Thursday, April 23, 2020, 6:00-8:30 pm The Glenwood, 3300 Woman’s Club Drive, Raleigh, NC 27612 Honorary Chair: First Lady of North Carolina, Kristin Cooper

Our Mission The Hope Center at Pullen (HCP) connects youth aging out of foster care in Wake County with the resources and support they need for a successful transition to adulthood.

HCP begins forming trusting relationships with foster teens through our Youth Programs, which provide tutoring, internships and life skills sessions. The relationship formed through our Youth Programs are an anchor during the chaotic transition from foster care to adulthood. We build on those relationships in our Transition Programs which prevent and end homelessness for former foster teens and helps them reach their educational and employment goals.

2020 Sponsorship Levels

Brand Exposure Individualized, # of Top Recognition on Priority, Reserved Levels (Logo) in Promotional Branded Social What it means to Foster Youth Tickets Event Signage Branded Table Materials Media Header

Presenting Provides the support of a Transition Specialist for a former Sponsor 10 foster youth housed with ($5,000) a 2-year voucher

Support from our Parenting Gold 10 Specialist and the supplies needed ($3,000) when a baby arrives

Pays for a foster teen to have a Silver 6 paid summer intenship supported ($1,500) by our sta

Pays the security deposit for a Bronze 4 homeless youth moving into their ($750) first apartment

Buys dinner for 30+ teens who Ambassador 2 come to HCP each week for life ($300) skills class

The Hope Center at Pullen is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization, Federal Tax ID Number 61-1570567.

2020 Raising Hope Sponsorship Pledge Form Thursday, April 23, 2020, 6:00-8:30 pm The Glenwood, 3300 Woman’s Club Drive, Raleigh, NC 27612 Honorary Chair: First Lady of North Carolina, Kristin Cooper

Your sponsorship of our dinner and silent auction helps connect youth aging out of foster care with the resources and support they need for a successful transition to adulthood.

Please complete this form and e-mail it to: [email protected] or mail it to: Attn: Raising Hope The Hope Center at Pullen 1801 Hillsborough Street Raleigh, NC 27605 For other sponsorship questions, contact Meredith Yuckman, Executive Director, at [email protected] or 919-694-3133. Thank you for your support!

Sponsorship Levels: * Tickets should be reserved no later than April 2, 2020 Please accept my/our Raising Hope sponsorship in support of the mission of The Hope Center at Pullen as indicated: Presenting Sponsor – $5,0 00 Number of tickets needed: Gold Sponsor – $3,000 Number of tickets needed: Silver Sponsor – $1,500 Number of tickets needed: Bronze Sponsor – $750 Number of tickets needed: Ambassador Sponsor – $300 Number of tickets needed: I would like to request additional tickets to the event at $100 per ticket. * A limited number of individual tickets will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis starting March 24, 2020

I cannot attend Raising Hope, but would like to contribute $ to support youth aging out of foster care.

Please email [email protected] the first and last names of the guests at your table by April 2, 2020. We need to submit a guest list to First Lady Kristin Cooper’s staff. Sponsor Information: Company/Organization Name (if applicable): Contact Name: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Email: Please list sponsorship in print as:

Sponsorship Payment: Enclosed is my check I will send my check on the following date: Please send an invoice for the sponsorship amount indicated above Please charge my credit card: VISA MasterCard Discover American Express

Name on Credit Card Billing Zip Code

Credit Card Number Exp. Date Security Code

To be included in promotions and publicity, complete and submit this pledge form by April 2, 2020

The Hope Center at Pullen is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization, Federal Tax ID Number 61-1570567.