NET PRESS BUN AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION OF THE EVENING HERALD for tile month o f September. 1926. Fair tonight. Hmrsday cloudy 4 , 8 4 9 and warmer.

VOL. XLV., NO. 23; Chissilled AdTerClaliis on Page 6 MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27,1926. (TWELVE PAGES) t PRICE THREE CENTS QUISH DENIES Jim Doesnk Care U.S.JUDGESTO Novo Queen Marie Can Have Wine Asserts British " TEI150FBAIT HFS SEEKING to Try to Muddy PASS UPON BUS With Her Dinner if She Wishes D d u C L A S S A M. P^s Soused S O im i OFFERED Senator Bingham On The Job TAX_™rTY Montrli^l, Oct, 27.— Queen Marle<^into Montreal, McCullough sadly DEPUFSJOB of Rumania arrived In-a country locked up ,hls soda fountain. BAIMSNAKL c u m BROS. St. Louis, Oct. 27.— The Senate today where she may be wined «s There are also other artists on London. Oct. 27.^—Dr. Alfred slush fund committee will be un­ well as dined in public with perfect the train serving the queen who Salter, Labor M. P., arose in the able to Investigate charges levelled proprletry. “ swear by” her Majesty. House o f Commons yesterday jift- Insists He Knows of No Deal against Seantor Hiram Bingham, j Conn. Law’s Constkntionality In Montreal the government “I don’t know anj^thing about Fairfield County Body Send ernoon on a question of privilege Realtors’ JHead Says Con­ Republican of Connecticut, by a | guides the consumption of alcoholic queens, but she’s - a lady,” said and defended recent statements Connecticut newspaper. Senator I beverages merely by controlling Its ^muel Williams, who carries the cohcdmlng the drinking habits of With George Gabb for James A. Reed, (Dem., Mo.), an­ to Be Settled by Special sale. And her Majesty comes from a royal baggage dightly. On less dis­ in Name of Republican members of Parliament. cern Was Urged to Save nounced here this afternoon. land where sipping the fermented tinguished caravans they call sara- The House had requested Dr. Sheriff Appomtment here; Reed said he had heard of the Court in Hearing Begin­ liquid of the grape Is a national uel a porter. Brother of Nominee for Salter to appear and explain charg­ newspaper’s charges which involv­ habit and not an illegality. Always a **Th|uik You” es that, members were guilty of Millions by Removal of ed Bingham In a deal concerning a While in Prohibltidn America "The least thing I do - for her over-indulgence In intoxicants dur­ Would Not Take It. federal appointment but that he ning Tomorrow. Queen Marie was punctilious In ob­ majesty, the princess or the prince, Sheriff* ing the sessions of the House. Business. had advised the newspaper he serving the law of the nation en­ they smile and say; “Thank you so "I am not prepared to withdraw, could not initiate a Connecticut in­ tertaining her, her attaches declar­ much,” said Samuel. modify, qualify or apologize for quiry before election day. anything I have said,” Dr. Salter When Frank J. Qulsh, chairman New Haven, Oct. 27.— Three ed. Evidence contributing to up­ Dora Dean Johnson (maid); Hartford, Oct. 27.— Democrats hold this statement is the presence Qneen Marie and Princess ^Ileana declared. Hartford, Oct. 27.— Formal'^ li­ o f . Fairfield County have certified of the Democratic town committee, federal court judges will sit here of a model American soda fountain are just well-bred ladies who treat Dr. Salter said that on occasions censing of all real estate agents by read last night’s Herald, he learn­ tomorrow to hear arguments for aboard the royal train. ns with more courtesy than any the name of an active Republican; he had assisted in removing “ hope­ the state to prevent frauds no'w 12SWIMS$ESI!I lessly intoxicated” members from ed for the first time that he want­ and against the constitutionality of Made Shift With Sundaes passengers we’ve ever had.” as their candidate for high sheriff, ' perpetrated by irresponsible per­ Clarence McCullough, the royal and now are bending every effort j the House. ed to be Deputy Sheriff In Man­ the 1925 Connecticut legislative Only William Martin, the cook, "I have seen members of all sons was urged today by Thomat barber, operates this soft drink bar. has a grievance. chester. Quish Insisted this was HAU-miSCASE act imposing a special tax on mo- to rectify their error, according to parties drunk in the House,” said D. Faulkner, president of the Con­ The great American national, deli­ "I want to feed -her majesty well so today in asking The Herald to I tor vehicles engaged' in Interstate information revealed here today Dr. Salter, "and on many occa­ necticut As.soclatlon of Real Es­ cacy, the well-kowh ice cream soda, but she eats very lightly,” he com­ deny that he was a candidate for transportation of passengers. when Frank E. Healy, attorney- sions. That is common knowledge tate Boards, meeting at the annual is the royal family’s favorite re­ plained. general, was called in'to help settle to practically every member of the convention of the organlzatiop any political office. The case is that of the Interstate quest The royal party will stay in Mon­ the problem. i House. It I» hypocrisy for members here. «. George Gabb made no promises No Great Delay in Getting Buses Corporation against William “ Her Majesty frequently asks for treal and delve Into its historic Cornelius P. McGuinness, secre-1 to deny it.” Each realtor, he said, should to Quish’s knowledge and Quish H. Blodgett, tax commissioner; seconds,” McCullough asserted background until mld ilght tonight tary of the Fairfield county con- ■ work for the passage of a license has not approached Gabb seeking Ernest E. Rogers, state treasurer; proudly. “ She is a fine lady. Every when the train leaves for Ottawa. vention, sent the secretary . o f ' law at the next session of the leg­ the assurance of any appointment, Jury, Simpson Believes; Frederick M. Salmon, state con­ time she sees me she says good Canada has shown less curiosity state’s office the name of Louis A. islature. for without such a law Quish stated in no uncertain terms troller; Robbins B. Stoeckel, motor morning or good afternoon.” Abriola as the Democratic candi­ TOLEDO IN HYSTERIA he said, automobile salesmen, today. Furthermore, the former vehicle commissioner, and Robert Trial Next Wednesday. When the queen’s special drew (Oontlnoed on Page 2,) date for sheriff. clerks and others untrained and ig­ local policeman said that he would T. Hurley, state police superinten­ Meant Brother norant of the business may sell not take the job if Gabb were el­ dent. The name of Abriola’a brother, OVER NEW MURDER real estate, often working harm to ected. Quish is a plumbing con­ Somerville, N. J., Oct. 27.-—Ac­ Gent a Mile Tax. Anthony, should have been sent in. the buyers. tractor here and could not afford tive preparations for tiie trial of The 1925 legislature passed an BIGGEST OF ALL John A. Cornell of Bridgeport, as­ He proposed that the licensing to give up that line, he says. ict to enforce payment of a tax of MOTHER, DAUGHTER sistant secretary of the Democrat- Mrs. Frances Stevens Hall and her be carried on through some such Campaigning one cent per mile for the total agency as the State Insurance De­ Democrats in Manchester are two brothers, Willie and Henry Ste­ number of miles over which the started action toward effecting the j Woman of 47* Killed in Her partment. aOcusing The Herald of trying to vens, for the murder of Mrs. Elean- buses of the Interstate Company STILLS IS SEIZED change. Bait to Cheney Bros. hurt George Gabb’s chances in TAKE DEATH LEAP or Mills, were started today by Spe-. operates, and an act calling for the Case, Lockwood & Brainard, . of In asking the realtors to take Manchester after last night’s dis­ buses to carry a special marker. this city, who have ’the contract Home*FrftlitoBeSlamby part In every “ boost Connecticut closure that a movement was on cial Prosecutor Alexander Simpson The bill was effective June 30, campaign,” Mr. Faulkner said that foot here to roll up a big Gabb vote today. The trial opens here next 1925, and the state Insisted that Regnhr Hooch Factory, Ca-, 'Tonified Thousand See Don-i problem to solve as a r e -; in this 5 to 1 Republican town. Mysterious Mamac. a southern state had tried to con­ Wednesday. [ the Interstate Company pay the suit. They asked the attorney: vince Chenev Brothers of Manjhes Gabb is the Democratic candidate cent-a-mile tax from January 1, general today who would pay fo r , for High Sheriff of Hartford coun­ Simpson said he did not expect pacHy of 5,000 GaBoss UeSoidde from Highm ter that they would save $4,000,- that it would require much time to 1925. the change in printing, and then 000 annually by moving theii ty and four years ago ran away Edward H. Kelly, of Hartford, they asked what would happen i f : obtain a jury, although he admitted Toledo, Oct. 27.— Discovery of ^ plant to the south, adding, how ahead of hia ticket here. attorney for the Interstate Com- the time proves too short to make The High Sheriff has the ap­ many talesmen might have to be' Da9y Fonud iu New J ers^ New York Hotel. .'till another mysteriously murder- ' ever, that Cheney Brothers decided pafiy, asked an interlocutory in­ the change. There are twenty- 'd woman has brought this city to , to remain in Connecticut. pointment to the office of Deputy excused for having formed an opin­ tjbree towns in Fairfield county, ion. junction restraining the law from He declared that 500 to 1,000 Sheriff in each of the towns in the being put Into effect. He contended Atlantic City, Octi/ 27.— Federal but some uMng voting machines, he verge of hjrsteria and caused ex- ! county. That a man’s political 125 Witnesses. New York. Oct. 27.— Miss Doro- realtors from all parts of the state the law is unconstitutional and thr rohibition agents early today selx- *hy Warsehauer. 30. and her raoth- and BO are hot interested in the treme methods to be adopted in j are attending the convention, and affiliation did not seem of much About 125 witnesses will be in three federal court judges. Hough d the largest, still ever, found in printing matter. importance in making these ap­ court on the first day. Inspector ^ the hunt for “ the clubber," to an expensive program has been ar­ Godard and Thatcher wer^ ew Jersey— a plant valued at half whom Is accredited the atrocious! pointments was proved when High John J. Underwood announced. ng’^frornTthe’ eleventh* flo^p^orSe 'herlff *^Slmeon° PMse ” who °is 'a m ’ ranged for the two days’ session. named a constitutional court to de million dollars and so large, they ■Tartha Washington hotel before ' *^®*^*** Simeon Pease, who is can- murddrs of four other women and' Among the speakers are Rt. Rev Sheriff Edward Dewey, the present Seventy subpoenas already have lid it would have, to be dynamited ’date for re-election, asked Lonls Incumbent, and now opposing clde the point. A similar court sa he eyes of thousands of horrified criminal attacks upon at least fiv e, Maurice F. ilcAuliffe, Mayor Nor­ been served on witnesses for the here and decided that the motion acause it is too huge to be dis .briola why he was running George Gabb, named the late trial. I oectators. Police say that Miss )thers. man C. Stevens, of Hartford, Gov. picture tax act of the 1925 legisla­ lantled. gainst him when Abriola is a Re­ Mrs. Mary Alden, 47, is the lat-< John H. Trumbull, Rabbi Stephen John F. Sheridan, a Democrat as Whether the body of Mrs. Mills The plant was capable of a daily Tarschauer was at one time an in­ publican. deputy in Manchester. The many ture was constitutlop'.l. nate of an institution for the In­ est victim in the series of shocking S. Wise, of New York, as well would be exhumed for an autopsy Attorneys for thr .state are Stod­ lutput of five thousand gallons of "I’m not running. It’s my broth­ crimes. Her body, with night friends of George Gabb in Man­ was a matter of some doubt today. ane at Isllp, N. Y. as many prominent In real estate dard, Goodhart, Wetzler and Per- ‘hooch,” according to the agents. er,” replied Louis. clothes torn to shreds and with circles. chester, friends socially, not politi­ Inveiftory Worry over her daughter’s Ill­ Then for the first time, the Dem­ cally, were practically certain sky, of" New Haven, who have ^ en ness probably caused the mother, three bullets in the br.east, was preme Court Justice.._ — Charles W. named by Frank Healy, attorney- The layout included, according ocrats learned their error. found by her husband, George W. Deputy Sheriff Herbert M. Blssell Parker last week for the exhuma­ to Willard E. Barcus of Newark, Mrs. Bertha Warsehauer, 61, to Must Writo Name .In . would hold his office even if Gabb, general of the state, to handle the make the death leap, according to Alden, when he returned from tion, but no further steps have been case. raid leader: Attorney General Healy, ^ p p ^ i work late, last night She had a Democrat, won. taken. One 4,000-gallon still. a theory advanced,to police by Dr . ed to by Elmef H. Lounsbury, aep- Woman at Work been assaulted after a terrific en­ GERMANS EXCITED BY Victims Were Trailed. Six l,000-galloni< stills: H. Sohueman, the Warsoluiuen'- nty.see^ counter. The Quish aspiration for the of­ Rev. Dr. Edward W. Hall and Three S.OOO-gallon stills. family phypiclan.. : ' : this ^ fice of Deputy Sheriff, which he - ^ No a u b Used Mrs, Eleanor Hills were trailed by ~?Two ^lumn stills, arltew and vMotiien:iakl danghteri llMhiMu^4aiiongh( eTAetton: tor-re^ The dwth of Mrs. Alden dlfter- .. AMERICAN m C T IO N emphatically denies, was disclosed two men, one tall, the other short, unique dMlgq in raiders' experien­ ly dressed, arxfved at-the hotel at when a woman campaigner came WARD'S ABSENCE MAY the tiaJlo^ 4in^ in as qntl ^ 't r o n r that of the four others for a month before they were mur­ ce:: of 75 and 25 gallon capacity. 6 o’iSlock in. the ahernoon. Jhat opihiob hA.,sahL that the votSri of who. were clubbed to death and to Manchester seeking support for dered on the deserted Phillips Four wood vats, two of 6,000 thirty minutes .later passersby In Fairfield county 'would -have' to Hear That U. S. Government George Gabb in Republican ranks. their bodies frightfully mutilated. farm, it was revealed today by COST FAMILY $35,000 gallon and two of 1,000 gallon ca- the street saw Mrs; Warsehauer write in^ the'name o f Anthony Ab­ In each of the previous eight as­ Has Entered Protest on Fran­ This woman made the statement paclty. i from the eleventh floor. The riola if they desire to vote for him that Quish would get the Deputy William O’Rourke, a contractor. saults a club was em ploy^ by the co-German Steel Combine. O’Rourke had appeared as a Three 500-gallon rectifiers. body, turning and twisting In the rather than his brother. fiend. Sheriff’s joo. Several Republicans Father of Man He Killed May One 250 horsepower boiler, a air, crashed on top of an electric minor witness before, but never Not a fragment of evidence has Berlin, Oct. 27.— The German told The Herald that they had been gas engine, five steam motor sign over the hotel entrance. > solicited to vote for Gabb, not had he told the story which he di- Get Def»nU .Tudgment in been uncovered in tiie death yes­ press was greatly excited today over' ■vulged to reporters today. Suit fo r ST>5,000. pumps and three electric pumps. Smiles as Blie Yie«{»i terday of Lily Croy, 26, beantitul only by this woman, but by Quish Own Building Thousands of pedestrians, rush­ London and Paris reports that the himself, and they furthermore "The first time I saw the two school teacher, whose mutilated United States government Is “ amaz­ men following Dr. Hall and Mrs. The plant was housed in its own ing to the scene, were further hor­ LADY ISABEL HOWARD body was found in the shadow of a stated that they were given to und­ New York, Oct. 27— The mys­ three-story building, and was of rified when the diaughter smilingly ed and irritated” over the proposed erstand that the former policeman Mills was about a month before terious disappearance of Walter S. school after the clubber had swoop­ formation of a Franco-German steel they were killed,” he said. "I was frame and galvanized iron con­ steppied to the window and poised ed upon ner from ambush. was to get Blssell’s job. Ward, heir to ;he Ward baking struction, not the usual old farm herself for the death leap. The eAUSES BAR SEAUN6 combine. sitting in my car near De Russey’s millions, will have to be cleared up Arrest Suspect There you have it. One group house used as concealment for spectators stood, still in helpless These reports declare that the ilaims votes were sought on the lane with my wife when we saw by Nov. 15, or it may cost the fallowing discovery of an iron .United State.s Department of "’State Dr. Hall and Mrs. Mills walk by. backwoods plants. It was on the fascination, but Miss Marjorie La Complaint, of Ambassador's bar, covered with human hair and basis of “ a vote for Gabb Is a vote Ward family $35,000, it developed farm, Barcus said, of Thomas Web­ has warned the German ambassa for Quish” and Quish himself de­ Behind them at a distance of per­ today. Plante, Montreal trained nurse blood, in an ash heap near the scene er at Clarks lauding iu the woods who occupied a room on the ninth Wife Results in Ship Cap­ dor, Baron Von Maltzan, in shari nies, with the greatest of empha­ haps 100 feet the two men were Young Ward, who has been the tains Doing Job ThemsdlTes. where Miss Croy was killed, police terms against Herr Stresemana sis, that such a deal is in the works following. One was unusually tall, north of Egg Harbor. In a nearby' floor, rushed to a small balcony In today, took into custody a man said central’ figure iq several escapades, building was a separate electric ; front of her window just as Miss venturing upon any European pol­ and insists that he wouldn’t take (he other short. “ disappeared” on May 15, last. His to be suffering from mental'^ls- icy which displeases the United, the job if it were offered to him. Saw It Again. power plant for the outfit. j Warsehauer jumped. New York, Oct. 27.— Captains of eases. He was found living a block automobile was found, abandoned The daughter’s body struck this British trans-Atlantic liners no'sr States. In the meantime the Republican "About a week later the same near Trenton, N. J. A rock had' from the scene of the clubber’s ac- Untrue, Says Kellogg. town committee is taking no thing happened. I was in about the balcony and caught bn a spike. personally seal the bars of their ti'rtties. been thrown through the wind-1 With Miss Warsehauer fighting ships before they cross the three- Washington, Oct. 27.— ^ r e t a r j chances either way and is mapping same place and I saw the two men shield. TEX SAYS DEMPSEY The bar is about a foot long and I and screaming to the nurse to “ let mile limit, becahse of a complaint of State Kellogg today branded as out a strenuous campaign to get following the minister and Mrs. A suit for $35,000 damages has; her die," Miss La. Plante held on madeyhy Lady- Isabel Howard, wife weighs approximately eight pounds. untrue reports that the - United out a big vote for all Republican Mills. I planned to tell Dr. Hall been filed against the millionaire ’ It resembles the coupling pin used States has interposed objections, candidates next Tuesday. privately but I never got around to MAY G P IT A U UP to her grimly. Her grip was finally of thd British ambassador to Wash­ baker by Elbridge O. Peters, father, ington. to attach trailers to automobiles. directly or Indirectly, to the forma­ it.” of Clarence Peters, who was slain broken, however, and the daughter was united with her mother in Lady Howard recently returned Police received another clue today tion of a Franco-German steel com­ O’Rourko said he was in the by Ward several years ago. Ward Not So Sure Now That Fallen when they learned that a taxicab bine. ’Treasury officials viewed the same place also on the night of the claimed self-defense and was ac­ death as the body hurtled down­ from England on the ,Aquitania. Champion Will Take tbe ward and struck that of the elder She noticed that passengers were driver , had picked up a passenger combination as beneficial, both to murders and saw the couple, but quitted. near the area where the clubber has Europe and the United States. AMBASSADOR’S HOME this time he did not see anyone “ I don’t know whether my client Trouble to Figbt Again. woman, hanking over the sign. drinking even - while the ship was Although the Warschaners lived sailing up the harbor. committed bis crimes, early yester­ following them. is alive or dead,” Alan R. Camp­ day morning. When this passtnger bell, hia attorney, told Federal New York, Oct. 27.— Some doubt in Brooklyn, they registered as The complaint followed, and now IN BAY STATE BURNS “ Mrs. B. Walsh and Miss D. Walsh, the orders are So strict that passen­ was discharged at a hotel another Judge Goddard when the case was was expressed by Tex Rickard to­ driver noticed that the stranger’s day, just prior to a luncheon en­ Boston.” ' gers and even members of the crew HAD PLOT FOR FAKE ARMENIAN QUAKE called. coat and hanJs were smeared with Residence of A. H. Washburn “ It is your duty to Investigate gagement with Jack Dempsey, as Mrs. Warschauer’s brother, An­ cannot buy liquor or cigarettes or drew Heyderman, who lives in even mineral water after their blood. at Falmouth Destroyed, and find out,” said the court. “ I’ll to whether the former heavyweight DEATH UST MOUNTS adjourn action until November champion really intended to at­ Brooklyn, declined' todajr to. throw ships have crossed the three-mile CZAR’S PROCLAMATION Father May Die of Smoke. 15.” tempt a comeback next summer. He any light on a note found in Mrs. limit. A Judgment by default may be intimated that Dempsey, . inde­ Warschauer’s room at the hotel An explanation has been given Kiev, Russia, Oct. 27.— A new 365 Victims Identified, With which read: Falmouth, Mass., Oct. 26.— Fire entered unless Ward appears. pendently rich, was wavering be­ by the lines Indicating that the bars ARMY PLANE DIVES plot for a counterfeit czar to .pro­ of unknown origin that did dam­ 8,000 Homeless and 100 Mil­ tween distaste for the annoyances “ My brother knows all about the always have been sealed, and that claim himself has been uncovered age estimated at $200,000 destroy­ lions of Damage. of training and a desire to recoup money.” the passengers noted l^y Lady How­ here, according to officials. ed the home of Albert H. Wash­ SESQUI BEATEN ON his wounded vanity over his loss ard were drinking liquor which IN RIVER AT BOSTON A Nun, the former Duchess Olga they bought before the ship reached burn, ambassador to Austria,'today. Moscow, Oct. 27.— After four of the title to Gene Tunney. ) Gubina, la alleged to have Induced .\mbassador Washburn’s 82-year- days and nights of rescue work, “ Dempsey still is young and can CANADIAN READERS American waters. This may still handsome young Nikender Mala- old father Is in a critical condition he done, they added. Two OcenpaAts Escape With official reports revealed that the SUNDAY SHOW RIGHTS make plenty of money next sum­ koff to act the part of the l^te czar from the effects of smoke. He was catastrophe was worse than the mer because of his undoubted OPPOSE PRINT TARIFF Lives When Craft Just Miss- j Alexis, who perished with nls fam­ carrlecf out through smoke filled drawing power,” Rickard said. ily at Ekaterinberg. At secret halls. « first estimates and it Is now stated County Court Denies Excep­ es Hitting Dry Land. j that there are 365 Identified dead “ However, he has all the money meetings the bogus Romanoff with Roused from their t^^'ds by the he needs and I’m a bit afraid he and 8,0C0 homeless and the damage tions and Orders Judgment Protest’ Against Raising of U.S. TO PUT ARMORED Boston, Oct. 27.— An army air-1 an armed bodyguard, told of his cries of the caretaker ai.d other Closing Show on Sabbath. may decide the whole thing is too plane, taking part with twenty- ■ miraculons escape from the Soviet employees. Ambassador Washburn amounts to more than $100,000,- much trouble. That decision rests Rates on American Maga­ 000. four other planes in a Navy day forces and promised after his coro­ and other occupants of the home Harrisburg, Pa., Oct. 27.— ^Ex­ with him.” zines Now Considered. CABS ON MAH. TRUCKS celebration, plunged Into the Char-. nation to give everyone free land. narrowly escaped being trapped. The successive earthquakes over Rickard’s plans for Dempsey The plot was betrayed and the a period of four hours drove many ceptions filed by the Sesqul-Cen- les river this afternoon. The oh- ’ Mrs. Washburn and her son were will be discussed in detkil by the Ottawa, Canada, Oct. 27— ^The server. Private W. C. Rltterson. Duchess and the pretender have not at home. into a frenzy of fear that has re­ tennial Exposition Association to promoter and fighter today. Tariff Advisory Board, which is P ^ . Department Calls for Bids and the pilot. Sergeant Richard D .; aisappeared. A wardrobe valued at $25,000 sulted in madness. the Dauphin County court opinion relative to the illegality of Sunday preparing to deal with the appeal of im a Hundred o f Steel, and Cobb, were taken from the sub- | which Mrs. Washburn had planned Twenty persons are reported to the Canadian magazine publishers have died of heart failure. operation of the Sesqul-Centennial Shot-proof Glass. merged aircraft slightly injured j to take to Austria when she and ‘lAW FUL LAGER” IS for a higher tariff on American and badly shaken up. | OUT OF her husband sailed for Europe on Sleeping in Fields. at Philadelphia were denied today by the court.' magazines, were today flooded with Washington, Oct. 27.— In con­ - They were attempting to make a Nov. 11, was completely destroyed. New York, Oct. 27.— The entire telegrams from Canadian readers population of Lenlnkan is sleeping The court’s decision decrees that nection with its war against mail forced landing after their motor Not a piece of the home furnishings LA GUARDIA’S SLOGAN opposing the proposed increased went bad. Taking a nose dive, tbe PIRATE ORGANIZATION were saved. in the fields and relief measures are judgment of ouster be entered In bandits, the Post Office Department accordance with the original opin­ tariff. airplane dived Into the river a few Police and fire officials are con­ urgently necessary In order to pre­ today called for bids tor the con­ ion, of September 16, and that the New York, Oct. 27.— Planked by The readers"protest that they will struction of one hundred armored feet from the bank, and was part­ Pittsburgh, Oct. 27.— The last ducting an investigation on the vent widespread suffering in earth­ ly submerged. quake stricken Armenia, according exhibition association be “ ousted huge steins of foaming meer, “ Law­ be forced to pay the increased tariff cabs for installation on mail trucks. rumblinrrs of the flare-up in the theory that the fire was of incen­ ful Lager” has been raised asAhe in the end. diary origin. to a cable received by the Near East from any right, privilege or authori­ The bids will be opened November ranks of the last Relief from Dr. Joseph Beach, di- ty to open, hold, or conduct the slogan in the campaign for rer«Iec- Advocates o f a higher tariff de­ 1C. Contracts will call for 26 addi­ season, which piany fans believe rector-gbneral of the Near East Re­ exposition on the Lord's day.” tlon waged by Rep. P. H. La Guar- clare that the low tariff rates have tional cabs, if needed. cost them the pennant, were heard TREASURY BALANCES. Costs of proceedings were order­ dia In the 20 th Congresslonad dis­ influenced the trek of Canadians:to Washington, Oct. 27.— Treasury lief In Armenia. The cabs will be constructed of PONZI LOSES m s RGHT here today a:, a meeting of the club In four villages, 6,500 Inhabit­ ed to be paid by the association. trict. the United States and have permit­ steel and bullet-protected glass, and board of directors was called for to­ Balance as of October 25: $246,- • Great blue and white lithographs ted American advertising matter to 581,038.80. ants are now camping on the hill­ will be so designed as will enable morrow afternoon to consider the sides, anxiously watching the skies RECONCILIATION FAILS reading “For Congress, Laguardla attract Canadian money. guards to fire from them at any AGAINST EXTRADITION resignation of Fred Clarke, central Balance as of October 23: $253,- IN CHILD DIVORCE CASE 085,571.87. for the first winter’s snow, which is and Lawful Beer,” have been tack­ The tariff advisory board will angle. figure in the controversy. due within a week. The villagers ed up in conspicnons places all over consider the question tomorrow. Clarke mailed his resignation as are without bedding or sufficient Paris, Oct. 27.— Two formal at­ the district. RICH MAN GOES TO DEATH Ponii, financial wizard, todqy lost assistant manager, vice president clothing. tempts at reconciliation between SUNDAY SCHOOL HEAD AT N. Y. "SUICIDE’S LEAP.” his appeal to avoid extradition to' and director, to President Barney Richard Washburn Child, former STOECKEL IN DETROIT FACES PRISON TERM Massachuaetta. The Court .bt Crim­ Dreyfuss from his home in Winfield. A M odel's The young people’s legion of the ambassador to Italy and his wife •Hartford, Oct, 27. ^— R. B. Detroit, Mich., Oct. 27.— Charles New York, Oct. 17.— k . man be­ inal Appeala overruled the motion Kansas. Salvation Army will Aieet in the have failed and the divorce petition Stoeckel. motor vehicle commis­ Kirkpatrick, former SnndAV school lieved to be Clarence T. Burkett, miade by Ponal’a attomeya and aua- Clarke was the sixth member of Citadel this evening at |7 o’clock.- of Mrs. Child Is now before the sioner, is In Detroit, Mich., today superintendent of McGregor. Michi­ wealthy president of a real estate tained Governor Miriam A. Fergn- the Pirates to leave the club since Own S tory Any young person wishihg to join Seine tribunal. attending the 50th Annual Safety gan, today faced a prison term of and Insurance brokerage concern aon’a order for Ponzi to be extra­ the dissension came to the surface. these classes can do so. ’The Mrs. Child refuses to discuss the -Congress- He is to speak on the from one to five years following his which beara his ngme, plunged to dited. Ponii la under Masaachn- The others to go yvere Manager classes organized are for basketry, case. The former ambassador has safety activities of his department, conviction last night on a charge his death today, from the famous aetta sentence oT seven to nine Bill McKechnle. , Carson Page 5 Today embroidery, plain sewing apd knit­ left his apartment hotel here and outlining legislation which has been of violating the Mann Act. He will "Suicide Leap" viaduct at Twelfth years for Illegal financial opera­ Blgbee. Babe, Adams and “ Stuffy” ting. could not be located. adopted. De sentenced' Saturday* Avenue and St. Clair Place* tions. Meinnis. I TALKS m i A L HYGIENE* GOV. TRUMBULL FfUODAY’S HUSKIN’ BEE ANOTHER GBfc " LOCAL STOCKS The annual Huskin’ Bee given GOES; $85,000 THIE TIME AT KIWANIS LUNCHEON by the Holy Name Society of St. Syracuse, N. Y., Oct.. ^7.— A Bridget’s church will be held on A NEW “FASCINATING• YOUTH!” * trunk containing between |36,000 tFarnished b; Patnam A €X>^ ^ T O S P E A K B Friday evening in the Hollister and 160,000 worth of Jewelry was \ 6 Central Row; Hartford, Conn.) State Health OflScer Tells o f street school. Members of all com­ stolen from the~ Harrison street en­ Bid Ask mittees for the affair have about trance of the Hotel Syracase\ last Work That Is Being Done in School for Young Movie Actors Proves Its Wroth completed their work and every- night, according, to reporto ta tbe^’ Aetna Cas. & Sur. . 750 I Connecticut. Secured for Father and Son "fthlng Is In readiness for the party. police toda,,. ' 'The tmnk was own­ Aetna Life ...... 565 565 Drncing to the music o f Leo ed by V. S. Chapman of Npwark, N. A u tom obile...... • — 200 ' Dr. Daniel E. Shea of Hartford, Hollywood, Oct. 27.— Yputh had Schendel’s orchestra will follow J., a jewelry salesman. • Conn. General .... 1575 1620 a member of thh State Department Banquet at South Method­ the entertainment. Htfd. Steam Boiler .635 of Health, was the speaker at the its fling on the screen and proved Hartford F ire ...... 455 465 Klwanis luncheon this noon at the PUBLIC HEALTH NURSES P h oen ix ...... 555 565 Hotel Sheridan. His subject was ist Church Nov. 17. so well that it could act that an­ T ravelers...... 1160 1180 “ Social Hygiene.” Dr. Shea told IN HARTFORD MEETING Dancing Senation i*nbUe UtUlty Stocks. other picture, after the style of Hartford, Oct. 27-— About one of the wonderful work the state \ o f the Yeair Conn, Power Co. .. ,310 320 Governor John H. Trumboll and hundred members of the public was doing in educating the people "Fascinating Youth,” soon will be Given under the auspices of the Conn, L P 7% pfd. .109 112 along this line, in ecdploying spe­ Rev. Dr. George B. Martin have health nursing section of the Htfd. E. L. com. ... .325 330 cialists, and by films, literature and been secured as speakers for 'the in the making in Hollywood. Graduate Nurses Association of Four Snappy Chaps Htfd. Gas com...... 68 70 lectures trying to combat the on­ annual Father and Son banquet to Connecticut, are meeting here to­ The greatest time of your life. So. N. E. Tel. Co. .. .152 The clan of Paramount Junior 155 slaught of social disease. He be held at the South Methodist day in Che first annual convention Follow the crowd to Hanuractaring Stocks • stressed the responsibility that lies church, Wednesday evening, Nov­ of this group. Prof. C. A. Wins­ ember 17. The committee appoint­ Stars is gathering again— Thelma low, of Yale, outlined the need for Am. Hardware .... .'8 7 89 with the parents of boys and girls, Odd Fellow^ Hall ed to arrange for speakers feels state aid for rural health work in American. ... . 30 33 in instructing and warning them of Todd, Marlon Ivy Harris, Robert elated over its success In receiving , a talk during the morning. Miss Thurs. Eve., O ct 28, ’26 Acme 'Wire com. ... s — 15 the dangers that beset theta, in­ not only the governor’s acceptance i Andrews, Greg Blackton, Iris Gray, Carrie Hall, R. M., president of the $5 In Gold given away for Spot Blgelow-Htfd. pfd. . . 98 102 stead of evading their duty and al­ but the Rev. Mr. Martin's, who Is ' Dance. Dancing S to 12. Blgelow-Htfd. com. . . 7.8 78 lowing the young people to learn of Nurses Educa­ a prominent Methodist minister Jeanne Morgan, Mona Palma, Mnsic by Six Melodies Orchestra. Bristol Brass...... 3 S the truth sometimes by bitter ex- tion is the speaker for the after­ periehces. Dr. Shea said the Sub­ and a favorite with the radio audi­ noon session. Admission . *. . • • • 00 cts. Collins Co...... 140 150 ence. Charles Rogers, Claude Buchanan, Colt Fire Arms . .. . . 29 ■ 29: ject of social hygiene has come to Eagle Lock ...... be more openly discussed, especial­ Mnslc Program’ .104 109 Archibald Sessions, organist of ■Walter'Goss, Jack Luden, Thelda Fafnir Bearing .... . 90 95 ly since the Great War but there is the South Methodist church, will Kenvin,- Charles Brokaw, Jose­ Full'r Br’sh Class AA 64 room yet for vast improvement. have charge of the musical pro­ phine Dunn, Dorothy Nourse, Irv­ Hart & Cooley .... .185 Harlow Willis furnished the at­ gram. Fred Bendall will lead the ing Hartley— for the continuation Tonight, a Real Int. Sil. pfd...... 104 108 tendance prize today. It was a chorus singing. . of an experiment that Jesse L. L’nders Frary & Clark 91 93 small keg of sweet cider, right from A large committee from the Lasky tried and which made him a Novelty From Old: Jewell Belting pfd. .> 80 the mill, and was won by Charles Men’s Friendship club is enthusi­ little richer. T h e S t a t e Noveltyland. New Brit Mach, pfd.104 J. Pickett who immediately opened astically working out the details The matter of finding now tal­ S \ "The Theatre Magnificent’* Niles Bt. Pd. N. Stock 19 21 the keg and passed the apple juice of the banquet, which will take the ent for the screen had so long been North & J u d d ...... 25 27 around. form of a turkey supper. A well a thorn in the sides of the direc­ J R Montgomery pfd. — 80 Every Kiwanian was urged by the known local caterer will prepare tors that Lasky last year tried out J R Montgomery com. — 75 president to make it a point to go the meal. Fathers and sons out­ the somewhat expenfeive establish­ ** A Real, Butcher Shop Peck, Stow '& "Wilcox 22 24 to the polls on election day and cast side the South Methodist congrega­ ment of a school for young actors, A Whole Cow, 1600 pounds of him to he GIVEN Russell Mfg. C o .j... . 40 50 his ballot. tion will be cordially welcomed resulting in the first picture of its Stanley Works com. . 80 82 From appearances ntfw there will Tickets may be obtained, from any kind ever made, “ Fascinating AWAY FREE. It Beefhooves you to come around and Smyth Mfg. Co. . . . .350 be a large delegation from the lo­ of the members of the club for this Youth.’’ share in this, bountiful gift giving. You also get the Torrington ...... 68 70 cal club at the district meeting at great even', of the season with the It “ took.” The folk from Sque- Best Music by THE STATE ORCHESTRA and in addi­ Underwood ...... 50 52 the Hotel Bond, Hartford, on men of this church. dunk liked It. So did the cities. tion Two Movie Features. Whitlock Coil Pipe . • 25 Thursday evening, November 4. And the school proved a suc< U. S. Envelope pfd. .107 The final golf match between the cess. The 16 graduates showed Bonds. Hartford and Manchester teams such talent that all were signed to RALPH GRAVES & LOU TELLEGREN Htfd. Elec. Lgt. 7’s .290 297 will take place at the Country Club ABOUTTOWN long-term contracts by Paramount. East. Conn. Pow. S’s . 99 Thursday afternoon. Luncheon Production. on the second ail- “WOMAN POWER** Conn. L. P. 5% s .. .108 110 will be served twelve o’clock and Miss Minnie McVeigh of West youth picture will begin about Jan. Conn. L. & P. 7’s . .115 117 The Secret of Womau’s Power Over Man playing will begin not later than Center street entered the Memorial 1 and is to be directed by Hector - Four of the Paramonnt Jnnior B’dpt. 5’s ...... 103 105 one o’clock. hospital last night for treatment. Turnbull. The story will be an­ stars. Left to right, above, are Tfaelina 'Todid and Marlon Ivy Harris; below, Robert Andrews JANE NOVAK other portrayal of joyous jeunessc. and Gregg Blackton. Mrs. Jennie Hodge of Oak Grove street underwent a major opera­ “ WHISPERING CANTON** York Stocks CHORAL CLUB PLANS tion today at the Memorial hosplui. pushcart belt so that first nlghte Oh FORMER LOCAL MAN A Melodrama of the Land of Big Redwoods—^Ifs Good. Invitations were received/Ikis Grand Street see a dizzy line of VISITS THE PRESIDENT High Low 2 P. M. FOR NEXT CONCERT limousines making their war morning for the marriage of Miss THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY At. Gulf, W. J. 31% 31 31% BlSIe May Trotter, daughter of through the East Side alleys. Their Fred Farrar, of Northampton, Am Sugar Ref. 76% 75% 75% Mrs. Gertrude Trotter of Main first offering is a Savolr farce ‘The Am Tel & Tel.146% formerly in the hardware business 146% 146% Richard Crooks to Be Soloist; street to Elmer Clarence Knofla, Lion Tamer”— the same Savolr who in Manchester, Is a guest of Presi­ Am Smelting .131 130% 129% Has Enviable Reputation as son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Knofla wrote “ Bluebeard’s Eighth Wife” dent and Mrs. Galvin Coolidge at 5 SELECT VAUDEVILLE Am Loc . . . ..103% 102 103% of Middle Turnpike, east. The wed­ and “ The Grand DUchess and the Am Car Fndry, 97 97 97 a Tenor. the White House. Mr. Farrar, a per­ ding will take place in tke South Waiter.” sonal friend of the Coolidge famfly, ACTS 5 Atchison .. .154% 153 154% Methodist church on ‘Wednesday, B & 0 ___ .103% 102% Richard Crooks, one of the lead­ is said to be arranging for a wel­ 103 November 10 at 6 p. m. McAvoy’s o^uB, “ God Loves Us," Beth Steel ‘B’ 45% 44% 45 ing American tenors of the day, is come for the Goolidges when the WILBUR SWE. TMAN AND HIS BAND the artist the Men’s Choral Club Is getter” business groups and the Chandler . .. . 11% 11% 11% New voters should avail them­ President visits Northampton to World’s Greatest Comet Player. A Victor Recording Chili Copper . 32% 32% 32% to bring to Manchester for Its first outstanding caricature is that of a vote next Tuesday. selves of the opportunity to learn I typical back-slapping luncheon. Cons Gas N Y.107% 107% 107% concert of the season, Monday eve­ New York, Oct. 21.— The Im­ Artist. A Big Musical Ensemble Act. ning, November 29 at High school how to vote by machine. Machines 1 Since McAvoy has spent his odd Col. Fuel Iron 41% 39% 40% were on exhibition today in the new pertinent young men of American APOLLO COP MAY LOSE Ches & Ohio .169% 167% 169% hall. city hall anfl will be tomorrow and drama have been applying to heir moments turning out Christmas ALEXAN DER ART STANLEY MATTHEW & Organist Archibald Sessions has cards he is quite at home with his .FLAT AS WELL AS BRIDE Cruc Steel . . 71 69% 71 Friday from two o’clock In the af­ playa that note of satiric mockery & KENT been directing rehearsals in prepa­ SONG TYPE EARL Can Pacific .163% 162% 163% ternoon until nine in the evening. so skillfully and successfully used subject and these “ made-to-order” Acrobatic ration for the event for the past New York, Oct 27.— George Syl­ Erie ...... 39% 39 39 This will give employees of thq in literature by the Sinclair Lewis­ greetings become part and parcel of Delineator “ A t t h e a u b ” month and it is expected that it will , his background. With this play the vester Wandling, “ Apollo of the Comedy Erie 1st . .. . . 48 47% 47% silk mills an opportunity to go ites. Cops,” today was given notice of Gen. Asphalt . 74% 73 73% be the “ best ever” which Is saying there in the evening. I alliance of the Actors Theater and good deal when one recalls the Heading this school have been an action by his bride,. the former RAYMOND NEILSON & CO. 5 Gen Elec ... . 83% 81% 83% George Kaufman. Marc Connelly, Greenwich 'Village Theater groups Claire Suggs of Buffalo, designed Geii Mot. . . .149% 145% 148% noteworthy concerts given by the makes its first bow. A WOW. Comedy Skit. Here’s Comedy Combination £ club the past two seasons, at each John Lawson, Sidney Howard, J. P. to dispossess him of his apartment Great No, Pfd. 77% 76% 7V% WATERBURY EDITOR McAvoy, George , Kelly and Scott For the rest there is a new come­ and its equipment. 7Hs is the lat­ Youll Like. . £ 111. Central .123 121 123 of which the most prominent musi­ dy, “ On Approval,” by the adroit cal artists in the country have been Fitzgerald. In their early work, “ To est movement in the sudden break­ Kennecott Cop 61 60% 60% Frederick Lonsdale, who wrote ing up of Wandling’s latest ro­ - DOUGLAS McLEAN in “HOLD THAT LINE” f Insplra Cop . 25% 25% 25% secured by Director Sessions as the Ladles,” the Connelly-Kaufman APOPLEXY V I O T team conspired to torment that In­ “ The Last of Mrs. Chfeney.’’ ; a mance. First his bride left him. “SWEET ADELINE.” The Old Favorite in Movies. £ Louis & Nash.128 128 128 guest soloists. comedy of the melting pot, “We The expense entailed in bringing stitution, “ thP after-dinner speak­ and then came word that she had Come, Let’s Sing It. i Lehigh Valley 87 87 87 .Americans” : “ They All Want Some- discovered their marriage was ille­ 34% an artist of Richard Crooks’ stand­ er.” Marine Pr. . 34% 33% ! thing,” in which William iTllden gal, and had authorized her attor­ Motor Wheel . 21% 21% 21% ing to Manchester is necessarily Charles , F. Chapin, W idely McAvoy takes another dig at the ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii HiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiifiiiiiiiiiiimMiitfinmiiiL pherlllty of the average “ bnslness ! 2nd makes his third appearance as ney to start annulment proceed­ Norfolk West .168% 167 167% great and the club members and , Known Writer, in Critical an actor, and the opening of Rich­ ings. No. Pacific . . 77 76% 76% executive committee are making Conifition. men’s lunch speaker” in this year’s revue “ Americana.” Sidney How­ ard Boleslavsky’s “ Laboratory N y Central .134% 132% 134% every effort to enroll new members Theater” with an old French farce X}at3(96369(X9690tX96XXXXXXXXXX3tXX906X3tXXXXXXX^^ and to have all associate members ard’s “ Lucky Sam McCarver” took i N Y, N H & H 43% 40% 42% Waterhury, Oct. 27.— Charles F. in modern dress, to wit: “ The AMERICAN REPEATS AS Pan Am Pet . 52 52 52 support them in their efforts to give Chapin, for 48 years connected ^ “lowbrow” saloon man through Straw Hat.” CAMBRIDGESHIRE WINNER Pennsylvania . 57% 55% 56% people here the best there is in mu­ with the "Waterhury American,” his rise to husband of a blase Last Time Pierce Arrow . 23% 22% 23 sic. This was the purpose for daughter of American aristocracy, is in a critical condition today at Newmarket, En,g., Oct. 27.— A. TONIGHT Rep Ir & Steel 55 54% 55* which the club was organized. It of his Victorian objeettons to her K. Macomber, an American owner, his home^ here following an apo- SPEND LITTLE TIME ON T h e C i- r c l e \ Reading ... . . 89 86 89 Includes among its membership pletic shock yesterday. Mr. Chapin, modernlshis, of his Wall Street^suc­ MUDDYING DEMOCRAT today won the'Cambridgeshire .for Ch R Isl & Pac 65% 64% 65 some of the best male singers In who Is the editor of the American, cess and her steady decline. the second year^In succession. "In­ “The Pretty Playhouse” ______So. Pacific . . ,106% 105% 1Q6% Manchester and its work on every In “ Processional,” Lawson pre­ Is one of the best known editorial Seattle, Oct. 27.— The state of sight” owned by Macomber, finish­ The word of mouth advertising this feature got last So. Railway .119% 117 119% public appearance, and over the ra­ writers in New England. sented, a kaleidescople hodge podge _ Washington Senatorial slush fund ed first . In, this race, the last of the - Studebaker . . 51 50 50% dio from WTIC has received the of everything from Ku Klux to : investigation terminated today the i 3 classic flat races. “ Bulger’ night will bring himdreds more around tonight to see Union Pacific .162% 161% 162% highest praise. . SPECIAL BOWLING'MATCH. mnminvmammy annirosongs. Fitzgerald’s “ Great probe lasting but three days. ’ The i second and ‘Asterus” was U S Rubber . . 61% 60% 61% There will be a special bowling Gatsby” was a bootlegger in Long U S Steel .. . .139% 137% 138% investigation was conducted b y ' *The Ten Commandments* match at Murphy’s alleys tomorrow Island society; Kelly’s “ Show Off” Senator McNary, of Oregon, into Westin’house . 67% 67% 67% night between the Manchester Girls was merciless caricature; Kauf­ FORDS IN GREAT SMOKIES Prices Tonight, 10c and 25c. Never Before Heard Qf West. Union .144% 144% 144% the campaign of A. Scott Bullitt, NOW QUEEN CAN HAVE and the All-Hartford Girls. There man’s “ The Wisdom Tooth” was Democratic nominee, who was ac- As Admission For This Stupendous Masterpiece. Here’s will be five girls on each team. A fantasy on the typical carbon ; cused of spending huge sums. Mc­ Knoxville, -Tenn., Got. 27.— Mr, and Mrs. Henry Ford and a party the Movie B ^ gain o f ]the Year. large crowd of rooters are coming copy” man. Nary would make no comment of friends, arrived here today for. a WINE W ir p E R DINNER here from Hartford but there will other than to say “ we have heard also be plenty of local fans present. Thus far this season Broadway nu V, I trip through the Great Smoky Tomorrow Feajtures Friday m il COURT Sll tll6 6Viu611C6 Obt&iU&l)l6f Blld UlOimtflinft (Coiitlnoed from page 1.)' has had the Ill-fated “ The Good public can now draw its own con­ CONNECTICUT MAN MAY Fellow” In which Kaufman had It clusion.” ' ' ham and James H BUILD HUGE RUSS DAM. out with the back-sjapplng “ profes­ Marshall Neilan Cllii efore the town court and more seriousness than .Vmerl- sional Joiner” whose life Is devoted this n. r on the charge of ca In welcoming Queen-Marie. ' Stamford, Oct. 27.— Ool. Hugh L. Manchester Men keeping u.'.censed dogs. More Respectful to his lodge. And there’s McAvoy’s BRIDOEFORT MAN TAKEN **Diplomacy** Cooper, who buGt the Mississippi new play, “ God Loves Us.” FOR MURDER IN BOSTON ^ In the case of Markham, it was Traditionalized to royalty, the dam at Keokuk, Iowa, and the Mns- Buy Their Clothes An International Story—one for all peoples. Its chief nis boy who'bought the dog from Canadian crowds are less fervent Bnt the merriest, maddest adven­ cle Shoals dam, is at his home here ture of the season is Philip Barry’s Springfield, Oct. 27— Giovanni at figures are English, French, Russian, Chinese and Amer­ Dog Warden Fred A. Krah. He had but more respectful. At the public today after a atay of several it licensed the first year but failed functions the military gold braid “White Wings,” with Winifred Morelll, 29, o f Bridgeport, is In the icans. months in Russia studying a water Lenihan. Adventure is the rarest custody of the police here awaiting George H. Williams to have it licensed this year. and Royal British red are more power project for the Dneiper rlv- “THE SHAMROCK HANDICAP” Markham was represented in conspicuous than the high silk hat. er. thing in the theater: that is to say, the arrival of Boston police to ques­ court by Attorney Shea and In place of a great public banquet real, unadulterated novelty and tion him regarding a murder com­ A Great Story of the Sports of Kings—Love Interest, through him Markham stated that Col. Copper saya the project In­ originality. In fact so completely mitted in that city. Morelli Is said in honor of her majesty, Toronto volves a half-mile dam intended to Too. the dog had left him early in the mocking ancT clever is this work to answer the description of a man semi-officialdom gave a private din­ develop 600,000 horaepower and at COMICS AND OTHER SUBJECTS TaCOMPLETE su'Emer and had absolutely failed ner at the government house to that it may prove short lived. The wanted in Boston. The arrest of to show up until within the last the same time open the Dneiper Mark Holmes which barely a dozen guests were percentage of the dramatically ad­ Morelli followed a chase by a traffic THE BILL. two weeks. He said his boy liked river to navigation for 1,000 miles. I Invited. Newspapfermen were lier- The project is to cost 160,000,000. venturous is not much greater in officer of the Morelli car as far as the dog but failed to get a license New York than elsewhere. sona non grata, which In Canadian He has been offered the Job of Longmeadow, fater It had gone Funeral Director for him because he supposed the Briefly, the theme s this: the through this city at a high rate of dog had left for good. means “ not oh the menu.” building it. Shortly, after her arrival In Inches have, for generations, been .speed. Six other men and a.woman Judge Johnson suspended sen­ “ white wings”— commonly known with Morelli are all held on charges Licensed Embalmer. tence and told Markham If he was Toronto Queen Marie made a plea BOY, ASLEEP ON TRACK for the International banding to­ OVER BY TRAIN as street cleaners. A social aris­ of carrying firearms. going to allow the dog to hang tocracy is bu!!t around this calling. around his house he must have It gether -f womanhood for the peace Lady Assistant. Calls Day of the world. Nylregyhaza, Hungary (United The humble sweep Is raised to a ' licensed. Immediately after court TRIAL OP TURNER FOR adjourned, Warren Markham, son “ There is no distance between Press).— hnre Som, the “ Little point where young lawyers and or N ight. ' Manchester's HALLEN m u r d e r BEGINS of 'Wilbur Markham appeared at the hearts of women and no fron­ Boy Blue” of this small Central bankers leave their professions' to THE Coziest Theater the Hall of Records and when he tier to the one large love which will Hungarian village went to sleep: at join— but must pass a rigid test. RIALTO found it was going to coat him $3, one day rule the world,” her the sfrong-place; and he slept too Then comes the ajuto! It spells Portland, Me., Oct. 27.— Mrs. .223 No. Main St.rPhone 406-2. decided to have the dog warden majesty,said. long. disaster. James D. Hallen, widow of James take the dog. “ Mounted” as Escort. In order to be in the sunshine The youngest of the family falls D. Hallen, slain soldier of fortune, LAST TIMES TODAY AND ’THIS EVENING In the case of James H. Clifford A detachment of the Royal Can­ Som, who is a Shephard boy for the in love with the daughter of an could not .be found today as Ben­ U was apparent the wrong man had adian mounted police escorted village lay down between the tracks anto inventor. Csught between two jamin F. Turner, accused of the been brought into court. Testimony Queen Marie to the City Hall. of a railway which runs through generations, h« elings stubbornly murder of Hallen came up for trial TYPEWRITERS Rudolph Valentino Df the dog warden was to the effect Following the official reception the meadow where he is accustom­ to the bid. Tha girl builds a for­ in superior court today. The trlaT ed to take his sheep to graze. In His Greatest Role that James H. Clifford who lived Her Majesty was taken on a tour tune In motors. The Inches lose was halted while attorneys argued Ad makes. Sold, rented, ex­ on Garden street had a large police of the city. There was no demon­ An express train ran over him standing as the horse passes. Only over an insanity test for Turner. dog while James H. Clifford who stration, people on the streets and killed him instantly. when the last horse is dead will changed and overhauled. »The Sheik" Was brought into court lived on merely removing their hats polite­ young Inch surrender to the ma­ GETS S585 FOR INJURIES west Center street and owned a ly as the Queen passed. WIRELESS TELEPHONES chine. The girl shoots the last horse IN SHOP EXPLOSION. A Popular Request Showing of Very small dog. He was therefore The itinerary of the day includ­ FOR ITALIAN TRAINS -^bnt, alas, upon that very day the Special Discounts to Students. Valentino’s Most Poputer Vehicle. found not guilty. ed a reception at the Rumanian final blow falls; g proud ilieh is j Hartford, Oct 27.— Payment of consulate, an official luncheon giv­ Rome (United Press).— ^Wireless forced to wrestle a garbage can. 1536 .to Brando Catala, of New Thrilling I j Romantic ! Spectacular ! telephones will be introduced on ARRANGE TWO RALLIES FOR en by the city, and visits to Mon­ What hilarious mockery it all is! j Brlftdn, Mas been approved 'by Leo PRENCH-BLOOD VOTERS treal University, McGill University Italian trains according to an an­ I J. hfoo^an, compensation commis­ Kemp’s Music House ALSO SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS. nouncement of the Ministry of Com­ ^ ' t ' ______and the Villa Marie Convent. Broadway can thank Wlnthrop' sioner; Catala lost the use of his Telephone 821. _ Hartford, Oct. 27.— A rally for munications. The Brat expenmsnta left arm as the result of an explo­ After this a dinner was sched­ will be made on the expresses run­ Ames for the production. Ames al­ THURSDAY’S ATTRACTION Trench residents of New Britain uled— a private affair given by the ready made himself a prominent sion In the Landers, Frary & Clark, ning between Milan and Bologna, plant in New Qi'ltain. ^ Sunday at 8 p. m.. In St. Jean the Rumanian consul— and then a trip and Milan and Turin. figure throngh his modernistic re­ HARRY CAREY in ‘DRIFTIN’ THRU” 3aptist hall, has been arranged by to the theatre .to hear Chaliapin It appears that the systems used vival of the Gilbert and Sullivan he Republican speakers’ bureau Bing the “ Barber of Seville.” “lolanthe.” There are few sneh^n BRINGS $25,000 SUIT FOR ^ A Fast Moving Drama V^fh Carey^t His Best. in Germany will form the ba'se of ARSi LOST IN CRASH. lere. Philip Erard, of Springfield, the Italian plant. The ordinary tel­ the so-called “ commercial** theater. G.Sclireiber&Sons iromlnent Republican worker, REVOLUTION STARTS IN egraph linos running by the side Strangely enough the freest thea­ AMATEUR CONTEST THURS. EVK ndge Benjamin Ailing, candidate t h r e e b r a z i l s t a t e s of the track receive the waves ter In Manhattan Is one of its most New Canaan, Conn., Oct 27.— William B. Eton, who on August or attorney-general, and local can- launched from the small antenna out-of-the-way playhouses — the General Contractors lldates will be speakers. A French London, Oct. 27.— The Central placed along the roof of the trans­ ID last lost his right arm In dn SCHEDULE n 'PRICES: Neighborhood. Over on the Bast automobile collision here, today ally haa also been arranged for to- News today publishes a Buenos mitting coa^b. Bide thlr theater grew from the norrow night in Waterbury when Ayres dispatch stating that a rev­ brought a 126,000 suit against Do c k ope. promptly at .Lewisobn endowment, carried on Herberg C. Roulston Co., Ihc., Itate Senator Ufgele La France, of olutionary movement has broken With the' marriage Bsason near­ by his daughters. Bnllden of “ Better Ballt Homes** 1:45. Eves, at 6:30. Sat ^Oc to Adults, 10c central Villaad, and Attornej out in the Brasilia^ states of Mln- ing. the Straits Settlements bsTe New York transportation firm. Telephone 1500-8. It la a commentary on Broadway Eten contends that his Injuries farry S. Gauchler, of/Willimantlc, ugeraes, Matta Grossa and Goyas. imported 1126,000 in American and Holidays Codtinuons j) to Children. Colonists are fleeing, fearing civil productions tbat^each offering the were the fault of an employee of rill be speakers. gold coin, which is to be melted In­ Playhouse gives, sends > the entire war, tte dispatch states. to ornaments for the brides. the Roulston company, wh'Ose erltio list over to the Grand Street truck struck Eton’s car. Shop: 285 West Center Street

^ N L I - Yesterday' afternoon the Soe and Bulctn Clnb, wblch is. the dra- ipatle club, of' the local high- school Slxtfen pf the :ladie«>.who.-form elwte^ite, officers fo r.. the ensuing the Justhmere Whist <^ub > Thursday at the Hotel Taft, New DAUGHTERS UBEBTY 4 year.^IiTaok 'McQann ' was elected Hh'ven. The Manchester Lodge, No. PLAN SOCIAL SATURDAY Oteoey B ro^ rs Employees presld^t,' Catherine Carney ■vice- Haniihictiirers’ Opiiir{»r%yrr‘i' Ifi, waa represented by 'Morris D. ^ralldeht, Mnrial Treat secretary State’s Sije O je(^^ Moa^ SulUyan of this place-, ^ whowas Finds Ihoghter in Flames; Daughters of Liberty I. O. A. wgl and 'Bholce Haintltbn chairman of I^USt Master Workmen, of that hold -a Hallowe’en social Sstur«Sy Name Represmitatives'to the entertainment committees. loss of Age (MI S h o d d lsts Is Used^te evening in Orange hall, begianlnff anil ia now oh hn attraetbre Rev. and Mrs. William D. Wood- Rips Oif Clothing and Pre< 'With a sapper for the members And The Boys' • Glee club had its faihh in the hlmpric old Ibwa: of ward of Staffprdvllle .were gueste their friends at seven o’clock. HfflBbdy. w ^ljly- rphearsal yesterday after- Start Work. Lebiiipn.’’': V - fense VMessaSt of their son Rev. and-Mrs. Truman ' Ycnts Tr^edy. The committM in qtorge includes hopn'in tbp saysjenibly haU.^V The Tke-irip ■ffan made in three au- H. Woodward on Monday. Miss Margaret Turwngton, chair­ bbys' are :vtQ)rking-;bn ■ seventl new toqpl)l|ipe. The r^iirayiii|^ a ■John W. Graham 'has recently ni^inbefs. ^ e y expect' to have sev­ man; Mrs. Jennie Chambers, Mis. At the final election held for the HoweU Cheney as chairman of Los Angeles, Got. fit.— ^AqUcl- purchased a new truck, known as Mary Turklngton, Miss Martha Ted- ynrpose of selecting representatlres eral good selections ready during Griaham Brothers’* truck and ■was Only quick actl(^ qu the part of Educational'Weak 'When, the glee the Committee on Junior H duch^}i,appfe pie^ahd V ia iwtlng another dUplay o f verhgl ford and Mrs. Mary Mercer. lo the works Council of Cheney made by the Dodge company; an excited mothe^ saved the life The ladies met Monday e'venlhg Brothers the following employes clubs and orchestra-will probably tlon and Employment, NatIbnaT| made. hat famous clam cho'vrder firhwbrks be’tweeii i^rosecntipn aqd William P. SulJlvan, from Bris­ Association of Manufacturer?, today and coWep. ' She had invited ene of of her daughter here yesterday at the homg of Mrs. Chambers on were elected: mahe their first public appear- "defense atttoneys, bijQdrq^s of tol,- spent the week-end at the when the ‘child’s clothing caught auana. All three, the Boys’ and issued a reply to the attack of thpj hor nelghbotp,. aid Juet eightseh hqiue o fh ls patents, Mr. and Mrs-. Knox street to .make plana for tie. Clerical Workers. per«6ps today gat^red ifi the' cor­ afire. ■ event. They desire that all who can , Service Department— Herbert 'Qlae clubs and the ori^estra National Child Labor Committee j aut around the feativ’eb o a r d for Morris D. Sullivan. ^ ridor? of Judge Ql^ge’? court Jn an Mrs. Violet Zenanek, of 4 West do so, appear ig costume. Prizes McCann, are under Miss E. Marion.’ Dor- which declared that the assoclatibh nearly two hours.' Tuesday night, Oct. 26, was Hal- effort to gain admlaslon to thp- street, was hanging out clothes in will be given for the prettiest -as Laboratories of D. & F. Mills and ward’s direction. had advocated that “ children be al-j An intereeiihs , . 'wak. a prolimlnary hearing- of Mr?. Aimee iqwe’en night at Wapping Orang- lowed to leave school and go tot bpentifuUy decorated hirthday bake the. rear of her home about 9 well ySs the most comical costume. Miscellaneous— Earl Ballsleper. Semple McPherson, her motb^T, Tl^e folloiflng were the committt ‘‘Somanhis Eventp,” the school work at the age of fourteen.” ^ .| contributed by V tb. L. J. Tuttle. o’clock. Hazel,- three years old, There wlll be fortune telling fea­ Broad Goods. Mrs. BDnnle . Kennedy . aqd Mrs. Ruth Stoddard, Gertrude Maynardi Was hinying about the .house. Weaving, Lpomfixing. etc.— Al­ papiodlcal, will he. published for the Cheney says the statement of ttrel Mrs. Yerrlngton's birthday occur-- Martha Stoughton, Truman Hills, tures and games of different kinds Child Labor committee mlsrepre-not'lonk'since and'hpr old Lorraine Wisqmfin-Gleiaff, aU fac­ Hears Scream^^ for which prizes will be awarded. bert aJckson. Almerbn Hollister. first tline this year .on November 6, ing CQnsplra(^ cbarkM M the after­ Barley Neiycomb, John Graham, It vas announced today; This will sents the situation. , triends. and former neighbors in Suddenly- the mother heard a . Warping, Quilling, Trimming, math of the alleged'kidnapping of George Grigolat, Catherine' De'\^lin faint scream and rushed into the! itc.— Irene Brennan. mark' the beginning of the eleventh “ We have made a comprehensive] ’i*ldhned'to vis|t/her at the woman evangelist! *. and Anthony Delnlckil year ip the history of the maga­ study of this problem,” said Mr J **®®» bUt several were unable Mrs. Amelia Squires, wife of Rev. house where she found,the child Beaming, Twisting, Inspection, The first tilt yestetday betweah in fiames. Quickly she ran across Itc.— Everett Kennedy. zine. Its success during the ten Cheney, “ and that study embraces the trip. The belated opposing attorneys came wban John Squires, died at the'home of years past had been quite remark­ many statements made by, Mrs. I Mrthday celebration was Ju?t ae her' daughter, Mrs. Orrin Tourte- the room to the child and, disre­ ' Velvet Mill. Deputy District Attorney E . J. garding her own danger, ripped the Weaving, Loomflxlng, Twisting, able, Helen Woolley and other profes- ** it *iad Denfiikon stated that detenae wit­ latte at Burnside last evening, Sure Relief Starting ten years ago with a slonal educators. At our recent P®®® "i^urrlngtbn peath came at the age of 83 after clothing from the child in time to etc.— Dennis McGuire, Algol John­ nesses were being-corrupted prevent a tragedy. little eighteen page publication, convention part of the study was a short illness with pheumoni^. son. . Dennison said be bad in mind Doctor Called. Warping, Winding, Quilling, ‘‘Somanhls’.’ has grown to a period­ quoted and I made this comment: the collection which wiai taken at The ('.eceased was well known in / W D K ^ ical of forty-five pages for its aver­ His Statement. t«®«tlng this village, where her husband A local physician was summoned. Finishing, etc.— Mary Volkert, Wal Angelus Teniple several nights ago He found Hazel suffering Intense ter Walsh. age periodical publication; in-com­ “ I believe that any unprejudiced and turned .over to two Mexican was for six years pastor of the 6 BELL-AN9 Ribbon Mill. mencement issues it has published Judge would day unhesitatingly that t h o ^ o n i h f t i S witnesses frqm Affua Prieta. Methodl?t church. Mrs. Harper ?® Hot w ater Raymond Smith. as. m V'y as one-hundred pages. beyond the age of fourteen the pre- a thoroughly happy The warfare broke out again Casd of this town Is a daughter.» __® 'The funeral will be held in the was removed to the Memorial hos­ Spinning Mill. ,. There are at present seven "de ponderance of evidence is agalnpt when the state vociferously object­ Sure Relief partmeptS’,’ In. the magazine: Lit­ Wapping M. E. church at two pital but her condition Is not. re­ John Miner, Rose Carney. compulsory education and in favor ed when E. R. Mills- auditor of a garded as serious. erary, Editorial, Alumni. School o.’clock Thursday afternoon. Rev. Dressing Mill and Wash House. of the rule of individual education, San FranclsQp cafeteria, was asked 'It was said that the child’s Notes, Exchanges, Athletics and with perhaps some legal measures if a Miss .^Rachel Wells, the woman Myron E. Center, Norwich District Anna Gannon, Robert Porterfield. PLAYERS'MEETING Superintendent, will officiate, as­ clothes caught fire from matches DELL-ANS Winding and Spooling and Yam Jokes. Each department has Its of encouragement like scholarships, Mrs. Sielaff claims was to pose as editor. Then there is an editor of "Miss X ," was employed by his sisted by Rev. Truman H. Wood­ she was playing with without the FOR INDIGESTION Shipping. rather than exclusion from work.” mother’s knowledge. departments who is generally re “ This statement does not In any firm in 1924-25. ward. Interment will be in the 25$ and 75$ Pk3s.Sold Eveiiywhpere Martha Popple. IS CALLED OFF Wsppins cemetery. Throwing, (Ribbon) and Con. sponsible for all the departments, way confilct with the statement of Mills was finally allowed to tes­ and the editor-in-chief and an as­ Mrs. Woolley as quoted by the Na­ tify that his', records did ,not show and Testing. sistant editor besides the business that such a woman was employed. GAME PLENTIFUL Elisabeth Johnson. tional Child Labor Committee that staff and the staff assistants. children should be permitted to ra- While Mrs. Elizabeth Frame, a ^ Throwing (B* G* Weaving). close friend of Mrs; McPherson's According to Ronald C. Hillman, Mary Healy. Ahtbony J. Gudaltls is this main in school until they are six­:|Cast of “Dslcy” WiB Re- year’s editor of “ Somanhls,’ teen. Our contention is that all was being examined, W. I. Gilbert,' Highland Park taxidermist, this Dyeing and Finishing Mills. Gladys Rogers is assistant editor the evangelist’s attorney, sought year is proving far more profitablu Piece Dyeing, Preparation and children should not be compelled to and Paul Packard is editor of de­ stay In school until sixteen, but hearse Toaigh^ Meeting to Introduce an autopsy report on to hunters in this section than in Cleaning— George Tomlinson. partments. Wesley Bulla is busi­ the death of Ed Harrison, a .diver, former years. Finishing, Folding and Shipping that after the age of fourteen, ness manager. school education should be based who died following his attempt to Already be has- handled as much — John Cargo. There will be several slight to Be Held Next Week. find the body of Mrs. McPherson, trade as he did during the entire Printing, Engraving, Steaming upon the capacity of the Individual. changes in the general make-up of “ The National Child Labor Com­ who at the time • was thought season last year and the season is and Repairing— ^Arthur Gallager. “ Somanhls” this year. The staff Is drowned. now only about one->half complet­ Yam Dyeing. mittee, which advocated an amend-, ed. spending, much time and money on ment to our national constitution Because of the illness of Miss Again state attorneys protested Herbert Robinson. In his work* this year so far are the publication this year, and want that would have permitted require-1 Marjorie C. Geary, the business hotly. The argument between op­ Blachine Shop, Electricians and. to make the magazine the finest it posing attorneys finally became so the following: twenty pheasants, Power and Heat. ments compelling all children to Jneetlng of the Town Players, sebed- ?ix gray squirrels, one partridge, has yet been. It is hoped to enter stay in school until eighteen, now uled for this'evening, will be post- warm that Judge Blake said he Ralph Von Deck. “ Somanhls Events” in the Colum­ would take drastic action unless two hawks; one pigeon and one • .Carp. Shop, Paper Box, Painters, asserts that children should only bej poned until next week, it was an- the hearing could ' proceed in a crow. bia University Interscholastic high left in school until they are sixteen, I nounced today. Miss Geary, who Masons and Watchmen. school periodical contest this year. more orderly manner. John R. Howell. and publicly Issues a statement by is ill at-her home in Montclair, N. Seek Young Wlseniisn ENJOIN UNION IN STRIKE High school publications from all Mrs. Woolley that the majority of J - is director of the club and it will Outside Labor, Teamsters and While a State-Wide search was In over the United States are now an­ children who leave school before he practically impossible to bold Chauffeurs. nually entered In this contest, progress today for Robert Wise­ Stamford, Oct. 27.— new le- Charles Small. sixteen are mentally inferior and the meeting without her. ;^al phase was developed today in which decides which Is the finest that their school failure 'Is a more Previous Notice, man, 19-year-old son of-Mrs- Lor­ The above representatives have publication entered, and awards raine Wlseman-Sielaff, who Is want­ the garment strike here when Piper been declared elected by the elec­ compelling motive than economic A notice In last night's Herald & Salerno, cloak makers, obtained prizes. Of course it is a great hon­ pressure in sending them into in- announced that the meeting would ed as a defense witness. Mrs. Eliza­ tion committee for the various mill or to have a school have Its maga­ beth Frame, Angelus Temple work­ a temporary injunction against the groups. dustry.’ be held tonight. A telegram was International Ladles’ Garment zine numbered among the prize These statements made by one received at the Rec yesterday, how- er and friend of Mrs. McPherson, winners at this contOst. prepared to renew her testimony at Makers union and asked for a per- of the most competent and fair in- sver, advising the organization of manent injunctlon injunction and damages The aim of the present editorial vestigators in the field, for whose! Miss Geary’s illness and it was the opening o f the hearing. SUSPENDED DRIVERS 'board is to enter “ SomanhiS” this Attorney Gilbert for the defense '^,^® ®YY® Judgment I have great respect, deemed best to postpone the meet- rinroH *^6 sort slnco the Strike devel- year^in this contest, and to send equally confirm the position we log until next Thursday, declared he wanted young Wiseman nnprt LIST IS ANNOUNCED one or two representatives to the have taken. Rehearsals. to testify about the trips of Mrs. rP®*^ intensity here. convention of delegates from the Mental Ability. I Rehearsals for the play, ’-Du,ley/’ Wlseman-Sielaff to Carn;el. It was different schools that have entered Mrs. Woolley’s final statement are going along successfully under believed, however, that tl^e defensq^ The weekly list of operators their publications. To have any that the mental Inferiority of chll- the direction of Leroy E. Qurduer, wished to question him in other whose licenses to drive automobiles degree of success, the staff knows dren who leave school to go into in-1 who is taking Miss Geary’s place connections. in Connecticut have been suspended that it must present as fine a peri­ dustry points to the necessity of a while she is ill. Mr. Gardner has Mrs. Frame, said to be the for one year for driving while un odical as it can possibly - produce. reform la our school system. I9I had considerable experience in this medium through which Mrs. Wlse- der the Infiuence of liquor was given With this end In view the editors quite correct, But, it seems equal- work, having directed and managed man-Sielafl communicated with out today at the state motor vehicle have been, hard' at work - since ly clear that any reform made j the Enfield players, a similar move- Mrs. McPherson and ’’Mother’’ department as a part of the effort school opened this fall, preparing should be along the line of adapting meat In Thompsonville, for several Kenbedy during the negotiating of to reduce this highway menace to issue a “ Somanhls Events” that education to the capacity of the in- years. Because o f the postpone- the alleged “ Miss X ” hoax, was *10 There are forty names on the list, will be bigger and finer than any dividual and away from our present m ent of the meeting a rehearsal of testify today to her connection and Two cases were appealed. The de­ yet published. practices of uniform compulsory ed- the cast will be held this evening at acquaintance with Mrs. Wiseman- partment statement advised people Miss Viets, teacher of Senior ucation for all children based on I 8 o’clock in the School street Rec. Sellaff, the state’s star witness. to notify the department or the po­ English in the South Manchester their chronological ages rather than lice in case 'they should see any of high school, is faculty advisor of their mental abilities. It follows SCHOOL STREET REC the suspended drivers operating mo­ “ Somanhls” this year.' Miss Viets that children who would be incapa­ tor vehicles. ' has been working diligently with ble of absorbing the present type Following is the schedule for Geo. Bater, New Britain. the staff in their^ efforts to publish of education should be allowed to I tke School street Rec for the week, Blotches Mar Beaut) B a ^ Felix Benoit, Eagleville. a inagazine that will be able to receive helpful training under prop- Classes will be in charge of Miss Domenico Carloni, Ansonla. hold its own with any. er supervision either in school of in -Calhoun who will substitute dufing Zemo for Itching, Irritation^, Raffaele Casadei, Litchfield. The subscription campaign this industrial pursuits in which they tke illness of Director Marjorie C. Pimples and Blotches. John Connor, Windsor Locks. year was most successful, and con- must eventually earn a livelihood Geary: Apply Any Time .vjneed the staff that the students Peter J. Cook, New Britain. unless they are to become delln- , Wednesday, 4:15: Girls’ ad- No more worry aboqt ugly Arthur H. Dean, Falls Village. are ready to stand back of the quents and criminals. vanced dancing.. board'in its work. tetkms. For ybfican hia^aciear smooth Alexander Dorochin, Hartford. “ It Is equally true that children - o'clock: Women’s folk and won. Zemo, the pleasant-to-use clean Mike Dzis, New Britain. of special' ability should be given classic®! dancing, The assembly this week will be liquid for Itching, Blotchy Skin-baii- Edw. Galfy, Hamden. every possible encouragement, to oh- Thursday: First night of new ishes raackheads,Ringwwmsand Pim­ Eugene T. Gendron, E. Hartford. In the hands of Mr. Pottqi/s Senior tain extended education. But to . ples. Use any time. <3ef Zemo now. At James Goodrich, Wethersfield. History class. Four members of the say that because of the existence ofl- Beginners classi- druggists—60c and $1.Q0. class will speak on Theodore Hubert Harrison, Providence, these children of special abllUy ® .1 1. . R. I. Roosevelt. They ■will speak oh top­ who, according to Mrs. W o o l l e y 0 ,clock: Childrens Albert G. Jarvis, Water bury. ics dealing with Roosevelt’s most number not more than one-fourth Henry Johnson, Springfield, Mass. outstanding qualities. of all those who leave school as Saturday, D:45: Girls’ swim- xemo m ing.. POR SKIN IRRITATIONS Andrew Kandefer, Torrington. early as the law permits, the great Harry P. Landers, Hartford. The Student Council held a majority of children should be re­ Charlie Lapine Chicopee, Mass. meeting yesterday afternoon. The quired to stay in school until six­ Chas. H. Leonard, Hartford. Council thinks that it would be a gq'dd. Idea for the school to have teen, is both fallacious, costly to the Anthony Liskowski, Derby. seme sort of a mascot for its ath­ taxpayers and cruelly detrimental T h r 0 0 Paul Lombardo, Manchester. to the children. letic teams. Snqh things as goats, ' wonderful = Anthony Maffredo, Middletown. pirates, lions, elephants and other John A. Meister, Middletown. un-mentfonable suggestions were AIR MAIL ROUTES. o o ^ a n d Sfmuelalias Miller. ma&. (8ugge?tlon: It w iirbe easy Sanford Millner, Hartford. room on the to gqt a , goat, but as for an ele­ The Chamber of Commerce has choose from Wm. Polqzle, Hartford. phant— well— .) Just received from thq Colonial Air fo p fo r Arthur F. Ramsay, Winsted. Transport Corporation, a revised nino a t m oderate Gustave Saluccll: Hartford. and up-to-ate schedule of all air p ric es, in Aleafdo Sbarde{lati, Torrington. mail routes in the United States, to­ cooking Karl Schmitt, Rartford. Scholar Jailed gether with the fiying schedules In­ diehos Pearl Cray. Geo. F. Simons, New Britain. cluding time saved over railway P orceia in Dominick Sluboskl, Hartford. mail trains, and rates of postage Paul Smelter, Bridgeport. between any two landing points. Enamel or John Smith, W. Haven. Anyone having use for air mall Black Frank D. Travis, W. Haven. service is invited to call the Cham­ Thomas Walsh, Hartford. ber for Information on such. Gregor Wichtor, Southington. The copy of the 1926 Hartford Henry Wilbur, Hartford. Directory has also been delivered at Raymond G. WUBams, Hartford. the Chamber rooms and is open for Philip G. ZIpf, Greenwich. use by anyone interested in it. ^T'H E Quaker Rojml Gas and Coal Range, instead of baldx% Ipne thing at a tima, your bread in the coal oven and your pastry in the gas ovens and all your haUng ^ FOURGOONTRIALIN be out of the way at one time with less work and less waste. 'Think of the a ^ and MATTAPAN “ BOX” CASE l a ^ savedi SINK uxmognjy wim~ The G. E. Keith Furniture Co. Boston, Oct. 27.— Dr. Thomas E. 1115 MAIN ST.. SO. MANCHESTER Walsh, his wife, Marion, and three V l J e l J S other defendants, to charges in connection with the death and dis­ membering of Edith Louise Greene, “ paper box victim,” were present for trial In Suffolk Superior Court today. Easier Ironing Dr. Walsh is charged •with per­ forming an Illegal operation and PRICED AT conspiracy. Miss Greene died fol­ Quicker, cheaper and better lowing such an operation and her when dismembered body waa found In a cardboard box near Calvary ceme­ MERRIE COFFIELD $207 In Black $265 In Grey EnanriAl tery, Mattapan. Mrs. Walsh, James Because Lawrence L. Buermeyer, V. Ford of South Boston, fiance of teacher at New York University, re­ does it for you. the girl, his brother, William J. fused to submitvto a quiz on philo­ 1 Year to Pay Thru Our Profit Sharing Plan. Ford and Thomas Tierney also of sophic tenets, Joseph Carson, Jr., She’ll prove it —Ml vp totS f South Boston, will all stand trial as (above), social reglaterite and In­ Free of charge. accessories to the operation. structor In philosophy at Columbia a University, New York, belabored Telephone 1700 and tell her him to the point of death with a heavily heeled shoe and a milk bot­ when to call. tle. A drinking bout gave rise to MRS. ELUOrrS SHOP the altercation between Carson and G. E. Keith'Furniture Co., Inc. GIFTS FOB ALL Buermeyer who had been chums The Manchester * ' ■ ^ OCCASIONS since they studied philosophy to­ CORNER MAIN AND SCHOOL STREETS SO. MANCHESTER, CONN. gether at Princeton University nine 25 St, Ph

' - ■■■ y J -'V )(- j i ' . -■?!:. 4 tawI(>Btrr past elections haye appeared at the tion by Christian nations. Practi­ polling places In the “ru8h\hours,” cally all of theny, in greater or less’ Cvenins Vrralh subjecting themselves to the dla- degree, resent this condition. coffifort of standing in line and Im­ PUBLISHED BT It would not be at all surprising THE HERALD PRINTING CO. posing delay on other voters who if it should presently develop, that WABHINOTOK Founded by Elwood & Bla must vote when they can. ^ Oot. 1. U S'. there is something more than holi­ LETTERS Tables for Many Except Sundays and Let’s see if Manchester voters— day making to this tremendous E ntered a t the P o st Office a t Man* particularly women—wlio can man­ assemblage. BY CHARLES P.. STEWART. New,^4)rk„Oct. 27'.—^It is one of Chester as Second CUss MnH'Matter. age to register their votes early can­ Washlngtbn, Oct. 27.r-^if Queen toe miiny paradoxes of the city that The Gateleg is by no means a one pur­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES’ By Mall not, this time, get their voting done KLAN STIGMA. MaHe of Rumania comes to- yoiilr New T erii, which Ijsars down Its pose table. In cur large and varied stock »>xty cents a town, or fier son, Prince Nicholas, landmarks* and" erases without hesi­ month for shorter perioda prior to the big press just before the The support of the Ku Klux Klan or Princdss Ileana, or all three tation itq historic spqtsT^ also cele­ you will find styles and sizes for numerous Cl ^ 1 ^^*^®*** ®*ffhteen .ents .. week. copiea three centa polls close. may have been at one time and per­ or any combination of them, and /im brates, upon the slightest provoca­ purposes. Some are just the right size haps still may be much desired by see them, don’t forget the rules lafd tion. the birthdatfes of its. many and height for end tables, others for coffee .HnmIlton-I>e Llsser. some politicians, but It is startling down by Assistant Secretary of' ^^di^ons, tables, console tables and as occasional me.. 2b W est 43d Street, New To-k 1 LEARN THE MACHINE. State J. Bhiler Wright for your ’be­ Thus, passing along one street Chlca|o“ Michigan Avenue, New voters and those who have how quickly almost apy candidate, havior in the presence of royalty. note the historic “ SpaWsh flats ” living room tables. Then there are ‘the anywhere, wl^l cut and run if he The Manchester Eveninc Herald Is : transferred to Manchester from Wright is the government’s su­ rarrendering to the wrecking crew, large, extension kind for breakfast, dining on sale *n New York City at Schultz’s thinks spmebody is trying to pin the per-authority'on all such problems, while Broadway makes reidy for a' room and combination dining-living rooms. Street and 43nd towns and cities where the voting its social court of last resort, its pagfeMti and the wate«rbnt flies 5***^ 42nd Street entrance of label of that organization on him. Here at Watkins you will find over 20 dif­ Grand Central Station. machine is not in use should by no final arbiter on questions of etiquet, banners in.celebralion.of the «Wu- means faij. to attend one of the The very earnestness of the dis­ national and. international.' pletion of the. Brie Cabal by which ferent sizes and styles from which to “International News Service has the claimers of Senators Watson and choose. Note the low Watkins prices, t^fn*'*i**'* rlffhts to>use for republlca- series of demonstrations of the ma-i Pay heed to his dictum^ uhlqss thb Hudson and Buffalo became you want to be regarded as a hood­ linked and water commerte to the too ! credlt3d“r/ dispatches chine being held at the Municipal l^binson df Indiana concerning any ed In ?hii - ntherw lse credit- ^affiliation whatsoever with the Klan lum by one pf the few post-war west xvas Qpened to the port of Man­ Sketched from stock. e n titlid ’* * ’*"* exclusively building to^ay, tomorrow and Fri­ queens, one of the few post-war- hattan. n*” fepubllcatlon all are a case in point. When these ■ , • • herein/*^ undated news published day, from 2 in the afterno9n until princes and one of the few post-war I 80x30 inch Gateleg, 9x30 inches 30x39- kich Gateleg, measures 9 in the evening. , gentlemen declare that they had princesses left on the job in Europe -In their time, the “Spanish flats” closed, 28 inches high. In mahog­ nothing to do with the Klan, they —that iff to say, in Europe except were the. last - word in American i 11x30 inches when closed. Black WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27, 1926. Nothing Is more disconcerting, any finish over birch. Slender, at­ of course tell the truth. But the whea they are visiting on this side luxury. New York always hw and antiqued ivory enamel finish nor more to the prejudice of Intel of the water. set the lifeury pace, even back to tractive legs, moulded edge top, vigor of their protests is interesting wrth floral decorations and strip- ligent expression of ,the voter’s wll), You Won’t be slammed In jail if set the. luxury pace, even back In i • ••••• #•••••••• $19.50 / ' STUFF. as indicating the amount of dyna­ ings in mulberry and blue. Top than for the elector to find himself you m ^ e any bad breaks, short pf New York erected the first fashion­ has moulded, scroll cut edge . .$36. ' pleverest debaters mite attending the 0. K. of the bomb throwing, as you might be in able flat dwellings America had’ 20x30 inch Gateleg, 71/2x20 In the wv.. jQulred to maintain in the presence of a voting machine Kluxers. ' Europe, but you don’t want to bd seen. They were in the upper Fif­ 32x42 inch Gateleg in maple, with no previous idea as to how to ifighes closed, 24'/2 inches high— through several weeks a consistent The thing Is rapidly approaching considered a roughneck, do you? ties overlooking Central Park and measuring 13x33 inches when operate it. • • * were built ut the then colossal cost just right for an end table. Mould­ and persistent advocacy of the zero a stage where it recalls those crazes closed. Moulded edge top "ahd To the practical politician While royalty’s In sight nobody of $7,000,000. Today the land on ed edge top.- Spool turned stretch­ mark, would be reduced at the end for denunciation which in times toould turn his or her back on it. which they^stand is worth several ers, Made of solid mflhogany, bamboo turned legs, as sketched, of that time to a state of babbling “straight” voting is a thing to be past brought about the burning of Keep your face always turned to­ times that amount...... $23.50 ...... $36.50 idiocy. Nobody can go on forever desired. But it is entirely befrond ^witches and stoning to de^th of ward royalty. After royalty has • • • 32x42 inch Gateleg with Tudor turned the corner or faded over the Just back of Greenwich village a talking about nothing without suf­ debate that the voter should not people accredited with possessing 26x36 inch Gateleg, 12x26 inches mahogany top. Measures 13x32 ottly have the right to spilt his tick­ horizon or Inade its exit otherwise, little city of 20,000 persons or mora closed. Moulded edge top, bamboo fering serious consequences. Where­ the evil eye. then you can go about your busi­ is thrust overnight into the streets, when closed. Has mahogany, fore it is suggested to the Demo­ et and vote for precisely such can­ “He’s a.^Klan candidate!” is a ness headfirst, as usual. while business places and dwelling moulded edge top, 27.'inches high— turned _ legs as shown. Floral cratic newspapers and speakers of didates as he pleases, but that he charge which may be brought Royalty can leave you as royalty places are torn down to make way (arm chair hmght). With drawer decorations on the natural wood, pleases, but when you leave royalty, for a subway extension. this state that, for the remaining should be given entire facility in the against anybody, by any person, and bamboo turned legs (like ...... $37. few days of the campaign, they exercise of that right. you must do it backward, bowing, Whole blocks will vanish wlthla 32x42 inch Gateleg with mould­ however Irresponsibile; and imme­ or edgewise, with your head turned a few weeks and one of the most sketch) ...... $24. adopt, with relation to the state The voting machine of course over your shoulder, facing royalty colorful sectors of "little Italy” will ed edge top and bamboo legs, fin­ diately the object of the denounce­ ished in crackled Chinese red , ticket,the scheme of the Middletown gives him that privilege as com­ ment is put in peril of his political —or somehow so that you don’t pass, that subway trains may roar 32x32 inch Gateleg, measuring ' Dems with pletely as does the paper ballot— turn yeffir back on-it and walk off, and rattle'their way below the enamel, decorated. Size 13x32 relation to Senator life—and knows it. ground. 13x32 inches closed. Fitted with Bingham. provided that he is sufficiently fa­ as' if royalty were of no conse­ moulded edge mahogany top, draw­ inches when closed...... $39.50 quence. For weeks the streets have been 32x42 inch Gateleg measuring Having failed to get anywhere at miliar with its operation not to go As for raiment, wear the fullest alive with chatter as the former er and bamboo turned legs (like all In A general comparison of the into a panic in the voting booth, kind of fuU dress, depending on the children of Naples and Sicily pro­ sketch) ...... $26. 32x13 inches, closed. This table merits of the Republican senator falling under the temptation to pull hour. tested and frantically went about in has its base finished in olive green and his Democratic ppponent, those the “straight” lever and let it go In the daytime—for a man—so- search of new tenements. Push­ 26x30 inch Gateleg, 26x9 inches enamel with moulded edge maple carts have crowded the street, piled direct action persons organized a at that. called morning clothes—cutaway, closed. This table has a square t o p ...... $43. gray striped pants, spats, patent high with furniture, babies and pro­ top with scroll cut corners specific charge that Bingham, If there is a single voter in Man­ leathers, high silk hat, gloves and visions. 30x40 inch Gateleg in antique standing in with the bootleggers, chester who is without experience a walking stick, preferably. The activities have been com- and moulded edge. Jacobean maple finish with scalloped top' kept Lawyer Bragdon out of his of voting machines and yet fails to Does the road wind uphill all the For a woman, afternoon dress— comqiunal. Family groups unite twisted legs, double gate, and draw­ edge, and drawer. Measures 12x30 way? whatever that is for a woman. to help another group get moved. er; End table h e ig h t...... $27. inches when d o sed ...... $49.50 booze-spotting job so that he could take advantage of this opportunity Yes, to the very end. • • * _ Four and five families are moved not pinch any of the Senator’s boot- to familiarize himself with their Will the day’s journey take the For a man, take your hat off, of during the night-ffRer Guiseppl has 31x40 inch Gateleg, 9x31 inches 34x49 inch Gateleg in black and legging frieni^. Of course they working, he will have only himself whole long day? course, even if you’re bald and a I finished his day’s toll. None can closed. Fitted with drawer and Chinese red enamel, decorated. might Just as well have accused the to blame 1^ he comes out of the From morn to night, my friend. cold wind’s blowing. For a wom­ ’ afford a mover’s van. The cost of This table is 13x34 inches when a single hour is more than most of moulded edge mahogany top . .$27. senator of stealing automobiles, set­ booth next Tuesday feeling that he But Is there for the, night a resting- an, keep your hat on, though It’s closed and has bamboo tunied legs place? Indoors and you’d like to get rid the pushcart criers make in a day. 34x84 inch Gateleg measuring' as shown above, drawer and mould­ ting fire to barns for the insurance has made a fizzle of the exercise of A roof for when the slow dark hours of it. Merchants go about with for­ or even of hi-jacking on the roads, his franchise. begin. In the evening—for a man—wear lorn looks upon their faces. Busi­ 13x34 when closed. Bamboo turn­ ed edge t o p ...... $54.' 0 nights, so far as the reasonable­ May not the darkness hide it from a spike tail. A dinner jacket nesses that have taken them years ed legs, as sketched above, mould­ 23x28 inch Gateleg measuring ness of the thing goes. But any­ my face? doesn’t do in royalty’s presence -to build are wiped out as though ed edge solid mahogany top, and 9x23 inches when closed, made of HALL-MILLS. You cannot miss that inn. after 6 p. m., no matter how infor­ by fire. There’s nothing to do about how, it gave something to rant drawer ...... $28. solid walnut with fancy figured The row between Special Prose­ Shall I meet other wayfarers 'it mal the occasion. It but wring their hands and look about and that, when you have had For a woman—swellest evening about for a spot to start all over. walnut top. This table is the gem cutor Simpson and the foreman and night? 26x36 inch Gateleg, 12x36 closed. of skilled furniture artists, having nothing at all to- say 'but must keep some other members of the Somer­ Those who have gone before. outfit she can muster. But Manhattan is too big, too Arm chair height. Finished in on saying something, is a life saver. Then must I knock, or call-whea •Say “Your Majesty” to the queen busy to think about such things. slender, twisted Jacobean legs,, set County grand jury, over the just in sight? when you’jre introduced. The cry for speed and service Is green crackle enamel with floral drawer fitted with* antiqued brass Now, tastead of talking about Re- Hall-Mills murder case, is just one heard above all other sounds of the decorations. Moulded edge top, They will not keep you standing at Similarly, say “Your Royal High­ city. Jacobean pull and square top. Just X^ublican extravagance ■ In state more Indication of the state of mind that door. ness” to the prince and princess, bamboo legs as sketched, and affairs when everybody including upon introduction. Twenty thousand people—a very the right height for end of daven­ of a considerable part of the popu­ Shall I find comfort,.travel-sore and drawer ...... $33. themselves knows there is no extra­ After that drop the “Majesty” comfortably sized little city—must port or chair ...... $72* lation of that corner of New Jersey weak? '' and “Highness” business. start life anew, just as though a vagance, and howling about Increas­ where the notorious tragedy, was Of labor you shall find the sum. Say “Madame” to the queen at hurricane had swept across their Also Extension Gatelegs and ed taxation when there is no in­ staged. Openly, flagrantly, the Will there be beds for me and all frequent intervals, “Sir” to the path and, by some miracle, left Unfinished Gateleg-type Tables, creased taxation and everybody who seek? prince and “Mademoiselh” to the lives and possessions intact. foreman of the jury and a majority Yea, beds lor all who come. knows that, too, and trotting out princess. GILBERT SWAN. of his associates have lined up as —C.^^G. Rossetti: Uphill. This shouldn’t be overlooked. their straw bogey of “one-man gov­ partisans of the individuals accused Too much “Majesty-ing” and WATKINS BROTHERS. I n g . ernment” wjiich everybody in the of the cold blooded crime. ‘‘Highness-ing” are vulgar. At the FURNITURE, FLOOR COVERINGS, PIANOS, PHONOGRAPHS. state knows does not exist, why on What has occurred is that Prose­ start they’re essential—subsequent­ TOM earth don’t our friends the Demo­ ly, too sweet, to be wholesome. cutor Simpson, several weeks ago, * • * crats give themselves a chance and investigated the leanings and pro­ Otherwise, don’t chew tobacco SIMS declare fiatly that Governor Trum­ clivities of the members of the pres­ in the royal presence—for tobacco bull’s name isn’t really Trumbull at ent jury panel and, entirely dissat­ isn’t chewed In Rumania—or eat with your knife at official banquets, all but that six years ago he was isfied' with what he found there, re­ Feast day of St. Frumentius, known as Alkali Jim and ran a faro bishop. and you’ll hold your own with roy­ called the hold-over April grand ally as well as the next one. Speaking of Indiana, whitewash FUNERAL DIRECTORS bank and booze joint in Alaska and First number of the Federalist jury and laid before It his evidence appeared in New York, 17S7. Free Assistant Secretary of State doesn’t show on bed sheet. got out two jumps ahead of a lynch­ against Mrs. Hall, her two brothers navigation of the Missirsippi was Wright didn’t specifically ban to­ Headlines you never see: AUTO- bacco chewing and sword swallow­ ing party after killing and eating and her cousin./ The April jury, obtained through a treaty with IST’SMASHES ENGINE ATGRADE three white babies and a papoose? Spain. ing at the table, but they’re taboo CROSSING. though some o f its members had in Rumanian high society, accord­ Queen Marie kissed an American Or that Lieutenant-Governor Birthday aimiversary of Theo­ been frankly partisan to the Stev­ dore Roosevelt and Se.:retary James ing to dispatches from Bucharest. baby on her way over. We didn't Brainard’s picture is In the rogue’s ens crowd, brought indictments J. Davis. know she was going to be a candi­ gallery at Wethersfield where he against the accused quartette. PRACTICE IS FINE. date for office. served time as an pirate? | State street, Chicago, has been Now, with the April jury dis­ ilvery Englishwoman is a law­ FIRST DOCTOR—How - is your made a "white way.” So many Any good spell binder can handle breaker unless she wears flannel, practice getting on? NATURE solved, Simpson finds occasion to wrong persons were shot in the ancient laws reeulating wearihg kind of stuff—not perhaps seek indictments against two al­ SECOND DOCTOR — Excellent! dark. By .ARTHUR N. PACK ’•emotest chance of making apparel never having been repeal­ It’s got to the place where I can tell Be patient. If your, wife throws leged accessories. Having begun ed. Under a decree of Henry VIII, some of my patients there is noth­ President American Natare Ass’n. • g the voters anything a flatiron at you maybe she is only the presentation, of his case to the wives who disobey their husbands ing wrong with them.—Fllegende trying to take the wrinkles out of ' tih, but at least with­ may be whipped. Blaetter, Munich. It is spring, and Bob White is ?:6eCOLD present grand jury he found it nec­ your face. , calling from a fence post beside the out wc ; IT neir own brain tissue essary to adjourn the hearing for road. MEDAL threadbare- -which is more than several days in order to obtain the It is a cheery call, and base in­ G lenwDod they can do with the zero-mark deed would be the man who would presence of several’ witnesses. Everybody’s Sweetheart harm Bob as be sends forth his type of issues they have been try­ Whereupon the grand jury insisted ing BO hard to talk about and make challenge. For the blithe call on holding its session, with the per­ serves a double purpose; it tells the talk sound as if it meant some­ Mrs. Bob that here he is on the job, thing. fectly. obvious purpose of finding that Simpson had a “short” case and it proclaims to other Bobs, in no uncertain terms, that this is his 2.Ranges in i against the accused persons and re­ domain, and that he will resent with PREVENT POLLS JA3I. fusing to indict. all his might their intrusion. A cfflnplete coaliai^ Because Connecticut voters un­ That persons of supposed repec- Some suppose that this loud call" derstand the importance of next tabillty could thus proceed In delib­ is Bob White’s only method - of and a compieteras voicing his emotions, but this Is far Eyiippedwith Tuesday’s state and congressional erate Intent to nullify the .. law election, as bearing on the political from the truth. Let his brown- raiffie perfect tSm- G lennvood against murder would seem incred­ throated sweetheart wander near ROBERTSHAW future quite as much as on the im­ ible if it were not that time and oined^COMElNAffi) Oven mediate outcome of the present con­ again the New Jersey communities . S££ Om FDU.UNE Heat Control test,' it is to be anticipated that involved have demonstrated that very heavy vote will be polled. The they do not want crime punished if heavier the better, of course, for it its perpetrators happen to be rich is only by universal participation In and influential. elections that truly popular govern­ G le n w o o d ment is to be entrenched. A heavy WHY? vote, however, involves certain dif- The^ gathering of four hundred RANGES aculties unless the voters take their thousand tribesmen from all over Metod Cooking Easy .duty seriously enough to give their North Africa to attend the simul­ aid in the smooth running of the taneous weddings of the three sons Oteawwod G m Ranges at j o u r Gas CSompaagr election mechanism. of the Sultan, of Morocco seems a There are a great many voters In strange proceeding indeed to people Manchester whose opportunity to of western standards. Especially WATKINS BROTHERS, go to the polls is strictly limited as when it is probably true that almost to hours. There is bound, at best, all of this vast concourse of people to be a congestion toward the clos­ are men, since women take little if ing time. This congestion can any part in such public demonstra­ easily become serious If other vot­ tions in that part of the world. Bob White ers, with more time at their dispos­ tain his race ^hen unperseented. Though industry Is on a very dif­ What a tragedy for poor Bob, for al, do not help out by voting early ferent basis in the Barbary states his perch and he drops down Into TEST ANSWERS in the day. those of us who love him alive, and from that of America or Europe, the thicket and with the softest for our children who may never It is particularly urged that those and most persuasive of calls pur­ the vast bulk of these folk must sues his wooing. know his cheerful challenge! who are masters or mistresses of Here are the Answers to the be spparating themselves'from their The gentleness and beauty of Bob history questions which appear'on their own time, to even a measur­ every .day activities. In order to par­ White has led to attempts in some another page: able extent, shall make a point of ticipate in this event, to an extent states to have him put on the list getting to the polls as early in the of song birds, that be might be pro­ 1— Theodore Roosevelt. actually alarming from the eco­ tected at all times of the year. 2— The battle of Concord bridge. day as/possible. Especially there nomic viewpoint. Most dt them Though there is ihuch virtue in this 3— Caesar, Crassus and . are many women voters, hoiise- must be engaging in vacations of view, it has not found wide accept­ Do they not err that devise evil? 4— Peter the Hermit and Walter •wlves, employers of servants, who ance, for sportsmen dearly love to But mercy and truth shall be to the Penniless. weeks in duration., 5— Joan of Arc. by dint of a little effort could as track Bob and his brood. them that devise sood.—l*rov. Practically all,of them are Mo-' This sport has long ago resulted 14:22. 6— 1823. ■well as not vote in the morning or - hammedans.' Pri^ctically all %f them in his extirpation from many parts 7— At Harper’s Perry. jejjrly in the afternoon, yet _who in are being held in political subjuga- of his range, especially where the Never throw mud. YoTh may 3—-Andrew Jack in . 9- —A fconfederatloh of the prln- but you must have centers of Qermanv. that he had aU he could do to m*ln-i

again upheld ::by the splendid ser- will have all our ships manned with Woman Writer Finds That Modesty Is Mostly Minus, U .S. NAVY THE BIC .vlce rendered^ocean shipping. American- seamen.. In the design, ^ e construction, To protect our commerce, to up­ .manning and .operation of the ves­ hold and-insure the fi%jedom of the sel, and In the personnel of our seas, to enforce oiir foreign poli­ While Frankness and Independance Offer Safety BROTHER TO TRADE ;.shlpyards and steamship organiza­ cies and protect the rights and in­ is the most personal gift to. bit Tills is the first of a series of'ft tions. the^Tiavy has contributed In- terests of our countrymen abroad made to a friend, especially if '■ He touched my shoulders and turn­ direcffly to a large extent. Among are services rendered by our navy. articles concerning the' New York' ed me around. that portrait is made at home / the personnel, aboard our m^Tchant The sea power of our nation is re­ fashion model as Marian Hale .ships- will be found, "former navy The Auction Block. flected in Ih'e strength of our navy A sitting can be arranged to found her. Ne.\t Storj*: The Out-Of- Stewardship Dates Back to men both in the deck department and merchant marine combined— I felt like a slave on the auction and engine room. suit your conveimence. Town Buyer. block. My self-confidence,froze in­ they are one and inseparable. 1789; Merchantmen ifre Merchant Marine Reserve to epibarrassment. Yet he surveyed The merchant niarine naval re­ 97 Ridge St. Phooe 241-12 By MARIAN HALE. ‘ me raa- impersonally as a cattle BOBBY JOlblS WILL NOT serve is a contributing factor DEFEND BRITISH TMLB, dealer would look at a cow. '.towards building up the morale and NEA Service Writer. I, passed inspection and was led Guarded on Seven S^s. ;efticlency of the personnel of our London, Oct. 27.— Bobby'Jones Into a dressing room. Other mod­ ’'ocean carriers and every effort New York, Oct. 27.— A fashion els in scant silk slips, backs bare will hot defend hia title as British should be made to strengthen our open golf champion next year, the model in New York City has no to the waist, were making up be­ Tills Is tlie third of a series , of four articles on the relation of the naval reserve, which is indlspensa- Evening News -states today. L G E a l l o t modesty, 'out in its place she has fore long mirrors. ,ble In times of an emergency. A white-capped colored maid American navy and merchant ship­ developed a frankness and ability ping to national welfare. ' Another; important aid is the de­ was arranging dresses on the rack. velopment and training of men who to look out for herself which A "stock boy” brought in an arm­ will become our future merchant makes modesty seem quite out of ful and hung them up. Some of the By T. v : O’CONNOR marine officers through the co-op­ date. girls were smoking. "The showroom Chairman, U. S. Shipping Board eration of the navy with the states I know. iFor two weeks I work­ was beginning to fill with buyers. It is generally believed the navy maintaining nautical schools. ed as a model in this city whore I modeled the dress for the man merely is an instrument of wdr. In this connec^u every induce­ legs are legs and limbs grow only with the restless eyes. Walking True, it is our first line of defense. ment should be offered to encour­ on trees. languidly toward him, I tried to It also, however, contributes large­ age more of our young men to fol­ The job as a fashion model in a drag my toes with the gliding mo­ ly as an aid to merchant shipping, low the sea, so that eventually we wholesale house is easy to get if tion I had -seen professionals use. and to the general economic wel­ you’re the right size. Classified ad I pivoted with arms slightly ex­ fare of the nation. columns of newspapers are filled tended and moved slowly away, The physical protection rendered with requests for models at season­ one hand resting on my hip. by our navy to merchant shippiuig al times of the year. “ You’ll do,” he told me. The dates back to 1789 when our diffi­ Imported Holland “ Models Wanted: Attractive man was Harry whom I later culties with Tripoli, o-ver depreda­ young ladies, size 16 for first class learned was noted for his choice or tions on American commerce first For Late October and dress house. Must be 5 feet 8 inch­ new models. Everyone is known by began. Congress soon realized the November Planting es tall. Salary $45.” his first name. ' futility of conducting an import­ This ad appealed to me and I set Models are "Mary” or “ Helen” ant trade without the backing of a out for West 37th street and Sev­ or “ Yvonae”— never Miss So-and- navy, and ordered the construction enth avenue, th e' heart of the So. of pix frigates; two of these, the Constitution and Constellation, are wholesale clothing district, one , Getting Down to Figures. block west of Freadway. still afloat. Bulbs The Big Parade. The typical model, size 16, In this campaign against the , It w-as 9 a. m. Already men were weighs approximately 125 pounds. Tripolitan pirates. Commodore lined along the curbstone to watch The “ five feet, eight inches” ip the Stephen Decatur distinguished him­ the models go by. This is the morn­ advertisement '‘means heelp mclud- self both as a fighter and diplomat ing and evening pastime of those ed. Her other proportions average: and soon put an end to the pirati­ Tulips who work in this section. They bust 32, waist 27, hips 36, calf 12 cal practices in the Mediterranean. don’t attempt to make dates, they and ankle 8. Her hair is either in a Preying Upon Neutrals are simply there to get an “ eye­ loose loop at the nape of her neck During the war between England ful.” ' or shingled extremely. Her cheeks and France in 1789, neutral Ameri­ Hyacinths The models like this attention. are usually pale, without rouge, can vessels were frequently inter­ With a bored, "high hat” expres­ and the bright red lipstick which fered with by the French navy. sion they swing along unconcern­ shapes her lips gives her a foreign, President Adams finally authorized ed, playing to the sidewalk audi­ chic, appearance. our frigates to capture French ves­ sels guilty of depredations on Narcissus ence by pretending to be complete­ “You’re going to like it here,” ly unconscious of it. Tall, creamy- whispered a coaxing masculine American ships. After a few sea MOTHER! Fletcher’s Castoriais a fights, in which the American Thereby skinned girls, models from the He surveyed me as impersonally as a cattle dealer would look at a cow voice in my ear. CheeifiitoessJiidfc^Cj^ pleasant, harmless substitute for Castor several hundred wholesale houses. It was Harry, his face so close navy again distinguished itself, the reception room on the eleventh A suave, sleek man with “ tape­ that It blurred. So this, thought I. objectionable practices were aband­ Daffodils Minetal. SoTTlA5p»^ Oil, Paregoric, Teething. Drops and “ Did you advertise for a mod­ oned by the French. floor of a West 37th street build­ measuring eyes” looked me over. is the first of the romance and Soothing Syrups,especially prepared for el?” I asked stepping from the ele­ The war of 1812 also had its ori­ vator abruptly into a rose-lighted ing. His eyes covered me inch by inch. temptations of a model’s life. gin in our situation as a neutral, ^ \1 Infants in arms and Children all ages. while Great Britain and France ! in the immediate future the pleas­ the war-system of the nations with were fighting. The British con­ Crocus It has been in use for more than 30 ant obligation of Christmas. . its menace to all that is best in the stantly interfered with oiir com­ years to safely relieve '■'.4 WISE, SMITH SALE CHRISTIAN POLICY merce. The American navy, not-, A helpful 1926 Birthday Gifts life of the world is imperative. The Constipation and D i f y During the first Anniversary of only hope, therefore, of avoiding withstanding the great superiority and Feverf^^^ Constipation Wind Colic Wise, Smith & Company they gave inconceivable world disaster, both of the B riti^ ships, won many not­ The moral and economic, depends upon able duels, finally causing tbe Brit­ resaltintft«fr22!5""^ Flatulence To Sivectcn Stomach A H R A a S CROWDS away little gift pocket books with FOR U. S. URGED FaeSiwie picture of Admiral Dewey and Ad­ the development of a new interna­ ish to discontinue these practices. Diafrhea R^fulate Bowels miral Schley who had just been tional spirit and the-will for peace, Before the Civil War, few Euro­ victorious in the Spanish-Ameri- working in and through new inter­ pean nations were serious coriipeti- FTBlish Aids in the assimilation of Food, pro* tors in our trade with China. This cEKTfuecoN^yg can war. Since which time the national agencies for.the preven­ moting Cheerfulness, Rest and 29th Anniversary Exceeds custom 6f giving souvenir gifts to Church CpuncD Outlines tion of disputes before they become trade contributed greatly to Ameri­ the’ public has beeri constantly insoluble and for the settlement of can prosperity. Had it not been Natural Sleep without Opiates AD Others in Volume of growing in the variety of articles Plans for "Armistice Sun­ all difficulties without resort to for the American navy this trade Hardware and their real, intrinsic worth. war or even to threat of war. could not have existed, since This year’s selection shows a “ To help create this new spirit, was common in Chinese waters. To avoid imitations always look for the signature of Business. wide range of useful knd valuable day” Nov. 7» beget this new mind and develop Even today the conditions there are Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it. gifts. Everyone purchasing dur­ this new technique, by which shall unsettled. A force of gunboats is Co. ing the Anniversary Sale is entit­ maintained for hundreds of miles be enthrmed in the international on the Chinese coast and protection led to anniversary souvenirs. This life of the world, is the unique “ Wise,'Smith & Co.’s Aniversary is one of the ways that Wise, Washington, Oct. 27.— “ To en- is afforded our cargo vessels on the task and opportunity of the great rivers of China. Sale.” Smith & CoAjany mark their throne Christ in the international churches.” What memories are awakened by birthday celebration and has al­ During the late war the tradi­ policies of the United States is the tions of the American navy were this very announcement. What in­ ways proved a very popular one. Steadily increased business has ideal for which Christians should HARVARD TO PLAY teresting recollections of great mer_ enabled "this store to provide val­ thrive,” is the goal set forth in a WESTERN TEAhtS 1927, chandising carnivals of the past 29 ues and assortments never before call to the churches for the ob­ years. For the Wise, Smith & equaled. This fact is instantly servance of Armistice Day. and for Cambridge, Oct. 27.— Purdue Loosen Up That Cold Company’s Anniversary Sale has recognized by the thousands that special services and study on and University cf Indiana, two are comin.g daily to participate in Western Conference teams, in ad­ long since become an epoch-making •Armistice' Sunday, November 7, the Anniversary offerings— one sent out by the Commission on In­ dition to the “ Big Three” oppo­ With musterole feature of Connecticut department "has but to see the crowds in the store activities. ternational Justice and Goodwill of nents, give Harvard, in 1927, the Have Musterole handy when a cold store to know that this great once- the Federal Council of Churches. toughest football schedule yet. The starts. It has all of the advantages of And year after year it has increas­ a-year event has started off with ed in force, in volume, and in state- | “ Complete abolition of war is 1927 Crimson schedule, out' toaay, grandmother’s mustard plaster without even more than its old-time vigor the only hope of avoiding incon­ follows: the bum. You feel a warm tingle as the' Manchester wide interest, to such an extent | and enthusiasm. that it has become the outstanding i ceivable world disaster,” declares Oct. 1, Vermont; Oct. 8, Pur­ healing ointment penetrates the pores, sellir,g event of the year. | Order by 3Iail or Phone the document, pointing out that due; Oct. 15, Holy Cross; Oct. 22, • then a soothing, cooling sensation ai^ Dartmouth; Oct. 29, University of quick relief. 1500 Renewing Old Friendships Then, too, another phase of this constructivje education and meth­ Fox & Co. This extensi'^e merchandising store’s important Anniversary is ods are the only effective way of Indiana; Nov. 5, Princeton at Made of 'pure oil of mustard and movement has been built on confi­ the fact that mail and phone ord­ bringing this about. Princeton; Nov. 12, Brown; Nov. other simple-ingredients, Musterole is dence well earned, and more firm­ ers by the thousands are being fil­ Remove W’ar Menace. 19, Yale. recommended by many nurses md ly rooted in the minds of intelligent led for customers who find it “ The churches of America can, doctors. Try Musterole for bronchius, shoppers year after year. And in more convenient to buy this way. if they will, enthrone Christ in the ON BUSINESS. sore throat, stiff neck; pleurisy, rheu- F ree For This has proven to be a very pop­ international policies of the United “ Since you intend to jilt me, tell m a t^ , lumbago, cropp, asthma, neu­ the renewing and strengthening of ralgia, congestion, pains and aches of store friendships old and new— a ular - . y qf shopping, especially ^States,” states the document in me please, what is the name of my for those families who live at a part. “ By so., doing they can do rival?” the back or joints, sore'muscles, sprains, S p e d a l a public recognition of an estab­ bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of Manchester lishment that reflects credit on considerable distance from the mucji toward removing the world “ Good heavens, do you mean to city. the chest. It may raevent pneumonia Hartford as a trading center. menace of war and toward estab­ kill him?” ahd“flu.” ^ . i^Sjjfcem aiortEittaC^ What wonder then that Hartford The charge business o^ this lishing world justice and perma­ “ Oh, no, only to sell him the ring IA Tubes W ire j Patnms and the whole countryside for store is mounting steadily and cus­ nent world peace. I bought . for you.”—Pasquino, i Oi J Uli miles around show such a hearty tomers who recognize their obliga­ “ A new spirit will have to be Turin. response when this sale unfurls its tions promptly, but who are now created in the mutual attitudes of - / . s?,snificent banners anouncing the without a change ac: unt, are be­ nations. A new method and tech­ "WHY BE PERSONAL ' super-value giving carnival, its ing invited to open one during the nique must be worked out for the. Anniversary Sale. 29th birthday anniversary. solution of international disputes. Recruiting Sergeant— When is Getting down to the practical From the big restaurant on the And all this will depend on the in­ your birthday? ninth floor to the last table in question of what it means to each telligent and determined co-opera­ , Applicant For En'istment — individual and to each home within the basement, every section of. tion of millions of men and women B ta trih m 41 maUardplattw & Co.Incx What’s the difference? You ain’t Fox this great store is overflowing reach of this complete establish­ of good-will. In many lands, having going to give me anything!— Judge. H a rtfo rd ment— it means that whatever the with Anniversary values that are diverse needs and differing cul­ needs may be, whether personal making this year’s Anniversary tures and habits of thought. or household, large or small, the largest in the history o f this store.' “ World justice and peace,” It whether it be for man, woman, continues, “ will never be achieved child, organization, or institution, Stock rooms and receiving rooms by mere sentiment, however sin­ Maintains a direct wire toi Manchester this powerful sale places such have been crowded for cere and earnest, by ringing reso­ needs before the public in such weeks with “ 29th ' Anniversary lutions of great national gather­ for the convenience of its Manchester immense quantities, refreshing Sale” merchandise, and every day ings which have no effect on na­ sees brand new things being put A y T 0 | ¥ displays and at such positive mon­ tional conduct, or by merely nega­ on sale for the first time— count­ Customers with no cost to you. ey saving prices that it compels the tive attitudes and policies in oppo­ admiration and influences liberal ers and shelves are loaded with ELECTRICAL SERVICE I A sition to war preparations and to patronage. the things Hartford wants and war. Preparations for this sale were needs now. Customers who make REPAIR WORK GUARANTEED every dollar count will find it very IRie Plan, begun many, many months in ad­ “ World justice and peace can come vance. The worlds markets were much worth their while to attend the Anniversary.. effectually,” it emphasizes, NORTON scoured for worthy merchandise. “ by: The tremendous purchasing power "Developing a spirit of brother­ ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENT CO. F=? of the Wise, Smith organization hood; was exercised to the fullest. Manu­ LET HIM UP “ Actual deeds and policies that fllLLIARO ST, PHONE, t facturers, wholesalers, and import­ promote mutual understand­ PHONE kj NEAR MANCHESTER FREIGHT STATION ers in all lines, recognizing this “ Have you seen Johns?n lately?' ing and goodrwill between na­ store as a great outlet, came to asked one motor-fiend cf another. tions; Wise, Smith with their goods of­ “ Unfortunately,” remarked the “ Sincere efforts each to see the fering price concessions that were irresistable. latter. “ I ran across him only last other’s viewpoint and prob­ night.” — Answers, London. lems; Every move governing this sale is planned and executed with the “ Sane and constructive me.thods In one thought of giving to the public dealing with problems that “ better values than ever before.” anse out of conflicting Inter­ B en E R THAN BARGAINS 1500 But no matter how tempting the ests ; price, every article of merchan­ “ Creating and supporting those W e started our Used Car business dise must pass the rigid test of agencies and institutions that are \; Colds essential to the settlement of with idea that a good car at a feir Wise, Smith’s standard of quali­ ty. E n^d overnight disputes by law and reason, pi^

- V , •.

I PAGE SIX MANCTESTOEEVEOTNGHERAU),-WEDkESDAT'oCT^^ ’ ’ ' V ' ' ■ " T ' ” ‘'.-'.■ ^ -^ = 5$ ? ^

THE ROMANCE OE AMERICA: Aaron Burr (13) Ciuuige in Rates Sketches by Redner, Synopsis by Birancher For Herald Gassified Advertising ------,- *i<^| -in n i^ j~uVTLn|veaWuii<^ r On and after June 1, 1926, the following rates for Claasifled Advertising will be in effect: All For Sale, To Rent, Lost, Found and similar advertising on qassified Page: First insertion, 10 cents a line (6 words to line). Minimum Charge 30 Cents. Repeat insertions (running every day), 5.cents a line. THESE PRICES ARE FOR CASH WITH COPY. An additional charge of 25 cents will be made for advertisements charged and billed. Burr vras indicted for murder in New York and New Burr WM received Rumors of Burr's plane sped swiftly over the west, FOR SALE f^iii!?* ***** states and the with great fioncr in the Hit design of an em>> and aa.ths former vice president traveled down ths TO RENT vSlI^i?’"£ '^ '”**Ii!*®“!” *‘* *”® **“**•• as vice president at weet where the Repub. pire in MexioOt it is bsf Ohio river, recruits flocked to him. BoaU and sup. Washin^on. After his term ended, Burr was Danni lisved, came to him at piiss were contracted for. But at Frankfort, Ky., Burr FOU S.VLE—Baby carrlaKc; also less. His estate. Richmond Hill, was sold for debts' liean party was strong, ono Glenwood ranfie, roasonable If TO RENT—Four rooin single house. set and-freer notions of about ths ysar 1806. vVas arrested on a charge of conspiring to injure a for- sold at once. Call after C o’clock, 11 All latest Improvements. Rent rea*on- •nd. » , ,X|I. from N.WYork. h. turnaj w .JJi.'IS**’ o The weet was then un« sign power at peace with the UnHed States. Kidgo street. able. with garage if desired. Inquire dueling prevailed. /? at Pr^k Damato, 24 Homestead V friendly toward Spain. / (Continued). • SALE— 4 cows, tuberculin street. Phone 1507. .. 1 be seen a f the McKnlght .1. 10B3-6. FOR RENT­ -Furnished room at 18 ED -ust street. v' SALE — Charm Crawford kUi:;ie . •ango. grey enamel llnlsh, in TO. 4 fOom tenement, rea­ WANTED perfect condition and a perfect baker. sonable. 13 AVells street. L IT T LE JOE £>. Hemingway. Hem' 40 Oxfdrd street. And there is Arnold Bennett’i W ANTED— Girl to. assist with HEBRON ’TEN eOHMANj)IIIENTS’’ portrait of a wartime millionaire, TO RENT—a room tenement, light, houseAvork and care of children. Ap­ FOR SALK— Crib. Phono 44’J. heat, gas. Inqulr(v 65 Summer street. ply Mrs. Warren Keith, 51 Cambridge "Lord Raingo” (Doran). We dp street. not doubt the interest such a FOR SALE—Furniture, living room, TO RENT—2 four room and one 5 There was a good attendance at o PUPPY CRIES o v e a AS POPULAR AS EVER the annual roll call of members of theme should create in Britain, dining room, beds, rugs. Phono 227-4. room tenement. Inquire at 230 Oak WANTED—To buy cars for Junk. SPILT m i l k -—. street. Telephone 654-2. Used parts for sale. Abel’s Service the Congregational church at He­ but we doubt mightily if it will FOU SALE—Leaving town, parlor Station. Oak street. Tel. 789.' have much genuine American ap­ suite, gas range and other articles. —3 room apartment at bron CentVr, held Saturday evening Big Features Attracts Many to Call at 52 School street. 1-0 L. Center street. Reasonable rent. In the church parlors. A banquet the Circle; Its Last Showing peal. The circumstances are too W ANTED—A Avoman to do gen ­ entirely of England. "The Old I Ine location. A pply 125 E. Center St. eral housoAvork. No washing. Mrs. was served to those present. Al­ Tonight. FOR SALE—Choice hand ))Ickcd Walter Olcott, 21 Forest street. Tel. Wives Tales,” ‘iCIayhanger” and apples and cider apples, squash and FOR RENT—Two furnished room.i, bert Hilding acted as toastmaster 357. and many of the members respond­ such had no geographic limits, nor pumpkins. Come to farm aiid buy at either single or for light h.ouseko p- The-bargain rates at the Circle wholesale. K. tV. Atwood. I.akc street. ing. lieated. all convenlenc 3 . Inquire ed In five minute-speeches. were theye political significances Phone 970-4. 4 I Main street, televhono 972-4. last evening brought many to "The nrtive to any region. It is a war­ AUTOMOBILES The auditors met at the town Pretty Playhouse” and tonight will FOR RENT—5 room tenement, all clerk’s office on Saturday and The tragedy of social defeat to time story and his canvas is broad­ FOU S.\LE—10 trees of apples, see even more to see that greatest ly historical. Doubtless many of Baldwins atid Greenings, tlrst class, improvements, wltli garage. Call after audited the accounts of the tax col­ of all big movie features "The Ten one wearing a steely armor of R. H. Burnham, Wapping, Conn. Call 5 o’clock, 107 Eldridge street. FOR S.ALE—1926 Chevrolet sedan, lector for the past year, Clarence pride is a somewhat trite outline the characters would prove fami­ 712-3. ncAv' tires. $500. Terms if desired,. 97 Commandments.” Those whq saw ■ V . ______E. Porter. The accounts were of Willa Cather’s latest novel, “ My liar to the Britisher, or to Ameri­ TO RENT—4 room tenement in first- Main street, Manchester. it at its last appearance here at can statesmen. The average reader FOR S.\LK—16 guago Parker slut- class condition, all modern Improve- found correct. high Plaices came again last even­ Mortal Enemy’’ (Knopf). / gun, 26 Inch barrel, in perfect condi­ Jiicnts. Including cliina closet, Avhlte FOR SALE—Bulcks, sport models The Rev. Howard C. Chanipe But that is scarcely fair. There is not likely to recognize them. For tion. Cost ?S3, Avil sell for $50. Tele­ jA'*'- Price reasonable. 23S Oak street, 1923, 5 passenger touring and road­ £ ing for it is a feature that one nev­ the most part it is largely "insiiie phone 143S-2. telephone 4S1-2. ster, A-1 condition; price right. Apply preached to his former parishioners er tires of. The bigness of it takes have been many variations on the ISo Center street. In the Gilead and Hebron Congre­ "pride goeth before a fajl” theme. stuff” on the great ones of the TO RENT—5 room flat, first floor, one’s breath away. There ls“ little British political simne, viewed with FOR S.\.LE— Piano in good condi­ gational churches on Sunday. Dur­ doubt that it uses.the biggest sets What la most important con­ tion. cheap. Address Box K.. South all modern Improvemeius. 321 East ing the service two children were «. , . _ Center street. Inquire 41 Bigelow St. MISCELLANEOUS and the biggest mob scenes of any baptized, Grace Elizabeth Chanipe, feature In years. Its last showing that it adds to her fast growing list FOR S.\LE—Victrola. cheap. Ad­ TO RENT—4 room tenement at 13 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Champe, of absorbing characterizations, one dress C., South Herald office. Trotter street, near the center. Ap­ Higlicst prices for rags, paper and will be tonight so it would be well ply Edward J. Holl or on the magazines; rags, 2c pound; bundled and Donald Earl; son of.M r. and to reserve this night for a chance Myra Henshawe, who can no moire FOR S.\LE—Yellow Globe turnips, premises. . ' ^ paper. 35c hundred; magazines, 5c Mrs. Sherwood Griffin. Mr. Champe ANDOVER you will never again get at these be forgotten than can the "lost any amount at 25c per bushel. Come hundred. Call 2116, 2 S Oak street. spoke on the Mexica3 situation, prices. lady.’’ Metal-Worker and ge' them at Vernon Center. A. TO RENT—Tenement of 6 large saying that the religious question Recall the "lost lady” in her Thier. rooms, dern lniprovemei.ts, corner Blanche L. Rochon, medium, 1415 For tomorrow and Friday there Is not so serious a matter as the ' Bertram Wright came nome Sun­ great house upon the hill, dwelling Ridge and Pine, 33.00 per month. In- North Main street. Hartford. 2 flights day for a short visit. He left Tues will be two features at the Circle, Copper and galvanized iron gut­ FOR S.ALE—Green Mountain pota­ P*"® street ,or telephone up. Circle, Tuesday and Friday eve­ agrarian or land question. The Marshall Nellan Ir "Diplomacy” in pathetic defeat, misunderstood toes. E. A. Buckland. IVapping, Conn. 1 » O nings. Telephone Charter 8297-5. day for New York. Mr. Wright Is Telephone M anchester 67-5. government is endeavoring to di­ and ""The Shamroc*k Handicap.” in a tiny world, feverishly grasp­ ters, tin and paper roofing, hot air vide land among the poor. Most working at the Grovernor Hotel, ing her moments of love from the FOR 'ENT—Three room flat and NOTICE—A variety of masquerade N. Y. "Diplomacy” is one of the most furnaces, repaired and reset. FOR S.\LE—Winter apples sprayed four room flat in new., house, all im­ suits and novelties for sale and made of It is now controlled by the celebrated plays ever written. An outside world—a memorable and handpicked $1.00 per bushel. Nice provements at 170 Oak street with to order, 74 School .street. wealthy classes and by foreigners, Miss Walker of Long Ridge, beauiiful figure! Russets, Greenings. Baldwins, seek- IflQulre 164 Oak street or evil Conn., is visiting her sister, Mrs. acknowledged success for the past 616-0. and the poor natives live in a state Recall the "professor” in her no-furthers, Pippins, Smokehouses, DON’ T F O R G E T -B . M. Gardner, Herbert Thompson. fifty years, it has been given |n Bellflowers. Gnililowers: also varie­ dressmaker, -Johnson block. Ladies of destitution and povertj^. every tongue and civilized country "Professor’s House” caught among ties for immediate use. Kieffer pears, Samuel Coppola of Stamford and FOR RENT—Steam Iieate. furnish- dresses and clilldren’s apparel. Prices An auction will be held on Fri­ by the world’s greatest stars. materialists, misunderstood, de­ nice for canning. 50c per basket. All ed room in Selwltz Building. Inquire reasonabl". Guaranteed satisfactory. Tony Rogers of Hartford were bail­ delivered. II. F. Gilnack, Soulli Main Selwltz Shoo Sliop. h day, October 29, at the late home Perhaps the fact that Sarah feated! Wm. Bray street. Tel. 225-6. ' of Mrs. Sarah Holbrook, on God­ ers at Mrs. Ellen Jones’ Monday And now meet Myra, brought up 1 will pay the highest prices -.'or evening. Bernhardt created the role gave it 19 Wadsworth Street TO RENT—Very neat foiir^%oom rag's, papers and all kinds o f m etals; frey Hill, of household goods, etc., a prestige. But the flavor of dis­ in the great house of her great- FOR RALE—Good healthy ferrets. -'rodern Improvements. Call also buy al. kinds of poultry and old of Mp. and Mrs. Grover Clark. Mr. Mrs. Ward Talbot, Mrs. E. M. uncle, John Driscoll! A 'vl'yid child, W. H. Wells. 9 Village street, Rocl:- -oS Oak street. cars for'Jun'k. M. H. Lessner, Jr., tele­ Yeomans, Mrs. Herbert Thompson tinction remaining with It, and the villc. Phone. 334. • phone 982-4. and Mrs. Clark have bought a place interest manifested' at revivals, she grew to vlirld womanhood FOR RENT—Newly built five room in Springfield, Mass., where they and Miss Walker were callers in midst jewels, grand pianos, luxur­ McGovern Granite Co, FOR S.-VLE— Hard Avood. Reo truck Pat.s. on Florence and West Center South Manchester Tuesday. gives “Diplomacy” a decided ad­ Suits, topcoats, overcoats. Tan expect to make their home. vantage as screen material. ies, ase. She was pet of the small load. $9.0U. $9.75 split. V Firpo. 97 modern. Kanebl. made $35. R. H. GrlmSson. r.07 Main There was a Repithllcan rally In CEMETERY MEMORIALS W ells street. Phone 154-3. 519 Center street. at the Center.. In spite of the bad storm Sunday Ten years ago, the play was giv­ town, serenaded by the band. Dris­ evening there was a good attend­ the Town hall Monday- evening. coll was the rich man of the town, Ueiiresentcd hy FOR SALE—Pumpkins. squash., en a brilliant revival in America. TO RENT—6 room t«.-.ement, mod­ Rags, magazines, biuidled paper ance at the union meeting of the Congressman Richard Freeman gave Marie Dora played the star role. his wealth amassed from contract carrots, onions, apples. Philip Hoff­ ern improvements, shades. With or and junk bought at nig'eat cash a very Interesting talk as did Col-, C. W. HARTENSTEIN man. 460 Hillstown road, telephone garage. Rent reasonable. At Christian Endeavor societies of He­ William Gillette was “ Harry Wey­ labor' in the Missouri swamps, prices, ['hone 849-3 and I will, call. J. 149 Summit St. Teleiihone 1G31 75-13. 13o Summer street. Call 639-2 after 5 Eisenberg. bron, Gilead, Colchester and An­ onel H. R. .Wood. Refreshments mouth;” Blanche Bates, "ZIcka;” And, again, meet Mj'ra, spirited o clock or Saturday. were served. - FOU S.\LE—Sweet cider $6.00 » a dover held in tlie Center Congrega­ Elliott Dexter, “ Julian!” Mrs, Jef­ and impulsive, leaving this grand barrel at tlie mill. Call 970-5. Man- ® room tenement, LOST tional church. The Rev. H. C. fries Lewis, the "Marquise;” Gus­ plaCe penniless, to wed, after a I cliester. H. Silverstein. .Jolton. au improvements. Inquire Chef Csano. Champe spoke on the religious tav von Seyffertitr, “ Baron Ballla” two-year wait, a patient, tender, APPLES luo Oak. Telephone 1325- 3. LOST—Number plate. 40.CS4, James FOR SALE—Soda Shop, confec­ CaUahan. W apping, Conn. Tel. 102-3. question In Mexico, giving a differ­ and Montague Love, “ Count Or- but ineffectual man. Driscoll cross­ Gravensteln, Wealthy, Mackintosh, tionery and g rocerj store, ne.vt *o FOR RE.NT—6 room and four .oom ent light on the subject than that HARRY CAREY C p N G loff.” ed her from his will ^nd left his Kings, Northern Spies,.:, Nathan Hale school. Over COn children tenement with improvements. Inquire FOUND ^ usually obtained from the newspa­ The screen version, which comes fortune to a nunnery, providing pass dally, candy trace lone pays street. R. G Little. Tel. that Myra could go there for re­ HubbardstoiL all expenses. Price riglit if taken at 1320-12. pers of the day. More than a hun­ to the Circle offers a cast every -bit once. Reason for selling, opening FOUND—Pocketbook. on Oak street dred people were present. An ex­ IN THRILUNG FILM as imposing as the stage plays. fuge ahd find a little money wait­ market at my store at Manchester containing sum of money. Inquire .'-.t- hibit of Mexican ^ hand pottery, ing. He knew irtll that her pride Edgewood Fruit Farm FOR RENT—4 room tenement oti 164 Oak street. Blanche SWeet in the role of Tcl. W. H. Cowles, 945. Green. C. J. Woouhouse. 17C Spruce ,Rldg0Avood street, Avith Im prove­ rugs, blankets, and other curios "Dora,” heads the company. would never allow that. street. ments. Furnished rooms for light was shown' by Mr. Champe and Mrs.} The.feature^atlractlon at the RI- "The Shamrock Handicap” is a Iiousekeeping. Inquire „09 Foster rlto today and this evening will be FOR SALE—Seasoned hardwood, Jitreet, corner / t Bissoll street. j Champe sang a hymn in Spanish, as story of the race tracks with a prompt delivery $13 per cord. Phone Legal Notice “ The Sheik’’ wixleh opened a two 106-2. I a solo. The Rev. T. D. Martin as­ generous flavor of love and ro­ floor, five room sisted by offering prayer. days’ engagement at this play­ mance. T ry Coopeo Street, rent house yesterday. The film was FOR SALE—Cider a()ples also a $30.00 per month. Home Bank & Trust At a Court of Probate holden at Marshall Miner of Deep Ri\’er few large heads of cabbage. Wm. H. wO. » Bolton AVlthln and for'the District of l^rought back after the manage­ Andover, on the Stii. day o f October, and Harry Miner, a student at Felt. Wapping. Conn. Phone 776-4. Storrs College, were visitors the ment had received numerous re- —®",Charter Oak street, A. D.. 1926. ouests for Its showing and the en- FOR SALE—Hard wood slabs saw­ street, four room tenement, Present J. W HITE SUMNER, Esq„ first of the week at the home of REAL BUTCHER SHOP ed stovu length. $12 per cord Tele­ Phillip Lewis, 83 Chr,.'tor Oak street. Judge. their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Sher- thyslgstlc recentlon accorded the phone 476-I2. O. H. Whlr-Pte. Andover. On motion o f L^Avis VT. Phelps of! -yood Minpr picture last night attested the fact Conn. tenement'for AndoA-er, Conn., executor on the Miner, that Valentino’s popularity was AT THE STATE TONIGHT $20. Apply Edward J. Holl telephone testate estate of Cora V. Rose late of The Rev. Howard C. Champe FOR SALE—Chestnut w5hd, hard Bolton, Avlthin said district, deceased. went on Monday to Akron, Ohio, to never greater than it is at the present time. wood, and liard wood slabs sawed to This r'ourt dotli decree that six attend the annnal meeting of the order. L. T. Wood. 55 BIssell street, I RENT—Six room flat on Cam­ months be allowed aivd jlmltcd for "The Sheik” was really the. first Novelty Entertainment; Whole telephone 496. bridge street, all modern improve­ the creditors of said estate to exhibit American Board of Commissioners their claims against the same to the starring vehicle In which Valentino Beef Given Away; Double ments. Inquire of 16 Cambridge street Missions.* Mr. Champe appeared and his brilliant portray­ or phone 504. executor and directs that public no­ will speak before this convention REAL ESTATE tice be given of this order by adA'er- al of the title role brought him In­ Movie Features Also; Select Servicie Station on Thursday.- He will go to Cleve­ FOR SALE OR RENT-On Girard REN’T—5 room tenement, fur- r ,tising .in a neAvspaper .------having'go ------circu-- to instant prominence, the country Vaudeville Thursday, Friday For your Automobile Kepairing. "eet. ncAv six room cottage, gas, pace. gas. 7 minutes from mills. 30 ! In said district, and by posting land on Friday and will give ad­ Essex street. Telephone 1287-13. a copy thereof on the public sign post literally mobbing the theaters in and Saturday.- Authorized Chevrolet, Oakland and •'. steam heat. Inquire H. W. dresses befhre the three, largest which .the picture was being play­ ■' “^dd FelloAira’ Bldg. in said toAvn of Bolton, nearest the Pontiac Service and General > Re­ FOR RENT — Three, and four place AA'here the deceased last dwelt. churches of that city on Friday, ed. The story employed is extreme­ pairing. room apartments, heat, janitor sen* Saturday and Sunday on the subject Tonight at the ^StoJe there wUl A, CENTER STREET—S.nglo Certified from Record ly colorful and seems to be' cram­ be a real novelty,' an honest to Repairing, Storage, Carbon Burn­ ■ I. oak floors, steam heat, vic^ p s range, refrigerator In-a- J. AVHITE SUMNER of Mexico, doov bed fu.-nished. Call Manchester med with action of the most thrill­ goodness Butcher Shop. There will ing, Kendall 'Oils 607, again. SralUi- With Barrett & Robbins bers of the two missionary rocle-' bit too ambitious. Yet it is a fine 'waite, ISO Cantor atreet. the colleges at Trinity field ndxt novel, with .an upliftins and Farr Bros., Props 913 Main St. Phone 39*2 ties. Saturday* Real 'Estate .HfasurancO , thovgbtful theme. Bteanuhtp Ttoke^

kt I


/Cording to federal dry oftlclglB. warrants, extremely difficult to freight rars billed "for Mexico." WJhiter Opecationa ment to drive Irish Into the hearts twelve are situated close to CASH FROM U S. This ‘‘sector’’ o f the rum war obtain unless evidence of sale Is These shipments are entirely legal During the winter smugglers IRQ^AND STUDYING of the people. One proposal that Ulster border. In every othif front is regarded as the govern­ furnished. Llqnoc is never sold under the Canadian law add even operating with the Bahama Islands will probably be adopted is to try school the teaching of Irish B ment’s most serious problem In from boat houses, niit taken to De­ operations of the liquor treaty be­ and Cuba as bases rushed liquor and prevent native speakers from compulsory, - while in every ex­ stopping uj) the inword flow of troit or other markets by automo­ tween Canada and the United to the American shore almost GAEUC LANGUAGE omlgrating to the United States amination for the Irish Civil Serv­ BACKS RUM MEN foreign liquors. bile. States cannot Improve >the situa­ daily. Probably fifty per cent of or anywhere else. ice Irish is a compulsory su'oject. 'Ihe Canadian Rum trust, backed ‘‘Government agents havtf the tion. the smugglers g o t. by the coast W r r a NEW VIGOR Irish speaking policemen will probably by American cal>ltal and best opportunity to grab the Another danger zone on the patrol allying to lack of facilities probably be offered special advan­ HE’S SPOOFING ! ACROSS BORDERmanned chiefly by Americans, smugglers on'the Hvet, but even Canadian- border is in the vicinity for guarding the coast. tages If they can work In Irlsh- London. — A-bird fancier was Iti has developed a distribution mia- that chance is extremely thin,” a of Niagara Falls. A considerable Smugglers, officials explained, siwaking districts, while it is re­ the act of releasing some carrier cUino In that district comparable prohibition official said. Dublin. — The Irish Free State volume of llqubr crosses Lake lOii- had the "whole bast Coast to government has succeeded in mak­ ported that special grants will be pigeons recently when he was ac­ to that of tj^e big Industries. ‘‘The Detroit river district Is the tario in fast, motor boats. Smug­ shoot at," and In addition tbey given to Irish sp|paking districts, costed by a passerby. On the Canadian side ,are num­ scene of t probably the / greatest gling is fairly general op the ing it a paying proposition to sent-many of their liquor ships spealT' Irishr with the result that including fundrto promote agita­ ‘‘Excuse me, sir," the stranget erous liquor warehouses connected activity of rum runnerb for an northern New York border where around to the IVest Coast ot Flo­ Canadian Whiskey Trust Is even the most inditferent are hur­ tion for preventing native speak­ said, “ but how far do pigeons fly ai to the river by canals. Leading 'io area of ihe size. Just how much the runners concentrate on furn­ rida where big bases hidden in the ers from emigrating. Special facili­ a rule?" the warehouses are railroad spur whiskey and beer goes through ishing a supply of beer and ala to swamps formed a refuge tor the rying forth to line > up with the tracks furnishing direct communi­ this section nobody can guess but, Gaelic League and reap some of ties will also be granted for offi­ ‘‘Oh, thousands of miles, some­ Financed by Capital In the American trade. rum runners and their wares until cials of all kinds to qualify as Irish times.” cation from the Canadian liquor the volume la extremely heavy." Thousands of automobiles. have it could be delivered to the mar­ the benefits of this new revolution centers. The Detroit river sector was been captured by the customs ser­ kets. which Is permeating the Free speakers for service in such dis­ “ And don’t they ever get lost?" States, Say Officials; The “ trust" has erected a num­ first handled by the prohibition vice In Northern New York in the Smugglers are continuing their State. tricts. “ Well. I used to lose one now and ber- of boat houses on the Ameri­ unit or the land army of the go­ last few months. Most of them Iqluor running on the Northeastern For the future non-Irish speak­ In a word national and commer­ then, but I've had all my birds can side of tbh river to house II-' vernment in The rum war. Later are employed by tlfc custonis and Coast ,of United States, where a ing inhabitants will not get the cial advantages of every practical crossed with parrots, and when they Smuggling Liquor Big quor smuggled over the border. it ,was transfererd to the control prohibition authorities In the bal^ scattered rutp row has lurked for big jobs in the Civil Service, or as kind are scheduled for Irish speak­ get lost they can ask their way The dash from Canada to United of the customs service, but sub­ tie against smugglers. several years. A heavy concen­ teachers, in fact, they will not get ers. Irish will remain with English home."^ Business^ States requires three to five min­ sequently sent back to the dry The Florida district is still giv­ tration of Coast Guard cutters, any Job so readily if they have not the joint official language, with utes, according to the speed of .the unit. Responsibility for enforce­ ing the government considerable ever, has held smuggling in this the additional usefulness of know­ the exception that for the first '^HATS THE ONE. boat. ment Is now in the hands of the trouble. M. O. Dunning, collector jdlstrict to a minimum. ing Irish. j time It will pay better to speak Liquor Store.s Safe prohibition administrator for Ohio of customs at Savannah, 6a., and The Gaeltacht Commission ap­ Irlsh. “ You say you’re looking for a Washlr.Ktou.— Rum runluR has The liquor stores thus placed on and Michigan. k » prohibition czar ot the Southeast A mummified horse, the first pointed some months back is about Out of a total of 5.636 National cashier, r thought you hired one iicen doveloped to Its highest pitch American soil are safe from mo­ Billed to "Mexlro" is making a good record having known to history, was unearthed ready to report, and as a result schools of the Free State only just last week.” ot ctficicncy on the Detroit river lestation by the government ex­ Officials explained that liquor Is captured a greater number of mo^ recently in Egsfht. It is more than several more Interesting steps are about twelve have applied foir per­ “ I did. That’s the one I’m look­ section or Iho Canadian border, cc- cepting through the use of search shipped to the Canadian border on tor boats and schooners. about. 3500 years old. ^ about to be taken by the govern­ mission not to teach Irish. Thesq. ing for.” — St. Johns, N. B., Globe.


Weeks and Weeks of Preparation Bring Contplete Selection in The Annipersary^s Greatest Coat Offering! Four Big-Departments Combine! On time! The glorious Annual Coat Event!. The great Anniversary Sale*s supreme fashion accomplishment for women! Thousands of durable ( ^ t s have been gathered together—here now— ready for your inspection! Coats the very acme of style— in every fashion favored mode—in every desired new material—Coats that represent the utmost in quality—in VALUE!—go to make .this Annual Sale one of greatest importance to every fashion-loving Woman! v You’ll Find YOUR Coat Among the iTiousands on Display—At a Typical Ai^versary Saving The prices quoted on these Sale Coats no doubt seem remarkably low—and ARE low! The fact is that months a:go, with the great Thrift Sale in view, we bought these coats long before the advance in prices occurred. Another opportunity for Wise, Smith & Co. to manifest to Hartford women the great T^ise, Smith & Co. ideal—the service of Value-Giving.

THURSDAY ONLY — Twenty-five Plaid Sports * -d Coats at $ I U These coats regularly sell from $25.00 to $29.00. Fully Uned and mostly fur trimmed, sizes 14 to 42. Hurry!

^ Free W^chcr.;^' Tel, Service— SOOBeaudM Fasblonable NewAirCDKats Hirlhiiimed StoutCoats! Q o th C o a ts ! n S 9 Many choice and popular furs of the season, • fashioned into smart coat styles, grouped to­ A group Of well-tailored coats very becoming., gether at $159! Make your selection early I For a Cloth Coat of splendid material—^well to women who must have a coat designed to give tailored and trimmed with popular furs—you’ll long, slenderizing lines, and others for those who expect to pay much more than just $29. Hurry! require the shorter measurements. n 9 5

Because we bought for cash early in the This group includes a wide selection of cloths Buy early! You’ll get first choice—your season, these coats cannqt be duplicated at this and colors—new and smart. Trimmed with finest proper size— and be sure of having your coat priep. Selected pelts of beautiful furs that make selection of furs. Select yours NQWI when the first cold day is here. This group at ?49. these coats well worth while your immediate in­ includes remarkable values! spection!

Adaptions of some of the smartest FrenCH A choice selection of coats for those who de­ ^ 2 5 9 models are these coats priced at just $69. Richly mand a better coat at a moderate price. Choice trimmed with furs in authentic new styles. fabric.^— styles and select furs Ultra amart! The most p a b u la r will find Sizes ior Everybody-rlS id 20 Betti.t Stoat Coats^Upwards to*$I10 her heart's desire in this group-of beautiful fur coat' at $259. Don’t delay—come early. 36 to 42 and 40 to 46 Smart Silk Frocks For Misses In satin and other Smart Fabrics. Stylish Frocks ,A11 $19.98 Values Attractive Sports Dresses Of Heavy Silk Canton Crepe $ Featuring Three Tier Front and Veatee. For Misses and Women :Reg. $29 'Valuea at Featv’'ing the New Pin Checks, Wool Jerseys and Twills—Each Dress $ 1 0 5 0 An UnusuBl Value at Large Size Afternoon Frocks One Hundred Large Size At First Bargaki Table—Thursday— Graceful Models We Will Sell Three Hundred More In Satin Silk Dresses Sisea 42 1-2 to 52 1-2 $ ■ Reg. $19.98 Values $35.00 and $32.50 Values at Jersey and Satin Rayon Dresses at Comprising the new Fall Colorings and Many a q For Afternoon and Semi-Formal Wear—^They Feature New Smart'Models.. These Dresses are regidar v F • y O the Smart Straight Line Silhouette In Many Faacinat- at ^16 Ins Interpretation*. $5 ValuiBs,


Pola Negri’s Great American Chance To RADIO GODSEND STUDYSIBERIA PRETTY NEWCOMER AIDS PAIR Come When She Does “Camille” TOTHEFARMER IN BIG PROGRAM ^ IN BLOODLESS W A R SKIT BY DAN THOMAS. - By DAN THOBIAS. OF DEVEOPMENT III! nw* \ Hollywood, Oct. 27.— In the Better Basmess Men m Rural Hollywood, Oct. 27.— Practically offing stands a great chance tor SectHH»,.BoiBid to every motion picture studio ia Pola Negri— an opportunity to re­ jkrea Twice the Size of Unit­ heart-break village has produced a. peat the high climaxes of her fam­ from I t ed States Greatest Exploi­ war film during the last year. But ous picture, “ Passion,” a chance It was left to Wallace Beery and to do the greatest bit of acting she Chicago, Oct. 27.— Radio-la.the tation Chance; Western Raymond Hatttm, working on the has done since coming to America. farmer's Godsend, xor it is, destined Famous Players-Lasky lot, to to reorganise farm marketing; pro-' ipart Immense Nation of That chance is “ Camille,” upon cesses and make the farmer a bet­ make a war picture without blood. ter business man. They’re making a version of the which production is to begin as soon Contact with farmers and study Fertile Land. asTPola has completed work on her of their problems for many yea$s World Wat entitled “ We’re in the lead Samuel R. Guard of ’ this city “ Barbed Wire,” a war pictuye based to this conclusion. He’s director of Washington. — Western. Siberia Navy Now’/— and not A single man the Sears-Robbn^ Agricultural is one of the greatest areas of lev­ will be shuffled off in the entire on Hall Caine’s "The Women of Foundation." el, fertile farm land, awaiting de­ “Current prices pii grain and live­ Knockaloe.” velopment in all the temperate, seven reels. Beery and Hatton are stock broadcast to the farm world cereal-producing regions, accord­ at the moment they are being made “ The Women of Knockaloe” is ing to a survey of the commercial natural comedians. They can’t help in the city markets has brought an being funny when together, wheth­ entirely new element into farm possibilities of this vast^ country declared to be Caine’s masterpiece, prepared by the Department of er on the screen or off of it. . marketing,” says Guard. Aside from the antics of Beery . “ Heretofore -the farmer had to Commerce. and should afford the great Polish Eastern and south-eastern Si­ and Hatton a brand-new actress get his. Information on prices of will be their leading lady. She Is c3^ farm product at least a.-dgy, and beria Is a great forest region, im­ star good opportunities, but beside mensely rich In minerals and al­ Lorraine Eason. Miss Eason' has. frequently two or three, days late. appeared In small roles in several Camille, her chances here are con­ With his radio tuned in on a-sta­ ready famed for its fisheries and tion broadcasting quotations from furs. other pictures, but this Is her first fined. The Climate of these region's Is “ lead.” And she looks Ifce a “ com­ the important market' he knows er.” the current price at the moment-be not dissimilar to that of the Dako­ In “ Camille” the public can hope is making his deal with the stobk tas and Minnesota — with hardly From a purely photographic to see the creature of “ Passion” or grain buyer. lower temperatures it is drier, standpoint Lorraine equals any again on the screen, captivating, al­ “ If he ships direct!, ||ie knows the with many hours of sunshine per other actress on the screen and' luring, fiaming, moodful, sparkling. actual price on the market the day year, modifying the effect of the under the tutelage of Director Ed­ Had Dumas written his piece his stock Is loaded into the car; he more northern latitude. die Sutherland she is rapidly be­ with Pola Negri in mind he could knows what the estimated receipts All of Siberia, however. Is by no coming a finished actress. not have tiroduced a better vehicle for the following day will be, and means either fertile or salubrous, Much of the picture Is being for her pow'ers. His Marguerite he can time his shipments to put according to the report. Themorth- made aboard battleships of the Gautier is Pola, no other, t ^ gay, his produce on the market when the ern part, bordering the Arctic Pacific fieet now at their base in resentful flaming creature of loves. prices are at their peak.” ocean Is a vast plain across which Los Angeles harbor. For some of Since Pola Negri came to Ameri­ Whole ejoUnty Covered. . It Is possible to look for miles and the “ close-ups” a huge tank has ca something greater has been ex­ In the Chicago' territory etatipu mifes over growth of tiny trees. been constructed at the Lasky pected of her than wiiat she has ac­ WLS broadcasts complete quota­ The ground is frozen deep down, studia. Here, with the aid of wind complished. In “ Camille” she will tions on all farm produce. The the year around, only the surface machines, a regular so’wester can be blown up— making the action have her chance? Pola Negri southwest deceives the same serr thawing out during the warm sea­ vice over station WPAA of Dallas, son. so real that In the film it will ap­ while the south Atlantic states re­ 5,000,000 Square Miles. pear to have been filmed right on', ceive local. New York, Chicago and “ It Is estimated that of Siberia’s the ocean. Here, too, Is a real hon- New Orleans market quotations total area of 5,000,000 square est-to-goah submarine that- plays Shakespeare^sSignature, worthat$100,000 from WSB^ maintained by the At­ miles— nearly twice that of the its part In the close shots. Lorraine Easoa lanta, Ga., Journal. United States— about one-quarter \ In addition, more than 100 sta­ is actually adaptable to human ex­ tions are co-operating with the gov­ ploitation, aside from perhaps the tional conventions, Colonel Blgnej IsMuch Dearer than A ny Other Celebrity *s ernment In broadcasting farnl pric­ fishing and fur Industries,” the re­ SAYS MARTIANS MUST HADGER GAME VICTIM’ became a close friend of President es and lectures. port set forth. Taft and was frequently a visitor The Chicago grain quotations are Siberia 1‘s among the world’s at the White House. , broadcast every half' hour from the largest areas awaiting develop­ SKIP ABOUT TO UVE SAYS FRIENH OF TAFT New York, Oct. 27.— William Board of Trade. Live stock quota­ ment. The king of Bulgaria has two ShaU-gpeare was the most import- tions come direct from the Union The gigantic distances in Libe­ pet elephants which' he has per­ Stock Yards, while prices of fruit ria— 5,000 miles from west to east Attleboro Millionaire Accused sonally taught to carry lumber anf apt man who ever lived, according and vegetables, butter, eggs and People of Neighbor Planet Not to one standard and that not a and 2,300 miles from north to by Veteran of Trying to Kiss perform circus tricks. SHAtCESPEARjS EXPENSIVE poultiY are relayed from the com­ south— places the transportation- Able to Live in One Hemi- poetic one. • mission markets to the studio. Latter’s Bride. Next in importance was Button AaTOGRAPH questions and freight cost as the pbere All Year. Many Report Savings paramount consideration In any Gwinnett, although even the more In a survey of 500 farmers, WLS Attleboro, Mass., Oct. 27.— Hear­ Intelligent reader may not recog­ development plan. Chicago, Oct. 27.— The tantaliz­ ing on an application for a war­ learned 405 stated they depended “ This unfavorable factor— dis­ nize the name. George Washington 'THIS OltE. IS WOR.TH $ 2 X 5 0 0 '^ ing question of whether Mars is in­ rant for Col. Sidney O. Blgney, mil­ upon its Information in . shipping tance— is accentuated, moreover habited, long a matter of contro­ and Abraham I.lncolu are ranked their goods to market, and 120 lionaire jewelry, by by Siberia’s geographical location, versy among scientists, still was un­ quite far down the list. could give specific instances where Leo "'iifresne, Whrld war veteran, The standard for the 'judgment far remote from the most import­ settled today as eminent experts of it had saved them money. ant world commercial centers and who charges the colonel attempted Is that of the collector of rare Their estimate of the savings the University of Qhicago and to kiss his bride, today was post­ autographs. The. value of a signa­ nearly Isolated from world-trade Northwestern Ufiiver<y reported varied from around $80 on a single routes,” the report continued. poned until tomorrow. ture depends upon its rarity. deal, to $2800 saved on the sea­ on their observations of the planet Colonel Bigney asserts he Is the These i-atiugs ^re from Jerome “ Arctic Ice blocks the way from v/hlch just now is closer to the JOHN PAat JONES’ SuiUlTUHE IS-WOETH son’s wheat crop. One farmer esti­ the north and northeast; roadless victim if r. badger game and will j Brooks, director of the world’s ABORT $5,000 ~ mated the value of his radio re­ earth than it has been In modern fight the charges. largest emporium of rare books mountains close it in on the south­ times- ceiving set at $800 a year. The av­ east and west; while to the south A delegate to two Republican na- and an authority of old auto­ erage estimated saving was $267.56 It there Is intelligent life upon graphs. per year. .scantily populated steppes and des­ the planet the beings arq equipped Shakespeare’s is the most valu­ Only a small percentage of the erts hinder communication. with extraordinary breathing ap­ MAR.THA WASHIK&T0N.'S COSTS ilDOO The main artery, of human ac­ able signature in the world,” farmers now own and use radios, paratus, in the opinion of Prof. Ed­ The Trouble Man Brooks stated. “ Of the original according to Guard. ^ Bqt this is tivity in Siberia is the Trans-Si­ win B. Frost, of Yerkes observa- j berian railroad, traversing its en­ FINE FOR CHILDREN! there are only six known authentic only a partlhl indication of the tory, Williams Bay, Wis. j When ■weather conditions art examples. A London fire is believ­ 'THIS IS THE SECOMO RAREST OP ^lumber who are availing* theift- tire width from the Urals to the good, the linemrin has an easy Pacific ocean. Rail transportation ■ ‘There is. a difference of about j Give them a good start in life, with ed to have destroyed all his manu­ AMER.1CAN SIGNITRR£S~ selves of the radio market news. 150 degrees; fahrenheit between | happy smiles and healthy little bodies, job, but after a storm he scripts, but were one extant it charges, however, are prohibitive Farmers’ co-operative associations non and night on Mars, if our de- j ^ildren need a mild corrective occa­ works day and night to repaii would bring no less than half a keep tuned In on morning markets I in many lines of goods on long ductiona are correct,” he said, “ a 'd l sionally to regulate stomach and bowels. the damage. million dollars. and post, them publicly. hauls.” the air on the planet is thirty times ! Dr. Mwards' Olive Tablets are a safe “ Next to Shakespeare in rarity Commerce department experts LIMCOLM'S FA M O aS AUTOGRAPH , A farmers’ phone line In Illinois more rarlfied than at the top of ' vegetable compound mixed with olive An accident policy works the and value, purely as a signature, is Is hooked up to the radio receiver, say that the water transportatiou oil. I’hey tone up and regulate the elim­ that of a comparatively obscure facilities of Siberia assume special Mount Everest. The temperature At , same way. It’s on the job to and at IV each morning the ex­ certain seasons of the year is too inative tract. Not a nasty cathartic or American. He is Button Gwinnett, change tunes in and broadcasts the significance. An all - water route help repair the dsonage to low to sustain the higher forms of | a habit-forming medicine, but a safe a signer of the Declaration <'f In­ radio market quotations to all its would Insure to Siberia low pleasant remedy for constipation, sour your income when an acci­ dependence. Gwinnett, a Ithy patrons at once. freight costs between the world life and if people exist there would stomach, torpid liver, bad breath, and dental injury lays you up. and influential Georgian, v.; ■ able, markets and any Inland point and he compelled to travel from one similar disorders. Dr. Edwards, a wide­ popular and w’idely known in his would be a factor of utmost im­ hemisphere to the other twice a ly known family physician of Ohio, pre­ Pays you an income and helpe with the doctor’s bills. time, but never famous. PAUL REVEKS SlGNlTURE ISVER.Y RARE SAYS CO-RESPONDENT portance in its commercial devel­ year in order to stay alive.” scribed these tablets for many years in “ Yet, because he was one of opment. his own practice. Children from six Put one to work for you now, those to affix his signature to the Pour Great Rivers. years up are greatly helped by them and like to take them. Recognized by Declaration and had signed little HAD NOSE FOR BOOZE] The country contains four TO FIGHT CONi'ICTION FOR else during his life, his autograph mighty rivers— the Ob, the Uetilsei their olive color. Dr. Edwards’ Oliye NATHAN. HALES COSTLY AUTOGRAPH ILLEGAL DOC^RING j Connecticut General is worth $22,500. I predict that it the Lena and the Amur, and these TAblets overcome those irritable speHs that many children are subject to, keep Life Insurance Company will bring $50,000 one of these Lady Cowley’s Friend Kent with their tributaries form a net­ Greenwich. Oct. 27.— Willett E. days.” work of waterways covering thj their bodiesin active healthy condition, Dentlnger, recently fined for prac­ skin clear and eyes bright with the light FAYE'ITE B. CLARKE,'Agt The value of a signature de­ Sure to Come Where Whis­ entire length and breadth of the -V- > AND SOME OF THE tising medicine without a license, of perfect health. 15c, 30c and 60c sizes. 10 Depot Sq. - Tel. 292 pends upon its rarity; and the fame RARESIGNITURES’" key Was, Asserts Witness. land. V today filed notice that he intends of the signer. Brooks explained. It has been estimated, experts to appeal the sentence to the Su­ Pre-eminence of the signer alone is London, Oct. 27.^Allegations of said, that with comparatively perior Court. Dentfhger was fined not enough. Napoleon, Washington the love of the Countess Cowley small outlay these waterways caji $150 and costs. iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ind many kings of England, he for Humphrey ent and of her ef­ be linked Into one great all-Siberi­ laid, are examples of personages of forts to give up drinking were an water course, with outlets to Jutstanding historical prominence presented in court today In the con­ the Pacific and Arctic oceans. whose autographs are depreciated tinued hearing of the case of Earl “ To most people Siberia Is a by their number. The market for Cowley, seeking a divorce from his cold, bleak, forbidding region In :iieir names as they wrote them Is wife, the former Mae Picard, once which It Is impossible to live with flooded. an American aclvcss. any degree of comforti” the report ! INSURANCE Autogi‘ai)Iis by Courtesy of the Ros enbach Co., and New York Public I •r> Martha Washington’s signed In­ Library, Mrs. Collier, described as a said. Safe scription in a book, for instance, friend of the earl, resumed her tes­ “ That Idea Is derived from the M ilk has increased the volume’s value to timony when court reconvened to­ narrative of explorers, fur trad­ The Best Guardian of $1,000, the highest price ever paid day, with the courtroom and cor­ ers and persons imprisoned or ex­ ^ F o o d at Ceiba, Honduras, the State De­ ridors packed with the habitues, of; tor a woman's name. But George iled In Siberia-who have emphasiz­ ffor/n/ontoi Washington’s costs only about $25. McDERMOn'DICKERS partment was advised- today. The Mayfali^ and Belgravia, elegantly: prisoners, aided by some soldiers, ed the severities of the climate in inoalidi, Life and Property “ Next to Gwinnett’s is Thomas gowned and smartly garbed ini a re#on where there are few con­ ThmAgtd Lynch’s signature, another found seized the town and burned the furs. ______FOR FULL FREEDOM court house. No foreigners were in­ veniences of civilization. NouriaUng—TOgestible— No on the Declaration,” said Brooks. Mrs. Collier testified that the; “ A similar Idea prevailed for “ It is valued at $5,000. A letter jured. Damage was slight. Through countess had told her sjie loved ’The Homo Food-Drink for All Ago* an-agrebment negotiated by Amer­ many years with regard to western written by John Paul Jones Is 'Kent, who is named as CQ-respond- Canada, liitevature as recent as worth $5,000. Nathan Hale’s signa­ Seeks Nolle of Mellett Murder ican Consul Evans, order was re ent. She also stated that she had i -.V stored. once received a letter from Kent within the last 40 or 50 years ture brings hundreds, and so does Indictment in Return, for speaks of what has now become Paul Revere’s. stating that he and the. countess; Testimony for State. had agreed not to see each other the most productive wheat region "Of those whose autograph has of the Canadian northwest as a retained high value despite Its fre­ WANDERING SCHOONER, for six months, during which time Insure Your Valuables Canton, O., Oct. 27.— Today has a b a n d o n e d , id e n t if ie d each was to try to give up drioik-, cold, bleak and inhospitable sec­ quency, Abraham Lincoln is the tion.” exception. He penjied hundreds of been definitely selected by Ora ing. A BOX IN A GOOD SAJ’E DEPOSIT VAULT Slater, Ohio’s detective ace, for the Halifax, Oct. 27.— A three- mast­ “ Wherever there was a bottle of letters, signed thousands of offi­ A. F. L. HEAD DECLARES FOR cial papers, but because an ama­ denouement In the battle of wits ed schooner, laden with pulp and whiskey, euKt.was sure to come," ISTHB between himself and Pat McDer­ with musts gone, that has been Mrs. Collier testified. s t r o n g n a v y f o r U. 8. teur’s collection is Incomplete New York, Oct. 27.— “ The without his signature his name Is mott, which has now waged for drifting in Advocate Bay, has been more than 72 hours. Identified as the William Melburn American Federation of Labor BEST AND CHEAPEST INSURA NCE. w’orth $50 and a letter of historic favors a strong navy as a instru­ Interest brings betw^n $1,000 Named as “ the key figure” In of Port Grevllle, N. S. STILL HOPEFUL OF . the slaying of Don R. Mellett, pub­ ment to promote the peace of the and $5,000. The crew were taken off by the “ The typewriter has changed all lisher, and successful in hiding Norwegian • steamer Felix, from world,” 'William L. Green, presi­ ' The Manchester Trust G>. this,” Brooks concluded. “ Long- from police for three months, Mc­ Wlndso!., N. S., to Philadelphia, and ENDING COAL STRIKE dent of the organization, declared hand is obsolescent. If you have a Dermott, since his arrest Sunday, landed at Spencer’s Island. In a speech In Brooklyn navy yard which was • consummated through letter from Roosevelt or Wilson or The Melburn lost Us masts and London," Oct. IT.— The effort of today. P aint U p Harding, hang on to it. That signa­ the aid of his brothers, has been Green drove the first rivet in the dickering with Slater and Prosecu­ Us deck load was swept overboard the Trade Union Congress to re­ ture at the bottom of the typewrit­ on Monday’s gale. heel plate of the light cruiser tor C. B. McClintock for a guaran­ open negotiations'between the min­ and p'l’epare your buildings for ing will Yield a larga sum of ers, operators and the government, Pensacola as part of the national money some day.” tee of Immunity in return for turn­ celebration of “Navy Day.” ■winter. There is nothing bet­ ing state’s evidence. for the settlement of the coal McDermott, it has been learned strike, attracted wide, attention in' ter that you can do to proteejk WOMEN AT WORK. CARRIED LADDER FAR TO the press and offcilal circles today from a reliable source, has de­ ROB ROCKEFELLER HOUSE. your buildings from the Baltimore. — In the 3410 estab'^ manded that the first degree mur­ despite Premier Baldwin’s refusal WANTED! Fire and Liability llshments operating in Maryland der Indictment against him be noll- to summon a tri-partite'conference. ravages of winter than to give last year, were employed 48,483 Greenwich, Oct. 27.— A ladder A feeling prevails in responsible; TO REPAIR AND CLEAN SEWING ed. His demand has been met with carried a quarter mile through the MACHINES OF ALL MAKES them a coat of good paint. women. Of this number, according an offer to reduce the indictment circles that the efforts of the to labor statistic;;, 32,942 were id Percy Rockefeller estate a'nd used Trades Union Congress will suc­ All work guaranteed. Tel. Man­ to second degree murder, saving to gain entrance to the Rockefeller chester No. 715. Go anywhere. We sell the best brands of Insurance lactories. him from the chair, even if he did ceed in the next few days and will home Is one clue found In the rob­ lead to negotiations to end the R. W. GARRARD I>aint on the market. press the trigger which sent Mel­ bery of the house on Monday even­ stoppage. S7 Edward St. Manchester lett to his death as has been claim­ ing. Burns detective agency men Falling to ' get full satisfaction ed by the statoe. ^ „ INSIST UPON have been here for hours assisting from Premier Baldwin, because the local police In the case. The they co.uld not guarantee to have General RICHARD a RICH CONVICTS AND SOLDIERS ladder had been stored at the home the complete backing of the min­ John L Olson f C E M P ' S SEIZE HONDURAS TOWN. of Superintendent Cameron, a' ers, the Trades Union Congress Auto Repairing and quarter mile from the main house, was today in touch with the min­ Painting and Decorating Ttakair Building, Soath M^ncliester. BALSAM Washington, Oct. 27.— Three until the evening of the robbery. ers executive body endeavoring to Overhauling Contractor. men were killed and several It is understood here that the extract definite proposals which SHELDON’S OARAGE /o rth a t COUGH/ wounded during a revolt of prison­ Rockefeller family lost jewels val­ which can be placed before the gov­ Rear of kolllster Street, 699 Main 3 t Johnson Block ers yesterday ia the genltentlary ued at over S20.000. ernment. ftuma Bealdenca 098-2. South Manchester. miiHHiiiuiiiiiiiuuuiuiitimiiuHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuiliniliNllllllllillllllinili V- - 'V ' — • i V HARVARD WHIPPED PENN VS. ILLINOIS Broken Neck Can *t Stop DECEPTION NEEDED HVE YAKD PENAtTIES FAIL INTO n ^ G UNIT IS“N^KvTEA’? Hartford Gridiron Star BADLY,OBERLANDER TO CURB USE W AIR Horween,Head Coadi, Has Plenty of Feeling Brewing; Former Dartmontb Ace Re- Did make the proper My Evans Finds Done Wonders With Poor play when he tried to steal second Nothing Cordial in Battle base and failed for the final out of late&hteresting and Yahh %NUT the 1926 ? Pass Still FbotbaD’s Great Material; Test to Come. There seems to be considerable Seen. doubt in the minds of most base­ aUe Data Regardmg For­ est Scoring Asset. lU s ii the sixth of ■ series of ball fans on this point. BY .DAVIS J. WALSH JbelUIiesras football articles by DaVis J. Walsh It will be recalled that Alexander, ward Passes. and other staff writers on the in the last half of the ninth, passed I. N. S. Sports Editor leading teams of the East and Ruth with two down. St. Louis at New York, Oct- 27.— Since boys BY BILLY EVANS the time was leading, 3-2. Bob Prison Note: Stuffy McIunJs, those of the Middle West that have will he boys and so will men, some­ X well known firsV baseman. , fias Meusel, a good hitter, who had fail­ times, it is far from unlikely that BY “SWEDE” OBBRLAkDER The forward pass* continues as ) ? apjieared in this section. Other ed to bat up to form in the series been sentenced to two years in the » .. - popular as ever. articles wUl follow at r^ la r in­ was the next hitter. quite a potion is brewing for the Phillies ball park as managbr. ternals. meeting between Pennsylvania and AU-Amerlca Halfback, 1925 It is football’s favorite scoring What should Ruth do? weapon aside from being a ci^siant Illinois on Saturday and it won’t be The forward pass no longer is The qneeh is Ruth in tryine to steal second by merely a threat, it Is football's threat. By HERBERT CARYL. picking what he believed was a good pink tea. It Is the writer’s under­ drawing big I. X. S. Staff Correspondent. standing that the young men plan greatest scoring w'eapon. The penalty of five yards for each pitch on which to make the attempt crowds wherever incompleted pass in the :,ame ceries played what is generally regarded to be very firm with each»other. ' ' Formerly the forward pass never she goes. . Cambridse. Mass., Oct 27.— Charges, freely aired by pob was used unless as a play of the This may or may of downs, after one has failed.' in diamond circles as perfectly doesn’t appear to have in any way From out of the Middle West— proper baseball, ' Zuppke, of lack of sportsmanship on last resort, as a trick play, as a not be of interest curtailed the use of the overhead from the home of a Russian immi­ The fact that he failed of his ob­ Pennsylvania's part In wearing el­ gamble hurled promiscuously at to the penny ante grant In Chicago— rode a young jective means nothing as to the cor­ bow pads that he thinks resemble some fleeting target. .boys who are al­ attack. • ‘ gridiron Lochinvar. with a fighting rectness of the play. a football and his threat to paint But lu the course of its develop'^ ways drawing to In changig the rule. It was be­ flame in his heart, bent on winning the hall white for Saturday's game ment it now has reached the .'tage queens. lieved the additional penalty would, his spurs in college football. Proper Baseball have done the situation practically where it is used as an integral part cut down the indiscriminate use of * A big, good-natured boy, with For a runner to score from first no good. Pennsylvania would like of the attack. Mr. CGoofty thinks one reason the pass, particularly In the closing dark hair of a copper tint, with a on a base hit it is almost absolutely Mr. Zuppke better If be talked In other words, it fulfills the the Big Three elevens decided to- stages of the game, whei it was be­ pleasing personality and with a necessary that such a bit be for ex­ about something less personal, like function of a dependable ground- quit scouting one another was that ing used as a last vesort on every mind of his own, was the Chicago tra bases. fiat feet. But, then, Mr. Zuppke will gaining play. This growth succeed­ they were never able to learn any­ play. “ prep” school lad, answering to the In every ball game extra base hits talk and he doesn’t care who likds ed because of the recognition of thing new. In such a situation a five-yard name of "Arnie” Horween. are the exception. it, if at all. three important factors, slow dis­ penalty really doesn’t mean a thing. He "made” the Harvard varsi­ It really takes two base hits in The chances are, Zupp, always an closure of the play, perfection In The first three players on Su­ The new rule certainl/ hasn’t ty squad, along with his brother succession for a runner to score excellent psychologist, mbrely was liming between the passer and re­ zanne’s tennis ranking list hre lessened the scope of the pass as Ralph, but for many and many from first base, if such hits are feeding his men an order of verbal ceiver and precision in execution. Frenchmen, which is further proof a scoring play; therefore has don j football days this son of a foreign- merely singles. Making two hits raw meat so that they may ap­ Some college teams even .today of the charming little lady’s broad­ no harm. It may have done some born American, unheralded and in succession is the exception rath­ proach the forthcoming contest have yet to co-ordinate these three mindedness and sense of justice. good, but as yet I have been unable . unsung, was shunted from one po­ er than the rule in 'baseball. with adequate ferocity. This meas­ attainments. to determine in Just what direction. Thus, with Ruth on first, two out sition to another in the Crimson ure, If successful, proves very By slow disclosure, I mean that Clark Griffith is accused of vio­ line-up. in the last of the ninth and St. the forward pass play bhould be­ lating a gentleman’s agreement in Oberlander’s Views Louis le&ding by one run, the hope pleasing to the average mini alum­ Finally, at the Carnival of Roses gin exactly as a running play. The letting the Yanks have Hank Sev- Had a chat with ‘Swede” Ober- in Pasadena, California, on New of the Yankees was to get Ruth to nus but I have been led to believe that Pensylvania has failed to en­ first movements of the backs should ereid. ■ • ., The gentleman’s agree­ lander in Boston, jas^ before tha Year’s day of 1920, Arnold Hor­ second .trom where he would be ment in baseball Is the only oppo­ former Dartmouth star departed to able to score on a single by Meusel, ter Into the spirit of the thing and correspond to the first n>ovements ween came into bis own. East met of a rush. sition Mr. Altrock has as a source join the coaching forces c£ Dr. West while the whole country or most any other break. really, a fine time will be had by all It Is uisastrous for ;he passer of rich amusement. •Wilce at Ohio State- watched and Harvard won victory The theft of second base was the on Saturday. As a matter of fact, the two sea­ to fall hack immedia':ely upon re­ Oberlander was entluiriastic.over over Oregon, with Horween carry­ one avenue open to Ruth. Figuring When the noble magnates get to get the break on a certain pitch, sons’ run of the intersec^oual re­ ceiving ttte ball. He has telegraph­ the opportunity of woi-king under ing the ball sixty-seven yards of an together and concoct a gentleman’s Wilce and hopeful that he 4frould eighty-yard Crimson final victory he went down after being fortunate lationship between Pennsylvania ed to his opponents' secondary de­ fense what he plans to do and they agreement, it Is done with the al­ justify his selection as one of the drive. The youth, who was to be enough to get a big lead. and Illinois has been hardly as. cor­ truistic idea of lightening one an­ It was apparent that only a per­ dial as it might have been. For one In turn have the opportunity to assistants. ' Harvard’s captain, before this other’s burdens and , putting the I told him that State for'years drive, for three and a half periods, fect throw would get Ruth. Catcher thing, Pennsylvania didn’t enthuse cover the eligible men bearing the game In general on a higher and O’Farrell made such a toss and over that terrible beating it took field upon them. had been strong on defense but usu­ had borne the brunt of the Ore­ Boston, Oct. 27.— Five years ago ford boy, who last season came purer scale. . . ^ Now you tell ally lacked a w’hirlwijd offense. gonian smashing line attack, led Babe was out on a hair-line decis­ last year when it thought it was on Thus It Is easy for the defensive ion, ending the ball game and the the hushed stands watched an un­ back to college sports as a basket­ one. “ In my high school and col'ege by the great halfback Steers. its way to a championship. For conscious player carried from the man to keep the receiver between Yanks’ hopes of the world title. another, Zuppke didn’t esteem the ball player, has donned the mole­ himself and the pass. Consequently days I was taught that a strong oN Same Spirit. field in the annual Syracuse-Colgate skins this year and is running wild We see by the papers that they It is this same fighting spirit,* idea that they failed to protect the It is not- difficult for him to make fense was^ the greatest possible t '- Figuring Odds gridiron tilt— watched and realized in practice sessions. He Jlds fair to let Babe Ruth write a verse in a fense,” he replied. this determination to win, that the field against rain until he mention­ that someone was seriously hurt. a spectacular Interception and dash composite blble the other day. . . . same Horween brought with him Therefore, Ruth lu essaying a ed the oversight. For a third, the be one of the strongest quarters at for a touchdown. “ For years that thought has been steal of second base, did what is Slowly word went around that the disposal of Coaches Reggie And it wouldn’t surprise us if he uppermost with Dartmouth coaches. again from out of the Middle West boys down in Philadelphia achieved Harry Herbert of Hartford, Conn., The passer should make a few ended it this way: "From your old considered correct baseball under the notion that Zupp was rubbing it Brown and Ed. Robinson, formerly rapid btrides, keep low, and have During my Dartmouth career I this season as head coach when his the conditions that existed. star quarter of the Syracuse team pal, the Bam.” alma mater called him to bring in a bit when he rushed in substi­ of Brown University, now of the the ball copcealed a^much as pos­ found It a pretty good theory. Had he reached second base he had suffered a broken neck. Boston Institution. “ It is my hope that I may, in a the Crimson out of a "slough of would have been in a position to tutes no one ever heard of after sible by turning his body away We notice that the only fellow despond.” Percy Haughton's ever- Hope for Herbert’s life was des­ The B. U. TerTlef mentors are from the scrimmage line. slight way, help Ohio State to pre­ score on most any break of the Pennsylvania had been thoroughly paired of, but he fooled them all. around the office who gets any winning system was at rest, "Bob crushed. placing great faith In Herbert. After the same fashion, if a pass sent a stronger offense.” game that presented Itself, a base Today he is out in football togs at distance to his kicks, as the foot­ Fisher’s system was no more and Anyhow, Zuppke made much of Absolutely clear-headed-in running Is to be attempted from a kick Early scores would make It seem hit, ah error by the infield or a Boston UnfvjBrsity. The intervening ball fellows say. Is the boss. Harvard football was wallowing the lack of covering for the field In the team, he is a scrappy fighter formation, the passer should carry as if Oberlander had accomplished muffed fly ball by any of the out­ years hava been spent in recuper­ when along came Horween. discussing the point with his play­ and a remarkable brokdn field run­ out the play with as much decep­ Will Irwin, the author, writes his purpose. fielders. ating. Herbert’s accident meant a Today, as in the past, Horween ner. tion as possible, A fake run, or a that Gene Tunney’s Intellectuality Alexander had been holding the ers. This probably was more vertlable new start In life for him. is always ready to meet a great psychological raw meat. But, as Nerve— that’s Herbert’s middle fake drop kick or punt will achieve is real. . . A lot of the boys are Peun's Power Yanks in the palm of his hand after Undaunted, the scrappy Hart­ emergency. Adversity always finds he had relieved Haines in the sev­ matters turned out, it was hardly name! this object. abou^ ready to admit the same Penncylvania apparently has him with-a stilt upper lip. His enth, so that the odds were all needed. Pennsylvania didn’t spread The essential purpose of a slow thing about his punch, too. quite a football team this year. "fight” made the tide turn. against Meusel getting an extra its defense enough to hamper disclosure is to deceive the second­ A few weeks ago, In this column, In eligibility rules and injuries basehit. Grange and its ends committed ary defense. It is desired to bring An English pilot drove an auto­ I related the opinion of a former upset his plans at the outset this As a matter of fact, the odds were themselves too readily when they Northwestern May Spill Eairly them out of position as much as mobile 121 miles in an hour, set­ All-America star, now coaching in season. Geneva and Holy Cross all against his even getting a sin­ came charging in. As a result. possible and the easiest method is ting a new rScord. . . And unset- the east. Here is the crux of what trounced the best team he could gle, so that, under the conditions Grange had a big day and Pennsyl­ to bring them up close to the line ting, we suppose, the usual num­ he told me. gather. Harvard made a pitiful Ruth was of no great use on first vania had a large headache. expecting a lineHhrust. ber of pedestrians. “ Penn has the best team In yeaits, showing against the weak and crip­ base. D ( ^ in Ten & id Circles The new additional penalty of a strong line and a great backfield, pled William & Mary. Grumblings Second base was the spot where led by Rogers and Wascolonis. five yards for.each incompleted pass The man next were heard on every hand. Yet New York wanted Ruth and Babe, In the same series of downs after "I never saw anything more mys­ "Amie” Horween "carried on” who had been the big noise for the Evanston, Oct. 27.— While the tifying Uian the hidden-ball attack LOSES GRID STAR. one has failed places a premium door calls his flap­ courageously. Yanks throughout the series, made OLD HOME TOWN’S majority of the critics are picking AND of the backfield. Sitting In the In the Dartmouth game at the upon the combination and perfec­ a heroic but vain effort to get there. Michigan to repeat Its 1925 West­ Palo Alto, Cal., Oct. 27.— tion of these three Important fac­ per daughter a s))es stands, it is practically impossible Stadium here last Saturday, adver­ ern Conference football conquest Stanford University lost one of tors: ALWWS to detect the ball-carrier because of sity was still hanging on. Dart­ Ruth the Hero HOMAGE MAKES this seas'on,*there’s one other tedm green - light girl Its biggest bets when Hugo 1— Slow disclosure of the play. OUT.' the antics cf the rest of the team. mouth was in the lead and it look­ Babe, by the way, added much that must be given a bit of consid­ "Swede” Leistner was declared “ It seems as if every man in the ed like a Green victory. The new luster to the name and fame of eration. That’s Northwestern. 2— Perfection in timing betweenbecanse she’s al­ ineligible. passer and receivei. backfield has the ball tucked under head coach— still fighting— shot in Ruth during the 1926 series. HERO ALEX SMILE The Purple, for the most part, Leistner, former track' star, 3— Precision in execution. ways on the go. his arm.” Chauncey, who, on the very next The big fellow seems to rise to has been sidetracked by the boys was expected to prove a real When the Chicago team, grees. play, dropped a neat field goal for the occasion. Just about to start down front; In fact, many rate the Who Is the gentleman of the cog In the Warner football ma­ but strong, met Penn tha hidden, a Harvard lead. But the Indians on a long vaudeville tour, it was to Evanston eleven about seventh in chine this fall. Fast and a Sport Item, 1986: "Johnny Dun­ ball attack of the Philadelphia from the north country came back bo hoped that he would go big in large smile? the Big Ten. VERSATILE WISCONSIN dee was beaten again here last the series. None other than Grover Cleve­ clever runner, the big fellow eleven had the Maroon team con­ and Horween found that once more This doping, however, doesn’t was being counted upon to night in eight rounds trying to re­ stantly upset. He certainly did. Had it not land Alexander, pitching hero of there must be a desperate fight for get to first bafe at Evanston, gain many yards against op­ gain the featherweight champion­ All of which makes the Pennsyl- victory, with only minutes left. been for the errors of Koenig and the world series. ATHLETE MAY WIN 9 where 52 varsity grid players have posing teams. He was thought ship. It was the veteran’s 6794th vania-Illinois ^ame loom up as one Came I’hrongh Meusel in the fourth Inning of the Why is he smilinjg so loudly? designs on winning the title for the First, peidiaps, because of the to have his position In the fight.” of tho choice grid morsels to be Horween called "Art” French, final game, his would Purple. These Wildcats are set to backfield nailed down. have won the game and series. ease with which he struck out LETTERS ON VARSin staged in the west. an untried sophomore, to his side do their share of clawing for it, However, It was stated Leist­ Harry Wills’ alibi is that he In the Harvard stand, whispered in At that he socked four homers, Tony Lazzeri with the bases load­ too. Gift Safety ner Was ruled out for playing wasn’t feeling well before the fight While the gift safety in football his ear, and into the fray shot the something never before achieved in ed in the final game of the series. Some will discount Northwest­ Madison. Wis.. Oct. 27.— Most started. And we don’t suppose he the annals of the fall classic. In­ Second perhaps, because of the on a rugby team in Vancouver has been toned down considerably new halfback. Like Chauncey, ern’s chance this year, for Coach during the last Christmas holi­ college athletics are specialists, was feeling any too healthy when youthful French, son of a Boston cidentally he received 11 bases on $6000 he received as a winning shining in some particular sport. by rule legislation, it still is a good player’s share, largely the j;esult of Glenn Thistlethwaite, partly be­ days. it ended. architect "came through” on the balls, also quite a tribute to his cause several other conference Ever and anon comes one who is safety-first measure for one play. next play with a forty-seven yard batting prowess. that . Finally '— and the big noise In two major college Knowing only a few seconds of there’s no doubt about this— be- mentors could not find an open Jacobson of the Red Sox got one run for a touchdown and a Har It was rather unfortunate that date, provided a rather easy sched­ sports. Seldom does any of the am­ vote In the most-valuable-player play remained, teams leading by v'ard victory. The Crimson, under on three of the occasions when he ule for the Purple. All they have bitious collegians win the varsity contest just ended. This is the three points or more have already the guiding hand of Horween, had hit for the circuit the bases were CHENEY BROTHERS OPEN letter in three sports over a period this season resorted to the gift empty. to do Is to beat Indiana Uwice), first intimation we’ve had that the’ returned to football heights. Purdue, Chicago and Iowa. Not one of as many years. players were permitted to vote. safety to hold the margin, rather To those who saw the Dart- But that’s baseball for you. of the teams considered tough in Rollie Williams, who recently than playing the ball. mouth-Harvard game there was no the conference, Michigan, Minne­ SEASON WITH INSH.C0S graduated from Wisconsin and We see by the papers that all the No longer can continued .eten- question that Horween had devel­ sota, Illinois. Wisconsin or Ohio who now is assisting Bert Ingwer- Chicago players are good sluggers. tlon of the ball be secured by mak­ oped a fighting team. The Harvard THEMEREE State, is on the Northwestern tick­ son In coaching at Iowa, was an ex­ The old grad, however, would feel ing a gift safety, so after the first line charged through the "wah, et. Silk Workers Start on Nov. 25 ception. He won the varsity letter better about the situation If he one the premium of the play has • who, wah” forward breast works With the return of "Tiny” Lewis nine times In three major sports knew they were all good football been removed. Did Earl Britton always play in and Go to Duiielson the Fol­ and into the backfield territory in to fullback the prospects are the for three successive years. ' players. But it Is certain to continue as a the backfield while at Illinois?— lowing Night; Practice To­ popular move when it is evident to a fiasb. D. F. G, best since the days of Paddy Dris­ Meadows, Saltonstall and other coll. night. -Mr. O’Goofty is,getting his Ice­ the team in possession of-the ball , wingmen hurried "Death” Dooley Britton played behind Ure line picks and corkscrews all shined up and leading that there is only time during his entire college career Lewis has been the big question- each time the Green quarterback mark at Northwestern all season. Manager George Hunt, Jr., of in readiness for the indoor golf for one or two plays. attempted one of his celebrated except for a few games in 1925 Cheney Brothers’ basketball team season. when he was used at guard. He wasn’t ineligible, but for a forward while he was on one'end of the announced today that his team will “ Ernie” Camache, 165 pounds, How long has Maxie RosenbJoom open its season on. November 24 Ever so often some coach craCks been in the ring?— D. F. B. strangest collegiate bargains an Four States in This lightest center of any big college athlete ever was Involved In. in Meriden. On the following night Into print with the cry that the for­ eleven in the country, bore the Since 1928. )otbaIl, basketball and Yankeies W en Easy ion fracas, win probably not ' Mack Like* Berry. Eells ...... 93 122 90 baseball. He already Is in posses­ dletown High here the next-week. national amateur golf tournament Cql. Ruppert of the Yanks re­ 'Following is the league standing Earl Whitehlll of the last year?— F. G. M. get back Into harness until the Charlie Berry# former Lafayette sion of six W’s. fuses to discuss Ruth’s new con­ middle of November. “Dutch” College football and baseball star, Totals ...... 358 ' 391 838 aa announced today: .» .. Detroit Tygers says If all the Amer­ No. ' Barring injuries, he is certain to tract. One headache at a timv is Meriden .... .3 8 0 0 Rieger, who’ll replace the crip­ will be back with Connie Mack receive three more ‘of the coveted 1.000 ican League clubs were as easy for When did "Wild Bill” Mehlhorn enough. S. Manchester------2' 1 ,1 0 him as' the Yankees, he would pled signal caller, is a good back next season. A year with Partland How many seasons did Lew ~Fon- W’s in Uls senior year. He is half­ .500 win the western open golf title?— but not quite in Emprlngham’s has made a big leaguer of Bqrry, B. Hartford . 2 1 ' 1,, 0 .600 guarantee to win 30 games every F. G. b. seca put in in the National back on the football team, a guard How many opponents has Gene Bristol ...... 3 year, class. I who should be a big aid to the A's League?— D. P. W. 1 1 1 In 1924. i in basketball and catcher on the Tunney knocked out?— D. F. N. ' U. Hartford .. 3 ' ' ■ A catching staff. .F iv e . diamond squad. Tliilrtr. ^ ^ i ^ ^383’.- I Mnldletown ...3 0 8 0 'VOOO

...... HOMum JtSfiSSTERinnENlilG^^^


© l% 6|^ She Finds It Difficult to Select Evening Goi NEA SERVICEiNQ That Lend Digni^ and Poises WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE ly until be stood In tropt of her, But It Can Be Done. JUDITH MARTIN, jroang col­ Ing the rest o f the crowd. lege teacher. Is admired by ERIC “Judith," he said h oars^ , "ypa WATERS, radical senior, and Dr. believe me, don't yopT" There w m PETER EiORN, astronomy proles* dead silence In thb room. By HENRI BENDEL ^Ing on the small woman, and cl_ sor. M¥RA ALDRICH Is in love felt a hand on her axm, and turned New York, Oct. 7.— There are fon lace or tulle is usually a wii with Eric and Jealons ol Judith. to see Dr. Peter Dom bending to* problems and pitfalls for every selection in material. Since del! ward* her with anhions eyes. After many scrapes with the type of woman, just as there are cacy is the desired effect, thi student set, of whom Dom and She looked hack at Eric,-who had compensations. not moved. "Tes.” she said simply. most fragile and wehby materia DEAN TIMOTHT BROWN disap­ The tall, stately woman who Is should be employed to gain it. prove, Judith runs away to the “Id o .” so regal in black velvet and so Im­ city for a week end. There she The dean leaned heavily on hla Usually a one-color effect posing in hef' sequined, low-cut more effective on the small woma stumbles on a secret love affair table and two yotmg Instructors t(Mk evening frock has considerable between the dean’s wife and a an anxious step toward and though raffles and frills si handsome stranfrer. turned and walked quickly through her natural right, parity of Un6 The dean’s wife throws herself the door. The noise In the room must never be sacrificed. , on her merry and Judith befriends swelled to a chorus of excitement. The "baby doll” look la too ol her. Dr. Dom was .still leaning toward vlous to appeal to the sophistleate4 “KITTi” ’ SHEA, ol unsavory Judith. She saw dismay In bis woman of small stature, who dc town reputation, thi^tens her with eyes. "Why—?" he began. But Ju* mands that her clothes have exposure of the fact that she and dlth Interrupted him. dignity and poise she herself hi Eric dined at the Blue Moon road- "Because I do believe In him," she acquired. hou£.', the night it was raided, and said firmly.' “I saw * no reason to Today I have photographs escaped in a rainstorm. He.” three evening gowns approprlat Harassed by these worries that “But the dean—!" Several per­ for the small woman, that wer night, Judith falls asleep only to^ sons were crowding up, eager tb hear carefully planned to meet ths be wakened by steps below. She* Judith’s words. needs of Sara Sothem, herself finds Myra, in a coma from poison She turned deliberately and spqke small woman, for her cor liquor, lerming against the front clearly, so that they should not be "The Little Spitfire.” door. Judith nurses her through disappointed. "The dean be hanged. Tulle that shades from yel the night. I shall keep my own opinion.” to deep orange makes the Iroc Myra swears to live down the in­ Judith stood up. The room was with the many-mffled sldrt, and cident, which is the first of its ominously quiet. The dean stood In Posed by Hazel Hurd houqnet of asters in shades of oi kind. She is grateful to Judith. the same spot, daxedly wiping bis ange forms the perky shoulde Next day, Judith goes to a ron- nock with a silk handkerchief, while Bobbed-hair Is saeasy to wash, and so easy to dry that many of us bouquet At the normal waist ference suddenly called by the scared henchmen hovered about hiw^, are careless about the job. Always rub your hair d^ with a LrLsh is a girdle of orange colored rlt des:j. There Dean Brown brings awaiting the collision. towel, or with friction bn the scalp with your fingers, ^'ever eio se R to bon. With such a bouffant tj in a newspaper with the headline, It did not come. Judith walked to­ fni’ T®* This fiction Is of skirt, only the simplest treat "Two Students Dio of Poison ward the door. Dr, Dom rose to fol­ excellent for the scalp and the circulation, and is as beneficial as the ment of the blouse would be effe Booze.” low her. She stepped out Into the actual cleansing of the scalp. ' » oenenciai as the tive. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORT cool, dark corridor, and he was- at Slightly Exotic Flavor CHAPTER XIX her heels. She went on without The other rufflod model is oi speaking, until they reached the .por­ tion, and her face Is indeed her for­ r . DORN placed a chair for Ju­ of Goupy’s, and lllnstrates a cleve tico. There she turned about and tune. She travels with r. circus as use of black chiffon. The skirt D dith and sat down beside her. faced him with a kind of dospera- the world’s homeliest woman and Is banded with three tiers of velvs Dean Browp cast an apprais­ tlon. "Why have you come with a mllllonSilre by several times to­ ribbon combining colors that shadR me?” ing eye over the crowd, and with day. from henna to '^^Isterla. The mpttculoua small rustlings, smoothed The professor, looked at the fioor. She says that she’s also a public same lovely shades are repeated "Why,—I don’t know,” he answeved benefactor, for it makes just ordi­ in the huge bunch of sweet pe the newspaper out on his table. miserably. “Would you rather I Then he cleared his throat. hadn’t?” narily homely women consider how much worse off they might be. Mrs. "Fellow faculty members,” he said, •‘It will ruin you with Dean Bevan ran a “homeliest woman” “you have learned by this time of the Bro\ra, * she ^ remarked, scornfully. contest over 250 competitors, and Is ■He has put mo In his black lists for­ appalling disaster which has befall­ ever.” very happy because the doctor says en this university. Evenr. man and rnmeiT that she will grow even uglier as Dr. Dorn frowned. “ l suppose so. woman on the teaching staff must imagining that she fs the lovely she grows older. *7 hear you have something to say about me. Suppose though yoii are technically within abused Lady Guinevere of the play feel th&f matters in Pendleton have NotlcO that “ Mrs.” Her husband you say it TO me for a change.” your *rlghts. Your surely have the or book Is about the pnly job which loves he.* and three. children, too. reached a crisis demanding the right to believe or disbelieve In any- prove that these men brought the pockets, removed them and puf them modern woman Is good for. This No wonder, when you think of the Tnlle, shading from yellow to deep strongest concerted action on the body you please. Still—perhaps It liquoisinto student circles, we shall in again. The veins on his temples from none less than.H. G. Wells. He lollipops she can buy them! orange, makes this frocks with raf­ part of the authorities. would b^ as well—understand. Ita comments that the modern womftn turn them over to the police, to be were swelling. speaking only for your own good— knows no more worthwhile career fled skirt. "The existence of liquor among punished by the full power of the At last he cleared his throat, and imt to be seen too much with young Like a page from the fantastic law.” than playing the. role of heroine of Arabian Nights, we hear, will be our students is bad enough. We the sound rasped qpon the still air. waters or others of his type. The difficulty with her sport clothes the latest love story. the T^eddig. of the son of the Sultan have struggled against the nefarious "In the meantime, it behooves us “ 1 was not aware that you had been dean dislikes social relaOons between and day attire. to work ceaselessly for the rescue of students and teachers.” There may be some little truth— of Morocco and the daughter of the traffic without cessation. But now summoned to this meeting. Waters. And ,the petite, flowerlike crea­ the young people who walk constant­ We have nothing to say to you.” "Indeed! D ^n Brown has been no more— la what he says. ^ know Sultan of Marrakelh. Great rulers come the deaths of two university ture who Is so appealing in mus­ ly in temptation." Eric laughed and squared his talking about me to you!” one or. two, women In a world .f of all the Arab tribes are already lin, so casual In her sport frocks, students as a grim warning that our He cleared his throat again and shoulders. "So I thought. You only Dr. T jm colored and looked down. several million of them who d*ivote arriving with their gorgeous re­ and so adorable in her simplicity struggle has not been determined poured out a glass of water from the want to talk ABOUT me, without “ No—nothing of any importance. 1 their days to dreaming that they tinues. Arab cakes and candies are finds it a problem to buy evening enough. white pitcher on the table. giving me a chance to defend myself. Just thought—” are the lonely abandoned -./Ife, being prepared in great vats. Gifts gowns. "I know,” she Interrupted, "he.’s loved silently- .by^ the great strong I must calkjjpon every member Dr. Dom stirred suddenly and Well, fair enough. Now, I’ve got totaling millions of francs are being The small woman lacks those stood up. The audience turned its something to say to you.” told you I was running'aro’unid with other, man. Biit the other millions sent the Sultana, and millions of of the faculty to regard himself or long sweeping lines that brocades battery of eyes on him. The light of battle was gleaming wild men and disgracing myself. He are too busy making grape jell and torches are being made foi* the herself as an agent to bring the li;.!e- • - r-a I .-nn’t give up all and gorgeous fabrics call for. Her "I suggest,” said Dr. Dorn quietly, In his eyes and Judith watched him writing club, papers to play the event. own charm is submerged when liquor traders to Justice. We must “ that we try to avoid hysteria in this in fearful admiration. joy In j-;st to be a staid old favorite game, of .1670’. teacher. But you can’t tell the father of an she is decked out in brilliants and root out this evil—'* crisis. That It is a crisis none of us •“ You’ve made veiled remarks American bride a thing! What he smothered in fur. can question. But that Pendleton is "Why, do you know that he dared Judith’s head srt-am. She turned about me and the rum-running I.dropped In for tea the other knows about the cost of engraved Any time a woman’s dress be­ In a worse state than any other mod to suggest that Eric and I went away afteroon-;—hope the boss doesn’t toward the window and strained for trade.” At the phrase Dean Brown together!” Invitations, little white and gold comes more important than she, ern college, we should be firm to made a gesture with a fluttering read this— at friend Margie’s. Mar­ boxes for the bridal cake, carriages, and when her personality is lost a breath of fresh air. pressing her deny. Something In the face ol the man gie has recently acquired a lacquer- hand. But Eric went on. made her atop on the steps and stare. and covers, puts an Arab wedding beneath the grandeur of her gown fingers against her temples. "Every college draws all types 6t red tea wagoq and te.a set to .natch quite in the bush! she is badly dressed. students. Some will inevitably Incur “Two students died last night from "Oh, he told you that too!” she cHed, with bladkT splashes 'on the bright Color Most Important She felt Dr. Dorn’s fingers touch scandal. That does not mean that poison hooch— 1 beg your pardon. and wheeled about and walked away china. I.ram sure spipe kind . God Because the small woman can­ her arm reassuringly, "Are you the college system is unsound. It I meant to say unwholesome Intoxi­ fi him. Dr. Dorn hurried after 111?” he whispered, cants. I’ve • come here to tell you her. Inspired her- to, buy this, glowing not command or dazzle with her She shook her only means that we must work a k e e p j u i c e s . head. little harder for clean living on our that 1 drank some of that liquor He put his hand on her arm and thing with which to cheer her "poor myself, but I gave none of it to any­ forced her to meet his eyes. "Lis­ worktag girl friends.” When cooking a roast of meat, The dean conUnued. ” We know own campus, and"^ in emergencies, keep our sense of perspective. Un­ body else.” . / ten,” he begged. "It makes no (Mf- Margie had a red lacquer Chinese sear the outside by Intense heat to that the liquor which killed young ruly Individuals must be expelled “Gave?” queried the dean with ference -hat he said. I know you, tray ;fnll ^o,f. tea sandwiches. You keep the juices in the meat. ’Then Black and Miss McPherson—” Ju­ wi^out grace.” emphasis. Judith, I try to make allovrances might like to know about one which reduce the heat and broil or roast dith’s Ughtly clenched hands relaxed The door opened noisily. Every­ I’No, nor sold.” retorted Eric. “I lor Brown. He’s, well, a bit of a much Intrigued" me, sweetish and In the usual manner. fanatic. Please believe—’’ at these unfamiliar names—"was the body twisted about to stare at it. had nothing to do with It. I think yet ,not too syreetlsh. 'Marge calls' it Framed in the doorway stood Eric that’s all.” He was turning to leave In broad daylight'on the campua her "hardxup” sand.wich. Says she STOCK IS HANDY. A hi^py combination of velvet sort handled by a certain bootlegger Judith stamped her foot at him .' Waters, hands in pockets, feet wide the room, ^hen he saw Judith for makes It when,; her emergency shelf The meat from which you extract chiffon. The skirt Is banded who has long been notorious In the apart. He was looking supercilious­ the first time, and stopped. “Let me alone! I don’t care what is bare, like this: Creams powdered the juice to make soup may be used velvet ribbon. community. We are also convinced ly at the crowd within. The dean leaned far over the- edge you think. You’re as bad as be Is-— . spgar and. butter together and' adds veqr nicely for croquettes or meat Just as smug and bigoted.” that It was distributed by a student There was not a sound as he slow­ of the dais and shook his finger at orange or lemon julOe, twq table- balls If you season it well and com­ ly stirred and strode forvvard to the Eric. “ You will hear more of this!” She twitched away'Yrom hla out- spopfis of orange juice and one of bine It with chopped vegetables or that form a corsage where the bus colleague of this booUegger, whose dais. Poised squarely in front of It. he shouted. stretphed hand and ran down' a curv­ rice. plice collar meets. ing walk, blinded with tears. lemon to each cup 6t sugar. name we are not yet ready to an­ he looked up at Dean Brown. But Erie was not listening. Ho ■| '• ------■ t The combination of velvet and chiffon is a- happy one, and the usci nounce. This man has been missing “I hear you have something to say was staring at Judith with a des­ (To Be Continaed) I "You" and I Have. Failed,” says about me. Suppose you say It TO of high colors on a transparent from bis fraternity house for nearly perate questioning in his eyes. She • e • Hopore' t^^llsie Morrow, author and NEW BROWN BETTY. me, for a change.” stared back, as though bewitched. black foundation gives a slightlyl twenty-four hours. Judith meets Eric’s mother in the mother, lh‘;a‘ recept mpgazlue arti­ A delicious brown betty is made A little shiver ran over the crowd. Dr. Dorn was watching hbr closely. next chapter, and N o tells how he exotic flavor without losing any ot| "When wo do find the evidence to cle. Mra. Morrow’s- editor, assigned by using chopped quinces Instead of Dean Brown put his hands In hla Eric began to walk toward her slow feels toward Myra. the delicacy. hereto tour America' from one end apples. Moisten with cider and sweetpn them with honey. Another dignified bat thorougli HuwiuiuiininiiiiRiiifliiiiuiiiniiiuniflHiiiiBUiiM to the .otherjf6r tk'rqe;n^^ dik­ ly appropriate frock is the thlrd^l ing w|thj.p|repts, teac^ejs, educa- designed by Moijmeux, which is deal i^pppra apd .their heans, j This Is the fourth of a ‘series of later In life. has smiled on you, there are oth^ man like me In the world.” Have you forgotten John Smith? “ Yes, and now I’d hate to tblpl five articles on healthful children. As the body grows and these fac­ John Smiths. If your ship Is sOT If you have-a-child or ever hope Tomorrow: Breathing and Expres­ John Smith is the man you were there was.”— ^Answers, London. tors change, the abdomen will tend going to help, if you ever got rich! at sea, perhaps, you are saying, to have one', you m aybe Interested sion. “Oh, If only I had a millldn dol­ in what old Mafeo Vegio of Lodi to become less prominent. A promi­ Haven’t you said a dozen times lars!” I wonder! The whole affair Bald on the subject back In the 15th nent abdomen, persisting beyond In your Hfe,."I wish I were rich! Makes Hair Behave comes to this: nothing looks so Ug century, as retold by the. Rev. Bede By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN the age of six or seven years, may If I ever get any money together be associated with Internal de­ after you get It. W ithout any Jarrett in' its “Social - Theories of Increased Beauty Editor Journal of the American I’m going to help that poor devil of A frock of charjrense-colored chif­ rangement or faulty posture. qualms of paternalism, we miglit the Middle’Ages.” “ Children should Bat Doesn’t SHOW! Medical Association and of Hygeia, a John Smith. Oh, wouldn’t I love hunt up our John Smiths, regard­ fon, the skirt embroidered and dls- Most schools nowadays have exer­ not he'chec'kpd in their crying, for I f You Want It I he Health Magazine to have a million dollars Just so I less of whether our ships ha^ There’s a way to keep your hair creeUy beaded. ^ cise periods or calisthenics. Teach­ could do something fine for him.’’ that * ia. thpUght to develep their landed or not. just-so. without any of that objec­ You have wanted a sk{a food and! ers, during this period, may well It was all the same— a thousand Btrength. No silly bPby-talkr'half­ tionable, "plastered-down” look. evening gown, she must produce ^ u b fie r that keeps the face young; emphasize posture as a portion of or ten thousand, or a million! It words only, should be taught them. Just tree a few drops of Danderine her effect more subtly. She must There is a new French ftocess Cream A healthful child stands correct­ the training. all looked big.. And you really No tales of'monsters should be told — comb lb through hair, or use a strive not for.the dramatic, but for that will do this. It is so pure and dif- ly. In the upright position the head meant what you said about your WHEN BOILINa MEATS. * them, nor sh'ould-they be frightened As the abdominal muscles are Danderine-dampened towel— you’ll the exquisite. Therefore, I be-' fer^t one application brings a change.' Is erect, the chin held In and the drawn In and the back muscles con­ friend John. If you are boiling or stewipg with nam(^,^ ot terrprs, nor bogies, lieve color is her most important shoulders even. The shoulder blades such as those with .which nurses bo amazed at the way your hair It 13 called M ^LO-GLO and every- tracted, the abdomen will assume And then the wheel of fortune meat or fish, always plunge first in­ then behaves, and its beautiful lus­ consideration. will be flat against the back and not love to terrify them. Even as their ^ y says it is wonderful. GetMELLO-* Its proper form. did stop at your number, perhaps, to boiling water to seal the tisauM, tre!. Unless she is exceptionally fair projecting In a winged type, such food 1b to be carefully chosen, so -s GLO Cream now and increase your' and the thousand or ten thousand then reduce the heat for cooking." Any permanent wave or water skinned, I do not advise a black beauty. as Is Associated with round should­ Correct Position care^lly should be the words they or million were yours. But help wave lasts much longer and looks evening gown, unless it Is relieved ers and Improper development. hear. Let children be neither heptien When the head Is thrown back John? Now that he was outside of much nicer when Danderine is by color. White is usually charm- The J. W. Hale, So. Manchestefll Normally the back or spine has MEAT STOCK. like asses nor like kittens-lured by and the chin held In, this movement the wicket at the bank and vour used instead of water to "set” the two curves which should not, how­ silly, soothing words.” helps to fix the upper part of the fingers were on the bills, well, that 'When making soup the mppt wave. ever, be exaggerated. The abdomen, back in correct position. Constant was something else again! You had should be put to boll in cold warar Seem .to have "kpown soipething Of course, you know what Dan­ when the child stands erect, should 535353535323484848232323535353534853484848532323482348234848 practice of these exerciiips will obligations and appearances to to extract the juices, then simmered about kids in those days, top! derine does to dandruff! Dissolves Bot extend In front of the line of the serve to maintain a graceful, easy keep up that did not used to be so the required time. { every bit of It. Puts scalp. In the chest. urgent, and besides a fool and his and natural carriage of the body. A surging mob of women fongbt pink' of condition. Invigorates money were soon parted. You harf ' Infaeqnent Ckmdltlon It'is abignifleant observation that to sit for just a-mi^qte'.in the chair hair and hair-roots.. Why use any­ I SEMI-ANNUAL SALE AT to look out for the future or you’d A S P O O N I^ . This condition Is Infrequent, par- a child who stands well and carries in New York city hall where Queen thing else? tlenlarly in healthful children of soon bo as poor as John himself. To measure a level cup or spoon­ Marie sat while receiving, the keys its body in the manner mentioned You’d like tp help hjna but It just ASK YOUR DRUGGIST I THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP . trem two to fonr years of age. In feels more energetic and healthful ful of any dry ingrediant. heap fl^st, o f the> citT^ A shop gbrl started it, Get a bottle of Danderine and S Johnson Block its development two factors seem to couldn’t be done! Or It may be then scrap off level.with a knife. ’ ' then' th^ rujh began \ as vwomen So. Manchester than one who stands In the round- that John never recurred to vou. start its benefits today. Every he important. The abdominal mus-l fongbt for a chance to sit. on the shouldered and relaxed position. He had dropped out of the plAure drugstore in America .has It, for eles are nsually not well developed^ regal chair for jobt a minute. only 85e. For the fln^t dressing Some physicians are convinced entirely by this time and you nev- LUNCHEON DISH. early in life, and the curve of the that different modifications of the er saw him. you could find, and the best aid to Thurs. Morning Specials A delicious luncheon is made by. baek ia accentuated. disposition are the result of nervous It is one thinil to. be just uncom­ hair health yet discovered, just A New York millionaire at the spreading chopped chicken or I Big reductions on all Package Goods, Crochet * rnrthermore, the Bver, stomach stimulation coming from organa fortably homely.-It is t quite another try^— and inteetlnea are much larger at top of thd social register says that chopped chicken or chopped ham thing to . be called the homeliest held In proper or improper posl- great wealth makes us morally I and Embroidery Cottons. m e in raUtioB to ttona. over the omelet before you-told'It woman in the world. Mrs. M a^ Ann .croBS-eyed, a new waj^ of interpret-. PJtr, Bevan of England has that dlstine- Danderine iiiiiHiiuiiiiuuuiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiii MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD* ^^DNESDAY, O cicB E R 2 7 ,192« ^ TAm

- — . ^ - •...... ■ _ I ,. _„ ------

I I A P V E B F A N N Y s e a s GAS BUGGIES—Ifs An HI Wind By FranK nonsense J SENSE AND - I KNOW , r KNOW, SOMEBODY’S TRYING HOhH. DEAR ‘ BE WELL, AS I HAVE QUIET. L:E UCWN S How times have changed! Look SAID BEFORE. WE '^BUT A HOTEL CA N ’T TO s r E A L M y INVENTION---I SAW^ AND TRY TO SLEEP.', stock, and barrel no longer refer to HAVE NO MONEY /RUN ON* CREDIT. WE I’LL WATCH YOUR a gun. TO PAY OUR BILL \ a , ,'^HAVE BEEN VERY LENIENT A FACE A T WITH. BUT JUST ' >CONSIOERINQ WHAT THE WINDOW— IN VEN TIO N ____ HE’S What’s become of the old fash AS SOON AS THE HAPPENED HERE. SINCE DELIRIOUS AGAIN... ioned preacher who believed that DRAFT FROM >YOUR HUSBAND WALKED OH, I COULD CURSE a sermon to be big had to be longT BANK IN HIS D.TS, ER, I MEAN, THE DAY THAT FOOL DELIRIUM, HALF OUR GARAGE MAN GOT ’x Fortune Teller: You will marry GUESTS TOOK UP THE HEM INTEI a tall, .dark man. TO t SPORT AND WALKED COMPRESSED Manchester girl: Can’t you be OUT ON US-- AIR specific? All four of them are tall and dark. }F\% Whether the* whiskey is poured u WL out or down depends on whether It is captured by county or city offi­ cers. Naturally, the more truth is W i stretched the worse it hurts. r “ Do any of you boys use naughty / words?” “ Well. I’ll tell you lady, .I’m not Z so good at it, but Frankie’s got it down pretty well. He’ll be back in Oyyil^ by Mtfopehtm Nctqptptf Sefvte< esaa tir mA MwvicE. |wc. a minute.” You’re playing pretty safe when [an SKIPPY By Percy Crosby you let what other people think of Viry smooth upon the skin; yon form your opinion of yourself. But you can’t tell just exactly How much hog there is within. JU5T AS ITWOl^CHT— Every village cut-up cherishes the YA ^AO *T ON 8AeKCUARDS.' INTELUGENCE TESTS belief that he is a devil of a fellow in his own home town. A HISTORY QUIZ President Coolidge says: “ The greatest thing in the world is ser­ vice.” Wonder if he has tried the telephone service? Mrs. Newlywed, to butcher: What sort of roast do you thj|ak would go / well with a blue and white dinner service: A man is known by the company he keeps; a company is known by the men it keeps. What has become of the old fash­ ioned butcher who gave the child­ ren a big frankfurter every Satur­ day night when they paid the butch­ er bill?

Nine times out o f ten the nagging >y. Ifiyt. jAhn^Mni JV.nliifTs*. Inc. g II-X7] wife is married to a lagging hus­ band. Definition: Concentration Is a SALESMAN SAM W haf s In a Name? By Swan person’s ability to keep his eyes on the cards in a strip poker game. ^ftvi6on\T- rr\ Dis&ysTtP w t - tvrsT (’n GoNNR p o lT - \'LL TOST V ^ O ? I w a n t T o CjeT • • GUZZ DROPS n t OOT OF U»\TH OOTT1>> SIGHT Pino SWJ NoTHIHO— \’ o e . NO, W’hat we’d like to know Is where Pi NlCt. ^PiSV CHPrtt^ H in - TrttM 5W\FT <£»ET6 iH Bf\0 feoTtFi R ich UNCVi. IN CAL\?oHN\A ToH ri'^ HOS^RNP^ r\0{\ftisl people who live beyond their in­ VWK n»l-W , PlHP HOW) KOMRRP KRrtEE.’lfef^ THAT'LL He-’P HE:-. JACOB Students of history should have come get the money with which to corses BACK rtonB. To b e a t n s little difficulty answering these live beyond their Incomes. T in E L . questions as they are all concerned CO I------with major events of world history. She: “ I’ve tried nuts as a food, The correct answers appear on 7 but they don’t agree with me.” HOT' another page: He: “What kind of nuts?” 1— Who is shown in the accom­ She: “ Doughnuts.” V Po Aioy- BaTflss panying picture? STTcPr 2— ^W’^hat is considered the open­ No fish ever gets caught as long ing battle of the American Revolu­ as hd keeps his mouth shut. , tion? 3— Who were members of the Gladys: “ Why d’d you send me First Triumvirate of Rome? that alarm clock for a birthday 4— r-Who led the First Crusade present?” to the Holy Land? Herman: ‘^Well, you said you f* 0 5— ^Who is known in French his­liked rings.” tory as the Maid of Orleans? ______X .6— In what year was the Mom- She was only a teacher’s daugh­ roe Doctrine presented to the Unit­ ter, but she was the college pet. ed Stales Congress? 7— :Where did John Brown’sI If a woman, thinks she’s plump uprising take place in the United I that’s a sign all the other women States preceding the Civil War? ; think she’s a fat gob. 8— ^W''haf^rominent American FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Actions Speak Louder Than Words By Blossei wad-called “ Old Hickory” ? Our girl saw a picture of the 9— ^What was tho HanseaticLeaning of Pisa the other League? day. “ Wei’ , the fellow was drunk 10— In what year was the Pana­who built ihat silo,” said she. ma Canal treaty between the Unit­ ed States and Colomhia signed? Sound goes around the world. It TP is announced, in the fraction of a 3 3 ff Ballads Of a Husband second, but the record still Is held A Happy Tliought by scandal. “ Two can live as cheaply Questionable places— Bureaus of As one.” somebody said; Information. ?Ps? Will some cne tell me who it was? A CONVERTED AXIOM ^ I wanna knock him ’ ead! Love One— and Another.



A>-2g C1«M W.IBa . me. WASHINGTON TUBBS H Tomboy Taylor by Fontaine Fox By Crane

•foMSoy TAyj.o»? HAS B een At^ouH o s t i c k »h s ■\M A F B v l PiK« fH OooA BlEl-1.6 A -TK SKlPPE"R POM'T^ A-SHORE? o k , s e R PDRE [■KPPEMt VJ€RS CKU»<\Mv B u n k in ’ lOiOY — o f all Th BOAT OF resr GDSH DiN(,£t> SHIPS 'TEE PICK T o H A ^ o v I^ :B H • MM RE F€Q A JCN-RIPE Yh6 N IWHN’D GOT it IW FOR Pic k Th is h ELL-YuB of hiS’i^ Wve A-^H0I2E

(READ THE STORY, THE N COLOR THE PICTURE) HOl L i m € SUNSHIME The hills rang out with voices rough. He shouted, “ Sa^, I’ve had Avm VIICIOUS'LIKE'— MOT HIM*. clear. The sort of shouts that enough. Does someone swant to KINDER. ONCKNNY,1h O, AS HOW bring good cheer. The cart the come up here, and let me in the Tlnymites had built was sure a cart?” ’Course not a Tinymite •SO ^^A^W OF m s ENEMIES great success. As Mister Squirrel agreed. “ Why, gee,” they said, o rfs NMKSHEP O\ie^B0 N?D.- lumped through space, a smile “ at such a speed, we surely would M6 SS\R.— l o s t ^T SEA . broke out on every face, and Scouty be bumped until it shook us all loudly shouted, “This is great, I apart.” must confess.” And then, what happened? Mei> It seemed that they were going cy, me. The squirrel started up a fast, for trees and things went tree. When Scouty saw this coming whizzing past. Each Tinymite was he was much too scared to peep. hanging on as tight as he cmuld The rest were taken by surprise, hold. They hit the bumpy spots and when they came to realize that and then flew in the air and back they were going to have a fall, ’twas again. Then Carpy said, “ We’re far too late to leap. heading north. The air is getting Of all the falls that ever came. cold.” Well, this one surely was a shame. Perhaps the strangest sort of The cart went topsy-turvy, and the stunt was Scouty riding up in front squirrel got away. The Tlnymites He sat npon the squirrel’s back fell in a heap, but still there was • with legs dangling down. He’d no cause to weep. ’Twas just a* sway to this side; then to that, and queer and sudden way to end a nearly lost his Boy Scout hat. In perfect day. fact the others thought him quite (To be Continued) iUI fUimy as a clown. (The Tinyniltes oontinae Uielr -The trip to him *was rather Journey in the next story.X f&i,mS,1»$y««Mer

ElJ,m PAGE TWELVE IKmtrltfBtrr Herald WEDNESDAY, OGTO^^ 27, 189842105678154288 EMERGENCY DOCTORS Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Nettleton and TEN COMMANdW n TS Mr. and Mrs. Albert I^veland of SETBACK TOURNEY. « liUCKY NUMBER DANGS « Any local persons who are in Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Robshaw of MEAN NOTHING HERE ' Lewis street have been entertain­ need of medical attention to­ K A T TH E RAINBOW j Huntington street returned • last ing their cousin, Miss Ellxabeth The third sitting of the first set­ morrow afternoon will find "Thou Shalt not steal!’’ Hunter of Boston, Mass., who for TONIGHT td night from a motor trip to Concord, back tournament Ijeln * onducted Drs. Sloane and Weldon on N. H., where they visited Mr. and Thus reads one of the 'Ten many years was engaged in school emergency call duty. by Cheney Brothers’ Athletic As­ Thiwsdajr Morning gg Tasillo’s Orchestra. M Mrs. Robshaw’s daughter, Mrs. L. Commandments being shown in work as a teacher and supervisor. sociation win tomorrow ^ Admissiou 50 Cents. A B. Perry. the movie film of the same title The past few years she has travell­ .evening at 7:30 nt the School 588276403411782856 at the Circle theatre. . ed extensively in Europe, and has street Rec. The^ usual prizes will be It •] Last night, Joe LaForge, a recently returned from a year of Mr. and Mrs. A. E.* Loomis of The Daughters of St. G ebr^ sew­ awarded. The coming sitting will Keeney street will open' their home young boy from Tolland Turn-; travel around the world, visiting complete the first half of the first ing' meeting usually held at Mrs. pike went to the Circle on his ' Japan, China, Burmah and India. Specials Saturday evening for a Hallowe’en John Albiston’s' on Center street on tournament and the leaders after SOe card party under the auspices of . bicycle. this meeting will have a fine ABOUTTOWN Thursday evenings, will be post­ Frederick H. Topliff, adminis­ Chapman Court, Order of Amar­ poned from tomorrow to Thursday The Bibical picturization chance of retaining their lead. anth. The affair is not confined to made a deep Impression on Joe trator of the estate of H. Perkins Thursday rolls around again, h rin ^ g Memorial Temple, Pythian Sis­ evening of next week. The usual Topliff, has sold a 30-acre farm in ters, will hold Its regular meeting members alone and anyone desiring Monday afternoon meeting for work w;ho is employed as a printer’s transportation should get in touch ■•‘devH’’ at the Manchester Eve­ Coventry and 12-room house to with it wonderful offerings in every de­ in Orange hall tomorrow evening. will take place at Mrs. Eva Leslie’s Reuben McCann of Manchester, with the chairman, Mrs. E. C. Pack­ on Myrtle street. ning Herald. ^ H e was sure he It is expected that a class of candi­ ;had profited 'greatly by seeing who is already occupying the prop­ partment* dates will be present for initiation. ard or Mrs. Loomis. Automobiles will mcft the trolley reaching the the film. erty. The late Mr. Topliff was a The group in charge of children’s retired orwich manufacturer. He MASON SUPPLIES Store Closes at Noon, Temple Chapter, O. E. S. will south end terminus at 7:30. ■When he came out, the bicy­ articles for Center church bazaar cle was missing. Someone had was particularly impressed with oljserve past matrons and past ma­ on November 18, will meet at the LIME Rev. L. H. Dorchester of the First stolen it. Joe sidd today he the beauty of the scenery near the ' trons* night In Odd Fellows hall home of Mrs. Remig, 87 Pine street, didn’t believe the guilty person lake and built the beautiful horn*- this evening, the program begin­ Methodist church, Hartford wiU be 'tomorrow evening. All are invited the chief speaker at the Father and could possibly 'have attended on Ripley hill, living there until CEMENT We Will Pay You 25c To $1.00 To ning with a supper in the banquet to come and sew. the show at the theatre. his death last fall. The sale was i hall. Son banquet to be held Friday eve­ ning at the North Methodist church. 4f- made through the Wallace D. ! Robb agency. ( PLASTER Wash These Towels, Walter Lydall, of Hartford, a form­ Rev. George B. Hawkes, pastor The Epworth League ol the North of the Congregational church in Methodist church will have its er attendant at the church, will act' ; The regular monthly business as toastmaster. Scantlc for the past five years, has meeting of The Epworth League of Mrs. Pauline Lamprecht of 77 BRICK monthly business meeting and resigned to accept the pastorate of the North Methodist church will be West street today entered the Me­ social at the church tomorrow eve­ the church in Abington, near Pom- morial hospital for treatment. 60 Only ning at 7 :4 5 .' Memorial Lodge, No. 38, K. of held In the vestry of the church to­ FLUE LINING P., will hold its regular meeting fret. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkes have morrow evening. this evening in the Balch and many friends In Manchester. Mrs. Llnne Lodge No. 72 K. of P. will Hawkes was a daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Albert Homewood’s class in DAMPERS meet in Orange hall tonight. The Brown hall. The rank of page will Slightly Soiled be conferred on a class of candi­ Mrs. C. H. Barber, for many years the making of paper flowers will rank of page will be conferred on a North Main street residents. They meet at the Manchester Communi­ Piano Tuning TILE gioup of candidates. dates— the largest in the history of the lodge. All members are urged have three children, a son who has ty clubhouse on North Main street to attend. been attending Connecticut Agri­ tomorrow evening at 7:30. Mrs. and A Full line. Martex Towels The Ladies Auxiliary of the Army cultural college, a daughter who is Homewood has consented at this and Navy Club will have an impor­ Mrs. A. B. Hill of North Charles­ a junior at Tufts University and a lesson to give Instructions in mak­ tant meeting at the clubhouse to­ ton, N. H., is visiting her sister younger daughter in high school. ing j6ne of her most attractive nov­ Talking Machine Repairing Give us your ord ;r. morrow evening and all members Mrs. T. J. Shaw, of North Elm elties— the powder box. All lad­ are urged to be present. The stores In the shopping dis­ les Interested are invited, whether 50c each street. We deliver the goods. tricts are taking on their Hallow­ members of the club or not. A rea­ I e’en tinge, 'ibo black and yellow sonable charge is of course made Tel. 821. combination of colors is attractive for the lessons. The millinery . Former value 75c to $1.49. in the disu’ uys. class, Mrs. Stoeckel teacher, will meet at the 'White House tomorrow G. L Willis & Son Tliese are the well known and nationally" advertised The track gang of the Connecti­ afternoon at two. KEMPS 2 Main Street Phone 50 cut Company is working nights to Martex Turkish Towels— guaranteed fast color__ every keep ahead of the steam shovel thrifty housewife knows the value of these towels. You tearing away the old road on the cannot afford to miss this sale. These towels have be­ north side of Center street. come slightly soiled from handling—they will wash up The regular meeting of The M. like new. 'W e reserve the right to limit quantities. X. Club will be held this evening ''t the home of Miss Margaret Lar- Nothing Like It, nn of 102 Starkweather street. All -nembers are requested to be pres­ e t. 27-INCH FANCY OUTING FLANNEL, 4 yds. 5 0 c No matter how the wind howls outside you will be snug and The Community Girls’ basket- and Exclusive With Us warm in a flannel pajama on the coldest night. Come in tomor­ ill team will practice tomorrow row and buy enough to equip the whole family. M'ning at 7 o’clock at the Hollis- •f r street school. ODD LOT OF $1.00 BRASSIERES .. 5 0 c Cosmopolitan Club members Discontinued models of Nature’s Rival and Model. Not all v'ho have their regular meeting -HALLOWEEN! I'riday afternoon of this week with sizes In eac^ style— sizes 38 to 42. Everything for the Celebration: Mrs. E. E. Segar of Main street, will have the privilege of enjoying GOLDEN ROD Decorations, Napkins, Stick- INFANTS’ HOSIERY, pair ...... 5 0 c an unusual musical treat..The sub­ I The Different Shade. Tally and Place Cards, ject for general study an ddiscus-t Gordon’s wool and cotton hosiery In tan only. Sizes 5 to B ^ s False Faces, Greeting Cards, Bogie Sion at this season’s meetings Is 6 1-2. Regular 59c a pair. "Poetry and Music.’’ A consider­ What a wonderful swagger box Overcoat it makes! for Men. able portion of the meeting Friday afternoon will therefore be given The real thing for the different dresser. Made by Ford Clothing Co. 25c FEEN-A-MINT, 3 f o r ...... 5 0 C over to a musicals by two of the A chewing gum laxative...... teachers at the newly established Other beautiful patterns in Men’s and Young Men’s Overcoats at $25 to $45. If Dewey-Richman Co. branch in tlio State theater build­ you think of quality overcoats at reasonable prices, think of Glenney’s. 2 CANS OF JOHNSON’S BABY POWDER aiid P- r \ ing of the Julius Hartr School of Men s, Young Men s and Boys’ Suits, better fabrics, better tailoring, newest cuts 2 CANS OF DONA CASTILE SOAP, aU for O U C Jewelers — Stationers — Opticians Music. The artists who will give at pleasmg prices. /, - ■ Regular 60c value. w w New Store — 767 Main Street. the program Friday are Miss Ida Loviii, teacher of pianoforte and Alfrcc Cohn, instrr.-’lo * on the vio­ S1.25 DUST MOP 5 0 c lin. Every member of the Cosmo­ With every purchase of a bottle of Hale’s Cedar Oil and Wax politan club should take a special Polish for 50c. Yellow cotton, chemically treated mop on a effort to be present and hear thorn. Underwear smooth, plain handle. Manchester Grange is ,planning a rummage sale to be held the first Better fitting union suits add to your comfort. Carried in all weights, with short 50c RECORDS, 3 f o r ...... 5 0 c week in ovember in the vacant or long sleeves, short and stout and regulars, $1.50 to $3.00. We are closing out our entire stock of records at this low m oH store on Depot Square owned by Heavy weight Unions at $1.50 is a good buy. FaganI brothers. Mrs. Charles price. All the new dance hits. Howard is chairman and members • ' and friends having articles they 69c WASTE BASKETS...... 5 0 c wish to donate should notify her and they will be called for. Metal waste baskets decorated in colors of yellow, blue GOOD THINGS TO EAT" Glastonbury Underwear rose and orchid. ' ’ Feels good to the skin, at $2 to $3 per garment. Medium and heavy weight. Pmehurst closes at noon Thursday. Please plan to r ^’Self-Serve” Specials do your shopping in the morning. Early service deUv- ^ should be in oy 7:45 for this dehvery. Boys’ Union Suits a p p l e s ...... large 14 qt. basket 50c Our Special, Campbell’s Tomato S ou p ...... 7 rang aqc Short sleeves, knee length in medium weights are becoming popular. $1.50. Biff Pinehurst Creamery Tub Butter . ; ...... ” ddr ih values received in our $1.00 suit. « 4 Packages of GRAND­ Good Cooking App|es...... 5’ ots 29c 3 Quart ^White Enameled Hailsen’s Gloves for every purpose. MOTHER’S MINCE Pinehurst Hamburg. Try it baked with bacon . ;25c lb. Sauce Pan with 5 Packages MEAT ...... 49c (ff Kirkman’s 1 Jar of GRANDMOTH­ Here are a few Meat Suggestions: Products, for . 5 0 c ER’S MARMALADE, Ic Brightwood Sausage, Pinehurst Sausage Meat. The value of the sauce V ery nice Frying Chickens and Fowl. Total ...... 50c pan alone i^ 50c. Shopping Lean Shoulder Lamb CJiops and Small Pork Chops. W rinkles GLENNEY’S Valued at 71c. bag free. Tinher Building. ^ xxxscxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx^^ are .usually a cry of distress from undernourished tissues, 1 BOTTLE OF MAYFLOWER SYRUP AND or a dry skin. Special care for ^»»»««306306XS6X36506XX36306XXX8^^ 2 PACKAGES OF HEfcKER’S OR AUNT JAMI- them is recommended by the NA’S PANCAKE F L O U R ...... 5 0 c use of Tissue Cream. Let us show you this mar­ H U LTM A N ’S velous Skin and Tissue Builder. ’’Health Market” Specials Special Shoes for Men Weldon Beauty For 50c For ,50c OUR COAL 1 LB. SAUSAGE LINKS 2 LBS. BEEF STEW Parlors 1 LB. HAMBURG STEAK 1 SOUP BUNCH (Bmmice M. Juul, Prop.) 853 Main Street Td. 107-2 On and A fter N ovem ber 1st. For 50c For 50c Alterations 1 LB. SHOULDER LAMB 1 LB. HALE’S SAUSAGE W ill be Advanced Fifty CHOPS MEAT and 1 LB. BEEF LIVER 1 LB. STERLING STEAK Rem odeling GentsPerTon The Derby $8 The Kippy $7 mt ^ Ladies Coats ImiKirted Norwegian grain, Black and Tan Calfskin, blucher cut. and syUdSfahCacHU imported Scotch grain. if- SOUTH MRNCHCSTER ONN Very snappy pattern, a • C Also Blucher Cut in Eric Dresses quality shoe at a moderate Sullivan ■ Hayes XX9f9tXXXXKXXXXXXXXXXys^^ grain Calf. price. A lso Many other models in Conservative and Dressy lasts Dry Cleaning at $5 to $8.50. and Newell Coal Co. By Public Request We Continue Steaming AH Work Guaranteed. Incorporated This Offer 15 Days More Rubber Heels Burnside TeL Laurel 100 Arthur U. Hultman Manchester Attached «DG Visit Our New Boys* Department. Tailor Shop Park Bldg. 843 Main St. S A M YU LY E S One flight up. 701 Main St Jehnson Block So. BbAckesfer |