grants to those who want to take on the various • As data becomes refined towards level A, its sub-tasks of the data readiness scale to help them value increases but volume decreases. on their journey. Many of the popular open data science chal- Acknowledgements With thanks to Hugh Lyshkow, De- lenges (e.g. Kaggle) release small volume Level sAcc Inc. for his invaluable input and insight. A datasets to the public, ready for training models in order to solve a particular problem. These competition organisers may also benefit from References the MIDaR scale in planning for their next data 1. Sivarajah U, Kamal MM, Irani Z, Weerakkody release. V. Critical analysis of Big Data challenges It is hoped that the MIDaR scale will be and analytical methods. J Bus Res 2017;70:263– used during collaborative academic and business 286. conversations, so that all parties can more eas- pii/S014829631630488X. 2. Sun C, Shrivastava A, Singh S, Gupta A. Re- ily understand and quickly appraise the relevant visiting unreasonable effectiveness of data in deep stages of data readiness for machine learning learning era. In: Proceedings of the IEEE inter- in relation to their AI development projects and national conference on computer vision. Vol 2017- their associated costs. For data to be refined from Oct. New York: IEEE; 2017. p. 843–52. ISBN: 9781538610329. Level D to A, interested parties will have to 97. negotiate responsibilities and resources for each 3. Halevy A, Norvig P, Pereira F. The unreasonable task. It may be that neutral third party bodies in effectiveness of data. IEEE Intell Syst. 2009;24(2)8– each country will be set up to undertake oversight 12. ISSN: 1541-1672. MIS.2009.36. of this work. 4804817/. We believe that the MIDaR scale could 4. Gueld MO, Kohnen M, Keysers D, Schubert H, Wein become essential in the design, planning BB, Bredno J, Lehmann TM. Quality of DICOM and management of AI medical imaging header information for image categorization. Proc SPIE. 2002;4685:280–7. ISSN: 0277786X. https:// projects, and significantly increase chances of http://proceedings. success. 880364. 5. Wilkinson MD, Dumontier M, Aalbersberg IJ, 6.5 Take Home Points Appleton G, Axton M, Baak A, Blomberg N, Boiten J-W, da Silva Santos LB, Bourne PE, Bouwman J, Brookes AJ, Clark T, Crosas M, Dillo I, Dumon O, • There is currently no standard methodology Edmunds S, Evelo CT, Finkers R, Gonzalez-Beltran for preparing medical imaging data for ML. A, Gray AJG, Groth P, Goble C, Grethe JS, Heringa • The proposed MIDaR scale incorporates FAIR J, ’t Hoen PAC, Hooft R, Kuhn T, Kok R, Kok J, Lusher SJ, Martone ME, Mons A, Packer AL, principles and stages of data readiness into a Persson B, Rocca-Serra P, Roos M, van Schaik simple four-point framework: R, Sansone S-A, Schultes E, Sengstag T, Slater – Level D data is abundant, but inaccessible, T, Strawn G, Swertz MA, Thompson M, van der un-anonymised and immeasurable in terms Lei J, van Mulligen E, Velterop J, Waagmeester A, Wittenburg P, Wolstencroft K, Zhao J, Mons of quality and often quantity. B. The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data – Level C data is anonymised, ethically management and stewardship. Sci Data. 2016; cleared for use and access controlled but 3:160018. ISSN: 2052-4463. contains artefacts and noise. 1038/sdata.2016.18. pubmed/26978244 http://www.pubmedcentral.nih. – Level B data is structured, quality con- gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=PMC4792175 http:// trolled and visualisable, but unlabelled. 72 H. Harvey and B. Glocker

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Daniel Pinto dos Santos

Key Points preting an imaging study and communicating the results of the said imaging study to the referring 1. Structured reporting offers various advantages physician. over conventional narrative reporting (includ- Clearly over the past decades, there have ing better data quality for the development of been tremendous advances with regard to the AI systems). interpretation of imaging studies. Radiology has 2. NLP could be helpful in extracting data from moved from the first plain radiographs to spectral conventional reports but has some shortcom- computed tomography (CT) and multiparametric ings if information is missing. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Moreover, 3. Interoperable standards for structured report- almost all workflows have been fully digitized, ing templates are available, and major sci- introducing electronic picture archiving and entific societies are actively developing and communication systems (PACS) and voice providing templates. recognition (VR) to boost productivity. However, 4. AI systems could not only interact with report apart from the benefits of the electronic means of templates to extract data but also to automati- communication facilitating easier transmission cally add and integrate their results to the final of radiological reports, little has changed with report. regard to how radiologists convey the findings 5. The radiology report is a key component in of imaging studies to the referring physician. various clinical workflows. Structured reports Compared to one of the earliest known examples would offer numerous possibilities for AI sys- of a written radiological report (written as a tems to interact with the report and help im- letter from Dr. William J. Morton in 1896), prove patient care. most of today’s reports have retained the same format [1]. While today’s reports are generally being divided into subsections such 7.1 Introduction as “Clinical Information,” “Findings,” and “Impression,” they do not follow a particular When thinking about a radiologist’s daily work, structure with regard to the imaging findings. two activities stand out above most others: inter- While other subspecialties (such as laboratory, endoscopy, and others) have already made the move from narrative reports to somewhat more  D. Pinto dos Santos ( ) structured formats, radiology seems to be lagging University Hospital of Cologne, Cologne, Germany behind. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 73 E. R. Ranschaert et al. (eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging, 74 D. Pinto dos Santos

Especially with all the new and emerging Similar but fortunately a little less marked technologies in artificial intelligence and com- results were reported almost 20 years later by puter vision, it could be crucial for further de- Bosmans et al. in 2011, showing that only half velopments to make radiological reports more the respondents of a large survey stated that machine-readable allowing for specific informa- the language and style of radiology reports are tion to be easily extracted. Unfortunately, until mostly clear [3]. Interestingly, radiologists pre- today the information contained in prose-like sented with the same statement were undecided narrative reports is relatively difficult to extract. whether or not language and style in reports are Of course, information could potentially be ex- mostly clear. Considering that the radiological tracted using text mining and natural language report is and probably will always remain the pri- processing (NLP) techniques, which have cer- mary means of communicating with the referrers, tainly made substantial improvements over the this is a quite remarkable finding. past years. However, there are still some relevant Consequently, various publications have tried challenges to be faced when working with con- to provide suggestions on how to improve a ra- ventional reports. Variation in language and style, diologist’s reporting style in conventional prose hedging and uncertainties, sometimes expressed reports [4, 5]. Nevertheless, formal instruction in in very variable terms, might pose difficulties radiology reporting is mostly still not provided to NLP systems. The information contained in as part of radiology training. One study from different reports even from the same radiologist 2004 suggested that residents received only 1 h on the same clinical questions can also vary of training with regard to style and language in considerably leading to inconsistencies on what radiology reports [6]. Considering this, it is little information can be extracted from the reports in surprising that most radiologists develop their comparable clinical settings. very personal reporting styles and vocabulary It therefore seems reasonable to push for stan- along the years. dardized and structured reports that not only Addressing these issues, various studies have would allow for information from reports to be been carried out, comparing conventional prose handled more easily but would potentially also reports to alternative formats such as itemized allow for integration of information from external and structured reporting. There is a relatively applications. large body of evidence supporting that structured reports have substantial benefits over narrative reports. For example, Schwartz et al. were able 7.2 Conventional Radiological to show that structured reports had better con- Reporting Versus Structured tent and greater clarity compared to conventional Reporting reports [7]. Similarly, in a study published by Brook et al., structured reports contained signif- Long before the recent technical advances that icantly more relevant information and facilitated would favor more structured ways of reporting, surgical planning in patients with pancreatic car- various publications have already addressed the cinoma [8]. Comparable results could be found fact that conventional radiological reports show in numerous studies and mostly focused on onco- a large amount of heterogeneity. Leaving aside logical settings but also in other clinical scenarios the necessary variations in report content due to such as pulmonary embolism [9–13]. varying modalities and clinical questions, there is With evidence growing that more structured also substantial difference in structure, language, approaches to radiological reporting could be and vocabulary used based on the individual beneficial, various radiological societies have radiologist. An early study by Clinger et al. from published recommendations advocating for 1988 reported that 40% of referring physicians standardized and structured reporting. Among thought that the reports were occasionally con- the first large societies to actively promote fusing [2]. structured reporting was the American College 7 The Value of Structured Reporting for AI 75 of Radiology (ACR) in its summary of the standard for structured reporting. In its first de- 2007 Intersociety Conference [14]. Since then velopment stage, a specific XML structure was most societies have published recommendations proposed. However, this was then replaced by an advocating for structured reporting. HTML5-based format, which was also published It is worth noting that the concept of structured as trial implementation by Integrating the Health- reporting has been introduced to the radiologi- care Enterprise (IHE) under the Management cal community as early as 1922, when Preston of Radiology Report Templates (MRRT) profile Hickey recommended the usage of a standard [16]. language and format for radiological reports [15]. This profile describes how different software However, almost a century later, structured re- parts (named actors) should interact with one porting has still not found widespread application another, e.g., when the radiologist wants to query in clinical routine. for a specific report template, as well as how these report templates should be built. Although this standard uses HTML5 as markup language 7.3 Technical Implementations for the template files, it is important to consider of Structured Reporting that the so-called Report Creator (the software and IHE MRRT the user interacts with to create the report) does not necessarily need to render the template as There are probably two main issues that hinder HTML to the user. The report template file ba- structured reporting to be adopted in clinical sically describes an HTML form and allows for routine. On the one side, some radiologists might text areas, input field, and selection boxes. It is argue that they would prefer to simply keep writ- worth noting that all of these template elements ing narrative reports, because they dislike being can be linked to RadLex terms. The RadLex is forced to follow a predefined structure. Although an ontology of standardized radiological terms this might be a difficult issue to overcome, it is created by the RSNA aimed at providing a coding probably not the biggest challenge. Much more scheme and unified language for radiological relevant is probably the technical implementation reports [17]. This allows for even more reduc- of structured reporting within the radiologist’s tion of variability, because even though a spe- workflow. cific institution could use a different synonym Since Preston Hickey’s first mention of stan- for a particular finding, the associated RadLex dardized reporting, various attempts of imple- code would ensure for consistency with other mentation have been made. Of course, in 1922, synonyms of the same finding. This consistency there were only limited possibilities, but even would also still be available if the report template then, itemized report forms were proposed, e.g., was to be translated to a different language. a report form for fractures proposed by Harold The RSNA’s website already of- Pierce [15]. With the advent of computers in fers a large number of report templates to be used, radiology, different software vendors offered so- which to date have been viewed and downloaded lutions to build more standardized and structured over 5.5 million times. The European Society reports, ranging from reusable text blocks to of Radiology (ESR) published a similar collec- itemized lists of findings from which the radiol- tion of report templates in different languages ogist could chose to build the final radiological (, and a memorandum of un- report. Today various solutions are available, but derstanding has been signed to cooperate with most use proprietary report template formats that the RSNA in developing templates for structured prevent different institutions from easily sharing reporting. Some vendors do already provide sup- those templates across vendors. port for this type of report templates. Mostly ven- To address this issue, the Radiological Society dors of speech recognition software have added of North America (RSNA) initiated a Reporting the possibility to import such report templates Initiative aimed at providing a vendor neutral into their systems, which then allow the user to 76 D. Pinto dos Santos

fill text areas and input fields with their dictation. would of course be desirable if the information However, these reports although structured to a contained in these reports could be extracted, certain degree are then transferred as plain text to too. Not only would this information be valuable the subsystem that further processes these reports for retrospective clinical studies but also and (e.g., HIS/RIS or in some cases PACS). Although especially for the development of AI systems that this is surely an important first step to promote heavily depend on labeled training data. structured reporting in clinical practice, the true Natural language processing (NLP) aims to benefits of structured reporting only arise when address this challenge and describes techniques the data entered by the radiologist are stored to digest written prose texts and extract relevant in a database that makes the information easily information. However, considering that most accessible for further uses (e.g., to be used for AI clinically produced texts have only limited systems). Prototypes of such systems have been structure and vary in vocabulary depending published [18] but have not yet been incorporated on the individual physician, these techniques by major vendors. will only be able to extract information to a There are a few other concepts beyond certain degree. Nonetheless, NLP technologies template-based reporting that should be have seen significant improvements over the last mentioned in this context. The RSNA recently years, most notably to a broader audience with published the concept of common data elements IBM Watson’s performance in Jeopardy [21]. (CDEs) that define attributes and allowed values Consequently, numerous attempts at extracting for a specific unit of information, e.g., when information from clinical texts have been made describing “image quality” (which in this case using various techniques, and consecutively would be the attribute), only one of the values many studies have been published examining “adequate,” “suboptimal,” or “nondiagnostic” NLP performance in a medical context [22]. should be used [19]. These CDEs do not While most studies focused on other clinical necessarily need to be used in the context of text than the radiological report and aimed, template-based reporting (as described, e.g., in e.g., at screening patients for their eligibility the IHE MRRT) but could also be in conventional to be enrolled in clinical trials [23], there narrative reports to improve uniformity. Another have also been some NLP systems developed notable project is the Annotation and Image specifically to extract information from reports Markup (AIM) which specifies how to store and on conventional radiographs or CT scans [24]. communicate information about the content of a Due to the high variability of clinical texts, the medical image [20]. performance of traditional rule-based approaches These projects and initiatives taken together to NLP was not optimal and in various cases provide interoperable standards to describe and failed to generalize when applied to other cases manage data from radiological studies, from the as initially intended or outside the institution image-related data to the report content created where it had been developed [22]. With the intro- by the radiologist. Unfortunately, adoption by duction of more refined machine learning tech- vendors and subsequently in clinical routine is niques, there have recently been a number of still very limited so far. studies reporting better performances at extract- ing a variety of information from the radiolog- ical report [25–27]. It is however worth noting 7.4 Information Extraction Using that most published NLP systems do not aim at Natural Language extracting detailed information from the report Processing but rather try to categorize the reports into gen- eral categories (e.g., containing of not containing Given the fact that until today structured report- specific critical finding or follow-up recommen- ing lacks widespread implementation, there is a dation). massive historical record of narrative reports. It 7 The Value of Structured Reporting for AI 77

Considering the incredibly large amount of Different approaches could be used here, but it historical radiological reports available in every seems that consensus-based disease-specific tem- institution’s systems, these technologies will cer- plates would offer the most benefits. Such tem- tainly play crucial roles in extracting valuable plates would ensure that reports are composed in information to be reused, e.g., as a set of labels accordance with current guidelines and evidence for training of other AI systems. However, these while also being limited to what is clinically labels need to be treated with some caution as relevant in a specific clinical setting. Such ap- recently seen in the case of CheXNet [28], where proaches have already been advocated in the liter- a dataset of around 108,000 chest X-ray images ature [31–34]. Most notably large scientific soci- [29] was used to train a convolutional neural net- eties such as the European Society for Gastroin- work for the detection of pneumonia. Although testinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR) and the NLP system used to extract information from the Korean Society for Abdominal Radiology the radiological reports performed as expected (KSAR) have published recommendations for the and provided the labels to be used in training reporting of MRI in patients with rectal can- the network, these labels showed relevant inac- cer [31, 32]. Also, the Society of Abdominal curacies [30]. Due to the substantial interobserver Radiology (SAR) and the American Pancreatic variability in terms used to describe a particular Association have published a report template for finding in the original chest X-rays, the extracted pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma [33]. labels had some overlaps that made their suit- While such approaches to the radiological ability as ground truth for an algorithm at least report would certainly greatly reduce variability questionable. and improve the completeness and standardiza- While for some tasks the information that tion of the information contained, it still does not is extracted using NLP technologies might be guarantee the correctness of the information. So, perfectly fine, it is important to consider that while the data from structured radiological re- great caution is needed when using these data for ports might be much easier to use, there remains AI systems that heavily rely on the accuracy of a certain degree of uncertainty which is inherent specific labels. to any diagnostic system in which false positives and false negatives are possible. Nevertheless, through reduction of variability with regard to 7.5 Information Extraction language, style, and content of the report, a much from Structured Reports larger amount of data would potentially be acces- sible for further developments. Considering the variability of terms used in con- However, as pointed above, such report tem- ventional narrative reports, it seems obvious that plates would need to be carefully crafted to in- a means of minimizing variability and ensuring clude all relevant information in a structured way. completeness of information would be benefi- The IHE MRRT profile also allows for parts of cial. Of course, when considering template-based the report to be linked to coding systems such as reporting as described in the IHE MRRT, the the RadLex. This would potentially open the pos- question arises which information to incorporate sibility of pooling data even from across borders in the report that later could be useful. This with different languages, as the respective fields question is not always easy to answer as it re- in the template would share the same RadLex quires some thoughts on which information is code. clinically relevant to the referring physician and In a proof of concept, it was shown that data which could be useful in the future to radiologists from structured reports can easily be handled wanting to mine their data. Then again, a good and, e.g., be used to calculate epidemiological reporting template should not overwhelm the parameters [35]. In the presented use case, a reporting radiologists, so that inaccuracies arise report template for pulmonary embolism was from poor usability. developed, and over 500 structured reports were 78 D. Pinto dos Santos generated. As the information from the respective created by the ultrasound machine for the study fields in the report template was then stored the radiologist wanted to write the report. It then as discrete data elements in corresponding ta- parsed this file and wrote the data from the DI- bles, this data was accessible to all sorts of COM SR to the report template’s respective input further analysis and even to third-party applica- fields. This workflow allowed to greatly reduce tions. This demonstrates that information from the radiologist’s dictation time as only additional structured reports can easily be used in various findings and final impression were needed to be contexts. entered into the respective fields. Such technical implementation should in prin- ciple be feasible with any other third-party appli- 7.6 Integration of External Data cation looking to interact with report templates, into Structured Reports although it is important to bear in mind that this is at the discretion of the report creator software With all the possibilities of extracting data from used to generate the report and is not yet fully structured reports and using this information in standardized. the context of AI, it is important to consider that the interaction between AI systems (or any other system) and structured report templates does not necessarily need to be a one-way 7.7 Analytics and Clinical street. Decision Support The automated integration of external data into the report would greatly improve the radi- The possibilities of making the radiological re- ologist’s efficiency and accuracy, as these data port, both easily interpretable for AI systems and would not need to be re-dictated or reentered into potentially accessible for AI systems to interact the respective template fields. It is well-known with, could lead to a large number of interesting that this step of either reentering or dictating applications in clinical routine. measurements is prone to errors. In fact, for When evaluating and treating a patient’s simple use cases like the integration of data on condition, ideally all clinical decisions for further radiation exposure or applied contrast media, it management should be made based on evidence has already been shown that incorporating data and in most cases follow an established treatment from external sources into structured reports is pathway. As a simple example, an elderly patient feasible using dedicated workflows and decreases could present himself to the emergency depart- the number of report addenda [36, 37]. ment with symptoms of shortness of breath, The IHE MRRT profile also supports such moderate tachycardia, and a history of a minor integration of external data into the structured surgery for elective removal of the gallbladder report by design. A merge field attribute can be 3 weeks ago. After, e.g., clinically ruling out specified that allows for external data to be used pneumonia, pulmonary embolism could be as input into the field the attribute is associated suspected as a cause for the patient’s symptoms. with. However, the profile does not (yet) define If the clinician then applied the Wells’ score for how this process of incorporating data should be pulmonary embolism, this patient would fall into implemented. In our department, we were able the moderate-risk group, scoring three points (1.5 to show that this is easily feasible. A mapping points for heart rate >100/min, 1.5 for surgery table was specified within the reporting platform within 4 weeks prior) [38]. This in turn would that referenced both to content of a DICOM SR almost certainly lead to the physician ordering a file and to content of a report template. Subse- contrast-enhanced CT pulmonary angiography quently, when a new report for a carotid ultra- (CTPA) to confirm or rule out pulmonary sound study was created, the platform searched embolism. Assuming that CTPA then revealed no the department’s PACS for the DICOM SR file thrombus in the pulmonary arteries, other causes 7 The Value of Structured Reporting for AI 79 for the symptoms should be evaluated. However, around a third of these nodules were followed up unfortunately for the patient, the CT scan of the as appropriate [41]. chest also revealed a single incidental nodule However, more sophisticated applications of around 7 mm in size. Provided the patient for AI systems in this context could also be has a history of heavy smoking, according to the discussed. Today’s guidelines and recommenda- Fleischner Society’s 2017 guidelines for manage- tions are usually established from the evidence ment of incidental nodules, this nodule should be obtained by dedicated clinical studies, be they followed up at 6–12 months and then again at prospective or retrospective. However, it can be 18–24 months [39]. questioned if these results do always generalize In this rather simple fictional case alone, there and translate to clinical routine. For example, are various ways where AI systems could in- considering the presented case of a patient with teract with the radiological workflow and report suspected pulmonary embolism, a prospective to support the patient’s management. For exam- validation study on the value of the Wells’ score ple, the ordered CTPA scan could be prioritized would suggest a much lower pretest probability on the radiographer’s and radiologist’s worklist of only around 3% [42]. Furthermore, other given that based on the original publication, the studies suggest that D-dimer testing, potentially pretest probability for pulmonary embolism in with age-adjusted cutoff values, should also be this patient is relatively high with around 16.2% considered in calculating pretest probability [43, [38]. Furthermore, provided there was a dedi- 44]. Also, there is evidence suggesting that CTPA cated AI system with good enough performance, studies are frequently not ordered in accordance such system could then pre-read the CT study and with evidence-based guidelines [45, 46], that generate a preliminary structured report. Then, pulmonary embolism might be overdiagnosed the radiologist would read the study and modify [47], and that smaller emboli might not even the structured report to include the incidental need treatment [48, 49]. finding of a solitary nodule—or, if a computer- Similar examples could be constructed for assisted detection system already detected the oncological use cases as well. For example, AI nodule, confirm the findings. This in turn could systems could help to extract information from then trigger a simple algorithm prompting the radiological reports and compare them with the referring physician or the radiologist to evalu- histopathological findings. A similar approach ate the patients’ smoking history. Consequently, has already been published using a more sim- this would allow for automated suggestion and ple method where a dashboard was created that scheduling of appropriate follow-up for this par- matched RadLex terms to terms used in the ticular patient based on the current version of the pathological report [50]. Results from such algo- respective guidelines. rithms could then be used to support not only the It may seem as if this example is of little radiologist to avoid misinterpretations or discrep- interest, as the presented case is of relatively ancies but also to, e.g., guide the referring physi- low complexity. But especially with regard to cian which treatment option was most beneficial follow-up of incidental findings in CT, it was to a specific patient with a similar constellation shown that only one third of all recommendations of findings. made in the radiology reports are consistent with For all of these use cases, AI systems could the respective guidelines [40]. 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Luke Oakden-Rayner and Lyle John Palmer

Artificial intelligence (AI) applied to medicine is design or evaluate their systems in a “medi- expected to have a significant impact on clinical cal” way, which risks suboptimal outcomes for practice [1]. Companies and academic groups patients as well as business failures when the worldwide have recognised the potential of tech- systems do not perform as expected. nologies such as deep learning to enhance health- In developed nations such as the USA, it care, and many research teams are now racing is unlikely that truly “unsafe” technologies will to produce AI systems to augment, or even to reach clinics and cause harm to patients due to replace, doctors. a strong system of regulation. However, in com- To take one specific area of medicine as an mon with clinical trials [3], there have been some example, the sudden explosion of interest and noteworthy relocations of commercial medical investment into AI applied to medical image AI research to the developing nations [4, 5], analysis ($152 million in 2017, up from $80 presumably (at least in part) to minimise both million in 2016 [2]) has far outstripped the clini- cost and regulatory burden. The concomitant risk cal, bioethical and legal best practice framework of substandard research and hence direct harm to necessary to implement AI in clinical settings. patients cannot be easily dismissed. Indeed, at the time of writing, the US Food and In this exciting, if not feverish, environment, Drug Administration has yet to provide guidance it is more important than ever that we understand on exactly how they intend to assess and regulate how to assess new technologies that may these technologies. directly impact human health and, in the worst The limited number of expert clinicians with case scenarios, could lead to harm or even meaningful experience and skills in AI has led to death. research teams that are predominantly or entirely made up of computer scientists, engineers and developers. These groups are rarely trained to 8.1 The Validation of AI Technologies in Medicine L. Oakden-Rayner ()·L.J.Palmer School of Public Health, The University of Adelaide, When we assess any change in medical practice Adelaide, Australia that has the potential to impact human health, we Australian Institute of Machine Learning, Adelaide, want to know the answers to two fundamental Australia questions regarding the validity of the change: e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 83 E. R. Ranschaert et al. (eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging, 84 L. Oakden-Rayner and L. J. Palmer

1. Is it safe? lives of patients. Before we start considering how 2. Is it effective? to validly assess performance, we need to first consider safety in more detail. Safety is almost never absolute; few aspects of clinical medicine are completely free from risk of harm. Therefore, safety is defined as an “accept- 8.2 Safety in Medical AI able” risk of harm to a patient, usually compared to current practice. What an “acceptable” risk A key issue related to the question of medical AI is will vary depending on the problem at hand safety is the notion of autonomy. For instance, AI and how much risk is associated with current systems can perform a range of tasks in medical methods. For instance, a higher level of risk of imaging. These can be simple, such as image harm associated with an intervention for termi- processing tasks that humans find tedious and nal cancer may be acceptable. Determination of mechanical (e.g. measuring the size of an organ), acceptable risk is complex, generally involving or complex and cognitive, such as diagnosing government regulatory bodies and a range of a disease or even predicting what will happen experts, including clinicians, statisticians, health to a patient in the future. In this framework, economists and possibly others. risk increases with increasing complexity.Thisis Efficacy or performance (how well a system because, as a task increases in complexity from works) likewise depend upon the purpose of the perspective of humans, human aptitude to the AI system. In general, we can think of the correctly judge the decisions of an AI system efficacy as “how well does this system live up to generally undergoes a concomitant decline. The its claims?” If we claim that a system is useful most complex medical problems are often those because it “saves lives”, then how many lives where there is uncertainty regarding best practice does it save, and compared to what standard? If and a dearth of objective evidence. These are also it will “save money”, what is the dollar value of the exact kind of problems where AI systems may the savings? If it is “more accurate”, then how ultimately provide the largest benefit. To take do we measure that and what is the difference? an extreme example, imagine an AI model that These are different questions, which need to be claimed to predict individual patient risk of heart evaluated in different ways. attack in the next 5 years with 80% accuracy. This When considering safety and efficacy, we is potentially very valuable clinical information; need to recognise that AI applied to human however, there is no doctor in the world that medicine is different from most other forms could reliably evaluate such a claim prima facie; of technology. In other domains, performance is it is simply not something doctors routinely do or often valued above all else, and the risks of a new indeed know how to do. technology are sometimes treated as secondary. There is a threshold (the dotted line in This is exemplified in the unofficial motto of Fig. 8.1), where AI systems transition from oper- many Silicon Valley software companies— ating with doctors “in the loop” (i.e. augmenting “move fast and break things”. In contrast to human clinical practice) to being able to operate software companies, the official motto of many independently of human experts (i.e. replacing doctors (the Hippocratic Oath) begins with “first, human clinical practice). A data processing do no harm”. The risk to life and health in system that performs a measurement is simply medical research requires us to put safety first. providing a piece of information to a doctor to In fact, human drug trials are legally required to inform their decisions, much as a blood test does prove drug safety before being allowed to test today. Decisions made on these results are en- performance in humans. tirely the responsibility of the doctor. Similarly, Because any change in medical practice car- efficiency tools like triage systems can reorder ries risk, medical AI system failures can have workflows but do not change the fact that all med- profound negative impacts on the health and ical decisions are still made by a human doctor. 8 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Validation and Study Design 85

Fig. 8.1 AI risk through the lens of autonomy. As the tasks performed by AI become more complex from the perspective of humans, the level of risk increases

Diagnostic and predictive systems that can approval. In general, showing the system per- perform at or above the level of a human expert forms as well as a current clinical method in offer the possibility of removing humans from a controlled experiment is acceptable, and it is the loop; they can potentially lead to treatment assumed that these models will be safe in the real decisions without human input. Such a situation world. In medical AI, where it is unlikely that has recently arisen in a number of medical AI risks are negligible, especially if we are removing systems, including an automated diagnostic sys- doctors from the decision-making process, this tem recently approved by the US Food and Drug assumption is yet to be tested. Administration (FDA) [6]. A company called The rest of this chapter will consider how best IDx has created a medical AI system that can to answer these questions. How can we show that automatically assess a photograph of the back a system is safe? How can we test performance? of the eye for signs of diabetic eye disease. The What is convincing evidence? How reliable do FDA approval states “[the system] provides a these results need to be? These questions are screening decision without the need for a clini- complex, but the medical community has spent cian to also interpret the image or results, which many centuries honing the techniques required to makes it usable by health care providers who answer them. These questions are evaluated us- may not normally be involved in eye care”. This ing the guidelines and epidemiological methods system produces both a diagnosis and a simple developed for clinical studies. treatment plan—it decides which patients need specialist review and which do not. This is the equivalent of taking the primary care doctor out 8.3 Assessing Model Efficacy of the decision-making loop; the family doctors Using Clinical Studies who will use the system do not have the specialist knowledge required to check the results, nor are Epidemiological studies of people in a clinical they expected to. What are the risks associated setting are associated with a well-understood and with such a system? If the system overdiagnoses accepted set of methods for performing experi- eye disease (i.e. too many false positives) and ments that allow us to answer key questions to hence produces too many referrals, it will turn some degree of certainty while avoiding undue people into ophthalmic patients unnecessarily risk of harm to patients. and increase the cost of healthcare. If the system The first point to make explicit is that clinical underdiagnoses eye disease (i.e. too many false studies have nothing to do with designing or negatives), then undertreatment and preventable training models for medical AI. The training set, blindness may result. model architecture, model hyperparameters and How can we know these systems are safe so on are irrelevant. This is completely different before they are applied to patients? Unlike phar- to most machine learning research, where these maceuticals, medical devices and systems do not factors are at least as important as the results. In have to be tested in clinical conditions prior to medical AI studies, we can essentially treat an 86 L. Oakden-Rayner and L. J. Palmer

AI model as a black box, in the same way that a. Start with a salient clinical question you want the physics of X-ray production is not relevant to answer. to a study comparing mammography to breast b. Design a method to use to find the “correct” tomosynthesis. The purpose of a clinical study answer to the question, i.e. to create a reliable is limited to the assessment of the effects of a ground truth to measure the AI system against. change in clinical practice. c. Identify the patient group we want to apply the Clinical studies come in many shapes and system to—the target population. sizes for answering different questions, includ- d. Gather the patients we will test the system ing observational studies such as surveys, case- on—the cohort. control studies, cohort studies and experimental e. Perform the measurements we will use to designs such as randomised controlled trials. All judge safety and efficacy—metrics. of the clinical studies used in medical AI to date f. Pre-commit to a specific method to assess the have been observational studies. Specifically, al- performance of our system—the analysis. most all of them are retrospective cohort studies [7]. Cohort studies are a widely used study design These key points form the backbone of what in epidemiology, as they allow the assessment of is termed “study design”. While a complete dis- associations between multiple exposures on the cussion of the topic is beyond the scope of this one hand and multiple outcomes on the other book (but can be found in a good epidemiology hand. A retrospective cohort design means that textbook such as Rothman et al. [8]), the most historical data on exposures and outcomes on a important thing to understand is that these points group of individuals with a disease of interest need to be considered and pre-committed to a is collected retrospectively. Data collected from priori, before any experiments are attempted. historical records usually includes relevant events Failure to do so can invalidate any results ob- for each individual, including the nature and time tained, to the extent that medical randomised of exposure to a factor (such as an imaging trials and even systematic reviews are expected study), the latent period prior to disease diagno- to preregister their study design. Any deviation sis and the time of any subsequent occurrence from this design in the reported study must be of the outcome. These data can then be used thoroughly justified. While this sort of process is to assess the safety and performance of an AI not yet commonplace in medical AI research, it system by performing a “what-if” experiment. is worth understanding why it is important. Since we know the ultimate outcome of these In practice, points (a)–(d) above are often patients in terms of their disease, we can ask: moot, as it will often be the case that there “if we had evaluated the patient with an AI are data from a local (or public) extant research system at an earlier time point, how would it have cohort available to medical AI researchers. The performed?” Such experiments are also known relevant design choices will have already been as counterfactual, where we investigate not what made by other medical researchers, often for has happened, but what might have happened unrelated (i.e. non-AI) purposes. In this setting, under differing conditions. understanding the choices that created the data While it is possible to use other types of clin- will be necessary to assess the validity of the ical studies to validate AI systems, this chapter study design. Alternatively, when a cohort must will focus on retrospective cohort studies. At the be constructed de novo, it is important that the end of the chapter, some possible limitations to checklist above guides the process. this study design will be addressed. Each of these points is examined in more The precise methods used in constructing ret- detail below. rospective cohort studies vary depending on the exact change in practice we want to evaluate but generally boil down to a few key concepts: 8 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Validation and Study Design 87

8.3.1 The Clinical Question cost and availability of experts rather than any study design choice, but other factors relevant to The most important element of study design is this decision will be discussed later in the chapter your clinical question. This is the purpose of (see Sects. 8.3.4 and 8.3.5). the study, the “why?” of the AI system. In most Often, the largest problem we face in de- medical AI studies, the questions are quite simple signing a medical AI experiment is determining and are defined by the system you have built: the most relevant and accurate ground truth that “can our system perform better at a given clinical we will use to compare our models to current task than the current best practice?” practice. The question has two key elements: the task and the comparison. The task is the question at hand. Measuring 8.3.2 The Ground Truth the size of an anatomical structure, triaging ur- gent cases and diagnosing a specific disease are If we want to measure the performance of our all tasks. The range of medical tasks where AI system (or current practice), we need a set of may have a role is vast, and the question of how patients where the outcome of interest is known to select a worthwhile task is beyond the scope with certainty (this answer is often called the of this chapter. Suffice to say, almost any part of label for each case). We then use this ground truth medical or paramedical practice can potentially to compare our system’s answers against what we be improved by AI. This means the task can be know to be true. whatever makes sense for your clinical goal or Ideally this ground truth should be perfect, business agenda. where every single case is unequivocally charac- The comparison is what we measure our AI terised. Unfortunately, in medicine this is rarely system against. To determine if it is safe enough possible; very few outcomes, diagnoses or treat- or performs well enough, we need a yardstick ments can be identified without some level of to define “enough” by. If your system measures error. There are several reasons for this, includ- the size of the heart, how well is it currently ing machine measurement error; bias due to se- measured? If you are trying to diagnose patients lection, measurement or confounding; the use with a disease, which ones actually have it, and of subjective definitions; missing data, measure- how accurately do we currently detect them? An ment errors, interpretation or reporting errors; important concept here is that of a gold stan- and stochastic variation (chance). dard: an unequivocal measure of outcome that is Most diseases, pathologies and outcomes have widely agreed upon by the clinical community. subjective definitions. This means that they are This might be biochemistry, radiology, surgery or open to some degree of interpretation, from the pathology confirming an outcome such as cancer. highly subjective such as the diagnosis of certain This is discussed further in Sect. 8.3.2. mental illnesses to the purely objective such as In many tasks we will want to directly com- whether patients have died, which allows no pare our model performance against the per- scope for human interpretation. Often, diagnoses formance of human experts. In other cases we will fall somewhere in the middle. For instance, will compare our results against a test which is the diagnosis of stroke utilises objective criteria, currently used in practice. In some rare cases (this but a clinical exam still plays a significant role in is most often seen in predictive tasks, which are the diagnosis, and the diagnosis of stroke by any not a large part of modern medical practice), it given method is subject to a degree of variability. may be that the task is entirely novel, and there is Missing data is fairly common in medical no yardstick to compare the model to. research, where patients or observations which If we compare against human experts, we will are intended to be included in the study are not need to specify how many we intend to test. Most available for some reason. For example, patients of the time, this decision is informed more by can fail to return for follow-up appointments 88 L. Oakden-Rayner and L. J. Palmer or withdraw from a study, move away or even negative cases. The algorithm can make errors, pass away during the study period. For condi- even when the original data is flawless. An ex- tions where the ground truth is defined by the ample is in the case of a large public chest X-ray development of a diagnosis or outcome within a dataset, where automated text mining was used to certain period of time (which can be the case in identify cases with various imaging appearances both retrospective and prospective trials), losing [9]. The team estimated that the accuracy of this patients to follow-up will result in an inaccurate method was around 90%, meaning at least 10% ground truth. of the labels were incorrect. In the context of retrospective longitudinal An inaccurate ground truth can lead to both cohort studies, differential loss to follow-up may negative and positive bias in the results of med- affect the pool of patients available to be recruited ical AI experiments. If the AI system is more into the cohort and can substantially bias study likely to get the correct answer than the com- results. Such loss can arise from the “healthy parison because of the inaccurate ground truth, survivor effect”, where those most likely to be we will overestimate the true performance of available to be recruited are those who are most our model. Conversely, if the AI system is less healthy. likely to get the correct answer than the compar- Similar bias can occur due to medical man- ison because of the inaccurate ground truth, we agement heterogeneity. Patients with the same will underestimate the true performance of our diseases or presenting complaints may undergo model. different tests, so only some of them will have the The first solution to these problems is to use data required for enrolment in the study. Like the criteria that are as objective as possible. Mea- “healthy survivor effect”, this will bias the study surements made by machines are typically more results if this inconsistency is not randomly dis- objective than assessments that require human tributed (i.e. being given a different test actually interpretation. Patient outcomes (such as whether predicts your outcome). the patient has died or experienced surgical com- Missing data is also present with patients who plications) are also usually more objective, al- never present to medical care at all; if a model though they are also more likely to be missing— is supposed to work in all patients with stroke, due to the need to access historical records for the it can never be trained or tested on patients who patients in order to detect the outcomes. either never realised they had a stroke or chose If you must use human interpretation as your not to go to hospital when they had symptoms. ground truth, it is common to develop the con- This can still bias the dataset but is much harder sensus opinion of multiple experts rather than to recognise; how do you know a patient you have use the interpretations of individuals (which is no information on is absent? This sort of missing rarely used because it is considered unreliable). data is usually only detected when population Consensus opinions are typically more stable and statistics are inconsistent, for example, when a precise, for example, when screening mammo- study population contains less patients with a grams are reported by two radiologists instead of certain disease than would be expected. one, it has been shown to increase sensitivity by Errors also commonly impact on the quality around 10% [10]. of the ground truth. For example, transcription The only way to control the effects of missing errors in radiology reports can result in mis- data is to understand your dataset. A thorough labelling of cases. A common error is that a exploration of the relevant patient population is negative word such as “no” or “none” is not tran- necessary to identify where data may be missing scribed, inverting the meaning of the report. We and to determine how best to manage any related also have to consider if there are errors in how the biases. ground truth is obtained. Because many datasets Finally, the most important method of con- in medical AI are very large, it is common to use trolling ground truth error is to always review an algorithmic method to identify positive and the ground truth when you can. For instance, 8 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Validation and Study Design 89 in the case of medical image AI, the images goal of your system. A screening system should and case labels should be reviewed by an expert be applicable to the community broadly, whereas radiologist wherever possible. In many datasets, a system to detect severe trauma need only work particularly if the ground truth was created with in patients who have suffered a traumatic event, an algorithm, it is common to find cases where perhaps in the setting of a hospital emergency the visual appearance is clearly inconsistent with department. There is no good rule of thumb to the label. It is not unusual to find cases labelled use; you must simply try to understand the task “normal” but demonstrating glaringly obvious at hand and which patients the problem applies pathology. If the dataset is too large to check to. Consultation and collaboration with clinicians all cases, a random subset should be reviewed, expert in the task being tested are key here. so the accuracy of the ground truth can be es- In medicine, we have learned from long expe- timated. It is generally good practice to report rience that a wide range of population factors will this estimate when presenting the results of your determine how well a system works in practice experiments. [11]. Factors such as genetics/ancestry, sex, age, socioeconomic status and many others can alter baseline risk of disease, affect treatment response 8.3.3 The Target Population and impact disease development and progression. Identifying the factors that can affect perfor- The target population is the group of patients mance in your population can be tricky, since you upon whom your system is designed to work. do not actually have access to the future patients The purpose of a medical AI study is to estimate you want your system to apply to. There are two performance of the AI system in this group of ways to go about this: patients. It is the group you will draw your test set from (see Sect. 8.3.4 cohort) and will usually be 1. The ideal way is when the dataset you use the source of your training data as well (Fig. 8.2). to train your model is very large, drawn ei- It is possible that the training data comes from ther sequentially or randomly from your tar- other sources such as publicly available datasets, get population. For example, in Gulshan et but it is important to be clear that a medical AI al. [12] the training set was 128,175 retinal study can only make conclusions about patients photographs from three hospitals in India. In in the target population. this setting, you should be able to assume The question of why you might want to target that the training set is sufficiently similar to one particular population over another is highly the target population (i.e. patients from the complex and depends heavily on the eventual eye clinics in those three hospitals) and just describe the characteristics of the training set. It is important to note here that perfectly representative samples are almost impossible to find or construct in the real world, and hence clinical and epidemiological research is almost always done on samples that are not fully representative. 2. It will therefore most often be the case that your training dataset is smaller and different in some ways from the target population. In this Fig. 8.2 The test set/cohort is drawn from the target pop- case, you must rely on previous epidemiolog- ulation, the group that the study is intended to demonstrate ical research in the field. Most major clinical the performance of the system in. The training set may be tasks have been studied in the past, and you drawn from the same population, but this is not always the should be able to find previous studies that de- case scribe the characteristics of your population. 90 L. Oakden-Rayner and L. J. Palmer

For instance, it is well understood from pre- case, a measurement system for people of Euro- vious research that adult patients diagnosed pean descent), but if you market your system as with obstructive sleep apnoea will tend to be working in all patients, then you are likely to run middle-aged, male and overweight or obese into real problems. Even outside of medicine, it [13]. Alternatively, local administrative health is a major risk to ignore the potentially biasing data (such as from a government data linkage effects of population stratification. Google was system or HMO/insurance company registry) rightly heavily criticised for an image recognition may be available to define some of the key system that incorrectly identified people with characteristics of your target population. dark skin tones as “gorillas” [16]. More recently, Google has taken special care to train their mod- As a general rule of thumb, you should always els with population stratification in mind. Talk- consider the big three demographic factors: ing about a new photo/video analysis system, a Google team recently said: “we also made sure • Race/ancestry our dataset represented a wide range of ethnic- • Age ities, genders, and ages” [17]. It is no surprise • Sex to medical researchers that Google has focused on the same big three demographic factors that While there are many other important factors, we have always found to be almost universally it is reasonable to consider these three the mini- important. mum to characterise a population. Occasionally it Understanding our target population can help is possible to ignore one or more of these (partic- us avoid these problems and let us predict situ- ularly ancestry), but it would require justification. ations where our models are more likely to fail. Whether you will need to address other types of There is also another important reason to do so; variation will depend on your task. without understanding our target population, we The classic example in radiology of the prob- cannot select an appropriate cohort, and without lems caused by failing to appropriately consider a cohort, we will be unable to test our models. population effects is seen in prenatal ultrasound. We measure the size of the foetus to determine if it is growing well and compare the size against 8.3.4 The Cohort a standard baseline. The outcome is: healthy babies with non-white ancestry are much more The cohort is the set of people the system is likely to be identified as developing abnormally tested on, often called the test set in the machine [14], typically with smaller bones among Asian learning literature. For most problems that we populations and larger bones among African- want AI to solve, this will be a small subset of American populations [15]. In each of these pop- your target population. ulations, the baseline is different. Asian children The problem we face is that we need our are smaller on average than European children, experiments to say something meaningful about who are in turn smaller on average than African- how the system will perform with real patients, American children. Unfortunately, the baseline that is, about how generalizable our results are to widely used in radiology was developed in a the target population. If we use too few patients predominantly European population, so our re- or they are too different from our target popu- sults are less accurate in other racial groups. The lation, then our results will be meaningless in presence of subgroups within our target popula- practice. There are two major elements of cohort tion with different characteristics and baselines selection: is known as population stratification (discussed further in Sect. 8.3.4). • Which cases need to be part of the cohort to There is nothing wrong with designing a sys- produce results that can reliably be extrapo- tem to work with a limited population (in this lated to the much larger population? 8 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Validation and Study Design 91

• How many cases do you need to use to con- vincingly show an effect?

In general, a random, large sample of the population will work well. It should be similar to the population and needs to contain “enough” patients. Unfortunately, every patient that we use for testing our models is a patient that we can- not use to train our models. Since performance increases as a direct function of the size of the training dataset, there is a trade-off between achieving a strong system and being able to prove it is strong. Many teams building medical AI appear to Fig. 8.3 A histogram showing the results of 100 exper- favour the former, selecting cohorts/test sets of iments, where each experiment is a fair coin flipped 100 the bare minimum size that they have estimated times. While the true probability of the coin landing on heads or tails is 50%, we see a wide range of results due able to prove their system is safe and effective to random chance (these methods will be discussed later in this section, as well as in Sect. 8.3.6 on Analysis). While this is an attractive approach given the setting, it is worth re-drawing the cohort from the technologist’s mindset of “performance at any population. cost”, it leaves very little room for error. Even How many cases you need is a question of a single incorrect assumption in the design will statistical power. The key concept to understand invalidate the results of the entire study if the is that experimental results are somewhat ran- sample size is borderline, which wastes all of dom. If you run an experiment 100 times, the the effort of performing the study in the first test sets will vary enough to produce different place. results each time. This is usually explained with Which cases to include relates to the issue a thought experiment using coin flips, as shown of sampling bias. This is when the AI system in Fig. 8.3. results are unreliable because the sample of When we do a medical AI study, we typically patients in the cohort is too different from the only perform a single experiment. In the coin target population, as in the examples of applying example, there is nothing that prevents the first European-derived foetal measurements to Asian experiment you do returning a result of 35% tails, women or applying image recognition to people and this is also true for medical studies. There with different skin tones. In general the solution is always a chance that even a well performed is to randomly select cases from the target experiment can produce misleading results. population, with the goal of ending up with a The factors that determine how reliable your cohort that is similar in essential characteristics results will be are the effect size and the sample to the target population. size. The stronger the effect (i.e. the difference It is not enough to randomise though, we must between the model and the baseline), the easier also confirm that the cohort reflects the target it is to detect for a given sample size. Concomi- population. After the randomisation process, it tantly, the larger your sample size, the smaller the is always worth comparing the characteristics of true effects that you will be able to detect. the cohort and the population (as in Fig. 8.2). There are mathematical formulae that you can If the average age, proportions of sex and eth- use to estimate how big your cohort will need nicity, prevalence of disease or any other impor- to be to answer your question, but a good rule tant factors are not similar, then it is likely that of thumb is that if you have over 100 cases your cohort is biased, simply by chance. In this (i.e. patients with the condition of interest), you 92 L. Oakden-Rayner and L. J. Palmer

Fig. 8.4 Power curves showing the required sample size to identify a difference in proportions (e.g. in sensitivity or specificity) with α = 0.05 and using a two-sided test of proportions. The lower proportion is set at 0.70, and the black line reflects the 0.8 level of power usually considered the minimum appropriate in clinical studies

should have enough power to find a modest reliably detect a modest effect. If you have two effect. This is not the final cohort size you will classes (e.g. patients with and without fractures), require, as there are many complexities that will then you will need a minimum of 200 cases. vastly inflate the number of cases required (see For multi-class experiments (e.g. in trying to below and Sect. 8.3.6 on Analysis). As we will identify patients with mild, moderate and severe see below, this rule of thumb often results in the eye disease), you may need more. need for cohort sizes in the thousands. Similarly, if you want to describe the perfor- While the specifics of the methods in Fig. mance within other subgroups of your cohort, 8.4 are unimportant here, these numbers provide then each subgroup will require a well-powered an intuition for how the required sample size experimental design. An example could be that increases as the effect size decreases. Again, you want to assess how well a system can detect this type of analysis assumes there are no other lung cancer on chest scans in smokers and non- factors that increase the required sample size smokers. In this case the rule of thumb would (which is almost never true). suggest you should gather at least 400 cases, 100 Two of these factors are relevant when de- positives and 100 negatives for both smokers and signing a cohort: (1) if the effect size you are non-smokers. searching for is small (i.e. less than 10%) and The final issue to consider when you are de- (2) if your cohort is stratified. In both settings signing your cohort is prevalence—the frequency the number of cases you will need can increase of occurrence of the disease or condition in the dramatically. target population. Most diseases are rare, often Stratification means that there are subgroups occurring in less than 1% of the population. This (strata) in your cohort, in which your model per- means that if you need 100 cases with the disease, formance may be systematically different. The you will need 9900 disease-free cases. This is obvious example in medical AI studies is positive not a problem for testing your model; the cohort and negative cases (healthy people and people can simply be 10,000 cases in size, but if you with a disease). Unless your model has exactly want human doctors to perform the task as a the same sensitivity and specificity, by definition comparison, it would be nearly impossible to it will be more likely to make errors in one of get them to review that many cases. A solution these groups than the other. is to provide the humans with an enriched test To deal with this, in classification experiments set, where the prevalence is much higher. The the rule of thumb applies to each class (i.e. most common approach is to produce a test set positive and negative). You will need at least with 50% prevalence (i.e. 100 positive cases and 100 cases of each of your classes to be able to 100 negative cases in this example), which you 8 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Validation and Study Design 93 can test both the doctors and the model on and size of your cohort is a good way to avoid wasting compare their results. a large amount of time and money. That said, it is important to assess the model at clinical prevalence as well, so the 10,000 case test set will also be used. This will be explained 8.3.5 Metrics in more detail in Sect. 8.3.5 on Metrics. One last issue we need to consider occurs in There are many possible ways to present results the specific case where you are using a human for a medical AI study and many ways to measure comparison in your experiments (e.g. comparing performance. These performance measures are the model to the performance of human doctors). called metrics, and the overarching principle of In this setting the size of your doctor group is selecting which metrics to use is that you need also relevant. While a large patient cohort will to identify and report the different ways that your improve your power to detect small effects, it system makes mistakes. will be worthless if you use too few doctors. If we want to diagnose a disease, for example, This is because the doctors will differ in their we can make two sorts of errors. We can overcall interpretations as well, so we have a further layer the disease in healthy people or under-call the of possible variability. In mammography, for ex- disease in sick people. We call these false posi- ample, radiologists only agree with each other’s tives and false negatives, and the most commonly interpretations around 78% of the time, and they used metrics in medical practice reflect these; only agree with themselves around 84% of the the true positive rate or sensitivity and the true time [18]. While many studies are performed negative rate or specificity are measures of these with only one or two radiologists, this is prob- twotypesoferror,asshowninFig.8.5. ably inadequate to accurately estimate human Similarly, a model which predicts how long a performance; the chance of randomly observing patient is going to live (a regression task where an outlier (like a score of 35% tails in our coin- sensitivity and specificity are not relevant) can flip experiment) is high. erroneously overestimate or underestimate this We will look more at the size of human ob- value. While it is common in machine learning server groups in Sect. 8.3.6, the analysis. to treat these errors as equivalent and to report While cohort selection may appear to be com- directionless metrics like the log-loss or mean- plex, the underlying principle is quite simple. A squared-error, the direction of the error makes large, randomly drawn sample from the target a big difference in medical practice. Imagine population will be adequate for most situations, being told you have a month to live but having a as long as there are enough cases from the small- year. Conversely, imagine being told you have a est stratum. While there is a tension between year to live but having a month. These outcomes cohort size and training set size in many AI are significantly different to patients and their studies, the risk of producing an invalid study families, so it is important to understand (and must be carefully considered. Allowing for a report) what sort of mistakes any AI system is conservative margin of error by increasing the making.

Fig. 8.5 A confusion Case posive Case negave matrix extended to show sensitivity and specificity, Predicted posive True posive False posive probably the most commonly used metrics in Predicted negave False negave True negave medical research Sensivity = Specificity = 94 L. Oakden-Rayner and L. J. Palmer

The other important factor to consider is the we judge human performance. The obvious prevalence of the condition—what proportion approach would be to use average human of the population actually have it? Sensitivity sensitivity and specificity, comparing this to and specificity are prevalence-invariant metrics, the sensitivity and specificity of the model at meaning that they will remain the same whether a specific operating point, but this actually the prevalence is 50% or 5%. This does not results in quite a large underestimate of human adequately describe the function of the model, performance. This is because all decision-makers because the number of each type of error in prac- trade-off sensitivity and specificity to make tice will change dramatically with prevalence. decisions, and this trade-off is not linear but Here is a simple example, where an AI model rather a curve. This curve is called the ROC for detecting cancer has a sensitivity of 90% and curve. a specificity of 90%. If we assume a prevalence of Since the trade-off is curved, the average of 1%, then we see the model will generate 1 false sensitivity and specificity will always exist inside negative per 1000 cases and 99 false positives. the curve (the pink dot in Fig. 8.7). Points be- This is very different than the impression given low the curve are fundamentally worse decision- by sensitivity and specificity which at face value makers than points on the curve, and the average suggest that the false-positive and false-negative rates are balanced. To better reflect the high number of false positives that we will actually 0 see in practice, we should use a prevalence- dependent metric such as the positive predictive value (also known as the precision), shown in 25 Fig. 8.6. While the specificity is 90% in the above example, the PPV is only 8.3%. This is a much 50 better reflection of the very high number of false positives the model will produce in practice.

Finally, a common approach when assessing False negative rate (%) 75 performance of a medical AI system in diagnostic tasks is to compare the model against the per- formance of humans at the same task. Unfortu- 100 nately this can be difficult to demonstrate. This is 0255075100 because we have a single model, but we require False positive rate (%) multiple doctors to be tested so we can appreciate Fig. 8.7 the (often large) variation among doctors (see The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. Decision-makers of equivalent quality exist on a Sect. 8.3.6 on The Analysis). curve, and the further up and left the curve is, the better the If we want to compare one versus many like decision-makers. The pink dot is the average sensitivity this, we need to be very careful about how and specificity of the five decision-makers on this curve

Fig. 8.6 A confusion Case posive Case negave matrix extended to include the positive predictive Predicted posive True posive False posive PPV = value (or precision), which True positives is probably the most Predicted positives commonly used Predicted negave False negave True negave prevalence-variant metric in medical research Sensivity = Specificity = 8 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Validation and Study Design 95

Fig. 8.8 AROCcurve (flipped left-right in this example) showing the performance of an AI model in blue and 22 dermatologists in orange. In this case, the task is determining if a skin lesion is malignant

of sensitivity and specificity gets worse as the insight into how ROC analysis and AUC have decision-makers improve (and the curve becomes been used previously in the radiology litera- more convex). ture. In general, it is better to show this curve and As a good rule of thumb, it is better to over- the human experts on it that it is to try to boil it describe your results than under-describe them. down into a number that can summarise it. This Present several metrics so your readers can un- way you can appreciate how close the doctors are derstand what sorts of errors the model makes. to the performance of your model. The US FDA suggests the use of multiple met- In the real-world example in Fig. 8.8 from Es- rics in medical AI studies [22], supporting this teva et al. [19], the dermatologists are very close rule of thumb. For detection and classification or even above the ROC curve, but the average is tasks, which make up the majority of medi- inferior (below and to the left) of the hypothetical cal AI projects, at the very least, sensitivity, curve that the doctors form. This means that specificity and PPV should be reported. For any the average point is an inferior decision-maker detection or classification tasks where there is to all doctors (because doctors operating in this a head-to-head comparison with doctors, pre- region of ROC space all have better sensitivity senting these results on a ROC curve is also and specificity) and is not a fair metric when the a good idea, and AUC is commonly used as purpose of the study is to compare human and AI a primary comparison metric when it can be performance. calculated. It is possible to directly compare a group of doctors to a single model using ROC analysis by calculating the area under the ROC curve 8.3.6 The Analysis (the AUC) for each group, but the complexity of this topic is beyond the scope of this chap- The final element when designing a medical ter. A good starting point might be Hanley and study is to define how you will analyse your McNeil [20], which discusses the ROC curves results. This typically means identifying which that can be created in situations where the doc- statistical tests you will apply. This goal is to tors use a multipoint scoring system (called a determine how reliable the results are and how Likert scale). Shiraishi et al. [21] provide further likely it is that chance played a role in the results. 96 L. Oakden-Rayner and L. J. Palmer

There are really two approaches to statistical (even though it is possible to do so [23]). Instead, analysis in medical research, both of which are we care about how the model will perform when useful. These are: it sees new data which may be slightly different from our test set, the variation across data. • Estimating metric uncertainty using confi- Doctors are not a static, homogenous group of dence intervals. identical decision-makers; as mentioned earlier • Null hypothesis significance testing using P- they disagree with each other and with them- values. selves frequently. Performance among doctors can vary widely, as shown in the earlier ROC These two approaches are intimately related to curve with dermatologists from Esteva et al. each other and largely provide the same evidence. Since this effect is likely to be much greater However, in general it is good practice to apply than the variation across data (given a large both methods in your analysis, which allows the enough cohort), the variation across decision- readers to better understand the statistical validity makers may be more important here. If there is of your results at a glance. a need to estimate both types of variation, several Both methods rely on the same general con- methods have been described in the literature cept: there is some inherent variability in perfor- [24] although are not often used in practice. mance which we can quantify, and by making Variation among doctors is a strong reason some simple assumptions about the shape of this to use as many doctors as you can for your variability, we can estimate how likely the results experiments. Our sample size discussion before are to arise by chance. applies equally to the number of doctors—if you This brings us to our first subtlety; what type only test with two or three (which is currently of variation are we interested in? fairly common in the literature), it is reasonably Consider the case where we have a dozen likely that your estimates of doctor performance doctors who all view the same chest X-rays, will be significantly biased, and results in studies and we want to compare how well they detect like this should be viewed with some scepticism. lung cancer to the performance of our model. We can in fact estimate how different numbers Each doctor will have different results, a differ- of doctors can influence the sample size needed ent level of sensitivity and specificity, for ex- to achieve statistically reliable results. In Table ample. So there is variation across decision- 8.1, this relationship is demonstrated in several makers. We also know from thinking about co- common medical AI scenarios. hort selection that the data used impacts perfor- This table is unlikely to be directly relevant to mance, and if a different test set was used, the most problems due to the quite narrow underly- sensitivity and specificity of each doctor would ing assumptions, but it provides a useful intuition change. This is variation across data.Sowhich about how effect size, sample size and the num- of these components of variation do we mea- ber of doctors/observers interact. In particular, it sure? should be noted how rapidly the required sample The answer comes back to our clinical ques- size increases as the number of doctors/observers tion (task). In this case, we might decide that decreases. It is highly unlikely that studies with the key question is: “can our model detect pos- only two or three doctors will be adequately sible lung cancer on chest X-rays with higher powered to detect AUC differences below 0.1 in specificity and equal or higher sensitivity than magnitude, even with a cohort containing thou- doctors?” sands of cases. We should also make clear that the Once trained, AI models are static entities required sample size increases as interobserver when they are applied in practice; they will give variability increases. thesameanswereverytimetheyseethesameim- Variation across data can be estimated in many age. As such, variation across models (different ways, but the most common method is probably decision-makers) is not what we want to measure the bootstrap [26]. This method resamples the 8 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Validation and Study Design 97

Table 8.1 Estimate of sample size required to detect a variability (±0.025). Fifty percent prevalence is assumed, suspect difference in AUC, with α = 0.05 and β = 0.80, and as a rough guide if the prevalence is 20%, then the adapted from [25]. These estimates assume an AUC required sample size will be around double the presented of around 0.75 and a moderate degree of interobserver estimates Difference in AUC Four observers Six observers Ten observers 0.05 Not possible 3769 201 0.10 291 78 32 0.15 77 30 20 test data many times, producing an estimate of P-values, it is usually a good idea to present performance variation over many subsets. This is both. simple to perform, with easy-to-use implemen- One last factor to bear in mind which com- tations in most programming languages, and it monly affects the interpretation and validity of provides good estimates of uncertainty. These the analysis in medical AI studies is multiple can be turned into confidence intervals,which hypothesis testing. This is the idea that if you are a range of values around the performance run multiple experiments instead of just one, you estimate that cover a defined level of uncer- are more likely to find spurious results (otherwise tainty. For example, the most commonly used known as false discoveries). If we have a 1 in 10 95% confidence intervals simply show the range chance of getting a result of 40% tails or less of values within two standard deviations of the in 100 flips of a fair coin, then if you run the performance estimate. experiment twice, you now have very close to a 2 To measure variation across decision-makers, in 10 chance. If you run the experiment 20 times, simple calculations can be applied to the set of you now have around a 9 in 10 chance of finding performance results from each of the doctors to at least one result of 40% tails or less. calculate a standard deviation. Again, for a 95% This does not matter much when you perform confidence interval, just show two standard devi- the same experiment multiple times (because you ations above and below the performance value. can see how many of the results are significant), Now that you have a measure of variance for but the same rules apply if you perform many both the model and the doctors, you can perform different experiments. Imagine you are testing a null hypothesis significance testing. The exact medical AI system that is trained on the NIH method of doing so will vary depending on your chest X-ray dataset [9] (which now identifies 14 task, but in general you are trying to determine different image findings per case). If you test a if the difference between the model and the set of radiologists against your model in each of doctors is likely to have occurred by chance. A the 14 categories, the chance of your model spu- P-value of less than 0.05 means that there is less riously performing better than the humans in one than a 1 in 20 chance of detecting a difference of the categories (with a P-value of just below as big or greater than the one in your results 0.05) is actually about 50%. You would need to by chance alone, assuming there is actually no find superhuman performance with a P-value of difference (i.e. under the null hypothesis). As you just below 0.05 in four or more categories before may appreciate from this definition, P-values and the probability of finding similar results simply null hypothesis tests can be very complex and by chance is around 5%. confusing and should be applied with care [27– The obvious solution to this is to present the 29]. results for every test you perform. If you run In general, confidence intervals are considered 14 experiments comparing radiologists to an AI easier to interpret (albeit with their own system, then you show all 14 results. If only one complexities), but since it is currently a de result is positive, then readers can be sceptical facto requirement in medical research to supply about the findings. This approach does rely on 98 L. Oakden-Rayner and L. J. Palmer the statistical maturity of the audience, however, such as how bright it is or how much of a certain and can be misleading because the P-values on image texture is present. The numbers are then display will still say “less than 0.05” in each fed into a simple statistical model, such as a experiment, which to many readers will suggest multiple linear regression system. The important a low chance of the findings reflecting a false lesson from other fields dealing with high dimen- discovery. sional data such as genomics is that when this A better approach is to perform a statisti- is done, every single feature should be treated cal correction for multiple hypothesis testing. as a separate experiment. It is not uncommon The simplest is to do a Bonferroni correction, to use thousands of features in these models, which means that we divide the P-value threshold which vastly inflates the risk of false discoveries we use to determine significance by the num- unless this is controlled. A Bonferroni correction ber of tests performed. In this case, 0.05/14, or similar method should always be performed in which equals 0.0036. With a P-value thresh- this sort of research, if statistical validity is an old of this level, the probability of one of the important goal. experiments demonstrating spurious significant Finally, there is the issue of data dredging. results is around 5%. There are a variety of other This is unfortunately very common in science solutions including replication of results in inde- more broadly and is thought to be partly respon- pendent test sets/cohorts, post hoc correction of sible for why so much medical research is not P-values using the false discovery rate or similar reproducible [30]. Data dredging is where a set methods and the empirical estimation of P-values of experiments are run, and the question being (by simulation). asked is only decided after the results have been There are three other ways that multiple hy- seen. Essentially, the team picks the result that potheses testing commonly affects medical AI looks best. This vastly increases the chances of a studies: the use of public datasets, the use of false discovery. hand-crafted features and data dredging. While this form of academic dishonesty seems Public datasets present an interesting chal- extreme at first glance, if we consider how AI re- lenge. It does not make any difference statisti- search is performed in public datasets such as the cally whether a set of experiments are performed NIH chest X-ray dataset or the ImageNet dataset by one team or multiple teams; every additional [31] in machine learning more broadly, where experiment increases the chance of finding and teams tinker with their models until they work publishing false discoveries. For public datasets better than anything that has come before, we and competitions, there are often hundreds of should recognise that this practice is widespread. teams who have published on the same cohort. The solution to data dredging is pre- It is reasonable to assume that this significantly commitment. You define your question prior to increases the global false discovery rate, but there performing any experiments and do not deviate has been little research into this effect. No re- from that design. If the results are negative that search discipline controls for this type of multiple is just the outcome of the experiment. hypothesis testing at this stage, so all we can do is In medical research where the results are recognise that there may be an issue and be more likely to impact patient care, pre-commitment is sceptical around results on heavily used datasets. a mandatory requirement. Teams are expected to The issue of multiple hypotheses when using publish their study design online prior to even hand-crafted features is much more clearly un- collecting the data, and any deviation from this derstood, with well-defined solutions. While we plan will be challenged at the time of publication. typically talk about deep learning models when This is not an expectation in medical AI research we are discussing medical imaging AI, there at this stage, but we should certainly question any is still a vibrant research community working results which do not explicitly state the number on older methods. In general these approaches of tests performed during experimentation and measure an image using a set of image features, confirm that measuring the primary outcome 8 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Validation and Study Design 99 was a pre-commitment prior to performing the current formulation. It may be necessary to make study. this part of the rule more complex to minimise such errors.

8.4 An Example of Study Design Target Population “All patients who have chest X-rays in our hospital” To bring this all together, let us look at an exam- While we could have narrowed the scope of ple. Imagine that we have the clinical problem the target population (and task) to “all patients that we want to be able to determine which having chest X-rays to investigate possible lung patients with chest X-rays have lung cancer. cancer”, the task we are interested in here is to be able to diagnose lung cancer in a chest Clinical Question “can our model detect pos- X-ray taken for any reason. This target popula- sible cancer in the lungs on chest X-rays more tion will be able to produce results that can be accurately than five thoracic subspecialist radiol- extrapolated to the hospital it was produced in, ogists?” as well as other hospitals with a similar patient In this case we choose to use five subspe- group. To understand this further, we will need cialists because this is the group of doctors that to characterise our population. In particular, it were locally available, and subspecialists should will be required for us to note the distribution reflect the upper range of human performance. of age, sex, ethnicity and smoking history in You can see that this formulation is very in- the population. Smoking history is particularly complete right now, because we have not worked important because it influences not only cancer through the rest of the experimental design. We risk but also what types of cancer are likely to simply started with the task and the comparison. arise (which will affect what they look like and how well our model will detect them). Ground Truth “primary or secondary cancer in We need to recognise that these results may be the lungs proven on biopsy, at the time of study less reliable if the model will be applied in a com- or within 1 year” munity radiology clinic, since this population is This is likely to be a reliable and accurate likely to be significantly different from that of a ground truth, compared to something like “le- hospital. Similarly, generalising the results to a sions that appeared to be cancer on follow-up CT different country with a different population and scan” or “lesions likely to be cancer based on the a different healthcare system should only be done consensus of a panel of thoracic specialists”. with caution and may not be possible at all. However, there are several possible sources of We should also understand that we have made error in this ground truth. Patients with cancer our task more difficult by using this population who were not detected at the time of the original compared to, for instance, an outpatient group chest X-ray and who did not receive follow- from an oncology clinic, as the ability to visually up within 1 year will be missed positive cases. detect cancer in patients with severe lung disease Likewise, patients with cancer who have negative (such as pneumonia, fibrosis, pneumothorax and biopsies (because the sensitivity is not 100%) so on) is much more limited. Patients with these will be missed. We might look at other research conditions will definitely occur within this popu- and our own data to estimate the false-negative lation. error rate at below 5%. Given the requirement of biopsy confirmation, Cohort “A random sample of the population, the chance of false positives caused by misdi- with similar demographic characteristics” agnosis will be very low. However, if a patient Random sampling with a check to ensure who did not have cancer at the time of the imag- a similar distribution of patient characteristics ing develops a new malignancy in the following will prevent any significant sampling bias. The year, this would create a false positive under our question then is how big should our cohort be? 100 L. Oakden-Rayner and L. J. Palmer

Our rule of thumb says we need at least 100 Since the task is cancer detection, we will cases of cancer in the test set. This is going to use sensitivity as our primary metric. This is a be very difficult to achieve, because the rate of clinical choice; we made the decision that false cancer in the lungs on chest X-ray is very low negatives (missing cancers) are worse than false in the general hospital population. If it is below positives (overdiagnosis). We present results at 0.5% per study, then we will need 20,000 X-rays two operating points, acknowledging that aver- just to get enough data for the test set. We might age human specificity is likely to underestimate need 10 times more than this to build a training human performance and peak human specificity set that is likely to produce a high-performance may be an overestimate. model. Presenting both prevalence-variant and invari- For the head-to-head testing with doctors, we ant metrics in the second test set will demonstrate will also randomly select 100 cases without can- to readers the types of errors the system makes in cer. To allow for a broader set of metrics to a clinical population. test the performance of the AI system, we will randomly select a much larger set of negative Analysis “We will use bootstrapped confidence cases to test the system at clinical prevalence. intervals for the model and the exact Clopper- Since prevalence is 0.5%, we will select 19,900 Pearson method to produce confidence intervals negative cases. for the average human sensitivity. We will per- Given the size of the cohort and the number form null hypothesis significance testing with of thoracic radiologists we will test, we esti- McNemar’s chi-square test”. mate that it is plausible to detect a difference In this case, there is little risk of multiple hy- as small as 0.1 in a metric like sensitivity (with pothesis testing, since we only have two hypothe- α = 0.05 and β = 0.80). This means that a study ses. We can pre-commit to the study as described of this size will not be informative if the model in the final study design, and in doing so, we will is worse than the radiologists by a difference have made the results of the analysis as reliable of less than 0.1, even if reducing performance as they can be, within the given margins of error by 0.05 may be highly relevant clinically. In in the analysis. this study we must acknowledge this limitation and clearly state in any publications that further Final Design We can draw it all together now. experiments may be required to exclude smaller “Our model will demonstrate a higher sensitivity differences. than the average of a team of five thoracic radi- ologists at both average and peak human speci- Metrics “The primary outcome will be the sen- ficity operating points, at the task of detecting sitivity of the model compared to the average malignancy in the lungs on chest X-ray, proven sensitivity of the doctors, at the points closest on biopsy at the time of study or within 1 year. to the highest achieved human specificity, and We pre-commit to testing the above metrics only average human specificity. We will also present once on the test data, as our primary outcome. the AUC and precision (PPV) of the model at the We will present further metrics on a second larger selected operating point in the second test set”. test set at clinical prevalence, without the human Since this is a classification study, ROC-AUC comparison”. would be a good metric to use but is difficult to calculate for the human group because this task does not lend itself to using a Likert scale 8.5 Assessing Safety (we could ask the doctors to rate the risk of in Medical AI malignancy on a five-point scale, but this is not something they are experienced at doing in clin- At the start of this chapter, it was stated that ical practice, which will bias the results against safety is more important than performance the radiologists). in medical studies. This may seem strange, 8 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Validation and Study Design 101 considering that all of the following material provide adequate oversight of the system, or has mostly been focused on performance testing. when they are overloaded with work, will they There is a very good reason for this. However, place too much trust in a model that appears we do not currently assess safety very well in to perform well almost all of the time? Does contemporary medical AI studies or even at the having a machine supply you a diagnosis lead regulatory level. to cognitive biases like satisfaction syndrome, The current method of assessing safety is where the radiologist may be less likely to find simply to compare a system against a method cur- a second pathology simply because they have rently used in practice, tested in a retrospective already got an answer? Will these systems that cohort study. A classic example is to take a cohort perform well in retrospective studies also work of patients with and without a disease and have well in clinical practice? both doctors and an AI system assess the images. In the case of breast CAD, the answer has If the AI system performs as well as the doctors been no. The price paid for the use of breast on a given set of metrics, this is assumed to mean CAD has been detecting less cancer, performing that the system is safe. unnecessary painful and invasive breast biopsies There are two major problems here: that the and spending an additional $400 million per year model may perform differently in practice than in in the USA alone. a controlled experiment and that the model may We know from other areas of machine learn- perform differently in a different clinical setting. ing research that unexpected problems arising A single retrospective cohort study cannot assess from external forces are very real. Almost every either of these risks. self-driving car company has now abandoned Radiologists are well aware of the risks of plans to release “level 3” technology, where a retrospective cohort studies. The first computer- human driver must be ready to take control at any aided diagnostic (CAD) device for screening time if the car does something wrong. In 2015 mammography was approved by the FDA in Google reported they had found in testing that 1998. Breast CAD was shown in modestly “people trust technology very quickly once they sized multi-reader multicentre studies to improve see it works. As a result, it’s difficult for them cancer detection rates by between 2 and 10%, to dip in and out of the task of driving when but these systems have not only failed to achieve they are encouraged to switch off and relax” [33]. these results in practice in the decades since but This is called “the hand-off problem”, and while mayhaveinfactreduced cancer detection rates they did not mention any accidents caused by this and increased false positives [32]. One explana- behaviour at the time, it is not just a hypothetical tion suggested in the literature is that radiologists risk. There have been two self-driving car-related with different levels of experience used CAD fatalities in recent years, and driver inattention in different ways. While the more experienced while operating level 3 autonomous systems was radiologists (such as those in the early studies) implicated in both cases. wereunlikelytobeswayedbythesystem,less Thus far, we have no idea if similar problems experienced readers could be lulled into a false will occur with modern medical AI, as we have sense of security. Others found that breast CAD yet to see medical AI systems applied to real underperformed in certain forms of cancer (non- patients almost anywhere. Of the few systems calcified lesions), and this stratification had not that are being used in clinics, we have not seen been taken into account in the earlier studies. any results that purport to demonstrate safety “in These sort of unexpected problems that only the wild”. arise as technologies are applied in clinics are In statistics this is known as the problem of exactly what we need to be wary of with medical causal inference; we want to know how patient AI. If an AI system replaces one small part outcomes change when the AI system is applied of a complex chain of clinical care, how does to them. The way to demonstrate this in medical every other part of that chain react? Will experts research is by using a different type of clinical 102 L. Oakden-Rayner and L. J. Palmer study design—a prospective randomised control certainly timely to consider the lessons medical trial (RCT). research has taught about assumptions of safety In an RCT, we randomly assign actual patients and whether we need to seriously consider the to either a treatment arm (i.e. applying the AI role of RCTs and external validation in medical system in their care) or a control arm (managing AI studies. them without the AI system). By doing this, not only can we detect if there is a difference in clinical outcomes for the patients (which our 8.6 Take-Home Points earlier metrics cannot show), but we can actually infer causation; we can show the AI system is This chapter has covered the basics of how to test responsible for these changes. Ideally, an RCT the efficacy and safety of medical AI systems in would be performed in several clinical settings, a way that will be acceptable to medical profes- also demonstrating how well the model gener- sionals and will provide some degree of confi- alises to other patient groups. dence in the results. Let us synthesise everything Thus far, no RCT has been performed to test here into a checklist for the design, reporting and a medical AI system, and regulatory bodies do assessment of medical AI studies. not currently require companies to perform them prior to approval of their AI systems. Instead they Checklist accept the results of retrospective studies and require post-market testing, meaning the compa- • Clinical question: Identify what the task is and nies have to continue to report results once the what comparison you will use. systems are in clinical use. • Ground truth: Plan how you will discover the A second option which is less powerful than ground-truth labels for your data, ideally using an RCT but that could be reassuring regarding objective, error-free methods with a minimal performance and safety is to perform an external amount of missing data. Check the cases man- validation of the results, i.e. replication. This ually (or a random subset of them) to ensure would involve applying the model to one or more the ground truth is as accurate as you expect independent cohorts. This is very common in it to be. You should report an estimate of medical research, with external validations often ground-truth accuracy in any publications. performed in other countries to ensure there is a • Target population: Identify the target distinct patient group. population based on the role you want the If we consider the spectrum of AI risk pre- system to perform and then characterise that sented in Fig. 8.1, regulatory approval until now population. Is your training set a good proxy has been limited to systems to the left of the for the population, or do you need to reference dotted line with only one exception. The IDx other research that characterises the patients system which the FDA approved to assess the in this task? Describe age, sex and ethnicity at health of the retina in the eye in the hands of non- minimum (if available). expert health professionals. • Cohort: Ideally you will use a large random There is certainly a decent argument to be subset of the population. Aim for at least made that systems that carry low risk of harm 100 cases in your smallest stratum. Given should not need to be tested in an RCT or even stratification, low disease prevalence, small an external validation but instead are very similar effect sizes and (if relevant) the humans to previous medical devices. The regulation of the number of observers, your final sample these devices in the past has shown that this size will often need to be thousands of approach is usually safe, even if examples such cases. Where possible, perform a power as breast CAD may point to weaknesses in this calculation that includes both estimates of system. But as we see more and more systems sample variation and human expert variation at the high-risk end of the spectrum emerge, it is to ensure that your cohort size is adequate. 8 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Validation and Study Design 103

• Metrics: While these are task dependent, detect certain diabetes-related eye problems. 2018. you should try to make clear what kind of 7. Euser AM, Zoccali C, Jager KJ, Dekker FW. Cohort classification tasks, use metrics that explain studies: prospective versus retrospective. Nephron the false positives, false negatives and the role Clin Pract. 2009;113:c214–7. of prevalence. A good starting set of metrics 8. Rothman KJ, Greenland S, Lash TL. Modern epi- to consider is sensitivity (recall), specificity demiology. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health; 2008. and positive predictive value (precision). 9. Wang X, et al. In: 2017 IEEE conference on computer AUC is a great overall metric to use in vision and pattern recognition (CVPR). IEEE; 2017. classification/diagnostic tasks. p. 3462–3471. • Analyses: Pre-commit to measuring a single 10. Anderson E, Muir B, Walsh J, Kirkpatrick A. The efficacy of double reading mammograms in breast quantity where possible. Do not use your screening. Clin Radiol. 1994;49:248–51. test set for any similar experiments until 11. Manrai AK, Patel CJ, Ioannidis JP. In the era of this has been tested. Provide estimates of precision medicine and big data, who is normal? uncertainty such as a P-value or confidence JAMA. 2018;319:1981–2. 12. Gulshan V, et al. Development and validation of interval (preferably both). a deep learning algorithm for detection of diabetic If you are testing multiple hypotheses retinopathy in retinal fundus photographs. JAMA. in your experiments (e.g. in research using 2016;316:2402–10. hand-crafted image features in a radiomics 13. Punjabi NM. The epidemiology of adult obstructive sleep apnea. Proc Am Thorac Soc. 2008;5:136–43. framework), present all of the results rather 14. Ogasawara KK. Variation in fetal ultrasound biom- than cherry-picking the good ones. Consider etry based on differences in fetal ethnicity. Am J applying a statistical control for multiple Obstet Gynecol. 2009;200:676. e671–4. hypotheses, such as the Bonferroni correction. 15. Shipp TD, Bromley B, Mascola M, Benacerraf B. Variation in fetal femur length with respect to ma- • Safety: Consider the level of risk for when the ternal race. J Ultrasound Med. 2001;20:141–4. model is applied to actual patients? If this risk 16. BBC News. Google apologises for Photos app’s is high, does an external validation or RCT racist blunder. 2015. 17. Agarwala A. Automatic photography with google clips. 2018. References 18.ElmoreJG,WellsCK,LeeCH,HowardDH,Fein- stein AR. Variability in radiologists’ interpretations of mammograms. N Engl J Med. 1994;331:1493–9. 1. Giger ML. Machine learning in medical imaging. J 19. Esteva A, et al. Dermatologist-level classification Am Coll Radiol. 2018;15:512–20. of skin cancer with deep neural networks. Nature. 2. Harris S. Record year for investment in 2017;542:115–8. medical imaging AI companies. 2017. curve. Radiology. 1982;143:29–36. 3. Petryna A. When experiments travel: clinical trials 21. Shiraishi J, Pesce LL, Metz CE, Doi K. Experimental and the global search for human subjects. Princeton, design and data analysis in receiver operating charac- NJ: Princeton University Press; 2009. teristic studies: lessons learned from reports in radi- 4. Simonite T. Google’s AI doctor gets ready to go ology from 1997 to 2006. Radiology. 2009;253:822– to work in India. 2017. as a medical device: clinical evaluation. 2017. 5. Enlitic. Enlitic to partner with Paiyipai to deploy enlitic-to-partner-with-paiyipai-to-deploy-deep- 23. Gal Y, Ghahramani Z. In: International conference on learning-in-health-check-centers-across-china- machine learning. 2016. p. 1050–1059. 300433790.html> 24. Obuchowski NA, et al. Multireader, multicase 6. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. FDA permits receiver operating characteristic analysis:: an marketing of artificial intelligence-based device to 104 L. Oakden-Rayner and L. J. Palmer

empirical comparison of five methods. Acad Radiol. 29. Ioannidis JP. The proposal to lower P value thresholds 2004;11:980–95. to .005. JAMA. 2018;319:1429–30. 25. Obuchowski NA. Sample size tables for receiver 30. Ioannidis JP. Why most published research findings operating characteristic studies. Am J Roentgenol. are false. PLoS Med. 2005;2:e124. 2000;175:603–8. 31. Deng J, et al. In: IEEE conference on computer vision 26. Efron B. Bootstrap methods: another look at the and pattern recognition, 2009. CVPR 2009. IEEE; jackknife. In: Kotz S, Johnson NL, editors. Break- 2009. p. 248–255. throughs in statistics. New York, NY: Springer; 1992. 32. Kohli A, Jha S. Why CAD failed in mammography. J p. 569–93. Am Coll Radiol. 2018;15:535–7. 27. Wasserstein RL, Lazar NA. The ASA’s statement 33. Google. Google self-driving car project monthly on p-values: context, process, and purpose. Am Stat. report. 2015. mond GB. The fickle P value generates irreproducible results. Nat Methods. 2015;12:179. Part IV Big Data in Medicine Enterprise Imaging 9 Peter Mildenberger

a much higher data volume than other clinical 9.1 Introduction applications [1]. It is expected that pathology departments will end up with several petabytes The first picture archiving and communication per year. systems (PACS) have been implemented in ra- In the early phase of PACS, it has been usual diology more than 20 years ago. This has been to have separate solutions for different clinical supported by introducing the DICOM standard in applications based on departmental image acqui- 1993. Today, all imaging modalities in radiology sition and storage, e.g. for ultrasound studies, are digital. Film-based reading of studies is out cardiological imaging, ophthalmology, etc. This of date. Large radiological departments produce approach had several disadvantages, of course the several terabytes of image data every year. costs for maintaining several systems in paral- Along with the introduction of PACS in radi- lel are much higher compared with centralized ology, the interest in digital image management management, but mainly the need for communi- started in several other clinical professions. Car- cation and access to the information inside one diology has been one of the first departments hospital or across different enterprises required a outside radiology using the similar DICOM im- harmonization of image management with com- age objects as radiology, esp. for angiography. mon storage of image data and universal image The introduction in DICOM for imaging out- viewing capabilities. Actual image management side radiology is obvious with the publication of systems are able to handle DICOM and non- the supplement 15 “Visible Light Image Object” DICOM data (e.g. PDF, ECG, movies) in a neu- in 1998. Other examples for the adoption of tral form to different applications (also called DICOM are dental medicine or ophthalmology, Vendor Neutral Archive or VNA); this means which required new image objects too. The most that a central, universal archive is serving for advanced and challenging profession is prob- different, specialized applications and should be ably pathology, because the new scanners for accessible by a universal viewer [2]. whole slide imaging are fast enough to support Therefore, it is very much accepted and part regular workflow in pathology but also produce of IT strategies to have a harmonized image management for all or most of the different P. Mildenberger () Department of Radiology, University Medical Center of image sources in healthcare institutions. This Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Mainz, Germany will become more relevant with integration of e-mail: [email protected] mobile devices and/or patient-generated images

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 107 E. R. Ranschaert et al. (eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging, 108 P. Mildenberger from outside the hospital itself, which should be should include a strategy with consistent work- feeded into the imaging environment. flows to “optimal capture, index, manage, store, Such repositories could be understood as “Big distribute, view, exchange, and analyse all clini- Data”. In regard to artificial intelligence applica- cal imaging and multimedia content to enhance tions, it sounds very reasonable that these data the electronic health record” [2]. This HIMSS- are a real value for research and the develop- SIIM collaborative workgroup has identified sev- ment of new self-learning algorithms. However, eral key elements for a successful enterprise most of these data are unstructured, even not or imaging program, which are as follows: eventually wrong classified, e.g. using scanning protocols from different body region than the • Governance region examined. • Enterprise imaging strategy • Enterprise imaging platform (infrastructure) • Clinical images and multimedia content 9.2 Basic Principles of Enterprise • EHR enterprise viewer Imaging (EI) • Image exchange services • Image analytics In healthcare provider institutions today, it is expected to have access to almost all clinical An appropriate and effective governance for information as part of an electronic health record enterprise imaging programs should guarantee (EHR). Linked with such an EHR, there should the involvement of all relevant stakeholders from be also a solution for accessing clinical imag- the different clinical departments, administra- ing and multimedia data through one integrated tion and IT experts. As part of this governance, platform. This lesson has been learned while im- regulation for shared handling of personnel, in- plementing such IT systems in the beginning as frastructure and knowledge is crucial, especially separated departmental solutions but finding that when there has been no culture for communi- there are similar technical implementations and cation between departments in place in place clinical needs. The improved request for clinical before. conferences or multidisciplinary team meetings The implementation of enterprise imaging fosters the harmonization of systems and pro- should be based on an IT strategy, which is vision of integrated image access to different accepted by the leadership and in line with imaging sources. Of course, there are different re- the governance. Such an enterprise imaging quirements in different clinical scenarios. Work- program might start with a very limited number flow is one of these challenges, because the well- of clinical partners but should have the strategic known and standardized radiological workflow perspective and needs from all potential partners is not fulfilling the need in other professions, in in mind. This is especially relevant for the which a more encounter-based image capturing is decision-making in the storage and viewing usual, e.g. clinical photography. Another part of capabilities, e.g. for new imaging objects or this discussion is the protection of patient rights, handling of special objects like multiframe or granting access rights, etc.; this part of regulation 4D—studies or ECG measurements. As part of is even more sensitive and relevant for image switching from decentralized silos to a common exchange across hospital boundaries. platform, restructuring of IT infrastructure will In 2016, a joint initiative of HIMSS and SIIM be necessary. This could require restructuring published a series of collaborative white papers of IT support too. As this could be a difficult on enterprise imaging. Based on this, it is evi- discussion, a strong governance is very helpful dent that a successful enterprise imaging program for such a process [2, 3]. 9 Enterprise Imaging 109

9.3 Enterprise Imaging Platform status of a clinical finding, other documents of for quality assurance. This might be very often An enterprise imaging platform should provide encounter based and not DICOM images. In the different functionalities. There is the central core context with storing and accessing such studies, with storage, interfacing imaging devices and there are new challenges, because the categoriza- providing worklist services, if not done by EHR. tion will not work by information like modality, Interoperability with the EHR requires standards- name of imaging protocol or image-object defini- based recommendation based on ADT messages tion. Based on imaging source, imaging type and (Admit Discharge Transfer, a core HL7 message operational workflow, the HIMSS-SIIM work- type), orders, providing results back to the EHR, group proposes four broad categories: diagnostic storing images through the EHR and commu- imaging, procedural imaging, evidence imaging nication for viewing imaging studies and han- and image-based clinical reports [2]. In this con- dling metadata. On the other side, the enterprise cept, the procedural imaging is relevant for imaging platform has to serve all different im- documentation of therapeutic procedures, which age sources, which could be DICOM-based (as might be percutaneous (e.g. stent placement) or most of the devices in hospitals today) or non- surgical processes. Evidence imaging is dedi- DICOM-based, which is relevant, e.g. for mobile cated to the documentation of clinical findings, applications or video data. Additionally, image e.g. size and location of polyp during endoscopy, exchange with external partners is more and more types of injuries on visible light images, or sec- important; this includes media-based solutions ondary capture of a 3D-reconstruction. Image- (e.g. CD import) or health information exchange based clinical reports are defined as a concur- (HIE) or telemedicine solutions. Usual standards rent delivery of images and textual information, are DICOM, HL7 and web services. For cross- which provides links between imaging findings enterprise image exchange, the IHE-based fam- and textual reports or schematic diagrams [2]. ily of XDS profiles (Cross-Enterprise Document The deployment of an EI platform in a hos- Exchange) is very common. Mobile- and web- pital will impact several workflows in many de- based applications are available based on FHIR partments. While radiology and cardiology do (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources), a have created automated workflows for acquisi- new standard series by HL7. Besides the imag- tion, storage and image distribution, this is often ing functionalities, there are critical factors as not adopted in other clinical professions with dif- reliable and efficient retrieval services. Secure ferent, mostly lower number of imaging studies. access control and auditing is another require- This could lead to inefficient processes and limit ment, as providing solutions for disaster recovery the throughput and also acceptance of EI solu- and business continuity in case of maintenance tions. Conventional workflows, as in radiology or technical failures. Such a central repository or cardiology, are based on orders, which drive could be built on an existing PACS, if such a automatization of workflows including unique solution fulfils the requirements for an enterprise- study identifiers or worklists for technicians and wide application [2, 4]. for reporting [5]. In many other clinical scenar- Compared with the traditional PACS work- ios, there are no orders and an encounter-based flow, there are new and different requirements workflow is in place, e.g. in evidence imaging as in an enterprise imaging environment. Tradition- photo documentation. In such situations, correct ally, imaging is mostly used to solve differ- patient identification must be secured. By using ential diagnosis in a diagnostic process, which a DICOM worklist, there is automatically the is independent from the profession. Implement- metadata set to identify patient, imaging pro- ing enterprise imaging and enabling all differ- cedure, etc. This is missing in encounter-based ent devices add new and different workflows to workflows. Different approaches are known to the traditional, DICOM-based PACS processes. solve this task. Some institutions are using work- Especially mobile devices will be used to capture flow reminders, with the intention to capture 110 P. Mildenberger patient data before the first and after the last e.g. displaying diagnostic imaging, intraoperative clinical image. This is depending on human in- photo documentation and pathology slides side teraction, and it could fail. Another approach is by side [5]. sticking barcode on every image. This can be In an EI environment, metadata are very rele- effective and prevent misidentification, but—as vant for structuring the information and efficient for ultrasound images with names burned in the access to imaging studies, e.g. showing all studies scan—it might impact further handling for other from one department or all studies for one body purposes, e.g. research or teaching application, if part. Metadata are well structured and defined the patient identification is clearly accessible on for DICOM imaging objects [7], including study every image and cannot be easily anonymised. descriptions, information on body part examined There are newer developments providing digital or departmental information. The DICOM stan- cameras with support for DICOM worklist ac- dard provides a catalogue for body parts, however cess and DICOM image objects, this might be this is limited and potentially to specific of not a solution in different scenarios. Other techni- enough specific in other imaging domains. Also, cal requirements for workflow support include there are workflow issues, which, e.g. imaging of the ability to perform standard measurements or several body regions (e.g. chest and abdomen in colour standardization. Reliable patient position- one scan), might be classified just with one region ing could be relevant for follow-up studies to or misclassification based on the application of provide the ability to find changes in finding, study protocols from other body parts, e.g. MR e.g. size of dermatological finding or orthopaedic sequences for brain study used in abdominal joint flexibility. Landmarks, time points and lo- imaging without correction/adoption of the body cation of patient positioning should be part of an parts. It is recommended to have an ontology imaging record [5, 6]. in place, which should allow synonyms as also Workflow support for reporting might be an- provides a relational structure with parent and other new aspect in some clinical departments. children terms. In radiology, there is RadLex While radiology, cardiology or pathology are as an ontology and RadLex Playbook for pro- well trained to make a report for any imaging cedure description available, both initiated and study, this might be different elsewhere. It is provided by RSNA. Aggregation of information known that several imaging studies are stored but across institutions requires mapping of procedure without annotations or reports so far. This could descriptions on a standard description; ACR has have different reasons, like behaviour or missing addressed this in the context of the ACR dose tools for efficient reporting in EHR. Otherwise, it registry using the RadLex Playbook descriptions is crucial for communication in shared decision- [5, 8]. making for medical treatment to have all infor- Enterprise Imaging should provide a standard- mation available, including images and textual ized access to all imaging studies integrated in information. This is even more relevant in the the EHR. There are many reasons to do so. A context of research or image analytics within AI simple one is improved usability with single-sign applications, because images without appropriate on through the EHR, similarly this could be used information could not be used efficiently for self- for granting access rights to the imaging studies, learning algorithms. Efficient workflow support because this is already defined and regulated as should enable links between information from part of the EHR. An EHR-integrated universal the EHR and imaging studies in the EI platform viewer should handle different imaging data, in a bidirectional way, which means that an which could be simple photo documentation up access to imaging should be provided from the to functional imaging in MRI or whole-slide EHR and also an easy access to reports should be pathology scans, because one standard interface available through the enterprise viewer, and also will improve the acceptance and usability for this viewer should grant access to imaging from the different user groups in an enterprise. This different departments for one medical scenario, spectrum of imaging data is very broad, including 9 Enterprise Imaging 111

DICOM objects, point-of-care documentation rendering servers and transfer DICOM images and sometimes also scanned documents. into other formats, which might allow faster ac- Therefore, there is an increasing interest to cess and appropriate rendering depending on the fulfil the different requirements with a universal display size and zoom factor. Security aspects multipurpose application, called “Enterprise should be encountered too, e.g. secure connection Viewer” [9]. The HIMSS-SIIM workgroup to rendering servers and if mobile devices get proposes the following definition of an enterprise lost. To prevent data leaks, enterprise viewers viewer: “thin-client or zero-client application should support built-in encryption and lifecycle used on any off-the-shelf device to distribute, management policies with immediate deletion of display, and manipulate multi-specialty image, image content after its presentation. Access to video, audio, and scanned documents stored the enterprise imaging platform could be directly in separate centralized archives through, or from the enterprise viewer or through the EHR. standalone from, the EHR.” [9]. This group Direct access requires full management of users divides the users into four main groups: and role-based access rights. Therefore, in most cases an EHR-based access would allow similar • Users performing diagnostic interpretation usability with built-in access permissions. Audit needing most advanced image manipulation records for user activities could be handled using and reporting capabilities the IHE ATNA (Audit Trail and Node Authenti- • Surgical subspecialists using image manipula- cation) profile [9]. tion for planning procedures Health information exchange is getting more • General providers and non-providers needing and more relevant in modern healthcare systems, access to basic image viewing tools which rely on information exchange especially • External users such as patients or referrers for imaging studies. This exchange is necessary from provider to another, from provider to patient Enterprise image viewers could solve sev- and from patient to patient. Also patient portals eral clinical use cases, e.g. access to different with the option to download and transfer images archives, integrated view on studies from differ- for second opinions are used or in wider deploy- ent clinical professions, collaboration providing ment. An EI platform should be prepared to sup- teleconference functionalities and diagnostic in- port all these kind of interfacing inside and out- terpretation without a dedicated PACS. Beyond side the hospital walls. Online cross-enterprise in-house use cases, such solutions could sup- image transfer (and also document and other port access for on-call physicians, patient-portals, data formats) is mostly based on the concepts of referring physician access or also educational IHE with XDS and XDS-I. In Europe, there are purposes [9]. some countries building national solutions based Technical considerations for the deployment on these IHE profiles, e.g. Austria, Switzerland of enterprise viewers include optimized instal- and Luxembourg. Centralizing such exchange lation and support resources, because the clas- capabilities in a hospital, which would eliminate sical structure of PACS environments with ded- CD/DVD import and export, could enhance the icated workstations, which requires installation, data security and data privacy protection and also updates, maintenance, etc., would not work in reduce the training and failure rates [2]. an enterprise with probably several thousands EI platforms will provide large data collec- of viewing devices. Several other technical as- tions; however, the opportunities for the appli- pects are relevant for enterprise viewers. View- cation of business and clinical applications are ers should run on different devices, independent still limited or immature. Of course, there are a from the operating system or kind of display lot of metadata available, but definitions of value (e.g. workstation, tablet, smartphone) and with- sets and standardization of these data are still out transfer of full-DICOM files. Therefore, most in an early phase. But such annotations and se- enterprise viewers are HTML5 based and do have mantic interoperability will be required for more 112 P. Mildenberger advanced analyses on imaging utilization or the (EIR). This might be a difficult decision, usually application of deep learning algorithms. This will ECM is not prepared to handle the amount of im- certainly change in the future, due to the ongoing ages in efficient manner and guarantee acceptable developments in artificial intelligence, which will access performance. It might be easier to include play an increasingly important role in healthcare the handling of scanned documents into an EIR. [2, 10]. Different use cases are described in the HIMSS- SIIM concept [11]:

9.4 Standards and Technology • Native DICOM devices with worklist support for an Enterprise Imaging are almost in use in radiology, cardiology, and Platform and Image Sharing dental medicine or ophthalmology or ultra- Across Enterprises sound machines. Image objects are well de- fined, and metadata are available within these An enterprise platform should support several imaging sources. standards beyond DICOM. This is relevant due • Endoscopy, microscopy and digital cameras to the inclusion of photography, movies, wave- are part of the “visible light” group. Typically, form documents, etc. There is a challenge in such imaging sources are not supporting DI- supporting different vendors, different standards COM directly but could be interfaced with and different interfaces—but interoperability is dedicated software. Accurate patient demo- a prerequisite for a successful EI platform. Due graphics can be obtained by an order-based to different use cases and workflows, it could workflow with worklist or an encounter-based be necessary to support different standards for workflow using DICOM query services, HL7 similar tasks, e.g. photo documentation with ded- message or by using IHE PIX and PDQ pro- icated DICOM devices or mobile devices only files. supporting JPEG or PNG formats. The central • Capturing of medical photos or videos is prob- core component is—according to the HIMSS- ably the most challenging use case for tech- SIIM concept—an Enterprise Image Repository nical support to guarantee correct integration (EIR), which supports DICOM and non-DICOM of patient demographics, creating orders and imaging objects including an index of the images links for accessing such studies from the EHR, and content of the archive, along with the meta- etc. Functionality and usability depend on the data of these imaging studies [11]. An enterprise import software; an easy way to solve such viewer can be an integrated part of this core use cases is “wrapping” these non-DICOM component, provided by the same vendor, but images while importing into an encapsulated could be in principle an independent solution DICOM object. As an alternative, handling interfacing with the image repository. as a “document” according to the IHE XDS Additionally, there should be standard inter- concept could be implemented. faces for all different imaging devices/formats • Image management for importing external im- and also services like worklist provider, auditing, ages or sharing imaging studies with external image exchange, media import, etc. Standard in- partners should be addressed by the enterprise terfaces include DICOM, DICOMweb and XDS- imaging platform too. This is including media I.b, which would support many imaging sources support based on IHE PDI (Portable Data for across an enterprise. Management of scanned Imaging) and Import Reconciliation Workflow documents in EHR environments, e.g. forms, (IRWF) to adopt internal patient demograph- consents and external reports, is often handled ics and orders. via an enterprise content management (ECM) system. Such systems are sometimes already in In the context of handling all these different place, so it will be necessary to discuss an up- formats, it is evident that in principle, most of grade from ECM to Enterprise Image Repository these non-DICOM data could be easily handled 9 Enterprise Imaging 113 as DICOM encapsulated objects, which would external users. Support for efficient access with solve several issues like handling of metadata, mobile devices is enabled by newer IHE profiles integration with XDS-based image exchange so- like MHD and MHD-I (Mobile access to Health lutions, etc. A valid alternative is to encapsulate Documents); these profiles are using newer web non-DICOM data in a HL7 CDA format, as it standards such as FHIR or DICOMweb, a REST- is used in IHE XDS-SD (Scanned Document). ful standard. Of course, such networks will raise A very detailed review on different technical many more issues to be solved, like responsibil- aspects is provided in the HIMSS-SIIM paper ities, policies for storing external data in local on “Technical Challenges of Enterprise Imaging” PACS or provide secondary readings for exter- [11]. nals imaging studies [10, 12–14]. Any enterprise imaging platform should be able to support improved collaboration and pa- tient care with external physicians and patients 9.5 Legal Aspects themselves. This is relevant to increase patient empowerment and patient satisfaction and to im- It is obvious that information exchange and com- prove cost efficiency by avoiding unnecessary munication is a key factor in modern healthcare repeated imaging. Several use cases are com- involving experts from different faculties. Several mon, e.g. transfer to trauma centres in emer- legal aspects have to be discussed while creating gency cases; telemedicine, esp. teleradiology or the EI governance. telepathology, to allow access to specialist in As healthcare information are sensitive data, rural areas; remote wound management monitor- data protection and privacy should be consid- ing; second opinion consultation, etc. ered too. Patient privacy and access control are In the past, proprietary solutions for point-to- relevant for several data, e.g. information on point communication or legacy web-based so- psychiatric therapy or plastic surgery and images lutions have been introduced to solve such re- related to sexual assault or child abuse. It is rec- quirements. With growing networks of partners, ommended to have one leading system managing interoperability of systems became a key factor. access control, which could be based on general It is obvious that this is addressed in a very items, e.g. access permission for a specific de- successful approach worldwide by the IHE XDS partment or on a case-by-case basis, which would (Cross-Enterprise Document Exchange) concept, require a reason why a user needs access to the which includes a whole family of profiles sup- imaging study. This type of information has to be porting mapping and accessing of patient de- recorded and audited later on. mographics, patient consent, scanned documents, Such access restrictions have to be managed imaging studies, lab results, medication, etc. The also for image sharing with external partners, principle concept of IHE consists of a so-called and in such communication a stepwise approach affinity domain, which represents one hospital with additional permission/consent regulations or group of partners, which will provide a reg- might be necessary. According to European reg- istry of documents and imaging studies available ulations, the patient consent is mandatory for for exchange. The registry contains links to the image exchange, and patients could select data decentralized data repositories. In this context, and providers to be included or excluded in the enterprise imaging repository is usually an communication [2, 15]. IHE imaging document source, while the enter- Usually it is possible to use anonymised data prise viewer could (and should be able to) act in research and education. It is important to keep as an IHE XDS-I document consumer. There in mind that for several imaging data, anonymiza- are profiles available to connect different affinity tion alone is not good enough. For example, domains and allow cross-community access and sharing CT or MRI data of brain examinations also profiles for advanced handling of patient could probably allow full 3D reconstruction of consent, which are relevant to grant access for the face and reidentification of a person. 114 P. Mildenberger

Several other legal or regulatory aspects information, etc. But, this is not the reality today, should be encountered for an EI project. The even not in advanced healthcare institutions. duration of storing images in an archive is There is an increasing interest and need to mostly regulated for radiology, but other fields facilitate interoperability of different data repos- do have a broad spectrum of workflows. Also, itories for different reasons, improving patient the selection of images is a sensitive factor, care and quality for clinical reasons, and the e.g. rejection of mistakes, selection of distinct further development and application of artificial images in ultrasound and storing full video intelligence tools are another one. versus selection of sequences. Image quality The number of medical image analyses is is another example. Several years ago, there growing exponentially, as are the tools available has been an intensive discussion on using for this purpose, based upon machine learning compression, especially to save storage costs. (ML) techniques [17–21]. The need for “lossy” compression has been Some tools are dedicated to extract features decreased with the availability of high-quality out of the imaging studies itself; this process is storage at relatively low costs over time. The described under the term radiomics. For further European Society of Radiology (ESR) has improvements of such research activities, it is published a consensus paper several years mandatory to have a huge number of imaging ago, describing in which use cases “lossy” or studies linked with further information on the irreversible compression might be used, e.g. imaging itself and other clinical data. However long-term archiving or teleradiology, and in there are different drawbacks regarding ML or which not [16]. File format could be a critical DL applications for medical imaging today, and issue, if specific definitions would be used, for some examples here fore are as follows: which no maintenance over time or broad support by viewers is guaranteed. Wrapping such non- • Usually there is no annotation in the imaging DICOM images into a DICOM format could studies, indicating which images and in what solve such issues. An institution should define the area these images are affected. integration of mobile devices into an EI platform. • There is limited standardization in description Mobile devices could support the capturing of of anatomical regions. images, as also the access to an EI platform • There is limited standardization in procedure or communication on reports. Using individual, descriptions, even in the same institution, personal devices should be carefully examined there could be different descriptions using and implemented, due to potential data privacy different content or synonyms for similar risks. The HIMSS-SIIM workgroup has listed a procedures. lot of features, which should be supported by a • Imaging protocols differ markedly for similar mobile device application including, e.g. query clinical indications. worklists, scan barcodes, no local storage of • Imaging reports do not provide coding for patient demographics, etc. [5]. findings or are not well structured and provide narrative text only. • Imaging is stored without metadata and/or 9.6 Enterprise Imaging in the reports at all, etc. Context of Artificial Intelligence Annotation of findings has been addressed by the RSNA in a project called “The Anno- In an ideal world, enterprise imaging platforms tation and Image Mark-up Project” providing would collect many different imaging studies a standardized semantic interoperability model with annotations and reports across different for annotations and markup. Different informa- medical faculties and should be linked with EHR tion, like author, time stamp and image(s), rep- and other data, e.g. lab results, patient-generated resent the finding. Information could be kept in 9 Enterprise Imaging 115 semantically precise and computationally acces- For the development of algorithms, but even sible manner using the RadLex terminology [22]. more for the introduction of AI in clinical work- A further step has been implemented with flows, such a standardization of interfaces, but the inauguration of “QIBA”(Quantitative Imag- also of semantic interoperability, is very relevant ing Biomarker Alliance) addressing the devel- [17, 25]. An efficient integration of AI should opment of hardware and software to achieve allow automatization of processing, so that at the accurate and reproducible results from imaging point and time of reporting, the AI results are methods, including acquisition protocols, data already available and thus able to augment the ra- analyses, display methods and reporting struc- diologist’s interpretation of imaging studies. Op- tures [23]. timisation of the development, testing and imple- Standardization of procedure descriptions is mentation of AI in imaging management systems a key factor to build huge data collections for will require appropriate solutions, which provide machine learning algorithms; mapping to terms reliable data, preferably from different institu- from the RadLex Playbook is one accepted ap- tions and qualified test data. Other technologies proach. Adoption and acceptance of this ap- such as speech recognition, cloud-based commu- proach are still somewhat limited. nication and bidirectional interaction could be Machine learning (ML), deep learning (DL) further aspects in future reporting scenario [26]. and convolutional neural networks (CNN) are The American College of Radiology (ACR) has different methods for creating computer-based initiated the Data Science Institute (ACR DSI), algorithms that are trained with data to improve and in Germany a cross-institutional cooperation their accuracy. Actually, this is almost done as has been created with a platform called HIGH- supervised learning based on external informa- med [27]. tion, which could be linked with the image fea- The maturity of enterprise imaging could be tures generated by these ML, DL or CNN tools monitored based on a new tool developed by [18, 21]. HIMSS, ESR, SIIM and EuSOMII called “Digi- For an efficient automatization of such pro- tal Imaging Adoption Model” (DIAM). DIAM is cesses, it is important to have enough labels of already available for radiology, presented in 2016 different findings, categories, etc. Implementa- by ESR and HIMSS [28]. DIAM is based on tion of a process for manual annotation of the im- several stages including many different aspects ages would be very difficult, because this would such as governance and workflow and process require a lot of manual interactions in thousands security but also specialized applications such as of imaging studies. Therefore, it is even more advanced image analytics, clinical decision sup- important to have reliable metadata and reports. port, image exchange, etc. (Fig. 9.1). It is obvious In regard of reports, the discussion and interest that advanced image processing, including AI on structured reporting have been increased over tools, will be part of state-of-the art enterprise the last years. IHE is providing a dedicated pro- imaging platforms soon. file for the “Management of Radiology Report Templates” (MRRT); a joint RSNA and ESR “Template Library Advisory Panel” (TLAP) has 9.7 Take-Home Points been established, and tools to use such tem- plates as integrated solutions in an enterprise • Enterprise imaging will replace further decen- IT environment are available today. Within the tralized PACS silos, enabling new opportuni- MRRT profile, it is possible and recommended ties for collaboration across different faculties. to have coded information, almost RadLex based • Development of AI tools could benefit a lot [18, 24]. from the variety of training data, which could 116 P. Mildenberger

Fig. 9.1 Stage description for enterprise imaging maturity model (HIMSS analytics DIAM for enterprise imaging)

be available with such enterprise imaging plat- 4. Aryanto KYE, Wetering R, Broekema A, Ooijen forms. PA, Oudkerk M. Impact of cross-enterprise data • Clinical integration will require automatiza- sharing on portable media with decentralised up- load of DICOM data into PACS. Insights Imaging. tion of workflows with optimized integration 2014;5(1):157–64. of user interfaces. 5. Towbin AJ, Roth CJ, Bronkalla M, Cram D. Work- • The maturity of an enterprise imaging plat- flow challenges of enterprise imaging: HIMSS- form can be monitored by DIAM. SIIM collaborative white paper. J Digit Imaging. 2016;29(5):574–82. 6. Cram D, Roth CJ, Towbin AJ. Orders- versus encounters-based image capture: implications pre- and post-procedure workflow, technical and build References capabilities, resulting, analytics and revenue cap- ture: HIMSS-SIIM collaborative white paper. J Digit 1. Hartman D, Pantanowitz L, McHugh J, Piccoli A, Imaging. 2016;29(5):559–66. OLeary M, Lauro G. Enterprise implementation of 7. DICOM. Standard. Available from: https:// digital pathology: feasibility, challenges, and oppor- tunities. J Digit Imaging. 2017;30(5):555–60. 8. Bhargavan-Chatfield M, Morin RL. The ACR 2. Roth CJ, Lannum LM, Persons KR. A foundation for computed tomography dose index registry: the 5 enterprise imaging: HIMSS-SIIM collaborative white million examination update. J Am Coll Radiol. paper. J Digit Imaging. 2016;29(5):530–8. 2013;10(12):980–3. 3. Roth CJ, Lannum LM, Joseph CL. Enterprise imag- 9. Roth CJ, Lannum LM, Dennison DK, Towbin AJ. ing governance: HIMSS-SIIM collaborative white The current state and path forward for enterprise paper. J Digit Imaging. 2016;29(5):539–46. 9 Enterprise Imaging 117

image viewing: HIMSS-SIIM collaborative white pa- 19. Tang A, Tam R, Cadrin-Chênevert A, Guest W, per. J Digit Imaging. 2016;29(5):567–73. Chong J, Barfett J, et al. Canadian Association of 10. Li S, Liu Y, Yuan Y, Li J, Wei L, Wang Y, et al. Imple- Radiologists white paper on artificial intelligence in mentation of enterprise imaging strategy at a Chinese radiology. Can Assoc Radiol J. 2018;69(2):120–35. Tertiary Hospital. J Digit Imaging. 2018;31:534–42. 20. Choy G, Khalilzadeh O, Michalski M, Do S, Samir 11. Clunie DA, Dennison DK, Cram D, Persons KR, AE, Pianykh OS, et al. Current applications and Bronkalla MD, Primo HR. Technical challenges of future impact of machine learning in radiology. Ra- enterprise imaging: HIMSS-SIIM collaborative white diology. 2018;288(2):318–28. paper. J Digit Imaging. 2016;29(5):583–614. 21. Yamashita R, Nishio M, Do RKG, Togashi K. Convo- 12. Vreeland A, Persons KR, Primo H, Bishop M, Gar- lutional neural networks: an overview and application riott KM, Doyle MK, et al. Considerations for ex- in radiology. Insights Imaging. 2018;9:611–29. changing and sharing medical images for improved 22. Channin DS, Mongkolwat P, Kleper V, Rubin DL. collaboration and patient care: HIMSS-SIIM collabo- The annotation and image mark-up project. Radiol- rative white paper. J Digit Imaging. 2016;29(5):547– ogy. 2009;253(3):590–2. 58. 23. Obuchowski NA, Reeves AP, Huang EP, et al. Quan- 13. Schwind F, Münch H, Schröter A, Brandner titative imaging biomarkers: a review of statistical R, Kutscha U, Brandner A, et al. Long-term methods for computer algorithm comparisons. Stat experience with setup and implementation Methods Med Res. 2014;24:68–106. of an IHE-based image management and 24. Pinto Dos Santos D, Klos G, Kloeckner R, Oberle R, distribution system in intersectoral clinical Dueber C, Mildenberger P. Development of an IHE routine. Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg. 2018; MRRT-compliant open-source web-based reporting platform. Eur Radiol. 2017;27(1):424–30. 14. Liu S, Zhou B, Xie G, Mei J, Liu H, Liu C, et 25. Charles E, Kahn J. From images to actions: opportu- al. Beyond regional health information exchange in nities for artificial intelligence in radiology. Radiol- China: a practical and industrial-strength approach. ogy. 2017;285(3):719–20. AMIA Ann Symp Proc. 2011;2011:824–33. 26. Dreyer KJ, Dreyer JL. Imaging informatics: lead, 15. Balthazar P, Harri P, Prater A, Safdar NM. Protecting follow, or become irrelevant. J Am Coll Radiol. your patients’ interests in the era of big data, artifi- 2013;10(6):394–6. cial intelligence, and predictive analytics. J Am Coll 27. Haarbrandt B, Schreiweis B, Rey S, Sax U, Schei- Radiol. 2018;15(3, Part B):580–6. thauer S, Rienhoff O, et al. HiGHmed – an open 16. European Society of R. Usability of irreversible im- platform approach to enhance care and research age compression in radiological imaging. A position across institutional boundaries. Methods Inf Med. paper by the European Society of Radiology (ESR). 2018;57(S 01):e66–81. Insights Imaging. 2011;2(2):103–15. 28. Studzinski J. Bestimmung des Reifegrades der IT- 17. Gillies RJ, Kinahan PE, Hricak H. Radiomics: im- gestützten klinischen Bildgebung und Befundung mit ages are more than pictures, they are data. Radiology. dem Digital Imaging Adoption Model (Evaluating 2016;278(2):563–77. the maturity of IT-supported clinical imaging and 18. Kruskal JB, Berkowitz S, Geis JR, Kim W, Nagy P, diagnosis using the Digital Imaging Adoption Model: Dreyer K. Big data and machine learning—strategies are your clinical imaging processes ready for the for driving this bus: a summary of the 2016 in- digital era?). Der Radiologe. 2017;57(6):466–469. tersociety summer conference. J Am Coll Radiol. 2017;14(6):811–7. Imaging Biomarkers and Imaging Biobanks 10

Angel Alberich-Bayarri, Emanuele Neri, and Luis Martí-Bonmatí

[1]. To enable the use of quantitative imaging 10.1 Introduction biomarkers in both clinical and research settings, a whole process has to be established, including The main barriers limiting the widespread use display methods, image analysis guidelines, and of quantitative imaging biomarkers in clinical acquisition of quantitative data and parametric practice lie in the lack of standardization re- images. A consensus-based multidisciplinary ap- garding their implementation on those aspects proach seems the best practice to achieve success. related to technical acquisition, analysis process- Based on the recommendations of the Quan- ing, and clinical validation. These developments titative Imaging Biomarkers Alliance (QIBA), have multiple consecutive steps, ranging from the supported by the Radiological Society of North proof of concept and mechanism, the hallmark America (RSNA), and the European Imaging definition, the optimization of image acquisi- Biomarkers Alliance (EIBALL), which is sus- tion protocols, the source images, the analytical tained by the European Society of Radiology methodology, the type of measurements to the (ESR), a standard methodology for the develop- structured report. The overall pipeline has to ment, validation, and integration of image anal- provide additional value and support to radiolo- ysis methods for the extraction of biomarkers gists in the process of diagnosis and assessment and radiomic data, as well as for their poten- tial implementation in clinical practice, is being A. Alberich-Bayarri () Biomedical Imaging Research Group, La Fe Health applied to an increasing extent with the aim Research Institute and Polytechnics and University of reducing variability across centers. All an- Hospital, Valencia, Spain alytical methods developed must comply with Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers in Medicine (QUIBIM critical requirements such as conceptual consis- S.L.), Valencia, Spain tency, technical performance validation (preci- e-mail: [email protected] sion and accuracy assessment), clinical endpoint E. Neri validation, and meaningful appropriateness. Ad- Diagnostic Radiology 3, Department of Translational ditionally, the continuous technological advances Research, University of Pisa, Ospedale S. Chiara, Pisa, Italy and improvements in medical imaging hardware and software require regular reassessment of the L. Martí-Bonmatí Biomedical Imaging Research Group, La Fe Health accuracy of quantitative evaluation of medical Research Institute and Polytechnics and University images, radiomic features, and regular updates of Hospital, Valencia, Spain the standardization requirements.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 119 E. R. Ranschaert et al. (eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging, 120 A. Alberich-Bayarri et al.

Fig. 10.1 Challenges for the adoption of quantitative image analysis methods within clinical routine

Besides this, there is still a risk of persistent be cost-efficient in order to achieve clinical inte- heterogeneity of image quality through time, due gration and further expansion of its utility. to differences in technologies implemented by In this chapter, the general methodology for vendors and protocols used across centers. There- the development, validation, and implementa- fore, standardization of image quality to be used tion of imaging biomarkers is presented. The for the analysis of different imaging biomarkers approach consists of a systematic methodology will not be feasible. Although the need for further that allows to obtain features of high precision standardization of all processes in the imaging and accuracy in the imaging biomarker results, biomarkers pipeline already started more than 10 making their integration in automated pipelines years ago, with the intention of increasing their feasible, for the generation of massive amounts of usage in large clinical trials and facilitating their radiomic data to be stored in imaging biobanks. integration in clinical practice, the solution has not arrived yet. The use of artificial intelligence (AI)-based approaches, like the one presented in 10.2 Stepwise Development Chap. 5, could be a disruptive way of changing this trend, by making it possible for complex and In order to brush up an established methodol- deep neural networks to learn from the lack of ogy for the extraction of imaging biomarkers, a homogeneity in the collected data. summary of the stepwise methodology for ra- There are several challenges to be met in the diomic development will be introduced to the adoption of advanced image analysis methods in reader [2]. clinical routine (Fig. 10.1). Imaging biomarkers The path to the development and implementa- not only have to be objective and reproducible, tion of imaging biomarkers involves a number of as mentioned earlier, but they also have to show a consecutive phases (Fig. 10.2), starting from the clear efficacy in the detection and diagnosis of the definition of the proof of concept and finalizing disease or in the evaluation of treatment response. with the creation of a structured report including This diagnostic efficacy must be confirmed by quantitative data. The final step in the devel- a clear relationship between the biomarkers and opment of an imaging biomarker also involves the expected clinical endpoints, allowing them the validation of its relationship with the objec- to act as surrogate indicators of relevant clinical tive reality to which it’s surrogated, either struc- outcomes such as the prediction of treatment tural, physiological or clinical, and the monitor- response, progression-free survival, overall sur- ing of its overall feasibility in multicenter clinical vival, and other. Finally, the methodology must studies. Biomarkers need to follow all phases 10 Imaging Biomarkers and Imaging Biobanks 121

Fig. 10.2 Stepwise development of imaging biomarkers definition till the generation of quantitative measures. [3]. The stepwise workflow starts from the definition of Finally, the extracted measurements are evaluated in a proof of concept and mechanism, where the clinical need proof of principle within a control population and finally is defined and the relevant information to be measured in patients to check for the innovation effectiveness. by the imaging biomarker is determined. The workflow Finally, a quantitative structured report is generated for continues with the technical development of an image the integration of the new imaging biomarker in clinical analysis pipeline, from the image acquisition protocol routine of development, validation, and implementation of mathematical models (analysis), or not statis- before they can be clinically approved [3]. tics not representative for the whole distribution Radiomics solutions should be structured in of values (measurements). For example, the re- this stepwise approach, in order to foster stan- producibility and feasibility of the implementa- dardization of methodologies. Integration of an tion of a methodology for radiomic analysis will imaging biomarker into clinical practice needs change dramatically if the segmentation process conceptual consistency, technical reproducibility, (tissue or organ) is performed in a manual, semi- adequate accuracy, and meaningful appropriate- automated way or in a completely automated ness. This strategy should permeate all quantita- manner supported by artificial intelligence (AI) tive radiology solutions, from the user interfaces and convolutional neural networks (CNN). to the source codes of the algorithms. By imple- menting this methodology, images analysis re- searchers should be able to reckon the limitations 10.3 Validation and uncertainties due to limitations in any of the steps involved, such as improper quality of source There is no current international consensus on images (acquisition), uncorrected bias of inten- how to validate imaging biomarkers. Our process sity distribution (processing), oversimplification proposal for validation of imaging biomarkers 122 A. Alberich-Bayarri et al.

Fig. 10.3 Imaging biomarkers validation pipeline

(Fig. 10.3) considers three steps, taking into – Acquisition parameters account the possible different influences that – Patient preparation might introduce uncertainty in the measurements. This pipeline is inspired by the guidelines for For the evaluation of the influence of the the evaluation of bioanalytical methods from methodology in the obtained measurements, it the European Medicines Agency (EMA) [4]. is recognized that imaging biomarkers should be The biomarkers are validated in terms of their calculated with the same subjects and acquisition precision, accuracy, and clinical relationship. protocols while changing the following condi- The technical validation of the imaging tions: biomarkers will determine both the precision and accuracy of the measurements, as well as – Operator (intra-operator variability, inter- their margin of confidence. operator variability) Unlike accuracy, precision can be evaluated – Processing algorithm for all imaging biomarkers. Obtaining a high precision rate is considered mandatory for the The higher CoV for all the experiments (with imaging biomarker validation. For precision eval- varying acquisition characteristics, with varying uation, the coefficients of variation (CoV) of the the operator) should be below 15%. However, in biomarker, obtained repeatedly with the variation cases with reduced image quality, which can be of different factors, are calculated. The variable considered as the lowest limit of quantification factors can be related either to the image acqui- (LLOQ), the 15% CoV threshold can be extended sition or to the methodology. In order to evaluate to 20% (Fig. 10.3). the influence of the image acquisition in the vari- The accuracy of the method can be evaluated ability of measurements, the imaging biomarkers by comparing the obtained results with a refer- ideally should be calculated by testing the follow- ence pattern in which the real biomarker value ing variable conditions with the same subjects: is known. The reference pattern can be based on information extracted from a pathological sample – Imaging center after biopsy or from synthetic phantoms (phys- – Equipment ical or digital reference objects) with different – Vendors compounds and known properties that emulate 10 Imaging Biomarkers and Imaging Biobanks 123 the characteristics of the biological tissue. For ac- In 2014, the European Society of Radiology curacy evaluation, the relative error of the imag- established an Imaging Biobanks Working ing biomarker compared to the real value from Group of the Research Committee, with the the gold standard must be calculated. The relative intention of defining the concept and scope of error should be below 15% and in lowest limit of imaging biobanks, exploring their existence, quantification conditions below 20%. and providing guidelines for the implementation In some cases, there is no reference pattern of imaging biobanks into the already existing available, either because the synthesis of a stable biobanks. The WG defined imaging biobanks phantom is a complex process or because the as “organised databases of medical images, and considered reference pattern also has a high vari- associated imaging biomarkers (radiology and ability and a coarser category-based analysis than beyond), shared among multiple researchers, the continuous numerical domain of imaging linked to other biorepositories” and suggested biomarkers (e.g., steatosis grades in pathology that biobanks (which only focus on the collection vs. proton density fat fraction quantification from of genotype-based data) should simultaneously MR). The lack of knowledge in accuracy can create a system to collect clinically related be compensated by surpassing the clinical sen- or phenotype-based data. The basis of this sitivity and specificity of the calculated imaging assumption was that modern radiology and biomarker (i.e., we do not know how accurate nuclear medicine can also provide multiple we are, but we know that the specific imaging imaging biomarkers of the same patient, using biomarker is related to some disease hallmarks). quantitative data derived from all sources of dig- The main purpose of the clinical validation is ital imaging, such as CT, MRI, PET, SPECT, US, to show the relationship between the extracted X-ray, etc. [5]. These imaging biomarkers can imaging biomarker and the disease clinical end- also be classified in different types, depending on points. The imaging biomarker can be evaluated their function. Such imaging biomarkers, which either as a short-term (assessing detection, di- express the phenotype, should therefore be part agnosis, and evaluation of treatment response) of the multiple biomarkers included in biobanks. or long-term (prognostic patient status) measure- As an example, we have the following ment. The type and degree of relationship be- biomarkers for the clinical scenario of oncology tween the imaging biomarkers and clinical vari- [5]: ables have to be analyzed based upon sensitivity, specificity, statistical differences between clinical • Predictive biomarker: used as a tool to predict groups, and correlation studies. the progression and recurrence of disease. • Diagnostic biomarker: used as a diagnostic tool for the identification of patients with dis- 10.4 Imaging Biobanks ease. • Morphologic biomarker: A biomarker mea- A biobank is a collection, a repository of all types suring the size or shape of a macroscopic of human biological samples, such as blood, structure in the body tissues, cells, or DNA, and/or related data such • Staging biomarker: used as a tool for classifi- as associated clinical and research data, as well cation of the extent of disease. as biomolecular resources, including model- and • Monitoring biomarker: used as a tool for microorganisms that might contribute to the un- monitoring the disease progression and its derstanding of the physiology and diseases of hu- response to treatment. mans. In Europe, the widest network of biobanks is represented by the BBMRI-ERIC (Biobanking Even more, the core content of imaging and BioMolecular resources Research Infrastruc- biobanks should not only exist out of images, but ture) ( should also include any other data (biomarkers) 124 A. Alberich-Bayarri et al. that may be extracted from images, through other biologic data for a personalized assessment computational analysis. All these data should of the disease [7]. then be linked to other omics, such as genomic As a practical example, it would be of interest profiling, metabolomics, proteomics, lab values, to automatically detect whether a certain alter- and clinical information [6]. ation in the radiomics signature through imaging Two types of imaging biobanks can be de- biomarkers is present in subjects with a given fined: mutation like BRCA. The same can be applied to the relationships between radiomics charac- 1. Population-based biobanks: developed to col- teristics and other disease hallmarks in neurode- lect data from the general population, in such generation, diffuse liver diseases, respiratory dis- case the aim of the data collection is to iden- eases, osteoarthritis, among many others. Dataset tify risk factors in the development of disease, management in imaging biobanks should be able to develop prediction models for the stratifica- to work longitudinally with different time points tion of individual risk, or to identify markers along the disease course [8]. for early detection of disease. However, for these applications, standard 2. Disease-oriented biobanks: developed to col- statistics analysis methods and tools cannot be lect multi-omics data from oncologic patients applied due to the difficulty in handling large or patients affected by neurodegenerative dis- volumes of data. For these applications, the use ease, in order to generate digital models of of advanced visual analytics solutions that help to patients. Such models will be used to predict rapidly extract patterns and relationships between the risk or prognosis of cancer or degenerative variables is a must (see Fig. 10.4). diseases and to tailor treatments on the basis Software for imaging biobanks should allow of the individual responsivity to therapies. On the management of source medical images; the basis of the imaging biomarkers that are the results of associated and labelled clinical, currently available, cancer of the breast, lung, genetic, and laboratory tests (either in the colorectum, and prostate seem the most suit- same database or linked); the extracted imaging able entities for developing disease-oriented biomarkers as radiomic features; and imaging biobanks, but further applications are environments with visual analytics solutions that expected (neurological tumor such as neurob- simplify the extraction of variable patterns in a lastoma, glioblastoma, rare tumors, etc.) huge number of registries. In this setting it is predictable that the applica- Imaging Biomarkers and Biobanks in Artifi- tion of machine learning tools will be beneficial. cial Intelligence The analysis, stratification among patients, and The paradigm shift of working in local environ- cross-correlation among patients and diseases, ments with limited databases to big infrastruc- of a huge number of omics data contained in tures like imaging biobanks (millions of studies) biobanks, are an exercise that cannot be per- or federations of imaging biobanks (reaching formed by the human brain alone; therefore, a hundreds of millions of studies) requires the computer-assisted process is needed. integration of automated image processing tech- Machine learning could be fundamental for niques for fast analysis of pooled data to extract completing human-supervised tasks in a fast way, clinically relevant biomarkers and to combine such as image acquisition, segmentation, extrac- them with other information such as genetic pro- tion of imaging biomarkers, collection of data filing. in biobanks, data processing, and extraction of Imaging biomarkers alone will not suffice, meaningful information for the purpose of the and they must be considered in conjunction with biobank. 10 Imaging Biomarkers and Imaging Biobanks 125

Fig. 10.4 Clustering of patients by the longitudinal evo- and the clinical variable of relapse, which is binary (0, no lution in different radiomics features at diagnosis and relapse; 1, relapse). The slope in each box represents an aftertreatment in rectal cancer. The vertical axis shows pa- increase (blue) or decrease (red) in the imaging biomarker tients and the clusters extracted in a non-supervised man- through the different time points ner. The horizontal axis includes both radiomic features

• The technical validation of AI algorithms that 10.5 Conclusion generate imaging biomarkers will determine both the precision and accuracy of the mea- Imaging biomarkers are an essential component surements, as well as their margin of confi- of imaging biobanks. The interpretation of dence. biomarkers stored in the biobanks requires the • The imaging biomarkers generated by AI can analysis of big data, which is only possible with be evaluated either as a short-term (assess- the aid of advanced bioinformatic tools. As a ing detection, diagnosis, and evaluation of matter of fact, medical informatics is already treatment response) or long-term (prognostic playing a key role in this new era of personalized patient status) measurement tool. medicine, by offering IT tools for computer- • Imaging biobanks do not only consist of aided diagnosis and detection, image and signal images but any other data (biomarkers) analysis, extraction of biomarkers, and more that can be extracted from them through recently machine learning, which means that computational analysis; all these data should these tools have to adopt a cognitive process then be linked to other omics, such as genomic mimicking some aspects of human thinking and profiling, metabolomics, proteomics, lab learning through the progressive acquisition of values, and clinical information. knowledge.

References 10.6 Take-Home Points 1. Martí Bonmatí L, Alberich-Bayarri A, García-Martí • Before clinical approval, AI algorithms and G, Sanz Requena R, Pérez Castillo C, Carot Sierra JM, Manjón Herrera JV. Imaging biomarkers, quan- biomarkers have to follow all phases of devel- titative imaging, and bioengineering. Radiologia. opment, validation, and implementation. 2012;54:269–78. 126 A. Alberich-Bayarri et al.

2. European Society of Radiology (ESR). ESR statement cancer studies. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2017;14(3):169– on the stepwise development of imaging biomarkers. 86. Insights Imaging. 2013;4:147–52. 6. European Society of Radiology (ESR). ESR posi- 3. Martí-Bonmatí L. Introduction to the stepwise de- tion paper on imaging biobanks. Insights Imaging. velopment of imaging biomarkers. In: Martí-Bonmatí 2015;6:403–10. L, Alberich-Bayarri A, editors. Imaging biomarkers. 7. Alberich-Bayarri A, Hernández-Navarro R, Ruiz- Development and clinical integration, vol. 2; 2017. p. Martínez E, García-Castro F, García-Juan D, Martí- 27. isbn:9783319435046. Bonmatí L. Development of imaging biomarkers and 4. European Medicines Agency. Guidelines on generation of big data. Radiol Med. 2017;122:444–8. bioanalytical methods validation. 21 July 2011. 8. Neri E, Regge D. Imaging biobanks in oncology: EMEA/CHMP/EWP/192217/2009 Rev. 1 Corr. 2. European perspective. Future Oncol. 2017;13:433–41. 5. O’Connor JP, Aboagye EO, Adams JE, et al. Con- sensus statement. imaging biomarkers roadmap for Part V Practical Use Cases of A.I. in Radiology Applications of AI Beyond Image Interpretation 11

José M. Morey, Nora M. Haney, and Woojin Kim

The use of deep learning has led to rapid ad- tasks. Along with rapid advancement in deep vancement in machine’s ability to perform image learning, there has been increasing media atten- analysis, such as detection of tuberculosis on tion, research publications, and startups focused chest X-ray, lung nodule and interstitial lung on using AI to identify findings within medical disease on chest CT, pulmonary embolism on images [3]. This affects fields in medicine that CT angiography, breast mass on mammography, rely on images, such as radiology, pathology, intracranial hemorrhage on head CT, brain tu- ophthalmology, dermatology, and neurology [5– mor on MRI, and many others [1–3]. The Ima- 10]. As a result, it is easy to have a tunnel vision geNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge when it comes to the potential of AI in radiology. (ILSVRC) is an annual competition that began in The purpose of this chapter is to widen the field 2010 where participants evaluate their algorithms of view to demonstrate many other areas within for image classification and object detection [4]. radiology where AI can benefit beyond image When a deep convolutional neural network was interpretation [11]. used in 2012, there was a dramatic decrease in Borrowing a concept from Michael Porter’s the image classification error rate. By 2015, the book, Competitive Advantage: Creating and algorithms began to perform at levels exceed- Sustaining Superior Performance, Boland et ing human ability at certain image classification al. described something called the “imaging value chain” to highlight discrete steps within J. M. Morey radiology workflow where they can provide value Singularity University, Moffett Field, CA, USA to the patient [12]. The original imaging value Liberty Biosecurity, Arlington, VA, USA chain had outlined the following components: Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, Culver City, patient, referring physician, appropriateness de- CA, USA termination and patient scheduling, imaging pro- NASA iTech, Hampton, VA, USA tocol optimization, imagine modality operations, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA, USA interpretation and reporting, and communication, interconnected by data mining and business University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA intelligence. We have modified the steps to N. M. Haney illustrate an AI imaging value chain (Fig. 11.1). Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD, USA The subsequent sections will describe each of the W. Kim () components in greater detail. Nuance Communications, Burlington, MA, USA

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 129 E. R. Ranschaert et al. (eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging, 130 J. M. Morey et al.

Fig. 11.1 Schematic Patient representation of the AI imaging value chain based on the imaging value chain Referring described by Boland et al. Communication, Provider Imaging [12](BI:Business Follow-up, Appropriateness Intelligence, BA: Business Billing and Utilization Analytics)

AI Interpretation and Data Mining & Patient Scheduling Reporting BI/BA

Hanging Protocols, Worklist Optimization, Imaging Protocoling Staffing Optimization Imaging Modality Operations, Quality Evaluation and Improvement, Dose Reduction

patient satisfaction. AI can improve scheduling 11.1 Imaging Appropriateness of imaging exams. For example, many facilities and Utilization use fixed block lengths when scheduling patients for MRI exams. However, MRI exams can Imaging utilization has been increasing over be variable in length, which can result in a the years. Clinical decision support (CDS) is significant amount of time where the MRI designed to help referring providers make better- scanner is idle. In the United States and Canada, informed decisions when ordering imaging it is estimated that the scanners are operational exams. Improvements in CDS, which reduce only 70% of the time. Muelly et al. used AI to inappropriate utilization of imaging resources, optimize the amount of time allotted to patients can enhance the quality of patient care and undergoing MRI [19, 20]. The inputs were based reduce healthcare cost [13–15]. Machine learning on the exam protocol, patient demographics, has the potential to aid in the selection of the contrast usage, and the historical average of most appropriate imaging tests and predict trends unplanned sequence repeats per exam protocol. in imaging utilization [16, 17]. For example, They were able to demonstrate such scheduling Hassanpour et al. used support vector machine optimization can increase the number of exams classifier to analyze radiology reports to predict scanned per day while reducing mean patient patients who are likely to be high utilizers of wait times. Additionally, if patient preferences imaging services with an accuracy of 94%, can be met regarding the choice of physicians showing the possibility of using machine learning and preferred time slot, patient satisfaction can to curb imaging use [18]. be further improved [21]. One of the common challenges in healthcare is patient no-show visits (NSVs). For the patients, NSVs can potentially delay care, which may 11.2 Patient Scheduling result in adverse outcomes. For the healthcare practices, NSVs can lead to financial losses. Ra- Optimization of scheduling can enhance the diology is no exception. Previous studies using patient experience and thus positively impact data analytics and machine learning have shown 11 Applications of AI Beyond Image Interpretation 131 certain sociodemographic factors and past behav- give contrast to a patient with an end-stage re- iors can be predictors of patient NSVs and can nal disease. Despite limitations, the use of AI assist in the creation of an effective overbooking in protocoling has the potential to improve ef- approach to maximize capacity and decrease the ficiency, decrease error rates, and be incorpo- cost of NSVs [22–37]. Further, machine learn- rated into the clinical workflow of the ordering ing techniques can be used to create solutions providers to provide CDS when ordering imaging to improve the NSV rates [28]. For example, exam. Harvey et al. showed how NSVs in radiology could be predicted using regression modeling [27]. 11.4 Image Quality Improvement and Acquisition Time 11.3 Imaging Protocoling Reduction in MRI

Once the appropriate imaging exam has been Emergency scenarios, such as stroke, require ordered and scheduled, radiologists and radiol- rapid acquisition protocols to detect life- ogy trainees often spend time protocoling exams threatening pathology and deliver the appropriate in advance or modifying imaging protocols at treatment. MRIs are the more time-intensive the time of the exam to ensure the exam an- modality compared to other imaging modalities. swers the clinical question. This task typically The patients also need to be still for the involves reviewing indication or reason for the procedure. Thus, there have been a number of re- exam as well as the medical history of the pa- searches in applying AI to improve image quality tient within the electronic medical record (EMR), while reducing scanning times. Under-sampled which includes recent office visit notes, prior MRI data, including compressed sensing MRI hospital admissions and discharge summaries, (CS-MRI) that reconstructs MR images from past surgical history including surgical opera- very few Fourier k-space measurements to allow tive notes, medication list, allergies, and rel- for rapid acquisition times, can be reconstructed evant lab values and pathology results. Also, using deep learning to create corrected images they review prior imaging exams and radiology that have image quality similar to standard reports, including how they were protocoled in MRI reconstruction with fully sampled data the past. Depending on the complexity of the while reducing acquisition times. The reduction case, this can be a time-consuming process. AI in acquisition times can improve the patient has the potential to protocol these cases in ad- experience through reduction or elimination vance with the radiologist supervision, which can of multiple breath-holds during MRI exams, save time while minimizing variations and errors enhance patient throughput, reduce motion [11]. Indeed, AI has shown promising results artifacts, and allow for imaging of moving in determining proper protocols for MRI exams organs, such as the heart [43–50]. [38–42]. Gong et al. used a deep learning method Some authors, however, have highlighted the to reduce gadolinium dose in contrast-enhanced downside of “black-box” AI algorithms when it brain MRI by training deep learning model to ap- comes to implementing these in real life. Trivedi proximate full-dose 3D T1-weighted inversion- et al. used IBM Watson to automate determi- recovery prepped fast-spoiled-gradient-echo (IR- nation of the need for intravenous gadolinium- FSPGR) images from pre-contrast and 10% low- based contrast in musculoskeletal MRI exams dose images [51]. Their deep learning model [38]. The authors had difficulty troubleshooting showed gadolinium dose can be potentially re- some of the errors made, including a “critical duced tenfold without significant image quality error” IBM Watson made when it decided to degradation. 132 J. M. Morey et al.

11.5 Image Quality Improvement ability to make the diagnosis. Xu et al. pro- and Radiation Dose posed a deep learning method using an encoder- Reduction decoder residual deep network to reconstruct low-dose PET images to a standard-dose qual- Improving image quality typically comes at the ity using only 0.5% of the standard radiotracer expense of increased radiation dosing. However, dose. Such improvements have the potential to the widespread and increasing use of CT has reduce exam times, decrease radiation exposure, raised concerns about potential radiation risks, lower costs, and alleviate shortages in radiotrac- and this has motivated the development of var- ers. With such reduction in dose, it also raises ious dose optimization techniques. CT manu- the possibility of using PET as a screening tool facturers, for example, have developed iterative [67]. reconstruction techniques to reduce noise, which in turn provide artifact reduction and radiation dose savings [52, 53]. 11.6 Image Transformation The new research is showing how AI can be used to lessen the CT dose even further. Sim- AI can be used to simulate images that are of ilar to creating “super-resolution” images, also the different sequence on MRI or with features known as single image super-resolution, where a of different modalities. For example, one can use photorealistic high-resolution image can be gen- deep learning methods to perform MRI image- erated from a low-resolution image by using deep to-image translation, such as from T1 to T2, learning [54–60], researchers are applying deep from T1 to T2-FLAIR, from T2 to T2-FLAIR, learning to improve the quality of the ultra-low- and vice versa [68]. Liu et al. developed a deep dose CT images [61–65]. A multicenter survey learning approach for MR imaging-based attenu- study used an artificial neural network (ANN) ation correction (MRAC) by generating discrete- to reconstruct CT images from low-dose acquisi- valued pseudo-CT scans from a single high- tions. When the survey respondents were asked to spatial-resolution diagnostic-quality 3D MR im- compare the image quality of the deep learning- age in brain PET/MR imaging, which resulted based post-processed low-dose CT images to in reduced PET reconstruction error relative to those using standard reconstructions, they found current MRAC approaches [69]. Creating such the deep learning-based post-processed images pseudo-CT (also known as synthetic CT) images to be comparable to what they would expect to using MR images can also be used for radia- see from higher-dose CT exams. In many cases, tion therapy [70, 71]. Finally, some researchers their ANN turned a nondiagnostic exam to a have used deep learning methods to predict PET diagnostic study, where the survey respondents images from CT and MRI. Ben-Cohen et al. found 91% of the images to be diagnostic com- combined a fully convolutional network (FCN) pared to only 28% of the images when they with a conditional generative adversarial net- were created using the standard reconstruction work (GAN) to generate simulated PET images method. These techniques show promising re- from CT [72], and Li et al. generated synthetic sults to lower the radiation dose further with PET images using MR images in patients with improved reduction of motion artifacts without Alzheimer’s disease [73]. potentially compromising diagnostic image qual- ity [66]. In positron-emission tomography (PET) imag- 11.7 Image Quality Evaluation ing, there is concern over the risk of radiation exposure due to the use of radioactive tracer. Evaluations for image quality are typically done Similar to low-dose CT exams, lowering the dose through visual inspection. Occasionally, subop- can result in low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) timal images are not recognized until long after with degradation of image quality, affecting one’s the exam has been completed, decreasing the 11 Applications of AI Beyond Image Interpretation 133 radiologist’s ability to make a confident diagno- you had to readjust your seat, rearview mirror, sis resulting in requiring additional imaging to and wing mirrors every 15 min while driving. be done through repeat scan, which can lead to Machine learning and deep learning technology increased cost and decreased patient satisfaction. can be used to identify these elements within Deep learning technology can potentially auto- an image and adapt appropriately. Furthermore, mate the detection of suboptimal quality during it can learn from user behavior to adjust the the exam acquisition, with examples of research hanging protocols to individual needs. in MRI [19]. For example, Esses et al. used a CNN algorithm to screen for nondiagnostic T2-weighted images of the liver on MRI that 11.9 Reporting demonstrated high negative predictive value [74]. AI in reporting and documentation can improve differentials and diagnoses. Duda et al. developed 11.8 Hanging Protocols a Bayesian network interface for assisting radi- ology interpretation and education [79]. Others Using the Digital Imaging and Communications have developed expert-based Bayesian network in Medicine (DICOM) metadata, typical to provide neuroradiology support in the diag- picture archiving and communication system nosis of brain tumors [80] and spine pathology (PACS) viewers can display radiology exams [66]. in specific, predetermined layout according There are many evidence-based guidelines to hanging protocols, also known as default within radiology, such as those provided by display protocols (DDP) [75]. The hanging the ACRassist™ [81]. However, it may be protocols allow a specific set of images to difficult for the radiologists to remember all be presented consistently. By minimizing the the guidelines in detail. AI has the potential to manual adjustments a radiologist has to make provide decision support for the radiologists by each time, hanging protocols can increase detecting and presenting whenever a particular the efficiency of the radiologist [20]. Their guideline is applicable based on the radiologist’s importance grows with increasing complexity of interpretation at the time of reporting, including the exam being reviewed. For example, an MRI appropriate follow-up recommendations. exam can have multiple series of pulse sequences Advancements are being made in the field of and imaging parameters in various anatomic radiology to establish standards that can be ap- planes, which gets more complicated when there plied to and automated within reporting, making is a need to make a comparison with prior it easier to share and reuse data [11, 82]. The exam(s). A good hanging protocol has to take reusability of imaging datasets and associated into account image order, orientation, modality, reports is becoming increasingly important as anatomy/body part, image plane, window level, quality datasets are necessary to create and vali- pulse sequence, etc. Even elements like the date AI products [75]. Automated methods using percentage each image takes up in screen real natural language processing (NLP) can be used to estate can be incorporated into hanging protocols. identify findings in radiology reports, which can While there has been work like the RSNA® be used to generate a large labeled corpus that can RadLex® Playbook™, there is no standardization be used for deep learning applications [83]. of naming convention of these metadata [75–78]. Once the radiology report has been created, Also, manual entry of these study and series de- NLP, a form of AI, helps computers compre- scriptions can lead to errors and inconsistencies. hend and interpret human language [84, 85]. As a result, it is difficult for many PACS viewers Pons et al. studied peer-reviewed papers on the to consistently display hanging protocols, leaving subject and have grouped them in five broad the radiologists making frequent adjustments. To categories that represent different relevant pur- illustrate its potential importance, imagine if poses: diagnostic surveillance, cohort building 134 J. M. Morey et al. for epidemiologic studies, query-based case re- curve (AUC). Hassanpour et al. developed an trieval, quality assessment of radiologic prac- NLP method using a combination of machine tice, and clinical support services [86]. Diagnos- learning and rule-based approaches to automati- tic surveillance included alert systems for criti- cally extract clinical findings in radiology reports cal results described in radiology reports, such and characterize their level of change and signif- as appendicitis, acute lung injury, pneumonia, icance [18]. Lastly, another group explored the thromboembolic diseases, and malignant lesions. effect of integrating NLP and machine learning NLP can be used to not only identify disease algorithms to categorize oncologic response in but also its progression by analyzing a series radiology reports [88]. They evaluated cross- of reports. Cohort building for epidemiologic sectional abdomen/pelvis CT and MR exams studies included using NLP to improve the effi- with malignancy using various combinations of ciency of epidemiologic research by identifying three NLP techniques (term frequency-inverse potential cases, such as renal cysts, pneumonia, document frequency, term frequency weighting, pulmonary nodules, pulmonary embolism (PE), and 16-bit feature hashing) and five machine metastatic disease, adrenal nodules, abdominal learning algorithms (logistic regression, random aortic aneurysm, peripheral arterial disease, and decision forest, one-versus-all support vector various liver pathologies. Query-based case re- machine, one-versus-all Bayes point machine, trieval has benefited from leveraging NLP when and fully connected neural network). They found searching for radiology reports for research, clin- that the best accuracy was achieved when both ical decision support, quality improvement, ed- the NLP- and machine learning-based algorithms ucation, and billing and coding. Quality assess- were optimized concurrently. ment of radiologic practice can include the use of NLP systems to generate descriptive statistics on various quality metrics, such as recommen- dation behavior, report completeness, and com- 11.10 Text Summarization munication of critical results. Finally, clinical and Report Translation support services include using NLP in assisting radiologists at the time of interpretation, includ- With increasing adoption of EMRs, the radiolo- ing providing clinical decision support for the gists have greater access to the patient’s medi- radiologists on various pathologies, detecting er- cal record. However, it can be time-consuming rors within radiology reports related to lateral- for the radiologist to review the medical history ity and sex, and assisting with billing and cod- as well as prior imaging reports for relevant ing. information. There has been work to summa- More recently Chen et al. have compared the rize longer texts in compressed form using ma- performance of a deep learning convolutional chine learning [89], and such text summarization neural network (CNN) model with a traditional technology can potentially be used to provide a NLP model in extracting PE findings from concise summary for the radiologist to assist in thoracic CT reports [61, 62]. In their study, the imaging interpretation [90]. CNN model performed with accuracy equivalent AI has been used to improve machine to or beyond that of an existing traditional NLP translation of one human language to another model. Tan et al. developed an NLP system from [91]. Google introduced Google Neural Machine both rule-based and machine-learned models Translation (GNMT) in November 2016 that for identification of lumbar spine imaging uses an ANN to increase fluency and accuracy in findings related to low back pain on MRI and Google Translate [92]. These show the possibility radiographs [87]. Their machine-learned models of using deep learning to automatically translate demonstrated higher sensitivity with slight loss radiology reports from one language to another of specificity and overall higher area under the for patients and providers. 11 Applications of AI Beyond Image Interpretation 135

Finally, NLP and deep learning can be used 11.12 Follow-up to generate radiology reports that are tailored to different members of the overall patient’s care. Follow-up care for patients is becoming increas- For example, a single radiology report can be ingly important as healthcare transitions from generated by the radiologist, which can be mod- volume- to value-based care, where there is a ified by the AI for the patient, primary care greater emphasis on outcome-based reimburse- physician, specialist, and surgeon. One way to ment. Closing the loop on follow-up imaging help patients become more engaged in their own care is essential as researchers have shown there healthcare is through healthcare literacy. Multi- are relatively high follow-up failure rates in ra- ple institutions have created programs to improve diology. For instance, Blagev et al. found 71% patient’s knowledge of their disease by creating of incidentally detected pulmonary nodules are documents that can be understood by the average not appropriately followed up [102]. Cook et al. reader [93–95]. These reports, if created with found out of the patients who had either inde- machine learning, could adapt to the patients terminate or suspicious findings that warranted specifically at their own reading level. Inputs a follow-up, 44% had not completed any ab- could include patient age, native language, and dominal imaging follow-up [103]. Failed follow- education level, but greater adaptability may be ups can lead to poor patient outcomes and med- achieved if the patients interact with the machine ical malpractice. In addition, there is possible and actively look up definitions while reading financial impact by losing potential technical and their report. professional revenue from the follow-up exam. AI can be used to develop a system to extract follow-up information from radiology reports, 11.11 Speech Recognition which in turn can be used to track and mon- itor patient follow-ups [104]. Furthermore, AI Speech recognition (SR) has been widely used has great potential to assist in identifying which by radiologists for many years. However, because patients should be followed more closely. For SR can result in transcription errors, the radiolo- example, predictive intelligence has been used to gists must carefully proofread and edit reports. improve patient follow-up for pulmonary nodules While there has been a significant improvement [105]. in the SR technology over the years, SR can cause errors like wrong-word substitution, non- sense phrases, and missing words. Advancement 11.13 Worklist Optimization in AI in SR has the potential to reduce such errors in radiology reports [96, 97]. In recent Most modern worklists used by the radiologist in years, researchers have been incorporating deep their daily workflow provide sorting of cases in learning into SR [98–101]. In addition, with ad- the order of urgency, such as “stat” versus “rou- vancement in SR, it can be used to detect and tine.” By using deep learning to analyze images alert the radiologists of reporting errors related for the presence of critical findings, one can more to wrong laterality and sex, provide clinical deci- intelligently prioritize the worklist of the radiol- sion support in real time, and remind radiologists ogists by the presence or lack of critical findings of reporting guidelines related to compliance and within the images, regardless whether or not they billing. Finally, SR can be leveraged to provide were marked “stat.” For organizations with a a virtual assistant capability to the radiologists large volume of exams, such triage through op- throughout the day. For example, one can use timized workflow can reduce report turnaround voice to retrieve information from the EMR or times (RTAT) for critical exams with a potential reference materials, to control viewers or report- to positively impact patient outcomes [2, 50]. ing solutions, to set reminders, and to communi- For example, both researchers and startups have cate critical findings. demonstrated a positive impact on RTAT for head 136 J. M. Morey et al.

CT exams with acute intracranial hemorrhage, used in the financial industry for years and can some by as much as 96% in RTAT reduction, be transitioned successfully to the healthcare through re-prioritization of worklist using deep environment for the process, quality, safety, and learning [106, 107]. financial performance improvement [112]. The Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM) has described its SIIM Workflow Initia- 11.14 Staffing Optimization tive in Medicine (SWIM) to optimize workflow, improve efficiency, decrease wasted time, and Especially for large radiology practices and those allow for cost savings through incorporating data with multiple sites that need coverage, appro- analytics [16, 114]. Scorecards and outcome priate scheduling of radiologists can be a chal- measures will likely incorporate machine lenging problem that can lead to lost revenue learning-generated metrics in the near future and decreased radiologist satisfaction if not done [16]. BI and BA tools augmented by AI have well [108]. One must consider multiple factors, the potential to add value to the entire imaging including time of day, the day of the week, value chain, from improved workflow, efficiency, coverage location (emergency department, in- service, cost-effectiveness, revenue, quality and patient, outpatient), referral patterns, and exam safety, and patient outcomes and satisfaction. modality, type, complexity, and volume [11]. There is additional challenge of maximizing the group’s flexibility in choosing vacation and meet- ing times. For some, academic times also have 11.16 Content-Based Image to be factored in [109]. All of this needs to be Retrieval done with a sense of fairness without compromis- ing patient care. Boroumand et al. demonstrated In the Reporting section, we discussed the use of better matching of radiology staffing with inpa- NLP and machine learning in query-based case tient imaging workflow patterns led to improved retrieval to search the radiology report texts. Sim- turnaround times and critical results reporting ilar to reverse image search features available on- [110]. AI has the potential to optimize staffing line, AI can be used to conduct searches for med- for radiology as seen in other industries [111]. ical images using images instead of text. Content- based image retrieval (CBIR), also known as query by image content (QBIC) and content- 11.15 Business Intelligence based visual information retrieval (CBVIR), in- and Business Analytics volves using computer vision techniques in im- age retrieval, specifically searching for digital im- Radiology has high fixed costs due to the price of ages in large databases. This is in contrast to the imaging equipment, personnel, and advanced concept-based image retrieval, where searches knowledge required to deliver high-quality are text-based and are on the metadata associated imaging, diagnosis, and treatment. Business with the images rather than “contents” of the intelligence (BI) and business analytics (BA) images. Here, the “content” refers to the features identify and quantify metrics such as diagnostic of the image pixel data, such as colors, shapes, accuracy, turnaround time, imaging modality textures, etc. [115]. In radiology, traditionally, the utilization, and wait times, among others [13, images were searched using the concept-based 112, 113]. With the ongoing shift of the medical image retrieval method with the searches made payment models from volume to value, there will using either the radiology report text associated be growing pressure for the radiology groups with the images as well as report metadata, such to demonstrate value through improved patient as accession number, patient demographics, pa- outcomes with challenges in defining value and tient status, modality, exam description, CPT, radiology’s contribution. BI tools have been dates and time stamps, exam location, ordering 11 Applications of AI Beyond Image Interpretation 137 providers, and radiologists, or using the PACS organizations are beginning to look into machine image metadata, such as DICOM header infor- learning for dealing with much larger complex mation. However, with CBIR, instead of typing issues of reimbursement denials, which can “clear cell renal cell carcinoma” in a search cost them 3–5% of their annual net revenue, box and filtering it by MRI, one can draw a if not higher [118]. While analyzing denials box around the lesion and ask the computer to globally for hospitals and health systems can be find all exams that contain similar appearing complicated, radiology offers a much narrower lesion. While challenges remain in applying deep focus to allow for potentially greater success learning techniques in CBIR in radiology [3], rates by using machine learning. advanced CBIR in radiology can assist in clinical In the United States, both positive and decision support, research, and education within negative Medicare payment adjustments, under radiology and ultimately can be used to improve the Merit-based Incentive Payment System patient care [12]. (MIPS), are dependent upon the quality and other performance measurements. Some quality measures apply to radiology where much of 11.17 Patient Safety the data required for reporting rely on the content of the radiology reports. Hence, NLP and Patient care and safety is the ultimate end goal machine learning-based advanced text analytics of quality healthcare delivery. Each of the pre- can have a beneficial impact on allowing imaging ceding sections either directly or indirectly af- practices to compete on these quality measures fects patient safety via a reduction in errors, for improved reimbursement. improved clinical decision making and diagnosis, reduction in overutilization in a resource-limited environment, and reduction in cost which can 11.19 Patient Experience allow spending to be used more strategically to enhance the delivery of healthcare. As such, the In addition to translating radiology reports into potential impact machine learning can have on a patient’s native language and reading level, patient safety is boundless. However, as AI is the patient experience can be greatly enhanced neither “astute nor intuitive,” physicians will be with AI. Of late, online resources are the first essential to design, enforce, validate, and revisit and sometimes the only resources patients will AI products to ensure patient safety while im- use to guide their healthcare decisions. These proving healthcare services [116]. online resources include organized websites such as WebMD and personalized patient portals but also include social media such as Twitter and 11.18 Billing Facebook [119, 120]. In conjunction with an increasing use of telemedicine, AI can help make Errors and omissions within radiology reports information on social media searchable and tar- can lead to decreased reimbursement. In the geted to the proper communities [119]. United States, Duszak et al. evaluated abdominal Further, communities for specific disease ultrasound reports for frequency, characteristics, groups already exist, specifically for diabetes and financial impact of radiologist documen- mellitus and coronary artery disease [121]. The tation deficiencies. They found incomplete combination of machine learning and digital documentation was common (9.3–20.2%), imaging posted to these groups may allow for red resulting in 2.5–5.5% in lost professional flags to be picked up early, allowing for quicker income [117]. As discussed previously, NLP diagnosis and treatment. AI could also form the and machine learning can be used to assist foundation for patient- and family-centered care radiologists in ensuring complete documentation (PFCC) by automatically providing hyperlinks for maximum reimbursement. Healthcare to online and local resources for findings noted 138 J. M. Morey et al. in the radiology report. Overall, radiologists 11.21 Conclusion are in a great position to engage with patient communities regarding diagnosis, treatment, and Although there has been a much greater focus prevention practices improving patient healthcare in the AI medical imaging research and industry education and overall patient experience. on using AI to make findings within images, this chapter explored the usefulness of AI in radiology beyond image interpretation. As 11.20 Challenges shown, AI can potentially improve and have a positive impact on every aspect of the imaging While there has been significant advancement value chain in radiology. In the era of value- of AI in medical imaging in recent years, many based imaging, AI can augment and empower challenges remain. Some of the challenges in- the radiologists to provide better patient care clude brittleness and validation of the AI mod- and increase their role in the overall patient care els. While these AI models work well within a and the care team. The AI technology alone research environment where they were created, cannot accomplish these goals. As we learn to they may operate poorly in real life when there overcome the challenges and integrate AI into are differences in variables like scanners, imag- radiology, we must have a fuller field of view ing protocols, patient population, and region. An- beyond interpretation to take full advantage other challenge is a relative lack of transparency of this emerging technology [124]. Those and explainability as to how some of the AI mod- radiologists and practices that can embrace and els work or, more importantly, do not work, the take maximum advantage of AI where available so-called “black box” problem described earlier. will be able to position themselves well for the Although the researchers are working to solve future. using various visualization techniques and other novel techniques like looking at pertinent nega- tives, more is needed for these algorithms to be 11.22 Take-Home Points accepted in medicine as the physicians will need to be able to trust the outputs of the AI models • AI has many applications in radiology beyond and to be able to explain them to their patients image interpretation. AI will be an augmen- [122, 123]. This raises another particularly diffi- tation for all aspects of the radiology value cult challenge when working in healthcare, which chain. is the regulatory hurdles. Some algorithms that • Uses of AI beyond image interpretation in- do not involve image interpretation, as described clude improving imaging appropriateness and in this chapter, face less regulatory burden. As a utilization, patient scheduling, exam protocol- result, some of these AI algorithms may come ing, image quality, scanner efficiency, radia- to the market quicker. Other challenges include tion exposure, radiologist workflow and re- the difficulty of creating large, annotated training porting, patient follow-up and safety, billing, data sets, which are important for training deep research and education, and more. learning models. In addition, there are no stan- • We, in radiology, must use AI beyond image dards for clinical integration of these AI models. interpretation to take full advantage of this Finally, we must be aware of the potential for emerging technology, which can improve on bias within AI algorithms and when present to be every aspect of the imaging value chain and able to recognize and prevent their use. Despite augment and empower the radiologists to pro- many limitations and challenges, it is important vide better patient care. to emphasize that AI holds tremendous potential • Radiologists should familiarize themselves to improve patient care and radiologist’s work. with the benefits and limitations of AI. 11 Applications of AI Beyond Image Interpretation 139

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Edwin J. R. van Beek and John T. Murchison

In spite of many efforts, the current 12.1 Introduction implementation of these tools is still in its infancy. This is due to strict regulations when Computer-assisted diagnosis for chest pathology implementing new tools towards the diagnostic has been attempted for a number of decades. management of patients, as well as the lack Over half a century ago, Lodwick et al. described of integration of software tools in clinical the concept of computer coding of radiographic workflow. However, more recently, there has findings as a means of exploring the computer- been renewed and heightened interest in making aided diagnosis and management of lung cancer applications that are both accurate and provide [1]. Some systems have made it into clinical integration into normal workflow, thus adding applications, whereas others have failed to make value in terms of efficiency and quantifiable a breakthrough until relatively recently. The cur- data. rent combination of the pressures on radiology In this chapter, we will explore a number in terms of workload, the increasing complexity of areas where there is a history of attempted of examinations, the need for accurate and quan- computer-assisted diagnosis as well as where titative diagnostic pathways and the key role of developments of increasing diagnostic detection imaging in the overall management of patients and interpretation of imaging datasets are under- create a situation of heightened enthusiasm to taken. By its very nature, and the current speed explore novel methods to be introduced into the of developments, this will be far removed from central reporting set-up. It will be essential for an all-inclusive review! any software to form a part of this pathway, to allow optimal utilisation and implementation of its findings. 12.2 General Chest Radiography

E. J. R. van Beek () · J. T. Murchison Chest radiographs still form the vast majority Edinburgh Imaging, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK of investigations for the evaluation of chest pathology. This is due to the high frequency Department of Radiology, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK of both lung and heart pathology, which can e-mail: [email protected]; be gleaned from interpretation of a simple [email protected] chest radiograph. It is generally accurate in determining the overall status of the heart

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 145 E. R. Ranschaert et al. (eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging, 146 E.J.R.vanBeekandJ.T.Murchison and lungs, while it is also necessary to check Paediatrics chest radiographs are performed for medical support, such as pacemakers, with the minimal amount of radiation, com- lines and tubes. The flip side of the high pounding the fact that these tend to be small, number of chest radiographs is that they form premature infants requiring high-level supportive a significant burden on reporting workflow, care. Patients who require ventilation are as the complexities of CT, MRI and other commonly encountered, and interpretation of imaging techniques take up more and more lines and tubes may be difficult. Automated time. Thus, improvements of interpretation of software to interpret the presence and position chest radiographs, either by replacing the need of endotracheal (ET) tubes are a potentially very for radiologist interpretation or by aiding in useful adjunct, and one study in 1344 radiographs answering repeated questions (e.g. line or tube (528 with ET tubes and 816 without ET tubes) placement) would lead to an immediate impact demonstrated a high detection rate of ET tube on care provision. location of 94% with a small overall mean In a large study in rural Africa, involving distance error of less than 2 mm and with 86% 46,099 participants for screening of tuberculosis, of cases a distance error of less than 5 mm [3]. It formed the basis for a performance comparison is therefore feasible that for the simple question between an automatic software to general of ET placement, an automated report could be practitioners in the field and central reporting issued to the bedside team, without reporting radiologists [2]. Sputum cultures were used delays by radiology workflow. as a reference method. In 39,391 subjects, no Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) further action was taken (asymptomatic and in children is a life-threatening condition due normal chest X-ray at field reading). Of 6708 to a combination of sepsis, pneumonia and pul- subjects with symptoms or abnormal chest monary oedema, with a high mortality rate [5]. radiograph, culture results were unavailable in Early intervention with lung protective ventilator 585 subjects. Thus, culture examination results support can significantly improve outcomes, and were available in 6123 subjects, of which 231 early recognition is therefore of utmost impor- had confirmed tuberculosis. The study used tance [5]. An automated computer-aided tool was 25,805 chest radiographs from the study, of developed, based on automatic segmentation of which 24,296 had field reading results available. the rib cage and texture analysis of intercostal There were 20,025 cases where tuberculosis was patches of the lungs, which was able to be tested excluded, while 2454 had symptoms (2239), on 90 chest radiographs [4]. The system was able abnormal chest radiograph (1098) or both (917). to detect ARDS with high sensitivity (91%) and Of these, central readings led to normal chest specificity (86%), but further validation studies radiograph in 2980, tuberculosis (148) or non- will be required to prove its accuracy in clinical tuberculosis abnormality (1125), and ultimately routine. 106 subjects had culture confirmed tuberculosis. The study demonstrated that the diagnostic accuracy of all three methods was very closely 12.3 Lung Nodules aligned, and the performance of the automated software was comparable to that of central The detection and characterisation of lung nod- expert readers. Therefore, the introduction of this ules are a vital part of chest radiographic work- system for application in a rural setting would flow. The need arises out of a number of patholo- be feasible and, in fact, has now been introduced gies, where nodules are a major discriminator of in tuberculosis-prevalent, underserved areas in disease, ranging from infection to primary and Africa. This allows immediate interpretation and metastatic lung cancer. Work has been ongoing patient care decisions to be made at the point for a number of decades to develop tools that of care, which is particularly useful in remote can assist in the detection, both using chest radio- areas. graphs and computed tomographic methods. 12 Artificial Intelligence and Computer-Assisted Evaluation of Chest Pathology 147

12.3.1 Chest Radiography responsible for 99 (88%) of the overlooked cases. The miss rate of lung cancer was evaluated in a In another study, a bone suppression method study of 259 patients with proven non-small cell (Riverain Medical, Miamisburg, OH, USA) was lung cancer, who had presented with a nodular evaluated in comparison with dual-energy radio- lesion [6]. Of these, 19% were initially missed, graphy in 50 patients with 55 confirmed primary and missed lesions were smaller (mean 19 mm) nodular cancers and 30 patients without cancer and more frequently had superimposing struc- [10]. All studies were evaluated twice at 1-year tures. Due to diagnostic delays, 43% of patients intervals by ten observers with various clini- were in a higher stage (from T1 to T2) at the cal experiences. The reading accuracy improved final time of diagnosis. Another study from the with ROC curve area under the curve improving same group demonstrated that, contrary to gen- from 0.807 for standard chest radiograph to 0.867 eral belief, there was limited impact on diag- for standard radiograph with bone suppression nostic accuracy when including previous chest and 0.916 for standard radiograph with dual- radiographs in the evaluation, nor were there energy subtraction. Importantly, the same statis- significant improvements when radiographs were tically significant improvements were observed read by two observers [7]. for the most experienced radiologists. Neverthe- The introduction of digital radiography less, the authors concluded that bone suppres- has altered the way in which we can handle sion methodology, although not quite as good imaging data and brought the potential image as dual-energy subtraction radiography, offers manipulation and imaging interpretation into a advantages in terms of costs (no special equip- computer-accessible domain. As a result, there ment required), reading time efficiency and radi- have been various approaches to change the ation dose (which is higher for dual-energy sub- perceptual interactions of chest radiographs. traction). Two of these methods have been the introduc- In 45 patients with chest CT proven solitary tion of performing dual-energy subtraction and lung nodules ranging from 8 to 25 mm and temporal subtraction or a combination of these 45 normal controls, a commercial CAD system techniques. These are extremely well described (EpiSight/XR, DEUS Technologies, Rockville, in an excellent review on this topic [8]. The intro- MD, USA) demonstrated a significant improve- duction of these methods has certainly improved ment of the ROC area under the curve from 0.924 the detection rates of both calcified and non- (the average of 8 observers) to 0.986 [11]. The calcified lung nodules. system was particularly useful for less experi- In one study, a commercial CAD software enced radiologists and those in training. (Riverain Medical, Miamisburg, OH, USA) The diagnostic accuracy of three radiologists was applied to a series of studies of patients was compared with a commercial CAD sys- where lung cancers had been missed on chest tem (xLNA Enterprise, Philips Medical Systems, radiographs [9]. A total of 89 lung cancers were Hamburg, Germany) for detection of lung nod- missed in 114 radiographs, and these images ules on 117 chest radiographs, using computed were re-analysed using the CAD tool, which tomography as reference standard [12]. In 75 detected 46 or the 89 missed lesions (52%). In patients, CT was without lung nodules, while this group, 3.8 false-positive indicators were 66 nodules were present in 42 patients. The given for each true-positive lung cancer. The CAD system had a sensitivity of 39% for nodule authors also used a control group of 89 similar detection in the range of 5–15 mm, compared studies without lung nodules, which resulted to 18–30% for the radiologists. There were 2.5 in false-positive results with a mean of 2.4 false-positive indicators on average. per radiograph. It is important to note that the Follow-up chest radiographs of 324 patients missed lung cancer rate was highest in non- returning for any type of cancer formed the basis subspeciality trained radiologists, who were for the study of another commercial product 148 E.J.R.vanBeekandJ.T.Murchison

(IQQA Chest, EDDA Technologies, Princeton 12.3.2 Computed Tomography Junction, NJ, USA) [13]. This system is based on an algorithm that includes a nodule-specific The use of computed tomography (CT) for lung enhancement, nodule segmentation and nodule cancer screening has paved the way for increased analysis and subsequently suggests highlighted patient detection of early lung cancer [14]and areas on the chest radiograph display (Fig. appears cost-effective [15]. A subsequent follow- 12.1). The system is immediate and interactive, up article directly compared the performance of allowing the reporting radiologist to immediately low-dose CT with chest radiography at the T1 accept or decline suggested markup, and the and T2 rounds of the study and demonstrated combined report was used to determine the much greater sensitivity of CT (94%) versus reading accuracy. There were 214 patients with radiography (60%), although the positive predic- appropriate follow-up included in this study, and tive value was better with radiography (5%) ver- lung nodules were confirmed in 35 without CAD sus CT (2%) [16]. This experience, together with and in 51 with CAD, resulting in a significant that of many others, has led to the widespread improvement of sensitivity from 64% to 93% support to introduce lung cancer screening in (Figs. 12.2 and 12.3). The false-positive rate high-risk patients [17]. Apart from lung cancer increased from three to six cases, resulting in screening, the utility of CT as a primary tool a non-significant decrease in specificity from for staging of various cancers has also improved 98% to 96%. There were 153 true-negative cases detection of lung metastases. This has resulted (71%). in a significant increase in demand for chest CT Overall, chest radiographic methods for auto- investigations. mated lung nodule detection have been intro- The problem with the enhanced capabilities of duced with several products in the market that CT over chest radiographs is that it also requires are integrated within reporting workstations. The a much greater number of images to be evalu- systems offer enhanced sensitivity at a price of ated, and this immense stream of imaging data 0–4 false-positive indicators and require a radi- renders the method prone to “missed” nodules ologist opinion for final reporting. Thus, they by radiologists of all backgrounds. Indeed, in a are improving efficiency of reporting for lung study from the NELSON study, the initial base- nodules by allowing faster reading times while line screen report was adjusted by expert chest offering a second reader approach for detection. radiologist in 195/2796 participants (5.9%) [18].

Fig. 12.1 Chest radiography computer-assisted diagnosis set-up for lung nodule detection, where potential nodules are highlighted, segmented and characterised. Reports can saved in PACS for follow-up purposes 12 Artificial Intelligence and Computer-Assisted Evaluation of Chest Pathology 149

Fig. 12.2 Example of chest radiograph in a patient with renal cell cancer (a) with nodule highlighted by CAD system (b) and subsequently confirmed at CT (c)

In 95% of these incidents, lung nodules were used, to more than 1500 images with the downgraded and none subsequently developed introduction of 1.25 mm slice thickness images lung cancer, thus leading to a decrease in false- using 64-multidetector systems or better. In positive results. combination with other chest CT indications, Based on the increased need, work pressures such as screening for lung metastases, the overall and the large number of negative results interest in developing tools to develop software in a screening population, computer-assisted tools to assist the detection and reporting of lung software systems would be an immense step nodules has really taken off. forward to allow greater efficiency of reporting In a study evaluating the impact of a lung while allowing greater sensitivity. We need nodule detection software (GE Digital Contrast to realise that the number of images of a Agent, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, USA), simple chest CT has increased from less than it was shown that radiologists had greater 30 slices, when single-detector systems were confidence in recording the presence or absence 150 E.J.R.vanBeekandJ.T.Murchison

Fig. 12.3 Patient with head and neck squamous cancer (T3N2M0) at follow-up. CAD system identified two lung nodules (a), subsequently confirmed by CT (b, c) of lung nodules, although this software did not evaluated by three radiologists and subsequently improve diagnostic accuracy of lung nodule by a CAD algorithm [20]. The study demon- detection [19]. strated that at a “cost” of three false-positive A small study of 20 outpatient CT scans with detections per CT scan, sensitivity significantly 195 non-calcified nodules greater than 3 mm was increased from a mean of 50% for the radiol- 12 Artificial Intelligence and Computer-Assisted Evaluation of Chest Pathology 151 ogists to 76% with application of CAD soft- to consider that measurement of nodule size and ware. volume are important parameters that directly Another small study in 25 patient CT scans affect the subsequent management of these lung with 116 nodules directly compared the perfor- nodules [26, 27]. mance of 2 commercially available CAD sys- Since the advent of machine learning tools tems, ImageChecker CT (R2 Technologies, Sun- into the development of dedicated detection soft- nyvale, CA, USA) and Nodule Enhanced View- ware, more sophisticated systems are now mak- ing (Siemens Medical Solutions, Forchheim, ing their way into the clinical domain. A recent Germany) [21]. This study showed that both version of computer-assisted diagnosis uses a systems performed similarly and improved sen- combination of vessel subtraction and nodule sitivity when used in addition to the radiologists. detection to allow better identification of nodules Finally, four CAD systems were evaluated for [28]. A study in 324 cases (95 with proven cancer potential detection of missed lung cancers in a and 83 proven benign), derived from the National screening trial, which manifested as solid nod- Lung Screening Trial dataset, demonstrated that ules [22]. Cases were retrospectively identified at the VIS/CADe (ClearRead CT, Riverain Tech- follow-up, as having been present on baseline CT nologies, Miamisburg, OH, USA) detected 89% scans. Of the total 50 lung cancers identified, the of malignant and 82% of benign nodules of 5 mm four CAD systems detected 56–70% at baseline or greater with a false-positive rate of 0.58 per and 74–82% at first follow-up, but there were study. This enhanced diagnosis tool improved the 0.6–7.4 false positives at baseline. Thus, CAD ROC area under the curve from 0.633 for unaided could function as a second reader but would have radiologist reads to 0.773 for aided detection missed more than 20% of lung cancers if used of all nodules. For actionable nodules, the area independently from radiologist reads. under the curve improved from 0.584 to 0.692. An excellent review of the state of play in This system improved lung cancer detection from 2015 was written by Rubin, demonstrating the 64% to 80%, while radiologist reporting time various tools available for nodule detection, decreased by 26%. This system has now been ranging from image interpretation improvements approved by the FDA and is being implemented using multiplanar reconstruction and maximum more widely for use as a second reader. intensity projection with thicker slice thickness Another computer model was compared with to utility of various CAD detection tools [23]. 11 radiologists using a study group of 300 CT At that time, lung CAD was available but scans from the Danish Lung Cancer Screening rarely used in routine clinical practice due to Trial [29, 30]. The model was based on the Pan- a combination of factors, including workflow, Canadian Lung Cancer Screening Trial, which limited validation and limited overall gain in developed a risk stratification of pulmonary nod- efficiency and detection of nodules that would ules [31]. The study cohort included 60 patients truly affect patient’s management. with proven lung cancer, 120 randomly selected It is important to realise that not all nodules participants with at least one benign nodule and are equal. For instance, calcified nodules can be 120 participants with at least one benign nodule disregarded as they represent old granulomata in the range 3–16 mm with preference for nod- and don’t require follow-up as they are benign. ules greater than 10 mm. There was no differ- Nodules below a certain threshold similarly do ence in overall risk assessment of malignant and not require further attention. This is relevant benign nodules, but human observers were better as most patients over the age of 30 will have at differentiating malignant from size-matched some minor nodular changes, but these are benign nodules. Importantly, the authors state inconsequential. Thus, the term “actionable that morphological criteria need to be addressed nodule” has been coined, as these are those to develop more sophisticated software tools. that are relevant with several recent guidelines This latter point was further highlighted in pointing out the management of detected nodules a review article, demonstrating the importance [24, 25]. As part of these guidelines, one needs of not just size but also of morphological 152 E.J.R.vanBeekandJ.T.Murchison characteristics such as those predicting benign the Netherlands). Recently, several pilot studies features (calcification, internal fat, perifissural were undertaken, demonstrating a very high location and triangular shape) versus malignant FROC (free receiver operating characteristic), features (speculation, lobulation, pleural which was comparable to that of experienced indentation, vascular convergence, associated readers (unpublished data). The Veye Chest cystic airspace, irregular air bronchogram and product is an example of deep learning part-solid appearance) [32]. algorithms being applied to diagnostic tasks, In 2017, the Kaggle Data Science Bowl was in this case the detection and segmentation of held, inviting people to develop machine learn- pulmonary nodules. The detection task consists ing and artificial intelligence tools for the pre- of two separate deep learning models to generate diction of lung cancer diagnosis given a sin- candidate locations and to filter out false- gle chest CT investigation [33]. The competi- positive candidates. Two additional deep learning tion made available a standard dataset from the models determine the nodule composition National Cancer Institute to all participants to and segmentation. This makes diameter and aid in the machine learning process of their volume measurements available to the radiologist algorithms and then a second dataset on which without the need for manual input. Furthermore, to validate their algorithm. The final test set was the design of deep learning-based detection performed independently from the developers, models enables the output of a probability and results were posted. Nearly 400 valid entries score for each nodule (not to be confused with were received, and there were around five soft- a malignancy score). This allows a threshold ware tools that outperformed all others, demon- to be applied on this probability score, so the strating the wide differences between software user can select the optimal trade-off between tools. sensitivity and false-positive rate to reflect the One of these software tools recently received clinical situation. Some examples of this nodule CE marking (Veye Chest, Aidence, Amsterdam, detection software are given in Fig. 12.4.

Fig. 12.4 Two examples of application of nodule detec- detected a nodule (a) and where the software detected a tion software (VeyeChest, Aidence, Amsterdam, The nodule which had been missed by the radiologist (b) Netherlands) where both the radiologist and the software 12 Artificial Intelligence and Computer-Assisted Evaluation of Chest Pathology 153

12.4 Lung Cancer Radiomics benign controls) and a validation set (20 cancers and 26 benign controls). The extracted 1342 Another area of potential interest in relation to image features including 1108 radiomics features lung nodule and lung cancer evaluation is based as described by Aerts [35]. These included on the previously mentioned point of morpho- shape of the lesion, extra nodular features (e.g. logical assessment. There is increasing evidence emphysema, fibrosis, pleural thickening, vessel that the use of computer algorithms can derive involvement, cavity, calcification), perinodular additional data to enhance the predictive value features (speculation, scar, calcification) and of both the type of lung cancer, its level of other features [percentage solid portion, margin aggressiveness and the subsequent stratification coarseness, size of adjacent lymph nodes and in treatment arms and long-term prognosis. We summary cancer-like feature (size, attenuation, recently wrote a review of the importance of speculation, etc.)]. Based on this model, it was radiomics and its evolving role in lung cancer possible to have high diagnostic prediction for management [34]. Radiomics is defined as the invasive versus noninvasive tumour types with a field of study in which high-throughput data is sensitivity of 95% and a specificity of 88% [37]. extracted and large amounts of advanced quanti- A nested control study based on the National tative imaging feature are analysed from medical Lung Screening Trial dataset, evaluated the radi- imaging in the context of other pathological, ologic features of small pulmonary nodules and genetic and clinical data (Fig. 12.5). A previous the risk of lung cancer [38]. They included 73 review demonstrated that a large number of fea- patients with proven lung cancer and 157 con- tures can be derived from CT data, which can trol subjects who had three consecutive nega- be used to help differentiate the phenotype of tive screening results. Nine features were signifi- cancers [35]. cantly different, of which five were included in a In a study of 41 pathologically classified predictive model: total emphysema score, attach- resected lung adenocarcinomas, CT data ment to vessel, nodule location, border definition were annotated for volumes, after which and concavity. This model yielded a ROC area automatically generated computer measurements under the curve of 0.932, a specificity of 92% were performed: mass, volume and percentage and a sensitivity of 76% for the identification solid tumour were used to model the probability of malignant nodules. Although in itself, this of invasive non-lepidic adenocarcinoma, lepidic model will not predict all nodules, it can assist predominant adenocarcinoma and adenocarci- risk stratification in conjunction with radiologist noma in situ/minimally invasive adenocarcinoma interpretation. [36]. The authors were able to accurately A similar approach used only the volume, vol- differentiate tumour types based on multivariate ume doubling time and volumetry-based diam- models of percentage solid volume in 73% and eter from the NELSON study cohort, consist- based on percentage solid mass and total nodule ing of 7155 participants with 9681 non-calcified mass in 76%. nodules [39]. This study derived direct clinically Two studies based on imaging data from the meaningful guidelines, including the fact that National Lung Screening Trial also evaluated the nodules with a volume less than 100 mm3 or potential role of morphological features derived less than 5 mm in diameter are not predictive for from computer-added segmentation and char- lung cancer. Furthermore, volume doubling times acterisation. One study, which was a matched should be used for 100–300 mm3 or 5–10 mm case-control sample of 186 CT studies with 4– lung nodules only to have an impact on patient 20 mm non-calcified lung nodules, where biopsy outcomes. Volume doubling times were helpful was used for final diagnosis [37]. The datasets in predicting lung cancer, with doubling times of were split into a training set (70 cancers and 70 600 days or more, 400–600 days and less than 154 E.J.R.vanBeekandJ.T.Murchison

Fig. 12.5 Radiomics overview: quantitative features Lee G, Lee HY, Park H, et al. Radiomics and its emerging of lung cancer are extracted, and the information is role in lung cancer research, imaging biomarkers and combined with other imaging modalities to improve clinical management: state of the art. Eur J Radiol tumour characterisation. This enables the discovery of 2017;86:297–307 relationships with other tumour-related features. From: 12 Artificial Intelligence and Computer-Assisted Evaluation of Chest Pathology 155

400 days yielding probabilities for lung cancer of The second, larger study prospectively 0.8%, 4.0% and 9.9%, respectively. Lesions that enrolled 125 CT pulmonary angiogram studies are 300 mm3 or larger or with diameter 10 mm or using a less advanced 4 multidetector row larger lead to lung cancer in 16.9% and 15.2%, CT scanner [43]. A total of 45 emboli were respectively. diagnosed in 15 patients, and 26 of these were In conclusion, the use of machine learning and confirmed by the software in 8 patients, with 19 artificial intelligence tools will increasingly yield emboli in 7 patients missed (sensitivity 42%). improvements on nodule detection, will assist in At the same time, there were 97 false-positive prediction of malignancy versus benign and will results (specificity 77%). The authors conclude guide clinicians as to the subsequent manage- that the system is insufficiently sensitive and ment of these findings. This will also allow better causes a lot of false-positive result and requires prognostication of individual patients. modification for it to be clinically useful. Another computer-aided diagnosis prototype (Version 3.0, Siemens Medical Solution, 12.5 Pulmonary Embolism Malvern, PA, USA) for detection of pulmonary embolism was attempted for 16 and 64 Pulmonary embolism remains a very frequent multidetector row CT scanners, using 40 datasets clinical problem and heavily relies on a combi- containing 18 patients with pulmonary emboli nation of clinical likelihood assessment, plasma and 22 normal examinations [44]. There were D-dimer testing and CT pulmonary angiogra- 212 expert panel confirmed emboli, of which phy for diagnosis and exclusion [40]. However, 65 were centrally located, while 147 were in the assessment of CT pulmonary angiograms is peripheral vessels. The studies were primarily prone to misinterpretation for various reasons, read by 6 general radiologists, who detected including observer experience, quality of exam- 157 of 212 emboli (sensitivity 74%), with 97% inations and patient factors. of the central emboli and 70% of peripheral A study comparing different levels of exper- emboli detected, while 9 indicated emboli were tise and background demonstrated that there was considered false positive. The CAD software good interobserver agreement between radiolo- detected 74% of central and 82% of peripheral gist and radiology residents and significantly less emboli, while 154 false positives (average 3.8) agreement among emergency physicians [41]. In were indicated. The study suggested that CAD addition, there was significant overreporting of may improve the detection of peripheral emboli. pulmonary embolism by emergency physicians. A comparison of computer-assisted diagno- Two studies applied a commercial system sis of pulmonary embolism (PE-CAD, Siemens (ImageCheckerCT, R2 Technology, Sunnyvale, Medical Solutions, Malvern, PA, USA) as a sec- CA, USA). One study used a set of 36 ond reader in the context of level of experience consecutive patients undergoing 16 multidetector of chest radiologist was undertaken in a prospec- row CT pulmonary angiography for suspected tive study of 56 patients with the use of 64 pulmonary embolism [42]. All studies were multidetector row CT [45]. The study demon- retrospectively reviewed by two experience strated that the experienced readers outperformed radiologists, who identified 130 segmental the inexperienced reader. The software had the emboli and 107 subsegmental emboli in 23 greatest impact on sensitivity in the least experi- patients with pulmonary embolism. There were enced readers. Yet, the addition of software-aided five patients with isolated subsegmental emboli. detection did improve the sensitivity of expe- All 23 patients were positively identified as rienced readers in segmental and subsegmental having PE, while vessel-by-vessel analysis arteries. The authors conclude that this software demonstrated a sensitivity of 92% and 90% should be used as a second reader. for segmental and subsegmental emboli, Several further studies have evaluated the respectively. impact of reader experience on CAD system 156 E.J.R.vanBeekandJ.T.Murchison performance. In one study, 79 CT pulmonary type software (PE-CAD, Siemens Medical Sys- angiogram studies using a variety of CT systems tems, Malvern, PA, USA) was applied. The soft- ranging from 16 to 64 multidetector row were ware correctly identified 103 emboli, while offer- evaluated and then re-evaluated after 3 months ing two additional marks which also proved to with application of a prototype CAD system () be pulmonary emboli, for an overall sensitivity by two inexperienced readers [46]. There were of 72% and a per-study sensitivity of 77%. 32 positive studies with a total of 119 emboli The impact of various technical conditions of varying size and location. The sensitivity for of CT pulmonary angiograms, including ECG the readers went up from 50% for all PE to 88% gating (30) or non-gating (30), the use of dual- and 71%, respectively. There were an average energy imaging (14) and image quality on the of 3.27 false positives per patient which resulted performance of a pulmonary embolism CAD in a small but not significant increase on false- system (PE-CAD version 7, Siemens Medical positive rates by these inexperienced readers. Systems, Forchheim, Germany) [50]. The study In another study with six readers of different demonstrated excellent sensitivity for peripheral experience, a software prototype (Philips Health- emboli detection (97%), which was not influ- care, Best, The Netherlands) was applied to 158 enced by scanning conditions or overall image studies without and 51 studies with pulmonary quality. embolism [47]. The cases were obtained using With the advent of more sophisticated recon- a combination of 16 and 64 multidetector row struction methods and techniques, new software CT scanners. Both sensitivity and reading time tools have been developed. Dedicated software were measured, which demonstrated a significant tools for application in dual-energy pulmonary improvement of sensitivity without a decrease in CT angiography (lung PBV and lung vessels) specificity. The increased sensitivity was greatest were compared with standard available CAD for the least experienced reader. In 15 patients, software (PE-CAD, Siemens Medical Solutions, pulmonary embolism would have been missed by Forchheim, Germany) in 37 patients of whom readers, which were diagnosed once CAD was 21 had proven pulmonary emboli at segmen- applied. There was a minimal increase in reading tal level or more peripheral, while 16 had no time (less than half a minute) associated with the pulmonary embolism [51]. The lung PBV soft- CAD readout needing assessed by the readers. ware was used to depict peripheral defects of the A study in 43 patients with suspected colour-coded iodine maps, while the lung vessels pulmonary embolism retrospectively evaluated were used to prove vessel enhancement based another iteration of the prototype software (Light on pixel-by-pixel density analysis. The study viewer version 1.6, Siemens Medical Solutions, demonstrated improved detection of peripheral Malvern, PA, USA) using 16 multidetector pulmonary emboli when using the CAD software row CT pulmonary angiography [48]. There as well as the new software tools, with the best was a high prevalence of pulmonary embolism result obtained with lung vessels. (33 patients) with a total of 215 thrombi. The Another study evaluated the potential software sensitivity alone was 83% versus advancement of pulmonary embolism detection three radiologists 77–87%, but the combined using iterative reconstruction methodology, radiologist with software sensitivity improved to when compared with filtered back projection 92–98%. As expected, subsegmental emboli had [52]. Pulmonary CT angiography from 40 lowest sensitivity. patients were collected and reconstructed using The largest study to date assessed 6769 con- standard filtered back projection and 6 levels of secutive CT pulmonary angiogram studies for the a hybrid iterative reconstruction algorithm and presence of pulmonary emboli that were missed subsequently evaluated using a standard CAD at initial reporting [49]. There were 53 studies system (PE-CAD, Siemens Medical Solutions, in which 146 pulmonary emboli were deemed Malvern, PA, USA). The study demonstrated missed by a panel of three experts, and a proto- that increasing iterative reconstruction resulted 12 Artificial Intelligence and Computer-Assisted Evaluation of Chest Pathology 157 in a decrease of sensitivity, whereas specificity More recently, it has been suggested that improved with fewer false negatives. The best machine learning may be applied to accurately result was obtained with the lowest level of predict the presence of pulmonary embolism iterative reconstruction. without any need for imaging [56]. In this study The introduction of spectral detector CT of 1427 patients at risk of pulmonary embolism, allows the use of a single X-ray source with a they extracted 28 diagnostic features, which were dual layer, spectral detector, leading to the ability incorporated in a neural hypernetwork, which to perform dual-energy imaging retrospectively. was able to predict those going on to develop Using a 128 multidetector row spectral CT pulmonary embolism in 94% of cases. Although system (IQon, Philips Healthcare, Best, The this may be helpful to better identify patients Netherlands) in 15 patients with CT pulmonary at risk of developing pulmonary embolism, it angiography and 18 patients with CT venography will not aid in the actual diagnostic process of and a diagnosis of pulmonary embolism, a study pulmonary embolism. evaluated the application of a commercial CAD Although several clinical CAD systems exist tool (Pulmonary Artery Assessment, Intellispace for the identification of pulmonary embolism, Portal, version 9, Philips Healthcare, Best, they have been fairly limited in gaining access The Netherlands) [53]. The authors found a to routine clinical workloads. This may in part positive impact on combining high-attenuation be due to the excellent diagnostic quality of CT monoenergetic reconstruction (greater 500 HU) pulmonary angiograms with later CT systems or with CAD software, resulting in excellent the utility of easier visualisation of emboli, for sensitivity and decreased false positives when instance, through dual-energy iodine mapping. It compared to standard reconstruction. is important to recognise the various influences A different approach was used in a study that on the performance of these CAD systems, such aimed to correlate automatically segmented car- as type of CT scanner, slice thickness and imple- diac chamber volume to the outcome of patients mentation by radiologists of different experience with pulmonary embolism [54]. Thus, although levels. The role for machine learning approaches this software tool did not directly aim to visualize to pulmonary embolism is not clear at present, pulmonary embolism, it was applied as a pre- but this should be a promising area of research. dictor for mortality. Of 756 consecutive patients, segmentation was successful to determine car- diac chamber volumes in 636 patients (84% suc- 12.6 Parenchymal Lung cess rate) and was correlated with mortality (84 and Airways Diseases patients died within 30 days with a diagnosis of pulmonary embolism). The most predictive Various software tools have been introduced to marker was a decreased left atrial volume of help classify and quantify lung parenchymal 62 ml or less, which increased the mortality risk and airway diseases. Initially, a simple approach 2.4-fold. based on lung density was applied to derive A similar study aimed to link a fully automatic the “emphysema index”, and this was further CAD detected severity/extent of pulmonary subdivided into upper, middle and lower thirds emboli and the development of right heart failure and core and rind assessment [57]. This method in 557 patients with proven pulmonary embolism was subsequently used in a large number of and without underlying cardiopulmonary disease studies but most notably predicted the outcomes [55]. The study compared to overall burden of of the National Lung Treatment Trial [58]. emboli with the ratio of the right ventricle over Subsequent developments and improvements of the left ventricle (as a parameter of right heart software tools have allowed better visualisation strain) and demonstrated a significant correlation. with isovolumetric CT images offering better The reporting time for radiologists decreased evaluation of both lung parenchyma and airways from15tolessthan5min. (Fig. 12.6). 158 E.J.R.vanBeekandJ.T.Murchison

Fig. 12.6 Examples of isovolumetric reconstruction of with mild upper lobes emphysema (VIDA Diagnostics, 0.64 mm slice thickness CT images with automated Coralville, IA, USA) labelling of airway tree and a normal subject and a patient

The use of sophisticated software has increas- bone kernel and iterative reconstruction is that it ingly been applied to study the pathophysiology allows better visualisation and quantification of of lung and airway diseases, often in conjunction the airway tree. with large-scale genetic profiling. Several large A new method aimed to derive a biomarker cohort studies, including COPDGene [59, 60], based on voxel-wise subtraction of inspiratory SPIROMICS [61]andMESA[62] have applied and expiratory CT images, leading to a para- these software tools. In addition, the enhanced metric response map (PRM) [67]. This technique visualisation of airway remodelling and quantifi- uses two CT acquisitions, one at full inspiration cation of air trapping have formed a significant and a low-dose study at expiration, which are part of the SARP study in asthma [63, 64]. Simi- segmented and then co-registration through a larly, this advanced software has been applied to deformable algorithm. This then leads to a map bronchiectasis, which may be particularly help- based on density change on a voxel-by-voxel ful in patients with cystic fibrosis (Fig. 12.7). basis, which is displayed as a colour-coded map. Although this software is increasingly widely The study used 194 CT scans from the 10,000 available, it is not automated to an extent that it COPDGene study cohort, with varying GOLD easily fits into workflow. Furthermore, it relies status based on post-bronchodilator pulmonary heavily on manual and expert input to derive function tests, and successfully classified these meaningful results. subjects based on the PRM method. This product It is important to realise that there are many is now fully automated and can be integrated into factors that can affect the lung density, which normal workflow (Lung Density Analysis, Imbio, include level of inspiration (this can be over- Minneapolis, MN, USA). come by active coaching of patients). Iterative The role of quantified CT imaging in reconstruction and kernel selection have a sig- emphysema, asthma and airway disease is clearly nificant impact on quantitative density measure- still developing. The advent of more automated ments [65]. Means to mitigate significant mea- assessment techniques will enable workflow surement shifts include combined use of high- integration, giving quantifiable information and frequency (bone) kernels with iterative recon- distribution of disease to help better plan for struction [66]. The benefit of a combination of individualised treatments. 12 Artificial Intelligence and Computer-Assisted Evaluation of Chest Pathology 159

Fig. 12.7 Example of airway analysis in a low-dose CT study of a paediatric patient with cystic fibrosis, demonstrating airway measurements and distal bronchiectasis

Another method used a 3D voxel-based 12.7 Interstitial Lung Disease method and 3D adaptive multiple feature method. [69]. This method used expert observers to Lung texture analysis has been developed for classify the voxels of interest, which were the quantification of interstitial lung disease subsequently placed into a Bayesian support to enable improvements over visual scoring vector machine learning method. The method methods. One system used a pixel-wise density was subsequently employed in a large-scale analysis of lung CT images, which are classified pulmonary fibrosis trial (PANTER-IPF study) using texture features and classified as fibrosis [70, 71]. This study used 355 CT scans from 211 or no fibrosis [68]. This system was initially subjects, which were all visually scored. Thirty- developed and tested in 129 patients with four investigations were technically inadequate, scleroderma-related pulmonary fibrosis and was leaving 199 subjects for further analysis. The able to detect at a threshold of 1% and quantify feasibility of performing quantified CT texture at a threshold of 25%. 160 E.J.R.vanBeekandJ.T.Murchison

Fig. 12.8 Expert radiologist labelling of volumes of pathic pulmonary fibrosis: the association between the interest for 3D adaptive multiple features method adaptive multiple features method and fibrosis outcome. (AMFM) training. The cross hear demonstrates the vol- Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2017;195:921–929. From: ume, with the individual slices within the region of The American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care interest in the top corner. Reprinted with permission Medicine is an official journal of the American Thoracic of the American Thoracic Society. Copyright © 2018 Society American Thoracic Society. Salisbury ML, et al. Idio- analysis (Fig. 12.8) and its direct correlation assessment significantly improved prediction of with outcome was demonstrated, while it also lung function over this time period. showed that the AMFM method was slightly Another method, which has been incorporated better at predicting event-free survival than visual into normal workflow, is a commercialised assessment with a cut-off of 10% ground glass software (Lung Texture Analysis, Imbio, Min- lung involvement [71]. neapolis, MN, USA) [73]. This method uses a CT A machine learning method retrospectively post processing technique (CALIPER), which enrolled 280 subjects with baseline inspiratory allows for quantification of CT parenchymal CT and 72 with CT scans at least 15 months patterns and was derived in 284 consecutive post baseline from the IPF Network relied on patients with pulmonary fibrosis. This software a data-driven texture analysis (DTA) approach proved superior to visual scoring when compared [72]. Visual semi-quantitative scoring was per- to pulmonary function tests. A subsequent formed, as well as a CT histogram analysis and longitudinal study in 66 patients with follow- a data-driven textural analysis, which is based up between 6 and 24 months demonstrated that on an unsupervised feature learning paradigm all computer variables (ground glass opacity, using a large number of 3 × 3 mm patches in reticulation and honeycombing) all exhibited lung CT scans of patients with pulmonary fibrosis stronger links to forced vital capacity than and those with normal lungs (Fig. 12.9). The visual scoring, but computer-derived pulmonary method was able to accurately specify changes in vessel volume was even more strongly related to lung texture when compared to pulmonary func- predicting pulmonary function decline [74]. The tion tests, including diffusing capacity for carbon software has excellent potential to demonstrate monoxide. Incorporating this method into the CT small and larger changes and appears more 12 Artificial Intelligence and Computer-Assisted Evaluation of Chest Pathology 161

Fig. 12.9 Selected baseline image with fibrosis marked K, Huckleberry J, et al. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: (top row) and follow-up study at 18 months (bottom row). data-driven textural analysis of extent of fibrosis at base- The DTA method demonstrates 22% fibrosis at baseline line and 15-month follow-up. Radiology 2017;285:270– and 41% at follow-up. From: Humphries SM, Yagihashi 278. Copyright: Radiological Society of North America sensitive than standard pulmonary function and ultimately can lead to prognostication of tests in demonstrating change (Figs. 12.10 and individual patients [75]. 12.11). A recent review suggests that quantitative CT biomarkers for the evaluation of idiopathic 12.8 Conclusions pulmonary fibrosis is both necessary to often insight into the extent of disease and to allow The role of computer-assisted and machine learn- detection of changes in response to novel ing/artificial intelligence software tools in chest treatments as a potential surrogate outcome imaging has only just begun. Some software tools 162 E.J.R.vanBeekandJ.T.Murchison

Fig. 12.10 Patient with mild interstitial pulmonary fibro- time course of over 4 years, the pulmonary function sis. Lung function tests were FEV1 1.98 l (80% tests remained stable, whereas quantitative CT assessment predicted), VC 3.04 l (93% predicted) and TCO demonstrated minor progression 0.87 mmol/min/kPa (73% predicted). During the same

Fig. 12.11 Patient with moderate interstitial pul- follow-up, progressive abnormal function tests correlating monary fibrosis. Lung function tests were FEV1 1.74 with progressive quantitative CT: FEV1 0.99 (66% (94% predicted), VC 2.3 l (94% predicted), TCO predicted), VC 1.08 l (58% predicted), TCO 2.29 (39% 3.29 mmol/min/kPa (73% predicted). After 2 years of predicted) are making their inroads into routine manage- stand alone, and these will need to transition ment, provided they can be incorporated into into more automated mode, running in the back- routine workflow and are time efficient (either by ground of routine workflow, and being available saving on reading time or by providing important at the time of reporting. data that assist patient management in a reason- It is clear that software tools can greatly able time frame). Many software tools are still enhance the radiologist’s reporting, either by 12 Artificial Intelligence and Computer-Assisted Evaluation of Chest Pathology 163 providing greater diagnostic accuracy and 2. Melendez J, Philipsen RHHM, Chanda-Kapata P, certainty or by yielding important quantifiable Sunkutu V, Kapata N, van Ginneken B. Automatic data that impact on patient management. versus human reading of chest X-rays in the Zambia national tuberculosis prevalence study. Int J Tuberc Provided that these tools undergo rigorous Lung Dis. 2017;21:880–6. clinical assessment prior to clinical introduction, 3. Kao EF, Jaw TW, Li CW, Chou MC, Liu GC. Auto- they should be easily adopted by radiologists. mated detection of endotracheal tubes in paediatric chest radiographs. Comput Methods Prog Biomed. 2015;118:1–10. 4. Zaglam N, Jouvet P, Flechelles O, Emeriaud G, 12.9 Take-Home Points Cheriet F. 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Key Points • Machine learning and deep learning are ide- ally suited to reveal prognostic information in • Machine learning and deep learning will have diagnostic imaging studies. a big impact on the diagnosis and workup of • Machine learning and deep learning will en- cardiovascular diseases. able truly personalized medicine by combin- • The entire imaging chain including patient ing information from multiple sources in ad- scheduling, image acquisition, image recon- dition to the results from imaging studies. struction, image interpretation, classification • Bringing machine learning algorithms to the of findings and derivation of prognostic in- clinic is not straightforward and is ideally formation will be impacted by advances in done using a vendor-neutral AI platform. machine learning and deep learning. • Machine learning and deep learning are al- ready being applied to echocardiography, CT 13.1 Introduction and MRI of the heart as well as nuclear my- ocardial perfusion scintigraphy. Over the past few decades, different diagnostic techniques have been used for the early detection, J. Verjans diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of cardio- Department of Cardiology, South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute, University of Adelaide, vascular diseases. Medical imaging has become Adelaide, SA, Australia an especially indispensable tool for this purpose. Department of Cardiology, Utrecht University Medical The application of artificial intelligence in this Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands field has shown great promise, but its penetration W. B. Veldhuis · T. Leiner () into daily cardiovascular imaging practice has Department of Radiology, Utrecht University Medical thus far been limited. As a result, the typical daily Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands work of the cardiovascular imaging specialist has e-mail: [email protected] continued to be largely dominated by human G. Carneiro skill for image acquisition, quantification and Department of Cardiology, South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute, University of Adelaide, interpretation with limited use of computer-aided Adelaide, SA, Australia diagnosis. J. M. Wolterink · I. Išgum Computer vision and artificial intelligence Image Sciences Institute, Utrecht University Medical (AI) researchers aim to create intelligent methods Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands to see and comprehend an image as well as

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 167 E. R. Ranschaert et al. (eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging, 168 J. Verjans et al.

Fig. 13.1 A particularly powerful set of ML tools in abstraction. Deep learning refers to artificial convolutional medical imaging are artificial neural networks. These neural networks (CNNs) with multiple (also known as networks are modelled on the visual system of the brain ‘hidden’) layers between the input and output layers. and typically contain a large number of interconnected Over the past years, it has become clear that DL is very processing elements or ‘neurons’. Typically, these ele- well suited for many relevant tasks in radiology such as ments are structured in multiple layers which are capable detecting abnormalities in images, delineating anatomical of extracting features from data at increasing levels of structures or classifying findings humans can—or even better. Although computer other potential applications of AI beyond image vision has been applied to analysing medical interpretation. data for many years [1], until recently this was always based on carefully handcrafted algorithms that performed limited, well-described tasks in 13.2 Impact of AI imitation of the human process for analysing on Cardiovascular Imaging images. This was primarily due to three reasons: (1) the lack of adequate and efficient methods Although most ongoing AI research in the cardio- to train algorithms to perform tasks accurately vascular field has focused on image interpretation and under a variety of clinical conditions, and prognosis, it is important to realize that AI (2) the lack of sufficiently large high-quality can and will impact the entire imaging chain digital datasets to train an automated system from choosing a particular imaging test, patient to develop its own approach and (3) the lack scheduling, image acquisition, image reconstruc- of affordable hardware and standardized, open- tion and image interpretation to derivation of source software to develop algorithms. Over prognostic information (Fig. 13.2). the past few years, all of these limitations have been overcome, and large-scale medical image 13.2.1 Decision Support acquisition and analysis have enabled high- throughput extraction of imaging features to Cardiovascular medicine is increasingly guide- quantify the changes in end-organ tissue structure line driven. Many societies have issued guide- and function associated with manifestations of lines with the aim to provide standardized and cardiovascular diseases. evidence-based care to patients with suspected or This chapter covers practical use cases of the known cardiovascular disease. Using this infor- young but rapidly developing field of medical mation in clinical practice can be a daunting task. AI and its most promising avenues in the field For example, the European Society of Cardiology of cardiovascular imaging. We describe recent currently lists 49 categories of guidelines [2]. It is advances in machine learning, especially with re- self-evident that no single person can master the gard to deep learning, which are helping to iden- intricacies of all these guidelines on a day-to-day tify, classify and quantify cardiovascular disease basis. It is expected that ML-based decision sup- from echocardiography, CT, MRI and nuclear port systems can help the imaging specialist se- medicine (Fig. 13.1). In addition, we discuss lect the best imaging tests in individual patients. 13 Cardiovascular Diseases 169

Fig. 13.2 Artificial intelligence will impact the entire imaging chain from scheduling to prognosis

13.2.2 Image Acquisition used to create CT images with improved spatial resolution on the basis of lower spatial resolution Hardware vendors are now selling the first AI- information [10]. based commercial products that help the radiog- rapher during the examination to select the op- timal imaging protocol in individual patients, 13.2.4 Post-processing and Image including selection of the precise location and Analysis extent of image acquisition. Automated identi- fication of the heart and prescription of scan One of the most obvious applications of ML planes are now possible. This may be espe- and DL in cardiovascular imaging is image post- cially advantageous for less experienced opera- processing and analysis. One of the most im- tors, both for follow-up imaging and complex portant and also labour-intensive tasks in cardiac cases. imaging is contouring of the left and right ven- tricles at end-systole and end-diastole in order to obtain cardiac ejection fractions and myocardial 13.2.3 Image Reconstruction mass. Many research groups have now shown and Improvement of Image that this process can be fully automated with Quality highly reliable results using ML algorithms [11, 12], and several commercial software packages Machine learning has shown great promise in have already incorporated this technology. An- CT and MR image reconstruction and to a lesser other application in cardiovascular imaging that extent in echocardiography and nuclear imaging. comes to mind is automated determination of aor- For example, deep learning with convolutional tic volumes to determine the degree of expansion neural networks (CNNs) has been successfully over the cardiac cycle or to assess volume and applied for very fast reconstruction of highly rate of growth of aortic aneurysms. accelerated cardiac MR acquisitions as an al- ternative to much slower current state-of-the- art methods such as compressed sensing [3]. 13.2.5 Interpretation and Diagnosis Conversely, DL has been applied in CT image reconstruction as well. Several research groups In addition to using images labelled with have shown that high-quality CT images can be a ground truth in terms of segmentation or reconstructed from undersampled projection data diagnosis, researchers are now attempting to [4] or low-radiation-dose, noisy images [5–9]. generate complete radiology reports from images In addition, deep learning techniques have been only [13]. DL algorithms are being trained to do 170 J. Verjans et al. this by showing them large datasets of hundreds 13.3 Practical Use of AI of thousands to millions of combinations of in Different Cardiovascular imaging and the corresponding radiology reports. Imaging Modalities Although this has not been attempted specifically in cardiovascular radiology, it is expected that 13.3.1 Echocardiography this will happen in the future. However, in many patients, information obtained from cardiac Echocardiography is the most widely used imag- imaging tests is just one part of the full clinical ing modality in cardiology and is an indispens- picture. This underscores the need for solutions able tool in the clinical cardiovascular imaging that take into account other information than just toolbox. Portability and affordability are key ad- images. vantages of echocardiography, but there are also limitations, such as operator dependency and the complete workflow from acquisition to reporting 13.2.6 Opportunistic Screening being a lengthy process [20, 21]. Machine learn- and Prognosis ing strategies could aid echocardiography by not only speeding up reporting time but also could One of the most promising applications of AI improve accuracy and reduce variability with an and ML in cardiovascular imaging is fully au- ultimate goal to develop a real-time digital ‘assis- tomated detection, quantification and reporting tant’ that automatically interprets echo images. of relevant prognostic information. This may be Automation is not a novel concept in more detailed information relevant to the clinical echocardiography, and disease classification problem for which imaging was requested, but was already attempted back in the 1970s, using also information visible in the images outside of Fourier analysis of M-mode images to classify the organ of interest. For instance, more detailed normal subjects, and patients with ‘idiopathic analysis of cardiac motion patterns in patients hypertrophic subaortic stenosis’, mitral valve with pulmonary hypertension has been shown prolapse and mitral stenosis [22–24, 76]. Using to have a better predictive value for adverse a classification scheme, the investigators outcomes compared to right ventricular ejection demonstrated the potential of an automated fraction, which is currently used for this purpose detection system of the diagnoses. Recent [14]. Another example is fully automated identi- advances in computer-aided echocardiogram fication of vascular calcifications in lung cancer segmentation and diagnosis have shown to screening CT scans [15–17]. improve feasibility, accuracy and reproducibility of real-time full-volume 3D transthoracic echocardiography to measure volumes and 13.2.7 Combining Imaging function fully automatically, both in sinus rhythm with Other Data Sources and atrial fibrillation. This was followed by more reports demonstrating rapid and easy automatic A final area where AI can be of high value segmentation of various left ventricular, right in the future is by combining the results from ventricular and atrial parameters including imaging examinations with other data such as strain, supported by different vendors [25– information in electronic health records, labora- 29]. In comparison with expert contours, tory data, genetic analyses and medication use. automation generation of contours generally Combining these data will, for instance, yield accounted for larger ventricular and atrial new insights into which combinations of clinical volumes but resulted in better agreement with the and genetic variables are associated with certain reference standard MRI, which is encouraging. imaging findings, outcomes or effectiveness and In addition, several deep learning approaches side effects of new cardiovascular drugs [18, have been described and proven successful, 19]. for example, Carneiro et al. achieved similar 13 Cardiovascular Diseases 171 segmentation performance using only 20 training biomarkers achieved 63–82%. This study demon- images. When increased to a training set of strates feasibility of a cognitive machine learning 400 images, the approach produced generally approach for learning and recalling patterns ob- more accurate LV segmentation [29]. Another served during echocardiographic evaluations. important and perhaps the first step towards Current guidelines recommend quantitative full automation of the entire echocardiography and also semiquantitative echocardiographic imaging chain including automated classification techniques to assess the severity of valvular of disease is automatic detection of the disease which is essential for therapeutic standard echocardiography views. Madani et and perioperative management [33]. Since al. anonymized more than 800,000 transthoracic geometrical assessment of valves can be based on echocardiogram (TTE) images from 267 patients pattern recognition, this application is likely to be and built a multilayer convolutional neural enhanced and automated using machine learning. network to do supervised learning using 15 Many investigations that aim to automate valve standard echocardiographic views [30]. The assessment have focused on the mitral valve [34]. vendor-agnostic model recognized and classified Jin et al. used so-called anatomically intelligent 15 standard views from echocardiography ultrasound (AIUS; Philips Medical Systems, movie clips with 98% overall test accuracy, Andover, MA, USA) to semiautomatically without significant overfitting. Even on single track the annulus and leaflet anatomy to low-resolution images, test accuracy among demonstrate that AIUS required significantly 15 standard views was 91.7% versus 70.2– less time for image analysis (1.9 ± 0.7 min 83.5% for board-certified echocardiographers. vs. 9.9 ± 3.5 min, p < 0.0001), improved Elegantly, they used occlusion testing and sensitivity (60% vs. 90%, p < 0.001), specificity saliency mapping to trace that the algorithm’s (91% vs. 97%, p = 0.001) and accuracy classification depended on similar features as (83% vs. 95%, p < 0.001) [35]. This example used by human experts (Fig. 13.3). illustrates that semiautomated algorithms can One of the first attempts to validate a clinically improve performance in localizing mitral valve useful algorithm for classification of disease was disease, which can support less experienced described by Narula et al. [31], who obtained operators. In aortic disease, Calleja et al. tested speckle-tracking data from 77 athletes and 62 in patients with either aortic stenosis, dilated hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients and used aorta or aortic regurgitation an automated 3D 3 different algorithms (support vector machines, algorithm (Aortic Valve Navigator; Philips random forests and artificial neural networks) Medical Systems, Andover, MA, USA) to model to investigate the ability to distinguish physio- and quantify the aortic root, using both 3D logical from pathological cardiac remodelling. transoesophageal echocardiography and CT The machine learning model showed increased data to assist in planning transcatheter aortic sensitivity and specificity compared with average valve replacement [36]. They demonstrated early diastolic tissue velocity, early-to-late dias- excellent reproducibility in quantification of tolic mitral velocity ratio and strain (p < 0.01; aortic regurgitation and stenosis. Valve annulus p < 0.01; p = 0.04). The same group of investi- diameters were significantly underestimated gators studied 94 patients with either constrictive (p < 0.05) by 2D echo images compared to 3D pericarditis (CMP) or restrictive cardiomyopathy echo and CT. Besides being shorter in duration, (RCM) to improve accuracy in this challenging the analysis was accurate compared to CT, which echocardiographic problem [32]. In both studies, was used as the standard of reference. Although speckle-tracking echocardiography datasets were most commercial software packages still require used to distinguish restrictive from constrictive significant user input, packages for valvular pericarditis, which was achieved with an AUC assessment will soon require minimal to no of 89% without and 96% with selected echocar- user input, incorporating artificial intelligence diographic variables, while traditional imaging to achieve their goal [37]. However, there is still 172 J. Verjans et al.

Fig. 13.3 Deep learning model demonstrating human graph indicates receiver operating characteristic curves performance in distinguishing 15 standard echocardio- for view categories ranging from 0.985 to 1.00 (mean graphic views using t-SNE clustering analysis of image 0.996). (c) Saliency maps (occlusion map not shown). classification. (a) On the left the input echocardiogram The input pixels weighted most heavily in the neural images, plotted in 4800-dimensional space projected to network’s classification of the original images (left). The 2-dimensional space for visualization. Different colours most important pixels (right) make an outline of rele- represent different classes. After neural network analysis, vant structures demonstrating similar patterns that hu- there appears organization into clusters. (b) Confusion mans use to classify the image. Abbreviations: a4c apical matrix with real view labels on y-axis and neural network- four-chamber, psla parasternal long axis, saxbasal short predicted view labels on the x-axis by view category axis basal, a2c apical two-chamber, saxmid short axis for video classification (left) and still-image classification mid/mitral, a3c apical three-chamber, sub4c subcostal (middle) compared with a representative board-certified four-chamber, a5c apical five-chamber, ivc subcostal echocardiographer (right). The numbers in the boxes indi- ivc, rvinflow right ventricular inflow, supao supraster- cate percentage of labels predicted for true category. Bot- nal aorta/aortic arch, subao subcostal/abdominal aorta, tom left graph compares comparison of deep. Learning cw continuous-wave Doppler, pw pulsed-wave Doppler, accuracy for video classification (dark blue), still-image mmode m-mode. Adapted with permission of the authors classification (light blue) and still-image classification by from reference [30] a representative echocardiographer (white). Lower right extensive work to be done to validate feasibility (CACS) and coronary CT angiography (CCTA) and reproducibility of these software packages in are highly sensitive techniques to rule out clinical routine. coronary artery disease. Wolterink et al. have demonstrated in a phantom as well as patient 13.3.2 Computed Tomography study that radiation dose for CACS can be reduced by up to 80% by training a convolutional Cardiac computed tomography is a widely used neural network (CNN) jointly with an adversarial method to assess the presence and extent of CNN to estimate routine-dose CT images from coronary atherosclerosis and to evaluate cardiac low-dose CT images and hence reduce noise (Fig. anatomy. Coronary artery calcium scoring 13.4). Noise reduction improved quantification 13 Cardiovascular Diseases 173

Fig. 13.4 Deep learning methods can be used to trans- at routine radiation dose (middle panel). On the right the form a CT image acquired at extremely low-radiation corresponding image slice from the full-dose acquisition dose (20% of routine dose; left panel) into a high-quality is shown image resembling an image of the same patient acquired of low-density calcified inserts in phantom CT mass score was excellent with an intraclass images and allowed coronary calcium scoring correlation coefficient of 0.94. In further work, in low-dose patient CT images with high noise the same investigators have described a method levels [5]. to determine the presence and classify the type of Machine learning has also made inroads coronary artery plaque, as well as to determine in quantification of coronary calcium and the presence and the degree of a coronary atherosclerotic plaque. Coronary artery plaque stenosis [45]. Based on manually annotated burden, expressed as either the total amount CCTA from 131 patients with suspected or of coronary calcium in non-contrast enhanced known coronary artery disease, a recurrent CNN CT scans [38] or the volume of calcified, non- was trained to perform fully automated analysis calcified and mixed atherosclerotic plaque, of coronary artery plaque and stenosis with high is associated with chest pain symptoms [39] accuracy and reliability compared to the manual and highly indicative of future cardiovascular segmentations. events [40] the ultimate goal is fully automated Once coronary plaques have been identified, quantification of both. Detailed manual analysis it can be desirable to use machine learning of the coronary vasculature to determine for a more detailed evaluation using radiomic atherosclerotic plaque burden can be tedious techniques. Radiomics is a process typically and time-consuming and is therefore impractical referring to supervised ML that consists of in current clinical practice. For this reason, extracting a large number of quantitative coronary evaluation is primarily done by features from radiology images and subsequent assigning ordinal scores to coronary segments classification using a ML classifier to determine [41]. To solve this problem, Wolterink et al. diagnosis or perform prediction. Thus, radiomics, [42, 43] as well as several other groups of also sometimes called texture analysis (TA), investigators [44] have described a method objectively quantifies texture of radiological capable of fully automated quantification of images by exploiting interpixel relationships. coronary artery calcium (Fig. 13.5). The method Kolossvary et al. used this approach to improve uses supervised learning to directly identify identification of high-risk ‘napkin-ring sign’ and quantify CAC without a need for manual coronary plaques and found that radiomic annotations as commonly used in existing analysis improved identification of these plaques methods. The study included cardiac CT exams over conventional quantitative parameters [46]. of 250 patients, and agreement with the reference Mannil et al. have used radiomics to enable 174 J. Verjans et al.

Fig. 13.5 Fully automatic identification of calcifications more robust identification of arterial calcium deposits in in the thoracic aorta and coronary arteries in chest CT us- patients referred for evaluation of coronary artery disease ing deep learning without human interaction. Algorithms but also in patients referred for other clinical questions in such as the one shown may not only facilitate faster and which the heart is depicted in the field of view the differentiation between patients with prior were classified according to the presence of myocardial infarction and control subjects using functionally significant stenosis using a support non-contrast-enhanced low-radiation CACS vector machine (SVM) classifier based on the images. They studied 30 control subjects and 57 extracted features. Images of 20 patients with patients with acute or chronic MI and found that invasive FFR measurements were used to train TA in combination with deep learning was able to the LV myocardium encoder. Classification identify patients with prior MI with an area under of patients was evaluated in the remaining the receiver operating curve of 0.78. This study 126 patients using 50 tenfold cross-validation was the first to demonstrate the ability of TA to experiments. The use of the algorithm resulted in unmask acute or chronic MI on non-contrast- an area under the receiver operating characteristic enhanced low-radiation dose CACS images with curve (AUC) of 0.74 ± 0.02. At sensitivity high accuracy [47]. levels 0.60, 0.70 and 0.80, the corresponding Another area where machine learning has specificity was 0.77, 0.71 and 0.59, respectively. been of value is for identification of hemody- The results demonstrate that automatic analysis namically significant coronary stenoses, since of the LV myocardium in a single CCTA scan the specificity of the CCTA for this purpose is acquired at rest, without assessment of the low when using visual analysis [48]. Zreik et al. anatomy of the coronary arteries, can be used published a method for automatic identification for fully automated identification of patients with of patients with functionally significant coronary functionally significant coronary artery stenosis. artery stenoses, employing deep learning analysis Coenen et al. took a different approach and of the left ventricle (LV) myocardium in resting focused on improving an existing computational CCTA scans. They studied CCTA scans of 166 fluid dynamics (CFD) method for identification patients who underwent invasive fractional flow of significant CAD [50]. The CFD method is reserve (FFR) measurements [49]. To identify a workstation-based algorithm which relies on patients with a functionally significant coronary manual extraction of the coronary tree, a process artery stenosis, analysis was performed in several that takes approximately 30–60 min. Once the stages. First, the LV myocardium was segmented coronary tree is extracted, coronary flow and using a multiscale convolutional neural network pressure are simulated both at rest and in a (CNN). To characterize the segmented LV hyperaemic state by virtual reduction of the myocardium, it was subsequently encoded using microvascular resistance, thereby simulating the an unsupervised convolutional autoencoder effect of adenosine infusion. The intracoronary (CAE). Subsequently, LV myocardium was blood pressure in the hyperaemic state is then divided into a number of spatially connected divided by assumed blood pressure in the aorta clusters, and statistics of the encodings were to calculate the pressure drop across coronary computed as features. Thereafter, patients stenoses. To improve the accuracy of this 13 Cardiovascular Diseases 175 approach, the authors used a method trained [52]. As discussed in the introductory section using 12,000 synthetic 3D coronary models of this chapter, Schlemper et al. have recently of various anatomies and degrees of CAD, for described a novel method based on a cascade of which the CFD-based CT-FFR values were CNNs for dynamic MR image reconstruction that computed. The CFD-based results from the consistently outperformed state-of-the-art meth- 12,000 synthetic coronary models were then ods based on compressed sensing. Cardiac MRI used as the ground truth training data for the relies on undersampling to achieve clinically fea- ML-based CT-FFR application. Subsequently, sible scan times, but complex algorithms are the ML-based CT-FFR model was trained using needed to de-alias the resulting images. Existing a deep learning model incorporating 28 features methods rely on the requirements of sparsity and extracted from the coronary tree geometry. incoherence between the sampling and sparsity Application of their method improved diagnostic domains and are computationally intensive. The accuracy on a per-vessel basis from 58% to presented deep learning method suggests that the 78% in a cohort of 351 patients in whom 525 CNN was capable of learning a generic strategy coronary arteries were analysed. At the patient to de-alias the images without explicitly formu- level, diagnostic accuracy improved from 71% to lating rules how to do so [3]. 85% compared to visual analysis of the CCTA Similar to echocardiography, CMR requires images. highly skilled radiographers with knowledge of Machine learning has also been studied with physics, anatomy and pathology to obtain diag- regard to its ability to improve the prognostic nostic images. There are considerable ongoing value of CCTA. Motwani et al. investigated the efforts to automate and accelerate CMR acqui- value of ML to predict 5-year all-cause mortality sition for non-complex scan protocols without (ACM) over traditional clinical and CCTA met- human intervention. rics in a 10,030 patient substudy of the COro- In the journey towards practical applications nary CT Angiography EvaluatioN For Clinical for imaging specialists, machine learning meth- Outcomes: An InteRnational Multicenter (CON- ods have been mainly applied for segmentation FIRM) registry [51]. Prediction of ACM in these and increasingly also for classification. It must patients was compared between Framingham risk be noted that CMR is inherently variable per score (FRS), CCTA-derived metrics such as the patient and per scanner and is subject to many segment stenosis score (SSS) and segment in- parameters that impose more difficulties in inter- volvement scores (SIS) and a ML algorithm, pretation and require preprocessing. Alignment based on 44 CCTA parameters and 25 clinical pa- to a common orientation, bias correction algo- rameters. Compared to the conventional metrics, rithms and normalization are important aspects ML exhibited a substantially and significantly to consider before feeding data into a machine higher AUC compared with FRS or CCTA data learning algorithm. alone for prediction of 5-year ACM (ML, 0.79 Current diagnostic criteria are largely derived vs. FRS, 0.61; SSS, 0.64; SIS, 0.64; p < 0.001 from quantitative measures that indicate the dif- for all). In this first large-scale evaluation of ference between normal and pathologic processes ML for prognostic risk assessment using CCTA of different degrees. These measures are derived data, the observed efficacy suggests ML has an from manually delineated contours from imaging important clinical role in evaluating prognostic specialists. The main challenges for automating risk in individual patients with suspected CAD. this common practice are variability of heart shape, basal and apical slices, variability among different scanners and overlap between cardiac 13.3.3 Magnetic Resonance Imaging and background structures with noisy and fuzzy margins [53]. Machine learning is bound to take MRI to the Nevertheless, a multitude of reports suggest next level on all levels of the imaging continuum that the problem of automatic LV segmentation 176 J. Verjans et al.

Fig. 13.6 Results of fully automatic segmentation of the left ventricular cavity (green), left ventricular myocardium (blue) and right ventricular cavity (yellow) in cardiac cine MR. Manual reference annotations are shown in red is bound to be solved by machine learning Erlangen, Germany) [55]. After excluding in the near future (Fig. 13.6). Although there grossly misplaced contours in patients, the have been attempts to define ground truth in remaining patients showed good agreement of segmentation [54], this remains an issue when ESV −6.4 ± 9.0 ml, 0.853 (mean ± SD of training and validation datasets have been the differences, ICC); EDV −3.0 ± 11.6 ml, analysed by operators with different levels 0.937; SV 3.4 ± 9.8 ml, 0.855; and EF of expertise. In one of the largest studies to 3.5 ± 5.1%, 0.586. LV mass was overestimated date, manually analysed CMR data from 4500 (29.9 ± 17.0 g, 0.534) due to larger epicardial patients from the UK Biobank was compared contours. This study is one of the first to show in terms of segmentation performance to a feasibility of large-scale automated analysis commercially available automated algorithm in a relatively healthy population. The more (Siemens syngo InlineVF; Siemens Healthcare, variable RV geometry poses a greater challenge, 13 Cardiovascular Diseases 177 but commercial software packages have started benefit most from machine learning algorithms, incorporating machine learning algorithms especially when large datasets become available. for automatic LV and also RV segmentation Flow quantification in heart failure, for example, for clinical use, resulting in better workflow. has significant potential as it would measure the However, the accuracy, and in particular RV resultant of flow, diastolic and systolic function segmentation, still has room for improvement. [61]. The ability of ML to aid in outcome prediction An initial report has been published on auto- based on CMR images was demonstrated in a mated detection of late gadolinium enhancement report by Dawes et al., where semiautomatic (LGE), a marker of fibrosis [62]. Standardized segmentation was applied to study the right ven- T1 and T2 mapping also assess fibrosis and my- tricle in 256 patients with pulmonary hyperten- ocardial edema are also starting to enter clinical sion [14]. The investigators applied a supervised routine. Ultimately, automated quantification of strategy based on principal component analysis LGE, T1, T2, cardiac function and flow could (PCA) to identify patterns of systolic motion that help stratify these hearts according to their risk were most strongly predictive of survival in this or phenotype, as shown by Rayatzadeh et al., cohort with 36% mortality at follow-up. When potentially paving the way for a personalized added to conventional imaging and biomarkers, decision to implant an ICD in a patient [63]. 3D cardiac motion improved survival prediction Congenital heart disease is often hampered by with an AUC of 0.73 versus 0.60, respectively limited numbers of patients and heterogeneous (p < 0.001), and provided greater differentiation populations. As a result, this field could greatly in median survival between high- and low-risk benefit from a computer-assisted approach using groups (13.8 vs. 10.7 years; p < 0.001). This ex- limited datasets and also quantitative flow. Samad emplifies how a machine learning survival model et al. investigated 153 tetralogy of Fallot patients can help discover novel independent predictors of with the aim to predict which patients would outcome from non-standard imaging biomarkers. deteriorate over a median time of 2.7 years (scans Stress perfusion imaging on CMR has en- >6 months apart) [64]. Support vector machine tered the stage after studies have convincingly classifiers including cross-validation to identify shown to be a great alternative for detecting useful variables. The mean AUC for major or mi- ischemia compared to other imaging modalities nor versus no deterioration was 0.82 ± 0.06 and [56, 57]. Furthermore, there have been some for major versus no or minor was 0.77 ± 0.07, exciting studies demonstrating the feasibility of demonstrating the utility of baseline variables quantitation of flow [58]. The ability to quan- that were not uncovered using regression analy- titate, in combination with automation, would ses. Although it is a relatively small study, it is form an immediate useful application. An ex- elegant in that it underscores the potential using ample of near-automation was recently shown less sophisticated algorithms. in a small study using stress perfusion images, demonstrating same diagnostic accuracy of au- tomated compared to manual analysis (AUROC 13.3.4 Nuclear Imaging 0.73 vs. 0.72) [59]. An exciting area of CMR that could signif- As is the case with CT imaging, nuclear imaging icantly influence cardiovascular disease classi- techniques such as single-photon emission com- fication is the ability to noninvasively quantify puted tomography (SPECT) and positron emis- blood flow anywhere in the body, also called sion tomography (PET) are dependent on ioniz- 4D flow [60, 61]. The large amount of data that ing radiation to obtain insight into cardiac struc- is generated per patient with 4D flow imaging ture and function. It is paramount that the low- is currently still posing challenges for the inter- est possible radiation dose be used to enable pretation by human imaging specialists. There- diagnostic evaluation. Several studies have now fore, the field of flow quantification might even been published that utilized CNNs to reconstruct 178 J. Verjans et al. diagnostic images out of low-radiation dose, i.e. likely to undergo percutaneous coronary inter- noisy and blurry, acquired images [65, 66], but vention as opposed to medical therapy alone the proposed methods have not been widely used with an AUC of 0.81 and performed equal to on clinical patient data. or better on this task compared to two expe- Machine learning has been studied, however, rienced observers (AUC, 0.72–0.81) [69]. The with regard to its ability to improve the diagnostic ability of ML to predict the broader outcome accuracy of SPECT myocardial perfusion imag- of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) ing (MPI). Arsanjani and colleagues found sig- up to 3 years after undergoing SPECT MPI was nificant improvements in the diagnostic accuracy studied in 2619 consecutive patients referred for for detection of significant CAD when utilizing clinically indicated exercise or pharmacological a ML algorithm which combined multiple quan- stress MPI [70]. Again, a ML algorithm based titative perfusion and clinical variables [67]. The on 28 clinical, 17 stress test and 25 imaging ML algorithm outperformed both automatically variables outperformed physician expert predic- calculated total stress perfusion deficit (TPD) tion of MACE as well as predictions based on and two expert observers in terms of AUC (0.94 automated determination of stress TPD with an vs. 085–0.89; p < 0.001) for the detection of AUC of 0.81 for ML versus 0.65 for the physician obstructive CAD in 1181 patients referred for expert and 0.73 for TPD. Since MACE can be SPECT MPI. The largest study to date to apply considered subjective to a certain extent, it is deep learning to improve identification of flow- important to assess the ability of ML to improve limiting CAD is by Betancur et al. who devel- prediction of cardiac death. Precisely this prob- oped a CNN trained from obstructive stenosis lem was studied by Haro Alonso et al. in 8321 correlations by invasive coronary angiography to patients who had undergone dual-isotope SPECT estimate the probability of obstructive coronary MPI with adenosine stress and adenosine stress artery disease in the main coronary arteries [68]. with walking at a large US medical centre [71]. In The CNN computed a probability of obstruc- a comprehensive study that included 122 clinical tive CAD in large epicardial coronary vessels and imaging variables, the ability to predict car- without predefined subdivision of the polar MPI diac death was studied using logistic regression map. This network was trained on both raw data (LR) and several ML models. Follow-up duration and quantitative polar MPI maps of 1638 pa- was 3.2 ± 2.0 years. All of the ML algorithms tients without known CAD undergoing 99mTc- outperformed LR in terms of AUC for prediction sestamibi or tetrofosmin MPI. During training, of cardiac death. Best performance was achieved the feature extraction units learn to recognize key using a SVM that yielded an AUC of 0.83 versus polar map features, and the fully connected layers 0.76 for LR. learn how to combine these features to predict per-vessel disease. Multivessel disease prediction was based on the patterns of predicted probabili- 13.3.5 Outcome Prediction Based ties for each vessel. Using the CNN the AUC for on Composite Data identification of significant CAD improved from 80% to 82% at patient level and from 64% to 70% The added value of ML for cardiovascular event at vessel level. Of note, in this study the standard prediction becomes evident when multiple data of reference was the degree of coronary stenosis sources are combined. One of the most sig- as seen on the invasive coronary angiography and nificant studies to appear on this topic is the not invasive FFR. recent work by Ambale-Venkatesh et al. [72] The same group of investigators also studied who used random survival forests ML to iden- the ability of ML to predict early revasculariza- tify the top 20 predictors of death, all cardio- tion and death in patients with suspected CAD. vascular disease, stroke, coronary heart disease, With regard to the outcome of revascularization, heart failure and atrial fibrillation from over 700 the ML algorithm was able to identify patients variables measured in 6814 multi-ethnic study of 13 Cardiovascular Diseases 179 atherosclerosis (MESA) participants, free of car- setting. This is work that requires a dedicated diovascular disease at baseline. In addition to tra- infrastructure as well as dedicated personnel. ditional cardiovascular risk factors, information Here we propose a general solution to this about medication use and several questionnaires problem and show how this solution was imple- were collected, as well as the ankle-brachial in- mented at Utrecht University Medical Center. In dex (ABI), information about coronary calcium, addition to bridging the gap from the lab to the atherosclerotic plaque in the carotid arteries, a clinic, the proposed solution brings more general long list of magnetic resonance imaging and benefits that will be described below. Similar laboratory and electrocardiographic biomarkers. to using a Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA) for Variables from imaging markers, ankle-brachial storage, we propose to build a Vendor Neutral index (ABI) and serum biomarkers were of inter- AI Platform (VNAP) for vendor-neutral clinical mediate to high prediction importance, whereas, implementation of AI. apart from age, traditional risk factors, question- The VNAP infrastructure takes care of the naires and medication exposure were of lower boilerplate activity needed to place an algorithm importance. ECG indices related to the ST seg- in the hands of physicians. Using a standardized ment were of intermediate importance, whereas build process, an algorithm can be containerized other ECG indices had low-intermediate impor- and employed on the VNAP. Containerization tance [72]. This work is important because it has many advantages: it is very straightforward; clearly demonstrates that currently used standard it decouples deployment from the programming risk scores can be improved substantially by language and tools used to implement the al- using so-called deep phenotyping (multiple eval- gorithm or trained neural network (NN); and uations of different aspects of a specific disease it makes the AI implementation independent of process), which facilitates efficient prediction of (changes in) the underlying VNAP infrastructure specific outcomes. In current clinical practice, and also independent of other algorithms, and many of these measures from imaging, biomarker their requirements, simultaneously running on panels and ECG signals are frequently ignored by the VNAP. Importantly, it also allows for version- many clinicians. Although MESA studied sub- ing which is the ability to run a previous ver- jects free of cardiovascular disease at baseline, sion of the algorithm alongside a newer version these findings hold promise for clinical practice on the same patient—a crucial ability that will because many of the collected variables will also likely be a new standard requirement when using be available in patients with suspected and known constantly evolving, learning neural networks in cardiovascular disease. Thus, ML can take into a clinical setting. An important more general account the full breadth and depth of phenotypic benefit is that instead of implementing tens or data and improve our understanding of the deter- hundreds of separate cloud solutions from differ- minants of cardiovascular disease. ent vendors, the IT department only has to take care of one infrastructure and only has to take care of interoperability between one infrastruc- 13.3.6 Deployment of Algorithms ture and the picture archiving and communica- in Clinical Practice tion system (PACS) and the hospital information system (HIS) instead of managing hundreds often Despite the promising developments described fragile connections. For end-users, the advantage above, actual, structural implementation of AI is that only one way of interacting with AI needs in the clinical workflow has, to the best of our to be learned. Lastly, investments in hardware knowledge, not been achieved anywhere. One of upgrades are more easily justified because the the main reasons for this is that it is a lot of whole range of AI applications benefits at once. work, i.e. up to several months per application, The above are the specifications of IMAGR, to transform a scientifically proven technique a UMCU-designed VNAP implementation, into a product that can be used in the clinical built on top of a virtual hardware cluster— 180 J. Verjans et al.

Fig. 13.7 Screenshot of vendor-neutral AI platform user and voxel-wise tissue classes (blood pool, myocardium interface. Cardiac MR examinations are shown with re- and background) after segmentation are shown in the sulting segmentation below the list of studies. Source middle three panels. Right lower panel shows resulting image of the cardiac MRI is shown on left lower panel, three-dimensional rendering distributing CPU and GPU power—from proven the previously unpredictable. The proliferation open-source components, like Apache Airflow, of cardiovascular imaging data, and particularly Celery RabbitMQ, Redis and Docker, which a set of international projects aiming to accu- manage the planning, monitoring and execution mulate large datasets, has overcome this prob- of pipelines of tasks and the associated data flow. lem, making machine learning using big imaging Via IMAGR, any AI or other image processing data a very promising field. The potential impact application, from any vendor or any PhD student, of these predictions on patient health and cost can now be made available on every PACS of treatment could be immense. Clinicians will station, whether for research purposes or for need to prepare for a paradigm shift in the next patient care (Fig. 13.7). decades, from trusting their eye to potentially trusting a prospectively validated ‘black box’ that answers their diagnostic questions. Although 13.3.7 Outlook and Conclusions ML impacts the entire imaging chain, it is our belief that the true impact of AI in the short Imaging modalities, such as echocardiography, term will be in risk prediction algorithms that CT, MRI and nuclear imaging techniques, have guide clinicians. It is clear that machine learning moved beyond the stage of simply imaging the has vast potential to change the way clinicians heart but can now be used to transform the work. 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Hugh Harvey, Andreas Heindl, Galvin Khara, Dimitrios Korkinof, Michael O’Neill, Joseph Yearsley, Edith Karpati, Tobias Rijken, Peter Kecskemethy, and Gabor Forrai

14.1.1 The Breast Cancer Screening 14.1 Background Global Landscape Out of the myriad proposed use-cases for ar- Breast cancer is currently the most frequent tificial intelligence in radiology, breast cancer cancer and the most frequent cause of cancer- screening is perhaps the best known and most re- induced deaths in women in Europe [1]. The searched. Computer aided detection (CAD) sys- favorable results of randomized clinical trials tems have been available for over a decade, have led to the implementation of regional and meaning that the application of more recent deep national population-based screening programmes learning techniques to mammography already for breast cancer in many upper-middle-income has a benchmark against which to compete. For countries since the end of the 1980s [2]. The pri- the most part there is also a behavioral change mary aim of a breast screening programme is to barrier to overcome before deep learning tech- reduce mortality from breast cancer through early nologies are accepted into clinical practice, made detection. Early detection of cancer comprises of even more difficult by CAD’s largely unconvinc- two strategies: screening and early diagnosis. ing performance compared to its promise. In this chapter we discuss the history of breast • Screening involves the systematic application cancer screening, the rise and fall of traditional of a screening test for a specific cancer in CAD systems, and explore the different deep an asymptomatic population in order to detect learning techniques and their associated common and treat early cancer or pre-cancerous health challenges. conditions before they become a threat to the well-being of the individual or the community. Mammography is the cornerstone of breast H. Harvey () · A. Heindl · G. Khara · D. Korkinof · cancer screening and is widely offered as a M.O’Neill·J.Yearsley·E.Karpati·T.Rijken· P. Kecskemethy public health policy on a routine basis. Kheiron Medical Technologies, London, UK • Early diagnosis is based on improved public e-mail: [email protected] and professional awareness (particularly at G. Forrai the primary health care level) of signs and European Society of Breast Imaging, Vienna, Austria symptoms associated with cancer, improved e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 187 E. R. Ranschaert et al. (eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging, 188 H. Harvey et al.

health-care-seeking behavior, prompt clinical and an increase in interval cancers downstream. assessment, and early referral of suspected According to Fletcher [9], false positive test cancer cases, such that appropriate diagnostic results increase when technology increases sen- investigations and treatment can be rapidly sitivity but decreases specificity. While the use instituted leading to improved mortality of more sensitive and less specific technology outcomes. Indeed, all developed European may be appropriate for patients at very high risk countries have incorporated nationwide of developing cancer (such as those with BRCA organized screening programmes, starting mutations or untested women with first-degree from the 1980s. relatives with BRCA mutations) use of these tests are not appropriate for general populations Breast cancer screening using mammography at lower risk. In Europe, cancer detection rates has been proven to be the most effective single are similar to those in the USA [10], but Euro- imaging tool at the population level for detecting pean frequency of false positives is lower [11], breast cancer in its earliest and most treatable which we may assume are due to differences stage [3]. However, according to a review by in the medico-legal environment, existence of Boyer et al. [4], the limiting factors with the double reporting programmes, guidelines for ap- use of mammography are the breast’s structure propriate false positive rates, and more standard- (high density) and the fact that mammography ized training requirements for mammographic is difficult to interpret, even for experts. As a readers. consequence mistakes during interpretation may occur due to fatigue, lack of attention, failure in detection or interpretation, and can lead to signif- A Brief History of UK Breast Screening icant inter and intra-observer variation. There are as many missed lesions when they have not been • 1986: In the UK, Professor Sir Patrick seen (i.e., reading errors) as when they have been Forrest produced the “Forrest report,” incorrectly judged (i.e., decision errors) [5]. The commissioned by the forward thinking reported rate of missed cancers varies from 16 to Health Secretary, Kenneth Clarke. Hav- 31% [6]. To reduce this rate, double-reading of ing taken evidence on the effectiveness screening mammograms by two independent ex- of breast cancer screening from several perts was introduced in some programs. Blinded international trials (America, Holland, double-reading reportedly reduces false negative Sweden, Scotland, and the UK), Forrest results and the average radiologist can expect concluded that the NHS should set up a an 8–14% gain in sensitivity and a 4–10% in- national breast screening program. crease in specificity with double-reading pair- • 1988: This was swiftly incorporated into ing [7]. This is not surprising considering that practice, and by 1988 the NHS had the double readers are often more specialized, and world’s first invitation-based breast can- read a larger volume of cases per year. Double- cer screening program. “Forrest units” reading is now well established in many Eu- were set up across the UK for screening ropean countries, whereas in the USA, where women between 50 and 64 years old double-reading is not mandatory, single-reading who were invited every 3 years for a programmes with ad-hoc non-invitational screen- standard mammogram (two compressed ing are more common. views of each breast). The most common direct harm associated with • 2000: With the advent of digital errors in mammography are false positive test mammography, medical imaging data results [8] which cause additional work and costs became available in a format amenable for health care providers, and emotional stress to computational analysis. and worry for patients. Patient harms arise from false negatives, leading to delays in diagnosis (continued) 14 Deep Learning in Breast Cancer Screening 189

spite convincing evidence that double-reading is • 2004: Researchers developed what be- simply better. The cost-inefficiency of double- came known as CAD, using feature- reading, however, is a tempting target for policy engineered programs to highlight abnor- makers looking to trim expenditure. malities on mammograms. These sys- Initially, CAD was optimistically seen as a tems use hand-crafted features such as tool that would augment the radiologist, help- breast density, parenchymal texture, the ing lower the potential to miss cancers on a presence of a mass or microcalcifica- mammogram (false negatives) and reducing the tions to determine whether or not a frequency of false positives. Ultimately, CAD cancer might be present. They were de- was positioned as a means to improve the eco- signed to alert a radiologist to the pres- nomic outcomes of screening by tackling both ence of a specific feature by attempting of these challenges. It made use of some of the to mimic an expert’s decision-making most advanced techniques for the time during its process by highlighting regions on a boom in the late 1990s. The most common user mammogram according to recognized interface of CAD is that of overlaid markings characteristics. on top of a mammography image indicating the • 2012: Ongoing analysis of the screening areas which the CAD has processed and detected program proved the benefit of widening as potentially representing a malignant feature. the age range for invitation to screening While there are different systems on the market, to between 47 and 73 years old. they provide broadly similar outputs. • 2014: The UK system was now success- Feature extraction utilizes machine recogni- fully discovering over 50% of the fe- tion of hand-engineered visual motifs. An early male population’s breast cancers (within example is ImageChecker M1000 which detected the target age range) before they be- spiculated lesions by identifying radiating lines came symptomatic. Screening is now emerging from a 6-mm center within a 32-mm the internationally recognized hallmark circle [13]. While this helped the method to be for best practice. interpretable it also led to significant detection limitations that manifested in a greater number of false positives as it struggled to account for all eventualities. Once the features are extracted another 14.1.2 The Rise and Fall of CAD method is used to decide, based on those features, whether an area is malignant or not. Rise: The Premise and Promise Such discriminators are traditionally rule based, The success of screening programs has driven decisions trees, support-vector machines, or both demand and costs, with an estimated 37 multi-layer . An example of this million mammograms now being performed each could be a simple rule such as “if spiculated year in the USA alone [12]. There are conse- mass present then cancer.” These methods have quently not enough human radiologists to keep many issues due to their oversimplification of the up with the workload. The situation is even more underlying problem. pressured in European countries where double- reading essentially requires that the number of ra- diologists per case is double than that of the USA. How Does CAD Perform? The shortage of expensive specialized breast ra- There is a wide body of literature examining diologists is getting so acute that murmurs of the performance of different CAD systems, most reducing the benchmark of double-reading to commonly ImageChecker (R2, now Hologic) and single-reading in the UK are being uttered, de- iCAD SecondLook. These studies used several 190 H. Harvey et al. different methodologies, so direct comparisons Taylor and Potts [17] performed a meta- between them are difficult. In this section we analysis to estimate impact of CAD and double- review the most seminal of these works, noting reading respectively on odds ratios for cancer the differences in methodologies, sample sizes, detection and recall rates. Meta-analysis included outcome measurements, and conclusions. The 10 studies comparing single-reading with CAD variation in these studies makes for a somewhat to single-reading and 17 studies comparing heterogeneous overall picture, with some studies double to single-reading. All studies were strongly advocating for the use of CAD, and published between 1991 and 2008. Despite others showing no significant benefits [14]. an evident heterogeneity between the studies, Gilbert et al. [15] conducted a trial to evidences were sufficient to claim that double- determine whether the performance of a single reading increases cancer detection rate and that reader using a CAD (ImageChecker) would double-reading with arbitration does so while match the performance achieved by two readers. lowering recall rate. However, evidences were 28,204 subjects were screened in this prospective insufficient to claim that CAD improves cancer study. Authors reported similar cancer detection detection rates, while CAD clearly increased rates, sensitivity, specificity, and positive recall rate. When comparing CAD and double- predictive value after single-reading with CAD reading with arbitration, authors did not find a and after double-reading, and a higher recall difference in cancer detection rate, but double- rate after single-reading with CAD. Finally, no reading with arbitration showed a significantly difference was found in pathological attributes better recall rate. Based on these findings, authors between tumors detected by single-reading with concluded that the best current evidence shows CAD alone and those detected by double-reading grounds for preferring double-reading to single- alone. The authors concluded that single-reading reading with CAD. with CAD could be an alternative to double- Noble et al. [18] aimed to assess the diag- reading, especially for the detection of small nostic performance of a CAD (ImageChecker) breast cancers where the double-reading remains for screening mammography in terms of sensi- the best method, and could improve the rate of tivity, specificity, incremental recall, and cancer detection of cancer from screening mammograms diagnosis rates. This meta-analysis was based read by a single reader. on the results of three retrospective studies and A second prospective analysis called four prospective studies published between 2001 CADETII published by the same group [16] and 2008. Authors reported strong heterogene- was conducted to evaluate the mammographic ity in the results between the different studies. features of breast cancer that favor lesion They supposed that several environmental factors detection with single-reading and CAD or with could influence the CAD performances, includ- double-reading. Similar results were obtained ing accuracy and experience of radiologist, i.e., for patients in whom the predominant radiologic very accurate radiologists may have a smaller feature was either a mass or a microcalcification. incremental cancer detection rate using CAD However, authors reported superior performance than less accurate or less experienced radiologists for double-reading in the detection of cancers because they would miss fewer cases of cancer that manifested as parenchymal deformities and without CAD. Radiologists who are more confi- superior performance for single-reading with dent in their interpretation skills may also be less CAD in the detection of cancers that manifested likely to recall healthy women primarily based as asymmetric densities, suggesting that for more upon CAD findings. On the other hand, less challenging cancer cases, both reading protocols confident mammographers concerned about false have strengths and weaknesses. However, there negative readings may recommend the recall of a was a small but significant relative difference greater proportion of healthy women when CAD in recall rates of 18% between the two study is employed. Based on these findings, it was groups. difficult to draw conclusions on the beneficial 14 Deep Learning in Breast Cancer Screening 191 impact of using a CAD for screening mammog- gist only. Comparing the findings in the different raphy. reading strategies showed that double-reading Karssemeijer et al. [19] conducted a resulted in a higher sensitivity at the cost of a prospective study to compare full field digital lower specificity, whereas pre-reading resulted mammography (FFDM) reading using CAD in a higher specificity at the cost of a lower (ImageChecker) with screen film mammography sensitivity. In addition, the results of the present (SFM) in a population-based breast cancer study demonstrated that systematic application of screening program for initial and subsequent CAD software in a clinical population failed to screening examinations. In total, 367,600 improve the performance of both radiologist and screening examinations were performed and technologist readers. In conclusion, this study results similar to previous studies were reported, does not support the use of CAD in the detection i.e., the detection of ductal carcinoma in situ and of breast cancers. microcalcification clusters improved with FFDM Sohns et al. [22] conducted a retrospective using CAD, while the recall rate increased. In study to assess the clinical usefulness of conclusion, this study supports the use of a CAD ImageChecker in the interpretation of early to assist a single reader in centralized screening research, benign, and malignant mammograms. programs for the detection of breast cancers. 303 patients were analyzed by three single Destounis et al. [20] conducted a retrospective readers with different experience with and study to evaluate the ability of the CAD without the CAD. Authors reported that the ImageChecker to identify breast carcinoma three readers could increase their accuracy by in standard mammographic projections based the aid of the CAD system with the strongest on the analysis of 45 biopsy-proven lesions benefit for the less experienced reader. They and 44 screening BIRADS category 1 digital also reported that the increase of accuracy was mammography examinations which were used as strongly dependent on the readers’ experience. a comparative normal/control population. CAD In conclusion, this study supported the use of a demonstrated a lesion/case sensitivity of 87%. CAD in the interpretation of mammograms for The image sensitivity was found to be 69% in the the detection of breast cancers especially for less MLO (mediolateral oblique) view, and 78% in experienced readers. the CC (craniocaudal) view. For this evaluation, Murakami et al. [23] assessed, in a retrospec- CAD was able to detect all lesion types across tive study including 152 patients, the usefulness the range of breast densities supporting the use of of the iCAD SecondLook in the detection of a CAD to assist in the detection of breast cancers. breast cancers. Authors reported that the use of van den Biggelaar et al. [21] prospectively a CAD system with digital mammography (DM) aimed to assess the impact of different mammo- could identify 91% of breast cancers with a high gram reading strategies on the diagnosis of breast sensitivity for cancers manifesting as calcifica- cancer in 1048 consecutive patients referred for tions (100%) or masses (98%). Of particular digital mammography to a hospital (i.e., symp- interest, authors also reported that sensitivity was tomatic, not a screening population). The follow- maintained for cancers with a histopathology for ing reading strategies were implemented: single- which the sensitivity of mammography is known reading by a radiologist with or without CAD to be lower (i.e., invasive lobular carcinomas (iCAD Second Look), breast technologists em- and small neoplasms). In conclusion, this study ployed as pre-readers or double readers. Au- supported the use of a CAD as an effective thors reported that the strategy of double-reading tool for assisting the diagnosis of early breast mammograms by a radiologist and a technologist cancer. obtained the highest diagnostic yield in this pa- Cole et al. [24] aimed to assess the im- tient population, as compared to the strategy of pact of two CAD systems on the performance pre-reading by technologists or the conventional of radiologists with digital mammograms. 300 strategy of mammogram reading by the radiolo- cases were retrospectively reviewed by 14 and 192 H. Harvey et al.

15 radiologists using respectively the iCAD Sec- So Why Did CAD “Fail”? ondLook and the R2 Image Checker. Authors In the USA the use of CAD systems earns ra- reported that although both CADs increased area diologists extra reimbursement (varying between under the curve (AUC) and sensitivity of the 15 and 40, but trending downwards due to recent readers, the average differences observed were bundling of billing codes). Such reimbursement not statistically significant. Cole et al. concluded has undoubtedly incentivized clinical uptake in that radiologists rarely changed their diagnostic a payer system. As a result, the use of CAD in decision after the addition of CAD, regardless of US screening has effectively prevented adoption which CAD system was used. of double-reading (which would be more costly); A study conducted by Bargalló et al. [25] however, with the performance of CAD systems aimed to assess the impact of shifting from a coming into disrepute, some have questioned if standard double-reading plus arbitration protocol monetarily favoring the use of such a system is to a single-reading by experienced radiologists economically correct when their accuracy and assisted by CAD in a breast cancer screening efficacy is in doubt [27]. program. During the 8 years of this prospec- As discussed above, many published studies tive study, 47,462 consecutive screening mam- have yielded ambiguous results; however, mograms were reviewed. As main findings, the most found the use of CAD to be associated authors reported an increase of the cancer detec- with a higher sensitivity, but lower specificity. tion rate in the period when the single reader was Sanchez et al. [28] observed similar trends in assisted by a CAD (iCAD SecondLook), which a Spanish screening population, where CAD could be even higher depending on the experi- by itself produced a sensitivity of 84% and a ence of the radiologist, i.e., specialized breast corresponding specificity of 13.2%. Freer and radiologists performed better than general radi- Ulissey [29] found the use of CAD caused ologists. The recall rate was slightly increased a recall rate increase of 1.2% with a 19.5% during the period when the single reader was as- increase in the number of cancers detected. These sisted by a CAD (iCAD SecondLook). However, studies were on CADs that analyzed screen film this increase could be, according to the authors, mammograms which were digitized, and not related to the absence of arbitration which was FFDM. Others [30] found that the use of CAD responsible for the strong reduction of recall rate on FFDM detected 93% of calcifications, and in the double reader protocol. In conclusion, this 92% of masses, at a cost of 2.3 false positive study supported the use of a CAD to assist a marks per case on average. single reader in centralized screening programs Despite heterogeneous results, by 2008 for the detection of breast cancers. over 70% of screening hospitals in the USA Lehman et al. [26] aimed to measure perfor- had adopted CAD [31]. This widespread mance of digital screening mammography with adoption, coupled with a lack of definitive and without CAD (unidentified manufacturer) positive evidence with CAD usage in a screening in US community practice. Authors compared setting, has resulted in some skepticism among retrospectively accuracies of digital screening radiologists. This all coming at a cost of over mammography interpreted with (N = 495,818) $400 million a year in the USA [32]. In essence, and without (N = 129,807) CAD. Authors while CAD was sometimes shown to improve did not report any improvement in sensitivity, sensitivity, it often decreased specificity, leading specificity, recall rates, except for the detection to distraction of radiologists by having to check of intraductal carcinoma when the CAD was used false positive markings [33], and increasing and concluded that there was no beneficial impact recall rates. Conversely, in Europe, CAD uptake of using CAD for mammography interpretation. is under 10%, and human double-reading is far This study did not support the use of CAD in more widespread, with significantly lower recall breast cancer detection in a screening setting. rates. 14 Deep Learning in Breast Cancer Screening 193

Table 14.1 Reported and minimum human-level performance for mammography reading Source Sensitivity Specificity Computer aids and human second reading as interventions in 87.3% 91.4% screening mammography: two systematic reviews to compare effects on cancer detection and recall rate [26] US national performance benchmarks for modern screening digital 87% 89% mammography [34] Minimally acceptable interpretive performance criteria for screening 75% 88% mammography [35] Criteria for identifying radiologists with acceptable screening ≥80% ≥85% mammography interpretive performance [36] Breast cancer surveillance consortium US digital screening 84% 91% mammography [37]

The technical reason for CADs inability to Any cancers missed or falsely flagged by CAD perform at the level of a human reader (Ta- have significant downstream costs on both the ble 14.1) is due to the underlying algorithms’ health care system and patient welfare—and in lack of flexibility in predicting the diverse range summary make CAD technologically insufficient of abnormalities that arise biologically in the for making a positive net impact. Thus, the ul- breast. Microcalcifications are morphologically timate goal of future software based on deep completely different to masses, and each has their learning is to detect malignancies and diagnose own family of subclasses with distinct shapes, screening cases at a level that undoubtedly sup- sizes, and orientations. Architectural distortions ports radiologists, which is at or beyond the exhibit even more subtlety. Disappointment was level of an experienced single reader’s average inevitable due to this huge level of variation, performance. This will ensure that when used to coupled with the fact that traditional CAD algo- support a single-reader setting, diagnostic time rithms have to account for all of these structural is minimized, with a minimum number of false and contextual differences explicitly in the form positive marks. Such a system could ensure that of hand-engineered features (which themselves sensitivity and specificity is not sacrificed if the are based on heuristics or mathematical pixel second read in a double reader program is carried distributions). Deep learning algorithms do not out by a deep learning system. Perhaps most suffer from this problem, as they adaptively learn importantly, the reduction in false positives could useful features depending on the task at hand lead to significant benefits to health care costs by themselves (at the expense of requiring more and patient outcomes. This opens up the possi- computational power and more data to train, with bility of implementing cost-effective screening a potential decrease in interpretability). Despite programs in developing countries, where the lack this no system has yet reported both superior of trained radiologists makes it impossible in the stand-alone sensitivity and specificity for even current climate. the minimum acceptance criteria. Regardless of whether CAD adoption has re- sulted in a net positive or negative to a radiol- 14.1.3 A Brief History of Deep ogist’s workflow, a number of facts cannot be Learning for Mammography disputed. Traditional CAD by itself is not capable of replicating performance similar to a radiolo- The first successful application of deep learning gist, thus a significant portion of a radiologist’s in mammography dates back to 1996 [38]. The time is spent either discarding areas marked by authors proposed a patch-based system that is the system due to its high false positive rate, or able to detect the presence of a mass in regions second guessing a CAD’s false negative misses. of interest (ROI). The decision of inspecting 194 H. Harvey et al. mammograms by extracting small patches was ently contrasted original input images. In parallel motivated by the limited amount of computa- to the full image analysis, the authors suggest us- tional resources available at that time. These ing a second patch-based network. Both outputs early deep learning systems were not designed are later combined using a random forest that to detect microcalcifications because the authors computes the final probability of cancer and the referred to previous publications that claimed that location of the suspected abnormality. The study existing CAD can detect them reliably enough. did not provide any details on the proprietary Subsequently it took some years of development dataset (for example, the hardware manufacturer, on the hardware side until researchers got inter- the distribution of lesion types, etc.) ested again in deep learning-based approaches. Compared to the aforementioned approaches, Dhungel et al. [39], and Ertosun and Rubin [40] Kim et al. [46] propose a setup that is based on can be accredited with starting off the new wave pure data-driven features from raw mammograms of deep learning with hybrid approaches, com- without any lesion annotations. An interesting bining traditional machine learning with deep observation that the authors make is that their learning. The former suggested a cascaded CNN- study yielded a better sensitivity on samples based approach followed by a random forest and with a mass rather than calcifications, something classical image post-processing. The latter pub- which contradicts previous reports utilizing tradi- lished a two-stage deep learning system where tional CAD methodologies [47]. In order to over- the first classifies whether the image contains a come vendor-specific image characteristics, the mass, and the second localizes these masses. authors applied random perturbation of the pixel In 2015 Carneiro et al. [41] achieved signif- intensity. Differences in diagnostic performance icant improvement for mass and microcalcifica- on different hardware vendors was attributed to tion detection by using deep learning networks underlying differences in the distribution of ma- that were pre-trained on ImageNet which is a lignant cases for each vendor. One limitation collection of about 14 million annotated real- of the proposed approach is that benign cases life images. Deep neural networks seemed to were excluded completely, which is obviously be able to learn robust high-level features de- problematic when comparing results to a real- spite the significant differences in image content. world clinical setting. Furthermore the authors made use of multiple views (MLO and CC) without pre-registration of the input images. Evaluation was done on the 14.2 Goals for Automated InBreast [42] and DDSM [43] datasets. Systems In 2017 Kooi et al. [44] published a deep learning-based approach trained on a much larger Automated systems designed to assist radiol- dataset of 45,000 images. Again, the authors ogists in mammographic screening have three proposed patch-based deep learning approach high-level tasks to achieve. that focused on the detection of solid malig- nant lesions including architectural distortions, thus ignoring cysts or fibroadenomata. A small 14.2.1 Recall Decision Support reader study showed that their algorithm had sim- ilar patch-level performance as three experienced The goal in screening is to make a decision about readers. whether to recall a patient for further assessment In the same year Teare et al. [45] described a or not. This, in essence, is a high-level binary complex network that can deal with three classes output from a human radiologist for each and encountered in mammography (normal, benign, every screening case they read. Recall rates vary malignant). Their approach encompasses a full between different screening programmes, tend- image-based analysis where an enhanced input ing to be higher in the USA than in Europe and image is derived by a composition of three differ- very low in Northern Europe. The UK guidelines 14 Deep Learning in Breast Cancer Screening 195 suggest a recall rate as low as <5–7% is achiev- AUCof0.96ontheInBreast dataset and 0.3 false able [48], whereas in the USA recall rates of up positives per image at a sensitivity of 90%. These to 15% have been reported [49]. results show a significant improvement on earlier Assuming an autonomous system can achieve CAD performance; however, the recall rates for a very high (99%) sensitivity at a suitable recall these newer deep learning systems are not yet rate, the possibility of triaging opens up, thus known, and again, human-level performance in aiding screening units in optimizing their work- recall decision-making is not yet met. Unfor- flow. tunately, the fact that these assessments were A powerful-enough software system learning performed on datasets of limited quality limits from the past failures of CAD could be used to the conclusiveness of the results. act as an effective second reader if its sensitiv- ity and specificity is good enough (most likely requiring performance at or beyond the level of 14.2.2 Lesion Localization a human reader). Because of the vastly different performance, this setup is qualitatively different A binary recall decision is of limited inter- from CADs of the past in that they don’t directly pretability, and begs the question “How can we support a single reader but actually act as a reader know what the decision was based on?”. For themselves, although with vastly different “way each recall decision, it would be both useful and of thinking” (capabilities and error profiles) than reassuring to see the suspicious regions that led radiologists, thus complementing radiologists. to the decision. Ideally the algorithm would not In 2016, the DREAM challenge was set up, only be able to discriminate between normal and inviting deep learning researchers to develop sys- suspicious regions, but would also be able to tems to detect breast cancers on a proprietary display where these features are present on the dataset for a monetary grand prize. The input image. This process is called localization. data consisted of around 640,000 images of both Traditional CAD systems offered this kind breasts and, if available, previous screening ex- of localization. However, as discussed in ams of the same subject, clinical/demographic Sect. these systems were undiscerning, information such as race, age, and family history generating so many false positives as to render of breast cancer. The winning team (Therapixel, the localizations almost meaningless. Deep- France) attained a specificity of 80.8% at a set CNNs are also capable of localization and top sensitivity of 80% (AUC 0.87) [50]. This rep- the leader-boards of all the (non-radiological) resented the first public competition to apply major localization challenges such as PASCAL deep learning to screening mammography. How- VOC, COCO, and ImageNet. It is natural that ever, none of the entrants, including the winners, they be applied to digital mammography too. reached close to the performance of single human Most attempts to perform localization in mam- reading radiologists (Table 14.1). This may have mography with deep learning algorithms have been due to issues in the underlying data, its taken a patch-based approach [41,44,52–54]. At labeling, limitations in the competition design, or training time, individual patches are sampled and more simply availability of mature deep learning cropped from a full sized image and fed through a techniques in radiology at this relatively early CNN to produce class predictions for each patch time for the field. (for example, malignant mass, benign mass, or Teare et al. [45] report a case-wise AUC of background). At test time, the network can be 0.92, with a sensitivity of 91%, and specificity slid incrementally over the image to ensure full of 80.4%. Kim et al. [46] report an AUC of 0.90, prediction coverage. The patch-based approach with their case-wise decisions being derived from mitigates the difficulty of fitting full-sized mam- summations of individual lesion detection. Ribli mograms into memory. However, it also suf- et al. [51] trained a network to segment lesions fers two major drawbacks. Firstly, by cropping achieving an AUC of 0.85. They also showed an patches from the full image we are asking the 196 H. Harvey et al. network to base its classification decision on a In semantic segmentation the goal is to clas- small fraction of the available context. Imagine sify each individual pixel in an image as be- cutting out a section of irregular parenchyma longing to one class or another. In order to do from an image and trying to decide whether it this, the low-resolution encoding of the image is normal tissue or a mass. To make a reasoned produced by the contracting network of the CNN judgment, we need to “take a step back” and backbone must be gradually expanded back to study the whole surrounding area. What looks full image resolution. This can be achieved by normal in a fibrous parenchyma may be a clear appending a number of subsequent layers to the anomaly in a fatty breast. The result is typically a CNN backbone, with the pooling operations of large number of false positives when the patches these layers replaced by up-sampling operations. are re-combined back into the full image. The In order to recover the location specific informa- second major drawback is the inefficiency of tion lost during the pooling operations in the con- the process. A significant amount of redundant tracting path, high resolution features from the computation is performed over the overlapping contracting path must be re-combined with the regions of the input patches. up-sampled feature maps via skip connections. The current state of the art in deep learning Ronneberger et al. [59] had breakthrough suc- localization does not include patch-based meth- cess with the application of such a segmentation ods. Rather, it is semantic segmentation [55], network to biomedical images, winning the ISBI object detection [56–58], and instance segmen- cell tracking challenge 2015 by a large margin. tation approaches (Fig. 14.1) that top the leader- Variants of this network are also being applied in boards of the big public dataset challenges. These digital mammography [60, 61]. approaches all consider the full image rather than Semantic segmentation cannot distinguish be- cropped patches. This allows them to overcome tween separate instances of each class, for ex- the two major drawbacks of the patch-based ample, if there were two masses in the image, approach: the network now sees the full context the algorithm would not tell you which pixels of the image, and the forward pass computation belonged to the first mass and which to the is highly amortized over overlapping regions of second, but would simply say “here are all the the image. mass pixels.” In object detection, the goal is to

Fig. 14.1 Comparison of the three state-of-the-art local- via bounding boxes. In (c) approaches (a)and(b)are ization approaches in deep learning. In (a) each pixel is combined by providing bounding boxes and pixel-level classified as one class or another (here mass vs back- labels for each separate mass instance ground). In (b) each mass instance is separately identified 14 Deep Learning in Breast Cancer Screening 197 separately identify each instance of each class. phy has been the proportion of the mammogram However, unlike semantic segmentation, this is that is opaque, referred to as percent density not done on the pixel level. Often, some sort of (PD). In area-based PD, opacity is judged by selective search is used to generate region pro- simple thresholding of image pixel values, while posals with a high “objectness” score [56,57,62], volume-based PD (Volpara) also considers the and this is followed by a classifier head to predict thickness of the dense tissue by making use of the a class probability for each proposed region, and unthresholded pixel values. Opinions differ as to a regressor head to adjust shapes of the bounding which approach, area or volume-based PD, is the boxes that define each region for more precise better. Shepherd [68] concluded that volumetric localization. Ribli et al. [51] came runner up PD methods are better predictors of breast cancer in the digital mammography DREAM challenge risk than area-based PD, while others have con- using the Faster-RCNN object detection network cluded the opposite [69, 70]. [56] (although the challenge was actually based While PD is an important risk factor, there is on case-wise recall decision, the high sensitivity growing evidence to suggest that texture char- and specificity of the localizations meant that the acteristics, which are not necessarily correlated case-wise label could also be reliably inferred). with PD, may also be an indicator [71]. In- Instance segmentation combines the pixel- deed, a key recent result from the University level detail of semantic segmentation with the of Manchester’s PROCAS trial, set up with the instance-level aspect of object detection. It aim of predicting patient risk at screening, was classifies each pixel according to both class that texture features could in fact be a more and instance. In other words, it tells you powerful risk indicator than PD methods [72]. “here are all the masses, and here are all the Similar conclusions have been drawn previously pixels that belong to each one.” This approach by others [73–75]. The recognition of texture extends object detection by including a semantic characteristics as an important risk indicator has segmentation branch in parallel with the classifier led to the adoption of classification systems that and bounding box regression branches. For each classify breasts not only according to the pro- detected object, we now get a refined bounding portion of fibroglandular tissue, but also its dis- box, a class probability, and a segmentation tribution (e.g., “scattered” or “heterogeneously mask. The state of the art in this task is the dense”). Two such systems are the BI-RADS Mask-RCNN network [63], the direct descendant density scale (Fig. 14.2) and the parenchymal of Faster-RCNN, although as of yet there pattern (PP) scale (Fig. 14.3) developed by Pro- are no reported results of this network on fessor Tabar [77]. mammography datasets. Whether breast cancer risk is best assessed by PD or texture-based approaches, or a com- bination of the two, is still a matter of ongoing 14.2.3 Density Stratification and Risk research. What is clear is that a major downside Prediction of these methods is that they rely on rigid, hand- crafted features based on simple pixel intensi- It is widely accepted that the density of breast ties (and in the case of texture, the gray-level tissue—that is, the proportion of fibroglandular to co-occurrence matrix of neighboring pixels or fatty tissue in the breast—is a strong hindrance to Gaussian features [78]). This introduces a lot of the detection of breast cancer due to the potential human bias, as well as trial and error to identify for lesions to hide in a high density background which features are the most effective. [64–66]. It is estimated that 26% of breast can- With deep learning approaches, instead of cers in woman under the age of 55 are attributable needing to decide on a set of features to use a to breast density over 50% (independent of other priori, the most salient features to use are learned risk factors such as age) [67]. A widely used directly from the data, and are specifically tai- measure of breast density in digital mammogra- lored to the task at hand. In addition, the features 198 H. Harvey et al.

Fig. 14.2 BI-RADS density scale. Reproduced with kind permission from the American College of Radiology [76]

Fig. 14.3 Tabar Parenchymal Patterns (PP). Reproduced with kind permission from Professor Tabar [77] learned by deep learning algorithms are signifi- sification tasks at once (Fig. 14.4). Both works cantly richer than the crude PD or GCLM-based reported human-level accuracies on these tasks features. In particular, they are highly specialized compared with a consensus of radiologists. for discriminating between different patterns and These results highlight the potential of deep textures. It is unsurprising therefore that deep learning to improve risk assessment in breast can- learning algorithms are already being applied to cer screening based on tissue density. Not only great effect in density and PP estimation. For are deep neural networks highly adept at learning example, Wu et al. [79] trained a CNN to classify the types of feature used in traditional PD and breasts according to the BI-RADS density scale. texture-based approaches, they also have the flex- O’Neill (Kheiron Medical Technologies) pre- ibility to learn any other (perhaps more subtle) sented at RSNA 2017 on how a CNN-based risk indicators present in the mammogram. They model could be applied equally effectively to BI- offer the potential therefore, of a single unified RADS and PP classification, and that best results approach to breast cancer risk assessment that is were obtained by jointly training for both clas- both consistent and accurate. 14 Deep Learning in Breast Cancer Screening 199

Fig. 14.4 ROC curves for 1.0 the four density classes, taking ground truth as the multi-center radiologist 0.8 consensus. The model was trained jointly with BI-RADS and PP labels. 0.6 The lower AUC for classes B and C is likely due to noisy labels—these classes 0.4 are the hardest for radiologists to distinguish True Positive Rate A (AUC = 0.98) between 0.2 B (AUC = 0.89) C (AUC = 0.90) D (AUC = 0.98) 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 False Positive Rate

which is possible to train on. The positives of this 14.3 Deep Learning Challenges method include preserving the contextual infor- Specific to Mammography mation contained in the image, and not requir- ing localized pixel-level labels for classification 14.3.1 Memory Constraints tasks. As long as the down-sampling does not and Image Size destroy the presence of important visual features, it is the most likely route to successful classi- The majority of deep neural networks for im- fication. However, it is not without drawbacks. age perception tasks in the public domain were As mentioned previously, most successful CNN designed for images with a maximum size of architectures were designed on much smaller im- 299 × 299. This is vastly different to FFDM, age sizes. Researchers must be consider whether which are orders of magnitude greater in height, the maximum receptive fields (the maximum re- width, and total pixel count. This increase in gion of the image which contributes to a neurons image size comes at a hefty design cost when activation in the final convolutional layer of a developing such algorithms for mammography. CNN) of these architectures is large enough to As the amount of RAM available on the majority span the necessary contextual information. If of high-end GPUs is currently 12 GB, one full this receptive field is too small (or too large), a resolution image is too large to train on with any significant amount of network redesign may be CNN architecture that has yielded the state-of- necessary, which is particularly difficult in the the-art results on the ImageNet challenge over case of more sophisticated architectures (such the past 6 years. This problem has traditionally as inception and resnets). Also, much smaller been tackled by down-sampling the image to a batch sizes are possible when training on down- smaller resolution, or splitting the image up into sampled images, which may affect training. smaller constituent patches. Both approaches are There are other, more sophisticated, ways to highlighted in Fig. 14.5. get around the trade-off between network depth, Patch-based approaches are by far the most image, and batch size. These include advanced common way to overcome the intractable com- methods which look explicitly at the execution of putational requirements of full resolution digi- training with deep learning models, with check- tal mammograms. The limitations of these have pointed memory management. The intermediate been discussed in Sect. 14.2.2. results are usually required for the commonly Another approach to solving issues with large used back propagation method of updating net- image sizes is to down-sample the image to a size work weights [81]. Another method introduced 200 H. Harvey et al.

Fig. 14.5 A comparison between downscaling a full mammogram or cropping full resolution patches. If the proportion of down-sampling is too high, important visual features may be lost. Reproduced with kind permission from [80]

(and getting a lot of attention recently) are re- and such choices are a key factor in determining versible networks [82], where one can com- a models success. pute the gradient without storing a majority of the network’s activations, decreasing memory re- quirements by replacing activations with simple 14.3.2 Data Access and Quality mathematical operations. Looking towards the future, as more advanced Researchers have access to several public and techniques emerge, and more powerful GPUs restricted image databases. However, quantity, are designed, researchers will still grapple with quality, and availability of metadata and clinical similar memory limitations. A variety of exciting data vary a lot between those datasets. For ex- avenues are yet to be explored, including the pos- ample, scanned hard copy films may not be use- sibility of considering a patients entire screening ful for developing state-of-the-art digital mam- history, or genetic information, when making a mography algorithms. One of the more popu- recall decision. Thus design choices similar to lar databases is DDSM which is available to those described above will need to be considered, the general public containing more than 10,000 14 Deep Learning in Breast Cancer Screening 201 images. Unfortunately, the quality of the digi- 14.3.3 Data Issues During Training tized films does not match that of FFDM [51] and the provided annotations are not as accurate It is very rarely possible to collect a dataset that as they should be for training machine learn- is perfectly balanced with respect to different ing systems (e.g., 339 images contain annota- classes and features, completely unbiased and tions although the masses are not clearly visible plentiful. Even where this is possible, it can be [83]). An up-to-date and better curated version very expensive and time-consuming. More often of DDSM was published more recently [83]. At than not, researchers need to carefully consider the time of writing, only one group has published the imperfections of the datasets in order to work on the new release of DDSM [84]. The achieve the desired results. second most frequently cited database is MIAS, however, compared to DDSM it lacks samples. Dataset Imbalance Furthermore, offering only 8-bit images is no It is frequently the case in medical imaging that longer state of the art, therefore we can only the class we are most interested in accurately assume that this dataset will not be useful for fu- predicting is also the least frequent one. For ture deep learning projects. The InBreast dataset example, the prevalence of breast cancer in a is also often used as a benchmark as it consists screening population is between 0.6 and 1.0%. of annotated FFDM images. However, with 115 Assuming a dataset consists of standard views cases it is rather small, cannot be considered (CC and MLO) for each breast and that observing representative of real-world inputs, and is not malignancies in both sides is relatively rare, it is suitable to assess the performance of algorithms possible that as many as 99.7% of the images in real-world settings. will be benign. Naturally, developers wish to There are many other mammography datasets, take advantage of all the available images, but with varying volume and quality. Table 14.2 severe class imbalance causes problems during summarizes the most popular of these publicly model training. Some of the main issues can be available data sources. identified as follows.

Table 14.2 Commonly used mammography datasets for deep learning Name Origin Year No. of cases No. of images Access MIAS UK 1994 161 322 Public OPTIMAM UK 2008 9559 154,078 On request DDSM and CBIS-DDSM USA 1999 2620 10,480 Public Nijmegen Netherlands 1998 21 40 On request Trueta Spain 2008 89 320 On request IRMA Germany 2008 Unknown 10,509 Public MIRAcle Greece 2009 196 204 Unknown LLNL USA Unknown 50 198 Cost Malaga Spain Unknown 35 Unknown Unknown NDMA USA Unknown Unknown 1,000,000 On request BancoWeb Brazil 2010 320 1400 Public Inbreast Portugal 2012 115 410 On request BCDR-F0X Portugal 2012 1010 3703 On request BCDR-D0X Portugal 2012 724 3612 On request SNUBH Korea 2015 Unknown 49 Public 202 H. Harvey et al.

Insufficient Data in Minority Class cases from another. This undesired pattern can The data points in the minority class may be be easily picked up and the resulting model insufficient for training a model with the desired may learn to discriminate between the two scan- capacity. The straightforward solution is to sim- ners, rather than detecting malignancies. Another ply acquire more data. If that is not an option, example is if the training dataset comes from we may resort to transforming our existing data mostly symptomatic cases, but we wish to use the in a plausible way (i.e., by adding some noise or resulting model for breast screening instead. The image rotation) or generating realistic synthetic two clinical settings are quite different and the data. Needless to say, none of the alternatives trained model may perform poorly when applied can be a perfect substitute for high-quality real to a different clinical setting than the data was data. acquired from.

Account for Class Imbalance During Under-Fitting, Overfitting, Training and Generalization It is necessary to account for class imbalance, Under-fitting is when both training and validation otherwise training may fail completely. During loss are below their minimum value. This can be supervised learning, at every step of the itera- caused either by using a model too simple for the tive training process, one can tweak the model task (underspecified) or by not training the model parameters towards minimizing a loss function long enough. indicative of the model performance. In most Over-fitting is a bit more subtle and occurs cases, this function needs to be differentiable. when the validation loss is higher than its optimal Examples of loss functions are the error rate, value. In this case, the model fits well on the entropy, or mean square error. These metrics are training data and the training loss is low, but adversely affected by data imbalance. Consider fails to adequately generalize that knowledge to the case of a model always predicting that a unseen data. It is usually difficult to diagnose or breast screening case is benign. This model will fix. Over-fitting may be caused when: be correct, at least, 99% of the time in a screening population, but of course such a model would • Using a model more complex than necessary, be of no practical use. There are some simple in combination with the finite amount of train- solutions for re-balancing prevalence, including ing data. over- and under-sampling of the classes, as well • Training for too long and presenting the same as differently transforming classes. training data multiple times to the model. Possible solutions to these problems include (either individually or in combination): The effects of both under-fitting and over- fitting are illustrated in Fig. 14.6. • Oversampling the minority class When it comes to mammography and the pub- • Transforming the minority class in a plausible licly available datasets, it is important to ascertain manner [85] the underlying biases in the data, the proportion • Under-sampling the majority class. of cases from different manufactures, and the clinical setting the data was derived from. Over- Dataset Bias fitting to one specific hardware manufacturer is Detecting biases in the datasets is crucial for a real risk with a non-heterogeneous dataset, as any machine learning method, as any discrepancy is overfitting a model to a symptomatic cohort between the training data and reality will most of patients. The latter usually present with much certainly be reflected in the model performance. larger and more obvious changes on their imag- Imagine a scenario in which most of the benign ing. More subtle malignancies, as usually found cases we have in our possession come from in a screening setting, may be overlooked by one type of scanner and most of the malignant an overfitted model to symptomatic patient data. 14 Deep Learning in Breast Cancer Screening 203

Fig. 14.6 (a) Illustration of training, validation loss, of iterations. (b) The effect of model capacity with the areas of under-fitting and over-fitting. The effect is similar amount of training data with the x-axis representing model capacity or number

Finally, in order for a deep learning algorithm to prohibitively expensive. A similar problem ex- be useful in a wide variety of clinical practice, ists for the BIRADS scheme for malignancy care must be taken to ensure generalizability of assessment. The subjective differences between the training data as much as possible, to allow for a case being labeled BIRADS 4 (a 30% PPV a more generalizable end result model. for malignancy) and BIRADS 5 (a 95% PPV for malignancy) again lead to significant variabil- ity among readers (especially when considering 14.3.4 Data Labeling difficult features such as architectural distortions and asymmetries) [88]. The strongest possible A key ingredient in the success of any machine marker for malignancy in this case is to use learning algorithm is how well a dataset is la- biopsy-proven follow-up results. However, this beled. In real-world applications at the current data may not always be available. level of the field at the time of writing this book, The problem is further exacerbated if pixel- no amount of sophisticated research techniques, level labeling is required (as is the case for patch- architectures, and computational resources can based and segmentation approaches). This can make up for poorly labeled data. This general be especially difficult when combining datasets principle is colloquially described as “garbage in, from various sources, especially those in the garbage out” within the community. This is an public domain. Figure 14.7a highlights a badly even greater challenge in medical imaging, as a annotated calcification in the publicly available “ground truth” can be difficult to establish due DDSM database; here the annotation passes out- to significant levels of inter and intra-radiologist side of the breast region, and has large areas variability, coupled with sometimes obscure defi- where there are no calcifications present. Another nition metrics. A perfect example of this is breast problem arises in how specific anomalies were density. Radiologists disagree not only among labeled; this is particularly tricky for calcifica- each other, but also with themselves, i.e., might tions, where precise hand annotation would be provide widely differing opinion at different re- prohibitively time-consuming, whereas coarser peat assessment [86, 87]. These inconsistencies region of interest annotations may suffer from inevitably lead to noisier target labels, which a low level signal to noise ratio. Figure 14.7b can make naive training a challenge. However, highlights the ideal scenario where each individ- a good consensus requires multiple radiologists ual microcalcification is labeled, as well as the to label each image, which quickly becomes overall cluster. 204 H. Harvey et al.

Fig. 14.7 Images from various mammography tions. (b) The green boxes are individually labeled databases. (a) The blue contour highlights the breast calcifications, the red box is the coarser cluster edge, and the green contours are the lesion annota- annotation

14.3.5 Principled Uncertainties However, obtaining the exact predictive distribu- tion of a deep learning model is an intractable The most widely used deep learning models have problem due to their size and complexity. There an important shortcoming: they lack an under- have been significant recent attempts to approx- lying mechanism to provide uncertainty infor- imate the predictive distribution [90, 91], but mation about the predictions they make. Instead solving this problem is still an active area of they often output point estimates between 0 and research. 1, which are often taken blindly as a measure If the outputs of a deep learning model could of confidence. There have already been a few be calibrated to a meaningful scale, such as the high profile cases where blindly trusting deci- probability of malignancy, then we would be sions made by deep learning algorithms has had safe in interpreting them as a measure of confi- disastrous consequences. For example in 2016, dence: an output of 0.7 in a binary malignant- and then again in 2018, there were fatalities due or-not mammography classification task would to mistakes made by the perception system of mean 70% chance of the scan containing a can- autonomous vehicles. In health care a wrong cer, allowing a well-reasoned recall decision to decision can be a matter of life or death, and so made. Unfortunately the outputs of deep learning being able to place trust in the decisions of deep algorithms are notoriously un-calibrated [92] learning models applied to such an industry is of (Fig. 14.8); improving this calibration is once critical importance. again an active area of research [92, 93]. Normally, a statistical model would output an entire predictive distribution as opposed to a point estimate. The spread of this distribution 14.3.6 Interpretability would tell us how confident a model is in its pre- diction, and consequently, how much we should With deep learning being used more widely in trust it: a narrow spread of values would indicate practical applications, there has been a lot of a high confidence, a broad spread the opposite. scrutiny on the underlying algorithms and how 14 Deep Learning in Breast Cancer Screening 205

Theoretical Perspective From a purely theoret- Outputs ical standpoint, a deep neural network has a de- terministic and fully interpretable behavior. It is Gap deterministic, in the sense that the same input will result in the same output every time. It is fully interpretable, in the sense that we can trace the final decision back to each activated neuron and all activations can be traced back to the pixels that

Accuracy contributed. We can go even further and visualize the areas of the image that contribute more in the decision, as presented in [95]. However, this mode of interpretation does not necessarily make sense from a human perspective. Error=30.6

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Necessity for Interpretability The main ques- Confidence tion is whether interpretability is really some- thing necessary to have. There are undoubtedly Fig. 14.8 Calibration plots for 110-layer ResNet on cases where it adds value to a system and others CIFAR-100. Confidence is the output of the network. when it arguably does not. Let us assume we wish The heights of the blue bars give the actual accuracy achieved by thresholding at the corresponding confidence. to build system to assist junior breast radiologists The shaded red bars show the discrepancy between the during their training. In that case, being able to ResNet and a perfectly calibrated model; the ResNet is explain why the system flagged a malignancy in overconfident in its predictions. Applied to breast screen- an image is very valuable. However, assuming ing this may correspond to an excessively high recall rate. Reproduced with kind permission from [92] we wish to deploy a deep neural network for automated breast screening in a country with no breast screening program—would interpretabil- automated decisions are reached. Regulatory ity add any value in that case? More importantly, bodies in the USA, EU, and other countries have if faced with the decision, should we choose an already set some requirements for explainability interpretable system with lower sensitivity over a of automated decisions. Researchers proposing “black-box” one? deep learning methods for breast image analysis are also making efforts to achieve some level of Interpretability Through Supervision Even in interpretability of the proposed algorithms [54]. cases when interpretability cannot be naturally Arguably, this is both due to the anticipation achieved, it can still be learned. For instance, that interpretability will be a requirement for networks can be trained to attend to and base their regulatory approval and also for reassuring users decisions on the regions of a mammogram that (doctors and patients) that the algorithms perform a human radiologist has indicated as important. as intended. However, some have argued that We can even train networks to generate textual CAD systems should not give any localizing explanations of their decision, learning that skill information to radiologists at all, and instead from radiologists’ reports. simply allow them to review any images deemed There are, however, a several issues associated suspicious by the system and marked for recall with doing this: [94]. This allows for a direct “machine read” output to be plugged into existing systems as • The task to be learned becomes significantly an independent second or third reader, and more complex and difficult to learn. completely avoids introducing any anchoring • Annotations become even more costly and bias to the human-reading process. time-consuming. 206 H. Harvey et al.

• There may be inconsistencies between anno- tators, due to the subjective nature of the task.

Finally, there is no guarantee whatsoever that the network trained to explain itself will outperform the one trained on a much simpler task, and the chances are that it will not.

14.4 Future Directions

14.4.1 Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

The ability to train generative models that are Fig. 14.9 The discriminator is trained to distinguish be- tween real and synthetic images. The generator attempts able to synthesize images indistinguishable from to produce realistic images indistinguishable by the dis- real ones is the ultimate modeling objective. criminator. The two networks gradually improve one- It implies that the underlying mechanism or another through this competition. Learning can only take distribution responsible for generating the place at the equilibrium between the two adversaries observed images has been successfully captured. Of course, capturing the mechanism responsible model that can be used to generate images for producing gigapixel breast imaging data is sequentially, one pixel after the other. It has very difficult. Nevertheless, it is convenient that shown promise, but has not scaled so far for generative models do not necessarily require higher resolutions. labeled data to train. A framework for training generative models Using adversarial training on the contrary has in an adversarial manner was introduced by the been demonstrated to generate sharp images. seminal paper of Goodfellow et al. [96]and Training these models, however, is notoriously has signified a leap forward towards effectively difficult due to severe instability that manifests training models for image data generation with itself when the equilibrium between generator high fidelity. It is based on a simple but powerful and discriminator is lost. For that reason, a idea that a generator neural network is trained to great deal of contemporary research is focused produce realistic examples and the discriminator towards stabilizing the training and improving is trained to be able to discern between real and our theoretical understanding. fake ones (a “critic”). The two networks form The significance of GANs goes far beyond an adversarial relationship and gradually improve generating realistic images of faces, furniture, or one-another through competition, much like two natural scenes and, as we previously mentioned, opponents in a game (Fig. 14.9). stems from modeling the underlying data dis- GANs are not the only approach to generative tribution. There are several applications of high models, but are arguably currently the most suc- significance for the medical imaging community cessful one. Alternative methods include: and, by extension, breast imaging. In Fig. 14.10 we provide examples of some early work on • Variational auto-encoders (VAEs) [97]: With- whole mammogram synthesis. out adversarial loss, these methods use per- ceptual image similarity losses and tend to Synthetic Data Generation The expectation produce blurrier, less sharp images. of GANs is that well-trained generative models • Auto-regressive models (pixel RNNs) [98]: A could be used to synthesize an unlimited amount recurrent neural network is an auto-regressive of high-quality images that can be used to 14 Deep Learning in Breast Cancer Screening 207

Fig. 14.10 One of the two rows of images in this figure consists of real mammograms and the other of synthetically generated ones. Can you tell which is which? improve downstream detection and classification amounts of labeled data aren’t as readily acces- models. sible. Promising examples of using GAN-generated GANs have been particularly useful in semi- synthetic data are recently emerging in the litera- supervised learning and several studies have ture. For instance, Salehinejad et al. [99] gener- shown the aforementioned benefits in practice, ated X-ray images and Costa et el. [100] retinal both in modeling natural [102] and medical images with the accompanying vessel segmenta- images [103]. tion. Our group has also published early work on synthesis of high resolution mammograms Domain Adaptation A common problem [101](Fig.14.10). However, more evidence and in medical imaging is being able to transfer clinical evaluation is required before there can be a trained model to a different modality, wide adoption of such methods. manufacturer, or other domain where labeled data are scarce or unavailable. Generative adversarial Semi-supervised Learning Semi-supervised networks have been successfully used in medical learning is a very effective way to leverage imaging to do so. For example, Kamnitsas et al. unlabeled data to increase model performance [104] used GANs for domain transfer in brain CT or reduce the requirement for labeled examples. semantic segmentation and Wolterink et al. [105] The concept is closely related to multi-task used them to transfer from low to regular-dose learning, where jointly modeling multiple tasks CT. Future work on tomosynthesis imaging (see is beneficial to each individual task as well. In Sect. 14.4.3) may benefit from the use of GANs the semi-supervised case, an additional benefit for domain adaptation. is that at least one of the tasks learned does not require labeled data. The benefit could be superior in performance for the same amount 14.4.2 Active Learning of labeled data, or a more graceful degradation and Regulation when reducing the amount of labeled data. This may be of particular use in mammography where Current regulatory processes do not allow for small datasets are publicly available, but large active learning using deep learning models. A 208 H. Harvey et al.

“build and freeze” framework is the current stan- mography is its application to dense breast tis- dard, requiring developers to validate their model sue. Particularly dense tissue is capable of ob- on a rigid dataset, report the results, and then scuring the presence of certain types of lesions apply for regulatory approval. on 2D mammography scans. These lesions are In the future it might well be possible that more easily resolved when considering different models implemented in hospitals make use of angled slices from DBT. DBT thus enhances active learning, whereby networks continuously the morphological properties of abnormal tissue, learn from new clinical data in a live setting. which should yield significantly better detection In a symbiotic system, a biopsied mass could rates, while delivering an X-ray dosage only be used to provide a data label, and once this slightly above that of conventional 2D mam- label becomes available the image could be added mography [106] (and well within recommended to a liquid training dataset. A positive biopsy safety guidelines). The increase in resolution can result would create a positive label, along with also help guide biopsies by providing a more metadata including phenotyping and genomics of accurate target region. the malignancy subtype. A negative result would However, as DBT is a relatively new technique not be assigned a data label until a set amount of (when considering levels of adoption), there is time has passed, for example 2 years, therefore significantly less literature on it compared to giving more confidence to the negative label. traditional FFDM. Initial prospective studies This should allow for the system to continuously showed either superiority, or non-inferiority improve, especially with the prospect of having a when compared to FFDM, but these were all global network learning from thousands of scans small in scale, and are summarized in the review a day to help radiologists. by Vedantham et al. [107]. The most significant There are several barriers to overcome before retrospective study was conducted by Gilbert et a constantly learning system could be deployed; al. [108], with DBT showing moderate increases patient consent, validation of a model which is in performance to 2D mammography (AUC continuously updating, and overcoming variation increased from 0.84 to 0.88), especially in the between clinical sites based on their local data. case of dense tissue (AUC increased from 0.83 However, it is up to the regulatory bodies to to 0.87). The most significant criticisms of the change their practice before symbiotic constantly modality come from a resource perspective, with learning systems may even be feasible. significant infrastructure updates and training procedures required. As each scan consists of tens of slices, the time of reading also 14.4.3 Tomosynthesis increases [109], thus hospitals which are already operating at capacity may not easily deal with While the vast majority of screening programs the increased workload. across the globe currently employ 2D mammog- This increase in cognitive workload makes it raphy, the rising use of digital breast tomosyn- a perfect candidate for assistance from machine thesis (DBT) likely signals the direction for the learning algorithms. Past research on CAD use future of these programs. DBT is a tomography in DBT is sparse, with results reproducing the technique in which numerous low dose X-ray same limitations as 2D CAD systems—a pro- images are acquired in an arc around the com- hibitively high number of false positives at ad- pressed breast. A 3D reconstruction is formed equate sensitivity levels. This has been shown in from the various projections, in a similar fashion studies on masses [110], calcifications [111,112], to CT and MRI scans. DBT is also capable and both [113]. Thus the development of the of constructing a 2D synthetic image, by su- next generation of intelligent algorithms, capa- perimposing all of the slices in a manner that ble of constructively aiding a radiologist, will resembles a traditional 2D mammogram. The be critical in facilitating DBT adoption, espe- primary advantage of DBT over traditional mam- cially in countries where radiologists are already 14 Deep Learning in Breast Cancer Screening 209 overworked. Unfortunately, the increase in over- of the input by sliding a window of a fixed all workload from DBT cases also translates into size over the DNA sequence and encode the extra engineering and labeling challenges. All of resulting words as binary 2D matrix. The re- the memory constraints that apply to traditional sults are promising but the authors have chosen four image 2D cases need now to account for their hyper-parameters empirically (word size, cases that can have a multitude of images. Also, region size, network architecture) so further work accurate pixel-level labels will be crucial with is required to get a better understanding how current techniques, which translates to costly those parameters influence the analysis. Yin et annotation demands. Despite these hurdles, the al. [116] take an image representation of the possibility of adopting DBT as a standard for DNA sequence as input to a CNN and predict future screening programs promises an exciting key determinants of chromatin structure. Their future in which patient outcomes improve. Deep approach is able to detect interactions between learning algorithms could play a critical role in distal elements in the DNA sequence as well realizing this future. as the presence and absence of splice-junctions. Compared to Nguyen et al. [115], the authors added residual connections to reuse the learned 14.4.4 Genomics features as well as larger convolution filters. A popular term in literature is “radio- The biggest challenge in fighting cancer is the genomics”[117] which refers to the relationship heterogeneity of the disease. Progress on various between imaging phenotypes and tumor scientific fields pushed further the understanding genetics by image-based surrogates for genetic of the complex biological processes of inva- testing [118]. Commercial genetic tests, such sive breast cancer. However, linking molecular as OncotypeDx (Genomic Health Inc., San data with radiological imaging data is not triv- Francisco), which is used to predict recurrence ial. An interesting paper analyzing the correla- and therapeutic response, are currently being ex- tion between breast cancer molecular subtypes plored with respect to radiogenomic associations. and mammographic appearance was published However, the majority of publications still use by Killelea et al. [114]. Their retrospective anal- traditional machine learning with hand-crafted ysis revealed characteristic associations between features to find associations between genetics and the appearance of the tumors on the mammo- image-derived features [118,119]. The promised graphic image and the molecular profile. Archi- future of radiogenomics will require linking tectural distortions were associated with luminal- massive mammography and genetic datasets, type cancers whereas calcifications with or with- something that is yet to be achieved. out mass are correlated with HER2-positive can- cers. Triple negative cancer was found to be asso- ciated with a noncalcified mass. Those promising 14.5 Summary findings raise the question on what applying deep learning to paired molecular and mammo- It is not surprising to see a flurry of deep learn- graphic data could reveal. Subtle features that are ing activity in the mammography sector, espe- not captured in the high-level statistical analysis cially in Europe, where several countries hold ro- by Killelea et al. [114] may give new insights bust breast nationwide screening databases, with into breast cancer development and may reveal every mammogram result, biopsy, and surgical image-based biomarkers that could potentially outcome linked to every screening event. Early replace expensive sequencing in the future. A research in deep learning has shown both sen- novel way of analyzing the DNA using deep sitivity and specificity of these algorithms ap- learning was published by Nguyen et al. [115]. proaching that of single human readers. Over the The authors propose to use deep CNNs for DNA next couple of years we will undoubtedly see sequence analysis. They keep the sequential form deep learning algorithms entering into screening 210 H. Harvey et al. settings. This will of course necessitate robust ing and validation. GANs may hold the potential clinical trials both retrospectively to benchmark to unlock vast amounts of synthetic training data, performance and prospectively to ensure that although their performance at present is not suf- algorithmic performance is maintained in a real- ficient to provide robust comparison against real- world clinical setting. The holy grail will be to world data. DBT may also herald a new source prove conclusively that deep learning systems of “big data,” simply by providing more images can accurately make recall decisions as well per case. It is certainly within the sights of re- as, or better than, human double-reading, while searchers to utilize domain adaptation techniques providing highly explainable and interpretable to apply 2D mammography algorithms to 3D results when needed. However, radiologists are datasets. Finally, the era of radiogenomics, much unlikely to hand over the reigns just yet, and may anticipated but limited by data availability at instead prefer single-reader programs supported scale, will only come of age once genomic testing by deep learning, effectively halving the work- in breast cancer becomes standard practice. load for the already overstretched double-reading radiologists. Deep learning technology could also poten- 14.6 Take Home Points tially improve consistency and accuracy of ex- isting single-reader programs, such as those in • Breast mammography (2D FFDM) is seen as the USA, as well as provide an immense new a key modality ripe for deep learning. resource to countries yet to implement a screen- • Deep learning is most likely to act as a second ing programme at all. The potential for deep reader in screening programs. learning-support in national screening, as well • Deep learning has the potential to improve as for underdeveloped health care systems to accuracy and consistency of screening pro- leapfrog into the deep learning era, may therefore grams. be just a few years away. • As for any medical imaging analysis, access to It is interesting to note that despite the large labeled datasets remains a challenge. advances of traditional CAD, the European • Generative adversarial networks may assist in guidelines for quality assurance in breast cancer data augmentation via image synthesis. screening and diagnosis (and their following • 3D tomosynthesis and radiogenomics are the supplements) do not address evaluation of next area of research for deep learning tools. processing algorithms and CAD [120]. 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and detection of disease processes (i.e., image 15.1 Introduction classification).

Neuroradiology has often been at the forefront of radiological imaging advances, such as the 15.2 Preprocessing of Brain advent of diffusion-weighted MRI [1], due to Imaging the high stakes associated with diseases of the brain and spine as well as pragmatic factors such When utilizing supervised training for any task, as the small field of view required for brain the quality of the labeled training data has a imaging and the sparing of the brain from res- profound impact on the success of the trained net- piratory motion artifact. With advances in com- work. Accordingly, brain imaging data typically puter vision in recent years, much interest has undergo several preprocessing steps before being centered on the application of these technolo- utilized in AI applications. These steps include gies to neuroimaging; however, this presents a brain extraction (i.e., skull stripping), histogram challenge due to the cross-sectional and, in the normalization, and coregistration. case of MRI, multiparametric nature of brain and For many brain imaging AI applications, the spine imaging. The hardware demands associated removal of non-brain tissues from imaging data, with training deep learning networks using large including the skull, orbital contents, and soft tis- numbers of three-dimensional image volumes sues of the head and neck, leads to better perfor- are significant [2], although newer techniques mance [4–6]. The most commonly used tools for [3] in combination with the availability of in- these tasks include the FMRIB Software Library creasingly powerful GPU chips are beginning (FSL) Brain Extraction Tool (BET) [7–9]and to overcome these challenges. AI applications BET 2 [10], Brain Surface Extractor (BSE) [11], to neuroimaging involve all aspects of image FreeSurfer [12], Robust Learning-based Brain acquisition and interpretation and include study Extraction System (ROBEX) [13], and Brain Ex- protocoling, image reconstruction, segmentation, traction based on nonlocal Segmentation Tech- nique (BEaST) [14]. For pediatric brain imag-  N. Swinburne ( ) · A. Holodny ing, Learning Algorithm for Brain Extraction Neuroradiology Service, Department of Radiology, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, and Labeling (LABEL) has shown superior brain USA extraction performance as compared with sev- e-mail: [email protected] eral other commonly used tools [15]. Newer

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 217 E. R. Ranschaert et al. (eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging, 218 N. Swinburne and A. Holodny approaches for brain extraction that have utilized has been described for mitigating the risk of 3D convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have overfitting of deep networks and as a method of demonstrated superiority when used specifically handling class imbalance by increasing the pro- for brain tumor studies [16] and have outper- portion of the minority (often disease-positive) formed several older conventional non-CNN ap- class. Pereira et al. performed augmentation us- proaches [17]. ing image rotation and reported a tumor seg- Many big data applications utilize MR mentation mean performance gain of 2.6% [29]. images acquired from multiple centers and Akkus et al. achieved an 8.8% accuracy gain for scanners, which introduces challenges related classifying 1p/19q mutation status in low-grade to source heterogeneity. For example, MR gliomas after augmentation by image rotation, imaging is prone to various artifacts that may translation, and flipping [30]. degrade the performance of AI applications. Variations in image intensity that occur due to inhomogeneities of MRI field strength, certain 15.3 Applications image acquisition artifacts, and patient motion may be addressed with bias field correction Applications of AI to neuroimaging address all [18]. Commonly used tools for bias correction stages of image acquisition and interpretation and include nonparametric nonuniform intensity approach both specific and complex tasks. normalization (N3) [19]andN4ITK[20]. Another issue unique to MR imaging not encountered when using radiographs or CT is 15.3.1 Protocoling, Acquisition, that variations in MRI scanner hardware and and Image Construction sequence designs frequently result in differences in image intensities for a given tissue class. Once an imaging study is ordered by a referring Image histogram normalization is a common clinician an imaging protocol must be assigned technique for standardizing these intensities that is appropriate for the indication and the pa- across a heterogeneously acquired dataset. The tient’s medical history. Given the importance of most common methods include creating and cross-sectional imaging in neuroradiology, pro- applying an average histogram for the dataset tocoling may be a complicated task (particularly [21] or matching individual images’ histograms in the case of MRI) and is typically performed to that of a chosen reference image [22]. by the radiologist, interrupting workflow [31]and For many AI applications, it is desirable to in so doing potentially contributing to diagnostic coregister brain images from different patients errors [32]. In addition to unburdening the radi- (and sequence acquisitions, when using MRI) ologist, automated protocolling has the potential to a standard geometry, commonly the Montreal to increase MR scanner throughput by includ- Neurological Institute (MNI) space. Many soft- ing only the sequences pertinent to the given ware tools exist for coregistration, such as FM- patient. Expanding on previous work applying RIB’s Linear Image Registration Tool (FLIRT) AI to radiological protocoling [33], Brown and [23, 24] and Non-linear Image Registration Tool Marotta used natural language processing (NLP) (FNIRT) [25], Advanced Neuroimaging Tools to extract labeled data from radiology informa- (ANTs) [26], and FreeSurfer. A newer CNN- tion system records, which were then used to based approach dubbed Quicksilver has shown train a gradient boost machine to generate custom promising results and may outperform traditional MRI brain protocols with high accuracy [34]. methods [27]. Once MR data is obtained from the scanner Data augmentation is a technique for artifi- it must first be processed into images for the cially increasing the number of training samples radiologist to review. This initial raw data is used in situations where large volumes of labeled processed by a series of modules that require data are unavailable [28]. Data augmentation expert oversight to mitigate image noise and 15 Neurological Diseases 219

Fig. 15.1 Axial and sagittal MR image reconstruc- ence. AUTOMAP, which employs deep learning, results tions performed using AUTOMAP (middle column) and in improved signal-to-noise. Reprinted by permission using conventional methods (right column), with the from Springer Nature: Nature, “Image reconstruction by ground truth images (left column) included for refer- domain-transform manifold learning,” Zhu et al. [37] other artifacts, adding time and introducing vari- deep learning to DTI can achieve a 12-fold reduc- ance to the image acquisition process. Building tion in acquisition time by predicting DTI param- on previous deep learning approaches for short- eters from fewer data points than conventionally ening MR acquisition times through undersam- utilized [38]. Similarly, a reduction in acquisition pling [35, 36], a network trained on brain MRI time for arterial spin labeling perfusion imaging called Automated Transform by Manifold Ap- was achieved using a trained CNN to predict proximation (AUTOMAP) performs image re- the final perfusion maps from fewer subtraction construction rapidly and with less artifact than images [39]. conventional methods [37](Fig.15.1). Since AU- Seven Tesla MR scanners can reveal a level of TOMAP is implemented as a feed-forward sys- detail far beyond that of 1.5 or 3 T scanners [40]; tem it completes image reconstruction almost however, 7 T magnets are generally confined instantly, enabling acquisition issues to be iden- to academic imaging centers and may be less tified and addressed immediately, potentially re- tolerated by patients due to the high magnetic ducing the need for patient callbacks. field strength [41]. By performing canonical cor- Deep learning also shows promise for increas- relation analysis on 3 T and 7 T brain MRI from ing the accessibility of specialized neuroimag- the same patients, Bahrami et al. [42]wereableto ing studies by shortening the acquisition time artificially generate simulated 7 T images using or enabling the generation of entire simulated 3 T images for test patients. Furthermore, these imaging modalities. For example, diffusion ten- simulated 7 T images had superior performance sor imaging (DTI), which provides information in subsequent segmentation tasks. about white matter anatomy in the brain and Recognizing that at their essence all radio- spine, may be challenging to obtain on young or logical imaging modalities represent a type of very sick patients due to the acquisition time and anatomical abstraction, the ability to syntheti- degree of patient cooperation required. Applying cally generate another MRI sequence, or imag- 220 N. Swinburne and A. Holodny

Fig. 15.2 Using a single MRI brain sequence as in- column) are presented for comparison. Reprinted by per- put (contrast-enhanced T1 gradient echo; left column), mission from John Wiley and Sons: Medical Physics, a trained CNN can generate synthetic CT (sCT) head “MR-based synthetic CT generation using a deep convo- images (middle column). Ground truth CT images (right lutional neural network method,” Xiao Han [45] ing modality entirely, presents an intriguing tar- 15.3.2 Segmentation get for AI. Using deep learning, brain MRI T1 images can be generated from T2 images and Accurate, fast segmentation of brain imaging, vice versa [43]. PET–MRI, which holds several which can be broadly divided into either advantages over PET–CT, including superior soft anatomical (e.g., subcortical structure) or tissue contrast, has the disadvantage that in the lesion (pathology-specific) segmentation is an absence of a CT acquisition it does not read- important prerequisite step for a number of ily allow for attenuation correction of the PET clinical and research tasks including monitoring images. However, supervised training of a deep progression of white matter [46, 47] and neu- network has enabled the generation of synthetic rodegenerative diseases [48, 49] and assessing CT head images from contrast-enhanced gradient tumor treatment response [50]. However, since echo brain MRI, and these synthesized images manual segmentation is tedious, time consuming, achieve greater accuracy than existing methods and subject to inter- and intra-observer variance, when used to perform attenuation correction on there is great interest in developing AI solutions. the accompanying PET images [44]. A similar To facilitate the comparison of segmentation approach was used to train a CNN to utilize algorithms, several open competitions exist a single T1 sequence to generate synthetic CT featuring public datasets and standardized images with greater speed and lower error rates evaluation methodology, several of which are than conventional methods (Fig. 15.2)[45]. described in this section. 15 Neurological Diseases 221

Anatomical brain imaging segmentation tasks have pooled multiple public datasets, sup- entails the delineation of either basic tissue plemented with their own data, or employed data components (e.g., gray matter, white matter, and augmentation techniques [63–66]. A study by cerebrospinal fluid) or atlas-based substructures. AlBadawy et al. demonstrated the importance For the former, commonly utilized brain tissue of such measures, finding that the source(s) of segmentation datasets include the Medical Image tumor segmentation training data held a signifi- and Statistical Interpretation Lab (MICCAI) cant impact on the resulting performance during 2012 Multi-Atlas Labelling Challenge [51]and network validation (Fig. 15.3)[67]. the Internet Brain Segmentation Repository (IBSR). Two more specialized MICCAI challenges exist, MRBrainS13 [52], which 15.3.3 Stroke contains brain MRIs from adults aged 65–80, and NeoBrainS12, which is comprised of neonatal Stroke represents a major cause of morbidity and brain MRIs. mortality worldwide. For example, in the United The most common brain lesion segmentation States stroke afflicts an estimated 795,000 people tasks addressed by AI are tumor and multiple each year [68], accounting for 1 in every 20 sclerosis (MS) lesion segmentation. The MIC- deaths [69]. With over 1.9 million neurons lost CAI Brain Tumor Segmentation (BRATS) chal- each minute in the setting of an acute stroke [70], lenges have occurred annually since 2012, with it is critical to quickly diagnose and triage stroke the datasets growing in number over the years patients. to include 243 preoperative glioma multimodal The Alberta Stroke Program Early Computed brain MRIs in the 2018 challenge [53, 54]. The Tomography Score (ASPECTS) is a validated winner of the BRATS 2017 segmentation chal- and widely used method for triaging patients lenge, as determined by the best overall Dice with suspected anterior circulation acute stroke. scores and Hausdorff distances for complete tu- ASPECTS divides the middle cerebral artery mor, core tumor, and enhancing tumor segmen- territories into ten regions of interest bilaterally tation, employed an ensemble CNN comprising [71]. The resulting score obtained from a pa- several existing architectures under the principle tient’s non-contrast-enhanced CT head correlates that through a majority voting system the ensem- with functional outcomes and helps guide man- ble can derive the strengths of its best performing agement. e-ASPECTS, a ML-based software tool individual networks, resulting in greater general- with CE-mark approval for use in Europe, has izability for the performance of other tasks [55]. demonstrated non-inferiority (10% threshold for Additional deep learning segmentation appli- sensitivity and specificity) for ASPECT scoring cations target stroke (described subsequently), as compared with neuroradiologists from multi- multiple sclerosis [56, 57], and cerebral small ple stroke centers [72]. Deep learning networks vessel disease (leukoaraiosis) [58] lesions. have also achieved high accuracy at quantifying Anatomical Tracings of Lesions After Stroke infarct volumes using DWI [73]andFLAIR[74] (ATLAS-1) is a publicly available annotated MR sequences. dataset containing over 300 brain MRIs with Once a patient is diagnosed with an acute acute infarcts [59]. For MS lesion segmentation, stroke, there is a need to quantify the volume the major public datasets are MICCAI 2008 of infarcted (unsalvageable) tissue and the is- [60], International Symposium on Biomedical chemic but not yet infarcted (salvageable) tis- Imaging (ISBI) 2015 [61], and MS Lesion sue. This latter salvageable tissue is referred Segmentation Challenge (MSSEG) 2016 [62]. to as the ischemic penumbra. Quantification of Due to the limited numbers of training and the infarct core and ischemic penumbra is gen- test subjects generally available within existing erally performed with either CT or MR brain public annotated datasets, several of the best perfusion. In the latter approach, the diffusion- performing networks for various segmentation perfusion mismatch is used to guide thrombolysis 222 N. Swinburne and A. Holodny

Fig. 15.3 Two example brain tumor segmentations gen- in yellow, area of T1 abnormality excluding the enhancing erated by separate models trained on data from the same, and necrotic regions (Class 4) in red, and the area of different, or both institutions. Accuracy was greater when FLAIR signal abnormality excluding classes 2–4 (Class the model was trained with data from the same or both 5) in blue. Reprinted by permission from John Wiley and institutions as compared with a model trained only using Sons: Medical Physics, “Deep learning for segmentation data from a different institution. The enhancing region of brain tumors: Impact of cross-institutional training and (Class 2) is segmented in green, necrotic region (Class 3) testing,” AlBadawy et al. [67] and thrombectomy decision-making [75]. Using spectroscopy studies from those with infectious acute DWI and perfusion imaging in concert with and neoplastic diseases, achieving diagnostic ac- follow-up T2/FLAIR as training data, Nielsen et curacies of 73% and 98% for low- and high- al. developed a deep CNN to distinguish infarcted grade gliomas, respectively [80]. More recent tissue from the ischemic penumbra using only work has commonly employed support vector acute MR perfusion data. They achieved an AUC machines (SVMs) for tumor classification tasks, of 0.88 for diagnosing the final infarct volume perhaps due to evidence that SVMs may perform and demonstrated an ability to predict the effect better than neural networks with small training of thrombolysis treatment [76]. Additional stud- datasets [81]. In 2008, Emblem et al. applied a ies have investigated the prediction of long-term SVM approach to the differentiation of low- and language [77, 78]andmotor[79] outcomes using high-grade gliomas using MR perfusion imaging, ML evaluation of stroke territory volumes and achieving true positive and true negative rates locations. of 0.76 and 0.82, respectively [82]. Subsequent efforts have shown promising results for differ- entiating among glioma grades and other tumor 15.3.4 Tumor Classification classes using SVM analysis of conventional MRI without [83] or with [84, 85] the addition of per- The ability to classify brain tumor type and World fusion MRI. Survival of patients with glioblas- Health Organization grade using MRI has long toma can also be predicted using SVM analysis been a goal of machine learning research. As of features derived from MR perfusion [86], early as 1998, Poptani et al. used an artificial conventional [87], and combined conventional, neural network to differentiate normal brain MR DTI, and perfusion [88] imaging features. SVM 15 Neurological Diseases 223

[88] and other [89] machine learning techniques In light of the importance and urgency of have also been employed in radiomics research diagnosing intracranial hemorrhage, a disease to investigate imaging markers for prediction of process requiring neurosurgical evaluation and tumor molecular subtypes. representing a contraindication for thrombolysis Differentiating glioblastoma, primary central in the setting of acute stroke, the use of AI for nervous system lymphoma, and solitary brain identification of hemorrhage on head CT has metastasis is a common neuroradiological chal- been investigated in several studies. Whereas lenge due to the relatively high prevalence of earlier attempts demonstrated promising results these tumor classes and the potential for overlap- employing preprocessing algorithms heavily ping imaging characteristics. A multilayer per- tailored for isolating hemorrhage [102–104], ceptron trained using MR perfusion and perme- more recent efforts have investigated whether ability imaging was able to differentiate these existing deep CNNs that have shown success tumor classes with high accuracy (AUC 0.77) at identifying everyday (nonmedical) images comparable to that of neuroradiologists [90]. could be applied to head CTs. Desai et al. In the setting of chemoradiation therapy for [105] compared two existing 2D deep CNNs for glioblastoma, differentiating viable tumor from the identification of basal ganglia hemorrhage treatment-related necrosis (pseudoprogression) and found that GoogLeNet [106] outperformed on follow-up brain imaging is a common AlexNet [28], noting that data augmentation and challenge in clinical neuro-oncology [91]. The pre-training with the ImageNet repository [107] application of SVMs to differentiating these of everyday images improved diagnostic perfor- entities has shown high accuracy using MR mance (AUC 1.0 for the best performing net- conventional imaging in combination with either work). Transfer learning was similarly employed perfusion [92] or permeability [93] data. A study by Phong et al. [108], who achieved comparably evaluating the use of only conventional MRI high accuracies for identifying intracranial sequences found that the best SVM accuracy hemorrhage. was obtained using the FLAIR sequence (AUC A study by Arbabshirani et al. [109]using 0.79), which achieved better accuracy than the CNNs to diagnose intracranial hemorrhage dif- neuroradiologist reviewers involved in the study fered in several important ways. Whereas the [94]. above-described studies utilized relatively small datasets (<200 CT head studies), Arbabshirani et al. included over 46,000 CT head studies. To 15.3.5 Disease Detection generate labels for this large number of studies, the authors expanded on other work investigat- Applications of AI for neuroimaging disease de- ing NLP applications to radiology reports [110, tection exist within a spectrum of task complex- 111] and employed NLP to extrapolate a subset ity. On one end, there are applications that per- of human-annotated labels to generate machine- form identification of a specific disease process, readable labels for the remainder of the radiol- which often result in a binary classification (i.e., ogy report dataset. The trained image classifi- “normal” vs. “disease”). For example, several ap- cation model, which achieved an AUC of 0.846 plications have been described for differentiating for diagnosing intracranial hemorrhage, was then normal brain MRIs from those containing epilep- prospectively validated in a clinical workflow to togenic foci [95–97]. On the other end of the flag new studies as either “routine” or “stat” in spectrum are broader surveillance applications real time depending on the presence of intracra- designed to diagnose multiple critical patholo- nial hemorrhage. During this 3-month validation gies, which one may envision as ultimately in- period, the network reclassified 94 of 347 CT tegrating within a real-world clinical radiology head studies from “routine” to “stat.” Of the 94 workflow. This latter, nascent category has been studies flagged, 60 were confirmed by the in- the source of much excitement [98–101]. terpreting radiologist as positive for intracranial 224 N. Swinburne and A. Holodny hemorrhage. An additional four flagged studies 15.4 Conclusion were later reevaluated by a blinded overreader and deemed likely to reflect hemorrhage; in other Having already demonstrated success at a diverse words, the trained network had found hemor- range of neuroradiology tasks, artificial intelli- rhage that was missed by the interpreting radi- gence is poised to move beyond the proof-of- ologist. concept stage and impact many facets of clinical Seeking to diagnose a broader range of in- practice. The continued advancement of AI for tracranial pathologies, Prevedello et al. [112] neuroradiology depends in part on overcoming trained a pair of CNNs using several hundred hurdles both technical and logistical in nature. labeled head CTs for the purpose of identifying The need for large-scale training data can be a number of critical findings. A CNN for pro- addressed by the release of more public anno- cessing images using brain tissue windows was tated datasets, through development of applica- able to diagnose hemorrhage, mass effect, and tions that facilitate the creation of labels from hydrocephalus with an AUC of 0.90, while a existing radiology reports and DICOM metadata, separately trained CNN evaluating images using crowdsourcing initiatives, and through improv- a narrower “stroke window” achieved an AUC ing data augmentation methodologies. The high of 0.81 for the diagnosis of an acute ischemic computational costs of applying deep learning to stroke. volumetric data may be overcome by advances Approaching this challenge of simultaneously in GPU hardware and new techniques that better surveilling for multiple critical findings, Titano leverage multicore GPU architectures. Several et al. [113] utilized a larger dataset of over open-source platforms now exist that facilitate 37,000 head CTs, first employing NLP to derive deep learning efforts, including Keras, Caffe, and machine-readable labels from the radiology Theano, and the arrival of turnkey AI develop- reports. These labels were then used for weakly ment applications is likely imminent. Similarly, supervised training of a 3D CNN modeled on while deep neural network architectures currently ResNet-50 architecture to differentiate head CTs vary widely in design, standards may arise for containing one or more critical findings (in- specific classes of neuroimaging tasks. Finally, cluding acute fracture, intracranial hemorrhage, once a deep learning application is developed stroke, mass effect, and hydrocephalus) from it must undergo validation, which faces its own those with only noncritical findings, achieving regulatory and practical hurdles. For example, a sensitivity matching that of radiologists the opacity of deep networks, which traditionally (sensitivity 0.79, specificity 0.48, AUC 0.73 function as “black boxes,” can make auditing for the model). To validate the clinical utility a challenge, although this may be partially ad- of the trained network, the authors performed dressed through technical means like generating a prospective double-blinded randomized saliency overlays (i.e., “heat maps”). Regulatory controlled trial comparing how quickly the model bodies are considering new programs that would versus radiologists could evaluate a head CT for allow a vendor to make minor modifications to critical findings, demonstrating that the model its existing application without requiring a full performed this task 150 times faster than the resubmission for approval [114], potentially en- radiologists (mean 1.2 s vs. 177 s). Pending abling AI tools to continue improving during the further multicenter prospective validation, such postmarket phase. a tool could be used in a clinical radiology These advancements, coupled with the workflow to automatically triage head CTs for tremendous interest in AI applications to review. neuroradiology, ensure that the field’s pace of 15 Neurological Diseases 225 evolution will continue to hasten. Whether or not tional neural network. In: Medical image com- we will witness an AI application that is able to puting and computer-assisted intervention – MIC- pass the neuroradiology equivalent of the Turing CAI 2013 [Internet]. Berlin: Springer; 2013. p. 246–53. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). Test—that is, AI possessing diagnostic abilities Available from: truly comparable to those of a neuroradiologist— 10.1007/978-3-642-40763-5_31. Accessed 30 May remains a point of considerable debate. It is clear, 2018. however, that AI will become an increasingly 3. 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In a cohort of a phase, around 15–25 people 16.1 Introduction are involved. People involved in clinical trial are those patients that, for example, in case of Medical imaging has become a key diagnostic cancer treatment in the conventional treatment element in clinical practice, providing insights has not been effective and for which there are on several diseases that would not be detected no alternative therapies. Patients with tumors otherwise. Beyond being a cornerstone in the for which there is no standard treatment with current framework of clinical practice, medical proven efficacy are also included. imaging is progressively achieving a crucial role • Phase II: The evaluation of the treatment ef- in the field of clinical trials. fectiveness, always taking safety into account. A clinical trial is an experimental evaluation Cohort size increases. There are around 40–60 of a product, substance, medication, and diagnos- patients involved. The patients involved have a tic or therapeutic technique that, in its application very specific tumor or disease. to human beings, aims to assess its effectiveness • Phase III: Last step before a drug can be and safety. In each of the four phases which any released on the market. In this phase, drug product must pass in order to reach the market, effectiveness is evaluated, and any possible different aspects will be evaluated, beginning side effects have to be monitored. Both safety with toxicity and safety and finishing with the and effectiveness of the new drug will be effectiveness of the product under evaluation: compared against similar drugs available in the market to assess the added value of the • Phase I: Evaluation of treatment safety and the new drug. Treatment is given to larger cohorts, determination of all the possible side effects usually and due to this need of big patient in a small cohort (group of subjects/patients). recruitment (>100 patients). The phase III clinical trials are carried out in several sites. I. Mayorga-Ruiz () · A. Jiménez-Pastor · B. Fos-Guarinos · R. López-González · F. García-Castro · • Phase IV: After the approval of the new drug Á. Alberich-Bayarri by the regulatory agencies, several studies are Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers in Medicine, Valencia, carried out with the aim of providing extra Spain information about drug-related risks, benefits, e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; and best use. Phase IV clinical trial cohorts [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 231 E. R. Ranschaert et al. (eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging, 232 I. Mayorga-Ruiz et al.

Fig. 16.1 Medical image standardization pipeline for clinical trials

are similar to phase I, II, and III cohorts if The use of medical imaging, biomarker quan- new medical indications of the drugs are being tification, and the application of AI to any of evaluated. the four phases allow the objectivation of drug safety and effectiveness evaluation in a shorter Regarding imaging, regulatory agencies rec- period of time. This represents a paradigm shift ommend the centralized management of the ex- in clinical trials, with the creation of the concept plorations [1]. Therefore, in clinical trials, image of clinical trial in real time. Real-time evaluation acquisitions are usually uploaded to electronic of treatment effectiveness and safety allows the platforms, which store the image studies from extraction of conclusions before the expected all the sites involved in the clinical trial. Even end of the trial or even increasing the cohort more, agencies also recommend the centraliza- size because of the statistical power required in tion of the radiological image reading, in order a glimpse of partial satisfactory results under to avoid reading inconsistencies among sites due the current conditions. This flexibility allows to to criterion differences among radiologists. All perform the statistical assessment of the drug these services, including the centralized storage effectiveness almost at any time during the study and reading of the images, are usually provided and reduces the time-to-market of drugs. by a core laboratory. A complete workflow of the In this chapter, the different applications of AI tasks to be performed by a core laboratory spe- in medical imaging that enhance clinical trials cialized in medical imaging can be appreciated workflows are presented, proposing a methodol- in Fig. 16.1. ogy for imaging standardization in clinical trials The introduction of medical imaging in clin- and setting the initial steps toward the future ical trials has allowed the evaluation of differ- implementation of in silico clinical trials, that ent treatment lines in a more objective and less is, the computational evaluation of drug toxicity, invasive way for the subject, reducing the ia- effectiveness, and efficacy through simulation of trogenic phenomena derived from any medical the interactions of the drug with the human body intervention. With the increasing involvement of multi-scale models. medical imaging in the world of clinical trials, the need of radiological and nuclear medicine cen- tralized reading has also increased. This scenario 16.2 Standardization of Medical presents a perfect niche for the application of Imaging in Clinical Trials artificial intelligence (AI) techniques and imag- ing biomarker quantification algorithms. Imaging The standardization of medical imaging in clin- biomarkers and AI techniques can be used as a ical trials is crucial to avoid biases and errors means of improving the workflow and support- that may invalidate the conclusions extracted in ing diagnostic decisions of the radiological and a study. Guidelines proposed by the Food and nuclear medicine specialists. Drug Administration (FDA) and the European 16 The Role of AI in Clinical Trials 233

Medicines Agency (EMA) aim to set the pro- the protocol should minimize image acquisition cedures to follow in the design and manage- time and radiation dose (in case of ionizing radia- ment of medical imaging in clinical trials [1–3]. tion modalities) while maximizing image quality These guidelines specify the need of centralized in terms of spatial resolution, contrast, and also storage, management, and reading of medical temporal resolution when required (i.e., dynamic images in multisite clinical trials to ensure the examinations). homogenization of images. The different image acquisition technology Standardization is especially important in configurations within the machines are named multisite clinical trials. In this kind of clinical using different commercial acronyms, and pa- trials, different medical imaging equipment is rameters are sometimes expressed in different involved, as each site might have, for instance, units (i.e., reception bandwidth in MR provided magnetic resonance (MR) or computed tomogra- in “pixels,” Philips; “Hz/pixel,” Siemens/Canon; phy (CT) scanners from different vendors. This “kHz,” GE); therefore, the core lab has to design equipment heterogeneity can introduce variations the image acquisition protocols by taking into in the acquisition and reconstruction of imaging account the configurations in all the scanners in- studies and, therefore, uncertainty in the imaging volved in the study. Even if the same acquisition biomarker quantification. parameters are specified, sometimes the different The stepwise methodology for the standard- acquisition algorithms will introduce differences ization of medical imaging in clinical trials, between vendors. For example, although in a CT showninFig.16.1, covers from the design of the examination the dose administered to the patient image acquisition protocol to the quantification can be reduced significantly while maintaining of medical images using AI techniques. image quality by using dose modulation options provided by the manufacturers, the dose modu- lation algorithms are different depending on the 16.2.1 Before the Start of Clinical manufacturer, and this introduces variability in Trial the image quality and in the extracted data. Image Acquisition Protocol Site Validation Design The second step to guarantee the quality of the For the standardization of medical images, the imaging studies is the validation of the sites first point that has to be taken into account is the involved in the clinical trial. The site validation correct design of the image acquisition protocols. procedure is composed by three validation steps This will allow the use of imaging biomarkers that ensure, from a theoretical and technical point and artificial intelligence techniques in clinical of view, the capabilities of the sites to acquire trials. and transmit images above the set quality thresh- For the correct definition of the image ac- old. quisition protocol, it is important to define, first and foremost, which is the image modality that 1. Site survey best suits the requirements of the clinical trial. The site survey is a specific document in It is also mandatory to properly choose the se- clinical trials that aims to collect information ries/sequences which better depict the disease or about the technical capabilities of the sites the underlying biological process to be evaluated. participating in the study. The correct design of the acquisition protocol is These technical capabilities include the ac- the first step to ensure the reliability, repeata- quisition modalities available on each site and bility, and quality of radiological readings and the equipment characteristics. Also, it is im- imaging biomarker quantification in clinical tri- portant to assess the DICOM file transmission als. The parameter definition is of utmost impor- and exportation capabilities from the PACS; as tance and must be designed following this rule: in any clinical trial, the images are transferred 234 I. Mayorga-Ruiz et al.

to the central platform of the imaging core image contrast is influenced by contrast laboratory. molarity. Also, the pump information is The site survey is a document specific to needed in order to ensure that site’s capa- each clinical trial which will vary according bilities are homogeneous among sites. In to the clinical trial characteristics. The site case the clinical trial modality is a CT with survey document will vary depending on the contrast, this information will be also im- image acquisition modality (MRI, CT, X-ray, portant. Therefore, contrasts such as iodine SPECT, and PET) and the series that are going concentration, volume, and injection speed to be acquired. have to be asked. Examples of document structure for the 2. Cross-calibration site survey in a clinical trial using dynamic This is a novel step, traditionally not contrast-enhanced (DCE) MR are the follow- present in the clinical trial process involving ing: medical imaging but will progressively – MR machine become more and more important, since Some of the information required re- most of the data that will be analyzed for lated to the MR machines in the site survey the evaluation of treatment response in are the manufacturer and the model of the the next years will be related to imaging scanner. Also, the software version of the biomarkers. The cross-calibration of the machine is required. One important point imaging biomarkers measured using different related to MRI acquisition are the coils equipment in a clinical trial will therefore be used during the image acquisition. Related amust. to coils, the information required is if the After collecting the different site surveys coil is multichannel and the number of sent to the sites involved and once it has been channels. assessed which of the sites comply with the – DICOM capabilities requirements of the clinical trial, the next step Related to the DICOM capabilities, the to assure the quality of the images is the most important information is the capabil- technical validation of the sites through the ity of the site to export images in DICOM evaluation of the possible biases that might be format. This is crucial as DICOM format introduced by the equipment. is the medical imaging standard. Another The cross-calibration of the equipment of point that has to be asked in the site sur- the different sites involves the detection of the vey is the Internet connection of the site. biases introduced by each piece of equipment This is important for multisite clinical trials in order to calibrate the biomarker results ac- that centralized the images in an electronic cordingly. Cross-calibration should always be platform which usually has the anonymiza- performed using an imaging phantom specific tion module integrated. Related to that, for to the image modality included in the trial. those sites with bad Internet connection, it An imaging phantom is a device specifi- is important to be sure about its anonymiza- cally designed to evaluate, analyze, and tune tion capabilities as far as they will send the performance of several imaging acqui- the images instead of using the electronic sition modalities. Phantoms are specific to platform through standard courier. an imaging modality, e.g., the evaluation of – Contrast the imaging quality of a CT scanner will be Finally, and regarding the contrast me- performed with a phantom designed for CT dia used in the DCE acquisition, to ensure scanners. The need for the cross-calibration the homogenization of the images in mul- of equipment is being introduced in guidelines tisite clinical trials, it is important to re- for image standardization in clinical trials by quire information about contrast manufac- some radiological societies, such as the Amer- turer and trade. This is important because ican College of Radiology [2, 3]. 16 The Role of AI in Clinical Trials 235

Fig. 16.2 MRI imaging phantom for T1 and T2 calibration (Leeds Test objects, Leeds, UK)

Figure 16.2 shows an example of an imag- 3. Dummy run exploration ing phantom intended for T1 and T2 mapping A dummy run study is the acquisition of calibration in MR in Fig. 16.3; the CT imaging a subject following the guidelines established phantom for Hounsfield unit (HU) measure- in the clinical trial and with the specific ment performance evaluation is shown. image acquisition protocol. The purpose The sequences (MR) or series used for the of this examination is to evaluate that the acquisition of the cross-calibration examina- center has understood the patient preparation tions have to be the same as the ones that were procedures and has properly introduced all defined for the imaging study acquisition of the parameters in the scanner configuration. the clinical trial. Using this methodology, the With this last step, the performance of the inherent biases of the equipment can be deter- image acquisition in each site is evaluated in mined and therefore taken into account before order to correct the acquisition protocols, if applying AI algorithms for quantification. necessary. The core laboratory will receive The cross-calibration procedure will the dummy run and verify image quality and guarantee that the imaging biomarker data is parameters in the DICOM header, to verify reliable and comparable among sites, as it will they are within the ranges specified in the help reduce or remove equipment biases. For protocol. the cross-calibration, the correction factors to be applied to the results of every machine in During the Clinical Trial order to normalize them considering a refer- ence pattern will be calculated. An example Quality Assurance of Medical Images of cross-calibration report of a dual-energy Finally, an additional key aspect in the process of X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) machine is medical image standardization in clinical trials is showninFig.16.4 where the correction image quality. Because of that, a quality assur- factors have been provided considering the ance check has to be done for each of the studies reference values of a DXA phantom. that are included in the trial. There are two goals 236 I. Mayorga-Ruiz et al.

Fig. 16.3 CT imaging phantom for the study of Hounsfield unit performance (Leeds Test objects, Leeds, UK)

of this quality check step: thickness should be below 2 mm having a pixel size smaller than 1 mm. All those • First, to guarantee the quality of the images acquisition parameters ensure the accuracy of involved in the trial by reviewing the image the images. compliance with the acquisition protocol and – On the other hand, artefacts are checked. Arte- by detecting the existence of image artefacts facts in thorax CTs usually are due to metallic that can affect image quantification. These objects or patient movement. If one of those items ensure the accuracy and reliability of the artefacts is detected, images have to be ex- quantified imaging biomarkers. cluded from the trial. • Second, to reduce the number of excluded subjects, because the problems detected in an examination can be rapidly fixed, reducing the 16.3 Artificial Intelligence possibility of another subject being excluded in Clinical Trials for the same reason. As of today, AI techniques are not being widely For example, some of the aspects that are used in clinical trials, as they are not yet con- checked in a quality assurance of a low-dose sidered by regulatory agencies such as the Food thorax CT are the following: and Drug Administration (FDA) or the European Medicines Agency (EMA) [4, 5]. However, AI – Protocol compliance: Low-dose thorax CT is being included in clinical trials to help assess should be acquired using 120 KVp as tube exploratory objectives and endpoints. With these voltage and 50 mAs as current. Also, slice advanced tools, researchers are collecting data 16 The Role of AI in Clinical Trials 237

1.4 1.3 y-1,0023°x + 0.0077 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8

Standardized BMD 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 BMD H85393

Fig. 16.4 Example of cross-calibration report of a dual-energy X-Ray absorptiometry (DXA) machine 238 I. Mayorga-Ruiz et al. and results that support the need of including ment of objectivity is a key point in clinical these techniques in regulatory procedures in or- trials, as it allows the homogenization of, for der to introduce them in clinical trials. example, image segmentation. Another essential AI can be applied for the following aspects: benefit introduced by AI is the improvement of the radiologist’s workflow, specifically shorten- – Patient stratification and inclusion: can help ing reading times. This can be achieved creating to better select those patients that will benefit a CAD system to automatically classify images. from therapy The CAD will perform a screening to differ- – Automated assessment of quality assurance entiate between normal and abnormal images. – Automating the extraction of quantitative Those imaging studies that were classified as imaging biomarkers abnormal will be given priority at the time of the – Shortening image reading times radiological reading, hence improving the time – Creating multivariate models from the ex- efficiency of the radiologists. tracted data to increase statistical power of the Furthermore, AI allows the automatization of results imaging biomarker quantification. This means that images can be quantified automatically, with AI in clinical trials can be used in any of the minimum human intervention, reducing time and steps that should be covered in a clinical trial. economic impact as radiologist specialist do not Thanks to AI classification algorithms, patient have to do repetitive and time-consuming tasks stratification and inclusion can be speeded. AI such as organ segmentation and they can focus classification tools can be trained to detect given on the expert reading of the images. Also, as patient data the compliance of it to the inclusion imaging biomarkers can detect slight changes criterions. This could be helpful in the patient’s to the naked human eye in shorter times, the recruitment. Also, and as quality assurance pa- concept of clinical trials in real time appears. rameters are well defined, AI tools could check Real-time clinical trials are the result of intro- automatically all the studies reducing time and ducing imaging biomarkers in clinical research. the need of human supervision. Imaging biomarkers are very sensitive to small Regarding medical imaging, AI can be used functional or morphological changes that may for the automatic extraction of imaging biomark- occur in the body over a very short period of time ers. But also, it can be used to help radiolo- after treatment. These changes cannot be detected gist in reading the studies. AI can detect suspi- in the traditional radiological qualitative reading, cious regions due to image characteristics that as they are not discernible by the human eye; this are suspicious of cancerous tissue. This could happens in the evaluation of diffusion and perfu- help radiologist to focus first on that regions sion images. Because of the improved sensitivity while they are reading the study. Also, it will in a shorter period of time, the evolution of the help the radiologist to be sure that they do not different branches of treatment can be studied forget any region to evaluate. AI tools which can in real time. This helps to reduce time while also be used to create multivariate models using facilitating decision-making in clinical trials. data collected from the clinical trial can model In medical imaging clinical scenarios, the use or predict the evolution of a disease helping the of AI techniques is mostly based on deep learning pathology management. algorithms, as they are more sensitive and can AI brings many benefits to medical image pro- reach higher performances than other subsets of cessing, allowing to automatize tasks that were AI and machine learning. One of the drawbacks performed manually in the past, like structure, of deep learning is that large labeled datasets are tissue, or organ segmentation. Thanks to this needed to achieve optimal results. In a clinical automatization, AI avoids human intervention, environment, this is a limitation, since it’s very reducing the subjectivity and variability inherent difficult to obtain properly annotated data. Due to any human-dependent process. The improve- to the lack of large labeled datasets of medical 16 The Role of AI in Clinical Trials 239 images, a very common approach to improve the efficiency of neural networks is to use trans- fer learning [6]. Transfer learning allows to use a pretrained network and retrain it using fine- tuning with a medical imaging dataset. A very ex- tended approach is to use deep networks trained using ImageNet which is made by millions of real-world images. Despite these images having different visual properties than medical images, the parameters learned by the networks trained with this dataset can be used as a starting point to train further from there with medical image data. It has been proved that this approach improves the performance of the network than starting from random parameters. Data augmentation techniques are commonly used to increase the number of available training Fig. 16.5 Probability map given by the chest X-ray clas- data. Data augmentation artificially increases the sifier size of the dataset, hence reducing the possibility of overfitting. Applying minor transformations to the original images allows to create a richer minimize cross-entropy between the predicted dataset. Some of the usual transformations ap- labels and the ground truth labels. plied are the addition of Gaussian noise, rotation, An example of a classification algorithm is a flip, and translation of the images [7, 8]. chest X-ray classifier. This AI tool can be applied Bearing these considerations in mind and in the screening step of a clinical trial. It could while regulatory aspects are not fully defined, help radiologists focus on abnormal studies with there are many applications in which AI can be a certain pathology that can be included in the used in clinical trials to help improve the time clinical trial. The chest X-ray classifier method- efficiency and homogenization of radiological ology allows the classification of chest X-rays readings and biomarker quantification. Two in two classes, healthy and pathological, while applications of AI in clinical trials are introduced given a class probability for each possible pathol- and described in this chapter. ogy. So, given an input image, the chest X-ray classification model predicts the probability of that image to be normal vs abnormal. Figure 16.5 16.3.1 Classification Algorithms shows a probability map given by the classifier (an abnormal chest X-ray with cardiomegaly). Classification algorithms are used to predict classes or labels given an input data. This label Segmentation Algorithms prediction is performed using a trained model, Segmentation is a particular type of classifica- which is able to split the images into classes with tion. Each pixel of an image is classified as a part a class probability, i.e., the probability of the of a structure or as a part of the background. image of belonging to a certain class. In medical imaging segmentation applica- The most common function to measure the tions, the need of large datasets hindered the performance of classification networks in deep development of tools that could be used in learning is cross-entropy [9]. High values of clinical trials. The emergence of a specific cross-entropy imply a worse performance in clas- neural network architecture called UNET has sification. Therefore, the objective during train- partially mitigated this problem. The main ing is to learn the network parameters which advantage of UNET is its high performance, 240 I. Mayorga-Ruiz et al.

Fig. 16.6 UNET architecture even with reduced datasets with a limited Manual segmentation of the liver is a very time- number of samples. UNET consist of deep consuming task, not compatible with routine clin- convolutional neural networks (CNN) composed ical practice or clinical trials. However, the au- by a compression stage in which multi-resolution tomatic segmentation of the liver takes mere image features are extracted and a second stage of seconds, allowing to quantify, for example, dif- expansion where the compressed characteristics fuse liver diseases with fat and iron fraction are decompressed to obtain a mask image with biomarkers (Fig. 16.8)[10]. The automatic liver the same size of the input image (Fig. 16.6). segmentation removes interobserver variability, In segmentation problems, the function used hence minimizing possible errors due to human to evaluate the performance of the segmenta- interaction and ensuring the accuracy and reli- tion is called the Dice score. The Dice score ability of the imaging biomarker results. Iron analyzes the degree of agreement between two and fat fraction biomarkers are of the utmost binary masks. One of the masks will be the one importance in the evaluation of the diffuse liver segmented by the specialist and the other the one diseases, as it reduces the number of invasive segmented by the AI application. The higher the biopsies and, therefore, clinical interventions. Dice score (between 0 and 1), the higher the similarity between the masks. Therefore, the goal during training is to obtain the network parame- 16.4 Digital Twin and In Silico ters that maximize the DICE score between the Clinical Trials predicted segmentation masks and ground truth segmentation masks. Another application in which AI could be used Automated organ segmentation can be applied in clinical trials is the creation of digital twins in any region. An example of organ segmentation for the execution of in silico clinical trials [11]. that can be introduced in clinical trials is prostate A digital twin is a digital model that mimics a segmentation (Fig. 16.7). This segmentation will real physiological condition, process, or system help the radiologist to reduce time in the eval- and usually created using big data techniques. uation of prostate size and will allow to assess The digital twin models must be created under functional changes, as, for example, in cellularity a multi-scale approach, from molecule, cells, or neovascularization, with the aid of imaging tissues, organs, systems, and human scales of biomarkers. simulation. They will be used to evaluate new Another application that could significantly drug molecule interaction with cells containing shorten the time needed for manual organ seg- specific DNA characteristics that will have con- mentation is the automatic liver segmentation. sequences in the tissue and with all other scales. 16 The Role of AI in Clinical Trials 241

Fig. 16.7 Automatic prostate segmentation

Fig. 16.8 Methodology for automatic liver segmentation and fat and iron quantification 242 I. Mayorga-Ruiz et al.

Using these in silico clinical trials which means 16.6 Summary using digital twins instead of animal models or patients allows, for example, the evaluation of Medical image standardization in clinical trials is drug toxicity without the need to perform clini- a crucial point to ensure reliability of the results cal trials with animals or humans at first stages extracted in a clinical trial. This standardization reducing risks [12]. is important either in the conventional radiolog- The main limitation of digital twins are the ical reading and the imaging biomarker extrac- high computational requirements needed for the tion. In this chapter, a standardized methodology development of an accurate digital twin. Other for medical image validation is proposed. This limitations of these disruptive concepts of dig- procedure takes care from the sites capabili- ital twins and in silico clinical trials are the ties to the quality of the scanners performing a need of developing a multi-scale model that ac- cross-calibration of the equipment involved in curately replicates the physiological conditions the clinical trial. On the other hand, once the that need to be evaluated. Therefore, to create MR equipment and the sites are validated, the a good model, the size of the datasets used introduction of AI tools, imaging biomarkers and for training the system is crucial. As with AI digital twins in clinical trials could reduce time techniques, this presents an important limita- and economic impact appearing the concept of tion for the introduction and regulation of dig- real-time in clinical trials as treatment branches ital twins and in silico clinical trials, as large response can be monitored continuously. labeled datasets are very rare in the medical environment. References

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Recent years have shown an explosive growth in actually owns the data that is produced by self- the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning computer systems. learning (DL) not in the least for medical appli- Once these issues and questions are solved and cations. These new technological developments data can be collected and used, in many cases the have started a whole new discussion on how big data are collected with a specific goal in mind we can use the vast amount of available data in which the focus is on data quantity instead of in health care for processing by these comput- data quality. This can hamper proper implemen- erized systems. However, especially the appli- tation and even lead to incorrect processing of the cations in health care demand a high level of data or incorrect conclusions [1, 2]. In the era (patient) data privacy and security. Furthermore, of machine learning and deep learning, the old increasingly the requirement of getting appropri- adage of computer science that defines “garbage ate consent from the patient, client, or partici- in, garbage out” gained renewed meaning and im- pant is enforced [1] leading to additional chal- portance and the quality assessment and curation lenges when collecting (retrospective) data. An- of the (imaging) data for AI and DL is said to take other concern is that—although an abundance up to 80% of the data scientists’ time [3, 4]. of data are acquired in health care—much of This chapter discusses the issue of data quality the health-related data are unstructured and not by looking at the process of curation of medical standardized. The actual ownership of medical images and other related data and the different data is also part of this discussion where different aspects that are involved in this when moving ownership rules can be involved with original, forward in the era of AI. de-identified, anonymized, and processed data. Questions that arise from this are, for example, what data are still personal data for an individual 17.1 Introduction patient or participant in a clinical trial and who When trying to answer questions about curation of medical images and data in the era of AI, one first has to answer the questions what the defini-  P. M. van Ooijen ( ) tion of artificial intelligence is. Different sources University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands provide different answers to this question. Three e-mail: [email protected] often heard and read definitions are:

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 247 E. R. Ranschaert et al. (eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging, 248 P. M . va n O o i j en

1. Artificial intelligence is a computerized sys- creases in data have occurred in the past decades tem that exhibits behavior that is commonly concerning medical imaging. In the nineties of thought of as requiring intelligence. the twentieth century, the digitalization of imag- 2. Artificial intelligence is the science of making ing commenced with the introduction of stan- machines do things that would require intelli- dardized data structure and communication with gence if done by man. DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communication 3. AI is the science and engineering of mak- in Medicine) and the development of picture ing intelligent machines, especially intelligent archiving and communication systems (PACS). computer programs. These allowed a more convenient and standard- ized collection of the imaging data and also could In short, in machine or deep learning the al- guarantee the long-term storage and accessibility gorithmic rules are no longer put into the system of the imaging data, provided a proper storage by a human observer, but the machine uses input medium and migration strategy is employed [8]. data and known outcomes as training data to The data increase itself was triggered by the ever- develop the algorithm. Therefore, data quality is growing requirement for high-quality imaging a very important issue since the development of data and mainly pushed forward by the develop- the algorithm is directly linked to the (quality ments in computer tomography (CT) and mag- of the) data collection used. Keep in mind that netic resonance imaging (MRI). the results provided by such systems are always The increase in digital data collection also preliminary since every new bit of data entered lowered the threshold to acquire data and thus into the learning system potentially alters the allowed higher sampling frequency with more algorithm. Therefore, over time data also need to comprehensive data, thus further increasing the be of a constant high quality in order to avoid amount of data produced. These different factors degradation of the algorithm because of newly have led to the collection of multi-TB PACS arriving data and knowledge. This requires not archives over the years with a variety of in- only data collection quality but also a process of formation per patient from different modalities, curation of collected data to increase the value sequences, protocols, etc. Also, post-processed and usability. data obtained during the analysis and review The University of Illinois’ Graduate School from a variety of tools and workstations can be of Library and Information Science defines data included in the patient data in the PACS as well as curation as “the active and ongoing management reports and other meta-information. When con- of data through its life cycle of interest and ducting retrospective data collection from such usefulness to scholarship, science, and education. a PACS environment, the challenge is to include Data curation activities enable data discovery the relevant selection from the dataset acquired and retrieval, maintain its quality, add value, and generated that can be used for analysis and and provide for reuse over time.Thisnewfield will lead to the required insight. What data to includes authentication, archiving, management, collect and at which frequency is still a human preservation, retrieval,andrepresentation.” [5, decision and thus prone to error, variation, and 6]. This data curation process is deemed a re- personal or institutional preferences. Because of quirement to achieve an imaging biobank or data this, the risk of collecting largely useless data repository that is findable and reusable [7]. collections is present. Often it is those types Current estimations suggest a doubling of the of collections of questionable quality that have total amount of data in the world every 2–3 years to be used in artificial intelligence and deep [2]. Simultaneously, the percentage of the data learning. collected digital instead of analogue increased Different machine learning and deep learning dramatically in the past two decades. Although systems are developed both supervised and non- no fixed numbers over a long period of time supervised and new networks are being published are published, we can assume that similar in- frequently. Selection of the proper environment 17 Quality and Curation of Medical Images and Data 249 or network is therefore also part of the challenge incomparable in their image presentation and of deep learning, and this selection should be diagnostic quality, not only because of the fast adapted to the properties of the data collection development of new equipment but also because used to train and test the network. Regardless of the (subtle) differences in the technical im- of the system selected, the availability of an plementation and scan sequences used by the appropriate training dataset is vital [2]. The above different vendors. demonstrates that in DL the quality of the dataset Furthermore, these sequences for specific clin- used is vital in every step of the development. ical questions are also not standardized and will provide different images based on the local pref- erences of a certain department or even a specific 17.2 Data Discovery and Retrieval radiologist. Also, the variety in the naming of the protocols used by different vendors (espe- As stressed before, data selected to be used as cially in MRI) is decreasing the quality of the training input for artificial intelligence environ- data. Therefore, the development of guidelines to ments have to comply with high quality stan- data acquisition and standardization of protocols dards. The data need to be correct, have proper is a requirement to allow the construction of and validated labels, be accurate, be still “up to large and above all useful data collections [9]. current standards,” etc. However, even if the data Additionally, the imaging data that are usually are of high quality, it also needs to be of sufficient collected nowadays are based on the already size since applying AI to too small datasets will processed data in the shape of DICOM images not render significant findings because of lack while the raw data from which these human of power. Therefore, the right data collection(s) interpretable images originate (e.g., the k-space must be found and if needed combined to obtain data of MR and sinograms of CT) are not stored a sufficiently large amount of unbiased data in- while these could be a valuable source, with cluding all possible variations [4, 9–11]. possibly less variation, for computerized analysis The discovery and retrieval of (imaging) data [3, 12]. in health care has a dimension on its own in Another major question to consider is the that it is almost always personal health data ownership and control of the data. The legal from an individual. This hampers the discovery perspective concerning this question is covered and retrieval of (imaging) data because multiple in another chapter of this book, but there is also factors have to be considered when collecting a more practical question to consider. Where health-related retrospective data from the elec- does the data reside? In health care, we have tronic medical record (EMR) or picture archiving observed a slow movement from hospital-centric and communication system (PACS) or when ac- data model to a more patient-centric data model. quiring prospective data through clinical trials or This also means integration of new informa- population studies. In many instances, the tools tion in this patient-centric model through for to mine these clinical systems in a structured, example the Internet of Things (IoT) and wear- meaningful, and easy fashion are lacking but ables. Furthermore, open science and open data required for obtaining the datasets useful and are increasingly advocated by governments and adequate to perform AI [3]. funding agencies resulting in large collections of And then again, when the correct cohorts are data mostly available in the cloud establishing identified and the required approvals are ob- sandbox environments to be used by anyone to tained, the variability in the data collection can train and validate their software [11]. be enormous. First of all, medical imaging equip- The risk of putting data into the cloud is that ment is far from standardized and imaging data we are in a sense losing control of this data, and from different hospitals using equipment from thus discovery and retrieval of relevant data is different vendors or the same vendor but different severely hampered by the fact that we upload all equipment generation or protocol used can be our health-related information into a variety of 250 P. M . va n O o i j en dispersed non-connected and non-standardized or nature of the imaging data enclosed that is cloud solutions [13]. vital for adequate advanced (post)processing of The question arising from all this is, even if the data. However, these private tags may also enough high-quality data are collected, are we include references to personal health information able to find (or discover) the right data. And if (PHI) or other information that could infringe we find certain data, are we able and allowed the privacy of the subject [12]. The same holds to actually retrieve the information contained in for the comment fields that are available in the the system and combine different sources unam- DICOM header, content of these fields is free biguously into one single dataset. If we are able text, and their use is often depending on local to gather the information contained in those dif- conventions. This content may thus vary per ferent databases, it might bring us the capability hospital or even per modality within a hospital. of data merging and such obtain a new linked Therefore, these fields could also contain PHI dataset with much richer information. However, manually entered by a technician or radiologist. this could also have implications on the usability Besides the header information included with of the data since combining multiple datasets the DICOM file, the actual image contents may could infringe the privacy of the individual that also pose the risk of disclosing privacy sensitive could not be recognized in the separate datasets information. For example, in secondary captures, but is identifiable by the combined data through topograms, and ultrasound examinations where data linkage. in each of these exams sensitive information can The legal obligation to protect the privacy be burned into the image, removing this infor- of the patient or participant is one of the cru- mation is possible but difficult to automate since cial things to take care of when collecting data the location at which the sensitive information in health care [10, 11]. Current methodologies is stored in the images may vary and can be for anonymization and de-identification are often difficult to detect automatically. Furthermore, so- suboptimal [14]. Furthermore, the anonymization called DICOM containers can also be constructed or de-identification has to be performed such where the DICOM header is present but instead that the scientific research value of the data is of an image another file type is included into retained in the de-identified dataset while still the file such as a PDF file. These files could removing all personal health information [15]. even be full patient reports with all PHI included. Therefore, new algorithms should be developed Another special kind of DICOM file that needs to conceal identities effectively both protecting to be handled with care is the DICOM Structured the individual privacy and still maintaining the Report (SR). The SR file typically holds the full value of the same data for analysis. These report of the radiologist describing the image three aspects of de-identification, privacy, and review and conclusion and thus could also reveal data value can work against each other with op- sensitive information depending on local policies posing requirements and struggle with variabil- or the reporting method of the individual radiol- ity in data content and lack of standardization, ogist. thus hampering the automation of this process. A final challenge that needs to be identified Current repositories of research data such as the is the fact that facial features can easily be ob- TCIA [7, 16] still have a workflow in place where tained from MR and CT datasets of the head. curators visually check and when needed correct By performing surface or volume rendering re- every DICOM file (image and header) entered construction of those datasets, the face of the into their database to ensure data privacy and subject involved becomes visible. Studies have correct handling of the data. shown that facial recognition technology is able One specific challenge here is the fact that to combine these reconstructions with pictures DICOM headers may contain proprietary infor- from, for example, social media profiles to reveal mation that is not part of the standard DICOM the identity of the imaged subject [17, 18]. Espe- but could include information on the acquisition cially since name tagging of pictures in modern- 17 Quality and Curation of Medical Images and Data 251 day social media directly links the person’s name The quality of the data used is thus essential to the facial features. for the validity of the outcome. A paper by The importance of careful curation of the data Chalkidou et al. [21] showed that the current because of privacy risks has been reported on by practice with data science and artificial intelli- different studies where the ability to breach the gence leads to false discoveries because of fun- personal health information privacy was demon- damental flaws in the way the studies are per- strated on de-identified dataset. One example formed. The issues that occur with those studies by Sweeney [19] shows that in 35 cases of an are a small sample size (12–72 cases, mean 44 anonymized dataset obtained from a US hospi- cases) of often heterogenous cohorts, selection tal re-identification of the studies involved was bias, and missing validation dataset (only 3/15 possible by cross-linking to publicly available examined studies had a validation dataset). newspaper stories about hospital visits in the There are multiple challenges defined that area. could negatively affect the quality of a dataset. These challenges are poor data collection practice, missing or incomplete values, non- 17.3 Data Quality standardized inconvenient storage solutions, intellectual property, security, and privacy [20, The main reason for performing data curation is 22]. Assessing the quality of a dataset can to increase the data quality of the data collection. therefore be challenging. To increase the use However, an important consideration to start with of data quality measures of datasets, multiple is the question if the data quality is sufficient suggestions have been made to introduce some and useful for their application to artificial intel- kind of data quality or maturity model. By ligence in the first place. It can be argued that assessing the dataset against such a model, the when using big data an occasional bad sample quality can be determined more objectively and or outlier will have little effect on the algorithm possible use of the dataset is more evident. because of the large number of correct samples. One such a model for data quality was pro- However, the data richness also implies that the posed by Lawrence [20]. He proposed to intro- machine learning environment could use faulty duce a three-band model with subdivision into inputs to determine the algorithm causing it to different levels per band. In this model, C4 would work on the training and testing dataset, but not in be the worst dataset and A1 the best. Band C general use. One well-known example of AI and would look at accessibility of the data. This could DL using suboptimal input datasets is a situation vary from C4 where the data might exist, but where the network is trained on a large multi- existence isn’t even verified to C1 where data center database and with a test set performs ad- are collected in a standardized and known format equate. However, at more careful inspection it is and ready to be used without any constraints on evident that the network is not trained to identify the use. The next band, band B, would be about the pathology in the images but to recognize the faithfulness and representation of the data. In this features of a specific imaging device or hospital band, questions should be answered such as: Is of origin because of unbalance with respect to the the data that we got also what we expected? How incidence of pathology in the dataset. are missing or incorrect values handled? What When looking at deep learning and machine kind of encoding is used for the different data learning as a system where the data together fields? How was the data collected? Is there bias with the model are used to eventually come to in the dataset? Etc. In this band, the top quality a prediction, it is evident that the success of this would be B1 where we have a dataset that is C1 system is not only depending on the quality of the and where the limitations of the data are known model, but also on the quality of the data [20]. to the user. Band A puts the data into the context. If the data, the model or both are of insufficient Here the ultimate question has to be answered quality, the prediction will not be reliable. if the dataset is appropriate to get to the correct 252 P. M . va n O o i j en prediction. It could be that in this phase expert available to collect the ground truth, and further- annotation of the existing data or collection of more, the actual ground truth is difficult to obtain additional data is required. Here level A1 would in most cases. be curated data that are adjusted properly to allow The two main standardized annotation meth- getting the answer to the (clinical) question. ods are the Annotation and Image Markup (AIM) BasedonthemodelbyLawrence,Harvey standard and the DICOM Presentation State (PS). later introduced a version describing four data AIM is developed within the National Cancer quality levels A–D more targeted to the medical Informatics Program of the National Cancer In- domain [22]. The levels run from D where stitute [10]. With AIM information is annotated data are inaccessible, with unknown format and these annotations can be stored in a DICOM- and un-anonymized (current EMRs and PACSs compliant manner for later analysis. Although in hospitals). In level C, anonymization is AIM is frequently reported to be used in research, performed and ethical clearance obtained, but it is not a widely accepted and used standard yet, still the data are unstructured and show noise and and although DICOM PS is part of the globally gaps (EMR/PACS-based research collections). accepted DICOM standard, it is still little used Level B introduces true representation with by software developers to report on annotations. structured and visualizable data (structured and Furthermore, clinically obtained annotations can curated research collections). Finally, level A is a in most cases not be used directly when perform- dataset containing contextual annotated and task ing AI because the annotations could contain ready data. According to Harvey, only A is AI personal health information which should not usable data. be present in research data. Therefore, annota- Although these kinds of models could be use- tions have to be redone when using the data for ful to categorize datasets for the purpose of ma- AI training and validation. Segmentation of the chine learning, widespread application has not imaging data is even worse; no current widely ac- been established yet. cepted standard exists to store and communicate segmentation results between different tools from different vendors/sources. 17.4 Adding Value The ground truth currently frequently used for training AI will result from a radiological report, A report by EMC in 2014 [23] showed that in a pathology examination report, or surgical re- 2013 of the data collected in the global digital en- ports. In this case, the value of the data on the vironment only 22% could be useful for analysis “ground truth” relies both on the expertise of the if—and only if—it would be properly tagged or observer describing the result, the accuracy of characterized. However, they concluded that the the description, and on the quality of the mea- tagging is mostly lacking in the collected data surement methods. However, the accuracy of the and that only 5% was valuable target-rich data. results described by a physician is compromised At that time they projected that in 2020 possible by the fact that many reports are still free text useful data would be increased to about 37% of without standardized lexicon or terminology re- all data collected with a doubling in target-rich sulting in multi-interpretable ambiguous reports data to about 10%. with an abundance of synonyms. Furthermore, In the case of medical imaging data, the proper these different reports can even provide different annotation or tagging of the imaging data is also measurements or conclusions and distinguishing of vital importance [12] (level A of the model which of these is the actual ground truth is a of Harvey described in the previous section). In challenge that can often not be tackled. Natural order to train or validate AI and ML systems, a language processing (NLP) could be a solution in proper annotation is needed to define the ground situations where structured reporting and coding truth that is used to learn and check results. is not being used (as unfortunately still is the case However, no standardized syntax or method is in most hospitals). 17 Quality and Curation of Medical Images and Data 253

17.5 Reuse Over Time of over 30 million radiology images from over 37,500 subjects, it holds a wealth of information Part of the value of a dataset is the ability to use on cancer imaging. Data descriptions are used that dataset repeatedly over time. With the advent to categorize and organize the database into col- of bg data approaches, the data discovery and lections by tumor type. All data are manually retrieval tend to shift from a targeted approach curated and anonymized. where specific data are collected to an approach Although these initiatives exist, the need for where as much data as possible are gathered better ways to construct FAIR data reposito- without a clear goal in mind because of possible ries is still prominently discussed, frequently future applications or novel insights that can be also stressing the specific requirements to such obtained [2]. When collecting data in this man- datasets when they are to be used for machine ner, assumptions have to be made on what data and deep learning purposes [12]. to collect and keep for future reference and use. Therefore, assessing the quality of this data col- lection is very cumbersome since the application 17.6 Some Tools of the Trade of the data is still unknown. Furthermore, reuse also introduces other challenges and questions As in any application domain dealing with data, concerning the legal aspects of data privacy and a vast number of tools are available to sup- intended use [2]. port in the different steps of the data curation To allow reuse over time, the data should process of medical data. There are tools for comply with the FAIR principle and be Findable, collection and anonymization of the data, for Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable [24]. enrichment of the data, and for cleaning and The FAIR guiding principles, that can be curating the data. Without the illusion of being found in a table published by Wilkinson et al. complete, Table 17.1 shows some examples of at ( open source and freeware tools available for the PMC4792175/), define the principles that should different steps. When selecting tools to help you be met to obtain a FAIR data collection. to obtain valid datasets, it is important that you To achieve this, a proper IT infrastructure is select tools that are as simple as possible, and required to store these data [10] including an it might also help to restrict to using a defined accurate description and indexing of the data. set of tools within your research group or institu- Such systems are often described in terms of tion. and referred to as imaging biobanks. Imaging biobanks are defined as IT systems holding rel- evant data and allowing interoperability between them in a federated set-up [25]. Currently, multi- 17.7 Conclusions ple (research) institutes, scientific organizations, and funding agencies are advocating the opening Only recently has data curation made the calen- up of imaging data for reuse over time and dar of medical imaging research. Therefore, the designing and building environments to allow understanding and role of data curation in the this. Examples are the Cancer Imaging Archive medical imaging domain is still limited. Often (CIA), the National Institute of Arthritis and new research projects do not take into account Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), the cost and manpower required to perform data and the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI). Those curation either when collecting the data from the archives or imaging biobanks contain collections start (data curation “by design”) or when data are of anonymized and curated (imaging) data that collected from existing sources and, if needed, can be used for scientific purposes. combined. However, in order to obtain datasets As an example, the CIA is a repository for that can be used for future purposes, obtaining cancer imaging and related information from the high-quality data is obligatory and data curation US National Cancer Institute [7]. With a content should be a requirement. 254 P. M . va n O o i j en

Table 17.1 List of examples of freely available tools for data handling and curation Tool Purpose Where to find CTP Data collection/anonymization TextAnonHelper Text anonymization textanonhelper/wiki/Home DeFacer Anonymization by removal of facial features https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard. edu/fswiki/mri_deface POSDA Archival and Curation of DICOM datasets [26] OpenRefine Data cleaning tool Colectica for Excel Excel extension for documentation software/colecticaforexcel/ Open Clinica Clinical Data Management tool RedCap Clinical Data Management tool XNAT Platform to support imaging-based research

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22. Harvey H. Is medical imaging data ready for 24. Wilkinson MD, et al. The FAIR Guiding Princi- Artificial Intelligence? AuntMinnieEurope. 2017. ples for scientific data management and stewardship. Sci Data. 2016;3:160018. =sup&sub=pac&pag=dis&ItemID=615032. sdata.2016.18. Accessed 6 June 2018. 25. ESR. ESR position paper on imaging biobanks. In- 23. EMC. The digital universe of opportunities: rich sights Imaging. 2015;6(4):403–10. data and the increasing value of the internet of 26. Bennett W, Metthews J, Bosch W. SU-GG-T-262: things. Executive summary data growth, business open-source tool for assessing variability in DICOM opportunities, and the IT imperatives. EMC. 2014. data. Med Phys. 2010;37:3245. 2014iview/executive-summary.htm. Accessed 9 June 2018. Does Future Society Need Legal Personhood for Robots and AI? 18

Robert van den Hoven van Genderen

Rather than an expert human surgeon, one 18.1 A Paradigm Shift could already be operated by the Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot (STAR). In a recent set of Over history the human race has proved to adapt experiments, STAR’s inventors showed that it to environmental changes and if possible adapt makes more precise cuts than expert surgeons the environment. Technology is to be maximized and damages less of the surrounding tissue. The in application to serve humanity. Will technol- researchers presented their results at the recent ogy be adapted to a further human evolution conference IROS 2017.1 or will the humans evolve to the development Methods such as EEG and fMRI are in use of technology. Or will there be a continuous for noninvasive and indirect forms of brain– integration of both resulting in a cyborgic so- computer interfaces by acquiring biological ciety, in the sense of human and AI integrated signals from outside the human body as well. beings? These brain–computer interfaces are already This paradigm shift will start with the applied as an aid for control and communication evolution of human controlled robots and AI employed by paralyzed people by translating appliances toward an ever more autonomous neural signals into command signals that can system in a variety of applications, autonomous control devices. One example of this method vehicles, and other forms of transport, social, is to record signals from the motor cortex, financial, and economic services, industrial and which can then efficiently be utilized to exert production processes, and health and medical control over devices like a computer cursor. industry. With advancing technology, these devices get faster and more and more approach the function “Personhood” can be read as “legal personality”. of normal movements. Current research even This chapter has been based on former articles, insights and presentations by the author. The terms “robot” and takes it one step further by planning to use “AI entity” are used interchangeably. computers to send feedback information to the R. van den Hoven van Genderen () brain. Warwick used the same procedure to create Center for Law, Internet and Intellectual Property Law at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1 Switchlegal Lawyers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands devices/in-fleshcutting-task-autonomous-robot-surgeon- e-mail: [email protected] beats-human-surgeons

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 257 E. R. Ranschaert et al. (eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging, 258 R. van den Hoven van Genderen a so-called biological robot.2 While signals from opment should be governed by a set of ethical the robot’s sensors stimulate the neural tissue and and legal and operational principles.7 There is output signals from the neural tissue drive the a general fear that the unique human race will motors of the robot. Warwick also believes that disappear after reaching “singularity.”8 Although by now it would be possible to grow a biological Sofia, the lifelike robot from Hanson Robotics, human brain, meaning a nervous system, and received citizenship from Saudi Arabia in the let it develop inside the robot. This raises the autumn of 2017 as a PR stunt, there is the question of the potential consciousness of such a wrong assumption that the embedding of AI and brain and the implications of this. Furthermore, robotics in our legal system will lead to giving humans could wish to donate their own neurons, human rights to robots. This is based on the idea but with today’s possibilities, realizing a copy of that a legal model should be based on the existing part of the human brain in its functioning is not legal position of the natural person.9 Also, the an option yet. warnings for the development of autonomous There is a common understanding that the de- systems creating “killer robots” by several schol- velopment of robotics and artificial intelligence ars and leaders of industry create a feeling of will have an immense effect on society and the distress and fear. There is a danger that stopping behavior of humans without knowing what the all further innovation of AI is hampering further disruptive results will look like. Moore’s law development of mankind. Should we seek to stop states that new technology is being produced at this technological evolution? Or, is it acceptable an exponential rate but will we be capable to to integrate AI fully in our society and also in our accept these changes within the same rate? legal system? As neuroscientist Moran Cerf debated why trying New technological developments have a risk: to master the brain is a bit of a catch-22: “If there is a fear of the negative consequences. the human brain were so simple that we could With the development of robotics and AI, a new understand it, we would be so simple that we paradigm shift will be there. AI and robots will be couldn’t.”3 used not just as tools, but more and more as a re- We are doing our best to understand our own placement for people. To date, it is uncommon for brain but will take artificial intelligence to do robots or AI to completely remove people from the mapping of the brain and still will take a the equation, but as businesses become more long time to fully understand both.4 As with reliant on the use of robots and AI, the human all new technology there are two theses that becomes a smaller part of the economic model: determine our view: fear and overestimation of loss of jobs, loss of control, and ultimately fear human control. This fear i.e. resulted in the open for the future of mankind. We also have the ten- letter of several scientists to the European Com- mission against the idea to give electronic legal personhood to AI entities.5 Also the late Steve 7ibidem. 8 Hawking, Elon Musk, and others warned several The acceleration of technological progress has been the central feature of this century. We are on the edge of times of the risk of artificial intelligence and call changes comparable to the rise of human life on Earth. The 6 for controlled development of AI. This devel- precise cause of this change is the imminent creation by technology of entities with greater [intellectual capacity] 2Warwick K., et al. (2004). “Thought Communication than human intelligence. See Vinge [1]. 9 and Control: A First Step Using Radiotelegraphy.” IEE a. A legal status for a robot can’t derive from the Natural Proceedings on Communications 151(3):185–189. Person model, ( ...) since the robot would then hold 3 human rights, such as the right to dignity, the right to its in- 4 tegrity, the right to remuneration or the right to citizenship, i.e.: thus directly confronting the Human rights. This would be ing-project-sparks-excitement-and-concern-1.20658; and, in contradiction with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the Convention for the Protection 5 of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, https://bit. 6 ly/2xfMToe 18 Does Future Society Need Legal Personhood for Robots and AI? 259 dency to accentuate the negative aspects of any needs of that society, be it economic or social new technology, certainly when we do not fully needs. If a sentient entity, in the sense of possible understand the technology and its consequences. autonomous intelligent agency in robotics and As Sir Arthur Clarke stated in his novel Profiles other AI systems, now, or in the near future, of the Future: An Inquiry into the Limits of the could be expected to act with legal effect, that is Possible his so-called third law: any sufficiently to say perform tasks with legal consequences, it advanced technology is indistinguishable from could be desirable to adapt the legal framework magic.10 And magic is incomprehensible and, accordingly. This decision, however, should be therefore, dangerous, certainly as we all are the based on the assumption that an AI robotized sorcerer’s apprentice. As Steven Hawking, Elon society will benefit from—to a certain degree— Musk, and others have warned us: the legal personality of robots. Legal scholars are generally hesitant to adapt the law on the basis AI is the “biggest risk we face as a civilization” and “AI is a rare case where we need to be proactive of technological changes. But “if the facts too in regulation instead of reactive because if we long deviate from the legal status and the right are reactive in AI regulation it’s too late, AI is is unsustainable, the law must ultimately yield a fundamental risk to the existence of civilization to the actual situation.”13 Already society has ... as a whole.”11 undergone changes as a result of this develop- Is the development of AI so special that the legal ment. Semi-autonomous cars are now a point of system has to be adapted? The origin of the law, legal, moral, and social discussion because the although possibly influenced by technological central subject in traffic laws is the driver and developments, is to regulate society by a nor- their control over the vehicle is a requirement for mative structure. Until now, law has been devel- safety on the road. This gives rise to a question oped by humans, for humans, and—initially—to that is not new, nor solely legal: a question that govern the relations between natural persons and, was already described by Geldart in a discipline later on, artificial legal persons. But many things overruling way: have changed during the historical development The question is at bottom not one on which law and of the law, in the long journey from the Roman legal conceptions have the only or the final voice: it legal system to our modern legal system. New is one which law shares with other sciences: politi- 14 technologies will change society and will reflect cal science, ethics, psychology, and metaphysics. on the change of this legal framework. As Lauren It is of the utmost importance to also consider Burkhart citing Clark A. Miller and Ira Bennett ethical values and fundamental rights issues in on “reflexive governance” observes we better be the possible decision to give a certain legal status prepared to have an open mind for changes in to robots. Neil Richards and Jonathan King’s technology by “identifying not only what gadgets statement in their paper on Big Data ethics could might arise but also how gadgets intersect in well be applied to robotics: society, with one another and with people, how people identify with, make use of, oppose, reject, We are building a new digital society, and the apply, transform, or ignore [technologies].”12 values we build or fail to build into our new digital structures will define us. Critically, if we fail to To what level society must adapt to tech- balance the human values that we care about, like nological innovations has to be based on the privacy, confidentiality, transparency, identity and free choice with the compelling uses of Big Data, our Big Data Society risks abandoning these values 10Clarke [2], p. 14. for the sake of innovation and expediency.15 11Titcomb (2017) AI is the biggest risk we face as a civilization, Elon Musk says. Available at: http://www. face-civilisation-elon-musk-says/. Accessed 11 October 13 2017. Tjong Tjin Tai [5], p. 248. 14 12Lauren Burkhart citing Miller and Bennett [3]; Burkhart Geldart [6], p. 94. [4]. 15Richards and King [7], p. 394. 260 R. van den Hoven van Genderen

This is certainly the case if we neglect these persons and legal persons have, for a long time, values if also other technological developments been the key players. Large and small businesses, going beyond digitalization are creeping up to private organizations, and government organiza- us. There is an increase in research on brain– tions are entitled to perform tasks with legal computer interfaces and biotechnology. The in- effect and can be held responsible for the things tegration of artificial enhancements of human they do, having legal personhood. The perception mind and body will create other social as well about legal personhood evolves within culture as ethical and legal questions by creating new and time. In the Middle Ages, for instance, an- schisms in society. But these ethical questions are imals could also be held responsible for their also tendentious. Giving robots this kind of legal acts.18 Technological development develops in personhood would raise an ethical question be- the direction of artificially intelligent programs cause the human dignity is at stake. Giving robots possibly embodied in all kinds of physical instru- legal personhood diminishes the self-esteem of ments and a variety of robotic entities in more or humans. Humanity tends to place itself above all less anthropomorphic shapes that can perform a other living beings on top of the food and brain variety of tasks. Coupled with the exponentially chain. Accepting ultra-intelligent beings as part expanded Internet, decision making by these AI of our society would possibly destroy this dignity. entities with legal consequences is approach- Still a positive attitude toward AI develop- ing. The consideration whether an autonomously ments is the way forward. The house of Lords functioning artificial intelligent entity or robot of the UK announced this notion in its reaction must have a certain legal subjectivity or not will to the House of Lords Select Committee report be dependent upon social and economic necessi- on Artificial Intelligence: “AI in the UK: ready, ties and, not least of all, the cultural social and willing and able?”,16 as follows: legal acceptance by other actors in the societal The Government recognises the importance of ar- arena. The acceptance will be also dependent on tificial intelligence to the UK’s economy, its busi- the choice for a utilitarian or more ethical, right- nesses, public services, its workers and consumers. oriented framework. In other words, can a future As an enabling and exponential group of technolo- society function without any form of legal per- gies, AI can drive efficiencies, boost productivity and accelerate innovation. It is key to realising the sonality for autonomous, artificially intelligent ambitions of the Industrial Strategy and ensuring entities or is it a “conditio sine qua non?” the UK is at the forefront of existing and future It is important to consider what kind of rea- 17 industries. soning will be applied to the determination of Maybe this conviction will save the UK from the the legal status of robotics. This status could be negative influence of the Brexit. built on an augmented layer of required legal elements based on the continuous development of autonomy and intelligence of the robot. Or one 18.2 Legal Position could analyze the characteristics of the current players with legal personality and select which The legal structure of our society is the result elements will be desirable to give robots that of cultural, social, economic, and ethical convic- degree of legal personality that is considered tions laid down in norms as an artificial layer to useful in society. conduct all activities of actors within this arena Cautious proposals are already being made to we call society. Within our legal system natural comply with the future and to find legal solutions. However, the actual legal implications of an AI 16 integrated society are set aside. Although the Eu- committees/Artificial-Intelligence/AI-Written-Evidence- ropean Parliament accepted a motion on the civil Volume.pdf law aspects of the development of AI generated 17 committees/Artificial-Intelligence/AI-Government- Response.pdf 18Berriat Saint-Prix [8]. 18 Does Future Society Need Legal Personhood for Robots and AI? 261 robotics, in creating electronic legal personhood, even act autonomously in order to (iii) perform it is at a rather high level of abstraction: tasks, which present different degrees of complex- ity (repetitive or not) and may entail the adoption 59 f) creating a specific legal status for robots in of not predetermined choices among possible alter- the long run, so that at least the most sophisticated natives, yet aimed at attaining a result or provide autonomous robots could be established as having information for further judgment, as so determined the status of electronic persons responsible for by its user, creator or programmer, (iv) including making good any damage they may cause, and but not limited to the modification of the external possibly applying electronic personality to cases environment, and which in so doing may (v) in- where robots make autonomous decisions or oth- teract and cooperate with humans in various forms erwise interact with third parties independently.19 and degrees.20

In this motion, though, the essence is recog- Legal scholars differ in observation of the rules nized: legal interaction with other parties. The that would apply to AI and robots and the need orientation on electronic (legal) persons though is for a separate legal qualification of AI in society. limiting the possibility of application of other fu- In determining the need for the legal personhood ture technologies as biotechnological constructs. of AI entities, it should be taken into account Even in this case, legal orientation is not seeing that these systems will clearly vary in function. beyond the nearest technological manifestations. There will be obvious differences in the degree of autonomy resulting in a variety of legal require- ments dependent on a social need to have robots 18.3 AI and Robots as Actor perform tasks as more or less autonomous acts. For the possible legal analysis and classifica- For an analysis of the legal positioning of robots tion of robots, it is required to look at (1) the and AI, we cannot escape defining or describing embodiment or nature of the robot, (2) the degree these phenomena. Of course, there are several of autonomy, (3) the function of the robot, (4) definitions developed by scientists and lawyers. the environment, and (5) the nature of the inter- For the sake of clarity, this chapter will not delve action between human and robot.21 As always into all of these conceptions. There are a range of we will create rules on the basis of this new robots varying from the simple one task-oriented technological development as we for example did industrial robot to the autonomous car and the after the invention of the airplane, in creating air anthropomorphic robot companion. Bertolini de- traffic rules. The difference is that there is an fined a robot in a broad sense, encompassing increasing autonomy in the action of the AI entity this wide variety of robotics and AI entities as that does not fit in the existing legal framework. follows: And of course, there is a pre-judicial question if humankind will accept the more utilitarian vision [A] machine, which (i) may be either provided of a physical body, allowing it to interact with the ex- on seeing legal personality as just a means to ternal world, or rather have an intangible nature— serve society or the more ethical rights-oriented such as a software or program,—(ii) which in deontological orientation. its functioning is alternatively directly controlled or simply supervised by a human being, or may

19Whereas it is of vital importance for the legislature to 20 consider all legal implications. All the more now that Bertolini [10], p. 219. Compare also definition by humankind stands on the threshold of an era in which “robotpark”: “A robot is a mechanical or virtual artificial ever more sophisticated robots, bots, androids, and other agent (called “Bot”), usually an electro-mechanical ma- manifestations of AI seem poised to unleash a new in- chine that is guided by a computer program or electronic dustrial revolution that is likely to leave no stratum of circuitry. Robots can be autonomous, semi-autonomous society untouched; report Delvaux with recommendations or remotely controlled and range from humanoids such to the Commission on Civil Law Rules on Robotics [9]; as ASIMO and TOPIO, to nanorobots, “swarm” robots European Parliament resolution of 16 February 2017 with and industrial robots. A robot may convey a sense of recommendations to the Commission on Civil Law Rules intelligence or thought of its own.” on Robotics (2015/2103(INL)). 21Bertolini [10]. 262 R. van den Hoven van Genderen

On the basis of these considerations, we can equal to a natural person, as far as property law formulate the following questions: is concerned, unless the law explicitly states the contrary.23 1. Is there a need for a framework for AI and The legal construct of personhood in the law, robot law in the sense of a law relating to, or as however, operates as a bundle of fundamental as- a result of, the use of robot technology in soci- sumptions involving the biological understanding ety? And, if so, what are the preconditions for of human beings, the understanding of an entity establishing such a law in our legal system? as a rational agent, and the existence of con- 2. Does the robot need a certain degree of legal sciousness when it concerns natural persons.24 personhood that does not yet exist in positive Still epiphenomenalists tend to believe that law and is it necessary to regulate that degree consciousness is a type of illusion that exists of legal personhood? And, if so; without any causal influence, even though there 3. Is there a “gradation” of legal embodiment is no explanation as to how such an illusion could that connects with existing forms of legal form in a deterministic world. Others have argued personality or is a sui generis construction that consciousness is an impossible concept for desirable taking into account the variability of us to understand or explain, simply because we AI systems and robotics? humans can’t conceive it fully.25 The overlap of the assumptions of the concept of consciousness and the relative priority ac- 18.4 Legal Subjectivity corded to each assumption is continuously evolv- ing to accommodate new issues arising time, Legal subjectivity, legal personality, or legal per- place, and culture. For instance, human slaves in sonhood is a condition that is attributed to a the Roman Empire, as well as in later centuries, certain entity to perform within the legal struc- were not considered human beings for a long ture of society. Before looking further into the time, nor did they have human rights. They had question of what legal personhood would mean the possibility of peculium though, to have and for an autonomous robot, one has to consider the hold a certain amount of property as their own existing quality of legal personality, or in other private property that their masters allowed them words, what does it mean to be considered a legal to spend or use as their own. Still, they were person. The technical legal meaning of being a considered to be property: legal objects, as the legal person is in a simplified version: “a subject subject of that could be bought or sold. So, we see of legal rights and duties.”22 that in that time legal objects and legal subjects This does not necessarily refer to humans as could coincide. In the USA, on the other hand, “natural persons.” The idea of legal personhood slaves could be punished for criminal acts so as to involves the status of an entity as a person before exclude the criminal liability of their masters.26 the law, leading to recognition of certain rights This is comparable with the treatment of animals and obligations under the law. Consequently, a in criminal law as was common in Europe in legal person has the duty to obey the law, while enjoying the benefit of protections to rights and 23 privileges accorded to a legal person. Dutch Civil Code (Burgerlijk Wetboek, BW), Book 2, Article 1 and 2. In most legal systems, legal personhood can 24Ohlin [12], p. 210. be understood as being capable of having legal 25 rights and duties and legal capacity within a legal 26American law was inconsistent in its constitution of system, to act with legal effect such as to enter the personality of slaves. While they were denied many into contracts, to be liable, to be a subject of legal of the rights of “persons” or “citizens,” they were still remedies. A legal (artificial) person is considered held responsible for their crimes which meant that they were persons to the extent that they were criminally accountable. The variable status of American slaves is 22Solum [11], pp. 1238–1239. discussed in Fagundes [13]; Naffine [14], p. 346. 18 Does Future Society Need Legal Personhood for Robots and AI? 263 the Middle Ages as will be described below. considered for humans, animals, or inanimate Among humans, so-called natural persons, there objects if you think of law from an essentialist has always been a difference in the contents of perspective, as an artificial pragmatic construct, the legal capacity of legal personality. Also in meant to service society. Of course, this also “modern times” there existed, and still exists, applies to legal objects and all norms translated in legal discrimination among natural persons. Until laws by humans. Or one could choose the concept recently, for example, women in all Western of comparatism in the sense of Cartesian dualism. societies were not considered to have comparable This would entail separating the concepts of legal legal capacities as their male counterparts. Until personhood and legal objects on the basis of their 1957, married women in the Netherlands could characteristics as consciousness, matter, will, etc. not perform legal acts without the consent of their To compare these concepts, one could take the husbands. common characteristics to find the most appli- Changes continue to take place regarding the cable legal status for different manifestations of legal status of minors and their capacity to per- robots or AI-driven systems. But, in addition, a form activities with legal capacity. Rights based complete dualistic principle of the concept of le- on age or gender to drive cars, vote, buy weapons, gal personhood is possible based on the utilitarian or marry vary per culture, time, and place. functional requirement of legal capacity of the In addition, society has allowed the creation of entity concerned as was the case with artificial artificial business entities such as the corporation, personhood. firm, or foundation, based on the necessity that Legal personhood is a flexible and changeable these entities have to have the power and legal aspect of the legal system. As stated by interna- status to perform economic acts with legal con- tional lawyer, Ian Brownlie, it is well recognized sequences and have to have legal credibility. The that the subjects of law in any legal system are not legal person is also referred to as the metaphoric exactly identical in their nature and rights or in expression for a dogmatic fiction.27 Butitisa the extent of their rights and nature, depending on fiction that proved to be very useful. But it will be the needs of the community.30 And certainly in a continuous search how to apply its usefulness. international law, the recognition of the responsi- In our present society, we have discussions bility as a legal subject varies and often is used to and even legal actions to consider personhood protect the “legal subject” state to push the other for animals. There have also been recent actions legal subject in front of them: granting personhood to inanimate objects such as There is no international criminal law which ap- the Whanganui River in New Zealand and several plies to states as accused, but there is an in- rivers in India, suggesting that the scope of the creasing body of rules, administered in part by legal construct of personhood may be expanding international tribunals, which subjects the conduct of individuals (potentially including state officials) 28 if the need arises. to international criminal law. These developments, Whether an entity should be considered a particularly in the field of human rights, have legal person depends on the following question: added another category of personality (albeit heav- should this entity be made subject of a specific ily qualified) to those within the international legal system, namely individuals and sometimes corpo- set of legal rights and duties? The answer de- rations created by national law.31 pends upon the cultural, economic, and political Specifically, in international law it is recognized circumstances. There is considerable confusion that the scope of legal personality is measured about this central legal question, as well as deep by the need of society under different circum- intellectual divisions.29 Legal personhood can be stances.32

27Maximilian Koessler, The Person in Imagination or 30Brownlie [16], p. 58. Persona Ficta of the Corporation, 9 La. L. Rev. (1949). 31Crawford [17], p. 17. 28 Hutchinson [15]. 32“All that can be said is that an entity of a type recognized 29Naffine [14], p. 346. by customary law as capable of possessing rights and 264 R. van den Hoven van Genderen

To see if and how AI-driven entities as au- From a historical perspective, we can look tonomous robots need legal personhood, it is at the concept of person and personhood as de- helpful to compare them with the bearers of fined by Thomas Hobbes in his famous work legal rights and obligations that currently exist Leviathan. According to Hobbes, a person is: in our society, namely, natural and artificial le- He whose words or actions are considered, either gal persons. For a more essentialist utilitarian as his own, or as representing the words or actions vision, though, it is necessary to look at the of another man, or of any other thing to whom they bare necessity that is essential to the function are attributed, whether truly or by fiction. of the autonomous robot in a more metaphysical When they are considered as his own, then is he called a natural person: and when they are con- way. This is the artificial legal layer—a legal sidered as representing the words and actions of fiction—that can be applied or taken away in the another, then is he a feigned or artificial person.34 sense of a construct of the character of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, the “Cheshire Cat,” Hobbes explains the origin of the word com- the non-existing entity that can be there if one ing from the Latin “persona” and the Greek 35 needs it and vanishes when superfluous.33 “prosperon,” a mask used in theaters. Still the Romans reserve this “persona” phenomenon to living (natural) humans, including women and 18.5 Humansas(Natural)Legal slaves. Persons Hobbes separates the phenomenon of legal personality for nonhuman actors from artificial Does the human mind control the rationality of legal persons; if the person does not speak for decision making and therefore can be trusted to himself, but their action or representation is at- make “computational” decisions as is the point tributed, one can speak of artificial personality. of view of cognitive sciences? The sentient and Hobbes’ concept does not necessarily imply that conscious characteristics of human beings that this must be a human. Of course, he did not are often declared essential to the legal concep- account for autonomous robots but he might tion of natural persons separate the natural person well have considered this if he had been con- from the legal persons. To identify which aspects fronted with autonomous and maybe sentient of legal personality might apply to AI entities robots. As referred to by Pagallo, the idea that a as autonomous functioning robots, an explana- legal subject can be an “artificial person” should tion of the relevant characteristics of natural and be traced back to the notion of “persona ficta et unnatural legal persons can be helpful. Legally, rapraesentata” developed by the experts of Canon the individual as a natural person is the bearer Law since the thirteenth century. And Thomas of rights and obligations due to the fact that it Hobbes’ Leviathan has thus a precedent in the 36 concerns a living person and not a fictional entity. work of Bartolus de Saxoferrato (1313–1357). However, there is some agreement on what is 34 characteristic of the individual: each individual Hobbes [18]. 35 differs from the other in the physical sense, but The word “person” is Latin, instead whereof the Greeks have “prosopon,” which signifies the face, as “persona” in a legal sense, each man of flesh and blood is in Latin signifies the disguise, or outward appearance of the bearer of rights and obligations. a man, counterfeited on the stage; and sometimes more particularly that part of it which disguiseth the face, as a mask or vizard: and from the stage hath been translated to duties and of bringing and being subjected to international any representer of speech and action, as well in tribunals claims is a legal person. If the latter condition is not as theatres. Text Hobbes [18]. satisfied, the entity concerned may have legal personality 36In his commentary on Digestum Novum (48, 19; ed. of a very restricted kind, dependent on the agreement or 1996), Bartolus reckons that an artificial person is not acquiescence of recognized legal persons and opposable really a person and, still, this fiction stands in the name of on the international plane only to those agreeing or acqui- the truth, so that we, the jurists, establish it: “universitas escent.” Crawford [17], p. 117. proprie non est persona; tamen hoc est fictum pro vero, 33Naffine [14]. sicut ponimus nos iuristae.” This idea triumphs with legal 18 Does Future Society Need Legal Personhood for Robots and AI? 265

Another feature of the natural person is found and how best to define it in terms of neural in the spiritual aspect of the natural person. In activity.39 religious scriptures, one often finds references Jean Bodin claimed that sovereignty, not to the presence of the soul. Aristotle declared specifically relating to consciousness, must that all living entities had a form of soul: plants, reside in a single individual. This sovereignty animals, and humans. The difference was that can be transferred to other “legal entities, i.e., plant’s soul was a vegetative soul, only directed37 the state, a company, or any other organizational on reproduction and growth; animals had a sensi- unit” that is recognized by law in the specific tive soul, directed on mobility and sensation; and legal system. These legal entities must be humans have a rational soul capable of thinking, considered “legal entities” with the power to planning, and reflection. make decisions with legal effects.40 Homer spoke of soul only in the case of human The important question is whether inde- beings, in sixth- and fifth-century usage soul is pendent, technical, and electronic instruments, attributed to every kind of living thing. What is combinations of hardware and software or in place, then, at this time is the notion that soul algorithms, can be considered as bearers of is what distinguishes that which is alive from that rights; whether these might be vested with the which is not. The adjective “ensouled” [empsu- power to act as legal entities and thus can perform chos] as the standard word meaning “alive” was legal acts, or whenever they are mandated to applied not just to human beings, but to other produce such acts. Their actions could also living things as well.38 lead to liability that is not directly traceable Artificial legal persons and objects are con- to any other responsible body as is the case with sidered not to have a soul. According to the employees, children, and animals. Or will there catechism of the Catholic Church, “soul” means always be a natural individual behind the acting the spiritual principle in man. The soul is the entity as the ultimate bearer of the rights and subject of human consciousness and freedom. legal responsibilities? The freedom of decision is the ethical and An individual will always be a legal entity legal background of the responsibility we have with legal personality but a legal entity; an ar- as natural beings. Individuals are sovereign in tificial entity will not have the same rights as a their decisions and therefore legally responsi- natural person. The legal entity, being a natural ble for their actions. So the concept of soul is person, the subject of rights and duties, can act gradually evolving to moral consciousness based with legal implications. There is no question on free will, spiritual sovereignty. Neuroscience whether one of these natural persons is fictitious nowadays though considers consciousness as a or natural. The natural person is the human of narrative that incorporates our senses by neural flesh and blood. But inherent to this person is actions, how we perceive the world, and every- that he is able to function socially and, if legally thing we do. But even within that definition, neu- competent, able to perform acts with legal conse- roscientists still research why we are conscious quences. Natural persons can vote for other individuals in elections and be elected to represent other positivism and formalism in the mid-nineteenth century. individuals. They may join a political party or a In the System of Modern Roman Law (1840–1849) ed. (1979), Friedrich August von Savigny claims that “only church. They will be the subject of human rights, human fellows properly have rights and duties of their the right to life, privacy, freedom of expression, own, even though it is in the power of the law to grant right to education, and freedom of religion. In- such rights of personhood to anything, e.g., business dividuals may be put in prison if convicted for corporations, governments, ships in maritime law, and so forth.” The same line of thought is stated in Pagallo [19], p. 156. 39 37Aristotle, de Anima. cgi?article=1615&context=lalrev 38 40Bodin [20]. 266 R. van den Hoven van Genderen a felony. Individuals can marry another person natural persons are not able to perform acts with or enter into a civil partnership. They may have legal consequences. This is not an absolute rule. children by natural birth from other individuals Minors and adults under guardianship can buy a and will have an automatic natural and legal sandwich, ice cream, or even a bicycle, but will relationship. Yet also this might change overtime. not be able to buy a car or a house. Their parents Due to biotechnology, individuals can also be or trustees have a duty to support them and to rep- fully or partially naturally inseminated, derived resent them. There is a transition period between from insemination with sperm or ova from a third full responsibility for the actions of children and party. It is even possible that children are the adulthood, which usually begins between 14 and result of a DNA merging from three different 16 years old, and in China even from 10 years individuals.41 onward. The parent or guardian is not liable if For the time being, at least, this has no legal he is not at fault for a harmful act by the child. consequences. But maybe in future the boundary But even within this system there are cultural between natural and non-natural persons will not and national differences. The age of full legal be that clear anymore. This could also have legal capacity is well established in the Netherlands consequences that will also relate to a schism and the USA at 18 years of age. However, an in the manifestation in being subjected to funda- “adult” person in the USA is not allowed to buy mental rights. alcoholic beverages, but is allowed to drive a car The law and legal opinions may not give at the age of 16 or can purchase a fire arm, as an answer or have a final say on these ques- referred to above. In many countries in Africa and tions. This is the terrain that legal science shares Asia, for instance, there is no minimum age set with other sciences: political science, medicine, for marriage. India recently had the maturity and ethics, psychology and metaphysics.42 judgment limit lowered to 16 years of age for the Meanwhile, the question remains what fea- perpetrators of a crime. Thus, the law is far from tures are relevant to determine what a real or consistent, not even nationally and certainly not natural person is? Biotechnology and AI are in an international context. Legal standards are converging. Artificial limbs and organs are al- not equal for natural persons. There is also a ten- ready integrated in the human body. Also, sev- dency to look at the quality of the psychological eral experimental couplings of the brain to the capacity of natural persons. An example is the Internet of Things has already occurred.43 Bio- (not accepted) proposal to forbid women to have engineering is developing at an incredible pace. children when the parents are apparently not able We already discriminate on the basis of free to raise their children adequately, for example if will and intelligence. If an individual is not men- they already have children expelled from home to tally able to independently perform legal acts, external care.44 he is placed under curatorship, and if the in- Furthermore, reference may be made to the dividual is not legally defined as an adult (in historical context in the perspective of the stan- the Netherlands and other countries, 18 years), dards relating to the legal capacity of natural persons. Time and culture varies with the legal 41Hamzelou (2016) Exclusive: World’s first baby born status of natural persons. The abolition of slavery with new “3 parent” technique. Available at: https://www. and, therefore, the abolition of the (partial) status as legal object only took place in 1794 in France, baby-born-with-new-3-parent-technique/. Accessed 11 October 2017. to be renewed by Napoleon in 1802, finally 42Geldart [6], p. 94; Dewey [21], p. 655. abolished in 1841 in 1838 in the UK after the 43Brainternet works by converting electroencephalogram abolition Act of 1833. The Netherlands and the (EEG) signals (brain waves) in an open source brain live USA finally accepted the abolition of slavery in stream. Minors [22] Can you read my mind? Available at: news/2017/2017-09/can-you-read-my-mind. Accessed 11 October 2017. 44Proposal Ira Winds, Livable Rotterdam alderman. 18 Does Future Society Need Legal Personhood for Robots and AI? 267

1863. Nevertheless, there are people still living of free will, a basic element of real autonomy. and working under “slave-like” circumstances.45 This free will concept though in a legal sense has Women only got their democratic voting to be bound by the norms of ethics and morality. rights across the Western world at the beginning The idea of qualifying an autonomous thinking of the twentieth century. Until the abolition and self-decisive robot as an individual based on of the law on incapacity on 14 June 1956, the autonomy and free will is a fairly extensive married women in the Netherlands were legally one. Free will, as indicated by Descartes, is based incapacitated.46 Belgium maintained this rule on the fact that we, as human beings, have the until April 1958. However, until 1971, the Dutch experience by which free will steers our behavior. Civil Code stipulated that the man was the “head Aristotle had the conviction that this free will also of the family” and that the woman owed him exists within animals.47 And is not our “free will” obedience. To increase the complexity about determined by circumstances, history, and genes? legal positions, we may also refer to the fact that And are we conscious of this free will? Is that a distinction is made in the rights of individuals consciousness? According to Shaun Nichols in as such. Same-sex marriages are still not allowed an article in the Scientific American,itisjusta in a majority of countries. In conclusion, it can series bioelectric signals, not more, referring to be established that the actual content of the legal neurons firing in certain brain areas, no more and status of individuals is not homogeneous. The no less.48 legal status of natural persons is not manifest and is dependent on time as well as social-cultural Intelligence circumstances. This point of view can also be For autonomous thinking there is also the need applied to the legal characterization of the robot. for intelligence. This aspect is also often used to determine the humanlike behavior, needed to determine the determination of a human and 18.5.1 Human-Like Behavior as therefore a natural person. Determination for Legal The problem is that the concept of intelligence Personhood is not very extensively defined due to the differ- ent concepts of intelligence, i.e., rational intelli- Some legal scholars argue that legal personhood gence and social intelligence. Howard Gardner should be limited to human beings or at least to theorized that there are multiple serve the legal system that is construed by and comprised of nine components: naturalist, ex- used for the benefit of human beings. Their fear is istential, musical, logical–mathematical, bodily– that extending the class of legal persons can come kinesthetic, linguistic, spatial, interpersonal, and at the expense of the interests of those already intrapersonal intelligence.49 within it. David Wechsler formulated in 1955 a well- known general definition of intelligence: “The Free Will aggregate or global capacity of the individual to Another consideration that is used to obtain the act purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal qualification of a natural person is the existence effectively with his environment.”50 Without going into the different theories that exist about the many forms of intelligence, I 45Aziz and Hussain (2014) Qatar’s Showcase of Shame. Available at: would limit this reference to the intelligence 01/06/opinion/qatars-showcase-of-shame.html?_r=0.Ac- cessed 12 October 2017; The Global Slavery Index 47 [23] Descartes [24]. 48 cessed 12 October 2017. Shaun Nichols, Is free will an illusion? https://www. 46On June 14, 1956, the House settled the bill by Minister 49 JC Furnace, so that married women were legally compe- Gardner [25]. tent as from January 1, 1957. 50Wechsler [26]. 268 R. van den Hoven van Genderen needed to participate as an individual in society. that have been afforded to human beings.54 On To this end, it is necessary that there is under- the other hand, the court also states that: “the standing of the consequences of acts performed classification of a being or entity as a “person” in this social traffic (with legal effect). When is made solely for the purpose of facilitating de- AI entities will be capable, now or in the near terminations about the attachment of legal rights future, to meet the , the qualification and duties”; for intelligence on a “human” level will not mean The Nonhuman Rights Project, the appellant that AI entities will be comparable with humans in this case, did not agree with the ultimate on all levels.51 conclusion of the court and stated: The Court ignores the fact that the common law Intelligence and Animals, No Condition for is supposed to change in light of new scientific “Human Rights” discoveries, changing experiences, and changing Compliance with this test, something that other ideas of what is right or wrong; it is time for animal primates certainly cannot meet, gives the the common law to recognize that these facts are sufficient for the establishment of personhood for impression one has to do with a human being. the purpose of a writ of ...55 Yet there are regular attempts to give these other primates a form of legal personality. The chim- Although Descartes was able to claim that ani- panzee, an entity that is regarded as reasonably mals are mere machines due to their lack of cog- intelligent, was subject in the appeal court in New nitive abilities, the discussion above has indicated York on an appeal to personal liberty (Habeas that this vision is slightly impaired. Animals are Corpus).52 It must be confirmed in a legal rule not “things”; therefore, provisions with respect that a person cannot be kept in confinement to issues on animals apply and should be in unless it is decided by a court of law. This compliance with the laws, regulations and rules right, though, is reserved for natural persons. The of unwritten law, reasonable restrictions, obliga- status as a natural person was not accepted. The tions and principles of law, and public order and 56 court stated that chimpanzees, although cogni- decency. Although animals still have no rights, tively complex, are not entitled to the same legal they will be treated on the basis of their role status as human beings: “We conclude that a in society, yet with certain rights based on the chimpanzee is not a ‘person’ entitled to the rights obligations of natural persons in society. Abuse and protections afforded by the writ of habeas or neglect of animals will not be accepted and corpus.”53 rules as such are also included in the Criminal Only people can have rights, the court states, Codes;, and certain rights for animals, in the because only people can be held legally account- Netherlands since 2011, are included in “the law able for their actions. “In our view, it is this incapability to bear any legal responsibilities and 54Ibidem, p. 5: Amadio v Levin, 509 Pa 199, 225, 501 societal duties that renders it inappropriate to A2d 1085, 1098 [1985, Zappala, J., concurring] [noting confer upon the chimpanzees legal rights” ... that “‘[p]ersonhood’ as a legal concept arises not from the humanity of the subject but from the ascription of rights and duties to the subject”]). 55The Nonhuman Rights Project (NhRP) further stated: 51 The Turing Test published by Alan Turing [27]was chimps and other select species—bonobos, gorillas, designed to providence a satisfactory operational defini- orangutans, dolphins, orcas, and elephants—are not only tion of intelligence. Turing defined intelligent behavior conscious, but also possess a sense of self, and, to some as the ability to achieve human-level performance tasks, degree, a theory of mind. They have intricate, fluid social sufficient to fool an interrogator. relationships, which are influenced by strategy and the 52State of New York, Supreme Court, Appellate Division ability to plan ahead, as well as a sense of fairness and an Third Judicial Department. Decided and Entered: Decem- empathetic drive to console and help one another. In many ber 4, 2014 (518336). Available at: http://decisions.courts. ways (though certainly not all), they are like young chil- Accessed 20 dren. The NhRP contends, based on this, that chimpanzees October 2017. are capable of bearing some duties and responsibilities. 53Ibidem,p.6. 56Dutch Civil Code, Book 3, Article 2a. 18 Does Future Society Need Legal Personhood for Robots and AI? 269 on animals.”57 This animal has no legal person- eral centuries until it rose as a phoenix from ality but there is a societal tendency to have the ashes of the Early Middle Ages again within more rights applicable for animals and not just the Roman Catholic Church. According to Max- to the legal and beneficial owner of an animal. imilian Koessler, the imaginative personality of The owner and others have been given more a corporation or juristic person was reinvented responsibilities with regard to the animal in the and appeared for the first time in the writings context of acting carefully and friendly. Animal of an Italian jurist, Sinibaldus Fliscus (de Flisco are not considered to be objects. or Fiesco), better known as Pope Innocentius IV It is imaginable that some categories of social (Pope between 1243 and 1254).59 robots as pets, companion robots ,and sex robots A well-known Dutch international organiza- would be considered in comparable way.58 tion with legal personality, the first multinational Yet there are also voices to provide animals corporation, was the Dutch East India Company with some form of legal personality. Animals (VOC), founded in 1602. This is another clear can take various decisions under the influence of example of adapting the legal reality to the social different information. Is this proof that they have and economic needs of the times. a comparable free will that also prove a cogni- A legal person, as to property, is in an equal tive base for their decisions on the information position as an individual and natural person, un- obtained? As long as we cannot decide on this less otherwise provided by law. A legal person is, element of free will of animals and even discuss in a similar way to the individual, a legal entity to the free will of humans a decision on free will as participate in socially relevant legal relationships. an element necessary for legal subjectivity will A legal person can go to court if its interests be not ultimately convincing. are affected, or can be sued in court if it acted unlawfully in the view of another legal or natural person. 18.5.2 Non-natural (Artificial) Legal As John Dewey indicated already in 1926 in Persons the Yale Law Journal: “The Corporation is a right-and-duty-bearing entity.”60 For modern economic structures we cannot imag- As stated, corporations are not equal to hu- ine a society without the existence of non-natural mans, but they do have a legal personality to act legal persons, states, companies, organizations, in a legal sense. Although it is a legal fiction, and other institutions, take part in the social, eco- granted to organizations and other entities they nomic, and legal structure of our global economy. can only act in a legal manner that is in the best This vision was not new. interest and the purpose of this legal entity. Thus, In ancient Egyptian society, the legal structure the fiction is a kind of augmented reality as a of a foundation was used to maintain temples. legal layer to social reality and not imaginary, In Roman civilization, there were several legal at least not within a society that is based on a entities such as the “universitates personarum,” legal reality. There is a global spectrum of legal which was similar to a corporation or government persons in civil law. In the USA, this means college with their own identity and independent even, to some extent, the application of the Bill legal personality. of Rights guarantees to corporations. Carl Mayer It seems that this concept of artificial legal describes this situation in the USA on the basis personality for institutions disappeared for sev-

59Maximilian Koessler, the person in imagination or 57Article 350 paragraph 2 of the Dutch Penal Code persona ficta of the corporation p. 437, Louisiana (Wetboek van Strafrecht) and Law of May 19, 2011, law review, volume 9 number 4 May 1949 (https:// on an Integrated Framework for Regulations on Captive Animals and Related Topics (Animals Act). 1615&context=lalrev). 58Darling [28]. 60Dewey [21], p. 26. 270 R. van den Hoven van Genderen of the development of equal treatment under self-learning entity. AI is described as a system the 14th Amendment. Companies are considered applied to an advanced computer technology, persons for the purpose of the 14th Amendment, which is aimed at imitation of intelligent human i.e., companies should have the right to equal behavior,63 partly to understand (human) intelli- protection and due process.61 Of course, these gence and also to create intelligent creatures that conceptions are not equally applied across the can operate autonomously in complex, chang- globe. As stated before, legal as well as social ing situations.64 Will such a system need legal conceptions differ throughout countries, cultures, personhood? This will depend on the dimension and political structures. where it will function, in society, in culture, and Can we derive useful comparisons from these its intended purpose. For instance, as applied characteristics to define a legal framework for the to robots with multipurpose tasks that require artificial intelligent entity? intelligence and social behavior, a certain legal competence is thinkable. As the possible coop- eration between those autonomous robots and 18.6 Autonomous Artificial natural persons will be very probable, a legal Intelligent Entities mutual commitment based on trust is a perquisite. This line of thinking is also observed in the Can we always understand the working of the earlier referred to motion of the European Parlia- algorithm of the autonomous robot if it is self- ment in consideration 50: learning? Can we understand the brain of humans Notes that development of robotics technology if they are self-learning? If we can create rule will require more understanding for the common for autonomous entities as natural persons why ground needed around joint human–robot activity, should it not be possible to strive for a place which should be based on two core interdepen- in our legal framework for artificial autonomous dence relationships as predictability and directabil- ity; points out that these two interdependence rela- entities? The simplicity of the idea was already tionships are crucial for determining what informa- described by Descartes seeing the “autonomous tion need to be shared between humans and robots fountains robots” in the French royal gardens. and how a common basis between humans and Now conceivable as robots: robots can be achieved in order to enable smooth human–robot joint action ... For we can easily understand a machine’s being constituted so that it can utter words, and even Of course, this moment is still shrouded in the emit some responses to action on it of a corporeal nebulae of the future, but it is probably nearer kind, which brings about a change in its organs; for example, if it is touched in a particular part it may than we think given the pace of technological ask what we wish to say to it; if in another part it developments in this context. may exclaim that it is being hurt, and so on, but it never happens that it arranges its speech in various ways, in order to reply appropriately to everything that may be said in its presence, as even the lowest 18.6.1 AI in Robotic Entities type of man can do.62 There is a fast development of increasing use Although Descartes clearly had an open mind to of AI in numerous processes, as for instance in future developments he could have never imag- assistance and guidance: a human–robot interac- ined algorithms that will be capable to respond tion in Japan where robots function as help and in a rational way. Still we expect AI to mimic guidance for travelers with minimal human con- the human behavior and the robot is assumed to be an autonomous function artificial intelligent 63Shoyama [30], p. 129. 61Mayer [29]. 64Russell and Norvig [31], pp. 1 and 18; also referring 62Descartes, Discourse on Method and Meditations on to the following definition of AI: The act of creating First Philosophy, New Haven & London: Yale University machines that perform functions that require intelligence Press. (1996), p. 3435. when performed by people. Kurzweil [32]. 18 Does Future Society Need Legal Personhood for Robots and AI? 271 trol.65 Another example of a semi-autonomous processors. This increase would also manifest functioning system is IBM’s Summit and Watson itself in the development of intelligence by as it carries out numerous tasks at the moment artificial means, resulting in super-intelligent in the field of DNA research, teaching, and seed entities of a bio-digital character or, of course, a breeding, to name a few.66 Nevertheless, this manifestation not yet known to mankind. system still receives its initial instructions from has defined super-intelligent an individual. Even under these limiting circum- systems as: “Any intellect that radically outper- stances, one could consider that there are certain forms the best human minds in every field, in- legal effects that result from its own functioning. cluding scientific creativity, general wisdom and This could provide for certain attributed legal social skills.”68 personhood, be it that there have to be limits It is alluring to elaborate further into the to the extent of legal consequences, as will be apocalyptic scenarios predicted by Vinge explained later. and Bostrom and others but I will restrict In today’s society such systems or robots are myself to the legally relevant perspective. The still (at least partly) controlled by natural persons. robot is not yet super-intelligent but can be However, there is an undeniable trend toward considered as a dynamically evolving concept the use of self-thinking and self-acting systems. that started as a machine, fueled with AI, Also, natural persons are controlled in their pro- and is constantly evolving into a complex fessional activities in comparable ways by other autonomous functioning robot and—maybe in a natural persons or (artificial) legal persons. AI later stage—super-intelligent or semi-humanoid applications will be in the field of all kinds of system.69 The nature of this entity—electronic industries, such as hosting, social and physical or organic-chemical—is less relevant for its support, care robot in physical and social sense, legal characterization. The state of intelligent the sex robot, industrial robots, medical robots, autonomy and its function in society will be surveillance robots, military robots, drones, etc. more relevant in determining its legal status. In the medical sector, molecular nano-robots are One could refer, in this respect, to the devel- deployed of chemical or organic origin.67 opment of the “intelligent” car. This is already The fear of the unknown creeps up on us happening and therefore an understandable when AI becomes uncontrollable in the sense example. The modern automobile is quickly that we cannot understand the processes that developing an increasing autonomous mode of move the AI system or entity because the operation. We already drive with all kinds of self-learning and teaching element is beyond warning systems, automatic breaks, distance our human comprehension. This is the so- keeping, etc. According to the road traffic law, the called super-intelligence and is the result of the driver is the responsible party. But how to justify singularity based on Moore’s law and paradigm this when the driver is gradually losing control shift. Moore observed the fact that the capacity over the car and, instead, depends on numerous of microprocessors doubled every 2 years. Vinge and Kurzweil broadened this concept to other 68Bostrom [33]. technological developments, including a shift 69Already in the 1960s this development was predicted: to other forms of technology if the former let an ultra-intelligent machine be defined as a machine development would hamper the further progress, that can far surpass all the intellectual activities of any person, however clever. Since the design of machines for instance from micro-processing to nano- is one of these intellectual activities, an ultra-intelligent machine could design even better machines; there would 65 then unquestionably be an “intelligence explosion,” and the intelligence of humans would be left far behind. Thus, 66 See and https://www.olcf. the first ultra-intelligent machine is the last invention that humanity need ever make, provided that the machine is 67Examples are the molecular machines as designed by docile enough to tell us how to keep it under control. Good prof. Ben Feringa, Nobel laureate in 2016. [34],citedbyVinge[1]. 272 R. van den Hoven van Genderen providers of information? These providers are the Another example is an AI application that manufacturer, the infrastructure, road managers, is used in the selection of candidates for jobs. other motorists, the producer of the software, the Beyond the algorithmic selection of candidates meteorological department, the designer of the based on their email or letter, by so-called appli- algorithm at the heart of the learning vehicle, and cant tracking systems (ATS), AI can evolve into third-party data providers that control or affect AI robots that can be used during a conversation navigation and engine control. Therefore, the to watch an individual’s posture, eye movements, suggestion in the earlier mentioned European sweating, tuning stability, and other mental and Parliament motion to adapt the outdated Vienna physical reactions. This analytical achievement Convention on Road Traffic of 1968 is not undue. will be developed to even a greater extent in the “care industry,” where autonomously functioning 10. Expects the Commission to ensure that the Member States adapt the existing legislation, such robots will apply client custom-made solutions to as the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic of 8 the needy without the necessity of guidance from November 1968, in a uniform manner in order to outside. make driverless driving possible, and calls on the To determine the legal classification of the AI Commission, the Member States and the industry to implement the objectives of the Amsterdam entity as a simple tool, a legal object that is used Declaration as soon as possible;70 as an instrument, or as an autonomous artificial intelligent entity that will operate independently But what if a direct link between the brain and could be classified for legal activities, we activity of the “driver” and the software control have to determine its role and status.72 Whether is made? Not so futuristic, there are already robots should be compared to legal persons or cars that respond to drivers who threaten to fall legal objects is to be answered for a great deal on asleep where certain movements betray a delay the basis of function and autonomy. This decides in reflexes. Going one step further, those links whether they are assessed similarly as thing, as are analyzed in an external autonomous system minor, as non-subordinate, as movable property that will control the traffic flow. This (is?) not the and animals,73 or as independent legal entities. plot of a science fiction novel. Elon Musk is also A complicating factor is that it is not so easy moving into neuro-tech; he launched Neuralink, to tie to a breakdown of legal persons and legal a company that is researching methods to upload objects. The artificial legal person that is a com- and download thoughts. Ultimately, Neuralink pany can be an object too, it can be sold, and it aims to change the way in which we interact with can be divided, but also it can be held responsible devices by linking our brains to the machines we for its actions. To determine a sensible solution interact with most often: cars, mobile devices, and even smart items in the smart home of the future. This also is happening in the academic research at the University of Witwatersrand, SA, 2017/2017-09/can-you-read-my-mind. Accessed 11 as referred to earlier: the “Brainternet” project October 2017. streams brainwaves onto the Internet. Essentially, 72The Principles of European Tort Law (“PETL”) refers it turns the brain into an Internet of Things (IoT) to liability for “auxiliaries” (6: 102)—an apt term for both robots, although in PETL it is meant particularly node on the World Wide Web. “The concept of for people. Article 3: 201 of the Draft Common Frame IoT refers to connecting any device with an on of Reference (DCFR) of the Principles, Definitions and and off switch to the Internet.”71 Model Rules of European Private Law refers to workers or “similarly engaged” others, in which the phrase “similarly engages” others may contain cases of accidental damage; 70Reference to the Declaration of Amsterdam of the see: Giliker [35], pp. 38 et seq. Then the robot will have to Council, of 14–15 April 2016, on cooperation in the be seen as “another,” where the employer is liable under field of connected and automated driving (“Amsterdam the condition that he still has “the least abstract possibility Declaration”). of directing and supervising its conduct through binding 71Minors [22] Can you read my mind? Available at: instructions”; Von Bar and Clive [36], pp. 34–55. 73Schaerer et al. [37], pp. 72–77. 18 Does Future Society Need Legal Personhood for Robots and AI? 273 for a new legal personhood structure, if needed, technological devices and body adaptations to we have to develop an original analysis. “upgrade” the human body to an above-natural level. However, such inventions generally are more expensive compared to conventional tech- 18.7 The Problem nology due to its “cutting-edge” nature. This of Human–Robot Integration could enlarge an already existing gap between higher educated socially well-to-do people and Christof Koch and Giulio Tononi wonder if we non-highly-educated persons in socially deprived could sell our soul on eBay, considering the parts of the (global) society. soul to be our brain contents, character, and consciousness.74 They think that would be pos- Human–Robot Integration sible by uploading your thoughts, memories, and Muscular or neural implants or other prosthetics personality to a computer or robot. They are are now even able to provide movement by brain convinced that this depends only on mathematics activity and sensation of touch. These prosthetics and logic and on the imperfectly known laws are coming closer and closer to a replicate of an of physics, chemistry, and biology; it does not actual human arm/leg than ever before. It is only arise from some magical or otherworldly quality. a matter of time before these artificial limbs even Therefore, there’s no reason why consciousness surpass the abilities of a natural arm or leg. An can’t be reproduced in a machine—in theory, artificial limb could be made to be significantly anyway. stronger compared to a regular human limb, and Also supposes this could be it’s easily replaceable. possible: DARPA77 is doing research on the creation Suppose we scan someone’s brain and reinstate of implantable neural chips, which are able to the resulting “mind file” into a suitable computing cognitively improve soldiers of the US army. medium. Will the entity that emerges from such an Because DARPA’s goal is directly to improve the operation be conscious? cognitive abilities to an above-natural level, this This being would appear to others to have very much the same personality, history and memory.75 can already been seen as a current transhumanist invention. Its sole purpose is to upgrade our According to utilitarianism, the ethical theory biology by use of technology. Scientific research that states that the best action is the one that institutions are also focusing on creating neural maximizes utility in the sense of the best so- implants to treat patients suffering from brain lution for the well-being of the(human) society, trauma. As the scientific community is investing the outcome of an action is the most important in this line of research as well, significant im- factor in deciding whether the action is good or provements in brainpower can be expected due bad.76 We have enhanced our standard of health to these neural implants in the near future.78 continuously by biomedical and technological Persons like Randal Koene have dedicated adjustments and appliances. So why should we his research in his nonprofit foundation Car- have a problem with the next step of improving to create “substrate independent the pace of evolution? mind” (SIM), which is independent of the sub- There are some disputable elements though. strate on which this network is created. In this In the transhumanist movement, people are using way, a human mind could be transferred to a

74 machines-be-conscious 77Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) 75, is the wing of the U.S. Department of Defense which p. 91. is responsible for developing emerging technologies for 76Based on Theories by Jeremy Bentham, An Introduction military use. to the Principles of Moral and Legislation, 1789, London, 78Also see: and John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism, 1861, London. just-made-artificial-intelligence-faster/ 274 R. van den Hoven van Genderen computer or robot body. In theory, this could how to punish a robot if “it” commits a crime. make humans (at least their minds) immortal. Also, scholarly colleagues often ask me in what Question is if this entity could still be considered way we should punish robots if they would com- as a human with the same rights as a natural mit a crime, as this is a pitfall to give up the legal person. positioning of robots. Of course, the question is Of course, there will be moral ethical and easier to state than the answer. legal questions arising from these developments. It will be dependent on whether we accept Should it be required to enact regulations about the robot as a legally and morally accountable requirements of the circumstances that allow entity, a sentient legal subject, or just as an object. these adjustments and even replacements of The question is whether this legal description (parts of) the human body and mind? will suffice for a clear separation. Loyal to the Woulditbeprohibitedtoremoveanyhealthy comparison with other mammals and, in particu- tissue from healthy patients that is meant to be lar, with human beings as well as artificial legal replaced by an above-natural artificial body part. persons, we have to start the comparison with Would it be allowed for healthy humans to these “structures.” “upgrade” their body parts to an above-natural Comparison with existing legal persons only level? If forbidden, this could lead to shady suffices if we want to connect to the ideas of businesses as regretfully still is the case consid- the positive legal system of criminal law where ering abortion and even plastic surgery in many there is a strong conviction that the deed has been countries. Certain is that we need a new legal committed by natural persons or, at least, under framework to create an acceptable way to deal the responsibility of natural persons as in the case with these moral and ethical issues. of artificial legal persons. After all, companies can commit crimes. These crimes are mostly Criminal Law for Robots? of a financial character, such as fraud, money If our society will be inhabited by a large quantity laundering, or tax crimes, but also environmental of autonomous intelligent robots and cyborgs, crimes involving pollution by chemical and oil how should we deal with those elements that industries, or false reporting as in “Diesel gate” in will act with illegal intentions and that will the automobile industry and even discrimination develop criminal minds. The self-learning of clients or in the personnel area. Mostly, the algorithms could choose to develop in a less punishments are fines, sometimes extremely high law-abiding way we had hoped. Looking with if it is considered to be a crime against compe- simplifying glasses at the criminal law, one can tition rules, for example. Very seldom the crimes regard it is as an instrument given to the state are considered murders but maltreatment, or even by its subjects or obtained in a less democratic culpable death, which are not uncommon in the way by a state authority, with the purpose to case of chemical and medical industries. Also, secure law and order and security in the society. states can commit crimes as polluters, financial The content is directed on the offender of these villains, or war criminals. Generally, such crimes specific societal rules of behavior and social will be paid out of the financial reserves of values and norms and consists of punishment the company, and, in rare cases, the responsible of this behavior with the intention to punish, board members, or in the case of war, responsible correct, or re-socialize the offender. This system state commanders, will be put on trial. is developed to keep human behavior between It is not unimaginable to submit other entities the lines of society but, of course, is dependent than human beings under the realm of criminal on the time, in the sense of the era, culture, and law. As alluded to above, in the Middle Ages, political system. several criminal proceedings were held against An exemplary issue for a lot of people con- animals in the same way as they were held templating the legal difference between the legal against humans. In 1266, in Fontenay aux Roses, position of robots and humans is the question a pig was convicted and brought to death in the 18 Does Future Society Need Legal Personhood for Robots and AI? 275 city square because the beast had bitten and killed Personally, I think that the danger often lies with a child. The judge ordered the executioner first the master of the dog.82 to cut off a paw to be followed by a beheading. The analogy between humans and robots, Before the execution, the pig was dressed in the though, has to be based on the fact that also clothes of a human being. There were other cases is relevant for humans: is there an intention against horses, cows, and bulls that wounded or to commit the crime and is the relevancy in killed humans or other beasts. In such cases, the the potential of the act to create a negative animal was punished without holding their mas- result or damage to the victim? Sentiency in ters accountable. The animals also had the rights the sense of consciousness is relevant. Will it of legal support by an assigned counselor.79 To be an act committed by the responsible actor or make the comparison even clearer I cannot leave is the entity use as an instrument by a (human) out the description by the counselor (barrister) third party? And how will the punishment be and president of parliament, Mr. Chaseneux of executed? Remove the human brain from the a court case in 1488 against rats where he was robot for isolation in a fridge for 6 years? the counselor in defense of the rats. Because Disintegration of the robot? Penalty for the his clients were divided over several cities and human that initiated the act? It will be sensible to cities the subpoena had to be brought out to the study the different scenarios. rats by proclaiming them after mess in every city so it would be possible to make it noticed by the defendants. After this had been done the 18.8 An Alternative Personhood counselor pleaded that his clients could not be expected to be present at court because all this Personhood in a legal sense is not carved in has brought so much attention to the cats of the stone; there is elasticity of the concept due to cities and village that his clients would endanger the elasticity of societal needs, dependent on their lives if they would be summoned to court.80 what is deemed acceptable within certain social, The last case against an animal in the Netherlands cultural, political, and geographical parameters. was against a bull in the town of Zwolle in 1664 If animals are accepted to have a certain status after he impaled his own master. His counselor in that society and culture, they can have a legal could not do much to save his client; he was status going beyond that of a mere object. If stoned and buried alive in conformity with what a company has legal personhood because it is was written in the Bible in Exodus 21:28.81 Most socially and economically desirable, why should interesting for the parallel with the robots is that it not be acceptable and even desirable to give a the owner was not held legally responsible. robot a certain legal status and to have a new kind A different perspective was proposed by au- of personhood. This practical view or utilitarian thors to compare and qualify robots with different view of legal personhood is made by the first types or breeds of dogs. The animal has a natural abstraction by Naffine. To see if this analysis will analogy to robots, where the “type” of animal, be of help to determine what legal position could in this case a friendly or aggressive type of dog, be applicable to AI entities, one may consider is relevant. Some breeds of dogs are prohibited this model. Naffine gives three possible models to breed as for instance the pit-bull fighting dog. for legal personhood:

1. The (lucid) Cheshire Cat 2. Any reasonable human creature 3. The responsible subject 79Erven D onder de Linden en zoon [38], pp. 201–203. 80Berriat Saint-Prix [8]. 81“If a bull gores a man or woman to death, the bull is to 82Kelly, Schaerer & Gomez, Liability in Robotics: An be stoned to death, and its meat must not be eaten. But the International Perspective on Robots as animals, paper owner of the bull will not be held responsible.” Nevada University ( 276 R. van den Hoven van Genderen

18.8.1 Abstraction of the Legal is more real than the other. Both of their legal Position of the Robot personalities are based on the fact that they retain by a Narrative a particular bundle of rights and duties. This is the essence of the Alice in Wonderland character The Cheshire Cat of the vanishing figure: take away the rights and The concept of the legal person that Naffine the duties of the person and its legal personality mentions the Cheshire Cat is regarding the most vanishes like the Cheshire Cat.88 Supporters of lucent aspect of personhood.83 According to this this theory thus envisage the concept of legal definition, to have personhood means nothing personality as an empty slot that fits anyone or more than the formal capacity to be a carrier of anything.89 legal rights and duties.84 There is no moral or Of course, this concept leaves open the ethical dimension to this definition. question if other legal and natural persons are The person exists only as an abstract capacity willing to perform legal actions with this “new to function in law, a capacity which is endowed Cheshire Cat.” This point can be illustrated by the by law because it is convenient for law to have development of robots when this development such a creation.85 reaches a point where robots and people Anyone or anything can be considered a per- look very much alike and almost cannot be son in the eyes of the law, because the only reason distinguished. The concept “uncanny valley,” that legal personhood exists in the first place is introduced by Masahiro Mori, is used to indicate because of the practical advantages of such an the point when feelings of eeriness and aversion attribution. This definition of legal personhood is to humanoid robots arise.90 This is when human– the most comprehensive definition of personhood robots appear almost, but not exactly, like real of the three. human beings. The question arises if humans This model does not have any moral, ethical, want to create sentient robots that resemble historical, or empirical content.86 Following this human beings so much, also considering the definition, there is no reason why animals or legal status of robots, giving them rights that other legally functioning entities should not be reflect their human-like status. considered persons. As long as they are able to carry solely one right or legal duty, there is The Reasonable Human no reason to not grant them personhood, even The second concept Naffine proposes is that a if a human is necessary to enforce that right.87 (legal) person is any reasonable human crea- This should not be a problem since the same ture.91 A required rights position by birth with enforcement from a legal competence is required one requirement though is that one has to be for minors and other legal incapacitated persons. reasonable. Simply put: to qualify as a legal The interesting part is that there should be no person, one has to be human. This perspective requirement for the scope and contents of the is the most dominant and comes closest to the legal subjectivity. common language usage of the word person, This theory also denies the necessity of dif- at least from an Anglo-Saxon perspective. It is ferentiating between natural persons and artificial common legal knowledge that someone, in this persons, or other entities. In either case, the context meaning a human person, becomes a concept of personhood is an abstract concept; neither the natural person nor the artificial person 88Naffine [14], p. 353. 89 83 Naffine [14], p. 356. Naffine [14], p. 350. 90 84 Mori [39] The Uncanny Valley: The Original Essay Naffine [14], p. 350. by Masahiro Mori. Available at: 85 Naffine [14], p. 351. automaton/robotics/humanoids/the-uncanny-valley.Ac- 86Naffine [14], p. 351. cessed 15 October 2017. 87Naffine [14], p. 351. 91Naffine [14], p. 357. 18 Does Future Society Need Legal Personhood for Robots and AI? 277 legal person at the very moment of being born them, and act in mandate.96 This definition of or conceived, depending on the legal order and personhood, however, is not compatible with the it certainly ends at death. Furthermore, there is demands of the qualification of differences based the possibility to limit the scope of personhood on the legal requirements by society. It should, if the rationality or psychological stability is not however, be considered in giving legal status to present but personhood, as such, still exists. AI entities in the same way the artificial legal There are two ways in which this common person is considered as a vehicle for inter-human legal knowledge is interpreted. Firstly, this rea- legal relations and therefore is served with legal soning could refer to a human being who has capacity. been born alive and has not yet died, and is thus considered a human, therefore a person. The Responsible Actor Secondly, it could refer to the rights and duties of A rights-based conception is to be found in the a person that starts to exist as soon as someone is third concept of legal personality observed by born as a human being and which ceases to exist Naffine, “the rational, responsible actor: a high- as soon as this same person dies.92 threshold definition since not all humans possess Either way, personhood is linked with both the qualities to be considered persons under biological and metaphysical notions of humanity. this definition. It is going one step beyond the Taking this definition, personhood is not a purely reasonable” human.97 This definition insists on legal matter anymore, but concerns instead the a certain level of mental capacity and therefore question of what it means to be human.93 This excludes young children, mentally incompetent is also the main criticism of this theory from humans, and animals.98 This theory recognizes the perspective of the Cheshire Cat definition. the human form of personhood, but does not Supporters of the concept of the person as a see this as the critical characteristic that sets a rational human are, according to supporters of human apart as a person. For the perception of a the Cheshire Cat concept, misguided because of responsible actor it is, rather, the rationality, the their reliance on extra-legal biological or moral mental attributes, and the ability to comprehend considerations.94 The terms “human being” and a certain situation determine this situation.99 “person” are being used synonymously and inter- Although seeming to set this definition of the per- changeably by supporters of this second theory.95 son as the ideal legal actor, it also encounters the The definition of the legal person as a hu- danger of elitism. Moreover, the idea is not very man being has the advantage of simplicity. For original. Most legal orders already have a system someone to be considered a person, one does of legal incapability in a private and criminal law not require any quality except for that of be- sense. Naffine states that under this definition, the ing a human. Therefore, this theory includes all person can actually be meaningfully subjected to humans, regardless of their mental or physical legal punishment for criminal acts.100 Criminal state, thus being compatible with the human law has to treat the person as a responsible rights movement. In the meantime, this definition actor with a free will because otherwise one excludes—in line with the common legal view— cannot take responsibility for one’s actions. other nonhuman animals from personhood. Cor- If a person is not capable of making rational porations as artificial legal persons are able to decisions, then what is the point of punishing carry personhood under this definition because this person? This reasoning already is applied in they are reducible to the relations between the many legal systems as “being not accountable persons who manage them, own them, work for 96Solum [11], p. 1239. 92Naffine [14]. 97Naffine [14], p. 362. 93Naffine [14]. 98Naffine [14], p. 364. 94Naffine [14]. 99Naffine [14], p. 364. 95Naffine [14], p. 358. 100Naffine [14], p. 364. 278 R. van den Hoven van Genderen for one’s actions due to psychological stress or automobile manufacturer may improve produc- other mental or physical factors.” One of the tion and thus profit for the manufacturer, while a main goals of punishment in criminal law is robot caring for an elderly person will be carrying the prevention of a person committing the same out a civic service. The reason why personhood criminal offence again. If a person is not capable has been invoked for corporations and robots of making rational decisions in the first place, seems to correspond as well; they reduce the then they cannot be expected to learn from their responsibility and liability of the owners in case punishment. Nonetheless, in the case of criminal of damage inflicted by the corporation or the law, this definition of a legal person is simplifying robot. Corporate personhood has seen the liabil- reality; in many ways the law shows awareness ity of its shareholders limited to a certain extent of the weaknesses and dependence of human by corporate legislation. Electronic persons or individuals and in many ways the law does not other organic entities could fall under similar require persons to be as rational and responsible legal qualifications. Taking this definition as our as this Naffine definition requires a human to base, there should be no problem in granting be.101 This definition has a utilitarian aspect personhood to AI considering their specific task based on the measure of attributable sentiency. or function. A person can only be responsible for the acts Concerning Naffine’s concept of legal per- willfully and rationally committed. But could it sonality being connected to the human, granting not be applicable to nonhuman actors too? personhood to AI would be a problem. If per- sonhood can only be granted to humans purely Concluding on Legal Position based on the fact that they are humans, then The choice within the legal system could be it would not be possible for AI to obtain legal made to allocate legal personhood to anything personhood. Then how is it possible that cor- according to the Cheshire Cat theory, regardless porations are granted personhood? But the legal of the nature of the entity that it is allocated connection to the natural person could be the to.102 Inanimate entities have been the subject trait d’union. The property of a corporation is of legal rights at various times in the past. As eventually the property of its shareholders.107 mentioned above, temples in Rome and church Damage done to a corporation would directly buildings in the Middle Ages have been regarded injure natural persons.108 As such, corporations as persons in the past.103 So have ships, an In- are reducible to the relations between the persons dian family doll,104 and Indian and New Zealand who manage them, own them, work for them, and rivers.105 And certainly a parallel can be drawn so forth.109 So, the fact that corporations have with business corporations and with government legal personalities does not necessarily mean that entities.106 AI entities should be granted legal personality As we zoom in on the example of corporate or the same legal capacity. The question lingers personhood, we can see a lot of parallels with the though if existing legal persons could represent proposed electronic and AI entity personhood. legal persons (and/or natural persons) in the same Similar to a corporation, the aims of an AI entity way natural persons function in representation robot may lie in economic profit for the producer or in the use of mandates. Could the attribution or owner of a robot, or in the social welfare of of rights be compared with those attributed to a society. For example, a robot working for an natural persons although they would not have the same status as natural persons? 101Naffine [14], p. 365. Rejection of the human being personhood 102Naffine [14], p. 351. concept, granting personhood to AI, is based 103Solum [11], p. 1239. 104Solum [11], p. 1239. 107Solum [11], p. 1239. 105Safi [40]. 108Solum [11], p. 1239. 106Solum [11], p. 1239. 109Solum [11], p. 1239. 18 Does Future Society Need Legal Personhood for Robots and AI? 279 on the conception that acceptance would critical characteristic that makes a legal person; undermine the meaning of being a person the rational, mental attributes and ability to com- because it reduces the exclusive belonging of prehend a situation will suffice to be defined as a personhood to humans. This exclusivity has been person. These characteristics will make a person represented by religious texts such as the Bible: able to have full legal responsibility and to handle man is separate from nature and is created in in a single capacity in its own right. In the current God’s own image. This hierarchy sets humans technological situation, robots are not (yet) able above “things,” be it animals, property, or the to perform as a legal person under this definition; environment.110 This argument against granting it cannot act as the fully responsible and capable personhood to AI seems to only be problematic person that this theory prescribes it to be; robots if one uses the terms human being and person are still too dependent on humans as they are not synonymously and interchangeably. Electronic or fully autonomous and sentient yet. But this can robots personhood does not have the intention to change rapidly. interfere with the exclusivity of humans’ place in However, we do not know how the future will the world. According to the common legal view, unfold. Imagine a future in which humanoid AI a natural person (being a human) is different from walks around the globe with great mental ca- a juridical person. A legal person does not have pacity, able to comprehend its own situation and to be made up out of blood, flesh, and DNA, but have responsibilities114; would this sort of robot exists to ease economic traffic and proceedings qualify as a legal person within this definition? in a court of law. The definition of the responsible, rational ac- Another argument against granting person- tor presumes the presence of a consciousness. Is hood to robots which aligns with this second this prerequisite for personhood something that definition of personhood is that, because of robots could actually obtain?115 We do not have a the special place that humankind has granted clear notion of what consciousness actually is and itself, it is not in the interests of humankind to so there is little to be said about questions that go grant robots personhood.111 This argument shows beyond our basic intuitions.116 It could be that we similarities with slave owners stating that slaves cannot only get consciousness out of neurons but should not have constitutional rights simply also out of artificial neurons as is the intention based on the fact that it is not in the interest of the European RAMP project.117 It might as of slave owners to grant them such rights and well be that we cannot get consciousness out of also deny them a comparable human status.112 anything except neurons and that we will never Overall, robots do fit in with this second defi- be fully able to reproduce it.118 If robots would be nition of the legal person with at least some dif- able obtain a consciousness, and then according ficulty and bending of the concept. Even though to this definition, there should be no problem most arguments against the granting of person- granting personhood to robots. How would the hood to AI entities can be put in to a practical per- consciousness of this AI be established? Since spective, in which such legal personality may be pragmatic and desirable, robots lack the ultimate 114See, e.g., the robot Sophia, of Hanson robotics, and aspect which needs to count as a person in the (compare “Ava”: Bush, E. (Producer), & Garland, E. (Director). (2014). Ex machina [Motion Picture]. United view of the supporters of this theory: humanity States). in its widest and nonlegal sense. 115Solum [11], p. 1269. Returning to the concept of a person as the 116Solum [11], p. 1264. 113 responsible actor, the human form is not the 117This project aims to build a biohybrid architecture, where natural and artificial neurons are linked and work together to replace damaged parts of the brain (https:// 110Lovejoy [41]. 111 Solum [11], p. 1260. neurons-replace-and-assist-damaged-parts-human- 112Solum [11], p. 1261. brain). 113Naffine [14], p. 362. 118Solum [11], p. 1265. 280 R. van den Hoven van Genderen we do not have direct access to another person’s of existing personhood? In other words, is having mind, one can only assume consciousness based legal personality desirable for robots and society? on behavior and self-reporting.119 It might be The consideration that such an autonomously that the artificial intelligent entity claiming per- functioning artificially intelligent robot should sonhood would do this on the basis of having have a secure legal subjectivity is dependent a consciousness but would merely be faking its on the actual social necessity in a certain legal consciousness.120 and social order. In other words, will a future An objection against granting legal person- society still function without any form of legal hood could be that robots lack any sort of feel- personality for autonomous artificially intelligent ings.121 But even that could be developed in entities? Or will it have a need to place the entity future AI, by humans or by AI itself. In the within the framework of legal personhood? context of the legal person as the responsible, The deployment of autonomous robots in the rational actor, this characteristic could actually be near future could be comparable to the efforts of beneficial for the granting of personhood to AI. individuals representing institutions and organi- Supporters of this theory state that man should be zations and to the efforts of individuals working a rational animal and requires that he should ex- as mandated legal representatives. As an exam- ercise a reasonable control over their passions.122 ple, I refer to a social service that uses a care As stated before, the criminal law system takes robot deployment in support of the needy. The this actor as the ideal legal person.123 Aformof robot is capable of managing the household, intelligence completely lacking feelings does not ordering products and services, conducting phys- have to control its feelings because it does not ical support, and analyzing medical problems and have them in the first place. then even performing medical procedures. Taking into account that a robot is not at a The legal consequences of this development level yet in which it could function as a respon- are great. A society that depends on autonomous sible, rational actor, robots cannot be granted systems and robots cannot do without a legal personhood under this definition. Granting per- framework integrating this development. It is sonhood under this concept in the future depends quite conceivable that there is a need, in this completely on how successfully AI will develop future society, for a degree of legal responsibility sentiency in robots. If AI performs in robots as and legal personality of robots so that the legal a humanlike consciousness and could therefore consequences of such acts can have a place in the act as the responsible rational actor this definition legal framework. A distinction needs to be made requires it to be, then this personhood could between fully autonomous functioning entities encompass AI. and those entities that operate on the basis of previous entries by legal persons. Although the “Cheshire Cat” structure seems to be too simple, 18.9 The Artificial Intelligent not taking into account all social requirements Entity or Robot as Legal that would be necessary to perform acceptable Actor roles and to be recognized by other legal persons, we can specify the role and function and legal Do we need to compare the role and personality effect of the AI entity. aspects of robots and other AI systems with ex- Furthermore, the development of self-learning isting legal personhood or at least with elements algorithms should be embedded legally before proceeding to the question whether legal person- 119Solum [11], p. 1266. ality provision to robots is at order. In addition, 120Solum [11], p. 1266. demonstrating a defect in the software requires 121Solum [11], p. 1269. a profound technological knowledge of the func- 122Naffine [14], p. 364. tioning. It is unlikely that most claimants have 123Naffine [14], p. 364. easy access to this type of knowledge. 18 Does Future Society Need Legal Personhood for Robots and AI? 281

18.9.1 Sui Generis Construct, Legal responsibility for the system. In the future, this Subject or Legal Object will become an increasing problem as systems Specialis? function more autonomously and interact with similar systems. Car manufacturers of smart cars Definitions of legal subjects and legal objects until now have still accepted a strict risk liability. are not so watertight specified as it may seem. This means that the producer accepts responsi- Therefore, the flexibility in states in the range of bility for errors or incomplete functioning of the different legal objects and legal subjects could system and of automatic control systems. But this offer an interesting analogy with classification system may easily come to an end because of the of AI entities. Although the definition of a legal technical and financial burden.124 Strict liability subject does yet not completely coincide with of the “user” could also be a solution when AI is the characteristics of an AI entity, it shows an fully deployed. increasing number of interfaces. Because of the Is the boundary between legal subject and variation in types of AI entities, from vacuum legal object always clear? Legal objects can be cleaner to sex robot, it is impossible to provide goods, services, rights, or objects that are the a uniform legal regime for robots. But the same carrier subjects of rights and obligations. Ob- goes for legal persons such as limited companies, jects can never be bearers of rights and obliga- foundations, etc. These entities are classified by tions similar to a legal entity. The legal property purpose and function and also have different concerns, in particular, business, products, and rights and obligations. For individuals, there is a services, but is also applicable to more artifi- similar specification with regard to act. Children cial legal person concepts like an organization and adults under guardianship as such have a le- or company. The lastly mentioned legal persons gal status under the supervision of another natural may perform as a legal object but are themselves or legal person. Individuals will function under legal entities. This special construction is also supervision or independently, and their activity described as a set of active and passive propri- affects their interpretation of legal personality etary elements. The sui generis construction for and the performance of their acts. Government AI can take this in consideration. Robots could officials, secret service officials, and the military be legally considered either as objects or subjects but also medical physicians and journalists have depending on the legal activities of other legal a different legal status from other individuals actors. One could interact with AI entities with concerning their function and use of rights in legal effect but the owner also could sell them or society. pawn them. As a classification of the specific robots would be desirable, it will depend on the degree of legal subjectivity that is needed. The legal sub- 18.9.2 Liability and Legal jectivity and derived legal capacity need not be Subjectivity equal to the legal personality such as we know it in positive law. The possible extension of legal The liability of a legal person shall also apply to capacity could be based partly on the concept the director or directors, being natural persons at of existing legal personhood, leading to a new any time during the life span of the liability of “sui generis” construction, based on elements of the legal persons if they had the responsibility or legal autonomy for the purpose of the functioning of the robot in society. In this context, a com- 1242018 US overview state legislation: http://www.ncsl. parison with the “peculium-like” requirements as org/research/transportation/autonomous-vehicles-self- restricted liability could be of help. driving-vehicles-enacted-legislation.aspx.Also:EU This reasoning applies when it is possible to Common Approach on the liability rules and insurance related to the Connected and Autonomous Vehicle EP figure out who the user or owner of the system is, study ( and when there is general acceptance about the STUD/2018/615635/EPRS_STU(2018)615635_EN.pdf). 282 R. van den Hoven van Genderen were authorized to act for the legal person. This the machine with the publisher having no formal seems to apply to AI and robots as well. Robots involvement. Here is Carlile’s description of the can be classified simply as legal objects, but they machine as it appeared in The Republican: can also occupy a special position. In several Perhaps it will amuse you to be informed that in publications, the comparison has been made with the new Temple of Reason my publications are slaves. As also referred to by Ugo Pagallo, Nor- sold by Clockwork!! In the shop is the dial on bert Wiener, who compared robots with slaves: which is written every publication for sale: the “the automatic machine, whatever we may think purchaser enters and turns the hand of the dial to the publication he wants, when, on depositing his of any feelings it may have or may not have, money, the publication drops down before him.128 is the precise equivalent of slave labour.” Also referring to Leon Wein in The Responsibility of The Crown, however, was not amused. Use Intelligent Artifacts (1992), in the sense that: “As of the device was ineffective and both Carlile employees who replaced slaves are themselves and his employee were convicted of selling blas- replaced by mechanical ‘slaves,’ the ‘employer’ phemous literature through the device.129 Our of a computerized system may once again be held society is full of these kinds of devices. The liable for injury caused by his property in the provider is usually very simple to identify: the same way that she would have if the damage had city for parking meters, the selling company for been caused by a human slave.”125 What is more, soft drinks on the street, or hotels. But cigarette Voulon stated that the , such as dispensers are somewhat more difficult. Is the a software robot, was compared with a slave, other party the shop owner or the cigarette com- deployed to carry out a particular task.126 We can pany? Although we do not know for sure we easily draw parallels with existing machines that do not mind and just proceed with the trans- perform the needed legal actions to fulfill legal action. In this respect, it is all about trust and statements and transactions: credibility. Such a machine would need to have two abilities. Pagallo, citing Chopra and White, also ex- First, it must be able to render correct outputs plained that, from the point of view of legal from given factual inputs. Second, its output needs trust and credibility, for the acceptance of legal to be reified some way in the real world. The actions with legal effect, it must be clear on what vending machine is the archetypical example of a self-executing smart contract. Vending machines mandate and on what legal attribution the agent 130 have been defined as ‘self-contained automatic is functioning. For a vending machine, this is machines that dispense goods or provide services clear. For natural persons and AI entities it is when coins are inserted’.127 not always clear. For natural persons representing In other words, the vending machine com- legal persons, we have to look up in official pletes one side of a contractual relation. A funny registers what their legal status in attribution example in this respect is the case of the British of legal capacity encompasses. If we make the bookseller, Richard Carlile, in the year 1822, comparison with the position of the Roman slave, who invented a book-dispensing machine so as it must also be taken into account that the re- to avoid prosecution under the country’s libel lation between the slave and their master and and sedition laws. He had been jailed previously the relation between the slave and society as a and wanted to avoid any future liability, so the whole were more than instrumental. The slaves idea was to make it impossible for the Crown to prove that any individual bookseller actually 128Ibidem, p. 10/11 (referring to Carlile [46]). sold the blasphemous material. He argued that 129Ibidem. it was purely a contract between the buyer and 130Chopra and White [47], p. 130, correctly remark, “to apply the respondent superior doctrine to a particular 125 situation would require the artificial agent in question to Pagallo [19], p. 3 (referring to Wiener [42]). be one that has been understood by virtue of its responsi- 126 Voulon [43]. bilities and its interactions with third parties as acting as a 127Raskin [44], p. 10 (citing Segrave [45]). legal agent for its principal.” Pagallo [19], p. 132. 18 Does Future Society Need Legal Personhood for Robots and AI? 283 could perform a legal representative position and it instrumental as instructed by another legal or independent legal transactions and could appear natural person, they must also have a certain legal as a witness in court. Moreover, the slave could status beyond that of a legal object. In addition, be declared a “free man” by their master (man- we will need to find some form of liability that umission). This was not strange because at that will ultimately best suit the practical qualifica- time, on a population of one million people in tions and role of the robot in society. It must Rome, there were 400,000 slaves. The position be deemed likely that robots in the surveillance of the slave may be similar to the position of and security areas as well as in the advisory and the robot in a future society although declaring in the health sector, as well as in more exotic them “free men” might be a step too far. Maybe services, will play an important role without robots could also hold peculium in the sense of direct control by natural persons. The acts have a “financial resource to be used without human to be recognized by other legal subjects based on control” or a general fund enacted by AI industry, trust and acceptance. to pay for any damage resulting of AI when it The responsibility of persons who are per- occurs and is not attributable to an identified part. forming legal acts for others will ultimately rest It is particularly crucial to determine to what with legal persons, a group or single identifiable extent it is desirable that robots will perform individuals, the government, the official, politi- legal acts. Regarding a “Roomba” that position is cal leaders, and representatives accredited to a clear. More complicated is the abovementioned natural person. With the use of robots in those example of a social robot that performs several areas, that same responsibility will usually be functions with legal effect. For instance, when traced to the same group and the robot will play it decides upon needed medical products for a a preparatory policy role or even a representative needy person or orders them and decides when role. and which medications should be administered. It is conceivable that the robot will also be To hold a robot liable will only be efficient if the given a certain mandate attributed to them by act cannot be tracked back to the original actor authorities in the public sector to perform certain or “master” and to see in what legal capacity this specified duties. Responsibility has to be deter- robot is performing a task, just as a representative mined. The arrest of a suspect by a “Robocop” of a legal person or on its own account. In that has also to be secured legally. Legal and natural case, and maybe other cases when it is not com- persons may be represented by robots in the pletely clear an obligatory insurance, financed future. This is a different situation than the legal by a general fund could be a solution as also representation by natural persons. This is only proposed in the EP Motion.131 possible when it is established which specific competencies are relevant to the performance of the task of the robot. The attribution of compe- 18.9.3 Legal Acts tences has to be recognized by law. Only then there will be a legally credible acceptance of the Why is it so important to define the shape of a legal effect of the performed acts by the robot. certain legal personality for robots? If the robot Already the actions of an automated system acts with the intention to change the legal cir- may have legal implications. The advanced cumstances, be it autonomous and sentient, be search robot meets other bots and will exchange some codes which can result in an agreement to 131An obligatory insurance scheme, which could be based reserve a seat or buy a product or service. The on the obligation of the producer to take out insurance robot will enter a possible electronic agreement for the autonomous robots it produces, should be estab- to be accepted by both electronic “parties” lished. The insurance system should be supplemented by without any intervention or even confirmation a fund in order to ensure that damages can be com- pensated for in cases where no insurance cover exists. by a natural person. Can this “Crawler Bot” RR\1115573EN.docx, p. 20. still be considered an object if it has a kind of 284 R. van den Hoven van Genderen legal subjectivity?132 As long as it is seen as What is, ultimately, the difference between the an instrument used by other legal persons, it agent in human form, the natural person, and the fits in the existing legal framework. But what robot representative? if the instructions are vague and the action is Even in the case of natural persons, as an mainly performed by a self-learning algorithm? attributed representative who loses their reason This requires a clear explanation of the legal and sanity, the proceedings may be annulled as a circumstances, preferably in the law and the nondeliberate disturbance of the system. One can contract, general terms, and conditions. draw a parallel with the robot in the latter cases; it Up until today, the fact that individual ma- can reduce the liability of the initiating individual chines and devices were used for a purpose made in the use of this system or can exculpate all the question of legal personhood irrelevant. Sev- parties of the legal action, maybe even the robot eral times, warnings were issued by concerned itself, if the robot has legal responsibility. scholars and captains of industry concerning the This view I share with Voulon, in the sense dangers of autonomous AI weapons—so-called that any legal effect which is caused by an au- killer robots—recently in an open letter by the tonomous and less autonomous system must be Future of Life Institute to the UN Convention on attributed to the natural or legal person who has Certain Conventional Weapons.133 made the decision to commission the system What will be the qualification when a surgeon in its service operations.134 This reasoning is does not perform the surgery, but has recourse to based upon the functioning of electronic agents, sophisticated data supplied by a laser instrument described as: that includes all medical information, including A computer program, or electronic or other au- patient documentation? Or, if the computer or tomated means used independently to initiate an the social robot determines which drugs a pa- action, or respond to electronic messages or per- tient requires, based on the patient records in formances, on the person’s behalf without review or action by an individual at the time of the action the database? Or if an AI will issue a death or response to the message or performance.135 certificate. Is there a distinction between an in- dependently operating electronic system as an One would apply the level of liability of the autonomous player and the use of this system as a person or entity related to the degree of control tool? After all, in both cases the systems perform exercised over the autonomous system, thereby activities that have legal consequences. also taking the legal effect into account. How- Legal acts will be performed by persons, being ever, this would only be the case with regard to legal entities. Automated systems, electronically liability and accountability to the natural or legal or otherwise, are increasingly used in all kinds person. The malfunction or failure of the auto- of relationships within our global society. Algo- nomic system can be significant with regard to rithms command the trading of the stock market the recognition of the actor’s legal liability. The and buy and sell within milliseconds. The fact autonomous system itself, however, can never that these systems, robots, and other devices can bear any legal responsibility until there is a de- act independently and will create changes in legal gree of legal personality and a certain acceptance relations will eventually have an effect on the of a legal position to perform legal actions with position of legal persons, parties, or third parties. legal effect. A public register where the scope of legal competence of this entity is to be consulted would be a solution to enhance credibility.

132Ibidem. 133Future of Life Institute [48]AnOpenLetter To The United Nations Convention On Certain 134 Conventional Weapons. Available at: https://futureoflife. Voulon [43], concluding his dissertation. org/autonomous-weapons-open-letter-2017/. Accessed 135Section 102 (a) (27) Uniform Computer Information 21 August 2017. Transaction Act (UCITA). 18 Does Future Society Need Legal Personhood for Robots and AI? 285

Moreover, it would be helpful, in order to find 18.10 Where to Go from Here? a solution for this omission, to draw a parallel with the liability regulations as arranged in in- Already projects are started with attempts to ternational regulations for electronic agents: the implant neural networks in robots to create bio- Uniform Electronic Transaction Act (UETA), the logical robots. There are even speculations about Uniform Computer Information Transaction Act the possibility for humans to donate their neurons (Ucita), and the Electronic Signatures Act (ES- or their whole brain in the future to live on ign). This could provide a model legal framework in some way creating a form of immortality.138 for autonomous entities to close agreements in a Envisioning possibilities like this is quite scary. legally acceptable manner. Maybe some of the memories could actually be Ugo Pagallo presented the logical connection preserved that way, as there is evidence that the to existing forms of legal personhood for AI implanted neurons do really take on different entities depending on their position and function, roles like motor neurons and sensory neurons be it that more precise specifications of robot similar to how it works in a human body. and their tasks can result in more specified legal Moreover, this also entails the question if subjectivity and legal competence: biological robots or robots with a simulated brain could develop consciousness and emotions like 1. “Independent legal personhood to robots with us humans. Anyhow, some researchers are skep- rights and duties of their own; tical that it is possible for robots to develop 2. Some rights of constitutional personhood, consciousness just because of a small selection such as those granted to minors and people of living cultural networks they have implanted. with severe psychological illnesses, i.e., This is due to the many different types of cells personhood without full legal capacity; in the human brain while nobody actually knows 3. Dependent, rather than independent, person- which cells in which combination are important hood as it occurs with artificial legal persons for developing consciousness. such as corporations; and, For a start AI algorithms can predict more and 4. Stricter forms of personhood in the civil law more of the human behavior, evolving from as- field, such as the accountability of (some sisting to replacing and steering several economic types of) robots for both contractual and extra- and societal processes.139 contractual obligations.”136 Although an autonomous system or robot, even with an independent intelligence and emo- As Ugo Pagallo concludes in another book tion to function in our society, would not need concerning contracting capability: “artificial to have a legal status that is similar to the rights agents should be able to qualify for independent and obligations of natural and legal persons in legal personality” based on the task they have to the positive law, change is imminent. The con- perform.137 tours have to be defined. Even as an autonomous system passes the Turing test, this would not create any legal responsibilities per se. It is, however, advisable that certain forms of acting 136Going back to Teubner’s analysis in the Rights of by autonomously functioning intelligent systems, Nonhumans?, the entry of new actors on the legal scene such as social robots or legal enforcement robots, concerns all the nuances of legal agenthood, such as “distinctions between different graduations of legal sub- jectivity, between mere interests, partial rights and full- fledged rights, between limited and full capacity for ac- 138Randal Koene ( tion, between agency, representation and trust, between individual, group, corporate and other forms of collective 139David C. Parkes and Michael P. Wellman, Eco- responsibility.” Pagallo [19], p. 153 (referring to Teubner nomic reasoning and artificial intelligence, Science 17 [49]). July 2015: Vol. 349, Issue 6245, pp. 267–272. DOI: 137Hildebrandt and Gaakeer [50], p. 60. 286 R. van den Hoven van Genderen may be conceivable to obtain a certain form of purpose of the actions, and the legal consensus of attributed legal personhood to carry out their the legal entities involved. If these concepts are tasks. This is based on the essential requirement agreed upon, it will then be necessary to obtain that there is a social and legal necessity justifying the acceptance by the government and parliament such an attribution. This conception would also to create or adapt a legal framework. As to how surpass the legal qualification of the integration difficult and time-consuming this process will between AI entities and human entities. be, reference can be made to the acceptance of Already human enhancement is taking place, the non-natural person in the positive law. The improving resistance and controlling physical comparison with the rational, responsible actor processes according to the defense (DARPA) as presented by Naffine probably will result in programs in the USA.140 It is conceivable that in too many problems but certainly elements of this the near future robots could get human neurons reasoning could be of help. or whole brains implanted. They would then be Currently, many AI systems are very difficult partially composed of human material making it for users to understand. This is also increasingly more probable to get legal personhood attributed, true for those who develop the systems. In par- as they would bear more similarity to humans ticular, neural networks are often “black boxes,” than robots today making treatment equality in which the (decision-making) processes taking more likely. place can no longer be understood and for which The legal positioning of robots could be se- there are no explanatory mechanisms.143 This lected for an amendment of the law or pos- could necessitate a legal requirement to create a sibly even a sui generis standard for certain form of transparency as to how the systems work, autonomous robots. This legal positioning will to enhance trust and credibility of the acts leading be dependent on the degree of autonomy and to legal effect as also proposed in the EP motion social need. For the qualification of the robots, on civil law rules on robotics. the grading of the ISO standards can serve as an AI and autonomous robots will be part of our example.141 In the International Standardization future society. Integration of AI inside the human Organization already a development can be seen body will also occur. Our physical and informa- to treat the role of the robot differently (in se- tional integrity will be invaded, with or without curity) and to accept a standard for robot/human our knowledge or consent. We already share a collaboration.142 substantial part of our personal data with third One might also imagine that certain changes parties and appear not really concerned by it. On are made to the existing law in order to create top of that, governments and industries are forc- a practical system representation of autonomous ing us to share even more personal information to systems for the initial legal actor, the natural regulate or protect the social system or to lower or legal person. These changes in the law will risks and costs of services and products. More depend on a correct description of the reliability knowledge about the brain and its functioning and trust of the representation by the robot, the could also lead to ways to improve memory for instance. This brings with it another problem: To 140See i.e. the “PREPARE” project (https://www.darpa. whom would such human enhancement options mil/news-events/2018-05-25). be open? Probably only to the richest part of 141See, e.g., ISO 13482: 2014 Specifies requirements the population. These are all points that need and guidelines for the inherently safe design, protective to be taken into account by politicians, lawyers, measures, and information for use or personal care robots, in particular the following three types of personal care and scientists working in the field of robotics, robots: mobile robot servant, physical assistant robot, and artificial intelligence, and neuroscience. person carrier robot. The European General Data Protection 142 Human and robot system interaction in industrial set- Regulation (GDPR) describes the protection of tings is now possible thanks to ISO/TS 15066, a new ISO technical specification for collaborative robot system safety. 143Hildebrandt and Gaakeer [50], p. 7. 18 Does Future Society Need Legal Personhood for Robots and AI? 287 personal data during processing in outdated The “Big Brother Watch” has a rather naïve terminology concerning AI.144 Due to the point of view on the possibility of transparency non-technological orientation and the hinge on of AI in the GDPR as proclaimed in the earlier mentioned UK House of Lords document on AI.146 conventional directions of thinking, it is hard to consider the GDPR sufficient to protect personal For this reason, it will be necessary to de- data in the age of AI. velop some form of certification to determine Informational rights for the data subject and whether the autonomously functioning robot can transparency of the process cannot be applied to be accepted to process data of third parties and integrated AI, certainly not if this is integrated perform acts with legal capacity. Which inter- into the physical functions of the human being. action would be considered acceptable between There is a significant risk of chilling effects for parties will vary, depending on the function and the development of AI and robotics if the GDPR of course the requirements of technological mea- has to be enforced on all AI applications. sures of protection of the robot as described In a report of the Science and Technology above. Committee of the UK Parliament, the need for Horst Eidenmüller gave the following princi- unhindered but controlled applications of AI ples for a legal structure for AI (robots): technology is stressed: (i) Robot regulation must be robot- and context- It is important to ensure that AI technology specific. This requires a profound understanding of is operating as intended and that unwanted, or the micro- and macro-effects of ‘robot behaviour’ unpredictable, behaviors are not produced, either in specific areas. (ii) (Refined) existing legal cat- by accident or maliciously. Methods are therefore egories are capable of being sensibly applied to required to verify that the system is functioning and regulating robots. (iii) Robot law is shaped correctly. According to the Association for the by the ‘deep normative structure’ of a society. Advancement of Artificial Intelligence: it is (iv) If that structure is utilitarian, smart robots critical that one should be able to prove, test, should, in the not too distant future, be treated like measure and validate the reliability, performance, humans. That means that they should be accorded safety and ethical compliance—both logically and legal personality, have the power to acquire and statistically/probabilistically—of such robotics hold property and to conclude contracts. (v) The and artificial intelligence systems before they are case against treating robots like humans rests on deployed.145 epistemological and ontological arguments. These relate to whether machines can think (they cannot) and what it means to be human.147 144Regulation (EU) 2016/679. 145Interesting is the concluding recommendation of the It is essential that we, as people, maintain Science and Technology Committee: “73. We recommend control of the system as long as this has an added that a standing Commission on Artificial Intelligence value. We would not want to be confronted with be established, based at the Alan Turing Institute, to examine the social, ethical and legal implications of 146 recent and potential developments in AI. It should focus “Because AI can fundamentally impact a person’s on establishing principles to govern the development life, moves should be undertaken to ensure that the and application of AI techniques, as well as advising the transparency of AI programs is standard, particularly Government of any regulation required on limits to its when AI is used to make a decision affecting people progression. It will need to be closely coordinated with the or impact how people live their lives. The public must work of the Council of Data Ethics which the Government always be fully aware of when they are subject to, or is currently setting up following the recommendation affected or impacted by a decision made by AI. Increased made in our Big Data Dilemma report. 74. Membership of transparency and accountability of public-facing AI, the Commission should be broad and include those with including the methods behind the system, and the reasons expertise in law, social science and philosophy, as well for decisions, will not only benefit society as a whole as computer scientists, natural scientists, mathematicians in terms of open source information but will increase and engineers. Members drawn from industry, NGOs and public trust and confidence and subsequently, public the public, should also be included and a programme engagement with AI systems.” (https://www.parliament. of wide ranging public dialogue instituted.” Available uk/documents/lords-committees/Artificial-Intelligence/ at: AI-Written-Evidence-Volume.pdf), p. 140. cmselect/cmsctech/145/14506.htm#_idTextAnchor014. 147 Accessed 25 October 2017. 2017/04/rise-robots-and-law-humans 288 R. van den Hoven van Genderen autonomous systems, which use the collection We are better off using our electronic, or of all kinds of personal information and other better, technology-based servants to help us with available data for their own purposes. But, on the practical performance of our duties. The more the other hand, AI technology can only develop intelligent the system is, all the more reliable the without chilling effects if it is commercially ad- functionality will be. Give the robot a place in our mitted to the consumer’s daily life without too legal system, maybe even with a form of digital much legal constraint. The existence of a sui peculium as proposed by Pagallo, giving them generis structure, comparable with the case of a limited resource that could also be used as a the artificial legal person in corporate law, may guarantee for possible mistakes or damages, and provide a solution. The Naffine definition of open the possibility of accountability for their the Cheshire Cat combined with Rational Actor autonomous acts. In a more extensive elaboration can form a rational basis for a legal framework of this idea, one could establish a fund financed comparable with the existing position of artificial by a certain percentage of the earnings by robots legal persons. to guarantee any losses or damages. Though it At least, the following requirements of the AI will have to be a select group of AI entities entity have to be fulfilled to acquire a sui generis that qualify for a new form of legal personhood legal personhood: and economic personality. In that respect, the robot will be active in the social and economic 1. “Necessity in the ‘human’ society, socio- functioning of society. This can also concern the economic relevance, need for legal certifica- public sector. A certain trust in the acts of robots tion; and recognition of their identity will prove to be 2. Determination of autonomous intelligence, essential. Turing test like, ‘human impression’ level; On top of that a utilitarian, sui generis legal 3. Sufficient social intelligence; The AI entity position does not result in a comparable legal sta- must be able to understand the socio- tus comparable with natural persons. The protest emotional and moral value of statements by against the European Parliament motion on legal other parties to respond appropriately so that status of electronic persons in an open letter by there is an equivalent basis for consensus; a number of experts seems to be a bit “over the 4. Being able to respond to changing circum- hill” because robots will not be human(yet): stances; this aspect I would call ‘adaptive or A legal status for a robot can’t derive from the dynamic’ intelligence; Natural Person model, since the robot would then 5. Acceptance by other legal persons by creating hold human rights, such as the right to dignity, the trust and reliance for other legal and natural right to its integrity, the right to remuneration or the right to citizenship, thus directly confronting the persons to integrate in economic, social and Human rights. This would be in contradiction with legal interactions; the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European 6. A public register that specifies which robots Union and the Convention for the Protection of 149 will have specific legal competences for spec- Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. ified roles and tasks.” But we have to keep in mind that we still have to control the developments and not end On top of this, an ethical code has to be devel- up with the rather pessimistic post-human idea oped on the basis of the EP motion that should described by Yuval Noah Harari in his famous also consider the use of different categories of book Homo Deus. In this account, science will robots, as well as the default rules needed for move in the direction that all organisms are al- 148 developers and producers of robotics. gorithms, life is data processing, intelligence will

148The proposed code of ethical conduct in the field of ciples from the design and development phase. EP motion, robotics will lay the groundwork for the identification, PE582.443v03-00, p. 21. oversight, and compliance with fundamental ethical prin- 149 18 Does Future Society Need Legal Personhood for Robots and AI? 289 be separated from consciousness, and the hyper- 12. Ohlin JD. Is the concept of person necessary for intelligent algorithms will know us better than human rights? Columbia Law Rev. 2005;105:209– we know ourselves.150 Even if super-intelligent 49. 13. Fagundes D. What we talk about when we talk about algorithms will decide how society and humans persons: the language of a legal fiction. Harv Law develop we must not forget we will be part, Rev. 2001;114(6):1745–68. integrated with AI or not, of the development of 14. Naffine N. Who are law’s persons? From Cheshire our own future. Cats to responsible subjects. Mod Law Rev. 2003;66(3):346–67. 15. Hutchinson A. The Whanganui River as a legal per- son. Altern Law J. 2014;39(3):179–82. References 16. Brownlie I. Principles of public international law. London: Clarendon Press; 1990. 1. Vinge V. The coming technological singularity: 17. Crawford JR. Brownlie’s principles of public interna- how to survive in the post-human era. NASA, tional law. 8th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press; Lewis Research Center, Vision 21. 1993. p. 2012. 11–22. Available at: 18. Hobbes T. Chapter xvi: of persons, authors, and misc/singularity.html. Accessed 25 Oct 2017. things personated. In: Hobbes T, editor. Leviathan. 2. Clarke AC. Profiles of the future: an inquiry into the London: Andrew Crooke; 1651. limits of the possible. New York: Harper & Row; 19. Pagallo U. The laws of robots: crimes, contracts, and 1973. torts. Dordrecht: Springer; 2013. 3. Miller CA, Bennett I. Thinking longer term about 20. Bodin J. Les Six Livres de la Republique (Translation technology: is there value in science fiction-inspired by MJ Tooley). Oxford: Blackwell; 1955. approaches to constructing futures? Sci Public Policy. 21. Dewey J. The historic background of corporate legal 2008;35(8):597–606. personality. Yale Law Rev. 1926;35(6):655–73. 4. Burkhart L. Symposium – governance of 22. Minors D. Can you read my mind? 2017. Available emerging technologies: law, policy, and ethics. at: Jurimetrics. 2016;56:219–22. Available at: https:// research-news/2017/2017-09/can-you-read-my- mind. Accessed 11 Oct 2017. e/science_technology/2016/governance_in_emerging 23. The Global Slavery Index. 2016. Available at: https:/ _technologies.authcheckdam.pdf. Accessed 12 Sept / Accessed 12 2017. Oct 2017. 5. Tjong Tjin Tai, TFE. Private law for homo digitalis, 24. Descartes R. Principia philosophiae. Paris: Vrin; use and maintenance. Preliminary Advice for NVJ. 1973. 2016. p. 248. 25. Gardner H. The theory of multiple intelligences. New 6. Geldart WM. Legal personality. Law Q Rev. York: Basic Books; 1993. 1911;27:90–108. 26. Wechsler D. The range of human capacities. Balti- 7. Richards NM, King JH. Big data ethics. Wake Forest more: Williams & Wilkins; 1955. Law Rev. 2014;49:393–432. 27. Turing AM. Computing machinery and intelligence. 8. Berriat Saint-Prix J. Rapport et Recherches sur les Mind, New Series. 1950;59(236):433–60. Procès et Jugemens Relatifs aux Animaux. Paris: 28. Darling K. Electronic love, trust, & abuse: social Imprimerie de Selligue; 1829. aspects of robotics. Workshop “We Robot” at the 9. Delvaux M. Report PE582.443v01-00 University of Miami. 2016. with recommendations to the Commission 29. Mayer CJ. Personalizing the impersonal: corpo- on Civil Law Rules on Robotics rations and the bill of rights. Hastings Law J. (2015/2103(INL)). 2017. Available at: http:// 1990;41(3):577–667. 30. Shoyama. Intelligent agents: authors, makers, and //EP//NONSGML+REPORT+A8-2017- owners of computer-generated works in Canadian 0005+0+DOC+PDF+V0//EN. Accessed 8 Dec copyright law. Can J Law Technol. 2005;4(2):129. 2017. 31. Russell S, Norvig P. Artificial intelligence: a modern 10. Bertolini A. Robots as products: the case for a realis- approach. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson tic analysis of robotic applications and liability rules. Education; 2010. Law Innov Technol. 2013;5(2):214–27. 32. Kurzweil R. The age of intelligent machines. Cam- 11. Solum LB. Legal personhood for artificial intelli- bridge: The MIT Press; 1990. gences. North Carol Law Rev. 1992;70(4):1238–9. 33. Bostrom N. Superintelligence: paths, dangers, strate- gies. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2014. 34. Good IJ. Speculations concerning the first ultrain- telligent machine. In: Alt FL, Rubinoff M, editors. Advances in computers, vol. 6. New York: Academic 150 Harari [51], last sentences. Press; 1965. p. 31–88. 290 R. van den Hoven van Genderen

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Bibb Allen, Robert Gish, and Keith Dreyer

For the most part, individual AI software de- 19.1 Defining Business velopers are currently working with individual Ecosystems radiologists within single institutions to create AI algorithms focused toward the targeted needs Fueled by the ever-increasing amount of data of those individual health systems. One central generated by the healthcare system and the re- challenge for radiology informatics is general- cent exponential advances in computing power izing these single site and limited AI applica- detailed in previous chapters, artificial intelli- tions to routine clinical practice across a wide gence (AI) applications for healthcare, especially range of patient populations, electronic health within diagnostic imaging, are rapidly prolif- records, imaging equipment systems, and imag- erating [1]. Artificial intelligence promises the ing protocols [1]. Healthcare stakeholders includ- transformation of massive volumes of generated ing physicians, patients, medical societies, hos- data, which exceeds the capacity of the human pital systems, software developers, the health in- mind, into actionable data usable by healthcare formation technology industry, and governmental stakeholders. However, currently no well-defined regulatory agencies all comprise a community framework exists for determining how great ideas that will have to function as a system in order for AI algorithms in healthcare will advance for AI algorithms to be deployed, monitored, and from developmentto integrated clinical practice. improved in widespread clinical practice. The community of interacting stakeholders is defined B. Allen () here as an “Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem” Department of Radiology, Grandview Medical Center, for healthcare and the radiological sciences. In a Birmingham, AL, USA recent report, the JASON Advisory Group iden- American College of Radiology Data Science Institute, tified several key recommendations for advanc- Reston, VA, USA ing computation technology into routine clinical R. Gish practice as follows [2]: Diagnostic Radiology, Brookwood Baptist Health, Birmingham, AL, USA • New technologies should address a significant K. Dreyer American College of Radiology Data Science Institute, clinical need. Reston, VA, USA • Technology must perform at least as well as Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General the existing standard approach, i.e., demon- Hospital, Boston, MA, USA stration of statistical non-inferiority.

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 291 E. R. Ranschaert et al. (eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging, 292 B. Allen et al.

• Substantial clinical testing must validate the Software developers and engineers then translate new technology under the wide range of clini- the users’ needs to program code, and then a cal situations and varying patient populations. group of managers must coordinate resources to • New technology should provide improve- bring the software product into the end users’ ments in patient outcomes, patient quality of workflow. Companies must be formed to mass life, practicality in use, and reduced medical distribute the software product, and policy ex- system costs. perts and legal teams must ensure there are no le- gal or other barriers to software implementation. Achieving these goals will require a coordi- Economists then offer insights into how the soft- nated approach between multiple stakeholders to ware market works. In modern terms, software move safe and effective AI tools into clinical developers also find themselves within a sub- practice; defining and developing a cohesive ar- ecosystem where the software they are writing is tificial intelligence ecosystem will facilitate AI being built on top of platforms such as high-level implementation into clinical practice. coding languages and operating systems or below In biology, an ecosystem is defined as “the platforms such as web pages where their software complex of a community of organisms and its outputs are designed to be inputs consumed by environment functioning as an ecological unit” other software products. In almost all cases, the [3]. In 1993, James F. Moore used the term final software product employed by end users is ecosystem to describe the complex business in- not the code written by the developer but the teractions when companies work cooperatively results of the output of a compiler taking the and competitively to develop capabilities around instructions written by the software developer, new innovations that support new products, sat- which are then converted to lower-level machine- isfy customer needs, and set the stage for the next readable code that becomes the program executed round of innovations [4, 5]. He later defined a by the computer. All of these additional interac- “business ecosystem” as tions are continually expanding the community An economic community supported by a founda- within the software development ecosystem [6]. tion of interacting organizations and individuals— For software development to be effective in the organisms of the business world. The economic healthcare, another ecosystem must be consid- community produces goods and services of value ered and that is the healthcare community it- to customers, who are themselves members of the ecosystem. The member organisms also include self. The healthcare ecosystem is an incredibly suppliers, lead producers, competitors, and other complex reciprocal network with a seemingly stakeholders. [4] innumerable number of categories of human ac- In both of these definitions, defining a com- tors interacting within a similarly vast number of munity of oftentimes disparate stakeholders and electronic resources and existing software tools understanding the role each play are critical to the (Fig. 19.1). success of the community as a whole. Nowhere In addition, the healthcare industry is highly in business is the term ecosystem more appli- regulated by national and international govern- cable than in the technology and software de- ing bodies worldwide [7]. Much of this regu- velopment industries. In their book, Software lation, designed to promote quality and ensure Ecosystem, Messerschmitt and Clemmons define patient safety and privacy, is often not encoun- the community for software development around tered in other fields of software development. six groups: users, software developers, managers, Finally, most of healthcare worldwide is not industrialists, policy experts and lawyers, and paid for directly by the patients themselves but economists [6]. At the beginning, end users of rather by governmental or other third-party pay- the software products must define what it is that ers such as commercial insurance companies. they want the software to accomplish for them. In the United States, payments to providers are 19 The Role of an Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem in Radiology 293

Fig. 19.1 Healthcare ecosystem (Credit authors) typically made on a fee-for-service basis; how- ever, there is a growing percentage of the pop- 19.2 Artificial Intelligence ulation covered under alternate payment mod- Ecosystem for Healthcare els such as accountable care organizations and and Diagnostic Imaging other forms of population-based health manage- In order to develop and maintain an ecosystem ment. Internationally, many countries have public for artificial intelligence in medicine, both the health systems paid for from tax revenue and furnished at no cost to permanent residents. In software development and healthcare stakeholder these systems, physicians and other providers are communities must be considered. While develop- paid salaries from the government. Many coun- ers of artificial intelligence applications may be well acquainted with the software development tries including the United States, have developed ecosystem, they may be unfamiliar with the a hybrid system of both publicly and privately numerous idiosyncrasies of the healthcare funded healthcare. However, in the United States, federally funded healthcare programs such as ecosystem. On the other hand, in order for the Medicare and Medicaid only cover about 36% of healthcare system to become a viable market for the population, whereas employer-based private AI applications, the healthcare community must provide developers with the clinical and technical insurance plans cover approximately 47% of the challenges and proposed solutions to enable the population [8]. Although variable internationally, generation of ideas, tools, and pathways for governmental programs cover the vast majority of the population in developed nations. clinical integration that will make AI algorithms 294 B. Allen et al.

Fig. 19.2 Use cases for radiology (Source: American College of Radiology Data Science Institute. Used with permission) indispensable in clinical practice. In 2008, applications [12]. As shown in Fig. 19.2,these Berwick and colleagues introduced the concept AI applications will not only help improve diag- of the Triple Aim for healthcare in the United nostic accuracy by “seeing” the relevant features States [9]. The Triple Aim, which has been human radiologists already extract from images, widely adopted as a model for improvement in these algorithms will perform quantitative US healthcare, proposed three areas for perfor- analysis on imaging features that may be beyond mance improvement in medicine. The healthcare the scope of human vision and difficult for a system should work to improve the overall health radiologist to convey using natural language. of the population while at the same time improve However, AI applications for medical imaging the individual experience of care and reduce will not be limited to image interpretation. AI per capita costs. Subsequently, Bodenheimer algorithms will be able to improve patient safety and Sinsky expanded these goals to include a by prioritizing patient imaging worklists and en- fourth aim, which is improving the work life of hancing the communication of critical findings. healthcare providers [10]. Similarly, Sikka, et al., Imaging protocols can be automated based on from the United Kingdom, proposed a similar information gathered from the electronic health fourth aim, improving the experience of provid- record (EHR) and tailored to optimize radiation ing care [11]. The Quadruple Aim for delivering exposure [13]. AI could directly optimize the high-value care is now recognized worldwide reading radiologist’s experience by mining the as a guiding set of principles for health system EHR for patient data including patient problem reform. Artificial intelligence applications are lists, clinical notes, laboratory data, pathology poised to assist health systems meet the goals reports, vital signs, prior treatments, and prior of the Quadruple Aim across all of healthcare, imaging reports and generating a relevant and in medical imaging the possibilities for summary to give the reading radiologist the AI to improve radiological practice are almost most pertinent contextual information during endless. Radiologists are uniquely positioned to the interpretation of a study. Another example be at the forefront of the coming benefits of AI of a seemingly simple application would be the 19 The Role of an Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem in Radiology 295 optimization of hanging protocols. Hanging pro- 19.3 Defining an Artificial tocols are currently often disrupted by sequence Intelligence Ecosystem and plane acquisition order as well as the order in Healthcare with a Focus of manual entry into PACS by the radiology tech- on Diagnostic Imaging nologist. AI could be developed to classify image sequences, planes, and contrast phases, and 19.3.1 Establish Realistic Goals then place them into the preferred order of the individual radiologist. Artificial intelligence tools As the modern ecosystem to support the advance- will also be able to improve radiology department ment of artificial intelligence in medical imaging efficiency by optimizing workflow, automation is developed, consideration must be given to how of structured reporting systems, and improving AI has evolved over the years within the re- patient experience by decreasing patient wait search and business communities. John Huffman, times and avoiding missed appointments [13, 14]. the Chief Technology Officer for Informatics For all of this to happen, an artificial intelligence Solutions and Services at Phillips Healthcare, ecosystem specific for diagnostic imaging must presented a plot of research and entrepreneurial be developed and supported by all stakeholders activity over the last 70 years at the Healthcare including the medical imaging community, Information and Management Systems Society the software development community, and [HIMSS] March 6, 2018 meeting (Fig. 19.3)[15]. the governmental agencies through regulatory The current rise in enthusiasm for artificial intel- processes providing an appropriate balance ligence is actually the third AI Spring; however, between fostering innovation, moving new each of the two previous AI Springs was followed products to market, and patient safety [1]. by an AI Winter.

Fig. 19.3 Timetable graphic of the interest in artificial golden age is now underway (John Huffman, © Koninkli- intelligence over the past 70 years. Two golden ages of ar- jke Philips N.V., 2004–2018. All Rights Reserved. Used tificial intelligence have each been followed by “winters” with permission) during which little progress was made in AI. The third 296 B. Allen et al.

When research in artificial intelligence began intelligence touched the daily lives of the pop- in the 1940s and 1950s, the goal was to create ulation in general. However, developments such all-knowing computers that could ingest the en- as self-driving cars, mechanized manufacturing tirety of world knowledge and totally duplicate robotics, and wearable personal health monitors the cognitive and reasoning activities of humans. are paving the way for broader acceptance and This excitement and anticipation lead to the work applications of AI in healthcare with the ability of Alan Turing in the 1950s resulting in the to not only better the lives of the population as a famous Turing test, which is an assessment of a whole but also to impact the lives of individuals machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behavior [22]. Finally, informatics solutions that can bend equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of the cost curve in healthcare will be readily ac- a human [16]. Fueled by the work of Marvin cepted as the cost of healthcare continues to rise Minsky [17] and John McCarthy [18], the expec- (Fig. 19.4). tations that computers would able to mimic the Despite these compelling reasons for AI to tasks of the human brain were high; however, as have a major impact on healthcare worldwide, it became clear that computer processing power expectations must be realistic. However, seem- was woefully inadequate to support this research, ingly unrealistic promises about the capabilities the number of investigators and interest in AI of AI in healthcare abound. Much of what ap- research began to wane. A second spike in AI en- pears in the lay media around the promise of trepreneurialism occurred in the 1980s with early AI for healthcare, including replacing radiolo- companies like Thinking Machines Corporation, gists, seems to focus almost entirely on what founded by Minsky, were quite profitable through has been termed artificial general intelligence the early 1990s [19]. However, despite having the (AGI). Artificial general intelligence (also called highest level of processing power in the industry, broad AI or strong AI) is an application of AI these companies also failed to develop signifi- where machines are designed to fully duplicate cant AI products, and enthusiasm over AI again the cognitive activity of humans, that is, perform waned. As the third AI Spring continues to gain the same intellectual tasks in the same context as momentum, the AI community must learn from humans. Speculation that advances in general AI its predecessors in order to avoid another AI Win- will soon create systems that will replace radiolo- ter. However, the renewed enthusiasm for AI over gists abound. At a meeting of the American Col- a large and diverse number of industries has once lege of Radiology in 2016, Zeke Emmanuel told again caused expectations for AI to soar. Over the an audience of nearly 1000 radiologists, radiation last 10 years, success in these decades-old tech- oncologists, and medical physicists, including nologies, such as multilayered neural networks, many trainees and medical students, that artificial has been fueled by advances in fast hardware intelligence will take away radiologists’ jobs and parallel graphical process unit (GPU) computing will be the biggest threat to the specialty over the [20] allowing training of more and progressively next decade [23]. Former US president Barrack deeper neural networks [21]. The combination of Obama speculated that radiologists would be advances in technology and availability of large replaced by radiologist robots in the same way annotated datasets for testing has given rise to the driverless cars will replace Uber drivers [24], and concept of deep learning on layered neural net- perhaps most notably Geoff Hinton, considered works termed convolution neural networks [2]. by many to be the father of deep learning, told The use of these and other modern techniques has a large audience at a Creative Lab Conference in once again escalated claims about the imminent 2016 that: rise of all knowing computers duplicating the If you work as a radiologist you are like Wile cognitive activity of humans. There are also a E. Coyote in the cartoon. You’re already over the number of additional factors that have increased edge of the cliff, but you haven’t yet looked down. the enthusiasm for AI in healthcare. Previously It’s just completely obvious that in five years deep there were few ways applications of artificial learning is going to do better than radiologists. 19 The Role of an Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem in Radiology 297

Fig. 19.4 Healthcare costs in the United States (Credit from the US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Ser- Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of National Health vices). Source: Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of Expenditure (NHE) data from Centers for Medicare and National Health Expenditure (NHE) data from Centers for Medicaid Services, Office of the Actuary, National Health Medicare and Medicaid Services, Office of the Actuary, Statistics Group. Used with general reuse permissions National Health Statistics Group, Get the data, PNG

It might be ten years. We should stop training for the efficacy of the algorithm inferences to radiologists now. [25] be evaluated and communicated on a patient by These are just a few examples of where some patient basis. in the informatics community continue to over- promise. At this point, there is nothing to suggest 19.3.2 Maintain a Targeted Focus that artificial intelligence will replace physicians, cure cancer, or even prolong life expectancy, but As radiologists consider defining an ecosystem to to ensure AI algorithms that will help physicians support the development of artificial intelligence provide better patient care are adopted into clin- applications in medical imaging, the radiology ical practice, developers should focus on specific community must consider how algorithms will narrow use cases with readily defined and achiev- be developed and trained. Although broad AI able outcomes. Algorithm training and validation with unsupervised learning gets most of the hype, must occur using methods ensuring the results of it still remains best suited for science fiction the algorithm will demonstrate interoperability in movies. To date, broadly applied AI in healthcare widespread clinical practice, and physicians and has had mixed results. Notably, IBM Watson’s other end users must be able to understand how collaborative project with MD Anderson Cancer the algorithm reached its conclusions in order Center, Oncology Expert Advisor [26], which is a 298 B. Allen et al. cognitive computing platform providing decision Increasing computing power and modern AI support to cancer care providers, had to be put techniques such as deep neural networks have on hold because the goals and efficiencies that increased the ability to rapidly develop specific were expected were never realized [27]. Many uses for AI that can be implemented into physi- cited the data quality used in this general AI cian workflows. In order for AI to be successful model with generally continuous unsupervised in healthcare and medical imaging, development learning from the medical records as the main should continue to be focused on producing high- problem, and it is likely that training the algo- quality, clinically useful AI use cases where algo- rithms on unstructured data with no specific use rithms can be trained on high-quality structured cases made developers believe the timeline for data in order to assist radiologists solve specific creating a fully trained and reliable product could problems. be accelerated. Others have asserted that for AI Although a detailed discussion of the applica- to have high impact in healthcare in general and tion of specific artificial intelligence techniques radiology in particular, developers should focus for medical imaging is beyond the scope of this on narrow AI with structured use cases using chapter, it is important to understand some of the supervised learning with training on high-quality ways AI inference models for medical imaging structured and carefully annotated data [1, 12]. will be created to inform how an AI ecosystem While intuitively one might believe the natural for medical imaging can support the develop- evolution of AI would be from narrow AI to ment of robust AI tools for the medical imaging general AI, the actual progression has been just community. Built on a foundation of artificial the opposite. As shown in Fig. 19.5, until the last neural networks, deep learning is emerging as the decade, most AI applications have been generally predominant tool for artificial intelligence appli- considered broad AI. cations in healthcare [28]. Machine learning has

Fig. 19.5 Evolution from general AI to narrow has been quality results in medical imaging (Source: American built on increasing computing power and modern AI tech- College of Radiology Data Science Institute. Used with niques such as deep learning. Combine with high-quality permission) structured data, narrow AI is beginning to produce high- 19 The Role of an Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem in Radiology 299 traditionally been divided into three categories: promise within the domains of oncology and supervised learning, reinforced learning, and un- autoimmune conditions in predicting whether an supervised learning [29]. In supervised learning, individual patient would benefit or not from the the goal of the machine learning algorithm is a various emerging targeted agents [29]. known output, and the algorithm has been given data that has been labeled with a certain outcome or diagnosis. A widespread, familiar application 19.3.3 Use High-Quality Data of supervised learning in healthcare is the auto- for Training and Testing mated interpretation of an electrocardiogram to determine the presence or absence of a myocar- In creating datasets for training AI algorithms, dial infarction. Examples of supervised learning a robust source of accurate information, often in diagnostic imaging from recent machine learn- referred to as “ground truth,” is required for ing competitions include lung nodule detection the training data. In supervised learning, the [30] and pediatric bone age determination [31], AI algorithms are trained on known cases. The but the potential number of applications for these source of this ground truth can come from a narrow AI models for segmentation, detection, variety of sources but typically includes carefully quantification, classification, workflow improve- annotated datasets done by expert radiologists ments, and risk assessment is almost endless. and should be explicitly stated for each AI model. Unlike supervised learning, reinforced learning Other possibilities for establishing ground truth models are not presented with a set of prede- include pathology results or specific clinical termined input/output pairs. In reinforced learn- outcomes [29]. While using high-quality data ing, the model determines the most effective for algorithm training data is critical in order pathway toward a goal by being rewarded for for algorithms to be effective, the datasets choosing different sets of actions. The system used for algorithm training data must also be is rewarded when it achieves a certain outcome diverse. Tremendous variability in the methods and then finds the path to the highest reward of diagnostic imaging such as equipment man- [29]. In unsupervised learning, machine learn- ufacturer, field strength in magnetic resonance ing models are given data that has not been imaging, imaging protocols, and radiation dose labeled with a specific outcome, and there are in computed tomography exists from institution no specific outputs to predict. Instead, the model to institution, and it cannot be assumed that AI separates input source data into naturally occur- models developed by training algorithms on data ring groups or patterns based on the data. While from a single institution will be effective more both unsupervised learning and general AI will broadly. This problem is broadly characterized inevitably be applied to medical imaging using within the software development ecosystem as untagged or only loosely tagged training data, the problem of generalizability. Therefore, in currently, unsupervised learning is best used for bringing applications to market, the technical clustering, feature extraction or dimensionality, diversity of the training datasets must be and variable reduction in the analysis of large considered. Additionally, patients are diverse as datasets. One specific application of unsuper- well, and the patient populations are likely to be vised learning in healthcare will be in advancing quite different from institution to institution. In precision medicine initiatives focused on the var- addition to general geographic diversity, patient ious omics-based strategies including radiomics, populations from institution to institution may genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and epige- be variable due to race, gender, socioeconomic nomics. These data patterns may be able to sub- background, body habitus, and prevalence of divide patients into prognostic categories and disease processes. Recent reports indicate facial moreover may predict whether an individual pa- recognition algorithms demonstrate considerable tient would respond to various therapies. Particu- variability in accuracy based on skin color and larly, these various omics-based strategies show highlight potential sources of bias in algorithm 300 B. Allen et al. development [32]. Both developers and approval, in order to bringing new AI tools consumers of AI applications in healthcare, to widespread clinical use, developers will and diagnostic imaging in particular, must have to develop methods that ensure their be cognizant of the broad diversity in patient products are generalizable to and reproducible populations so that there will be similar diversity in the wide variety of practice settings and in training data so that algorithms will be free of patient populations that exist in the healthcare unintended bias. system. Inevitably some degree of governmental While there is critical need to provide high- regulation for each algorithm will be necessary quality, technically, and geographically diverse for AI to become broadly adopted. Algorithm data to developers for testing and training, patient validation standards must be developed that privacy must be carefully maintained. In the ensure that algorithms produce consistent results United States, the Health Insurance Portability across the broad range of technical, geographic, and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) [33] and patient population diversity seen in clinical required the Secretary of the US Department of practice. Developers must be able to show that Health and Human Services (HHS) to develop their algorithms can achieve the expected results regulations protecting the privacy and security of on novel and diverse datasets, and there should be certain health information. The HIPAA Privacy standardized statistical methods for comparing Rule [34] defines standards and safeguards various algorithms that purport to have a that protect patients’ health records as well similar function. Considering the thousands as personal health information that apply to of algorithms that will likely be developed, all healthcare providers, insurers, and other governmental regulatory agencies could become healthcare entities. The rule sets limits and overwhelmed further slowing the deployment of conditions on the uses and disclosures that may AI algorithms into clinical practice. An important be made of such information without patient role of the AI ecosystem for radiology will be authorization. The HIPAA Security Rule [35] to develop methods that support the validation establishes national standards to protect indi- of AI algorithms that can efficiently move AI viduals’ electronic personal health information products to market while ensuring patient safety. that is created, received, used, or maintained Establishing public-private partnerships between by a covered entity. The Security Rule requires regulatory agencies and honest broker private “appropriate administrative, physical and techni- groups, such as medical specialty societies, cal safeguards” to protect the confidentiality, could play an important role in validation of AI integrity, and security of electronic patient algorithms. information. While the details of data privacy However, regulatory approval of AI algo- and other ethical considerations are beyond the rithms need not be entirely based on a premarket scope of this chapter, it is clear that the ethical approval process. If methods can be developed issues around data ownership, robustness of dei- that provide monitoring of the algorithms dentification algorithms, and transparency in how performance after deployment in community patient information is shared with AI researchers practice, these data can be used not only to and developers will play a crucial role in the ensure algorithms function as expected but also development of a robust AI ecosystem [36, 37]. to provide information back to developers so that the algorithms can be improved. In radiology, these data should include not only information 19.3.4 Develop Consistent Methods about the utility of the algorithm based on the for Validation and Monitoring radiologist input but also metadata about patient Algorithm Performance characteristics and technical parameters of the examination so that poor algorithm performance While algorithms can be developed and can be correlated with specifics about the used in single institutions without regulatory examination. 19 The Role of an Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem in Radiology 301

19.3.5 Build Public-Private entities, will be useful in the approval process for Partnerships for Safety AI algorithms and other SaMD. and Efficacy Another US FDA program, the National Evaluation System for Health Technology In the United States, the Food and Drug Admin- (NEST) is intended to shorten the time to istration (FDA) is charged with protecting the market for new technology healthcare products public health by “ensuring the safety, efficacy and by developing a system for more robust security” of a wide range of healthcare products post-market surveillance [46]. The US FDA including medical devices [38]. As software has NEST strives to generate better evidence for begun to play an increasingly important role in medical device evaluation more efficiently and medical device technology, the US FDA’s Center enhance regulatory decision-making across the for Devices and Radiological Health has assumed total product lifecycle of medical devices by a primary role in developing pathways for pre- “strategically and systematically leveraging real- market review of medical device AI algorithms world evidence and applying advanced analytics [39]. As a participant in the International Medical to data tailored to the unique data needs and Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF)—a group innovation cycles of medical devices” [38]. of medical device regulators from around the Stated goals include moving medical devices world working to reach harmonization on med- to market more quickly, improving the ability to ical device regulation—the US FDA has chaired detect safety issues by moving to more active IMDRF’s Software as a Medical Device Working surveillance and to “efficiently harness data from Group, which is developing guidance to support the diverse set of real-world evidence—digital innovation and timely access to safe and effective information collected from clinical experience “Software as a Medical Device” (SaMD) globally in registries and similar tools—creating the [40]. SaMD, defined as “software intended to necessary infrastructure for a national evaluation be used for one or more medical purposes that system for medical devices” [46, 47]. The US perform these purposes without being part of FDA believes that the NEST program, “by a hardware medical device,” has unique issues leveraging real world data collected as part of that make it worthy for consideration of its own routine clinical care, our nation and the public regulatory approval processes [41, 42]. The FDA will more fully realize the potential of the digital is working with the International Medical De- revolution for the device space” [46, 47]. vice Regulators Forum [43] to ensure the US The US FDA NEST program has established guidance on SaMD encompasses global issues a number of demonstration projects to provide around the regulation of software for medical proof of concept for scalable approaches to gen- purposes. erate safety and efficacy data across the entire In the meantime, the US FDA has worked medical device product life cycle using real- on several initiatives that will likely impact the world evidence. These projects include methods regulation of AI products in the United States. In to develop, verify, and operationalize methods August 2017, the US FDA proposed the Medical of evidence generation and data use in the pre- Device Development Tools (MDDT) program and post-market space and demonstrate scala- [44], which is a pathway where the US FDA can bility across healthcare systems, device types, qualify tools that medical device sponsors can and manufacturers [47]. The NEST Coordinating use in the development and evaluation of medical Center (NESTcc) has chosen Lung-RADS As- devices. Qualification means that the FDA has sist: Advanced Radiology Guidance, Reporting evaluated the tool and has determined that the and Monitoring as one of their early demonstra- tool “produces scientifically-plausible measure- tion projects for artificial intelligence algorithms. ments and works as intended within the specified This project, sponsored by the American Col- context of use” [45]. FDA anticipates these tools, lege of Radiology Data Science Institute (ACR which can be developed by sponsors or private DSI), is a method for validating and monitoring 302 B. Allen et al. artificial intelligence algorithms built for detec- ket notification or 510(k), but the vast majority tion and classification of lung nodules in lung of Class II devices require premarket notifica- cancer screening programs according to the ACR tion, also called 510(k). The 510(k) clearance Lung-RADS classification system. The demon- process is the path to market for the majority stration will use real-world data to assess the end- of medical devices but requires that the device to-end workflow from deployment of an AI al- be substantially equivalent to a legally marketed gorithm in a radiology reporting system through device termed a “predicate” by the US FDA. capture of performance metrics within a national Class III devices require a more robust premarket registry [48]. This example of a public-private approval process than a 510(k) clearance. This partnership may serve as a model for how AI al- approval process typically requires the sponsor gorithms can be monitored in clinical practice to submits clinical data showing reasonable safety ensure ongoing patient safely while establishing and efficacy of the medical device [51]. Medical a pathway to increase the efficiency of the US devices with no legally marketed substantially FDA premarket review process. equivalent predicate would be automatically clas- Finally, the US FDA has also been working to sified as Class III regardless of risk; however, develop and pilot the “Software Precertification the US FDA has recently revamped the de novo Program” which focuses on the assessment of request process that allows a developer of a low- organizations that perform high-quality software to-moderate risk device without a predicate to design, testing, and monitoring based on demon- submit a request to the US FDA to make a stration of a “culture of quality and organiza- risk-based classification of the device into Class tional excellence and a commitment to monitor I or II, without first submitting a 510(k) and ongoing performance” [49, 50]. The Software receiving a not substantially equivalent (NSE) Precertification Program is envisioned to evaluate determination. Once a device is cleared under a developer’s capability to respond to real-world the de novo process, this device may then serve performance and provide qualified developers as a predicate for 510(k) premarket approval of with a more efficient premarket regulatory path- similar devices in the future [52]. A number way for certain SaMD applications. SaMD de- of US FDA approvals for artificial intelligence velopers would need to establish mechanisms for software have been granted based on this de novo AI algorithm validation and post-market surveil- process [53–55]. lance, and the program is expected to be synergis- The US FDA also classifies computer soft- tic with the US FDA MDDT and US FDA NEST ware intended for lesion detection and diagnosis. programs. The computer-aided detection (CADe) is defined While these US FDA programs are planned as “computerized systems that incorporate pat- for the future, a number of solutions leveraging tern recognition and data analysis capabilities artificial intelligence algorithms have obtained intended to identify, mark, highlight or in any premarket US FDA approval using the current other manner direct attention to portions of an US FDA processes. The US FDA classifies and image, or aspects of radiology device data, that regulates medical devices based on the degree may reveal abnormalities during interpretation of risk to the public with the least risky Class of patient radiology images or patient radiol- I devices subject to the lowest level of regu- ogy device data by the intended user” [56, 57]. latory controls and Class III devices subject to Computer-aided diagnosis (CADx) is defined by the highest level of regulatory controls. Class the FDA as “computerized systems intended to I devices include simple medical supplies such provide information beyond identifying, mark- as gloves. Class II devices include CT scanners ing, highlighting or in any other manner directing and other radiological equipment, and Class III attention to portions of an image, or aspects of devices include intravascular balloon catheters radiology device data, that may reveal abnormal- and stents [51]. Class I devices and certain Class ities during interpretation of patient radiology II medical devices do not require formal premar- images or patient radiology device data by the 19 The Role of an Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem in Radiology 303 clinician.” Both CADe and CADx utilize highly 19.3.6 Establish Standards complex algorithms. A primary distinction be- for Interoperability tween CADe and CADx is that CADe is intended and Pathways for Integration as merely an adjunct detection tool for the radi- into Clinical Workflows ologist who, per device labeling, is expected to fully review the images and not rely on the soft- In concert with the Quadruple Aim for increasing ware. Although initially regulated as Class III, value in healthcare [9, 10], the American College more recently FDA has approved CADx under its of Radiology’s Imaging 3.0 initiative [59–61]is 510(k) process. Because of the relatively higher a call to action for how radiologists can play a risk associated with CADx, FDA has previously leadership role in shaping the future of healthcare been slower to move CADx toward the 510(k) by systematically providing value to patients and process. the healthcare system beyond image interpreta- However, on July 19, 2017, the US FDA tion beginning when diagnostic imaging is first granted developer QuantX de novo approval and considered until the referring physician and ul- Class II status to computer-aided diagnosis soft- timately the patient fully understand the imaging ware (CADx) for breast cancer detection [58]. results and recommendations. This imaging cycle This appears to represent a relaxation of the US has been described as the imaging value chain FDA’s premarket approval process requirements. and describes how radiologists can impact appro- CADx software and may become the basis for priateness, quality, safety, efficiency, and patient clearance for some artificial intelligence applica- satisfaction at each step in the cycle (Fig. 19.6), tions. and at each step, there are software tools available Although these US regulatory programs seem to radiologists to help them provide higher-value somewhat disjointed, in all of its activities, the care [59]. US FDA seems to be working to streamline Imaging 3.0 identifies specific ways radiol- the review process for artificial intelligence ap- ogists can enhance the value they provide to plications in healthcare, and they are demon- patients through a number of initiatives: imaging strating a high level of cooperation with inter- appropriateness, quality, safety, efficiency, and national regulatory bodies. However, even with satisfaction [59–61]. For this effort to succeed, the streamlined premarket processes described radiologists must have the necessary informat- above, developers will still need to demonstrate ics tools available to them at the point of care efficacy, patient safety, and a process for post- throughout the imaging value chain. These tools, market surveillance of ongoing effectiveness us- depicted in Fig. 19.7, have been successfully ing real-world data. Regulatory agencies are ill- implemented in clinical workflows in the United equipped to perform these tasks internally. Ad- States and worldwide, and the success of the ditionally, the sheer number of algorithms that Imaging 3.0 initiative has been dependent on will likely be submitted for regulatory approval using informatics tools that work in concert with could place considerable burdens on the regu- the imaging interpretation workflow. latory reviews process in the United States and Imaging 3.0 informatics tools promote appro- internationally as well. Public-private partner- priate use of imaging services, the use of struc- ships between regulatory agencies and trusted tured reporting so that critical data can be easily organizations such as medical specialty societies extracted from imaging reports, clinical decision can facilitate both the premarket review and the support for radiologist interpretation, image shar- collection of real-world evidence that support ing solutions to provide access to patient elec- ongoing efficacy and safety of AI algorithms in tronic access images within the enterprise and clinical practice. across sites, and communication enhancements 304 B. Allen et al.

Fig. 19.6 The imaging value chain. Source: Ref. [59]. Boland GW, Duszak R,McGintyG,AllenB. Delivery of appropriateness, quality, safety, efficiency and patient satisfaction. Journal of the American College of Radiology. 2014 Jan 1;11(1):7–11. Used with permission

using registry reporting to benchmark patient systems’ numerous electronic resources will be radiation exposure, patient outcomes, and quality necessary for optimal clinical integration. Inputs assessment. Artificial intelligence algorithms are for the algorithm may come from data from the poised to become radiology professionals’ next imaging modalities, the picture archiving and important Imaging 3.0 informatics tool and will communication systems (PACS), the electronic continue to increase radiologists’ value to pa- health record (EHR), and an array of data sources tients and their health systems. including pathological information, radiology Just as with the informatics tools for Imaging information systems, patient monitoring systems, 3.0, in order for radiologists to effectively or even wearable health monitoring devices. use artificial intelligence algorithms in routine Standard interfaces must be developed so that clinical practice, developers must pay careful similar algorithms can import this information attention to how algorithms will capture data in the same way, and proprietary solutions must for analysis and how output from the algorithms be avoided. For instance, it is inevitable that in will integrate back into the clinical workflow. robust clinical use, radiology departments will Seamless interoperability with the healthcare be using innumerable algorithms for a wide 19 The Role of an Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem in Radiology 305

Fig. 19.7 Imaging 3.0 informatics toolkit (Credit authors) variety of clinical applications. Some may run physicians, and other providers use an array on premises, and in those instances, it would of electronic resources throughout the imaging be much more efficient for algorithms with cycle. Output from AI algorithms will eventually similar hardware requirements to run on the interface with existing clinical decision support same on-premises server and acquire input tools for selecting the most appropriate radiolog- data using the same interfaces. Cloud-based ical examination as well as existing decision solutions, even if developer specific, will also support tools for radiologist interpretation. benefit from standardized input interfaces, and Standardized interfaces for algorithm output the developer community should work in concert into PACS worklists and at the modality will with physicians and the health information be necessary as well, and for optimal workflow technology (HIT) industry to set interoperability integration, artificial intelligence algorithms will standards for these interfaces. By developing have to seamlessly interface with all of these standardized methods for communications resources. Developing open sources for coding between platforms, different vendors can focus and standardized interfaces for data transfer will various different tool development areas within ultimately affect the entire health information an infrastructure that allows them all to connect technology ecosystem, and developers of AI together ultimately giving the physicians and applications must avoid proprietary interfaces. other end users access to a wider array of An example of an open-source interface for solutions without concern for compatibility. For bringing evidence-based guidelines to the point instance, the Logical Observation Identifiers of care is the American College of Radiology’s Names and Codes (LOINC), developed by the Computer Assisted Reporting Data Science Regenstfrief Institute, in the mid-1990s, is a (CARDS) platform [63]. The CARDS authoring universal standard endorsed by the American and reporting system includes a definition format Clinical Laboratory Association and the College for representing radiology clinical guidelines of American College of Pathologists. It also as structured, machine-readable Extensible contains a database of standard terms and has Markup Language (XML) documents with been expanded to include nursing diagnoses, a user-friendly reference implementation to interventions, and outcome classifications [62]. test the computer language with the clinical Equally important will be standardization guideline. The CARDS output has open- of output interfaces. Radiologists, referring source standards for delivering the CARDS 306 B. Allen et al. output to voice recognition software (VRS) communications, EHR data sharing, radiology platforms. information systems (RIS), server communica- There will be numerous other electronic tions, and mobile platforms, among others [57]. resources in healthcare that developers must Artificial intelligence interfaces will need to be consider, and interoperable data transfer stan- cognizant of these communication platforms to dards are critical. Communications with PACS optimize input from and output to the patients’ and imaging modalities must include interfaces health records outside of the radiology depart- with the Digital Imaging and Communications ment. in Medicine (DICOM) which is the standard for Another requirement for interoperability and storing and transmitting medical images. The clinical integration of artificial intelligence al- DICOM communication standards, developed gorithms will be the development of pathways through a collaboration between the American to increase the production of more structured College of Radiology and National Electrical data in our health systems in general and more Manufacturers Association (NEMA), facilitate specifically in radiological reporting. Narrative the integration of medical imaging devices radiological reports, designed for human con- such as scanners, servers, workstations, printers, sumption, contain a wealth of information that, network hardware, and PACS from multiple man- if extractable by automated systems, will be in- ufacturers [64]. However, this standard is gener- valuable not only for the clinical care of that ally limited to use within radiology, and as AI specific patient but also useful for clinical quality evolves, other mechanisms for data transfer must improvement activities, population health man- be considered to allow input of patient informa- agement, and research [67]. The creation of com- tion from sources outside radiology. Addition- mon data elements, which define the attributes ally, as AI evolves in other specialties in medicine and allowable values of a unit of information, are such as pathology, ophthalmology, and dermatol- “data elements that are collected and stored uni- ogy, expanding image digitalization and transfer formly across institutions and studies and are de- standards to other areas in the healthcare system fined in a data dictionary” [67, 68]. CDEs allow will be necessary so that outputs from AI algo- machine-readable representation of imaging find- rithms can interface with these resources as well. ings including anatomic location and dimensions AI algorithms will also be expected to in- and can store computational features including terface with electronic health records and other density and textural metrics. CDEs allow reports primarily text-based systems. Data transfer in to be built from tiny collections of information these systems is predominantly via Health Level that contain not only words but also context, Seven (HL7) protocols which are designed to meaning, and relationships [67, 68]. In order to facilitate “the exchange, integration, sharing, and optimize standardization and interoperability of retrieval of electronic health information that artificial intelligence applications in radiology, supports clinical practice and the management, use case definitions need to use standardized def- delivery and evaluation of health services” [65]. initions (CDEs) for algorithm input and output, More recently, the Fast Healthcare Interoperabil- not only to be interoperable with other electronic ity Resource (FHIR) [66] is showing tremendous resources, but also to ensure that algorithms built promise for joining disparate systems together. around similar clinical applications have stan- FHIR’s resource-based modular components al- dardized inputs and outputs, so they can be com- low the development of an application-based ap- pared and integrated into clinical workflows in proach to interoperability and health information a similar manner. Standardized use cases are exchange. FHIR supports interoperability over critical to interoperability and integration of AI a variety of architectures including representa- into clinical practice, and these use cases can only tional state transfer (REST), messaging, docu- be developed using CDEs. ments, and services. FHIR has the ability to be The radiology community has long rec- used over a variety of platforms including cloud ognized the need for developing CDEs for 19 The Role of an Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem in Radiology 307 radiology reporting and data aggregation [67]. rithm output can be verified by physicians as CDEs are important for populating data registries they incorporate the results into clinical care such as the American College of Radiology Dose [76]. Recently adopted American Medical As- Index Registry [69] and other data registries sociation policy states that developers have a [70] and in the development of radiological responsibility to ensure their work is transparent lexicons and structured reporting templates and can be reproduced by others [77]. Some as well as in the integration of outputs from guidelines suggest that developers publish re- decision support tools using appropriate use ports of their predictive machine learning algo- criteria such as ACR Select [71–73] or evidence- rithms that include not only rationale and ob- based guidelines such as CARDS [63, 74]. A jectives but also the setting, prediction problem, similar effort in the radiology community will relevant data, and a description of the building be necessary to create the CDEs necessary for of the predictive model and its limitations [78, the implementation of AI in clinical practice. 79]. Some have gone as far as to recommend The Radiological Society of North America creating open repositories for long-term storage, and the American College of Radiology are archiving, and public access to datasets and code collaborating to advance the CDEs for radiology. to enable replication of published findings [79]. RadElements for radiology [75] are standardized Whether these or similar requirements are ul- names and attributes of data elements to support timately adopted remains to be seen, but from clinical and translational research, patient care, a practical perspective, radiologists will need to and performance improvement in diagnostic have explicability of algorithm results, typically and interventional radiology. These will be in the form of saliency maps, that demonstrate the key data elements to support standardized the finding identified in AI inference models. For pathways for algorithm inputs and outputs as instance, an algorithm identifying cardiomegaly well interactions with data registries (Fig. 19.8). from chest radiographs should not rely on the presence or absence of sternal wires to make that determination, and algorithms trained to charac- 19.3.7 Promote Explicability terize pulmonary nodules into the Lung-RADS of Algorithm Output classification scheme should not just provide a Lung-RADS classification but also locate, iden- In order to gain physician acceptance of algo- tify, and report the characteristics of the nodule rithm output, developers must be able to ensure that led to that particular inference [80](Fig. that their work is reproducible and that algo- 19.9).

Fig. 19.8 AI has the potential to bring quantitative in- have that information transmitted directly to and recorded formation about underlying disease, often incidentally in the problem list of EHR. Full integration and interoper- detected, directly to the top level of the EHR. For instance, ability of electronic resources including PACS and voice a patient where significant emphysema is detected in a recognition reporting software (VR) are required (Credit surveillance CT examination after chest trauma could authors) 308 B. Allen et al.

Fig. 19.9 Although an AI algorithm could provide a to be able to directly classify patient as having a Lung- direct answer regarding assignment of a lung nodule in the RADS 4 lung nodule (a); however, without providing Lung-RADS classification, physicians will want to “see” information to the radiologist about location, size, and the abnormality in order to assess the reliability of the imaging characteristics of the nodule, the radiologist will algorithm’s output. In evaluating patients in a lung cancer not be able to verify the result for clinical use (b)(Credit screening program, an AI algorithm might be expected authors)

Use cases for pediatric bone age determina- mentation of artificial intelligence is dependent tion have typically specified that the algorithm on active radiologist involvement in the devel- output displays a radiographic of the result of the opment, validation, and implementation of AI inference model along with radiographs of bone algorithms. Creation of AI tools at single insti- ages 6 months on either side of the inference so tutions does not ensure that the validity of the that the radiologist is able to choose the standard algorithm will be the same in widespread clin- in best agreement with the patient’s radiographs ical use. Furthermore, specific needs of various [81]. While the ability to provide saliency maps institutions and implementation pathways could will be possible when the algorithm inference is be significantly different from one institution to the detection of radiographic findings, explicabil- another. In order to ensure the development of ity determination for many other AI applications AI tools is generalizable to widespread clinical will need to be established as the specific use case use, there should be general agreement among is developed. the end users, that is, radiologists and their health systems, regarding selecting use cases for AI that impact a significant clinical or administrative 19.3.8 Facilitate Radiologist Input need and can be seamlessly integrated into the into Development, Validation, workflow. Radiologists should work collectively and Implementation to define these important use cases for AI. Addi- tionally, radiologists will be necessary to develop Development of a robust AI ecosystem where datasets for training and testing of algorithms, there is widespread adoption and clinical imple- and standards should be developed to help them 19 The Role of an Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem in Radiology 309 create datasets for algorithm training and testing 19.4 Bringing Artificial Products that are accurately annotated and well curated to Widespread Clinical Use: so that developers will have robust and diverse Challenges, Opportunities data sources for training and testing. Radiologists for Radiologists, will also play a significant role in ensuring al- and the Role of Medical gorithms are effective and safe for clinical use. Specialty Societies Datasets used for algorithm validation prior to general clinical deployment should have higher Artificial intelligence challenges such as those standards for ground truth than the datasets used hosted by ImageNet and now Kaggle are showing for algorithm training, and radiologists should that for certain narrow AI use cases machine play a significant role in creating the standards learning can achieve results for detection and for algorithm validation including not only in en- characterization of radiological imaging findings suring validation datasets are as close to ground on par with humans [82]. A growing number of truth as possible but also in defining the metrics studies have also shown that AI can accurately used for algorithm validation so that similar al- diagnose certain medical conditions as well as gorithms can be compared to one another in a physicians [83–85]. Additionally, the last 2 years similar fashion. Finally, radiologists will be the have seen a growing number of artificial intelli- best source of ensuring the safety and efficacy gence tools cleared for marketing in the United of AI algorithms in clinical practice. Mechanisms States [86].AnewemphasisattheUSFDAto for capturing input about algorithm performance decrease the time for premarket review for med- from radiologists should be built into the clinical ical software and artificial intelligence products workflow, and radiologists must recognize the includes de novo classification of some medical importance of their role in assessing the per- image analyzers such as computer-assisted de- formance of the algorithm in clinical practice. tection mammography software (CADe) as US Collaborations between individual radiology pro- FDA Class II devices, which significantly lowers fessionals, their medical specialty societies, and the premarket requirements for developers [87]. the developer community will be necessary to The number of publications on machine learning facilitate the advancement and clinical use of in healthcare is increasing steadily with medical artificial intelligence in clinical practice. imaging the most popular topic [28](Fig.19.10).

Fig. 19.10 Source: Ref. [28]. Deep Learning for Health Informatics—Daniele Ravi et al., IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Vol. 21, No. 1, January 2017 (Used with permission) 310 B. Allen et al.

The potential market for AI solutions in significantly a lack of well-defined clinically healthcare has attracted a growing number of relevant use cases for AI in healthcare that are developers in the United States and worldwide, able to address dataset annotation and curation, and diagnostic imaging has been a major focus algorithm validation, integration into clinical of their attention [88]. Despite these potential practice, and monitoring of clinical effectiveness incentives from the FDA and extensive marketing [1]. from developers [89], the current penetrance Radiology professionals can help mitigate of AI algorithms in clinical practice is quite these challenges by playing a leading role in modest and generally limited to implementation the use case development process, and radiology of algorithms developed at single institutions professionals’ medical specialty societies can and integrated into their specific workflows [90]. serve as a convener, coordinator, and honest Understanding the challenges facing developers broker to facilitate the process. as they move their AI solutions from concept to implementation provides opportunities for radiology professionals, radiology specialty 19.4.1 Creating Clinically Effective societies, and the entire healthcare community Artificial Intelligence Use to facilitate an ecosystem that will allow rapid Cases deployment of clinically useful, effective, and safe algorithms into routine clinical practice. A software “use case” is much more than just an As shown in Fig. 19.11, the challenges being idea for what a software application, including faced by developers include a lack of general artificial intelligence algorithms, should do. In availability of large, diverse, and deeply software development terms, a use case is a prose annotated data for training and testing AI description of a computing system’s behavior algorithms, inconsistent results and explicability when interacting with the outside world. First between AI models, ensuring AI algorithms proposed by Jacobson in 1987 [91], a use case are valid across a wide variety of practice defines a list of actions or events between the settings, navigating the US FDA process and end users (actors) and the computing system and other regulatory hurdles for marketing a new describes the system’s behavior under various AI application, a lack of defined standards for conditions as the system responds to requests clinical integration, interoperability, a lack of from the primary actors [92]. The actors may mechanisms for using real-world data to monitor be humans, or in the case of healthcare, the AI effectiveness in clinical practice, and most electronic resources used by the healthcare team

Fig. 19.11 Challenges to getting AI tools into clinical practice (Credit authors) 19 The Role of an Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem in Radiology 311 in daily interactions. For AI development pur- sect high clinical value with problems solvable poses, an artificial intelligence use case defines by AI. TOUCH-AI provides a framework that in- exactly how an AI algorithm takes in informa- cludes narrative descriptions and flowcharts that tion (images, EHR, genetic, structured data, or specify the goals the algorithm should meet, the unstructured data) from the clinical workflow required clinical inputs, how it should integrate and then provides a specific output (detection, into the clinical workflow, and how it should in- classification, quantification, prioritization, etc.) terface with both human end users and an array of to the end user within the clinical workflow [1]. electronic resources, such as reporting software, To help move AI algorithms into clinical practice, PACS, and electronic health records. Combined AI use cases can also include parameters for how with the ACR’s existing open framework for the algorithms are trained, tested, and validated authoring and implementing computer-assisted for regulatory approval and clinical use, how they reporting tools in clinical workflows, CARDS are deployed into clinical workflows, and how (Computer Assisted Reporting Data Science) and their effectiveness can be monitored in clinical TOUCH-AI provide an end-to-end AI use case practice. authoring platform for the development of ACR Use case creation is an opportunity for radiol- DSI use cases for the AI developer community. ogists to play a leading role in assisting develop- Using the guidelines and open specifications ers create algorithms that will be useful, effective, in authoring tools such as TOUCH-AI and and safe in clinical practice and enhance the value CARDS, AI use cases can be developed in an radiology professionals provide to their patients environment that creates uniform data elements and health systems. Radiology subspecialty so- that allow standardization of data elements for cieties are uniquely positioned to convene mul- creation and annotation of datasets for algorithm tiple stakeholders, ensure patient safety, promote testing and training, data elements and statistical diversity in algorithm development, and collab- metrics for algorithm validation, application orate with regulatory agencies to facilitate the programming interfaces (APIs) for algorithm introduction of AI algorithms into clinical prac- deployment into clinical and departmental tice. A result of single institution development of workflows, and data elements for monitoring the AI algorithms is that in the aggregate, specific algorithm’s performance in widespread clinical use cases for artificial intelligence (AI) in diag- practice. This process helps ensure patient safety nostic radiology are broadly and inconsistently by creating use cases that have data elements defined with variation in how algorithms will be for algorithm validation and regulatory review developed, validated, adopted, and monitored in and for monitoring real-world performance clinical practice. There has been little validation of the algorithm after deployment in routine of algorithms across more than a few sites, and clinical practice. This process also ensures whether the effectiveness of these algorithms will AI use cases have data elements for effective be generalizable to widespread clinical practice clinical integration using workflow tools such as and how they will be integrated into clinical reporting software, the modalities, PACS, and workflows across a variety of practice settings EHR. The TOUCH-AI development platform remains uncertain. The American College of Ra- takes advantage of the array of common data diology’s Data Science Institute has developed elements being created under the joint ACR a standardized process for AI use case devel- RSNA RadElements project to optimize clinical opment to help achieve the goal of widespread interoperability and implementation by ensuring use of clinically relevant, safe, and effective AI standardization of input and output elements algorithms in routine radiological practice [93]. from the algorithms [75]. While ACR DSI Technology-Oriented Use Cases in Healthcare AI use cases begin as narratives and flowcharts (TOUCH-AI) is an open framework authoring describing the use case, this human language system for defining clinical and operational AI is then converted to machine-readable format use cases for the radiological sciences that inter- (Extensible Markup Language—XML). 312 B. Allen et al.

Fig. 19.12 The ACR DSI Data Science Subspecialty AI use cases that will find the intersection of problems in Panels are composed of radiologists in the various sub- radiology and those problems that are potentially solvable specialties of radiology and are tasked with developing by AI (Credit authors)

To facilitate the involvement of radiology pro- tions can take use cases they are working on and fessionals in the AI use case development pro- have them encoded with data elements specifying cess, the ACR DSI has established ten Data Sci- broader standardized annotation of training sets, ence Subspecialty Panels, composed of clinical validation, integration, and monitoring in clinical experts, many with data science backgrounds, practice [75]. to evaluate and choose the highest value use Crowdsourcing has been a helpful tool for case proposals for development. These panels engaging the developer community around the include all of the subspecialty areas of diagnostic development of AI algorithms, and Kaggle radiology, a panel for oncology and radiation has hosted a number of competitions related oncology and a panel for non-interpretive AI to healthcare and medical imaging [94–97]. use cases. Additionally, ACR DSI Data Science These competitions have engaged thousands Workgroups are developing proof of concept use of researchers and developers to focus their cases to be used in concert with AI developers, attention on healthcare use cases; however, the HIT industry, and US FDA regulators to participants in many instances are not healthcare demonstrate the ACR DSI use case development or diagnostic imaging experts, which creates concepts (Fig. 19.12). a lack of information about how physicians While many of the ACR DSI AI use cases and other stakeholders will interact with an will be developed by the panel members, crowd- AI algorithm. Additionally, the sponsors have sourcing in AI development, particularly in the often created use cases that are generally form of AI competitions, has been a key to rapid unstructured with broad rather than specific goals dissemination of knowledge and technical infor- for outputs that can be integrated into clinical mation [2]. These concepts should be applied to practice. For instance, the 2017 Data Science use case development as well. Radiologists can Bowl sponsored by Kaggle and the Memorial collaborate through specialty societies to develop Sloan Kettering Cancer Center used a public larger pools of thought regarding the highest pri- dataset from the US National Institute of Health ority for use cases for the radiological sciences. and asked participants to “develop algorithms Additionally, individual developers and institu- that accurately determine when lesions in the 19 The Role of an Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem in Radiology 313 lungs are cancerous” in order to “dramatically Non-interpretive use cases will be useful in en- reduce the false positive rate that plagues the hancing image quality, optimizing radiation ex- current detection technology” [94]. While the posure, improving departmental workflows, and algorithms developed for this competition were enhancing patient experience [93]. As in the case impressive from a data science perspective, the of the data science competitions where crowd- clinical utility of these algorithms is difficult to sourcing has typically resulted in publicly and determine. There was no structured mechanism freely available code for advancing the field, for detection, localization, and characterization standardized structured use cases for develop- of the lesions defined in the use case, and as a ing AI algorithms should also be made pub- result the output of the algorithms was variable. licly available at no cost. The ACR DSI intends Most of the algorithms reported a percent cancer to make all of its structured use cases freely risk for an individual nodule was reported, but available to the developer community. Creation the information was in many ways not useful of structured use cases can be a key compo- in routine clinical practice. For instance, while nent of the AI ecosystem. By helping mitigate the risk of cancer in a nodule could be classified some of the challenges facing developers such as 95% or 15%, the ultimate medical treatment as aggregation of training datasets, streamlining for both nodules is still tissue sampling [98]. A the validation process, specifying pathways of better output for the algorithm might have been clinical integration, and providing mechanisms to assign a Lung-RADS score [99] along with for monitoring in clinical practice, development the additional features radiologists would use of structured use cases has the potential to ac- in reporting lung cancer screening examinations celerate the process of moving high-quality AI such as lesion location, lesion size, and lesion algorithms into clinical practice (Fig. 19.13). characteristics such as solid or subsolid and Radiology specialty societies such as the smooth, lobulated, or spiculated. For these American College of Radiology are uniquely reasons, AI use cases developed by the end users positioned to facilitate the development of an AI in concert with an understanding of available ecosystem that convenes multiple stakeholders, guidelines and electronic resources for clinical ensures patient safety, promotes diversity integration are likely to gain more widespread in algorithm development, and collaborates clinical adoption than those developed from with federal regulatory agencies and even the more broadly based unstructured use cases. Congress to facilitate the introduction of AI The American College of Radiology (ACR) and algorithms into the market that will enhance the the Medical Image Computing and Computer care radiology professionals provide for their Assistance Intervention (MICCAI) Society patients [1]. recently announced that MICCAI will be using ACR DSI use cases in the MICCAI imaging AI competitions in order to foster the development 19.4.2 Enhancing the Availability artificial intelligence algorithms that will better of High-Quality Datasets meet the clinical needsofradiologists[100]. for Algorithm Testing There are nearly endless opportunities for use and Training case development for the radiological sciences (Fig. 19.2). Examples of clinically useful AI use Use cases that standardize definitions of data ele- cases based on image analysis include detection ments, tools, and instructions for annotating these of critical findings in order to prioritize radiolo- datasets will enable a common framework for gist work lists, classification of detected abnor- multiple institutions and developers to use for al- malities based on clinically accepted evidence- gorithm training and testing. Using multiple sites based guidelines, pre-analysis of images to miti- as data sources for these datasets provides tech- gate observer fatigue, and extracting information nical, geographic, and patient diversity to prevent from images that is not visually apparent [12]. unintended bias in algorithm development and 314 B. Allen et al.

Fig. 19.13 (Ref. [93]). The ACR Data Science Institute has proposed a process where AI use cases developed by clinical experts and translated to machine-readable language can include data elements for training and testing AI algorithms, metrics for algorithm validation, specifications for clinical integration, and mechanism for monitoring algorithm in performance clinical practice (Credit authors)

allows more individual radiology professionals need support mechanisms to protect intellectual and institutions to participate in the AI devel- property while fostering the sharing of annotated opment process. Public directories of institutions datasets and tools. that have created these datasets around struc- Another challenge to be addressed will be tured use cases can inform the developer commu- the integration of multiple healthcare datasets nity about sites that have training datasets avail- that will be complex, heterogeneous, and incon- able. Compared to unsupervised learning or the sistently structured. An aspirational goal is to use of only loosely annotated datasets for algo- amass large datasets to facilitate novel disease rithm training, the cost of creating well-curated, correlations in order to match patients to the deeply annotated datasets will be high. Expert best treatments based on their specific health, life analysts, including radiologists, and methods to experiences, and genetic profile [2]. AI holds the analyze health records for pathology data will promise of integrating all of these data sources be needed to create high-quality datasets, and with imaging data to promote population health this process will be costly [2]. However, if the management. However, the availability of high- datasets created around multiple use cases are quality data and the ability of AI algorithms widely available from multiple developers, the to integrate between a narrow AI use case for aggregate cost of training and testing AI algo- image recognition and a more general AI use rithms could be substantially reduced. The cur- case interacting with unstructured data from non- rent practice and associated costs of developers imaging data sources have to be considered. obtaining data from single institutions have led A collaborative approach between institutions some developers to require practices and institu- with annotated datasets built according to spe- tions providing data to developers to sign non- cific AI use cases and AI developers working compete agreements. If developers are expected on algorithms around those use cases can be to work together, then the AI ecosystem will enhanced by involvement of honest-broker third 19 The Role of an Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem in Radiology 315 parties such as medical specialty societies who One key in managing the use of patient data can house directories of institutions with avail- will be transparency. In general, the public is able datasets. This could become a key function willing to share personal data if they believe of the radiology AI ecosystem to facilitate the there will be downstream benefits, but they want advancement of AI tools to clinical practice. to be confident it will not be shared in ways they do not understand. In an interview with the Harvard Business Review, MIT professor Alex 19.4.3 Maintaining Patient Data Petland contradicts the notion that organizations Privacy in Developing collecting the data actually own the data. He goes and Validating Artificial on to say that without developing rules for who Intelligence Algorithms does, the public will revolt, regulators will get involved, and there will inevitably be restrictive Both healthcare culture and public law require overreaction, and as such, applications such as physicians to closely protect patients’ health data, AI, which are dependent on these data, will fail but the development of large patient datasets to reach their potential. Petland’s “New Deal incorporating wide ranges of radiologic, clinical, on Data” proposes that transparency depends on and pathologic information across multiple in- allowing the public to see what is being collected stitutions for the development of AI algorithms and then allowing individuals opportunities to opt will necessitate a thorough re-examination of in or out [103]. The AI community should work issues surrounding patient privacy, confidential- together to create an infrastructure that allows re- ity, and informed consent. The same tools that sponsible use of patients’ health data to facilitate are anticipated to be useful in the characteriza- the development of AI tools that will improve tion of a patient’s disease may eventually ex- population health. The industry should welcome tract information in a manner that makes any structure around responsible data use, and having image identifiable to a specific patient, similar defined rules for data use will ultimately facilitate to a fingerprint. The integration of patient data the development AI tools and hopefully prevent from multiple sites and sources in the develop- data breaches and other data disasters which ment of AI use cases likely enhances the risk could set the industry back decades. of large-scale leakage of protected information. Nonetheless, providing developer access to Routine disclosure of patient information care, the large datasets will create the opportunity for at least within a given institution, is widely ac- large leaks of protected information, and new cepted within direct patient care, while other- cryptography techniques should be considered wise identical disclosures for research and de- [2]. Blockchain methodologies use a distributed velopment require informed consent [101]. This database consisting of continuously updated model raises a number of questions for how (augmented) “blocks” which contain a linked patient data in radiology AI can be perceived. list of all previous transactions [102]. In the Will informed consent be required only for pa- case of healthcare, this encompasses all previous tient data in the development of deeply anno- records of access to an individual data record tated AI datasets? How will conformed consent including information about how the data was be addressed if a patient’s data is used in as- used and any additions or changes to the data sessing an algorithm in routine clinical practice record [104]. Blockchain technology can also is then used to refine/retrain the algorithm? If be used to validate the provenance of data the data is used to develop applications sold and facilitate the distribution of data without for profit, are patients entitled to compensation? compromising the quality of data. Pilots are What mechanisms are in place to protect individ- underway assessing the ability of blockchain type uals who do opt out? These questions will have ledgers to function within Health Level 7 and to be addressed as clinical AI becomes routine FHIR standards for electronic health records. In [102]. health systems, blockchain technology may solve 316 B. Allen et al. some problems for researchers such as localizing By specifying the elements in the AI use case, the most current record and tracking patient algorithms can be readily compared and assess- activity across a health system. Development of ment for clinical deployment standardized. These Merkle tree technology for health systems [104], validation datasets could be developed from an which uses a hash function and hash values to amalgam of datasets created at multiple institu- track changes to the database, may be one way tions which when used in the aggregate would to ensure security in a distributed data system. ensure geographic, technical, and patient diver- This type of data structure allows verification of sity within the validation dataset. In addition to users who made changes and what changes were ensuring diversity within the validation datasets, made making it difficult to corrupt the database these datasets must be held to the highest ground since changes in the data cause changes in the truth reasonably achievable by using data labeled hash codes. No matter which technologies are at levels that exceed standard assessments when ultimately considered most effective in protecting possible including the use of biopsy results to data privacy, the AI ecosystem must embrace label dermatological images [2]. Multiple readers standards for data security and patient privacy and guidelines for data quality should be used to in both centralized and distributed models for ensure consistency between sites and consistent algorithm development and implementation. metrics for measuring performance of different This will help ensure there are no systematic algorithms built around the same use case. Inter- data breaches or other data disasters that would nal standards to protect developers’ intellectual almost certainly impede the development and property and to ensure patient privacy and dimin- implementation of AI algorithms in healthcare ish potential unintended bias in algorithm perfor- [105]. mance should also be developed. With these fun- damentals in place, these validation centers could then prepare reports for developers about their 19.4.4 Enhancing Algorithm algorithm’s performance for use in the regulatory Validation approval processes such as US FDA clearance. As discussed previously, the US FDA is looking In addition to enhancing the supply of datasets for tools within the MDDT program that devel- available for training and testing, a robust AI opers can use to facilitate the regulatory approval ecosystem should also focus on creating rigorous process. While these have not been officially testing and validation approaches for the clin- established as “special controls,” in the FDA’s ical use of AI algorithms in order to identify proposal to reclassify many SaMD products as and mitigate any problems in implementation to Class II (special controls), the AI community provide confidence to the medical community. should welcome the opportunity to develop a The 2017 JASON Report Artificial Intelligence streamlined process that can move AI products for Health and Health Care further recommends expeditiously into clinical practice. that work to prepare and assist developers of Acceptance of AI in clinical practice will be promising AI applications navigate the regula- dependent on the believability and explicability tory and other approval processes needed for of the algorithm output. The JASON 2017 report acceptance in clinical practice should be sup- Artificial Intelligence For Health and Healthcare ported and include “testing and validation ap- highlighted this issue by summarizing a series proaches for AI algorithms to evaluate perfor- of studies demonstrating the value of quanti- mance of the algorithms under conditions that tative information from cardiac fluid flow re- differ from the training set” [2]. One such ap- serve computed tomography (FFRCT) for identi- proach is development of a centralized program fying patients with clinically significant coronary that allows assessment of algorithm performance artery disease at less cost than invasive coro- using novel validation datasets and the statisti- nary angiography [2, 106]. The favorable results cal metrics specified in structured AI use cases. shown by these studies as well as an independent 19 The Role of an Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem in Radiology 317 review by United Kingdom’s National Institute tools including reporting software, the modali- for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) resulted ties, and the EHR. in NICE issuing guidance FFRCT into the NICE pathway on chest pain [107]. Because the FFRCT technology is based data than can be readily 19.4.6 Mechanisms for Assessing verified in clinical practice, physician acceptance Algorithm Performance may be better than for less-understood outputs in Clinical Practice of general AI algorithms. For the medical com- munity to develop trust in AI-based tools, as- As methods for assessing algorithm performance sessments at least as rigorous as the FFRCT in clinical practice are established, data elements technology will be needed [2]. in each structured AI use case can specify the appropriate data elements that should be captured in order to monitor an algorithm’s performance 19.4.5 Enhancing Clinical Integration in clinical practice. Radiologist input is gath- ered as the case is being reported, and if the The use of structured AI use cases will also radiologist does not incorporate the algorithm enhance the integration of algorithms into clin- inferences into the report, this change is captured ical practice by defining standards for inputs in the background by the reporting software. and outputs (I/O) into the algorithm. The use of If the radiologist agrees with the output of the common data elements and specifications within algorithm, this is also noted and transmitted to the use case for how application programming a data registry. Radiology specialty societies are interfaces (API) can ingest algorithm output al- also uniquely positioned to host these registries. low deployment of AI models in a vendor neutral Metadata specified in the AI use case about environment into clinical and operational work- the examination such as equipment vendor, slice flows. Figure 19.14 shows how the standardized thickness, and exposure are also transmitted to output from a pediatric bone age algorithm is the registry. Algorithm assessment reports pro- incorporated into reporting software using the vide a summary of the algorithm’s real-world CARDS platform along with saliency maps to performance across a wide variety of practice ensure algorithm transparency; however, output settings. Areas where algorithm performance is from AI algorithms can also be incorporated in low are correlated with examination metadata to a vendor neutral environment into existing HIT look for patterns that will allow improvements to

Fig. 19.14 Standardized output from AI algorithms in clinical workflow (Courtesy Nuance, RSNA 2017. Used with permission) 318 B. Allen et al. the algorithm through additional training. These current US fee-for-service (FFS) model. In this reports will also be useful to developers in report- system, specific medical services, procedures, ing real-world performance to regulatory agen- and supplies are reimbursed using the Center for cies such as the US FDA and to the clinical sites Medicare and Medicaid Service’s (CMS) Health- to ensure their algorithm performance is in line care Common Procedure Coding System [108]. with national benchmarks. Level I of the HCPCS system is based on Current The American College of Radiology National Procedural TerminologyTM (CPT), which is a nu- Radiology Data Registry (NRDR) [70]isan meric coding system developed and maintained example of how radiology specialty societies are by the American Medical Association. The CPT helping the specialty capture and benchmark in- system identifies and describes medical services formation about quality, patient safety, and other and procedures commonly furnished and billed improvement activities. AI data registries can po- by physicians and other healthcare profession- tentially capture both radiologist assessment and als. However, CPT does not include the codes metadata about the examination without hamper- needed to separately report medical items or ing clinical workflow. The results can be collated services for patients that are provided outside centrally and provided to developers and the of the physician office setting, such as durable clinical sites to ensure patient safety and improve medical equipment and supplies. The Level II algorithm effectiveness. HCPCS was established to provide codes for the non-physician providers to submit claims for these items to Medicare and private health 19.4.7 The Economics of AI insurance programs. Each HCPCS code is as- and Business Models for signed a value by Medicare and other payers, Moving AI to Clinical Practice and claims are submitted by providers based on these codes. When medical equipment and A key ingredient in moving artificial intelligence supplies are used in the physician office setting, (AI) algorithms for healthcare into routine clini- the reimbursement for these items is included cal practice will be ensuring our healthcare sys- in the CPT code payment to the physician as tem supports the fair compensation for the devel- “Direct Practice Expense”; however, when the opment of these algorithms and other AI tools, same services are performed by physicians in the but developing a process for how that will hap- hospital or site of service other than a physician pen may not be as simple as it might seem. office, the payments for equipment and supplies Costs in the US healthcare system are already payments are made directly to the facility. As at unsustainable levels, and so developers and such, each CPT code in the Medicare Physician the physician community will have to demon- Fee Schedule (PFS) has different payments to strate the value and cost savings that each artifi- physicians based on whether the service was cial intelligence algorithm brings to our patients provided in a physician’s office (non-facility) or and our healthcare system before reimbursement hospital (facility) setting [108, 109]. Finally, a from third-party payers can be considered. The portion of the payment for each physician ser- value to patients may be in earlier and more vice (“Indirect Practice Expense”) is designed to accurate diagnoses and treatments. The value to cover the costs of operating a practice including physicians may be in improved efficiency in data office rent, utilities, computers, and billing costs. management and integration, and the value to our The Medicare PFS uses the resource-based rela- health systems may be in improved quality of tive value scale (RVRVS) to assign relative value care, overall efficiency, and decreased length of units (RVUs) for each physician service, and then stay. all of the practice expenses are then converted to Developers will need understanding of current RVUs. RVUs for physician work and compensa- and future payment models to develop sustain- tion for professional liability insurance are added able business models and has to begin with the to the direct and indirect practice expense RVUs 19 The Role of an Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem in Radiology 319 to comprise the total RVUs for each physician much as 9% in 2022, based on their performance service in the Medicare PFS, which is then mul- in each category. Measures for quality, clinical tiplied by a conversion factor set by CMS to give practice improvement activities, and advancing the dollar payment to physicians. Hospitals are care information are reported to CMS by reimbursed under two separate payment systems, physicians, and if certain AI algorithms are the inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS), able to provide documented value and improved which uses diagnosis-related groups (DRG) as its quality to our patients, the use of the algorithms fundamental coding system, and the hospital out- to improve patient care, quality, and value can patient prospective payment system (HOPPS), be included as MIPS measures. While APMs which uses ambulatory payment classification are much less prevalent in the United States, (APC) as its fundamental coding system. Each algorithms that increase overall efficiency for of these systems accounts for the payments for health systems will be welcomed as the medical medical equipment, devices, and supplies in dif- community strives to do more for our patents ferent ways. And while some private payers base at a lower overall cost. In the alternate payment their payment systems on the Medicare PFS, models, assigning and attributing a per unit cost each private insurer has their own way assigning of an AI algorithm to an individual CPT code reimbursement for medical equipment, devices, will be much less important than ensuring the and supplies to each service. algorithm functions in a way that augments the While the various US payment systems are care provided to patients without taking away the complicated in their own right, the process is commonsense decisions of physicians and our made even more complicated because there will patients. not be a one-size-fits-all payment scheme for Finally, the economics of AI in healthcare reimbursing the use of AI in healthcare. Some will have to include a discussion about potential algorithms will affect payments to physicians, disparities if AI is available to some patients and perhaps making their work more efficient or per- not available to others. While market leaders will haps more time consuming as we bring in more likely emerge touting that their services include and more patient information into our care of the latest AI innovations, the global healthcare complex patients. Some algorithms will improve system should not devolve into a two-tier system the overall quality and efficiency of our practices where some can afford AI, while others cannot. and health systems but cannot be attributed or The reimbursement system has a duty to protect assigned to a specific service or procedure, and our patients by ensuring all physicians have ac- while some algorithms may be directly reim- cess to these potentially revolutionary tools. bursable by third-party payers, many will not. Radiology specialty societies such as the Finally, all algorithms that are adopted by physi- American College of Radiology have always cians and our health systems must be able to been strategically involved in the federal document that they are providing demonstrable regulatory and payment policy issues around value to our patients in a safe and bias-free the radiological sciences. Reimbursement issues environment. for moving artificial intelligence into clinical The US CMS Quality Payment Program practice will have to be considered in the (QPP) [110] is the next step in the development payment policy arena. Specialty societies and adoption of alternate payment models can function in the AI ecosystem to provide (APMs) in US healthcare. The QPP includes education around regulatory payment policy the Merit-based Improvement Payment System issues around AI, and these policy issues were (MIPS) and Alternate Payment Models (APM). discussed with developers, physicians, and the AI The MIPS uses four categories—quality, community at the ACR Data Science Institute’s clinical practice improvement, resource use, and Data Science Summit: The Economics of AI in advancing care information—to adjust Medicare conjunction with Society for Imaging Informatics FFS payments to physicians, up or down by as in Medicine (SIIM). The proceedings of this 320 B. Allen et al. summit are freely available to the community data from imaging studies be necessary, but data [111]. from a variety of electronic resources will also Medial specialty societies also play important be needed to bring in the additional information roles in interacting with regulatory agencies in- to accomplish these uses of AI. Radiologists and cluding the US FDA, the International Atomic radiology specialty societies should play leading Energy Agency, and the World Health Organiza- roles in working with all of medicine and the tion (WHO), all of which may play an eventual HIT community to develop these interoperabil- role in regulating healthcare AI. Radiology spe- ity standards with artificial intelligence in mind. cialty societies are uniquely positioned to serve Additionally, specialty societies can coordinate as honest brokers with these regulatory agencies piloting demonstration projects that can be used facilitating processes that advance the use of to establish utility and effectiveness of AI in AI in clinical practice while protecting patients using the abundance of data in the health systems, by ensuring algorithms are safe and effective in and the AI community should look for methods clinical use. that can continuously monitor the effectiveness of these tools as they are deployed in clinical practice. 19.4.8 Facilitating the Development of Non-interpretive Use Cases for Artificial Intelligence 19.4.9 Educating Non-radiologist in Radiological Practice Stakeholders About the Value of AI Non-interpretive AI algorithms will also be im- portant for the radiology professionals [12]. Use Fostering collaborations between stakeholders cases that promote quality, safety, protocol op- requires education demonstrating the value of timization, patient experience, and many others establishing an AI ecosystem. Radiology spe- will be valuable to both radiology professionals cialty societies can foster collaborations between and hospital systems. End users will not only organizations establishing joint educational include radiologists but also technologists, hos- programs and other defined collaborations. These pital administrators, hospital quality team, and same organizations as well as governmental hospital finance team. As with the interpretive- agencies and the developer community can based AI use cases, development of appropriately provide venues that bring all stakeholders curated data will be necessary for algorithm train- together. The Machine Learning Showcase at ing, and demonstration projects will be needed RSNA 2017 gathered AI developers into a to demonstrate the clinical utility. While these common location and also provided a venue types of algorithms may not require regulatory for education [89]. There have been a number of approval, processes to ensure algorithms are ef- events that included industry at meetings such as fective and free of unintended bias will be im- the Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine portant. Radiologists and radiological specialty and the American College of Radiology [111]. societies can play an active role in facilitating The American College of Radiology DSI also the development of AI tools for non-interpretive hosted FDA representatives in the Fall of uses by developing use cases for researchers 2017. Finally, technology companies such as and developers that address important workflow, NVIDIA have hosted educational meetings patient access, and numerous non-interpretive where radiology specialty societies were invited issues in the radiological community. Developing to provide their perspectives on AI. These standards for interoperability for using AI across collaborative meetings should continue [112]. the entire health enterprise will be even more Additionally, radiology specialty societies are important for developing non-interpretive uses working to prepare the profession for the oppor- for AI than the interpretive uses. Not only will tunities AI will bring. Rather than opposing AI 19 The Role of an Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem in Radiology 321 initiatives as a threat to the specialty, radiology data based on the specifications in the AI use case organizations have been providing educational that can then be used in aggregate by developers activities that demonstrate how AI will help ra- for algorithm development, training, and testing. diology professionals take better care of their The aggregated data provide a diverse mix of patients and in turn be more valuable to their technical differences and variability in patient health systems [113]. populations typical of widespread clinical prac- tice. The healthcare ecosystem including physi- cians, healthcare administrators, government reg- 19.5 Summary of the Proposed ulators, and patient advocates should support AI Ecosystem these efforts by offering standardized methodolo- for the Radiological Sciences gies for deidentifying sensitive patient informa- tion across the health system so that development To ensure AI applications in the radiological of AI in healthcare can proceed at a reasonable sciences are implemented in ways that add to pace. A potentially important consideration is the value radiologists provide to their patients’ that if developers can use the datasets created by medical care, radiology professionals have an individual radiology practices on-prem at the in- opportunity, if not an obligation, to be involved stitution rather than a centralized offsite location in the development and implementation of this out of the institution’s direct control, the patient new technology. Radiologists and developers can information is much better controlled and pro- develop a synergistic relationship that promotes tected than if contained in a centralized reposi- widespread adoption of AI in clinical practice. tory or completely under the control of individual Radiology professionals should collaborate to developers. This model allows development of create structured AI use cases addressing specific a large data pool with technical and geographic clinical needs across the profession and ensure diversity while avoiding the risks associated with there are pathways for workflow integration dur- a large centralized repository of patient data (Fig. ing clinical deployment. AI researchers and com- 19.15b). mercial developers should use these standardized In a robust AI ecosystem, there should be use cases to create AI models with vendor neutral many opportunities for radiological practices to interoperable outputs that allow widespread use participate in validation of AI algorithms for the in clinical practice. Ideas for AI use cases can radiological sciences. Structured AI use cases come from the societies themselves, academic should contain the data elements and statistical institutions, developers, or individual radiologists metrics necessary to ensure algorithms will but should be built using a standardized process be safe and effective in clinical practice, and using common data elements, vendor neutral in- developers should be aware in advance how puts for the algorithm, and interoperable outputs the algorithms will be evaluated. Furthermore, from the algorithm. No matter the source of to facilitate comparison, similar algorithms the use case idea, radiology specialty societies should be evaluated using similar statistical can facilitate these collaborations and provide metrics. Since the algorithm performance against an infrastructure that supports standardized and validation datasets may be used to obtain robust use case development (Fig. 19.15a). premarket regulatory approval for many AI Another opportunity for radiologist participa- applications, the validation process must be tion in the AI development process is in the pro- robust, standardized, and statistically valid. This duction of well-annotated datasets for algorithm means that standards for ground truth must be testing and training. While many radiologists higher than those for creating training datasets have begun working with individual developers and should even exceed the standards for routine to annotate data for use in algorithm develop- clinical practice. ment, by using structured use cases as the basis In contrast to the training datasets, the for this effort, many practices can create training validation datasets should be held centrally. A 322 B. Allen et al.

Fig. 19.15 (a) Radiologists can play a leading role in dation datasets can be developed and hosted by a third- the creation of AI use cases that address clinical needs party honest broker such as medical specialty societies. and are readily integrated into clinical workflows by Standardized statistical metrics can become the basis of working with specialty societies to develop structured reports of algorithm performance that can be used by and standardized use cases; (b) annotated datasets created developers in the regulatory process. (d) Structured AI use based on the specifications from a structured use case case can also specify data elements that will allow real- allow multiple practices to contribute data to algorithm world performance of AI algorithms in clinical practice. training and testing which provides developers with more These data, including algorithm performance and meta- technically and geographically diverse data than when data about the examination, can be collected and housed working with single institutions. By working with prac- in data registries. Radiologists will play a key role in tices on-prem, institutions can protect patient privacy assessing algorithm performance in clinical practice, and by maintaining better control of patient data than in a radiology specialty societies can play a leadership role centralized repository; (c) validation of AI algorithms to in hosting data registries. The radiology AI ecosystem is ensure they will be safe and effective in clinical practice a critical collaboration to harmonize clinical needs and will be key to general acceptance of AI in healthcare. ideas to marketable AI products that will be safe and When AI algorithms are built around structured use cases, effective in clinical practice (Credit authors) robust and technically and geographically diverse vali- centralized repository of validation datasets main- along with tools for data curation and aggregation tained by a “third-party” honest broker promotes to combine the results from individual sites into confidentiality so that the validation data a combined result [114, 115]. Demonstrating cannot used for algorithm training. Additionally, the effectiveness of third-party validation of AI safeguards can be in place to ensure protection algorithms will be important in order to convince of patient information as well as developer regulatory bodies such as the US FDA that these intellectual property. A natural host for algorithm processes could be used in an AI algorithm’s validation would be radiological specialty premarket approval process. Once again, profes- societies. For example, the American College of sional medical societies have a role to play in in- Radiology (ACR) has developed an infrastructure teracting with governmental agencies to facilitate designed to support multicenter clinical trials us- a review process that facilitates AI development ing imaging data. This infrastructure includes the while ensuring the safety of patients and the ability to transmit DICOM, HL7, and other data public. The ACR has a long history of interacting sources from clinical sites to a central repository with the US FDA to promote radiological quality 19 The Role of an Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem in Radiology 323 and safety, particularly implementation of the the PACS and prepopulate a radiologists’ report. Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA) If the radiologist does not change the report, then [116] and radiation safety issues. The US FDA the algorithm is considered to have worked as adopted the ACR Accreditation Program as expected. If the radiologist changes the report a means to demonstrate MQSA compliance. beyond a predefined tolerance, then the algorithm Therefore, it seems that public-private partner- is considered to have failed for that examination. ships between governmental regulatory agencies To help understand potential reasons for algo- and medical specialty societies could be devel- rithm failure, the transcription or other system oped for AI in healthcare as well (Fig. 19.15c). can collect metadata about the examination spec- Once an AI product has received regulatory ified in the use case in the background. For each clearance for marketing, developing pathways for instance of algorithm use, radiologist agreement clinical implementation of AI models will be and metadata can be transmitted to a registry necessary. Structured use cases should contain for aggregation and collation. Reports regarding data elements that specify how the output of the algorithm performance can be generated for de- algorithm should interact with other electronic velopers to ensure compliance with any post- resources. Standardization of algorithm output so market regulatory requirements. By correlating that the data can be used to inform the electronic algorithm performance with examination data, resources used by physicians is necessary, and developers can understand which examination more robust standards for communicating be- parameters may be associated with poor algo- tween the array of electronic healthcare resources rithm performance and expand training and test- should be developed as well. Physicians and pro- ing to include those circumstances. These data fessional societies should also play a role in this can be collected and housed in data registries. process as well. The ACR and NEMA created Currently many medical specialty societies offer DICOM to move image data between the elec- the collection and benchmarking of practice data tronic interfaces used by radiology. Professional [61]. In some instances, data registries housed by organizations should be involved in development specialty societies have dramatically improved of standards that allow movement of AI inference the cost of premarket review for FDA clearance model outputs to the most usable locations in a [117]. If these processes can be implemented on patient’s medical records. a widespread basis, radiologists will be in the Finally, to gain wide acceptance in the health- center of ensuring the development and use of care markets, being able to assure end users AI in clinical practice reaches its potential, and and the public that the AI applications used feedback from clinical use will be the best way in medical practice perform as expected cannot to assist developers improve software and expand be overstated. Physicians and patients will ex- algorithms into more and more clinical problems pect nothing less, but collection of real-world (Fig. 19.15d). performance data will not be trivial. Physicians will not want to be distracted from their clinical workflows in order to complete and submit forms 19.6 Conclusion or other data designed to monitor performance in practice, and even data collected in that manner is The development and implementation of AI al- likely to be unhelpful in systematically monitor- gorithms for use in routine clinical practice will ing the real-world performance of AI algorithms. benefit from the establishment of an AI ecosys- To mitigate these challenges, structured AI use tem that leverages the value of radiologists and cases can contain data elements specifying path- radiology specialty societies from the develop- ways for how AI algorithms will be monitored ment of AI use cases to assessing the use of AI in routine clinical practice. For instance, AI al- in routine clinical practice. 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Erik R. Ranschaert, André J. Duerinckx, Paul Algra, Elmar Kotter, Hans Kortman, and Sergey Morozov

to our patients. These technologies have vastly 20.1 Innovation in Radiology improved the care of patients across the world. Nevertheless several improvements still can be Within the past few decades, radiology has wit- made, such as the optimization of the interop- nessed the introduction of amazing new discov- erability between all digital systems in the hos- eries such as ultrasound, CT, MRI, and PET pital. The patient perception aspect of radiol- and PACS (digital image storage), while more ogy could also make great progress by further recently hospitals and healthcare systems have automation of basic tasks, such as streamlining developed big electronic health record (EHR) patient appointments, reducing waiting times, systems. We now also have cloud-based image and timely delivery of results and images to transfer systems, not only to exchange image providers and patients. We have accepted the information between providers but also to de- use of sophisticated computer post-processing for liver our images and radiology reports directly three-dimensional (3D) visualization of complex anatomy or guidance prior to orthopedic surgery. E. R. Ranschaert ()·H.Kortman We have embraced automated mapping of dy- ETZ Hospital, Tilburg, The Netherlands namic contrast enhancement for breast MRI and A. J. Duerinckx other clinical applications. And more recently Howard University College of Medicine and Howard we have witnessed the use of complex clinically University Hospital, Washington, DC, USA relevant but time-consuming computations such P. Algra as the calculation of fractional flow reserve (FFR) Department of Radiology, Northwest Hospital Group, after a cardiac CT angiogram. On the other hand Alkmaar, The Netherlands not all of us have accepted existing systems E. Kotter that can enhance our ability to detect disease or Department of Radiology, Medical Center – University of subtle abnormalities because of an added cost Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany e-mail: [email protected] exceeding perceived benefit (such as computer- aided detection in mammography, as explained in S. Morozov Radiology Research and Practical Centre, Moscow, the chapter on breast cancer). Russia

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 329 E. R. Ranschaert et al. (eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging, 330 E. R. Ranschaert et al.

20.1.1 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Is imminent takeover of the profession by comput- the Next Big Thing ers armed with ML-based software. According to a recent column in The Economist called “Free The “next big thing” in radiology is not a new exchange,” the new AI algorithms would soon type of scanner or storage device or image de- become better than radiologists and take over livery system, but technologies to improve or ac- their jobs [3]. Moreover, in this chapter it is stated celerate image data interpretation or to facilitate that, whereas existing AI applications may at tasks with less or no input from a radiologist: this first work best as a complement to the radiologist is what most people refer to as “artificial intelli- skill, these algorithms will in effect be trained gence” (AI) in radiology [1]. When talking about by radiologists to do their task better, and thus AI, a clear distinction should be made however may eventually take over parts of their jobs. Eric between “narrow AI” and “general AI.” Narrow Topol considers DL as an autodidact—like an AI is referring to a machine’s ability to perform outstanding radiology resident, the more images one or more well-defined tasks extremely well it analyzes, the better it gets [4]. In an article (sometimes even better than humans) and is ap- from the New England Journal of Medicine it plicable to most of the new developments related was predicted that machine learning (ML) will to medical imaging. The term general AI refers to produce big winners and losers in healthcare, a higher level of AI in which machines are able with radiologists and pathologists among the to think and function as a human mind, or even biggest losers [5]. According to the authors, Dr. better. This level of AI is still beyond our reach at Ziad Obermeyer of Harvard Medical School and this moment, and certainly not yet applicable for Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Ezekiel AI applications in radiology. In this chapter we Emanuel of the University of Pennsylvania, restrict the use of the term “artificial intelligence” machine learning not only will improve to refer to only narrow types of AI, which are diagnostic accuracy but also displace much of the mainly based upon machine learning (ML) and work of radiologists and anatomical pathologists. deep learning (DL). Whereas ML is a technique Robert Schier, the medical director from RadNet, using algorithms to parse data, learn from data, recently clarified the vastly different opinions and make informed decisions based on what it about the future of AI in a JACR publication: has learned, DL is a subfield of ML based upon there is the apocalyptic claim that AI will algorithms built in several layers to create an make all radiologists extinct, as well as the “artificial neural network” that can learn and delusional thought that AI and computers will make intelligent decisions on its own. The recent merely assist—and never replace—radiologists “hype” about AI in radiology is mainly due to the [2]. Schier concludes that both extremes are mis- success of the DL-based tools for analyzing med- taken, but the truth is in the direction of the first. ical images. In less than a decade computers and Successes have been achieved with convolutional algorithms based upon DL have gained the power neural networks (CCNs) able to analyze skin to equal or exceed humans in an increasing num- lesions from photos as well as dermatologists, ber of simple tasks, such as the detection of pneu- and able to detect diabetic retinopathy from color monia on a chest X-ray or the analysis of white fundus images as well as ophthalmologists [6, matter lesions on MRI scans of the brain [2]. 7]. In radiology, such CNNs are doing well in The astute observers and readers of this book various tasks such as detecting bone fractures undoubtedly will realize that our generation of or pneumonias on plain films, quantifying physicians is witnessing the beginning of a new white matter lesions in the brain, and analyzing revolution in medicine and radiology. However, interstitial pulmonary changes [2, 6, 8, 9]. there is both a lot of excitement and uneasiness Some algorithms are able to do certain tasks about the disruptive potential of DL and better than the average radiologist. Although artificial AI, certainly in radiology. Numerous this has only been tested in a research setting, news reports would appear to announce an the best systems are performing at a level 20 Advantages, Challenges, and Risks of Artificial Intelligencefor Radiologists 331 similar to humans. Publication of preprint articles developed are based upon the principle of image about successful DL algorithms in open-access recognition, which is a task that can be divided journals (e.g., intended to exchange into three main categories: detection (absence or information about technical developments presence of abnormalities or pathology in an im- (typically in computer science and engineering) age), classification (prediction of properties of re- and thus not meeting the classic requirements of gions of an image, such as malignant vs. benign), a peer-reviewed radiological journal has led to and segmentation (isolate organs or structures, the speculation that one day radiologists might be enabling volume measurements or calculation replaced by “robots” [7, 10, 11]. Many of the re- of other properties) [10, 14, 15]. These are all cent publications in lay media and even scientific relatively simple single tasks and thus examples journals portray computers and AI as a potential of narrow AI, which means that the software only threat for radiologists, able to take over their jobs works within a very limited context and is not in the long run (15–20 years) [1, 10, 12]. The able to take on tasks beyond image recognition. first FDA-approved computer vision algorithm, Narrow AI is the only form of AI that humanity in April 2018, that can be utilized for medical has achieved to develop so far within radiology diagnosis (to detect certain diabetes-related eye [16]. Since radiologists are primarily known for problems) without the input of a human clinician, their image interpretation skills, which for some is considered by many as an important step types of basic examinations could be considered towards a future in which certain specialties such as a narrow and well-defined task, the early as radiology and pathology may be radically re- studies and publications about AI algorithms out- shaped or cease to exist [4, 7]. This algorithm will performing the radiologists have amplified the be used in the first device that provides a screen- misconception about the imminent disappearance ing decision without the need for a clinician of the radiology profession. specialist to also interpret the image or results, Although the interpretation of images plays which makes it usable by healthcare providers a central role in the radiologist’s workflow, the who may not normally be involved in eye care. work also goes beyond image interpretation, in- Due to these recent events, statements, and cluding consultations with other physicians about publications, radiology trainees find themselves diagnosis and treatment, performance of image- in a vulnerable position and some may have guided minimally invasive procedures, selection doubts on whether they should have pursued di- of the most appropriate imaging method, inte- agnostic radiology as a career if they had known gration of image findings with data from the of the potential impact artificial intelligence is electronic health record (EHR), discussion of predicted to have on the specialty [13]. Is the fu- findings with the referring physician and patient, ture for radiology in danger? Are the real risks for quality control, and education. The complexity radiologists as bad as predicted in these media? of such tasks, which require superior clinical or Should residents or young doctors be afraid of managerial expertise, background information, choosing a career in radiology? In this chapter and different forms of intelligence, goes beyond we try to provide an answer to those questions, simply making a statistical analysis and predic- as well as suggestions on how to deal with these tion based upon pixels, which is the essence exciting changes. of what most DL algorithms based upon CNNs are currently made for. AI will not carry out those tasks in the short term. This is also one of 20.1.2 Radiologists’ Perspective the reasons why nonradiology specialties (e.g., cardiologists) feel much less threatened by the The successful algorithms referred to in the pub- potential of AI to displace them: their direct lications mentioned earlier are mostly based on patient interaction will be very difficult to re- the analysis of diagnostic images. Indeed, so place. AI systems could add more value once far the most successful DL algorithms that were efforts focus on tasks that are challenging for 332 E. R. Ranschaert et al. radiologists and located beyond the domain of the potential risks and downsides of using DL- image recognition, e.g., for facilitating the inte- based software applications in clinical practice. gration of quantitative image findings with EHR Whereas it may seem attractive from an eco- data, optimization of patient scheduling, reduc- nomic point of view to take the expensive hu- tion of radiation dose or scanning time, etc. If man doctor or radiologist “out of the loop” and one day AI would take over the radiologist’s replace him or her with a cheap but accurate image reading function, most radiologists would DL algorithm, the potential damage that might probably use the extra time to focus on other be caused by malignant cyber attacks needs to essential activities, including more interactions be considered as well. The so-called adversarial with patients and referring doctors. But it’s not examples have become a very popular area of re- unthinkable that such additional time might not search in the machine learning (ML) community even become available, since radiologists primar- because they give a better insight into the pos- ily have to cope with an ever-increasing workload sible limitations of current DL methods and the and data load caused by the progressively ris- vulnerability of such algorithms to cyber attacks. ing volume in medical imaging procedures (Fig. They are based upon inputs engineered to cause 20.1). In addition, thousands of algorithms still misclassification. A clinical system that lever- have to be developed for narrow detection tasks ages a ML algorithm for diagnosis, decision- to identify all possible abnormalities and diseases making, or reimbursement could be manipulated in medical images, whereas at this moment only or hacked with adversarial examples, even when a few can be done by AI [11]. keeping a human in the loop. Healthcare seems On the other hand, in parallel to the progress to be very vulnerable to such attacks, and there in medical DL, there is a growing interest in are many incentives for prospective bad actors to

Dataproduction at Freiburg University Medical Center New Data stored in Freiburg PACS in GB 45000









0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Fig. 20.1 Progressive increase in the amount of radiological data stored in the PACS of the University Medical Center in Freiburg, Germany (GB: gigabyte) 20 Advantages, Challenges, and Risks of Artificial Intelligencefor Radiologists 333 implement them [7]. Some risks and dangers re- for new technologies (Fig. 20.2). Similar lated to using AI applications in medical imaging examples of such “hype cycles” can be seen will be addressed in more detail in the section with the introduction of 3D printing in radiology Hidden risks and dangers. a few years ago and also the self-driving cars. The “peak of inflated expectations” is usu- ally followed by a “trough of disillusionment,” 20.2 Level of Expectation for AI which occurs when the initial expectations are in Radiology not rapidly met. A “slope of enlightenment,” a period during which real progress is being made, Advances in the field of computer vision, which is usually followed by a “plateau of productivity” is also relevant for medical imaging, have in which the technology is adopted on a more aroused the interest of technology giants, venture general level. When the level of expectation is set capitalists, and governments [17]. In 2017 too high, disappointment will inevitably follow, healthcare was ranked as the most important area even if the fundamental technology is sound. of AI start-up investments, because healthcare When setting a level of expectation it is essential has innumerable opportunities to leverage AI to make a distinction between applications that in its pursuit of more accurate, proactive, and will complement radiologists in fulfilling repet- comprehensive patient care [18]. With medical itive, time-consuming narrow tasks such as lung imaging being one of the fastest moving areas nodule detection, and those that will become sup- with technological changes in healthcare, the plementary and perform functions that radiolo- expectations for radiology are very high and gists cannot perform themselves, such as making have escalated into a real hype. The real size a treatment proposal or survival prognosis of the of the hype became visible at the American patient by integrating the imaging findings with and European radiological societies’ annual all other data available in the EHR. meetings, the RSNA 2017 in Chicago, and the ECR 2018 in Vienna, where there was a massive interest for all AI-related topics [19, 20.2.1 AI Will Complement Many 20]. A crucial question that concerns many Routine Radiology Tasks radiologists on a global level is what expectation level is realistic and on what terms, i.e., how It’s realistic to assume that very soon AI appli- severe will the impact of the new technology cations that currently fit under the category of be on the radiological profession, and on what narrow AI will be at least as good as radiologists terms? The Gartner hype circle is a well-known to deal with simple and well-defined tasks. The representation of the evolution of expectations automated analysis of chest radiographs could be

Fig. 20.2 The Gartner hype circle representing the evolution of expectations for new technologies 334 E. R. Ranschaert et al. used to perform a triage of patients with abnor- an unnecessary interventional procedure, in com- mal findings and to prioritize readings of those bination with a potential significant reduction of examinations. Detecting, measuring, and char- costs. More information about this subject could acterizing a lung nodule on computed tomogra- be found in the chapter about Cardiovascular phy (CT) images is another example of such a Diseases. well-defined task, the management of which is Therefore the first step of a useful and success- standardized following the Lung-RADSTM scor- ful implementation of AI applications should be ing system [21]. New ML-based applications the identification of relevant clinical use cases by offer the possibility to detect abnormalities more radiologists in their practice, mainly with the in- quickly in emergency situations such as stroke. tention of improving the workflow efficiency and In patients undergoing a non-contrast-enhanced improving the efficiency and value of care. As emergency brain CT to exclude a cerebral infarc- this workflow consists of several other tasks be- tion, it is critical to detect the ischemic changes sides image analysis, such use cases could also be in the brain as quickly as possible for guiding the found in non-imaging-related radiological tasks stroke management. The e-ASPECTS algorithm, such as optimized patient scheduling, including which has received the European CE Mark, has the reduction of patient “no-shows.” The topic been demonstrated to be non-inferior to neuro- of non-imaging AI applications is addressed in radiologists in assigning the Alberta Stroke Pro- more detail in the chapter about applications of gram Early Computed Tomography Score (AS- AI beyond image interpretation. PECTS) to those brain scans [22]. The After identification of the appropriate use LVO Stroke Platform is an FDA-cleared algo- cases, a clear definition of the goal of the applica- rithm that has been demonstrated to perform well tion should be made for instructing the software in automated detection of proximal intracranial developers, preferably following a standardized large vessel occlusions (LVO) from the CT an- method or template. The Digital Science Institute giography (CTA) images of the cerebral vessels of the American College of Radiology (ACR [23]. It immediately notifies the on-call stroke DSI) is currently specifying detailed use cases physician about the findings using a secured for AI algorithms that will provide not only a messaging service, hereby speeding up the deci- robust narrative description for what a specific sion process regarding the need of performing a algorithm needs to accomplish, but also the thrombectomy and (if necessary) transferring the mechanisms for training, testing, validation, and patient to a specialized treatment center. Another monitoring algorithms in clinical practice. They very promising although more complicated clin- are also promoting a model of sharing approved ical use case seems to be the automated calcula- use case templates that have been submitted by tion of fractional flow reserve (FFR) based upon the radiological community [25]. cardiac CT angiography (CTA) images (FFR- The introduction of AI applications for pur- CT). CTA of the coronary vessels is a well- poses such as taking over simple or tedious tasks, accepted technique for estimating the percentage reducing the radiological workload, facilitating of obstruction of coronary vessels, but often in the analysis of emergency examinations, and op- the cath lab significant blockages seen on CTA do timizing the patient scheduling is probably the not greatly impact blood flow according to FFR best way to smoothly introduce AI-based tech- measurements. A super-computing fluid dynam- nology in radiology practice. Within a time span ics algorithm can be used to determine the virtual of 3–5 years a substantial number of use cases hemodynamic significance of lesions and thus will be available for implementation, and thus in may offer the ability for CT in the emergency a certain sense will cause a “displacement” rather department to be the gatekeeper to the cath lab than a “replacement” of radiologists. In addition, [24]. This type of service could therefore be thanks to AI applications developed for simple usedTM in the benefit of the patient by avoiding tasks, it will be easier to provide basic medical 20 Advantages, Challenges, and Risks of Artificial Intelligencefor Radiologists 335 care and diagnostic services to patients living ity and management of all health-related digital in places deprived of physicians or radiologists, information of a single patient. In the context of such as in remote areas and in developing coun- healthcare the digital twin is considered as a life- tries. A good example of an existing type of such long digital replica of an individual, comprising clinical use case is the CAD4TB (Computer- all information of the physiological status and Aided Detection for Tuberculosis) software that lifestyle of that person. Automated updating of is being used for screening of tuberculosis (TB) the person’s status with data from any health- on chest X-rays (CXR) in areas with a lack of monitoring tool and new medical exam would skilled readers, usually in less developed coun- allow a more dynamic and personalized manage- tries, such as Ghana. TB suspects undergo both ment of that individual’s health condition [27]. symptom screening and chest radiography, and The digital twin model thus implies a data-driven those with symptoms and/or abnormalities in the approach based upon a centralized availability of chest X-ray undergo further testing. A large retro- all patient-related data. For the development of spective evaluation of the software on a database ML-based applications able to learn from all this of 38,961 CXRs with 87 TB cases showed that information and capable of surpassing the skills the software had a negative predictive value of of the radiologist a seamless interoperability be- 99.98% with an area under the curve (AUC) of tween all institutional hardware and software 0.90. The authors concluded that CAD can be solutions is a key component, which can only be used to identify a large proportion of normal achieved through a productive collaboration of all CXRs at high sensitivity, and therefore could be involved stakeholders [10]. For development of used as a cost-effective instrument of triage for such highly advanced and more complex types radiographic TB screening [26]. of AI applications, patient data will have to be made available outside hospitals while respect- ing all legal and ethical considerations regarding 20.2.2 Will AI Also Surpass Existing patient data privacy. Although currently partner- Radiology Tasks? ships are already being made between vendors, pharmaceutical industry, start-ups, and academic The next and more difficult, for some even threat- hospitals, it will take many years, even several ening question, is if AI will surpass radiologists decades, before enough high-quality and readily in performing tasks they cannot do themselves, exchangeable vetted data for training of AI so- and if yes, when it will be able to do this. In our lutions will be available. Solid and internation- opinion the answer should be approached from ally accepted regulations will have to be imple- two different angles, namely the data perspective mented, not only for the exchange and usage of and the learning perspective. such data but also regarding the validation and First of all, the clinical practice of radiology autonomy of the newly developed applications. involves synthesizing of disparate data sources, For this purpose a radiology informatics ecosys- such as image findings, lab results, patient his- tem needs to be established [16]. tory, and clinical findings, a task that is not Secondly, whereas currently most DL algo- readily amenable to complete automation. It’s rithms for medical imaging are now based upon a highly likely that, as soon as image information supervised learning technique, it is to be expected can be integrated seamlessly with the data from that when unsupervised learning is applied on a the EHR and other e-health data sources, it will larger scale, novel image patterns and relation- be possible to approach the image findings from ships nobody was even aware of will be detected. a more holistic perspective and to gradually shift It will probably even be possible to generate to a more personalized approach of the patient’s features directly from raw data, which means that disease. A new concept in healthcare is the so- radiology images from CT and MRI might be- called digital twin, which originates from engi- come superfluous or unnecessary for developing neering and represents the centralized availabil- such algorithms [14]. As soon as such algorithms 336 E. R. Ranschaert et al. are proven to be more accurate and faster than also in the verification, approval, and validation radiologists, it might even be questioned if radi- of algorithms. Such human-cybernetic harmony ologists will have to continue reading images and could for example be achieved by aiming at a generating reports. The unsupervised DL models model of interactive machine learning (iML), as however are often considered to be “black boxes” proclaimed by Andreas Holzinger from the HCI- in which humans can only interact by checking KDD (Human-Computer Interaction & Knowl- the results at the end of the pipeline, since the edge Discovery/Data Mining) research group. algorithms are applied on the raw data on which The term iML is defined as “algorithms that can the learning process is fully automated. They interact with agents and optimize their learn- have no explicit declarative knowledge represen- ing behavior through these interactions, where tation, which makes it difficult to generate the the agents can also be humans” [28]. iML ap- required explanatory structures [28]. Even with proaches are based upon integration of a human- an understanding of the mathematical theories into-the-loop, thereby making use of human cog- behind the machine model it is complicated to nitive abilities. Because of the quirks in which get a real insight into the internal working of the DL-based algorithms can process data, it is to unsupervised learning model; hence such black be expected that they will make errors that are box models are raising the question if we can readily apparent to a human observer. Integration trust them. The high relevance of a high level of a human agent is useful in making algorithms of trust for acceptance of ML-based applica- transparent and explainable. tions for clinical use by radiologists was also There is also a legal aspect (and in the expressed in a multidisciplinary panel discus- United States a malpractice aspect) related to sion that took place at the MIDL 2018 meeting this issue and, in particular, the question of (Medical Imaging with Deep Learning), in which who is liable for the final patient outcome, the panel consisted of a mix of representatives the one who delivered the training set, the from the industry and academy [29]. To cre- person that developed the AI, the company that ate a substantial level of trust and confidence sold the AI algorithm, or the radiologist. By between radiologists and AI applications, hu- following the radiologist-in-the-loop principle mans and AI applications should work together and integrating human expertise and long-term in a human-cybernetic partnership. Radiologists experience in the learning phase, the complexity aren’t only indispensable in the identification of developing ML-based algorithms could be and definition of the best clinical use cases for significantly reduced (Fig. 20.3). Such glass- which the AI applications are developed, but box approaches foster transparency and trust

Fig. 20.3 The interactive machine learning (iML) model preprocessed by humans (2). The human is seen as an is based on the integration of a human-into-the-loop for agent involved in the actual learning phase (3). The human the development of ML algorithms, hereby incorporating factor is also included for checking the results (4) (figure human cognitive abilities to make the learning process used with permission of A. Holzinger) explainable. The data that are used for training (1) are 20 Advantages, Challenges, and Risks of Artificial Intelligencefor Radiologists 337 in ML by making the algorithms interpretable 20.3.1 Multitask Learning and explainable, which is mandatory in the context of the existing legal issues on In ML the development of algorithms is mainly privacy, data protection, safety, and security focusing on a particular (narrow) problem and [28]. on optimization of the outcome of the algorithm. Predicting the time frames applicable to the Usually a single model or an ensemble of models development of AI applications that will surpass is trained to perform one desired task. Multitask radiologists is very difficult and depends on many learning (MTL) is a learning methodology that factors. As we tried to explain in this chapter, estimates models for several tasks in a joint and as was highlighted in several other chapters manner. Information coming from the training of this book, there are still many hurdles to be signals of related tasks is used, which enables taken, which are not only located in the develop- a model to perform better on the original task ment of software, but also in the creation of the [30]. Moeskops et al. used MTL for training appropriate infrastructure for exchanging patient a single convolutional network (CNN) architec- data and acceptance of global standards for the ture for different medical image segmentation development and validation of algorithms. tasks in different modalities, visualizing different anatomical structures [31]. Such an “all-in-one” algorithm would be able to perform multiple 20.3 Strategies to Prepare for tasks in different modalities without problem- the Future specific design of the architecture, i.e., the net- work would be able to recognize the modality, the As clearly stated earlier we have to be careful not anatomy visualized in the image, and the tissues to have unrealistic expectations about AI, nor fear of interest. Secondly they used that single trained AI. We have to accept the fact that in the coming CNN for segmentation of six different tissues in years AI will play a serious role in the practice brain MRI, the pectoral muscle in breast MRI, of medicine and radiology. The development of and the coronary arteries in cardiac CT angiogra- AI is still in an early stage, offering radiolo- phy (CTA). The results showed that one single gists the opportunity to get accustomed, adapt system can be used in clinical practice to au- the workflow, and change the workplace culture. tomatically perform diverse segmentation tasks Undoubtedly there are many potential ways to without task-specific training. Including multi- leverage AI for improving image interpretation ple tasks in the training procedure resulted in a and optimizing many other facets of the daily segmentation performance equivalent to that of a radiological workflow. AI can improve the per- CNN trained specifically for the task. The more formance of radiologists, and both radiologists tasks one single algorithm is able to perform, the and AI working together will be better than either more useful and applicable it will be for clinical alone [10]. But what strategy should software de- practice, and the more radiologists will be eager velopers, radiologists, and other stakeholders in to use it as a complementary tool. Developers the hospital, including IT directors and hospital should focus on the creation of algorithms able managers, follow to prepare for the future and to to perform multiple tasks applicable to a range of smoothly introduce AI applications in radiology modalities, which will result in a wider variety of practice on a wider scale? And what challenges clinical use cases for the same system, and thus are lying ahead for DL-based systems to make a more flexible integration in the radiological them attractive for regular usage by radiologists? workflow. 338 E. R. Ranschaert et al.

20.3.2 Swiss Knife for Radiologists 20.3.3 Integration of Existing Medical Information As already mentioned the ML-based algorithms Databases should be fully integrated in the PACS worksta- tions, with the purpose of making the radiolo- According to Dr. Paul Chang, radiologists first gist’s workflow run very smoothly and to reduce have to build the necessary infrastructure before the number of clicks as much as possible. they can start using ML-based applications. This The smooth integration of DL-based applica- means that a platform allowing a seamless in- tions in the PACS interface, attainable through a teraction between all connected data systems in minimum of clicks, is a prerequisite to motivate the hospital is needed. Such infrastructure can radiologists to make use of such applications be based on cloud technology and should be routinely. Currently most ML-based algorithms able to handle big data, facilitating the smooth are not well integrated in PACS workstations yet. exchange of data between the PACS and EHR. Often a separate workstation or network node The goal of this strategy is to make a grad- is required for sending images out for analysis. ual transition to a data-driven “human-cybernetic Ideally the processing of data should take place in collaboration,” with the ultimate purpose of im- background so that the reading and reporting are proving patient care [32]. As was mentioned not delayed, and the data is offered as soon as the earlier, a seamless interoperability between all examination is opened. The “availability in one institutional hardware and software solutions is a hand” of such algorithms through the workstation key component in the implementation of practical could be seen as a Swiss knife for radiologists. AI solutions. Unfortunately the IT architecture The more easy the access is made to the tools, of most hospitals is still PACS or even EHR the more often the radiologists will use them and centric, so hospitals will have to start thinking the more data will be available for improving beyond this consolidated centric approach. Paul them, e.g., by reinforcement learning or iML, and Chang advocates switching to a service-oriented the smarter the applications will become. One architecture (SOA) as a solution to escape from could question however if by doing so, these the existing data siloes [20]. The main principles AI applications, although initially designed to of the SOA technology are based upon the inte- complement the radiologist’s work, would then gration of distributed separately maintained and be trained by radiologists themselves until they deployed software components in a network. It are ready to replace them. We think that this is a mixture of loosely coupled services that are prediction should be put into the perspective of able to interact in a disciplined manner. A central the continuously growing demand for medical bus or “spinal cord” is created in which infor- imaging in combination with the ever-increasing mation from sources throughout the enterprise workload and the broadening of the spectrum of is distributed in a well-orchestrated manner [33, activities for radiologists. The amount of data to 34]. Thanks to such SOA a company like Ama- be used by radiologists will become unmanage- zon is able to offer its customers an integrated able and therefore the need for accurate and reli- set of services in a fast and easy-to-use Web- able software applications, ideally developed in a based application, whereas Amazon’s backend human-cybernetic type of collaboration, becomes interacts with dozens of different databases. By indispensable. implementing an SOA in a hospital environment, 20 Advantages, Challenges, and Risks of Artificial Intelligencefor Radiologists 339 as is for example the case at the University cross-site imaging transfer, either digital or phys- of Chicago, information can be extracted from ical, often depending on trusted third-party inter- sources throughout the enterprise and seamlessly mediaries. The blockchain concept of “decentral- exchanged in a quick and simple manner [35]. ized image sharing” is offering the possibility to The radiologist reading images in the PACS is develop a framework for cross-domain sharing of able to retrieve information from the EHR with medical images and other patient data. Patients the click of a button, i.e., without having to leave are able to delegate electronic access to their the PACS or to log in in a separate system. It medical imaging in a secure manner, and third- can be questioned however if deploying an SOA party access to protected health information is model is achievable for large healthcare enter- eliminated [36, 37]. In healthcare organizations prises, since it’s quite challenging from a gov- the interest for the blockchain architecture is ernance perspective and requiring a significant growing slowly but steadily. The FDA and IBM cultural change in the hospital [33]. Nevertheless Watson already established a partnership, with this type of change management will be neces- the intention to use blockchain technology for en- sary in healthcare, allowing a more profound in- abling a secure, efficient, and scalable exchange tegration and interoperability of enterprise-based of health data coming from several sources, such data sources, facilitating the optimal use and as EHRs, clinical trials, genomic databanks, mo- training of DL-based applications. bile, and wearable devices [37]. A blockchain consists of a distributed tamper-proof database that is shared by multiple parties and in which all 20.3.4 Blockchain Technology records are securely stored. It is maintained by a set of “nodes,” entities without a preexisting trust The current techniques for transferring medi- relationship that are connected through a peer- cal imaging data are inconvenient and occasion- to-peer network [36](Fig.20.4). Records can ally wholly inadequate. Despite the widespread only be added to the database, never removed, availability of digital imaging and high-speed and each record contains a timestamp and secure network connectivity, a physical copy (e.g., a links to the previous record. New records can CD or DVD) often still needs to be couriered only be added based upon synchronous agree- between providers. The existing PACS- or EHR- ment or “distributed consensus” of the parties centric infrastructure of most hospitals makes the maintaining the database [37]. Blockchains thus

Fig. 20.4 The image sharing blockchain. Each participant operates a node (o) on the network, which establishes a blockchain Hospital (Dashed line of outer circle). The patient provides access to chosen entities by posting Patient EHR blockchain transactions. Imaging data are transferred directly from the source to these authorized recipients; no central intermediary is Physician A Physician B required (figure from [36] used with permission) 340 E. R. Ranschaert et al. enable many separate parties to converge upon such an approach remains to be demonstrated. a single, immutable record without requiring an In healthcare the blockchain architecture is a authoritative intermediary (Fig. 20.4). nascent technology and a thorough discussion An AI service provider specialized in develop- of its anticipated benefits and limitations is thus ing DL algorithms could for example represent a warranted but is beyond the scope of this chapter. central hub of the blockchain, functioning as “the brain.” Associated hospitals would be allowed to run the provider’s AI algorithms over their data, 20.4 Hidden Risks and Dangers e.g., medical images. When the final diagnosis or treatment is funneled back into the EHR, Knowing that the development of AI products the data are published back to the blockchain. and certainly their routine use in radiological With these data the AI provider will be able to practice is still in its infancy, we also should refine the accuracy of its algorithms. In such a be aware of the fact that there are still many blockchain model intelligent algorithms will be known and unknown risks or traps connected able to mine enormous amounts of structured to the use of ML-based solutions. Although the and unstructured data from numerous sources, currently existing weaknesses and problems with and provide scientific insight and business intel- early implementations of algorithms for radiol- ligence to the members of the blockchain (Fig. ogy will progressively become more visible, they 20.5). Ultimately, the large-scale feasibility of potentially might remain hidden for many future


Paent Lifestyle Straficaon Advice Real-me Drug Data Patient Maker

Omics Diagnoscs Data

SOPs CRO Validaon Radiologist Laboratory Clinical Decision Support Predicve MRI/ Bio- AnalycsA specimen Images

Unstructured Data Researcher Physician

Fig. 20.5 An AI service provider represents the central are able to mine enormous amounts of structured and hub of the blockchain. Radiologists and other clinical unstructured data from numerous sources, and provide users run the provider’s AI algorithms. The patient’s data scientific insight and business intelligence to the members are published back to the blockchain. With these data the of the blockchain (figure used with permission of A. AI provider is able to refine the accuracy of its algo- Holzinger) rithms. In such a blockchain model intelligent algorithms 20 Advantages, Challenges, and Risks of Artificial Intelligencefor Radiologists 341 users because of their lack of basic knowledge mous amount of data that is needed for training in this technique. A basic knowledge of com- and testing of DL algorithms has to be organized puter science, statistics, and deep learning should and prepared, which is a very labor-intensive and be regarded as a prerequisite to understand and time-consuming task to begin with, requiring a foresee what can go wrong and how it can be lot of human labor and computer power. If the avoided or improved [10]. In essence this can be data are not managed properly it will be impossi- compared with the basic medical physics knowl- ble to retrieve or discover the right data. Further- edge that every radiologist working with MRI more, not only the volume but also the technical machines and interpreting MRI studies needs. As quality of data is primordial. Motion artifacts, the physical principles of MRI are integrated in image noise, beam hardening, partial voluming, every radiologist’s training, the basic principles and other are all examples of imperfections that of ML should also be part of every state-of-the- need to be avoided in training datasets. There is art training curriculum. The Radiological Society a huge technical diversity in datasets depending of North America for example organizes an on- on the type and brand of modality, and scanning line National Imaging Informatics Course (NIIC) protocols that have been used. Therefore robust in joint collaboration with the Society of Imaging methods are required for controlling the quality Informatics in Medicine (SIIM). The European and completeness of training data in order to Society of Radiologists (ESR) recently incorpo- feed algorithms with high-quality information rated a training in medical imaging informatics instead of “garbage.” For example when devel- in the latest version of the European Training oping an algorithm for detecting hepatocellular Curriculum (ETC), which can be found on the carcinoma, the algorithm will underperform if ESR website ( not all contrast phases on CT or MRI are in- training-curricula). The imaging informatics cri- cluded [38]. The supervised learning process of teria were developed in collaboration with the algorithms is based upon the availability of a European Society of Medical Imaging Informat- so-called gold standard. The utility of the algo- ics (EuSoMII), which is a subspecialty society rithm is critically dependent on the quality of affiliated to the ESR. this gold standard, which is still questionable In the previous part of this chapter several since there is no absolute standard for obtaining technical bottlenecks were already addressed, such gold standard (also called “ground truth” in such as the availability and exchangeability of the computer scientists’ literature). For some it data, and the need for both a solid technical can be based upon the consensus of an expert infrastructure and an internationally accepted panel of radiologist; for others it can be the framework or ecosystem. Besides this technical interpretation of a single first-year resident. The “shadow side” of DL there are other aspects cost of a physician annotation for a sufficient connected to usage and integration of DL-based amount of high-quality gold standard data can be software applications that need further attention, quite high for a start-up company and thus be a such as the quality and readiness of data, and major impediment to the development of algo- the legal and ethical issues. These topics will be rithms [38]. The importance of the availability briefly discussed in the following text. of curated high-quality data is explained in more detail in several other chapters of this book.

20.4.1 Quality and Validation of Data 20.4.2 Data Security and Privacy For most readers of this book it will be obvious that there is still an ongoing quest for usable, The security and privacy issues related to the i.e., curated or vetted data. The importance of management and exchange of patient-related data such data was explained in more detail in several certainly should not be discarded. Protection of earlier chapters. When made available, the enor- patient data should be safeguarded at the highest 342 E. R. Ranschaert et al. level, since smart algorithms are able to mine In the United States the Food and Drug Ad- databases and abuse them for malicious purposes ministration (FDA) plays an important role in or financial profit. Earlier in this chapter we approval and integration of machine learning already mentioned the hacking of algorithms by in the clinical setting. Before clinical use, ML adding corrupted or misleading image datasets, applications have to submit specific information which is a significant risk, mainly when using DL about the algorithm development and clinical algorithms for trial purposes [7]. validation. The acceptance by human experts On May 25th, 2018, the new General Data needs to be demonstrated with clinical valida- Protection Regulation (GDPR) became in force tion studies, for which standards still need to throughout the European Union (EU). An in- be established. It will be essential however for formative paper explaining what the radiologist radiologists to actively participate in the creation should know about this new regulation was pub- and application of these standards. In anticipation lished recently by the European Society of Radi- of the new challenges involved in appropriately ology [39]. Following this regulation, consumers regulating this software, the FDA is developing of all kinds, including patients, must give their several regulatory pathways for ML applications. explicit consent for use of their personal data— However, several challenges are lying ahead in and can withdraw it at any time. The explicit the prospect establishing rules for validation of consent given by the patient for participating in a ML algorithms by humans, certainly for those single trial will now be insufficient for sharing the developed to find associations in data that are same data for analysis by others, thus necessitat- invisible to the human eye [16]. Not only the ing a new consent [40]. This also implies that for FDA but also the scientific and radiological soci- European patients, the vetting of data has to pro- eties should be proactive and provide guidelines ceed according to the GDPR. The key concept of for the creation, validation, and integration of the law is “privacy by design,” which means that AI applications, both for algorithms for image the consumers own their data and have the power interpretation and non-image interpretation tasks. to make corrections. Giving the patient owner- Other relevant FDA programs and applicable US ship and control over his or her data also means regulations, such as the Health Insurance Porta- that, for example, a hospital cannot automatically bility and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy share data with an AI provider. As mentioned ear- Rule, are addressed in more detail in the chapter lier, blockchain and cloud technology have made about the role of an AI ecosystem in radiology. it possible to seriously think about a patient data record under personal control, where patients can see their health-related information, share it 20.4.3 Ethics and AI with the parties they approve, and keep track of how others have used their data (Figs. 20.4 and For the next generation of physicians and radiol- 20.5). Although with the GDPR it has become ogists familiarity with ML tools will be a funda- more complicated to construct, maintain, and mental requirement, and will also require aware- manage large healthcare and image databases, the ness of and attention to the ethical challenges ongoing technological evolution and associated inherent in implementing ML in healthcare [41]. trends may lead to a shift of viewing patients as AI is being developed to help augment doctors’ collaborators provided with the tools to manage decision-making, but obviously there is concern their own health and data [40]. Radiological and about who will take responsibility when those other medical societies will have to take up their decisions are wrong. What if the machine misses responsibility in drafting the codes of conduct a diagnosis, the doctor accepts the judgment and in how to manage, share, and use patient data the patient dies? Will machine-heads roll simi- with the intention to promote the rapid AI de- larly to those of medical doctors when they make velopments without harming the patient and to life-threatening errors or injure the patient? The improve the overall level of care. progressive transition to automation can have 20 Advantages, Challenges, and Risks of Artificial Intelligencefor Radiologists 343 far-reaching consequences for both patients and compensate for known biases or identify areas physicians, certainly when autonomous AI-based of needed research [41]. The risk for a potential systems are being embedded in the decision- bias related to the representativeness of data is making related to life and death, such as cancer actually also part of the quality aspect of data, diagnosis. The rules and principles followed by but then rather from a patient-related instead of autonomous and intelligent systems regarding a technical point of view. Again, this underlines the appropriate treatment of patients should not the importance of controlling the quality and be less than those applicable for radiologists. completeness of training data in order to feed The ethical issues related to the usage of ML- algorithms with high-quality information instead based systems can be categorized in three main of “garbage.” Ideally, efforts should be made categories [42]: to ensure that formatted datasets for purposes of training and testing the algorithms are made • Data ethics available through a centralized vendor neutral • Algorithms ethics platform managed by authorized organizations, • Practice ethics such as the national radiological societies, which could also guarantee the representativeness and In the “safety and privacy” section we already quality of the data. It will be necessary to find a addressed the importance of protecting the pa- balance between protecting the patient’s privacy tient data according to the existing directives and sustain the potential of developing intelligent and legislation, applicable in the country of each machines. The American College of Radiology patient. Privacy and confidentiality are closely Data Science Institute (ACR DSI) is already related issues but the terms should not be used in- taking initiatives in this direction by fostering a terchangeably. Whereas data privacy refers to the publicly accessible Data Sets Directory, which rights of individuals to maintain control over their is part of the ACR DSI framework for an AI health data and information, confidentiality refers ecosystem [25]. to the responsibility of those entrusted with those The second ethical issue concerns the trans- data to maintain privacy [43]. There are also parency of algorithms. For each algorithm it serious concerns that algorithms may mirror hu- should be explainable in what direction it pro- man biases in decision-making [41]. The patient gresses and why it chooses that path. The physi- data used for training algorithms may include cian will be ultimately making a decision based a bias against group-level subsets of individu- upon on two elements: the regulatory approval als, such as specific ethnic or economic groups and the standards of care [45]. The regulatory [44]. Besides the existing geographic variations approval needs to come from the FDA or ana- between the patient populations, there are also logue organization (e.g., the CE mark in Europe) many variations related to race, gender, socioeco- that needs validated and up-to-date tools and nomic background, body habitus, and prevalence procedures to verify the product’s properties and of disease. Certainly the higher level type of arti- intentions. The software also needs to be permit- ficial intelligence algorithms, made for predicting ted or required by the latest consensus of the pro- outcomes of certain diseases or treatments by fessional societies including their subspecialty combining data from radiomics and genomics sections, responsible for issuing guidelines on (radiogenomics), will be biased if there have been the practice of medicine and radiology. As soon few genetic studies in certain populations [41]. as more general intelligence tools will become Both developers and consumers of AI applica- available, capable of making decisions on a fully tions in healthcare, and diagnostic imaging in autonomous level, based upon a judgment that particular, should be aware of this diversity in pa- might supersede human perception, the question tient populations and ensure that a representative should be asked if these robots should be able variation is provided in their training database so to obtain an “electronic personality.” A debate that algorithms will be free of unintended bias. on this subject was held in European Parliament On the other hand, algorithms could be built to in February 2017, where the Parliament’s legal 344 E. R. Ranschaert et al. affairs committee proposed a resolution for grant- these rapidly evolving systems may go wrong or ing self-learning robots a form of “electronic per- could be abused. Nevertheless they need to be sonality” [45]. Such a status could allow robots bound by the core ethical principles, and radiol- to be insured individually and held liable for ogists will play an essential role in determining damages, which—according to the proponents— the right thing to do now and in the future. would set them on par with corporations, which also have statuses as “legal persons.” The oppo- sition, supported by a letter from an international 20.5 Take-Home Messages group of AI experts, arguments that seeking a legal status of personality for robots merely is • ML-based technology will have a significant a cunning way of manufacturers to get out of impact on radiology in the automation of mun- their responsibility for the actions of their ma- dane tasks, and in providing decision support chines [46]. Adapted legislation and guidelines in more complicated and advanced medical will be necessary soon, and it’s obvious that ra- image interpretations. The key concept is de- diological societies should timely proclaim their cision support, indicating that computers will professional opinion about these issues in order augment human decision-making, making it to ensure that the right decisions are made at more effective and efficient. both the political and legal level. More in-depth • Future stages of AI in radiology will be based information on this subject can be found in the on full integration of multiple data systems. chapter on the legal identity of robots and AI. This will give radiologists the tools to increase The third category is the “practice ethics.” their value in a more holistic and personalized As much as AI evolves in the coming years, it approach of the patient. still takes people and organizations to research, • AI will be able to provide highly effective and design, implement, and maintain these advanced low-cost diagnostic services in underserved algorithms. Kohl and Geis explained that policies areas and developing countries, thus increas- must be in place at a practice level that promote ing the access to medical care for millions of progress and protect the rights of every individual people. affected by AI. They also noted that imaging • Radiology has a leading role in the develop- leaders should learn from the recent mistakes ment and management of ML-based imaging made by the social media platform Facebook [42, technology in the definition of clinical use 47]. The intent behind the design of ML systems cases, in the provision and validation of rel- should always be transparent and verifiable. evant training data, in assessing the relevance In the creation of policies regarding the usage of ML-based findings in clinical practice, and of AI applications, the effects of a so-called in investigating the meaning of newly gener- collective brain on human behavior should also ated image-based data. be incorporated. Due to the gradual incorporation • It is most likely that radiologists will be held of ML-based algorithms in daily practice, a accountable for the performance of the ML- progressive shift towards a computer-based based system and robustness of the diagnostic decision-making process will probably take data, certainly when implementing narrow-AI place. A collective brain will be created, which types of applications. may take on an authority that was perhaps never • To cope with the changing medical imaging intended. The dominance of such collective brain landscape, radiologists should include could eventually cause physicians to become the basics of imaging informatics in the over-reliant on automated instructions, with a training of residents and in their educational consequence that they abandon common sense. programs. ML tools will become important actors in the • As we live in an age of an increasing avail- diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making pro- ability, creation, and manipulation of personal cess, but it will be challenging to anticipate how data, it is likely that there will be a growing 20 Advantages, Challenges, and Risks of Artificial Intelligencefor Radiologists 345

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Disclaimer Thanks to (in alphabetical order): Ameen The glossary of terms contains entries that we Abu-Hanna, Anjum Ahmed, Brad Genereaux, think might come handy when studying Artifi- Peter van Ooijen, and Martijn Schut. cial Intelligence in Medical Imaging. Many of Jiapan Guo, Postdoc in Medical Imaging In- the terms can be found in the preceding chap- formatics in University Medical Center Gronin- ters. Some descriptions were found on the In- gen, The Netherlands ([email protected]) ternet (see excellent websites such as Techo- Violet Farhang-Razi, MD Northwest Hospi- pedia and Medium). In most cases no authors tal Alkmaar, The Netherlands could be traced. If sources were identified, we ([email protected]) obtained permission to reproduce. For legibil- Paul Algra MD PhD, neuroradiologist ity we avoided mentioning the sources at each Northwest Hospital Alkmaar, The Netherlands entry. References will be given upon request. ([email protected]) The authors appreciate feedback if sources are unrightfully omitted.

Assembled by Jiapan Guo, Violet Farhang-Razi and Paul Algra (editor).

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 347 E. R. Ranschaert et al. (eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging, Glossary

A Area under curve (AUC) The area under a Algorithm A formula or set of rules (or curve between two points is calculated by procedure, processes, or instructions) for performing the definite integral. In the context solving a problem or for performing a of a receiver operating characteristic for a task. In Artificial Intelligence, the algorithm binary classifier, the AUC represents the tells the machine how to find answers to classifier’s accuracy. a question or solutions to a problem. In Artificial Intelligence (AI) Artificial intelli- machine learning, systems use many different gence (or machine intelligence) refers to types of algorithms. Common examples systems that display intelligent behavior include decision trees, clustering algorithms, by analyzing their environment and taking classification algorithms, or regression actions—with some degree of autonomy—to algorithms. achieve specific goals. AI-based systems can AlexNet The name of a neural network that won be purely software-based, acting in the virtual the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition world (e.g., voice assistants, image analysis Challenge in 2012. It is named after Alex software, search engines, speech and face Krizhevsky, then a computer science PhD stu- recognition systems) or AI can be embedded dent at Stanford University. See ImageNet. in hardware devices (e.g., advanced robots, AlphaGo AlphaGo is the first computer autonomous cars, drones, or Internet of Things program that defeated a professional player applications). The term AI was first coined by on the board game Go in October 2015. Later John McCarthy in 1956. in October 2017, AlphaGo’s team released its Artificial Intelligence complete AI-complete, new version named AlphaGo Zero which is which is short for Artificial Intelligence stronger than any previous human-champion- complete or sometimes called AI-hard, defeating versions. Go is played on 19 by describes the complexity of the computational 19 board which allows for 10171 possible problems is equal to that of the entire layouts (chess 1050 configurations). It is AI problem which aims at producing a estimated that there are 1080 atoms in the general computerized system with the universe. human-level intelligence. An AI-complete Analogical Reasoning Solving problems by us- problem addresses the fact that the problem ing analogies, by comparing to past experi- cannot be easily solved by a simple specific ences. algorithm. Anonymization The process in which data is Artificial Intelligence Winters (AIWI) Artifi- de-identified as part of a mechanism to submit cial Intelligence Winters are periods of data for machine learning. time during which artificial intelligence experienced reduced fundings for researches

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 349 E. R. Ranschaert et al. (eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging, 350 Glossary

and low interest from the public. Two major tasks from the given data without specific winter periods were in 1974–1980 and 1987– programing for a single task. 1993. AIW are the result of inflated, unreal Artificial Neuron An artificial neuron is a digi- expectations. tal construct that seeks to simulate the behav- Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Artificial ior of a biological neuron in the brain. Artifi- general intelligence as opposed to narrow cial neurons are typically used to make up an intelligence, also known as complete, strong, artificial neural network—these technologies super intelligence, Human Level Machine are modeled after human brain activity. Intelligence, indicates the ability of a machine Asimov Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws are as fol- that can successfully perform any tasks in an lows: (1) A robot may not injure a human intellectual way as the human being. Artificial being. (2) A robot must obey orders, unless superintelligence is a term referring to the they conflict with law number one. (3) A robot time when the capability of computers will must protect its own existence, as long as surpass humans. those actions do not conflict with either the Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) Artificial first or second law. superintelligence is a term referring to the Association Subcategory of unsupervised learn- time when the capability of computers will ing. It can be best explained by market basket surpass humans. “Artificial intelligence,” analysis (MBA). MBA attempts to identify as- which has been much used since the 1970s, sociation/relation between various items that refers to the ability of computers to mimic have been chosen by a particular shopper and human thought. Artificial superintelligence placed in their respective baskets (real or vir- goes a step beyond and posits a world in which tual). The output value from this lies in cross a computer’s cognitive ability is superior to a marketing of products and customer behavior human’s. analysis. Association is the generalization of Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) Artificial m.b.a. Example: there is a good chance that Narrow Intelligence, also known as weak or a customer will buy bread if he has already applied intelligence, represents most of the bought milk and eggs. current artificial intelligent systems which Augmented Intelligence Augmented Intelli- usually focus on a specific task. Narrow AIs gence is the intersection of machine learning are mostly much better than humans at the task and advanced applications, where clinical they were made for: for example, look at face knowledge and medical data converge on recognition, chess computers, calculus, and a single platform. The potential benefits of translation. The definition of artificial narrow Augmented Intelligence are realized when it is intelligence is in contrast to that of strong AI used in the context of workflows and systems or artificial general intelligence, which aims that healthcare practitioners operate and at providing a system with consciousness or interact with. Unlike Artificial Intelligence, the ability to solve any problems. Virtual which tries to replicate human intelligence, assistants and AlphaGo are examples of Augmented Intelligence works with and artificial narrow intelligence systems. amplifies human intelligence. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Artificial Autoregressive Model An autoregressive Neural Network (ANN) is a computational model is a time series model that uses model in machine learning, which is inspired observations from previous time steps as by the biological structures and functions of input to a regression equation to predict the the mammalian brain. Such a model consists value at the next time step. In statistics and of multiple units called artificial neurons signal processing, an autoregressive model is which build connections between each other a representation of a type of random process. to pass information. The advantage of such It is used to describe certain time-varying a model is that it progressively “learns” the processes in nature, economics, etc. Glossary 351

B cannot be processed by relational database Backpropagation Backpropagation, also called engines. This type of data requires a different “backward propagation of errors,” is an processing approach which uses massive par- approach that is commonly used in the allelism on readily available hardware. training process of the deep neural network to Blockchain Blockchain is a distributed system reduce errors. It allows the machine learning that records transactions across all users in algorithm to adjust itself according to looking an expanding chain of encrypted blocks. at its past function. It involves the calculation Blockchain builds a decentralized ledger that of errors between prediction and the target indicates every user has the same copy of the values, the computation of the gradient of record. The records cannot be easily altered the error function, and then the update of unless all of them are altered. Blockchain was the weights. Seen also feedforward neural invented in 2008 for the use of cryptocurrency network. bitcoin as a public transaction ledger. Such a Backward Chaining Backward chaining, also system also shows its potential applications called goal-driven inference technique, is an in different fields regarding the recording inference approach that reasons backward of events, medical records, and other record from the goal to the conditions used to get management systems. the goal. Backward chaining inference is Boolean neural network Boolean neural net- applied in many different fields, including work is an artificial neural network approach game theory, automated theorem proving, and which only consists of Boolean neurons (and, artificial intelligence. or, not). Such an approach reduces the use of Batch Normalization A preprocessing step memory space and computation time. It can where the data are centered around zero, and be implemented to the programmable circuits often the standard deviation is set to unity. such as FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Bayesian Filter A Bayesian filter is a program Array or Integrated circuit). using Bayesian logic. It is used to evaluate the header and content of email messages and de- termine whether or not it constitutes spam— C unsolicited email or the electronic equiva- Caffe Caffe is short for Convolutional Archi- lent of hard copy bulk mail or junk mail. tecture for Fast Feature Embedding which is A Bayesian filter works with probabilities of an open source deep learning framework de- specific words appearing in the header or veloped in Berkeley AI Research. It supports content of an email. Certain words indicate a many different deep learning architectures and high probability that the email is spam, such GPU-based acceleration computation kernels. as Viagra and refinance. Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) Case-Based Bayesian Network A Bayesian Network, also Reasoning is a way to solve a new problem called Bayes Network, belief network, or by using solutions to similar problems. It has probabilistic directed acyclic graphical model, been formalized to a process consisting of is a probabilistic graphical model (a statistical case retrieve, solution reuse, solution revise, model) that represents a set of variables and and case retention. their conditional dependencies via a directed CE Marking A certification marking indicating acyclic graph (see DAG). conformity with standards for products sold Biased algorithm See Inadvertent effects of AI. within the European Economic Area. In the Big Data The term big data is used when tra- context of medical devices, CE Marking is ditional data mining and handling techniques similar to US Food and Drug Administration cannot uncover the insights and meaning of approval. the underlying data. Data that are unstruc- Central processing unit (CPU) Central pro- tured or time sensitive or simply very large cessing unit is the electronic circuit within 352 Glossary

that carries out the instructions of a computer the human brain to help with the decision- program by performing the basic arithmetic, making. It uses self-learning algorithms logical, control, and input/output operations that perform tasks such as natural language specified by the instructions (see also GPU). processing, image analysis, reasoning, and Chatbot Chatbot, also known as interactive human–computer interaction. Examples of agent, is an artificial intelligence system that cognitive systems are IBM’s Watson and uses natural language processing techniques Google DeepMind. to conduct a conversation via audio or texts. Cohort A sample in a clinical study (conducted The most recognizable examples of chatbots to evaluate a machine learning algorithm, for are Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana, and example) where it is followed prospectively or Amazon’s Alexa. retrospectively and subsequent status evalua- Classification Classification is a general pro- tions with respect to a disease or outcome are cess for categorization which assigns a la- conducted to determine which initial partic- bel to the samples. A classification system is ipants’ exposure characteristics (risk factors) an approach to accomplish categorization of are associated with it. samples. Computer-Aided Detection/Diagnosis (CAD) Clinical Decision Support (CDS) A clinical Computer-aided detection (CAD), or decision support system is a health infor- computer-aided diagnosis (CADx), uses mation technology system that is designed computer programs to assist radiologists in to provide physicians and other health the interpretation of medical images. CAD professionals with clinical decision support, systems process digital images for typical that is, assistance with clinical decision- appearances and highlight suspicious regions making tasks. in order to support a decision taken by a Cloud The cloud is a general metaphor that professional. is used to refer to the Internet. Initially, the Common Data Element (CDE) Common Data Internet was seen as a distributed network and Element is a tool to support data management then with the invention of the World Wide for clinical research. Web as a tangle of interlinked media. As the Convolution The process of filtering. A filter (or Internet continued to grow in both size and the equivalently: a kernel or a template) is shifted range of activities it encompassed, it came to over an input image. The pixels of the output be known as “the cloud.” The use of the word image are the summed product of the values in cloud may be an attempt to capture both the the filter pixels and the corresponding values size and nebulous nature of the Internet. in the underlying image. Cloud Computing Cloud Computing enables Convolutional neural network (CNN) A con- access to and usage of shared computer volutional neural network is a specific type resources that can be provisioned with of artificial neural network that uses percep- minimum management effort. The cloud is trons, a machine learning unit algorithm, for a general metaphor to refer to a group of supervised learning, to analyze data. CNNs networked computer resources that could apply to image processing, natural language provide computing services to avoid up-front processing, and other kinds of cognitive tasks. IT infrastructures costs. A convolutional neural network is also known Clustering Clustering is a task to organize data as a ConvNet. A CNN consists of an input and into groups based on certain properties. Clus- output layer as well as multiple hidden layers tering analysis is widely used in data mining which are formed as mathematical operations. for pattern recognition, image analysis, and The hidden layers include convolutional layer, computer graphics, among others. pooling layer, normalization, and fully con- Cognitive computing Cognitive computing is nected layers. Since the success of AlexNet used to refer to the systems that simulate (see Alexnet) applied the ImageNet competi- Glossary 353

tion in 2013, there has been a rapid evolution Deductive Reasoning Deductive Reasoning, of CNNs. VGGNet, GoogLeNet, ResNet, and also known as logical deduction, is a DenseNet are some successful examples. See reasoning method that relies on premises to Multilayer neural network. reach a logical conclusion. It works in a top- Computer Vision Computer Vision is an inter- down manner, in which the final conclusion disciplinary field that uses computer science is obtained by reducing the general rules techniques to analyze and understand digital that hold the entire domain until only the images and videos. Computer vision tasks conclusion is left. include object recognition, event detection, Data Refinement Data refinement is used to motion detection, and object tracking, among convert an abstract data model in terms of others. sets for example into implementable data structures such as arrays. D Decision Tree A decision tree uses tree-like Data Data is a collection of qualitative graph or model as a structure to perform and quantitative variables. It contains the decision analysis. It uses each node to information that is represented numerically represent a test on an attribute, each branch and needs to be analyzed. to represent the outcome of the test, and each Data Cleaning Data Cleaning is the process of leaf node to represent a class label. identifying, correcting, or removing inaccu- Data Warehouse A data warehouse is typically rate or corrupt data records. an offline copy of production databases and Data Curation Data Curation includes the pro- copies of files in a non-production environ- cesses related to the organization and manage- ment. ment of data which is collected from various Deep Blue Deep Blue was a chess supercom- sources. puter developed by IBM. It was the first com- Data-Driven Science Data-Driven Science, or puter chess player that beat the world cham- Data Science, is an interdisciplinary field of pion Garry Kasparov, after six-game match in employing computing algorithms to extract 1997. knowledge or insights from data acquired Deep Learning (DL) Deep Learning is a sub- from different sources. field of machine learning concerned with al- Data Extraction Data Extraction is the act or gorithms that are inspired by the human brain process of retrieving data out of data resources that works in a hierarchical way. Deep Learn- for further data processing or data storage. ing models, which are mostly based on the Data Integration Data Integration involves the (artificial) neural networks, have been applied combination of data residing in different re- to different fields, such as speech recognition, sources and then the supply in a unified view computer vision, and natural language pro- to the users. Data integration is in high de- cessing. mand for both commercial and scientific do- DeepMind DeepMind is an artificial intelli- mains in which they need to merge the data gence company founded in 2010 and later and research results from different reposito- acquired by Google in 2014. DeepMind ries. developed Alphago program that beat a Data Lake A type of data repository that stores human professional Go player for the first data in its natural format and relies on various time. schemata and structure to index the data. Deep neural network A neural network archi- Data Mining Data Mining is the process of tecture with many layers, typically 5–100. A data analysis and information extraction network with only a few layers is called a from large amounts of datasets with machine shallow network. learning, statistical approaches. and many Dice coefficient A measure to compare the sim- others. ilarity of two segmentations, e.g., by expert 354 Glossary

and by machine. It is the ratio of twice the into robot ethics and machine ethics. The number of common pixels to the sum of all former one is about the concern with the pixels in both sets. moral behavior of humans as they design, Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) In computer construct, use, and treat artificially intelligent science and mathematics, a directed acyclic beings, and the latter one is about the moral graph is a finite directed graph with no di- behavior of artificial moral agents (see also rected cycles. It consists of finitely many ver- inadvertent effects). tices and edges, with each edge directed from Expert system is a computer one vertex to another, such that there is no way system that simulates the ability or behavior to start at any vertex and follow a consistently of a human expert on performing a task. An directed sequence of edges that eventually expert system incorporates the knowledge loops back to that starting vertex again. base that represents facts and rules, and the inference engine that uses the knowledge base to deduce new conclusions. E Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) Electronic Medical Record (EMR) An elec- Explainable artificial intelligence is a key term tronic medical record, or electronic health in AI design and in the tech community as a record, is the systematized collection of whole. It refers to efforts to make sure that patient and population electronically stored artificial intelligence programs are transparent health information in a digital format. in their purposes and how they work. Explain- These records can be shared across different able AI is a common goal and objective for healthcare settings. Records are shared engineers and others trying to move forward through network-connected, enterprise-wide with artificial intelligence progress. information systems or other information networks and exchanges. F ELIZA The ELIZA effect is a term used to Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources discuss progressive artificial intelligence. It is (FHIR) Fast Healthcare Interoperability the idea that people may falsely attach mean- Resources is a draft standard describing data ings of symbols or words that they ascribe to formats and elements (known as “resources”) artificial intelligence in technologies. and an application programming interface Enterprise Imaging Enterprise Imaging has for exchanging electronic health records. The been defined as “a set of strategies, initiatives standard was created by the Health Level and workflows implemented across a health- Seven International healthcare standards care enterprise to consistently and optimally organization. capture, index, manage, store, distribute, view, Forward Chaining Forward Chaining, also exchange, and analyze all clinical imaging and called forward reasoning, is a reasoning multimedia content to enhance the electronic approach that searches inference rules from health record” by members of the HIMSS- available data and then makes deduction and SIIM Enterprise Imaging Workgroup. decision based on the rule. Forward Chaining Error backpropagation The process of works in the opposite as the backward adjusting the weights in a neural network by chaining. minimizing the error at the output. It involves Feedforward Neural Network A feedforward a large number of iteration cycles with the neural network is an artificial neural network training data. in which the connections between units do Ethics of Artificial Intelligence The ethics of not form a cycle. The feedforward neural artificial intelligence is the ethics of network has an input layer, hidden layers, and technology specific to robots and other an output layer. Information always travels artificial intelligence beings, which is divided in one direction—from the input layer to the Glossary 355

output layer—and never goes backward. See especially for computations that can be also backpropagation. processed parallely. GPUs are widely used in Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) embedded systems, mobile phones, personal Fully Convolutional Network is the first computers, workstations, and many others. convolutional neural network for semantic The rapid development of GPUs contributes segmentation. It is trained end-to-end, pixel- to the rise of deep learning systems. The first to-pixel from arbitrary-sized inputs. Both GPU was developed by NVidia in 1999 and learning and inference are performed whole called the GeForce 256. image at a time by dense feedforward computation and backpropagation. H Heuristics A heuristic is a technique to provide G fast or approximate solutions when the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) traditional methods are too slow or fail to give A class or artificial intelligence algorithms an accurate solution. A heuristic is commonly used in unsupervised machine learning, called a rule of thumb. While faster, it is where two neural networks (a generative typically less optimal than the classic methods network and a discriminative one) are pitted it replaces. against one another—one network generates Heuristic search techniques Support that candidates, and the other evaluates them in a narrows down the search for optimal solutions zero-sum game framework. for a problem by eliminating options that are Genetic Algorithm Genetic algorithms are incorrect. heuristic search and optimization algorithms Human Level Machine Intelligence See: inspired by the natural selection theory. Artificial General Intelligence. A genetic algorithm requires a genetic representation of the solution and a fitness function to evaluate the solution. I Genomic data Genomic data refer to the ImageNet ImageNet is a large image database genome and DNA data of an organism. They with more than 14 million images over 20,000 are used in bioinformatics for collecting, categories. Since 2010, the ImageNet project storing, and processing the genomes of living runs annually a contest called the ImageNet things. Genomic data generally require a large Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge amount of storage and purpose-built software (ILSVRC) for object and scene recognition. to analyze. The winner algorithm of the contest in the Gradient boost machine A type of machine year 2012 is considered as the beginning of learning technique that uses an ensemble of the deep learning revolution. See AlexNet. weak prediction models to perform regression Inadvertent effects of AI If training sets are and classification tasks. poised with faulty data, then the algorithm will Gradient descent A fast optimization method render faulty outcomes. A system is only as to find a minimum (e.g., error). The gradient good as the data it learns from and databases is computed at the local position, and walking must increase in order to let AI grow. See in is done only a step in the downward direction. the literature for racist, sexist algorithms. See Repeating this process gives the fastest and also Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. most efficient way to the minimum. Inductive reasoning Inductive reasoning is Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) A graphical a reasoning method which uses premises processing unit is a single chip processor to supply evidence in order to support the designed for efficient manipulation of conclusion. Opposed to deductive reasoning, computer graphics and image processing, inductive reasoning works as a down-top logic 356 Glossary

which provides the conclusion by generalizing L or extrapolating from special cases to general Label Also known as annotation. In supervised rules. learning, the answer or result portion of an Interactive Machine Learning Interactive example. Each example in a labeled dataset Machine Learning are approaches based on a consists of one or more features and a label. coupling of human input and machines during For instance, in a housing dataset, the features the learning process. might include the number of bedrooms, the Internet of Things (IoT) The Internet of number of bathrooms, and the age of the Things (IoT) is the network of electronic house, while the label might be the house’s devices embedded with softwares and sensors price. In a spam detection dataset, the features that enable the interaction between machines. might include the subject line, the sender, and The connectivity between devices helps the the email message itself, while the label would collection of huge data which can be analyzed probably be either spam or not spam. by computer-based systems. Layer A layer, as in convolutional layer, is a set Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) Internet of neurons in a neural network that process of Medical Things (IoMT) specifies the a set of input features, or the output of those network of devices that are used to monitor neurons. Deep learning networks get their the health status during the daily life. name because they have many layers; most Interoperability Interoperability is the property systems now have 30–150 layers, compared that allows for the unrestricted sharing of with traditional ANNs that would fail if they resources between different systems. This had more than about three layers. can refer to the ability to share data between Learning Learning is the process of acquiring different components or machines, or it can new or modifying existing knowledge, behav- be defined as the exchange of information iors, skills, values, or preferences. The ability and resources between different computers to learn is possessed by humans, animals, and through local area networks (LANs) or wide some machines, and there is also evidence area networks (WANs). Broadly speaking, for some kind of learning in some plants. interoperability is the ability of two or Some learning is immediate, induced by a more components or systems to exchange single event but much skill and knowledge information and to use the information that accumulates from repeated experiences. has been exchanged. See also deep learning, machine learning, Isaac Asimov Isaac Asimov (1920–1992) was unsupervised and reinforcement learning. a science fiction author and formulated the Learning algorithm A learning algorithm is an Three Laws of Robotics in the latter, which algorithm used in machine learning to help continues to influence researchers in robotics the technology to imitate the human learning and artificial intelligence (AI). process. Combined with technologies like neural networks, learning algorithms create K involved, sophisticated learning programs. Kaggle Kaggle is a data science platform to Learning algorithm, examples Logic regres- host data analysis competitions launched by sion, linear regression, decision trees, and companies and users. random forests are all examples of learning al- Knowledge-Based Systems It is a computer gorithms. Algorithms like “nearest neighbor” system that uses knowledge to solve a problem also involve the ways that these algorithms are or support a decision. A knowledge-based used to affect decision-making and learning in system has three types of subsystems: a machine learning. In general, what all of these knowledge base, a user interface, and an algorithms have in common is their ability inference engine. to extrapolate from test or training data to make projections or build models in the real Glossary 357

world. Think of these algorithms as tools for analysis for applications in industry such as “pulling data points together” from a raw data automatic inspection, process control, and mass or a relatively unlabeled background. robot guidance. Where learning algorithms are useful in Markov Chain Any multivariate probability both supervised and unsupervised machine density whose independence diagram is a learning, they are used in different ways in chain. In other words, the variables are or- each type of discipline. Supervised machine dered, and each variable “depends” only on its learning benefits from having already labeled neighbors in the sense of being conditionally and isolated data, so the learning algorithms independent of the others. An equivalent that are used will be different in some definition is that you sample the variables ways. left-to-right, conditional only on the last Learning rate A scalar used to train a model outcome. via gradient descent. During each iteration, Mask R-CNN Mask R-CNN is a general deep the gradient descent algorithm multiplies the learning-based framework for object instance learning rate by the gradient. The resulting segmentation. It consists of two stages, in product is called the gradient step. Learning which the first stage performs a region rate is a key hyperparameter. proposal network that proposes candidate Linear regression Linear regression is a kind object bounding box, while the second stage of statistical analysis that attempts to show provides a class prediction to the instances in a relationship between two variables. Linear the bounding box as well as a binary mask for regression looks at various data points and instance segmentation. plots a trend line. Linear regression can create Medical Imaging Informatics MII is the a predictive model on apparently random development, application, and assessment data, showing trends in data. See Learning of information technology (IT) for clinical algorithm, examples. medical imaging. It includes the interfaces Logistic regression Logistic regression is a of IT and people. In practical terms, MII kind of statistical analysis that is used to already occurs at a basic level throughout predict the outcome of a dependent variable radiology practice, from the moment a based on prior observations. For example, an clinician considers ordering an imaging study algorithm could determine the winner of a until images and interpretation are used to presidential election based on past election plan the patient’s treatment. results and economic data. Logistic regression Monte Carlo Methods Monte Carlo Methods, algorithms are popular in machine learning. or Monte Carlo Simulation, are computational See Learning algorithm, examples. algorithms that rely on random sampling to obtain numerical results based on probability distributions. One example of using Monte M Carlo Method is to approximate the value of Machine intelligence See Artificial Intelligence. π. It is done by uniformly scattering random Machine Learning Machine Learning is a field points inside a square and then computing the in computer science that builds computational ratio between the number of points falling in models that have the ability of “learning” from the circle and that of the total number of points the data and then provide predictions. De- within the square, which is equal to π/4. pending on whether there is a supervisory sig- Moore’s Law Named after the cofounder of nal, machine learning can be divided into three Intel, Moore predicted in 1965 that the categories: the supervised learning, unsuper- number of transistors that can be placed on vised learning,andreinforcement learning. an integrated circuit doubles every 2 years. Machine Vision Machine Vision is the technol- This trend has been continuing since 1965 ogy used to provide image-based automatic with no signs of any slowdown yet. It can be 358 Glossary

applied in general to a range of technology accuracy for the task-specific models, when areas that are growing at an accelerating rate. compared to training the models separately. Multilayer neural network A multilayer neu- ral network contains more than one layer of artificial neurons or nodes. They differ widely N in design. It is important to note that while Narrow artificial intelligence (narrow AI) single-layer neural networks were useful early Narrow artificial intelligence (narrow AI) is a in the evolution of AI, the vast majority specific type of artificial intelligence in which of networks used today have a multilayer a technology outperforms humans in some model. Multilayer neural networks can be very narrowly defined task. Unlike general set up in numerous ways. Typically, they artificial intelligence, narrow artificial intelli- have at least one input layer, which sends gence focuses on a single subset of cognitive weighted inputs to a series of hidden layers, abilities and advances in that spectrum. and an output layer at the end. These more Natural Language Processing Natural lan- sophisticated setups are also associated guage processing (NLP) is a method to with nonlinear builds using sigmoids and translate between computer and human other functions to direct the firing or languages. Traditionally, feeding statistics activation of artificial neurons. While some and models have been the method of choice of these systems may be built physically, for interpreting phrases. Recent advances in with physical materials, most are created this area include voice recognition software, with software functions that model neural human language translation, information activity. Convolutional neural networks retrieval, and artificial intelligence. There (CNNs), used for image processing and is difficulty in developing human language computer vision, as well as recurrent neural translation software because language is con- networks, deep networks, and deep belief stantly changing. Natural language processing systems are all examples of multilayer neural is also being developed to create human networks. CNNs, for example, can have readable text and to translate between one dozens of layers that work sequentially on an human language and another. Already existing image. All of this is central to understanding reports associated with radiology images can how modern neural networks function. be used to learn about disease and conditions Multilayer Perceptrons (MLP) A multilayer and the ultimate goal of NLP is to build is a class of feedforward artificial software that will analyze, understand, and neural network. An MLP consists of at least generate human languages naturally, enabling three layers of nodes. Except for the input communication with a computer as if it were a nodes, each node is a neuron that uses a human. nonlinear activation function. MLP utilizes Neural networks Also known as artificial a supervised backpropagation technique for neural network, neural net, deep neural training. Its multiple layers and nonlinear net; a computer system inspired by living activation distinguish MLP from a linear brains. Neural networks found to perform perceptron. It can distinguish data that is not best in ImageNet data challenges were linearly separable. convolutional neural networks (CNNs). This Multi-task Learning Multi-task learning name comes from the mathematical concept (MTL) is a subfield of machine learning in of convolution, which is similar to the CNN which multiple learning tasks are solved at convolutional operation wherein filters are the same time while exploiting commonalities applied to an image in fixed spatial regions and differences across tasks. This can result and are swept across, or integrated, over the in improved learning efficiency and prediction entire image. The resulting activations can then be aggregated in pooling operations, Glossary 359

subjected to repeated convolutions, and P eventually mapped to a vector of probabilities Pattern matching Pattern recognition and corresponding to likelihoods that the image pattern matching are sometimes confused belongs to a certain class. as the same thing when, in fact, they are not. Whereas pattern recognition looks for a similar or most likely pattern in a given data, O pattern matching looks for exactly the same Omics The word omics indicates the study of a pattern. Pattern matching is not considered body of information and refers to the fields of part of machine learning, although in some biology ending in -omics such as genome, cases it leads to similar results as pattern proteome, microbiome, and exposome. recognition. Pattern recognition has its origins Many of the emerging fields of large-scale in engineering, whereas machine learning data-rich biology are designated by adding grew out of computer science. Both can be the suffix -omics onto previously used viewed as two facets of the same field. terms. Pattern recognition In IT pattern recognition is OpenAI OpenAI is a nonprofit artificial abranchofmachine learning that emphasizes intelligence research company (founded in the recognition of data patterns or data December 2015 by partners including Elon regularities in a given scenario. It is a Musk) that aims to promote and develop subdivision of machine learning and it should friendlyAIinsuchawayastobenefit not be confused with actual machine learning humanity as a whole. The organization aims study. Pattern recognition can be either to “freely collaborate” with other institutions supervised, where previously known patterns and researchers by making its patents and can be found in a given data, or unsupervised, research open to the public. where entirely new patterns are discovered. Overfitting In statistics and machine learning, The objective behind pattern recognition overfitting occurs when a model tries to algorithms is to provide a reasonable answer predict a trend in data that is too noisy. for all possible data and to classify input Overfitting is the result of an overly complex data into objects or classes based on certain model with too many parameters. A model features. A most likely matching is performed that is overfitted is inaccurate because the between various data samples and their key trend does not reflect the reality of the data. features are matched and recognized. An overfitted model is a model with a trend Perceptron The perceptron computes a single line that reflects the errors in the data that it is output from multiple real-valued inputs by trained with, instead of accurately predicting forming a linear combination according to unseen data. This is better seen visually with its input weights and then possibly putting a graph of data points and a trend line. An the output through some nonlinear activation overfitted model shows a curve with higher function. A multilayered perceptron is a and lower points, while a properly fitted network of simple neurons called perceptrons. model shows a smooth curve or a linear The basic concept of a single perceptron was regression. introduced by Rosenblatt in 1958. Overfitting, compensation of Overfitting Perceptron algorithm Perceptron algorithm typically results from an excessive number of is a machine learning algorithm that helps training points. There are a number of tech- provide classified outcomes for computing. niques that machine learning researchers can Perceptron algorithm is called supervised use to mitigate overfitting, including cross- classification because the computer is validation, regularization, early stopping, aided by the human classification of data pruning, Bayesian priors, dropout, and model points. Perceptron is also related to the comparison. development of “artificial neural networks,” 360 Glossary

where computing structures are based on the the gene profile of, for example, a tumor. design of the human brain. Combining both radiomics and radiogenomics Planning A branch of AI dealing with planned will lead to AI predicting which kind of gene sequences or strategies to be performed by an profile defect there is based on its features AI-powered machine. Things such as actions seen on scans. to take, variable to account for, and duration Random Forests (or Random Decision of performance are accounted for. Forests) Random Forests or Random Deci- Principal component analysis (PCA) Con- sion Forests are ensembling learning methods structing new features which are the principal for data classification and regression. They components of a dataset. The principal construct a multitude of decision trees during components are random variables of maximal the training and output the class that is the variance constructed from linear combinations mode of the classes (classification) or mean of the input features. Equivalently, they are prediction (regression) of the individual trees. the projections onto the principal component Receptive field (RF) The sensitivity pattern of axes, which are lines that minimize the a neuron. For example, the receptive field of average squared distance to each point in a simple cell in the primary visual cortex the dataset. To ensure uniqueness, all of the V1 is determined by measuring its firing principal component axes must be orthogonal. rate as a function of the pointwise scanning PCA is a maximum-likelihood technique light stimulation of its receptive field area on for linear regression in the presence of the retina. A receptive field is the biological Gaussian noise on both inputs and outputs. implementation of a filter. In some cases, PCA corresponds to a Fourier Recurrent neural network (RNN) A type of transform, such as the DCT used in JPEG neural network that makes sense of sequential image compression. information and recognizes patterns, and Pruning The use of a search algorithm to cut creates outputs based on those calculations. off undesirable solutions to a problem in an Remembers a previous state in its memory, AI system. It reduces the number of decisions and feeds this back as one of the inputs. It that can be made by the AI system. is characterized by a recurrent loop in the Python Programming language that runs on architecture. This type of neural network is most platforms and is often used for data used for sequential data, e.g., text and video. science, machine learning, and deep learning. Regression Regression is a process of predict- ing the value to a yes or no label provided it falls on a continuous spectrum of input values, R subcategory of supervised learning. Radiomics The -omics of images is an expan- Reinforcement Learning Reinforcement sion of CADx. Radiomics refers to the extrac- learning is a type of dynamic programming tion and analysis of large amounts of advanced that trains algorithms using a system of reward quantitative image features with the intent of and punishment. The algorithm is exposed creating mineable databases from radiological to a total random and new dataset and it images. From which prognostic associations automatically finds patterns and relationships can be made between images and outcomes. inside of that dataset. The system is rewarded Radiogenomics This term is used in two when it finds a desired relationship inside of contexts. Either to refer to the study of genetic that dataset but it is also punished when finds variation associated with response to radiation an undesired relation. The algorithm learns or to refer to the correlation between cancer from awards and punishments and updates imaging features and gene expression. It is itself continuously. This type of algorithm is the combination of radiomics and genomics, Glossary 361

always in production mode. It requires real- can then provide answers to new questions time data to be able to update and present onthesametopic.Seealsounsupervised actions. The agent learns without intervention machine learning. from a human by maximizing its reward and Support Vector Machine (SVM) Support minimizing its penalty. Vector Machine, or in short SVM, is a Residual neural network (RNN) This network supervised machine learning model for data skips connections over network layers, by classification and regression analysis. One of making shortcuts or jump-overs. A ResNet the most used classifiers in machine learning. skips over a single layer. It optimizes the width of the gap between the points of separate categories in feature space. S Superintelligence A superintelligence is an Scikit-learn Scikit-learn (formerly scikits- intelligence system that rapidly increases its learn) is a free software machine learning intelligence in a short time, specifically, to library for the Python programming language. surpass the cognitive capability of the average It features various classification, regression, human being. Part of the idea of superin- and clustering algorithms, including support telligence is that certain kinds of artificial vector machines, random forests, gradient intelligence work are theoretically capable boosting, k-means, and DBSCAN, and is of triggering a “runaway reaction” where designed to interoperate with the Python an artificial intelligence far exceeds human numerical and scientific libraries NumPy and capacity for thought and starts to manipulate SciPy. or control humans in specific ways. Superin- Singularity Singularity refers to the emergence telligence is tied to the idea of a “singularity,” of superintelligent machines with capabilities which is based on the idea that a catalyst or that cannot be predicted by humans. The word trigger would cause rapid change beyond what singularity comes from astrophysics where it humans can anticipate. See Singularity. is used to refer to a point in space time where the rules of ordinary physics do not apply. This idea is parallel to the way the term is used T in a technological context, because if a tech- TensorFlow TensorFlow is an open source soft- nological singularity were to occur, humans ware library for numerical computation using would be become unable to predict events data flow graphs. Nodes in the graph represent beyond that point. See Superintelligence. mathematical operations, while the graph Strong AI An area of AI development that edges represent the multidimensional data is working toward the goal of making AI arrays (tensors) communicated between them. systems that are as useful and skilled as the The flexible architecture allows you to deploy human mind. computation to one or more CPUs or GPUs in Stride The step size in the shift of convolution a desktop, server, or mobile device with a sin- filters. It is normally set to 1, but can be 2–10 gle API. TensorFlow was originally developed or even higher, to increase the computational by researchers and engineers working on the efficiency. Google Brain Team within Google’s Machine Supervised Learning Training a model from Intelligence research organization for the input data and its corresponding labels. purposes of conducting machine learning and Supervised machine learning is analogous deep neural networks research, but the system to a student learning a subject by studying is general enough to be applicable in a wide a set of questions and their corresponding variety of other domains as well. answers. After mastering the mapping Tensors Multidimensional arrays of primitive between questions and answers, the student data values that are used in TensorFlow. A 362 Glossary

tensor consists of a set of primitive values training images and to yield more precise shaped into an array of any number of dimen- segmentations. sions. These massive numbers of large arrays Unsupervised learning Unsupervised learning are the reason that GPUs and other processors is a type of machine learning algorithm used designed to do floating point mathematics to draw inferences from sets of data consisting excel at speeding up these algorithms. of input data without labeled responses, Tensor Processing Unit A unit similar to a e.g., cluster analysis. This means that the Graphic Processing Unit, it is a measure of system is exposed to a total random and new tensor processing power. dataset and it automatically finds patterns and Turing test A test developed by Alan Turing relationships inside of that dataset. Unsuper- in the 1950s that tests the ability of a vised learning is used in email clustering in machine to mimic human behavior (see terms order to distinguish between spam emails “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”). and useful emails. It can also be seen as The test involves a human evaluator who Learning by Example. Another example of undertakes natural language conversations unsupervised machine learning is principal with another human and a machine and rates component analysis (PCA). For example, the conversations. It is designed to determine applying PCA on a dataset containing the whether or not a computer could be classed contents of millions of shopping carts might as intelligent. The test (also referred to as reveal that shopping carts containing lemons the imitation game) is conducted by having frequently also contain antacids. human judges chat to several people via Underfitting Underfitting occurs when a a computer. Most of the people the judges statistical model cannot adequately capture will be speaking to are humans, but one will the underlying structure of the data. actually be a chatbot. The chatbot’s objective will be to convince the human judges that they are speaking to a real person. If it does this, it V has passed the Turing test. Variational Autoencoder Variational autoen- coder (VAE) models inherit autoencoder architecture, but make strong assumptions U concerning the distribution of latent variables. Uncanny valley The uncanny valley is a They use variational approach for latent phenomenon that occurs in the human psyche representation learning, which results in and perception with regard to objects that are an additional loss component and specific human-like, usually robots and images, and training algorithm called Stochastic Gradient determines our reaction toward that object. Variational Bayes. It assumes that the data is It is still just a hypothesis, and it is stated generated by a directed graphical model and to the effect of “as an object such as a robot that the encoder is learning an approximation gets more human-like, the response of some to the posterior distribution and denote the observers will become increasingly positive parameters of the encoder (recognition model) and emphatic, until a point is reached in the and decoder (generative model), respectively. robot’s human-likeness beyond which the reactions turn to strong revulsion.” U-net A network with a U-shape, where W connections exist between the horizontally Watson Watson is named after Dr. Watson, a corresponding layers of the contracting former IBM CEO. It is a question-answering input branch and the expanding output supercomputer that uses AI to perform branch. It was designed to work with fewer cognitive computing and data analysis. In the year 2011, Watson competed on the Jeopardy! Glossary 363

television show against human contestants and These weights can be adjusted in a process won the first place prize. Since then, Watson called learning. The goal of training a linear has been used for utilization management in model is to determine the ideal weight for each medical centers. feature. If a weight is 0, then its corresponding Weak AI See: Artificial Narrow Intelligence. feature does not contribute to the model. Weights The connection strength (coefficients) Winters See Artificial winters. between units or nodes in a neural network. Index

A image transformation, 132 Acquisition, neuroimaging, 218–220 imaging appropriateness and utilization, 130 ACRassist™, 133 imaging protocoling, 131 ACR DSI Data Science Subspecialty Panels, MRI, image quality improvement and acquisition 312 time reduction in, 131 ACR Lung-RADS classification system, 302 patient experience, 137–138 Actionable nodule, 151 patient safety, 137 Activation layers, 43 patient scheduling, 130–131 Active learning, 207–208 reporting, 133–134 Actual learning, 29 schematic representation, 130 Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), 146 speech recognition, 135 Advanced Radiology Guidance, Reporting and staffing optimization, 136 Monitoring, 301 text summarization and report translation, AIM, see Annotation and Image Markup 134–135 Airways diseases, chest pathology, 157–159 worklist optimization, 135–136 Alberta Stroke Program Early Computed Tomography cardiovascular diseases (see Cardiovascular diseases) Score (ASPECTS), 221 chest pathology AlexNet, 28, 29 chest radiography, 145–148 Algorithm performance, in clinical practice, 317–318 computed tomography, lung nodules, 148–152 Algorithm validation standards, 300 computer-assisted diagnosis for, 145 Alternate payment models (APMs), 319 interstitial lung disease, 159–162 Analytical and predictive medical tools, 4 lung cancer radiomics, 153–155 Anatomically intelligent ultrasound (AIUS), 171 lung nodules, 146 Anatomical Tracings of Lesions After Stroke (ATLAS-1), parenchymal lung and airways diseases, 157–159 221 pulmonary embolism, 155–157 Ankle-brachial index (ABI), 179 entities, 270–273 ANN, see Artificial neural network imaging biomarkers and imaging biobanks in, 124, Annotation and Image Markup (AIM), 76, 114, 252 125 Artificial general intelligence (AGI), 296 medicine (see Medical artificial intelligence) Artificial intelligence (AI), 26, 49 radiology, applications applications, 49 clinical problem definition, 54 beyond image interpretation, applications components, development, 58 billing, 137 data annotation, 55–56 business intelligence and business analytics, 136 dataset collection, 54 challenges, 138 engineering, 54 content-based image retrieval, 136–137 image acquisition, 50–51 follow-up care, 135 image interpretation, 51–53 hanging protocols, 133 knowledge extraction, 52, 54 image quality evaluation, 132–133 management, 54 image quality improvement and radiation dose reporting, 52 reduction, 132 testing, 56

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 365 E. R. Ranschaert et al. (eds.), Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging, 366 Index

resources framework early diagnosis, 187–188 computing resources, 57 using mammography, 188 data resources, 58 patient harms, 188 expertise, 57 population-based screening programmes, 187 software resources, 57–58 randomized clinical trials, 187 value-driven integration of, 50 screening, 187 value, structured reporting for Business analytics (BA), 136 analytics and clinical decision support, 78–80 Business ecosystems, 291–293 conventional radiological reporting vs. structured Business intelligence (BI), 136 reporting, 74–75 Business models, AI, 318–320 external data, integration of, 78 NLP, 74, 76–77 radiology, 73 C structured reporting and IHE MRRT, technical Cancer Imaging Archive (CIA), 253 implementations of, 75–76 Cardiac CT angiography, 337 Artificial intelligence ecosystem, 293–295, 297 Cardiac fluid flow reserve computed tomography, 316, Artificial legal persons and objects, 265 317 Artificial neural network (ANN), 26, 27, 49, 56, 132 Cardiovascular diseases Artificial products, 309–310 AI, practical use of, 32 clinical practice, algorithms deployment, 179–180 Automated computer-aided tool, 146 composite data, outcome prediction, 178–179 Automated hanging protocols, 51 computed tomography, 172–175 Automated organ segmentation, 240 echocardiography, 170–172 Automated systems magnetic resonance imaging, 175–177 decision support, recall rates, 194–195 nuclear imaging, 177–178 density stratification and risk prediction, 197–199 cardiovascular imaging, AI impact lesion localization, 195–197 combining imaging with data sources, 170 Automated transform by manifold approximation decision support, 168 (AUTOMAP), 219 image acquisition, 169 Automatic liver segmentation, 240, 241 image quality, image reconstruction and Autonomous artificial intelligent entities, 270–273 improvement of, 169 Auto-regressive models, 206 interpretation and diagnosis, 169–170 opportunistic screening and prognosis, 170 post-processing and image analysis, 169 B computer vision and artificial intelligence, 167–168 Backpropagation, 40 practical use, 168 Batch normalization, 32 Case-by-case basis, 113 Bayesian network, 42 Cheshire Cat, 276, 280, 288 Bayesian network interface, 133 Chest pathology, AI and computer-assisted evaluation Bayesian support vector machine learning method, 159 chest radiography, 145–146 Big data, 9, 30 computer-assisted diagnosis for, 145 Binary large objects (BLOB’s), 66 interstitial lung disease, 159–162 Biobanking and BioMolecular resources Research lung cancer radiomics, 153–155 Infrastructure (BBMRI-ERIC), 123 lung nodules, 146 Biological robot, 257–258 chest radiography, 147–148 Biotechnology, 260, 266 computed tomography, 148–152 BI-RADS density scale, 197–199 parenchymal lung and airways diseases, 157–159 Blockchain technology, 339–340 pulmonary embolism, 155–157 Bonferroni correction, 98 Chest X-rays, 39, 40 Brain–computer interfaces, 257, 260 Class, deep learning and machine learning, 40 Brain extraction based on nonlocal segmentation Class imbalance, 202 technique (BEaST), 217 Clinical decision support (CDS), 130 Brain imaging preprocessing, 217–218 Clinical integration, 317 Brain research, deep learning Clinical studies, medical artificial intelligence, 85–86 brain efficiency, 32 analysis, 95–99 foveated vision, 34–35 clinical question, 87 visual learning, 32–34 Cohort studies, 86, 90–93 Brain Surface Extractor (BSE), 217 ground truth, 87–89 Breast cancer screening metrics, 93–95 early detection of, 187 retrospective cohort studies, 86 Index 367

study design, 86 Computer Assisted Reporting Data Science (CARDS), target population, 89–90 305, 311 Clinical trials, medical imaging in, 231 Computing power, AI, 298 AI techniques, 236, 238–240 Confidence intervals, 97 and biomarker quantification, 232 Congenital heart disease, 177 classification algorithms, 239–240 Consciousness, behavior and self-reporting, 280 image acquisition protocol design, 233 Constrictive pericarditis (CMP), 171 image acquisitions, 232 Content-based image retrieval (CBIR), AI applications, imaging biomarkers in clinical research, 238 136–137 magnetic resonance/computed tomography scanners, Content-based visual information retrieval (CBVIR), 136 233 Contextual region, 27 medical image standardization pipeline, 232 Conventional radiological reporting, 74–75 quality assurance, 235–236 ConvNetJS, 32 segmentation algorithms, 239–240 Convolution, 26 site validation Convolutional autoencoder (CAE), 174 cross-calibration, 234, 235, 237 Convolutional layers, 43 DICOM capabilities, 234 Convolutional neural networks (CNN), 25, 28–30, 36, dummy run exploration, 235 44, 49, 50, 56, 57, 114, 134, 169, 240, 330 MR machine, 234 COPDGene, 158 site survey, 233–234 Coronary artery calcium scoring (CACS), 172, 174 standardization of, 232 Coronary CT angiography (CCTA), 172 CNN, see Convolutional neural networks Criminal Law for Robots, 274–275 Coefficients of variation (CoV), 122 Crowdsourcing, 312 Common data elements (CDEs), 76 CT-fractional flow reserve (CT-FFR), 175 Compressed sensing MRI (CS-MRI), 131 CT post processing technique (CALIPER), 160 Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method, 174 CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA), 78–79, 155 Computed tomography (CT), 132 cardiovascular diseases, 172–175 lung nodules, 148–152 Computer aided detection (CAD) systems, 187 D CADETII, 190 Data access and quality, 200–201 digital mammography, 192 Data augmentation techniques, 239 with digital mammography, 191 Data collection, 248 feature extraction, 189 Data curation full field digital mammography reading, 191, 192 and aggregation, 322 ImageChecker M1000, 189, 190 process of, 248 image sensitivity, 191 Data discovery and retrieval, 249–251, 253 microcalcifications, 193 Data-driven texture analysis (DTA) approach, 160 performance of, 189–192 Data handling and curation tools, 253, 254 reported and minimum human-level performance, 193 Data issues, during training screen film mammography, 191 class imbalance, 202 screening programs, 189 dataset bias, 202 support-vector machines, 189 dataset imbalance, 201–202 Computer-aided diagnosis software (CADx), 302, 303 generalizability, 203 Computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) device, 25, 26, 101, minority class, data insufficiency, 202 145 over-fitting, 202, 203 Computer-assisted diagnosis of pulmonary embolism under-fitting, 202, 203 (PE-CAD), 155, 156 Data labeling, 203, 204 Computer-assisted evaluation, chest pathology Data quality, 248, 251–252 chest radiography, 145–148 Data security and privacy, 341–342 computed tomography, lung nodules, 148–152 Dataset bias, 202 computer-assisted diagnosis for, 145 Dataset imbalance, 201–202 interstitial lung disease, 159–162 Deep convolutional neural networks (CNN), 240 lung cancer radiomics, 153–155 Deep learning (DL), 13, 14, 16, 20, 42–43, 49, 114, 171, lung nodules, 146 247, 248 parenchymal lung and airways diseases, 157–159 activation layers, 43 pulmonary embolism, 155–157 artificial intelligence, 26 368 Index

based neural networks, 4 DNA research, 271 big data, 30 Domain adaptation, 207 brain research 3D Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (3D SLAM), brain efficiency, 32 34 foveated vision, 34–35 3D voxel-based method, 159 visual learning, 32–34 Dynamic time warping (DTW), 52 in breast cancer (see Breast cancer screening) CAD, 25, 26 CNNs, 44 E convolutional layers, 43 Echocardiography, cardiovascular diseases, 170–172 convolutional neural networks, 28–30 Economics of AI, 318–320 data access and quality, 200–201 Electronic health record (EHR), 108–111, 304 data issues during training Electronic Signatures Act (ESign), 285 class imbalance, 202 Emphysema index, 157 dataset bias, 202 Endotracheal (ET) tubes, 146 dataset imbalance, 201–202 Energy minimization, 14–15 generalizability, 203 Enterprise content management (ECM), 112 minority class, data insufficiency, 202 Enterprise Image Repository (EIR), 112 over-fitting, 202, 203 Enterprise imaging under-fitting, 202, 203 in context of AI, 114–115 data labeling, 203, 204 enterprise imaging platform, 109–112 diabetic retinopathy, screening for, 30–31 legal aspects, 113–114 FCNs, 44 maturity model, stage description for, 116 fully connected layers, 43 PACS, 107–108 GANs, 45 principles of, 108 GPUs, 30 standards and technology for, 112–113 interpretability, 204–206 Enterprise Viewer, 111 for mammography, 193–194 Epigenomics, 299 memory constraints and image size, 199–200 Ergonomic software, 52 neural networks, 26–28 Error backpropagation, 29 output layer, 44 Ethics, 342–344 pooling layers, 43 Euro-BioImaging project, 54 principled uncertainties, 204 European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), residual layer, 44 286–288 smart network architectures, 30 European Imaging Biomarkers Alliance (EIBALL), use of, 129 119 on web, 31–32 European Medicines Agency (EMA), 121 Deep neural network, 27, 28 European Society of Medical Imaging Informatics Default display protocols (DDP), 133 (EuSoMII), 341 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Evidence imaging, 109 273 Expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, 19 Diabetic retinopathy, screening for, 30–31 Diagnostic biomarker, 123 Dice score, 240 F DICOM, see Digital Imaging and Communication in FAIR guiding principles, 253 Medicine False discoveries, 97 DICOM presentation state, 252 Faster-RCNN object detection network, 197 DICOM SR, 78 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR), 109, Diffusion-perfusion mismatch, 221–222 306 Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT), 208–209 Fast segmentation of brain imaging, 220–221 Digital data collection, 248 Flexible model-to-image fitting, 21 Digital Imaging Adoption Model (DIAM), 115 Flexible shape fitting, 17–19 Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine FMRIB Software Library (FSL) Brain Extraction Tool (DICOM), 107, 112–113, 133, 248, 306 (BET), 217 Digital radiography, 147 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) programs, 302 Digital twins, 240, 242 4D flow imaging, 177 Disease-oriented biobanks, 124 Framingham risk score (FRS), 175 DL-based applications in PACS interface, 338 Fully connected layers, 29, 43 Index 369

Fully connected networks (FCNs), 44 Imaging biomarkers Fully convolutional network (FCN), 132 and imaging biobanks in artificial intelligence, 124, 125 BBMRI-ERIC, 123 G biomarkers, clinical scenario of oncology, 123 GANs, see Generalized adversarial networks European Society of Radiology, 123 Gaussian mixture model, 19 types of, 124 Generalized adversarial networks (GANs), 30, 45, 56, stepwise development, 120–121 206–207 validation, 121–123 Genomics, 209, 299 Imaging 3.0 informatics tools, 303–305 Gini Index, 42 Imaging protocoling, 131 Google, 90 Imaging value chain, 129 Google Neural Machine Translation (GNMT), 134 Informatics solutions, 296 Graphical processing units (GPUs), 30, 49 In silico clinical trials, 240, 242 Integrated research application system (IRAS), 66 International Medical Device Regulators Forum H (IMDRF), 301 Hanging protocols, 133 Internet Brain Segmentation Repository (IBSR), 221 Healthcare information, 113 Internet of things, 30 Healthcare Information and Management Systems Interoperability, integration, 303–307 Society (HIMSS), 295 Interpretability, 204–206 Health information exchange (HIE), 109, 111 Interstitial lung disease, chest pathology, 159–162 Health information technology (HIT) industry, 305 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), 300 K High-quality datasets for algorithm testing and training, Kaggle Data Science Bowl, 152 313–315 HIPAA Security Rule, 300 L HL7, 109 Late gadolinium enhancement (LGE), 177 HTML5, 75 Lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), 29 Human-like behavior, 267 Lateral inhibition, 32 artificial legal persons and objects, 265 Learning, 26, 27 computational decisions, 264 Learning algorithm for brain extraction and labeling free will concept, 267 (LABEL), 217 law and legal opinions, 266 Left ventricle (LV) myocardium, 174 rational intelligence, 267–268 Legal enforcement robots, 285–286 social intelligence, 267–268 Legal orientation, 261 Human–Robot integration, 273–275 Legal personality of robots, 259 Hyperbolic tangent function, 41 Legal personhood, 260 Hyperparameters, 41 Legal position, robots, 260–261 LeNet-5, 49 LI-DAR, 34 I Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes IDx system, 85, 102 (LOINC), 305 IHE MRRT, 75–76, 78 Lowest limit of quantification (LLOQ), 122, 123 Image acquisition, 50–51, 169 Lung cancer radiomics, chest pathology, 153–155 ImageChecker CT, 151 Lung nodules, chest pathology, 146 Image construction, neuroimaging, 218–220 chest radiography, 147–148 ImageNet, 43, 98, 239 computed tomography, 148–152 ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge Lung PBV software, 156 (ILSVRC), 129 Lung-RADS classification, 307, 308 Image recognition, 331 Lung texture analysis, 159 Image registration, 10–11, 19 Image segmentation, 10 Imaging biobanks, imaging biomarkers and M in artificial intelligence, 124, 125 Machine learning (ML), 39, 50, 114, 160, 171 BBMRI-ERIC, 123 Bayesian networks, 42 biomarkers, clinical scenario of oncology, 123 big data, 61 European Society of Radiology, 123 CT, cardiovascular diseases, 175 types of, 124 data, 61–62 370 Index

decision trees, 42 image segmentation, 10 and deep learning systems, 248 image visualization, 11 DICOM standards, 62–63 in clinical trials, 231 FAIR Guiding Principles, 63 AI techniques, 236, 238–240 features and classes, 39–40 and biomarker quantification, 232 good quality data management, 63 classification algorithms, 239–240 MIDaR scale, 63–64 cross-calibration, 234, 235, 237 Level A, 69–70 DICOM capabilities, 234 Level B, 67–68 dummy run exploration, 235 Level C, 66–67 image acquisition, 232 Level D, 64–66 image acquisition protocol design, 233 MRI, cardiovascular diseases, 175–177 imaging biomarkers in clinical research, 238 neural networks, 40–41 magnetic resonance/computed tomography nuclear imaging, cardiovascular diseases, 177–178 scanners, 233 strategies, 16 medical image standardization pipeline, 232 SVM, 41 MR machine, 234 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 130, 131, 175–177 quality assurance, 235–236 Major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), 178 segmentation algorithms, 239–240 Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA), 323 site survey, 233–234 Markov models, 52 standardization of, 232 Mask-RCNN network, 197 community, 295 Medical artificial intelligence data, complexity of, 12 assessing safety, 100–102 in general and radiology, 3 clinical studies, assessing model efficacy using, objects of interest, complexity of, 12 85–86 validation, complexity of, 12–13 analysis, 95–99 Medical imaging data readiness (MIDaR) scale, 63–64 clinical question, 87 Level A, 69 Cohort studies, 86, 90–93 data labelling, 69 ground truth, 87–89 powering, 69–70 metrics, 93–95 Level B retrospective cohort studies, 86 data selection, 67 study design, 86 data visualisation, 68 target population, 89–90 quality control, 67, 68 efficacy/performance, 84 Level C safety, 84–85 access control, 67 study design data extraction, 66–67 analysis, 100 ethical approval, 66 clinical question, 99 Level D, 64–66 Cohort, 99–100 contains patient identifiable information, 65 final design, 100 quantity, unverified in, 65 ground truth, 99 researchers, inaccessible to, 65–66 metrics, 100 Medical information databases, 338–339 target population, 99, 32 Medical Image and Statistical Interpretation Lab Memory constraints, and image size, 199–200 Multi-Atlas Labelling Challenge, 221 Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS), 137, Medical image computing, 13–14 319 computational strategies Merkle tree technology, for health systems, 316 flexible shape fitting, 17–19 Metabolomics, 299 Pixel classification, 19–20 Missing data, 87 fundamental issues Model-based image analysis, 13, 14 appearance, global vs. local representations, Bayes’ rule, 14 21–22 classification/regression, 15–16 data congruency vs. model fidelity, 22 energy minimization, 14–15 deterministic vs. statistical models, 22 Model fitting, 22 geometry, explicit vs. implicit representation, 21 Monitoring biomarker, 123 Medical imaging Morphologic biomarker, 123 analysis, 9–10 MR imaging-based attenuation correction (MRAC), image registration, 10–11 132 Index 371

Multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis (MESA), 158, 179 PE-CAD, see Computer-assisted diagnosis of pulmonary Multiple hypothesis testing, 97 embolism Muscular/neural implants, 273 Personally identifying information (PII), 65 Personhood in legal sense, 275–280 Picture archiving and communication system (PACS), 9, 51, 55, 107–108, 133, 248, 304 N Pixel classification, 19–20 Naffine’s concept, 278 Point distribution models (PDM), 17 Napkin-ring sign, 173 Pooling layers, 43 Narrow AI, 330 Population-based biobanks, 124 National Evaluation System for Health Technology Population health management and research, 306 (NEST) program, 301 Population stratification, 90 National Imaging Informatics Course (NIIC), 341 Positive predictive value (PPV), 94 National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Positron-emission tomography (PET) imaging, 132, Skin Diseases (NIAMS), 253 177–178 Native DICOM devices, 112 Precision, 94 Natural language processing (NLP), 52, 54, 74, 76–77, Predictive biomarker, 123 133–135, 252 Principal component analysis (PCA), 32, 177 NEST Coordinating Center (NESTcc), 301 Procedural imaging, 109 Neural network, 4, 13 Proteomics, 299 architectural diagram of, 40 Protocoling, neuroimaging, 218–220 deep learning, 26–28 Pseudo-CT imaging, 132 machine learning, 40–41 Public-private partnerships, 300–303 Neurological diseases Pulmonary CT angiography, 156 acquisition, 218–220 Pulmonary embolism, chest pathology, 155–157 brain imaging preprocessing, 217–218 disease detection, 223–224 fast segmentation, 220–221 Q image construction, 218–220 Quadruple Aim, 294, 303 protocoling, 218–220 Quality Payment Program (QPP), 319 stroke, 221–222 Quantitative Imaging Biomarker Alliance (QIBA), 115, tumor classification, 222–223 119 Neurons, 27 Query-based case retrieval, 134 Neuroscience, 265 Query by image content (QBIC), 136 NIH chest X-ray dataset, 98 QUIBIM Precision® platform, 53 NLP, see Natural language processing Nodule Enhanced Viewing, 151 Noise reduction, 172–173 Nonhuman Rights Project, 268 R Non-interpretive AI algorithms, 320 Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), 75–76, Non-natural (artificial) legal persons, 269–270 119 No-show visits (NSVs), 130, 131 Radiology Nuclear imaging, cardiovascular diseases, 177–178 AI, applications Null hypothesis significance testing, 96, 97 clinical problem definition, 54 blog, 32 components, development, 58 computing resources, 57 data annotation, 55–56 O data resources, 58 Online cross-enterprise image transfer, 111 dataset collection, 54 Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI), 253 engineering, 54 Output layer, 44 expertise, 57 image acquisition, 50–51 image interpretation, 51–53 P knowledge extraction, 52, 54 PACS, see Picture archiving and communication system management, 54 Parametric response map (PRM), 158 reporting, 52 Parenchymal lung, chest pathology, 157–159 software resources, 57–58 Patient-and family-centered care (PFCC), 137 testing, 56 Patient data privacy, AI algorithms, 315–316 AI value, structured reporting for, 73 Patient scheduling, 130–131 innovation in 372 Index

AI, 330–331 Society of Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM), 136, radiologists’ perspective, 331–333 341 level of expectation, 333–337 Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), 301 Radiology information systems (RIS), 54 Software development community, 295 Radiomics, 51, 153–155, 299 Specificity, 93, 94 RadLex, 75, 79, 110 Spectral detector CT, 157 Random forest, 29, 42 Speech recognition (SR), 52, 135 Randomised control trial (RCT), 102 Staffing optimization, AI applications, 136 Reasonable Human, 276–277 Staging biomarker, 123 Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, 94, 95 Stratification, 92 Receptive fields, 32 Stress perfusion imaging, 177 Recurrent neural networks (RNN), 30, 52 Structured reporting Regions of interest (ROI), 51, 55 conventional radiological reporting vs., 74–75 Reinforced learning, 299 integration, external data into, 78 ReLU, 43 technical implementations, 75–76 Reporting, AI in, 133–134 Subjective definitions, 87 Report turnaround times (RTAT), 135–136 Subpopulations and intermediate outcomes in COPD Representational state transfer (REST), 306 study (SPIROMICS), 158 Research Ethics Service (RES), 66 Super-resolution imaging, 132 Residual layer, deep learning, 44 Supervised learning, 299, 341 Restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM), 171 Support vector machine (SVM), 29, 41, 130, 174 Rights-based conception, 277 Surround suppression, 32 Robotics SVM, see Support vector machine development of, 258 Swiss Knife for Radiologists, 338 entities, 270–273 Synapses, 27 Robots Synthetic CT, 132 classification, 281 Synthetic data generation, 206–207 Criminal Law, 274–275 legal acts, 283–285 legal personality, 259, 261–264 T legal personhood, 262–264 Tabar parenchymal patterns, 197, 198 legal positioning, 260–261, 286 Technological evolution, 258 legal subjectivity, 262–264 Tensor, 28 liability and legal subjectivity, 281–283 Test set, 90 role and personality, 280 Text summarization technology, 134–135 technological evolution, 258 Texture analysis (TA), 173 Robust Learning-based Brain Extraction System 3D adaptivemultiple featuremethod, 159 (ROBEX), 217 Tomosynthesis, 208–209 RSNA, see Radiological Society of North America Total stress perfusion deficit (TPD), 178 TOUCH-AI development platform, 311 Trade-off, 94 S Transfer learning, 239 Sampling bias, 91 Transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) imaging, 171 Segment involvement scores (SIS), 175 Tutorial papers, 32 Segment stenosis score (SSS), 175 SegNet, 44 Self-learning algorithms development, 280 U Self-learning computer systems, 247 UK Breast Screening History, 188–189 Semi-supervised learning, 207 U-Net, 44, 45 Sensitivity, 93, 94 UNET architecture, 240 Service-oriented architecture (SOA) technology, 338 Uniform Computer Information Transaction Act 7th Framework Programme (FP7), 66 (UCITA), 285 Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), 132 Uniform Electronic Transaction Act (UETA), 285 SIIM Workflow Initiative in Medicine (SWIM), 136 Unsupervised learning, 299 Single image super-resolution, 132 Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), 177–178 V Smart network architectures, 30 Variational auto-encoders (VAEs), 206 Smart tissue autonomous robot (STAR), 257 Vector-based classification/regression, 16 Social robots, 285–286 Vendor Neutral AI Platform (VNAP), 179 Index 373

Vendor neutral archive (VNA), 107, 179 W Veye Chest product, 152 Wells’ score, 78, 79 Visual learning, 32–34 Voice recognition software (VRS) platforms, 305–306