Proposed Residential Development, Land Off Lightwood Road, Yoxall
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GLADMAN DEVELOPMENTS LTD PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, LAND OFF LIGHTWOOD ROAD, YOXALL Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment January 2015 5448.LVIA.003.VF COPYRIGHT The copyright of this document remains with Aspect Landscape Planning Ltd. The contents of this document therefore must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part for any purpose without the written consent of Aspect Landscape Planning Ltd. Aspect Landscape Planning Ltd Hardwick Business Park Noral Way Banbury Oxfordshire OX16 2AF t 01295 276066 f 01295 265072 e [email protected] w CONTENTS 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 2 INTRODUCTION 7 3 LANDSCAPE RELATED POLICY BACKGROUND 8 4 BASELINE ASSESSMENT 29 5 IMPACT ASSESSMENT & VISUAL ANALYSIS 52 6 CHARACTER ASSESSMENT 71 7 CONCLUSIONS 77 ASPECT PLANS PLAN ASP1 SITE AND SETTING PLAN ASP2 OPPORTUNITIES AND CONSTRAINTS PLAN ASP3 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK APPENDICES APPENDIX 1 ASPECT LANDSCAPE & VISUAL IMPACT METHODOLOGY APPENDIX 2 VISUAL ASSESSMENT This Page is Intentionally Left Blank Land off Lightwood Road, Yoxall January 2015 Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment 5448.LVIA.003.VF 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1. Aspect Landscape Planning Ltd has been appointed by Gladman Developments Ltd to undertake a landscape and visual impact assessment of the proposed residential development off Lightwood Road, Yoxall, a small village located on the A515 some 7miles north of Lichfield. 1.2. A detailed appraisal of the surrounding study area has been undertaken using Ordnance Survey data, historical map data, and local policy and published character assessments. This has informed the on-site field analysis to identify key viewpoints, analyse the landscape character and visual environment of the local area, and determine the extent and significance of any potential landscape and visual effects. 1.3. The site is located on the western edge of Yoxall, to the north of the River Trent and comprises 7.36ha of agricultural land divided into 3 fields by well established hedgerows and mature hedgerow trees. 1.4. Public footpaths (including sections of Long Distance Routes) lie adjacent to the site’s northern, eastern and western boundaries. 1.5. The site boundaries are defined by established hedgerows and trees which both contain and filter views towards the site. Ferrers Field playing field adjoins the northern site boundary. 1.6. To the east, residential development associated with the wider urban area of Yoxall adjoins the site boundary forming a prominent feature within views from the west. 1.7. The western site context is characterised by open countryside, and a pattern of regular pastoral fields bound by an established network of hedgerows and pockets of woodland. 1.8. The application site falls within the planning jurisdiction of East Staffordshire Borough Council and specifically their Local Plan 2006, using saved policies from 2009. 1 Land off Lightwood Road, Yoxall January 2015 Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment 5448.LVIA.003.VF 1.9. Landscape character assessments of relevance to the application site are the National Character Area 68: Needwood & South Derbyshire Claylands and the Settled Farmlands LCT from the Planning for Landscape Change: SPG to the Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Structure Plan, Volume 3: Landscape Descriptions (2000). 1.10. There are no statutory designations which affect the application site. The site falls within the National Forest Boundary. 1.11. The proposed development comprises 192 dwellings at a density of 30 units per Ha with 30% being affordable homes. The scheme is split up into 3 land parcels on the application site relating to the site’s agricultural regular field pattern. Primary vehicular access will be from Bondfield Lane with a secondary access point from off the Lightwood Road estate. These access points serve a main feeder loop from which quieter residential closes and cul de sacs lead off. There will be a low density development of dwellings made up of a mixture of detached, semi-detached, and terraced properties alongside associated garages, a new road layout, an enhanced public footpath network and a comprehensive green infrastructure including attenuation pond, public open space and children’s play. 1.12. Key green infrastructure proposals which form important mitigation measures are summarised as follows: The retention of existing landscape features, such as boundary and internal field hedgerows and mature hedgerow trees to retain local distinctiveness and the rural setting of the site. The reinforcement of the site’s hedgerow field boundaries including the addition of hedgerow trees to enhance visual amelioration and screening. Formation of new landscape buffer corridors to accommodate the existing and retained public and permissive footpaths. 2 Land off Lightwood Road, Yoxall January 2015 Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment 5448.LVIA.003.VF The provision of major public open spaces including a neighbourhood park and an informal attenuation pond wildlife area. These will also serve to promote a rural character and provide gateway elements for the village from the western approach of Bondfield Lane. 1.13. The application site is well visually contained due to prevailing topography, intervening builtform and established vegetative structures around its site boundaries and within its immediate setting. These substantially limit the visibility of the site to views from the immediate locality, these views being from the adjacent Public Rights of Way. 1.14. The high ground in the west allows for more wider ranging views into the site, however, for the most part these views are seen within the context of the existing settlement edge of Yoxall, and also seen as a minor component within the wider landscape context. Views of the existing residential built up edge form a prominent feature within the surrounding visual environment and as such the proposals will be seen as in keeping with that which exists at present. 1.15. The proposals have sought to promote a sensitive and considered development approach, maintaining a level and layout of development which both respects and enhances the setting of the receiving environment and the localised context. 1.16. It is important to note that views from the west will see the prominent ridgeline of Town Hill still commanding the skyline and retaining the dominant character within the scene, acting as backdrop to the subservient new settlement edge of Yoxall. 1.17. Key views out of the site are to the south and to the east, which are important visual amenities to be retained especially along public footpaths and major public open spaces. Where feasible, it is recommended that channelled, glimpsed or indeed wider views towards the elevated wooded terrain in the east and the lowland Trent Valley to the south should be retained from these key locations. 3 Land off Lightwood Road, Yoxall January 2015 Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment 5448.LVIA.003.VF 1.18. Overall it is considered that the development will generally have a significance of effect of moderate to moderate / minor upon the visual environment and that effects will be limited to the immediate setting of the site. 1.19. The character of the eastern section of the site is heavily influenced by its proximity to the existing urban edge and in particular the residential properties of the Lightwood Road estate. In addition the northern section of the site adjoins the Ferrers Field playing fields which also imparts a peri-urban influence. 1.20. The presence of these existing urban edges detracts from the tranquillity and character of the site in these areas, promoting an urban fringe sub-character area, which relates more readily to the existing built up area of the village. 1.21. Sensitivity increases towards the higher western realms where a more tranquil and remote feeling is present. Similarly towards the southern boundary there is a quintessential rural ambience which permeates from the narrow winding Bondfield Lane and its hedgerowed enclosure. 1.22. Within the central and greater area of the site, sensitivity decreases as the sense of openness takes on a distinctively agricultural landscape scene. The scale of the landscape is considered to be medium and is of simple character and low in diversity. It is considered to be an unremarkable rural landscape and typical of the agricultural hinterland surrounding the village. 1.23. Overall this site specific assessment considers the application site to have a medium to high capacity to change with a low sensitivity in terms of landscape character. The magnitude of change is considered to be high providing a moderate / minor significance of effect upon landscape character. 1.24. The development proposals will redefine Yoxall’s western settlement edge and the sensitive reinforcement of the western field boundary will create a softened transition between the proposal and the wider 4 Land off Lightwood Road, Yoxall January 2015 Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment 5448.LVIA.003.VF countryside setting. Indeed it is considered that this new rural urban interface will be enhanced and provide a more diffused relationship with greater sense of place to that which exists at present. 1.25. The green infrastructure proposals seek to retain the village’s rural setting and ambience. The elements which contribute most towards the landscape character of the site will be retained and enhanced, these being the strong network of hedgerow field enclosures and associated mature hedgerow trees. These existing linear elements will not only form wildlife corridors but also provide a sense of identity to the scheme in addition to conveying a local distinctiveness reflecting the enclosure of the original agricultural field patterns. 1.26. A significant component of the green infrastructure proposals will be the provision of two key major public open spaces along the southern boundary. Public Open Space to the south west will provide the main provision of open space whilst an informal public open space incorporating an attenuation pond will be located to the south east.