Reconciling Former Prisoners with Society, and Society with Former Prisoners for 34 Years!

Spring 2020 Newsletter Susan Randall, Private Investigator, HOUSE HAPPENINGS To Speak at Annual Community Celebration Save the Date story behind the charges. She Saturday, April 25th, 2020 seeks to answer the question, “How did we get here?” Burlington Dismas Prior to working as a private 35th Annual Community investigator, she worked as a Celebration journalist and documentary filmmaker in New York City at UVM Alumni House for A&E television and the on Summit Street, Burlington, VT BBC. She also worked as a (see page 3 for details) reporter for NPR’s All Things Guest Speaker Susan Randall Considered and Morning Edition. Susan Dismas on Susan will share her unique perspective now provides investigative training and on VT’s criminal justice system. She runs an investigative internship program Facebook has her own private investigation firm for undergraduate students, one of whom Visit our FB page to see called VTPrivateye, and has worked as lived as a student volunteer at Dismas the many photos and a defense investigator on civil, state, and House this past year. Susan will share happenings at the house. federal cases for over 22 years. She sees some of her stories and the insights she v /Burlington-Dismas-House her work as helping to tell the human has derived from them. Sister Janice Ryan, THIS JUST IN! RSM to receive the This is one of those “Only at Jack Hickey Award Dismas!” stories. Last night our evening meal started out with the Burlington Dismas House announces same pre-dinner ritual as it always that Sr. Janice Ryan will be the 2020 does. I asked one of the guys to say a recipient of the Jack Hickey Award. few words to get us started; we gave The Award is named after Father Jack a round of applause to our cooks. Hickey, OP, who was the founder of the Last night, it was three members of original Dismas House in Nashville, the Winooski Police Department, Tennessee. Father Hickey was and, yes, they are regular volunteer committed both to university students, cooks. We introduced ourselves, and with whom he started the first Dismas then I asked if anyone had anything House, and to men and women who they would like to give thanks for. were incarcerated. Dismas finds it quite A hand shot up immediately. This fitting to present this award to Sister was Scott’s first day as a resident at Janice because she, too, has committed the house, he said, “First I want to her life to educating students and to give thanks for being here at Dismas, working for social justice. Sister Janice but I also want to say to you, Officer has advocated for criminal justice reform McCormack, thank you for saving my (continued on page 8) (continued on page 7) High spirits on Super-Bowl night. Burlington Dismas House 1 From the Desk of the Director... by Kimberly Parsons

We Asked and You Responded family and neighbors took care of each other. Maybe my name is starting to sound familiar to some of There is a similar dynamic at you, as I have been with Burlington Dismas House for 29 Dismas House. Former prisoners, years. Returning home to after working for the college students and volunteers United Nations High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR) living in the house have chosen to with Salvadoran and Nicaraguan refugees in Honduras in the support each other, but we are also early 90’s, I found Dismas House. I was immediately drawn supported by the larger community. to the mission of reconciliation by creating a supportive We are a grassroots organization, Kimberly Parsons for Buell community. When I was in the refugee camps it was created by Vermonters, and the Street Dismas House apparent that there were a number of organizations that majority of our support comes from addressed the basic human needs for food and shelter. At a individuals, local businesses and foundations. A few months young age I thought that covered everything, but I was always ago, we asked our donors for support after Dismas lost a aware that there was something more going on behind the large grant. We were surprised by how many responded by scenes in the camps. There were elderly folks and children increasing their donations, or got in touch with us to let us whose families know they were there for us. We are a small organization that were missing, or has been a steady partner in the community and we asked had been killed, for help and there was a mighty response. We will have to and people with continue to work hard to replace the funding that we lost but physical and are heartened to be a part of this Vermont community that v emotional scars values every member. from wars and civil unrest in their countries. There was an un-official type of leadership and support in the camps that was similar to growing up in a small town in Vermont where Kim with Dismas canine friends, Johnny and Gilly. Kim serving up Thanksgiving Dinner at Buell St. Dismas.

Richard Gagne dishing it out at East Allen Dismas Thanksgiving.

2 Burlington Dismas House 35th Annual Dismas Community Celebration April 25, 2020 4:30-8:00 PM UVM ALUMNI HOUSE, 61 SUMMIT STREET IN BURLINGTON

Sister Janice Ryan to receive Jack Hickey Award. Colleen McAuliffe, Rose Laba, and Judy Galdi to receive Ann Atherton Volunteer Award.

TICKET & DONATION FORM FOR RESERVATIONS YES, I will attend. Enclosed is my payment for: Reserve On-line at ______reservations at $60 each, ______reservations for children and students at $30 each, and a $______donation to benefit the programs of Burlington Dismas House. OR Call Sorry, I am unable to attend. I am enclosing a donation of $______802-658-0381 to benefit the programs of Burlington Dismas House. OR Email [email protected] NAME(S) (Please list all Attendees)

NAME(S) OR Mail the form to: Burlington Dismas House PHONE EMAIL 96 Buell Street

ADDRESS Burlington, VT 05401

CITY STATE ZIP Helping Our Lamoille County Neighbors Stay Warm This Winter Three times a year members of both Burlington Dismas House locations volunteer as a group in support of other organizations serving our Community. For many years we have volunteered to provide crowd control at the waterfront for the New Year’s Eve fireworks display. In more recent years we have regularly Dismas Volunteer Woodcutters volunteered at the VYCC Farm in Richmond, helping with planting in the Northern Vermont winters are long areas and were experienced using the log spring and harvesting in the fall. Perhaps and cold and the average family heating splitters. They enjoyed the opportunity the reader will recall seeing pictures with wood will go through a lot of it. to work the machines again. The rest from the farm in previous newsletters. Fortunately, the United Way received stayed busy, stacking the just-split wood, This fall, we tried something different. a large donation of lumber, but they and loading it onto pallets. There was no The United Way of Lamoille County needed help splitting and stacking the standing around, as everyone had a job to operates this wonderful program that lumber in preparation for pick up. This do. In the end it was an impressive sight provides cord wood for families in need was the perfect activity for us. We had to see all the work we had accomplished. v who heat their homes with wood stoves. several residents who had lived in rural Stay warm this winter, Vermonters! Burlington Dismas House 3 Supporting Dismas Houses in Burlington, Hartford, Rutland and Winooski Dismas Across Vermont Reconciling Former Prisoners with Society, and Society with Former Prisoners for 34 Years! What Happens Next - From the Executive Director

“To exist is to change, “Justice Reinvestment II”, calls for big to change is to mature, to mature is reforms in the justice system and also in to go on creating oneself endlessly.” transitional housing. With shifts in the Vermont correctional system to think So said French philosopher Henri about, Dismas will also be examining our Vermont Representative Becca White (D-Windsor) and Jan Tarjan, Executive Bergson during the first part of the last programs, and how we can evolve and Director, at the General Assembly. century. His words are a good description flex to best serve our mission and the of, and prescription for, Dismas of public need. have fostered for me a deeply meaningful Vermont in 2020. We have, for a couple Another change: I will commence a experience. I am confident that the next of years, been engaged in a process of long-planned retirement at the end of Dismas leader will guide Dismas well, maturing (updated bylaws, a new strategic June, and henceforth see much more supported by our foundation in the plan, an extended state-wide Board of my grandchildren. Being Executive community. Any changes ahead are all of Directors). Also during this time, Director of Dismas of Vermont and part of growing and “creating (Dismas) increased public and governmental focus serving this vital mission for nine years endlessly”. Remember that, in ourselves, upon the crises of over-incarceration in has been a culminating joy in my working in YOU, we have everything we need to our prisons, and substance use disorders life, and a great honor. The courage of reach transformational heights. Margaret in our communities, has led to a call our residents, the dedication of our Mead said it best: “Never doubt that a for change. A new bill in the legislature, staff, the compassion of our volunteers, small group of thoughtful people can based on recommendations from the the generosity of our donors and the change the world. Indeed, it’s the only v Council on State Government study profound kindness that defines Dismas thing that ever has.” Dismas Goes to the Legislature

In January we took Dismas to the Legislature. Our panel, supported by Representative Rebecca White (Hartford), was comprised, with me, of House Directors from Burlington, Rutland and Hartford Dismas houses and several Dismas residents. House Directors who were on the Dismas Panel Presenters at Legislature. panel are front-line in the work of reconciling prisoners with society and struggle were moving; the descriptions “Being part of the panel from Dismas society with prisoners. They told of of their progress inspiring. It was a rare House that spoke to various State their work and provided data about our opportunity for those who make our Legislators was a memorable experience. impact. The most affecting part of our laws and policies to hear directly from The State Building, the ornate interior, panel was, of course, the experiences people who have been incarcerated, and the hustle and bustle of legislatures and and perspectives offered by three are taking good advantages now of their constituents–it was politics in action. Dismas residents. One, Jeffrey Lockyer, second chances. At home at Dismas we reintegrate with was living at Dismas. The others, Seth It was also empowering and affirming the local community; there, I had an Osgood and Thomas Shea, have made for our residents, themselves, to have opportunity to ‘reintegrate’ at a State successful transition to community a voice and to speak their “truth to level. It’s what Dismas is all about.” v - Jeffrey Lockyer, Resident life and employment. Their stories of power”.

44 DismasBurlington Across Dismas Vermont House Dismas Across Vermont The Senator and the Shopping Cart by Senator Cheryl Hooker

Cheryl Hooker is a lifelong Rutland a few years ago when, after resident, retired teacher, former Alderman, being the weekly grocery mother, grandmother, a long-time shopper for Dismas House Representative and now Senator at the in Rutland for over 10 years, Vermont Legislature. With her husband Marty Barclay was ready to George, she shops for the groceries at hand over the list to someone Rutland Dismas House every week. That’s else, we were asked to step a lot of groceries and probably more in. Since we live only blocks than one cart. In the Legislature, Senator away from Price Chopper Hooker serves on the Senate Committee and shop there regularly, it on Economic Development, Housing and was easy to say yes. General Affairs, Senate Committee on We’ve supported Rutland Institutions, Senate Sexual Harassment Dismas House since Rita Panel and the Joint Legislative Justice McCaffrey worked so hard Oversight Committee. to establish it in 1990. We’ve helped with phone-a- “As a State Senator dealing thons, auctions and dinners Senator Hooker and husband George unload weekly groceries at Dismas. with Corrections and Justice, throughout the years, but I recognize the need for the those were only periodic As a State Senator dealing with type of transitional housing opportunities to volunteer. Shopping corrections and Justice, I recognize the each week gives us a closer connection need for the type of transitional housing Dismas House provides.” to the House and its mission. We believe that Dismas House provides. - Senator Cheryl Hooker that Dismas is feeding the spirit and Dismas cares for the whole person: souls of the residents who, with staff and body, mind and spirit. Grocery shopping Even in retirement, it seems that my volunteers committed to helping them, each week makes us feel that we have a husband George and I don’t have a lot of are transitioning back to being fully small part in helping to feed those who v time to volunteer on a regular basis. But contributing members of the community. come through the door. Shout Out to Legislators and Public Servants

Dismas is proud to count among its In Addition, we have valued the friendship history of volunteers and supporters and assistance of Vermont public servants many Vermont legislators and others in in other arenas, both state and national: public service. These special people have Attorney General TJ Donovan, volunteered at Dismas as Volunteer Lieutenant Governor David Zuckerman, Cooks, Council members and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, Board members: U.S. Representative Peter Welch, Governor Madeleine CURRENT LEGISLATORS: Kunin, Judges McCaffrey, Jean Ankeny, Johannah Donovan, Cashman and Griffin. Cheryl Hooker, , Rita McCaffrey, our Jean O’Sullivan, , Founder, and a former Mary Sullivan. Representative from FORMER LEGISLATORS: Weston, is especially Susan Buckholz, Diane Carmoli, proud that a handmade, Joanna Cole, Ann Cummings, log cabin design Vermont quilt hung for many years in the Washington D.C. office Dennis Delaney, , of the late Senator James Jeffords–an award token from Dismas–recognizing the Jim Leddy, Joanne Lenes, , Senator’s concern for justice and reconciliation. We appreciate the continuing v , Ginny Lyons, opportunity to work together to solve critical challenges in Vermont. Rita McCaffrey, . BurlingtonDismas Across Dismas Vermont House 5 Dismas Across Vermont Ways to Give Discover the many ways to support Dismas and make a difference in someone’s life

No matter how you give, why you give, or how much you DISMAS PROGRAM DISMAS OF VERMONT give, your gift is vital to Dismas of Vermont’s programs. You LOCATIONS: BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS can give to support one of our local programs, or to Dismas Burlington Dismas House of Vermont in general. Please contact either the program you Jonathan Sylvia... President Locations at: Alec Ewald... Vice President wish to support, or our Executive Director, Jan Tarjan, for 96 Buell Street, Burlington, VT 05401 Beth Wolven... Treasurer more information or assistance. 103 East Allen St., Winooski, VT 05404 Delores Barbeau... Secretary Kimberly Parsons and Richard Gagne, MEMBERS GIFTS BY CHECK: House Directors Marty French (802) 658-0381 Checks should be made out to the local program you wish to Kate Lark [email protected] support, or to Dismas of Vermont Statewide if you prefer, and Jim Marmar [email protected] mailed to the addresses listed on this page. MaryAnn Murray Hartford Dismas House Leo Pujdak GIFTS BY CREDIT CARD: 1673 Maple Street, PO Box 174, Phil Stephen Hartford, VT 05047 Allan Sullivan Credit Card donations may be made by visiting us online at Jeff Backus, House Director Marykate Rowan (802) 698-8661 (Executive Committee) Jan-Roberta Tarjan [email protected] MATCHING GIFTS: Executive Director Rutland Dismas House (ex officio) Your employer may offer an employee matching gift program 103 Park Avenue, Rutland, VT 05701 to support your charitable giving. Please check with your STATEWIDE STAFF Eric Maguire, House Director Jan-Roberta Tarjan employer to determine if they offer this option. (802) 775-5539 Executive Director HONOR AND MEMORIAL GIFTS: [email protected] Richard Gagne Dismas of Vermont, Inc. Program Manager These gifts offer a meaningful way to pay tribute to loved 103 East Allen St., Winooski, VT 05404 Jennifer Blair ones. Jan-Roberta Tarjan, Executive Director Business Manager (603) 795-2770 Rita McCaffrey GIFTS OF STOCKS, SECURITIES: [email protected] Founder & Adviser You can make a gift of stock by contacting our brokerage account with MassMutual. Donors Promote Pride ACCOUNT NAME: Dismas of Vermont Inc. of Workmanship by Darby, Dismas Resident ACCOUNT NUMBER: R72025577 DTC NUMBER: 0226 “I am a recovering addict. I went to Valley Vista for twenty-three MASSMUTUAL RE: Roger Webster days and then was asked to be a part of the Dismas House program. Phone: 802-264-6620 WOW what a great decision I made. There are many men living here with many talents, mine is fine RECURRING GIFTS: carpentry. Thanks to all the caring people that have donated to the Sustaining gifts can be made by credit card. Dismas house, we were able to buy Visit us online at http://www necessary building material for the PLANNED GIVING/BEQUESTS: house. I am so proud to be able to put my craftsmanship to work, so we You may include Dismas in your lifetime charitable giving can keep this beautiful house alive plans through a bequest, charitable gift annuity, insurance and looking its finest. And my work policy, charitable trust or other planned giving vehicle. as well as my name will always be a part of this house and the wonderful Planned gifts can be constructed today to benefit program that it is. God bless to all Dismas of Vermont at a future date. that have donated or given their Darby helps keep Dismas time to this warm caring home.” v Contact our Executive Director to learn more! in good shape. (abridged text)

66 DismasBurlington Across Dismas Vermont House California Dreaming Many personal stories of Dismas residents include incidents of abuse, neglect, tragedies, and an eventual slide into drug or alcohol addiction. But not all. Bill grew up in the mountains of southern California, not too far from Los Angeles. As a young adult he established a small but successful business in the building trades. He came to Vermont to be with a girlfriend, but he got into trouble, was arrested and convicted and spent time incarcerated. He was, after a few months, eligible for immediate release on furlough, but because he did not have approved connections for housing in Vermont, he remained incarcerated for seven additional months before he finally was able to secure a bed at Dismas House. When Bill arrived at East Allen Christmas Tradition: choosing the perfect tree. Richard Gagne on left, Dismas Board member and volunteer cook Marykate Rowan at right. Dismas in Winooski, the thing that surprised him the most was how normal it felt. He was expecting something that felt a little like prison, but Dismas The Ann Atherton Award will be felt like what he knew as home. The things expected of him were similar to the things that he would be doing in his own presented to our good friends! home. “But what I enjoyed the most is how we celebrated the holidays!” Bill said, “I really liked going to cut our Christmas Colleen McAuliffe, Rose Laba, tree. That is what we do at home except, there, the Christmas and Judy Galdi have been monthly tree farms are near the desert. The trees are the same, but volunteer cooks at East Allen there are two differences– it’s not so cold, and instead of the Dismas since November 2010. plastic toboggans used to slide the tree from the field to the Come rain or shine, they were there. parking lot, at home we used those old Radio Flyers.” They have never missed a month. Bill wants to go back home once his supervision One of the things that made them commitments in Vermont are over. He has a business and popular with everyone in the a life to go back to. While Dismas, most often, provides house was they always solicited support to those who are making their home in Vermont, recommendations regarding what we are always open to the odd case where supervision they should make for dinner the requirements hold an individual in our state. Even if a following month. And while it is Judy Galdi person’s goal is to go home to California, everyone wins when with great affection that we honor v we can help make that particular dream come true. this group of friends, it is at the same time bittersweet. This past November, on the eve before they were scheduled to This Just In (cont. from pg 1) cook, Judi called Colleen to ask that she take Judi’s turn preparing the main course; and she wanted to make sure life!” That really got everyone’s attention. Scott went on, “So that Colleen could prepare something special. She made this you guys probably don’t know this, but about six months ago, request because she was scheduled to go to the hospital the before I went to jail this last time, I was going to be arrested next day. We were taken by surprise when we learned that in Winooski, on the bridge, and I just jumped off the bridge Judi was very ill. She passed away only a few short weeks later. into the Winooski River. It was Officer McCormack, who Judi had made a real connection with staff and some house was trying to arrest me, that ended up saving me!” For his members who had been at Dismas for some time, so her part, Officer McCormack responded, “I am really glad to see passing hit us all hard. But, her spirit is still with us, and we v you. It is so good that you are here.” And after dinner he told celebrate it every second Thursday of the month. Scott, “If you ever need to talk, know that you can call me any v time.” Burlington Dismas House 7 BURLINGTON DISMAS HOUSE Non Profit Org 96 Buell Street US Postage PAID Burlington, VT 05401 Wht Riv Jct, VT Permit No. 73

Burlington Dismas House BURLINGTON DISMAS HOUSE COUNCIL Sister Janice Ryan Christine Burt... Chairperson The Wishlist (cont. from pg 1) Brad Martin... Vice Chairperson Tableware • Blankets in particular. After a forty-year MEMBERS Twin Size Mattress Pads career as a teacher, and then Erin Barnaby Colleen McAuliffe Sue Collinson Ellie Miller Wax-less president at Trinity College Marty French Paul Reese Cross Country in Burlington, Sister Janice Steve Gronlund Billy St. Louis Skis & Boots took on a number of positions at the state and national COMMITTED MEMBERS levels, promoting reform in Roger Gibault Dick Perez education and justice. Among her accomplishments are BURLINGTON PROGRAM STAFF working to allow DNA testing Jack Hickey Kimberly Parsons Molly Robin-Abbott of people already in prison, Award Recipient, House Director Philanthropy Sr. Janice Ryan. Buell Street Associate which helped to overturn Join us on April 25th wrongful convictions. She also Richard Gagne Sue Drollette championed Vermont’s Special Education Law, which House Director Asst House Director East Allen East Allen was later instrumental in shaping special education law at the national level. She concluded her career as the v DISMAS STATEWIDE Vermont Deputy Commissioner of Corrections. Jan-Roberta Tarjan Richard Gagne Executive Director Program Manager BURLINGTON DISMAS HOUSE Jennifer Blair Rita McCaffrey 96 Buell Street, Burlington, VT 05401 Business Manager Founder (Advisory) Dismas residents look forward (802) 658-0381 | to fair-weather fun soon! 8 Burlington Dismas House