SATURDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG UTMMIT TELEGRAPH JANUARY if, 1919. 11 ECH MASSACRES MARSH RUN ATHLETES; MARSHALL DENOUNCES AMERICAN SNOBBERY Gleason, New of SJSJOODLES By Hunger/ord, White Sox, Picks J. McGraw Id As the Cleverest of All 'illiam (Kid) Gleason, newly-ap- Dalilen, Joe McGinnity, Frank Bow- ited manager of the Chicago erman. Bill Clarke, Arthur Devlin, to Sox, promises to be one of the Danny Shaw, Harry McCormick, rsions In baseball this year. Al- Frank La Chance, Jack O'Brien, igh 63 years old he can still lick Jean De Montreville, Frank Magoon, weight in wildcats and there will Jimmy Sheckard, Duckey Holmes, discipline, you bet. Among , Harry Howell, Dan ison's memories of the game McGann, BillKieter. A 1 Selbach. Joe b appear to have seared his brain lvelley, Sandow Mertes, George hat of respect for John J. Mc- Browne, , Billy w and in a recent tribute he nar- Lauder, BUI Keeler, Heinie Wagner, st , Charley Herzog, Jack n many cases it is the ball club Dunn and Charley Dubb. make the manager. In other Kennedy, an , once made inces it's the manager who a training trip with one of Mc- es a winning ball club. 'With all Graw's clubs and won an appoint- respect to , who was ment as manager of a New York rded as one of the greatest man- Stale League club on the strength s of a ball club that ever lived, of that brief experience as a Giant. int to say that the old Baltimore Kid Gleason is a big leaguer of les which he managed was one the old robust school and he will he grandest combinations ever be no newcomer to Chicago, having together. That club didn't need been assistant there under Calla- anager. There wasn't a man on han and Rowland. He is a stickler team who didn't know what to for enforcing the rules and he and course, to AROUND THE BASESI it the right time. Of It his razor strop were well known 0 credit that he got the Sox. Hanlon's men Lancaster High School issued a at Madison Square Garden from Tues- 1 a fine collection of to- Razor Strop manager Treatment StoriGS/|OZ"4i last night saying Its bas- day, January 21, to Saturday, Janu- But so far as a statement er. players who did not concerned, one wasn't necessary Lazy ball ketball five had withdrawn from the ary 25. Inclusive. It will be the want to get up in the morning in- . to occupy a seat on the L- Frank Baum Pennsylvania lnterscholastlc League "Peace Show," and one aspect of the pt variably felt the sting of that strop. :h. fljfl q and that "Manager Robinson claims exhibits will be models and talks on to stay out late q proof of what say," con- Others who liked that Beck, a Harrlsburg forward, is the advantages of poultry farming as iie I the road early at ed fiery little manager, "is while on arrived a professional. In making public Its a vocation for disabled soldiers, sail- the the hotel, they knew the when looks over the because decision the local management de- ors and A Signal Service mil- shown one husky might be sitting around airmen. af managers of big league teams "Kid" clares cannot allow its players to itary pigeonry will bo reproduced, of the lobby waiting for them. it came from the roster the powerful ath- Tip Makes an Experiment Magic impair their standing as members of also, to teach again the value of atea- Welsh in of all them, Ed and other Orioles. But of I the Sox the Amateur Athletic Union by allow- senger homers In tho war. was a man who letes who have been with t think there rouglv with Gleason ing them to take part In a game In equal of John McGraw, now have tried to it (Copyrighted by Frank Baum George Matthew Adams Service.) the Invariably they L. for the v. hlch a professional player partici- LEBANON WINS CLOSE GAME of Giants. That lellow in a friendly way. ager the the bottom. The "Kid" boy, and rather pates." Myerstown, Pa., Jan. 11.?Lebanon a genius when he was a player, finished at small deli- kinhead was right. The body had firmly when a log was laid across "And the mngic powder that brought go to the mat with any of High School was Just able to nose was a wonder. He was by far would cate In appearance, seemed been formed from a tree-trunk, and | it to be sawed. you to life is here in my pocket." player 1 ever them and muss them up in his own I brought out the pepper box, EX-GREY STOCK FLAYER DEAII out Myerstown High School, 33 to 82. smartest baseball THEsomewhat embarrassed at being a branch had sticking up | He Anderson, his of mak- been left "This thing a real James formerly with in the final minute of one of the fast- His inside knowledge was way. One of methods fully. resembles and eyed it curiously. for mercy was to called "father" by the tall awk- "That's the kind of horse Greystock and De Nori, is dead at his est and closest-played games of bas- Bthing at which to marvel, ing them holler you arc now sitting horse more than I imagined," said "I wonder," said lie, musingly, fine sink his in their ears. None ward, pumpkinheaded man; to on." "if it would bring saw-horse to home, 2322 South Twentieth street, ketball ever staged on the local gym ind McGraw carried Ills teeth but "No, isn't," Tip, Tip, trying lo explain. a the well-fed, parlor-raised ball It answered "But real ." Philadelphia, a victim of double pneu- floor. Sherman starred, with sense with him when ho bo- of the deny the relationship would involve promptly is life ball of this decade can stand horse alive, and trots and prances monia. Ho was 28 years old and is eighteen foul goals. e a manager. It's only neces- players another long and explana- "Why not? That one has and eats "If it would," returned Jack, calm- that sort of treatment. tedious four oats, while this is nothing ly?for survived by his wife and one child. to look over his achievements tion; so he changed subject by legs, and a head, and a tail.' more than a horse, nothing seemed to surprise a Gleason will run his ball club as the dead made of ?"I back, and READING TRIMS MOUNT PENN s he has been at the head of asking, abruptly: Tip looked at the saw-horse more wood, and used saw logs upon." him could ride on its he is one who far as the players are concerned. to that would save my joints from The Oberlin Ex-High five met its Reading, Pa., Jan. 11.?Over 1,500 club to know that hire any "Are you tired?" carefully, and found that the Pump- "If were alive, trot, in a generation, Comlskey won't to it wouldn't it wearing Waterloo last evenlngjrom the swift- spectators saw the Reading Olivets, not even come who "Of course replied out." who made cham- detectives to watch the men not!" the "I'll try cried the boy, jump- going St. Mary's Catholic Club, of the Tri-County cage champions, tri- \u25a0e is one fellow bright lights other. "But," he continued, after a it!" ordinary players, like the glare of the ing up. "But I wonder if I can re- Steelton, playing at Orpheum Hall, umph over the fast Mount Penn A. A. teams out of They'll be afraid pause, "it is quite certain 1 shall fine sense which at home or abroad. member the old 34-20. Bartels,' and Farina five, 35 to 26, here in the Armory as his baseball evenings, a merry wear out my wooden If I keep words Mombi Miller led him to such a successful ca- to step out Joints said, and the way she held her wore the spangles for St. Mary's and cage. Reading Olivets led first half, with flushed counte- on walking." pace and then up." Castle and Aungst were the Oberlin 15 to 14. face the cold, calculating Tip reflected, as they journeyed hands may as you like about nances thought it over for a minute, The evening closed with Olivets. Mount Penn. Tou talk of old "Kid" in the morn- on, that this was true. Ho began to He bulwarks. ball managers, but when they lamps the and as he had watched carefully dancing. Rhoads, f. Stott, f. only one regret that he had not all summed up there is 'n constructed from the hedge every motion of the Rlttenhouse, f. Mason, f. My hat When "Kitty" Bransfield first the wooden Ximbs more carefully 1 to be found. old witch, and listened to her words, Cleveland. Jan. 11.?"Tommy" Rob- Bixler, c. Witmeyer, e. McGraw who knew joined Philadelphia Nationals and substantially. Yet how could exactly the hats of all others the he believed he could repeat Mass., knocked out Thompson, g. g. be Gleason, then venerable, was still he ever have guessed man son, of Maiden, Camfleld, hing about baseball must that the what she had said and done. Laurette, claimant of the Eu- Friedmann, g. Reifsnyder, 1 hope pastiming at second base for that he had made merely to scare Walter g. >d to the Giants' leader. old So he began by sprinkling some championship, Field goals, Bixler, oppose Bransfield was young and Mombi with would brought ropena welterweight 6; Rlttenhouse, my Whitesox that will club. be to of the magic Powder of Life from of ten- 6; Thompson, 4; ill series." fresh, a tough fellow, who thought life by means of a magical powder in the first round a scheduled Rhoads, 2; Camfleld, the next world's the pepper-box upon the body of here last night. 6; Witmeyer, 3; Reifsnyder, leam'in Maker he could lace anybody on the team. contained in an old pepper-box? he his round boxing contest 2; Ma- McGraw. Manager with the saw-horse. Then lifted Clark, of Philadelphia, son.. Foul Rlttenhouse; in connection He finally tried conclusions So he ceased to reproach himself, the finger "Frankle" goals, Reif- is interesting this whipped left hand, with little newspaper decision snyder, 2. Fouls committed, of menwlio be- Gleason and was soundly and began to think how he might upward, was given the Reading ote the number for pointing and said: Lahin, of New York, Olivets, 12; Mount Penn, g. managers through Mac's tute- in a fight that was remembered yet remedy the deficiencies pf Jack's "Weaugh!" over "Battling" Referee, c Strang, the . in the ten-round semifinal. Adams. The latest is Sammy years in weak joints. "What does that mean, dear with Chattanooga, Doyle was another rough engaged they curiously. ' signed up Jack the While thus came to father?" asked Jack, the thirty-eighth to party who always ran when the edge of a wood, and know," Tip. The Reily Hose Juniors last night my makes trail. The Sox the hoy "I don't answered the school, was on his sat down to rest upon an saw- his right up- defeated the Garnet Athletic Club on 5,000 RabbiU WWe Killed a lob via McGraw "Kid" fresh old Then he lifted hand Nicklin. , star who tries to get with Glea- horse that some "Teaugh!" the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. floor by the -rs were: has sincere wood-cutter had ward, and said: in Doolan, Wtlbert Robinson, this summer our left there. that, father? in- score of 50 to 46. Fires, King and Perry County in 1918 cev son lose, you can bank "What's dear - Viltse, Christy sympathy. He'll "Why Elkins starred for Reily. Donlin, George don't you sit down?" he quired Jack. Liverpool, Pa., Jan. 11.?During hewson, . Bill on that. asked the Pumpkinhead. "It means you must keep quiet! "Wont it strain my joints?" in- replied the boy, provoked at being "Damn the pro-Germans at home," the season of 1918, Game Warden quired the other. interrupted at so important a mo- writes Private Behnke from France S. Maurice Shuler's reports that 5,- "Of ment. to his family in Marinette, Wis. "I 000 rabbits, 4,000 squirrels, 350 rac- course not. It'll rest them," re- declared the boy. fast I am learning! will have it out with them when I coons, 50 turkeys, 10 rlngneck phea- "How with his Snobbery For Our So Jack tried to sit down; but as marked the Fumpkinhead, return home if there are any left. sants, 100 quail, 25 lucks and geese, on soon as can't Mix joints smile. , The Germans In Marinette 1 bear, one he bent his farther eternal tell 21 bucks and female than usual they gave way altogether, Tip now lifted both hands above me any more about their dear old deer were In Perry county. and the fingers and killed he came clattering to the ground his head, with all fatherland. X talked with many of Only one accident and one arrest for Says Tom Marshall with such crash Tip cried in a and they Ifcountry", a that feared thumbs spread out, and the German prisoners are Illegal shooting occurred. he was entirely ruined. loud voice: "Peaugh!" the good old moved, all anxious to come to He rushed to the man. lifted him Immediately the saw-horse United States of America and live GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY to his feet, straightened legs, yawned with its ways. Time has sports are the only solution of relief his arms stretched its under Uncle Sam." New Bloomfleld, Pa., Jan. 11.? ie parting of the and legs, and of mouth, and shook a -who are felt his head to see chopped-out Behnke is the son of German par- Cora Smith of Cumberland, ?ed for a complete revision of offered to tired mankind if by chance it cracked. grains powder oft its Mrs. New had become few of the ents and one of the best-known Ger- Is visiting her mother, Mr#. Maty hour of now ready for an extended era of But Jack seemed to be in pretty rest of the lard ideals. The supreme back. The Powder man boys In Marinette. He recites Wolfe. come pass. and good shape, and Tip said to have vanished Into the kind has to The sport popularity. Men women after all, seemed seeing two small Belgian boys with Miss Lillian visiting human family as to body the horse. Tressler is the h when the will become devotees of sports, who him: of the both hands cut oft by the Germans. family of her brother, Charles, at for a com- "I guess you'd Jack, while ntirety are attuned permitted better remain "Good!" called Conyngliam. . opinions as in the past have their standing, hereafter. It seems the boy looked on in astonishfent. \ou transformation of sorcerer, dear TOUGH FOR A BABY NOW Richard Sutton, of Washington, social, business and to be held to the business safest way." are a very clever rds their "noses Torney went visited the family of J. F. Alter last futures. A gen- will un- "Very well, dear father: just as father!" When Mrs. Mary A. ts features and grindstones." Trapsliooting you husband to a and of ca- say," replied the smiling Jack, out with her bluejacket week. diverging revision questionably be the ma- who Awakening of near the Great Mr. and Mrs. G. Kacy, of El- that the future declared had been in no wise Next story?"The movie at Waukegan, C. i and ideas. Now by confused Tip and she llotsburg, celebrated their golden general safety for the jor sport for 1919. Four million his tumble. the Saw-Horse," in which Lakes Naval Training Station, I e with Tip sat that the baby in a bureau wedding anniversary on Tuesday. against men are returning home, who have down again. Presently Pumpkinhcad realize put their 2-week-old d is positively assured Jack (because it has Lieut. Eugene Sanderson, of Har- war, must turn intensively trained under the the Pumpkinhead asked: Tip Discover a Saw-Horse at the Edge of the Woods Is deaf drawer at the hotel where she was re ravages of we been saw-horse use, risburg, spent over the future, Sam, to shoot and "What is that thing you are sit- no ears) will be of no after stopping. The baby awakened and week-end eyes to the immediate tutorage oLUncle ting on?" and in this place. men, our is a logical con- at one end that looked very prance, alh in carrying Jack. For. without uttered such calls for attention that with friends return of 4,000,000 handle firearms. It "Oh, this much and and eat oats?" inquired it cannot obey sinew, to that "doughboys" is a horse," replied the like a being able to hear, the manager responded. When the brawn and their clusion our will boy, carelessly. tail. In the other end were the Fumpkinhead. are >n's been kept patriotic sport with orders. Tip and Jack discour- couple returned they learned that MUSICIAN DIES e fires which have adopt the which a two big resembled eyes, would as they Marietta, Pa., of patriotism, familiar. will be "What is horse?" demanded knots that "It trot and prance, per- aged and it looks if cannot their offspring had been the cause Jan. 11.?William ing with the fuel they are now This Jack. a place Journey ?when sud- R. Shertz, 30 years old, of and political popular for all class- and had been chopped away haps; but It wouldn't eat oats," re- continue their of much commotion. Fulton involve many civic the recreation "A horse? Why, are the saw-horse township, Lancaster county, last also have the personal accounts of the there two that might easily be mistaken for plied the boy, laughing denly Tip wonders if "The idea of scolding." Mrs. Tor- died lams. We will es. "With kinds of horses," returned Tip, at the idea. able to hear made it night from pneumonia. was a society, out- impressive part taken by As for the legs, would be if he ney said. "A bureau drawer is the He Icras of business, ] active and i slightly puzzled how to explain. the horse's mouth. "And of course it can't ever be attached them to its head. talented musician, being leader of solve, gun," the ! ears and place in the world to .-leave a t sports and recreations to the "sawed-off shot in kind of is they were four straight cut alive, it some ears out ol best orchestras. when "One horse alive, and limbs because is made of wood." So he whittles when you're living in a hotel. two business, the products of which hands of scatter gun artists, i four legs and a head and the child slo- or retiring has a tail. from trees and. stuck fast into the "So am I," answered the man. Do they enable saw-horse that trick from a friend." t be sold, is the prevailing trained on the advancing j upon body, being bark. tell I learned And people ride its back." spread wide apart so Tip at him in surprise. -> The next story will ligures of such appal- "Huns," compelling "strategic re- ; "I understand," looked hear'.' She said she would go elsewhere to Financial said Jack, cheer- that the saw-horse would stand "Why so you are!' he exclaimed. magnitude have been Injected treats," storms of protests and final- you- f live, and did. the business world, that it will ly the cry of "Kamerad," the gen- Gordon Ford's Team in for the ifflcultfor .is to again come back eral public will appreciate the train- January 20 is the date set Hot Tonight remaining contented with ing of men. alone can be ac- | battle 'twixt "Benny" Leonard and Battle at arth, This They ial conditions of future world's quired in the sport of trapshooting "Johnny" Dundee at Newark. We must not only teach as by our "dough- "Bus" Snyder Chosen Manager For BECK Club Girls j will, battle for eight rounds, at catch- Chestnut Street Hall iess. demonstrated BOYS STAR Hasset\ children to salute and respect boys" when performing their grim Rough j weights, and each man is to receive Hag?they must be trained in task in trenel} warfare. Trapshoot- Treat Newville a certain percentage of the gross re- With Gerdes playing center, same to be loyal and ing must be America's major sport?- ceipts, after the state tax of ten per where Carl Beck was wont to school Tech Football; Banquet Tuesday Misses Ann InSependents IN Emanuel and carry on, the will pa- preparedness BASKETBALL money in war; just, honest and a perpetual diversion. The cent, is deducted from the 0 Sarah Beck leading the Hassett present a powerful front to-night ic in time of peac.e when sub- Louis ("Bus") Snyder is the newly- A new design a taken in. for Tech banner Club five, took on the Newville against the St. Elizabeth Ave, of Ted in the swirl of prospective ANSW ERS TO XIMRODS elected manager of the Technical will be soon by students of Tech sketched Opened Its Season Al- High school girls last evening and Philadelphia. A spectacular fea- less supremacy. Question: High School football team for next the school in an open competition. just about CAMP HILL GIHLS WIN moose, Captain Emanuel ture Is expected to develop when q Real American Do deer and elk shed their season. The was made yes- A will select the de- though Cold; fracas, scoring it to the athletic maids of lie complete selection committee best Lancaster Quit monopolized the Leave "Horse" Haggerty and Jack Law- lr social life needs re- horns every year. If so why are the terday afternoon at the close of sign points. Hill to put their town on the submitted. all the home team's Camp rence face each other In the Class barriers hereto- never found when we are school by the the Tech The Club will an Trim the Marsh Run Lads was paragraphed map. On the floor last night nization. and horns members of Tech llifle hold The pastime local They have encountered constructed on fallacies hunting? athletic association. Snyder waa as- indoor shoot next Thursday. These screams and savage away from the Beckley trenches. of sand, by occasional they raced before, with honors even. The upon a foundation FRANK VAN SANT. sistant manager of the Tccli squad affairs will the of With two Becks, for was accus- Business College girls, 31-13. be held until close Carl and John- gurgles, Newville teams appear to be well 1 possible through diseased Minneapolis. during tho past season, and was al- the year, prizes will given being rougher than Hassett, matched financial when be no relation?playing on Tech, this ed of and the chances are that' several inations or unusual Answer: ways on hand to do anything he was to the best Professor B. so was Has- leading "feather" show, or re- elk shed shots. H. demon outfit slaughtered but much sturdier America's points will swing the A ess, must be rehabilitated Yes, moose, deer and asked to carry through. "Bus" is Shreiner will give gold, silver and some de- Bett the victory was never in annual exhibition of the New decision. inter- during the fenseless soldiers that the fine dancing program will follow. tructed. Direct social their horns annually, a of Section of college bronze medals to the best, from Marsh Run Sarah Beck has been elect- Poultry and Pigeon Association, personal acquaint- and March. A member N the three the of 106-15. When doubt. York se with close months of February "prep" course. At present he is a while Bogar's store will present a to tune this ed manager and she expects to be held for the thirtieth year of once, news we will of the "doughboys" all new set is started at remain- Junior, but till the football sea cup to the premier marksman. gets about, shall probably have a full schedule ready very ches of the service In trench and ing "in the velvet" about twelve *olls around he be a That military training hear that the whole Pennsylvania Boon. The summary: ming- will full-fledged should be anment life, tho intimate weeks, during this interval they senior. The assistant manager will continued in the high schools will Interscholastic League'has followed Hassett. Newville. of ye gentler sex in war, chari- grow very rapidly. Then they com- be selected front the sophomore class be subject of the next Lancaster's example and hotfooted out Emanuel, Bowman, f. work, the debate f. i and club entertainment mence to ossify, which requires a at the spring meeting of associ- by Tech Debating of the organization. The game was Reigle, f. McLaughlin, f. prevail- the week the Club. led with necessity and period of four weeks. Horns are fre- ation. The debaters have recently decided originally to have been played with Graeft, c. BalrtL c. Flay lias been the great In Livingston, Mon- Lancaster, Moffltt, g. Safer- conditlons quently found. A gold medal will be awarded to that visitors should be barred from and the Tech management Beck, g. Amcrl- Bowman, g. cr of caste, not only In tana, I saw a fence built of Elk that member of the senior class who Europe during the reconstruction did not want to diaappoint the fans, Connors, g. K. iut in all other nations. Under horns, encircling a private resi- excels in mathematics. A fund has period. so a fray was nrranged with the Field goals, Emanuel. 5; Baird, onditions should the tree whose dence. These antlers had been gath- been started, and at the commence- L. B. Nye now Marsh Run chaps. The Red Roses 1. Fouls, Emanuel, 4; Baird, 1. to again is the ncad of the Stick to is nebby, be permitted ered in and near Jacksons' Hole. ment the medal will be presented. mathematics department for the may have had a spy on t(ie scene at soil pro- so, root. Our social must Antlers are seldom found in pairs, At the chapel exercises yesterday coming year. Teachers of that sub- Chestnut Street last night, and. If men and women whose per- they are rubbed off against trees by morning it was explained to the stu- IJect met yesterday and .ield the he got an eyeful. -1 merits, accomplishments and the animals?seldom shed simultan- dent body that the executive board election. Carl Beck is permanently on the for Daniels, Ebner for John Beck, ;ss, will be recognized and re- eously. Unless they are confined in of the P. I. A. A. had sanctioned the Stewart Taylor, of the senior class, 'varsity now and his status has been Frank for Wilsbach. Bihl for Carl ed. through individual perfer- parks. theranimals travel consider- use ot any athletes who played on will edit the Tek Nikul department accepted by the Interscholastic Bas- Beck. Smith for Kolilman. Referee, ;. Those who are disposed to hence the are the play- ketball Association committee. The Scorer, Nauss. KING able distance, antlers one or more teams. Since of the Tech Tatler for the remainder Dave McConnell. star of destiny or their rarely found together. ing of Beck was sanctioned, Tech the year. The next the situation is simply this, if Beck and their of the of issue of snt worth upon the success authorities saw no Tatler will appear 17, as a many another athlete from now on whose athletic reason March i moth-eaten ancestor, Question: ; why they agree to the de- St. Patrick's jumps his school am to play with George the should all number. Cockill's Team i to charter membershinp in Will you please settle a question mands by Lancaster, a new- David Demniy will another he cannot return to the 'var- Club," was made D. head the High iquated High-brow in dispute as to the man who has comer in the league. Stamp Club for the next six weeks. sity. But all will bo taken back Into Bumped by York ;y to successfully traffic with the made the longest run on targets, Plans are being perfected for the The other officers are: Vice-presi- the fold and pledged to observe the OSCAR Hudson game at in .ns, operate a primitive either professional or amateur? big banquet at the Penn-Harrls on dent, l Eugene Brcssler; secretary, rule. The opening Stcelton ferryboat or chanced to be a GEORGE Tuesday night. a few Foose, Jr.; Thomas Carl Beck showed class In this game the Pennsylvania Scholas- \u25a0 HALPIN. Just tickets Frank' treasurer, Central for inger on a caravel, which, by Columbus, Ohio. are remaining any who want the Green; librarian, lllcken- If he is wise, he will all his tic League was a slight disaster and George and. put equad who lost to ent, at Plymouth Rock, Answer: should see tho committee bach; program committee, energies in Tech athletics and cut out George Cockill's landed cardboards Gilbert The lineup: find it forcibly demonstrated to Charles Spencer, a professional not than Monday. Downes, Harry Gintzer, Eugene the other stuff. He has endangered York High, 3 4-17. later York. ." "It makes no difference what shot, residing in St. Louis, has the Rings pins for all of and Harry his name now as a professional, Steelton. and classes Brt-ssler Vanderloo. Yeagley. f. were, it's what you are to-day." longest ru cshotnri,a.t?lvretaolnum being purchased not; Snell. f. CIGARS are at Every member of though It can be proved he is will bo scales upon the school the Tech Bird C. Dalley.f. McLaughlin, c. the which longest run to his credit, about 526 this time. A new order will be sent Club has pledged to make a bird- but the A. A. U. laws are strict, and future generations will be was number. This record was within a few days. Tupanoski, c. Fritz,g. the in house and report the result. The Beck must keep step. g. Youruft, g. ted. at Jay College will open its at Wueschinskl, made, Viola, 111. Graham, State doors boys will also be on the lookout for The Marsh Runners furnished 4 goals and 16 is as good as ever it 'Sports a Lifcsavcr (now a professional), made the beginning of the semester Yeagley had field Because the quality the next the first bird that comes from the plenty of amusement and whetted 26 fouls. Free, 3 field goals, ere must also be a complete : longest amateur run, breaking 477 students. out of to well-prepared It is South In the spring. In the election, the appetite for dancing which fol- McLaughlin, 1; Fritz, 1. Snell had will jplease and satisfy you ion of our prevailing sports, | targets consecutively, on the grounds likely that some members of tbs Shults was elected for president; lowed. The lineup: was. They "shot 2 field goals and 2 out of 16 fouls. are for the piost part to i of the Chicago Gun Club. senior'class will go to State at the Fenstemaeher, vice-president, and Tech. Harsh Run. Sport bodies must Sellers had two field goals and 3 out s." governing beginning next month, as was Keller, secretary and treasurer. Lingle, f. Daniels, f. 1 conditions and of the of five fouls. Dalley had field ulate improved OLD GUARDSMAN DIES case last year. Baker, Miller, A'ynn, Wieland and J. f. Underwood, f. Referee, , induce aggressive Beck> goal and Wueschinskl, 1. it which will Columbia. Pa., Jan. 11.?William Next Friday Dr. Fagef willappoint William Sparrow the pro- c.? Flagherty, c. 7c?worth promoted constitute Wilsbach, Colesl. Timekeeper, Porter. etition. They must be Aherne, a florist, was found dead committees to arrange programs for gram committee for Tech Chemical C. Beck, g. Peters, g. and better basis, with I a broader ; sitting on a chair at his lodgings yes- chapel exercises. Each class of the CMub No. 2. Phosphorous and Kohlman, g. Gray, g. of other, CIVILWAR VETERAN DIES leral recognition each j terday morning. Ilhe was lirst lieu- school will have a chance to show will at next Field goals, Lingle, 6; John Beck, Pa., Jan. ?Charles & ations since the commencement matches be discussed the Marietta, 11. JOHN C. HERMAN CO. : tenant in Company C, of the old Na- the talent in the class at one of the meeting. 11; Wilsbach, S: C. Frank, 82 years old, of' e world's war have keyed Beck. 6: B. Swartz, Lower bceq ! tlonal Guard, and commanded that chapel exercises. Last year the four Wiring Club No. 2 has elected 7: Smith. 2; Bihl, 4: Ebner, 11: Un- county, died last night > the highest tension, Lancaster nerve I company at the time of the Home- classes of the school showed much Ezra Parks, president; Reed, vice- derwood, 2; Flagherty, 8; Btllwell, 1. from of age. He was a Makers are now ready to relax, both infirmities ] stead strike, in 1892. He was 70 talent at the 'entertalnmcntli given by president; Bowers, treasurer, and Fouls, Kohlman, 4 out of 4; Flagher- veteran of Civil War, being at- li*Uava. the illy and physically. Outdoor Burchflald. treasurer. ty. Regiment.. ivearaold. , assistant 3 out of 5. Substitutes, Stllwell i tacked to the 79 th