Fort Harian MAGAZINE APRIL ISSUE / 2013 FREE COPY UFH ALUMNI LESOTHO BRINGS SMILES TO CHILDREN’S FACES Dr. Mvuyo Tom Fort Hare releases book for community service

Tokyo Sexwale: Legacy of our Alumnus in Maseru/ Lesotho Former President in O.R forefathers Tambo Lecture Editors Note Fort Harian Magazine

have always known there was something special about Fort Hare-no place can generate as many Editor LUTHO MABANDLA world changing leaders and not be some kind of special. There is a certain air of greatness about Assistant Editor NOMAWABO MNTAMBO Iit and I never understood why. The university isn’t blessed with the best resources and does not boast fancy infrastructure like a few other universities in Senior Editor ZINTLE FILTANE the republic. I started working here with a great amount of respect for the history and the culture Managing Editor KHOTSO MOABI of the institution but still hadn’t quite gotten what it was about. That was until the 22nd April 2013. At Photographer LUTHO MABANDLA the manifesto launches for the different parties for SRC elections in East London. Art Director WERA MAGANISE I had never in my life witnessed something so breathtakingly beautiful. I was drawn to my office Graphic Designer WERA MAGANISE window by the sound of students singing in perfect unison. I looked out the window to see an army of Writer ZOKWANDA RASMENI students occupying Church Street. Being a photog- QUINTER ONYANGO rapher, I ran down to the heat of the action to snap a few pictures. The atmosphere was exhilarating. MAWANDE MRASHULA The students were all caught up in the moment; NOMAWABO MNTAMBO they were unified. At that moment, seeing all those NOLUVUKO JIZANA students jubilantly singing and dancing across the street, I understood; I finally got it. I could see why “Unokholeji” serves as the incubator for great lead- ers. It is in this atmosphere that leaders like Man- dela, Tambo, and Sobukwe were cultured to be who they eventually became. Unity is a strength that will always stand the test of time and it is only through unity that we can truly attain greatness. So, even as alumni, we must still be united with the University. There is an ancient African proverb: if you want to walk fast, walk alone. If you want to walk far, walk together. Questions and feedback: editor , East London Campus, Mabandla Lutho Office 424, Gasson Centre Phone:+27 (0) 40 602 2567 Alice +27 (0) 43 704 7578 East london Fax: +27 (0) 86 722 0805 Email: [email protected] Online: fh Magazine CONTENTS

From the Desk 18 333 Laptops 04 We are getting ready for centenary Fort Hare receives laptops celebrations as a donation. 06 Alumnus in Lesotho 19 Book Launch Fort Harians meet in Maseru Dept. of Public Administration launches a book for community service. 08 Legacies of the Forefathers 20 HMS Centre Colloquim a great success The university of Fort Hare unveiled a state of the art Human Movement Sci- 09 Tourism Minister visits Fort Hare 03 Profile Update

10 Prof Z Msezane Alumnus reaches great heights 13 2012 in Pictures 11 Audio Visual Centre provide high quality multimedia production University of Fort Hare, East London Campus, services to the academic, business,...... Office 424, Gasson Centre Indonesian Programme Phone:+27 (0) 40 602 2567 Alice 12 Fort Harians meet in +27 (0) 43 704 7578 East london Fax: +27 (0) 86 722 0805 Email: [email protected] 13 Schlumberger Online: A multimillion dollar lab donated

14 O.R Tambo Lecture Former President Thabo Mbeki gives a lecture. Alumni 16 Alumni making a difference in their communities 08 FROM THE DESK We are getting ready for the centenary celebrations and one of our most ambitious projects is to build a state of the art library.

he alumni affairs unit, which is part of the is going to cost no less than R1m on its own, besides University of Fort Hare’s Directorate of Institu- other infrastructural needs of the university. Besides tional Advancement would like to welcome all the library there is much else that has been planned in the university’s alumni and friends – if a little the institution’s infrastructure development, which is belatedly – to 2013 and wishes one and all a bound to positively impact the nearby small town of Tvery successful year as we are gearing up to the alma Alice and the people of the region. We are, therefore, mater’s centenary celebrations in 2016. As a reminder, making an appeal to all our alumni to open their hearts the university was established as a college in February and donate towards this good cause and other needs of 1916. the institution. The university is doing everything in its The Alumni newsletter is the main vehicle through power to ensure the development and advancement of which we can keep the alumni abreast with what is this unique institution which for a very long time was a happening at the university as we are preparing for the site for the struggle for the emancipation of the black centenary and news updates from your faculties, and person in . As you know many universities from the chapter co-ordinators, among other things. We depend on their alumni for their advancement. hope through this you will be able to join us in making To assist you in making your contributions a pledge it a great celebration as 2016 is just around the corner. form is attached to this newsletter. Unfortunately we are not able to reach everybody since not all your contact details are up to date. When we try to communicate with you we get quite a big number of returns. We appeal therefore that you complete the profile update from that is part of this newsletter and return it to us so that we may be able to send you your newsletter and communicate better with you. We also request from the Alumni Affairs office that you write to us informing us about what is happening to you and your friends. Please visit our university website and our alumni page to learn more about us and the university. This will also strengthen the Alumni Associa- tion and Convocation As indicated above, we are getting ready to for the centenary celebrations and one of our most ambi- tious projects is to build a state of the art library for the Alice campus as part of the infrastructure project. This

4 Fort Harian/ 2013 FROM THE DESK

i Fort Harian/ 2013 5 fORTHARIANS MEET IN MASERU LESOTHO As a previously disadvantaged university, it is our role to address the inequalities in our communities. he University of Fort Hare (UFH) prides itself of having produced a high calibre of intellectuals who have made Tand continue making an indelible mark wherever they have been in their chosen fields of operation. The University thus values its alumni, and works hard to create and maintain strong bonds with them throughout the continent, as well as to strengthen and preserve existing ones. The occasion of the 21st AGM of our Lesotho Chapter in Maseru Sun Cabanas, Lesotho, attended by the UFH Alumni Affairs Unit and Lesotho alumni from different age groups was one such opportunity for strengthening these bonds. After the AGM, which revealed how com- mitted the members of this


chapter were to their alma mater, and how hard they were prepared to work for the continuity of their association all proceeded to the dining hall where a gala dinner was shared. During the dinner a vigor- ous address was given by the Chief Executive officer (CEO) of the Coun- cil on Higher Education (CHE) Mrs Makotelo Motseko, in which she mapped out the challenges for and options open to higher education and the CHE with regard to the role they are supposed to play in the upliftment of the people of Lesotho. It was interesting to see similarities with our own country, where UFH is. Along with the dinner were shared memories of the times studying on our campus and deliberated on how we can successfully build a stronger alumni network. As a previously disadvantaged univer- sity in Africa it is our role to address inequalities in our communities in a purposeful way in order to make a The Univesity of tangible difference The good work Fort Hare prides of UFH Alumni in the communities in which they are located leaves a itself on having strong legacy for the present and produced a high future generations. Two stories in this newsletter tell of this legacy as calibre of well as why Fort Hare does pride it- self in having the calibre of alumni it intellectuals. has spawned generation after gen- eration. It indeed made us proud to know that as beneficiaries from Higher Education, as pointed out by the guest speaker, our own alumni are making a meaningful contribu- tion to their community.

Fort Harian/ 2013 7 tal change in thinking” should be the responsibility of the people who find affinity with the coun- try, adding that it is the responsi- legacies of the bility of the present generation, bestowed with all the values, ideals and tools charted in the Freedom Charter by the coun- forefathers try’s forefathers, to “rise above many of the society’s social ills COLLOQUIM A GREAT SUCCESS which the University of Fort Hare is well known for taking a stand against”. Being a National Minister did not inister of Human Settle- interconnectedness with the plights exempt his from pointing out ments, Tokyo Sexwale gave and accomplishments of the coun- some of the shortcomings of the an address that attempted try, he posed the question; “How do M present ANC-led Government to answer to the difficult and funda- we, the generation of today, mea- as he emphasized that “citizens mental question of how we go about sure up […] to the past 100 years?” ought to have strong political, reconciling our responsibilities as a The tumultuous social, economic economic and civil society struc- generation with the social and political and political undercurrents that tures aimed at advancing the foundations laid by past generations ripple through the social and politi- interests of those countries”, add- in a colloquium titled “Legacies of the cal landscape of the country reached ing that “real change is required Forefathers and the youth of Africa a momentary climax when the to give young people, who are Today”, which was hosted by the UFH Marikana tragedy occurred, send- leaving schools and seeking em- African Renaissance Society at the ing a strong message for a need for ployment hope that they are not Green Auditorium, Alice Campus. In the change in this generation’s social destined to hopelessness […] heartfelt address, which demonstrated and political makeup. In his address, and unemployment.” the Minister’s charismatic persona and the Minister stated that “fundamen-

8 Fort Harian/ 2013 tourism minister VISITS FORT HARE

n the 26th of September, the University of Fort Hare successfully hosted the 2nd public lecture for Tourism Month, that beckoned the attendance of the Honourable Minister of the ODepartment of Tourism, Martinus van Schalkwyk. The intention of the lecture was to bring into public discourse the pertinent issues affecting the tourism industry while sharing information that is central to its development. The lecture, whose topic was “Tourism & Sustainable Energy: Powering Sustainable Develop- ment”, was delivered by the University’s own Dr Edson Meyer. His lecture asserted the need for a paradigm shift in thinking so that the environmental impacts as- sociated with our actions are considered at every level of production. The topic was informed by the theme for World Tourism Day, which is on the 27th of September. Minister van Schalkwyk, and the panellists who were invited to speak at the lecture emphasised the need for sustainable tourism, which insists on paralleling the growth of the tourism industry with a reduction in environmental externalities associated with increasing economic activity in the areas affected, maintaining that economic prosperity will not be sustained without implicit awareness that economic development goes hand-in-hand with our capacity to be efficient at all lev- els of production; taking responsibility for our individu- al roles in looking after the country’s natural resources. The , which is known for its spectacular biodiversity, birthplace of Nelson Mandela and home to some of the most progressive thinkers of our Genera- tion (most of whom were educated at the University of Fort Hare) was deliberately chosen as the host Province for the Public Lecture. This was done to engage the province with some the leaders of the industry to share innovative ideas that will grow and sustain the region’s tourism industry; and to discuss energy efficient alter- natives that could be applied both in the tourism sector and across industries.

Fort Harian/ 2013 9 ALUMNUS REACHES GREAT HEIGHTS Msezane received an Hon D.Sc degree from the University of Fort Hare in 1998.

to conduct research at the Nuclear with matter and strongly correlated Physics Research Unit of Witwa- quantum systems has resulted in tersrand University and received over 280 research papers in peer- his Ph.D. degree in Physics from the reviewed physics journals and over University of Western Ontario in 300 conference presentations. 1973. Msezane, a member of several Msezane, after a year of teaching at professional societies, including the the University of Western Ontario, American Physical Society (APS), joined in 1975 Georgia State Univer- American Nano Society and the sity for postdoctoral research, and in National Society of Black Physi- 1976 he became a Physics instructor cists (NSBP), is an elected Fellow at the University of New Brunswick. of the APS, the Institute of Physics, Msezane immigrated to United London(UK), the American Associa- States from Canada and served as a tion for the Advancement of Science visiting professor at Louisiana State and the NSBP. MUCH LAUDED PHYSIST University from 1978 to 1980. In Msezane received an Honorary 1980, Msezane joined Morehouse D.Sc. degree from the University of A FORT HARIAN College; rose to full professor of Fort Hare in 1998, and is a recipi- Physics before leaving in 1983 ent of the World University Service to become a professor at Atlanta Scholarship and the APS’s Edward A. esearch physicist Alfred University and served as chair of Bouchet Prize . Z. Msezane, is proof once the physics department from 1986 In September of 2012, the Universi- again that the University to 1989. In 1988, Atlanta University ty’s Vice Chancellor and the Alumni of Fort hare has produced merged with Clark College to be- Office had the pleasure of a visit and Ra calibre of men and women of come Clark Atlanta University, and a donation from professor Msezane. high intellectual levels. Professor Msezane remained on as a professor Talking to him and listening to him Msezane, a University of Fort Hare of physics. Msezane is the founding go down memory lane, you just alumnus, was born on December director of the Center for Theoretical could not miss the love Fort Harians 31, 1938 in Johannesburg, South Studies of Physical Systems (CTSPS) have for their alma mater. Once a Africa. His father, Albert, was a busi- at Clark Atlanta University. CTSPS Fort Harian, always a Fort Harian.!!! nessman and his mother, Esther, a prosecutes forefront research in Alfred Msezane currently works housewife. Msezane, after gradu- theoretical/computational physi- in Atlanta, Georgia and we look ating from the University of Fort cal and mathematical sciences and forward to another visit by him Hare in 1962 with the B.Sc. degree image processing as well as form and would love to encourage other and in 1964 with the B.Sc. (Hon- strong national/international col- alumni who are doing great things ours) degree in Physics, travelled laborations and partnerships. The out there, to remember and visit the to Canada to conduct research and objective is to significantly impact Tyhume valley. study at the University of Saskatch- the education of the underrepre- Adopted from The History Makers ewan, where he received his M.Sc. sented minorities in STEM fields. , on December 11, 2012. Sourced degree in Physics in 1968. Msezane Msezane’s fundamental research & researched by Nomawabo Mnt- returned to South Africa for a year on electron/photon interactions ambo

10 iFort Harian/ 2013 THE Msezane received an Hon D.Sc degree from the University of Fort Hare in 1998. EASTERN CAPE AUDIO VISUAL CENTRE

he Audio Visual Centre (AVC) is situated in East London in a unique position to offer and provide high quality Tmultimedia production services to the academic, business, corporate and arts and culture stakeholders ally renowned pianist, performer international distribution. in the province of the Eastern Cape. and educator Hotep Galeta is the Initiate a talent search through the The centre will have state of the art Project manager and he brings with medium of regional competitions pre and post multimedia produc- him his wealth of knowledge and with the view that the regional tion facilities positioning it well experience in the development of winners be groomed, developed, to develop, produce, record and different music genres. The Centre contractually signed and recorded market the rich artistic talent of the will produce and market the Eastern as artists to the EAVC’s record province to global arts and cultural Cape’s rich artistic resources on a label for national and international consumers through the medium of national and international scale. distribution. This talent competition CDs, Audio tapes and DVDs. This would be done through the would be an ongoing annual event The Eastern Cape Audio Visual cen- recording, production and market- to tap into and formally develop tre is a joint project of the University ing of musical genres such as pop, the rich musical resources of the of Fort Hare; the Provincial Depart- gospel, choral, jazz and traditional/ Eastern Cape. It presents a niche ment of Sports, Recreation, Arts indigenous groups using the me- window of opportunity for the uni- and culture and Buffalo City Munici- dium of CDs, Cassettes and DVDs. It versity to reconfigure, interface and pality. This multi media and visual will record, document and archive synergize some of its academic pro- production center was launched indigenous knowledge systems and grammes with the Eastern Cape’s on the 28th of October 2004. The rich cultural resources in the semi Audio Visual Production Center. Center since September 2006 is urban and remote rural areas of the housed in the Miriam Makeba Cen- Eastern Cape. Bring to existence an ter of Performing Arts. Internation- EAVC’s record label for national and

Fort Harian/ 2013 11 FORT HARIAN SELECTED FOR INDONESIAN PROGRAMME Alumnus sees the world

ence (B Sc) Honours in Microbiology to go study for a Master’s degree in Food Science and Technology at the Bogor Agricultural University in Indonesia. This was an affirmation that this great Proof institution had not stopped producing men and women worthy of note. The Bogor Agricultural University, is one of a number of institutions in is inthe Indonesia, including the Food Tech- nology Development Center (FTDC) the Center for Food and Nutrition Pudding Policy Studies (CFNPS; since 1987) and Center for Assessment of Tra- ditional Foods established in 1997, that have made it their mission to contribute to the improvement of ort Hare has been known to food production and agriculture produce men and women of the ilk of the late Oliver Tambo challenge facing the world today. –former ANC president, Loyiso Her three years of study also cov- NongxaF - renowned mathematician, ered studies in the Indonesian Alfred Msezane –Researcher and language. The young lady is back physicist in Canada, Khotso Mokhele in South Africa where she is going – former Chief Executive of the through a series of interviews for a National Research Foundation(NRF), job in her specific field. Xavier Carelse - Fellow at the Zim Thoko’s achievement should en- Academy of Science, to name but a courage other young alumni to few. It was thus a pleasant surprise, reach for the stars and to work hard when during the Lesotho Alumni function in December 2012 one of while busy with their degrees even the alumni proudly informed us at undergraduate level so that they that she had been in Indonesia for can get opportunities of this nature. three years doing her MSC degree. On further enquiry it turned out that the young Miss Thoko Senzani had been afforded the opportunity by the Well-done Thoko! Council for scientific and Industrial Research(CSIR) in the same year she graduated from her Bachelor of Sci-

12 Fort Harian/ 2013 schlumberger handing over event at Fort Hare come from previously disadvantaged backgrounds. Both PASA and PetroSA have donated funds to sponsor petroleum chairs. Upstream training Trust (UTT), ad- ministered by PASA is comprised of a number of companies exploring for oil and gas and has been spon- soring field excursions for geology students at Fort Hare as part of an initiative to help the department in training and producing skilled manpower Schlumberger Logelco Inc.,is a com- pany which specialises in providing real-time technology and software for oil exploration companies. The department wrote to Schlumberger he University of Fort Hare However, it lacked the financial in 2010 requesting a donation of its in October 2012 unveiled resources and manpower required petroleum software. Schlumberger its new Petroleum Software to successfully start a fully fledged and Petroleum Agency South Africa Laboratory, which was programme. Petroleum Agency SA (PASA) visited the department Tthe result of a generous donation (PASA), which regulates onshore towards the end of 2011 to discuss from Schlumberger Logelco Inc., a and offshore oil and gas resources collaboration of Schlumberger with company well versed in the petro- exploration and production, and the department. At that meeting, leum software industry. The total PetroSA, which explores and pro- Schlumberger agreed to donate value of the support amounts to duces oil and gas, realised the need software and computers with the about US$ 7.1 million (i.e. about R60 to financially support the university capability to efficiently support the million). The software, which makes in employing staff, taking into cons software as well as training services up a large amount of the donation, that the majority of the students to staff and postgraduate students. consists of Petrel, Techlog and Petro- mod, and the hardware consists of 8 Dell workstations, a set of 8 dual monitors 24 inch ultra sharp flat panel LCD and accessories. The new state of the art laboratory was donated to the geology depart- ment, which is headed by Dr Oswald Gwavava. The Geology Department has had an interest in developing a petroleum programme for the last 5 years to address the serious shortage of petroleum geologists and geophysicist in South Africa.

Fort Harian/ 2013 13 o.r tambo memorial lecture Former president Thabo Mbeki speaks at lecture to commemorate UFH Alumnus O.R. Tambo.

he OR Tambo Memorial non-racial and prosperous people. Lecture, in honour of an Yet despite these enlightened ob- esteemed member of the jectives, South Africa remains one University of Fort Hare fam- of the most inequitable societies in Tily, was held at the Sports Complex the world, wrecked by poverty and on the 19th of October. The lecture unemployment. Mbeki lay a sombre was delivered by the former State cloud of discomfort across the hall President of the Republic of South as he expressed his concerns about Africa, Mr Thabo Mbeki in which he the looming tragedy he felt was the highlighted fundamental challenges direction the future of the country facing the country in its quest to was heading, stating; “I must con- achieve the objectives of the Na- fess that I have prepared this lecture tional Democratic Revolution (NDR), deeply troubled by a feeling of great to which Oliver Tambo dedicated his unease that our beloved Mother- life. land is losing its sense of direction...”, The outcome of the successful im- adding that “it would be treacher- plementation of the National Demo- ous to hide our heads in the sand cratic Revolution’s objectives would and behave as though we remain lead to South Africa being a truly on course in terms of the achieve- egalitarian society; anchored by the ment of our shared and various principles of genuinely democratic, national objectives”. He attributed the deviation in the course of action outlined by the objectives of the NDR on a number of issues, amongst which were; the perception held by numerous people that the Apartheid legacy was completely irradiated at the in- ception of democracy in 1994; and the failure of past and present lead- ers in sustaining a calibre of politi- cally mature leaders, with the moral and ethical astuteness embodied by leaders such as OR Tambo, to guide the implementation of the direc- tives.

14 Fort Harian/ 2013 “...We who are gathered here today have no choice but to ask ourselves...what are we doing ensure the University of Fort Hare continues to be the incubator of Africa’s revolutionary democrats.”

The timing of the lecture is particu- no choice but to ask ourselves the who visited both Alice and East larly significant for the University of vitally important question – what London campuses on 27th August.” Fort Hare as it progresses towards are we doing today, ...[to] ensure the its Centenary year; striving to realise Fort Hare University continues to be its vision of being a truly equitable the incubator of Africa’s revolution- and sustainable University that ary democrats and a centre for the “University of Fort meets the needs of students and promotion of the objective of the teachers. It is during such occasions renaissance of Africa, which char- Hare...a truly equita- that the continuation of ideals and acterises so distinctively the life of ble and sustainable goals of past leaders of the institu- Oliver Tambo. “ university.” tion is ensured and used to inspire President Mbeki was one of the the changes foreseen by the present many high profile visitors to the generation of students and staff. To University last year, amongst them this Mr Mbeki said; “...I believe we Thandi Lujabe-Rankoe, South Af- who have gathered here today have rica’s ambassador to Mozambique

Fort Harian/ 2013 15 ufh alumni lesotho brings smiles to children’s faces

hristmas was vibrant to seven orphaned and “I never knew that vulnerable children of Tabola Leribe, a vil- lage situated about 90km north of Maseru, capital city of Lesotho. The vibration was UFH members Cbrought about by some of UFH Alumni in Lesotho who sponsored them with clothes, groceries, school fees and school uniforms, on the 23rd December 2012. The would one day come donations were sourced from the Alumni themselves, one member of the community and a peace corps to our village and living in the same village. The recipients were all from Tabola village ranging in age between 3 and 24 years. They were all double-orphaned children from two dif- help us with ferent families who have been living on handouts from neighbors and villagers for a long time. Only 3 of these our problems” children are attending school. Two of them are disabled, with one in a wheelchair while the other one is men- tally challenged. The rest are out of school for different reasons, ranging from lack of school fees to failure to

16 Fort Harian/ 2013 ufh alumni lesotho brings smiles to children’s faces

get food regularly. Thanks to the Monyane family that flag of University of Fort Hare in our small village”, she helped to identify the children and brought their plight concluded. them to our attention. The intention of the Alumni is to extend activities such “I wish you long live Fortharians”, one of the or- as these and others to the nation at large in the near phans said with a tearful smile. She thanked those who future. contributed as well as the Monyane family on behalf SPECIAL THANKS TO: of their group. “We hope you continue to help more people who are in the same condition as us”, she added. Mankonelo Shoapha (Mrs) – UFH Alumnus She further said she had always heard about the Uni- Thabo Monyane (Mr) – UFH Alumnus versity of Fort Hare but never thought that she would Moipone Mapolisi (Mrs) – UFH Alumnus encounter it this way. “I never knew that UFH members Mokhantso Morahanye (Ms) – UFH Alumnus would one day come to our village and help us with our Monyane Monyane (Mr) problems, keep it up guys. I would like to see you do- Nchakha Monyane (Mr) ing more of this in the future. Thank you for raising the Rusty (Ms) – (Peace Corp)

Fort Harian/ 2013 17 fort hare RECEIVES 333 NEW LAPTOPS New laptops use 87% less power than desktops.

he University of Fort Hare, time in event of a power failure, in East London and the Faculty of working towards reaching he continued. The laptops were Education in Alice and East London one of its Strategic Plan 2009 installed at the Great Hall by Mthan- and the long awaited and highly – 2016 goals, to harness dazo Dhlamini, and her team demanded “wireless everywhere” Ttechnology effectively, this through Further plans of ICT for 2012 will project moving onto phase two. the installation of three hundred see- a storage area network up- Johl also revealed that the SANReN and thirty three (333) laptops at the grade, further video conference kit Network project is well underway Great Hall in Alice. The Laptop Proj- rolled out in Alice and East London, and this will address the bandwidth ect comes in at a cost of just over large venue ICT kit for the Arts Block issue in Bhisho and Alice. R2 Million and the security of the in Alice, New Teaching Complex laptops vests heavily on the student users themselves, as they are the biggest security resource, said Mr Chris Johl, Chief Information Officer. The ICT resources in the Great Hall are provided for the benefit and use of our students. If laptops go miss- ing they will not be replaced. The eyes and ears of the student body will be invaluable in ensuring the safety of the ICT equipment in the Great Hall, he said. Other security measures are in place to enhance their security. Laptops were chosen to replace desktops as they run on an 87% less power demand, as well as allow up to 4 hours working

18 Fort Harian/ 2013 for the students of Public Adminis- tration at the university. Professor Ijeoma emphasised his desire to phase out the thinking prevalent is society that graduates are not sufficiently equipped with informa- tion when entering into the working world, while simultaneously focus- ing on the need to close the service delivery gaps endemic in the public sector. The book was well received by the university community, the University of Fort Hare librarian, Ms RECEIVES 333 NEW Souls remarking that the book was the intellectual property of the uni- versity that should be jealously and proudly guarded by its community. Mr Moko, who is both an employee BOOK LAUNCH in the Department of Health and a student of the Department said; “the launch of the book is one of Department of Public Administration launch- the greatest strides the University es its very own book for community service. of Fort Hare has embarked on in LAPTOPS fulfilling the objectives of higher education, of teaching and learning, research and knowledge genera- n the launch of their new book According to Professor Ijeoma, the tion. “ titled “South Africa’s Public Department has prepared a number Dean of Management and Com- Administration for Commu- of books which are scheduled to merce, Professor Mjoli commended nity Service”, the Department be rolled out by the university, the the Department, in particular the of Public Administration once South Africa’s Public Administra- authors of the book for ensuring Iagain proved their commitment to tion for Community Service being that the university is not just and facilitating discourse while moti- the first of this series. Among the ‘ivory tower’ in society but produces vating action within the Public Ser- reasons given for this auspicious knowledge which is useful to the vice and Public Administration sec- occasion was the need for local community at large. tor. The book, which gives insight government, the community and The book was successfully launched into the foundations, the functions especially the students to know that by the Vice Chancellor, Dr Mvuyo and critical areas of the discipline there has been a change in scholar- Tom and is available for purchase of public administration, was au- ship, reading and writing material and in the university library. thored by the department’s own staff, Professor Edwin Ijeoma, who is the Head of the Department, Dr Nzewi and Mr Sibinda. “The idea be- hind the book is to make the study of public administration available at the local level, to local actors, academics, CBD’s and people who work with communities”, informed Dr Nzewi. “The concepts contained within the book have been sim- plified to allow people who are not well versed in the discipline to understand and apply the les- sons at varying levels”, she added.


What makes the facility even more special according to Van Gent is that the students would be running the gym. “The first years will be doing the groundwork and assistance while third-year students will hold the managerial positions and the masters and honours students will handle the administration side of things,” said Van Gent. According to Technogym sales and marketing director Tony Payne, the equipment which will be used at the gymna- sium is of the highest standard used internationally. HE UNIVERSITY of Fort Hare is a step in the right direction for “The equipment you see here is in September unveiled the country and we appreciate used worldwide … from the Beijing a state of the art Human the work done by everyone who Olympics to London so it is the best Movement Sciences (HMS) was involved,” said Tom. “Above all, you can find out there. With the TResearch and Fitness facility which we have to thank our very own Dr University of Fort Hare project we will also be used as the universi- Makhenkesi Stofile, who initiated became part of it to ensure the up- ties multipurpose gymnasium at its this back in 2008.” The gymnasium liftment of physical education and main campus in Alice. The gymna- has been open to the Alice commu- the participation of the students sium is equipped with modern-day nity from January on a contractual and staff in sport,” said Payne. Techno-gym equipment worth R1. basis with the HMS students as- 6-million sponsored by the Inter- sisting with its day-to-day running. national Olympics Committee. The HMS lecturer and Sports Scientist Dr facility also highlighted the UFH’s Maya van Gent said she could not “The equipment long-standing relationship with wait for the gym to open as it would the National Lottery Distribution also provide scientific support to you see here is used Board, which donated R4.5-million other UFH sporting codes. “For any worldwide … from towards renovations of one of the HMS students, there has to be a institution’s old buildings. UFH vice- gymnasium in the area because the Beijing Olym- chancellor Dr Mvuyo Tom officially it covers valuable aspects in the pics to London so it opened the facility yesterday. curriculum. The course covers two “This is a wonderful opportunity for very important areas in the general is the best you can the university as it moves towards health and wellness of humans and its centenary year in 2016. To have the sports science side of things,” find out there such facilities in a rural campus said Van Gent.

20 Fort Harian/ 2013 ALUMNI AFFAIRS

Dear Alumnus, Kindly assit us in keeping in touch with you. The office of the Alumni Affairs has often- ex perienced the problem of having mail posted to addresses we have on our database returned. We would however, like to avoid this in the future and threfore, appeal to you, to complete the Profile update form below, if any of your personal details have changed since the last time you completed our Tracer or Profile Update form. We Thank you in advance for co-operation.

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