School Spending. Haverhill State Rep. Leads Charge to Change Education Funding
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A1 COMMUNITY VOICES Looking For The River FRIDAY, FEB. 15, 2019 Page 3 Cyan Magenta Yellow Yellow Black School Spending. Haverhill State Rep. Leads Charge To Change Education Funding. Page 4 A2 2 The Record Friday, February 15, 2019 What’s Inside Friday, Feb. 15, 2019 The Charge To Vol 10, No. 35 Change Ed Funding Bath w Bethlehem w Dalton w Easton w Franconia w Lancaster w Landaff w Education funding is a web of complexity in many Lisbon w Littleton w Lyman w Monroe states, but in New Hampshire it has been a thorny prob- Sugar Hill w Whitefield w Woodsville lem for years, especially in the North Country, where the cost per student has been rising and school budgets are straining tax rates. See Coverage Page 4 Publisher Todd Smith For four hours, upward of 200 town voters hotly debated two articles during a roller coaster deliberation that saw mo- Managing Editor SAU 84 Budget, Land tions made to cut the budget and residents speaking sharply Paul Hayes for and against a proposed land purchase for a new Lake- [email protected] Purchase Hotly Debated way Elementary School. Advertising (Littleton) See Coverage Page 5 Sylvie Weber (603) 444-7141 (Ext. 1006) Cyan Less than a year after opening, the new Summit by Mor- Fax: (603) 444-1383 rison senior living community is being looked at by the [email protected] Whitefield Board of Selectmen, which is questioning its Senior Living Community Magenta Advertising (St. Johnsbury) tax-exempt status as a charitable organization. (802) 748-8121 Fax: (802) 748-1613 Tax Status Questioned See Coverage Page 6 [email protected] Yellow Yellow Black FYI On The Cover Fire Destroys Main Building Anderson. Its construction was heavy timber. “The heavy Savage said it’s far too soon to contemplate how timber had a lot of fuel in it,” he said. At Rocks Estate Rocks operations will resume. The biggest challenge was sufficient water when “There are multiple buildings there and the Ma- firefighters hooked into a hydrant on Route 302 that BETHLEHEM — The main barn building at ple Museum is another place people know that is reduced sufficient water on the second hydrant, said The Rocks Estate and the center of operations in well down the pathway from the tool building, and Anderson. the North Country for the Society For the Protec- presumably is safe,” he said. “We had to cut back and we didn’t really have tion of New Hampshire Forests was destroyed by Savage said, “Obviously, The Rocks Estate is an the water we really needed to fight the fire,” he said. fire Wednesday evening, prompting the response of important part of the Forest Society’s constellation Smith was operating the snow blower in his area fire departments. of forest reservations and facilities. That’s why we driveway when he saw a small glow and at first The cause of the blaze that broke out about 6 call it the North Country Conservation and Educa- didn’t think anything of it. p.m. and also destroyed two smaller buildings is tion Center.” Then flames came out the back of garage part of currently undetermined. SPNHF spokesman Jack The three-story tool building was built in 1906 the building. Savage said Rocks staff members and Rocks Gen- and in the ensuing years became a full workshop Manley was in downtown Bethlehem for an eral Manager Nigel Manley suffered no injuries. house, machine shop and blacksmith and carpen- event when his wife, Judy, called him, after a Rocks “We’ll put out more information as we know it,” ter’s workshops. employee living in a story above the barn building he said. “We are very pleased Nigel and the em- Neighbor Dave Smith, who lives across the road, notified her there was a fire, said Smith. Firefighters battle a large fire at ployees are safe.” said the fire engulfed it quickly. “There is so much history in that barn that it can the Rock’s Estate in Bethlehem on Bethlehem Fire Chief Jack Anderson said the The flames could be seen from the top of Long never be replaced,” said Smith. “It’s terrible seeing Wednesday evening. The blaze de- fire origin is not believed to be suspicious. Hill, said Anderson. this.” stroyed three buildings, including Called the tool building because that’s what it “The whole back of the building was heavily The blaze happened lightning-quick, in all about was called when it was the original farm and estate, involved and it got into the upper stories,” said 10 minutes, he said. the 112-year old barn that served the barn in the 20th and 21st centuries has been the Anderson. “Our main goal was to save the house, “It’s amazing to me how fast it went,” said as the central building on the prop- location of the main Rocks offices and the site of which we did.” Smith. “You could just hear the popping inside and erty, containing a museum, gift the seasonal gift shop and a place for events. In addition to the main barn building, the sep- then it started popping out the windows.” shop, office space and conference “It’s the main building of our operations there,” arate gift shop building and tractor building were Before the property came under the ownership center. Multiple local fire depart- said Savage. also destroyed, said Anderson. of SPNHF, the 1,400-acre Rocks Estate had been ments responded. No injuries were SPNHF staff are still assessing the situation. Af- “The main building was a function center, had the summer home Chicago businessman John Ja- reported and the cause remains ter the bulk of the fire was under control about two the offices and gift shop and held a lot of stuff,” said cob Glessner, co-founder of International Harvest- under investigation. (Photo by Paul hours later, Manley’s house was saved, said Chief Anderson. er, and his family. Hayes) A3 Friday, February 15, 2019 The Record 3 COMMUNITY VOICES 21 Jefferson Road, Whitefield, NH Looking For The River 603-837-2646 With the warm temps and rain last laugh at lunch or out at the bus stop. 347 Main Street, Franconia, NH week, local rivers are running pretty Sometimes we use it in a more se- 603-823-7795 high right now. This morning I drove rious way. Regardless, sharing the Prices subject to present stock. Some illustrations are to Lisbon, and couldn’t believe how idea has strengthened it. for design purposes only and do not necessarily depict SALE EFFECTIVE: flooded the fields are that hug the Not everything goes in the river. featured items. We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct typographical errors. FEB. 15 TO FEB. 21 Ammonoosuc along Route 302. 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Usually it runs with a nice strong current, $ 79 2/$ but right now, unlike our local rivers, it feels “Two traveling monks reached a town where 1 lb. 5 dried up, not a bit of running water in sight. there was a young woman waiting to step out This had made for a long week. of her sedan chair. The rains had made deep Fresh Chicken Tenders B&M Baked Beans Let me back up. puddles and she couldn’t step across without (Family Pkg.) (16 oz.) I don’t remember how it happened – maybe spoiling her silken robes. She stood there, look- I read about it? maybe someone gave me the ing very cross and impatient. She was scolding idea? – but regardless, last summer I started us- her attendants. They had nowhere to place the $ 49 5/$ ing the idea of a river as a way of reminding packages they held for her, so they couldn’t help lb. 5 Cyan myself to let go of things I can’t control. When her across the puddle. 2 I get frustrated by something that I can’t do The younger monk noticed the woman, said Sea Best Cooked Shrimp Food Club Ground Coffee Magenta anything about, I pause and visualize a river. I nothing, and walked by. The older monk quickly (41-50 ct., 1 lb. Pkg.) (10.3-11.3 oz.) imagine myself “dropping” whatever it is that’s picked her up and put her on his back, trans- bothering me into the water. I see the current ported her across the water, and put her down carrying it away, out of my life. Can’t fix it? on the other side. She didn’t thank the older $ 99 $ 99 Can’t control it? Then don’t stress and antago- monk, she just shoved him out of the way and 8 2 Yellow nize over it.