Created:106 年/07 月/日 Last updated: 106 年/11 月/06 日

英屬哥倫比亞大學 University of British Colombia






1. 創建於 1908 年的英屬哥倫比亞大學,是卑詩省歷史最悠久的大學,其總共 有兩個主要校區,一個是 校區,另一個是 Okanagan 校區。2

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Created:106 年/07 月/日 Last updated: 106 年/11 月/06 日 2. 該校為全世界培養了眾多的頂尖人才,學術聲譽極高,至目前為止共有 7 位校友獲得諾貝爾獎,其中包括著名經濟學家 Robert Alexander Mundell。 3. 此校為加拿大第二大的大學,位於英屬哥倫比亞省的溫哥華市,建校於本世 紀初(1908),目前學生人數超過五萬人,教職員約四千多人。 4. 英屬哥倫比亞大學的校園位在林木茂盛、俯瞰太平洋的維多利亞半島上, 其 403 公頃的溫哥華校園僅離熱鬧的溫哥華市中心數公里, 讓學生能有個較 寧靜的學習空間, 溫哥華是全球環境最優美、最適合生活的城市之一。在交 通方面, 有北美載運量最大的溫哥華機場, 整個大溫哥華地區都有健全的 公共設施, 更有方便的交通工具往返維多利亞半島與溫哥華。 5. 英屬哥倫比亞大學的亞洲研究系在加拿大以及北美洲位居領導地位,有數目 相當多的亞洲人口和亞洲語言的頂尖研究,吸引文化多元的學生前往就讀。

背景說明3 為姊妹校:已於 2014 年 5 月 1 日與該校簽訂校及學術交流計畫。

規模 (2017) 4 1. 學生人數:共 62,923 人(溫哥華主校區 54,236 人、奧肯拿根校區 8,687 人), 其中有 14,434 外籍學生。 大學部共 52,464 人(溫哥華主校區有 44,565 人、奧肯拿根校區有 7,899 人)。 研究生共 10,459 人(溫哥華主校區有 9,671 人、奧肯拿根校區有 788 人)。 2. 教師人數:共 5,474 人(溫哥華主校區有 5,003 人、奧肯拿根校區有 471 人) 3. 行政人員:共 10,186 人(溫哥華主校區有 9,550 人、奧肯拿根校區有 636 人)

組織建制5 1. Professor Santa J. Ono President and Vice-Chancellor

2. 學校行政/組織/管理圖(optional)

2 3 4 5 2

Created:106 年/07 月/日 Last updated: 106 年/11 月/06 日 學制及課程規劃6 1. 學制(term 制): 甲、 Winter Session:9 月初-12 月底為 Term 1,1 月- 4 月底為 Term 2。 乙、 Summer Session: 5 月初-7 月為 Term 1,7 月初-8 月底為 Term 2。 2. 開課層級: 學士、碩士、博士、進修教育

學術特色7 1. 該校在香港設有「亞太區域辦公室」(Asia Pacific Regional Office, APRO), 於 2005 年 3 月正式啟用,目的為促進該校師生於亞太地區的學術成就及工 作經驗,強化該校國際參與。未來更擬在此地開設相關課程,提供該校學生 修習並取得文憑。 2. 溫哥華夏日學程(Vancouver Summer Program, VSP)8:該校於暑假期間提 供的夏日學程,根據不同開課日期分成兩梯次,針對不同學科提供多樣化課 程,包括應用科學、建築、藝術、商務管理、教育、醫學等等。除了學術課 程的研習之外,也提供


2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

by Region 3 3 3 3 3 QS9

World 49 43 50 45 51 10

ARWU World 37 40 34 N/A N/A Country N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 Webometrics11 Continental N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 World N/A N/A N/A N/A 27 12 THE World 31 32 34 36 36 *該校商院得兩冠王認證: AACSB13, EQUIS14

6 7 8 9 , 10 11 12!/page/0/length /25/locations/CA/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/stats 13 AACSB: 4421&userType=All 14 EQUIS: 3

Created:106 年/07 月/日 Last updated: 106 年/11 月/06 日


該校共有 28 所教學單位:

人文科學學院(Faculty of Arts)

科學學院(Faculty of Science)

應用科學學院(Faculty of Applied Science)

教育學學院(Faculty of Education)

藥學學院(Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences)

醫學學院(Faculty of Medicine)

牙醫學學院(Faculty of Dentistry)

森林學學院(Faculty of Forestry)

土地與食物系統學學院(Faculty of Land and Food Systems)

法律學學院(Faculty of Law)

研究生學院(Faculty of Graduate Studies)

學部(School) 4

Created:106 年/07 月/日 Last updated: 106 年/11 月/06 日 建築學與景觀建築學學部(School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture)

商學與企業管理學學部(Sauder School of Business)

聽力學與言語科學學部(School of Audiology and Speech Sciences)

都市與環境計畫學學部(School of Community and Regional Planning)

環境衛生學學部(School of Environmental Health)

新聞學學部(School of Journalism)

肌肉動力學學部(School of Kinesiology)

圖書資訊學學部(School of Library, Archival and Information Studies)

音樂學學部(School of Music)

護理學學部(School of Nursing)

人口與公共衛生學學部(School of Population and Public Health)

社會工作學學部(School of Social Work)

經濟學學部(Vancouver School of Economics)


健康學科書院(College of Health Disciplines)

跨學科書院(College for Interdisciplinary Studies)

UBC Vantage 書院(UBC Vantage College)


持續進修部(Continuing Studies)


Created:106 年/07 月/日 Last updated: 106 年/11 月/06 日 研究中心15


. Aboriginal Health, Institute for . Applied Mathematics, Institute for (IAM) . Asian Research, Institute of . Canadian Institute for Advanced Research . Canadian International Resources and Development Institute (CIRDI) . Child & Family Research Institute (CFRI) . Computing, Information and Cognitive Systems, Institute for (ICICS) . English Language Institute (ELI) . European Studies, Institute for . Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice, Institute for (GRSJ) . Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Prevention, Institute for (IHLCDP) . Human Early Learning Partnership . Life Sciences Institute . Liu Institute for Global Issues . Mental Health, Institute of (IMH) . Okanagan Sustainability Institute (OSI) . Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) . Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies . Rick Hansen Institute (RHI) . Species at Risk and Habitat Studies, Institute for (SARAHS) . Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI) . Sustainable Development Research Institute (SDRI) . Systems Biology, Institute for (ISB)


. Advanced Wood Processing, Centre for . Animal Welfare Program . Applied Ethics, Centre for . Asian Centre . Asian Legal Studies, Centre for (CALS) . Avian Research Centre

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Created:106 年/07 月/日 Last updated: 106 年/11 月/06 日

. Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre . Biodiversity Research, Centre for . Bioinformatics Centre . Biomedical Research Centre . Biometeorology and Soil Physics Group of UBC . Blood Research, Centre for (CBR) . Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research . Brain Research Centre . Cardiovascular Research Group . Centre for Hip Health and Mobility . Chinese Research, Centre for (CCR) . Clean Energy Research Centre (CERC) . Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy, Centre for . Cross-Faculty Inquiry in Education, Centre for (CCFI) . Dairy Education and Research Centre . Entrepreneur & Venture Capital Research Centre . Executive Education . Fisheries Centre . Food and Resource Economics Group . Government and Business, Centre for the Study of (CSGB) . Health Services and Policy Research, Centre for (CHER) . Health Services & Policy Research, Centre for . Historical Consciousness, Centre for the Study of . Human Settlements, Centre for . India & South Asia Research, Centre for (CISAR) . Intercultural Communication, Centre for (CIC) . Intercultural Language Studies, Centre for (CILS) . International Business Studies, Centre for (CIBS) . International Canadian Studies Centre (ICSC) . International Collaboration On Repair Discoveries (ICORD) . International Relations, Centre of . Irving K. Barber Learning Centre . Japanese Research, Centre for (CJR) . The James Hogg Research Centre . Korean Research, Centre for (CKR) . Labour and Empirical Economic Research, Centre for (CLEER) . Macular Research, Centre for . Media & Graphics Centre (MAGIC)


Created:106 年/07 月/日 Last updated: 106 年/11 月/06 日

. Metallurgical Process Engineering, Centre for (CMPE) . Molecular Medicine & Therapeutics, Centre for . Operations Excellence, Centre for . Policy Studies in Higher Education & Training, Centre for (CHET) . Prostate Research, Centre for . Psychoeducational Research & Training Centre (PRTC) . Research on Personhood in Dementia, Centre for (CRPD) . SFU-UBC Centre for the Study of Government & Business . Social Innovation & Impact Investing, Centre for . Social, Spatial and Economic Justice, Centre for (CSSEJ) . Southeast Asia Research, Centre for . Stigma and Resilience Among Vulnerable Youth Centre (SARAVYC) . Study of the Internationalization of Curriculum Studies, The Centre for the (CSICS) . Sustainable Food Systems at UBC Farm, Centre for . Teacher Education, Centre for the Study of (CSTE) . Teaching, Learning and Technology, Centre for (CTLT) . Transportation Studies, Centre for . Urban Economics and Real Estate, Centre for . Western Regional Training Centre for Health Services Research (WRTC) . Wine Research Centre

英語授課之學術課程 所有課程皆以英文授課。

英語授課之學位 所有學位學程皆以英文授課。

傑出校友16 該校培養出多位加拿大傑出的學者、政治家、企業家、作家、藝術家、選美好手 和運動員。至今,已出現 3 位諾貝爾獎得主、68 位羅德獎學金(Rhodes Scholarship) 得獎人。(以下僅列出部分,其他傑出校友請參閱註腳連結。)


 伯特倫·布羅克豪斯(Bertram Brockhouse),1994 年諾貝爾物理學獎得主  勞勃·蒙代爾(Robert Mundell),1999 年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主

16 更多傑出校友: %E6%AF%94%E4%BA%9E%E5%A4%A7%E5%AD%B8 8

Created:106 年/07 月/日 Last updated: 106 年/11 月/06 日  巴里·布贊(Barry Buzan),英國人文社會科學院院士  比雅尼·特里格瓦森(Bjarni Tryggvason),太空人


 約翰·特納(John Turner),第 17 任加拿大總理  金·坎貝爾(Kim Campbell),第 19 任加拿大總理  賈斯汀·杜魯道(Justin Trudeau),第 23 任加拿大總理  尤吉·杜新志(Ujjal Dosanjh),第 33 任加拿大英屬哥倫比亞省省長  貝弗利·麥克拉克林(Beverley McLachlin),第 17 任加拿大最高法院首席法官

締約學校17 目前在台灣的姊妹校共有三所:國立政治大學、國立台灣大學、國立台灣師範大 學 Country Name of University Australia 1. Australian National University 2. Deakin University 3. Macquarie University 4. Monash University 5. Queensland University of Technology 6. University of Adelaide 7. University of Melbourne 8. University of New South Wales 9. University of Queensland 10. University of Sydney 11. University of Western Australia 12. University of Wollongong Austria Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien-Vienna University of Economics and Business

Belgium 1. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 2. Universite Libre de Bruxelles Brazil 1. Sao Paulo Business School of Fundacao Getulio Vargas-Commerce 2. Sao Paulo School of Economics of Fundacao Getulio Vargas-Commerce Canada 1. HEC Montreal-Commerce 2. McGill University

17 &sid=All&name=&tid=All&lid=All 9

Created:106 年/07 月/日 Last updated: 106 年/11 月/06 日 3. Universite de Montreal 4. University of Toronto 5. University of Victoria-Law Chile 1. Pontificia Universidad Catoloca de Chile 2. Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria-Architecture 3. Universidad de Chile China 1. Beijing Foreign Studies University 2. Beijing Forstry University 3. Fudan University 4. Nanjing Forestry University 5. Nanjing University 6. Peking University 7. Renmin University 8. Shanghai Jiao Tong University 9. Tsinghua University 10. University of Nottingham Ningbo, China 11. Zhejiang University Costa Rica E.A.R.T.H. University Czech University of Economics, Prague Republic Denmark 1. Aarhus University 2. Copenhagen Business School 3. Technical University of Denmark 4. University of Copenhagen Finland University of Helsinki France 1. CentraleSupelec 2. Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts 3. Ecole Superieure du Bois 4. ESSEC Business School 5. FESIA Consortium 6. HEC Paris (Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales de Paris) 7. KEDGE Business School 8. Sciences Po Grenoble 9. Science Po Lyon 10. Science Po Reims and Paris 11. Universite de Toulouse- Jean Jaures 12. Universite Grenoble Alpes 13. Universite Jean- Moulun Lyon III


Created:106 年/07 月/日 Last updated: 106 年/11 月/06 日 14. Universite Lumiere Lyon II 15. Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6) 16. Universite Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III Germany 1. Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg 2. Free University of Berlin 3. Hamburg University of Applied Science (Design) 4. Hertie School of Governance 5. Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin 6. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen 7. RWTH Anachen University 8. Technical University of Berlin 9. Technical University of Dresden 10. Technical University of Munich 11. Technische Universitat Darmstadt 12. Universitat Bonn 13. Universitat Konstanz 14. Universitat zu Koln 15. University of Stuttgart 16. WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management Hong Kong 1. Chinese University of Hong Kong 2. City University of Hong Kong-Commerce 3. City University of Hong Kong-Engineering 4. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 5. University of Hong Kong 6. University of Hong Kong-Law Iceland University of Iceland India 1. Indian Institute of Technology Delhi-Engineering 2. University of Delhi Ireland 1. Trinity College Dublin 2. University College Dublin Israel 1. Hebrew University of Jerusalem 2. Techion-Israel Institute of Technology 3. Tel Aviv University Italy 1. LUISS Guido Caril 2. Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi 3. Universita di Bologna 4. University of Padova Japan 1. Aoyama Gakuin University


Created:106 年/07 月/日 Last updated: 106 年/11 月/06 日 2. Doshisha University 3. Hitotsubashi University 4. Hokkaido University 5. International Christian University (ICU) 6. Keio University 7. Kwansei Gakuin University 8. Kyoto University 9. Osaka University 10. Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) 11. Ritsumeikan University 12. Sophia University 13. University of Tokyo 14. University of Tsukuba 15. Waseda University Latvia University of Latvia Malaysia Universiti Sains Malaysia Mexico 1. El Colegio de Mexico 2. Tac de Monterrey 3. Universidad se las Americas Puebla 4. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) The 1. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Netherlands 2. Universiteit Leiden 3. Universiteit Maastricht 4. University of Amsterdam 5. Wageningen University New Zealand 1. University of Auckland 2. University of Canterbury 3. University of Otago 4. Victoria University Wellington Norway 1. Norwegian School of Economics 2. Norwegian University of Life Science 3. University of Oslo Peru Uinversidad de Piura Philippines University of the Philippines Los Banos Poland 1. University of Warsaw 2. Warsaw School pf Economics Russia Kazan Federal University Singapore 1. National University of Singapore


Created:106 年/07 月/日 Last updated: 106 年/11 月/06 日 2. Singapore Management University Slovenia University of Ljubljana South Korea 1. Ewha Womans University 2. Korea University 3. Seoul National University 4. Sungkyunkwan University 5. Yonsei University Spain 1. ESADE 2. IE University 3. Universidad de Granada 4. Universidad de Salamanca 5. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela 6. Universitat de Barcelona 7. Universitat Pompeu Fabra 8. University of Navarra Sweden 1. Lunds Universitet 2. Stockholm School of Economics 3. Stockholm University School of Business 4. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences(SLU) 5. Uppsala Universitet Switzerland 1. Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 2. ETH Zurich 3. Universitaet Bern 4. Universitat St. Gallen 5. Université de Genève 6. Université de Lausanne Taiwam 1. National Chengchi University 2. National Taiwan University 3. National Taiwan Normal University Thailand Chulalongkorn University - Commerce Turkey 1. Koç University 2. Middle East Technical University United 1. Bangor University Kingdom 2. Cardiff University 3. City University London - Commerce 4. Durham University 5. Imperial College London - Engineering 6. King's College London


Created:106 年/07 月/日 Last updated: 106 年/11 月/06 日 7. Lancaster University 8. Loughborough University- Kinesiology 9. Queen's University Belfast- Law 10. University College London 11. University of Aberdeen 12. University of Birmingham 13. University of Bristol 14. University of East Anglia 15. University of Edinburgh 16. University of Exeter- Kinesiology 17. University of Glasgow 18. University of Leeds 19. University of Manchester 20. University of Nottingham 21. University of Sussex 22. University of Warwick 23. University of York United States 1. Arizona State University of America 2. Oregon State University 3. San Diego State University 4. University of California 5. University of Connecticut 6. University of Maryland 7. University of Washington