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2017-12-05 fluctuations in human population demonstrate repeated links to food production and climate

Bevan, A


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Bevan A, Colledge S, Fuller D, Fyfe R, Shennan S and Stevens C (2017) Holocene fluctuations in population demonstrate repeated links to food production and climate PNAS E10524-E10531

DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1709190114

1 69 2 Holocene fluctuations in human population 70 3 71 4 demonstrate repeated links to food production and 72 5 73 6 74 7 climate 75 8 1 2 3 4 1 1 76 9 Andrew Bevan , Sue Colledge , Dorian Fuller , Ralph Fyfe , Stephen Shennan , Chris Stevens 77 10 1University College London, 2UCL, London, UK, 3University College London, Institute of , 4University of Plymouth 78 11 79 12 Submitted to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 80 13 81 14 We consider the long-term relationship between human demogra- world, the anthropogenic radiocarbon record is insufficient to 82 15 phy, food production and Holocene climate via an archaeological support such aggregate treatment, in Britain and there 83 16 radiocarbon date series of unprecedented sampling density and is a long -resourced tradition of sampling, both from active- 84 17 detail. There is striking consistency in the inferred human popula- mode academic research and responsive-mode, development- 85 18 tion dynamics across different regions of Britain and Ireland during led archaeology. Furthermore, parts of Britain and Ireland lie 86 19 the middle and later Holocene. Major cross-regional population towards the perceived margins of effective European-type agri- 87 20 downturns in population coincide with episodes of more abrupt culture and thereby can offer many of the same insights on middle 88 21 change in north Atlantic climate and witness societal responses in and later Holocene population stability, climate change and food 89 22 food procurement as visible in directly dated plants and animals, production as other north Atlantic Islands (Greenland, Iceland), 90 23 often with moves towards hardier cereals, increased pastoral- but for a much longer and larger history of human settlement. We 91 24 ism and/or gathered resources. For the , this evidence have therefore gathered over 30,000 existing archaeological dates 92 25 questions existing models of wholly endogenous demographic from British and Irish databases, publications and grey literature 93 26 boom-bust. For the widerSubmission Holocene, it demonstrates that climate- reports, while alsoPDF recording information about sample prove- 94 27 related disruptions have been quasi-periodic drivers of societal and nance, context and material/species (figure 1). The changing 95 28 subsistence change. intensity of this anthropogenic radiocarbon record through time 96 29 can be modelled via summation of the post-calibration probability 97 30 radiocarbon | archaeology | Britain | Ireland distributions of individual dates (see Materials and Methods). 98 31 99 Results and Discussion 32 Introduction 100 33 Looking at the overall summed distribution (figure 1C), there 101 The relationship between human population dynamics, crises 34 is a dramatic upswing in radiocarbon dates ca.4000-3850 BCE 102 in food production and rapid climate change is a pressing 35 that coincides closely with the first arrival of Early Neolithic 103 modern concern in considerable need of higher resolution, 36 cereal agriculture in Britain and Ireland. Although caution is 104 chronologically-longitudinal perspectives. We have collected a 37 required in inferring actual population growth rates directly from 105 large series of radiocarbon dates from archaeological sites in 38 rates-of-change in summed radiocarbon, the latter values exceed 106 Britain and Ireland, which is a globally unique region for (a) 39 1% during this earliest phase, are unlikely to be explained by 107 its high density of archaeological radiocarbon sampling, (b) its 40 increased fertility amongst farming groups alone and must in 108 unusually high proportion of well-identified botanical and faunal 41 part therefore be due to migrant farmers from the European 109 material and (c) its balance of dates from both research projects 42 mainland, a conclusion that is consistent with current archaeo- 110 and rescue archaeology. For the first time, this high-resolution 43 111 evidence can be considered over four different geographic re- 44 112 gions and a broad Holocene timespan as a proxy for human 45 113 demographic variability and subsistence response. We identify Significance 46 114 several episodes of regionally-consistent population decline – the 47 115 later 4th millennium BCE, the early 1st millennium BCE and The relationship between human population, food production 48 116 the 13th-15th century CE respectively – that also appear associ- and climate change is a pressing concern in need of high- 49 resolution, long-term perspectives. Archaeological radiocar- 117 50 ated with episodes of rapid Holocene climate change towards bon dates have increasingly been used to reconstruct past 118 more unstable, cooler-wetter conditions. We also demonstrate population dynamics, and Britain and Ireland provide both 51 radiocarbon sampling densities and species-level sample iden- 119 52 the existence of structured responses to these changes in the form 120 of altered human food production strategies. The most obvious tifications that are globally unrivalled. We use this evidence to 53 demonstrate multiple instances of human population down- 121 54 such episodes during the middle and later Holocene are likely turn over the Holocene that coincide with periodic episodes 122 55 consistent with altered north Atlantic storm regimes, reduced of reduced solar activity and climate reorganisation as well 123 solar insolation and climate-related cultural and demographic as societal responses in terms of altered food procurement 56 strategies. 124 57 impacts across north-western . 125 58 Archaeological radiocarbon dates typically come from sam- Reserved for Publication Footnotes 126 59 ples of bone, charred or waterlogged wood and seeds that are 127 60 taken in order to date specific stratigraphic events in the surviving 128 61 archaeological record. When considered in large-scale aggregate 129 62 however, they also provide an anthropogenic signal of changing 130 63 overall levels of past human activity and ultimately population. 131 64 Some commentators highlight taphonomic and investigative bi- 132 65 ases in this record, but there is increasing agreement that, if 133 66 these biases are controlled for and if the number of available 134 67 dates is sufficiently high, an important demographic signal re- 135 68 mains (see Materials and Methods). While in many areas of the 136 ------PNAS Issue Date Volume Issue Number 1--?? 137 205 138 206 139 207 140 208 141 209 142 210 143 211 144 212 145 213 146 214 147 215 148 216 149 217 150 218 151 219 152 220 153 221 154 222 155 223 156 224 157 225 158 226 159 227 160 228 161 229 162 Submission PDF 230 163 231 164 232 165 233 166 234 167 Fig. 1. (A) The kernel-smoothed intensity of archaeological radiocarbon 235 dates from Britain and Ireland showing uneven spatial sampling (the sub- 168 regions used in figure 2 are marked with white borders), (B) the proportion 236 169 of dated samples with genus or species level identifications, (C) a summed 237 170 probability distribution of all dates compared with a 95% Monte-Carlo 238 171 envelope of equivalent random samples drawn from a fitted logistic model 239 172 of population growth and plateau. 240 173 241 174 242 175 logical and genetic evidence (1,2). After this Early Neolithic peak, 243 176 there follows decline ca.3500-3000 BCE and continued moderate 244 downturn thereafter. This is followed by slow Late Neolithic and 177 ∼ 245 178 Early recovery up to a new peak 2000 BCE, again 246 for which there is a strong isotopic and genetic argument in favour 179 Fig. 2. Regional summed probability distributions – for (A) south-east Eng- 247 of significant population replacement by groups from continental 180 ∼ land, (B) northern/western England and Wales, (C) Scotland and (D) Ireland 248 181 Europe (2,3,4). After 1000 BCE (the last part of the Bronze – compared with a 95% Monte Carlo envelope produced by permutation of 249 182 Age), there is then another striking decline and, while a higher each date’s regional membership. 250 183 uncertainty in the calibration curve at this point inhibits precise 251 characterisation of timing and duration, substantial recovery is 184 ∼ 252 185 only visible again by 400 BCE. The Roman period exhibits a others (CV=0.52, with the range of the other three being 0.39- 253 186 trough in the aggregate radiocarbon time series that is unlikely 0.42). In addition, the specific local radiocarbon trends exhibited 254 187 to represent a valid picture in England and Wales due to a far by a given region in excess or deficit of the cross-regional pattern 255 188 weaker tradition of dating Roman sites via radiocarbon (where typically match very well with that region’s known archaeolog- 256 189 and coinage is typically used for dating instead, over ical record, such as the very reduced archaeological evidence 257 the period ∼50-400 CE), but may well be valid in Scotland and from Ireland in the Roman period ∼1-400 CE and then sharper 190 ∼ 258 191 Ireland (see below and Supplementary Information 2). After the than average upward Irish growth 400-800 CE in a period 259 192 Roman period, there is evidence for sustained early Medieval of both peak, archaeologically-observed settlement activity and 260 193 growth, followed by an abrupt decline approximately consistent historically-documented Irish monastic influence abroad (Sup- 261 194 with the demographic collapse surrounding the historically well- plementary Information 2). However, it is striking that all four 262 195 documented episodes of the and chosen sub-regions show the same sharp Early Neolithic demo- 263 (∼1270-1450 CE). graphic peak ∼4000-3500 BCE then decline, the same peak at 196 ∼ 264 197 This radiocarbon record can be further disaggregated into the beginning of the Bronze Age 2000 BCE, Late Bronze Age 265 sub-regions (following commonly proposed divisions, 5) to decline ∼1000-800 BCE, a subsequent peak in the Late 198 ∼ ∼ 266 199 consider local consistency with, or departure from, the pan- 250 BCE and then decline in the later Medieval period 1250 267 200 regional pattern (figure 2). Restricting comparison to the post- CE at the end of the sequence. The particular cross-regional 268 201 period where dynamics are more abrupt, north-west consistency at these points in the overall time series suggests an 269 202 England/Wales versus Scotland exhibits the highest pairwise cor- exogenous factor of some kind. 270 203 relation (with the range among all regional pairs being r=0.69- Evidence for an Early Neolithic boom-and-bust in the British 271 204 0.86), while Ireland exhibits more volatile dynamics than the Isles has already been noted by previous research, alongside 272

2 ------Footline Author 273 341 274 342 275 343 276 344 277 345 278 346 279 347 280 348 281 349 282 350 283 351 284 352 285 353 286 354 287 355 288 356 289 357 290 358 291 359 292 360 293 361 294 362 295 363 296 364 297 365 298 Submission PDF 366 299 367 300 368 301 369 302 370 303 371 304 372 305 373 306 374 307 375 308 376 309 377 310 378 311 Fig. 3. Radiocarbon-inferred population and North Atlantic climate proxies: 379 312 (A) aggregate anthropogenic radiocarbon dates from Britain and Ireland (as 380 313 figure 1C, y-axis is linear), (B) total solar irradiance (12), (C) GISP2 potassium 381 314 ion density (note descending axis, [17]), and (D) North Atlantic ice rafted 382 debris (note descending axis, 19). Shaded blue zones indicate suggested 315 onset and further duration of cold-wet episodes with the first one, the well- 383 Fig. 4. The changing relative importance of major food sources across 316 known “8.2kyr” event prior to the Neolithic and not addressed directly here. 384 317 Britain and Ireland as visible in food samples directly dated for radiocarbon: 385 318 (A) , (B) wheat (undifferentiated by species), (C) , oats and 386 319 explanations stressing a collapse due either to ecological over- legumes, and (D) animals (those regularly used food sources). The coloured 387 lines are calculated as the proportions (only calculated from ∼4250 BCE on- 320 reach by incoming farmers or the abandonment of cereal agri- 388 culture in response to declining climate conditions (6-8). Fig- wards due to small sample sizes prior to this). Ordinary summed probability 321 distributions are shown in the grey (y- are all rescaled 0-1 for easier 389 322 ure 3 compares the radiocarbon record with well-known climate comparison) and an accompanying permutation tests are provided in figures 390 323 archives and suggests that an exogenous cause is likely for all SI6-SI7. 391 324 three observed episodes of cross-regional population stagnation 392 325 during (a) the end of the Early Neolithic, (b) the final Bronze 393 326 Age and earliest Iron Age, and (c) the late Medieval, associated oceanic circulation with wider climatic consequences, associated 394 327 with relatively rapid changes towards more unstable conditions with accentuated Siberian Highs and Icelandic Lows. We argue 395 328 in Britain and Ireland, as well as colder winters and wetter sum- that these reorganisations have repeatedly exerted downward 396 329 mers. In particular, pan-regional demographic decline in these pressure on human population in certain parts of north-western 397 330 three episodes is consistent with reduced insolation at Hallstatt- Europe as evident for three decline phases in the high-resolution 398 331 type grand solar minima (every 2100-2500 years, 9-16). They are British and Irish archaeological radiocarbon record. It is very 399 332 likewise consistent with periodic episodes of increased terrestrial probable that similarly-timed impacts were felt by human pop- 400 333 salt input to the Greenland , which in historical periods ulations in less well-documented parts of Eurasia (as already 401 334 has been shown to be an excellent glaciochemical indicator of partially evident for earlier episodes, 23-24), albeit with different 402 335 stormier, winter-like conditions and the increased dominance of expression in local weather patterns, varying local human re- 403 336 Atlantic westerlies (17-19). Broadly coincident, later Holocene sponse and ultimately different positive or negative consequences 404 337 changes are also observable in North Atlantic oceanic regimes for local human society. An important proximate downward forc- 405 338 as separately exhibited by increased ice-rafted surface debris and ing mechanism on human population in Britain and Ireland is 406 339 reduced deep-water contributions (20-22). This evidence collec- likely to be exacerbated food production from reduced growing 407 340 tively suggests quasi-periodic solar-forcing of atmospheric and degree days for cereal agriculture and increased risk of crop 408

Footline Author PNAS Issue Date Volume Issue Number 3 409 loss and food insecurity due to storms. However, accompanying ing become dominant strategies during the later stages and as 477 410 social dislocation and intensified epidemic outbreaks are possible population slowly rebounds. These indicators are consistent with 478 411 accompanying phenomena. By contrast, intervening episodes of what we know from larger, indirectly dated bone and crop samples 479 412 climatic amelioration may have provided good conditions for from environmental archaeology (Supplementary Information 3). 480 413 population expansion in certain areas, with the broadly simultane- For the latter episode (after ∼1000 BCE), changes occur over 481 414 ous Early Neolithic colonisation of southern , Ireland what appears to be a shorter period, but again there are propor- 482 415 and Britain being one probable example (25). tional increases in barley, animal products and possibly hazelnuts, 483 416 Radiocarbon-dated plant and animal food sources further and overall decline in wheat. Underlying the aggregate wheat 484 417 provide an unusually well-resolved time series of potential pattern however is also regional variation, with sharper wheat 485 418 changes in British and Irish food production (figure 4), as long declines in Ireland and north/west England, for example, but 486 419 as we are careful to consider the possible confounding effects actually increased wheat proportions in south-eastern England. 487 420 of changing human depositional practices with regard to food Such gradual regional differentiation is also a clear of 488 421 remains (26). Overall, the summed probability distribution of land cover and land use from the Middle Bronze Age onwards 489 422 dates from starchy food plants (cereals and hazelnuts) broadly as inferred from British and Irish pollen archives (Supplementary 490 423 matches the demographic signal observed in the entire radio- Information 4). Contrasting patterns of wheat investment are also 491 424 carbon dataset, but in contrast the relative proportion of each potentially consistent with two alternative responses to harvest 492 425 plant type varies significantly. Hazelnuts (Corylus avellana), a key failure attested in historical periods: (a) resource switching to 493 426 comestible for Mesolithic communities prior to the arrival of back-up crops in some areas (or by certain social groups) but also 494 427 agriculture, dominate the starchy plant data up to ∼4000 BCE, (b) continued speculation by others on high value wheat produc- 495 428 decline in relative popularity with the earliest Neolithic, but then tion as wider demand for it spikes. South-eastern England would 496 429 rebound for half a millennium or more during the Middle-Late also be the area that retained the most amenable weather con- 497 430 Neolithic (∼3500-2500 BCE), before declining again (for permu- ditions under climate downturn. For the Late Medieval period, 498 431 tation tests, see Supplementary Information 3). In contrast, wheat crop and animal sample sizes from radiocarbon dates are much 499 432 (Triticum sp.) is a high value cereal that first appears and increases lower and the radiocarbon evidence therefore more equivocal, 500 433 sharply at the very start of the British and Irish Neolithic, and but contemporary documentary sources point clearly to heavily 501 434 then declines equally sharplySubmission by the end of the Early Neolithic. adjusted plant andPDF animal husbandry in the period 1270-1450 502 435 Much later during the Bronze Age, its relative presence in the CE (28). They also offer an important empirical basis for causal 503 436 radiocarbon record grows slowly again to a peak ∼1000 BCE, linkages between decreased weather stability and lower tempera- 504 437 before collapsing once more. Barley (Hordeum sp.) is a hardier tures, declining food supply per capita, and further lagged human 505 438 cereal species which also arrives as part of the earliest farming consequences such as multi-year famines, human and animal epi- 506 439 activity and is present throughout later periods. It is less popular demics, widespread cereal market speculation, labour shortages 507 440 than wheat early on, but far more visible during the Middle- and agricultural dis-intensification, increased violent conflict and 508 441 Late Neolithic period of inferred population downturn (taking overall population decline (29). Given these linkages, it is striking 509 442 the as a whole). Oats (Avena sp.) only appear in con- that the while a naïve assumption might be that food produc- 510 443 sequential amounts in Britain and Ireland from the Roman period tion and resource switching strategies should have become more 511 444 but become increasingly popular in the later Medieval period, successful as they became more technologically sophisticated 512 445 partly replacing or complementing barley as a hardier, lower-risk, through time, the population consequences of climate downturns 513 446 lower status food for both humans and foddered animals. The appear no less severe, suggesting no major enhanced resilience in 514 447 use of oats or oat/barley mixes as spring-sown, back-up crops, later periods and indeed potentially additional demographic and 515 448 especially after initial harvest failures is also well-known from subsistence risks for economically-integrated, socially-stratified 516 449 Great Famine/Black Death era, English manorial accounts (27). and increasingly nucleated late prehistoric to Medieval societies. 517 450 518 Radiocarbon samples for individual food animal species are fewer Conclusions 451 and encompass a wider range of meat, hide, wool and dairying 519 452 strategies not to mention different kinds of deposition. However, Through a data-intensive approach to the British and Irish radio- 520 453 comparison between the proportion of animal and plant food data carbon evidence we are therefore able to provide a detailed, long- 521 454 suggests the greater importance of animals (as wild food) prior to term demographic proxy for the first time, which amongst other 522 455 the Neolithic and then also their high visibility (as domesticated things, demonstrates at least three regionally-consistent episodes 523 456 herds) again in the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age (with a of population downturn. While other Holocene climate changes 524 457 focus on Bos and Sus sp.) whilst more complicated and regionally may also have had human impacts in this region, and other Eu- 525 458 differentiated stock-keeping strategies emerge from the Middle ropean regions need not have responded in the same way, these 526 459 Bronze Age onwards (Supplementary Information 3). shared episodes of demographic change match quasi-period shifts 527 460 to more unstable weather regimes in the north Atlantic and well- 528 461 Although subject to changing cultural depositional practice known solar grand minima. Furthermore, each downturn across 529 462 and representing only a fraction of the wider archaeobotani- Britain and Ireland was of varying longer-term consequence, with 530 463 cal and zooarchaeologoical record, the above-described highs subsistence responses such as resource-switching and food diver- 531 464 and lows of directly-dated food species offer a temporally high- sification that varied through time. Exogenous climatic factors 532 465 resolution proxy for shifting food production strategies under appear more likely to account for these consistencies than en- 533 466 both advantageous and deleterious climate conditions. For exam- dogenous population over-reach on its own, although both these 534 467 ple, wheat has always been a higher value, potentially higher yield processes may well have operated in tandem. In any case, both 535 468 cereal, and often a cash crop in later periods (particularly Triticum archaeological and historical evidence suggest that human action 536 469 aestivum). It is therefore unsurprising that the proportion of has always played a role in either mitigating or exacerbating 537 470 dated wheat samples grows during peak demographic episodes climate-driven effects. 538 471 but declines sharply in at least two of the inferred episodes 539 472 of demographic stagnation and climate downturn: Middle/Late Materials and Methods 540 473 Neolithic and Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age. In the former A radiocarbon date is a measurement of residual radioactivity in a sam- 541 episode (after ∼3500 BCE), barley takes over as a hardy alter- ple containing carbon, with the most widely cited measurement being a 474 ‘conventional radiocarbon age’ that has been corrected for carbon isotopic 542 475 native cereal resource during the initial phase of demographic fractionation (30). This age has a measurement error that is typically assumed 543 476 decline/stagnation, but then gathered hazelnuts and cattle herd- to be a Gaussian distribution. Calibrating this radiocarbon age against ob- 544

4 ------Footline Author 545 served variability in atmospheric radiocarbon through time (as documented we first fit such a model (e.g. exponential, logistic, uniform) to the observed 613 546 by known standards which are mostly tree-ring sequences for the Holocene data on the calendar scale. In this case, a logistic model was preferred 614 [31]) produces a post-calibration probability distribution which is irregular given the observed distributional shape and an assumption that there 547 due to the non-linear shape of the calibration curve (32). For a regional might be post-Neolithic, pre-Roman upper bound to population growth. The 615 548 dataset of many such calibrated probability distributions, it has become model of expected population intensity is then back-calibrated, and a set 616 549 commonplace to sum them, under the assumption that a large mass of of conventional radiocarbon ages (equal to the number of observed dates) 617 550 probability in certain parts of this aggregate time series offers a proxy is simulated proportional to the modelled per-C14 year amplitude. These 618 for greater overall anthropogenic activity and higher human population in simulated dates are then calibrated and summed. Repeating this process 551 that timespan (6). Concerns that certain archaeological sites or site phases many times (e.g. 1000) provides a global goodness-of-fit test and 95% critical 619 552 have garnered disproportionate and misleading numbers of dates (e.g. envelope with which to assess local departures from the theoretical model 620 553 because they were better resourced scientific projects) can been addressed (6,35). A second kind of test used here holds constant the date of a given 621 554 by pooling adjacent dates from the same site and rescaling these sub- sample but shuffles its label (e.g. the geographic region it comes from 622 site clusters before summing distributions between different sites. In this or the material type/species of the sample). This permutation test creates 555 paper, we cluster temporally uncalibrated dates from the same site that conditional random sets (e.g. 1000) and a 95% critical envelope with which 623 556 are within 100 years of each other (via a complete-linkage, agglomerative to assess region-specific or species-specific departures from the global trend 624 557 hierarchical method [33]). Date distributions falling in the same cluster are (33). Such a technique also addresses the challenge of reduced sample sizes 625 558 pooled and divided by the number of contributing dates in the cluster, (e.g. for particular plants), as the resulting envelopes are correspondingly 626 before these pooled distributions are aggregated overall. Some software for larger in such cases. 559 radiocarbon date calibration normalise the post-calibration distribution of 627 560 each date to ensure it sums to 1 under the curve before summing multiple Acknowledgments 628 561 dates or performing any other modelling procedure. However, this rescaling Our thanks to the very considerable number of people and projects who 629 562 leads to not all calendar dates having equal probability of occurrence and took the original radiocarbon samples or collected the resulting published 630 563 creates abrupt spikes in the summed probability distributions at points dates from secondary literature (see digital archive for detailed credits). En- 631 where the calibration curve is steep (34). We have therefore chosen not rico Crema, Mark Thomas and Adrian Timpson provided insightful discussion 564 to rescale the calibrated date distributions before summation, but address on methodology. AB designed the research, conducted the main analysis and 632 565 the methodological implications in greater detail in SI, and consider the drafted the main text, with input from the other co-authors. AB, SC, SS and 633 566 alternative result where dates are normalised, concluding that the paper’s CS coordinated date collection. RF provided the pollen analysis. All authors 634 567 main conclusions remain consistent in either case. contributed to drafting the Supplementary Information and the final version 635 To explore the degree to which an observed summed probability distri- of the main text. The dataset and scripted analysis used in this paper are 568 bution is well-described by a theoretical null model of demographic change, archived at 636 569 637 570 Submission PDF 638 571 1. Sheridan, A. (2010). The Neolithization of Britain and Ireland: The Big Picture, in Finlayson, 23. Weninger B. et al. (2009). The Impact of rapid climate change on prehistoric societies during 639 B. and Warren, G. (eds.) Landscapes in Transition: 89-105. Oxbow Books, Oxford. the Holocene in the Eastern Mediterranean, Documenta Praehistorica 36: 7-59. 572 2. Cassidy, L.M. et al. (2016). Neolithic and Bronze Age migration to Ireland and establishment 24. Roberts, N., et al. (in press). 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