J. DOUGLAS SCOTI 20344 BrousseauAvenue,Ttmmins, Ontario P4N 5Y2


Akizuki, M. witi Nagw,'[., 7 Blm, P.C. with Hawthme" F.C., 1509 Alapieti, T.T. with Brkov, A.Y., 875, 887 Blm, P.C. with Pauly, H., 175 Albati, A. wixh C@mbs, D.S., 1571 BlMk P&, Galdobina,L.P., Kovalevski, V.v., Rozbtova, NN., Yalley, LW. & Alkitrovicb" E.A., Bekmov4 G.K., Shabeova" T.A., Zazubin& I.S. & Sedo- zaidenberg,AZ., Shugits: the C-rich ruks ol Krelia, RNna, 1363 mi$kaya, S.M., Mtrymvaite, Alre[@Ors.?(SO3OH)r3]rroAlF3.30Hro, Cabella"R, c%6i,lvl & Iaehetti, G.,Irvdingite md baddeleyitein lay6 a new mineral spoie from a Cmbrim mblrcm chert fomatim, of chromiu spinel ftm the Brc ophiottic uit, nothm AIEmim, Karatau R nge ed Zhabagly Mountaim, muthm K,'.khrt'n, 1415 Italt E99 Arcul6, RJ. with Gut, D.A., 347 Cabella"R with Gmti, G., 1431 Ambrust r, T. rith C6mb, D.S., 1571 Cabri, LJ. with Obdthur, T., 597 Arps, C.E.S. with leke, 8.E., 219 Cdri, LJ. with SzynafsK J.T.,773 Artioli, G., Pavw, A., StAd, IC & McMullu, R.K., Single{rystal neubon- Cabri, LJ. with TamM| C.4., 805 diftaction study of pyrcpe in the tempennre mge 30-1173 K 1009 CarpenEr, M.A. with Blm, P.C., 189 Artioli, G. withCombs, D.s., 1571 CmU, M.R. with Dmyuhevsky, L.V.,313 Babkire, J. with Peua M.I., 39 C6mda. F., N€v data otr the structre of nqbergite: l@tion of hydrcgen by Bmn, C.R, Broggman,Pl., Chdstidren, R.I,., Clpnq MA., Domelly-Nolan, X-ny diffmctim, 1523 J.M. & Hilð. W, Primitive nrgm's at frve Cascadesvolmic frelds: denJ, P., Chapmm, R., scbrcyq, W., O6olini, L., Boaazi, P. &McCmon" melts &om hot, hetaogeno$ sub-m marde, 397 C-{., Lithim in skskimite ftom ths type l@ality, Dold Bory Cah Bekov, A.Y., Ilalkoaho, TA3-, Iajoki, LV.O., Alapieti, T.T. & Peu& R-A., Republic,167 Rutheniu pyrite ud niclelom malmite from the Immdn layered dmt, P. with Ts13tra" D.K, Ln7 @mple& northwstqn Rwiq 887 Chakhmouradim, A. & Mitcheu, RH., Comlnsitional vaiatiotr of Imvskite- Bukov, A.Y., r lajoki, K.v.o., Gehor,s.A., Yakovlev, YN. & Taikina-Aho, o., group minqals from the cdbonalite complexs of the Kola slkaline Chlqine-trmr naloges of djerfuherite - thalfenisite from Nodl'sl, provin€, Rsi4 1293 Siboia ud Satmagonky, KolaPenimula, RNia, 1421 Chm, G.Y. & Gaott, R-A-, Nomdite. theTl-ualogueof lAvmit€, ftm MoDt Bukov, A.Y., r,4jokl KV.O., Men'shikov, YLP., Alapieti, T.T. & Sivonen, SJ., Saint-Ililairc, Quebe, 1035 Ergt lemEial m of titanim{ich pynhotite, reite md pydte Chao, G.Y. & Gautx, R.A., Quiltinite-2lt, quintinite-3?, chlmite-2a, in a fmitized xmouth ftom the Khibim qlknline omplex, Rwia, 875 chruib-3f, md @ite-3?, a trw group of catonate mitrdals rclat€d BmMhe4 J-F.,LuqE, FJ., Rod6, M. & Pastqis, J.D., Vein-type pphite i! to fte hydotdcite - ,mNite grcup, 1541 the Jmic volmic eb of the External Zone of the Betic Cordillen Chm, G.Y.rith Gd@,1.D.,743 southmSpain, 1379 Chapma4 R- wilh dmy, P., 167 Ball' M. with Knit&L U.. 327 Chen, Xiao Mitrg withWmg, Ru Cheng, 699 Bekmova, G.K withAnkinovicb, 8.A., 1415 Cbdstim, R.L. with BeA C.R., 397 Bm!4 R.G. & Boslock, I|ll, Metamorphismin the n6thm Thltm Magmatic Chrirtie, R.H.L with Gmble, J.A.,275 re, No(thwst Teritorig, 1069 CGafov6, I. with Hybls, J., 1283 Bm, RG. & Eston, R.M., Prcf@: T€tonometamo4)hic sirdis in the Clyre, M.A. & Borg, Ll., Otivine md cbrcmim spirel ir primitive calc-alkaline Caadim Shield Gart D, 1049 md tholeiitic lavc ftom the sulhmt Casadc Rmge, Califmia a Bethue, K.M. & Davidson, A., Gmyillim metamorphism of the Sudbury Ffl@tim of rclative lqt'ility of the $re, 453 diabre dyke-svm: &om prcxolith to twGplmxem - gmel @mniE, Clynre, M.A. with Bm, C-R., 397 1191 Ctynre, M.A. wilh B6E, L3,., 425 Bddarq Jfi. sithvsrfalvy, V., 543 Colen'a,C. with Cmmbs, D.S., 1571 Birclo"WD. with k8ke, B-8,219 Coren R.M., Shqm4 D.R., Hmpor, P.R. & Swumn, D.A., Dvwprimitive Blaton,N. withVchten, R,735, 1021 magou in the Cmade dc, Buth@ Orcgotr md guthm Washingtotr, Bognb, R., Kmpeli S. & Matthews, A., High-prusrc K-feldsptr- 367 vryimile-be{ing Mblage in the Cmmf lVletsedirentry Belt of the CoBtatrtin*q E with Mdnc€a, S., 713 Grcnville Provinc, Saint Jovite fiea. Quebec,1269 Coonbs, D.S.,Alberti,A.,Armbrotd, T.,Artioli, G., colela c., Gatli E, ctrie, Borg, L.E , Clynne, M-A. & Bu[en, TD, lhe vuiable rcle ol slaHedved fluids J.D., UebaJ. F., Mmddro, J-A., Minato, H.,ldckel, E H., PNglia.8., in the gmmtion of a suite of primitive calc-alkaline lavs ftom the Pror, D.R., Quaniqi, S., Rinaldi, R., Ross, M., Sheppq4 R-A., southmost Ceads, Califmi4 425 tltmqnns, B. & Vezzalini, G., R@trrretrded nommclatus for @lite Borg, L.E. with Clyme, M-A., 453 minerab: report of the Subcomittee on Zeolites of the Intenational Bost@k, H.H. with Bel]m, RG., 1069 Minaalogical Aswiation, Comission on New Minenls ed Mitsal Bosazi, P. wilh dmt, P., 167 Nms, 1571 Boyle, D.R., Iodargtrite I m iudicator of rid climtic cotrditioN md its Coopq, MA & Hawthme! F.c., A Doteotr the crystal strucbre of ma$hite, 785 Nciation with gold-bedng glacial tills of the Chibougmu - Chapais C@pq, M.A- & gawthme, F.C., The crystal structureof wicksite" 777 aE{, Qeb{,23 Coopa, MA with Selway,J.8., l5l5 BslG, F.Ilv. with Pan Yuming, 659 Cnig J.R. with Mllc, t W., 1465 Bruggmau P.E.vithBeon, C.R,397 Cmie, Kl-., A rcyis€d @mputa trrcgm fd mphibole classific{tio!. 1351 BuUen,T.D. with Btrg, L.E-, 425 cmiq KL & Lyncb" G., High-grademetamahism in the vstqtr CapeBretotr Blm, P.C. & Carpetrter, M-A., Phe nansitioro in the ssis bomite - Higblmds, Nova Sotia, md its rclation to tetonirn 1249 trmbathit€ - mBgolite: m inftared spetroscopic study, 1E9 Dmywhevslry, L.V., Camll M.R. & FaI64 TJ., Origin of higb-An plagiclas Blm, P.C.,Bwing, R.C. & Ilawthme F.C.,Theuysal chmistry of henvalmt in Tongu high-Ca boniniles: implicatiom for plagi@las melt equilibria umim: polyhedrcn gometries, bond-valen€ pamters, md a! low P(H2O),313 polymization of polyhedr& 1551 Davidson,A. vith Bethme, K.M., 1191 L6t2 TTIE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST

DeBdi, S.M., Evolutiotr of maglm in cotrtinental md mic m: the mle of Gust, D.A., Arolus, R.J. & Kemting, A.8., Asp4t! of magm som ed the lowq (mL 501 pms in theHotrhuArc,347 Della-Pasqu4F.N. & Vme, R., Prinitive a*amitic magm iq volmic ms: Halkoaho, T.A.A. with Bakov, dY., 887 a relt-itrgluio! aplrcach, 291 IIaU, D.C. with lrtrt2! D.R., 841 DeUaVennlr4 G. with Pauly, H., 175 Hattod, Ic withTbmmi, C.A., 805 Demartitr, F., Gay, H.D., Grmioli, C.M. & Pilati, T., BetryMite, a trev Ilavthme, F.C., Shqt-mge ordsr in mphibols: a bod-valem apprceb, 203 titanim-b€eing phospha&minoal speic fton Cm Blan@,Argmtitra Ilawthome, F.C. & Bms, P.C.,The crystal structre ofjglgerenitq 1509 797 Hawthome F.C. with Bm, P.C., 1551 Di Reuo, F. & Gabelica" 2., Bmqite md othet zolird &om Kuiu md Hawthonq F.C.with Cmper, M.A.,77,7E5 Kuproof islmds, Alaska. 69 I Ilawthome, F.C. with kake, B.E., 219 Domelly-Nolarq J.M. vith Bmn, C.R., 397 Hawthmq F.C. with Pauly, H., 175 Drcxla, J.W. with Foley, JA., 1531 Ituvthme, F.c. with Selwan J.8., 1515 Dwumy, Y. with Paru4 M.I., 39 Hawthome F.C. with Teertst4 D.K., 1277 Esto!, Rlvl. with Bma4 RG., 1M9 H6bert, R- with VarfalYy,V.,543 Esstrq EJ vith St€poy, M.M.,1237 Hegna, E. with Knittel, U.,327 Ewing, R.C. with Blm, P.C., 1551 Hildrcxh, W. with Bm!" C.R., 397 FaU@n,TJ. Fith Dmyushevsky, L.V., 313 Hidqs, w. with Weisc, T.W., 587 Fmov, C.B.G. & WarkiNn, D.Il., Divesity of peious-netal mineraliation Hogartb, D.D., Minemlogy of l@cite-beering dyle fron Napoleon Bat Baffn in fmtwall Cu-Ni-PGB deposits, Sudbury, Ontmio: implicatioN for Island: multistage Protemzoic lmpmites, 53 hydrothemal models of fmatim, 817 Emper, P.R. eith C(my, R.M.,367 Fayek, M. & Kysq, T.K., Chmcteriation of multiple fluid-flow events ad IIoy, L.D. with Imtz, D.R., 841 rue-eeth mobility msciated with fomation of uconfmity-type Hugh*, JM. with Foley, J.A., 1027, 1531 mim depsia itr the AthabM Bmirf Sarkatchevt\ 6n Huton, D.I- with lGir Zaw, 1325 Feshraler, G. with Gmti, G., 1431 Hyblq, L, Petftek, V., Jwk, lc, Sk6la R & CGdov6, I., Stuctre detqmhation Fitzpatick, JJ. eith Foo4 E.E., 145 of vistepite SnMD4BrSi4o!6(OH)2:isoErpism rith butamite, revis€d Fl€t, M.B. with Knip€, S.W.,5?3, 1485 crystallographic data md @mpositiotr, 1283 Flret, M.E. with Mitchell, R.II., 979 H}!6, A. & St-Jea!,A., Metamorphic sigratm of faultirg in the Mmiooagm Foley, J.A., Hughes, J.M. & Drcxler, J.W., Redledgeite, Ba,([Cr,Fe,Yl], Rwnoir regiou, Gmville Prcvince, 6tem Q@bs, 11?3 T19!016, tlr /4/z structurc ud elucidation of the sequetrceof tmel Indas, A., Gmet-kyuite clinoplmxenite$ md gmet-&yuite Btites ftm the Ba catiom. 1531 Mmi@uagd tmbdca& Zons a w of higb-P - high-T metamorpbismitr Foley, J.A., Ilugbes, J.M. & Irnge, D., The atomic mgemetrt of the Grcnville Prcvinre, 1161 bmckeburchite, redefined tr Pbr(Mf"FelXVO)lOl0, ed slmflts Jobstoa A.D. witl Nixon, G.T., 253 on Mnr ctahedm 1027 Jrek, IL with llybla, J., 1283 Foilan, F. withIVmg, Ru Chdg,699 Kato,A. with kake,8.E., 219 FMd, E.8., Komb, S.L., Uchte, F.E & Fitzpatrick, JJ., Additional studis m Kmting, A.B. witb Gust D.A.,347 mixed myl oxide-hy&oxide hydBte altention products of minite Khin Zaq Iage, R.R. & Hwton, D.L., Petrological ed gemhmical sipinifi- ftom the Palmo md Ruggl* gmitic pegrotites, cefton Couty, New @e of a Devmim replemeDt rcne in the Cmbrim RNebefy mNive Hmpshire, 145 sulide deposil wstm Thsmei4 1325 F@rd, B.E. with Komb, S.L., 135 Ki$h, HJ. with lf,ake, B.E., 219 Ford, F.D. & Skippen, G.8., Pebology of the Flinxm Crek metaperidoti&s: Knipe, S.W. & Fl@t, M.E., Chemical state of gold deposiod ftom quenched emtatile - magtr$ite ed ailhophylite - magnsite Mblags ftom the Mg-.s-H-O fluids by X-Ey photcletron spectrospy, 1485 Cmville hovine. 1221 Knipe, S.W. & Fl@t' M.8., Gold+oppc alloy minemls from the Ker mine, Franco,II.E.A. trith Nakagaw4 M., 1441 Otrtaria 573 Gabelica,Z. sith Di Rsm, F., 691 Knittel, U., gegns, E., Bau M. & Satir, M., EDricbmilt pw itr the sb-m Galloblna, L.P. with Bu@k, P.R., 1363 mde: a SrNd-Pb irotopic md,REE study of pdmitive m basaltsin the Ga[i, E with Cmmbs, D.S., 1571 Philippinc,327 Gmble, J.A., Cbdstie, R.II.K., Wright, I.C. & Wyscaski, R.J., Primirive Kont k, DJ. & Marti!, RiF, Alkali feldrpr in the peralminou SouthMountair K-dch negmer ftom Clark Volruo, rcuthm Kemad$ Arc: a pmdox BathoUth,Nova Sotia trace-elemetrtdat , 959 in the K- clepthreklioBhip,275 K@b, S.L., F@nd,B.B. & Lichte, F.E., The chmical evolution ud pmgmair Gmble,I.A. with Snitb" L8.M.,257 of mium minerals &om the Ruggls md Palmo pegmatites, New GmtL G. & Zaedini, F., Itr situ aLeration of platinm-goup minaeralsat low Ilmpshire, 135 tempemture: evidence from se4rntinized ud vathered chmmitite of KoEeb, SJ-. vith F@!d, B.E, 145 the Vouinos Complex, Grc, 611 Kovalevski, V.V. with Bllgk, P.R, 1363 Gmti, G., Zamini, F., Cab€na R. & Fmhtatq, G., Oc|Ime of unknom Knu, J. & Mmr4 T., A thmal gndiefi at oNtant prew: impliqtim for Ru-Oph-Fe oxids in the chmmitites of the Nuali ultramafrc @mplex" low- to medim-trressre metamorphim in a comlr$$ional t@tonic southm Urals, Rsia 1431 s6ing, Flin Flm md Kiwlrew domim, Tlas-Iludrm mgen, @atral Gdt, R.A- with Chao, G.Y., 1035, l54l Cqnada1117 Gault R-A. with Grie, J.D., 181,751 Krivovichev, V.G. with kakq B.8., 219 Gault, R-A. with Robinson, G.W., 1535 Kstic, S. & Trkim, M., Platinu-group minerals in gold-btring plrces Gay, H-D. with Demutin, F., 707 mriated with the Velue ophiolite omplex, Yugoslaviq I Gm6L M. vith cabeu4 R.,899 Kmmpeli, S. with Bogch, R., 1269 Geh6r,S.A. with Bfkov, a^'t ,l42l Kysa, T.IC with Fayel M., 627 Gilbqt, M.C. with Irake, Bt., 219 Isjok| K.V.O. with Bukov, A.Y., 875, 887, 1421 Gordon, T.M. with Menard, T., 1093 Iadriare, J. with Mdnc€a, S., 713 Gmhan, J. sith Vm Emden,B., 95 laflrre, J.H.G. with Szymafski, J.T.,773 Gmioli, Cn4. with Demanin, F.,707 fafldche, M.R withVdfalvy, v., 543 Gri€, J.D. & Chao, G.Y., Hon6thite-(D, roe-eryth fluocubooate, a nes Iagache, M. & Qudmdneu, J., The Volta Gmlde lEgmti&s, Mim Gemis, mintral sp€cis from Mont Saiqt-Hilairc, @eb@, 743 Broil: u exmple of re-element lEgmatites exceptionally eriched Grie, J.D., cault R.A. & Vm Velthuizm, t., Brimoulstonite: a new bomE itrlithimmdrobidim 153 mi!tral trith a sh€t strucnm, 751 laird, J. with lpake. 8.E., 219 Grie, I.D., Gault, R.A. & Ve Velthuizeq J., Sheldriclite, a trew sodirm- I*londe, A-E with Robinron, G.W., 1535 calciqm-fluq@{bonate mineral s@i6 fiom Mont Saint-Hilairc. hnge, D. with Foley,J.4.,lO27 Quebe, 181 large, R.R. with Khin 7av 1325 Gd@, J.D. with C@nbs, D.S., 1571 kake, B"E , W@ney,A.R, ArF, C-E.S.,Birch, WD, Gitbat, M.C., Cd@, J.D., Gri@,J.D. with kake,8.8.,219 Hawthme, F.C., Kato, A., Kiwb" H.J., Krivovichev, V.G., Linthout, K., Grie, J.D. with Mugistr, S.M.,759 Iaird J., Mmddno, J.A., Mroh, W.V., Nickel, EJI., Rek, N.M.S., Grie, J.D. with Robimn, G.W., 1535 Schwcher, t.C., Smith, D.C., StepheBo!" N.CN., Ungretti, L., Grcat, L.A. vith Maryiso!. SJvl., 759 Whittakc, EJ.W. & Youzhi, G., Norerclanre of mphibols: report of Groa! L.A. with Szymafski, J.T.,765 the Subcomitlee on Amphibols of the Intemational Mineralogical Grovq, T.W., Pattison, D.RM., McDmough, M.R. & McNicoll, V.J., Awiation, Comision m New Minsals ud Minqal Nmq, 219 Tetonometamorphic evolutim of the southen Taltsotr Magmatic Zone Lentz, D.R., Phosphoru-eriche4 S-type Mddle fuvq rhyolite, Tetagouche md Miated sh@ zms. northrutmAlberta 1051 Crcup, lorthw6len New Bmwicb p€trogeneticimpli@tioN, 673 VOLIJME 35.INDEX L613

Istz, D.R, Ha[, D.C. & Hoy, LD., Cliemostatignphic, altsatiotr, md oxygetr Pmi, E., Rizo, R. & Rsudsepp, M., Muguou-fayalite-b@ilg greitic isolopic tr@ds in a profile tbmugh the stratigraphic8equetr@ hosting the pegmafite fron Quira, Srdinia: relation to host plutonic rccks ud Haxb St€le B 6ne nmsive stnde deposi! New B'mvick, 841 iectonic affiliation, 119 Lichte, F.E. with Fm!d, 8.E., 145 Peua, lVLI., MEiego, A., Pellitqo, E , Babkine, J. & Dwumn Y., Sn#tl- Lichte, F.E. with Kreb, SJ-, 135 Cu-Fe-bwing sulfids ud sullosalts from the Barquilla deposit, Liebaq F. with C@mbs, D.S., 1571 Salenqn€, $pain, 39 Lin@l!, FJ. with Vm Emden,8.. 95 Pcsglia, B. with Cmmbs, D.S., 1571 Ulthout, tC with k€kq 8.8., 219 Pastsris,J.D. with Bren@he4 J-F., 1379 Liu, Umg eithZhoq Xinchun,35 Lu€hetri, G. with Cabslla, R.,899 Pstier, P. eith SaboEdy, G., 937 I{hr, J.F., Extensimal tstonics mat the divN primitive volmic mks in the Pafiisa D.RM. with cmvr, T.W., 1051 Wstem Mexi@ Volroic Belt, 473 Pauly, H., Havthone, F.C., Bm, P.C. & DeUa Vmtura G., torgeNnite, Luqm, FJ. witb Brenehea, J.F., 1379 NalSr,Ba)rJ,[arA11rFa(OtI,Da, a new alminofluoride nineral &om Lytrcb, G. & fuega. t , gydrothmal altralion md towalinealbite equilibria Ivigtut, G@nlu4 175 al the Coxhearhporphyry Cu-MrAu deposit, Nova Soti4 79 Pav*. A. withAnioli, G., 1009 Lynch, G. sith Cmie, KL., 1249 Pror, D-R-with Cmmbs, D.S., l57L Machrek, J. with Nicholls, J., 1311 Peetsrs,o. with Vehten R., 735, 1021 Makovicky, E. vith Mo€Io,Y.,14n Peuiterc, E. with Peua" MJ., 39 MedEino, I.A. & Grie, J.D., Nev miMals @ntly approved by the Petit6ek, V. with Hybls, J., 1283 Co|missioD on New Minemls md Mineral Nm, Intemational Peua, R.A. vith Bukov, A.Y., 887 Minemlogical Assciatio!" 787 I,ilati. T. with Dmanin, F., 707 Maduino, J.A. pith Cmmbs, D.S., 1571 Pri€, R.C. vith Smitb" LB.M.X1 Mandtrino, t..d with kake, B.8., 219 Quartieri, S. with Cmmbs, D.S., 1571 Mmb" W.V.with Ieke,B.B'2Lg Qu€n6neu, J. with tagrche, M., 153 Margison, S.M., Grice, J.D. & Gmat, L.A., llhe crystal structure of leisingite, Raudsepp,M. vith Pui, E, ll9 (Cu,,MgZn)r(Mg.Fe)TeeO6.6H2O, 759 Rinaldi, R. with Cmmb$ D.S., 1571 Marimo, A.N. with Mitchell R.H., 99 Riven, T. with Mmgel, F., 1137 Muincaa, S., Comtantin*u, B. & kdrigrc, J., Relafiively uoxidired vivimite Rim,R.withPmi,B., 119 in limic c@l ftom Capsni, Bmlt Bsitr, Rommia, 713 Robimon, G.W., Grie, J-D., Gul! R.A. & lalmde, A.E., Pot!$iq,arg6ite, a Martin" R.F. withKontak, D.J.,959 new member of the mphibole group &om Pargru, Tir*u-Pod, Finlmd, Mroon, R.A., the influene of hating ou cathodolminercroe emission ftom 1535 mnual cslcite. 723 Rck, N.M.S.vith Ipake Bl., 219 Matthews, A. vith Bogogb, R, 1269 Rods, M. with Bmr@hea, J.F., 1379 McCmm, C.A. with Cmt, P., 167 Ross,M. vith cmmbs, D.S., 1571 McDonough, M.R. with Grcvq, T.W., 1051 Rozhkova NN. with Btgk, P.R., 1363 McMahon, G. with Obertith, T.,597 Ruiz Crua M-D., Very low-gmde chlqite with monalou chenistry ud optical McMuilar, RL withtutioli, c., 1009 prcperti* frm &e Maldguide Cmple1 Betic Cordilleru, Spair" 923 McNiolL VJ. with Gmva, T.IV., 1051 Rusdl, J.I( & Snyder,L.D., Petrologrr of the piqitic basal8 from Kamloops, Mwhilt,A. with Moelo, Y., 14q7 British Columbia primary liqufuls &om a Trimic-J|'Wic @, 521 Mm'shikov, Yu.P.with Bukov, A.Y., 875 saboudy, c., sagon,J.-P. & P6tio, P.,k omposition chimique du xdnotimeen Menud, T. & Motr, T.M., Metamorphic P-T paXhsftom the 6tsm Flin Flon Linomil Mresif Central Fme, 937 Belt md KiseJmew Domin, Snow take, Muitoba" 1093 Sagorr I.-P. wilh Saboudy, G., 937 Memd, T. with Krus, J., 1117 Salvi, S. & WillimJones, A.E., Fluid-incluion volarile ualysis by 96 cbrc@- Mogel. F. & Riv6, T., Metamorphismio the PaleoprGmmic Tmgat Orcgetr, tognphy: applicatio! of a wid€-borepomu-polymq @pilary @lw to kbmdor ptrology mdP-T{path8 of mphibolite- md gmulite-facis the separationof orgmic md inorgmic mpomds, 1391 ryks a@ss tie Komaktfivik sh@ rcrc, 1137 Smdomiskay4 S.M. withAnkitrovicb, E.A., 1415 Michml, P. with Nicholls, J., 1311 sNaki, K., Rme study of the microbially mediated dissolution of pyrite by MiUer, J.W. & Cmig, J.R., Ore minerals of the Cofer volmogenic mrosive Thiobrc il lu fe noxilql 99 sulfide deposil Iluim Couty, Vtugiuia, 1465 Saxir,M. with Kniuel, U., 327 Mimto, H. vith C@mbs,D.S., 1571 ScbFyer, Y/. with d€mt, P., 16? Mitchell, R.IL, Xong, Jiu, Muiuo, AN. & Fl€t, M.8., Rre€arth- Schllmher, J.C., The qtimation of the prcportion of fenic iron in the elemmt-activaled cathodolmitretr€ in apatite, 979 el€tron-micrcgobe malysis of mphibole, 238 Mtchell R.II. with Challmomdim,A", 1293 SchltJmhc, J.C. with Inake,B.E.,219 Moeb, Y., Mwhaut, A. & Makovicky, E., Refinemeil of the crystal structuE Selway, J.8., Coper, MA. & Ifuwthme, F.C., Refinemetrt of the crystal of nuffr€ldite, Pbrcur j(Pbo.4Bio$borBirs?; st$chlal rclationships md structure of bmgaite, 1515 gemis of complex lead sulfosalt strrctus, 1497 Shabmova,T.A. withA*inovich, E.A., 1415 Monchou, P. with Wmg, Ru Cllmg, 699 Shaw,C.SJ., Origitr of snlfide blebs in vriably metasomatizedmde xenotfh& Muiego,A. with Paua, M.I.,39 QuatemaryWst Eifel volmic fi.eld, Gmy, 1453 M[Ue! P. with Oberthtr, T., 597 Sheppard,R.A. with Cmmbs, D.S., 1571 Nagse, T. & Akizuki, M., Texture ed structue of opal-CT ud opal-C i! Shaod, D.R. with Coren RM.,367 volmicmkr.947 Shu. Guimhg with ^ou, Xinchun, 35 Nakagawa.lvl & FEmo, H-Ei' PIM OFh-Ru alloys ud sumds: indicaton Sivmen, SJ. with Brkov, A.Y., 875 of sulfirfirgrcity in m ophiolite?, 1.141 Skdla R with llyblc, J., 1283 Nicholls, J. & Stout M.2., Epitactic overgrowths md intergrowths of Skippen, G.B. with For4 F.D.,1221 clinopyrcrere otr orthop)mxaq implicatiom fo pafis of crystsllizatio!" snitb" D.C. with Iekq 8.8., 219 1881 lava floq Mroa Ira volmo, Ilawaii, 909 Snitb, I-ElvI., Worthingtou, TJ., Pri@, R.C. & Gmble, J.A., Primitive magnrs Nicholb, J., Stout, M.2., Mrchrcck, J. & Mich@I, P., Volme - compoaition in e-type volmic NEiaxim!: exmples from the Soutlwst Pacific, rclaliom in umtricaily med cry8tals: applicatim to thmody@ic 257 modeling of ignwu pnmm, 1311 Snyder,L.D. with Rusll, J.K., 521 Nickel, E.H. vith Cmmbq D.S., 1571 Sr-Jro, A. with Hy!s, A-, ll73 Nickel" E'II. with I&ke, 8.8., 2L9 steil, L with&tioli, G., 1009 ldxo& G.T. & Jobsto!" A.D., kefe: Natre od origin of primitive m,gmes at StepheN!, N.CN. with Irate, B.E , 219 suMuction rcm, 253 Stout, M.Z. with Nicho[s, J., 909, 1311 Oberthtr, T., Cabri, L.J., Weis, T.W., McMahoq c. & MiUc, P., Pt, Pd ud Str@pey, MlvI., Essene, BJ. & vm da Pluijm, 8.A., A compilation of other tra€ elerents in sulnds of the Maitr Sulfide Zone, Great Dyke, the@obmretlic data &om the MetasedimentaryBelt of the Grcnville Zimbabwe: a mmaisw@ sitdq 597 Provin€. Ontario md New York State, 1237 (hega, J. with Lynch, G., 79 Swmn" D.A. with Corey, Rl\,l., 367 ottolini, L. with dmf, P., 167 Szymadski, J.T., Cabri, LJ. & Iaflm, I.H.G., Tte cryslrl structure ud Pm, Yuenming, Zircotr- md moneite-fomitrg metamo4,hic @ctioB at c€lculatodpowdq{iftactim data f6 zvyagintssyits, Pd9?]',773 Meitouwadge, Ontario, 105 Szymadski, J.T. & Grcar, L.A., The crystal structw of droesmilhite, Pan, YwiDg & Breaks, F.W., Rmrarth elemetrtsin fluonpatite, Separatiotr HghrHgr3craorsr, 765 Iake arpa,Otrtado: eviden@for S-tlTe gmile a re€lement pegmalite Taikina-Aho, O. witb Bukov,A.Y., 1421 r;nkage,659 Tmkian M. with Kstic, S., 1 t6L4 TTIE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST

Tm@i, C.A., Ilasori, K. & Cabri, L.J.,'Invisible" gold ia sulfid* from Wmg, Gumin with Aou, Xiochu!" 35 the Cmpbell mine, Red Iake grwnstone belt Otrtario: evidence for Wmg, Ru Cheng,Foutan, F., Xq Shi Jin, Chen Xim Ming & Monchou, P.,The mineraliation duing the peak of metamorphisn" 805 ss@iation of columbi&, t8ntalite md tapiolite in the Suzhou gmitq Teertstra,D.K, Cenr, P. & Hawtbome, F.C., Rubidim-rich feldspm in a gra- Clhim 699 nitic pegmatitefrom the Kola Peninsula,Rusi4 1277 Wmg, Shizhmg with Zhou, Xinchut,35 Endm, 'Watkiroon, Thomber, M.R. with Vm 8., 95 D.H. with Fmw' C.E.G., 817 Tlllmm, E. with C6mbs, D.S., 1571 weiso, T.w. & Hirdes, W., Zinc-rich cbromite &om Pal@Proterczoic Ungeni, L. vith ka&e, 8.8., 2L9 mglomentes at the Tbrkwa gold mine, Ghua, 587 Va[ey, I.\t/. with Buwk P.R., 1363 vm derPluijn, BA. with Steepey, Mlvl., 1237 Weis, T.Vr'.with Oberthltr, T., 597 Vm Emdea 8., Thmbs, lvLR., Genan, J. & Lin@tn, FJ., Ile incorpmtim of Whittaka, EJ.W. with Iske, B.8., 219 actinid* in motreite ud xenotime ftom placer deposits itr Wsten willim-Joaq, A.B. wirh salvi, s., 1391 Australi4 95 WmUey, A.R. vith lpake, 8.E., 219 Vu Havab€kq L. eith Vchtetr, R., 735 Worthingto!, TJ. with Smith, I5.M., 257 Vu Sprbgel, K- with [email protected],735 Wrighf I.C. with Cmble,t.A.,275 Vm Velthuim, J. with Gri€, J.D., 181, 751 tf,ysomki, RJ. with Gublq l.,lu,275 Varfalvn V., Hdbert, R., B€d$d, J.H. & kfl&he, M.R., Petrology ud g@hemistry of pyrcxenite dykes in uppr mmtle puidotites of the Xong, Jim with M&heU, R.H., 979 North Am Moetain msif, Bay of Islmds ophiolite, Nevfoundled: Xu Shi Jin with lVmg Ru Chmg,699 implicatios fo the gm*is of boninitic md rcla&d nagna(, 543 Yakovlev. YN. with Brkov, A.Y., 1421 Vme, R. eith Dsila-Pasqu4 FN., 291 Yan, Jin€i with Aoq Xinchun, 35 VqzaliDi, G. with C@mbs, D.S., 1571 Youzhi, Guo with Ipake,B.B.,219 V@hte& O., R., Bialon, N. & Peisn, Delisite, Fe(UOt(SOar(OI0r€HrO, a Zmaini, F. with Gmti, G., 6ll, 1431 new fm$ lmyl sulfate hydroxyt hydrate ftom Ms d'Alary, Iidove, Zaidenbcg, A.Z. with Busk, P.R., 1363 H6mult,Fme, 1021 Vchten, R., Blaron, N., P€tea, O., Vu Springel, IC & Vm Haverbeke,L., A zaabi&, I.S. vithA*inovicb, EA., 1415 lew method ol syntheis of boltwoodite md of fomation of soaliu Aoq Xinchu, Ya!, Jinei,Itrmg, Gwin, W'mg, Shizlong, Liq r i'rg & Shq boltwoodite, mophme, slilodowskite md ka$lite from boltwoodite, Guiming, Chrcmbimitq Bir6CrOr, a rew mineral speciw ftom the Jialu 735 gold mioe, Shrui Pmvine, Cnina 35 VOLUME 35. INDEX 1615


A mmpilatim of thmobmretric data ftom the Metasedimntary Belt of the Gedefiled), 1497, paulkenite eroup, 711, perovskite, 1302, phce Grenville Provire, Ontdio dd New Yok State, (Stl@wy et aI.),1237 tmsitioB in bomtes, 189,ttembalhite, 191,myl polyhednl gometxy, A new method of syatheis of boltwoodite ad of fomtiotr of 1551 boltwoodite, lruophdq sllodowskite ed kBolite from boltwoodite, (MN\et aL),735 CRYSTAL STRUCTITRE (w also X-my

Epitactis overgrctths md intergrowths of clinopyroxene otr ortiopyrcxene: Metamorphism in the trorthm Taltsm Magmatic Zone, Northw*t Tditoris, implicaxions fc patbs of crystalliatim, 1881 lava flo$ Mdm Ira (Bmu & B6tock), 1069 volcmo, Ituwaii, (Nicholls & Stou0,909 Metamorphismin lhe Pal@pmterorcic Tbngat Oroge4 tabndm petrology md Evolution of nsm in ontinatal ud mic m: the rcle of the lowc mt, P-T-t paths of @phiboute- ed gmulite-frcis ruks mss the (DeBd),501 Kmaltoryik shw rcre, (Mmgel& Riven), 1137

Ef PDRIMENIAL (@ also Petrology) 1lTICROEARI'NESS Analydml Technfqm cbmmbimiteJ 36, lnknom Ru-OrIr-Fe oxids, 1433 auto@ted EMP malysis of zorcd crystal8, 1312, gc cbrorotogmphS 1392,I"AM-ICP-MS, 147, miqo-PD(B, 603, Mossbauo,716, 1538, MINERALDATA G@ als Elehon-migoprobe ualys) ualysis by EMP, 615, 1433, SIMS, 168, 600, 807, X-my egirine, 67, alabmdite, 880, mphibole,203, mphibole goup,219, phol@l€tro! spectrospy, 37, 580, 1485 mite, 63, mtimonptr@ite, 46, arfvedronite, 63, argpnxopentlmalite, 1422,llMopyfit€, 808, rugite, 67, 913, ,baddeleyite,905, bllmite, 693, Comp[terPmcm barytolmpmphyllite, 69, beoyacuite, 707, boltwoodite, 735, bomixq CI"ASAMPII,1351 192, bmkebuchite (redefined), 1027, bliuoulstonitq 751, brktite, 47, briartite (cadmim),48, blrugaite" 1515,calcite, TZ,6bon Gla$y), Gflml 1368, 6siterite, 51, celsim, 1334, demyite, 47, chalcopyrite, 603, Au' speciq in ore fluids, 1485, Au-H-S omplexs, 1485, bacterially chlorite, 927, cbrombismite, 35, chromite, 72, 901, cbrcmite (ferim), media&d dissolution of pttite, 999, boltwoodite slrthe$i$, 735, 613, ch$mite (zincim), 587, mffinite, 635, colubite, 110, 699, cathodolmins@ce, 123, 979, cathodolumins€nce of &EE-dop€d comgeigmite, 140, congolite, 192, dpGiridsiie, 617, dedsmithite, apatite, 979, feric iron in mphibole, 238, gold pr*ipitatiotr, 1485, 765, deliensixe, 1021, devitrified glass, 58, digenite, 49, diopside, hydmgen ualysis, 1405, hydrorhsmal boron sprcis, 87, voluq 67, djerfisherite, 73, Eernshqite (Cl-pmr), 1422, ekemmitq $tiratod ftom M. 1321 214, edeute,2l4, edgritq 879, eNtatite, 913, fayalite (mrrgse6l, 121, ferotapiolite, 702, flumpatite, 637, 6&,979, froodite, 825, Stable IstoF galeB-hdenbsgite solid-solution series, 47, galem-matildite mbon" 1372, 1385,lq4 640, oxyge!" 641, 681, 865, strontim, 646 solid-solution Beriff, 47, glaucophme, 2D6, gold, 15,28, 574, gold (opde), 574 goyeite, 637, pphite, 1382,g'mite (discredited),138, Sy3tm 145,633, helvite, 1339,hemheu& (dis6edited), 1604,h6site,827, Au-Cq 574 Mg-S-H-O-Au, 1485 hoUingvorthite, 11, holnquistite, 162, homblende, 214 hon6thite-(Y), 743, ilnenite,72, iodaqyrite, 23, ilmite, 11, iddmenite, 14, iridim Ex&miooal tectonics md the divme primitive volcmic rcks io the W6tem rhodiu rothenium. 8, iridium, 9, 1445,isofmplatinun, 6, julite, 1511, Mexiro Volmic Belt, (Luhr),473 jorgeNnite, 175, 1509,kalsilile, 59, kaslite, 735, keheile (disqodited), Fist teresbial @mne of titanim-rich pyrhotite, reNite md pyrite in a 1592, keithcomite, 14, lauite, 11,617, 12145,leakeite,206, leisingite, fenitized xmolith Am the KhibiE elkeline @mplex, RNia, (Bfkov et 759, l@liadire (discedited), 1605, lepidolite, 160, leucite, 59, aL),875 lopdte, 1297,!@lt@ite, 69,lovoingite, 904, lshite, 1305,nagnetite, Fluid-inclusion volatile malysis by gu chromatogaphy: applicaxion of a 72, maluite (Dickelou), 890, m6ite Cn-dch), 879, mmhite, 785, widre-boreporou-polymer capillary @llJm xo xhes€pamtim of Ggmic mawsonite, 47, melonite, 827, mercnskyite, 826, Eertieite, 14, @d inorymic @mlpmds, (Salvi & Witlim-Jons), 1391 met!-autuile, 141, michenerite, 825, miqcline, 159, miq@line Gmet-kyeite clinop$oxenites md gmet-kyuite restites &om the (rubidim), 1278, mitryrevaite, 1415, mohite, 49, moruite,97, 110, Mei@uagm Imbri€te Zore: a w of high-P - higb-T metamorphim i! motrcheite, 826 monosulfide solid-solutioD, 1456, musovite, 159, the GrctryiUeProvine, (IndG), 1161 mNcovite (hig!-D, 665, nammitq 828, lephelhe, 59, norbergite Gold{opper alloy mherals ftom the K@ mine, Oiltrio, (Knipe & Fl€t), 573 (OH-rich), 1523, nommdite, 1035, nutfreldite, 1497, nyboite, 215, Grclvillim metamorphismof the Sudbury diabffe dyke-swm; ftom prctolith olivine, 67, opal-c, 947, opal$, 947, omiuo. 6, 1/t45, pargsite,211, to twGpymxetre - g@et corcnite, (Bethme & Davidmn), 1191 petolite, 67, patlmdite, 603, pendedite (ruthmie), 617, percvskite, High-gmde netamorphism itr the wstsrtr Caps Br€1onHighleds, Nova Scoti4 1297, phlogopite, 63, phlogopite (F-rich), 881, phosphmylite, 140, md its relarion to testodsm, (Cuie & Lynch), 1249 pig@nite, 913, pitchblende, 635, platmite, 12, poUucite, 1280, High-prsswe K-feldspu-veuvimite-bwing ssemblage in the Central potassicpmgsite, 1535, pyrarEilaite, 46, pydte, 603, 808, 1470, pyrixs Melr€dimertary Belt oftie Grcnville Provincg Saint lovite area.Quebec, (ruthenim),890, pFope, 1009,pyrhotile, 603, pyrhotite Cn-rich), 876, (Bo9g,hetqLt,L 9 redledgpite,1531, richterite, 63, ruthmiridomine, 6, 1445,rothmiurn, 6, qor6thite-CD, re-qrth fl[@ubotrate, a new mineral spwies from Mont 1445, ntherfordine, 139, nhle, 110, saduagaite, 214 midine, 59, Saitrt-Hilaire, Qrebe, (Grie & Chao), 743 sch@pite, 150, sekuinaite, 168, shchcbakovite, 69, sheldrickite, 181, Hydrcthemal alteratiotr ud tomalinealbite equilibria at the Coxheth sklodowskite,735, wbolevskite, 825, soddyite, 139, sodim boltwoodite, porphyry Cu-MrAu deposit, No% S@tia, (Lytrch & Ortega),79 735, sperrylite, 12, stamite,47, statrrcidite, 47, stilbite, 693, svedoaite ,|' rite altention of platinu-group minaemlsal lov tmlmtre: evidetr€ ftom (disqedited), 1605, spchysite, 110, tantalite, 699, tryiolite, 699, sqpontinized md weathsed cbrcmitite of the VoEinm Cmplex, G@€, tellmhauch@mits, 828, tetra-auicupride, 574, tetmheddte, 45, (cmti & Zamini), 611 tbafmisite (Cl-p@r), 1422"thodte. 110, titanite,69, 110,tomaline, 84, 1341,trembalhite, 1E2,tremofte, 206, tschmakiJe, 214 ulvospinel, 72, INTRARED.ABSONPTION SPECTRA ugrettiite,206, utrloom Ru-OrIr-Fe oxid*, 611, 1431, unknom boltwoodite, 737, b4,raate, 192, brimulstonite, 753, chlorit3, 928, T1-Fe-K onde,72, ummed'A", 138, 145,633, umgmedAu3Cq574 congou&, 192, deliemite, 1025, nitryrevaite, 1417, pyrite, 1004, mmed Cl-fr@ djerfisherite-thalfenisite, 1428, unn'med Pt-Fe shel&ickite, 183, sodiu boltwodite, 737, trembathite, 192, uknom alloy, 1,146,mmed Pt3cu, 10, mued ft3(Sb,Cu) alloy, 10, uramed 'A", minqal 149, vivimite, ?17 Rh-Pd menide, 12, uum€d Rh-Ru uenide, 12, med Ru-Ir-Pt allot 8, ummed Ru-Ir-Rl alloy, 8, mmed RuOr, 15, umm€d 'Invisible" gold ir sulfidc from the Cupbell mine, Red Irke grestone belt, (Ru,Rb,Ir)Cfe,Sb,As)r, 15, miDits, 138, 150, mophaq 735, Ontlrio: eviden@ for minoalization duing the p€ak of mtmorphise, lmophme (B), 139, vsuvimits, 1271, vistepite, 1283, viviuite, 714, Ctanmi etar.), 805 wellsite (discedixed), 1605, sicksite, 777, re\otire,97, 110,937, IodtrgJri& tr e indietor of uid clinatic @nditioN md its 6sociation with zi!@hmmite, 587, zimwaldits, 161, zircon" 110, zimtroute, 110, gold-beaiag glacial tills of the Chibougmu - Chapais area"Quebec, zvyagintrevile, 773 (Boyle), 23 Jorgemenite, Nadsr,Ba)raNarAlrrFs(OHnF)a,a trew alminofluoride mineral MINERALOGICAL ASSOCU-IION OF CANN)A from Iyigort G@n1e4 @auly er al), 175 Bmk reviews, 247, 7n,1M1,1353, 160' la compositiotr chimique du xdnotine en Linouin, Mcaif Central, Fme, Color photograpbs:unkngm nineral 'A", 146, SU\4S

NEW MINERAL SPECIES 899, 1432,1441, widotit, 544,PGM, 1, 598,611, 773, 821,89O, L432, 1996 listing of IMA-approved new minenls, 787,bery&ditf,,707, piqite, 522, plas PcM, 2, LM|, plilmy melt inclusions, 295, 314, bdmulstmite, 751, chrombimite, 35, deumit€, 1021, edgdit6, 879, primitive m-mgm4 253,263,n5,3n ,34f,368,398,426, M4, 5V2, hon6thite-Cf), 743, jorgmdite, 175, mitryevaite, 1415, no@dite, prinitive K-rich magm4 275, plmxaite dyke, 546, REE mobiJity, U9, 1035, potassicparg8ite, 1535, sheldrickite, 181, utrlmom Ru-OFIr-Fe iEE- euiched pegmatite, 659, Rosebery vMS deposit 1325, S-type oxidq, 619, 1433, mmed Cl-frw djqtuhqite-thafenisite, 1428 grmite, 659, 1053, 1070, S-type rhyolite, 673, shmgite, 1363, Stlmge kke complex, 1409,subduction zote, 253, 259, n6,329,348, 368, Now minerals r€endy apprcyed by the Colmissim on New Minerals md 398, 474, Sudbury diabse, 1191, su1frd6 in mde-dedved xenolitht, Mineral Nms, International MiHalogical AssFiation, (Mmdtrino 1453, Taltson Magmtic Zone, 1051, 1069, Teraiary v@thering, 30, & Grie),787 thmodymic modelitrg, 1312, tholeiitic bdalt mode, 912, Tongat OrogeB, 1137, tomaline compositiotr s a metallogenic indicatq, 84, NOMENCLATT'RE 1342,tomalirc stability, 80, oumalinizatim nodel, 91, uac€ elementJ mphibole group, 219, benyacmite, 707, bmckebNhite (redetued), in orthclme from gmites, 964, Tlus-Hudson Omgen, 1093, 1117,U 1m7, bdmulsronite, 751, chmbisnite, 35, deliemite, 1021, gmite mobility, 649, ultrapota$ic Nks, 53, midle dsompsition, 138,VMS (disqedited), 138, 145, hwhelite (discredited), 1604, hw6thite-(Y), deposit, 841, 1325, 1465,xenolith. 875, 1453,aned systab, 1180, 1312 743, j4r$nsqite, 175, keh@ite (disredited), 1592, l@trhadite (disredited), 1605, mitryevaite, 1415, nomdite, 1035, Petrology ed gwhemistry of plmxmite dykc in uppa mde peridotites of potassicprgsite, 1535, shel&ickite, 181, shmgite, 1365, svedoruite theNorthAmMoutainllNif, Bay of IslandsoPhiolite, Nee{omdland: (discedited), 1605,ljrllmed nincal 'A", 138, 145, vistepite (red€fined), implicatim fu the gmis of booinitic ud rclat€d magrnA, (Vadalvy e, 1283,weilsite (discrcdited),1605, mlite define4 1573,mlite minsals, 41.),543 1571, mlite ruls of nomoclaturc, 1574 Petrology of the Flinton Creek mctapdidotit$: eNtadte-maglqite md mthophyuite-magnsite ffimblagd ftom the Grenville Prcvine, @ord Nomcnclatre of mphibolG: relFrt of the Subcomitt@ otr Amphibols of the & Slippen), 1221 Intemalioaal Minqalogical Assciatim, Comis$im m New Mineral! Petrology of &e piaitic bsalts from Kamloops, British Colmbia: pdmary md Mnsal Nm, (L€a&eet aL), 219 liqui

1036, Orh-Ru allon 1446, patlandite (ruthenie), 617, pitchblende, the Volta cjmde pegmatites,Miru C@is, BEil m exmple of re€lerent 634, pfit€ (mical), 1474 prite (ruthetriu), E90,pyahotite Cfi{ich), pegnatit€s excsptimally eEiched in lithim md nbidium, (kgache & E77, sobolevskite,822, sodiu boltwoodite, 737, tetm-ari&pride, 578, Qu6mdneu),153 thafmisite (Cl-por), 1423, uknom Ru-Oeh-Fe oxid$, 620, 1435, nnnemedlg.Clr, Jff,, xenotimg 10E,639, zircoq 108, 638 ANALYSB bmite, 693, bolttroodite, 736 cblodte, 930, delieroite, 102d graphite, Sheldrickite. a new mineral sruies from 1385, mitryevaite, 1417, sch@pite, 150, sdim boltw@dite, 736, 'A", Mont Saint-Hilairc, Quebe, (Gri@ al), 181 stilbite, 693, unknom ninaal 147, vivimite, 715 "t Short-mge uds in uphibolw: a bond-valenc approeb" (Ifuwthome), 203 Shmgits: the C-rich mks of Krcli4 Rmi4 (Busk et al), 1363 TRACF-EI;EMENT DATA 808,bdzl\33L,352,37L,40, 428, basalt(K-dch), ?J3, SingJe-crystal treutrotr-dihrction study of pyrcpe in the tenpraturc mge Nnopydte, basaltic mdesite, 283,4@, chalopyit€. 603, @ffinite, 651, dscile,283, 30-1173K (Anioli erar.), 1009 4?3, fayalite-b€{itrg gmite, 123, fluompatite, 664, Ilslh St€le B-rcrc SFce-Ql-Cu-Fe-bediry sulfids ud sulfosalts from the Barquiua deposil roks, 856, high-almina olivirc xholeiite, .100, momite, 97, 110, Salafrn€, Spai!, (Peuaet al.),39 orthwlas, 961, pmtlmdite, 603, piqite, 530, pilchblmdr, 651, primitive Structure detemimtion of vistepite SnM&B2SLOr6(OH)2: istypism sith lava, 260, 331, 400, 428, pyrite, 603, 80E, pyroxenite dyke, 552, bustamite,rcvised crystallogmphic data ed @mlDsitioD" (Hybl6 et aL), pyrhotit€, 603, rhyolite, 680, s&dstone, 649, minite, 651, vsvimits, 1283 lnz, vivi@ite, 7m, xmotim, 98, 110. zimn, 110 Tstonometamorphic evolution of lhe southem Taltson Magmstic Zone ud swiated shff mns, north6tqn Alberta, (Gmvtr et aJ.), 1051 TRANSMISSION Fr-ngfRoN II/IICROSCOPY Textre md structre of opal-CT md opal-C in volcmic mkr, (Nage & chlqite, 929, mitryevaite, 1418, opal€, 955, opal{f, 949 Akizuki),947 TWINNING (s als Crystailo€raphy) TEXTUBF^S btimdstonite, 752, cteliemite,1023, gol4 3, mhite,785, shelddckite, baddeleitc, 901, 6itqi!e, 51, @mite, 1198,ostatite-nagnditemk, 183, tapiolite, 703, vistepite, 1285 1228,gmoblastic, 1270,graphilE, 1383,lamproite, 57, lovcirgite, 901, opal-C, 947, oparcT, 7, Pc,M, 16, pyrite (redcal), 1474, shugite, Vein-typa€raphite in the JlJl$ic vol@ic mls of the E dmal Zme of the Betic 1369, sphsulitic fiyolite, 679, unknom Ru-OFk-Fe oxids, 622 Cordillera, muthm Spain, @renche eraJ.), 1379 vqy low-gnde cbluite with momalou chmistry ud opti€l plopctis &om the The Mialim of mlumbite, tatrtalite ed rapiolite in the Suzhougranite, Chitra Maldguide Complex, Betic CordiUm, sp8in, (Ruiz Cro),923 (Wmg sr al), 699 Volmremposition relatiom in on@aically rcned crystals: appli€tim to thmodymic modeling of ignos pw, (Nicholls er al), 1311 The atomic mgement of brokeb$chitq redefiaed a Pbr(Mtrt, Fe*) (VO)/OH), md omenrs m Mn} etahedt4 (Foley et dl.),1,V)7 X-RAY DIITRACTION (s als Cryst l Structre) The chemical wolutiotr md pamgen$if of |roiu minqals tie Ruggls frm CelllttufldoB @d Palmo New llmpshirc, (Kmb Fgmatit$, et aLr,135 benyamixe, 711, boltwoodits, ?40, bmckebuchite, 1028, The crystal chemistry of henvaletrt mim: polyhedroa gometries, brimulstonite! 754, bmgaite, 1516, chlorite, 97, chrcmbismite, 35, bond-valme pameters, ard pollmoiation of polyhedr4 (Btm st at), ctemsnithite, 766, delieBite, 1023, gol4 579, hondxhite-CD, 745, l)Jl jorgeNnite, 177, 1510, kasolite, 740, leiringite, 760, mhite, 785, The crystal strrhrre ud calculatedpovdcrdiffractim daia for zyyrgintsevite, mitryevaite, 1418, norbergite (OH-rich), 1523, nomdit€, 1037, PdrPb,(Szymadski er ar.), 773 nuffeldite, 149, pesvskite, 1307, potaesicpdgsite, 1537,redledgeits, The qt$tal rtmc[reof dmithite, HgtozHg&3qcors, (SzFadski & Ctrut), 1532, sheldrickite, 183, sklodowskite, 740, sodim boltwoodite, 7l1(), 765 tetra-micupdde, 579, nnnamedAu.Cu, 579, tmophme, 740, The crystal structurc ofjghgeNdte, (fbfihme & Bm), 1509 1285, vivimit€, 714 wicksite,778, zvyagints€vite, 774 "irt"pit", The crystal strucbre of teiringite, (Cu&,IvlgZD)r(Mg"Fe)Terco6H.O, (Mrgim et aL),759 Powder Data brerite, 694, bsnyMite, 7U, trimulstoDite, 754, cbsmbimile, 37, The crystal slrucire of wicksite, (C@psr & Hawthome), 777 deliensite, 1024, 579, pphite, 1384, horydthite-CD, 745, The 6fmation of the prcportim fwic eold. of im in the eletroFmi@pmbe amlysis jorgeNenite, f71, mitrysvaite, 1418, tromdite, lO37, of eqphibol6, (Schtrlmhtr), 238 potr$iQargasite, 1538, ehelddckite, 183, stilbite, 694, tetra-uicupride, The inorpmtion of actinidesin mwite md xmotime ftom plae d€positsitr 579, unloom mineral'A", 148, unanedAu30q 579, vi$tepite" 1291, WffterD Astrali4 (Vm Emden€r al), 95 vivimite, 719, zvyaghtseYite, 775 The inflrene of hating on cathodolminMe miisiotr ftom natural calcite, (Mmn),723 Zinc-rich chromite from Pal@prcterczoic onglomtral4 at the Trkwa gold The vuiable rcle of slaMffived fluids in the geo@tiotr of a site of primitive mine, ch'ne, (Wsis & Htd$), 587 calc-alkaline lavs ftom the $uth€|most Ca$ads, C€lifmia, (Bory et Zim- ed wite-fming Betamoryhic mctiom at Meilouwadge. Ontado, dL),425 (Pan), 105 Proceedings of the Russian Mineralogical Society* fM.*- ffi -*/=, RUSSIANACADEMY OF SCIENCES w Volume 126 Number4

Diamondsin suevitesof the Sudburyimpact structure, Canada V.L. Maserus. G.I. SnamaNovsrv,R.A.F. GnrsvE W.V.Pr.nronnv, E.L. BALiN4ASov& I.G. Ftsoonova

Crystalchemistry of rotary substances(on the exampleof paraffins) E.N. KorEL'NrKova.S.K. Fh"ATov& I.V. Fu,ppova

MINERALS AND MINERAL PARAGENESES Heterometryand imperfectness of quartzcrystals from hydrothermalveins of the Urals M.A. Kuaanra,Yu.O. PuNnq,S.V. Mosmrry & T.A. Kenrannu 30

The new genetic type of osumilite occlurence E.V. SoKoL 43

Mechanisn of chemical dispersion in micas A.Kn. Marunu, E.N. Korsl'Nrrova & Yu.O. PuNu,l 54

Peculiarities in calculation of crystallochemical formulae for Fe-bearing tourmalines N.O. Ovcutourov &A.A. ZoLounsv 66

I\[EWMII\ERALS Velikite Cu2HgSnSa(mercurian member of the sta:rnite group) - a new mineral V.S. Gnupev, V.Yu. Vor.cnq, E.M. SpnpoNov, T.L. EvsrrcNrurre, Yu.K. KasAIov, V.I. Sononw' E.G. Osaoc*m" T.N. CHvu,svA &N.M. Currumzove 7l

BerezanskiteKLi:TizSiuOro - a new mineral L.A. Peurov & A.A. AcarclaNov 75

Juonniite- a new mineralof scandiumfrom dolomitic carbonatitesof the Kovdor massif R.P.LnenovrcH. V.N. YarovsNcrrttK" Ya.A. Percrol,tovsrv.A.N. BocpeNovn& S.N.Bnrrvw 80

IIIVESTIGATION TECHMQI]ES F'OR MINERALS, ROCKS AND ORES Applicationof the CISMMI computersystem for identificationof fahloreby reflectancespectra M.M. Bor.pvnsva.V.K. hrnov & O.A. Jarovlsve 89

Separationof granitoidsin the Northernmassif of Chukotkaon the basisof stereometric andevolutionary crystallomorphological analyses V.M. LosAEv 98

ITISTORYOX'SCIENCE Someinsufftciently cleared up pagesin the history of the RussianMineralogical Society (on its 180th anniversary of foundation) V.V. Douvo-DoBRovoLsKY lo7

On the history of investigation of the uranium minerals in Russia and the USSR A.A. Crmnmrov, I.V. Psrov & E.L. MI.rnt,tA 111

OEIIIECTBA fu.p. Vses.Mineral. Obshchest, ..eMf/}4AC ,4c{lci# " AF{39q

Mimernlfuedtrsqphlvy-Skeffi $yssffis &$odffi'sAppres&e$ $s Src qqggffi!'S$rmcmm*Mtareralogy u"yrS, rg, *A 17(2.5 dap) 0frdal sponson: Inmediaetyprecedng rhe GAUMA{Coderence lnl€rnatioodMineralogical Assoclatioa Qudber Commlsnionon OreMineralogy, L{ineralogcal Assodafion (Mfy 18, 19,and 2ffh, 1998) oftM A reviewdttrcvarious ryhemicai symdis iiwohd in the August4 to 7, 199&itr Otrawa(Bootr Streerand cadet0n formaflondmineraliad skamsystems ttrmu$ to rcgonal UniverSty), immediaay prior to the I 7th GeneralMecting metallogenicperspcflvo.Ihe couse shouldh of intercsth of theIMA research geologisb economic in fhisfieldto oelorationisb, Subiecnto h covered:specimenprEaradon, crystal drunistry, asvella$ studens intlrested in undentaadingthese dynarnia opticalmicrosmpy, cathodoluminescence, microham tech- hydrothermalqrtems. niqus for traceelemens (elecron pmh, PDG,SIMS, ICP-MS), Ihis Shortcoursevill h followedbvatqo davMDD-GAC in-situ tsotfiplcel:ral1wrs., image anallses, mineralo$cal Spcia.lSesion entitld: "splematiaof tvtine'rallzed balancing,envimnmental mineralogr. Whenevu posible, ttre foorswill h onexamples HydrothermalSkams" held during the cAC-l\4AC meeting, andapplications. The coune will alsohighlight hlstrumentation availalle in theB@th St€et aswell as a posfmeetingporphyry-skam field hip cas$, h complexof Natr:ral Reource Canada ard will prodde Qu6ecincludlng tik GaSporphynT+kamCu (Mo) dEosir labralorydemomtaUons. pleaseconun: Dare tenu Xg,ffi #r_ffifon, Forfurtm infonnalion,contd: Imis Cabd e+nail: [email protected] E-malll,::!!r3)?e96n: rc.aDnwnrcr{L8cea THE GANADIAN MINER/ALOGIST

Journal of the Mineralogical Association of Ganada

R.F. Maftin, Editor

Volume 35, 1997


Platinum-group minerals in gold-bearing placers associatedwith the VeluCe ophiolite cornplex, Yugoslavia S. Knsud& M. TenrraN I

Iodargyrite as an indicator of arid climatic conditions and its association with gold-bearing glacial tills of the Chibougamau - Chapais area, Quebec D.R. BoYIE 23 Chrombismite, BircCrOn, a new mineral species from the Jialu gold mine, Shaa$i Province, China Znou XrNcHuN,YaN Jwcar, WaNc Gualu

Sn-Ge{d{u-Fe-bearing sulfides and sulfosalts from the Barquilla deposit, Salamancq Spain M.I. Pascua, A. Murusco, E. PsLLrrEno, J. BesKnrE & Y. Dusausov 39

Mineralogy of leucite-bearing dykes from Napoleon Bay, Baffin Island: multistage Proterozoic lamproites D.D. Hocannr 53

Hydrotermal alteration and tourmaline-albite equilibria at the Coxheath porphyry Cu-Mo-Au deposit, Nova Scotia G. Lyxcrr & J. Ormca 79 'me The incorporation of actinides in monazite and xeno from placer deposits in Western Australia B. VaN Erow, M.R. TuonrnER, J. GRAHAM& F.J. Lrycoln 95

Tncon- and monazite-forming metamorphic reactions at Manitouwadge, Ontario YueNmNc PaN 105

![anganoan-fayalite-bearing granitic pegmatite from Quirr"a Sardinia: relation to host plutonic rocks and tectonic affiliation E. PANr,R. RIzo & M. RelDsspp LL9

The chemical evolution and paragenesisof uranium minerals from the Ruggles and Palermo granitic pegmatites, New Hampshire S.L. Konan, E.E. Foonn & F.E. Llcrrre 135

Additional studies on mixed uranyl oxide-hydoxide hydrate alteration products of uraninite from the Palermo and Ruggles granitic pegmatites, Grafton County, New Hampshire E.B. FooRD, S.L. Konan, F.E. Ltcrrre & J.J. FrraernrcK 145

The Volta Grande pegmatites, Minas Gerais, Brazil: an example of rare-element peCmatites exceptionally enriched in lithium and rubidium M. LAcAcHE & J. QuAdNeuR 153 Lithium in sekakinaite from the type locality, DolniBory Czech Republic P. CfERNf,R. CHApMAN,W. SqnsyE& L. Ortounn, P.Borrrzzt & C.A. McCaMlaoN 167

J0rgensenite,Naz(Sr,Ba)ral.[azAluFoa(OH,D+, a new aluminofluoride mineral from lvigtut, Greenland H. Pnu,v, F.C. tIAwrrrRoNE, P.C. BunNs & G. Deu.A VENruRA 175

Sheldrickite, a new sodium--fluorocarbonate mineral species from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec J.D. GrucE.R.A. Gaurr & J. VaNVs-rnuml 181

Phasetransitions in the series boracite - trembathite - congoliG: an infrared spectroscopic study P.C. Bururs & M.A. CanpsNTEn 189

Short-range order in amphiboles: a bond-valence approach F.C. IIAwTIoRNE 203

Nomenclature of amphiboles: report of the Subcommittee onAmphiboles of the International Mineralogical Association, Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names B.E.l,nere,et al. 2I9


Preface G.T.NxoN &A.D. JornvsroN 253 himitive magmas in arc-type volcanic associations: examples from the Southwest Pacific I.E.M. Surm, T.J. WorumtcroN, R.C. PrucB & J.A. GaMrr"s 257 himitive K-rich magmas from Clark Volcano, soulhern Kermadec Arc: a paradox in the K - depth relationship J.A. Geurr-u, R.H.K. Cmnrq I.C. Wnrcrr & R.J. WvsoczeNsn n5 himitive ankaramitic magmas in volcanic arcs: a melt-inclusion approach F.N. Ds[A-PAseuA & R. VARNE 291

Origin of high-An plagioclase in Tongan high-Ca boninites: implications for plagioclase melt equilibria at low P(H2O) L.V. DaxrusrnvsKY, M.R. Cennou & T.J. Fer-loott 3L3

Emichment processesin the sub-arc mantle: a Sr Nd Pb isotopic and REE study of primitive arc basalts from the Philippines U. KNrrn-;s, E. IIecNrn, M. Beu & M. SATR. 3n

Aspects of magma sources and processesin the Honshu Arc D.A. Gusr, R.J.ARcuLUs&A.B. KeRsr[.lo 347

Diverse primitive magmas in the Cascadearc, northem Oregon and southernWashinglon R.M. Cormrv. D.R. Srcnnop. P.R.Hoopen & D.A. SwaNsoN 367

Primitive magmas at five Cascadesvolcanic fields: melts from hot, heterogeneoussub-arc mantle C.R. BecoN, P.E. BnuccueN, R.L. CIrRrsrIANsEN, M.A. Crvr.rNs.J.M. DottNu-rv-NoLAN &W. Hu-onerg 397

The variable role of slab-derived fluids in the generation of a suite of primitive calc-alkaline lavas from the southernmost Cascades.California L.E. BoRG.M.A. CrvNrle & T.D. Buu-aN 425

Olivine and chromian spinel in primitive calc-alkaline and tholeiitic lavas from the southernmost CascadeRange, California: a reflection of relative fertility of the source M.A. CLvNlts&L.E. Bonc 453

Extensional tectonics and the diverse primitive volcanic rocks in the Western Mexican Volcanic Belt J.F. Lutn M3

Evolution of magmas in continental and oceanic arcs: fhe role of the lower crust S.M. DSBARI 501

Petrology of picritic basalts from Kamloops, British Columbia: primary liquids from a Tliassic-Jurassic arc J.K. Russs;l & L.D. SNYDER 521

Petrology and geochemisty of pyroxenite dykes in upper mantle peridotites of the North Arm Mountain massrf, Bay of Islands ophiolite, Newfoundland: implications for the genesis of boninitic and related magmas V. Vanrerw, R. HEsEKr, J.H. BEpeno & M.R. LaruBcun 543 Gold-copper alloy mingrals from the Ker mine, Ontario S.W. Ktms & M.B. FLEEr 573

Zinc-rich cbromite from PaleoproGrozoic conglomerates at the Takwa gold mine, Ghana T.W.WsBsn&W.Hrnoss 587

Pt, Pd and other tace elements in sulfides of the Main Sulfide Zone, Great Dyke, Zimbabwe: a reconnaissancestudy T. OneRTHiI&L.J. Cannr, T.W. WsIsER, G. MCMAHON& P. MUII,iER 597

In sin altpranon ofplatinum-group minerals at low temperature: evidence from serpentinized and weathered chromitite of the Vourinos Complex, Greece G. Gerum & F. ZAccAR[,[ 611

Characterization of multiple fluid-flow events and rare-earth mobility associatedwith formation of unconformity-type uranium deposi* in ttre Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan M. FAYEK&T.K. KYSER 6N

Rare-earth elements in fluorapatite, Separation Lake area, Ontario: evidence for S-type granite - rare-element pegmatite linkage YuaxNmtc P,cN& F.W. BREAKs 659

Phosphorus-enriched,S-type Middle River rhyolite, TetagoucheGroup, northwestern New Brunswich petrogenetic implications D.R. LsNrz 673

Barrerite and other zeolites from Kiu and Kupreanof islands, Alaska F.DtRsNzo &2. GasBUca 69L

The association of columbite, tantalite and tapiolite in the Suzhou granite, China Ru CmNc, Wanc F. FotrraN, Sru JN Xu, Xreo MNc CUBN& P. MoNcnoux 699

Benyacarite, a new titanium-bearing phosphate mineral species from Cerro Blanco, Argentina F. Druarrnq, H. Dwe Glv, C.M. Gneveccrou & T. Ptr Afi 707

Relatively unoxidized vivianite in limnic coal from Capeni, Baraolt Basin, Romania S. MARn{qEA,E. CotlsnlNrnmscu & J. Lanntrns 713

The influence of heating on cathodoluminescenceemission from naJural calcite R.A. MAsoN 723

A new method of synthesis of boltwoodite and of formation of sodiumboltwoodite, uranophane, sklodowskite and kasolite from boltwoodite R. VocrrrsN. N. BLATo\ O. BsrERs, K. VAN SPRNcEL& L. VeNHawnaec 735

Horvdthite-(Y), rare-earth fluorocarbonate, a new mineral species from Mont Saint-Llilafue, Quebec J.D. Gruce & G.Y. CHAo 743

Brianroulstonite: a new borate mineral with a sheet structure J.D. Gnrcs. R.A. Germ & J. VaN Veltsuml 75L

The crystal structure of leisingite, (Cu2+,MgZn)z(Mg,Fe)TeeOo.6HzO S.M. MancIsoN. J.D. Gnrce & L.A. GnoAr 759

The crystal structure of deanesnithite, 11gt+rgg2+3Cr6+O5Sz J.T. Sznraefun & L.A. GR.o r 765

The crystal structure and calculated powder-diftaction data for zqyagintseyite, Pd3Pb J.T. Szrrraefsn, L.J. CnsRI & J.H.G. Lerr amae 773

The crystal structre of wicksite M.A. Cooprn & F.C. tlawupnNe 777

A note on the crystal structure of marshite M.A. CoopeR & F.C. H,+w'uronNs 785

New minerals recently approved by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names, Internatonal MineralogicalAssociation J.A. Maxpennp & J.D. Grucr 787

BOOKREVIEWS 797 "Invisible" gold in sulfides ftom the Campbell mine, Red [,ake greenstonebel! Ontario: evidence for mineralization during the peak of metamorphism C.A. TARNocAr,I( Helroru & L.J. CasRr 805

Diversity of precious-metal minsmli2ldsa io footwall Cu-Ni-PGE deposits, Sudbury, Ontario: implications for hydrothermal models of formation C.E.G. Fannow & D.H. WarmlsoN 817

Chemostratigraphic, alGration, and oxygen isotopic hends in a profile through the stratigraphic sequencehosting the Heath Steel B zone massive sulfide,leposrt, New Brunswick D.R. LsNrz, D.C. HAII & L.D. Hov 841

First tenestrial occurrence oftitanium-rich pyrrhotite, maxcasiteand pyrite in a fenitized xenotth from the Khibina alkaline complex, Russia A.Y. BARKov, K.V.O. Laaron, Yu.P. MsN'srilKov, T.T.Ar,aus'il & S.J. SwolrsN 875

Ruthenian pyrite and nickeloan malanite from the Imandra layered complex, northwesGrn Russia A.Y. Bamov, T.A.A. Har,ro,cHo, K.V.O. Laaroru, T.T. Araron & R.A. hunn 887

Loveringite and baddeleyite in layers of chromian spinel from the Bracco ophiolitic unit, northem Apennines,Italy R. CasBrA, M.GAzzorr& G. Luccrnrn 899

Epitactic overgrowths and intergrowths of clinopyroxene on orthopyroxeae; implications for paths of crystallization, 1881 lava flow, Mauna Loa volcano, Hawaii J. Mcttot ts & M.Z. Srour 9W

Very low-grade chlorite with anomalous chemistry and optical properties from the Mal6guide Complex, Betic Cordilleras, Spain M.D. RuIz CRuz 923

La composition chimique du x6notime en Limousin, Massif Cenfal, France G. SasouRDv"J.-P. SAGoN& P. Psrnn 937

Texture and structure of opal-CT and opal-C in volcanic rocks T. Nacass & M. Arrzun 941

Alkali feldspar in the peraluminous South Mountain Batlolith, Nova Scotia: trace-element data D.J. Korrar & R.F. Marrry 959

Rare-earth-element-activated cathodoluminescencein apatite R.H. Mrrcuul, IAN XIoNc, A.N. MeruaNo & M.E. FLEEr 979

Raman study of the microbially mediated dissolution of pyrite by Thiobadllus ferrooxid.aw K. SesaK 999

Single-crystal neutron-diffraction study of pyrope in the temperature range 3G-1173 K G. Arnou, A. PAvFiE, K. SrAru & R.K. McMuuaN 1009

Deliensite, Fe(UO2)2(SOa)z(OH)z.3HzO,a new ferrous uranyl sulfate hydroxyl hydrate from Mas d'Alary, Loddve, H6raulq France R. Vocrrnn, N. Br-cror.I & O. PeErERs lO21'

The anatomic arrangement of brackebuschite, redefined as Pb2(Mn3+,fe3+XVO+)z(OtD,and comnents on Mn3+ octahedra J.A. FoI-ev. J.M. HucrBs & D. LaNcs L027

Normandite, the Tl-analogue of ltvenite, from Mont Saint-llilaire, Quebec G.Y. Cruo & R.A. Geurr 1035



Preface R.G. BSRMAN& R.M. BAsroN L0/9

Tectonometamorphic evolution of the soutiern Taltson Magmatic Zone and associatedshear zones, northeastemAlberta T.W. Gnovm" D.R.M. PAr'flsoN. M.R. McDoNouqr & V.J. McNIco[ 1051

Metamorphism in tle northern Taltson MagmaticZnte, Northwest Territories R.G. BSRMAN& H.H. Bosxrcr 1069

Metamorphic P-T paths from the easternFlin Flon Belt and Kisseynew Domain, Snow Lake, Manitoba T. MSNARD& T.M. GonnoN 1093

A thermal gradient at constant pressure: implications for low- to medium-pressure metamorphism in a compressional tectonic setting, Flin Flon and Kisseynew domains, Trans-Hudson orogen, Manitoba J. Kreus & T. MSNARD LllT

Metamorphism in the Paleoproterozoic Torngat Orogen, Labrador: petrology and P-T:-tpaths of amphibolite- and granulite-facies rocks across the Komalcorvik shear zone F.MSNcEL&T.RrvEns 1137

Garnet-kyanite clinopyroxenites and garnet-kyanite restites from the Manicouagan Imbricate Zone: 6 sass ef high-P - high-T metamorphism in the Grenville Province A. h{DARFS 1161

Metamorphic signatures of faulting in the Manicouagan Reservoir region, Grenville Province, eastern Quebec A. Hvwrs &A. Sr-JruN ll73 Grenvillian metamorphism of the Sudbury diabase dyke-swarm: from protolith to two-pyroxene - garnet coronite K.M. BnfiruNs &A. DavpsoN 1,L9L

Petrology of the Flinton Creek metaperidotites: enstatite - magnesite and anthophyllite - magnesite assemblagesfrom the Grenville Province F.D. Fonn & G.B. Srrprry l22L

A compilation of thermobarometric data from the Metasedimentary Belt of the Grenville hovince, Ontario and New York State M.M. Srnrspsy, E.J. ESSENE& B.A. veN osn PLUrM L237

High-grade metamorphism in the western Cape Breton Highlands, Nova Scotia, and its relation to tectonism K.L. Cunru & G. Lvncs L249

Iligh-pressure K-feldspar-vesuvianite-bearing assemblagein tle Central Metasedimentary Belt of the Grenville Province, Saint Jovite are4 Quebec R. Bococr, S. Kwtenars; & A. Mlt'nryws 1269 Rubidium-rich feldspars in a granitic pegmatite from the Kola Peninsula, Russia D.K. TEERrsrRc,P. dERNf & F.C. Hew'nronxs 7n7

Structure determination of vistepite SnMnaBzSiaOro(OtI)z: isotypism with bustamite, revised crystallographic data and composition J. HysLER, V. Psri.ldEr, K. Junn6 R. SKTLA& I. ClsaiovA 1283

Compositional variation of perovskite-group minerals from ttre carbonatite complexes of ttre Kola alkaline province, Russia A. Cuarcnaounaonn & R.H. MrrcHBr 1,293

Volume.-composition relations in concentrically zoned crystals: application to thermodynamic modeling of igneous processes J. NrcHorJ.s, M.Z. Srour, J. Mecnecer & P. MTcHAB- 13ll

Petrological and geochemical significance of a Devonian replacement zone in the Cambrian Rosebery massive sulfide deposit, western Tasmania Krmq 2w, R.R. Lancr & D.L. HusroN 1.325

A revised computer program for amphibole classification K.L. Cunrue 1351


ERRATA 1358 Shungites: the C-rich rocks of Kmelia. Russia P.R. BusEcIq L,P. Ger-nosnle, V.V. Kovar,rvsn, N.N. ROZil(OVA.J.W. VAUJE.Y&A.2. ZAIDNBBRG T363

Vein-type graphite in Jurassic volcanic rocts of the Extern al 7-nneof the Betic Cordillera, southern Spain J,F. BNnsNEcuEA, F.J. Lueue, M. Ropas & J.D. Pasrmn 1379

Fluid-inclusion volatile analysis by gas chromatography: application of a wide-bore porous-polymer capillary column to the separation of organic and inorganic compounds S. Salvr &A.E. Wu:.nus-JoNEs L391

Mtryaevaite, Alro[(POa)s.z(SO:OtI)r.r]>roAlFr.30HzO, a new mineral species from a Cambrian carbonaceouschert formation, Karatau Range ardZhabagly Mountains, southern Kazakhstan E.A. ANrrmovtctt, G.K. BsKBNovA,T.A. SUABANovA, I.S. ZezusNe & S.M. SeNpounsrave l4l5

Chlorine-poor analogues of djerfisherite - thalfenisite from Noril'sk, Siberia. and Salmagorsky, Kola Peninsula, Russia A.Y. Bamov, K.V.O. Laeroru, S.A. GEHOR, Y.N. Yerovrev & O. Taxwe-Aqo L42l

Occurrence of unknown Ru-Os-Ir-Fe oxides in the chromitites of ttre Nurali ulramafic complex, souftrern Urals, Russia G. Gamru, F. Zaccannu, R. Cens[A & G. FlnsrrareR 1.43L

Placer Os-Ir-Ru alloys and sulfides: indicators of suthr fugacity in an ophiolite? M. Nerecawe & H.E.A. FRANco lMl

Origin of sulfide blebs in variably metasomatized mantle xenoliths, Quaternary Wesl Bifgl vslsenis field, Germany C.S.J. Srnw L453

Ore minerals of the Cofer volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit Louisa County, Virginia J.W. Mui.eR & J.R. Cnerc L465

Chemical state of gold deposited from quenched Mg-S-H-O fluids by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy S.W. KNps & M.E. Fmsr 1485

Refinement of the crystal structure of nuftieldite, PbzCur.a(Pbo.a3io.aSbo.z)BizSz:structural relationships and genesis of complex lead sulfosalt structures Y. MoBo, A. Mrpnscraur & E. MAKoYIcKY 1497

The crystal structure of jprgensenite F.C. HewrronNs & P.C. Bunus 1509

Refinement of the crystal structure of burangaite J.B. SH-IvAy,M.A. Coopr,n & F.C. HawrHonNe 1515

New data on the structure of norbergite: location of by X-ray diftaction F. CAMARA 1523

Redledgeite, Bal[Cr,Fe,Vla+zrTie-zr)Ore, the l4lm structure and elucidation of the sequenceof tunnel Ba cations I.A. For.sv, J.M. HucHes & J.W. DnBx.:m. 1531

Potassicpargasite,a new member of the amphibole group from Pargas,Tlrku-Pori, Finland G.'W.RoBtrIsoN, J.D. GRIcE,R.A. Gaurt &A.E. LALoNDE 1535

Quintinite-2H, quintinite-3r, charm?[ite-2a, chamarite-3Z, and caresite-3?, a new group of carbonale minerals related to the hydlelalsite - manasseiG group. G.Y. Ctreo & R.A. Geutr l54L

The crystal chemistry of hexavalent uranium: polyhedron geometries, bond-valence parameters, and polymerization of polyhedra P.C. BuRNs, R.C. Ewutc & F.C. IllwuronNs 1551

Recommended nomenclature for zeolite minerals: report of the Subcommittee on Zeolites of the International Mineralogical Association, Qsmmisslel on New Minerals and Mineral Names D.S. Coorvnser al l57L


Index. Volume 35 J.D. Scorr 1611