Comparative Study of Deep Learning Software Frameworks
Comparative Study of Deep Learning Software Frameworks Soheil Bahrampour, Naveen Ramakrishnan, Lukas Schott, Mohak Shah Research and Technology Center, Robert Bosch LLC {Soheil.Bahrampour, Naveen.Ramakrishnan, fixed-term.Lukas.Schott, Mohak.Shah} ABSTRACT such as dropout and weight decay [2]. As the popular- Deep learning methods have resulted in significant perfor- ity of the deep learning methods have increased over the mance improvements in several application domains and as last few years, several deep learning software frameworks such several software frameworks have been developed to have appeared to enable efficient development and imple- facilitate their implementation. This paper presents a com- mentation of these methods. The list of available frame- parative study of five deep learning frameworks, namely works includes, but is not limited to, Caffe, DeepLearning4J, Caffe, Neon, TensorFlow, Theano, and Torch, on three as- deepmat, Eblearn, Neon, PyLearn, TensorFlow, Theano, pects: extensibility, hardware utilization, and speed. The Torch, etc. Different frameworks try to optimize different as- study is performed on several types of deep learning ar- pects of training or deployment of a deep learning algorithm. chitectures and we evaluate the performance of the above For instance, Caffe emphasises ease of use where standard frameworks when employed on a single machine for both layers can be easily configured without hard-coding while (multi-threaded) CPU and GPU (Nvidia Titan X) settings. Theano provides automatic differentiation capabilities which The speed performance metrics used here include the gradi- facilitates flexibility to modify architecture for research and ent computation time, which is important during the train- development. Several of these frameworks have received ing phase of deep networks, and the forward time, which wide attention from the research community and are well- is important from the deployment perspective of trained developed allowing efficient training of deep networks with networks.
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