Eclipse Plugin

專案名稱都有對應的超連結可以連到該專案 專案名稱 描述 is an image processing engine developped for astronomical data reduction purposes. It features many standard low-level functionalities eclipse and high-level calibration and cleaning procedures. eclipse 是一個圖像處理機器,它的開發是爲了減少龐大的資料。它的特點是具有許 多標準的低水平的功能,高水準的刻度和清晰的過程。 Eclipse plugin. Useful features like equals() and clone() generation, etc CodeSugar Eclipse Plugin Eclipse 的插件,支援像 equals()和 clone()等非常有用的功能。 zClipse is a project for building Eclipse ( plugins. Our first plugin is ZMail, which provides integrated email facilities for zClipse Eclipse. Other plugins include a source formatting plugin . zClipse 專案是爲 Eclipse 構造插件的專案。我們的第一個插件 ZMail,爲 Eclipse 提供完整的郵件工具。其他的插件,包括一個源碼格式化插件。 Hopy is a AIM instant messenger written in using SWT/JFace. Runs standalone and as an Eclipse plugin. Hopy uses TOC to connect to the Hopy AIM network Hopy 是一個 AIM instant messenger 用 Java 的 SWT/JFace 編寫。可以獨立運 行也可以做爲 Eclipse 的插件。Hopy 用 TOC 連接到 AIM 網路。 AntView is an eclipse plug-in to run Ant build file targets from within the Eclipse AntView Plugin Eclipse IDE. AntView 是一個 elipse 插件,可從 Eclipse IDE 中運行 Ant 建造文 件。 Eclipse is an IDE written in Java. Originally intended for Java development, it has been branching out into C and C++. It uses its own Eclipse GUI toolkit called SWT. Eclipse 是一個 Java 寫成的 IDE。它本來是爲 Java 開發而建立的,現在擴展到 C 和 C++。它使用自己的稱之爲 SWT 的 GUI 工具。 Eclipse is an object-oriented class library for PHP. The classes in the library are very powerful, allowing programmers to execute queries on databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL, MS-SQL and Sybase), read data from files, process all kinds of lists to create nice looking reports, and much PHP Eclipse more. PHP Eclipse 顯視是一個面向物件的 PHP 庫。庫中的這些類是非常有用的,允許程 式師執行對資料庫(PostgreSQL, MySQL, MS-SQL 和 Sybase)的查詢,從文件中 讀取資料,處理各種列表以創建外觀良好的報表,等等。 CVS-SSH2 Plug-in for Eclipse is an Eclipse plug-in to allow CVS access on an encrypted session by SSH2 protocol. CVS-SSH2 Plug-in for Eclipse CVS-SSH2 Plug-in for Eclipse 是一個 Eclipse 插件,允許 CVS 通過 SSH2 協定 訪問一個加密的會話。 The EditorList plug-in is an editor manager for Eclipse that presents editors in an convenient view. Eclipse EditorList Plug-in Eclipse EditorList Plug-in 是一種用於 Eclipse 的編輯管理器,它爲編輯者提供了 簡便的編輯視圖。 An umbrella project for a number of small eclipse enhancements Eclipse utilities Eclipse 工具是用來保護許多小型 eclipse 的改進功能。來源:

380027 1 Xom (Xml Object Model) is a lightweight, powerful, and extensible framework for representing Java gui elements. It aims to serve the needs of multiple gui frameworks (including Eclipse's SWT framework, Xom AWT, and Swing). Xom (Xml Object Model)是一個輕型、功能強大、可擴展的用於表示 Java GUI 元素的框架。它旨在爲滿足多 GUI 框架(包括 Eclipse's SWT framework, AWT, 和 Swing)的需要而服務。來源: Attrezzo is an Eclipse plugin for working with the Apache Xindice native XML database ( The tool enables both typical user and administrative tasks on the database to be carried out in a state of the art GUI environment. Attrezzo per Xindice Attrezzo 是一個和 Apache Xindice 本地的 XML 資料庫 (一起運行的 Eclipse 插件。這個工具能使典型的用戶和 在這個資料庫中的管理任務在一個藝術性的 GUI 環境被實現。來源: JFaceDbc is a JDBC client application written in Java. It can run as a stand-alone application or as an Eclipse Plugin. The GUI is based on JFace and SWT libraries from the Eclipse Project. JFaceDbc JFaceDbc 是一個用 Java 編寫的 JDBC 用戶端應用程式。它可以作爲一個單獨的 應用程式或作爲一個 Eclipse 插件而使用。它的 GUI 基於 Eclipse 專案的 JFace 和 SWT 庫。來源: A administration gui for the JBoss webos. It's a plugin for the Eclipse framework. JBossAdminGui JBossAdminGui 是一個用於 JBoss webos 的管理 GUI。它是 Eclipse 框架的一個 插件。來源: The Eclipse Property File Editor GUI Plugin is a plugin to the Eclipse Platform which provides a GUI editor to interactivly handle java ".properties" files (resource bundles). Eclipse Property File GUI Editor Plugin Eclipse Property File GUI Editor Plugin 是 Eclipse Platform 平臺的插件,提供 了一個 GUI 編輯器以交互性地處理 Java 的".properties"文件(資源包)。來源: A plugin to support the development and testing of web applications in Eclipse. Eclipse Web Application Plugin Eclipse Web Application Plugin 是一個支援 Eclipse Web 應用程式開發和測試的 插件。來源: Eclipse profiler - plugin for profiling Java applications inside of Eclipse. SWT components library - set of additional SWT controls. Controls for database applications development. Eclipse profiler plugin Eclipse profiler 是 Eclipse 內部 Java 應用程式的插件。SWT 元件庫是一套附加的 SWT 控制,可以控制資料庫應用程式的開發。來源: Jad Java decompiler plugin for Eclipse IDE. JadClipse - Eclipse plugin JadClipse - Eclipse plugin 是 Eclipse IDE 的 Jad Java 反編譯器插件。來源: The goal of the project is to develop a Eclipse plugins that make it easier for Java developers to create a report file. It will provide a visual tool for the report design work. Report design tools for Eclipse Report design tools for Eclipse 這個專案的目的是開發一個 Eclipse 插件,它可 以簡化 Java 開發人員創建一個報表文件。這將爲報表設計工作提供一個視覺化的工 具。 來源:

380027 2 The goal of the project is to provide a Microsoft Visual SourceSafe (VSS) team provider plugin for Eclipse 2.1/2.0 from the project. The plugin is well integrated in the IDE environment and provides support for all daily VSS operations. VSS Plugin for Eclipse VSS Plugin for Eclipse 這個專案的目的是爲 專案的 Eclipse 2.1/2.0 提供一個 Microsoft Visual SourceSafe (VSS)團隊提供者插件。這個插 件可以很好地集成到 IDE 環境中,提供了對所有日常 VSS 操作的支援。來源: SkyChart is a software to draw chart of the night sky for the amateur astronomer from a bunch of stars and nebulae catalogs. Show the position of the planets, simulate any eclipse or look at the artificial Sky Chart / Cartes du Ciel satellite. It can also drive the telescope. Sky Chart 是爲業餘天文愛好者提供的一個夜晚星空繪製軟體,可以繪製許多星星 和星雲。它可以顯示行星的位置,類比日(月)食,或觀察人造衛星。它也可以驅動 天文望遠鏡。來源: An eclipse plugin providing tail in view component. Eclipse Tail Plugin Eclipse Tail Plugin 是一個 eclipse 插件,提供了視圖元件的修定。來源: X-Men - a XML plugin for A XML plugin for eclipse 是 eclipse 的一個 XML 插件。來源: Eclipse The goal of the JLense project is to provide an open source framework for developing Java Swing applications on top of IBM's Eclipse plugin framework. JLense JLense 專案的目的是爲在 IBM 的 Eclipse 插件框架之上開發 Java Swing 應用程式 提供一個開源框架。來源: 51%2C865 The goal of this project is to provide an eclipse import wizard which adds a reference to a WebService. The user friendly wizard invokes the Apache WSDL2Java tool: "Building stubs, skeletons, and data types from WSDL" . Eclipse WSDL2Java plugin Eclipse WSDL2Java plugin 這個專案的目的提供一個 eclipse 導入向導,它增加 到一個 WebService 的參考。這個用戶友好的向導激發了 Apache WSDL2Java 工 具:建造爲 WSDL 建造 tubs, skeletons 和資料類型來源: Hibernator is a pure java Eclipse ( plugin that enables synchronisation of a java class and the related Hibernate ( mapping file. A user can edit their busisness class and not have to update the matching Hibernate Hibernator - Eclipse Plugin Hibernator 是一個純 Java Eclipse (插件,支援 Java 類同步和 相關的 Hibernate (映射文件。用戶可以編輯他們的 業務類,不必更新匹配的 Hibernate 來源: SWT MVC Wrapper is a LGPL library which provides widgets that wrap around Eclipse's SWT widgets to offer a Model View Controller (MVC) model. SWT MVC Wrapper SWT MVC Wrapper 是一個 LGPL 庫,提供了對 Eclipse 的 SWT 視窗元件的封裝 以提供一個 Model View Controller (MVC)模型。來源:

380027 3 Provide metrics measurement plugin for the Eclipse platform. Measure things like LOC, McCabe's V(G), NOM, NORM, DIT, etc. etc. Provide averages and maximum values for all metrics. Eclipse Metrics plugin Maxima are linked to the resource causing them Eclipse Metrics plugin 爲 Eclipse 平臺提供測量插件。可以測量的東西有 LOC, McCabe's V(G), NOM, NORM, DIT,等等。爲所有測量提供了平均值和最大值。最大值被鏈結到生成這些 值的資源。來源: Provide IDE support for Tapestry: Java Web Components in the form of a plugin for the Eclipse IDE. Tapestry is a sourceforge hosted project. Spindle, An Eclipse Plugin for Tapestry Spindle 爲 Tapestry 提供 IDE 支援:爲 Eclipse IDE 提供的插件式的 Java Web 內容管理。Tapestry 是一個位於 sourceforge 的專案。來源: Media Player 是一個用 java 語言編寫的 Eclipse 插件。現在僅僅可以用來播放聲 音媒體。 軟體主頁: 使用方式: 直接解壓到 eclipse 安裝目錄下的 plugins 目錄中就可以了。 0.0.2 (20030617) 1、增加滑鼠右鍵功能。 2、增加從列表文件刷新播放列表功能。 0.0.1 (20030610) Media Player 主要的功能包括: 1、所支援的音頻格式包 括:.mp3、.wav、.aif、.rmf、.au、.mid 等音頻文件。 2、可以單獨增加符合 格式的音頻文件到播放列表。 3、可以增加一個目錄以及該目錄的所有子目錄下的 符合格式的音頻文件到播放列表 (以後可以設置是否包括子目錄中的文件)。 4、提供播放、暫停、停止、前一首、後一首的播放功能。 5、播放方式中提供迴 圈播放、隨機播放以及是否從播放列表中刪除實際不存在的媒體連接。 6、可以從 MediaPlayer for Eclipse 播放列表中刪除當前選中的媒體,也可以從播放列表中刪除所有的媒體。 7、可以 調節聲音大小。

Media Player is a plugin for eclipse writed by java. Now it can only play audio, and play video will come soon. 0.0.2 (20030617) 1. Support mouse right click. 2. You can refresh the play list from the list file. 0.0.1 (20030610) The primary function including: 1. It can play *.mp3, *.wav, *.aif, *.rmf, *.au, *.mid etc. 2. You can add one media file to your play list. 3. Also you can add a directory and all its subdirectory to your play list. 4. You can play, pause, stop, play previous and play next from your play list. 5. You can play media repeatedly and random. 6. You can delete the selected item from play list or all items from play list. 7. You can adjust volume. Eimp is an instant messenger that integrates some popular protocols like MSN, Yahoo!, ICQ, AIM, Jabber, etc. It comes both as a standalone application and a plugin for Eclipse. Eimp 來源: Eimp 是一個集成 在流行協定如 MSN, Yahoo!, ICQ, AIM, Jabber 等的即時通信軟體。支援單機程 式和 Eclipse 插件。 PHP, SQL, HTML, JTidy - Support for the Eclipse IDE Framework 2.1.1 (; Some Features are PHP parser, code formatter, outline view, templates ...(Programming Language: Java) PHP, SQL, HTML, phpeclipse JTidy - 支援 Eclipse IDE Framework 2.1.1 (,功能包括 PHP 編譯器,編碼格式程式,大綱視圖,模板...(編程語言: Java) 來源: Collection of plugins for Eclipse 2.1 ( Web-Application Development Environment (XML/HTML/CSS/JSP). solareclipse Eclipse 2.1 插件集(。網路應用軟體發展環境 (XML/HTML/CSS/JSP) 來源:

380027 4 a peer-to-peer talk plugin for eclipse universal tool platform. with it, developers can get in touch with each other within eclipse. one can have multiple sessions with different developers concurrently. iTalk Plugin for Eclipse iTalk Plugin for Eclipse 是一個點對點通話插件,可用於 eclipse 通用的工具平臺。 使用它,開發者能在 eclipse 中彼此聯繫。一個開發者可在多個會議中與不同的開發 者聯繫。來源: Well, when I initially started the project, it was named "Eclipse-Style Browsers." While, technically speaking, this would have been the correct name, it's quite long, isn't it? So, then I was thinking about Browser- Be Sweet, a Set of Visual Suite, which then turned into B-Suite. Source Code Br 我最初開發的一個專案叫"Eclipse-Style Browsers",但從技術上說,這應該是正 確的名字,只是有些長,不是嗎?所以我將它改爲 Browser-Suite,縮寫爲 B- Suite。來源: DBEdit is a plugin for the Eclipse Workbench. It can be used to explore databases, edit tables directly with a spreadsheet like editor, edit SQL und more. DBEdit Plugin for Eclipse DBEdit 是爲 Eclipse Workbench 提供的一個插件。可以用於瀏覽資料庫,直接用 表格編輯器來編輯資料庫表,編輯 SQL,等等。來源: Provides a clearcase plugin for the eclipse development environment Clearcase plugin for Eclipse Clearcase plugin for Eclipse 爲 eclipse 開發環境提供了一個 clearcase 插件。 來源: Checkclipse is a plugin which integrates the Checkstyle style checker v3.0 for Coding Guidelines into Eclipse. All Java style violations will be immediately reported by error markers. Coding Guidelines can be configured for each project separately. Checkclipse Eclipse. Checkclipse 這是爲 Eclipse 提供的插件,可以將爲 Coding Guidelines 提供的 Checkstyle 風格的 checker v3.0 集成到 Eclipse 中。所有的 Java 風格的 校驗資訊可以被錯誤標識器立即報告。可以爲每個專案配置各自的 Coding Guidelines。來源: PHP, SQL, HTML - Support for the Eclipse IDE Framework (; Some Features are PHP parser, debugger, code formatter, outline view, templates...(Programming Language: Java) PHPeclipse - PHP/SQL/HTML Eclipse-Plugin PHPeclipse - PHP/SQL/HTML 這是爲 Eclipse 提供的插件,支援 Eclipse IDE Framework (,可以做爲 PHP 分析器,調試器,代碼格式化器, 支援輸出視圖,模板...(編程語言:Java)。來源: Complete Python development environment for Eclipse (editor, outline view, debugger, and other goodies) for eclipse pydev for eclipse 這是作 Eclipse 提供的完整的 Python 開發環境(提供了編輯器, 輸出視圖,調試器,和其他有用的工具)。來源: Vex is a CSS-styled XML editor based on the Eclipse platform. It provides a word processor-like interface for document-style XML documents such as DocBook and xhtml. Vex - A Visual Editor for XML Vex - 是一個基於 Eclipse 平臺的 CSS 風格的 XML 編輯器。它提供了一個與字處 理器類似的介面來文檔方式處理 XML 文檔,如 DocBook 和 xhtml。來源:

380027 5 Quantum is a database access plugin for Eclipse. It currently supports Postgres, MySQL, Adabas, DB2, Oracle, and most databases with a JDBC driver. It shows tables, views, and sequences in a tree format and provides an SQL editor with syntax highlighting Quantum Database Utility Quantum 是爲 Eclipse 提供的一個資料庫訪問插件。它目前支援 Postgres, MySQL, Adabas, DB2, Oracle,以及其他支援 JDBC 驅動程式的資料庫。它可以 顯示表,視圖,以樹狀結構顯示,提供了帶有語法突出顯示的 SQL 編輯器。來源: Provide a cross-platform Eclipse IDE plugin or plugins to facilitate development of J2ME applications. Supported functions will include development, preverification and emulation/debugging. EclipseME EclipseME 提供了一個跨平臺的 Eclipse IDE 插件,來方便 J2ME 應用程式的開發。 支援的功能將包括開發、預檢查,以及類比和調試。來源: Colorer library provides source text syntax highlighting services. It colorizes source codes in editor systems (more than 100 formats). Uses powerful HRC format(XML, RE, context free grammas), allowing to support any language. Available as Eclipse plugin Colorer Library Colorer Library 提供了源文本語法突出顯示服務。它在編輯器系統中爲代碼加上顔 色(超過 100 種格式)。使用強大的 HRC 格式(XML, RE,上下文自由的語法), 可以支援任意的語言。可以作爲 Eclipse 插件。來源: Graysky provides developer-centric plugins for the Eclipse platform. The first Graysky plugin is LogWatcher, a tool to monitor any log file from an Eclipse view. Graysky Plugins for Eclipse Graysky 爲 Eclipse 平臺提供了以開發者-爲中心的插件。第一個插件 Graysky 是 LogWatcher,可以從 Eclipse 的視圖中監視任意的日誌文件。來源: The aim of this project is to develop a Globus Toolkit plugin for Eclipse. Current work is being done with GT3.x, with plans to eventually make a transition to GT4. Globus Toolkit Plugin for Eclipse 這個程式的目標主要爲 Eclipse 開發一個全球的工具箱插件。 現在的工作正在完成 對 GT3.x 的處理, 然後計劃最後轉變爲 GT4。來源: An Eclipse 3.0 compatible plugin which allows BEA's WebLogic Server (6.1, 7.1 and 8.1) to be managed from within eclipse and thus easily debug deployed J2EE applications in BEA. FORTHnet WebLogic Eclipse Plugin Eclipse 3.0 中相容性的插件允許從 Eclipse 內部來管理 BEA 的 WebLigic 伺服器 (6.1,7.1 和 8.1),這樣在 BEA 中就可以很容易地調試布署 J2EE 應用程式。來源: StrutsBox is a visual Eclipse plugin toolkit for developing applications with Jakarta Struts Framework, currently the most used J2EE/MVC framework. StrutsBox StrutsBox 是一個視覺化的 Eclipse 插件工具,用於使用 Jakarta Struts 框架來 開發應用程式,目前支援使用的 J2EE/MVC 框架。來源:

380027 6 The project is an Eclipse plugin that provides an editor for JavaScript files with syntax highlighting and outlining including some common OO approaches. Supported OO outline features are: Constructor, Class JavaScript Editor PlugIn for methods, Instance methods, Class variables etc Eclipse 這個專案提供了一個 Eclipse 插件,可以編輯 JavaScript 文件,支援語法突出顯示 和包括了一些常用的面向物件的方法。支援的面向物件的功能有:構造函數,類方 法,實例方法,類變數等等。來源: Jalopy is a source code formatter/beautifier/pretty printer for the Java programming language. It is aimed to provide a full-featured, yet free alternative to the well-known Jindent. Plug-ins for Ant, Eclipse, IDEA, Jalopy Java Source Code JBuilder, JDeveloper, jEdit, NetBeans. Formatter Jalopy 是爲 Java 編程語言提供的一個源代碼格式化/美化/漂亮的列印器。它旨在 提供一個功能完整的,而且是免費的可以取代著名的 Jindent 的産品。爲 Ant, Eclipse, IDEA, JBuilder, JDeveloper, jEdit, NetBeans 提供了插件。來源: The goal of this project is to provide a bunch of tools, inside popular IDE as Eclipse v2.0, Borland JBuilder 5-6, in order to facilitate the developement of a web project based on Jakarta Struts framework.(keywords: MVC2, Struts, Eclipse, JBuilder, Easy Struts plugins Java Easy Struts plugins 這個專案的目的提供一套工具,爲在 Eclipse v2.0, Borland JBuilder 5-6 這些流行的 IDE 中簡化開發基於 Jakarta Struts 框架的 Web 應用程式(關鍵字:MVC2, Struts, Eclipse, JBuilder, Java)。來源: The Eclipse Checkstyle plug-in integrates the Checkstyle Java code auditor into the Eclipse IDE. The plug-in provides real-time feedback to the user about violations of rules that check for coding style and possible error prone code constructs. Eclipse Checkstyle Plug-in Eclipse Checkstyle Plug-in 這個 Eclipse Checkstyle 插件將 Checkstyle Java 代碼編輯器集成到 Eclipse IDE 中。這個插件爲用戶提供了有關違背編碼風格的代 碼資訊,以及可能錯誤的代碼結構。來源: Set of plugins based on Eclipse and xored::TruStudio IDE for PHP, Python, and ECMAScript development TruStudio TruStudio 這套插件基於 Eclipse 和 xored::TruStudio IDE,支援 PHP, Python, 和 ECMAScript 開發。來源: The purpose of this project is to develop misc. tools for the Eclipse Platform ( The contributions will most likely be in the form of plugins. Eclipse Tools Eclipse Tools 這個專案的目的是爲 Eclipse 平臺開發( 一套工具,産品發行將可能以插件的方式來操作。來源: The Eclipse Tidy Project provides a plugin for the Eclipse IDE based on JTidy, the Java port of HTML Tidy. It can be used to format and check (X)HTML or XML. Eclipse Tidy Eclipse Tidy 爲 Eclipse IDE 提供了一個基於 JTidy 的插件,用 Java 移植了 HTML Tidy。它可用於格式化和檢查(X)HTML 或 XML。來源:

380027 7 EPIC is a collection of Perl plugins for Eclipse. Currently the following plugins are under development: - Perl Editor Plugin - Perl Debugger Plugin - RegExp Plugin EPIC - Eclipse Perl Integration EPIC - 是一套爲 Eclipse 提供的 Perl 插件。目前正在開發下列的插件:-Perl 編輯 器插件;-Perl 調試器插件;-RegExp 插件人。來源: Plugin for Eclipse that provides sophisticated CSS editing funcionality. CSS Editor (Eclipse Plugin) CSS Editor (Eclipse Plugin) 這是一個爲 Eclipse 提供的插件,可以編輯複雜的 CSS 功能。來源: Eclipse plugin to manage a Tomcat web-server. It provides the possibility to start and stop web applications on multiple servers. Tomcat Manager Plugin Tomcat Manager Plugin 這個 Eclipse 插件用於管理 Tomcat web 伺服器。它提 供了啓動和停止多個伺服器上的 Web 應用程式的功能。來源: jMechanic is an Eclipse Java IDE plugin providing Java Profiling tools. Tools such as CPU Sampling and Heap Summary allow the Java developer to tune up the performance of their Java programs all within the comfort of the Eclipse IDE. jMechanic jMechanic 是一個 Eclipse Java IDE 插件,爲 Java 提供了一個統計資料工具, 如 CPU 採樣和堆統計工具可以讓 Java 開發人員調整他們的 Java 程式的性能,所有 工作都是在 Eclipse IDE 的環境中完成的。來源: Eclipse Instant Messenger Plugin(eimp) is a Eclipse( plugin, which integrate some popular im Eclipse Instant Messenger protocols(MSN,YAHOO,ICQ,AIM,etc.). Plugin Eclipse 即時消息插件(eimp) 是一個 Eclipse(插件,它 集成了一些流行的即時消息協定(MSN,YAHOO,ICQ,AIM,等等) 來源: A rapid application development plug-in for eclipse ( which generate a complete Java application with : - Hibernate ( or JDO - Struts (with Tiles and Validator) The generated code uses Facade-DAO-DTO patterns jnius jnius 是一個爲 eclipse (提供的快速開發插件:它會用- Hibernate ( or JDO - Struts (with Tiles and Validator) 來生成一個完整的 Java 應用程式。生成的代碼使用了 Facade-DAO-DTO patterns 模式。來源: A plugin for Eclipse Platform for creating, viewing and editing XML documents. Will support XML schema definition and validation. Maybe also alternative presentation for some xml types. Xml Clipse Xml Clipse 是一個爲 Eclipse 平臺提供的插件,用於創建、查看和編輯 XML 文檔。 支援 XML schema 定義和校驗。也提供了某些 XML 類型的替換表達方法。來源: Eclipse Verilog editor is a plugin for the Eclipse IDE. It provides Verilog(IEEE-1364) and VHDL language specific code viewer, contents outline, code assist etc. It helps coding and debugging in hardware development based on Verilog or VHDL. Eclipse Verilog editor Eclipse Verilog 編輯器是 Eclipse IDE 的插件。它提供專門爲 Verilog(IEEE- 1364)和 VHDL 語言提供的代碼查看器,內容框架,代碼助手,等等。它用助於基 於 Verilog 或 VHDL 的硬體開發中的代碼編寫和調試。來源:

380027 8 A number of plugins for Eclipse that make life easier. Tools includes regex. find and replace, editors for XML, HTML, CSS, Makefile, CSharp ... etc. Black Sun, Eclipse plugins. 一些 Eclipse 上的插件使得工作起來非常的方便。它包含的 regex 工具,對 XML,HTML,CSS,Makefile,CSharp...等都有查找和替換的編輯功能。來源: EMF 2.0 generated Eclipse plugin to produce an XML Based, Use Case centric, Software Requirements Specification with linkage to external documents and resulting software components. Generates sophisticated html reports. Based on http://xmlbasedsrs.tigris Eclipse XML based SRS 這是一個爲 EMF 2.0 生成的 Eclipse 插件,用於生成基於 XML 的,以 Case 爲中 心的軟體需求規範,鏈結到外部的文檔和生成的軟體元件。 産生複雜的 html 報 表。 基於 http://xmlbasedsrs.tigris 來源: Eclipse SQL plug-in. Contains SQL editor and executor. Table editor, data retrieve and migration tools. Plug-in has extensions to be used in other projects that need database connectivity. Easy SQL Easy SQL 這是一個 Eclipse SQL 插件,包含了一個 SQL 編輯器和一個執行器。可 以進行表編輯、資料檢索,和移植工具。這個插件可以再擴展到其他需要資料庫連 接的專案中。來源: Collection of plugins for Eclipse 2.1 ( Web-Application Development Environment (XML/HTML/CSS/JSP). SolarEclipse Development Tools 這是一套 Eclipse2.1(的插件。web 應用程式開發環境 (XML/HTML/CSS/JSP). 來源: The project provides a collection of plugins for Eclipse ( Currently available is the editor enhancemnets plugin, RMI generation plugin and a beta version of the tasks export plugin. Report your bugs in the bugs section. Lunar Eclipse Lunar Eclipse 這個專案爲 Eclipse ( 提供了一套插件,目前可 以使用的是編輯器增強插件,RMI 生成插件和一個 beat 版本的任務報告插件。可以 在錯誤分段中報告你的錯誤。來源: eclipse/ The SHriMP suite of 3 tools provide interactive visualizations of graph- based data. Creole (Eclipse plugin) visualizes Java source code. Jambalaya (Protege plugin) visualizes ontologies (incl. OWL), & Stand- Alone SHriMP visualizes RSF, GXL, & PPRJ files. SHriMP suite SHriMP 中的三個工具提供的對圖形資料的互動式清楚顯示。Creole(Eclipse 插件) 對 java 原代碼形式化。Jambalaya(Protege 插件)形象的實體 (incl.OWL),Stand-Alone SHriMP 顯現的 RSF,GXL 和 PPRJ 文件。 來源: Eclipse plugin for Oracle development, including Java, PL/SQL, and editors for all oracle objects.

OracleExplorer OracleExplorer 是一個爲 Oracle 開發提供的 Eclipse 插件,包括 Java, PL/SQL,,以及 orcale 物件的編輯器。來源:

380027 9 Dashboard is a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse that provides immediate visual feedback of the status of a (remote) continuous integration build process directly in the editor. It initially works with Cruise Control (or vanilla Ant). Dashboard remote build monitor plugin Dashboard 是爲 IntelliJ IDEA 和 Eclipse 提供的一個插件,可以將一個(遠端) 連續集成建造過程的狀態反饋直接在一個編輯框中視覺化地顯示出來。它最初需要 Cruise Control (或 vanilla Ant)一起運行。來源: HiberClipse is an eclipse plugin that generates Hibernate mapping files from a database connection and provides integration with the Hibernate roundtrip tools, like the class2hbm, hbm2java and ddl2hbm. Hibernate plugin for Eclipse HiberClipse 是一個 Eclipse 插件,可以生成從資料庫連接的映射文件,也可以提供 Hibernate Roundtrip 工具的整合,就像 class2hbm,hb2java 和 ddl2hbm.. 來 源: The HSQLDB Plug-in embebs a HSQLDB pure-java database server into the Eclipse workbench for use as a data repository for Java applications developed using the IDE or for extending HSQLDB itself HSQLDB Plug-In for Eclipse HSQLDB 插件內嵌了一個 HSQLDB 純 Java 資料庫伺服器到 Eclipse 工作區中, 作爲使用 IDE 開發 Java 應用程式使用的資料緩存池,或者擴展 HSQLDB 自身。來 源: Lomboz is an open-source Eclipse-Plug-In initiative owned and sponsored by eteration. The open-sourec host for this project has moved the Please visit us there Lomboz Lomboz 是一個開源 Eclipse 插件,最初由 eteration 發起和支援。這個開源專案 已經轉移到。請在那裏訪問我們。來源: This project provides an editor for the scripting language of Jakarta's template engine Velocity ( The editor is implemented as an plugin for the Eclipse platform Velocity editor plugin for ( Eclipse Velocity editor plugin for Eclipse 這個專案爲 Jakarta 的模板引擎 Velocity (提供了一個編輯器,它作爲 Eclipse 平臺 的一個插件。來源: Plugin for Eclipse aiming at fully integrating AspectJ into Eclipse. AspectJ Eclipse Plugin AspectJ Eclipse Plugin 這是一個爲 Eclipse 提供的插件,旨在將 AspectJ 集成到 Eclipse 中。來源: Migrate data from any database to another with just selecting visually the desired tables in the source database (any database type supported by JDBC) and hit one button to complete it. New tables will be automatically created in the target database. DB Copy Eclipse Plugin 資料庫複製 Eclipse 插件可以讓你視覺化的只選擇來源資料庫中的資料表(支援 JDBC 的任意資料庫類型),點擊一個按鈕就可以完成複製任務。將會在目標資料庫 中自動創建新表。來源: Flow4J-Eclipse is a plugin for the eclipse IDE that enables the modelling of process flows in a drag and drop manner. Building a Flow4J project creates the flow\'s java source code and is then compiled by the JDT plugin. Uses the eclipse-gef framework. Flow4J-Eclipse Flow4J-Eclipse 是一個爲 eclipse IDE 提供的一個插件,可以用拖動的方式來對處 理流進行建模。運行一個 Flow4J 專案會生成相應流的 Java 源代碼,並由 JDT 插 件進行編譯。使用了 eclipse-gef 框架。來源:

380027 10 Integrates Castor support into Eclipse. Provides incremental generation of Java code to support Castor XML marshalling based on XML Schema files, as well as a visual Castor XML Binding editor. Castor Plug-in for Eclipse Castor Plug-in for Eclipse 將 Castor 集成到 Eclipse 中。提供了 Java 代碼的增 量生成來支援基於 XML 模式文件的 Castor XML marshalling,也可以作爲一個 視覺化的 Castor XML 綁定編輯器。來源: The Ruby Development Tool is a Ruby resource aware plugin for the Eclipse platform. Ruby Development Tool Ruby Development Tool 是一個爲 Eclipse 平臺提供的 Ruby 資源插件。來源: Workzen HG Framework includes ui widgets, mvc framework, service- architecture, eclipse plugin, and common utilities. The goal is to provide a "common" infrastructure for building any type of Java application. (web,swing,shell) (holy grail;-) Workzen HG Framework Workzen HG Framework 包括了 UI 視窗部件,MVC 框架,服務體系結構, eclipse 插件,通用工具。其目標是爲建造任意類型的 Java 應用程式 (web,swing,shell)提供一個“公共的”基礎結構。來源: The goal of the project is to provide implementations of different games as plugins for Eclipse IDE ( project).

Games for Eclipse Games for Eclipse 這個專案的目的是爲 Eclipse IDE ( project)提供不同的遊戲插件。來源: This project packages several third party open source libraries as plugins for the eclipse platform (see These packages can be used to build Eclipse plugins that depend on these third party E-Plug: Eclipse Plugin libraries. E-Plug: Repository Eclipse Plugin Repository 這個專案提供了幾個第三方開源庫,作爲 eclipse (參 見 平臺的插件。這個包可以用於建造依靠第三方庫的 Eclipse 插件。來源: SoapClipse is an Eclipse plugin for Axis 1.2beta. It adds a WSDL2Java wizard to the Eclipse IDE available through right-clicking on any *.wsdl file in your project. Future releases, coming soon, will add more access points to the wizard. SoapClipse SoapClipse 是 Axis 1.2beta 的一個 Eclipse 插件。它在 Eclipse IDE 中增加了 一個 WSDL2Java 向導,通過在專案中右點擊任意的*.wsdl 文件來打開它。將很快 發行未來版本,會增加向導的訪問點。來源: This is an umbrella project for plugins written by members of the Eclipse Workgroup of Gent, Belgium. Current plugins include a form designer for SWT, a DB design plugin, a design pattern plugin and a System drawing plugin. The Big Splash The Big Splash 這是于 Eclipse 工作組成員 Gent, Belgium 開發的插件。目前插 件包括一個 SWT 表單設計器,一個 DB 設計插件,一個設計模式插件和一個系統繪 製插件。來源: Purdue Penumbra Educational Environment - The Essence of Eclipse Purdue Penumbra Educational Purdue Penumbra 教學環境-Eclipse 的本質來源: Environment

380027 11 Collection of plug-ins for the project. The first plugin is a java to html source converter. Plugins Plugins 這是一套爲 專案提供的插件。第一 個插件是一個可以將 Java 轉換爲 HTML 源代碼的轉換器。來源: The project goal is to develop an Eclipse plugin for the Apache SVG framework 'Batik'. The plugin will add editors, views and wizards to deal with scaleable vector graphics. SVG Eclipse Plugin SVG Eclipse Plugin 這個專案的目的是爲 Apache SVG 框架 'Batik'提供一個 Eclipse 插件。這個插件可以增加編輯器,視圖和向導來處理可縮放的向量圖形。來 源: Web Services Console is an Eclipse plugin that provides the user with a rich set of tools for developing and monitoring web services. Web Services Console Eclipse Plugin Web Services Console Eclipse Plugin 是一個 Eclipse 插件,爲用戶提供了一套 功能豐富的工具來開發和監視 Web 服務。來源: JMoney is a personal finance manager written in Java. It uses the Eclipse plug-in framework and can be extended using plug-ins. Supports accounts in different currencies, double entry banking, income/expense categories and Quicken file exchange (QIF). JMoney JMoney 是一個用 Java 開發的個人財務管理器。它使用了 Eclipse 插件框架,也可 以用插件來擴展其功能。支援不同國家的帳戶格式,存取款,收入/支出分類和快速 文件轉換(QIF)。來源: Preclipse is an Eclipse plugin providing extensive support for the Java prevalence layer Prevayler in terms of Code Generation, Code Analysis, Refactorings, and Visualization. Preclipse Preclipse 是一個 Eclipse 插件,爲 Java 流行的佈局 Prevayler 提供了廣泛的支援, 例如代碼生成,代碼分析,重構,和視覺化。來源: Provides an ANTLR plugin (including grammar file editor with outline page and project nature with incremental builder) for the Eclipse platform ANTLR plugin for Eclipse ANTLR plugin for Eclipse 爲 eclipse 平臺提供了一個 ANTLR 插件,包括帶有大 綱頁面的語法文件編輯器,專案是以增量方式建造的。來源: Eclipse based editor for phpBB MOD files 這是爲 Eclipse 提供的用於編輯 Eclipse MOD Editor phpBB MOD 文件的編輯器。來源: Javadoc Online Plugin is a Eclipse plugin that allows you to search for javadoc documents over Internet, within the Eclipse Development environment. Javadoc Online Plugin uses Javadoc online service in javadoc online plugin for Eclipse javadoc online plugin 是一個 Eclipse 插件,可以讓你在 Eclipse 開發環境內部 搜索 Internet 上 javadoc 文檔。Javadoc Online Plugin 使用了 的在線服務。來源:

380027 12 This plugin provides a quick way to generate Java Objects from RFC enabled function modules in SAP R3 using SAP- JCO as the middleware. The plugin generates serializable Java Objects equivalent of SAP's Import , Export and Table parameter values. sap2java sap2java 這個插件提供了一種快速的方法來從 SAP R3 中支援 RFC 的函數模組中 生成 Java 物件,使用 SAP- JCO 作爲中間件。這個插件可以生成可序列化的 Java 物件,相應於 SAP 的 Import , Export 和 Table 參數值。來源: PyEclipse is a Python plugin for the Eclipse platform. Python Plugin for the Eclipse platform PyEclipse 是爲 Eclipse 平臺提供的一個 Python 插件。來源: ESSTP (Eclipse SourceSafe Team Provider) integrates common Microsoft Visual SourceSafe functionality into the Eclipse integrated platform on operating systems. ESSTP ESSTP (Eclipse SourceSafe Team Provider) 集成了常用的 Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 的功能到 Microsoft Windows 作業系統中的 Eclipse 集成平臺上。 來源: Commonclipse is an eclipse plugin for jakarta commons-lang users. It features automatic generation of the following methods using commons- lang builders: toString(), hashCode(), equals(Object), compareTo(Object). commonclipse commonclipse 是爲 jakarta commons-lang 用戶提供的 eclipse 插件。它可以 使用 commons-lang 生成器自動生成下列方法:toString(), hashCode(), equals(Object), compareTo(Object)。來源: Collection of useful free plugins for the Eclipse IDE: - EasyShell opens shell window from navigator popup menu PluginBox PluginBox 是一套爲 Eclipse IDE 提供的免費的插件:EasyShell 可以從導航功能 表中打開外殼表單。來源: A log4j plugin to Eclipse that works similar to chainsaw (SocketServer). Includes color, filtering, detailed information, and saves settings. It only works on windows until is fixed/improved. Ganymede Ganymede 是爲 Eclipse 提供的一個 log4j 插件,其工作原理類似於 chainsaw (SocketServer)。包括顔色、篩檢程式、詳細的資訊和保存設置。它現在只能在 Windows 下運行,直到 這一問題被修正。 來源: The javadoc builder is an eclipse plugin to integrate xdoclet-style functionallity into eclipse IDE. The javadoc builder is extemly faster than XD+ant/maven and is totally integrated into the IDE making it easy to use and deploy your own generators. Eclipse Javadoc Builder Eclipse Javadoc Builder 是一個 eclipse 插件,用於集成 xdoclet 風格的功能到 eclipse IDE 中。javadoc builder 運行速度比 XD+ant/maven 非常快,因爲完 全集中到 IDE 中,使得可以方便地使用和部署你自己生成的 Web 應用程式。來源:

380027 13 Flux is a Java tool available as Eclipse plug-in supporting the model- driven design of a Struts 1.1 web application by repeatedly (re-) generating the struts-config-.xml files from UML activity Flux - The Smart Struts Config diagrams. Generator Flux - 是一個可以用作 Eclipse 插件的 Java 工具,支援模型驅動的 Struts 1.1 Web 應用程式設計,它可以從 UML 活動圖表中自動生成 struts-config-<模型 >.xml 文件,來源: A tool to help java developers define classpath references in the Eclipse IDE. Extends the statndard autocompletion and import system, to allow autoinclusion of classes that are completely missing from the current classpath. Class Locator for classpath building Class Locator for classpath building 這個工具用於幫助 Java 開發人員定義 Eclipse IDE 環境中的 classpath 參照路徑。可以擴展標準的自動完成和導入系統, 允許自動包含當前類路徑中完全沒有的類。來源: The AccessModifer Plug-in for Eclipse allows the user to change the visibility (public, protected, default, private) and other modifiers (final, static, synchronized) of Java classes, interfaces, methods and fields in several of the workbench's views. Access Modifier Eclipse Plug-in Access Modifier Eclipse Plug-in 可以讓用戶個修改可視性(public, protected, default, private) 和其他的幾個 workbench 視圖中的 Java 類、介面、方法和欄 位的修飾符(final, static, synchronized)。來源: A plugin for Eclipse that will give you a graphic representation of a Java class. Eclipse Class Graph View Eclipse Class Graph View 是爲 Eclipse 提供的一個插件,可以在 Eclipse 中以圖 形方式表示一個 Java 類。來源: Eclipse plugin: configurable decorator for icons and labels. Can be adjusted to decorate icons and text depending on substring matching on certain nodes in tree views (Package Explorer, Navigator,...). Works with Eclipse 2.1 and 3.0. Universal Label Decorator Eclipse Plugin 這是一個 Eclipse 插件:爲圖示和標簽提供可配置的修飾器。可以使用子字串匹配 樹形視圖中的特定結點來調整圖示和文本的修飾(Package Explorer, Navigator,...)。可以在 Eclipse 2.1 和 3.0 中運行。來源: Simteec is a small plugin for the Eclipse IDE for easy code generation. It it based upon the velocity template engine. Code is generated by specifying a template- and a properties-file, which is needed to define Simteec - Simple Templates the variables for the template . for Eclipse Simteec - 是爲 Eclipse IDE 提供的一個簡單的插件,用以簡化代碼生成。它基於 velocity 模板引擎。通過說明一個模板和一個屬性文件來生成代碼,在屬性文件中 定義模板的變數。來源: JAXBBuilder is an eclipse plugin for generating Java classes directly from XML schema, the generated classes can then marshall to/from XML via Castor API. The plug-in includes a JAXB project wizard, JAXB builder and property pages for JAXB configuration. JAXB Eclipse Plug-In JAXBBuilder 是一個 Eclipse 插件,用於直接從 XML schema 中直接生成 Java 類, 所生成類可以通過 Castor API 與 XML 文件進行 marshall 。這個插件包括一個 JAXB 專案向導,JAXB 建造器和 JAXB 配置使用的屬性頁。來源:

380027 14 EclipseQuote is a plugin for the Eclipse IDE that allows one to monitor a portfolio of stock quotes. It works by displaying stock quotes in an eclipse view. New stocks can be added, and prices updated, with one click. EclipseQuote EclipseQuote 是爲 Eclipse IDE 提供的插件,可以用於監視股市行情的走勢。它可 以在 eclipse 視圖中顯示股票報價。可以增加新股票,更新價格,點擊完成功能。 來源: OverShadow is an umbrella project for the development of open sourcce Eclipse IDE plugins. OverShadow OverShadow 是一個用於開發開源 Eclipse IDE 插件的 umbrella 專案。來源: JMigrator is a set of Eclipse plugins supporting the migration of Java applications to new library versions. JMigrator has tools for the library developers to generate migration specifications and tools for application developers to migrate applications. JMigratorPlugin JMigratorPlugin 是一套 Eclipse 插件,支援將 Java 應用程式移植到新版本的庫。 JMigrator 爲庫開發人員提供了工具來生成移植規範,爲應用程式開發人員提供了 移植用的應用程式。來源: An eclipse 2+ platform launcher written in java. Enables users to config different versions of eclipse with different workspace locations and launch these configuration. Eclipse Launcher Eclipse Launcher 是一個用 Java 編寫的 eclipse 2+ 平臺運行器。支援用戶爲不 同的 workspace 位置配置不同版本的 eclipse ,並運行這些配置。來源: Enhydra XMLC ( is an excellent Java-based tool used when developing web-based applications. Eclipse ( is an excellent platform for integrating development tools. This project is about making the two work XMLC Eclipse Plugin Enhydra XMLC ( 是一個優秀的基於 Java 的工具,用 於開發基於 Web 的應用程式。Eclipse ( 是集成開發工 具的一個優秀的平臺。這個專案旨在結合二者。來源: About: JasperAssistant is a visual report designer tool for JasperReports, a popular open-source reporting engine. It is built on top of the Eclipse\'s plug-in architecture, and its main goal is to help you create JasperReports report definition files through an intuitive graphical interface. JasperAssistant JasperAssistant 是用於 JasperReports,一個非常流行的開放源碼報告引擎,的 美術報告設計器。它在熟練掌握 Eclipse 的插件程式結構基礎上建立的,主要目標 是通過逼真的圖形介面建立 JasperReports 的報告定義文件。 來源: e_id=173287 JOPE (JOnAS Plugin for Eclipse) is an open source JOnAS plugin for Eclipse. JOPE4J (JOnAS Plugin for Eclipse for JOnAS Developers) is an open source JOnAS plugin for Eclipse designed for the developers of JOnAS. JOPE JOPE (JOnAS Plugin for Eclipse) 是爲 Eclipse 提供的一個開源 JOnAS 插件。 JOPE4J (JOnAS Plugin for Eclipse for JOnAS Developers) 是爲 Eclipse 提供 的一個 JOnAS 插件,供 JOnAS 開發人員使用。來源:

380027 15 Development of the Enhydra IDE plugins for JBuilder, Netbeans, Eclipse and JDeveloper. Enhydra Kelp 是爲 JBuilder, Netbeans, Eclipse 和 Enhydra Kelp JDeveloper 開發的 Enhydra IDE 插件。來源: An Eclipse plugin that enables Subversion support in the Eclipse IDE. Subclipse Subclipse 是一個 Eclipse 插件,可以讓 Eclipse IDE 支援 Subversion 。來源: EclipseBB is a pre-modded phpBB forum. It is usable on any webserver running PHP and MySQL. It is based on the original phpBB forum software offering many modifications to the core of its parent software. EclipseBB EclipseBB 是一個 pre-modded phpBB 論壇。它能在任何運行在 PHP 和 MySQL 的 web 伺服器上運行。基於最初的 phpBB 論壇軟體,它提供了許多對原始軟體核 心的修改。來源: About: viPlugin is an Eclipse plugin that adds vi functionality to the editors that are provided with Eclipse (JDT, CDT, etc.). viPlugin 是一個 Eclipse 插件,其添加 vi 泛函數到 Eclipse(JDT、CDT 等)提供 viPlugin 的編輯器。 來源: 74589 About: Argyle is a Swing/SWT rich client for interfacing to numerous server-side applications. It uses the Eclipse Visual Editor plugin for designing the GUI and runs on DualRpcServer and BeanShell. Argyle 是一個 Swing/SWT 的富用戶端,用於和衆多伺服器端應用軟體的介面連接。 Argyle 它使用 Eclipse Visual Editor 插件來設計 GUI,在 DualRpcServer 和 BeanShell 平臺運行。 來源: 4336 About: Argyle is a Swing/SWT rich client for interfacing to numerous server-side applications. It uses the Eclipse Visual Editor plugin for designing the GUI and runs on DualRpcServer and BeanShell. Argyle 是一個基於 Swing/SWT 的 rich client 框架,用於和衆多伺服器端應用軟 Argyle 體進行介面連接。它使用 Eclipse Visual Editor 插件來設計圖形用戶介面,並在 DualRpcServer 和 BeanShel 平臺運行。 來源: 4698

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