NEVvS RELEASE STUDENT NONVIOLENT COORDI NA TING COMNI ITTEE 6 Ra ymond St • .Atlanta 14, Georgia For Immediate Release Tel: 688-0331


SOMERVILLE, TENNESSEE, JULY 11 - 700 Negroes heard the chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) tell them "We wa nt out freedom and we wa nt it now l II i n a rural church outside t his Fayette County t~:n~ , SNCC chairma n, told the crowd - the l ar ges t ass e;nb .- l ed here in r ecent months - tha t s egr egation wa s dyi ng a cross the country. Lewis was invited here by local citizens who are conducting a vote drive. The SNC C head s a id t ha t 150 Negroes made r egistra tion att empts on Wed nesday, July 10 . Lewis said when he got off a bus here he wa s me t by a crowd . of who theatened him with bottles , br i c ks, chains a nd hoses ~ Fayette County was t he scene o.f mas s evictions of Negroes ..:.. :, 1960 and 1961. Lar ge l a nd owners r etalia t ed aga inst a Negro voting drive by forcing Negro shar e cropper s off t heir l and.

The wor ld- famous "T ent Ci ty11 grew up her e , whe n Negr oe s moved into ha stily erect ed tents. Lewis sai d tha t Fayet te County Negroes a re "determined to be free r egor dless of the cost ~ - 30- SNCC HEAD TO ADDRESS SELMA MA SS MEET

SELMA , ALA Bh. lViA , JULY 12 -J ohn Lew i s , Chair ma n of t he Stud ent No n- violent Coordinating Committ ee, will addr e ss a mas s me eting h ere Mo nday ni ght, J uly 15 . Lew i s , ftead of t he Nashville St i d ent Non- violent Movement, wa s elect ed by a cclama tion by t he SNCC coord inat! ing cormn.ittee . Sinc e his electi on , t he new cha irman, a na t i ve of Troy, Al abama , ha s been t our i ng SNC C proje cts i ns Mi ss ., A rk, &'-Toni:-" en NEWS RELEASE S'7'U\ENT NGNVI 01.ENT COORDINATING COMMITTEE 6 Raymond St;teet FOR 11\AMEDIATE DELEASE At.'.anta.t> Ge orgJ.a


SAVANNAH.i GEORGIA, July 11 - Georgia Governor Carl E o Sanders promised today to take irwbatever s teps ne cessary" to end ant!.-segregation demon, startlons here a The Gove rnorts statement came on the heels cf la~· viclenL ty;o-ho·,1r rur;."', 5.n b e tween 2t000 Negroes Savannah police .. clubbed a nd tear- gassed the de monstrators~

The battle:- wh ich r esu;.ted : n the arrest of 68 Ne groes.ii occ :. after a Student Non.violent Coor d.:.nating Comm ittee (SNCC) Field Secrc- ~. ;~•..

Bruce Gordon, 2.2 1 a.nd an t:rtdeter mined number of Ne groes were hauled 2 wa i n p ol i c e wag ons c.fter they were accused of blocking traffic in front of the c5.·::.y jail ~ prote stor::; thzn 12..y down in f1'ont of police wa· gon3 wh iled the arrested demonstrat ois tried to for c e open the vehicle doors frcm the insideo

Ne gro yoi.;.t hs cha nte d " We want to go to Jail toon as U 1e padc: wagon pulled away o PoJ. icerD.en. ordered to breail:. up the cro;N c: (' ·. t ) ·~···{/ means n .zc e ~sary11 l c,b:bed t e a r gas pe 1 lets at them and shot ovc: ' 1. tt'1 heads of the d e monstrators 0

The Neg:."ce s d l sp~rse d into smaller bands 3 some of which \ · · later t ear ga ssed again while others broke car w!ndcwa as t heJ ~ :

Rfck Tuttle , a white SNCC worker h e r e , sa!d several Negro : ~ suffered to:12.:~· fr-ot.1 gas inhalation and with head wounds fnom pol ice bee.tings o

Prote sts he re be in.g conducted by the Chatam County Cr '.. ,·~

~a de for Vcters. Crusade leader, Hcsea Wil liams , is curre ntly being held in ja i.1 on $12;500 bail while r.! zm be rs of tile Youth C 1· 11s ade., a.n. a ffiliate of SNCC, continue d emonstrations. -30- CJ NEWS RELEASE STUDENT UONVICLENT COORDINATING COMMITI'EE 6 Raymond Street~ Nr-W» FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Atlanta 14., Georgia Tel: 688-0J}l NEGROES PICJillT RESTAllR... 4.NT, BATTIE AFTER ARRESTS

JULY 11 _..,, ?tD:i.zzy1 a:::d, !t a (food epo{) hero became a hot spot for the second time in twelve hours today as a group of 18 Negroes, members of the Camt:ridge Nonviolent Ad;ion Group (an affiliate of the Student NonvioI.ent

Coordinating CommittGe) picket ed while a crowd of Negro ard white on-,lookers bat,-r,:'.d.

The demonstration followed sporadic -violence last night about 250 !J,3g1,•o marchers had protested the a:rTest of four sitr-,i:nners at the restauranto Duri1:g i:uu., d ayts picketing at Diz~yland, four whites and three Negroe s enter ed the C:.i nir:g place and w er e at tacked a'1.d own out by whites :inside" The Negro crowd then moved on the r estaurant calling for its owner .. Whites and Negroes fought until State police broke up the crowd as city police stood by.:; making no attempt to erni t.he mel eeo

Ye3terday1 s demonstr;:iJ,ors -- Carol Rogoff; James Lewis, Johnny TV:3eks .9 and

Dwight Campbell ·-- tried to sit-~:in at the restaurant and were charged w:i.t.h adis ... orderly conduct11 and 11 trespassing.. n All but James Lewis were subsequently r eleased but a police off icer, Har r y Hansen, pre ssed charges against M.m of 11 assau.l t a:c.d battery," and claimed Lewis had

' Later that evening, after a prote st marched do"Wlltown by 250 persons -· when

Stat e Police protected d emonstr ators from whites throwing e ggs and rocks - Negroes

gather ed at t he Bethel AME Church for a mass meeting,, CarJ.oads of whites drove

through the N9gro s e ction, throwing rocks and bottles at the Negroes on the stn .·: ;~,

Negroes began t o into the whit e section, but wer e turned back by' CNAC l eadersa

At -this t ime , officer HB41aen appeored., Infuriat ed by his arrival, the crowd

would not move until he left., 1Jegroe3 ir. foe crowd began to throw bricks and bottles

at Police standing by drew their pistols, but the crowd dispersed when Hansen

left,, Reginald Robinson, a SNCC field secre tary, r eported two fires l ast night in of the city. the outlying areas of the Second Ward, a predominantly Negro s ec.tion Robinson said demonstrations wouid continue, and that a would be held tonight after a mass meeting. ... 30 ... NEWS RELEASE STUDENT NONVIOLENI' COORDINATING COMY.tIT'.IEE 6 Raymond Street..? NcWo Atlcliil.ta 14_1 Georgia Tel: 688-0331 Y-J.ARTIA.L LAW :DECI ,ARED AGAIN AFI'ER SEOCTINGS IN CAMBRIDGE

CAMBRIDGE, l"'.i.AYRLAND, JULY 12 -- A field secretary of the Student Nonviolent

Coordinatin.g Committee reported today that martial law had been declared this

afternoon for the second time in a month in this strife-torn Eastern Shore city, several shootings last night(,

Reginald Robinson, a SNCC field secretary working with the Cambridge No.a,,.

violent Action Committee, des0ribcd the events leading to the declaration of a 9...

p .. mQ curfew and prohibition of demonstrat:i..ons outside the Negro secticn of the


Robinson said that last night, after JOO people marched dovmtown, whites

pelted them with rotten eggs,, Scme of the marchers heckled the attackers .... Then

William Jackson, a 17-year old Negro youth, was arrested for carrying a paring

knifeo A crowd of Negroes demanded Jackson's release, and prepared to begin nw·· h ,

ing downtown again, when Capt,. Randall of the Ca'Ubridge police force brought

Jackson backo

Later in the evening, ;cl i:...:rrload of whites drove down Pine Street, the main

thorough:fare of the Negro section, shooting as they went .. Some Negroes returned

their fire., The evening ended with three. wh:i.tes hospitalized.r one man shot in the

face, another in the arm., the third near his eye,.

Robinson sa.-i_d, ''We deplore the violence that has taken place,, Howeverj if our

demands were met, we would have no rea3on to demonstrate. Tension and violence

would cease(> Equality at all public places is still not law here, and two ,juven-

iles arrested six weeks ago are still in reform school,, If these dema.Y1ds are met,

we can be in a position to channel the justifiable anger of the Negro communit,y,

am restore law and order ... n .~ 30 ...


SELMA,ALABAMA, JULY 12 -- A young Student Nonviolent Coordinating

Comrrd. ttee field worker, who was arrested on one set of charges last month and tried on another set yesterday wa s convicted of "conduct calculated to provoke a breach of the peace" and"resisting a:r::.~es t . 11

Bosie Reese, 19, had orig inally been charg ed with 11 f a ilur e to obey an officer of the law" and resisting arrest.. Ree se wa s punche ~ and sho~ed by a deputy when taken into custody June 17th at the DallE

County CourthouseoThe guilty veraict carried a p e nalty of a $200 fine~

According to SNCC field secretary who heads up a five man team of voter reg istra tion workers here and in Wilcox county, Reese's lawyers, Solomon Seay, Jre and J.L. Che stnut were unable to introdooe evidence whi ch w ould pr o ve that Re ese's voter r e - gistration activities were prot e cted by Federal Law.

Justice Departme nt lawyers, seeking a restraining order against

Dallas County officials prohib iting them from try ing Reese and from

intimidating would-be Negro voters here, have carried an injunction request to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans.

Reese's appffi l will be h eard at the October session of court.

The St ud e nt Nonviole nt Coordinating Committee has b een conduct-

ing voter r egistration wo rkshops in Dallas and Wilc ox Counties here

since J a nuary, 1963. 19 me n and women wer e fired this week for their

participation in the vote drive, acc ording to La f a yetteo Selma was also the sc ene yesterday of a spontaneous boycott of the Kwi s

Kheck grovery store which forced an 80 per cent drop in the stores

sales., _30- :NEWS RELEASE STUDENT NONVIOLENT COORDINATING COMMITTEE 6 R-3.;ymond Sto Atlanta 14, Georg~a For Immediate Release 688-0331


AMERICUS, GEORGII... , JULY 12 - Eleven Negroes were arrested here last night at a local t heatre after trying ti purchase tickets at the white ticket window~ The .demonstr ators, members of the Sumpter County Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, were charged ·with "blocking the sidewalks" and

"disorderly conduct. 11 They are each being held under $212 bond.

Last night 's attempt to integrate the Martin Theatre was only the first in wha.t is expected to be a series of protests against the movie house , according to SNCC Field Secretary Donald Harris.

The Martin Theatre chain is also under f ire at Columbus Georgia, where it is being picketed by the National As sociation for the Advancement of Colored People. -30-


You can trade-in your green stamps and used cars for Freedom this summer by donating them to the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. The st;:unps will help sustain SNCC workers while the cars will be used to put

Freedom on the r oad as well a s in the air throughout the South. Both the stamps and cars will be gratefully r eceived at the SNCC office, 6 Ra;ymond

St., At lanta 14, GBorgia. Mailing charges must be paid by the sender -30- NEWS RELEAS'E STUDENT NONVIOLENT COORDJNATING COMMITTEE 6 Raym0nd street, N6 W. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Atlanta 14, Georgia July 1~, i963 Tel: 68B-o331 15 .ARRESTED IN DANVILLE; 85 IN J AIL; NEWSMEN HARASSED

DANVILLE, VIRGINIA, JULY 12 Field secretaries for the Student Nonviolent Coor- dinating Cornm.i ttee r eported here "that with today's arrest of 14 pickets and a Nc '._. r o

citizen standing in the street, a total of 85 persons are in jail in two days of

anti-segregation demonstrations in the six-week old civil rights movemcnto

The latest arrests occurred at Dan River Mills, Inc. - which is the target

of a n ational boycott - and in two department stores.,. Six Negroes, carrying sigr.:s

asking for equal employment and intervention of the Mill in t he r acial crisis her e,

were arre sted on Mill property this afternoon. All went limp, and had to be carried

to jail. It is reported that Mill officials did not sign any warranto Eight others,

parading with signs through two department stores, were also arre sted9

A Negro cab driver, Julius Adams, who has ferried demonstrators back and forth

since the protests began June 1, was arre sted by city police as he stood on the

street thi s afternoon in front of the Danville Christ ian Progressive Assn. office.

Chief of Police E.G. McCain also approached Negroes on the same spot and de-

clared, "There will be no more demonstrations hereo I'm talking loud and clearJ 11

SNCC worker Mary King r eported that a N egro free-lance writer, Leroy McLu::;o.s

of New York, was approached by city police who tore up his press card. The card

had been issued by the City of Danville, She reported also that two newsmen .from

NBC wer e harassed by police .

Last night, after a mass meeting her e wher e Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke a crowd of' to/15001 26 per sons were arrested as they and 100 others marched to the city hallo

Police pushed s everal of the marchers, led by a local minister, Rev. Lo Wo Chase.

The l ine was marshalled by Ivanhoe Donalds on;.1 a S NCC field worker, and Dr• King• s

assistant, t he Rev. . Police · wer e on the scene with f ire hoses

but they were not used.

Miss King said: ''We are asking all citizens interested in democracy to write to those imprisoned in the city jail and city f arm, especially Sam Shir ah and Daniel Foss. Shirah has b een b eaten by police .. We are asking for national prote sts.fl - 30 - [-fl ' NEWS RELEASE SWDENT NONVIOLENT COORDINA 'ITNG COMMITI'EE 6 R¥mond Street; No -Lit FOR IMNEillA TE RELEASE Atlanta 14, Georgia 688...0331


ALBANY 3 July 13 •. ,,.Negroes here witched tc1cti cs today in protesting the sale of ih c city 1 s only pool to a segregationist as three youths vaulted a fence surround:i.'1g the T:i.ft Park facilities, Gwam briefly., and left through the front gate.

At the sarne t:i..rre Albany police arr13sted six would,,.be swirmners as t'1ey sm g in pro"

test at the entra:i ce 0

Elsewhere in the city ten juveniles were a ·1prehendcd as t hoy attempted to

pie;ket the residences of Mr Q Harold Wetherbee and Mr,, Herbert Haley, pr:.minent . .

bl1 sinecsmen of Albany,, Nine teonac;ers meanwhile strolled the streets of downtown

Albany weoring shirts lettered with signs protesting unegµal job oppprtuniti 0s.,

Slate:::- King, acting president of the Albany .Movement, said 11 th0 buJ.k of the white cormnunity has been inoulated from deprivations and sufferings 1rJh.ic:h are a real and i2rte81·al part of the Negro cornmuni ty ~ Mm y peop le wbo have it within their powerto end police brutality and mMy other indign~tfos that segregation entails haYe refused to see irhat :is happening_., The silence of downto,m,n

he continued, 11 we regard as consent to the exclusion of Negroes from mur.:ic:ir,a] and public facilities.. "

The six arrested at the pool today were charged with violation of m anti- trespass law and failure to cbey an officer~ Among them wc:s Eliz3beth Wyck!off, a • professor of G:r.eek at Barnard Coll:'3ge, New York. The young picketers were being held on juveni19 petiti.::,ns, according to the Albany police.

Haley, one target of the picketers, is on the board of the First State Bank of Albai:y and owns the Albany Coca-Cola Bottling Co .. , and represents Ford Motc,r Co. in the city. Wetherbaa, the other target. has holdings in t.'1e flint Ri ver8otton

Mills, extensive rea 1 estate in southwas t Georgia, and i:.:: ef,,omber of the First

St.ate Bank of Albany., -30-

[xJ NEWS RELEASE STUDENT NONVIOLENT COORDI N4TIWG COMMITTEE 6 Raymond Street, NaWo Atlanta 14, Georgia For Immedit:1te Releas,3 Tel= 688 ··0331 ------.-...... , .•, .,.....,;..:.-


DA.NVILIB, VIRGii\TI 4, JULY 13 - After t wo white observers - both field

workers for the Student Nonviolent Coordina ting Committe e - were

nrrested this a ft ernoon, some 40 Ne gro picke ts prot2sted and were a lso o r:::~ estedo "' Sam Shirah, 20 and Daniel F ss, 22, were ch2rged with ?' v r~ g2oney '" and r e fusing to move when orde red t o do so" this noon DS they watcher:

a group of Negroes picke ting the city hall heree Bond wa s set a t $ 500 for. Shira h and $ 300 for Fees • S0.m ue l Giles, o 2?,-yeor ald Danville ~·w:c volw1teer, l e d a p:n2···

test picket line about an a fter the orig.'.'.. nal arrests with 25 others ..

All we re j s ile de Ab out this time, a group of 6 Negroes, led by Dav:V

Davis., 18 ~ anothe r Danville SNCC v olunte'3 r, ond CJ.a udia Edwn:;:-ds, 22 .,'

a field secretary for the Congress of Ra cia l Eqc:.ality 1 were or:2'.?. St F; d also at the city j oil.

J ohn Da vis, 19, was arrested t ai!::tng notes about 4 p~m. (Da nville

time) of a picket line of 10 perso:r,s on Main Street. They were also arrested., A woman r eporter, Mi8s Majcirie s CoJ.lins, of the !J..?.~~2-.?.....:.~ar~ Guarc;_:io:1, was t; nke n into j a il and j_n terregated afters he tr·i.ed to t~ e p hotographq of t he arrestse She wa s l a t er releasedo

Mean~hile~ leaders of the Danvllle Chrint ian Progressive Assoc-

iation end SIJCC announced a 1~mas s 5.'l6 picke-c on WaJ.1 Street :!.n

front of 't he hea dqua rter' of Dan River Mills , Inc<> Wednesday, July

17t h .., Th3 ljne will be l ':?c1 by Re·io Lawre:r;nA Ca;npbe11 , head of ·: :. DCP~. .. 1l ... "'1-. r' ,. ,:J•,~1·L1 :-- ] -!-~ ~'l\i" ., c ,+· ·' r - "'"Y"l {t·-1· a • - -~ ~ c.. -.ssl .t-.. , I. ,_, ...... DS ~ a ... ,1•, ,., (j P.J:...,Cl.. ., 1.16 C·-·,.,.,.m .,.. ., ..,e ., li,8,n b e r. e) n.,.o ·.,. 10"' I.·,-:, ... .. has cha:r.··a c te:.:> i~·;r.3ct Di::l.n }:iver MiDs , J.nco -~ which employs 10 1 (.)00 p e1•• son s he I•e , a bout 90') of therr. (9'.~ ) Ne g1:>o ,,,= as an " e conomic bastion of th~s s eg:•eg t ed c orrm.u.nityo $NC C workers here s a:ld demonstra tions wguld cont:I.nu9 despite the '1ever--pre :::en t thre at of p olic fl brutaliilo" A. out tf>5 p ersons were 5.n jured 10 wh en Police hose d them a nd beat them with night sli ckBo NE W S R£:LEAS'8: STUDENT 11iONVIOLENT COORDINATING CO~ GTTEE 6 Stree, N,W,, Atlant :3. 1h, Georgia FOR RE.LEASE Sunday, Ju1y 14, 1961 Tel: 688 - oJJl


GADSDEN, J,.1,JJ3Ai.\lJ.A Anti ... S<"~;r,"eg~tj_on demo:1S t rati.ons are expected to resume in

Negro proto,st dc;nonstrations wei~a hrtlted t1vo weeks ago when pro:rnises of negotiations seemed to d c:;;rclop"

H0moa:;.~s of the Stucicnt Nonviolent Coordinating Comni tLce , CORE .,i th~

Souther n Chr:.stian Leadership Conference are wo:·king with loeaJ. ci tjzcn:3 to i'orm the Gadsden i"l oveir., sh.t,,

)~,::;:--.;~n'.'c' nt ob jectives are: comp]_ete integration of all public and pri-.rate,

and the formation of a 1.:Ji .. racial comrn itt.e8'.

- 30 -


ATLANT.A., GEORGIA, July 12. -- Pickding of a liquor store located in the hefl.,~t of a Negro community continues hor·a the store ow~1er refused to s ub.'.i'd t to Ne- ·· ·, demands to hire mor~ Negroes,.

'l'he Co r1mittee nn App C:!3.l For Humc.n R:J.ghts (COA?.:R), the Atlanta University

Center student 3.nti··S8gregation group, inF5.ated the picket line after talks ·r11ith the store ow:r Jr""

COJLirR leaders have asked that four Negroes be added to the store 1 5 work for·2e,. - 30 -


DAJ\1VTI,LE, VIRGINIA, JULY 14 -· A soldier in uniform, leading a picket before

Danville Mayor Julian Stinson1 s house here, was jailed this ai'ternoon in mat

civil rights observers believe to be the first instance of a uniformed solider

going to jail in a rights demonstration.

Pvt,. First Class Buford G., Holt, 82nd Airborne Division, a Danville nat i Ye,

led five memen on a protest pickGd;line before tbe Mayor's homeo Pvto Holt cai~ried

a sign r eadi ng: am 11 I serye in the forces which guard our country and way of life., I prepared to give my life for the , to_ defGnd the rights of her citizens, but I must a sk ~~is nation if P.merica is prepared to def e nd my rights as an American citizen., 11

Holt is stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, but came home on a passo

Members of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNC.C) in Danville, who

have been working her e since local groups alleaped to them in early June, said

that protests against s egr egat i on here would continue.

Avon Rollins, a member of the SNCC executive committee, said SNCC wrkers

in Danville had sent out letters to 90 Congr essmen asking them to investigat e

the use of Federal cont r acts her e~ Rollins said Dan River Mills, the city's

l argest employer, r eceived 11over 90% of its income from Federal contracts," yet

only 9% of the 10,000 persons employed are Negroes.

Rollins and Rev. Lawrence Can pbell, l eader of the Dmville Christian Progr ess-

ive A ss ociat i on, will l ead a demonstration in front of the New York office of

Dan River Mills in New York City, We!linesda:y, July 17. Rollins said, ''We hope to

show the Amer i can public that w e are s erious in our intentions of announcing a

national and i nt ernation boycott agai nst thi s firm., 11 Local l el;}ders here maintain , that the influence of the Mill could be put to use to break t he seven-week stalemat

between local Negro l eadership and the intransigent city officialso - 30 - NEWS RELEASE STUDENT NONVIOLENT COORDINATING COMMITTEE 6 Raymond Stroot Atlo.nto. 14 1 Georgia. FOR IMMEDIATE RELFASE 688-0331


GADSDEN, ALABAJV!A, July 15 - 10 Sto to Troopers hold oJ;.ld bco t o. 21-yv. t·­ old Negro after t e lling him he would hnvc to 100.rn "respect for whit troopors"o Lo.ndy, o field secretory for tho Student Non·· violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), wos b eaten by the troopers ir :.,L street o.ftcr they placed him under arre st "for having o. foreign drivcr'r liconso 11 a McNair, o. notivo of J a ckson, hos n license &

The arrest wos ordered by Albert Lingo, D5rector of tt

Deportment of Public Saf e ty f or the Stat e . Lingo's troope rs, who returne to this c ontrcil Alobomo town Sunday• July 14, hove b een occusod of brut­ ality against Ne groes during r ocin.l domonstr:::itions he re, in Birmingham, on d during o. Fre edom from Chottnnoogo., Tennessee"

McNoir wa s riding in o. car 'iAll th Ma rvin Robinso n, o

CORE field secretory; Pntricio McEldorry f} anothe r SNCC worker; ond onot her Nogro y out ho Sta to troopers hol t od Robins on, who W'< s dri v fr s and nrre sted him when he produce d a n out-of-st8 t o lice nse . Whon ·1\ilc ~ ::.. r slid b ehind the wheel., they demo ndc d thnt h e produce his license , m d ; was a rre ste d o~o.

"You nre g oing to respect A1abnmo. Stnt e Troopers, vb r thor your no~ is blo ck or whit e ," o. trooper told himo Thon, a ccording t c

'Uss McElderry., 10 of tho troopers "throw Lnndy again st tho cnr and

b O Cl t h iml.. 11

McNa ir a nd two other SNCC workers hove boon working her e with t ho Ga d s d en Pr ee d om Mov em ent , n c tion of l o c a. gr oups, SNCC CORE,i; un cl SGLC " Anti-segrega tion demonstra tions or e scbc dul od t o r e sume again hero soon, despite the pre sence cf tho troopers~ who used 10,000 volt c a ttle prods on _protestors in the paste In Atla nta :t the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Comm­ ittee office s a id McNnir's b eating ond arre st would b e proteste d to th' FBI m d tho Dopa rtmont of Justiceo -30-

[ t~) I ~~~~~~~~~,--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- ~ ~ NEWS RELEASE STUDENT N ONVIOLENT COORDI NATI NG CONN ITTEE 6 Raymond Street Atlanta 14, Georgia FOR I lViMEDIATE R~LEASE NAL\CP MISS. YOUTHS ___PICKET .____ .__,..... __BARNETT .._

ATLANTA, GEORGIA, July 16--Mississippi Governor Ross Barnett's appearance here before the Atlanta Citizens Council was prefaced • by a demonstration by members of the Atlanta Youth Council of the NAACP and field workers- native mississippians--from the Student Nonviolents Toordinating Committee.

The pickets carried signs reading: "Go Home" and "Corne: Let's Make Mississippi A Par·t of the N ationl" Barnett was introduced by James Gray, publisher of the Albany HerPld, who recently bought a city9owned pool in Alba ny and opened it to whites only. -30-

NE W FREEDOM UNlf ()RM IN ALBANY AL BANY, GEORGL!.\ , July 17-- The new freedom uniform of t he Albany civil ri ohts movement is a white t ee-shirt with the words "don't buy downtown or midtown" printed on it. The uniform is be ing worn eagerly by youngster, many only ei ght or nine, who marc h into the white business section of Albany

with the shirts as a reminde r to the city's Negroes not to fill

"segregationist tills with their bHJ1ls.1' The boycott a gainst white store owners was be o, un in 1961 in an attempt to break the ir di scrimina trory hiring practice s and is estimatec to have cost the business community over one million dollars. Negroes are also being asked not to buy the Albany Hera ld, a segre- ga tionist news pa per o wned and 8dited by Jame s Gray. -30- N' E W S R. E L E A S E STUDENT NONVIOLENT COORDINATING cor,1,;rrrEE 6 Raymond Street, N_.Wo Atlanta 14, Georgia FOR INMEDIA '.IE RELEASE, Tel: 68~3Jll.


. . N.,Y.~ 1 Jul·y 17: Anti- segregation demonstrators marched today before the office of Dan River Mills; at the home of Dan River Board of Directors member F.:wff, Jefferson; and before the Danville, Virginia home of Da::1 River .VJ.ills Presi dent W,J J. Erwin to p ~ test "Employment deiscri.mination abainst Danville Ne gr-oc s. 11 A spokesman for the demonstrators, coordinated by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Com.mittee (SNCC), su i.d itmany of the 100 Negr oes employed <:i.t Drm R::i.ver nrc not full tjs:1e. 11 The spokesman, Avon Rollins , SNCC Exe,~v.t :.. "o Committee member, s aid, na1though people say there are Negroes :i.n key r v ,i +,icns at Dan River;, ue have fou.nd that the:- highest positions at held by a i1~'~u'r:, i.s thc,t of machinist"" "Dan River Mi l ls could act to end segregation and police brutality in Danville," Rollins said ,,

FROH DLllJ'VILLE: Nembcrs of SWCC working there with the Danville Christian Progressive Association said Negroes in nearby Chatham had asked the Chatham sheriff and mayor to freG anti-segreg2.tion demonstrators from Danvile being held in the Cl-'1atham jail. 11 If you wa nt the j ails of Chatham filled," the spokesman s aid, 11 we think we 1ve got e nou gh Chatham f e ople to fill them upol! SNCC staffer Bob Zellner said in Danville that attemp-\ s 't~Jould begin. shortly i r1 Prince Ech-Jard Count:'/·, i,rhere schools have been closed .['c~~· four years to avoid integration.


ATLAN TA, GEORGIA, July 17: A 67-vear-old Califcrnia minister has been indicted by a Fulton County Grand Jury h ere on charges of 11 tresspassing" md "as sr,ult on a policeman. 11 'I'he jury Tuesday indicted Rev. Ashton Br yan Jones of San Gabriel, Calif,.. , formerly of At l anta. The i ndictments gr ew out of anti-s e gregation demonstrations at Fi rst B::1.ptist Church on J une JO o Rev ,, J 0 nes was sitting on t he church s teps u hen police asked him t o leave. The minist er r ef used., police s aid, and when of ficers tried to arrest him, t he minister bit Lt. l'.. . L. Posey on t Le h at1cl . The Tr e spass indictment char ged tha·{; Rev. Jones interrupted and dis trubed the c ongregationo J ones has been active in a nti-segr egat i on demonstrat ions with the At lanta Conm1ittee c·ci. Appe al For Human Rights;, the group that has been r e spon3ibl e for i ntegr ating At,l anl:,a ! s lunch count er s , movie theatres:, and some r estuarants o Th3 s t udent anti-segregation group is now involved in a massive tiequal empl cyrnent for Negroes" drive,. -30-


ATLANTA, GEORGIA - The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Comrnittee announced to-, day that it has 193 st aff mcr:1bers. The mi.lit an·{; student r uri. a.."'lti-segregation group maintains nonvj oler:i.t d." . · rect actio~ and r e gi st r ation campaigns in hard-cor·e rural Southern a::..,-< SNCC field workers r e ceive an average subsistence pay of $lO.OO a week., the SNCC off ice here said¢ NEWS RELF.l1SE STUDENT NOl\Jl!IOLENT COORDINATING COMMITTEE 6 Raymo~d Street FOR Ilt'"lEDIATE REIBMtE Atlanta J.4., Georgia 688-0331


DANVILLE, VIRGINIA. , July 18 ... Members of the Student Nonviolent Coordi~ating Conun- ittee announced today the beginning of a "massive drive to collect food and cloth- ing11 for Negroes here..:,

"There are many families where one or both parents are in jail, 11 SNCC wor ... ker Avon Rollins said~ Recent anti-segregation demonst!'ations here were brok3E by policemen with fire hoses and clubs.

Rev,. L. G., Campbell, Executive Secretary of the Danville Christian Progress·-· ive Association ... the local gro""J.p coordinatL."1.g protests here •. s aid 111nJ"e are making a spe<'...ial appeal to all friends of jus tice for small and large packages to be sent to 226 North Union Stre E' t, Danville , Virginia ,.,"

Ca.~pbell said staples like £1.our, canned and powdered milk and canned vege- tables are needed for immediate distribution0

In Atlanta, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee announced that it was sending out an appeal to " f r eedom lovers across the nation.," Sandra Hayden"

SNCC staffer, said .11 the needs of hungry wives and children in Danville must be met if we expect democracy to come to the South(> "

Spokesmen f or t he Da..'1vilJ.e Movement earli er ca1J.ed for a bibycott against products made by Dal} River Mills(.' The plant employs 25%of the city's population.

Movement leaders feel that D an Ri-ver, a powerful economic force here1 can take steps to end segr egation in the city0 . • Leader s her e s aid a Negro soldi er, jailed Sunday, July 14 as he pickct eC. the home of Mayor Julian Stinson., is still behind bars o

The youth's arrest marked the first time a unif ormed soldier had l ed a civil rights prot es t.

-30- N E W S R E L E A S E Student Nonviolent Coordinating Connittee 6 Raymond Street, tJ .. W.. 14, Georgia Atla nta FOR IN~J!EDIATE RELASE Tel: 6G8-033L CNAC HEAD ANSWERS KENNEDY CRITICISM t he anti-segregatiorD CAMBRIDGE., l\1ARYLAND, July r8-- The head of here today expresse group that has been coordinating demonstrations United States President "'deep shock and concern" at a statement by "They ( in Cambridge)' John F .. Kennedy criticising protests here. are about" Kennedy have almost lost sight of what demonstrations day. told a Washington, D. C. news conference yester Nonviolent Mrs~ Gloria Richardson, head of the Cambridge St udent Action Committee and affiliate of the Atlanta-based a Telegram to Kennedy: Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, said in have been, and "The demands of the Negro citizens of Cambridge facilities, merit will remain desegre gation of public and private two juveniles from employment for Negroe s, and the release of a juvenile home. that three Mrs. Richardson told Kennedy in the telegram negotiate a settlement bl-racial groups had failed in attempts to in Cambridge. Cambridge," she "The only solution to the racial crises in for the 4000 Negroes said, "is the achievement of equal rights of t he community ~" Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee Mr s~ Ri. cha rdson; a~d Lewis; SNCC field staffer Reginald Robinson; cha irman ' John atte nded a meeting y Branch and Philip Sava ge of the NAACP Stanle Thomas Finan. yesterday with Maryland's Attorney General, t hat the demonstraters meet wi th a three -man Finan suggested Tc1.1w c s. committee appointed by Governor J. Millard arbitr ation es, reque s t ing Mrs. Richardson also sent a telegram to Taw for Dinez White, 1.5; and Dwight Cr qmwe l l , "executive clemency" in a series of 16; jailed June 6 here after they participated .. demons -~Tat i ens on duty he re., They Meanwhile, $ 00 National Guardsmen remain in to ma intain order after wh ites began attacking were called wake of anti­ demonstrators and v t olence broke oµt in the segregation demonstrations here. [11ttl ' ------~- - - -~



AMERICUS, GEORGIA, July 19--11 juveniles, jailed here a weekago, were convicted on three charges following their arrest at a segregated movie theatre.

The 11 charged with blocking the sidewalk, failure to disperse , and illegal picketing were placed on probation and their parents fined $150 75 for court costs.

They were sentences by Juvenile Court Judge James Smith.

~n Atlanta lawyer who refused to be quoted siad Judge

Smith! s decision was 11 highly questionable .. 11 There are no court costs in juvenile cases, the attorney said, and no fines are imposed unless damages are involved.

SNCC ASKS LOT1JER BOND 38N CHARLESTON PRISONERS A'fLi.ETA , GEORGI A, July 19-- The Student Wonviolent Coordinating

Committee today asked South Carolina Governor Donald Russell to

"act imm ediately to r emove state troopers" from Charleston.

The Atlanta-based student group also asked Governor Russell to "use your good offices to reduce bail of fr690.000 for 68 Negroes held on "riot" charge--an offense that could carry a 10 years sentence.

Troopers were ordered into Charleston after six policemen and a fireman were injured following a night of disturbances.

Police and firemen earlier this week had dispersed a gathering of SOO Negroes before the News and Courier Building by threatening to turn f ire hoses on them.

The SNCC office here also said that a protest telegram, signed

by SNCC Chairman John Lewis, was also sent to Charleston Mayor


ANTI..,:SIAS DFJ1 0NS TR~ TOR3 JAILED IN AMERICUS AMERICUS, GEORGIA, July 19 -- At least 55 Negroes were jailed here tonight after demonstrations at a segregated movie t.h·eat:i:e ••

And leaders of the Sumter County Movement said demonstrations would continue

"as long as the Martin Theatre refllses to change its policy., 11 Two demonstrators were arrested immediately after eleire:n tkcroe,5 fonn2d a picket l iEe in front of the theatre 0 The remaining nine were shuttled into police cars and.driven a block mrny, where th0y wsre released.

'Ihey returned to the f :x>nt of the th0atre, and were jailed also., Later that evening, Negroes S5 from a crowd of 200 t hat advancod on the jail! "a' ', were arrested0

Don Harris, SNCC field secretary in Americus, said protest demonstrations at the segregated theatre would contj_nue 0


SIX JAIIED IN CIARXSDAIE CIARKSDAIE, MISSISSIPPI, July 20 ~ ,· Six Negroes were jailed here todqy- for " distrib- uting leadflets. 11

'Ihe six -- including 15 and 16 year old girls -- are all field workers for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Cormiittee.

Lafayette Surney, SNCC mrker here, said from the jail that all six "are prepared to stay as long as it t akes for f reedom to come to Mississippi. 11 They were passing out literature dealing with Negro voter registration here. 'Ihe Student Nonviolent Coordinating Cormnittee, a., Atlanta-based anti-segrega~ tion organizati on, mai ntains voter registration projects in seven Mississipwi counties 0




ALBANY, GEORGIA, July 19 - An interracial group was turned away from Friday eveni:n;g

services at Temple B?na:i Israel here 0

The three: Miri:;m Cohen, 21; Robart Cover, 20; and Henry Lee Mathis, 19 - were met at the Temple door by m usher who told them 11We don I t wm t any demonstrations.•

Miss Cohen, from Indianar: olis, Indiana, and Mr. Cover, f!.'om Brookljne, Massachu-. setts., are rumrnar field vr> rkors for the Student Nonviolent Coordina ting Commi tte~

Both are w1ite and both are members of the Jewim,

Miss Cohen's father is edit,or of the National Jewim Pos~, a large circulation

weekly. ~ e is a 1963 graduate of Br::mdeis University. Cover is a student at Princeton University. -30-

GREENVILLE, MISS. MOVH1ENT DECIARFS BOYCOTT ffi:''iEZNVILLE, MISSISSIPPI, July 2.0 -- Ml3mbers of the Greenville Student Moven ent - lln

aff iliate of the Atlanta-based Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee - announ-

ced today a boycott of Washing''.,on St r eet, this ci ty 1s main business thourouehfare.

20 high school st~dents picketed s everal Washington Street stores for 1:11 ho~r today, after receiving a city picktt permit,.

Charles Cobb, ' Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee field secretary here, said the Greenville ~l9vemrmt 1s demands inc3=_ud8d integratiQn of all public facilitj~~; merit employment for Negroes in private, city, county and state agencies; and establishment of a bi- r ::ici al commi t tee.

Cobb said demonstrations would continue and the boycott would be strengt..~ened

11 unt j_ l some pr ogr ess i ¢ade here."

The SNCC worker said the pickets today were aimed at Walgreen's, Kress', Woo;t-

Worth 's and the Par amount Theatre c -30- NEWS RELEASE STUDENT NONVIOLENT COORDINATING C001ITTEE 6 Haymond S~;reet,t N.W. FOR lMMEfilA TE RELFASE Atlm ta l ti :, Georgia

SAVANNAH JUDGE REDUCES BAIL FOR 24; KEEPS $15 ,OOO ON 'IWO SNCC WORKERS SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, July 19 -- A Munic:ipal Court Judge here has reduc ::: d bond for jailed 24 anti-seg:r.egation demonstr.ators.:i but refused to lower $1.5,000.,00 bail :e.ach for tv0 field workers from the Student Nonviolent Coord:i,nating Committee ($NCC).

Bail for 23 demonstrators -- including three io men -- ws.s ·recjuce d from

$3,000~00 each to $1,0000 00 each .. 0 Municipal Court JudgG Victor Mullins roduco3 bo::-1d for Chatham County Crusade For 1~ Voters head from $J0,000 ~CG .o

di 1 r' r-'on Yi' ...;,,:;:, V. 00 •

But the Judge refused to lower bail for SNCC workGrs Bruce Gordon, 21, of Atlanta, and Rick Tuttle, 23, of Plattsburg, New York., Gorden, a Negro, was jailed 10 dcy- s ago when he led 2,000 Savannah Negroes on a march toward the cit.y jail0 Tuttle i,1as jc.i.led two dcys later ..

Judge Mullins criticised Willfams, who has been a main force behind the anti,=segregation drive. St~te patrolmen and city policAmen have prevent9d all recent attempts to fonn marches under a new city regulation.


S~JCC STA 1i'F GRCJ,,'S TO 193, ATIANTA, GEORGIA ..;. ·The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Cammittee announced today its staff has grown to 193 full time workerse 'Ihis figure includas 40 summer volunteers, students, na inly from the Nort h ~~ow:, rk for SNCC in hard-core areas of the deep South. other SKCC workers are located in Al~bama, Georgia, Mississippi, Virginia and


'Ihe Atlcnta-based m ti-segregation group maintai. ns direct action and voter registration canpaigns. lt'ormed. in 1960 at a conference of sit-in lead:ers, SNCC now mainta. ns offices in Atlm ta at 6 Rnymond Street:, Atla,."1ta- 14, Georgia:. John lewis, former head of the Nashtille Student MoVEJ11:ant, :ts chafrxnann of' SNCC -30-



ATIAN TA, GEORGIA,July 20 -- Fulton County Superior Court Judge Durwood T. Pye has

ordered Solicitor General Bill Boyd to prapar e ~ for presentation to a grand jury--

indictments on 101 arrest s resulting from sit-in cases dating back to November, 1961,

'Ihe Judge's ord-er, handed davm July 19, list ed names of per30ns arrested,

places where violations are alleged to have occurred, and arresting officers$

Several. cases involve the same people, f \iled during Atclant.a 's three-year

battle against lunch counter, and restaurant and hotel segregation.

'Ihe judge told grand jurors to indict violators of the state 1 s anti-trespass

law, passed soon after student sit~in demonstrations began sweeping the South in


Violation of the law is a,misdemeanor, usually not handled by grand juries • .'

All of the 101 sin-in cases were members of the Committee On App:eal !'or Humm

hights., the Atlanta University Center student anti-segregation group here.

Last week the grand jury indicted the Reverend Ashton Jones, a white

minister, on charges of disturbing public worship at an all-white Baptist Church ­ here. -30-


ATIANTA, GEORGIA, July 19 ··- 12 sit-in demo:::is t.!'ators were removed bodily fvom the

doorway of Leb's Restaurant here a,d charged with violation of the state's anti-

trespass law.

Four other demonstrators began picketing shortly after the arrest, and four

others also tried to enter. A white man barred their way, slapping and kicking +, . ,


The Friday demonstration was in protsst over the three,-d~y prison term for

contempt given Taylo:" Washington, a Negro vti o had tried unsuccessfully to take out an assault warra11t against t:ie restaurant's owner. Man.hers of the Committee On Appeal For Human Rights, the group coordinating protests here, said that Civil Court Judge E.A. Wrig:;t nmmhandled11 Washington. -30- [;d] NEWS RELEASE STUDENT NONVIOiiN T COORDINATING CCMMITTEE 6 Raymo:r.d Street, N"W. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Atl,u1ta 14, Gf:orgia Tel: 688 ...0331


AIB1N Y, GEORGIA, July 22 -- hifle shots spr ayed a bedroom of the Albm y office of the

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee earJ.y this morning., Two w rkers for SNCC,

tsleep wi en t he shooting took plac.c~ , were not, injured.,

J oh..-ri :'e1"dmv, and James Dai iel., field secretaries for SNCC, said that about

--+ : 15 a "m", rifle shots were pumped into the bedroom.,, 'lhe two young men said t hey

_,. ea11 d voi ces outsid0 md then a car speeding oway, bi..1t wcra u:::-~abJ.e t o i dont ify the

Pe!:rdew said a detectiYe from the Albany Police Department invmiti gated the scene of the shooting later in the morning, about 9:30 a.m. Perdew added tha t h e would ask for police protecti on~

last September, fiel d 1,,0:!' kars for SNCC were injured when whites shot into the home of a wcmai in Terrell Coun'i:,y. Jack Chatfield, a wi i te student fran T:rinity

College, was shot twi ce in the arm about 45 minutes after he came to Southwest

Georgia. An Engli s..11 student, Chris Allen, was also injured.

Last rummer, four Negro ch:.n·ches were burned to the ground in apparent reprisals

,gai..nst SNCC-sponsored voter r egistration drivea In the past month here, 22 of the

6 SNCC workers, including , proj ect director, have been ar rested on

va:r iety of charges. _ Six SNCC w:, rkers remained i;:i a church for over a week when

Jei r arrest s eemed i rnrninent 0 'Ihey appealed to Governor Carl E.., Sanders to "lead

s out of this sanct unry and accompany us as we go into the comrnuni ty" to urge lfoter registration.


TWO SNCC WORKERS CONVICTED IN DANVILLE: ONE REVEALS BEATING BY POLICE IN JAIL DANVILLE, VIRGI-NIA, JULY 23 .,._ After two workers for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee were convicted here today on :: charges of "refusing to obey an officer," one described how police beat him and prisoners threateneq b1IP. in jail~

Sam Shirah, 201 and Daniel Foss,, 22, were convicted today after spending 13 days in Danville jails. The two had been watching a demonstration by Negroes at the city hall when they were arrested. Lawyers• for the two SNCC workers paid $25 in fines for each plus c9urt costs.

Shirah said today, "When I was arrested, on July 11, I went limp a.nd would not cooperate. Police took me inside t·he jail into an office and banged me up against the wall three or four times" Tr: c r e were seven or eight policemen in there with me. Then they took me into another office, threw me on the floor and my head banged up against a desk leg. They took me into a third office, locked the door, and started beating me in the stomach and kicking me in the groin. Four of them jumped on top of me and started seating me. Two of them got hold of my leg and twisted it. When I hollered that they were breaking my leg they jumped up and then took mEvinto my cell~" He said he could hardly walk for two days after the beating. Shirah said also that white prisoners had threatened to kill him this afternoon if he had served out his fine. "I would have been put to work busting rock and gravel," Shirah said, "and some of th&· prisoners told me tbat,'a lot of accidents can happen in the quarry"'" -30------NEWS RE L~E ASE 8'11'Q1)ElfT i'imri t OLENT COORDINATING COMMITTEE 6 Raymond St;r•eet 11 NoVV'e1 Atlanta ll-1-.l) Gecrgia FOR IMMEDIATE P.ELEASE Tel: 688-0331 16-YEAR.,.,QLD VOTE WODKER ARRESTED IN SELMA~ ALAo

SELMA• ALA BAM.A, JULY 2 3 A 16-year-old u0te~ registration worker who was supposed to testify at Justice Department heari~gs on Thursday, July 25J? wa.s arrested here last night by one of the prin~ipal defendantso

Alexander Brmvn, 16, was arrested by Dallas County SherfJrr,

Jim Clark, as he was getting out of a car to attend a v·oter r egis0 • tration mass meetingo The Sherriff said one of the headlights of

his car was off, and added that Brown was guilty of' '1:fialse :Cdentity."

The youth was to testify at hearings in Mol:ile, Ala. 0 , Thursday,

on two suits filed by the Justice Department against the city of

Selma11 and" the Dallas County Board of Regist:~'ars, to restrain them from intimidating Negro citizens who want to register and voteo Brown was working with the RevQ and Mrso Bernard Lafayette on a vote drive sponsored by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating

Com.mi ttee here. M1" s o Lafayette said t:1:ts mo::::>1'li:ng that she didn't know what the "Fal8e I dentity" charge was abouto

Mrso Lafa-y·ette said she hoped., '1We can get Alexander out on tims., so be can testify,.," His bond has been set at $$000 "But.," Mrs. Lafayette s a i d., "we are having trou·:::>le finding the Sl10rif.f 0" Brown was active in the Bi:r,mingham Movement for Hu..inan Rights, and came to Selma two months agoo Another voter registration worker., Bosie ReeseJ> was arrested last month in the county courthouse here as he took Negroes to registero He was attacked by the Deputy Sheriff and then charged with~ "Resisting ArreEto" -30-

1fj NEWS RELEASE STUDENT NIJiJVICIENT COORDINATING CQIIMITTEE &} Ra;ym c.ind. St:i:•ei;:t., N .w., Atlanta 14, GAo:r.g:ia FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Telephone: 6G&..o331


SCMERVlLIE, TENNESSEE, JULY 23 _., Field sscret.aries for the Stt~dent NonYiolent

Coordjnating Cammi ttee r eported today that, a deputy sheriff here broke up an anti.,,

segregation demonst:r.ation with tear gas after white hoodlums a tt~cked demonst ,.•c '.:,::;_ :: ,,)

rippad u.p their signe, and threw liniment in one young N8gr·o~ s face.,

Walter Tj_llow:; a SNCC field secretary, said t.hat 120 young Negroes marched this

gJ.'ternoon from the Fayette County Training School to the county courthouse . 0 They .iere then going to P..hca' s Rexall Drug Store to sit-in, whe:re 12 persons have been 1rrested.

In front of the courthouse, the group was attacked by about 25 white hoodlums,

mo r:i.pp:d up signs saying, "God :Cs On Dur Side.911 'Ufa Crow Must Gos'' and "~srve All

11 Or Cl ose 0 One white threw l i :::i~~:1:ent in t he face of Colonius Towles _, 1.9. TowJ.os

said the liniment splashed on his face, i his l oft eye, and down hi s back" He

said his face was "burning a J.ot0 11

Deputy Sheriff J ack Blackwel l t hen lcobed a tear gas grenade i n to t he g~'.'oup.,

after which they dispersed3

Tillow said a SNCC worker.I> Robert King, of Albany, Ga.,, was arrested this afternoon., He s aid the Som e:'..~vilJ.e Movement was not appris<.~d c.f t he cha:,:-ges 0

Demons traticns at the Rhea Rexall tor e have continued here since Saturday.

Yesterday one member of the SomE.rvilJ.e Moveme::1.t, Malco}m Grey, was attacked by

;hites near t he cour t,ho,1se and three of hi s teeth were knocked out. Police watched

rhile Grey was attacked0

Tillow said 12 demonstrators were still in jail after arrests at the drugstore 0 NEWS RELEASE STUDENT NONVIOIENT COORDINATING COOilITTEE

8f Rayrriond Street,, NO W. FOR JMMEDIATE RELEASE A -~1ant:1 14, Gaorgia


Cit.y•s Schools, Jobs, Businesses: Integrate Two~Year hights F'igi.1t, Ends In Victory

CAMBRID}E, MARYIAND, July 2J -- Leaders of the Cambridge Nor.violm t Action Ccmmi ttcc

(CNAC) mad9 public a five point agree:nent, vh ich ended t;;~ years of m ti... segregation protests he!'e.,

'Ihe agreement ~·- signed by CNAC head Gloria Richardson, Reginald Robinson and

John lewis of the Atlm ta,~bnsed Student Nonviolent Coordinating Ccmmittee, :3~~a::,: e;:.~

Branch and Philip Savage of the NAACP, Cmnbridge city officials Calvin Mabray j Art.har

Parker and c. Awdry Thompron.,, Haryl~d Attorney General. Themas B~ Finan, md Edmon c.

Mester, Executive Assistm t to ¥ia :r.'Yl:,md Governor J. Milla:cd Tai-v<)3 ...., was wi tneased by United States Attorncy Gene:=-a Robert F. Kennedy and Justice Department. head

official Burke Marshall0

'.Ihe agrsement included integration of the first four grades of Dorchester County

Schools, the appointment of a bi-racial committee by city of.f'ici.a.1.s and CNAC leaders, employment of a Negro interviewer in the State Department of Employment's Cambridge

Office, the adoption of a city cho.rtar m e:ndment providing fox· integrat im of s:;_ l places of public accomoda tion, and building of low rent public housing n,,h i ,:::h ~ · ~ · l materially benefit the Neg:;.~o co!ltmmi ty., 11

CNAC leaders agr.eea to Ital t "protests 11 and 11 demonstrations11 for an indefinite period., All part.ios signing the agre'3rr.€int ri:. s::, indicated a "moral obligation to support the s pirit c1":).d intention" of t h e st;rLement0 T.t1e ag:r.-eerr.r:: nt. f ollowed nearly t wo yGa rs of anti~seg:::-ega tio:'1 demonstrations heo:'0, since CNAC w;.; ~ f ot1nd,3d~ Reginold Robinson., the SNCC fi3ld secretary w}Jo fir.s t, c amG '.1ere in J c:11u<'!ry, :l.9 62 -- a ::::.d w:i o retu1•:r1'3d -;.;hen full.. .scil. e demonstrations rer,llr.led in 11 : 1L;y, 1963 -··· scJ:id he was "tired bu t hQppy. CNAC · is an affiliate of the AUm +.:.a .-?based Student Ncmriolen·!; Coordinat:i.1'.'.g

CommitteG0 Robinson said two minors, jmled here on d0linquincy charges after soYeral civil r:i.ghts d:,rncnst rations ., would be released soon,, In Atl.:mta, tho Student NonYiolent Coordi nating Canmittee hailed the Canbridge agrGement as a "milestone in the civil rights struggle _, 'Ihe C::imb!'idge ng:r.s emcn1i poi nts up the ef'f'icacy cf ncnVioloh t, direct act.ion c:igainst segregg-t.ion, and under­ linGs the detsrmination of Negroes. in this country to be free. tt.

-3D-t. NEWS RELEASE S TUii.CN T NONVI Oif.EN T COORDINATING CCMMI TTEE 6 R~;rmond Street, N.We FOR IMMEDIA 'IE RELEASE Atl~n ta 14, Georgia JULY, 1963 Tel: 688-0331


CLA.11KSDAIE) MISSISSIPPI, JULY 25 -- Six young ciVil rights leaders -~

jailed a week ago on ch:irges of Violating a city mti-lit.ter ordinance when thsy passed out leaf1ets urging aboycott of merchants here - were released todi~y ..

The six: ~fayette Sumey, Cecil Scott, Smn Jaclroon;; 'Ihomas

Gait.her,. Ba:rbc:rG Gates and falzilla Hicl<".s -- were released today and yes­


ir:3~:ir:g Committae., G2j_ther 1 a fieJ.d worker from CORE, and Scott, m cl

J ac!{~,on, C1a:r.ksdale not:~VE:s 9 we:-e relisased on ~;400 appeal bmd each~

Miss and Misa Hi,:;ks, both 16, were released by a juvenile court

jud6e and the chargos aga ::nst them &.•opped for J.ack of evidence~

City offi.:::ials h e:ce hnve b;.~ought an injunct.ion against further demonstrations.

'llie court ordt° r, which n3mes CORE, sncc, SCLC ,md the NAACP, prohibits the from nenr;agi!lg in, sponsoring, incltir1g or en .. - courat; m2ss street pErades, 11 'I'l,8 o::'cler prohib::l.ts 11 bcycotting, t:re:,pass:mg and p:tcksting ar.d other unlawful acts., 11

'Ihe fo'.lr me.1 were con·ricted on charges of conspiring to with- hold t r ad9 "·

'Ibey were represented by R~ Jess Brown of Jackm n.


[~ NEWS RELEASE STUDENr l,:OJf\]'IU:.Z iTr COORDINATING COMMITTEE 6 R::!.J''.:r.0''.".d S1.,.t"":n,tL1 N.W. FOR IMMI!DIATE RELF.ASE A1· t"'.La.. ~"·. ~,-,,,, . ,.l ,.;,.;., ,11 '"··•. ,·".,",. l"g·l.· a JULY, 1963 Tel: 6o/}-,,CJ3 :.L SNCC HEAD URGES SAVANNAH NEGROES TO STEP UP PROTEST

SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, July 28 -- Savannah Negroes were urged to "continue their struggle

for freedom"' t,0day by the chairman of a Southwide m ti-segregation group.

Over 2.00 Negroes he.:L"'Cl. Lewis, Chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, call for "continued action against the evils of segregation.'"

Lewis addressed a crowd at the Flamingo Recreation Center, a gathering p,y: , 1 for re;;ent anti-,segregation protests.

The SNCC head said two SNCC workera -- Bruce Gordon, Negro and Riek Tuttle, white - are still behind bars heree Both are being held on $15,000 bail becauae- of their participation in mass protests~



GREENWOOD, MJSSISSIPPI, JULY 3:0 -- A young Negro student appealed today personally to the President of the United States to "help the Negro in -the .::>outh. 11

Lee•,one Hampton, 19, wrote: 11 The Negro has been in jail for walking down to the court houne to register to vote in Mississippi. The Negro has been in jail for asking the law in Mississippi for pro-:l;ection ....

"The Negroes went to war to help save this country and when they returned to the states they could not live with the white people.••• The .Negro has been kept behir.d too long... Now is the time for him to come forwardl!P We are demandine act iono

"A citizen of America, trying to be a citizen of Mississ.ippi, I am Respectfully yours, /signed/ Leevone Hampton

-30- ; EWS RELEASE :\ T'.JDENT NONVIOLFN T COORDINATING CCMMITTEE S RcfFmcnd Street,, N. W. FOR TI1MEfilA TE RELEASE \ t.lant.:!.l lh, Georgia JULY, 1963 Te 1: 688-CJ.3 l


PINE BLUFF, , JULY 29 -- Members of the Pine .bluff 1v1ovement announced that five movie theatres h-Jre have agreed to accept custa' without regard to race.

hill Hansen, a field secreta:ry for the Student NonViolent Coordinating

Committee (SNCC), said the Saenger, Pines Drive- in, Zebra Drive-in, Malec and

Communit.y theatres all had in~,;egrated by today, July 29.

Hansen said 43 people were arrested at the Saenger 'Iheatre in late May, i..~H U. members of the Pine Bluff Movement staged stand-in demonstrations there.

The SrTCC worker al so said Pine Bl uf f rs fonnerly white-only park opened to

Negroes a month ago, and the city's white- only swimming pool will accept Negroes

;1ext spring"

Members of the Pine Bluff Movement have "sold" 925 poll taxes to Negroes in

six weeks. Arkansas registration applicatants have to purchase a poll tax to

:;et their ru.•:-nes on registration lists.

Hansen a1so sa:l:d members of the Pine .bluff Movement had negotiated integration

~f city s : boo:!.s here, beginning in September. Grades one and two will integrate this

year, and two grades a year after that until all school levels are integrated.

SNCC worker Hansen began work here with students from Arkansas A & M Univer­ When sity. / l..~1ti-segregation protests began, 15 were suspended from the state,.;run Negro

school. Eight of t hoss expelled remained ~nd formed the core of the Pine Bluff Move-

ment, which grew out of attacks against segregated lunch counters 0

-30- NEWS RE!,EASE STUDENT NC:NVJ: l)LENT COORDINATING CCMMITTEE 6 I;<\·7'.~,J ;m~ o~.111-_1., S·;-- -,,., 0 ,+ NJ W \..,.;J.~.. ,1;.:. ,.., , 0, . FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Atlant a lli; Georgia ,.i"ULY , 19 63 Tel: 688~0331

S 1UDEN 'IS AT'ffiCI<:ED WI 'IH .AMMONIA, .ACID, IN PI NE BLUFF SIT,,.IN PINE BLUFF, AR.T{A NSAS, JULY 29 -<> Three students and a field secretar-; for t he Student Nonvio:ent Coordinating Ccmmittce required medical attention here yes. terday after the-.r wer e atta::::ke

lfoDonald 1s restaurm:t !' a cb:iv2~,in hambtdrger stand, when the violence occurred,. Bill Hansen, diroctor of SNCC 's Arkansas project, sai d that 25 Negr o students sat-in at the resto.urant yesterd::.iy in the fourth successive day of an ti-segregation d:::monstrations ~ They brought blm-:.kets and books and sat in the glass -walle d inside cubicle for four hours.

Ab 9ut (:fJ whi tes gathered at t he door of the restaurant, Hansen said, and begim throwing ammonia in3ido. The rest~mrant 's ma nager, a Mr. Knight, t hr ew cok0s, ice and w at.0r on the studen fa al so. As police watched fran across t he s treet, whites co:atinued to t h:.:- ow ammonia and acid. One Ar kansas A & M student said his handke:r cl-:"5.·9f was "eat0n 12;i" .:, .ft c=: !' he wiped a sut:otar.·.:o frc.:-,1 hi s f acs., Whsn the st;id or.ts left t he res t aur ant and were walking to the pai·k.-i.. ng lot, Hansen s aid, the "whit es moved in0 James J onea, a S NCC field secretery, wa s kno~;ked out by a flying bottl e. Helen Roi ens_, 15, had a knife t:b..rown at her. A beer cari hit Carolyn Hall, 14, on her foot ~" Hansen said he wa s k:rloc ked dom and inadver t ent ly fell on Beatrice Burns, 16., All four r equired medical attentiono

Hansen s aid the whites were "egged on" by L.D. Poynter, head of the ine Bluff br,m ch of the 1/Jhi te Citi zens (jouncil0 He said he would protest t.he lack of police protection t o the F. B.I., local police m1thorities, and ·, hs Justice Depart.'nent.


0 -, l..;;- ... NEWS RELEASE STUDEN T NONVIOI.ENT COORDINATING C01MITTEE 6 & ;ymond StTeat ,9 N.W. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Atlm t cr 1/.i., Geor gia July, 1963 Tel: 683,.,0331


DANVILLE, VIRGINIA, JULY 29 -- Eighty Negroe s and whites were arrested here yesterday

by local police as they attempted to stage a protest march in do1'n town Dai ville. A

~' h<:.d s e;:;2.'ot arj for t he S·0'.ldent N,JiWi cl .Jr,:'.; Coordimrting Cornr.~ itt ee was arres t ed an

nour in his automobile for 11 vlolation" of an i n junction and city ordir:1::ce

prohibiting such demonstrati cns,,

SNCC field v0 rkers said that the group of 80 - which included volunteers

from , Cambridge, aLd Birmingham -- went limp and had to be carried to three

station wagons and a van yes te!fday aftorn.oon.

About .m hour later, a car carrying several SNCC mrkers was stopped, and

Robert Zclli.', 24, arrested on charges of "violating" a corporation court injur:,:· '. : · .1

and a local city ordinanca prohibit ing demonstrations. Zellner is being held in

Danville city jail in lieu of $1500 accumulated bond0

Daniel Foss, a SNCC su:r,mer volunteer who had been arrested five times a nee

June, said that the $1000 for 11 violation 11 of the injunction had been doubled in

Ze lJ.ner I s case., did not particj_pnt e in the march, but Zellner and Sam Shirah, 20 ,/had be8n following the demonstr ators about a and block behind./ saw them arrested0 Thcy were st-opped an hour later.

Avon Rollins, SNCC project director here, said: "We intend to begin massive

Jemonstrations protesting the Danville situation in Richmond, the state capitol.

We are also going to begin anti~segregation protests in Lynchburg and Petersburg. 11 llollins said, "We are sick and tired of the attitude of local officials here. They a::ce using eYery conce:i.vable totalitn.ri m method against the Negro community, . including police brutality and multiple legal maneuve!'s. 11

-30- NEW ,<3 RELEASE [:JiI'Uf.;JLI'i'l.' :\l ONV I. C!:.::F

i\TiIXE1J G·::1 C)tJP - CrFTS 3.4 Dt.~YS A:i'EER. I:t:rd TOWN ::;ri: DOWN

A'IIJUJTA, GEORGIA, Ju~.y 89 -·- Thi:r-te.3n anti-segregation demon- st:::,at,.,.:'a vrn:r. e ~rn ntenced. 'li o 3,1: days in ja5. J. here today. The thr·e~ whJt es a:::i.d. ten lfo3::."()'? S sa "ti dmn1 at the int erse,Jt ion of

Fopsyth and Lt~.cki e st1•00d;s ].af)t Frida y, July 26, blocking trcff ic for at leaGt 30 mlnut0ao

Thr:i y were .fou:-:.1 guilty on two charges of disorderly con- du~t:, · one for bJ.or) king traffic a rrl one for ere at ing a dis:tur- bo.nce,..

The students, all membe1°s of the Comrnlttee On Appeal

For Eu:;1 9:-i Ri6 hi;s ;1 v:e.\' 8 g:lvG~'l the opt i.on o.f paying $17 fines on e nch cn.::i.r·g0 er e:0i.r:.3 t0 jail" ~-1hey chose to go to j s.ilo

f c iJ ~ o t o act t o i ntog~ate facilities hereo The sit-down

point of damcn~t~atlons j~ r0cnr~ w0aks,

t; QJ d. re;:-J OI' ter·s "n-3W radical a.emons·trations will con-

Fox struck ou.t at 11 r;o .. ca llsd N0gro leaders who pract:ce

Uncle '£om-ism more than they practice desegregation."

-30- HE LEASE SJ [,_Uf\'f' };"C{nIOtEW'I' CCC:RDINATING C01"Ir{ITTEE 0.: 7:.;'.:;~':m(\ _:C:'."i; :t',,~·•; J ., N.:, W,, FCR IMMEDIATE RELEASE .irt-.i..c. •• , ••.::. ·'-':..!·:, Georg.1.a July 30, 1963 Tel 1 658"0331


CLARKSDAL'S .l' MIS .SI.S::{iT'PI, ~rnLY 30 -· Fifty-.six persons, including .,

state :nresi"!.ent of the National Associ'J.tion for the Advancement of Colored

Peop~-e1i' and a rop:n:sBntc1;hive of the National Council of Churches, were ar't"ssted h 1,i-re th5. .:::; after:won in a vain attempt to present a petition to

C-..L ,3J'.' ic<.:: · ,,):,. a.Le~ 01.:-~f'' .. Haaj.3 ' " urging• a b.:i: ,r~-CJ..a.J... ·1 co:mrru.• ttee.

Lci.faye-t-t.e Surney" fiol.d cecreta.:ry for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Comm.tttoe. ~ smd also that B:i.l":1.•y Gra.harn1 world-fa."ll.ous evangelist, and Marlon Brando3 f:Llm star, we:re expected to cane to Clarksdale soon to aid the an'Gi··~Ggregation pretests hore0

S1;.,rn2y r:&,i.d thcl group of ;'.6 went to the city hall, armed with a signed peti.t:'ton asking for a bi"· committee .. They never got a chance iD presm t it.

'Jiic:,. :members of the group he:Ld signs reading nsegregation is evil" and

"The ·;,r::.:y- out. is a b:i;,,ra0i2J. 0ommi ttee,,."' ot,hom were waving Jimerican .f'l.ags.

The g:::-oup W'.u3 charged with 11 p3.rading without a permit" and sentenced to

30 da.ys and $1.00 flnet> Su,:,ney s most of the arrestees had vowed to remain in jailo

Dr.., Henry., whu has been under attack here for many years by arch-segre g• ationist forces, led the line. Accompanying him was an unidentified white man, an observer for the National Council of Churches.

Dr. Henry, the church group., SNCC, and other persons and organizations were cited here a month ago in an injunction fbrbidding demonstrations.

- 30 -