Chaim Kramer- Parshat written by Chaim Kramer | October 17, 2017

This week Chaim Kramer discusses this week’s portion, Noach (), with insights from the teachings of Rebbe . This parsha focuses on the Tzaddik, Noach, and how he made it through the flood. How is this relevant to us, today? What is the deeper meaning of Noah’s ark? How does it connect with your personal power of speech? What do the three levels of the ark represent? How can prayer help you begin again? Reb Chaim explores these and other insights connected to the .

Like this video? Then please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE! Chaim Kramer- Parshat Bereishit written by Chaim Kramer | October 17, 2017

This week Rabbi Chaim Kramer discusses the first weekly Torah portion of the year, Bereishit (Genesis) with insights from Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. In this riveting class, Reb Chaim discusses the gematria (Jewish numerology) of this year 5778, the generations of Adam to Noah, how you can find YOUR life in the Torah, the reason why we learn the Torah portion each week, the Big Bang theory, Creation, the questions and problems of science, personal responsibility, Eliyahu (Elijah) and Moshiach, starting over and beginning again.

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Hoshana Raba, Atzeret & with Chaim Kramer written by Chaim Kramer | October 17, 2017

This week Rabbi Chaim Kramer discusses Hoshana Rabah, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah according to Rebbe Nachman. Reb Chaim explains the difference between Hoshana Rabah, a day of speech without the attainment of great knowledge and Simchat Torah, a day of speech which has attained great knowledge. He talks about faith, knowledge, Hoshana Rabah which is the final day of judgment of Yom Kippur, teshuvah (repentance), decrees, sacrifice of the 70 oxen, achdut (unity) of the Jewish people, and ends with a special blessing for each of us. Like this video? Then please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE!

Uman Rosh Hashana! Video written by Chaya Rivka Zwolinski | October 17, 2017

Uman, Rosh Hashanah. Short news video featuring BRI’s Chaim Kramer and Gil Bashe, by journalist Anthony Bartaway. Courtesy of UATV.

Uman, Rosh Hashanah & The Day Of Judgment with R’ Chaim Kramer written by Chaim Kramer | October 17, 2017

On Rosh Hashana, Hashem sits on the throne of judgment. It’s the time where we turn to Hashem in true and deep prayer. Can’t Hashem hear our prayers anywhere? Why do men have to go to Rebbe Nachman in Uman for Rosh Hashana? R’ Chaim Kramer explains.

Like this video? Then please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE! Chaim Kramer- Parshat (-Vayelech) written by Chaim Kramer | October 17, 2017

This week Chaim Kramer discusses the Torah portion Parshat Vayelech (Nitzavim-Vayelech) through the light of Rebbe Nachman’s teachings and how it helps shed light on the power of the Tzaddik on this last of the year.

Reb Chaim discusses Moshe Rabbeinu took the away from Egypt and made them a nation, the Golden Calf, what true leadership is, the transfer of power to Yehoshua after Moshe’s death and what this illustrates according to Reb Noson in Likutey Halachot…don’t miss this video!

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Chaim Kramer- Parshat Nitzavim (Nitzavim-Vayelech) written by Chaim Kramer | October 17, 2017

This week Chaim Kramer discusses the double-Torah portion Nitzavim-Vayelech through the light of Rebbe Nachman’s teachings. In part one, Parshat Nitzavim, Reb Chaim discusses work, Shabbat, Moshe Rabbeinu, standing before Hashem, Jewish continuity, Karl Marx, the “Enlightenment”, Haskalah, Torah learning, keeping Shabbos, teshuvah, and more. Don’t forget to view part 2, Parshat Vayelech.

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Come To Me Rosh HaShanah With Chaim Kramer written by Chaim Kramer | October 17, 2017 Why Uman? With Chaim Kramer written by Chaim Kramer | October 17, 2017

Chaim Kramer – Parshat Pinchas written by Chaim Kramer | October 17, 2017 A Message of Hope

In this week’s Torah portion, Chaim Kramer discusses today’s “plague”–immorality– light of the Torah portion, Pinchas. Topics include zealotry, counting the Jewish nation, Tzelafchad’s daughters, sacrifices, Moshe Rabbeinu’s imminent death, , The Three Weeks, inheriting the , the Holy Temple, and more.

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