Annual Report 2010 1

Table of Contents

Vision, Mission ...... 4

Values and Slogan ...... 5

Address by the Chairman of CSSW ...... 6

Outline of CSSW’s Activities ...... 7 - 10

Sustainable Development ...... 11 - 26

Juveniles and Youth Care ...... 17 - 24

Health ...... 25 - 34

Social Care and Education ...... 35 - 40

Emergency Relief ...... 41 - 44

Family Development ...... 45 - 48

Major activities and events implemented during 2010 ...... 50

CSSW… Distinguished Presence and Effective Participation ...... 52

Visiting Delegations ...... 54

Timeline … in the March of Development & Progress ...... 55

Testimonials ...... 56 - 57 Vision

To lead the way in achievement of sustainable development and poverty reduction.


Pursuance of excellence in humanitarian work for development and poverty reduction in through implementation of projects and programs by investing voluntary efforts and in partnership with local communities and donor organizations and institutions.

4 Annual Report 2010 Values

• Humanitarianism • Transparency • Partnership • Institutionalism • Volunteerism • Quality and Development • Professionalism


Confidence of Donors… and Support for the Needy

Annual Report 2010 5 The charitable and humanitarian volunteering work is the exact standard with no limits to its effects. It is that which builds the spirit of communication, cooperation and teamwork among the various segments of the society, and makes the nation a more coherent and confident of its sons and contribute effectively to the development, social, and economic progress, and limits of community disruption and moral corruption caused by poverty and deprivation. The charity work implants smile on the lips of the disadvantaged and brings out joy in their hearts because it alleviates the suffering and share the concerns. It is also a form of human sympathy and human integration. The organized charity work contributes to the dissemination of ssocial security and ends the crisis within the community and strengthens the influence of the state as it works to bridge the gaps that are not accessible to services and provides the genuine popular partnership. It, moreover, achieves a balance between the public sector and the commercial sector, and support loyalty of individuals to their country and their community. CSSW has sought since its inception in 1990 to deliver services to every governorate, district and neighborhood through the network of 25 branches and (236) committees and a mass of volunteers who numbered more than (14000) volunteers across the governorates of the Republic. As far as the expansion of the Society horizontally covering the Yemeni arena, it has strived to build broad and distinguished relationships with Arab and international bodies and organizations within and outside the country. It has also been present in all activities and events, conferences, seminars and discussion in and outside Yemen in the field Judge of charitable and humanitarian work and in connection with Murshed Al-Arshani the exchange of experiences and strengthen partnership CSSW Chairman with various bodies and national, regional and international organizations. The Society focused on strategic planning because of its effective role in the development of performance and shaping the future strategies for the years 2007-2009. It has presented the evaluation results and impact measurement strategies for the years 2010-2014, and adopted the quality management system to strengthen its strategic plan. Finally, here is the annual report for 2010 in the hands of our respectful reader covering the work done by CSSW to leave the reader with it to speak for itself in a reciprocal speech between the beneficiaries, supporters and donors of the owners of the generous hands and compassionate hearts.

6 Annual Report 2010 Outline of CSSW’s Activities

• Establishment: The Charitable Society for Social Welfare (CSSW) was founded in March 1990 as a charitable non-governmental organization devoted to the services of poor and needy people and community development.

• Objectives: - Combat poverty and curb its expansion; - Support sustainable development projects and programs that aim at realizing economic returns and self-sufficiency for poor individuals and families; - Support children and youth and contribute in developing their capabilities and skills; - Contribute towards empowering women and promoting their life skills; - Provide social, educational and healthcare aid to the poor and the needy;. - Contribute to the relief of people affected by disasters; and - Revive the spirit of solidarity among the communities.

Annual Report 2010 7 • Institutional Development: Ever since its establishment, CSSW has endeavored to benefit from the available human and material resources and capacities, utilizing such resources towards organized charitable and humanitarian work. The institutional set- up of CSSW is characterized by clear specializations and distribution of tasks. While in the implementation process of projects and programs, CSSW relies upon sound planning and programming; it uses all the expertise to promote its various activities. In addition, training and qualification of its staff members is a continuous process aimed to improve efficiency and attain higher standards of performance to motivate the innovation and excellence in various fields.

• Branches and Committees: CSSW’s different activities and services cover all governorates of Yemen through a wide network of volunteers and staff of its branches and committees at governorate and district levels. In 2010, CSSW branches and committees stood at 25 branches and 236 committees in addition to a number of delegates and representatives in many Arab and foreign countries.

• Internal and External Relations: CSSW has established strong cooperation and joint efforts with government and non-governmental organizations as well as outstanding relations with Arab and international organizations working within the country and abroad. Such relations have led to a stronger presence for CSSW in many charity and humanitarian activities. CSSW, on the other hand, is a consultative member to the United Nations Social and Economic Council (ECOSOC) and an associate member in the UN Department of Public Information for Non- Governmental Organizations (DPI-NGO). The society is also a member in numerous Arab and international networks that engage in various charity, voluntary and humanitarian activities.

8 Annual Report 2010 Strategic Plan: Due to the expansion of CSSW and its steady growth, both geographically and institutionally, and being concerned to promote its performance in the field of charitable and development work in the society; and recognizing the significance of strategic planning and methods to achieve it, CSSW has set up its 2nd strategic plan to draw the landmarks of its future for the years 2010 – 2014 and to enhance its pioneer role as a non-governmental organization. The strategic plan contains a number of guidelines, goals and objectives which CSSW endeavors to achieve according to the mechanisms closely compatible with the priorities, policies and effective laws that prevail in Yemen. This comes within the partnership framework with local and international donors.

Quality Management System Project: CSSW, within the framework of institutional work and to enhance its strategic plan, has approved at the beginning of 2008 the quality management in its institutional work according to policies attempting to achieves pioneering in implementing and supporting sustainable development projects and programs. It is also to contribute in reducing poverty and unemployment rates in Yemen in cooperation with partners. CSSW is also committed to international quality standards ISO 9001- 2008 as a lasting culture to achieve its designed objectives and to be able to:- 1. Satisfy the requirements and needs of its clients (donors and beneficiaries); 2. Control its operations system; and 3. Attain continued improvement. Within the framework of its application for the program and the success in internal and external auditing phases, CSSW obtained in Dec. 2008 the International Quality Certificate ISO 9001- 2008 by the German TUV certification company. The certificate, which was renewed during the years 2010 and 2011, is considered as an effective motivation for improving efficiency and attain higher standards of performance.

Annual Report 2010 9 Fields of CSSW’s Activities

• Sustainable Development : - Development & construction projects; • Education & Social Care : - Income-generating projects; - Ramadan Charitable Projects; - Nama Program for Promotion of Small - Distribution of Eid Meat Project; Enterprises; - Poor Families Sponsorship Project; - Training and qualification of personnel and - Facilitation of Project; volunteers. - Al-Shafaka House for Sheltering Patients of Renal Failure & Cancer; - Educational Projects;

• Juveniles and Youth Care: - Orphan Care and Sponsorship Project; - The Alternatives to Combat Child Labor • Emergency Relief & Humanitarian Aid: through Education & Sustainable Services - Local emergency relief campaigns; Program (ACCESS-Plus); - International emergency relief - “Usamah” Child Magazine. campaigns;

• Health: • Family Development: Health Services: - Social, cultural & educational services; - Health Centers and Units; - Training & Qualification - Psychiatric Health Services; - Health Caravan Project; - Surgical Camps Project; - Distribution of free medical drugs; - Distribution of cerebrospinal fluid shunt kits - Project; Diseases Control and Epidemic Surveillance - Awareness Project on HIV/AIDS Control - Onchocerciasis (Sowda) Control Program Reproductive Health - Reproductive Health & Family Planning Project - Community Action toward the Abandonment of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Refugees and Internally Displaced People Relief - Refugee Care and Qualification Project - Sheltering, Protection and Provision of Avd to IDPs Project;

10 Annual Report 2010 Annual Report 2010 11 First: Development & Construction Projects

In this field, CSSW builds up and furnishes training and qualification centers, hospitals and health centers and units in the various governorates of the Republic. It also builds up formal education schools and houses for poor families. Besides such projects, CSSW drills new and deepens existing drinking water wells and provides water pumps and networks in the remote areas. During 2010, CSSW executed (42) different projects through its headquarters and branches in a number of governorates as follows:

No. Activity Number Place of Implementation

Hadramout, Baydha, Taiz, 1 Construction of houses for poor families 8 Sana’a

Drilling and deepening artesian and manual wells, and 2 4 Dhale, Shabwa, Sana’a, Taiz installing water networks

3 Construction of health centers & units 2 Dhale, Amran Iib, Baydha,Dhamar, Hodeida 4 Construction of public schools 6 Mahoit 5 Construction of women rehabilitation centers 3 Hajja, Baydha, Hodeida Construction of the 2nd floor of Al-Amal Hospital’s 6 1 Sana’a endowment building Contribution in completing Al-Khair Compound for 7 1 Aden Orphans Total 25

Inauguration of artesian well project in Damt –Al-Dalee

12 Annual Report 2010 Second: Income Generating Projects Program

The Program aims at combating poverty and curbing unemployment in the community through granting loans to needy families to enable them form small income generating enterprises to meet their livelihood needs. The repayment period of the loan which varies from one hundred thousand to two million Riyals, lasts from one to two years. During 2010, the program executed (36) projects where (301) families benefited from such projects all over the governorates as follows:

No. Activity Beneficiaries

1 Fishing boats 7

2 Distribution of trucks & taxis 10

3 Distribution of sewing machines 48

4 Distribution of motorcycles 76

5 Shops for repairing motorcycles 1

6 French-fries making machines 6

7 Vegetable & fruit wooden platforms 20

8 Clothes-sale wooden platforms 6

9 Distribution of computers 11

10 Shops for selling gas cylinders 7

11 Cereal mill 12

12 Distribution of ovens for food manufacturing 8

13 Distribution of dairy cows 10

14 Shops for selling mobile phone exigencies 1

15 Shops for selling prepaid telecommunication cards 2

16 Small grocery 23

17 Distribution of incense making requirements 5

18 Video and cassette kiosks 1

19 Video Cameras 2

20 Hairdressing shops 1

21 Buses 7

22 Shops for selling computer accessories 1

23 Pharmacy 1

24 Support for clothes peddlers 5

Annual Report 2010 13 25 Photocopiers 1

26 Distribution of tri-wheel motorcycles 3

27 Establishment of a kindergarten 1

28 Shops for selling construction materials 1

29 Shop for selling stationery 1

30 Distribution of (18) sheep for each family 2

31 Beehives 1

32 Aluminum workshops 4

33 Cafeteria 7

34 Shops for selling honey 2

35 Shops for selling women accessories 2

36 Shops for selling perfumes 5

Total 301

Project of fishing boats distribution

Project of cereal mill – Hodeidah

14 Annual Report 2010 Third: Nama Program for Promotion of Small Enterprises (Lending):

This program aims at mitigating poverty, pushing ahead the wheel of development, providing employment opportunities, curbing unemployment and transforming charitable work from provision of aid and relief to development and production. The program functions within the framework of legitimate lending systems in partnership with a number of donor organizations. It operates in the governorates of Sana’a, Taiz, Aden and Hodeida. During 2010, the number of beneficiaries reached up to (7390) individuals including (4434) males and (2956) females. The total amount of the active portfolios accounted to (271,853,366) Yemeni Riyals.

Training course on small projects management

Annual Report 2010 15 Forth: Training and Qualification of Personnel and Volunteers

In this field, CSSW trains the personnel engaging in its units and branches in the various governorates of the Republic and also volunteers working in specific programs and projects, as per the required needs for training, with the aim of developing their skills and capacities to promote performance and accord good humanitarian services to beneficiaries. During 2010, CSSW has executed (42) training courses in different fields where (315) individuals benefited from as shown in the following table:

No. of beneficiaries Women No. Training Program No. Total Male Female percentage

1 Executive Secretariat and Office Management 1 5 2 7 29%

2 Internet, E-mail and Powerpoint 2 15 3 18 17% Financial courses on Accounting System, Financial 3 1 14 4 18 23% Management and Onex 4 Administrative skills (Reporting, Teamwork) 2 17 11 28 40%

5 Human development skills 1 3 1 4 25%

General courses (time management, dealing and 6 communication skills, making the environment and 4 43 20 63 32% organization culture, make your future).

7 Designing and graphics 9 18 3 21 15%

Planning and training (strategic planning, training of 8 6 33 8 41 20% trainers, supervision and leadership skills)

9 Training courses on microfinance 3 6 5 11 46% Quality systems (comprehensive quality, internal 10 2 19 12 31 39% auditing) Administrative courses (modern management 11 systems for institutions, management by results, 3 12 9 21 43% electronic management)

12 Constructional project’s engineering 2 1 1 2 50%

13 Courses on media (flashes ..etc) 4 3 2 5 40%

14 Marketing principles 1 6 4 10 40%

15 Diploma in English 1 19 16 35 46%

Total 42 214 101 315 32%

16 Annual Report 2010 Annual Report 2010 17 First: Orphan Sponsorship and Care Project

CSSW has realized a significant success in the field of sponsorship of orphans. In act, it presented a distinguished model for such sponsorship and concerns of orphans through the educational, social, health and recreational services and monthly cash allocations accorded to (31,098) male and female orphans in addition to (13,000) orphans whom their sponsorships were terminated because their ages exceeded the legal age for sponsorship. Also, it implemented a number of activities that have contributed towards the exploration of orphans’ talents and undertook developing their skills and capacities. During 2010, CSSW distributed cash allocations to orphans and provided them with social care, educational, health and training services as follows:-

New and promoted sponsorship

No. of Total Female No. Activity Beneficiaries percentage Male female 1 Sponsorship of new orphans 2195 2415 4610 53%

2 Marketing of new orphans 2616 2130 4746 45%

3 Qualification and training of orphans 157 188 345 55%

Total 4968 4733 9701 49%

A number of orphans receive their financial allowances – Hodeidah

18 Annual Report 2010 Educational and Recreational Services:

No. of beneficiaries Total Female No. Activity percentage Male female

1 Distribution of school uniforms and bags with stationery 7200 5053 12253 42%

2 Enrollment of orphans into universities and higher institutes 37 13 50 26%

3 Enrollment of orphans into private schools 56 64 120 54% Conducting competitions, honoring ceremonies, and 4 4830 1200 6030 20% educational films. 5 Distribution of Usamah child magazine 5240 2760 8000 35%

Holding awareness sessions for orphans’ mothers, illiteracy 6 950 1250 2200 57% eradication classes and honoring distinguished mothers

Total 18313 10340 28653 36%

Distribution of Osama child magazine –Aden

Annual Report 2010 19

Health Care:

No. of Female No. Activity beneficiaries Total Male female percentage 1 Regular medical examinations for orphans 8654 6846 15500 45% 2 Medical treatment aids 740 560 1300 43% 3 Surgical operations 48 60 108 56%

Total 9442 7466 16908 45%

Qualification and Training:

No. of Female No. Activity No. beneficiaries Total Male female percentage Training course on self-development and labor 1 3 102 78 180 44% market Various skill training courses during the 2 2 66 37 103 36% summer vacation

Total 5 168 115 283 41%

20 Annual Report 2010 The Arab Orphan’s Day Events CSSW organizes a number of events including mass festivals, visits to public gardens and holding cultural, sport and recreational competitions throughout its branches to mark this occasion. Such occasions aimed to mobilize community members and draw their attention toward orphans’ issues in Yemen. It also aims to promote the sponsorship for new orphans. During the year 2010, (24) festivals were organized in a number of governorates in which (4200) male and female orphans attended along with many government officials, representatives of local and international organizations and social personalities. The Orphan Sector also implemented a number of activities and events related to orphans as follows:

No. of beneficiaries Female No. Activity Male female Total percentage Link of eight branches with the orphans integrated 1 ــ ــ ــ ــ electronic system Training branches’ staff on the usage of orphan integrated 2 8 2 10 20% electronic system Holding a meeting for orphans delegates and activities 3 65 23 88 27% officers in branches 4 Organizing orphan’s friends meeting 17 12 29 42% Holding a workshop on how to develop marketing and 5 4 3 7 43% sponsorship methods 6 Holding meetings for orphans with their sponsors 11 7 18 39%

Total 105 47 152 31%

Celebration on theArab Orphan Day – Shabwa

Meeting of sponsors with orphans

Annual Report 2010 21 Second: Alternatives to Combat Child Labor through Education & Sustainable Services (ACCESS-Plus) Program

The Alternatives to Combat Child Labor through Education and Sustainable Services Program (ACCESS- Plus) is considered to be as one of the major programs being implemented by CSSW within the framework of partnership with CHF International organization and funded by the United States Department of Labor (USDOL). The program carries out its activities in the governorates of Hajja, Taiz, Aden and Hodeida. Through the year 2010, the program implemented (66) activities and events where (23,300) individuals benefited from as follows:

No. of Place of beneficiaries Female No. Activity Total implementation percentage Male Female

Hajja, Taiz, Aden, 1 Re-enrollment of dropped-out children to 2750 2511 5261 48% formal education Hodeida Holding a workshop for the directors of 2 inclusive education 3 1 4 25% Sana’a Hajja, Taiz, Aden, 3 Implementation of orientation workshop for 22 5 27 19% project’s staff and workers Hodeida Holding training courses for project’s 4 voluntary team 17 5 21 24% Hajja Hajja, Taiz, Aden, 5 Holding training courses for teachers 88 36 124 29% Hodeida Implementation of illiteracy eradication 6 program 241 584 825 389% Aden Hajja, Taiz, Aden, 7 Distribution of school materials (schoolbags 8161 4500 8861 51% – stationery) Hodeida Hajja, Taiz, Aden, 8 Furnishing resource rooms of remedial 1720 1033 2753 38% education Hodeida Hajja, Taiz, Aden, 9 Holding awareness sessions for fathers 700 300 1000 30% and mothers Hodeida Distribution of sewing machines for female 10 graduates from vocational training 0 87 87 100% Hajja Hajja, Taiz, Aden, 11 Celebration on the International Volunteer 1000 1320 2320 57% Day (IVD) Hodeida Hajja, Taiz, Aden, 12 Construction of additional units for a 855 1020 1875 54% number of formal schools Hodeida Holding training courses on master class Hajja, Taiz, Aden, 13 for vocational training graduates «Life 63 22 85 26% Project». Hodeida

Total 15642 11459 23300 50% 4

22 Annual Report 2010 A number of students benefiting from the project

Periodical meeting with resource room teachers – Taiz

Annual Report 2010 23 Third: Usama Magazine

CSSW, within the framework of its concern with promotion of child’s culture, Usama magazine, which is the single children printed publication in Yemen issued (15,000) copies every two months and distributed through kiosks and bookshops all over the Republic’s governorates. The magazine enjoys good relations with all government bodies and organizations interested in childhood issues. It also enjoys a wide acceptance among children and interested people. During the year 2010, the magazine issued (5) issues with (75000) copies. The magazine also implemented a number of activities and events during this year targeting thousands of students as follows:-

No. of beneficiaries No. Activity Total Female Male female 1 Small activists project 4800 3200 8000 40%

2 Small creatives project 13250 6750 20000 34%

3 Project of «My Future in Education» 180 120 300 40%

Total 18230 10070 28300 35%

Project of Small gifted persons

Conclusion ceremony of the small activists project

24 Annual Report 2010 Annual Report 2010 25 Since its establishment in 1990, CSSW has sought to improve health situation in Yemen with its accessible potentials adopting health policies compatible with the government’s policies. Within this framework, it established the health sector to implement a number of health programs and projects and to provide primary health services in many governorates of the Republic. The sector also aims to control prevailed communicable and epidemic diseases especially in the remote areas and provide specialized and distinguished health services such as psychiatric health, motherhood and childhood, disability and reproductive health services in addition to health awareness programs on how to control HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria and other neglected diseases.

A- Medical Services

1- Health Facilities

The projects aimed to provide primary health care and specialized medical services through (31) health facilities including (3) hospitals, (2) dispensaries and (21) health centers and (5) health units scattered all over the governorates of the Republic, especially the remote areas. During this year 2010, the beneficiaries of the primary health care services in such facilities amounted to 186,880 individuals where (11,100) individuals benefited from the specialized medical services.

Health center –Amran

26 Annual Report 2010 2- Psychiatric Health Services

CSSW is still a pioneer in the provision of integrated care and services to psychiatric patients through Al-Amal Hospital for Psychiatric Medicine which obtains a qualified staff of counselors and specialists in psychiatric medicine. The hospital is considered as one of the psychiatric health’s pioneers in Yemen and has been accredited recently to teach the Arab Board in Psychiatric medicine. The total number of beneficiaries of such services in 2010 reached (19,826) male and female patients.

- Services provided in the hospital :

Beneficiaries Female No. Activity Total Male Female percentage 1 New cases test 3207 930 4137 23% 2 Post test visits 4717 1489 6206 24% 3 Beneficiaries of Pharmacy 564 411 975 43% X-Ray, Electric Sessions, ECG and 4 256 265 521 51% Electro-Endo cephalography 5 Laboratory and Admission 3981 1717 5698 31% 6 Psychiatric sessions and tests 888 430 1318 33% 7 Recreational services 658 313 971 33% Total 14271 5555 19826 28%

3- Health Caravans Project:

The health caravan project intends primarily to provide primary health services and medicines free of charge to poor and needy people in remote areas which are deprived of health services. The project also aims to assess the health situation to determine health interventions and accordingly dispatch health caravans. During 2010, eight health caravans were dispatched to a number of governorates. The total number of beneficiaries reached (6126) persons.

Medical relief for people affected by the war in Sa’ada

Annual Report 2010 27 4- Medical Camps

CSSW organized several specialized medical camps through out-patient departments at Saleh Babakr Charitable Hospital, Wadi Al-Ain, Hadhramout governorate, and a number of its branches. Such medical camps aimed to present specialized medical care services such as plastic, urological, ophthalmic, orthopedic surgeries to poor and needy patients who could not afford the cost of surgical operations and tests in private hospitals. Hundreds of inhabitants in Hadhramout and other governorates benefited from such camps. During 2010, five camps were implemented through the Babakr Hospital in Hadhramout and one in Shabwa governorate. The total number of beneficiaries was (1820) individuals.

5- Free Medicines Disbursement Project

Within the framework of this Project, CSSW accords different medicines to poor and limited-income patients to relieve their sufferance and contribute in control of disease raising-out complications of diseases and health deterioration. The project distributes free medicines in regular and continuous basis to patients who are affected by diabetes, high blood pressure, epilepsy and heart rheumatism and other diseases. The total number of beneficiaries of this Project during 2010 reached (800) male and female patients.

6- Cerebrospinal Fluid Shunt Kits Project

The project contributes in the treatment of infected people with hydrocephalus disease to curb the mortality rate among such patients and reduce complications arising out of this disease through providing them with cerebrospinal fluid shunt kits. CSSW has become so distinguished for undertaking such a project since 1993. About (306) kits have been distributed during 2010.

Project of the cerebrospinal fluid shunt kits distribution

28 Annual Report 2010 B- Diseases Control and Epidemic Surveillance

1- HIV/AIDS Control Project

The project aims to raise community awareness on HIV/AIDS and methods of prevention through the conduction of peer education sessions, workshops, theatre plays as well as training courses for service providers. The project provided its services in cooperation with Yeman Foundation for Health Development, UNHCR and UNICEF. During 2010, (100) activities and events were implemented and (13173) individuals benefited from these activities as shown in the following table:-

No. Activity Number Beneficiaries Training courses on HIV/ 1 10 199 AIDS control 2 Awareness theatre plays 12 11500

3 Awareness workshops 8 160

4 Awareness sessions 40 640 Conduction of peer 5 20 402 education program Provision of counseling 6 and voluntary examination 12 272 services Total 102 13173

Awareness theatre displays – Mukalla

2- Onchocerciasis Control Program

This program aims to control Onchocerciasis disease which is considered as one of neglected diseases through the conduction of community health awareness campaigns and provision of necessary medicines. It contributed in reducing the infection rate by Onchocerciasis from 95% to 5% in most of the targeted areas, including Mahweet, Hodeida, Hajjah, Sana’a and Raimah. The program which is one of CSSW’s distinguished programs, was awarded the Sharjah Award for 2000 as one of the best voluntary programs in the Arab world in which the total number of volunteers working in the program is (160) volunteers. During 2010, the number of beneficiaries of the program services amounted to (628) individuals and the total number of the Mectizan tablets distributed by the program is (96,000) tablets.

Annual Report 2010 29 C - Reproductive Health

1- Reproductive Health & Family Planning Project

The project aims at contributing in reducing mothers and newborns mortality rate through raising awareness on reproductive health and family planning issues. It implements many community awareness activities such as conduction of awareness sessions through a network of (60) male and female educators, public theatre plays, workshops for community leaders, training programs for services providers in addition to providing RH & FP through CSSW health facilities and conduction of mobile and semi-mobile clinics. Project’s activities are conducted in cooperation with a number of local and international organizations to enhance partnership and achieve the national goals in the field of motherhood and childhood care. During 2010, more than (6000) activities and events were implemented from which (100,442) individuals benefited as follows:

beneficiaries Female No. Activity Number Total Partner percentage Male Female Provision of RH & FP services through a semi- 1 mobile clinic in Khaiwan camp in Amran and in 2 0 8595 8595 100% UNFPA Haradh camp in Hajja Provision of RH & FP services through a semi- 2 2 0 2434 2434 100% UNFPA mobile clinic in Sah & Tarim areas in Hadramout Provision of RH & FP services through mobile 3 48 0 3780 3780 100% UNFPA clinics Holding health education sessions on family 4 4000 25379 24135 49514 49% YAMAN planning Holding health education sessions on integrated 5 1628 5760 2880 8640 34% USAID health massages 6 Conduction of community awareness sessions 288 2125 2499 4624 53% EU Holding theatre plays in the field of reproductive 7 6 4500 2250 6750 34% UNFPA health 8 Holding theatre plays in the field of family planning 14 9670 4830 14500 34% UNFPA Training course for preparing community 9 1 18 18 36 50% EU educators Training courses in counseling for RH services 10 10 279 92 371 25% YAMAN providers (pharmacists) 11 Organizing workshops for local community leaders 5 120 31 151 21% UNFPA

National Alliance 12 Holding an open day for safe motherhood 1 120 680 800 85% for Safe Motherhood Conduction of a survey for reproductive health 13 1 120 127 247 52% EU requirements Total 6006 48091 52351 100442 53% 6

30 Annual Report 2010 Workshop for local community leaders – Mukalla

Reproductive health project –Amran

2- Community Action toward the Abandonment of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

The project aims mainly to contribute in changing the knowledge and attitude toward the abandonment of female genital mutilation phenomena through raising awareness on the health and psychological effects and complications of such practice in a number of Yemen’s communities. The project’s activities included conduction of awareness campaigns and training courses, and distribution of IEC materials. During 2010, the project implemented three workshops for (60) social specialists in Aden and Al-Mahara governorates and distributed more than (27,000) copies of IEC materials related to FGM practice.

Annual Report 2010 31 D : Relief of Refugees and Internally Displaced People

1- Somali Refugees Care and Qualification Project

The project aims to improve the livelihood, educational and health situation of refugees and to enhance their developmental role in the community through provision of health and social care, support to small enterprises and conduction of qualification and vocational training programs for hundreds of them. The project provides its services in Sana’a city, Aden and Lahj in cooperation with the UNHCR. During the year 2010, (525) individuals benefited from the project’s services as follows:

Beneficiaries Female No. Activity Total percentage Male Female

1 Training course on computer for (6) months 8 5 13 39%

Two training courses on networks and mobile phone 2 10 18 28 38% maintenance for (6) months Two training courses on electronics. One for one year and 3 8 14 22 the other for (6) months Diploma on computer applications and another diploma on 4 1 15 16 100% medical sciences Two training courses on electricity and carpentry for one 5 12 5 17 42% year

6 One training course on mechanics for (6) months 13 0 13 0

7 Training courses on business management 15 0 15 0

8 Provision of loans to small enterprises 44 100 144 70%

Training courses on the importance of working and gaining 9 6 210 216 98% experiences Training course on how to build a work team for refugees 10 1 40 41 98% community

Total 118 407 525 78%

32 Annual Report 2010 The project also provided refugees with in-kind assistance in cooperation with Qatar Charity and IHH Turkish organization as follows:-

Beneficiaries No. Item Total Family Individuals

1 Foodstuffs 140 - 140

2 Clothes 132 - 132

3 Meat 73 - 73

4 Orphan sponsorship 150 150

Total 345 150 495

In the same connection, CSSW manages three health centers to provide health services to refugees in Al-Basateen area in Aden and Kharaz camp in Lahj. During 2010, (62,319) individuals benefited from the centers services as follows:

Beneficiaries Female No. Activity Total Male Female percentage 1 Health center in Al-Basateen 8470 9174 17644 52% 2 Motherhood center in Al-Basateen - 13905 13905 100% 3 Health center in Kharaz 10181 11029 21210 67% Total 18651 43668 62319 70%

Training on car maintenance Training for refugee voluntary workteam - Sana’a

Annual Report 2010 33 2- Sheltering, Protection and Provision of Aid to IDPs Project

Within the framework of this project, CSSW provides shelter and food services on a daily-basis in addition to social, health, psychological, counseling and legal services to internally displaced people (IDPs) as a result of wars and natural disasters. It also supports their income-generating projects, provides them with cash and in-kind assistance and qualification training programs. During 2010, the project was implemented in partnership with UNHCR, World Assembly for Muslim Youth, and the Egyptian Medical Doctors Organization where the total number of beneficiaries from IDPs affected by the War in Sa’ada was (67) families and (16,609) individuals as shown in the following:-

Beneficiaries No. Item Family Individuals Provision of social and health care and psychological support to 1 - 16500 IDPs in the camps 2 Paying the rent of IDPs houses 67 -

3 Establishment of income-generating projects for displaced families - 63

4 Training courses on sewing and embroidering - 46

Total 67 16609

Health relief campaign for people affected by the war in Sa’ada

Project of paying house rents for displaced families

34 Annual Report 2010 Annual Report 2010 35 1- Ramadan Charitable Projects

Ramadan charitable projects are deemed to be the most important seasonal projects executed annually by CSSW from which thousands of poor families, orphan students and needy strangers benefited. Project’s activities include organizing fast breaking meals (open meals and distribution of free meals), distribution of food stuffs, dates, and meats, in addition to distribution of Eid clothes to poor children. During 2010, the total number of beneficiaries counted to (597,527) individuals and (139,266) families all over the governorates of Yemen as follows:

No. of Beneficiaries No. Project Male Female

ــ Fast Breaking Meals 538000 1

139.266 ــ Distribution of Food Stuffs 2

ــ Distribution of Eid Clothes 59527 3

Total 597.527 139.266 Foodstuffs distribution project – Hodeidah

2- Distribution of Eid Meat

The Project aims to revive this tradition, which forms part of principle of social solidarity among the people and relieve the sufferance of poor families during the festivity of Eid Al-Adha. More than one hundred thousands families including poor students, patients, Somali refugees and IDPs all over the governorates of the Republic benefit from the project. CSSW has acquired extensive experience and advanced capacities and mechanisms for the implementation of such project in all governorates of the Republic through its branches and committees. In 2010, (113,649) families have benefited from the project at the rate of a quarter of a sheep, a goat or an equivalent weight of mutton per family as follows:

No. of Place of No. Type of Qurbans No. of Beneficiaries Qurbans Implementation

1 Sheep & goats 10939 65634 All governorates 2 Oxen 419 48015 All governorates

Total 11358 113649 23 governorates

36 Annual Report 2010 3- Sponsorship of Poor Families

CSSW implements this project in partnership with several organizations in and out of Yemen through providing thousands of poor families with food items in monthly and periodic basis to relieve their sufferance. It conducts a socio-economic survey for each family, and then based on the survey outcomes, the needy family receives food stuffs including wheat, rice, sugar and oil in periodic basis. Within this project, CSSW also distributes food stuffs to poor families as emergency relief. During 2010, the number of beneficiaries of this project reached (3730) families as follows:

No. Activity No. of families

1 Delivery of monthly and periodic foodstuff to sponsored families 1441

2 Distribution of foodstuff to poor families as emergency relief 2289

Total 3730

CSSW branch in Taiz implemented the project of «Half a kilo from things you like» where different kinds of food stuffs were collected and distributed to about (1000) poor families in addition to the project of supporting debtors who are unable pay their debts in which (10) individuals benefited from this support.

Project of poor families sponsorship – Joban,Al-Dhalee

Annual Report 2010 37 4- Facilitation of Marriage

CSSW had the precedence in establishing this tradition in Yemen which is deemed a civilized phenomenon that contributes to assist the youth in getting married, setting up good families and combating luxury and extravagance that usually accompany ceremonies. During 2010, three collective were organized in many governorates. The number of beneficiaries amounted to (1187) brides and grooms as follows:

No. of No. Activity Governorate beneficiaries

1 Holding collective weddings 732 Sana,a, Dhamar, Al-Baydha

Provision of financial aids to Hodeida, Hadramout, Amran, Dhale and 2 455 grooms Raymah

Total 1187 8 governorates

Collective wedding ceremony – Wusab

38 Annual Report 2010 4- Facilitation of Marriage 5- Al-Shafaka House for Sheltering Renal Failure and Cancer Patients

Renal failure and cancer diseases are considered as chronic diseases and costly to the patient and his/ her family. The person infected by renal failure needs washing more than one time per week where the cancer patient needs chemical and radio treatment from time to time. Those patients, particularly who come from other governorates can not afford the cost of accommodation in Sana’a city which is the only place in Yemen where the treatment of such diseases is available. To contribute in addressing this problem, CSSW established in early 2008 Al-Shafaka House for Sheltering Renal Failure and Cancer Patients with a capacity of (50) beds as the first phase, and hopes to expand this capacity to include (400) beds. The house provides patients with health services, medicines and daily meals for them and their companions in addition to several psychological support programs. During the year 2010, the house sheltered (500) patients and their companions and provided different services as follows:

No. Activity No. of families

1 Provision of monthly allowances and cash assistance to patients 200

Sheltering patients and their companions and providing them with health 2 300 care services, medicines, daily meals and recreational trips

Total 500

Medical check-up for admitted patients Al-Shafaka House Building – Sana’a

Annual Report 2010 39 6- Educational Projects

Within the framework of education, CSSW carries out a number of educational projects with the aim of contributing in education development and helping students pursue their public and academic education. These projects which are implemented in partnership with a number of organizations and donors in and out of Yemen, include Provision of Sponsorship and Scholarships to Poor Students Project, the Project of “My Future in Education” which aims to re-enroll hundreds of dropped-out students into education in a number of governorates, the Project of School Bags and Uniforms Distribution and the Project of Skills Centers during the summer vacation. In the year 2010, the total number of beneficiaries amounted to (52,500) individuals as follows:

No. Project Beneficiaries

1 Provision of Sponsorship and Scholarships to Poor Students 184

2 Project of «My Future in Education» 400

3 School Bags and Uniforms Distribution 44591

4 Skills Centers during the summer vacation 7325

Total 52500

In the same connection, a number of CSSW branches provided students with fresh water and breakfasts where (17,345) male and female students benefited from such services.

Schoolbags distribution project My Future in Education Project

40 Annual Report 2010 Annual Report 2010 41 In this field, a number of emergency relief campaigns were conducted to provide social and health emergency services to the people afflicted by disasters and wars and who become badly in need of shelter, food, medicine and clothing. These campaigns contributed in relieving the sufferance of people and prevented them from possible diseases due to the bad situations in the camps where they live. During the year 2010, CSSW carried out a number relief campaigns as follows:

1- Relief Campaigns:

Beneficiaries No. Campaign Individual Family

Relief to people affected by rockslides in Al-Mudafar district in 1 23 ــ Taiz

Relief to people affected by flood in Aden city (distribution of 2 17 foodstuff and drawing of water from afloat houses)

«Dignity Bag» distribution to displaced families due to war in 3 11660 ــ Sa,ada and Hajja

4 Two relief caravans to IDPs camps in Amran and Hajja 1530 5562

Total 1530 17262

Distribution of foodstuffs and mattresses for “Dignity Bags” distribution project for displaced affected people in Taiz families in Sa’ada and Hajja

42 Annual Report 2010 2- Construction of Houses for Families Affected by Flood in Hadramout

Within the framework of its relief to people affected by flood in Hadramout and Al-Mahara, CSSW completed this year the construction of (103) houses for affected families who lost their houses in Wadi Hadramout. This project which had a great impact in reducing the sufferance of those families was implemented in partnership with many donor organizations in and out of Yemen and deemed as part of strategic plan adopted by CSSW to construct more than (400) houses for the affected families.

Table demonstrating constructed houses and donor organizations till the end of 2010

No. Organization Houses

1 Aid Foundation for Development 40

2 Qatar Red Crescent 37

3 Al-Thawasol Foundation for Development 20

4 World Assembly for Muslim Youth 3

5 CSSW Branch in Mukalla 3

Total 103

One of the beneficiaries receives his own house’s key A number of houses built for people affected by and property document - Hadramout the flood in Hadramout

Annual Report 2010 43 3- Support to People Affected by Flood in

For relief of the people affected by flood in Pakistan, CSSW dispatched a relief team to be acquainted with the damages in regions and provinces of Pakistan and to provide aid to the affected people. During the campaign, the team provided varieties of services with a total amount of (70,000 US$) including distribution of foodstuff for (400) families, (25) tents, (2000) schoolbags and various clothes, in addition to equipment and operation of one mobile clinic for six months, distribution of (10) water pumps and installation of (4) water filtration stations.

Provision of medical services for people affected by the floods – Pakistan

Distribution of tents for affected people – Pakistan

44 Annual Report 2010 Annual Report 2010 45 In this field, CSSW implements numerous health, educational, social and cultural projects and activities through the Family Development Sector in Sana’a city and its branches and the women committees all over the governorates of the Republic. The Sector provides many social, health and educational services aiming at contributing in developing community and improving individual and family women livelihood conditions. It also carries out training, qualification and handcraft programs to qualify the poor families through acquiring them handcrafts and skills so as to transform the family from poverty into self-reliance. During the year 2010, the total beneficiaries from social services provided by the sector reached to (15,200) families.

1- Perspectives for Marginalized Children and Youth in Sana’a

In its 1st phase, the project aims at integrating (500) young men and women (aged 14 - 17) from the marginalized people into the community in a number of marginalized neighborhoods in Sana’a city which were identified according to a baseline survey conducted by CSSW. The project targets the three categories of the marginalized people - children, youth and parents - in targeted areas through implementing training and peer education activities for youth on life skills to enable them to access a larger range of employment opportunities in the future and to promote their integration into the community. The project also conducts awareness activities for teachers, social workers and administrators in schools where marginalized children are enrolled through holding theatre plays, awareness sessions and various competitions. It is worth mentioning that the project is funded by the European Commission and implemented in partnership with Care International - Yemen. During 2010, the project provided (30) scholarships to young men and women, trained (60) young men and women on leadership and effective communication, enrolled (75) children into kindergartens and (75) students into schools and integrated (75) children into the community.

Enrollment of children to the kindergarten - Sana’a

46 Annual Report 2010 2- Stop Early Marriage and Exchange Marriage Project

This project, which is funded by the European Commission, is one of the projects initiated recently by CSSW. It aims at defending human rights for women through eliminating gender-based violence, specifically early marriage and exchange marriage which cause health, psychological and social damages to girls who get married in early ages or in an exchange manner. Targeting five areas including Hodeida, Hajja, Mahweet, Rada’a and Al-Bayadha, the project implements a number of awareness activities to contribute in reducing early and exchange marriage rates which are considered as a result of misunderstanding for approved values among the community members as well as insufficient practice of law to protect women’s rights in Yemeni society. It also provides the girls with income generating alternatives and develops their knowledge and awareness on women rights through increasing the rate of enrollment to education in targeted governorates, especially rural areas, providing them with school bags and uniforms, holding various training and awareness sessions for women, girls, judges, lawyers, teachers, journalists, imams and community members to raise their awareness on the legal rights of girls concerning the early and exchange marriage. All these activities are implemented in coordination with concerned governmental authorities and donor organizations. During the year 2010, the project built (3) centers and furnished other (2) centers for women training and qualification, provided (100) loans to girls within the framework of economic empowerment which the project endeavors to enhance among hte community, held a workshop for (80) judges and lawyers and awareness sessions for (30) girls as well as (500) school bags and uniforms were distributed to girls in the targeted areas.

Workshop on combating early and exchange marriage - Sana’a

Annual Report 2010 47 1- Perspectives for Marginalized Children and Youth in Sana’a

3 - Other Services and Activities

No. Activity Beneficiaries

1 Disbursement of cash allocation to the orphans sponsored by the sector 830

Enhancement courses in schools and distribution of school bags with its 2 2035 exigencies and Osama child magazine Holding of training courses on marketing, writing proposals and 3 184 electronic system of lending for the sector,s staff Total 3049

Project of blankets distribution during the winter - Sana’a

48 Annual Report 2010 Annual Report 2010 49 Major activities and events organized during 2010

CSSW celebration on occasion of its 20th anniversary

Attended by Judge Hamoud Al-Hitar, Minister of Endowment and Guidance and a number of government officials, social personalities, businessmen and representatives of organiz ations and donors in and out of Yemen, CSSW organized a ceremony in July on occasion of its 20th anniversary.

During the ceremony, Judge Al-Hitar, Minister of Endowment and Guidance, who attended on behalf of the President’’ of the Republic, praised the efforts exerted by CSSW in the charity and humanitarian fields and said: During the 20 years, CSSW represented a successful symbol of partnership between the government and civil society organizations where it contributed through its various developmental projects in improving the small of individuals and families and has a greater role in transforming the charity work from individual into collective work. Therefore, it got the trust of government, donors and benevolent”. From his part, Judge Murshed Al-Arashani, CSSW Chairman, confirmed that CSSW created the culture of charity work in an institutional manner, accredited transparency and institutionalism as a methodology, calling all people to support humanitarian work and solidify its culture among community members, and combine the efforts to combat begging phenomena which deforms the picture of Yemen through establishing vocational training centers for those beggars and integrating them into the community. Mr. Sultan Al-Qasmi, Chairman of the Islah Association in Ras Al-Khaima in UAE, said that Yemen represents the civilized and historical depth of the Arab nation, emphasizing the importance of building the capacity of the human-being and combining efforts and cooperation in order to make great achievements. Dr. Tariq Sinan Abuluhum, the founder and former chairman of CSSW, shed light on the first phases of CSSW establishment and the constraints they faced at that time. He also appreciated the efforts and support of benevolent and donors to achieve such a great success. The ceremony was intervened by artistic segments and songs. At the end, CSSW honored its founders and a number of Arab and international organizations representatives, businessmen, charity people from inside and outside of Yemen.

Song performance by small children Part of the attendants in the speech and artistic ceremony

50 Annual Report 2010 Celebration on occasion of Obtainment of Sharjah Award for Voluntary Work in 2010

Appraising for its interest in voluntary work and investment of volunteers’ efforts particularly in the Onchocerciasis Control Program which depends mainly on community volunteers for implementing its activities and operations, CSSW received the Sharjah Award for Voluntary Work for the year 2010. During the honoring ceremony held in Sharjah in December 2010, Sheikh Sultan bin Mohammed bin Sultan Al Qasimi, the Crown Prince and Deputy Ruler of Sharjah, UAE, handed over the Sharjah Award for Voluntary Work within Arab institutions category to Dr. Ammar Hassan Hazza, CSSW general manager for administrative services affairs. On occasion of the obtainment of the above-mentioned award and the award of Sheikh Fahad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah for the distinguished charity project and the renewal of the quality certificate for the year 2011, CSSW organized a dinner ceremony on 12 January 2011 which was attended by Dr. Amat Al-Razzak Hummad, the minister of social affairs, representatives of embassies, international organizations, donors, social personalities and businessmen. During the ceremony, Dr. Hummad confirmed that the obtainment of both awards comes as a result of CSSW’s distinguished administrative efforts, praising its great role in voluntary field and its significant partnership with the government. From her part, Mrs. Lulwa Al-Kilani, who delivered a statement on behalf of Mrs. Bertpha Mahta, the UN Resident Coordinator, emphasized the importance of voluntary activities and the projects implemented by CSSW, pointing out that the world regards the voluntarism seriously and thus the UN declared the year 2011 as the Year of Voluntarism. Meanwhile, Dr. Abdulmajeed Farhan, CSSW General Secretary, displayed the Society’s achievements during the last two decades and its excellence in adopting and implementing of many unprecedented projects at all levels, announcing that CSSW is about to establish a social research center in order to improve the institutional work and performance. At the end of the ceremony, the Society honored the director of the Onchocerciasis Control Program and a number of its field volunteers.

Part of the attendants in the ceremony held on CSSW General Director receives the Sharjah occasion of receiving the Sharjah Award Award for voluntary work 2010

Annual Report 2010 51 CSSW… Distinguished Presenc and Effective Participations

With the framework of cooperation with many humanitarian organizations and national, regional and international programs, CSSW participates in various national, regional and international conferences, gatherings and programs inside and outside the country. It also pays several visits to donor and concerned agencies inside and outside the country. During the year 2010, CSSW participated in the following:

External Participations

1- Participation in the 3rd conference of humanitarian organizations in the countries of the Islamic Congress Organization, Doha, Qatar. 2- Participation in Dubai International Humanitarian Aid & Development (DIHAD) conference in Dubai. 3- Participation in the 25th anniversary of the Islamic Organizations Union in Europe which was held in Turkey. 4- Participation in the Sister Families Conference, Turkey. 5- Participation in the 6th conference of Sanabel Network for Micro-finance, Syria. 6- Participation in the 7th conference of the Arab Union for Voluntary Work, Cairo, Egypt. 7- Participation in Addiction Control Conference in Kuwait. 8- Participation in the conference of International Humanitarian Forum, Turkey. 9- Participation in the conference entitled “Knowledge on the best practices to reduce mothers mortality rate”, . 10- Participation in the conference of the World Assembly for Muslim Youth, Jakarta.

The Arab Union for Voluntary Work honors Dr. Tareq Sinan, Head of CSSW Supreme Council, as one of the prominent voluntary personalities in Yemen

52 Annual Report 2010 Local Participations

1- Participation in the meeting of the National Committee for Sector Coordination, Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation. 2- Participation in the meeting of the technical committee of Country Coordination Mechanism for TB, Malaria and HIV/AIDS Control. 3- Participation in the workshop on the technical monitoring for plans and involvement of civil society in the 4th quinquennial plan of the government, Ministry of Planning. 4- Participation in the workshop on the involvement of civil society and gender in monitoring and evaluation of developmental plans, Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation. 5- Participation in the mid-term review for the country program of UNFPA, 2007-2011. 6- Participation in the workshop on the conduction mechanisms for the recommendation of the overall periodical display in partnership with Civil Society Organizations, Ministry of Human Rights. 7- Participation in the meetings of Country Coordination Mechanism for TB, Malaria and HIV/AIDS Control. 8- Participation in the International Economic Conference, Sana’a. 9- Participation in discussion of treatment strategy with internally displaced people. 10- Participation in the technical meeting for the preparation of the 4th national human development report. 11- Participation in the activities of the Global Call Against Poverty.

CSSW participates in the workshop on technical monitoring for plans and involvement of civil society on the forth quinary plan of the government - Ministry of Planning

Annual Report 2010 53 Visiting Delegations

- Delegation of the Islamic Congress Organization. - Mr. Salem Al-Zamanan, the former ambassador of the State of Kuwait (visit to Al-Amal Hospital for Psychiatric Medicine). - Representative of the Oxfam organization. - Mr. Fouzi Al-Zaiyout, Representative of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). - Mr. Abdulrahman Al-Tamimi, the Secretary General of Al-Rahma for Charity Works, the United Arab Emirates. - International delegation of UNHCR. - Mr. Atiyya Musa, the Advisor of the Qatar Red Crescent. - Mr. Ahmed Al-Zaitoni, the Regional Director of Global Fund. - Deputy Representative of Oxfam - Mr. Abdulaziz Al-Mekdad, Head of Projects Sector in Qatar Charity. - Delegation of Charity Hands toward Asia. - Representative of Care International. - Delegation of the Turkish IHH Organization. - Delegation of Doctors without Borders (MSF) in Yemen - Representative of Progressio Organization in Yemen. - Deputy of the Industrial and Commercial Chamber in Turkey.

Mr. Salem Al-Zamanan, the former ambassador of CSSW receives IHH organization delegation Kuwait visits Al-Amal Hospital

54 Annual Report 2010 Stations… in the March of Charity and Offerings

Episode Year

First branch established (Hodeida) 1990

Publication of the Osamah magazine for children 1991

First collective wedding ceremony (Hodeida) 1992

Establishment of the psychiatric & neurological hospital, Sana’a 1992

Inauguration of Dar Al-Ahmar for Qualification of Women 1994

Establishment of the specialized mother hospital 1995

Signing a cooperation protocol with the Ministry of Public Health 1997

Holding the first orphan festival 1998 Establishment of “Reproductive Health & Family Planning Program” in partnership 1999 with UNFPA Accession to the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) 2000

Establishment of Small Enterprises Program (Lending) 2000

Accession to the Arab National Organizations Network 2003

Inauguration of Al-Amal Psychiatric & Neurological Hospital 2003

Inauguration of the President of the Republic>s Center for Qualification of Orphans 2004

Establishment of the Child Labor Combat Project (ACCESS-MENA) 2005 Accession to the UN Department of Public Information for Non-Governmental 2006 Organizations (DPI-NGO) Accession to the Arab Family Organization 2006 Accession to the full membership of Non-Governmental organizations engaging in 2006 control of Onchocerciasis. Approval of Quality Management Project 2007

Obtaining the Quality Certificate ISO 9001 : 2008 2008

Renewal of the Quality Certificate ISO 9001 : 2008 for the year 2010 2009 , Obtainment of Sheikh Fahd Al-Ahmad s International Award for distinguished charity 2010 project by Al-Amal Hospital for Psychiatric Medicine. Celebration on the occasion of CSSW’s 20th Anniversary and honoring of its 2010 founders Renewal of the Quality Certificate ISO 9001 : 2008 for the year 2011 2010 Obtainment of the Sharjah award for voluntary work for 2010 through the 2010 Onchocerciasis Control Program

Annual Report 2010 55 TESTIMONIALS

CSSW continues to implement charity projects of various types in our country. Today, it has become the generic term for “charity” and a haven for a lot of poor and needy people in Yemen. Perhaps, sponsorship of, and care for orphans is one of the most prominent charity works undertaken in collaboration with businessmen and generous people.

Sheikh Abdullah Bin Hussein Al-Ahmar Former Speaker of the House of Representatives

CSSW efforts are large and its services are expanded and renewed day by day. This festival (Orphan Festival) is deemed as a flowing giving toward good and charity. Therefore, we support CSSW and its significant projects particularly orphan care and sponsorship projects. Thank you for all participants in this festival from inside and outside of Yemen.

Judge/ Hamoud Al-Hitar Minister of Endowment and Guidance

We are all following up CSSW’s works and are proud of the good work and great achievements it realized. In fact, CSSW is a pioneer in the field of charity and was able to enhance its institutional capacity and expand its activities to many fields.

Mr. Abdulkarim Al-Arhabi Deputy Prime Minister Minister of Planning & International Cooperation

56 Annual Report 2010 CSSW contributes in pushing the wheel of development all over the governorates of Yemen and reaches the most remote areas. We always confirm that this is the real role of civil society organizations which become partners of government in setting and implementing its plans, programs and strategies. CSSW, as one of the largest organization in Yemen, is represented in the governmental committees responsible for such developmental plans and strategies.

Dr. Amat Al-Razzak Hummad Minister of Social Affairs and Labor

Such festivals (Orphan Festival) have significant importance where induces in the human-being the importance of social solidarity and the importance of a category of the society, i.e. the orphans category. I believe, as Minister of Human rights, this category is supposed to have a priority in concern more than the other categories of the community for guiding it in the right path in order not deviate to another field. Such workshops are the rise for the conscience of the people who have firm and convinced belief that the orphan is an integral part of the community and it should acquire the concern of all the community whether the civil community or the government.

Huda Alba Minister of Human Rights

“It was my pleasure and honor to visit CSSW and I was very happy with the huge number of social and health services provided and the huge number of beneficiaries of such services. I wish you all the best, progress and prosperity for the good of Yemen and Yemenis”.

Mohammed Osama Maree WHO Deputy Representative in Yemen

Annual Report 2010 57

Charitable Society for Social Welfare Headquarters: New University Roundabout Sana’a, Republic of Yemen Tel: +967 -1- 464402 Fax: +967 -1- 464419 E-mail: [email protected]

Our Bank Account Numbers Tadhamon International Islamic Bank: (26906) Saba Islamic Bank: (339) Yemen Bank for Reconstruction & Development: (1023)