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Ci UJ fe i± WESTFIELD SCOTCH PLAINS FANWOOD - tQ C= CO !.'- -J U* Li.1 Vol.14, No. 20 Friday. May 14, 1999 50 cents I Briefs Council approves 5 % tax hike Westfield planning ByJONLEDEMUN the last council meeting. The impact is a One person argued that the township in services. Memorial Day parade PRESS COHHKS1\)N1)KNT $f>8 per year increase on an average desperately needed additional ballilelds Harold Shickman said ii" residents assessed home of $116,000 with an esti- ami applauded the increase in the recre- would look at tin* big picture, they'd see WESTFIELD — The SCOTCH PLAINS — Amid a chorus of mated surplus of $2.2 million. ation portion of the budget. that the school budget should be the bat- annual Westfield Memorial jeers, the Township Council voted Tuesday Although Mayor (Jeri Morgan Samuel. Another resident, referring to the tleground over tax increases, not the Day Parade will be held on to approve an amendment to the 1999 Council President Franklin Donatelli and Republican proposal to use some of the municipal budget. May 31, starting at 9 a.m. municipal budget. Councilman Tarcjuin .kiv Bromley received existing .surplus to cover expenses, said he He said nearly NO percent of (he funds The parade route's start- The $16,791,335.32 budget represented support from some residents early in tin' didn't like the idea of spending down the collected by the township go in the Scotch ing point will be at the a 5 percent tax increase and passed by a M- meeting, most of the taxpayers in atten- current surplus, Plains-Kamvood Hoard of Education rmd Veterans Memorial 2 vote along party lines. Democrats in dance appeared to be clearly and loudly "Having a surplus is commendable," he to Union County. Monument, to East Broad favor and Republicans opposed opposed to the t:ix increase. said "It's like families putting aside money "The school budget is the largest Street to Elm Street, left on The amendment authorizes the council Residents in favor ut the budget pre- for a rainy day." amount of money spent in town," Elm Street to Orchard to lower the tax rate increase by 1 point sented a number of arguments to support Others were concerned that reductions Shickman said, "and it passed easily. If Street, right on Orchard from the 6 percent increase proposed at their case. in the budget would result in a reduction (Continued on page A-2> Street to Mountain Avenue, right on Mountain Avenue, past the Revolutionary Cemetery, to East Broad Street and left on East Neighbors are Broad Street to Kairview Cemetery. The following hands have agreed to march: Westfield Community Band, Westfield worried about High School Band, Westfield Fife and Drum Corps, and the Bound 11 rook Drum and Bugle Corps. development Participating bands and marching groups will ussem- ble at Lord & Taylor's purk- By TINA GUARINO project." inglot at H a.m. "The 1'limning Htuti'd felt it was n real improvement to the Participants in the parade WKSTKIKl.l) What develop- district," said Jeremiah who had will be military and civilian ers say will enrich I lie soutbside served as l'lanning Honrd attor- Organizations. including neighborhood has residents of ney while developer Knlph Westfu'ld Fire and Police Ciuviolsi Place tearful it will Kapunnn prepared his applica- Departments, who will honor tion. •did remember veterans and harm it, if not completely destroy Uwt comrades who gave their it. Hul Withers fears the project lives in wartime "We nre low-income hard will he such an improvement that working people." Mary Withers it will force out I he generations of For additional informa- told (be Town Council Tuesday. "1 families wiio have culled Cueeiolu tion, rail Stan Cuba ut (908) can not blame a person who Place home Withers wanted to .664-9181. wants to innki- money by develop- know if the residents would have ing, but what is t he town doing to to bear the burden of the New storytime make sure it doesn't lose its improvements by being penalized socio-economic diversity?" with a property tax hike. ^starting at library Witlirr.s's concerns come in the "If your l;md isn'l being devel- WESTFIELD — A new wake of (lie I'lanning Hoard's oped or changed, your awsens- [three-week long storytime proposed /.oiling change l<> inent won't change and if you toddlers has been ached- accommodate n mixed-use (level assessment doesn't change your at the Westfield opinent on Cncciolii I'lace After taxes won't change," explained mortal Library. D«*ptt« some rough moments in their relationship, Kristin Buckley and the sea lion Schmoo, of EATM I be public hearing, the Town Jeremiah. "Only properties that The 20-minute program of Zoo, the only teaching zoo in the country, are now the best of friends. Kristin took Schmoo to a guest Council upprovetl tin- y.nlH1 are improved will have their ture books, son^s, finger- appearance on the television show Dharma and Greg. change. taxes cliiinge-d." 's and simple crafts is Mayor Tuin .Jurdim said tin- The development, which COI11- igned for 2-year-olds and function of the Housing hmes business ,i!iit mult i-fnmily *~|JSI accompanying adult. The CoiuinisHiiin, which was r,;lal> residential Imild i iu;s, includes "~ ;t session will be offered Woman earns the privilege lished last year, is specifically !<• two I, .- 11;ifM-, address those conci'rns. acre property fit Central Avenue [-40:30-10:50' a.m. Additional Town Attorney Hill Jeremiah and Cuerml.'i I'lace. Ketilil UHCS sions will be offered characterized I lie development will occupy the street level of one (Continued on page A-2> ughout the- year of swimming with dolphins proposal as a "very atlinrlive The attending child must accompanied by an adult ByTlNAGUAMNO id have a Westfield Library UKi'i >KI> I'HKSS rd. Children must \w 2 Council wants ars old by the starting date SCOTCH PLAINS Hii the the session. A letter first day of class most people scribing the story hour. need