The Hilltop 1-28-1994
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Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1990-2000 The iH lltop Digital Archive 1-28-1994 The iH lltop 1-28-1994 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 1-28-1994" (1994). The Hilltop: 1990-2000. 103. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1990-2000 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~ --------------~-------~------- I --"up- h One Traci iTliisi-- :s You ,r Cui ~ ul ume 77, No.16 Serving the Howard University community since 1924 January 28, 1994 ip:--~---' e-n-d;-:;i;;--n-g-v--=i-c_t_o_r_y_r_a---=i=--s-e_s_q_u_e_s_ti_o_n_s_o_f_s_u_p_p_o_r_t _ Wade :idmits that not everyone was "To take that particular moment, to adopt the following measures. of child-care facilities for student on the same accord, she says the with the president of the United I. Retract the ban on Sixth Street parents, the lack of community out demonstrations were a success. States and the national media here vending and request D.C. govern reach curriculum, the absence or "I definitely think the struggle and utilize it for the economic inter ment 10 reinstate vending waiver for effective intra-university commu was productive. even though some ests of outside panics was in bad the displaced vendors. nication and the need for a coordi people are only looking at the vend taste and poor judgement," Jenifer 2. Recommend that the Board of nated graduate and undergraduate ing bsuc on the surface," Wade declared. Trustees recogniLc vending as an orientation program. ,aid. "The responsibility of leader• integral part or the University for But while I !USA officials arc .. I know some students don't ship is not opponunistic and limit future planning and development determined to follow up on the know, don't care or disagree, but ed 10 a small minority. It is all endeavors. signed agreement, Jenifer says it they have to realize that this is much inclusive and subject to appropriate 3. Reorganile the vending com addresses points that arc already in 111g e Jccpcr than buying JX> tato chips. behavior at all times," he said. mit1ee under the Small Business rrac1ice. lisa, There .,re higher powers at \\Ork Sophomore Melanie Alston Development Center so as to "That so-called agreement rais here "ho arc obviously not inter agrees. include vendors, students, faculty, es issues and concerns that arc ested in the development or small "It just wasn't appropriate for staff and administrators to create an already common practice or at least black businesses in our communi Terri to disrupt the [King Celebra official vending policy. agreeable under this administra• ty ... tion I to speak on the vendors. I sup 4. Increase student participation tion," Jenifer said. "I signed only to But supponing black entrepre port the vendors all the way. but the in the University deci~ion-making insure that the situation didn't esca neurship is fine. according to the situation wasn't that it couldn '1 have procel>S on mailers such as the fol late any funhcr. As president, it's reigning Miss lloward, Shanice been worked out," Alston said. lowing that concern everyone: Invi my job to protect the li,·es and limbs Trapp, as long as it is put into per However HUSA Vice President tation or ~peakcrs; negotiation of of University students." dent Franklyn Jenifer looks dismayed at forum on vendors. spt.'Ctive along with i-,sues ofgreater Reginald X say, the vendor situa student affairs contracts; 1mponancc. tion was a valid one. and that is selection of honorary doc- ~------------~ 21- - eke M. Dennis ty Prc,idcnt l·ranklyn G Jenifer "\Ve all love and ,uppon the ven reflected by the number of students toral degree recipients; allo "hun" and be\\ ildcred b) a student dor,. That's not the issue," Trapp who stood up with HUSA againM c.ition of space in Wonder government that i, "inconsistent" lit said. "I fell used by the 'Resolution the adminiwation. Plaz;a; the hiring and !iring of with the concerns of all llo\\ard >I "It was the students who made faculty, ;,taff and administra- student\. for Change' party so that they could \\Jkc ot tu1.knt demon• ,ho" they were fighting for stu the difference. whether they agreed tors. "I he thing, they {llowaru Um ag ~ the , ending ll.ln ,It dent concern, But they "ercn't 100 percent or not," Reginald X 5. Convene weekly pub , "rsil\ Student ,\v,ociatmnl ,eek to ml Unl\er"t) la,t "eek. SIU• ,p.;akmg for me or a number of ,aid. "Without the ,upport of the lic meeting, ,tarting in the ,1ch1cv~ ,hould he consistent with trnmcnt ollicials arc cl.11m• other student, · students. we never would have been lirst week of February on the the m.1jorit) conccn,u, of their con I ,rcto~ dc,pilc fr,1gmcntcd Political plO) or not, Jenifer feels able to get Jenifer to sign our agree following student i,sucs: the ' ,titucnt,." Jenifer said. "In this par t sup('Clrt on other rel.1ted the vending issue did not warrant ment:· unbearably low cap placed 1_:u.,.,;...- ticular instance, there was no one on financial aid budgets for L____ _________ ___J The agreement, in which general consensus ,. discus.sion in front of United States President Bill Clinton at last week Jenifer's name was spelled incor graduate and professional Protestor's sign I 11 1, this tragmcntcd sup• l3ut while HUSA President Terri ·s I Manin Luther King celebration. rectly, call, for hi, administration students. the unavailability C. · Ila, ldt llo"ard Uni,crsi- ,na1 II -----------------------. I Students, faculty unconvinced of .__J -- XHEF "· fl';,1 HILLTOP :· ;~ .... -.~.. THIS WEEK State of the Union promises I B) Shonda Huery those issues." said Felice Doul,\las. everyone 10 make a change and we believes that training more persons Hilltop Staff Writer a senior majoring in mathematics. all must work together to do that,'' 10 be policemen can help solve ~LER' VIEW ~If we arc 10 find answers to the Sundiata said. some crime problems. But the crime Clinton ·s speech was character I Though President Clinton problems facing America. we must issue does not stan with the police; go to the root of ized by elo we must go to the the source of expressed plans to improve anti quent words LIFE ON Sylverster crime tactics. lower taxes and pro those problems.'' -- crime. and the source is not the THE STREETS: In his address, and heated vide health care for all AmeriC'JnS in Hester, a panhandler near Wonder Plaza, Clinton told rhetoric. He police," Douglas said his State of the Union address Tues even threat Students also pointed out that -hares his experiences of being homeless. day night. several people in the Congress that the nation ·s ened Con Clinton is not the first president to \3 Howard communit) "ondcr if Clin gress wilh a ton will he able to live up to his 0\\n deepest prob make guarantees; many previous lems cannot be veto if pro leaders have made promises that cxpcctauons. left up to politi- posals don· 1 were unfulfilled. GSTAR "Clinton does recognize serious ciaos. He said guarantee all I issues facing America, but he is Americans must Americans "Clinton, like other presidents, quite capable of using political sym• do their part 10 health care. has promised lower taxes. more jobs HOWARD STUDENT bolism in his speech." said political improve the Though and less people on welfare, but can Photo D FEATURED IN "HOUSE science instructor Lewis Wright. American way most Ameri Clinton be the one to live up to his page B1 PARTY 3": Gillian I. Waters, According to Wright, political sym- of life. cans would promises?'' Kim Gordon. a fresh bolism is Clinton ·s ability 10 say "Let us be true agree with man majoring in account ing asked. to be who is majoring in legal what most people want to hear. our spirit. fac- 10 Clinton that "Clinton does have a good talk shot communications. talks about Somc students say that politi• ing facts, qoming together. bringing health care and high crime rate, arc as well as focus. but I wonder if it at __ cal symbolism i• the very thing that hope, mol,,ing forward." Clinton major problems in the United her fihn debut and plans for is all becoming the same old song _J the future. B_l__ keeps Clinton ~-ro~ getting to the said. States, some students question ~~,L ___ heart of the nauon s problem,. Junior elementary education whether Clinton will be able to and dance," Douglas said. "It is grc_at to final)y see~ pres- major Senodja Sundiata echoed make a noticeable improvement in 1dcnt tackle 1mponant issues hke the Cl inton's views. "I must agree with the situations. ones Clinton has tackled, but I don't Clinton, it will take the efforts of "I understand that Cl inton 1h 1 I !l'ECIAL COMMENTARY PAGE: This tfc;s~';;tre~tions meeting all about money eek, an additional Perspectives page takes by Shonda Huery "The whole purpose of the it 10 their tuition bill. scnted a proposal under the under look at letters sent to the HILLTOP from Hilltop StaIT Writer assembly meeting was distorted," "Students arc already fined for all stood guidelines, there probably tudents about the recent HUSA vendor Paden declared.