Substitution and Redox Chemistry of Ruthenium Complexes
iJ il r¿ SUBSTITUTION AND REDOX CHEMISTRY OF RUTHENIUM COMPLEXES by Paul Stuaft Moritz, B. Sc. (Hons) * A Thesis submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The Department of Physical and lnorganic Chemistry, The University of Adelaide. JUNE 1987 lìr.+:-c{,¡l I /tz lZ]' STATEMENT. This Thesis conta¡ns no materialwhich has been accepted for the award of any other Degree or Diploma in any University and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, contains no material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference is made in the text. I give consent that, if this Thesis is accepted for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, it may be made available for photocopying and, if applicable, loan. Moritz. SUMMARY The coordination chemislry of ruthenium is domínated by the oxidation states, +2 and +3. Within these oxidation states, the ammine complexes form a large and welt- characterized group. This thesis reports on the chemistry of lhe hitherto neglected triammine complexes, with particular reference to their redox chemistry, and the possible formation of Ru(lV) triammine complexes with terminal oxo ligands. The chemistry of the +4 oxidation state is further explored through the formation of stable chelate complexes. The salt, [Ru(NH3)3(OH2)31(CFgSO3)3, was prepared by hydrotysis of Ru(NHs)sCts in triflic acid solution. lts spectra, electrochemistry and substitution reactions are similar to those of the well-known hexa-, penta-, and tetraammine complexes. At freshly polished platinum and glassy carbon electrodes, a quasi reversible redox wave was detected, corresponding to a proton-coupled reduction involving the pu3+7pu2+ couple.
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