New life in Christ Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit

Issue 2 2020

PENTECOSTPublication of the National Service Committee of the CatholicToday Charismatic Renewal

equipped and sent Bob Canton Jane Guenther David Neira John Beaulieu Jim Beckman Msgr. Joseph Malagreca Matteo Calisi Alex Lorio Sr. Ana Chiara, DLJC Kendra Von Esh Chairman’s Editor’s Corner Desk ...... by Ron Riggins by Sr. Mary Anne Schaenzer, SSND Mass attendance has diminished the sense of obligation and that heightened “For Such a Time as This” self-focus in today’s uncertainty has In this and the next two issues we wish further weakened faith. to address particular Malines Documents. he French government’s design Two words come to mind for us: the In this issue you will find articles related debate in rebuilding the Notre to: Theological and Pastoral Orientations on Dame Cathedral destroyed by fire words the San Damiano cross spoke to T St. Francis, “rebuild my church;” and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. last year has raised interesting questions. Why did 13.6 million people visit Mordecai’s exhortation to Esther to not Matteo Calisi takes the journey through annually as the world’s thirteenth most remain silent “for such a time as this.” this document from a theological point of view but comments that it is like popular destination? To see a Gothic With this backdrop, one marvels at the architectural masterpiece with soaring reading the family album (p 11). Using Holy Spirit’s timing for the inauguration the phrases, Living Waters and Mighty spires and rosette windows? Maybe check of CHARIS last Pentecost that expressly off a bucket list site when visiting Wind, Jane Guenther shares examples of commissions the Renewal to bring the power of the Holy Spirit moving as Paris? Or to encounter the Lord in a baptism in the Holy Spirit to the whole holy place built under the Holy Spirit’s a current of grace in today’s Church (pp Church, build Christian unity and serve 4-5). Bob Canton witnesses to some inspiration? Sadly, the rebuilding debate the poor. has centered on building a monument ways in which he has experienced the to attract tourists. I recall my son’s We have been called according to the healing power of flowing through amazement in attending Easter Sunday Lord’s purpose for such a time as this the ministry that he has received (p 3). Mass at the Cathedral years ago: “Where to rebuild the Church. Having encoun- David Neira writes about Emmanuel are all the people?” tered the love of God poured into our Community, an international community, hearts, and filled with faith, hope and with one of its houses in St. Paul, Min- Cardinal Ratzinger prophesied decades love, we have been equipped to be nesota. They experience a call to be a ago that the Church would be much sent into a world in turmoil to reap an merciful presence of God, Emmanuel, smaller. In this coronavirus lockdown, abundant harvest. in the world (p 6). some Catholic writers have surmised Mass attendance will fall well below Let’s embrace this mission now with Msgr. Joseph Malegreca explains the pre-crisis levels once parishes reopen, joy: Here I am Lord, I’ve come to do establishment of CHARIS at Pentecost speculating that the dispensation of your will! t 2019, and now the development of the National Service of Communion (CNSC) in February 2020. He shares its decisions PENTECOSTToday and composition of the membership (p 10). Volume 45 Number 2 Alex Lorio exhorts, in the Young Adult For Your Information column, to heed the words of St. Pope Executive Director The mission of Pentecost Today is to serve John Paul II, “Receive the Holy Spirit!” Walter Matthews and be a voice for the National Service (p 12). Editorial Board Committee’s mission “to foster the dynamic Jimmy Archer grace of baptism in the Holy Spirit.” We do Kendra Von Esh senses the Spirit kindling Jessica Navin this by publishing articles that instruct and charisms and gifts afresh throughout the give practical wisdom, with a particular Editor emphasis on strengthening leaders and world (p 15). Sr. Mary Anne Schaenzer, SSND leader formation, in a visually appealing and Jim Beckman beckons us to attend the inviting format. Production Manager Empowered by the Spirit National Conference Sharon Fox A limited amount of advertising space is in Baltimore in November. It has a new available. For information, contact Sharon © 2020 National Service Committee Fox at [email protected]. thrust and is called, Jesus 2020 (p 9). of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Advertisements for events not sponsored by John Beaulieu encourages us to respond of the United States, Inc. Not to be the National Service Committee do not imply reproduced without permission. endorsement by the NSC/Chariscenter USA. in this “moment of grace and hope” by opening ourselves to new growth in the 2 PENTECOSTToday Issue 2 2020 Holy Spirit (p 7). t Awesome Power!

by Bob Canton YOU SHALL BE MY WITNESSES n Mark 16:17-18, Jesus says, “These during the Healing Crusade in Negros I conducted a Healing Crusade in Sacred signs will accompany those who be- Occidental, ten people confined to their Heart Church in Gridley, California, Ilieve: in my name, they will drive out wheelchairs for years were healed and near Yuba City, on February 21 of this demons, they will speak new languages, then climbing back and forth on the year. A friend of mine, Rod Guidry, they will pick up serpents, and if they stage, walking and running. Many blind wrote down what he had witnessed. drink any deadly thing, it will not harm people received sight, including a child “There was a lady in her early 20’s them. They will lay hands on the sick, born blind. The deaf could hear and the named Suzie who was in a wheelchair. and they will recover.” deaf mute children could speak and She woke up one morning and her legs hear for the first time. Two women were paralyzed. She was confined for a I, for one, have witnessed many signs who had tried to commit suicide more week in the hospital, and the doctors and wonders, healings and miracles than once had been delivered from the conducted many tests on her, but they through the ministry of preaching, clough spirits of suicide and self-condemnation. could not find anything that caused her teaching and healing with which the Many testified of the disappearance paralysis. She was sent home afterwards. Lord Jesus has empowered me after I of their tumors and cysts and other She was very fearful and depressed. So, had received the release of the baptism diseases. Jesus is alive and he still heals Bob prayed and he rebuked curses, in the Holy Spirit in 1985. The Lord through the awesome power of the hexes, evil wishes, spirits of paralysis has opened doors for me to minister to Holy Spirit.” and bondages and afflictions to leave more than 51 countries so far through- her in the Name and by the Blood of out the world. A lady from Wisconsin, named Mrs. Jesus. Then, Bob commanded her to Reyes, testified, “My daughter-in-law Jesus’ first instructions to his disciples stand and walk in Jesus’ Name. She did had a very difficult pregnancy. After not only walk, leaving her wheelchair had been, “As you go, make this proc- many tests such as sonogram and scans, lamation: The Kingdom of heaven is behind, but she also ran inside the her doctor told her that the baby she Church, completely healed.” at hand. Cure the sick, raise the dead, was carrying was dead. Her doctor told cleanse lepers, drive out demons”(Mt her that the dead fetus had to be removed Signs and wonders and miracles and 10:7-8). We read in Hebrews 13:8, from her womb because it might cause healings should follow Christians, and “Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, blood poisoning. The night before the not the other way around. Jesus says today, and forever.” Indeed, the same doctor had to perform the procedure, in John 14:12, “Amen, amen, I say to Holy Spirit who empowered Jesus while we called you, Bob, for . I you, whoever believes in me will do he was still walking on this earth and remember when you spoke life into the the works that I do, and will do greater raised him from the dead is with us and dead fetus three times in Jesus’ name ones than these, because I’m going to upon us. and you commanded the fetus to live. the Father.” t The following day in the hospital, the A Catholic priest, Fr. Nick Domocol, Bob Canton is a member of who accompanied me during one of the doctors told my daughter-in-law that CNSC, representing the Filipino Healing Crusades that I had conducted they detected heartbeats in the fetus, Alliance. He is very active in the preaching, teaching, and healing in the Philippines, wrote, “Great praise so the procedure was canceled. My ministry worldwide. and thanksgiving be given for the grandchild is alive. Her second name healings and miracles that God has is ‘Milagros’ meaning a ‘miracle’ for done through your ministry. I witnessed, indeed she is.” “These signs will accompany those who believe in my name...” Issue 2 2020 PENTECOSTToday 3 Living Water, Mighty Wind by Jane Guenther

be found through the many “For I do not want you to be unaware, brethren, that our fathers were all gifts and charisms that under the cloud and all passed through the sea; and all were baptized individuals have received into Moses in the cloud and in the sea; and all ate the same spiritual through their Baptism. Let’s food; and all drank the same spiritual drink, for they were drinking from take the dynamic 2nd grade a spiritual rock which followed them; and the rock was Christ” teacher whose passion to (1 Cor 10:1-4). prepare her students to receive the sacraments is oses foreshadows the living water of Christ. operating through her charism of teaching to not

BORN TO BE A CURRENT OF GRACE OF CURRENT A BE TO BORN The Catechism identifies the crossing of the only inspire her students but also their parents. She MRed Sea as a type of Baptism, “…literally began “Spark” evenings with the parents. Her the liberation of Israel from the slavery of Egypt, teachings are supernaturally inspired teachings on announces the liberation wrought by Baptism” the Holy Spirit’s presence in the sacraments, which (1221). We see water bring forth death, for those enticed these parents to engage evermore in their who brought about slavery; and life, for those who own faith. were in slavery. St. Paul teaches, “…our ancestors “When the day of Pentecost had come, they were were all under the cloud and all passed through the all together in one place. And suddenly a sound sea and all of them were baptized into Moses in the came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, cloud and in the sea” (1 Cor 10:1-2). Origen says, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. “That which the Jews consider to be the crossing And there appeared to them tongues as of fire, of the Sea, St. Paul calls Baptism. That which they distributed and resting on each one of them. And believed to be a cloud proves to be the Holy Spirit.” they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began We all thirst, whether we are conscious of it or not, to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them for peace, joy, happiness and love. We realize that utterance” (Acts 2:1-4). this thirst cannot be quenched by anything in our everyday life. We have an infinitely deep well that can The mighty wind blowing round the house and the only be filled by he who is infinite and eternal love. tongues as of fire were signs of the Spirit of God, Jesus says to the Samaritan women, “...whoever powerful and ardent, bringing strength and bless- drinks this water I shall give will never thirst; the ing to the whole of Creation and particularly to the water I shall give will become in him a spring of Church. A sudden change came over the Apostles. water welling up to eternal life” (Jn 4:14). They who had fled and been full of doubts and fears when Christ was arrested now became strong and The Holy Spirit has become truly the current of bold as lions. They were now ready and eager to grace in the whole Church. I have found more and preach the gospel, to proclaim the good news of more that this current of grace, this wellspring, can the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The city

4 PENTECOSTToday Issue 2 2020 at that time was full of people coming from many our last.” The death of Christ on the cross is thus countries for the religious celebrations: attracted by described in the Gospel. “Then Jesus, crying with ‘the sound of a mighty wind’ they began to gather a loud voice said, ‘Father, into your hands I com- around the Apostles. They were amazed to hear mend my spirit!’ and having said this he breathed the Apostles speaking the languages of the various his last” (Lk 23:46). nationalities present. Recently, at a Life in the Spirit Seminar at a local parish, I was presenting The first words of the Bible tell how the Spirit of God baptism in the Holy Spirit and we offered brought design and life into the universe, brought over the groups. I began praying over a man: I order out of chaos and developed plant and animal could tell the tongue consistently coming through life. When the time was ripe God created the human was a language but just continued in the Spirit to race through a special action of the Spirit. Human- pray. After the whole evening was over he came to ity received a unique gift of the breath of life. The me and said, “Do you know what you said to me?” Spirit who gave life to all creatures in the beginning I replied, “I got the sense the Lord was encourag- continues to support that life. In our Archdiocese ing you to say yes to his invitation.” He said. “No, do of St. Louis, Archbishop Carlson recently had a you know what you said to me?” I repeated what mobile health clinic built that a religious sister who I said. He went on to tell me that he had been is a medical doctor drives and from which she working in Saudi Arabia the last ten years and that serves in the poor rural areas of the Archdiocese. I was speaking perfect Arabic. I told him in Arabic, She is so filled with the charism of service that she that the Lord was calling him to be a deacon and has found others like her who donate all their pro- that now was the time to answer that call. He had, fessional services so as to keep the cost to the for the last three years, been contemplating the poor as minimal as can be. She is so full of joy as diaconate but with his job abroad didn’t see how she brings her gifts to the poor, so much so that her it was possible. This particular year however, his joy has become contagious. Now a mobile dental job there was coming to an end and so with tears unit is being built and will be staffed by volunteers running down his face he said it was pretty clear donating their time. This deep gift of service to what the Lord was asking him to do. A mighty wind others is shining in the Church, a true breath of blew over us that night. life that flows from the current of grace. May the Church live its mission. t This Holy Spirit is a mystery far beyond the grasp Jane Guenther is a member of CNSC, of the human mind, but the Bible tells us much representing a national ministry. She is about the Spirit, a divine breath that gives life to the the Director of the Catholic Renewal

Artwork: Sharon Fox world and wisdom to the minds of men and women. Center for the Archdiocese of St. Louis “Spirit” is from a Latin word, meaning air in motion, and serves on the Association of Diocesan Liaisons Steering Committee and also as such as breath or the wind. Ruah is the Hebrew a Director on the Seminary Formation word for breath or spirit or it can mean the Holy Council: all of these ministries work to Spirit. If someone breathes, it is a sure sign of life, bring alive the presence of the Holy Spirit. and when death comes it is said we have “breathed Issue 2 2020 PENTECOSTToday 5 “It is totally simple.” Lessons from the Emmanuel Community by David Neira

orn from the outpouring of the can have confidence and hope since answering the same call and living the same Holy Spirit in 1967, Emmanuel the Lord delights in our poverty. mission of being “Emmanuel” in the world. Community is a Public Associa- B The Emmanuel Community in Minne- In addition, there is the witness of tion of the Faithful of Pontifical Right, sota has seen growth in the past two leadership in the Community which is composed of married couples, priests, years, from millennial singles and couples, led by men and women, ordained and deacons, consecrated , and singles. and more established families who have laity in complementarity. Members of the Emmanuel Community been exploring and discerning their call are called to be witnesses of Christ Essentially, why I believe our Commu- to the Emmanuel Community. Members where they are, by being “Emmanuel,” nity is growing is from the encounter of the Emmanuel Community live their God with us, in the world. Because God with our charism. Our life source as faith through monthly Community is present among us, members of the “charismatics” is in re-discovering the days and weekly small groups called Emmanuel Community grow closer to charism originally given to us, discerned

BUILDING COMMUNITY BUILDING “households” during which the group him through Eucharistic Adoration, and approved by the Church, and prays together and shares from the leading to compassion for the world, making it accessible - not in nostalgia Word of God. For newcomers, we which results in explicit evangelization. but in a spirit of boldness for today. As created a bi-weekly simple small group The call is lived in the communion of our founder Pierre Goursat (Servant for personally walking with them. The states of life. The Emmanuel Commu- of God) would say, “C’est absolument local community has also organized a nity is present on five continents with simple.” It is totally simple. Community gathering for young adults from six 11,500 members. Its purpose is to make grows so long as it returns and dwells different states and five different coun- present the merciful love of the Sacred in the founding charism: the free grace tries and has begun to run two Alpha Heart to the modern world, proclaim- of God that is a gift to us today. No courses at the Shrine of Our Lady of ing that God is “Emmanuel,” with us program, organization, or nostalgia can Guadalupe Parish in St. Paul. today. He has not left us orphans! create this. We have witnessed that the charism of Imeri Though one of the biggest Charismatic The Catholic Charismatic Renewal was the Emmanuel Community, “God with communities in the world, the Emman- inspired by the Holy Spirit to answer us” in our daily lives, though simple and uel Community has about 200 members the needs of the . As poor, can be deeply attractive to others. in the United States, dispersed through- the situation and needs evolve, God This will look different for different out the country in Massachusetts, New invites us to constantly stay faithful to charisms within the Church, of course! York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Wash- our charism: in the case of the Em- Yet for the Emmanuel Community, ington, D.C., Florida, Georgia, Texas, manuel Community our call to be a when asking different members, “What California, South Dakota, Michigan, merciful presence of God in the world, attracted you to the Emmanuel Com- and Minnesota, among others. The and to adapt our expression of that munity?” the following two themes were Emmanuel School of Mission in New charism. It is truly simple. t among the most common responses: York is a nine-month immersive, resi- David Neira has been a dential formation for young adults to Our faithfulness to the magisterium and member of the Emmanuel become disciples through a obedience to and service of the Church’s Community since 2013 strong spiritual life, intellectual forma- hierarchy under the Holy See, the , and resides in St. Paul, tion, community life, and missionary and the local pastor and our explicit Minnesota where he works formation ( For us, Catholic identity focused on the Eucharist. with refugees. He has done mission across the USA, this smallness and poverty is a grace, as The communion of the states of life with South America, Europe, our founder Pierre Goursat would say, priests, consecrated, married, and singles and the Middle East. and we, as a Community in the USA,

6 PENTECOSTToday Issue 2 2020 A Reason to Hope by John Beaulieu

lways be ready to give an expla- “We boast in our hope of sharing Now more than ever we need to be nation to anyone who asks you the glory of God. And not only ready to share with any who needs Afor a reason for your hope (1 that, but we also boast in our to hear why we have hope. It comes

Pt 3:15). sufferings, knowing that suffering from the Holy Spirit. In Baptism, the MISSION OF HOPE produces endurance, and endurance Spirit made us children of God. On We are living in extraordinary times. produces character, and character Easter, the Spirit raised Christ from In a matter of a few short weeks, the produces hope, and hope does not the dead. Today, a new Pentecost is coronavirus, invisible to the naked disappoint us, because God’s love coming. He has tilled the soil of our eye, tore down our idols. has been poured into our hearts souls. Let’s get ready for new growth Our sports stadiums are empty. through the Holy Spirit that has in the Spirit. t Our concert halls are silent. been given to us” (Rom 5:1-5). John Beaulieu is the Our malls are ghost towns. In the mystery of God’s providence, Director of Evangelization Our theaters are not open. he is able to take our sufferings and and Engagement at Fran- turn them to hope. It is not easy. We ciscan University. He is a The downside is that the pandemic member of the NSC. has taken lives and shaken the finan- may need to be stretched. We may cial foundation of our country and need to have our pride broken. We exposed other things we worship. will definitely need to practice docility and yield to his will and grace. But if Our health we say “yes” to the Holy Spirit and The personal worth we take endure, God will prevail. Our hope from our jobs will not disappoint us for God will Prayer Card Now, assist me, who am all The things we buy and hoard pour his love into our hearts to give to make us feel secure us peace, comfort, and joy. alone, and have not one but you, O Lord, my God. Come The shifting sands in which We also need to take heart in the to my aid, for I am an orphan. we wrongly place our trust words of St. Peter: Remember, O Lord; make Dark clouds seem to be looming ev- “Blessed be the God and Father of yourself known in this time of erywhere we look, but are we looking our Lord Jesus Christ! By his great affliction, and give me courage, for the light that is breaking through mercy he has given us a new birth O King of the and Master this gloom? Are we noticing the silver into a living hope through the of all dominion! Put eloquent lining? One of my favorite quotes resurrection of Jesus Christ from speech in my mouth before the from St. Mother Teresa is, “God can the dead, and into an inheritance only fill that which is empty.” Perhaps that is imperishable, undefiled, lion, and turn his heart to hate God is allowing all this to happen so and unfading” (1 Pt 1:3-4). the man who is fighting against that in our emptiness, in our poverty, us, so that there may be an end we cry out for a new filling of the Be encouraged! Hope is our inheri- of him and those who agree Holy Spirit. Maybe this is happening tance, God in his infinite mercy has, with him. But save us from the Shutterstock/Chaikom in order for people who have never through the waters of Baptism, made hand of our enemies; turn our us his children. Jesus has conquered confronted the emptiness of their mourning into gladness and our souls to cry out to God for the first death. Because of his victory, our affliction into well-being. time in a long time, maybe ever. hope cannot die. If we cling to Christ, we will rise with Christ – no matter Excerpt from Ignatius Bible Edition – Yes, we are suffering. But we are in a how much we are asked to endure. The Didache Bible: moment of grace and hope. Let us Esther’s Prayer (14:11-14)  take heart in the words of St. Paul. Issue 2 2020 PENTECOSTToday 7 There’s still time to order recordings from 2019 NSC National Leaders’ Announcing NSC Members Transitions & Ministries’ Conference t its meeting in Miami in Febru- Romans 5:5 ( Key note speakers included: Mother Lucy Lukasiewicz, DLJC, ary, two of the NSC members John and his wife, Lisa, have five Jim Beckman, Paul George, Mary Healy Aended their terms of service children and reside in Steubenville, and many excellent workshop titles on the Committee. Ohio. Produced by St. Joseph Radio Casey Sprehe was elected for three- Alica Hartle lives CDs $6, DVDs $10, USB (all 17 talks-audio only) $40 1(800) 500-4556 [email protected] year terms in 2014 and 2017, having in an ecumenical or an order form at previously served on the NSC Council household (House of (since April, 2013). Casey’s service Living Water) in the Dr. Vinson Synan, was highlighted by her leadership of city of Pittsburgh, and died March 15, 2020. the Empower Young Adult Strategic is a member of St. He was a member Priority Team that developed a Paul Cathedral Par- of the Pentecostal Family Retreat experience, held in ish. She is pursuing a Masters in Holiness Church and August of 2019, in Louisiana (see Theology degree at Franciscan Uni- is remembered by article in Pentecost Today, Fall 2019). versity, and has studied Christian many as a friend to Leadership, International Business, NEWSBRIEFS Matt Bourgeois was first elected to Marketing, and German. She has the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. the Service Committee in 2018, for a A great portion of his life was fo- lived and worked in Switzerland, and two-year term, having served on the has 15 years of Marketing and cused on a vision of unifying the NSC Council for three years. Matt Business Development experience Church at large in the power of the provided a young adult’s perspective on local, national and international Holy Spirit. There will be an article on social media and communications, levels. Alicia has done mission work in regarding his relationship to Cath- advised the 2019 Conference Plan- Europe, Africa, and Central America. olic Charismatic Renewal in Issue 3. ning Committee on promotion to She co-founded and leads a Prayer young adults and led the Communi- Group in Pittsburgh, and is a found- cations Priority Team. ing board member of Abba’s House, Please pray for the National ewly elected, for three-year Unbound Pittburgh-Greensburg, and Service Committee as we serve Pittsburgh Catholic Women’s Fel- the Renewal nationwide: terms, were John Beaulieu, Alicia Hartle and Jessica Navin. lowship ministries. She served as an  For openness to the new ways the N NSC Council Member for three Holy Spirit is leading the NSC in John Beaulieu has years before her NSC Election. this season as we respond to the been sharing the Jessica Navin is from call given to St. Francis of Assisi love of Christ and Omaha, Nebraska. to “rebuild my church.” witnessing to the power and person of She received a  For working unity with others the Holy Spirit with Bachelor of Science serving the Renewal in support youth and young in Social Work, with of the CHARIS commission to adults for the past thirty-six years. a Minor in Theology bring, build and serve. His passion for ministry developed from St. Louis Uni- during the two years that he travelled versity. Jessica is the Manager of  For greater intentionality to raise with NET Ministries. He then gradu- Spiritual Formation for FOCUS up new Joshuas to extend the ated from Franciscan University and (Fellowship of Catholic University grace of baptism in the Holy has served in a variety of ministries in Students). She is responsible for Spirit to the next generation. various states. Having recently organizing FOCUS Leadership Retreats served as the Director of Youth Out- and other events. She was appointed  For the humility and repentance reach for ten years at Franciscan to the NSC Council in May 2017 and of Queen Esther, and with her University, he is currently the Director served on the Strategic Priority Team renewed trust, courage and hope of Evangelization and Engagement. Evangelization. Her charisms include in the Lord seeking eloquent He has also served as an Adjunct teaching, words of knowledge and speech to be put into our mouths, intercessory prayer. Her gifts/skills/  Professor teaching Youth Ministry in to fulfill the mission to build the the Catechetics Department. John talents include public speaking, Kingdom in such a time as this. speaks to thousands of teens and project management with some t adults each year through his ministry, fund raising experience. A fuller version of this article is available on 8 PENTECOSTToday Issue 2 2020 our website. NATIONAL CONFERENCE

by Jim Beckman

he planning team for the power of God’s Holy Spirit to and despair have left them Fall Conference has been renew you and your ministry, disengaged. If you are longing Tworking for months now come to Baltimore and receive to awaken the Church and see organizing the November 2020 the unlimited grace of the Holy it on fire with the love of Jesus, Charismatic Renewal Conference Spirit. He will be waiting for you we want to invite you to come that will take place in Baltimore, to strengthen you in the zeal join us in Baltimore and receive God-willing. COVID 19 and a and joy that first called you into the Promise of the Father who global pandemic has put every- ministry. will strengthen and empower us one in a perpetual state of to be bold witnesses and a uncertainty. In light of all that If you want to be a part of the source of renewal in the Church. has happened the past couple next wave of grace that the months, it’s amazing how the Holy Spirit is getting ready to We have a powerful line up of Lord has been speaking to us unleash on the Church, come speakers who will be leading about this conference for almost to Baltimore and pray, seek, us: Father Dave Pivonka, Pres- a year. and receive! If you want to ident of Franciscan University; experience a profound level of Sr. Miriam Heidland, S.O.L.T. “Jesus 2020” is the theme we unity and purpose with other and nationally known speaker were led to. Simple, yet powerful. disciples who are fervently on healing and conversion; Back to the basics of our faith seeking to renew themselves Peter Herbeck, Vice-President yet proclaiming the name that is and the Church, then come to and Director of Missions for above all names (Phil 2:9). Je- Baltimore for an amazing Renewal Ministries; and myself. sus is the source of our life, he weekend of prayer and power. There are other speakers we is the truth we so desperately are still pursuing as well. It seek, he is the way we are If you have been living in the promises to be a powerful searching for (John 14:6)! Yet we grace of baptism in the Holy weekend of encounter, healing recognize that we can’t fully Spirit for some time but are and empowerment. Come to longing to see a New Pentecost come to know and understand Baltimore – Jesus 2020! t Jesus, and even say his name for the Renewal, and to see it Jim Beckman is the without the assistance of the strengthened and expanded across the United States, then Executive Director Holy Spirit, for no one can say of Evangelization “Jesus is Lord,” except by the come join us as we fall on our and Catechesis for Holy Spirit (I Cor 12:3). faces and beg the Lord for a the Archdiocese of fresh outpouring of grace and Oklahoma City. He If you are losing hope or feeling power to renew our hearts, our is a member of the NSC. burnt out, this conference is for ministries, and the Church. For you. If you are looking for the many Catholics, discouragement Issue 2 2020 PENTECOSTToday 9 The CHARIS National Service of Communion USA of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal by Msgr. Joseph Malagreca

t Pentecost 2019, in the Pope Paul and then came up with a Final Proposal all those in the US Catholic Church who VI Hall at the Vatican, in the for the National Service of Communion. are members of this great “current of presence of over 2,000 interna- grace’’. Our desire is to fulfill the vision A In February 2020, in Miami, Florida, the tional delegates as well as other charis- of CHARIS - unity; sharing; impacting Gathering morphed into a “National matics from around , our Holy Father the Church together with the power of Assembly’’ (another CHARIS Term), to Pope Francis established CHARIS as the the Holy Spirit; and united efforts in the which leaders from all the expressions One Service on the international level “New Evangelization’’. of Charismatic Renewal in the United to all Catholics who are involved in Char- States were invited. Of course, the entire The appointed members are ismatic Renewal. This act incarnates a National Assembly was carried out in vision that Pope Francis has−to see all Two National Service Committee (NSC) prayer, seeking the guidance of the

CHARIS those in the Church who have been members - Ron Riggins and Walter Holy Spirit. touched by baptism in the Holy Spirit Matthews. Two Hispanic Comité (CNSH) united in one pastoral outreach. The Several practical decisions were made at members - Kathia Arango and Msgr. Statutes of CHARIS have thirteen reasons the National Assembly: Joseph Malagreca. One from the Haitian for this initiative, including the greater Conseil (CRCCHO) - Marie-Josée Joseph. spread of baptism in the Holy Spirit; 1. The proposal for the CHARIS One from the Filipino Alliance - Bob more unity among the various expres- National Service of Communion Canton. One from the Association of sions; the ecumenical dimension; pooling (CNSC) was unanimously accepted by Diocesan Liaisons (ADL) - Fr. Anthony of resources and service to the poor. the National Assembly. Ouellette. One from the Korean National Service Committee - Fr. Francis Chung. CHARIS is now operating from the level 2. The proposal includes appointed members and elected members. The One member of the Sword of the Spirit of the Vatican, has established some - Bob Thornton and one member of the guidelines, and is increasing its services. appointed members had been re-nom- inated by their respective groups. This North American Network of Charismatic One of the structures of CHARIS is that includes National Committees and Covenant Communities - Chuck Hornsby each nation should develop a “National Covenant Community representatives. - in all ten appointed members. Service of Communion’’, which would The five elected members are seek to represent all those in the nation 3. Elections were held for the spots so who are under this “current of grace’’. designated: two Youth; one Religious/ One National Ministry - Jane Guenther Clergy; one Ecumenical Member; one Two Youth - Oscar Serrano and Jessica Navin In the United States, we have had a head National Ministry representative One Ecumenical Member - Paul Dinolfo start because we had already developed One Religious or Clergy - Fr. Bob Hogan a unifying organism which was called 4. The new CHARIS National Service the “Gathering of National Leadership of Communion, consisting of 15 Certainly, with the Holy Father’s love of Groups: Catholic Charismatic Renewal’’. people, was established for a three- the Renewal, and with the urgent need In February 2019, this Gathering desig- year term. We have decided to add to evangelize in this world, the time is nated a Task Force to develop a proposal Bishop Smith and Andrés Arango as ripe for a new move of the Holy Spirit. for the CHARIS National Service of Ad Hoc members of the CNSC USA. Please pray that Jesus will help me and Communion. The Task Force included Thus, we now have a US National Ser- the entire CNSC USA to do what he t Bishop Peter Smith of Portland in Oregon vice of Communion in accordance with wants for this new time in the Church. and Andrés Arango, a key Hispanic leader, the guidelines of CHARIS. The CNSC Msgr. Joseph Malagreca is Coordinator of CNSC who are US members of the International has begun to meet. During the first series USA. He is Pastor of Service of Communion of CHARIS. The of meetings, I was elected Coordinator, Holy Cross parish in Task Force developed a Draft Proposal and as such I am pleased to write this Brooklyn, NY. He is the which sought to fulfill the goals of article today. Brooklyn Diocese Charis- CHARIS in the US. The Draft Proposal matic Renewal Coordinator was sent to many leaders in the United The first desire of the CNSC is to fulfill and also the Spiritual States in the fall of 2019. The Task Force the vision of CHARIS: we wish to be Director of CNSH and received suggestions and clarifications, a body that is in communication with CRCCHO.

10 PENTECOSTToday Issue 2 2020 Theological And Pastoral Orientations On The Catholic Charismatic Renewal


n international study group pro- the Conclusion. After carefully describ- Cardinal Léon-Joseph Suenens moted by Cardinal Léon-Joseph ing the birth and development of the ASuenens, Archbishop of Malines- Renewal, the Document goes on to Brussels and Primate of Belgium, with briefly analyze the fruits that emerge to imply that the renewal is something input from some of the most expert from those who participate in it. Among human persons do and organize and is theologians – René Laurentin, Michael them are: “a personal relationship with therefore the result of human initiative. Hurley, Avery Jesus as risen and present Lord and For this reason there is a tendency not to Dulles, Yves Savior, through his Spirit.” The power use the term ‘movement’” (IV D, 1, p 34). Congar, Wal- of the Spirit brings about a radical Following, the Document reviews the ter Kasper conversion and significantly transforms principal Conciliar texts which touch on and Joseph lives. This is experienced as the power to the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of Ratzinger – serve and witness. With regards to the believers and the relationship of the came togeth- ecclesial commitment the Document er in 1974 notes that, “Like the biblical and liturgical Matteo Calisi and from May movements, it fosters that love for the Cardinal Suenens 21 to 26, to church which wishes for her a renewal take stock at the source of her life: the glory of the of the situation of Father, the Lordship of the Son and the the “Charismatic Renewal” which saw a power of the Spirit” (Introduction: B, p 2). sudden and rapid expansion soon after the end of the Second Vatican Council. The Document rejects the temptation of The final and definite version of the some to make of the “charismatic Cardinal Suenens and St. Pope Paul VI Colloquium, formulated by Fr. Kilian renewal” a so-called true ecclesial move- McDonnell, O.S.B. and by other members ment. In fact the charismatic renewal must not become a movement like the Photos from Matteo Calisi of the international group gathered at charismatic renewal with Catholic Malines, was entitled Theological and others, a new ecclesial association, but Tradition. The driving force of the Holy Pastoral Orientations on the Catholic Charis- it must remain a “current of grace”, as Spirit in the Church is manifested in a matic Renewal. repeatedly affirmed by Cardinal Suenens, bringing the charismatic dimension in- particular way through those spiritual Cardinal Suenens gave the “Charismatic herent to the Church to a greater con- gifts of grace, which in technical terms Movement” a unique opportunity to sciousness (The Holy Spirit, Our Hope). are called charisms. They consist in a express the riches it offers. The first particular action of the Spirit of God Malines Document was proposed as an Perhaps it would not be correct even to on the individual believer for the edifi- attempt to address the principal theolog- define it as a “movement” even though cation of the Church, which integrates ical and pastoral problems that charis- from the sociological point of view it the sacramental and ministerial structure matic renewal posed and its integration would legitimately qualify as such. of the Church itself, as the document into the day-to-day life of the Church. According to the Document, the use of Lumen Gentium 12 of the Second Vati- Following the Introduction, the Docu- this term presents a drawback: “for the can Council clearly affirms (Malines, II, ment is subdivided into six chapters and general population, such a term seems A, p 3). to page 12 Issue 2 2020 PENTECOSTToday 11 Receive the Gift by Alex Lorio

“Today, I would like to cry out to all of you gathered here in St. Peter’s Square and to all Christians: Open yourselves docilely to the gifts of the Spirit! Accept gratefully and obediently the charisms which the Spirit never ceases to bestow on us!” These words “cried out” by St. Pope John Paul II on the Eve of Pentecost in 1998 remain an urgent plea for the Church today. As we continue himself to the Father. Furthermore, he ascends so that he

YOUNG ADULT YOUNG to carry out the task of I believe we should hear might baptize humanity in his Spirit. The Christian life is life the New Evangelization in the Holy Spirit. called forth by Peter’s Pope Francis’s mandate to It is in this context, that I believe we should hear Pope successors, it seems im- the Renewal to “share with portant to remember Francis’s mandate to the Renewal to “share with everyone the essential role of everyone in the Church, the in the Church, the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.” The Renewal’s role, it seems to me, is not primarily to make

the Holy Spirit in the Thompson New Evangelization. Baptism in the Holy Spirit.” sure we have massive conferences or air-time on EWTN, as helpful as these could be. The Renewal’s role is above Jesus reminds us, “It is all to encourage and intercede that the whole Church is the Spirit who gives life, the flesh is of no avail.” Yet, in the baptized in the Holy Spirit, so that the work of evangeliza- work of evangelization, how many times have we seen the role tion can truly begin. of the Holy Spirit downplayed—if not unmentioned—in the Christian life? Working with high school students, I have been Finally, I’d like to bring St. Pope John Paul II’s plea to my blessed to witness a thirst for and a response to the life-giving fellow young adult Catholics: receive the Holy Spirit! Do not waters of the Holy Spirit. No, being “baptized in the Holy neglect his work in your soul! Do not neglect Spirit” does not mean a license to forget liturgical rubrics, nor his charismatic gifts! Do not be afraid to t is it an excuse to ignore any dictate of prudence. But, the share him with your own generation! central experience of surrendering to the Lordship of Jesus Alex Lorio is campus minister and theology Christ can only be carried out and completed with the em- instructor at Archbishop Rummel High School powerment of the Holy Spirit. The Scriptures do not end in Metairie, Louisiana. with the Ascension of Jesus. He ascends in order to offer

from page 11 There were times when many Catholics self as “personal source”, with Jesus Spirit” (1Cor 12:7) which leads each one believed that the Catholic Charismatic the image, the icon of the “personal to walk in and according to the Spirit Renewal was a new group of devotees source” (Col 1:15; III, A, p 7). (Gal 5:16) and to live as “man or wom- of the Holy Spirit. In reality, the theo- an of the Spirit”. logical foundation of Catholic Charis- Importantly, from the first Document matic Renewal is essentially Trinitarian. emerges, following the direction of the Charisms which were previously not No single Person of the Holy Trinity is Council, the attribution of gifts and considered part of the ecclesial struc- accentuated with the risk of obscuring charisms in the life of the faithful: “To ture – such as the gifts of prophecy, the other two. The Father reveals him- each is given a manifestation of the to page 13 12 PENTECOSTToday Issue 2 2020 Elect New General Superior


n January 13, 2020, the Fifth General Chapter of an experience of profound intimacy with the Lord that the Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ was com- will deepen our fellowship in the Spirit and be a rich Omenced at Prayer Town Emmanuel in the Diocese source of intercession for our Church and our world. of Amarillo, Texas, and it is our joy to announce Mother Lucy Lukasiewicz as our newly elected Superior General. Community life is of utmost importance to us as Disciples, so we are also making efforts to ensure that we have at Under Mother Lucy’s leadership, the Disciples are wholly least three Sisters in each of our local houses so as to committed to carrying on the vision of foundress, Mother better live communal life. This will mean sacrifice for the John Marie Stewart, who taught us that it begins at the Sisters at the Mother House as we are stretched to main- foot of the Cross. The Cross is our symbol and under it tain the needs of the Prayer Town, but we are hopeful LOVE, and with the faithful guidance of the Holy Spirit, that God will answer our prayers for more vocations, that we are excited to see where the Lord will lead us next. we may spread his Gospel to the ends of the earth!

One inspiration we have felt strongly urged to follow is God is faithful from age to age and we trust in his promise a greater exploration of our Community’s contemplative that he will complete the good work he has begun in us. side. In the beginning, Mother John Marie envisioned We perceive that he is doing something new, something some Sisters living for a determined amount of time in beautiful. Even during this time when the world is suffer- hermitages around the Prayer Town. We hope this to be ing together the effects of the pandemic, we know that he is with us. Though we don’t know the future and we do Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ not have a “roadmap” so to speak, we do have the Lord P.O. Box 64, Prayer Town, TX 79010-0064 Jesus leading us by the hand. So, too, do we have the words (806) 534-2312 | of our Blessed Mother, resounding in our hearts in the This is a Franciscan and charismatic religious order of voice of Mother John Marie to “Do sisters, contemplative with evangelistic . whatever He tells you.” And that is t Brothers of the Beloved Disciple enough for us. 1701 Alametos St., San Antonio, TX 78201 Sr. Ana Chiara has been a member of the (210) 734-6727 | Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ since 2009. The Brothers are a Marian and charismatic religious community of priests and brothers.

from page 12 read the first Malines Document has stirred Matteo Calisi is a healing, glossolalia, interpretation, up in me the enthusiasm and the boldness of Founder and President of miracles, and discernment of spirits – the “first love”: it was like going through a Community of Jesus in are considered normal manifestations family album with old pictures. I am grateful Bari, Italy and a Founder to the memory of a great father of the and President of United (although not exclusive) of the Holy in Christ, an ecumenical Church, Cardinal Suenens, innovator and Spirit at the level of the local Churches, outreach with headquarters by a growing number of Catholics and charismatic, as well as to the pioneers of this in Dallas. other Christians today (IV A, p 27). “current of Pentecostal grace”, as defined by Pope Francis, an eloquent sign of the presence (In preparing this article, the occasion to of the Spirit in his Church.) t Issue 2 2020 PENTECOSTToday 13 From the Executive Director susceptible to: the delusion of omnip- determining what to do with boxes of ...... otence… It took merely the smallest archival materials, administrative and fi- by Walter Matthews and most formless element of nature, nancial files, and books. We are asking: a virus, to remind us that we are mor- Will the NSC going forward be the tal, that military power and technology caretaker of its history? How do we are not sufficient to save us.” identify the nonessential? What should be digitalized; what needs to be kept? Jesus said, “I am the true vine and my PRUNING Father is the vinedresser. Every branch Pruning is difficult. few days ago a laborer knocked in me that bears no fruit he cuts away, on our front door inquiring if and every branch that does bear fruit he A month after my retirement, the two we wanted our bushes trimmed. prunes to make it bear even more” (Jn most senior members of the NSC in A terms of years served, Jimmy Archer He noted the obvious: they needed 15:1-2). We err, however, when we in- trimming, as my wife had pointed out terpret all such pruning as the result of (10 years) and Mother Lucy Lukasiewicz many times. It is one of my least favorite our sin. Surely, if we sin there will be (9), will end their terms. The average tasks that I had avoided for some time, pruning, but the pruning of our house- tenure of the remaining 11 members but after all was said and done, not only hold bushes, of our lives, of our Church will be 3 years. In effect, a new gener- did our bushes get trimmed, but two and even our world is more about ation with new ideas and new energy dead trees came down and a fresh layer bearing more fruit. To those of us who will emerge, pruned and ready to go of mulch spruced up our landscaping. seek in our daily lives to follow the Lord forward, grounded by its deep roots. he says, “You did not choose me, no I I was exhausted! Pruning is rewarding. chose you to go out and bear fruit, fruit This got me thinking about what we that will last” (Jn 15:16). This is what Pope Francis has asked of are experiencing in this coronavirus the whole Renewal in this CHARIS moment and in the transitions here at I am not saying the pruning doesn’t hurt. transition: to find again (or perhaps for the NSC. On the contrary, it is hard for us to “let the first time) in the Malines documents go” of old patterns of behavior and “a guide, a reliable path to keep you Undoubtedly, the Lord has been prun- antiquated ways of doing things. ing and reshaping us. In the words of from going astray.” Jesus said, “I am the Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, “The coro- In this regard, it reminds me of what is vine, you are the branches, whoever navirus pandemic has abruptly roused happening in the office. One of the many remains in me, with me in him, bears us from the greatest dangers individuals tasks as we prepare for my transition fruit in plenty; for cut off from me you t and humanity have always been and the new calling of the NSC, is can do nothing” (Jn 15:5). FRIENDS OF THE NSC

hank you to all of you who have We want to thank the donor who gave a the Campaign and the donor who gave given recently as we have lived this large gift In Memory of her parents Louis us $5,000 so we would cover the Match Tcoronavirus moment. Our donations and Agnes O’Connor, and her sister Mary Gift. We raised a total of nearly $13,000. have been steady and have been, by God’s O’Connor. May they rest in peace. If you did not hear about our Giving grace, close to our projected budget. Then there are the donors who acceler- Tuesday Now Campaign you can still go We are especially thankful for those who ated their giving to earlier in the year to to our website to make a donation or have been faithful to their pledges, as help us with our cash flow. mail a check – in either case just mark it well as those who give regularly (even “Giving Tuesday.” Additionally, we thank those who monthly) without a pledge. responded to our Giving Tuesday Now Finally, we thank the donor who called to We are grateful for those who have made Campaign in support of the work we do get our address so she could update her extra-large gifts (for us) so far this year, in fostering baptism in the Holy Spirit Trust. If you have not, please consider those who have given a single gift of and new life in Christ – the only hope us in your Will or other Planned Giving. $1,000 or more, or those who have given a and anchor of our souls. Nearly 50 May your Pentecost be filled with a number of gifts that total $1,000 or more. donors responded. We honor the donor fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. t who gave us a $5,000 Match Gift for 14 PENTECOSTToday Issue 2 2020 The Spirit of God Building Up the Church SENSING THE MOVEMENT OF THE SPIRIT by Kendra Von Esh n the beginning of my journey, I was not very familiar went into a five-day silent retreat. The Holy Spirit showed with the Charismatic Renewal. I was uncomfortable with himself in a supernatural and physical way. He answers me Ihands in the air and singing modern music as a form of with a supernatural sensation to this day. I found myself praise and worship. Praying in tongues and other charisms dancing like David throughout the house, hands in the such as words of knowledge, healing and prophecy were air, praising and singing all day. also foreign to me. Someone once told me, “You should stay away from those charismatics because they are heretical, “But when he comes, the Spirit of Truth, he will guide you and your soul could be in jeopardy.” to all truth. He will not speak on his own, but he will speak what he hears, and will declare to you the things that are But then I had my own experiences with being baptized coming” (Jn 16:13-14). in the Spirit. It was not a formal declaration, prayer or through a Life in the Spirit Seminar. When I was speaking I am sensing the Spirit is enkindling different souls with at a Marian Conference, I stayed for the healing service his charisms and gifts throughout the world so each of us t because I didn’t know what one was. I “rested in the Spirit” can glorify him through our witness. that night and that supernatural peace remained with me Kendra Von Esh is a Speaker, Radio Host and Author who has a passion for almost a year. I had a new devotion to the Holy Spirit, to inspire others to deepen their relationship with God and the Catholic Faith. but that warning still remained in the back of my head. She is an NSC Council Member.

Then I was asked to join the NSC Council and I thought, “Well, no better way to learn about this than to join it.” At the Annual Conference I learned about the biblical na- ture of the charisms and gifts. I was no longer “blocked” and was delivered of my fear.

“Now in regard to spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be unaware” (1 Cor 12:1).

Before I left the conference, I received the gift of tongues and his peace brought me to tears. The following week I

The National Service Commitee / Chariscenter USA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Contributions to defray the cost of this publication are gratefully accepted and are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please mail to: National Service Committee / Chariscenter USA PO Box 628, Locust Grove, VA 22508-0628 Tel. (540) 972-0225 National Service Committee members: Ron Riggins (Chairman) Mother Lucy Lukasiewicz, DLJC Jimmy Archer Bill Marcotte John Beaulieu Jessica Navin Jim Beckman Fr. Anthony Ouellette Gloria Coyne Deacon Ralph Poyo Alicia Hartle Jorge Samaniego John Hutchins Issue 2 2020 PENTECOSTToday 15 Nonprofit Org. US Postage PENTECOSTToday PAID PO Box 628 l Locust Grove, VA l 22508-0628 National Service Committee ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED

Published by the National Service Committee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the United States, Inc.

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