NET PRESS BUN AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION OF THE EVENING HERALD for tile month o f September. 1926. Fair tonight. Hmrsday cloudy 4 , 8 4 9 and warmer. VOL. XLV., NO. 23; Chissilled AdTerClaliis on Page 6 MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27,1926. (TWELVE PAGES) t PRICE THREE CENTS QUISH DENIES Jim Doesnk Care U.S.JUDGESTO Novo Queen Marie Can Have Wine Asserts British " TEI150FBAIT HFS SEEKING to Try to Muddy PASS UPON BUS With Her Dinner if She Wishes D d u C L A S S A M. P^s Soused S O im i OFFERED Senator Bingham On The Job TAX_™rTY Montrli^l, Oct, 27.— Queen Marle<^into Montreal, McCullough sadly DEPUFSJOB of Rumania arrived In-a country locked up ,hls soda fountain. BAIMSNAKL c u m BROS. St. Louis, Oct. 27.— The Senate today where she may be wined «s There are also other artists on London. Oct. 27.^—Dr. Alfred slush fund committee will be un­ well as dined in public with perfect the train serving the queen who Salter, Labor M. P., arose in the able to Investigate charges levelled proprletry. “ swear by” her Majesty. House o f Commons yesterday jift- Insists He Knows of No Deal against Seantor Hiram Bingham, j Conn. Law’s Constkntionality In Montreal the government “I don’t know anj^thing about Fairfield County Body Send ernoon on a question of privilege Realtors’ JHead Says Con­ Republican of Connecticut, by a | guides the consumption of alcoholic queens, but she’s - a lady,” said and defended recent statements Connecticut newspaper. Senator I beverages merely by controlling Its ^muel Williams, who carries the cohcdmlng the drinking habits of With George Gabb for James A. Reed, (Dem., Mo.), an­ to Be Settled by Special sale. And her Majesty comes from a royal baggage dightly. On less dis­ in Name of Republican members of Parliament. cern Was Urged to Save nounced here this afternoon. land where sipping the fermented tinguished caravans they call sara- The House had requested Dr. Sheriff Appomtment here; Reed said he had heard of the Court in Hearing Begin­ liquid of the grape Is a national uel a porter. Brother of Nominee for Salter to appear and explain charg­ newspaper’s charges which involv­ habit and not an illegality. Always a **Th|uik You” es that, members were guilty of Millions by Removal of ed Bingham In a deal concerning a While in Prohibltidn America "The least thing I do - for her over-indulgence In intoxicants dur­ Would Not Take It. federal appointment but that he ning Tomorrow. Queen Marie was punctilious In ob­ majesty, the princess or the prince, Sheriff* ing the sessions of the House. Business. had advised the newspaper he serving the law of the nation en­ they smile and say; “Thank you so "I am not prepared to withdraw, could not initiate a Connecticut in­ tertaining her, her attaches declar­ much,” said Samuel. modify, qualify or apologize for quiry before election day. anything I have said,” Dr. Salter When Frank J. Qulsh, chairman New Haven, Oct. 27.— Three ed. Evidence contributing to up­ Dora Dean Johnson (maid); Hartford, Oct. 27.— Democrats hold this statement is the presence Qneen Marie and Princess ^Ileana declared. Hartford, Oct. 27.— Formal'^ li­ o f . Fairfield County have certified of the Democratic town committee, federal court judges will sit here of a model American soda fountain are just well-bred ladies who treat Dr. Salter said that on occasions censing of all real estate agents by read last night’s Herald, he learn­ tomorrow to hear arguments for aboard the royal train. ns with more courtesy than any the name of an active Republican; he had assisted in removing “ hope­ the state to prevent frauds no'w 12SWIMS$ESI!I lessly intoxicated” members from ed for the first time that he want­ and against the constitutionality of Made Shift With Sundaes passengers we’ve ever had.” as their candidate for high sheriff, ' perpetrated by irresponsible per­ Clarence McCullough, the royal and now are bending every effort j the House. ed to be Deputy Sheriff In Man­ the 1925 Connecticut legislative Only William Martin, the cook, "I have seen members of all sons was urged today by Thomat barber, operates this soft drink bar. has a grievance. chester. Quish Insisted this was HAU-miSCASE act imposing a special tax on mo- to rectify their error, according to parties drunk in the House,” said D. Faulkner, president of the Con­ The great American national, deli­ "I want to feed -her majesty well so today in asking The Herald to I tor vehicles engaged' in Interstate information revealed here today Dr. Salter, "and on many occa­ necticut As.soclatlon of Real Es­ cacy, the well-kowh ice cream soda, but she eats very lightly,” he com­ deny that he was a candidate for transportation of passengers. when Frank E. Healy, attorney- sions. That is common knowledge tate Boards, meeting at the annual is the royal family’s favorite re­ plained. general, was called in'to help settle to practically every member of the convention of the organlzatiop any political office. The case is that of the Interstate quest The royal party will stay in Mon­ the problem. i House. It I» hypocrisy for members here. «. George Gabb made no promises No Great Delay in Getting Buses Corporation against William “ Her Majesty frequently asks for treal and delve Into its historic Cornelius P. McGuinness, secre-1 to deny it.” Each realtor, he said, should to Quish’s knowledge and Quish H. Blodgett, tax commissioner; seconds,” McCullough asserted background until mld ilght tonight tary of the Fairfield county con- ■ work for the passage of a license has not approached Gabb seeking Ernest E. Rogers, state treasurer; proudly. “ She is a fine lady. Every when the train leaves for Ottawa. vention, sent the secretary . o f ' law at the next session of the leg­ the assurance of any appointment, Jury, Simpson Believes; Frederick M. Salmon, state con­ time she sees me she says good Canada has shown less curiosity state’s office the name of Louis A. islature. for without such a law Quish stated in no uncertain terms troller; Robbins B. Stoeckel, motor morning or good afternoon.” Abriola as the Democratic candi­ TOLEDO IN HYSTERIA he said, automobile salesmen, today. Furthermore, the former vehicle commissioner, and Robert Trial Next Wednesday. When the queen’s special drew (Oontlnoed on Page 2,) date for sheriff. clerks and others untrained and ig­ local policeman said that he would T. Hurley, state police superinten­ Meant Brother norant of the business may sell not take the job if Gabb were el­ dent. The name of Abriola’a brother, OVER NEW MURDER real estate, often working harm to ected. Quish is a plumbing con­ Somerville, N. J., Oct. 27.-—Ac­ Gent a Mile Tax. Anthony, should have been sent in. the buyers. tractor here and could not afford tive preparations for tiie trial of The 1925 legislature passed an BIGGEST OF ALL John A. Cornell of Bridgeport, as­ He proposed that the licensing to give up that line, he says. ict to enforce payment of a tax of MOTHER, DAUGHTER sistant secretary of the Democrat- Mrs. Frances Stevens Hall and her be carried on through some such Campaigning one cent per mile for the total agency as the State Insurance De­ Democrats in Manchester are two brothers, Willie and Henry Ste­ number of miles over which the started action toward effecting the j Woman of 47* Killed in Her partment. aOcusing The Herald of trying to vens, for the murder of Mrs. Elean- buses of the Interstate Company STILLS IS SEIZED change. Bait to Cheney Bros. hurt George Gabb’s chances in TAKE DEATH LEAP or Mills, were started today by Spe-. operates, and an act calling for the Case, Lockwood & Brainard, . of In asking the realtors to take Manchester after last night’s dis­ buses to carry a special marker. this city, who have ’the contract Home*FrftlitoBeSlamby part In every “ boost Connecticut closure that a movement was on cial Prosecutor Alexander Simpson The bill was effective June 30, campaign,” Mr. Faulkner said that foot here to roll up a big Gabb vote today. The trial opens here next 1925, and the state Insisted that Regnhr Hooch Factory, Ca-, 'Tonified Thousand See Don-i problem to solve as a r e -; in this 5 to 1 Republican town. Mysterious Mamac. a southern state had tried to con­ Wednesday. [ the Interstate Company pay the suit. They asked the attorney: vince Chenev Brothers of Manjhes Gabb is the Democratic candidate cent-a-mile tax from January 1, general today who would pay fo r , for High Sheriff of Hartford coun­ Simpson said he did not expect pacHy of 5,000 GaBoss UeSoidde from Highm ter that they would save $4,000,- that it would require much time to 1925. the change in printing, and then 000 annually by moving theii ty and four years ago ran away Edward H. Kelly, of Hartford, they asked what would happen i f : obtain a jury, although he admitted Toledo, Oct. 27.— Discovery of ^ plant to the south, adding, how ahead of hia ticket here. attorney for the Interstate Com- the time proves too short to make The High Sheriff has the ap­ many talesmen might have to be' Da9y Fonud iu New J ers^ New York Hotel. .'till another mysteriously murder- ' ever, that Cheney Brothers decided pafiy, asked an interlocutory in­ the change. There are twenty- 'd woman has brought this city to , to remain in Connecticut.
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