EYE of the TIGER Wordsandmusicbv JIM PETERIK and FRANKIE SUT-IIVRN TIT Moderate Rock Arranged B1t VICTOR LOPEZ

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EYE of the TIGER Wordsandmusicbv JIM PETERIK and FRANKIE SUT-IIVRN TIT Moderate Rock Arranged B1t VICTOR LOPEZ C FLUTE/C PICCOLO EYE OF THE TIGER wordsandMusicbv JIM PETERIK ANd FRANKIE SUT-IIVRN TIT Moderate rock Arranged b1t VICTOR LOPEZ 3l 33 {p tri -::4=.-. tr fn$f,n' otu+tU o t982 wB MUSIC coRP, EASYACTION MUSIC, THREE wtsE Boys MUSIC LLC and RUDE MUSIC INC All Righrsonbehalf of itself andEASYACTIONMUSIC AdministeredbyWBN,IUSICCORP I tusAnangement o 2006 MUSIC - wB coRP, EASYACTION MUSIC, THREE wlsE Boys MUSIC LLC and RUDEF MUSIC INC All Rights Reserved including Public Performmce Tb purchase u full-length recording of this piece, go to uWd.com/downloatl, Bb CLARINET EYE OF THE TIGER wordsandMusicrrv JIM PL,TI],RIK ANd FRANKIE SULLIVEN III Moderate rock Arranged b,- VICTOR LOPEZ '-- J +JJ tt f,p 34 > 38 fuAt-** arfu o 1982 WB MUSIC CORP, EASYACTION MUSIC, THREE wlSE BOYS N4USIC LLC and RUDE MUSTC INC. All Rigtt-tlon ol^itself EASY -behalf and ACTIOI{ MUSIC Adminisrered bi WB N,tUStC COR' ThisArrangement o 2006 wB Muslc coRP, EASYACTIoN MUSIC, THREE wtsE Bot's trlusii irc aruj-nuDE Musrc INC. 26e65 ro pu,,nou f;))I"tli;,fi;:t';i;;tyit,iurllo,";:r!:iffiff,t/ctowntoa,ls oprroNALEbALrosAxopHoNE EYE OF THE TIGER wordsandMusicby (Low Brass & Woodwind #1 Double) JIM pETERIK and FRANKIE SULLMN nl Arranged by VICTOR LOPEZ Moderate rock fv> i-J.- ffi, 26 > >2i 28 >- >29> Iz. tr -fiI"tr fP- O 1982 WB MUSIC CORP, FASY ACTION MUSIC, THREE WISE BOYS MUSIC LLC and RUDE MUSIC tNC. AllRightsonbehalf of itself andEASYACTIONMUSIC AdministeredbyWBMUSICCORP. This Anangem€nt O 2006 WB MUSIC CORP, EASY ACTION MUSIC, THREE WISE BOYS MUSIC -LLC and RUDE MUSIC INC. All Rights Reserved including Public Performance Tb purchase afull-length recording of this piece, go to ulfred..comldownloa.d.s Eb BARITONE SAXOPHONE EYE OF THE TIGER wordsandMusicby JIM PETERIK ANd FRANKIE SULLIVAN III Arranged by VICTOR LOPEZ Moderate rock tr ''tr o l9B2 WB MUSIC CORP., EASYACTION MUSIC, THREE WISE BOYS MUSIC LLC and RUDE MUSIC INC. All Rightsonbehalf of itself andEASYACTIONMUSIC AdminisrercdbvWBMUSICCORP. This Anangement O 2m6 wB MUSIC CORP, EASY ACTION MUSIC. THREE wtSE BOYS MUSIC LLC and RUDE MUSIC lNC. AII Rights Reserved including Public Performance To purchase a full.length recording ol this piece, go to alfred.comldownloa* lst Bb1Pg114P51 EYE OF THE TIGER Words and Music bv JIM PETERIK ANd FRANKIE SUI-T-ryEN III Moderate rock Ananged by VICTOR LOPEZ f"o s 6 fu$:=- aIff O 19{32 WB MUSIC CORP., EASY ACTION MUSIC, THREE WISE BOYS MUSIC LLC ANd RUDE MUSIC INC. AllRiSlr-ts_onbehalf of itself andEASYACTIONMUSIC Admi;isi;;iywnMUSrc-c-Oii,. "---' ' This Anangement @ 2006 wB MUSIC coRp, EASy AcnoN MuSr-c-,THrisE wiSE nbvs uuilcirc u-ni nuoe uusrc rNc 26s6s m p,,,no,"!l/,l_',1:;,r;X:"if*;il\i,,l'ny,2,,;:i{:ffis^/downtoads 2nd BbTRUMPET EYE OF THB TIGER Words and Music by JIM PETERIK ANd FRANKIE SULLIVAN III Moderate rock Arranged by VICTOR LOPEZ tt {P 14- tr 38 fz* ^6 O 1982 WB MUSIC CORP, EASY ACTION MUSIC, THREE WISE BOYS MUSIC LLC and RUDE MUSIC INC. .I'hiS All Rights on behalf of itslf and EASY ACTION MUSIC Administered by WB MUSIC CORp- ANANSCMCNT 9 2006 WB MUSIC CORP., EASY ACTION MUSIC, THREE WISE BOVS MUSIC LLC ANd RUDE MUSIC INC. All Rights Reserved including Public Performance To purchase a full-length recording of this piece, go to alfred.conldownloaas HORN in F EYE OF THE TIGER Words and Music bv JIM PETERIK ANd FRANKIE SULLIVAN III Moderate rock Arranged by VICTOR LOPEZ Itt- O 19t32 WB MUSIC CORP., EASYACTION MUSIC, THREE WISE BOYS MUSIC LLC and RUDE MUSIC INC. AllRightsonbehalf of itself andEASYACTIONMUSIC AdministeredbyWBMUSICCORP. ThiS ANAngEMent O 2006 WB MUSIC CORP., FJ.SY ACTION MUSIC, THREE WISE BOYS MUSIC LLC and RUDE MUSIC INc. All Rights Reserved including Public Performance Tb purchase a full-lingth recording of this-piece, go to alfred.comltlownload.s HORN in Bb EYE OF THE TIGER wordsandMusicby JIM PETERIK and FRANKIE SULLIVAN NI Arranged by VICTOR LOPEZ Moderate rock tr ino h-* "fr o 1982 WB MUSIC CORP., FASY ACTION MUSIC, THREE wlSE BOYS MUSIC LLC and RUDE MUSIC INC. ' All Rightsonbehalf of itself andEASYACTIONMUSIC AdministeredbyWbMUSICCORP. This Arrangement O 2006 WB MUSIC CORP., EASY ACTION MUSIC, THREE WISE BoVS MUSIC LLC rnd RUDE MUsIc INc. 26s6s n pu,,no* t])t',i,:;iifry,ei^:;:;yi'i;"?,2'.'|Ii[iff#fr*o,nn,"oo, EYE OF THE TIGERt\ Words and Music bv LOW BRASS & WOODWINDS - #l Bass Ctef JIM PETERIK ANd FRANKIE SUT-ITVAN III Moderate rock Arranged by VICTOR LOPEZ - -> :^ 2. .o- @ 1982 wB MUSIC CORP., EASYACTION MUSIC, THREE WISE BOYS MUSIC LLC and RUDE MUSTC INC. All Righ-ts_on,behalf of_itself and EASY ACIION MUSIC Administered by WB MUSIC CORp. ThiS ANAngement O 2006 WB MUSIC CORP., EASYACTION MUSIC, THREE WISE BOYS MUSIC LLCand iUDE MUSIC INC 26e6s 7b pu,,ho,":lf.'*;;rr#i,:;",j"i'nty:";:7::ff::s^/downroads EYE OF THE TIGER wordsandMusicby LOW BRASS & wooDwINDS #2 - Bass CIef JIM PETERIK ana pnaNkli-suLLIVAN III Moderate rock Arranged by VICTOR LOPEZ fi, fr 3a 3e fun_< +tff @ lln2 WB MUSIC CORP.' EASY ACTION MUSIC, THREE wlSE BOYS MUSIC LLC and RUDE MUSIC INC. All Rigtt_ts_on-behalfof_itselfandEASYACTIONMUSICAdministeredbyWBMtjrctoib.----'-' This Anangement @ 2006 wB Muslc coRP., EASY AcrtoN Musrc, THREE'WiSe nbVs MUSra tLC;; RUDE MUStc rNC, 26%5 n p,,,no,,!]li"'f*';,rffi,tr:;!;#'t,,y:,,,,8:i::ff#fr-/downtoads MALLET PERCUSSION EYE OF THE TIGER wordsandMusicby (Bells, Xylophone) JIM PETERIK ANd FRANKIE SUI-UVEN IU Moderate rock Arranged by VICTOR LOPEZ Bells & Xyl. Itr- Jl- > t'fP 34 trg' re ?i ;-" _ 7 4l b JrIt-qe O 1982 WB MUSIC CORP., EASY ACTION MUSIC, THREE WISE BOYS MUSIC LLC and RUDE- MUSIC INC. All Righrlon_behalf of_itself and EASYACTION MUSIC Administered by WB MUSIC CORP rhis Arrangemenr o 2006 wB MUSrc coRP; EAsl*:It8ilyydirf,frf,lrR]r.l*r"n3yS MUSrc LLC and RUDE MUSrC rNC. 26965 To purchase afull-lingth recording of this"piece, go to alfred.conldownloads MALLET PERCUSSION EYE OF THE TIGER wordsandMusicby (Bells, Xylophone) JIM PETERIK ANd FRANKIE SULLTVENI TII Moderate rock Arranged by VICTOR LOPEZ Bells & Xyl. x tr h- ,Q i7 h- ^. O 1982 WB MUSIC CORP., EASYACTION MUSIC, THREE WISE BOYS MUSIC LLC and RUDE MUSIC INC. -trAll Rightsonbchalfof itself andEASYACTIONMUSIC AdministercdbvWBMUSICCORP. ThiS Anangement O 2006 WB MUSIC CORP,, EASY ACTION MUSIC, THREE WISE BOYS MUsIc LLcand iUDE MUsIc INc. 26e6s ro pu,,nou f;))I.'fil1n#ft";}.i'l,lt*,2'jiliftff#fr*0",,,,*, EbALTO SAXOPHONE EYE OF THE TIGER wordsandMusicby JIM PETERIK ANd FRANKIE SULI-TVRN III Arranged by VICTOR LO?EZ Moderate rock !o4 uU O 1982-tr WB MUSIC CORP,.EA.S.Y ACTION MUSIC, THREE WISE BOYS MUSIC LLC ANd RUDE MUSIC INC. All Riehtsonbehalf of itrelf andF.{SYACTIONMUSIC Admi;isi"Jlvws-ltiuslccone This Anangement o 2005w8 MUSIC coRp, reSiectr-oN naii6idii{iE fr;i$'sbls Mtiic- LLC and RUDE MUSrc rNC Tb p u n h u,, :I,.' l;i]io,tifrr,r',;i;i';'n?!",,,i! if IF#ii * o *, ",,, " SNARE DRUM EYE OF THE TIGER wordsandMusicbv JIM PETERIK ANd FRANKIE SUT-UVEN IN Moderate rock Arranged b1t VICTOR LO7EZ tr nf, -J- -J- O 1982 WB MUSIC CORP', P{SYACTION MUSIQTTI-{BEEWIIE BOYS MUSIC LLC and RUDE MUSIC-'" INC, Au Rilhls-on.bchalf of itself,and EAsYA^ci'toN MUsfC eamtilsffi;;t wB MUsrc coili. "'-' rhisAnangcment @ 2006w8 MUsIc coRP;EAsVAttriin rraU-SrCjfrdEEffidi;.i'ols MUSrc Lr-g and RUDE MUSrc rNc. 26e6s ro pu,,no,, f;j|,t82;,I;il1tr,:;3yiliitPo,,,,iliJ1irytfr*0"*,,,,0, TUBA EYE OF THE TIGER wordsandMusicby JIM PETERIK and FRANKIE SULLIVAN III Arransed by VICTOR 5""6 LOPEZ O l9B2 WB MUSIC CORP., EASY ACIION MUSIC, THREE WISE BOYS MUSIC LLC and RUDE MUSIC INC. All Ri_gh-tlon of_itself and EASY -behalf ACTION MUSIC Administercd by WB MUSTC CORp ThisArrangem€nt o 2006 wB MUSIC coRP, EASYAcTIoN MUSIC, THREEwtsE BOVS tvtusiciiCaJnuDE MUSrc INC, 26%s 7b puoho,":I,Iff,r:xy,f.:;3j"i',it#o},"rlifi$,Tfr*0"*,u,^ TONALBASS DRUM EYE OF THE TIGER wordsandMusicby (4 Pitches) JIM PETERIK and FRANKIE SULLIVAN II] Arranged by VICTOR LOPEZ Moderate rock ' D5l nf, ----lE.-- - r 3t EI fr 4tff @ l9E2 wB MUSIC CORP.' EASY ACTION MUSIC, THREE wlSE BOYS MUSIC LLC and RUDE MUSTC- - tNC.- All Riglttl_on_behalf ofjtselfand-EAS!ACTION MUSIC Administered by WB MUSICabip. This Anangement o 2006 wB MUSIC coRP- EASY AcTIoN Mustc, THREE wtSE BoVs MUSia laCand-RUDE MUSrC rNc, All Rights Reserued including Public Performance 26%5 To purchase alull-Ength recording ofrhis'pi"tr, go io iiiid,iim/downtoads QUAD-TOMS EYE OF THE w;rdsandMusicby TIGER _ JIM PETERIK ANd FRANKIE SULLIVAN III . Arranged bv VICTOR LOPEZ- 20 tr 2 nlt 24 >-3 I - =tr 4W O 1982 WB MUSIC CORP., EASY ACTION MUSIC, THREE WISE BOYS MUSIC LLC and RUDE MUSIC tNC. Rigltjs_on All _behalf of-itself and EASY ACTION MUSIC Administered by WS MUSrc Coiti,. This Anangement @ 2006 wB MUSIC coRP, EASY AcrtoN MUSIc, rnnnE w15E goVs vusii tiC*Jiule vusrc rNc. 26%5 n p*,no,"!j)t:f*;,f:X:if.;:j'i,''l'o*'/,W;fiffTfr*0",,,""0, CYMBALS EYE OF THE TIGER wordsandMusicby Moderrte rock JIM PETERIK ANd FRANKIE SULLIVAN III Arranged by VICTOR LO?EZ Cr, Cyms, i'ff Hold for SnarelR H.H. style for additional olavers >@ H.H, stlle ,lt rJ- n-- -J- nolototSnare ll 2. @Cr.Cns. tr O 1982 , WB.MUSIC CORP.' EASYACTION MUSIC, THREE WISE BOYS MUSIC LLC and RUDE MUSIC-'- "'-'INC. All Ri-gltjs_on.!€!l{ol-itself and EASYACTION MUSIC Adminisiercd d WB tviijsrc-C9il'p.
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