20th ANNIVERSARY OF RAMAZ SCHOOL WILL BE COMMEMORATED AT SPECIAL SABBATH Congregation Will Observe Historic Event on January 19th On Saturday, January 19th, Kehilath When Ramaz came into being it held Ramaz is not only fully chartered by the Board of Jeshurun will celebrate fittingly the sessions in the then vestry rooms of Regents, it is accredited the congregation. Its student body con¬ as a secondary school by the New 20th Anniversary of the founding of sisted of six children. Today it has an York State Department of Education. Ramaz School. It was in 1936 that the enrollment of almost five hundred This distinction is shared by only one institution was founded under the children, and its offers an education other Jewish School in the entire state. sponsorship of the congregation. from kindergarten to college. The reputation of Ramaz is world wide and it has served as a model for many other Day Schools that came into ex¬ istence during the past two decades OUR ADULT INSTITUTE The Ramaz Plan is now a recognized educational philosophy everywhere. cordially invites you to attend its Sixth lecture Graduates of Ramaz have won dis¬ this Wednesday evening, January 16 tinction in their academic and profes¬ at 9 o'clock in the Social Hall sional careers. The college admission record of the school is extremely high and its former students have won ad¬ mission to the leading colleges of the country. Among these colleges and universities are: Barnard, Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, Princeton, Sarah Lawrence, Yale, and many others.

The educational attainments of Ra¬ maz students are most laudable. They have won Regents State Scholarships, National Merit Scholarships and other academic honors.

The school has a very geenrous scholarship aid program. Twenty per¬ cent of the students are on full schol¬ RABBI NORMAN FRIMER arship and an additional thirty percent receive varying scholarship allow¬ Metropolitan Director of B'nai B'rith ances. No promising student is ever denied admission because of humble will speak on economic circumstances.

"H05EA - PROPHET OF LOVE" This unique institution was made Refreshments will be served possible by Kehilath Jeshurun. It was our • the vision of membership that brought it into being, and their un¬ The Hebrew Class will be held from 8 to 9 o'clock failing generosity that furthered its growth. We have reason, therefore, to take pride in the achievements of Ramaz and to celebrate in joy and Rabbi Siff will preach this Sabbath at 11:00 a.m. gratitude the 20th Anniversary mile¬ "WHEN THE MELODY DIES AWAY" stone that the institution reached. A Sermon for the Sabbath of Song (Continued on Page 2) 2 KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN

SISTERHOOD TO VISIT JEWISH MUSEUM ON JANUARY 21st RAMAZ SABBATH (Continued from page 1) Mrs. Oscar Perlberger, president, Ramaz Students to Officiate — announced that a fascinating visit is HAPPY DAY FUND The entire service that scheduled for our next Sisterhood morning will be conducted by students of the function on Monday afternoon, Jan¬ We acknowledge with thanks a con¬ school. Those who will officiate as uary 21st. At that time the Sisterhood tribution to our Happy Day Fund from cantors, under the guidance of Haskel program will include a trip to the Jew¬ Mrs. Richard Kolb. Lookstein, are: James Cleeman, and ish Museum where a guided tour will Lionel Etra. A young trio consisting of Members are urged to share their take place. George Baumgarten, Steven Gross and joyous occasions with others by mak¬ Stuart Schlang will chant the conclud¬ This program will begin with the ing a gift to the Happy Day Fund. ing prayer. Torah Readers, under the usual dessert luncheon at 12:30 in the Contributions are to be sent to the guidance of Mr. Isaac Rapaport, will be: Albert Milton Social Hall. After luncheon the group Happy Day Fund Chairman, Mrs. Reu¬ Baumgarten, Beller, Benjamin Brown, Elliot Lebowitz, will leave the for the mu¬ ben N. Street. Popkin, 12 West 72nd Emanuel Lerman, Leonard Lifshen, Ed¬ seum. ward Lukashok, Samuel Sokolik and Daniel Stein. Substitute Torah readers Mrs. William Lebowitz, program are: Samuel Bodner, David Chideckel, chairman, stated that her visit to the Saul Eisenbud, David Greenseid, Ron¬ museum to make arrangements for JEWRY DUTY ald Hanover, Nathaniel Mayer, Isaac the trip proved to be a most reward¬ Pechenick, Ian Schorr and Bruce Shoul- Two of our we are son. Maftir will be recited Sandy ing one. She was fascinated by the members, whom Ward. At the conclusion of the service a many beautiful objects of Jewish in¬ pleased to count as among our regu¬ buffet kiddush will be served in the terest that are on display. We know lars, served on Jewry Duty this past Social Hall. Invitations have already our members and friends will also find week: Alfred M. Erlich and William been sent to our members and friends this trip rewarding and we urge them Heyman. Our volunteers for the com¬ for this gala Sabbath. We urge the to join us on January 21st. ing week are Israel Jacobs and Julius Kehilath Jeshurun family to be with Kohn. us on this great day.


A Class Night for parents of the children in our Afternoon Religious Sisterhood Theatre Party Play School will be held on Tuesday even¬ ing, January 22nd, at 8 o'clock. At that time parents are invited to partici¬ lAJaftz of the ^JoreadorA pate in a special program that will orient them to the school's curriculum. which will take place Parents will sit in the classrooms of their children where the teachers will This Coming Monday Evening, January 14 explain the goals of the school, the text books that are used, what has been accomplished so far this year, at the Coronet Theatre and the ways in which parents can help the students achieve maximum learning.

This is the first time that we are For tickets call immediately Mrs. Eugene Hollander, RE 7-8881 holding such a program for parents or the Synagogue Office — SA 2-0800 and we feel that it will make an im¬ portant contribution to developing stronger bonds between the school and the home. KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN 3

RABBI HOWARD LEVINE TO LECTURE ON "HOSEA" AT CANTOR CHAIM GREENFELD TO OFFICIATE THIS SATURDAY ADULT INSTITUTE ON JANUARY 23rd This coming Saturday Cantor Chaim "Hosea — Prophet of Love" will be Greenfeld, a capable young cantor, the theme of the Adult Institute lec¬ will officiate at services in our Syna¬ ture to be delivered by Rabbi Howard Levine, instructor of Religious Studies WITHIN OUR FAMILY gogue. We extend an invitation to at Stern College, on Wednesday eve¬ members and friends to be with us ning, January 23rd. Birthdays — Saturday morning to hear Cantor In his talk on the Prophet Hosea, Many happy returns of the day to Greenfeld. who was Judged by the Talmud as the Jerome Margareten and Mrs. Abram greatest of his contemporaries, Rabbi Miller. Levine will present a rounded picture SABBATH KIDDUSH HOSTS of this Prophet of faith and fidelity Anniversaries — The hosts at our Kiddush this Satur¬ who had to suffer the experience of a Warmest greetings to Mr. and Mrs. faithless wife. To Hosea rests day morning will be our esteemed Louis Etra. on two cornerstones: Love and T'shu- members, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander vah, the return to God. T'shuvah is Gross. Speedy Recovery — They are sponsoring this kid¬ seen as the ever present opportunity We extend our best wishes for a dush on the occasion of the recovery of turning failure into success. complete and speedy recovery to our from serious illness of Mr. Gross' devoted member, Mrs. Anne Robbins. brother.

Just a telephone call will take care of your reservation for our MEN'S CLUB 18th ANNUAL DINNER

in honor of

Rabbi Howard Levine

The spiritual leader of the Young Israel of Forest Hills, Rabbi Levine is a young man who has made a mark for himself as a fine scholar. He has participated in many Adult Institutes and is active in educational program¬ ming. The fine talk that he gave us on "Jeremiah" when he visited us pre¬ viously on December 5th, makes us eagerly await his return. This lecture is the seventh in the series "The Prophets Speak To Us HYMAN I. BUCHER Anew," and we extend a cordial invi¬ tation to members and friends to join THIS COMING TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 15th us on January 23rd, at 9 o'clock.

Hebrew Class — Featuring: a wonderful program, banquet meal and entertainment One hour prior to the lecture our Cocktails will be served at 6:30 in the Auditorium Hebrew Class will continue meeting in Room 401 of the Synagogue House. Chairman —Ira F. Weisman We are very pleased with the atten¬ dance at this class and with the fine For reservations call the Synagogue Office — SA 2-0800 progress that our participants have made. KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN

Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun K-J CALENDAR 117-25 East for your 28, N. Y. Saturday afternoons — Talmud Class — Personal and Gift Needs 3:30 in the SAcramento 2-0800 Library. visit our Sisterhood Monday evenings at 7:15—Boy Scouts Editor GIFT SHOP —Gymn and Auditorium. Theodore Comet in the lobby of the Monday evening, January 14 —Sister¬ hood Theatre Synagogue Officials Synagogue House Party. Joseph H. Lookstein Rabbi Tuesday evening, January 15 —Men's

Sherman Siff Rabbinic Ass't. Club Annual Dinner — Auditorium Israel D. Rosenberg Ritual Director and Social Hall. A MODERN RITUALARIUM Theodore Comet Exec. Director is located in our community Wednesday evening, January 16 at 9 Officers of the Congregation o'clock — Adult Institute Lecture — at 158 West 97th Street Max J. Etra President Social Hall. MOnument 3-0300 A. Phillip Goldsmith Vice-President Samuel A. Marcus Treasurer KOSHER BUTCHERS IN Joseph Roth Secretary OUR COMMUNITY Dr. Robert Wallach Pres., Men's Ciub Mrs. Oscar Perlberger Pres., Sisterhood For the information of residents of Yorkville, we again list below the neighborhood butcher shops that are under the supervision of the Park East SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Kashruth Board. Lipstadt Memorial Co. FRIDAY Max Backer - 202 E. 87th St. - AT- water 9-7234. . . . Monuments . . . Lighting of Candles . 4:30 Evening 4:40 Eugene Czeisler — 1520 York Ave. — Closed Saturdays Open Sundays RHinelander 4-6488 SATURDAY L. Feldman — 1355 Second Ave. — 370 AMSTERDAM AVENUE Morning 9:00 RHinelander 4-5918 Junior Congregation 10:15 Near 78th St. New York S. B. Licker — 1279 Second Ave. — Portion: Beshalah, 24, N. Y. Weekly RHinelander 4-9823 Exodus 13:17- 17:16 Tel.: TRafalgar 4-6843 Haftorah: Judges 4:4-5, 31. Eli Vizel — 1547 First Ave. — REgent 4-2280 Evening 440 Serving the congregation over 25 years Conclusion of Sabbath 5:30 Sam Witkin — 1200 Madison Ave. ATwater 9-5461 SUNDAY

Morning 8:30 TRafalgar 9-7053 most Father-and-Son Minyan 9:30 people call RIVERSIDE . . for the Your Neighborhood Furrier inspired service and spiritual comfort DAILY SERICES Riverside offers family and friends Morning 7:30 TAMBORYN BROS. Evening 4:45 Specialists in Fine Furs

YAHRZEITS Rivirsidi 11 79 LEXINGTON AVENUE January W'.moriat 12—JOSEPH FREED (between 80th & 81st Sts.) CUpJ Funeral Directors 13—CELIA KAY 13—MIREL WARSHAW 76th ST. AND AMSTERDAM AVENUE We do remodeling — alterations 1 3—RIVE K. WEINSTEIN ENDICOTT 2-6600 and certified Cold 13—LENA URIS Storage - Bronx - Long Island - Mt. Vernon 14—HANNAH B. ROKEACH Miami and Miami Beach 14—JOSEPH CORAK CHARLES ROSENTHAL, Director 15—JOSEPH FISCH - RIVERSIDE MONUMENTS - 16—BENJAMIN GOTTFRIED . . . more than fine Each 16—SAMUEL GALLER granite. memorial . . be it a modest headstone or an im¬ 16—DORA MILLER R^DE pressive, mausoleum ... is a mark of 1 7—ELIEZER GROSS everlasting respect, unconditionally guaran¬ 1 7—HELEN BUECHLER teed forever by RIVERSIDE'S 50-year repu¬ tation for 17-HARRIS MANDELBAUM quality. Visit our showrooms. 17—ROSA ERLICH 38 East First Street, New York 3, N. Y. Call or write for illustrated booklet. 18—MIRIAM KOMMEL