VOL. XXVII., NO. 4049. JUNEAU, ALASKA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1925. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS. PRICE TEN CENTS HENRY FORD MAY FINANCE FLIGHT ACROSS THE ARCTIC %---;-!>-■» ft Calls Future Seen for Farmers GOVERNMENT IS Cupid G. 0. P. IS TO Bright ^_ FLIGHT IS NOW " 1 ■ s "■ ■ ■ ■ TO AID ALASKA CONDUCT DRIVE r ■; PROPOSED OVER Gov. Parks Tells of First FROM PORTLAND ARCTIC Step Taken in Develop- REGION Resources. WASHINGTON, Dec. 22.—Brand, ing headquarters of the Republican sena Statements Made in F torial campaign committee will b< SEATTLE, Dec. 22.—Gov. George established next year at Portland that Ford Is to Back A. Parks, yesterday said the “Gov- Ore., for direction of the contest ernment Is determined to lend every for election of Republican United Nonstop Flight. possible assistance to developing States senators in the Pacific and Alaska’s untouched resources and Intermountain states. as an instance of the FROM this, Forestry This announcement follows the POINT BARROW Tf Department has detailed an expert selection of Senator McNary of Ore ROUT’ to spend six months in the United SPITZENBERGEN, gon as ranking member of the com States In the interest of I paper mittee, of which Senator Phipps of manufacturing, and Famous hydroelectric Colorado is chairman. Senator Phipps Army Aviators Have pulp possibilities in the Territory probably will have headquarters at Been to of Alaska. We are to find Enlisted Pilot going , and Senator McNary, thc- factories are out why so many pulp only other member west of the Mis- All Metal Planes. in Canada and none in Alaska.” sissippi Valley region, will direct NEW the battle for holding the Far West YORK, Dec. 22.—It is re- CTVA1SA BOXST ^ ported that Invitation to ern seats. Henry Eord is going to May Reject hack a in In this area senators are to be —-- nonstop flight, April or Conference to succeed Senators Jones of May, from Point Barrow to Disarmament Clara Bow, the flapperish chosen Spitz- Washington, Stanfield of Oregon, Agricultural interests perked up when President Coolidge, at Chicago, painted the future enbergen. although those named in vamp of the screen, has flopped WASHINGTON, Dec. 2 2.—Presi- Short ridge of California and Gooding of the farmer in glowing terms. Four of the leaders in pushing the work of aiding the connection with the flight would right into the arms of her lead- not confirm the dent Coolidge is preparing a reply of Idaho, and the national organi- agriculturists are Earl Houghton, of the California Farm Bureau; O. E. Bradfute, presi- reports. Two of the ing man, Donald Keith. It will men have to the invitation of the Council of zation is anxious that all these dent of the Farm Bureau Federation; A. C. and E. P. departed for Detroit, ac- be a Hardingson Taylor, the League of Nations' preliminary Christmas Da/ wedding. states shall return Republicans. The cording to reports. disarmament discussion, trying to campaign committee, in addition to Vlllijalmiir Stefansson, Dr. Isiah flhd a way out of the problem. Senator Phipps and McNary con- Bowman, Director of the American sist of Senators Edge of New Jersey, GIRL’S SCANT CLOTHES Geographical Society, George Wil- McMaster of South Dakota, Fees of FRANK MUNSEY kins. explorer and veteran of two Can Still Use Funds to ARGhCCSSE Ohio, Gillett, of Massachusetts and South Polar expeditions, and Mal- FREES HER ASSAULTER colm Buy Evidence, Liquor Cases Deneen of Illinois. Alexander Smith, Alaskan PASSES AWAY prospector, nre arranging the flight. Dec. 22. — The IS IK COURT Wilkins and Smith WASHINGTON, left for De- RATTLE CREEK, Mich., Doc. 22.— proposal to restrict the use of funds Bodies of 2 troit, Bowman said, and announce- Prospectors Just how must a pretty girl dress, in the purchase of liquor to secure Tried as Beater ment will be made within two Suit Is for Found in Wilds of B. C. or how many garments must she VERY SUDDENLY evidence, was defeated in the House Brought $15,000 -1_ I weeks. wear to tna>'- it a crime under the today by a vote of 13 9 to 17. —Threatened Starva- It is understood Lieut. John A. VICTORIA, B. C„ Dec. 28.—'The law, for a Wealthy young man to I The House approved appropria- |v Well known MacRendy, Army transcontinental tion Basis of Claim. bodies of Samuel Tiinins, and Leon- beat her up? Magazine Pub- tions to enforce prohibition after a flyer, and Lieut. James Doolittle, ard Stevens have been found in This question is being debated on lisher sharp debate. and holder of several Army flight rec- SAX FRAXCISCO. Dec. 22.—The the wilds north of St. John's, North- ( the streets with religious fervor I ords, will pilot the plane. An Federal District Court has ordered ern British Columbia. The body of a Owner Dies in N. Y. j following jury’s disagreement in all-metal plane will be used. the Commissioner to one lay across ashes of a campfire, the assault trial brought against j , Dec. 22.—Frank A. determine the amount Capt. Chris- The other was on the trail nearby, j Arthur Rich, a wealthy young sports- Munsey died this forenoon of perit- PUT PLANS UP TO FOED. SMEDLEY AND tian Klenganberg lias coming from Indians reported seeing the men : man, son of George A. Rich, mil- onitis which followed an DETROIT, Mich., Dec. 22 —Noth- Llebes and of San Fran- pushing northward a year ago with of appendi- Company lionaire president the Rich Steel is known here about citis on December 13. His ing the Ford cisco for while marooned eight packhorses and only 20 pounds Products operation hardships j company. for an Arctic recovery was but a sink- plans flight. Wilkins for two years on Wallaston Pen- of flour. Othei Indians saw the Louise a expected KENDRICKS TO King, nineteen, pretty and Smith are ing spell began early today and he coming here at their insula, Victoria Island. men later with only two horses. They and vivacious young college miss, own request to put their plans up Klenganberg has sued for tried to dissuade Tiinins and Leon- testified that Arthur Rich took her passed away quickly. $15,- to Henry Ford. 000, alleging failure of the I.iebes ard going any further. The men motoring, that they stopped to en- FIGHT IT OUT Frank Andrew was 23 and Company to deliver supplies shot their two horses, however, and ter a field to see a spot where Rich Munsey years old and a MORE INFORMATION. in 1922 and 1923 caused Klengan- proceeded. had made a splendid golf shot, and— telegraph operator when he arrived In New York one I DAYTON, O, Dec. 22.—McCook PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 22.—Brig. berg and his family to face starva- Jurors Explain. bleak in the winter of Field officials said Wilkins asked Gen. Smedley D. Butler announced tion. Rut here's what one of the three cold, day 1882. Me had come down to Doolittle and MacReady, to be pilots this forenoon he Will resign from The court held the schooner Arc- Texas Bank Robbed of who refused to convict the jurors young of the The and remain in from , all flight. aviators reported the Marine Corps tic started in 1923 to go to Klen- rich of criminal assault said: metropolis bringing Over Thousand his with bin'. It consist- the plans entirely feasible and the Philadelphia as Director of Public ganberg's aid but abandoned the Thirty “The testimony in this trial con- property ed of a of the information from it would be in- Safety. because Arnold vinced the three of us that Rich grip-full manuscripts, attempt Llebes, — FORT WORTH. Tex., Dec. 22 clothes he had and in cash. valuable. Both Doolittle and Mac- One hour later, Mayor Kendricks Vice-President of the Company was did criminally assault Miss King; on, $40 Armed men late afternoon are yesterday | He was to start a Ready anxious to make the announced he would not accept But- aboard. and two sons that he broke her and frac- going publishing Klenganberg robbed the First National Rank at jaw of business. trip. ler “as a resigned officer the mushed over the trail to Fairbanks tured her nose and blackened her southwest of of over Strawn, here, a for what Marine Corps.” to secure eyes, but— Keeking focusing point supplies. in cash and $30,000 Liberty bonds, lie felt even at that FLANS ARE Butler told Kendricks- “Now we Then came the startling explana- certain, time, PRESENTED. and escaped. enter- WASHINGTON, Dec. 22.—Will- will see who is smoked out.” tion of their refusal to agree with would one duy he a great More he a little room for iam D. Mayo, Chief Engineer for Appropriations the other nine men that young Rich prise, engaged an office, an eight dollar Henry Ford, has presented to the Introduces Made, Washington House Senator Lenroot Promises was guilty: bought Sutherland a War Department, the project for a Court “Any girl who wore the scanty table and couple of cheap kitchen Long Debate, World some and a bottle of Polar flight. Officials declare that Timber Exportation Bill OLYMPIA, Wash., Dec. 22.—The clothes that Miss King admitted chairs, pens will be nec- about deserved ink, and the $40 was gone. Frank Congressional authority House has passed a supplemental — wearing, well, just WASHINGTON, Dec. 22. After for — was broke in the world’s essary Government partlclpa- WASHINGTON, Dec. 22. Dele- appropriation bill appropriating what she got.” Munsey the third date of debate. Senator tion. gate Sutherland has introduced a for additional And here's what the fair young greatest city, where even the niighrv | $1,300,000 operation Irvine L. Lenroot, of Wisconsin, an- ■m. mma bill to permit exportation of timber, for funds and for coed wore on that fateful night, must tight to hang on capital outlay nounced that after the Christmas re- | -# cut lawfully, from any National State institutions of educa- according to her own statement: higher cess, the world court proposal will %d31_rXS>K Sr Argosy Apnears. Young Indians Fly High; Forest. Before such timber is al- after A dress, rolled stockings and a ABe.*XKXTE5.. RXOlHC With all his troubles ahead of tion the minortiy tried to be kept before the Senate continu- lowed to be the Secretary of bear. ~ him, he started to work, and two Bill Is Turned Down Hard cut, prevent action on the bill. The until the vote. teddy "g ously the tlrst num- the Department administering Na- House passed the new automobile Condoning of Arthur Rich’s act in months later appeared the WASHINGTON, I). C„ Dec. 22 — tional Forests will be authorized code, the longest bill ever presented conservative Rattle Creek is an in- Arthur Rich, son of a mil- ber of Argosy Magazine—then j Bills of an airplane and taxi com- to decide whether the supply for to the Washington Legislature be- Soft Drink Places Are dication of the attitude which the lionaire steel manufacturer, an Illustrated weekly paper of eight for and Horatio pany for the transportation of two local us is endangered. ing 33,000 words. The bill makes Arrests Are Made country seems to be taking toward who was on trial in Hattie pages hoys girls. Raided; was one of the contribu- I young Indians from Kansas City of the speed limit in the country 35 assault cases iu general- especially Creek, Mich,, for heating Louise Alger Jr. the Oklahoma when men are charg- tors. This was the beginning of a Osage reservation, Matanuska Coal Is miles an hour and in cities 20 miles SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 22.—Thir- wealthy young King, formerly a student at have been which has bad few if any about 200 miles,, have been disal- an hour. recruited ed with the act. There the
