State of Maine Publicity Bureau Information Manual
STATE OF MAINE PUBLICITY BUREAU INFORMATION MANUAL for the use of MAINE STATE POLICE and MAINE INFORMATION BUREAUS This manual has been compiled according to counties, with information arranged in five classifications: I. SCENIC AND VISTAS: Shore, mountains, lookouts, hills, lakes, waterfalls, etc. II. RECREATIONAL: Lakes and ponds, bathing, fishing, boating, and other sports facilities. III. PUBLIC PARKS, CAMPING AND PICNIC GROUNDS: IV. HISTORIC: Ports, buildings, churches, libraries, museums, etc. V. INDUSTRIAL: Large industries inviting visitors. The cooperation of all State Police Officers and Travel Counsellors is sought so that additions and revisions will enable us to keep this manual accurate and up-to-date. Please address all suggestions and notes for changes to: Guy P. ' Butler, Executive•Manager, State of Maine Publicity Bureau, 3 St. John Street, Portland 4, Maine. NOT FOR GENERAL DISTRIBUTION ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY 1 I. SCENIC AND VISTAS: 1. Hills, lakes and rivers: Auburn: Mount Apatite (500). Goff Hill. Poland: Ricker Kill (580). Hills, lakes and sunsets. Summit Spring (700). Lewiston: Mount David, near Bates College campus, view to White Mountains. 2. Major scenic drives: Route 26 (Gray), or Route 122 (Danville) bo Poland Spring and Norway. Route 4 , Auburn, South Turner, Turner, Livermore, Livermore Falls to Rangeley and Rumford. Route 202, Lewiston-Augusta road. Route 13b, river road, Auburn to Freeport. Route 19o, Lewiston, Lisbon Falls, Topsham, Brunswick. Route 11, Naples, Poland, Mechanic Falls, West Minot. (Lakes and hills area). Route 106, Leeds Junction, Leeds, North Leeds, thence on Route 133 to Livermore Falls. (Lakes, hills and river area). Auburn: Twelve-mile drive around Lake Auburn.
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