
Approved and ordered this 6th day of July , A.D. 19 65.

At the Executive Council Chamber, Victoria, Lieutenant-Governor.


The Honourable in the Chair. Mr. Bennett Mr. Bonner Mr. Williston Mr. Righter Mr. Gaglardi Mr. Loftmark Mr. Chant Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

To His Honour The Lieutenant-Governor in Council: The unucrsigned has the honour to recommend:

THAT it be directed that the distribution of the Statutes of

British Columbia, 1965, for which provision is made in section 6 of the

Public Printing Act, being chapter 318 of the Revised Statutes of British

Columbia, 1960, be made in accordance with the Schedule appended hereto

AND THAT the cost of such Statutes, so transmitted, be charged to the respective votes named in the Schedule.

DATED this day of A.D. 1965.


Presiding Member of the Executive Council. Page 1.

VOTE NO. 260

No. of Copies

His Honour the Lieutenant—Governor of the Province of British Columbia, Government House, 1401 Rockland Avenue, Victoria, B. C. 1 Page 2.



The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. 1 The Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. 1

The Clerk—Assistant of the Legislative Assembly, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. 1 The Law Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. 1 The Legislative Press Gallery, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C. 1

The Leader of the Opposition, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. 1 **The Provincial Library, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. 15

44 5 to be stamped — Legislative Assembly, Government of the Province of British Columbia.

** 10 to be stamped - Provincial Library, Government of the Province of British Columbia. Page 3.

VOTE NO. 260

JUDGES - Appeal. Supreme and County Courts No. of Copies

Court of Appeal Judges 10

Supreme Court Judges 16

County Court Judges 17 Page 4.

VOTE NO. 260.

No. of Copies

The Judges Library, Law Courts, Courthouse, 800 West Georgia Street, Vancouver 1, B. C. 1

The Judges Library, Law Courts, 850 Burdett Avenue, Victoria, B. C. 1 Page 5.

VOTE NO. 260.

No. of Copies


Legislative Counsel, Province of Alberta, 408 Legislative Building, Edmonton, ALBERTA. 1 Legislative Counsel, Province of Manitoba, 237 Legislat!.ve Building, Winnipeg 1, MANITOBA. 1 Legislative Counsel, Province of New Brunswick, Parliament Buildings, Fredericton, NEW BRUNSWICK. 1 Legislative Counsel, Province of Nova Scotia, Province House, Halifax, NOVA SCOTIA. 1 Legislative Counsel, Province of Ontario, Parliament Building, Toronto 2, ONTARIO. 1 Legislative Counsel, Province of Saskatchewan, 237 Legislative Building, Regina, SASKATCHEWAN. 1 Page 6

VOTE NO. 260


No. of Copies

Attorney-General, Government of the Province of Ontario, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario. 1

Attorney-General, Government of the Province of Quebec, Parliament Buildings, Quebec City, Quebec. 1

Attorney-General, Government of the Province of New Brunswick, Legislative Building, Fredericton, New Brunswick. 1

Attorney-General, Government of the Province of Nova Scotia, Province House, Halifax, Nova Scotia. 1

Attorney-General, Government of the Province of Prince Edward Island, Provincial Building, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. 1

Attorney-General, Government of the Province of Newfoundland, Confederation Building, St. John's, Newfoundland. 1

Attorney-General, Government of the Province of Saskatchewan, Legislative Building, Regina, Saskatchewan. 1

Attorney-General, Government of the Province of Manitoba, Legislative Building, Winnipeg 1, Manitoba. 1

Attorney-General, Government of the Province of Alberta, Legislative Building, Edmonton, Alberta. 1 Page 7

VOTE NO. 260


No. of Copies

The Librarian, The Provincial Library, Province of Alberta, Legislative Building, Edmonton, Alberta. 1

The Librarian, The Legislative Library of Saskatchewan, 234 Legislative Building, Regina, Saskatchewan. 1

The Librarian, The Provincial Library of Manitoba, 237 Legislative Building, Winnipeg 1, Manitoba. 1

The Librarian, The Legislative Library of Ontario, Parliament Buildings, Queen's Park, Toronto 2, Ontario. 1

The Librarian, The Library of the Legislature of Quebec, Parliament Buildings, Quebec City, Quebec. 1

The Librarian, The Legislative Library, Province of New Brunswick, Legislative Building, Fredericton, New Brunswick. 1

The Librarian, The Legislative Library, Province of Nova Scotia, Province House, Halifax, Nova Scotia. 1

The Librarian, The Legislative and Public Library, Grafton Street, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. 1

The Legislative Librarian, House of Assembly, Confederation Building, St. John's Newfoundland. 1 Page 8

VOTE NO. 260


No. of Copies

The Librarian, The Judges' Library, Supreme Court of Canada, Supreme Court Building, 4, CANADA. 1

The Librarian, Supreme Court of Canada, Main Library, Supreme Court Building, Wellington Street, Ottawa 4, CANADA. 1

The Librarian, Department of Just ce, Justice Building, Ottawa 4, CANADA. 4

The Head Librarian, Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Ottawa, CANADA. 1

The Library, Department of External Affairs, Ottawa 4, CANADA. 1

The Librarian, National Library, Archives Building, Sussex Drive, Ottawa 2, CANADA. 1

The Librarian, Department of the Secretary of State, Hunter Building, O'Connor Street, Ottawa 4, CANADA. 1

The Librarian, The , Parliament Building, Wellington Street, Ottawa 4, CANADA. 1

The Librarian, Legal Division, Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, Langevin Block, Wellington Street, Ottawa 4, CANADA. 1

The Librarian, Public Archives of Canada, Archives Building, Sussex Drive, Ottawa 2, CANADA. 1 Page 9

VOTE NO. 260.


No. of Copies

Librarian, Office of the High Commissioner for Canada, Canada House, Trafalgar Square, London, S.W.1, ENGLAND. 1

Canadian Embassy, 35 Av. Montaigne, Paris, 8 ems, FRANCE. 1

Canadian Embassy, 92 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, IRELAND. 1

Canadian Embassy, 16 Omote-Machi, 3-Chome Akasaka Minato-Ku, Tokyo, JAPAN. 1

Canadian Embassy, P. O. Box 683, Cape Town, South Africa. 1

Canadian Consulate General, 680 Fifth Avenue, New York 19, NEW YORK, U. S. A. 1

Canadian Embassy, 1746 Massachusetts Avenue N.W., Washington 6, D. C., U. S. A. 1

The Canadian Embassy, Warsaw, Poland, c/o Mail Room, Department of External Affairs, Ottawa, CANADA. 1

Canadian Consulate General, 607 Boylston Street, Suite 600, Boston 16, MASSACHUSETTS, U. S. A. 1

The Canadian Consulate General, 1407 Tower Building, Seventh Avenue at Olive Way, Seattle 1, WASHINGTON, U. S. A. 1 Page 10

VOTE NO. 260.

No. of Copies

The Keeper, State Paper Room, Department of Printed Books, British Museum, London W.C.1, ENGLAND. 1 The Librarian, House of Lords Library, Westminster, London S.W.1, ENGLAND. 1 The Librarian, The Royal Commonwealth Society, 18 Northumberland Avenue, London W.C.2, ENGLAND. 1 The Librarian, Law Society of England, Chancery Lane, London W.C.2, ENGLAND. 1

Librarian and Keeper of the Records, The Honourable Society of the Middle Temple, London E.C.4, ENGLAND. 1

Secretary and Librarian, University of London, Institute of Advanced Studies, 25 Russell Square, London W.C.1, ENGLAND. 1

The Library, Comonwealth Relations Office, Downing Street, London S.W.1, ENGLAND. 1

The Librarian, Oireachtas Eireann, Lieneter House, Dublin 2, IRELAND. 1 The Librarian, National Library of Scotland, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh 1, Scotland. 1

The Librarian, Signet Library, Edinburgh 1, SCOTLAND. 1

The United Nations Library, Palais des Nations, Geneva, SWITZERLAND. 1

The Librarian, House of Commons Library, Westminster, London, S. W. 1, ENGLAND. 1 Page 11

VOTE NO. 260.

No. of Copies

Office of the Dean, Faculty of Law, The University College, P. O. Box 9184, Dar es Salaam, TANGANYIKA. 1

The Librarian, The Alaska Legislative Council, Government of Alaska, P. O. Box 2199, Juneau, ALASKA. 1

The Library of Congress, Precessing Department, Exchange and Gift Division, Washington 25, D. C., U. S. A. 1

Legal Adviser, Government of the Yukon Territory, P. O. Box 2029, Whitehorse, YUKON TERRITORY. 1

The Librarian, University of British Columbia, Government Documents, Reference Division, Vancouver 8, B. C. 1

The Law Librarian, Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia, Vancouver 8, B. C. 2

The Librarian, University of Victoria, 3155 Richmond Road, Victoria, B. C. 1

Chief Librarian, Students' Library, Osgoode Hall, Toronto, Ontario. 1

Adjutant's Branch, Headquarters, R. C. M. P., Tremblay Road, Ottawa, Ontario. 1

Messrs. Ewart, Kelley, Burke—Robertson, Urie, & Butler, Barristers and Solicitors, Commonwealth Building, 77 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa, Ontario. (Legal Aoonts for the Province of British Columbia) 1

Gilbert Hogg, Esq., Q.C., 535 Third Avenue West, Prince Rupert, B. C. 1 Page 12

VOTE No. 260

No. of Copies

The Librarian, New Westminster Public Library, 716 Sixth Avenue, New Westminster, B. C. 1

The Librarian, Head, Acquisitions Division, Government Documents Section, Vancouver Public Library, 750 Burrard Street, Vancouver 1, B. C. 1 The Librarian, Victoria Public Library, Reference Department, 1312 Blanchard Street, Victoria, B. C. 1

The Librarian, The Honourable Society of Gray's Inn, 5 - 7 South Square, Gray's Inn, London, W. C. 1, ENGLAND. 1

The Law Librarian, The Library, University of Singapore, Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 10, MALAYA. 1 The Librarian, The Squire Law Library, The Old Schools, Cambridge, ENGLAND.

Faculty of Law, The University of New Brunswick, Somerville House, Fredericton, New Brunswick. 1 The Director, Center of Criminology, University of Toronto, Toronto 5, Ontario. 1 University Librarian, Simon Fraser University, 1920 Wylie Street, Vancouver 10, B. C.

B. C. Institute of Technology, 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby 2, B. C.

Court of Canadian Citizenship, 417 - 325 Granville Street, Vancouver 2, B. C.

r, ✓ 4 1/r-,_ , 4.. Lt-)-t-a--k •

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C) • (1-A. Page 13.

VOTE No 260

No. of Copies


The Librarian, Law Society Library, Courthouse, 77 College Street, Chilliwack, B. C. 1

The Librarian, Law Society Library, Courthouse, Courtenay, B. C. 1

The Librarian, Law Society Library, Courthouse, Cranbrook, B. C. 1

The Librarian, Law Society Library, Courthouse, 7 Seymour Street West, Kamloops, B. C. 1

The Librarian, Law Society Library, Courthouse, Front Street, Nanaimo, B. C. 1

The Librarian, Law Society Library, Courthouse, 320 Ward Street, Nelson, B. C. 1

The Librarian, Law Society Library, Courthouse, 100 Main Street, Penticton, B. C. 1

The Librarian, Law Society Library, Courthouse, Pauce Coupe, B. C. 1

The Librarian, Law Society LibrarY, Courthouse, 1600 Third Avenue, Prince George, B. C. 1

The Librarian, Law Society Library, Courthouse, Prince Rupert, B. C. 1

The Librarian, Law Society Library, Courthouse, Quesnel, B. C. 1 Page 14

VOTE NO. 260.

No. of Copies


The Librarian, Law Society Library, Courthouse, Roseland, B. C. 1 The Librarian, Law Society Library, Courthouse, 3001 - 27th Street, Vernon, B. C. 1 The Librarian, Law Society Library, Courthouse, 653 Clarkson Street, New Westminster, B. C. 2 The Librarian, Law Society Library, Law Courts, 850 Burdett Avenue, Victoria, B. C. 3

The Librarian, Law Society Library, Courthouse, 800 West Georgia Street, Vancouver 1, R. C. 5

• 0- / !A. ( f 4 t

• tCt. !

e ./. C Page 15



No. of Copies D. Barrett, Esq., M. L. A., 11748 - 5th Avenue, Haney, B. C. 1 H. J. Bruch, Esq., M. L. A., 541 West Bay Terrace, Esquimelt, V.I., B. C. 1 F.A. Calder, Esq., M. L. A., P. O. Box 243, Prince Rupert, B. C. 1 S. Carnell, Esq., M. L. A., 1816 - 91st Avenue, Dawson Creek, B. C. 1 J. R. Chabot, Esq., M. L. A., P. O. Box 231, Invermere, B. C. 1 G.H. Dowding, Eeq., M. L. A., 382 Main Street, Vancouver 4, B. C. 1 Rae Eddie, Esq., M. L. A., 7844 - 11th Avenue, New Westminster, B. C. 1 A. J. Gargrave, Esq., M. L. A., 704, 510 W. Hastings Street, Vancouver 2, B. C. 1 J. G. Gibson, Esq., M. L. A., 355 Burrard Street, Vancouver 1, B. C. 1 Mrs. L. M. Haggen, M. L. A., P. O. Box 519, Grand Forks, B. C. 1 R. Harding, Esq., H. L. A., Silverton, B. C. 1 W. L. Hartley, Esq., M. L. A., Box 2279, Merritt, B. C. 1 J. F. Huhn, Esq., M. L. A., Drawer 1660, Fort St. John, B. C. 1 W. F. Jefcoat, Esq., M. L. A., R. R. 3, Salmon Arm, B. C. 1 E. LeCours, Esq., M. L. A., 820 Claybrook Road, Richmond, B. C. D. G. Little, Eeq., M. L. A., P. O. Box 868, Terrace, B. C. 1 Page 16


MEMBERS OF THE TWENTY-SEVENTH LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY No. of Copies A. W. Lundell, Esq., M. L. A., P. O. Box 20, Revelstoke, B. C. 1 A. B. Macdonald, Esq., M. L. A., 604, 796 Granville Street, Vancouver 2, B. C. 1 A. B. Macfarlane, Eeq., M. L. A., P. O. Box 961, Victoria, B. C. 1 Dr. P. L. McGeer, M. L. A., 4727 W. 2nd Avenue, Vancouver 8, B. C. 1 H. C. McKay, Esq., M. L. A., P. O. Box 490, Fernie, B. C. 1 G. W. McLeod, Esq., M. L. A., Box 280, Enderby, B. C. 1 C. W. MacSorley, Eeq., M. L. A., 5875 Forglen Drive, South Burnaby, B. C. 1 A.S. Matthew, Esq., M. L. A., 751 Granville Street, Vancouver 2, B. C. 1 Hon. W. H. Murray, P. O. Box 277, Prince Rupert, B. C. 1 L. T. Nimsick, Eeq., M. L. A., P. O. Box 424, Kimberley, B. C. 1 R. J. Perrault, Esq., M. L. A., 20, 640 Burrard Street, Vancouver 1, B. C. 1 B.Price, Esq., M. L. A., 148 E. Broadway, Vancouver, 10, B. C. 1 D. F. Robinson, Eeq., M. L. A., 244 E. 10th Street, North Vancouver, B. C. 1 C. M. Shelford, Esq., M. L. A., Wistaria P. 0., B. C. 1 W. McT. Skillings, Esq., M. L. A., 1721 Rockland Avenue, Victoria, B. C. 1 J. D. Smith, Esq., M. L. A., 1452 Fairfield Road, Victoria, B. C. 1 Page 17



W. C. Spears, Eeq., M. L. A., 6560 Rey Hill, Patricia Bay Highway, R. R. 5, Victoria, B. C. 1 S. J. Squire, Esq., M. L. A., 710 - 7th Avenue North, Port Alberni, B. C. 1 R. M. Uranium, Eeq., H. L. A., Leader of the Opposition, Box 379, Parliament Buildings, Vitoria, B. C. 1 D. D. Stupich, Esq., M. L. A., 103 Milton Street, Nanaiao, B. C. 1 J. D. Tisdalle, Eeq., M. L. A., 829 Tulip Avenue, Victoria, B. C. 1 A. J. Turner, Esq., M. L. A., 693 West 30th Avenue, Vancouver 9, B. C. 1 H. B. Vogel, Eeq., M. L. A., 6400 King George Highway, North Surrey, B. C. 1 Page 18



No. of Copies The Honourable W. A. C. Bennett, LL.D., Premier, President of the Council and Minister of Finance, 1979 Ethel Street, Kelowna, B. C. 1 The Honourable W. D. Black, Provincial Secretary and Minister of Social Welfare, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. 1 The Honourable R. W. Bonner, Q.C., Attorney-General and Minister of Commercial Transport, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. 1 The Honourable R. G. Williston, Minister of Lands, Forests, and Water Resources, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. 1 The Honourable F. X. Richter, Minister of Agriculture, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. 1 The Honourable D. L. Brothers, Minister of Mines and Petroleum Resources, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. 1 The Honourable P. A. Gaglardi, Minister of Highways, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. 1 The Honourable L. R. Peterson, Q.C., Minister of Labour and Minister of Education, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. 1 The Honourable R. R. Loffmark, Minister of Industrial Development, Trade, and Commerce, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. 1 The Honourable D. R. J. Campbell, Minister of Municipal Affairs, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. 1 The Honourable E. C. F. Martin, Minister of Health Services and Hospital Insurance, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. 1 The Honourable W. N. Chant, Minister of Public Works, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. 1 Page 19



No. of Copies

The Honourable W. K. Kiernan, Minister of Recreation and Conservation, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C. 1