LET’S MEET IN VISITHERNING HERNING Conventions, trade fairs and large events ensure that Herning is the place to meet in Scandinavia. MCH is a flexible exhibition cen- Jyske Bank BOXEN has an tre and entertainment complex, audience capacity of 11,000 - and one of the largest in Scan- 15,000 and was inaugurated on dinavia. The first tentative steps October 20th 2010 with a spe- towards MCH were taken in 1954. ctacular concert by Lady Gaga. The MCH-company consist of MCH Jyske Bank Boxen has since then Messecenter Herning, MCH Her- welcomed artists such as Prin- ning Kongrescenter (in the centre ce, Linkin Park, Paul McCartney, of town), MCH Arena and Jyske Adele, Eric Clapton, Roger Waters, Bank BOXEN. Every year around Rihanna, George Michael, Britney one million guests come to MCH Spears, Depeche Mode, etc. It has for trade fairs and exhibitions, also been host to both IHF Wo- cultural events, meetings, confe- men’s and Men’s Handball World rences, parties and sport events. Championship, The LEN European Short Course Swimming Cham- The motto of Herning is “Whe- pionship, IIHF Ice Hockey World re the sky is the limit” and this Championship and many other in- Contact is greatly thanks to MCH. MCH ternational sport events. In August Messecenter Herning has 15 2022, MCH will be the venue for City of Herning exhibition halls ranging from ECCO FEI World Championships Torvet 2,000 - 14,000 square meters. in four disciplines: jumping, dres- DK-7400 Herning sage, para-dressage and vaulting. +45 2928 2645 MCH Messecenter Herning is
[email protected] amongst other things known MCH has also staged large out- www.herning.dk for Formland, the biggest interi- door concerts with world-renow- or, design and home accessori- ned artists such as Genesis and VisitHerning es fair in Scandinavia, and large Bruce Springsteen.