A CENTREPIECE OF THE WAYS WE PLAY EXHIBITION Phil LooseCowie's magnificent Threads’ Dolls’ House. GenerouslyHeirlooms donated to APHS. of First the prize inFuture our current raffle.


The Pioneer DecemberJune 2017.indd Ed Vol 1 16 No 4 kl.indd 1 22/11/20161/06/2017 5:58:299:00:29 PMAM DECEMBER 2016 Featuring: APHS News 3 Alstonville Cricket 4 LIFE MEMBERSHIP Ways We Play 5 At our recent AGM I was very pleased to be able to It Just wasn’t Cricket 7 confer APHS Life Membership on immediate Past Alstonville Plateau Historical Society Inc. President, Ina le Bas. In moving acceptance of her DECEMBERJune 2017 2016 Books from our Childhood 8 Established 21 October 2001 • ABN 14 079 187 469 Annual Report Richmond Manyweathers spoke Featuring:Featuring: Affiliated with the Royal Australian Historical Society glowingly of the splendid work she had done while in CRAWFORD HOUSE MUSEUM the President’s chair. PLEASEAPHS News NOTE: 3 & COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE: Bank PassbooksCrawfordAlstonville House as Sources Cricket will be for closed4 Local and 10 Wardell Road, Alstonville—02 6628 1829 (Fri & Sun) InLIFE addition MEMBERSHIP to those matters, I would also like to Email: [email protected] FamilyWays Historians We Play 5 3-4 At our recent AGM I was very pleased to be able to from Christmas Day to (and including) Website: www.aphsmuseum.org.au acknowledge the immense amount of excellent What doIt we Just have wasn’t to offer Cricket in 7the way of https://www.facebook.com/pages/Crawford- publicityconfer APHS Ina generatedLife Membership for the Society.on immediate A string Past of New Year’s Day. Alstonville Plateau Historical Society Inc. President, Ina le Bas. In moving acceptance of her research? 4 House-Museum/237678339768274 Books from our Childhood 8 Established 21 October 2001 • ABN 14 079 187 469 Annualgreat photos Report in local Richmond papers allManyweathers greatly enhanced spoke the Museum:Affiliated Open with Fridays the Royal 10–4.00 Australian pm and HistoricalSundays 1–4.00Society pm Author Edward Vivian Timms 5 APHSglowingly profile of the insplendid the workeyes sheof had the done community. while in Many ResearchCRAWFORD Centre: Open HOUSE Fridays MUSEUM 10.00–4.00 pm the President’s chair. PLEASE NOTE: & COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE: thanks for that great achievement, Ina. K Hogan MP, T George MP, Cr D Wright, Mr P Silver AlstonvilleCrawford Cricket House 1973 will be– 1978/79closed 6 PATRONS:10 Wardell Road, Alstonville—02 6628 1829 (Fri & Sun) In addition to those matters, I would also like to Email: [email protected] from Christmas Day to (and including) SOCIETY’S AIMS: acknowledge the immense amount of excellent CrawfordAnzac Day 2017 House - Lest We Museum Forget 7 Website: www.aphsmuseum.org.au New Year’s Day. To collect,https://www.facebook.com/pages/Crawford- preserve, display and provide documents and publicity Ina generated for the Society. A string of House-Museum/237678339768274 Exhibition Presidents Program Report 8 2017 photos of a historical nature of the Alstonville Plateau and great photos in local papers all greatly enhanced the Museum:Ballina Open Shire Fridays for current 10–4.00 and pm future and Sundays generations. 1–4.00 pm APHS profile in the eyes of the community. Many ResearchWe welcome Centre: stories, Open photos Fridays and family10.00–4.00 histories pm thanks for that great achievement, Ina. To 19 March: The Way We Play PATRONS:for K Hoganour records MP, T and George newsletter MP, Cr publication. D Wright, Mr P Silver Crawford House Museum SOCIETY’S AIMS: The games and education of children: toys, books and To collect,HISTORICAL preserve, display SOCIETY and provide MEETINGS: documents and gamesExhibition from the APHS Programcollection and the 2017 Alstonville photos of 3rda historical Sunday natureof each of month the Alstonville at 2.00 pm Plateau and community BallinaAlstonville Shire for Community current and Resource future generations. Centre WeCrawford welcome House, stories, 10 photosWardell and Road, family Alstonville histories To 19 March: The Way We Play for our records and newsletter publication. (Guest speaker and general meeting) The games18 March and education- 17 June: of children: Loose toys, Threads books and HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEETINGS: gamesOriginal from thelocal APHS textile collection and embroidery and the Alstonvilleitems CORRESPONDENCE3rd Sunday of each month & ENQUIRIES: at 2.00 pm community The Hon. Secretary,Alstonville Alstonville Community Plateau Resource Historical Centre Society Inc., CrawfordPO House,Box 65, 10 Alstonville Wardell Road,NSW 2477 Alstonville 8, 9 10 July: The Airing of the Quilts (Guest speaker and general meeting) 1820 March - 17 June: Loose Threads Phone: 02 6628 1829 (Fri) • Email: [email protected] TheOriginal tenth localanniversary textile andof this embroidery spectacular items quilt CORRESPONDENCE & ENQUIRIES: exhibition The Hon. Secretary, AlstonvilleSUBSCRIPTIONS: Plateau Historical Society Inc., 8, 9 10 July: The Airing of the Quilts PO BoxDue 65,1 October Alstonville each NSW year 2477 Phone: 02 6628 1829 (Fri) • Email: [email protected] The tenth1 September anniversary of- 22this October: spectacular quilt (Includes public risk insurance and quarterly newsletters) exhibition Fees: SingleSUBSCRIPTIONS: $20; Family $40; Student $5 Due 1 October each year 140 Years of Alstonville Cricket (Please add $5.00 if newsletters are to be posted) 1 September - 22 October: (Includes public risk insurance and quarterly newsletters) constructing a range of exquisite, hands-on toys for Stories, photographs and memorabilia of cricket in Fees: Single $20; Family $40; $100.00 Student p.a. $5 140 Years of Alstonville Cricket Corporate Membership: display. At the conclusion of the exhibition, these Alstonville (Incl.(Please newsletter add $5.00 advertisement if newsletters and are full to membership be posted) constructing a range of exquisite, hands-on toys for Stories, photographs and memorabilia of cricket in Corporate Membership: $100.00 p.a. display.items are At to the be conclusion donated to of five the exhibition,local pre-schools. these Alstonville (Incl. newsletter advertisementp and full membership 17 November - 11 March 2018: President: John Sim -p [email protected] Manyitems arethanks to beLois, donated Joyce, toLorella, five Pat,local Marian pre-schools. and Watersports17 November and Athletics - 11 March in Ballina 2018: Shire PastPresident: President: John Ina Simle Bas - [email protected] - [email protected] Sue.Many thanks Lois, Joyce, Lorella, Pat, Marian and Watersports and Athletics in Ballina Shire Past President:Hon. Secretary Ina le Bas(Mins): - [email protected] Rhonda Bonner Sue. All forms of water sports including swimming, Hon. Secretary (Mins): Rhonda Bonner Bonner All forms of water sports including swimming, Hon. Secretary (Correspondence): Meanwhile our indefatigable Eric Clark has spent water polo and surfing. Stories, photographs and Hon. Secretary (Correspondence): Meanwhile our indefatigable Eric Clark has spent water polo and surfing. Stories, photographs and Margaret Ryan - [email protected] Margaret Ryan - [email protected] many hours cutting and hole-punching materials for memorabilia associated with people of Ballina Shire Public Officer: Brian Worthington - [email protected] members of Jan Seymour’s Bucket Club to construct Hon. Treasurer: Donna Gaertner–[email protected] their own toy drums. This exhibition, which runs well Hon. Treasurer: Donna Gaertner–[email protected] their own toy drums. This exhibition, which runs well Official newsletter of the Alstonville Plateau Assistant Treasurer: Ina le Bas into 2017, promises great excitement for visitors of OfficialHistorical Society newsletter Inc. This of work the is Alstonville copyright and Plateau Volunteers Co-ordinator:Assistant Jane Treasurer: Gardiner– [email protected] le Bas into 2017, promises great excitement for visitors of Historicalapart from Society any use Inc. under This the work Copyright is copyright Act 1968 and, all ages. VolunteersResearch Co-ordinator: Officer: Alison Jane Draper– Gardiner–[email protected]@gmail.com apartno part from may any be reproduceduse under the by anyCopyright process Act without 1968, all ages. written permission from the society. Every effort has Publicity Officer: AlisonCathy Draper–Cohen–[email protected]@bigpond.com no part may be reproduced by any process without Research Officer: been made to ensure the information published is Committee: Gwen Clark, Garry Ensbey & Belinda Burnett PIXEL THE PAST writtenfree from permission error and from that the text society. and photographs Every effort hasare Publicity Officer:Cathy Cohen–[email protected] Crawford House & CRC Booking Enquiries: attributed to their original sources, where known. been made to ensure the information published is Committee:John Gwen Sim– Clark,[email protected] Garry Ensbey & Belinda Burnett APIXEL similar THE sense PAST of excitement (with a touch of trepidation) is being felt by about ten of our members who free from error and that text and photographs are PUBLISHED MARCH, JUNE, SEPTEMBER & DECEMBER Webmistress:Crawford House Liz Marshall– & [email protected] Booking Enquiries: volunteered to act as mentors for Alstonville High students in the “Pixel the Past” project. Project designer, attributed to their original sources, where known. The Pioneer Editor: Garry Ensbey • 02 6628 0747 John Sim–Past-Presidents:[email protected] KateA similar Gahan, sense has of selected excitement nine (withthemes a touchto guide of us.trepidation) Currently, is ourbeing members felt by areabout searching ten of our for membersresources whothat Marguerite Fuller, Jane Gardiner, Ian Kirkland, John Sim, Ina le Bas PUBLISHEDPlease send all MARCH, contributions JUNE, to: [email protected] SEPTEMBER & DECEMBER Webmistress: Liz Marshall–[email protected] volunteeredcan be used byto actthe asstudents mentors to presentfor Alstonville those stories High aboutstudents various in the heritage “Pixel themes.the Past” project. Project JOHN designer, SIM Past-Presidents: The2 APHS Pioneer PIONEER Editor: Garry DecemberJune 2017 Ensbey 2016 • 02 6628 0747 www.aphsmuseum.org.au www.aphsmuseum.org.auKate Gahan, has selected nine themes to guide us. Currently, our members are searching for resources that • • Marguerite Fuller, Jane Gardiner, Ian Kirkland, John Sim, Ina le Bas Please send all contributions to: [email protected] can be used by the students to present those stories about various heritage themes. JOHN SIM

TheThe Pioneer Pioneer December2 June• APHS 2017.indd Ed Vol 16 PIONEER 2 No 4 kl.indd 2 • December 2016 www.aphsmuseum.org.au22/11/20161/06/2017 5:58:31 9:00:32 PM AM www.aphsmuseum.org.au

The Pioneer December Ed Vol 16 No 4 kl.indd 2 22/11/2016 5:58:31 PM APHS News

Bank Passbooks as Sources for LIFE MEMBERSHIP have had to LocalAt our recent and AGM Family I was veryHistorians pleased to be able to 1. Travel to and from Lismore from Clunes a round trip of 38 kms. Backgroundconfer APHS Life Membership on immediate Past Alstonville Plateau Historical Society Inc. SomePresident, years agoIna myle halfBas. cousin In moving Wally Cookeacceptance gave me of four her 2. Travel via a horse and sulky or buggy or via one of the Established 21 October 2001 • ABN 14 079 187 469 bankAnnual passbooks Report that Richmond had belonged Manyweathers to our grandfather spoke regular coach services. Affiliated with the Royal Australian Historical Society Georgeglowingly Isaac of Cooke the splendid (1867-1963). work Wally she had suggested done while I might in CRAWFORD HOUSE MUSEUM findthe President’s them useful, chair. as I am interested in family history. 3. Conform to bank agendas such as & COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE: 10 Wardell Road, Alstonville—02 6628 1829 (Fri & Sun) In addition to those matters, I would also like to Office hours:- Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Email: [email protected] George Cooke was born in the Illawarra and had moved Thursdays and Fridays 11am till 1pm, and Saturdays acknowledge the immense amount of excellent Website: www.aphsmuseum.org.au with his parents and some of his siblings to the Richmond 12 noon till 1pm and 2pm till 3pm. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Crawford- inpublicity 1883. He Ina helped generated his parents for onthe their Society. dairy farmA string until of House-Museum/237678339768274 1893great when photos he marriedin local Anniepapers Jean all McDonald.greatly enhanced the Bank requirements :- ‘This book, if sent to the Bank any Museum: Open Fridays 10–4.00 pm and Sundays 1–4.00 pm APHS profile in the eyes of the community. Many forenoon will be made up ready for delivery the Research Centre: Open Fridays 10.00–4.00 pm Inthanks 1896 forGeorge, that Anniegreat achievement,Jean and their children,Ina. Leonard following day; and it is particularly requested that it PATRONS: K Hogan MP, T George MP, Cr D Wright, Mr P Silver 2 and Margery born that year lived at Clunes 19 kms may be left regularly once a week. SOCIETY’S AIMS: from Lismore. He had acquired two lots of land at Bennys BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS To collect, preserve, display and provide documents and Creek via a Conditional Purchase Ballot and Clunes was photos of a historical nature of the Alstonville Plateau and Also on that day we were all delighted to be able to Ballina Shire for current and future generations. to be their home until 1906 when Annie Jean died days We welcome stories, photos and family histories after giving birth to a third child, my mother Kathleen play a part in helping Dorothy Crawford celebrate for our records and newsletter publication. Jean Cooke. her 98th birthday. After receiving a bunch of flowers HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEETINGS: from Ina, Dorothy contributed (in fine form) to our 3rd Sunday of each month at 2.00 pm Some time before that George had let the property but “Show and Tell” and then was quite prepared to share Alstonville Community Resource Centre continued to live there on a small lot having ‘other some of her tasty birthday cake with us all. Crawford House, 10 Wardell Road, Alstonville properties abroad’. He made his living breeding, handling (Guest speaker and general meeting) and selling cows and bulls as well as supplying Congratulations, Dorothy! CORRESPONDENCE & ENQUIRIES: Queensland with ‘high-class dairy stock. After the death The Hon. Secretary, Alstonville Plateau Historical Society Inc., PO Box 65, Alstonville NSW 2477 of Annie Jean, George left Clunes to live in Lismore NEW EXHIBITION Phone: 02 6628 1829 (Fri) • Email: [email protected] having joined J.C. Hutton as district buyer of stock. He SUBSCRIPTIONS: remarried in 1910. Preparations are well underway for the installation Due 1 October each year and opening of our next exhibition, “The Games (Includes public risk insurance and quarterly newsletters) Initially the passbooks were no more than a less than We Play.” Lois Hennes has had a team of helpers Fees: Single $20; Family $40; Student $5 interesting memento with lots of unknown names. It was (Please add $5.00 if newsletters are to be posted) moreconstructing recently thata range I took of an exquisite, interest in hands-onthem following toys for Corporate Membership: $100.00 p.a. display. At the conclusion of the exhibition, these (Incl. newsletter advertisement and full membership Wally death in late 2016. He had asked me to find a suitableitems are use tofor bethem. donated to five local pre-schools. President: John Sim -p [email protected] Many thanks Lois, Joyce, Lorella, Pat, Marian and Past President: Ina le Bas - [email protected] TheSue. Passbooks

Hon. Secretary (Mins): Rhonda Bonner The earliest passbook held George’s account with the Hon. Secretary (Correspondence): CommercialMeanwhile Bankingour indefatigable Company of Eric Sydney Clark through has itsspent Margaret Ryan - [email protected] many hours cutting and hole-punching materials for Public Officer: Lismore branch in Molesworth Street from October 1896 AJ Cooke Brian Worthington - [email protected] tomembers November of 1898.Jan Seymour’s It had opened Bucket in 1875 Club and to was construct the Hon. Treasurer: Donna Gaertner–[email protected] firsttheir ownbank toyestablished drums. in This Lismore. exhibition, The remaining which runs three well Women and Banking Assistant Treasurer: Ina le Bas passbooksinto 2017, held promises his account great with excitement the Bank offor New visitors South of Until the late 19th century a married woman in the Volunteers Co-ordinator: Jane Gardiner–[email protected] Wales,all ages. also in Molesworth Street, from December 1898 to Australian colonies did not have the rightBears to hold of Course Research Officer: Alison Draper–[email protected] November 1908. property in her own name. This was a legacy of British Publicity Officer:Cathy Cohen–[email protected] Common law. South Australia was first to overturn this Committee: Gwen Clark, Garry Ensbey & Belinda Burnett PIXEL THE PAST when in 1883 the Married Women’s Property Act was Crawford House & CRC Booking Enquiries: Annie Jean Cooke and the Passbooks. John Sim–[email protected] TheA similar passbooks sense show of excitementa small number (with of entriesa touch in ofher trepidation) enacted. is being It wasn’t felt until by thatabout 1901 ten that of similarour members legislation who Webmistress: Liz Marshall–[email protected] namevolunteered and are topredominantly act as mentors credit for entries Alstonville showing High her asstudents occurred in the in “PixelNew South the Past”Wales project.giving women Project the designer, right to Past-Presidents: depositor.Kate Gahan, I thought has selected about whether nine themes Annie Jean to guide had ‘ us. Currently,hold property our members and to earnings are searching during marriage.for resources Despite that Marguerite Fuller, Jane Gardiner, Ian Kirkland, John Sim, Ina le Bas actuallycan be useddone bythe the banking students herself. to present To do so those she would stories about various heritage themes. JOHN SIM continued on page 4 www.aphsmuseum.org.au www.aphsmuseum.org.au DecemberJune 20162017 • APHS PIONEER • 3

TheThe Pioneer Pioneer June December 2017.indd Ed 3Vol 16 No 4 kl.indd 3 1/06/201722/11/2016 9:00:34 5:58:35 AM PM continued from page 3 Alstonville won the Schneider Cup – a knockout theseAlstonville reforms, banking and finance Cricket persisted in being competitionWhat in 1958/59 do when we they have defeated Country Ways We Play perceived as ‘men’s business’. The first woman to be United. In the early 1960s the Ballina DCA use to have employed in an Australian bank was in 1886 when the a matchto between offer a Towns in teamthe and away Country of team What is play? Some say it is all about trying to amuse Bank of Australasia1951 appointed to a typist.1973 The Bank of New competing for the Connors Cup. In the 1959/60 season oneself, others say it is preparing children for adult South Wales, now Westpac, employed its first female teller Alstonville playersresearch? in the Country team included L Daley, roles, but I would say it is both! Play is all about inThis 1961. is whereTo reach Alstonville a middle levelCricket of management Club decided women to join L Cooper, E Garrett, V Donnelly, P Rankin, Ken Daley pretending, experimenting, learning and exploring. It hadthe Ballinato be unmarried. District Cricket Since thenAssociation the old culturalcompetition after andThe Vince Library Fuller. – there is quite a comprehensive is well known that people, not just children, will play collection of books which can be borrowed or even being disallowed to continue in the Lismore District In 1961/62 season an article in the ‘Ballina Pilot’, the with whatever they can find, it does not have to be a barriers to women and banking have collapsed notably pick one up when you are on duty and in between Cricket Association because the club could no longer writer pays tribute to the strength of Alstonville cricket manufactured item - a stick, bones or box of matches when Gail Kelly a mother of four children including visitors have a read. field three senior teams in that particular competition. when they could still field a strong team in the absence will do! triplets was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Westpac, Alstonville had an immediate impact on the Ballina of Crooks, Rankin, Daley and Layton for the match. The Australia’scompetition second by being largest minor bank. premiers in their first season Family History – there are text files, photographic files writerin the wasoffice referring and family to the history appearance books in of the John library. ‘Jack’ – 1951/52 and again minor & major premiers in 1953/54. Donnelly, Graham Higgins and Tony Kelly in the game In Annie Jean Cooke’s time entering a bank would have Come in and ask and have a look at what we have. Club colours were blue and gold. and their strong contributions in the match. been less than an eagerly sought occasion for women. The original players for the 1951/52 season were Keith It seems highly unlikely Annie Jean would have been AlstonvilleLocal History ran –out there clear are minor text files, premiers photographic for the 1961/62 files Crook, John Gillard, Vince Donnelly (capt), Carl Ballarin, involved in all but a few financial transactions and bank season.in the office A highlight that coversof the 1963/64Ballina Shire season area. was a brilliant Noel ‘Snow’ Crook, Harold Crozier, Neville ‘Blue’ visits. opening batting partnership of 259 runs for Alstonville by Faulkner, Vic Faulkner, Frank Cochran, Vince Daley, Les PatCemetery Rankin (148)records and – theseKen Clarkcan be (158) found scored on the in only 105 Daley, Jack Lack, A Gillard, R Crook and Clem Banbury. minutescomputer at the and Alstonville covers a wide Showground. local area. I have even BankThe batting Passbooks average for as the Primary first season Sources was won forby Vincent downloaded Ballina Shire Council Records for a quick FamilyDaley with and the Localbowling Historians average won by Les Daley. Most Internationalreference. cricketer, Alan Davidson was present for the catches was shared by Vince Donnelly and young John 1964/65 cricket presentation held in the old Alstonville TypeGillard; of fieldingSource – Jack Lack; highest score – Keith Crook BowlingObituary Club’s records clubhouse. – local records Trophy are winners kept in for folders the season in Eachand most transaction runs won recorded, by Keith represents Crook. a contemporary werethe researchVince Donnelly area. (bowling), Les Daley (batting) and account of an actual event enacted by the bank and its Vince Fuller (fielding). In 1952/53 Alstonville managed to field two A Grade Wedding records – local records are kept in folders in customer and therefore the Pass Books are a prime teams – Alstonville and Alstonville Colts led by Dominic Athe Grade research players area. for 1966/67 season were Len Cooper, Jim documentaryThompson. The source. mixture of youth and experience proved Cochran, Graham Higgins, Vince Fuller, Ellis Garrett, Ian successful with the Colts side making the semi-finals McSwan,Websites Brian Partridge, B Nilon, D Turner, Les Daley, Picture 1 Knuckle bones – played in Roman Times Potentialbeing beaten Uses by for Country Local HistoryUnited. ResearchThe Colts side was G– Prodger, Trove is Pat the Rankin, website Eto Blanch, check out Barry the newspapers.Fiedler, Wayne If Dominic Thompson, John Gillard, A Crooks, Vince Daley, you have time or need help in using this site feel free a. They point to the extent of economic interdependence Our APHS collection reflects the fact that many play Wally Gerrard, B Lumley, R Roberts, Neville Faulkner, Reddellto ask questions.and G Williams. Batting for the season: Pat between people in a defined area at a defined time period items were designed to teach children adult skills Vic Faulkner, Russell Strong and P Cawley. Rankin 398 runs, Graham Higgins (479), Les Daley (299) e.g. many of the entries record the names of people that and- BDM Ellis NSWGarrett – Births(286). DeathsBowling: and Pat Marriages. Rankin 28 wickets, and prepare them adult roles. Scaled down versions areIn 1953/54also recorded Alstonville in other once sources again such fielded as maps, fielded two A Graham Higgins (54) and Ian McSwan 21 wickets. of domestic objects such as Mrs Potts Sad Iron, directoriesGrade teams. and Onelectoral 21 Sept rolls. 1953 John Gillard scored the - Austcemindex – Australian Cemeteries Index which the Cyclopes stroller and pram, the Singer Sewing first century of the season while playing for Alstonville Wis (Bill) quite Pearsongood on scored the cemeteries 582 runs, that followed have already by Allan been Gray b. They provide some insight into the wealth of people in (445), Jack Donnelly (280), Pat Rankin (271) and Graham Machine and various tea sets, stoves, and even a cash Colts against Uralba. John was 19 years of age scoring photographed and catalogued. Sometimes the person register are used in our exhibition to show this point. the101 area in an at hour a particular and a half. time He e.g. hit dairy 2 sixes farmers and 13 fours. Higginswho has 231 catalogued runs contributed this information to some hasgood included scores abeing made in the 1967/68 season. The best of the bowlers were c.A Theyhigh scoreindicate of 324to some runs extentwas scored the benevolence by Alstonville of No 1 short family tree. https://www.austcemindex.com/ people at the time as evidenced by records of donations to side against Country United with two players scoring a - Ryerson index –this is a website that has quite a institutions e.g. Lismore Hospital Fund, Agricultural and century each. They were Vince Donnelly (118) including number of death notices on it and is being continually Industrial Societies. 15 fours and 1 six and Harold Crozier (109) which updated. https://www.ryersonindex.org included 4 sixes and 12 fours. d. Records of regular payments for insurance demonstrateA Ballina Interdistrict individual representative concern to provide side selected for to play - State Records where you can find information in misadventureLismore in Nov and 1954funeral included and burial Vince expenses. Donnelly (capt), various areas eg. Wills, health records, immigration Keith Hardy (vc), Frank Cochran, Harold Crozier, Col etc. https://www.records.nsw.gov.au/archives/ LimitationsRankin, E Hayter, J Christensen, Len Cooper, G Dowse, collections-and-research C Clark, Pat Rankin, C Kane (12th) and H Garred (13th). a. Most entries do not give descriptions of the If you want to start researching your family tree come transactions.In 1955/56 season Les Daley hit 148 not out but his team, in and start. There are quite a few places that Alstonville, still lost. Services scored 353 runs mainly to information can be found and if you need help then b.an In outstanding the absence innings of contemporary of 155 not bank out records,by Lance such Cupitt. as all that is needed is to have a chat with the researcher ledgers,Alstonville reconciliation replied with and 332 verification due to Les Daley’smaybe innings. andL to we R: Allencan thenGray, getGraham you Higgins,underway. Ellis Garrett,If you hitBilly a Pearson, road problematic. To some degree this concern is abated by the block please askIan and McSwan, maybe Robert we can Fowler. unblock. The Picture 2 Mrs Potts Miniature Sad Iron Batsman hit 685 runs in the two day match. Alstonville constant balancing of debits and credits in the passbooks. research area is here to help. finished Minor & Major Premiers in 1956/57. continued on page 6 by John Brown Alison Draper 4 • APHS PIONEER • DecemberJune 2017 2016 www.aphsmuseum.org.au www.aphsmuseum.org.au

TheThe Pioneer Pioneer December June 2017.indd Ed Vol 16 4 No 4 kl.indd 4 22/11/20161/06/2017 5:58:40 9:00:34 PM AM Overseas publishers became interested and he had Alstonville won the Schneider Cup – a knockout Author books published in French and Spanish. He was a competition in 1958/59 when they defeated Country United. In the early 1960s the Ballina DCA use to have Ways Wemember Play of the French Academy of Literature and a match between a Towns team and a Country team EdwardWhat is play? Some Vivian say it is all aboutTimms trying to amuse Arts. He enlisted during World War II and became competing for the Connors Cup. In the 1959/60 season oneself, others say it is preparing children for adult a major. He was a commandant at Cowra when the Alstonville players in the Country team included L Daley, roles, but I would say it is both! Play is all about Japanese prisoners of war escaped. He had been L Cooper, E Garrett, V Donnelly, P Rankin, Ken Daley pretending, experimenting, learning and exploring. It in charge of the Italians. On the night of the mass and Vince Fuller. is well known that people, not just children, will play breakout he led C Company fighting off the rear In 1961/62 season an article in the ‘Ballina Pilot’, the with whatever they can find, it does not have to be a attack by the Japanese and gave the order to fire. writer pays tribute to the strength of Alstonville cricket manufactured item - a stick, bones or box of matches In 1951 he began writing a series of 12 Australian when they could still field a strong team in the absence will do! historical novels tracing Australia’s history from 1821 of Crooks, Rankin, Daley and Layton for the match. The to 1939. The first four were “For Ever to Remain,” writer was referring to the appearance of John ‘Jack’ “Pathway to the Sun,” Beckoning Donnelly, Graham Higgins and Tony Kelly in the game the Shore” and “The Valleys and their strong contributions in the match. Beyond.” The book of interest to Alstonville ran out clear minor premiers for the 1961/62 us in this region is ‘They CameThe 50’s Doll Houses season. A highlight of the 1963/64 season was a brilliant From the Sea” which was opening batting partnership of 259 runs for Alstonville by published in 1955 by Angus and Pat Rankin (148) and Ken Clark (158) scored in only 105 Robertson. It is set in the minutes at the Alstonville Showground. rainforests of this area. Fourteen International cricketer, Alan Davidson was present for the survivors of the ill-fated Sea 1964/65 cricket presentation held in the old Alstonville Queen invade the lives of the Bowling Club’s clubhouse. Trophy winners for the season hardy settlers of the forest were Vince Donnelly (bowling), Les Daley (batting) and bringing disruption, passion and Vince Fuller (fielding). One of Australia’s leading authors of historical novels danger to their lives. This book, had an association with the local district. Edward A Grade players for 1966/67 season were Len Cooper, Jim along with “Cows Can’t Eat Vivian Timms was born in Charters Towers on 7 Cedar” by Diana Mercer were Cochran, Graham Higgins, Vince Fuller, Ellis Garrett, Ian April 1895 and trained as an electrical engineer. He McSwan, Brian Partridge, B Nilon, D Turner, Les Daley, two books which inspired me to wasPicture to be sent1 Knuckle ot England bones to– played become in Romanan officer Times of the G Prodger, Pat Rankin, E Blanch, Barry Fiedler, Wayne take an active interest in local Royal Navy but the death of his father, WH Timms, Our APHS collection reflects the fact that many play history. Very British Reddell and G Williams. Batting for the season: Pat RNR, changed that. His family was linked to the gold items were designed to teach children adult skills Rankin 398 runs, Graham Higgins (479), Les Daley (299) industry so his mother moved to Coolgardie where and prepare them adult roles. Scaled down versions He also produced several films and Ellis Garrett (286). Bowling: Pat Rankin 28 wickets, she married Rev. Angus King. Edward was taught at of domestic objects such as Mrs Potts Sad Iron, including “Uncivilised, and Graham Higgins (54) and Ian McSwan 21 wickets. Fremantle Boys’ School by Field Marshall Sir Thomas the Cyclopes stroller and pram, the Singer Sewing “Forty Thousand Horsemen.” W (Bill) Pearson scored 582 runs, followed by Allan Gray Blaney and then he attended schools in Sydney. He Machine and various tea sets, stoves, and even a cash He also wrote “The Squatter’s (445), Jack Donnelly (280), Pat Rankin (271) and Graham enlisted in World War I and was made a register are used in our exhibition to show this point. Daughter” and “The Grey Glove.” Higgins 231 runs contributed to some good scores being lieutenant. He was at the landing at Gallipoli but was made in the 1967/68 season. The best of the bowlers were later wounded. On arrival back in Australia Sir Two of his children were born in Casino and one in Hebert Maitland suggested he recuperate in the Lismore. In November 1951 he had a chance countryside. He married Alma McRobert in meeting with Ion Idriess, another renowned local Haberfield on 19 August 1916. He settled on a author. They had known each other for years but soldier settler property at McKees Hill where he didn’t know the other was in Lismore. In 1954 he resided for five years. Drought forced him to quit. went into semi-retirement at Budgewoi, near He then moved to High St, Lismore where he wrote Gosford where he enjoyed gardening, fishing and a short story which was accepted by ‘Smith’s Weekly.” walking. He died on 14 June 1960 and was buried in In 1925 his first novel, ‘The Hills of Hate’ was Northern Suburbs cemetery. published. The next year he wrote “The Valley of Adventure” and “Red Mask.” For the next few years His widow completed “The Big Country” in 1962 he wrote a novel and many short stories each year. and wrote the final book in the saga ‘ Time and When radio became popular he adapted to the new Chance.” Altogether he wrote 22 novels. L to R: Allen Gray, Graham Higgins, Ellis Garrett, Billy Pearson, medium and was sort after by the ABC. He produced Ian McSwan, Robert Fowler. full-lengthPicture plays 2 and Mrs serials Potts Miniature including Sad “The Iron Three by Ian Kirkland Diggers” and “The Valley of Adventure.” In 1935 he continued on page 6 continued on page 6 Generous Phil signed a contract with Charles Chauvel. www.aphsmuseum.org.au www.aphsmuseum.org.au DecemberJune 20162017 • APHS PIONEER • 5

TheThe Pioneer Pioneer June December 2017.indd Ed 5Vol 16 No 4 kl.indd 5 1/06/201722/11/2016 9:00:36 5:58:42 AM PM B Grade Maroons: ALSTONVILLEWays We PlayCRICKET Mervyn Bryant, Vince Fuller, Warren Smith, continued from page 5 S Reddell, Doug Blanch, K McBurney, It Just Wasn’t Cricket 1973 – 1978/79 Warrick Davison, K Fuller, Ray Bryant, G Cockerill, The weekend starting on 30 September 2016 will be one etched into However not all play objects deal with domestic Peter Bruggy, Robbie Evans. Alstonville history for a long time. Thanks to Garry Ensbey and members Extractactivities. taken Musical from ‘140instruments Years Not such Out: as the miniature History of Cricket in Alstonville 1876 -2016’ of the Alstonville Cricket Club an enjoyable time was had by all who Yamaha organ, several pianos, a tin whistle and a “ There were two junior U/17 Alstonville teams: attended several functions. The weekend began with a welcome on the written by Garry Ensbey in 2016. minigram” record player, shows that musical skills Friday night at the Federal Hotel where many big sixes, some express fast are often introduced as fun to children. U/17 No. 1: This period heralded a new beginning in the sport of bowling, some brilliant catches and some incredible sharp spinning balls Andrew Bartlett (capt), S Gilmore, D Powell, cricketWhile onour the collection Alstonville seems Plateau to have because a bias on 10towards July were relived. G Gailer, I Gailer, N Schmidt, G Lancaster, C Rose, 1973,girls toystwo localour selection teams, Alstonville of games, and particularly Wollongbar, board A crowd gathered at Hill Park Oval at 9.30am on the Saturday morning for M Owens, B Watt, S Maher, J Maher. decidedgames, toare amalgalmate for all. It tois forminteresting a new clubto noteknown how as the naming of the five nets at Geoff Watt Oval. This ceremony was ably thegames Alstonville are often & Districtbuilt on Cricket an important Club. From event. Take compered by David Lees. Families were present to see the nets named after U/17 No. 2: storiesfor example being told,the the“Sir reason Ross forSmith the jointAeroplane venture Race Roy Clark, Jim Weller, Vernie Eggins, Kevin Daley and Vince Donnelly R Daley (capt), G Vidler, K Reed, T Kenway, wasGame”. a result This of board Wollongbar game traces CC having the first insufficient air race from who all were prominent Alstonville cricketers. Posthumous life membership A Johnson, R Griffiths, V Powell, Robbie Evans, playersEngland and to AlstonvilleAustralia inCC 1919 having and no youmoney. guessed Club it: was given to Roy Clark and CR Laidman while Les Daley and Graham T Rippon, M Mercer, N Rippon, P Fowler, coloursRoss Smith for the (pilot), new clubhis brother was maroon Keith, and and gold. mechanics Higgins were given life membership. The home turf wicket at Hill Park David Fell. James Bennett and Wally Shiers won. The board was named the Peter Bruggy Wicket after a man who has devoted many Theits self amalgamation provides a immediatelyhistory lesson. brought Peking a resurgence is given Improved ground and practice facilities became a hours’ work to the upkeep of the field. A cricket ball was presented to the inas popularitythe name of cricketwhat we within now the call villages Beijing which and pink reality during the middle 70s with two practice nets Alstonville Plateau Historical Society by the grandson of George Weston enabledcoloured the countries new club show to build the on extent what wasof the already British being erected and a new synthetic wicket at Geoff who took ten wickets in an innings in 1923 playing for Alstonville against establishedCommonwealth. and move on with different approaches to Wind Ups Watt Oval which was officially opened in February Dunoon. A cricket match then followed between teams led by Greg Potter the management of club cricket. Sound club Many of our board games are well known - Chinese 1979 allowing better to be played. In the 1978/79 and Steve Robb. Some people may have suspected that Indian bookmakers administration, a successful junior coaching Checkers, Snakes and Ladders, Scrabble, Draughts season Alstonville A Grade team finished third in the had a presence as the match ended in a tie. A BBQ lunch ended a very program and growing local community support and and Monopoly but not so well known is the fact that BDCA competition. The team included: special day which was well supported by cricket followers of the district. interest in the national game enabled the Alston- Chinese Checkers has nothing to do with China as it Richard Bryant (capt), Max Strong, Robert Fowler, ville & District Cricket Club to become a powerful Saturday night was a highlight of the weekend. It began at 6pm at the was developed in Germany in1892. Wayne Smith, Greg Vidler, Bill Clarke, force in the Ballina District Cricket Club Associa- Plateau Sports Club with a viewing of a slideshow entitled Seasons Gone John Donnelly, Lance Bryant, Chris Rose, Robert tionLooking which at has our been small shown collection through still the raises success questions of By. This was followed by the launch of Garry Ensbey’s book 140 Years Anderson, Graham Higgins, Greg Sellick, theabout club the in winningnature of the play BDCA and Club with Championship the wisdom of Not Out – The History of Alstonville Cricket. This is the culmination Warren Smith, Warren Standen, Eddie Smith and Shieldhindsight ten times we might – a trophy find that some indicates games the overall politically of several years’ hard work involving an incredible amount of thorough Keith Morrow. strengthincorrect. of Should a local weclub. encourage children to shoot? Or research. I asked Gary to write this book several years ago as I knew he call dark skinned children niggers or sambo? Collect would do a magnificent job and he hasn’t let me down. It has become a This season saw the formation of a Reserve Grade 1stbird’s Grade eggs? (A Grade),And how Reserve should or we A2 present Grade andthe digital2nd popular publication for the Alstonville Plateau Historical Society and the competition which Alstonville won. The main star orgames B Grade of the became present? dominative Come to ourunits current during exhibition this first edition is almost sold out. Well done, Garry and thanks for your effort! for Alstonville with ball and bat was Russell Bailey successfulwhich will period, make you winning think, fourteen probably minor smile, or and major even who scored 371 runs and took 24 wickets. B Grade Unfortunately Brendan Drew, former Alstonville cricketer and later premiershipslaugh…. as you each try with our hoops!C Grade winning JANE GARDINER six minor It’s Launched were Minor & Major Premiers with Hugh Daley Tasmanian player was unable to attend the night but sent a video message. or major titles. starring with 248 runs and 53 wickets. Noted former Australian fast bowler, Geoff Lawson, also sent a message. Senior teams in the first season (1973/74) of the new Various speakers spoke about Alstonville cricket with Graham Higgins, Alstonville Cricket 1951 to 1973 before amalgamation with Wollongbar CC. Alstonville Robert Fowler, Greg Potter and Wayne Garrard being interviewed by club were as follows: A Grade team for that last season included B Campbell, MC, Stan Gilchrist, father of Australian legendary wicket-keeper, Adam continued from page 4 Robert Fowler, J McPherson, Pat Rankin, Mac Yabsley, Gilchrist about members of the Alstonville teams during different decades. A Grade: Ian McSwan, G Marriott, H Bolt, Robert Craig, G Snow, MacIan McSwan Yabsley (capt),with 26 Richard wickets, Bryant, Jack Donnelly Robert Fowler,(22), Bill Michael Bruggy, Graham Higgins, Jack Donnelly, S Dunn, The culmination of the night was the selection of a legends team for the GrahamPearson (21) Higgins, and Ellis John Garrett Donnelly, also with Ian McSwan,21 wickets. R Bates and Hugh Daley. period from the 1973-4 season to the present day. Congratulations go to JohnIn the Spencer, 1969/70 seasonPat Rankin, W (Bill) William Pearson Clarke, scores Lance152 not out In the season summary, Graham Higgins led the way with the following players for their selection in this team: - Dick Bryant, Bob Bryant,and Graham Eddie Higgins Smith, 110 Stephen for a team Dunn, score Ellis of 8/346 Garrett, against willow, notching up 613 runs (highest score 98), with Fowler, Greg Potter, Elvin Robb, Garry Ensbey, Geoff Voss, Chris Rose, RodWollongbar Rose. on 17 Jan 1970. Jim McPherson scoring 367 (HS 99), Jack Donnelly with Graham Higgins, Steve Robb, Brendan Drew, Trevor Robb, Terry Murphy, BIn Grade 1970/71 Golds: Mac Yabsley, a local school teacher and former 354 runs (HS 94), Robert Fowler 436 (HS (99) and Mac Max Strong, Michael Lockrey and Peter Bruggy. JohnGordon, Singh Sydney (capt), 1st R Grade Bates, player Chris joinsRose, Alstonville Trevor Way, with Yablsey 281 runs (HS 89no). In the bowling department, good performances. Pat Rankin captured 42 wickets, Ian McSwan (26), Ellis Thanks once again Garry and the Alstonville Cricket Club for a memorable Ray Hawker, Selwyn Gilmore, Hugh Daley, J Dufficy, Garrett (20) and John Donnelly 20 wickets. weekend. Andrew1972/73 seasonBartlett, was Ken the Leslie, last season Richard Alstonville Morrissey, played as Lan Johnson. individual club identity in the BDCA competition Flatley Shield 1975 - 1976GARRY ENSBEY IAN KIRKLAND 6 • APHS PIONEER • DecemberJune 2017 2016 www.aphsmuseum.org.au www.aphsmuseum.org.au

TheThe Pioneer Pioneer December June 2017.indd Ed Vol 16 6 No 4 kl.indd 6 22/11/20161/06/2017 5:58:43 9:00:38 PM AM Anzac Day 2017 - Lest We Forget TheIt Society, Just once again, Wasn’tplaced a wreath on the Cricket memorial in Elizabeth AnneThe weekend Brown Park starting at the on Anzac 30 September Day Service. 2016 It waswill one be ofone many. etched A clear into autumnAlstonville sky history meant forthat a manylong time. children Thanks and to families Garry Ensbeyattended and the members service whichof the wasAlstonville supported Cricket by the Club Lennox an enjoyable Headliners time Choir was and had a colourby all who partyattended from several 41 RNSW functions. Reserves. The Schoolweekend students began readwith severala welcome touching on the poemsFriday nightand short at the stories. Federal These Hotel storieswhere manyreferred big to sixes, soldiers some fighting express infast bowling, some brilliant catches and some incredible sharp spinning balls APHS Monthly Meetings WW1 which made me remember Private Patrick "Paddy" Bugden VC. Community Resource Centre were relived. 10 Wardell Road, Alstonville 2.00 pm third Sunday of the month OnA crowd September gathered 28th at Hill1917, Park Alstonville's Oval at 9.30am "Paddy" on diedthe Saturday at Polygon morning Wood for 2.00 pm third Sunday of the month inthe Belgium naming 100of the years five ago. nets It isat saidGeoff that Watt "On Oval.five Thisoccasions ceremony he rescued was ably 18th15 January June / 16th 2017 July woundedcompered menby David under Lees. intense Families shell wereand machinepresent to gun see fire,the nets showing named utterafter 20th Aug / 17th Sept contemptRoy Clark, and Jim disregard Weller, Vernie for danger. Eggins, Always Kevin foremost Daley and in volunteering Vince Donnelly for anywho dangerous all were prominent mission, Alstonville it was during cricketers. Posthumous life membership Volunteers’ Christmas thewas execution given to Royof one Clark of these and CRmissions Laidman while Les Daley and Graham VOLUNTEERSLuncheon thatHiggins this weregallant given soldier life was membership. killed." The home turf wicket at Hill Park WednesdayCHRISTMAS December IN JULY7th 2016 He was only 20. was named the Peter Bruggy Wicket after a man who has devoted many at 11.30am hours’ work to the upkeep of the field. A cricket ball was presented to the Volunteers Appreciation Day hours’ work to the upkeep of the field. A cricket ball was presented to the in the Crawford House WeAlstonville will remember Plateau himHistorical in September Society by the grandson of George Weston Crawford House Resource Centre Community Resource Centre. whenwho took our tenCricket wickets Exhibition in an innings is on inas 1923 playing for Alstonville against Community25th July,Resource 2017 Centre. heDunoon. was a keenA cricket player. match then followed between teams led by Greg Potter and Steve Robb. Some people may have suspected that Indian bookmakers by Jane Gardiner You’ll be SURPRISED had a presence as the match ended in a tie. A BBQ lunch ended a very at what you find at your special day which was well supported by cricket followers of the district. at what you find at your LOCAL POST OFFICE Saturday night was a highlight of the weekend. It began at 6pm at the WOLLONGBAR POST OFFICE Plateau Sports Club with a viewing of a slideshow entitled Seasons Gone The Palms Shopping Centre By. This was followed by the launch of Garry Ensbey’s book 140 Years 6628 3430 Not Out – The History of Alstonville Cricket. This is the culmination of several years’ hard work involving an incredible amount of thorough research. I asked Gary to write this book several years ago as I knew he Crawford House Museum would do a magnificent job and he hasn’t let me down. It has become a Featuring many interesting popular publication for the Alstonville Plateau Historical Society and the household objects reflecting family life from the turn of first edition is almost sold out. Well done, Garry and thanks for your effort! the century to the 1960s 10 Wardell Road, Alstonville Unfortunately Brendan Drew, former Alstonville cricketer and later 10 Wardell Road, Alstonville Open Fri 10–4 pm, Sun 1–4 pm Tasmanian player was unable to attend the night but sent a video message. Other days by appointment Noted former Australian fast bowler, Geoff Lawson, also sent a message. Various speakers spoke about Alstonville cricket with Graham Higgins, before amalgamation with Wollongbar CC. Alstonville Robert Fowler, Greg Potter and Wayne Garrard being interviewed by A Grade team for that last season included B Campbell, MC, Stan Gilchrist, father of Australian legendary wicket-keeper, Adam Robert Fowler, J McPherson, Pat Rankin, Mac Yabsley, GilchristHELP WANTEDabout members - More of the volunteers Alstonville are teamsdesperately during needed different to assist decades. Ian McSwan, G Marriott, H Bolt, Robert Craig, G Snow, with Crawford House duties on each Friday 10am - 4 pm and Sunday 1pm - REAL ESTATE Michael Bruggy, Graham Higgins, Jack Donnelly, S Dunn, 80 Main Street, Alstonville The4pm. culmination Friday shifts of arethe brokennight intowas twothe sessions:selection morningof a legends 10am team- 1pm foror the Your Local Real Estate Specialists R Bates and Hugh Daley. periodafternoon from 1pmthe 1973-4- 4pm. seasonWe value to our the volunteers present day.but decliningCongratulations numbers gofor to 6628 0000 thevarious following reasons players has our for organisation their selection in serious in this trouble. team: We- Dick don’t Bryant, want to Bob In the season summary, Graham Higgins led the way with lose such an important educational community asset and valuable willow, notching up 613 runs (highest score 98), with Fowler,historical Greg resource. Potter, Please Elvin contact Robb, CrawfordGarry Ensbey, House GeoffMuseum Voss, and Chris Rose, Jim McPherson scoring 367 (HS 99), Jack Donnelly with GrahamCommunity Higgins, Resource Steve Centre Robb, on Brendan 6628 1829 Drew, if you Trevor can spare Robb, some Terry time Murphy, on 354 runs (HS 94), Robert Fowler 436 (HS (99) and Mac Maxthese Strong, days each Michael week. Lockrey and Peter Bruggy. Yablsey 281 runs (HS 89no). In the bowling department, Our Hon. Treasurer, Donna Gaertner, has informed the Executive Thanks once again Garry and the Alstonville Cricket Club for a memorable WASTE AND RECYCLING Pat Rankin captured 42 wickets, Ian McSwan (26), Ellis Committee of her intention to resign from this position at the end of SERVICES Garrett (20) and John Donnelly 20 wickets. weekend.September. We are appealing to the local community for a replacement and SEPTIC TANK PUMPING encourage anyone with accountacy or bookkeeping skills to come forward GARRY ENSBEY to fill this important role. IAN KIRKLAND 6621 7431 • 6687 2559 www.aphsmuseum.org.au www.aphsmuseum.org.au DecemberJune 20162017 • APHS PIONEER • 7

TheThe Pioneer Pioneer June December 2017.indd Ed 7Vol 16 No 4 kl.indd 7 1/06/201722/11/2016 9:00:41 5:58:44 AM PM BOOKS FROMAPHS OUR News CHILDHOOD Lois Hennes appealed to our local community for “objects that whirr and clank” for our new toys exhibition, “Ways to Lois Hennes appealed to our local community for “objects that whirr and clank” for our new toys exhibition, “Ways to Play.” But I am very pleased that she has found a space to include a range of children’s books in the display. PRESIDENT’SPlay.” But I am very pleased COLUMN that she has found a space to include a range of children’s books in the display. A look at popular children’s books over time provides a fascinating insight into changes in language, literary fashions LIFEA look MEMBERSHIPat popular children’s books over time provides a fascinatingAdditionally, insight thanks into changesfor the long in language,hours spent literary by members fashions and even our sense of national identity. A look at the two books in the “Politically Incorrect” corner of the display in the Sadand evenNews our sense of national identity. A look at the two booksstaffing in the “Politically our table at Incorrect”the recent cornerRotary ofAntiques the display Fair andin the AtCrawford our recent Room AGM will provide I was veryevidence pleased of this. to be able to the Alstonville Street Market. Local youngsters (and their OnCrawford Sunday RoomMay 29, will Richmond provide Manyweathersevidence of this. lost his battle confer APHS Life Membership on immediate Past parents) were attracted to our banner by the prospect of withAs a pancreatic youngster cancer. in the Heearly had Menzies attended years, our April I can meeting recall my parents reading to me from “Blinky Bill” and “The Magic Alstonville Plateau Historical Society Inc. President,As a youngster Ina inle theBas. early In Menziesmoving years,acceptance I can recall of her my parentslearning reading to make to their me fromown “Birdballs.”“Blinky Bill” These and objects, “The Magic one soonPudding” after butbeing perhaps diagnosed, it was regretful difficult that (at hethat didn’t time) have to hisfind too many other Australian titles on the shelves of bookshops. Established 21 October 2001 • ABN 14 079 187 469 AnnualPudding” Reportbut perhaps Richmond it was difficult Manyweathers (at that time) tospoke find toopresumes, many other are now Australian dangling titles from on branches the shelves in over of fiftybookshops. usual visitor numbers fully up-to-date! Affiliated with the Royal Australian Historical Society So when able to read myself to sleep, I recall that borrowed Enidbackyards Blyton titlesproviding predominated a range of –materials “Famous for Five” birds adventures building glowinglySo when able of to the read splendid myself towork sleep, she I recallhad done that borrowed while in Enid Blyton titles predominated – “Famous Five” adventures CRAWFORD HOUSE MUSEUM Astheand an President’s“Milly active memberMolly chair. Mandy” of many stories, community for example. groups, heWere will otherbe boys(or re-building) reading “Milly their Molly nests forMandy,” winter. I Many now wonder?thanks to Lois & COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE: and “Milly Molly Mandy” stories, for example. Were other boys reading “Milly Molly Mandy,” I now wonder? greatly missed. I was so impressed that such a busy man Hennes, Jan Seymour and Sue Harper for this initiative. 10 Wardell Road, Alstonville—02 6628 1829 (Fri & Sun) InFast-forward addition to thethose 1990’s matters, and as anI wouldEnglish also teacher/parent, like to what was to dominate Phoebe’s bedtime tales? Email: [email protected] decidedFast-forward to act asto anthe APHS 1990’s “buddy” and as foran severalEnglish high teacher/parent, school what was to dominate Phoebe’s bedtime tales? acknowledgeIf you search carefully the immense on the dressing amount table inof the excellent Crawford July Events Website: www.aphsmuseum.org.au studentsIf you search as part carefully of our recent on the Pixel dressing the Past table project. in the Crawford https://www.facebook.com/pages/Crawford- House front bedroom, you may notice “Phoebe’s Book Draped over our white-board at the moment is the publicityHouse front Ina bedroom, generated you for may the noticeSociety. “Phoebe’s A string Book of House-Museum/237678339768274 Our1991,” thoughts a cloth-book are with madethe whole by my family mother during specially this sad for her beautiful quilt donated by local quilters to be raffled over great1991,” photos a cloth-book in local made papers by my all mothergreatly specially enhanced for the her Museum: Open Fridays 10–4.00 pm and Sundays 1–4.00 pm period.third grandchild. Time did not It was permit most a fulldefinitely obituary a for“hands-on” this edition object the period of this year’s Airing of the Quilts (July 7-8-9) and APHSthird grandchild. profile Itin was the most eyesdefinitely of thea “hands-on” community. object Many Research Centre: Open Fridays 10.00–4.00 pm butinvolving we will unzippingfeature one ain hippo’s our next mouth, edition. untying bows on a beyond. thanksinvolving for unzipping that great a achievement,hippo’s mouth, Ina. untying bows on a Helpers are again needed to staff the entry desk and with the PATRONS: K Hogan MP, T George MP, Cr D Wright, Mr P Silver giraffe’s neck and unplaiting a lion’s tail. Pixelgiraffe’s the neck Past and unplaiting a lion’s tail. washing up. SOCIETY’S AIMS: AEven final though word aboutthe samethis rewarding objects were project. always Ballina encountered, Council Even though the same objects were always encountered, BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS To collect, preserve, display and provide documents and providedrepetition us – recently perhaps with accompanied visitor numbers by sound for April effects at the – was Please remember that our Thank You to volunteers repetition – perhaps accompanied by sound effects – was photos of a historical nature of the Alstonville Plateau and Northernwelcomed. Rivers Gallery where the nine Pixels films had Alsoluncheon on thatthis yearday will we take were place all ondelighted Tuesday Julyto be 25 ablein our to Ballina Shire for current and future generations. welcomed. been installed for viewing. Over 1800 people had visited the playCRC. aThose part attendingin helping are Dorothyasked to bring Crawford a plate to celebrate share. We welcome stories, photos and family histories I’m certain that while I can still recall a much loved gallery,I’m certain many leavingthat while very favourableI can still comments. recall a much loved for our records and newsletter publication. illustration on a Golden Book cover of “The Saggy Baggy her 98th birthday. After receiving a bunch of flowers illustration on a Golden Book cover of “The Saggy Baggy The Frock Club HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEETINGS: ItElephant” was also pleasingfrom the to 1950’s, be able there to show were the many films more at our children’s May from Ina, Dorothy contributed (in fine form) to our Elephant” from the 1950’s, there were many more children’s This newly formed group of people sharing a curiosity and 3rd Sunday of each month at 2.00 pm Meeting.picture books If you available were not presentto youngsters and would in the like 1990’s. to view the “Show and Tell” and then was quite prepared to share picture books available to youngsters in the 1990’s. love of fashion recently moved its meeting venue to the Alstonville Community Resource Centre films, they can be accessed via: http://www. nrcgballina.com. some of her tasty birthday cake with us all. Crawford House, 10 Wardell Road, Alstonville Interestingly, one of Phoebe’s great favourites from this genreCRC. – Eric It was Carle’s felt that “A issues Very examined Hungry Caterpillar” at meetings could- she benow au/v1/creative-learning/pixel-the-past-digital-historiesInterestingly, one of Phoebe’s great favourites from. this genre – Eric Carle’s “A Very Hungry Caterpillar” - she now (Guest speaker and general meeting) enjoys reading to her pre-school classes! well supported by accessing some of the items in the Craw- enjoys reading to her pre-school classes! Congratulations, Dorothy! ford House collection. Organizer Ruth Povall had engaged CORRESPONDENCE & ENQUIRIES: AlstonvilleBut the author High who student dominated Finn Ball the attended late 90’s that and meeting beyond for Phoebe’s generation was the new millenium’s Enid Blyton The Hon. Secretary, Alstonville Plateau Historical Society Inc., But the author who dominated the late 90’s and beyond for Phoebe’sour Lois asgeneration guest speaker was theon Maynew 31 millenium’s on the “Science Enid ofBlyton Siz- and– JK generously Rowling. agreed to keep an eye on our facebook page. PO Box 65, Alstonville NSW 2477 – JK Rowling. NEWing.” APHS EXHIBITION benefited by just under $200 by hosting this well Phone: 02 6628 1829 (Fri) • Email: [email protected] EmbroideryPhoebe loved Exhibitionthe “Harry Potter”(pictures books. front cover) Despite its very Englishattended setting, event. as It isthe felt reader that this of productthe early has titles the potentialI, too, was to Phoebe loved the “Harry Potter” books. Despite its very EnglishPreparations setting, asare the well reader underway of the early for titlesthe installation I, too, was SUBSCRIPTIONS: Visitorcaptivated numbers by Hogwarts, have also beenquidditch very pleasingand the hair-raisingfor Loose adventuresbe offered of Harry, to other Hermione museums and. Ron. captivated by Hogwarts, quidditch and the hair-raising adventures of Harry, Hermione and Ron. Due 1 October each year Threads’ Heirlooms of the Future, our current display. andIf you opening think you of might our be next interested, exhibition, you can “Thecontact Games Ruth (Includes public risk insurance and quarterly newsletters) All good things come to an end! After we queued up at Grace Brothers, Bondi Junction, to buy “Harry Potter and the SeveralAll good groups things attending come to have an end!been Afterlucky weenough queued to be up at GraceWeon Brothers, 0429 Play.” 079 Bondi364.Lois HennesJunction, has to buyhad “Harry a team Potter of helpersand the Fees: Single $20; Family $40; Student $5 Order of the Phoenix,” Phoebe took to her bedroom all weekend and read it to herself. shownOrder aroundof the Phoenix,” by members Phoebe of the took group to. her bedroom all weekend and read it to herself. John Sim (Please add $5.00 if newsletters are to be posted) constructing a range of exquisite, hands-on toys for Several of these issues were raised in an interesting freebie I recently acquired. “Save Oz Stories” is a 150 page Corporate Membership: $100.00 p.a. Itdisplay.Several has been ofAt a thesepleasure the issuesconclusion to host were this raised offinal the inexhibition exhibition, an interesting by the these fivefreebie I recently acquired. “Save Oz Stories” is a 150 page (Incl. newsletter advertisement and full membership publication by Melbourne University Press in which over twenty of our best Australian authors argue passionately for Loosepublication Threads by Melbournemembers. TheyUniversity have become Press inso whichskilled overin twenty of our best Australian authors argueDorothy passionately supervising for itemsthe survival are toof bea viable donated publishing to five industry local in the pre-schools. face of the Federal Government’s attempts to measurethe the cutting worth of theof President: John Sim -p [email protected] arrivingManythe survival thankswith ofwritten aLois, viable stories Joyce, publishing to beLorella, displayed industry Pat, with inMarian theirthe face and of the Federal Government’s attempts to measure the worth of beautifulthe output works of local that authorswe are sad and this publishers is their swansong. via a Productivity Thank Commission. President’s 70th Birthday cake Past President: Ina le Bas - [email protected] Sue.the output of local authors and publishers via a Productivity Commission. Hon. Secretary (Mins): Rhonda Bonner youAttempting once again to toargue Lois the for productivityher efforts in of mounting Australian this authors should be considered somewhat differently to the output of Attempting to argue the productivity of Australian authors should be considered somewhat differently to the output of Hon. Secretary (Correspondence): exhibitionother types. of manufacturers, celebrated children’s author Jackie French states: “No trade delegation, no matter how Meanwhileother types of our manufacturers, indefatigable celebrated Eric Clark children’s has authorspent Jackie French states: “No trade delegation, no matter how Margaret Ryan - [email protected] large its budget, can give you the international PR of “Possum Magic” or “The 26-Storey Treehouse.” When a child Volunteersmanylarge its hours budget, cutting can give and youhole-punching the international materials PR of for“Possum Magic” or “The 26-Storey Treehouse.” When a child Public Officer: in China, Texas or Korea is raised on “The Diary of a Wombat,” they breathe in Australia too, subtly and irrevocably.” Brian Worthington - [email protected] Inmembersin aChina, period Texas ofwhen Jan orwe Seymour’s Korea are desperately is raised Bucket seekingon “The Club new Diary to names construct of a for Wombat,” they breathe in Australia too, subtly and irrevocably.” Hon. Treasurer: Donna Gaertner–[email protected] ourtheirBe sureduty own toroster, cometoy Idrums. amand very breathe This aware exhibition,in thata sense other of events whichwhat activitiesalso runs put well a generations of local children have been raised on in our current Be sure to come and breathe in a sense of what activities generations of local children have been raised on in our current Assistant Treasurer: Ina le Bas strainintoexhibition 2017,on our – promisesmembers.and don’t Soforgetgreat let me toexcitement thank,search oncefor thefor again, books!visitors those of exhibition – and don’t forget to search for the books! Making Birdballs on Volunteers Co-ordinator: Jane Gardiner–[email protected] regularsall ages. who answer the call when school groups visit the Market Day Bears of Course JOHN SIM. Research Officer: Alison Draper–[email protected] museum. JOHN SIM. Publicity Officer:Cathy Cohen–[email protected] Committee: Gwen Clark, Garry Ensbey & Belinda Burnett PIXEL THE PAST Alstonville Plateau Historical Society provides a service to the public to research enquiries into the history of Crawford House & CRC Booking Enquiries: Alstonville Plateau Historical Society provides a service to the public to research enquiries into the history of A similar sensepeople, of places excitement and events (with relevant a touch to both of trepidation)the Alstonville isPlateau being and felt Ballina by about Shire. ten of our members who John Sim–[email protected] people, places and events relevant to both the Alstonville Plateau and Ballina Shire. The Research Centre is open Fridays 10.00 am to 4.00 pm or by arrangement, and it is recommended Webmistress: Liz Marshall–[email protected] volunteeredThe Research to act Centre as mentors is open Fridays for Alstonville 10.00 am to High 4.00 pmstudents or by arrangement, in the “Pixel and the it isPast” recommended project. Project designer, that prior to a visit you contact us either by email ([email protected]) or at the Research Centre Past-Presidents: Katethat Gahan, prior to ahas visit selected you contact nine us themeseither by toemail guide ([email protected] us. Currently, our members) or at the areResearch searching Centre for resources that Marguerite Fuller, Jane Gardiner, Ian Kirkland, John Sim, Ina le Bas so we can send you our research form and ensure we have a member to help you. can be used soby we the can students send you to our present research those form stories and ensure about we various have a heritagemember to themes. help you. JOHN SIM www.aphsmuseum.org.au 8www.aphsmuseum.org.au APHS PIONEER JuneDecember 2017 2016 December 2016 www.aphsmuseum.org.auAPHS PIONEER 3 8 • APHS PIONEER • December 2016 •www.aphsmuseum.org.au•

TheThe PioneerThe Pioneer Pioneer December June December 2017.indd Ed Vol Ed 16 8Vol No 164 kl.indd No 4 kl.indd 8 3 22/11/20161/06/201722/11/2016 5:58:48 9:00:44 5:58:35 PM AM PM The Pioneer December Ed Vol 16 No 4 kl.indd 8 22/11/2016 5:58:48 PM