
Butternut: An Underused Resource in

M.E. Ostry and P.M. Pijut

ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS. , white walnut, Juglandaceae

SUMMARY. Butternut (Juglans cinerea L.) has many fine qualities as a , however, it has never been commercially important. Although the nut is very edible, only a few have been selected that have desirable nut size and cracking qualities. In the last 20 years there has been a dramatic decline in the number of butternut in native stands caused to a large extent by the lack of natural reproduction and a damaging canker disease. Evidence suggests that superior, disease resistant can be propagated and if isolated from areas where the disease is prevalent, may remain disease-free. It is important that the remaining genetic diversity within the species is maintained. Various butternut conservation practices and research projects to restore butternut populations are underway in the United States and Canada.

utternut, also known as white walnut, lemonnut, or oilnut, is a small- to medium-size , frequently 40 to 60 ft (12 to 18 m) Btall and 12 to 24 inches (30 to 61 cm) in diameter that seldom exceeds 75 years of age. Butternut is a shade intolerant species that may withstand competition from the sides, but will not survive shade from above. Butternut must be in the overstory to thrive (Rink, 1990). The genus Juglans (Juglandaceae) consists of about 20 species re- ferred to as walnuts and is divided into four taxonomic sections (Man- ning, 1978). Section Cardiocaryon consists of the species native to Asia; Dioscaryon contains one species J. regia L. (Persian or English walnut), the most widely commercially cultivated species (McGranahan and Leslie, 1990); Rhysocaryon is the section containing black walnut (J. nigra L.); and the section Trachycaryon in which butternut is the only member. Butternut hybridizes with J. regia and species in the section Cardiocaryon, but not with eastern black walnut. It has been suggested that butternut be included in section Cardiocaryon (Fjellstrom and Parfitt, 1994). Butternut is seldom found growing in pure stands, but rather in association with several other tree species such as black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.), American basswood ( americana L.), white and northern red oak (Quercus alba L. and Q. rubra L.), black walnut (J. nigra L.), white ash (Fraxinus americana L.), red and sugar maple (Acer rubrum L. and A. saccharum Marsh.), and American elm (Ulmus americana L).

USDA Forest Service, North Central Research Station, 1992 Folwell Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108. The cost of publishing this paper was defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. Under postal regulations, this paper therefore must be hereby marked advertisement solely to indicate this fact.

302 ● April–June 2000 10(2) It can however be locally abun- Use have survived and are available as dant. Its relatively short life span, lack scionwood from individual collectors of suitable conditions for regenera- Butternut is valued for its and germ plasm repositories. A few tion, predation of seed by mammals, for furniture, paneling, specialty prod- genotypes with good nut qualities timber harvesting, and a lethal canker ucts, and carving, its flavorful nuts, (large size and ease of cracking) have disease have dramatically reduced the wildlife mast, and for its contribution been propagated and some of these are number of butternuts throughout its to forest diversity. Its light tan heart- available from commercial nurseries range in North America. Its widely wood is very workable with hand and (Ashworth, 1969; Millikan and Stefan, scattered growth habit within stands, power tools and it can be stained to 1989; Millikan et al., 1990). Nut qual- relatively soft wood, medium-sized resemble black walnut. ity data for some selected butternut kernel, and hard shell has prevented The nut is oily, sweet, and highly cultivars are reported in Table 1. butternut from becoming a commer- edible with an exceptionally good fla- There are no known cultivars of cially important timber or nut species. vor; however, the kernels are generally butternut in commercial trade with Butternut canker, caused by the difficult to extract (Bixby, 1919; proven resistance to butternut canker fungus Sirococcus clavigignenti- Woodroof, 1979). Seed production since most, if not all were selected for juglandacearum N.B. Nair, Kostichka begins on trees around 20 years of age, various tree and nut traits in the ab- and Kuntz (Nair et al., 1979) was first with good seed crops occurring every sence of the disease and no definitive observed in 1967, and is now killing 2 to 3 years, based on seedling stands test for resistance has been developed. butternut throughout its native range not grafted trees. in North America. The disease has Early uses of butternut included Identification, killed up to 80 % of the trees in some the use of , , and husks for reproduction, and states and is threatening its survival as many medicinal purposes (Krochmal propagation a viable species (Ostry, 1997a, 1998a, and Krochmal, 1982), and the use of 1998b). the toxic bark thrown in small streams Juglans cinerea is considered to for stunning fish. An orange- or yellow- be one of the most winter-hardy of the Native range brown dye made from the husks was Juglans species (USDA Hardiness Butternut commonly grows on used by Native Americans and also by Zone 3 to 7). Butternut can be distin- rich loamy soils along streambanks in the Confederate Army to dye Civil War guished from black walnut by stems mixed hardwood forests as well as on uniforms giving rise to the name of having chambered, chocolate-brown well-drained, rocky soils of limestone butternuts for the troops (Peattie, 1950). pith and a large, conspicuous scar origin. The native range of butternut is Native Americans extracted oil from surmounted by a raised, downy pad. similar to black walnut, but it extends crushed butternuts by boiling them in The butternut is ovoid–oblong, farther north and not as far south. It water, and the sap of butternut has been sticky–pubescent, and averages 2 to 4 ranges from eastern Canada west to used to make syrup (Goodell, 1984). inches (5 to 10 cm) in length. and as far south as Arkan- occur singly or in clusters of from two sas, Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi. Selected cultivars to five (Fig. 1). The nut is two-cham- Butternut has frequently been planted More than 40 butternut cultivars bered, has a hard outer wall (peri- outside of its native range. have been described, but only a few carp), and exhibits eight prominent

Table 1. Selected cultivars of butternut and their nut quality data.z

Nut wt Kernel wt Percent Origin (g) (g) kernel Ayers 9.2 2.16 23.48 Ayers Grown in 7.0 1.38 19.71 Bear Creek Washington (grown in Iowa) 11.5 1.86 16.32 Beckwith (grown in Iowa) 11.0 1.13 14.09 Booth (grown in Iowa) 9.2 1.62 17.61 Buckley Iowa 16.0 1.30 16.13 Buckley Grown in 27.0 3.90 17.10 Craxezy Michigan (grown in Ohio) 15.6 2.20 16.18 Creighton Pennsylvania (grown in Iowa) 9.0 1.68 18.67 Doud Indiana 16.0 2.92 18.38 George Elmer New York (grown in Iowa) 11.2 2.54 22.68 Herrick Iowa 20.8 3.20 15.38 Herrington Grown in Iowa 16.4 2.25 13.66 Kenworthy Michigan (grown in Ohio) 18.8 3.08 16.38 Painter Pennsylvania (grown in Iowa) 21.2 3.12 14.72 Rockville Grown in Indiana 14.4 2.22 15.42 Van Syckle Grown in Indiana 13.2 2.00 15.15 zBish (1990), McDaniel (1979), Millikan and Stefan (1983), Millikan et al. (1985).

● April–June 2000 10(2) 303 ridges on the shell (four on the husk) vested from the trees with a shaker or recommended for black walnuts (Jones (Fig. 2). Butternut bark is light gray, allowed to fall naturally. The husks are et al., 1998). Mulch trees with saw- with shallow to moderately deep fis- removed (e.g. with a flail huller) and dust or wood chips. Select cultivars of sures and broad, flat ridges, develop- the nuts stratified as mentioned previ- butternut are grafted onto seedling ing a diamond-shape pattern in ma- ously, for spring planting. Like wal- rootstock. Nursery trees need to enter ture trees. nut, butternut should be planted in dormancy before being lifted. Seed- In spring, male (catkins) situ rather than transplanted (Schaefer, lings can be placed in cold storage at preformed on the previous year’s wood 1998). For intercropping and nut pro- 34 to 36 °F (1 to 2 °C) for several emerge from small, scaly, cone-like duction, respectively, the trees months. Care must be taken to keep buds, and the female flowers occur in at 40-ft (12-m) spacing or 10-ft (3-m) the roots moist, but not wet, and two- to eight-flowered spikes borne spacing in the rows (Schaefer, 1998). prevent the stems from drying out on the current year’s shoots (Dirr, A 30 × 30-ft (9-m) orchard design is during the storage period. 1990). Male and female flowers ma- ture at different times (Young and Young, 1992) ensuring out crossing in the population. Seeds of butternut, like most Juglans species, have a dor- mant embryo, but dormancy can be broken by fall sowing or by moist (e.g. in sand), prechilling of seeds at 34 to 41 °F (1 to 5 °C) for 3 to 4 months (Brinkman, 1974). Butternut seeds usually germinate in the spring follow- ing seedfall and germination is hypo- geal (Rink, 1990). Young butternut trees can regenerate from stump sprouts. Butternut is usually propagated by seed or by grafting onto black wal- nut rootstock because walnut - stock is more readily available. Se- lected cultivars are vegetatively propa- gated by grafting onto seedling root- stocks. Propagation of butternut through rooting of cuttings has been reported (Pijut and Barker, 1999), but Fig. 1. Butternuts (Juglans cinerea) in their husks. it is a time consuming process with variable success. In vitro techniques offer an alternative for the propagation and preservation of existing butternut germ plasm (Pijut, 1993a, 1993b, 1997). Nursery production Nurseries producing butternut seedlings follow similar guidelines and cultural practices routinely used for walnut production (Jones et al., 1998; Ramos, 1998; Schaefer, 1998). But- ternuts grow best on well-drained loamy soil, and in a stunted form on shallow rocky sites and limestone flats (Schaefer, 1998). Complete site prepa- ration and weed control is preferable for establishment and rapid growth. The nursery soil is best prepared the year before planting. The soil may be fumigated to control soilborne pests, and the application of fertilizer prior to planting will assure adequate nutri- Fig. 2. Comparison of nuts with husks removed (left to right) heartnut ent availability. Butternut fruit (nuts) (Juglans ailantifolia var. cordiformis), eastern black walnut (J. nigra), and mature and are harvested from Sep- butternut (J. cinerea). Butternut hybridizes with heartnut but not with eastern tember to October. Nuts can be har- black walnut.

304 ● April–June 2000 10(2) Damaging agents developing in vitro and various other tors to the problem, and to elicit their clonal propagation techniques, and assistance in research and conservation Butternut has similar insect pests developing silvicultural strategies to efforts to maintain butternut in the to black walnut and other associated regenerate and restore butternut on landscape. trees in its native range. The butternut selected sites. Healthy butternut growing curculio, Conotrachelus juglandis Although butternut is the only among diseased trees may have resis- LeConte (Corneil and Wilson, 1979), species significantly damaged by the tance to the canker. Selected trees is the most serious, injuring young canker disease, other Juglans species located throughout much of its range stems and fruit. have been found to be susceptible in have been clonally propagated by graft- The most serious threat to butter- varying degrees to natural infection ing and archived in replicated plant- nut is butternut canker, caused by and to artificial inoculations. In addi- ings in Minnesota, , , what evidence suggests is an intro- tion, other hardwood species can be Vermont, and New York. These trees duced fungus, S. clavigignenti- infected by S. clavigignenti- are being screened for resistance. Seed juglandacearum (Furnier et al., 1999). juglandacearum in greenhouse tests. is being produced in the older plant- Young cankers on branches and stems The fungus was reisolated from wood ings and these trees will be used for are elliptical, sunken areas, later devel- beyond the margin of wounds from breeding if resistance to the disease is oping an inky black center. Multiple, inoculated pecan (Carya illinoensis sufficient. perennial stem cankers often girdle Wangenh. K. Koch), shagbark hickory and kill infected trees of all ages. The (Carya ovata Mill. K. Koch), black Future outlook and fungus has been found on branches of cherry (Prunus serotina), northern red recommendations black walnut (Ostry et al., 1997) and oak (Q. rubra), white oak (Q. alba), Butternut is a highly desirable nut heartnut, J. ailantifolia var. cordiformis and black oak (Q. velutina Lam.) tree that merits consideration as a spe- (Maxim.) Rehd. (Ostry, 1997b). Ex- (Ostry, 1998b). It is important to de- cialty species. It is very cold hardy amination of walnuts exhibiting branch termine if inconspicuous or latent in- relative to black walnut and is there- dieback but no cankers revealed hy- fections of tree species other than fore especially well suited for northern phal pegs and hyaline, two-celled, fusi- Juglans can be a source of inoculum regions. There are isolated areas where form conidia on affected branches that could threaten new plantings. The butternut canker has not been found (Ostry et al., 1997) identical to those evidence suggesting that other Juglans and butternut selections exist in pri- described for S. clavigignenti- species are susceptible to this fungus vate nurseries and collections free from juglandacearum (Nair et al., 1979). means that caution is advised to avoid the disease. Since butternut is the ma- Isolations from symptomatic branches introducing the pathogen into these jor natural host for the pathogen, iso- resulted in recovery of the fungus in plantings, either on planting stock or lated plantings of butternut have a pure culture. Branch dieback, but no on seed. reasonable chance of remaining dis- cankers were also observed on heartnut Conservation activities ease-free if the fungus is not intro- (Ostry, 1997b). Hyphal pegs and duced on planting material. conidia were present and the fungus Butternut is in no immediate dan- It may not be possible to com- was isolated in pure cultures from symp- ger of being lost as a species, however, pletely restore butternut to all parts of tomatic branches. many butternut populations are being its natural range. The possibility of It is known that spores of S. killed by butternut canker or lost be- successfully reintroducing butternut clavigignenti-juglandacearum are dis- cause of unfavorable stand conditions, into areas where the disease has elimi- seminated by rain splash and can travel advanced tree age, and the lack of nated the original population is un- in aerosols to adjacent trees where reproduction. Genetic diversity is be- known. However, assuming the fun- infection occurs on young branches in ing lost within the species in many gus is not common on other tree spe- the upper crowns. Several insect spe- parts of its range. Special surveys to cies and that insect vectors are not cies have been found associated with determine the health of butternut have efficient in long-range spread of the fungus spores on infected trees been undertaken in the United States pathogen, then the possibility of re- (Katovich and Ostry, 1998). Addi- and Canada. Results have not been storing trees in woodlots or growing tional research is needed to determine encouraging and butternut has been butternut for nut production in or- if these insects could serve as vectors of listed as rare or a species of special chards should be good. Promising se- the fungus, moving the pathogen over concern in many areas. Restrictions on lections of butternut collected through- greater distances than rain splash spore harvest of healthy butternut on some out its native range should be propa- dispersal. The fungus has also been public lands have been enacted, and gated and conserved for future resto- found on the fruit of butternut and silvicultural guidelines for managing ration use and potentially for breeding black walnut, causing lesions on the butternut have been suggested (Ostry and nut production. husks of both species (Innes, 1997). et al., 1994). Several groups in the United States Current research and Canada are using in situ and ex situ Literature cited Research at the USDA Forest conservation methods to conserve po- Ashworth, F.L. 1969. Butternuts, siebold Service–North Central Research Sta- tentially unique butternut genotypes japanese walnuts, and their hybrids, p. tion is directed at determining the host to maintain the species. Education and 224–231. In: R.A. Jaynes (ed.). Hand- range of the pathogen causing butter- technology transfer activities have been book of North American nut trees. N. Nut nut canker, developing a reliable dis- widely used to alert land managers and Growers Assn., Knoxville, Tenn. ease resistance screening technique, owners in the public and private sec- Bish, C. 1990. Northern Nut Growers

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