The Oxford Democrat : Vol. 75. No. 34
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The Oxford Democrat. 34. AUGUST 1908. NUMBER VOLUME 75. SOUTH PARIS, MAINE, TUESDAY, 25, Malda's. and in- •coupled the ball rooiu above PATE DE FOIE GRAS. rooks were broken âne on quaintance of somebody else, Means. ■ Two While Mountain Tramp the up pretty At boiue Maidu found clamor and » l>. PARK, What Soundness Days' former olassmatee or friend· LUKKT the surface, and so the top of these quiries for AMONG THE FARMERS. 01 are thousand res confuelon—tbe clat- That Makaa Thli A definition of sound I There many life-long of a solid were frequent. landlady's tongue Fearful Cruelty satisfactory never climbec mountain·, instead being ledge, r~ Licensed Auctioneer. There li I identa of Boston who reasons I turned into my In tbe ball* like a cburn a soundness is not easily given. is a mass of rooks, of all sizes and For several tering sourly Dainty Possibility. MAINE. and even ! jagged PARIS, " the Bunker Hill Monument, peoph after lunoh out And SOUTH SPKKD THE FLOW." no other word that conveys quite tumbled without any bank shortly getting my ;asber dabbling In buttermilk. To the m au and woman no within an hour's ride of it wlu shapes, together ordinary Moderate. A is said to hav< 11 1 for the Terme same meaning. person living semblance of order. In places there of the way. sleep then Grace came dowu to her room of the torture to which the never set on that memorial 01 Opportunity PUEPLE ronceptlon to tx have limited. Be- a sound body, or an organ is said 11 eyes scrub bushes night before had been very with as red as dress. defeat which was is some coarse soil, bearing crying eye· any poor, unfortunate goose is put could 1 L· BUCK» on no tl cal toplr when it is This term ai an American virtuall] in the room was filled, Correspondence ρ agricultural sound healthy. and some coarse mountain grass; but sides, pretty solidly I've to out" said le toilette·!. AJilreee all communications it And it is not of "She says got get be formed. it to the horse includes a litth ila victory. particularly trail leads over and the bunk, although destitute possibly tended for this department to Hkmbt D applies have many places the simply By O. HENRY. "the old because 1 owe months Surgeon Dentist, more. The horse is sound when he it cause for wonder that many people and not Grace, beast, The geese when about nine Hammond, Agricultural Kdttor Oxford lx»m the piles of jagged rocks, where you springs very bountifullysupplied MAINE. ii I lived within forty miles of the Whin was to be to her $4. She's put my trunk in the from the aud SOUTH PARIS, ocrat, Parle, Me. healthy, and when his conformation make tbe best you can find. with bonghs, preferred •Id are taken pastures all their lives and never gol footing soon the β. 8. McClure Co.] door. I can't that he has not had and is not Mountains 1 the in the crowd. I was lulled 1906, by hall and locked the go where m beet work warrantât. such There are numerous trails about standing [Copyright, placed In an underground cellar, AU y view of that enormous o! to have to any par a nearer pile been laid to the babel of voices, which are to coneider the shade else. I haven't got α cent slabs stand in likely any tendency from mountains, which have mainly sleep by anywhere broad, slanting stone Demand Advance lor Milk. term "sound1' at rocks than is afforded by looking a and a JONES. Big ticular disease. The out are the sounded like fashionable reception, known ae It is of are fast to the ta- » P. or a car win and maintained by Appalach- purple. money." rows, and bound Maine farm- used veterinarians and dealers ii the Oxford hills, through does its out of which came fragments Λ special meeting of the by ian Mountain Club. This club disjointed color justly in repute among "You had some yesterday.'· said ure crucified. | mean dow at the summits miles away. mix- bles. They l|-erally association was held at often construed. It may of the —"I tell you, that beats Ârcadia Dentist, ers' protective loosely work from love mountains, the sons and daughters of lfalda. are freedom from lameness And it is a neglect of opportunitj purely covered that WE Feet, wings aud bodies spread from in Mechanic Falls, Me., to take anything yet and has considerable sums ture"—"Well, Guy Shorey for MAINE. Augusts, •not to visit this elevation in tht expended man. Emperors claim It their espe- "I paid it my dress," said Grace. out aud bound bands, so that only NORWAY. ·4 action in to for milk to or not windbroken; to an apparently highest these trails and »nd trip, and then went down through Tuck- on^ by regard prices one the dullest making building fellows she'd wait till next week to at the time of exam- Northeast. No except and into Carter Notch cial dye. Good everywhere "I thought neck Is left free. As be Imag- tili. e Hour»—y to 13—1 4. Portland dealers for the next The condition at convenient ernoan's Ravine the may year. healthy a new sense ol maintaining shelters pointe is no fixed technical I can do it without getting Ned's seek to their neses to the genial for the rent" all Its call for the meeting which was sent tu ination. There about the mountains, which are open not the same day11—"Yes, making bring ined. The animal struggles with is the of nature, aud a deeper feel the of each member of the association included or legal définition that uniformly majesty to the members of the club but to all good," and so on. hue that follows commingling Sniffle, sniffle, sob, sniffle. might against thli stretching till, after r. SMITH. ol of reverence and awe for his Creator, only even- The English definition ing it rained through the the red and blue. W· say of princes Out came—out it hud to come—Mai- to free itself t' following points: recognized. of four who started from who come along. Although days of rain endeavor as- while defective in that it Of a party is those who were awake at Attorney at Law. 1. To see what length of time the unsoundness, Of all the trails the one most used in?, midnight that they are born to the purple, and da's $4. bands and its its ol South Paris on the afternoon of Monday, at from the position, sociation will vote to make contracts is wholly based upon the usefulness I known as the eaw a clear moon directly in NORWAY. MAINE. in the that over which we went, shining no doubt tbey are, for the colic tinges "You blessed darling!" cried (Jrace. of resistance are and one of re- I the for two days mountains, the powers overcome, for on milk. 2. To see if the associa- the animal, is worthy being 10th, or the trail over the the and in the morning ■ lection β a Gulfside Trail, open door, faces with the tint of sunset. "I'll Η..Π BNx-k. Col Specialty I one had ever visited the mountains their royal equally now a rainbow instead a dull broken only by its tion will vote to recommend two or peated, and is as follows: "Any disease, only It does not go above was clear as crystal. We resignation, that one on a oc- northern peaks. strictly sky with the snub nosed countenance of a the mean old and then I'm or alteration of structure from dieease 01 before, and only single that Oxford pay thing low cries, takes of it Two more prices on milk for the ensuing over the but skirts them in tbe learned afterward County possession A PARK. or in I casion two siuce. As we intended peaks, All women love It to on dress. 1 think it's 3. To see what or accident, which does interfere may years the was under clouds, and the edge of the woodchopper'e brat going try ray months must pass away before death year. price prices but easiest course. Leaving carriage its course interfere with the I to become, not tramps "trampers," seen from the summit of fashion. Come and look at it. I'll JJERRICK the association will vote to recommeDd ordinary road near the summit of Mount Washing- cloud could be -when It is the heavenly. up brings relief. Attorneys at Law, is and when we reached the mountains, oui all for the ensuing year. 4. To see what animal's usefulness unsoundness, it leads along beside the Great Gulf Mount Madison in nearly directions, And now uurple is being worn. You pay the money back, a dollar a week- The animals are meanwhile crammed MAINS. of disease 01 was It suffi- ton, in PETKEIj, action the association will take in re furthermore, sligbtness luggage light. comprised and the others of but the around us were all the Of course I will." us warm in between that mountain peaks notice It on the streets. honest with dumplings made of dough of E. Herri ck. Ellerj C. Park. cure is no as re- cient to keep an; A t llaon to written contracts. 5. To 8ee facility of qualification clothing then around the as gard were to the presidential range, sunlight. other colors are stylish well- Thanksgiving.