Three to Receive Honorary Degrees Here Thursday Syracuse University
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Weather— Or Not— Clearing skys today with bright Sneaky issue: He who goes away haze followed by Sun on Thursday. for the weekend has no right to com- Clouding up by next weekend. plain because, he doesn't like today's FIAT LUX paper. Vol. 38. No. 6 TUESDAY OCTOBER 30, 1951, ALFRED, NEW YORK Telephone 5402 Two Will Receive Degrees Syracuse University Three to Receive IBM Prexy Kcuka Prexy Honorary Degrees Chancellor to Speak Here Thursday At Founders Day Alfred University is awarding three honorary degrees at the Founders Day ceremonies Thursday. Dr. William Tolley Will Get Recipients of the degrees will be William Pearson Tolley, chan- cellor of Syracuse University, John G. Phillips, president of Inter- Seventeenth Honorary Degree national Business Machines Corporation, and Dr. Catherine Gillette An academic procession consisting of the Class of'52 and the Al- Blyley, president of Keuka College. fred faculty will file to the Men's Gym Thursday to hear William. An honorary doctor of laws shall be awarded to John G. Phillips. Hie has Pearson Tolley, chancellor of Syracuse University, speak at the held every corporate position in the Bloodmobile Station Pounders Day assembly at 11 a. m. IBM organization, as well as serving Dr Tolley was graduated from Syracuse University in 1922 as a member of the board of dir- Will be Union Nov. 7 with a B. A. ( M. 1924). He enter- ectors and a member of the IBM ex- The Rochester Bloodmobile comes ecutive and finance committee. ed the Drew Theological Seminary to Alfred on Nov. 7. The Union has from which he received a B. D. in Mr. Phillips began his business ca- been turned over for the blood pro- 1925. He also received an M. A. from reer in 1907 as a timekeeper with the gram work for that day; the hours are Drew and a Ph. D. from Columbia. Erie Railroad. He joined IBM in- 1918. from 9 to 5. Between 1923 and 1931, he taught and In the next 24 years Mr. Phillips "Our quota is the same as last year Was administrator for Drew Univer- held eight different offices in the cor- —180 pints. This means we need over sity. 200 donors who must be between the poration. In 1947, he was elected exec- In 1931, Dr. Tolley became president utive vice- president. In September ages of 18 and 59," said Wesley Par- ish, blood chairman. "Those under 21 of Allegany College and continued to 1949, he was elected president by the direct the school's activities for 11 board of directors. are requested to get waivers signed Robed Seniors to Parade Mr. Phillips is first vice-president i by their guardians." years. On Sept. 1, 1942, he became ! In Founders' Day Rites Band Uniform chancellor of Syracuse University and of the New York post of the American Here is the chance for the man 1 has held that post since then. Ordnance Association, a trustee of the of the street to help those in the ser- All seniors are required to be ' Robert Packer Hospital in Ridge- vice and in our hospitals," he added. present at the Founders' Day cere- Problem Heads During World War II, he established wood, N. J., director of the First Nat- This blood is freely donated and re- mony to be held Thursday at 11 the War Service College, a Psychologi- ional Bank, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and turned to the patient without charge a.m. in the Men's Gym. cal Service Center and the Evaluation general chairman of the 1950 and 1951 for the blood. Sheets will be avail- Members of the senior class Service Center. He led the University New York City 70th and 71st Anniver- able next week to make appointments; will robe in Physics Hall, line up Toward Senate in starting two branch colleges at sary Appeals of the Salvation Army. this lessens crowding at certain hours. on State Street and be ready to A uniformed' football band may be Binghamton and Utica and helped or- He is affiliated with many other or- march in the academic procession one step nearer reality after tonight's ganize the Associated Colleges of Up- ganizations. at 10:40 a.m. Other arrangements meeting of the Student Senate. A six per New York State. He was chair- member delegation from Student Af- In June, 1961, Hartwick College will be" made in case of inclement man of the Executive Committee ot Confused AU weather. fairs Committee will broach the prob- the Associated Colleges. awarded the honorary degree of doctor lem to the Senate. of laws to Mr. Phillips. Please, implores the Registrar's Dr. Tolley is a director of the New First Woman President office, wear mortarboards straight, The delegation headed by Chickie York Telephone Company, the First Dr. Blyley, appointed president off Students Were not to one side or on the back of Ballman and including Anthony Cap- Trust and Deposit Company, Syracuse, Keuka College in 1947, has been an the head. padonia, band leader; Brad Kinsman, N. Y. and the Security Mutual Lite educator for several years. She will Bob Mangels and Charles Quick, band Insurance Company, Binghamton, N. be awarded honorary doctor of laws Assembly Topic members: Lou Rosen was named by Y. degree here. "How To Be An Alfred student and SAC to begin a campaign for band Appropriation uniforms. Delegates will appear be- In addition Dr. Tolley has held high She taught English and English lit- Stay Sane" was the discussion in positions in the Association of Amer- Thursday's assembly, in Alumni Hall. fore the Senate tonight with possible erature at Skidmore College and Thiel alternatives for raising the necessary ican Colleges, College Presidents Assoc- College. Joining the staff of Keuka Members of the panel were Dr. Roland Blanks Are funds: an out and out fund drive, iation of Penn., Educational Associa- English departmene in 1939 she was Warren, sociology department head, proceeds from dances, movies and tion of the Methodist Church, Amerioaa appointed dean in 1941. Dean Joseph Seidttin of the graduate band concerts. Pi Gamma Mu Council on Education, the New York A graduate of Elmira College, Dr. school, Dr. Melvin Bernstein, head o£ Due Thursday State Citizens Council, and the Syra- Blyley holds an M. A. from Columbia the panel and Chaplain Myron Sibley. According to Mr. Cappadonia the "Appropriation blanks must be re- uniforms will cost about $60 each. Will Accept cuse Onondaga Post-War Planning University and a Ph. D. from the Uni- "Alfred students meet certain values turned to the Senate by Nov. 1," Joe About 60 are needed for the present Counci. versity of Pittsburgh. and hazards, social and mental, during Amdur, chairman of the appropria- band. A goal for this year's fund Dr. Tolley has an impressive record She is a former member of the Col- their four years, here," said Dr. War- tions commute told the Student Senate drive, if one materializes, would be set of honorary degrees. lege Council, New York State Board ren, moderator, and his three colleagues last week. at about $1000. AU Eligibles He was awarded an honorary D. D. of Regents, and former chairman o£ then described the status of the enter- Dr. Willis Russell of the history de- at Mt. Union College, Alliance, Ohio la the committee on the status of pro- Setting Thursday for the "Closing- The band uniform question was one ing freshman. off Day" fty clubs to file application of three problems presented at the partment has announced the require- 1931; an honorary Ltt. D. degrees at fessional women in higher education Agreeing that confusion, a carryover Grove City, (Penn.) College in 1938; of the National Association of Deans for Senate funds this year, Amdur said SAC annual picnic Thursday at the ments for all those who wish to join from adolescence, prevails among Al- not very many organizations had re- Rod and Gun Club. Other items on Pi Gamma Mu, a national honorary at Northwestern University, Allegany of Women. fred students, the panel traced the College, Bucknell University and Villa- sponded yet. All clubs who received the agenda included a report by Dr. history society. First woman president of Keuka causes of bewilderment. "They have money last year have been sent blanks R. G. Eisenhardt and Mrs. Alice Mc- nova College in 194&; at Temple Uni- and the fourth president of the college dropped from that high status as a and are expected to return them if Dermott, on the Clawson Health Cen- The local qualifications, which must versity, Juaniata College and Colgate since its inception as a college for high school senior to a college fresh- they want any money, Amdur conclu- ter and a lengthy discussion of the meet national standards, include a 2. University in 1944; and at Boston Uni- women in 1921, Dr. Blyley is a member man; then we leadi them through the ded. future of intercollegiate athletics at accumulative index, 30 hours in the versity and the University of Chatta- of Phi Beta Kappa, honorary scholas- history of civilizaion to 20th century Alfred led by Director James1 A. Me- nooga in 1950; an honorary L. HI D. The Senate in another Short session social sciences with a B average and tic fraternity. She also holds member-, confuslon>.. sald Dr. Bernstein. Lane. degree at Hamilton College in 1943; (ship in several other educational or- Tuesday night, also heard a request no mark below a C. Students must Albion College in 1945 and Hobart and "During their four years," added Dr. for financial investigation of the Kan- During the football discussion Me- ganizations.