Hello everyone. We will give you our presentation now. You can go to , and Tokyo.

Day one you will go to Osaka. You head there by bullet train. When you get to Osaka, head to Dotonbori.

Dotonbori was constructed during and still exists today the Edo period , Osaka is a representative downtown area in Minami, Osaka, full of playhouses and food shops.

You can eat there

After that head to You can see cherry blossoms there

At the end of the first day, you will head to Spa World

Spa World has many types of hot springs This is a popular facility for foreigners

Next is the second day. First, you go to Fushimi Inari Shrine

This is a shrine famous for its red Torii. Torii means going through the shrine gate and entering the sacred territory

Next, you head to Kinkakuji and Arashiyama

The second day is over here for free sightseeing and you will stay the night in Kyoto.

For the next day, you will go to Tokyo.

First, we will go to the Sky Tree. Skytree is 634 meters high. Skytree is the tallest tower in the world.

Next, Let’s go to Hanayashiki It is the first amusement park in .

Finally, go to Sensoji Temple.

The third day is over.

On the fourth day, we will go to first.

Akihabara is the hub of otaku culture and famous worldwide as “Electric Town”.

ここで使用した画像は、以下のサイトより引用しました。 https://cdn.amanaimages.com/preview640/11002002781.jpg https://www.akippa.com/akichan/pickup/kyoceradome-area-namba https://chefgohan.gnavi.co.jp/detail/5107 https://www.nippon.com/ja/guide-to-japan/gu003003/ https://onsen.nifty.com/oosakashinai-onsen/onsen003159/ https://travel-star.jp/posts/330 https:// 伏見稲荷- 御朱印.jinja-tera-gosyuin- meguri.com/category/%E4%BA%AC%E9%83%BD-%E4%BC%8F%E8%A6%8B%E7%A8%B2%E8%8 D%B7%E5%A4%A7%E7%A4%BE%E3%81%AE%E5%8D%83%E6%9C%AC%E9%B3%A5%E5%B1 %85%E3%81%AE%E6%84%8F%E5%A4%96%E3%81%AA%E5%AE%9F%E6%95%B0%E3%81%8C %E5%88%A4%E6%98%8E https://souda-kyoto.jp/travel/spot/spot.html?spot_seq=0000042 https://skyticket.jp/guide/341873 https://souda-kyoto.jp/blog/00516.html https://jp.zekkeijapan.com/area/index/4/ https://www.hanayashiki.net/archives/190 https://zenlog11.com/hanayashiki/ https://matcha-jp.com/jp/1054 https://www.orion-tour.co.jp/tokyo-travel/spot/sensoji.html https://travel.rakuten.co.jp/mytrip/howto/tokyostation-souvenir/ https://aumo.jp/articles/30727 https://kinarino.jp/cat8-%E6%97%85%E8%A1%8C%E3%83%BB%E3%81%8A%E5%87%BA%E3%8 1%8B%E3%81%91/32567-%E4%B8%8A%E9%87%8E%E3%83%BB%E3%82%A2%E3%83%A1%E6 %A8%AA%E3%82%921%E6%97%A5%E3%81%B6%E3%82%89%E3%82%8A%E3%80%90%E9%A3 %9F%E3%81%B9%E6%AD%A9%E3%81%8D%E3%82%B0%E3%83%AB%E3%83%A1%E3%83%B B%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A7%E3%83%83%E3%83%94%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0%E3%83%BB%E3 %83%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%83%81%E3%80%91%E3%82%92%E6%BA%80%E5%96%AB%E3%81 %97%E3%82%88%E3%81%86%E2%99%AA