Copyrighted Material
Index A B Aerosmith: signature sound of, 26; “Back Where You Belong” (38 Special), signed by John Kalodner, 102; “Walk 179 This Way,” 112 Baker, Ginger, 42–43 Allman Brothers Band, 36, 38, 66, 86, 152 Barnes, Don: collaborative song writing “All My Loving” (Beatles), 9 with, 115, 117–119; as forward- American Society of Composers, Authors, thinking, 112–113; leaves 38 Special, and Publishers (ASCAP), 163 161–162, 166; new band role taken by, A&M Records, 46, 65–66, 67, 83, 102, 184 106, 109, 113; “Rockin’ into the Night” Appice, Carmine, 37, 200 sung by, 102, 103, 106, 109; as Sweet Assessing: constructively in order to Rooster member, 36 avoid breakups, 158–162; individual “The Battle of New Orleans” (Horton), 5 team member strengths, 53; need for Battle of the Corporate Bands, 200 collaboration, 127; value of your own Beard, Frank, 94 activities, 142–143; your business The Beatles: Ed Sullivan Show throughCOPYRIGHTED eyes of competition, 70; your appearance MATERIAL of, 9, 11; fi nancial and hidden talents, 110; your individual managerial problems of, 132–133; “I role and skill set, 53; your own Saw Her Standing There,” 9, 114; “I collaboration skills, 128 Want to Hold Your Hand,” 9; Atlanta Braves, 100 “Memphis, Tennessee,” 64; “Money Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 201 (That’s What I Want),” 64; Pete Best Atlanta music scene, 30–31 cut loose from, 13; Sergeant Pepper’s Atlanta Rhythm Section, 30, 91 Lonely Hearts Club Band, 12; “Twist Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, 174 and Shout,” 85 Attitude and talent, 58–61 Best, Pete, 13 237 bbindex.inddindex.indd
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