Christian Zionist Heroes By: Jerry Klinger Reverend William Hechler 4 Lord Arthur James Balfour 10 Reverend William Blackstone 18 Colonel John Henry Patterson 22 Charles Orde Wingate 28 Reverend John Stanley Grauel 33 Table of Contents Charles Winters 39 President Harry S. Truman 42 Christian Zionist Heroes 2 • Introduction: Jerry Klinger Jerry Klinger is President of the Jewish American Society for Historic Preservation
[email protected] | As a child of survivors of the Holocaust and ed- The British Government’s Balfour Declaration declar- ucated in an orthodox Yeshivah, my knowledge of ing for a Jewish homeland in Palestine would not have been Christians and their motivations were always colored possible if an American Christian had not intervened. darkly. The miraculous rebirth of the Jewish state was attributed solely to Jewish determination, fortitude, The foundation and training of a Jewish self-defense will and God’s blessing. Discovering that Israel’s birth army would never have happened if Christian officers was fundamentally midwifed by non-Jewish men and were not willing to risk their careers, and their lives do- ing what they believed were the right things to do. on by Jerry Klinger Jerry by on women, some for religious reasons, some for moral reasons, some for varied reasons unknown, was com- pletely unexpected. The United Nations would not have voted in favor of the Partition Resolution creating Israel if not for the Today, Theodor Herzl is revered as the founding testimony of a Christian. father of the Jewish State. Yet, Herzl would have re- mained an obscure Austrian columnist with only an There are many more stories that will be shared idea if a Christian minister had not opened the doors of Christians who did what no Jew could do and of of opportunity and guided him through it.